Walkthrough of the game Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. IV. Great Inagua

Previous games in the Assassin's Creed series delighted fans with bustling, lively and majestic cities. In Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, the opposite is true, the main focus is on the vast territories of the Caribbean. The shift in emphasis entailed a number of changes: islands, medium-sized cities and ships came to the fore. Even the confrontation between the Assassins and the Templars faded into the background. Moreover, the main character’s thoughts are not occupied with solving global problems, but are focused on finding ways to get rich quickly. “Jackdaw” will help Edward Kenway make his dreams come true, become famous and become a thunderstorm of the seas and oceans. A nondescript military brig, taken from the Spaniards, will eventually turn into a floating fortress. With the help of , found in or on the ocean floor among the wreckage, you can improve everything: the hull, guns, mortars, falconets and ammunition. And here change ships in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag it is forbidden; sailing on a battleship is only allowed according to the plot. is also limited and appears only for those who bought a licensed copy of the game and have a stable Internet connection; the pirated version does not have this option.

Boarding in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag begins only after the battle, when the hull strength of the enemy ship drops to the red mark. As soon as this happens, white zones appear on both sides, which you need to enter at low speed and then hold down the [S] key. During capture, depending on the size of the ship, additional goals appear (kill the enemy captain, spies on the masts, a certain number of soldiers, blow up barrels of gunpowder or tear down the flag), which must be completed, otherwise the ship will not be captured. When boarding, the size of the team plays an important role; the larger it is, the higher the chances of success. The team can be replenished in taverns or picked up people on rafts right in the ocean by pressing the [Space] key at a close distance from the shipwreck victim. After boarding, you have a choice of what to do with the vanquished: release them to reduce their level of fame in order to get rid of the pirate hunters, use the wreckage of the ship to repair the Jackdaw (on land, repairs are carried out by port captains) or attach the ship to the Kenway fleet. Regardless decision taken the cargo from the holds becomes a trophy. Chests with money and items are stored on the decks of ships abandoned in the ocean. They need to be inspected, not drowned.

Controlling a ship in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag:

  • Shot from cannons with ordinary cannonballs- move the camera with the mouse to the left or right side of the ship, hold down [RMB] and press [LMB] (you cannot shoot from both sides at the same time while being between two enemy ships).
  • Firing heavy cannonballs- move the camera with the mouse to the left or right side of the ship and press [LMB] (the number of available cores is indicated in the lower right corner of the screen; you can replenish cores in the captain’s cabin through the ship’s layout, from the port captain on the islands, or after a successful boarding). Heavy cannonballs cause enormous damage at short range. To use heavy cores, you first need to buy the upgrade of the same name in the captain's cabin.
  • Shot with nipples- move the camera with the mouse to the bow of the ship, hold [RMB] and press [LMB], or immediately press [LMB]. Nipples help tear sails, break masts, slow down or stop opponents.
  • Shot from falconets- hold down the key and release after pointing at vulnerable spot ship, marked with a red pointer. You cannot shoot from falconets at random targets, as was the case in AC3, but they can be used during boarding by approaching them and pressing the [E] key.
  • Shot from mortars- hold down the [Q] key, point the mouse at the target and press [LMB]. The amount of charge is indicated in the lower right corner of the screen. Supplies are replenished through the captain's cabin on Galka or from the port captain on the islands. Mortars deal massive damage from a long distance. Very effective against battleships and forts. To use mortars, you first need to buy the upgrade of the same name in the captain's cabin.
  • Spyglass- hold down the [E] key. Use the mouse wheel to zoom in, and use the [W] key to mark the selected ship.
  • Use of incendiary projectiles- move the camera towards the stern with the mouse and press the [LMB] key. Gunpowder barrels are effective against pursuers.
  • Using a ram- direct the ship towards the enemy and crash into it at full speed.
  • Raise the sails and speed up- press the [W] key several times.
  • Stop and release the steering wheel- press [S] several times to stop the ship, and then hold [S].
  • Dodging enemy shots- hold down the [Space] key.
  • Control of sailor songs (shanti)- keys and .
  • Align the camera and change the viewing angle- keys [C], [←], , [↓], [→].

Boarding ships in Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag

Playing as the pirate Edward Kenway, you have to commit robberies from time to time. After all, sea robbery is the absolute duty of every pirate. In addition, we need to constantly improve and improve, and this requires various materials and money. Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag features only five types of resources. This is metal, wood, fabric, intended both for sale and for carrying out, as well as rum and sugar, intended only for sale. The only way in the game to get these resources is through piracy.

When passing Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag, the player is presented with various sailing ships for robbery: gunboats, schooners, brigs, frigates, battleships belonging to the powerful colonial empires of that time - the British Empire and the Spanish Empire.

After the enemy ship is defeated and a vertical bluish column twisting into a spiral appears above it, the ship can be boarded. To do this, just sail on the Jackdaw to the enemy ship and press the [S] key. When the team pulls the ship with the cats, approach the falconets and start shooting from them. Shoot from the falconets not at the enemy sailors themselves, but nearby. Aim at the deck, the sides of the enemy ship, and barrels of gunpowder located next to the sailors. Splinters and fragments will cause more damage than a direct hit from falconets to sailors. Of course boarding shipsAssassins Creed 4: Black Flag will be more successful if the Jackdaw brig is at maximum capacity.

Boarding schooners level 4



Boarding schooners level 11

Production: 1 crew, ammunition, cargo.

Requirements: Kill an enemy team of 5 people.

Boarding level 17 brigs



Boarding level 20 brigs

Production: 3 crew, cargo, ammunition.

Requirements: Kill an enemy team of 10 people.

Boarding level 25 brigs

Production: 3 crew, ammunition.

Requirements: Kill an enemy team of 10 people.

Boarding level 21 frigates

Production: 5 crew, cargo, ammunition.

Requirements: Kill a 15-man enemy crew and kill two enemy infiltrators on the masts.

Boarding level 23 frigates

Production: 3 or 5 crew, ammunition.

Requirements: Kill an enemy crew of 15 people and destroy the flag of an enemy ship, or kill two enemy scouts on the masts, or destroy a supply of gunpowder (blow up 2 barrels of gunpowder), or kill two enemy officers.

Boarding level 23 frigates (Sea convoy)

A sea convoy is usually accompanied by two level 4 schooners.

Production: 2000R

Boarding level 29 frigates

Production: 3 crew, ammunition, cargo.

Requirements: kill an enemy team of 15 people and destroy the gunpowder supply (detonate 2 barrels of gunpowder).

Boarding level 38 frigates

Production: 5 crew, cargo, ammunition.

Requirements: Kill the enemy team of 15 people, kill the enemy captain.

Boarding level 38 frigates (Sea Convoy)

Sea Horse

Production: 5000R

Requirements: Kill an enemy team of 15 people, kill two enemy officers.

Boarding level 49 battleships

Production: 1500R, 7 crew.

Boarding is one of the most important and most interesting new features in Assassin's Creed 4. Yes, it is poorly designed. Yes, it gets boring quickly. Yes, it is not as good in terms of game design as boarding in corsairs, but this new feature has become a very big contribution to overall assessment of the atmosphere and colorfulness of the game.

And not just beauty. There are direct benefits from boarding.

Thus, boarding allows you to heal the Jackdaw even during a fierce battle (as soon as you board, other ships stop attacking you) and collect 100% of the resources from the ship that you saw through the spyglass.

Any boarding is divided into two phases.

Phase 1: Approximation

The first phase is the leveling and bringing together of the sides. In it you have two options: either fire at the enemy from the falconette, or prepare to board the ship as soon as possible.

The first option is suitable if you are boarding small ship. In the case of various little things, where you only need to kill 5-10 defenders, you can generally complete the task with just one falconet.

Please note that ALL ships have barrels of gunpowder. And, even if the quest doesn't ask you to destroy them, destroy them during the first phase.

The larger the enemy ship, the less profitable it is to use rotary guns. In calm conditions against battleships, falconets are generally useless: the enemy’s sides are higher than yours, and if the waves do not lift the Jackdaw above someone else’s galleon, then you simply will have nowhere to shoot.

Phase 2. Fight

In the second case, you should prepare for the start of the battle as soon as possible. Jump from the captain's bridge onto the deck of the Jackdaw and use the nearby elevator to ascend to Mars. Now, if you jump onto a bungee rope from a mast, you can fly a greater distance on it than if you jumped from the captain's bridge. For a few seconds you will be alone on the deck of an enemy ship, and this is a VERY big advantage.

The fact is that your crew is the biggest obstacle when boarding: sailors push you, push opponents, cover your next target, interrupting the execution. Anything but killing enemies.

If you find yourself on the deck of someone else's ship before them, you can start a long chain of executions and carry it out successfully, doing half the work and saving time + human resources.

By the way, if your team is very dear to you, then the developers offer you unusual way her salvation.

When a blue marker lights up above your sailor, it means he is about to be killed. If you are nearby, you can save him by killing the guard, above whom the white skull icon appears at that moment.

But you shouldn’t worry too much. If you are good at doing a series of executions (and you know how to do this, because you have trained for three latest games series), your team will never run dry: as a reward for boarding, you will receive more recruits than you will lose during the same boarding.

As a last resort, you can always make a "quick replenishment" of recruits by capturing small schooners or by catching survivors at sea.

Hiring sailors in taverns is strictly not recommended!!! Too expensive.

By the way, have you noticed that a skull can appear both above the head of an ordinary guard and above the head of an officer? This means that your sailors don’t care who they fight with (they all fight equally poorly), and this, in turn, means that you don’t have to bother killing the fattest opponents in order to reduce losses.

Losses do not increase with the number of strong opponents, but with the duration of the boarding. If you want to reduce losses, complete tasks as quickly as possible.

Phase 2.1. Additional tasks

How can I speed up the completion of boarding missions?

First tip: Complete the task of clearing the deck on the weakest opponents. Save time.

Second tip: break tasks into zones.

If you need to take down a flag or kill shooters, you always do it last. On the masts where the flags hang there are no ropes or elevators for a quick descent down. To get down, you will have to run along the mast and jump into the water, and from there climb back onto the ship. Why waste extra time?

But if you need to destroy gunpowder reserves, then you should do this as early as possible. Preferably: even at the stage of shelling with a falconet: an exploding barrel, as a rule, takes with it a couple of enemy lives, and this is a serious contribution to the speedy completion of the task. Again: a barrel that explodes next to your sailor explodes him too.

Conclusion: destroy gunpowder reserves while there are many enemies on the deck and few of your units.

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