Walkthrough of the game dino crisis 2 in Russian. Dino Crisis complete walkthrough. This amazing and dangerous world of dinosaurs. Where can you buy this product now?

Important Note:
In this game, dinosaurs will appear until a predetermined supply for a specific zone is exhausted. There is no need to rejoice, because... this supply is very, VERY large.
After the impressive opening film, there is a scene in the game engine in which there is a slight “discord” between Dylan and Regina, after which Regina leaves in an unknown direction.

You gain control of Dylan. Just go through the door that he thoughtfully cleared with his machete.

Jungle. Northern route 1.
Just walk forward until the engine scene starts. Dylan will be attacked by three green velociraptors at once, with which he will have to fight. When you regain control of Dylan, retreat to the container and shoot the attackers one by one. After the fight, go left to encounter a pair of Velociraptors. Take the middle first aid kit in the upper right corner (there is also a “sweet” couple there) and return to the previous screen. After climbing the stairs on the left side of the screen, you will come to a fork. If you are interested in collecting more points, you should choose the right path, but if you want to go further quickly, it is better to go left. After this, you will see a staircase down that leads to the next location.

Jungle. Northern route 2.
There is nothing interesting here, so continue on your way. Just be careful - there are quite a lot of velociraptors here.

Jungle. Northern route 3.
This is where you will meet the brown velociraptor for the first time. He has more health, so don't relax, but don't forget to move on.

Jungle. Northern route 4.
After climbing the stairs you will have two options. I advise you to climb the stairs on the right - this path is shorter. At the end of the area, enter the door that looks like a garage.

Water tower.
Before you can go about your business further, you will have to watch a small scene on the engine in which someone will run away from Dylan into the tower. Once you have control of Dylan again, pick up the red object on the floor. This is the first of the dino files that talks about velociraptors. Pay attention to the small glowing box on the wall. This is Extinct Point Service (or in another version Vital Point Service, let’s still call it EPS). Using this device you can buy weapons, charge them, stock up on medicines and various devices, and also record the game. After signing up, go to the farthest part of the location and go through the door leading towards the Military Complex.

Passage to Military Complex 1
To begin with, keep a closer eye on the appearance of new velociraptors so as not to lose your precious health. When you reach the fork, go into the small branch on the left and take the medium first aid kit. After that, continue your way to the right.

Passage to Military Complex 2
In front of the Military Complex
You will have to view the insert before you can do anything. Great container flight, great jump by Dylan, and a really great one-eyed T-Rex as an opponent. Hmmm... When the battle begins, immediately climb the nearest stairs and run along the top to the descent. Having gone down, run further (the faster the better, since the tyrannosaurus follows on your heels) and go up again, but along a different ladder. Run! When Dylan goes down the last stairs and runs a little forward, strange looking people will start shooting at him. The Tyrannosaurus will distract them, giving Dylan the opportunity to escape inside the Military Complex.

Military complex Entrance.
There are no enemies here on your first run, but they will appear later. Go to the lower left corner and take the dino file about the Tyrannosaurus Rex from the dusty table. After that, go through the white door (there is no other way anyway).

Military complex. Corridor.
Nothing interesting. Just go to the first door and enter the next room.

Go left and pick up the file with notes about the time shift. Return to the previous screen and go left. Taking the key in a small nook, replenish your ammunition in the EPS and sign up. Now exit the building. Be careful along the way - the complex is now full of velociraptors. Upon exiting, you will find that the Tyrannosaurus has not yet left. Run forward two screens and enter the only door available.

Household storage
Go along the corridor to the next room and take a file from the table with a description of the stored items. Now go left and use the key you received earlier to open the red panel. After taking the Research Complex Card from the niche, Dylan will find himself locked in the room. Regina will respond to his calls for help on the radio.
Docks. Landing place.
Now you have to play as Regina for some time. First, I advise you to go back to the ship and sign up. After that, go to the red light on the grate and use the paralyzer (you have a second weapon) to open the door.

Docks. Suspension bridge.
Don't worry about the vibration, there's just a T. rex passing under the bridge. He can't see you, so calmly examine the corpse in the corner to get a dino file on the Allosaurus. Cross the bridge and enter the next door.

Jungle. Southern route 1.
Actually, there is absolutely nothing interesting here except the raptors, so move on.

Jungle. Southern route 2.
Walk forward until you see a blue door. It's too early for you to go there yet, so turn left and go towards the Research Complex.
Passage to the Research Complex.

Go to the stairs and try to climb them. Not a very pleasant meeting, right? The Allosaurus, apparently, out of the goodness of his heart, tried to crush Regina with a jeep, and now he also wants to eat. Things won't work that way. From my point of view, it is best to follow this battle scenario:
1. Go up the stairs on the right.
2. Shoot the allosaurus while moving back a little (4-5 steps).
3. When he approaches you, he will not be able to attack, so he will jump towards you.
4. Before jumping, he will move back a little. Use this moment to jump down.
5. Shoot him until he jumps back towards you.
6. Up again and all over again.
After dealing with the allosaurus, move on.

Research complex. Backyard.
There's not much to do here, just continue on your way to the ivy-covered door. Skip this door, go to the right and go into the Control Room.

Research complex. Control room.
Take the plant destruction file, replenish your ammo in the EPS available here, sign up and head back out to the Backyard. Again these strange people with strange weapons. While running away, one of them falls off and hangs on the edge of the bridge. Having carried out an operation to save him, Regina takes off the unusual helmet and discovers... a girl. Once Regina handcuffs her in the control room, control will return to you. Buy a flamethrower from EPS and sign up. Now go back to South Path 2 and go through the same blue door you missed last time.

Transition. Southern zone of poisonous plants.
Take your flamethrower and burn out the plants that are spitting poisonous gas. If you act fast enough, you can get a combo of 13 hits, which is 5600 points.

Transition. Northern zone of poisonous plants.
The same as in the previous location, only you can get a slightly smaller kombu - 11 hits. Entering the door at the end will take you to the Water Tower. Record the game, reload your weapon and head to the place where Dylan is locked (Vault). In the location Passage to Military Complex 1, Regina will be attacked by strange people again. Wow, they've already finished eating! Further on the way you will meet pteranodons. Be careful with them: they are very fast and also fly. In the vault, pick up the key thrown by Dylan from the floor and head towards the Military Complex Corridor. There, hit the red panel with your magic knife and go to the control room.

Military complex. Control room.
Go up the stairs on the left and take the file with instructions for using the keys. Go back down, and after going to the end, insert the key you have into the strange-looking machine. Check the car again and take the blue key. It's time to get Dylan out of captivity. Return to the Vault and use the blue key on the blue panel on the wall. Regina will tell Dylan about the strange girl she found, and they will return to the ship together. It turns out that someone had a lot of fun there, destroying all the equipment, including the time travel engine. Now we need to find at least some spare parts, otherwise Dylan and Regina will be stuck in this time forever.

Record the game in EPS and buy Heavy Blade from the Tools section. Now you can move on.

Walk along the side and up the stairs to the docks.

Docks. Drop off point
Get ready to take on the Allosaurus. It is best to use the previously described method with a ladder at the point where the Allosaurus actually appears. After killing him, go through the only accessible door.

Jungle passage to the northern path.
Here you will meet another Allosaurus. Kill him and go to the small waterfall. After checking the waterfall, you will notice a fallen leaf floating on the water. Check the place where he disappears to get a 3d energy card. After that, go further to Northern Path 1. Well, here you already know everything, so, killing raptors along the way, head to the Water Tower. Along the way you will notice a Tyrannosaurus, but don't worry - he won't see you again. At the Water Tower, replenish your ammo shortage, sign up and go through the door leading to the Passage to the Southern Path. Then follow the well-trodden path to the Research Complex. There you can sign up in the control room and replenish your ammunition. After that, use your machete to clear the ivy-covered door and enter the Research Facility.

Research complex. Entrance.
Hmmm, the kids are finishing up the dead raptor. Disgusting... go left and meet the new kind dinosaurs - Oviraptors. Run further along the corridor, just don’t forget to shoot the attacking raptors. At the end you will see a red race. Use the research complex card on it and enter the door.

Research complex. Passage.
There is nothing interesting here, so calmly go left and go through the door.

Research complex. Generator room
Walk around the room to the end and take the file with the researcher's notes. After that, clear the ivy on the door and move on.

Research complex. Research room.
Go left to three small cages. Check the one with the green light and you'll find a dino file about Compsognathus (those little critters that ate the raptor's corpse). Now close the ventilation hatch and go to the previous screen and down. After picking up the file with the researcher's diary, close the ventilation next to the EPS, replenish your ammunition and sign up. Now remove the ivy from the door and enter it. Go right and use the Research Facility Card on the red panel by the door. Oops... This little bastard stole our card! Need to come up with something.

1. Drive the small fry to the ventilation hole at the entrance to the generator room.
2. Go into the generator room, close the hatch next to the door and chase Copsognathus further to the next hatch.
3. Enter the research room and close the nearby hatch.
4. The most difficult thing is to chase him around the room until you drive him into the cage, after which you will have the card again. Now save your game and go out the door next to the EPS. Use the card on the remote control at the door again (now no one will take it away). Be careful, because... now the location is filled with dinosaurs.

Research complex. Laboratory.
There are two items here: the Unidentified Body Report File and the Battery. Now it's time to return to the ship and get ready for the mini-game.

Dylan discovers that the captive has disappeared. After talking with Regina, it turns out that the captive was not one of the survivors, which means they need to look somewhere else. Use the control panel and select the 3rd Energy Complex as your destination. The ships will begin to rock, and Regina will see that they are being attacked by Plesiosaurs. You are in control of Dylan again. Sign up and go out on deck for a mini-game.

Shooting of plesiosaurs and pteranodons.
Great mini-game. Here are some tips for completing it more efficiently:
1. Shoot the Plesiosaurs in the head. A shot to the neck doesn't do enough damage.
2. Be prepared to kill ALL Plesiosaurs.
3. If it’s hard, don’t pay attention to Pteranodons: they cause significantly less damage than Plesiosaurs.
After finishing this mini-game, you will arrive at the 3rd Energy complex, and Regina will be “handed over” to your control.

Now you control Regina. Buy from EPS Heavy Machine Gun or Sub Maschine Gun. Better, of course, is Heavy, since it clearly has more destructive power. Don’t forget to buy an additional cartridge for 1000 rounds for the Heavy Mashine Gun (you don’t need it for the regular one - there are already 1000). After that, go out onto the deck.

Just go forward and exit to the docks of the 3rd Energy Complex.

3rd Energy Complex. Docks
If you have a Heavy Mashine Gun, shoot each Plesiosaur 2 times, then it will throw back the ends. With conventional machine guns you will have to spend more time.
Note: This is a place to collect points. After the battle, return to the ship, reload your weapon and return to the docks. Plesiosaurs will again be at your disposal. As soon as you shoot, move on to the next zone.

3rd Energy Complex. Transition 1.
Again a point collection point. And again, having shot yourself, move on.

3rd Energy Complex. Transition 2.
Be careful, because... this place is crawling with Pteranodons. You can simply run to the next area or shoot to your heart's content. I was able to put together a 15 step combo here.

3rd Energy Complex. Warehouse area.
This place is also filled with Pteranodons. Run forward until you see a truck. Check it out and you'll get a dino file about Pteranodons. Go further and pick up the file with the soldier's notes from the floor. Now use the 3rd Energy card you picked up in the Jungle on the red panel and go to the next area.

3rd Energy Complex. Transition 3.
And again the place for harvesting points. Once you're done, move on.

3rd Energy Complex. Control room.
Go down the stairs twice and take the key to the box. Head up the next screen until you see an EPS on the right and a table on the left. Search the desk closest to the EPS to find a dino file on the Mosasaurus. After that, go through the right door.

3rd Energy Complex. Warehouse area 2.
There are also a lot of Pteranodons here, but it seems to me that they are easily killed by the Heavy Mashine Gun. Go to the end and search the corpse to get a mechanic's ID card. Now go back to passage number 3. Use the key on the box (you won't miss it because it's illuminated) and you will receive a file with the elevator security code. Remember and return to the control room. Record the game in EPS and use the ID card on the red panel next to the elevator. Now you need to enter the elevator code - and go!
Passage to the lower level.
Go forward to the next area.
Lower level. Elevator.
Go left and turn on large monitor. Regina will hear the alarm and reactivate the main power source. Now you control Regina again. You need to use a secondary weapon to reactivate the energy source. You need to hit them on the red panels.

Here's a little hint:
Let's designate the panels with numbers from left to right from 1 to 3.

Here's the combination:
1,2,3,2,3,2,1,3,3,1,2,1 and 3, (1,3,2 almost together).

After this, Regina will hear a message that the power has been restored, and the computers in the same zone will turn on. Go down the stairs, run to the other end of the hall and go up to the upper computer. After taking the suit and the file with the mechanic's notes, use the lower computer.

Lift shaft. Inside
Before you can do anything, the emergency shutdown will go off and Regina will be attacked by Mosasaurs. Use your second weapon to paralyze them and finish them off with your pistol. Don't worry, it has infinite ammo. From now on, be careful as you will be attacked often. Go right and down. After the long jump, enter the only door.

Water circulation control room
There is EPS in this room. Go left and take the job description file. Don't forget to buy Aquargenade and the most expensive expansion cartridge for it. Record the game and go right into the next area.

Underwater level. Transport passage 1.
Be careful, there are Mosasaurs here. Go up to the next area.

Underwater level. Transport passage 2.
You will notice something at the top, but you won't be able to grab it yet. After 2-3 screens you will find an elevator that is not working yet. You can turn on the power later, but for now, head to the next area.

Water circulation room.
Go straight until you reach the door. Don't go into it, but climb onto the boxes next to the door. Go right until you see a cracked pillar. One shot from the Aquagrenade and the column will fall apart, giving you access to top part Transport Passage 2. After entering the accessible door, check the red light to turn on the elevator power. Go left, take the candle and return to the Water Circulation Control Room. Use the candle on the large computer and turn it on. The two valves that were previously blocking your path will open and a green light will turn on the monitor. Now go through the door next to which you jumped on the boxes.

Inside the cooling system
There is an EPS here, with which you need to replenish your supply of grenades and record the game. After that, take the elevator on the left. Go left and take the City Card from the corpse. Also be sure to pick up the Plesiosaur dino file before taking the next elevator. Enter the door and get ready to meet the boss.

3rd Energy reactor.
Regina got to the reactor, but a big problem appeared, for many tons. The plesiosaur, in its desire to dine on Regina, destroys part of the reactor. The emergency system is activated, locking the compartment to prevent an explosion. Now you need to destroy the boss to turn off the systems.

Here is my destruction method:
1. Go to the next screen (just press forward and go).
2. Go right (bottom right side).
3. Press and hold R1 and quickly press L1 to auto-lock the target.
4. As soon as you see Plez's head, shoot. He will swim back.
5. Go to the bottom right side of the screen (don't go to the next one).
6. Wait in this place and repeat the operation with the shot.
7. Repeat steps until the boss is completely destroyed.
Well, the defense system has turned off, you can continue on your way. Go upstairs until you see some boxes. Climb onto them, then even higher and then jump to the right onto the bridge. Follow it and take the large first aid kit. Now turn right again and jump all the way to the elevator. Turn on the panel to the right of the elevator and take it up to Edward City.

Entrance to the city. Docks
Go down the stairs and watch a cutscene about Regina and Dylan meeting. At the moment of their conversation, someone will get in touch. It will be David, who will report the survivors found. However, the connection is interrupted before he reveals their exact location. After this, Regina will unlock the gate to the city. Now you control Dylan again. Return to the ship and buy an anti-tank rifle, as well as a chainmine as a second weapon. In fact, the chainmine will be more important to you, but the anti-tank gun is best suited for destroying large creatures. After recording the game, get off the ship and go through the same gate. Which Regina entered first.

Entrance to the city. Road
Be careful, there are two blue and red raptors in this area. Thank God they will attack one at a time. They are best dealt with with an anti-tank rifle. Go further without entering the door and take the Dino File about Inostrantseviya. Now you can go through the door.

Container warehouse.
There are no raptors here on your first visit, so take it easy until almost the end. At the very end, an Allosaurus will jump out at you. Kill him and record your game in EPS. Now return to the previous area and go from the place where you picked up the dino file to the right to the door covered with ivy. Clear the door and go through it.

Lake shore 1.
Walk forward a little and Dylan will find a mark left by David. Regina will appear from somewhere and, after a very short conversation, will disappear into nowhere again. Be careful, this area is filled with Oviraptors. Follow the road to the next area.

Lake shore 2.
There are also a lot of Oviraptors here. Proceed carefully to the next location.

Cave 1.
Use Chainmine to break the rock. Walking further, you will see a large first aid kit. Break another rock and take it. Once you reach the end, go up the stairs to the next area.

Cave 2.
Walk forward a little and you will meet another dinosaur - Inostrantseviya. This species is quite dangerous, try not to let them get close. Walk forward until you see stairs to the next area.

Cave 3.
In general, there is nothing interesting here other than collecting points. You can take a shortcut if you break the rock on the right. At the end, go down the next ladder.

Cave 4.
There are two stones here that can be broken. To continue the path you need to break the left one. Go further to the door to a new area.

Command post. Interior
There is an EPS here where you need to replenish your ammo and record the game. If you want, you can return to the cave and earn more points, but if not, go up the stairs and you will meet Regina. As soon as Regina jumps down, an Allosaurus will appear, clearly wanting to have her dinner. Dylan will destroy him, but Regina will have to deal with the newly appeared one herself. Dylan will give her flares so she can point out shooting spots. You control Regina. Take the heavy machine gun, destroy the Allosaurus, run to the right and mark the crates with a flare so that Dylan can destroy them. After that, go up the stairs and go right. You control Dylan. Go to where Regina is. You shouldn't be particularly afraid of Allosaurus: an anti-tank rifle is an excellent means of fighting them. Continue down to the next area. You control Regina again. Run to Dylan and listen to his feedback on their work together. After that, they will move together to the next zone.

Command post. External perimeter.
Hmmm, a large number of corpses. Take the Triceratops dino file and record the game in EPS. After that, go down. Dylan sees a dying baby Triceratops. The visiting mother considers Dylan and Regina murderers and begins to get angry. Dylan and Regina jump into the jeep, dodge the attack, and... another mini-game begins.

Triceratops shooting.
Also very fun entertainment: Just shoot and win. If you want more points, shoot while the dinosaur is attacking. This way you get extra points. Good luck! Great, except Regina missed the cliff. Oops... Watch a wonderful movie, after which our heroes find themselves in the city.

City. Residential areas 1.
Dylan and David are angry that they couldn't save anyone, but Regina reminds them of the second part of the mission - to find a disk with data on the 3rd Energy project. David leaves, Regina follows him, and you will control Dylan. To get started, grab the Oviraptor dino file on the right side of the screen. Now go left, go up the stairs and take the large first aid kit. After that, you can go to Robson's store.

Refill the cartridges from EPS, take the file with the store owner's papers and the key to the residential area. After recording the game, go out into the streets, go down the stairs and go right. You need to get to the door on the right side of the zone, fighting off annoying Pteranodons along the way.

City. Residential areas 2.
Go down to the next door, shooting Oviraptors along the way. Use the residential area key to enter the next area.

City Warehouse districts.
Wow, this one-eyed T-Rex won't leave Dylan alone. You'll have to use the services of a randomly turned up tank. Another mini-game... Shooting a cannon at a tyrannosaurus and finding a way out. You can shoot at the tyrannosaurus with regular projectiles, or you can use blinding charges to paralyze it for how many seconds (blinding devices are limited in number). In any case, you need to fill him up, and then clear the way for yourself further. The Tyrannosaurus will come to its senses again and again, so don't hesitate. One thing is pleasant: there is only one path to freedom, and you will not get lost. Having reached the exit, Dylan manages to get under the closing gate... well, he doesn’t quite make it, the tank still ends up pinned. But at least they got away from the tyrannosaurus.

In the country. Highway.
Go to the next screen and take the gas mask. Dylan was attacked again. Only now he is saved by the same girl whom Regina let go. She loses a necklace that reminds Dylan of his long-lost sister's necklace. After a sob story, Dylan and Regina find themselves in the ship's control room. Now you control Regina. Look at the control panel and select Jungle as your destination. Record the game in EPS, get off the ship and go to the water tower through the northern path. Replenish your ammo, record the game, and head to the Southern Path Transition. Go to the Southern Poisonous Plant Zone. Go up until you see a red sign. Now go down the stairs.
Poisonous gas zone.
Run down to the next area.

Waste disposal room.
After purchasing ammo and recording the game in EPS, exit through the door on the left.

Launch complex
Be careful, there are red raptors here. Go to the very end of the area, go down the stairs and enter the only door.

Data control room
Take the 3rd Energy disc from the computer, go left and pick up the last dino file about Gigantosaurus. After that, go out the door you came from and go up the stairs. Oh my god, there's that one-eyed freak again! They had already shot at him from a tank, but he was still alive. However, help comes from an unexpected direction. A gigantosaurus appears and after a short “conversation” eats the tyrannosaurus to hell.

Data control room
Regina is very scared. Dylan, who came to her, reports that everything is in order; he brought the ship closer, when suddenly an alarm sound is heard, and then a female voice announces the start of the rocket launch procedure. Hmmm... We got it... Dylan rushes to begin the evacuation process, and Regina goes inside the launch silo to try to deactivate the missile.

Launch complex. Mine.
The Gigantosaurus "enters" the mine, destroying the wall, and attacks Regina. Regina uses a gas valve to lightly scorch the dinosaur's skin. But here’s the problem: again there’s an emergency situation and the walkways on the way to the rocket go down. Well, this gigantosaurus will have to teach a lesson. Actually, the method of destruction has already been shown to you. You need to take turns opening the gas supply valves and igniting the stream using your weapon. Repeat the procedure until the Gigantosaurus throws off its skates. The bridges have risen, and the way forward is open to you. Go to the very end of the passage and check the computer screen on the wall. So, the story with the switches repeats itself, only now there are not 3, 5 of them. Hit the panels that light up red with your paralyzing blade, and as a result, another bridge will rise, giving you access to the missile itself. Go across the raised bridge, then along the rocket itself and take the elevator to the top. Once you get to the end, use the computer to access the missile control panel and deactivate the alarm. Now you can go back and watch an excellent movie called “Gigantosaurus and the Rocket.”

Launch control room
There is a complete fire around Regina. Be careful, the following areas are filled with Inostrantzevia. I advise you to buy a rocket launcher and a couple of expansion cartridges for it. After recording the game, go down the stairs to the next location.

Emergency exit. Corridor 1.
There are a lot of Inostrantzevia here, but with a rocket launcher they are defeated very quickly. Goes straight to the door to the next area.

Emergency exit. Corridor 2.
The same enemies and also in large numbers. After killing the dinosaur, go to the end and exit this damn complex.
Emergency exit. Outside.
Regina is met by Dylan and David, and they all take a boat along the river away from the complex.

River bank. In front of the dam.
Ops. But the path is closed with valves. It’s good that the sharp-eyed Regina notices a valve with which you can open the valves manually. Dylan and David are sent to do the “purely male” work of unblocking the path. As David begins to turn the valve, a raptor quietly approaches him from behind. Noticing this, Dylan grabs a machine gun and...

Another mini-game.
Shooting raptors while David turns the valve. Raptors will attack from three sides: from the right, from below and from the left. Best method to destroy them - keep your sights close to David and shoot at the raptors as they prepare to bite him. Great job, except the Allosaurus decided to snack on our heroes. David saves Dylan by throwing him into the water, but he himself becomes prey to the Allosaurus.

Jungle. Unknown zone 1.
Dylan woke up and saw that strange girl who helped him in the city. She tries to tell him something, and he understands that she is calling him with her. The main task is to protect the girl. Pick up an anti-tank rifle and hold R1. As soon as the girl stops, it is a signal for you to attack. Press L1 to aim and shoot the Oviraptors all the way to the next area.

Jungle. Unknown zone 2.
Everything is exactly the same as in the first zone. To go upstairs, use the stairs on the left.

Complex. In front of entrance.
The girl runs away, leaving you alone. There is no need to worry too much about the enemies: there are only velociraptors, which should not be a problem for you with an anti-tank gun. Go in the direction where the girl ran away and go up the stairs. Hmmm, the laser barrier has been activated, which means it will have to be turned off. To do this, you need to use four spare locks.
1. Bottom left.
2. Top left.
3. Bottom right.
4. Top right.
After that, go to the barrier and use the panel in front of it. Once you've done all this, go upstairs to the next area.

Complex Entrance
Take the file with the commander's will from the table and go right to the next area.

Commander's room
Take the file with the plan of Noah's Ark from the table and record the game in EPS. If you want to earn more points, be prepared to shoot the Gigantosaurus long and hard with a rocket launcher. The main thing is not to forget about first aid kits, you will need quite a lot of them. After recording, go to the next room.

Large laboratory.
Go down the stairs and get ready for another story. The girl turns on the holographic projector. The man in the hologram says that his wife was killed by a dinosaur and his daughter is in critical condition. After this, the man says that he is a member of the T.R.A.T. named...Dylan. What a news! It turns out that this girl is Dylan's daughter. Hmmm, yes, I see. Why is he in such a stupor? It’s not every day that such news hits you over the head. The hologram then tells the real Dylan that behind the door there is a time gate that can only be entered once, and that Dylan must return to his own time with Regina and Paula (that's the girl's name). Follow the girl into the next room.

Great transport hall
Something is wrong, a female voice reports that the self-destruct mode has been manually activated. An unknown person appears in the hall and launches a disc towards Dylan and Paula. Dylan manages to take him down, but then the Gigantosaurus comes in and ruins everything (as usual). Dylan runs away from the bridge and almost at the same second the Gigantosaurus breaks this bridge like a reed. Run left to the next bridge. As soon as the slider passes, run forward IMMEDIATELY without stopping. The Gigantosaurus will collapse the bridge, and if Dylan is on it - Game over. Compartment damage has occurred and the emergency lockout system has been activated. That is, we were locked in the same room with the Gigantosaurus. Cool... Run upstairs to the monitor and activate it. Now you need to run down to the barrier that blocked the passage and turn on the monitor there. The orbital gun guidance system is now ready. All that remains is to run to the central monitor and press the treasured button. Hmmm, the weapon was just right: it not only smeared the Gigantosaurus, but also made a nice hole in the floor. After looking at the destruction, go to the place where the barrier was and go into the last room. It seems that everything is ready to move in time, and then from another earthquake, a monitor that fell from above crushes Paula’s legs. Dylan and Regina try to free her, but the monitor is too heavy. Dylan sees that there is almost no time left. He tells Regina to go alone and convey information about the project to government officials. Regina returns to her time alone, and the 3rd Energy Complex is once again destroyed.
Well, that's the end of our story. Don't worry, though, there are some fun surprises in store for you. I won’t talk about them, let them still turn out to be a surprise.

If you played Resident Evil, then mastering the controls of the game will not be difficult for you. But if you haven’t played (shame on your gray head, you need to know the classics!), then you will be killed a couple of times before you get comfortable with the keyboard.
Z - inventory
B - aim
C - activate/shoot (while pressing B)
V - running

Combination weapon
All three types of weapons that are in the game can, but whatever, need to be upgraded. For example, how to upgrade a pistol. To do this, select it first in your inventory. Then in the same window (and not in the one where you select cartridges) you select spare parts for the pistol, that’s all.

Generator area
Regina, Rick and Jael speculate about what finally happened here. After Rick leaves, search the back room and take the key. The rack can be moved. There is always something useful on the shelf. Go with Gael to the room with the generator (go to the wire door you just came out of). Don't forget to search the torn body that you find along the way. Gael will remain guarding the entrance, and you will have to restore the power supply. Go into the room with the generator, go to the window with the fuses. The color of the fuses must match the color of the switches, arrange them in the following order: red, blue, green, gray. Lower the switches... Something happened outside.
Leave the room with the generator. Capita-a-an? Where are you?
It can't be a dinosaur! If you are not playing on Easy, then killing the raptor will not be so easy; it is best to run away. But be careful, this creature can jump over fences.

Сontrol room
Enter the building through the blue door and climb through the ventilation (well, not the girl, but Batman!). Go down through the first ventilation hole. There is a sign on the wall - Control room, which means we are coming here. Go into the computer room and talk to Rick. Go back out into the corridor, the locker (E-Box) on the wall is a kind of chests from Resident Evil, but in order to open them you need keys (Plug), in any new E-Box you can take items from previously opened lockers (Access button ). Behind the door under the vent there will be a room where you can sign up. Turn on the power (red light on the wall), read the files on the computer. You can find Plug in the nightstand. Take the shotgun, DDK Disc H and Panel Key II. Behind the corpse of a man (that's who dirty the door!) - a cabinet with an electronic lock (Code: 0375) you will find an Entrance Key. When you want to leave the room, they will offer to sign up.

Locker Rooms
Be careful with the reptile! You can lock her in a dead end with laser beams, but it’s better to kill her. Go out into the hall with the stairs (double doors, open the large door using the Entrance Key. Go outside, take DDK Card N from the chewed corpse. Return to the hall and go up to the second floor. (The cabinet at the top can be moved under it either drugs or a first aid kit .)

Second floor
Be careful, there are two raptors here! One has torn off the sofa and wanders along the corridor (sometimes you can find him sleeping), the second will appear later. Another overgrown lizard lives in the bar (the door opposite the window). You can simply put her to sleep - you will not come here again. To get weapon parts, enter the code: 7687. Combine them with a pistol - it will become a little stronger. Go back out into the corridor, next to the torn sofa there is a door, code for it: HEAD. A dying scientist is waiting for you in the room. Talk to him. Walk a little further and if you get too close to the window... Meet him! Tyrannosaurus Rex himself! The worst thing is that he cannot be killed. The creature will break the glass and eat the scientist, slip past the tyrannosaurus to the door. Go into the same room again. In the right corner of the room there is a stand with rewards - act on it first with the LEO card (in the first slot) then the SOL card (in the second slot) it will open, enter the code: 705037 and you will receive an L Key Card.
Go down to the first floor, open the lock on the door under the stairs by entering the code: NEWCOMER.

Training Room
In the office, read the notes, take what you need from the red cabinet on the wall. Go to the Training Room (door on the left), there Rick seemed to see someone on the monitor. Raptors that suddenly appear in the corridor can be stunned with a cold shower (green button on the wall on the right). Hide from them behind the laser wall and shoot them with a pistol. In the Training Room (room with computers) take the B1 Backup Generator Key (on one of the computers), be careful the raptor will attack you! When the sign Danger! is on, you need to press all the buttons (actually, of course, the shoot button, but it’s unlikely that you will remember at this moment which one is “shoot”) then Regina will push the creature away and Jael will be able to shoot the reptile. Go turn on the backup generator. It's outside, behind a metal mesh door, not far from where you started the game. A wooden box that can be moved - there is usually a bottle of chemistry underneath it. You need to go down the stairs. Take a spare fuse from the cabinet on the wall and place it in the empty slot behind the glass. Place the fuses in this order: red, blue, green, gray. Lower the switches. Move the rack next to the levers, you will find another Plug. Now you need to return to the Control Room (the room where Rick sits), but before that, sign up!

Scenario selection
A signal came with a request for help, the saboteurs do not know from Cooper (the radio operator, you and I know that he was eaten at the beginning of the game) or from Tom (our spy) and Rick is going to go see which of ours is still alive. Gael insists on going to the dungeon because he noticed a man who looked like Dr. Kirk on the monitor. After Rick and Jael fight, you will have a choice - to go after Jael (first option) or Rick (second option). You better follow Rick, otherwise your conscience will torment you later.

1. Follow Gail
Follow the captain, go down the stairs and see dinosaurs (well, right Lost World!), you should not pay special attention to them. Go to the room on the right, rummage through the cabinets to find a first aid kit and Plug, take the Soldier ID Card. Leave the room (you can save here). Go through the other door and meet Gael. When he runs after Dr. Kirk, open the door to the right of the grate. As soon as you approach the shield on the wall, a raptor will jump out of it. Again the inscription Danger! If you hit the keyboard fast enough, the raptor will be electrocuted. Go through the double doors, collect your inventory and pay attention to the corpse. Now act as if you were going after Rick. That is, go up the stairs to the street and go through the door covered with a metal mesh.

2. Follow Rick
Follow Rick (to the south door, this is back outside). Finish off or rush past the two Raptors, feel free to pick up shotgun shells along the way, and go through the brown door to the street. Oh shit! Pterodactyl! Fight off the winged one and pick up the dropped weapon. Go forward until you see a gate with the inscription "R-6", there is a door on the right - we go there. (Take the key from the wooden boxes to open the E-box.) In the room you will find Tom (this is our man who spied on Professor Kirk). Get the DDK disc and don't forget to take the other DDK disc from the table. Now get out to the roof (the second door in the same room) and run away from the pterodactyls as quickly as possible! Go down the stairs, the puzzle with six computers and pipes is solved like this. The computers are located as follows (top view):

6 (blue) 1 (red)

3 (green) 4 (green)

2 (red) 5 (blue)

Now you need to activate them in the order they are numbered. That is:
1. Top right - choose red color.
2. The bottom left is also red.
3. Left middle - green.
4. The middle right is also green.
5. Bottom right - blue.
6. Top left - last blue.

Come upstairs, you damned pterodactyl again! But this time you have aerodynamic conditions on your side. Well, did the long-winged one hit the fan? It serves him right! At least he didn't drag Regina away with him. Go to where you saw the very first pterodactyl, press the button on the elevator platform. Return back to Rick and Tom and take them with you. When you go down, Rick will ask you to clear the way. Climb the ladder to the control panel and program the crane to unload containers:

First program:
2 up, 1 down, 1 left, then hook and start
Second program:
1 left, release (release), execute (start)
Third program:
2 up, 1 down, then hook, exit, execute (start)

You can go down, go between the containers, there is a door on the right... Oh! Many small dinosaurs eat the big raptor. Look what will happen to poor Tom (even after death he won’t want to give us Uzi!). Don't forget to take the Soldier ID Card, now we will need to turn on the elevator.

Go to the room with the red sign on the door, first of all, pick up the Finger print device (small computer) and DDK Disc E. Go through the hall to the street (where the crumpled yellow lights are). Going to the right, you will see the remains of the poor scientist; use the Finger print device on his body. Return to the Office room (this is through the corridor where you doused the raptors with water) and use the Military ID Card on the blue computer. Enter the code: 47812. Regina is now allowed secret access. Return to the two elevators (through the door under the stairs in the hall), you can now go down. In the elevator you will encounter another prehistoric suitcase, which has not yet had a handle attached to it.

B1 Hall
Computer Room
To open the door, enter the password: LABORATORY. But, when you go out into the corridor, do not rush to turn off the laser wall - behind it are two rather hungry creatures that can be easily shot.

Dino Crisis 2 Walkthrough

At first
After the introductory video sequence, you play as Dylan. Examine the corpse of the soldier and go through the door. Move on with your weapon at the ready - the dinosaurs won't keep you waiting long... Kill these beauties and move forward and up the stairs. Run further (while fighting off dino attacks) and you will see a second staircase. Go down it.

Continue in the same spirit for the next two territories - shoot dinosaurs and run forward until you finally reach the water tower. There you will meet a very strange person in a helmet... After the scene, pick up the first dino folder on the floor - it contains data collected by the military about the dinosaurs of this world. Now, if necessary, save the game and go further to the military facility (see map).
A pleasant surprise awaits you at a military facility - you will meet T-Rekh. Now you can't defeat him, so run forward and through the door to the left. In the room, examine the table to the right of the counter - you will find the second dino file about T-Rex. Go into the next corridor, and then into the infirmary (the door at the end of the corridor is closed, only Regina can open it). At the infirmary, take the key, and then return to T-Rex again. Rather, run through the other doors. Go further and examine the room - opposite the entrance on the wall you will see a special box, open it using the key found in the first aid station and get key card from the laboratory. After this, a pleasant female voice will tell you that you have illegally entered the territory of a military facility and the doors will be closed. The door closes and Dylan finds himself trapped; he radios Regina and asks for help.
Now you control Regina - go up the stairs and go to the double doors. Open them with a stun gun and move on. Search the soldier's corpse, you will find the third dino file. Now (look at the map) head to the research center (don't go to the poisonous plants area yet, you don't have a flamethrower). In front of the center you will meet with an allosaurus, but for now you won’t be able to do anything to him, so run faster to the double doors. Next, go to the radio room, save the game there (if necessary) and be sure to buy a flamethrower (destruction points should be enough) and exit the radio room...
You are again attacked by these strange creatures in helmets, but Regina still manages to detain one of them and it turns out to be... a girl. Without hesitation, Regina drags the girl into the radio room and handcuffs her to the pipe. Now leave the research center and head to the poisonous plant area.
After passing the zone of poisonous plants (or rather two zones), you will come to a water tower. Here, if necessary, you can save the game and replenish your ammunition, and then head to the military facility.
At the military facility, first go to the room where Dylan is locked (beware of the flying creatures). Pick up the key in front of the door and examine the panel to the left of the door - it is blue. Now go back out and go through the double doors, through the reception area and into the hallway.
Open the door at the end of the corridor with the Taser and go to the control room. Go up the stairs and pick up the file explaining what to do with the keys. Go downstairs and go further into the room. At the end of the room, on the wall you will see a panel with keys. Now insert the key that Dylan threw away (it's "green") and take his "blue" key in return.
Now go back and free Dylan. After a short conversation, Regtna and Dylan will return to the ship (on the way, Regina will pick up the girl and return to the ship with her). The bad news is that someone destroyed the gate and now Regina, Dylan and David cannot return to their own time. After viewing all the scenes, if necessary, save the game and head back to the jungle.
On the landing, kill the Allosaurus and go through the third door. Another alosaurus is waiting for you by the stream; deal with it and move on. Examine the stream and go downstream. Look carefully - there should be a key card for the third power unit here somewhere. Then head (see map) through the water tower, through the poisonous plant area to the research center.
When you get to the research center, pay attention to the door covered with ivy. Cut it with the machete and you can now enter. Now go further to the entrance to the laboratory. Use the laboratory key card on the panel to the right of the door to make it open.
In the laboratory, go straight and to the right, cut the ivy with a machete and go through the door. In the room, close all the hatches except one, which is located next to the computer terminal to save the game. Examine the cells - do you see red lights on two, and green on one? Search the cage on the left by the wall, open it and take the dino file. Now go to the next room (the door is also covered with ivy, cut it) - take the file from the table and close the ventilation hatch at the next door.
Enter the doors and you will find yourself in the first room. Next, go to the door at the end of the corridor. Use the lab key card and then... the little dino snatches the card right out of Dylan's hands. There's nothing you can do - you'll have to catch this bastard. Using a machete, try to drive him into the open ventilation hatch, and then enter the laboratory, close this hatch (so that Compsognathus cannot escape) and drive him into the cage. After receiving the key card, return to the corridor and go through the last door (using the key card). In the room behind the door, take the file and part.
Now leave the laboratory and return to the ship. It turns out that the girl managed to free herself from the handcuffs and escaped. Then, after talking with Regina, press the button on the control panel and select the direction to the third power unit. On the way, you will be attacked by sea creatures and flyers; defend against them with a flamethrower.

Third power unit
So, you control Regina again. Buy a machine gun and leave the ship. Go through the dock (fight off water creatures and flyers along the way). As soon as you get to the storage unit of the third power unit, search the car and find a new dino folder. Then go further and take the file lying next to the soldier's corpse - you have already found this key (and if not, then you will have to return to the jungle) and now go to the next door. Insert the key card for the third power unit into the panel to the left of the door. Enter and run further, through the boat (by the way, pay attention to the drawer for small tools, you will have to return here) and further - to the control room of the third power unit.
First, search the remote control at the entrance - you will find the key to the box on the boat, then take the file from the remote control by the window and search the panel opposite the door - you will find another dino file. Now go out through this door, run further and search the corpse - you will find a mechanic’s ID card on it. Return to the control room and go to the boat. Open the drawer and take the file from there. This file contains three of the four digit codes for the elevator in the control room. Return to the control room of the third power unit and go to the elevator. First, use your mechanic's ID card and try entering the code. For example, I had code #4.01. Using the selection method, try to find the desired number. In this case, the correct code is 4015. However, another time there may be a different code - there are several options here.
Take the elevator down, go through the corridor and head through the next door. Now go forward a little and examine the panel. Now you need to start the generator. Start the panel and the lights on the switches will change to green. In case of overload (flashing red light), hit it with a shocker. After starting the generator, go downstairs, take the file from the computer and diving suit. Press the button on the control panel and go down - under the water.
Underwater, you will have a not entirely pleasant meeting with the inhabitants of this world - meso-lizards. Shoot them and jump down until you see the door. You are in a water supply control room. If necessary, save the game, and then inspect the control panel - you cannot turn it on now, you need a plug to the shutter. Take the file and go through the next double doors, go through the corridor and the next room. You are now in the water cooling system of the third reactor. Go to the northern door of the hall, but it’s too early for us to get there yet... Jump onto the platform to the right of the door and carefully move on. Go along the top to the middle of the hall, and then jump to the central platform. Now go left and onto the next platform.
Shoot at the column - now you can enter. In the next room, first of all, turn on the elevator (what if you accidentally fall down and you will have to start all over again?), go further and take the plug to the shutter from the corpse. Return to the water control room and open the cooling pipe. Now return to the water cooling system of the third reactor again and go through the northern double doors. You are now in the pipeline. If necessary, save the game, replenish your ammunition and take the elevator up. Take the key card to Edward City next to the corpse, and a little further you will find a new dino file. Take the next elevator down and you will get to the third reactor - this is where the next boss awaits you. In fact, he is not so scary - a few shots from the aquagrend and the boss will float up belly up. Great, Regina, good job! Jump up the platforms and take the elevator up. You are in front of Edward City. After talking with Dilano, Regina heads into town. Hurry after her.

Edward City
Go through the next door to the left (from us to the right), deal with the Allosaurus and in the terminal, save the game and buy a mortar. Go back and run further, pick up another dino file from the corpse next to the car. Go through the door to the right (cut the ivy with a machete) - you will meet Regina on the shore. After passing through two areas of the shore, you will reach the entrance to the cave. Use the mortar to blow up the limestone rock and move on.
Having safely passed the caves, you will find yourself at a military facility. Save your game here and go up the stairs. God! There's a whole nest of allosaurs here! At first you control Regina, Dylan will drop you a flare gun, and when the Allosaurus really get you, you are required to shoot into the air - and then your partner will cover you. When Regina gets to the next cannon, it's Dylan's turn. When you reach the third cannon, you play as Regina again. When Regina finally reaches the last cannon, she and Dylan will leave the military facility.
Save and pick up the dino file from the corpse. Go further - you will see a torn Triceratops. And then, out of nowhere, an adult appears - you can’t explain to her that it’s not you... Without hesitation, Regina and Dylan jump into the nearest jeep and try to escape from the angry animal - along the way you will have to shoot at it. Then the road suddenly ends - and the jeep, overturning, flies down the cliff. Luckily, our heroes manage to jump out of the car before it explodes.
So, Regina and Dylan are in a field and then... they are attacked by dinosaurs. But David comes to the aid of our friends. He shoots all the animals from a helicopter, but it seems that the inhabitants of the city can no longer be helped. Regina and Dylan are heading into town...
There, first search the corpse - you will find a new dino file. Now head to Robson's store - there you can save the game, and also pick up the file and the key to the home. Go outside (watch out for the flyers!) and go through the opposite door, to the left of the gate. At the end of the next street, open the door and go through it. An old friend T-Rex awaits you here. Without hesitation, Dylan jumps into the tank - now drive forward, shooting back at the T-Rexa along the way.
After passing the warehouses in this way, you will find yourself on the highway outside the city. Take the gas mask and... here you will meet an old friend again. Strange, she has Dylan's late sister's necklace from somewhere. Regina and Dylan then return to the ship. Now head into the jungle.

Back in the jungle
Head to the area of ​​poisonous plants - there is still one more unexplored area left. Go through the zone of poisonous gases and end up in a garbage dump. Save and go through the next door, across the courtyard and down the steps. In the control room, take the data disk and search behind the monitor on the left - you will find the last dino file. Then go outside and up the stairs... your old buddy T-Rex will visit you, and here's ours new friend- tyrannosaurus While the two big animals are sorting things out, Regina will go downstairs to the control room.
I have bad news - it looks like the warhead is activated and you will have to disable it. You have 10 minutes to do everything. But as soon as Regina goes down, our new friend will appear - the tyrannosaurus. Now do this - see the gas plug? Approach it and press the switch, and when the gas comes out, shoot with any weapon. Now run to the next plug and when that dino gets closer to you, do the same. And so on several times.
Having dealt with the Gigantosaurus, you will gain access to the launcher. Now, as in the third power unit, run and wave the shocker. After the program starts, go to the rocket and take the elevator up. Press the button on the remote control and open the panel on the warhead. Press the button on the panel to stop the launch.
Go down and come back, but... the tyrannosaurus is alive! Regina runs to the launch control room. Save and go through the next door.
Go through two areas and Dylan will be waiting for you behind the next doors. Get on the boat and get out of here... But that was not the case - the water dispenser is closed. While David is opening the gate, protect him from the dinosaurs. Further events unfold tragically - suddenly our friends are attacked by an allosaurus and David dies, saving Dylan's life.
Dylan falls into the river and the current carries him to the other side. He comes to his senses and sees a girl, she calls him to follow her. Now you need to protect her from dinosaur attacks. Take her through the jungle, and then, when you get to the object, the girl will briskly walk away into the building. Follow her, but... you can't get there yet - the door is protected by lasers. To turn off these lasers, activate the four switches - green and red on the left and yellow and blue on the right. Now go back to the door and press the button on the remote control on the left - the lasers will disappear and you can enter.

Inside an object
Take the file in front of the entrance and go further into the chief's office. There, take another file from the table, then I strongly recommend that you save the game and buy more health, weapons and ammunition - there is a meeting with the main boss of the game ahead. Move on and go into the laboratory. There you will meet this girl again. After a long video insert, go through the next doors - there you will meet the final boss.

Final fight
I warn you right away - no weapon can kill a tyrannosaurus. First, run to the bridge and run across to the other side - this is not easy to do, as the tyrannosaurus will begin to destroy the bridge. Shoot him with something powerful and run to the other side. Having crossed to the other side, activate the military satellite control system and press the button on the main remote control. That's it - the tyrannosaurus rex!
Go through the next doors - to the gate laboratory. Here Regina joins Dylan and his daughter. They launch a temporary gate, but... suddenly the base begins to collapse. One of the boxes falls and crushes Paula. Dylan decides to stay with his daughter, he gives the disk of the third power unit to Regina and says: “Study the data on this disk - and you can come back and save us,” after which Regina returns to her time, and Dylan remains with her daughter... The base takes off to the air.

So, the ending is not the best, we are waiting for Dino Crisis 3. Now congratulations - you have completed DC 2. After completing this game, if you have collected all 11 dino files, you will receive a platinum IPS card, next time you will receive a Dino game Colosseum and, having completed the game for the third time, you will open the game Dino Duel - battles between dinosaurs. Good luck to you!

Game description

Dino Crisis 2 is a third-person shooter game released by Capcom in the wake of the success of the first game. The game genre was changed from survival horror to action adventure. It was met with mixed reactions by both players and critics. But despite this, it showed itself quite well from a commercial point of view and was ported to personal computers, and much later it was published in the Playstation digital store.

Scenario plot

The plot of the game is connected with the previous part, only a few key points. Of the characters from the first part, only Regina migrated, while we know nothing about the fate of the other members of her team and Dr. Kirk. It is only known that experiments with the “Third Energy” were continued and this once again led to disaster. A military base and an entire city with its inhabitants fell into the prehistoric era among the dinosaurs. To rescue them, as well as to search for research documents, a military detachment was sent through the portal, which included Regina. Another protagonist of this game, Dylan, was enlisted in the same squad.

Arriving through a temporary breach, the group set up camp on the coast near military base. Before they had time to really strengthen themselves, the fighters were attacked by a large flock of velociraptors and almost all of them were killed. To top it off, at the end of this terrifying feast, the king of all lizards, Tyrannosaurus Rex, arrived. He attacked the survivors Regina, Dylan and his friend David. It goes without saying that, lacking the ability to resist such a threat, they had to make a move. Having come to their senses, the main characters also split up due to an argument. This is where the game actually begins. At the beginning, you play as the self-confident Dylan, who, because of his own pride, will have to make his way alone through the jungle teeming with prehistoric creatures.

Game process

You will start the game, as mentioned above, as a military man from the special TRAT squad - Dylan. He only has a machete and a shotgun with him. Your first enemies will be velociraptors. By shooting them, your character receives special points that can be used in the store to purchase ammunition, first aid kits or new weapons. As the story progresses, you will be given the opportunity to alternately play as one of two protagonists - Dylan or Regina. Next, you will encounter new types of dinosaurs, for each of which you need to use your own type of weapon and tactics. A couple of times during the game you will come across missions in the shooting gallery style, that is, according to the scenario, for example, you ride in a jeep and shoot at predators in first-person mode, moving your crosshair across the screen.

The locations themselves are quite bright and varied. There is a jungle, and an underwater base, and a cave with lava, and scientific complex with futuristic design and others. Each of these locations will have its own unique type of opponents. All of them will be described in dino files, which can be collected along the way to the main goal. If you collect them all, then for the second playthrough you will be given a bonus in the form of endless ammunition. At the end of the game, they will show you the result and open the dino coliseum mode, where you can fight in a special arena against dinosaurs that will attack you in waves. You can play as characters from both parts of the games, as well as dinosaurs. A dino duel will also become available, where you can play two players against each other, controlling dinosaurs.

Bottom line

This is a very good action game that can be completed in 3-4 hours, and even faster if you play through it again. It is possible that the change in gameplay towards an arcade style will scare away fans of the first part, but nevertheless the game has not become worse. The dynamics just changed, the colors became brighter, and the guns became more powerful. In addition, unlike its predecessor, the second part has become more self-sufficient and looks much less like a clone of Resident Evil. Overall, it's worth playing at least once.

Old description

A year after the events of the first part. Dr. Kirk's research was continued by the government. As the first part of the game proved, you shouldn’t play with time, and this time there was a mistake. The TRAT team (which, by the way, includes the heroine of the first part of the game, Regina) is sent to a time where the research base and the city nearby were abandoned. But at a halt, the squad is attacked by a flock of velociraptors, which destroys most of the people. To top it off, the Tyrannosaurus destroys the remains of the camp. Only Regina, Dylan and David remain alive. A good start rescue operation.

There are now 2 playable characters. Play I'll have to take shifts for both depending on the plot.

The game has changed genre, now there are 20 times more dinosaurs and the bias is made in Action. The ability to synthesize things has been removed, and ammo and first aid kits are now always in abundance. Weapons, ammo, etc. can now be purchased from the virtual store in safe rooms using points earned from killing dinosaurs.

You can run around locations and score points and always be with money. There are more weapons and each character has their own, but there are also common things. There is also the opportunity to shoot from a stationary heavy machine gun, a heavy rifle and even a tank.

Third power unit
So, you control Regina again. Buy a machine gun and leave the ship. Go through the dock (fight off water creatures and flyers along the way). As soon as you get to the storage unit of the third power unit, search the car and find a new dino folder. Then go further and take the file lying next to the soldier's corpse - you have already found this key (and if not, then you will have to return to the jungle) and now go to the next door. Insert the key card for the third power unit into the panel to the left of the door. Enter and run further, through the boat (by the way, pay attention to the drawer for small tools, you will have to return here) and further - to the control room of the third power unit.
First, search the remote control at the entrance - you will find the key to the box on the boat, then take the file from the remote control by the window and search the panel opposite the door - you will find another dino file. Now go out through this door, run further and search the corpse - you will find a mechanic’s ID card on it. Return to the control room and go to the boat. Open the drawer and take the file from there. This file contains three of the four digit codes for the elevator in the control room. Return to the control room of the third power unit and go to the elevator. First, use your mechanic's ID card and try entering the code. For example, I had code #4.01. Using the selection method, try to find the desired number. In this case, the correct code is 4015. However, another time there may be a different code - there are several options here.
Take the elevator down, go through the corridor and head through the next door. Now go forward a little and examine the panel. Now you need to start the generator. Start the panel and the lights on the switches will change to green. In case of overload (flashing red light), hit it with a shocker. After starting the generator, go downstairs, take the file from the computer and the diving suit. Press the button on the control panel and go down - under the water.
Underwater, you will have a not entirely pleasant meeting with the inhabitants of this world - meso-lizards. Shoot them and jump down until you see the door. You are in a water supply control room. If necessary, save the game, and then inspect the control panel - you cannot turn it on now, you need a plug to the shutter. Take the file and go through the next double doors, go through the corridor and the next room. You are now in the water cooling system of the third reactor. Go to the northern door of the hall, but it’s too early for us to get there yet... Jump onto the platform to the right of the door and carefully move on. Go along the top to the middle of the hall, and then jump to the central platform. Now go left and onto the next platform.
Shoot at the column - now you can enter. In the next room, first of all, turn on the elevator (what if you accidentally fall down and you will have to start all over again?), go further and take the plug to the shutter from the corpse. Return to the water control room and open the cooling pipe. Now return to the water cooling system of the third reactor again and go through the northern double doors. You are now in the pipeline. If necessary, save the game, replenish your ammunition and take the elevator up. Take the key card to Edward City next to the corpse, and a little further you will find a new dino file. Take the next elevator down and you will get to the third reactor - this is where the next boss awaits you. In fact, he is not so scary - a few shots from the aquagrend and the boss will float up belly up. Great, Regina, good job! Jump up the platforms and take the elevator up. You are in front of Edward City. After talking with Dilano, Regina heads into town. Hurry after her.

Edward City
Go through the next door to the left (from us to the right), deal with the Allosaurus and in the terminal, save the game and buy a mortar. Go back and run further, pick up another dino file from the corpse next to the car. Go through the door to the right (cut the ivy with a machete) - you will meet Regina on the shore. After passing through two areas of the shore, you will reach the entrance to the cave. Use the mortar to blow up the limestone rock and move on.
Having safely passed the caves, you will find yourself at a military facility. Save your game here and go up the stairs. God! There's a whole nest of allosaurs here! At first you control Regina, Dylan will drop you a flare gun, and when the Allosaurus really get you, you are required to shoot into the air - and then your partner will cover you. When Regina gets to the next cannon, it's Dylan's turn. When you reach the third cannon, you play as Regina again. When Regina finally reaches the last cannon, she and Dylan will leave the military facility.
Save and pick up the dino file from the corpse. Go further - you will see a torn Triceratops. And then, out of nowhere, an adult appears - you can’t explain to her that it’s not you... Without hesitation, Regina and Dylan jump into the nearest jeep and try to escape from the angry animal - along the way you will have to shoot at it. Then the road suddenly ends - and the jeep, overturning, flies down the cliff. Luckily, our heroes manage to jump out of the car before it explodes.
So, Regina and Dylan are in a field and then... they are attacked by dinosaurs. But David comes to the aid of our friends. He shoots all the animals from a helicopter, but it seems that the inhabitants of the city can no longer be helped. Regina and Dylan are heading into town...
There, first search the corpse - you will find a new dino file. Now head to Robson's store - there you can save the game, and also pick up the file and the key to the home. Go outside (watch out for the flyers!) and go through the opposite door, to the left of the gate. At the end of the next street, open the door and go through it. An old friend T-Rex awaits you here. Without hesitation, Dylan jumps into the tank - now drive forward, shooting back at the T-Rexa along the way.
After passing the warehouses in this way, you will find yourself on the highway outside the city. Take the gas mask and... here you will meet an old friend again. Strange, she has Dylan's late sister's necklace from somewhere. Regina and Dylan then return to the ship. Now head into the jungle.

Back in the jungle
Head to the area of ​​poisonous plants - there is still one more unexplored area left. Go through the zone of poisonous gases and end up in a garbage dump. Save and go through the next door, across the courtyard and down the steps. In the control room, take the data disk and search behind the monitor on the left - you will find the last dino file. Then go outside and go up the stairs... your old friend T-Rex will visit you, and here is our new friend - the Tyrannosaurus Rex. While the two big animals are sorting things out, Regina will go downstairs to the control room.
I have bad news - it looks like the warhead is activated and you will have to disable it. You have 10 minutes to do everything. But as soon as Regina goes down, our new friend will appear - the tyrannosaurus. Now do this - see the gas plug? Approach it and press the switch, and when the gas comes out, shoot with any weapon. Now run to the next plug and when that dino gets closer to you, do the same. And so on several times.
Having dealt with the Gigantosaurus, you will gain access to the launcher. Now, as in the third power unit, run and wave the shocker. After the program starts, go to the rocket and take the elevator up. Press the button on the remote control and open the panel on the warhead. Press the button on the panel to stop the launch.
Go down and come back, but... the tyrannosaurus is alive! Regina runs to the launch control room. Save and go through the next door.
Go through two areas and Dylan will be waiting for you behind the next doors. Get on the boat and get out of here... But that was not the case - the water dispenser is closed. While David is opening the gate, protect him from the dinosaurs. Further events unfold tragically - suddenly our friends are attacked by an allosaurus and David dies, saving Dylan's life.
Dylan falls into the river and the current carries him to the other side. He comes to his senses and sees a girl, she calls him to follow her. Now you need to protect her from dinosaur attacks. Take her through the jungle, and then, when you get to the object, the girl will briskly walk away into the building. Follow her, but... you can't get there yet - the door is protected by lasers. To turn off these lasers, activate the four switches - green and red on the left and yellow and blue on the right. Now go back to the door and press the button on the remote control on the left - the lasers will disappear and you can enter.

Inside an object
Take the file in front of the entrance and go further into the chief's office. There, take another file from the table, then I strongly recommend that you save the game and buy more health, weapons and ammunition - there is a meeting with the main boss of the game ahead. Move on and go into the laboratory. There you will meet this girl again. After a long video insert, go through the next doors - there you will meet the final boss.

Final fight
I warn you right away - no weapon can kill a tyrannosaurus. First, run to the bridge and run across to the other side - this is not easy to do, as the tyrannosaurus will begin to destroy the bridge. Shoot him with something powerful and run to the other side. Having crossed to the other side, activate the military satellite control system and press the button on the main remote control. That's it - the tyrannosaurus rex!
Go through the next doors - to the gate laboratory. Here Regina joins Dylan and his daughter. They launch a temporary gate, but... suddenly the base begins to collapse. One of the boxes falls and crushes Paula. Dylan decides to stay with his daughter, he gives the disk of the third power unit to Regina and says: “Study the data on this disk - and you can come back and save us,” after which Regina returns to her time, and Dylan remains with her daughter... The base takes off to the air.

So, the ending is not the best, we are waiting for Dino Crisis 3. Now congratulations - you have completed DC 2. After completing this game, if you have collected all 11 dino files, you will receive a platinum IPS card, next time you will receive a Dino game Colosseum and, having completed the game for the third time, you will open the game Dino Duel - battles between dinosaurs. Good luck to you!
