Walkthrough of the game final fantasy 3. Walkthrough. Sewers: Grandma's sewage

Let's dive into that good old world of adventures of Final Fantasy III once again (I promised that I would do a walkthrough).

So first a little from me:

I decided to write a walkthrough for the DS version, but since all the goodies of the game are saved, it can be used for the NES version (when I remember any differences, I will insert a separate notice).

Let's first look at the most beautiful opening of the game. It's rare to make something so cute and enjoyable these days, and considering SE did it, it's especially worth cherishing. In the video we will see our entire team, many chocobos, a flying ship, a similar continent and many other interesting things. Cutting random scenes from you-know-what-game doesn't even hold a candle. But well, let's see what we have in the main menu of the game. Some kind of mind-blowing prophecy flows in the background, exactly the same one that is suggested to start the game.

Altar Cave: Goblins, springs and crystals

And it all starts with us falling into a hole... Our hero lands very painfully and, having recovered a little, wants to look around to see where he ended up. But, literally at the first turn, a nasty monster got out and started picking on us. A fight with three nasty goblins is inevitable, but we know that they pose no danger. We kill them with ordinary attacks (and there is nothing else to hit them with), and after the battle Luneth will very correctly note that this is not the safest place on earth. We mentally agree with him and go north. In the next room there will be two chests with Leather Shield And Potion. Don't forget to equip yourself with a shield and see that we are at a dead end. Let's take a look around. An observant Luneth will notice that something is wrong with that big stone over there. Well, if there is something wrong with him, then why not come up and take a closer look at the anomaly?

We touch the stone and a new passage opens with a roar (Luneth is so cutely scared ^_^. This is all chibi power). In the passage there will be a ladder and a chest with Longsword(you can equip it instead of Leather Shield and Luneth will perform a longer combo, which is what I advise you to do). We go further along the stairs to the second floor.

In the right passage we take it from the chest Potion, and on the left Antarctic Wind. Now you can move on (by the way, there are no goblins here anymore and stronger enemies have appeared, namely Carbuncle and Blue Wisp, but there will definitely not be any problems, especially if you have equipped yourself with two weapons). We almost instantly come across another chest with Potion. It's good not to go to waste, right? And if you go to the right from this chest, you can find another one Antarctic Wind and the healing source of such a “wonderful” color... By the way, I also liked the color. It reminded me of something tropical... What am I talking about? Oh yes, let's suck a little water from there in order to replenish our HP and MP (HP would be enough for us at this stage, but shouldn't we give up everything else?). Now, with fresh strength, it’s worth pumping up our boy a little before the upcoming fight (you don’t have to pump up, but it’s better to save yourself Potion and nerves). Personally, level 3 was enough for me.

Please note that the PROFESSION level and the CHARACTER level are two different things! When we are confident in our abilities, have collected all the items, sucked some water from Wellspring, we can go up to the next floor.

My favorite mystical Prelude is playing here (it gives me goosebumps). We walk a little further, and our boy is enveloped in some strange glow. This evil boss decided to attack us!

Land Turtle

I love the boss fight music *~tara-ta-ta-ta-ta-tara-tara-ta-ta-ta-ta-tara~*.But let's not get distracted. The turtle, although weak, isalready requires at least some tactics in battle. She attacks us at about 5-7 HP, that is, we don’t think about Potion until our indicator is more than 14 HP. As soon as it drops below this mark, you need to immediately drink Potion (you can use Antarctic Wind, but I would not recommend doing this, since you can then sell it in the city for 500 gil and buy twice the more potions than we spent or use for other equally useful things). After several such rounds, the turtle will be covered with a copper basin. *Humming the melody of the battle ~tara-ta-ta-ta-ta-tara-tara-ta-ta-ta-ta-tara~*

As a reward we will receive 500 Gil And 20 EXP. Meanwhile, a mysterious voice tells us that we have been chosen... Luneth has not yet recovered from the sudden attack of the turtle and takes a fighting stance, thinking that some mysterious villain is communicating with us. But the voice doesn’t really care about Luneth’s questions and continues to talk nonsense about hope. Now our hero looked around and saw that the crystal itself was communicating with him. Well, then according to the well-worn scenario: Darkness is threatening to engulf the world(how many times has Darky already tried to destroy the world?), and only we and three unknown (yet) warriors of light can stop this unwanted event. Now our task is to find the remaining warriors. In general, crystals really don’t like to talk about details, so we’ll have to figure it out ourselves. You have to maintain a mysterious atmosphere?!

We are unceremoniously sent to the world map (and completely healed along the way), but there is still work to do at the altar, so we will immediately return back. In the south of the location there will be a passage to the floor below, where we go down (there is nothing else interesting in the first passage). We go out along the corridor into a large room with chests and a pit. It was into this pit that Luneth fell at the beginning of the game, and it is better not to step on the same rake twice (so as not to repeat the entire path through the cave again). We collect from chests 2 Longsword, Bronze Bracers(you can immediately equip yourself), black magic Sleep And Bronze Knuckles(they can replace one Longsword, because they give a greater attack bonus). Having finished collecting all these treasures, you can return to the world map with peace of mind and go to the small town of Ur, which is literally a few steps south of the cave.

Ur: Here we are at home

We appear just next to a cute-looking red-haired girl, who tells us that everyone else has gone to the outskirts of the city. We can only guess who the others are, but we have no time for them yet. Let's go to the magic store and buy ourselves a Poisona and sell two of our Antarctic Winds for 500 gil each. We already have at least a thousand gil, and with that kind of money in our pocket we can already spin around. The only interesting things in the armor store are Leather Armor and Leather Cap (we already got the rest in the cave). Now we go to the very south-eastern border of the city into a small forest to the well and climb inside. We take it from the chests of a small cache 3 Potion(Granny herself allowed it, if you don’t believe me, ask). Our next stop will be the hotel bar (it can be easy to miss because the door is closed, but know that it is on the 1st floor next to the grocery store). By the way, notice how much money we gained from not using Antarctic Wind. One Potion costs 50 gil, and we used a maximum of three. 1000-150=850 gil net profit. That's how things are. In the bar you can talk to a guy who looks a lot like Al-Bhed from FF10, who is very angry because some boulder is blocking the road. Also here you can watch the cutest dance of his girlfriend to the music from Swan Lake and play the Fur Elise melody on the piano, but it’s so bad that we’ll be booed and torn to smithereens. It’s okay, soon we will go on a worldwide tour to all the bars and prove that we are no worse than those pianists who perform at Carnegie Hall. On the 2nd floor of the hotel you can sleep for free and talk with your grandfather, who will tell you about our current profession.

Now let's go back to the street and, perhaps, go behind the weapons store. There, a local resident will tell us that we can go to the warehouse and grab everything we can, but it’s not that simple. On the way to the warehouse, monsters await us. Well, okay, we already have experience fighting them, and they won’t cause any special problems. We pass from the old man to the north and go to a nice little house (we can meet goblins along the way). Inside we will be met by another old man in a blue robe, who will tell us about secret things that open various passages. The information is quite important, so let’s listen to the old man carefully. The thing is that objects in pots and switches will show themselves as glittering if we bring the camera closer.

Let's listen to the advice and immediately find that two pots and a candle are sparkling. Let's examine this whole thing, as a result of which we get 2 Antidote and open the passage further. We go up the stairs and find a whole bunch of chests. Let's get magic from them Cure(do not mix black and white magic for a character). Let Sleep be in your inventory, and Luneth should know Poisona and Cure, you will soon understand why you can’t learn everything. Take it right away Phoenix Down, Longsword, Eye Drops And Dagger. Don’t sell this whole thing just yet, because very soon we will have a new addition to the team and will find a place where to put this whole thing. There is nothing else of interest in the warehouse.

We return to the hotel and from it we go northeast through the forest to finally see what is happening there. What? Are some evil little triplets clinging to Arc? We need to intervene.

Seeing us, the triplets immediately disappear. After some time, Arc also escapes, wanting to prove that he is not afraid of ghosts and can cope without anyone’s help. All we have to do is go to the elder and ask about the crystal and the whole incident. We follow to the house to the left of the hotel (by the way, it has a healing fountain on the left). On the right is just a pathetic fake. The elder was probably already tired of waiting while we were doing all these things. Topapa (that’s his name) turned out to be very knowledgeable in matters with crystals and talks about how Luneth was brought to the village, and at the same time sends him on a journey to save the world. It’s worth talking again with the old man in blue pajamas, who settled near the elder’s residence. He will teach us how to use objects on people. We use Potion on it and it will give us Phoenix Down. Well, now all the business in the city is over and you can go to the world map. We save and go to the next city - Kazus.

Kazus: An incident within an incident

Immediately at the entrance to the city, you can see Arc marking time and looking around in search of something. Luneth quietly snuck up behind him and scared the hell out of the poor man. Well, who does that?! ...Well, okay, I do this sometimes, but still... Arc, meanwhile, wants to be on the team with us and talks about how he wanted to prove to everyone that he is not a weakling and even made it to the city himself! However, he didn’t say a word about what stopped him. Yes, a common thing - all the residents suddenly became ghosts! On this occasion, the shops are closed, but it’s worth running into the hotel and talking to Sid (which of these ghosts is Sid, you can guess for yourself). He will tell you about a valley, the only way through the mountain range, blocked by a huge stone. And, of course, some scoundrel turned everyone into ghosts.

However, Sid does not lose his optimism and cheerfulness, and at the same time he will give us a flying ship! Well, how can you refuse such an offer? We just have to help the town cope with this scourge. Our benefactor will also say that the only thing that can lift the curse is a mithril ring. And what do you think? There aren't any of them in the city at all! And even if there was mithril, the blacksmith turned into a ghost, and his daughter disappeared without a trace. Things are bad... But we’ll definitely figure it out somehow with the flying ship. We go out to the world map and run into a small desert, which is just near the city. This is where Sid's ship is located. And who is this girl standing near the helm?! And why is SHE asking us what we are doing on the ship?? It turns out that this is the same blacksmith’s daughter.

She really didn’t want to continue her father’s work, and she ran away from home... again. She also took part in the creation of the ship. However, this still does not give her the right to sit like that in someone else’s ship, but oh well. She also cannot make mithril rings, due to her monstrous academic underachievement and failures in her diary. And we didn’t think that everything would be so simple. But Refia remembered where there was a ring. The fact is that the father of this scoundrel once upon a time made one such thing for King Sasune. We take the girl into the team and take the helm. You can continue to follow the story events, or you can get a little distracted and upgrade.

The note: to land, just point at the ship and don’t forget to equip all the items to the team.

The fact is that in Kazus there is a small cave where quite strong skeletons live, and we have Cure magic, which has a detrimental effect on them and causes decent damage (about 120 HP) + in the city you can completely restore everything for free NR and MR. Do you get the idea? But you shouldn’t go there with a level below 4. It’s ideal to go with the fifth one (you can level up in the large forest near Kazus, where Berserker and Werewolf are found). And as soon as we try to go to this very cave, Refia will separate from the team because she does not want to meet her father. Well, okay. Let's upgrade at least half of our team.

The fight should not last longer than two rounds! If you go on the defensive, nothing will happen. My fight went like this:

First round: Luneth – Cure. Arc – Guard. Skeleton 2x Attack Arc. Arc survives two hits with 6 HP.

Or you can just cast Cure on both monsters at once and not suffer like I did -______-

In the second round, you can cast Cure and no longer be afraid of attack. One skeleton certainly won’t do anything to us (well, maybe it will kill Arc...) And after the first battle, the level will definitely increase and become much easier. I worked my way up to level 9. Don't forget that status changes also disappear if you get enough sleep.

Why didn't we wait until we got a fourth member of our team? Yes, because the experience will be divided among four, and according to the plot, these monsters will be encountered anyway. And now is the cake for this matter. In the caves, by the way, some painfully familiar music is playing, but I can’t remember what it reminds me of. We swing ONLY at the entrance (and I’m not talking at all about the fact that before entering you need to at least save and be fully healed and have a minimum supply of Potion). The best targets would be Shadow or Skeleton. From one battle with two skeletons I received 210 EXP (Arc still couldn’t stand it x_x). Draw your conclusions, gentlemen. Just don’t forget that the dead character needs to be fed Phoenix Down before sleeping at the hotel.

We pumped up a little, slept and survived. Well, now we can certainly return to the plot. Remember how Refia told us that the king has the ring? We take our flying rattle and go to the castle on the other side of the forest near Kazus.

Castles & Towers in Sasune

There will be a guard at the entrance to the castle. There’s no way around it, but okay, let’s talk to him. It turns out that the scoundrel from Casus has arrived here too. The guy is very upset that he can’t do anything about this curse, but we amaze him with our awareness and say that there is a ring after all. The guard immediately gives us an audience with the king and opens the way inside. We don’t go into the castle itself yet. We still have work to do in the small towers that are located a little further south. Let's go to the right one first. On the 3rd floor there will be chests with 20 Wooden Arrow And 20 Holy Arrow. On the 4th floor (princess room) you can dig up more 20 Wooden Arrow, Bow And Potion. With all this goodness, you can go to the left tower (note that in the left one there are all sorts of bad things in the form of Zombies (their attack imposes the Poison status) and other bad creatures.

Let's run to the 3rd floor, which will greet us with treasures in the form of 20 Wooden Arrow And 20 Holy Arrow. We collect all this and continue to move on. On the 4th floor there will be only one very suspicious chest. Let's better heal, check our equipment and only then open it. We get Wightslayer, but with him in the chest lay a nasty monster.


If you listened to me and upgraded yourself, then there will be no problems at all. If you decide to let everything go on your ownswelling is now at level 3-4, then the situation is changing dramatically. Equip yourself a new weapon to replace the Longsword in combination with Bronze Knuckles, keep the entire team's HP at a decent level to survive Fire, and over time the scoundrel will fall.

Now you can enter the castle. Sleep on the cute pink bed to recover from the fight with the griffin, and rise higher. There will be two walls with cracks. You can go through them and grab a few items for yourself. In the room on the left we will find Phoenix Down, and going down the stairs? in the right room we will find 2000 Gil(a thousand per chest) and the next staircase (we don’t go down there, because we won’t find anything interesting). It’s better to go up two floors without leaving the secret room and take Leather Shield and magic Blizzard. Next to the chests there will be another crack, after passing through which we will find a secret room with Bronze Knucles. Having collected all this, you can finally go to the king. He is also upset, but that is understandable. Not everyone wants to turn into a ghost (to me, it looks more like a wire man). The evil Genie may have been driven into the ring, but Princess Sarah has the ring itself, and she has disappeared (Duuuuuuuh) or even been captured by the Genie.

The scoundrel's residence is located in the north in a cave. The same guard Ingus joins our team, and now we are free to go in all four directions. We have collected full team, but don’t rush to buy equipment. The new one will open very soon, and we need to save money. There should be enough junk in your inventory to pick up a normal sword for Ingus, and we’ll deal with the rest later. We get out onto the world map, get into the ship and, having flown over a small lake, go into a cave.

Sealed Cave: A fifth wheel doesn't mean it's an extra wheel

Here you can find the same Shadow, Skeleton and Mummy that we used to swing back in Kazusa, so there won’t be any problems. Maybe run around and pump up Refia and Ingus so that they can at least somehow help in the battle. We go all the way to the south and take the chest with Potion, and then we turn east and take magic Cure from another chest. Further along the corridor there is a passage to the next floor. It's spacious here... We take it right next to the entrance 500 Gil from the chest and zoom in on the camera. Yep, the uppermost right skull is sparkling. We kick him and a passage opens further. What do we see there? That's right, the princess slowly follows Jin to destroy him. We have the same goals, so why not unite? We accept a princess into the team (she will not be displayed in the menu, but she gives advice on when to press the Y button, and, most interestingly, gives USEFUL advice!

UPD. Helpful advice Gave it only to Arc. He gets to know the others, chats and does nonsense. We've seen enough of Sarah, we can go downstairs.

Interesting fact: Don't think that Sarah will be just ballast. She periodically heals our entire party or casts interesting spells during battles (random ones too).

If we go to the southeast for a long time, then in a dead end we will find Antarctic Wind. True, it’s a long way back, but we want to collect all the items? Now go north from the intersection and take Eye Drops. Well, then we stomp along the path of least resistance (there are so many turns that I’m afraid to get even more confused).

As soon as we see something like a red carpet, you need to stop, heal and give someone a Blizzard (if you haven't done it before), because the Genie is sitting right on this red woolen product (Hottabych, damn it). We approach the scoundrel and shove a ring in his nose. What? Nothing happens? Damn... Well then we'll have to cope with the old methods...


If you listened to Sarah and me, you should know that the scoundrel is weak to ice, and we have Blizzard magic in stock (dealt 170 HP damage in my case), I haven't tried Antarctic Wind, but I think the effect will be similar. Beware of fire attacks on the entire team and do not forget that he can carry out several attacks in a row. Heal in time (if there is no MP, then you can safely spend Potions), and we will certainly break through. Yes, and Sarah will help several times.

For our victory they will give us him 1400 Gil and (maybe because my team was already strong) 50 experience.

Now the genie is weakened and it can finally be inserted into the ring, which Sarah successfully does. Meanwhile, our entire team becomes transparent and goes to hell (guess who likes to teleport us unceremoniously?). The scoundrel admits that he transported us, and says our charges were assigned to the role of warriors of light, and therefore must, with the help of the remnants of the crystal’s powers, save the whole world. Again. The final fantasy anthem shows us the credits, and only now the real fantasy begins. With great joy we begin to use professions. This is reported to us by a moogle who, with his cheerful music, completely ruined the epic moment with the crystal. Eh...

We stand on the magic circle behind the crystal and teleport to the surface. The flying ship remained near the entrance to the cave and now it is impossible to get to it (well, I couldn’t move the crystal to the ship!). Let's take a look at our menu and see what professions have become available: Warrior, Monk, White Mage, Black Mage and Thief. Quite a decent selection to start with. Well... Let's choose a profession for each team member, but keep in mind that for a certain number of battles (displayed before changing the profession), the character will fight at half strength, and all equipment will completely fall off. Re-equip what you can and try to fight all Adjustment Phase battles with the goblins.

We have nothing to do in Ur and Kazus, so we immediately go to Sasune Castle.

Sasune: The curse ends

Sarah was already waiting for us. We go with her to the source and throw the ring into the water (strange, I thought that some epic special effects would begin, but nothing like that happened). Now the curse is lifted and you can talk normally with the king. Cheerful, festive music plays, the king thanks us, and we report in response that in front of him are not just any children, but four whole warriors of light! Poor Ingus doesn't want to leave, but what can you do when adventure calls. And, as a small gift, we are presented with a magical folding canoe (it’s interesting to look at such a thing). Already at the exit from the castle, Sarah says goodbye to us (poor Ingus seems to be taking the parting hard), and we set off to pick up our ship. Fortunately, a canoe will help you cross the lake. We select the already dusty ship and fly to Kazus.

Kazus: No adventures! Everything is fine

Right at the entrance to the city, Refia meets her father and goes home with him. Well, for now we’ll take a look at the shops that did open on the occasion of the holiday. In the magic store you should buy Fire for the black mage, and in the weapons and armor store, spare no expense and buy mithril wunderwaffles for everyone (don’t forget about Refia, you can stock up on equipment for it now). At the same time, sell your excess equipment. On the street you will find a Moogle from our beloved Mognet corporation. Want to send a letter to one of your friends using Wi-Fi or a message to Topapa or Sarah? The choice is yours. We go into the house near the mine and see that Refia is completely stuck and, it seems, is left without her share of adventures. Okay, we'll get out of it somehow. It’s better to go and talk to Sid (and at the same time thank him for the ship). Good Sid will not only say “thank you” for the rescue, but also give him a ship! All we have to do is drop him off at Canaan's home to his wife, and we're free to fly wherever we want. Isn't he a nice little guy? He joins our team as a guest (you can click Y and listen to him). It doesn't help in battle, I checked.

How to knock down a giant boulder and clear the way? I should ask Refia, maybe she can tell me a way? Or maybe attach a huge mithril ram to the ship and destroy it as soon as possible? It should probably work. The blacksmith and Refia (the poor girl was completely sad) riveted such a thing together and attached it to the ship once or twice. So what? We must try it!


And Refia is already waiting for us on the ship! It turns out she decided to run away from home... again. Well, we can only rejoice at her decision and then... it turns out that none of the four knows their real parents! It already smells like Santa Barbara... But enough about my personal life. Before us is a rock that needs to be broken! True, not everything went smoothly, and our magnificent ship was shattered into pieces.

In the world of Final Fantasy III, 23 professions are available to the player, one of which is secret. From the very beginning, any character has a profession by default Freelancer , and with each crystal he receives, new ones become open to him.

Wind Crystal Professions: warrior, monk, white mage, red mage, black mage, thief;
Fire Crystal Professions: knight, archer, geomancer, scientist;
Water Crystal Professions: dragoon, viking, dark knight, spellcaster, bard;
Earth Crystal Professions: karateka, shaman, magician, summoner, sage, ninja.

Each profession has a rank, and as it increases, damage increases, new levels of magic are unlocked, the number of attacks increases, strength and magic points increase, and the chance of landing a critical hit increases. To increase the rank of a profession by one level, you need to earn 100 profession points.

You can change profession from one to another anywhere and at any time. But there is some limitation, which is called the adaptation phase. It is determined by just a few battles, but until the character passes this phase, the characteristics of the new profession will be greatly reduced. When you reach a high level of the profession, the need for this procedure disappears.

The higher the rank of the profession, the stronger the character and the wider his capabilities. Each profession has its own equipment. There are also items that can be worn by characters of any profession. Freelancer and Onion Knight can equip most of the equipment present in the game, with the exception of legendary types of equipment.

The Freelancer profession is available to characters from the very beginning. A representative of this profession can use any weapon and use low-level magic.

Available from the very beginning of the game.
Weapon: swords, daggers, bows, staves, claws.
Capabilities: white magic of the first level (healing, antidote, gaze) and black magic of the first level (fire, ice, sleep).
Profession points per action: 20.
Teams: attack, magic, defense, thing.

The warrior skillfully wields weapons. The warrior's skill is onslaught. It allows you to deal more damage, but at the same time reduces defense.

Opens with a wind crystal.
Weapon: swords, daggers, bows, arrows, axes.
Ability: onslaught
Profession points per action: from rank 1 to 14 - 20 points, after rank 14 - 14 points.
Teams: attack, onslaught, defense, thing.

The monk is a melee fighter. He is able to counter even while on defense. As the profession level increases, attack with bare hands increases.

Opens with a wind crystal.
Weapon: claws
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: revenge.
Profession points per action:
Teams:attack, revenge, defense, thing.

The white mage specializes in restoration spells. His physical attacks are weak, but he has great willpower.

Opens with a wind crystal.
Weapon: staff.
Equipment: G tin headdresses, armor, accessories.
Ability: white magic levels 1-7.
Profession points:
Teams: attack, magic, defense, thing.

A red mage can use white and black magic, but is not able to learn high-level magic.

Opens with a wind crystal.
Weapon: swords, daggers, staves, bows, arrows.
Ability: white and black magic levels 1-5.
Profession points per action:
Teams: attack, magic, defense, thing.

The black magician specializes in destructive spells. His physical attacks are weak, but he himself is able to withstand several serious blows.

Opens with a wind crystal.
Weapon: staves, bows, arrows.
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: black magic levels 1-7.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 10 points.
Teams: attack, magic, defense, thing.

The thief is very agile, he can act with lightning speed. During combat, the thief can steal items from his enemies, and when escaping, the entire team will receive less damage. A thief can also open a locked door.

Opens with a wind crystal.
Weapon: daggers, throwing weapons.
Equipment: shields, hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: theft, escape.
Profession points per action:
Teams: attack, theft, escape, thing.

The knight is able to stand up for wounded party members and take the blow on himself. The knight also knows basic white magic.

Unlocks with a fire crystal.
Weapon: swords.
Equipment: shields, hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: white magic of the first level, security.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 12 points.
Teams: attack, magic, protection, thing.

Archer - master of archery ranged. He is capable of attacking with full force even from the back row. The "Barrage" skill allows you to fire 4 shots at the enemy per turn!

Unlocks with a fire crystal.
Weapon: bow and arrows, throwing weapons.
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: barrage.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 14 points.
Teams: attack, barrage, defense, thing.

The geomancer uses the power of nature itself in his attacks, depending on the location of the battle.

Unlocks with a fire crystal.
Weapon: call.
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: nature.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 14 points.
Teams: attack, nature, defense, thing.

A scientist can study enemies and identify them weak spots. Magic attacks from studied enemies will dissipate into the void. In addition, the scientist is able to double the effectiveness of the objects he uses. A scientist can use magic.

Unlocks with a fire crystal.
Weapon: books.
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: white and black magic levels 1-3, study.
Profession points per action: 24 points.
Teams: attack, magic, study, thing.

A knight who chose the dark side of the force. The dark knight is capable of skillfully handling a dark blade, and the “Soul Eater” skill allows him to transform his vitality in damage.

Opens with a water crystal.
Weapon: swords, katanas, daggers.
Equipment: shields, hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: soul eater
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 14 points.
Teams: attack, soul eater, defense, thing.

The Dragoon is skilled with spears, and the Jump ability allows him to inflict serious damage while being completely out of reach of the enemy.

Opens with a water crystal.
Weapon: spears.
Equipment: shields, hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: bounce.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 16 points.
Teams: attack, jump, defense, thing.

The Viking is able to protect the entire party from attacks, acting as bait.

Opens with a water crystal.
Weapon: axes, hammers.
Equipment: shields, hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: Bait.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 14 points.
Teams: attack, bait, defense, thing.

The caster is capable of using simple summoning magic, and can randomly attract both the light and dark side of summoned creatures.

Opens with a water crystal.
Weapon: staff.
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: summoning magic level 1 and 2.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 10 points.
Teams: attack, call, defense, thing.

The bard supports the party with his songs. The effect of the song depends on the harp used.

Opens with a water crystal.
Weapon: daggers, harps.
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: song.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 18 points.
Teams: attack, song, defense, thing.

A karateka is a master of bare-handed fighting. He can enhance his attack to deal more damage, but the third level of enhancement results in self-destruction.

Opens with an earth crystal.
Weapon: claws
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: gain.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 14 points.
Teams: attack, strengthening, defense, thing.

The shaman specializes in white magic. He can learn white magic of any level.

Opens with an earth crystal.
Weapon: staff.
Equipment: hats, armor.
Ability: white magic levels 1-8.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 10 points.
Teams: attack, magic, defense, thing.

The Magus specializes in destructive magic. He can learn black magic of any level.

Opens with an earth crystal.
Weapon: staff.
Equipment: hats, armor, accessories.
Ability: black magic levels 1-8.
Profession points per action: from level 1 to 14 - 20 points, after level 14 - 10 points.
Teams: attack, magic, defense, thing.

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Final Fantasy III NES Gameplay Longplay ( Complete walkthrough) Part 3



Gameplay Final Fantasy III on NES Dendy Nintendo Famicom Complete walkthrough Final Fantasy 3 nes on Dendy Dendy Famicom Final Fantasy III (Japanese: ファイナルファンタジーIII fainaru fantaji: suri: or fainaru fantaji: san?) is a Japanese role-playing game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) in 1990 for the Nintendo Family platform Computer. It is the third installment in the Final Fantasy video game series. The game, released in Japan on April 27, 1990, was not released in the West (the only one of all Final Fantasy games). Final Fantasy 3 was not officially published in Russia, but by the end of December 2008, a patch with a fan-made Russian translation was made for the NDS version. The translation patch for the Famicom version was also fully completed in 2005. Game process final fantasy III The gameplay of Final Fantasy III combines elements of the first two games as well as its own elements. Among the innovations we can note: - free change of character class to any of the available ones; growth of class levels (independent of the character’s level); - specialized class commands (such as “Revenge” for the Monk or “Bait” ​​for the Viking); - the “Summon” ability, which summons magical creatures (such as Leviathan or Bahamut) during battle; - the ability of the Thief to open locked doors without a key (must be at the head of the team). In general, in the FF3 game there are 4 permanent heroes, as well as several temporary ones (Sid, Princess Sarah, Dash, Elia, Prince Alus and others) and there are 23 professions to choose from: - Universal (initial); - Warrior, Monk, Thief, White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage - given by the Wind Crystal; - Archer, Knight, Scientist, Geomancer - given by Fire Crystal; - Dragoon, Viking, Dark Knight, Spellcaster, Bard - given by the Water Crystal; - Karateka, Shaman, Magus, Caller, Sage, Ninja - given by the Earth Crystal. And also the secret profession of the Onion Knight. The plot of Final Fantasy III The plot centers on a group of young people who are sucked into a crystal of light. He gives them some supernatural abilities and orders them to restore world balance. Development of Final Fantasy 3 nes Visually, Final Fantasy III is similar to Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II. Final Fantasy III greatly expands the gameplay by introducing a system of Professions, or Jobs, that can be changed during the course of the game. Another significant change in Final Fantasy III is the automatic target change system; If in previous games in the series a character attacks an enemy killed in the previous turn, he will simply punch the air and the message “Didn’t work” will appear. One of the noticeable changes is that the background color of all game menus and windows has been changed from black to blue. Also in Final Fantasy III, for the first time in the series, unique combat teams characters such as Summon, Throw and Jump. The best emulation site - Emu-land.net YouTube Partnership - https://bitly.com/10CR2uU YouTube Affiliate Program - https://bitly.com/10CR2uU

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"Gameplay Final Fantasy III on NES Dendy Nintendo Famicom
Complete walkthrough of Final Fantasy 3 nes on Dendy Dendy Famicom

Final Fantasy III (Japanese: ファイナルファンタジーIII fainaru fantaji: suri: or fainaru fantaji: san?) is a Japanese role-playing game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) in 1990 for the Nintendo Family Computer platform. It is the third installment in the Final Fantasy video game series. The game, released in Japan on April 27, 1990, was not released in the West (the only one of all Final Fantasy games).

Final Fantasy 3 was not officially published in Russia, but by the end of December 2008, a patch with a fan-made Russian translation was made for the NDS version. The translation patch for the Famicom version was also fully completed in 2005.

Final fantasy III gameplay
The gameplay of Final Fantasy III combines elements of the first two games, as well as its own elements. Among the innovations we can note:

Free change of character class to any of the available ones;
growth of class levels (independent of the character’s level);
- specialized class commands (such as “Revenge” for the Monk or “Bait” ​​for the Viking);
- the “Summon” ability, which summons magical creatures (such as Leviathan or Bahamut) during battle;
- the ability of the Thief to open locked doors without a key (must be at the head of the team).

In general, the FF3 game has 4 permanent heroes, as well as several temporary ones (Sid, Princess Sarah, Dash, Elia, Prince Alus and others) and there are 23 professions to choose from:

Universal (initial);
- Warrior, Monk, Thief, White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage - given by the Wind Crystal;
- Archer, Knight, Scientist, Geomancer - given by Fire Crystal;
- Dragoon, Viking, Dark Knight, Spellcaster, Bard - given by the Water Crystal;
- Karateka, Shaman, Magus, Caller, Sage, Ninja - given by the Earth Crystal.

And also the secret profession of the Onion Knight

The plot of Final Fantasy III
The plot centers on a group of young people who are sucked into a crystal of light. He gives them some supernatural abilities and orders them to restore world balance.

Development of Final Fantasy 3 nes

Visually, Final Fantasy III is similar to Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II. Final Fantasy III greatly expands the gameplay by introducing a system of Professions, or Jobs, that can be changed during the course of the game. Another significant change in Final Fantasy III is the automatic target change system; If in previous games in the series a character attacks an enemy killed in the previous turn, he will simply punch the air and the message “Didn’t work” will appear.

One of the noticeable changes is that the background color of all game menus and windows has been changed from black to blue. Final Fantasy III also introduced unique character combat commands, such as Summon, Throw, and Jump, for the first time in the series.

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As you know, for the series Final Fantasy the number three is sacred. was released in Japan under the number three, in addition, on each of the platforms on which FF appeared, three parts of the series were released, if you do not take into account the side lines. Of course, the part for which the number three was a serial number simply could not be an ordinary event. Final Fantasy III is a masterpiece of game design from 1990. This game is the best thing to appear on the NES; a game that got the most out of an aging console and then some. The game, which until now has undeservedly not been officially translated into English language and so far has only a fan translation.

About what Final Fantasy III? Its plot, in my opinion, became the basis of the plot for both. In any case, even if this is not the case, these games have something in common. The game world is a planet flooded with water, whose population is enchanted and sleeps on the bottom of the ocean, waiting for the arrival of heroes.
A flying continent hovers above this endless ocean, where the few people who escaped the magical sleep live. It is there that the heroes appear - four orphan boys who have to collect four elemental crystals in order to defeat evil and figure out what caused the flood. After all, it is known that in addition to the ordinary world, there is also a dark one, which is a counterweight to the light one. The main idea of ​​the game is that there must be the right amount of light and dark, good and evil in the world, because when one thing begins to dominate, the balance is upset and disasters occur. Agree, not a weak philosophical basis for an eight-bit RPG. The plot of the game is extremely fascinating and non-trivial - a lot of colorful heroes and villains, lots of dialogue, a huge variety of locations and means of transportation. It will not do without an extinct civilization (Cetra!), the legacy of ancient magicians and the mysterious dark force, which is the cause of all troubles. The passage takes at least 25-30 hours, which for such old game so many.

Unfortunately, the main characters are faceless in the image and likeness and have the name and appearance that the player chooses for them. However, they at least know how to talk and sometimes even joke. Another feature included in the game, apparently, to make the company of heroes seem less boring - as in our foursome, side heroes are constantly joining us. True, you can’t play as them - they just follow us and make various comments, sometimes useful, and sometimes just funny. There will be quite a lot of such heroes - I’ll especially mention the reckless princess Sarah and the resilient young adventurer Dash. Well, of course, it won’t do without Sid, who will (naturally) be a designer of flying ships. Unfortunately, the heroes will have to lose many friends (and how could they not, after all, this is Final Fantasy).

What can I say about the graphics? In my opinion, there are only two games on the NES whose beauty is not affected by the low power of the console, and which look much better than many 16-bit games. This, I'm sorry, Bubble Bobble 2(our favorite game! - editor's note) and the same Final Fantasy III. It's simply incredible that a game released on such a weak system can look so great! Cities, compared to previous parts, occupy simply huge areas; now you can enter houses and talk with residents (this opportunity only appeared fully in Final Fantasy III). I won’t even talk about the impeccable design of cities and dungeons, but I can’t help but express my admiration for the beauty of the world map and the backgrounds of the battle scenes. The enemies are drawn almost flawlessly and our heroes are also very good, because each class should be different from the others...

By the way, about the class system. Many people have played the game, but few people know that the class system (Jobs), which would later appear in the game, was first used in Final Fantasy III. Almost everything is the same there, only without an overly complicated system of “skills” - each hero can choose a profession to his liking, and then change it at any time. There are a lot of such classes - about the same as in . Some of these classes became know-how for the entire series Final Fantasy, say, dragoons and summoners. New professions appear according to the plot, some are necessary to complete a certain section of the game. For example, to defeat one of the bosses that constantly changes its strengths and weaknesses, you cannot do without a “scientist” who can easily find the weaknesses of enemies. Overall, Final Fantasy III has amazingly varied gameplay! The heroes have to either turn into toads in order to go through some stages, or reduce themselves to the size of a rat in order to escape from prison.

Some major changes also affected the fighting. Firstly (and this is just great!) finally, when one hero kills an enemy, and the second is targeting the same enemy, his attack is not wasted, but is simply transferred to the next enemy. Despite the fact that the battles are still turn-based (semi-real time will appear only in the fourth part), thanks to this innovation they have become much more dynamic. Now in battle the character can use any item from the inventory, and not just those he is wearing. A lot of items have appeared that can be used to cause damage to enemies in battle. The magic system has changed radically. Most of all, it resembles the matter system from, although the word “matter” is not used in the game. What is especially important is that it was Final Fantasy III that gave the world Summoned monsters, without which Final Fantasy today would not be Final Fantasy at all. It must be said that since their first appearance in 1990, they and their functions have changed little - the same beloved Ifrit, Shiva, Bahamut and other “freaks” and even their attacks remain the same.

Final Fantasy III also gave the world Mogs - it was there that these strange creatures that looked like white winged kittens first appeared. Also in the amazing fairy-tale world live people, elves, midget midgets, fairies and gnomes (the last three races will also appear in). And, of course, you can’t avoid meeting chocobos, who now come in two varieties – regular and fat! Fat chocobos can be used as a warehouse, giving them to be eaten extra items, which do not fit into the inventory (we don’t even want to know how the items are then removed from there - editor’s note). Well, of course, you can ride on regular ones. And besides this, the heroes will have to change a lot of vehicles - a canoe, a Viking ship, four types of flying ships and even a submarine.
Alas, even such a wonderful game could not do without serious shortcomings. The main drawback of FF3 is, perhaps, the game balance. It is clear that in such a complex and multi-level game it is impossible to calculate the difficulty for all stages, but still... The difficulty level at first seems average, but sometimes it gives way to extremely high, and sometimes offensively easy. And at the end of the game, when the series of final bosses begins, the difficulty generally goes beyond all limits. Have you fought with Omega Weapon? So, compared to the final boss of Final Fantasy III, Omega is a mere baby!! Even leveling up won’t save you here, only a scrupulous selection of classes and a search for the necessary items. By the way, in Final Fantasy III there is simply a huge number of optional quests that help you find rare weapons and Summoned creatures. It is thanks to them that it is still possible to come to the end of the game in proper form, and not as complete weaklings.

This is how the game appears before us, closing the era of eight-bit Final Fantasy. You may not believe me, but despite his advanced age Final Fantasy III and now can attract the attention of any connoisseur of good games. This game has a bright, memorable plot, interesting gameplay, is easy to learn, but difficult to complete. Let the fans forgive me, but I'm not afraid to say that Final Fantasy III is the best RPG for the NES.

Written By : Autumn Sakura

For convenience, the passage is divided into chapters, but this division is purely arbitrary and is intended only to facilitate reading, as are the chapter titles. The choice of professions is carried out in such a way as to maintain an ideal balance in the team.

The old gurgan said that the earthquake that pulled the Crystals underground and the crowds of monsters that flooded the world were just an omen of the coming of Darkness. However, all is not lost. From the side of the Light will come four... warriors? No! Mages? No! Four orphans raised by a priest named Topapa from the remote village of Ur. They themselves do not even suspect this yet, just as they do not suspect that one of the Crystals fell underground very close to their house. One day the boys decided to explore a small cave...

Chapter 1. Children in a cave

Give the guys names (they don't have plot names). During their speleological explorations, they fell into a cave. All the guys have a profession Onion Child(there are simply no others), armed with Knife, equipped with Cloth and Leather Helm, and have no money with them. They barely had time to look around and quarrel slightly when they had to take up their knives: the group was attacked by goblins. Their number varies from 1 to 4, but in any case, killing enemies is not easy, but very simple. It's time to look for a way out of the cave!

1st floor. Go north and grab the Potion and Leather Shield from the chests. When you go up even further, one of the guys will notice that the stone in front of you is not like the others. Push it and the wall on the right will disappear. Grab another Leather Shield and go up the stairs.
2nd floor. From the entrance, go left and grab the SouthWind in the chest, then right to grab the Potion. Finally, head north, grab another Potion and head east to the chest and spring. The chest contains SouthWind, a spring that, if you drink from it, will completely heal the entire team. Wander around the cave until the party reaches at least level 4. Drink from the spring and move west from it, past the fork to the stairs.
Wind Crystal Room. Approach the Crystal - the heroes are attacked by its guard.

Boss: Turtle
HP: 120 . EXP: 132 . Gil: 500 . Weakness: Ice element. Special Attacks: No.

Don't waste your Southwind - the turtle can be easily knocked out with physical attacks alone. She has little health and weak blows. True, your heroes are also weak so far, so they will take at most 10 hits at a time. In three or four moves you will kill the boss. If suddenly one of the guys is seriously wounded, do not waste Potion, but simply move him to the back row and finish off the enemy without him.

After defeating the guard, talk to Wind Crystal; he will delight the guys with the message that they are Warriors of Light, chosen for the war against Evil, etc., etc., and will give them his powers - professions Fighter, Monk, White Wizard, Black Wizard And Red Wizard. Stand on the Star of David teleporter and it will take you outside. Let the heroes choose new professions for themselves; The currently recommended command is Fighter, Monk, White and Black Wizards. Move the Wizards to the back row. Once at the entrance to the cave, enter it again.

Altar Cave
Recommended level: 4
1st floor. Go south and turn into the notch on the right; go through the false east wall and take a thousand coins from each chest, then go back through the wall and go down to the floor below.
2nd floor. Walking along the corridor to the west, grab the equipment lying in five chests: two Long Swords (give both to the Fighter), Copper Ring (for the White Wizard), Nunchuck and the Sleep spell. The hole in the middle of the pile of skulls is the same one that the team fell into before the start of the game. Return to the cave exit.

To the south of you is your native village Ur, where you should go. Elder Topapa, your adoptive father, lives in the house to the left of the entrance. Give the old man standing outside the house a Potion (he'll thank you with EchoHerb), then enter. The source to the left of the central room restores the team's HP and MP, the source to the right resurrects the dead. Topapa is waiting for you in the very central room - get his blessing for the war against the Darkness. Before you go on a hike, you need to be properly prepared. The city provides you with the services of the following institutions: Weapon Shop, Armor Shop, Magic Shop and Hotel. The latter combines its main function with trading items. All these establishments, as well as the resurrection source, are present in all populated areas. The hotel in Ur is free, so get some rest first.

To the east of the Hotel there is a well, and next to it is an old woman. Go through the forest at a point located on the same horizontal line with the old woman, go down into the well and pick up three Potions. Once outside, head north along the path between the trees; there is another one in the bushes at the extreme northern point. Return to the city center and move north past the Weapon Shop, then west. There are monsters in this part of the city, so be careful! Inside the small warehouse, grab a couple of Antidotes from the outermost pots of the second and fourth row, then pull the rightmost torch, go right and go up the stairs. Collect treasures: Long Sword, two Leather Vests (for Fighter and Monk), Dagger (for Black Wizard) and the Cure spell (for the White Wizard). Get out (switch is hidden north of the wall) and wander around until you level up your team to level 6. In the Weapon Store, buy a pair of Staff for the White Wizard and Nunchuck for the Monk; equip your heroes two everyone's weapons. From the Armor Store, get two Leather Vests for your Wizards and a Copper Ring for Black. In the Magic Store, purchase the Pure spell for the White Wizard. Finally, sell off your excess gear and buy 10 EyeDrops, 4 Antidotes, and a few Potions from the item merchant. Rest in the Inn (the top pot in the room behind the hostess contains a Potion) and leave Ur.

Go south to a small town Incident. An unpleasant incident happened to its residents;) - they turned into ghosts. Shops, of course, are closed. Talk to the man by the fire, he will say that the city is cursed. Go to the Hotel; the ghosts there will tell you that they were cursed by the Genie who had broken free, and that they can only be sealed back mithril ring, worn by Princess Sarah of Sassoun Castle. Talk to the ghost standing calmly at the counter. This is Sid, the famous aircraft designer from Kanaan. In exchange for a promise to help, he will lend you his airship, hidden in the desert west of the city. Before going there, stop by the house north of the Inn and pick up the Potion from the middle pot; then go to the nameless building by the store block. You can walk through the forest one step south of his door; Following the forest path to the north, you will find two chests disguised as bushes with Zeus" Rage and Mithril Helm (for Fighter), and turning west - another disguised chest with a Staff.

Now leave the city and move due west into the desert. You will find airship Sida. Go to the steering wheel and spin it to take off. an airship allows you to move quite quickly, and without boring random fights with monsters - they simply cannot attack a flying ship. But it can’t land everywhere, but only on plains and fields. He is also incapable of overcoming mountains, and since the entire starting area is surrounded by mountains, he won’t be able to fly away much. Head north-west, in Sasun Castle.

The guard at the gate will report that here, too, the brute Genie has turned everyone into ghosts. Enter the central door and go up the three stairs to the throne room, where you will talk to the ghost of the king. He will ask you to deal with the Genie, entrenched in the Seal Cave north of the castle. The mithril ring, which can be used to seal him, is worn by Princess Sarah... who was allegedly kidnapped by the same Genie. After the conversation, go down 2 screens, go through the false wall to the west of the stairs, then through the other one (in the southwest corner), follow the invisible path along the perimeter of the floor to the southeast corner and through the hole in the wall return to the visible area. Going upstairs now, you will find yourself in a room with a Leather Shield and an Ice spell (for Black Wizard), and when you go down, you will find two chests with a thousand Gil in each. Return to the castle gate and enter the right tower. Climb the two stairs, take two packs of arrows (Wooden and Holy Arrows), then go even higher to Sarah's room. You can rest in her bed; the chests contain Bow, Wooden Arrows and Potion. Go down to the very bottom and enter the left tower. Climb up twice, take a pack of Wooden and Holy Arrows from the chests and climb even higher. Zombies live in the towers, be on your guard! The chest at the top of the tower, guarded by a griffin, contains a WightSlayer. Having taken it, practice on monsters until you get your team to level 7, then go downstairs and leave the castle.
Fly to Ur to rest, then return to Sasun and head north. After flying across the small lake, land and enter the cave.

Cave of the Seal
Recommended level: 7-8
1st floor. The cave is densely populated by evil spirits, so a White Wizard is definitely needed here. If your second mage is Black, equip him with a bow with holy arrows, if Red - with the WightSlayer sword. Go south and pick up the Potion, then go back a little and head east. At the dead end north of the road, take the Cure book, turn south and go to the stairs.
2nd floor. Immediately grab the 500 Gil in the chest and push the skull in the northeast corner. When part of the wall disappears, go along the invisible passage that has opened and meet Princess Sarah. She went to save her castle, but because of the monsters she didn’t get far. She has a mithril ring with her, but she won't give it to you, but instead will join the team (now she will trail behind you until the end of the cave). Go downstairs.
3rd floor. Move south, at the fork again select the southern passage and assign SouthWind at the end of it. Return to the fork and take the northern path. On the way, don't forget to grab an EyeDrop from the chest among the skulls. At the end of the route you will be greeted by the Genie; Sarah will try to seal him with her ring again, but to no avail - he has become too strong. There is only one way out: to hang him with a lula.

Boss: Genie
HP: 480 . EXP: 160 . Gil: 700 . Weakness: Ice element. Treatment: element of Fire. Special Attacks: Fire.

Despite the "alliance with the forces of Darkness", the Djinn does not pose a threat to the group. His physical attacks and Fire spell cost a measly 30-40 HP. True, physical attacks are also of little use against him, since he is hard to hit. Use his weakness against Ice. The Fighter and Monk constantly attack melee, the White Wizard uses SouthWind on his first move, which will deprive the enemy of a good half of his health, and then heals the wounded, and the Black Wizard casts Ice every turn, causing 50-70 points of damage. After a few moves the boss will be defeated.

Sarah will seal the weakened Genie, teleport the team to Sassun Castle and, by dipping the ring into an underground spring, remove the curse from the inhabitants. Go up to the throne room and talk with the king: he will present you canoe. In it, the team will be able to swim along rivers and lakes, and the canoe can be launched anywhere. Leaving the castle, swim across the lake near the Seal Cave, board the airship and fly to Kazus.

Now the shops are functioning, and the Hotel is free. As soon as you enter the city, Sid will run out and ask you to take him to Kanaan and join the team. For now, the air corridor to Kanaan is blocked by a huge stone. Talk to Sid a few times and he will recommend installing a ram on the ship, which can be done by the local blacksmith Taka. He lives in a house north of the Hotel and, at Sid’s first request, he will instantly arrange everything. Even further north is the entrance to the mithril mine: go inside, move all the way north and feel the third section of the northern wall from the left. Behind the opened passage there is a long corridor that will end with two chests with Mithril Swords - arm the Fighter with them and leave. Buy the Black Wizard a Mithril Knife and the Fire spell, and the Fighter - Mithril Armor and Gloves. Leave the city, board the airship and fly west to the stone blocking the road. The ship will successfully ram the stone, smashing it into dust, but it will also fall to pieces. Then you will have to get there on your own. Go south to the town Kanaan.

After the first step, Sid will leave the team and go on personal business, finally advising him to turn to the King of Argass for the secret of the airships. Explore the city; The hotel here charges 40 Gil per night. Among the trading establishments, we will only need the Magic Shop, where we need to buy the Bolt spell for the Black Wizard. From there, go north and go down into the lake in the northeast corner, then go west and slide down the waterfall (while losing HP) and continue along the channel until you reach a small island in the southeast corner. Elixir is hidden in the bushes here - take it and get out onto land. Now let's go visit Sid (his house is in the northwestern corner of the city). Sid's wife is very sick; she needs a rare medicine Elixir. And we just found it! Give the old woman the elixir and she will instantly recover. Grateful Sid will invite you to go to his warehouse. Pull the candle to the left of the bed, cross the dark passage and go downstairs. There are a whole dozen chests in the warehouse: from the nearest four, take Iron Arrows, Soft, FenixDown and the Blind book, from the four in the west - Great Bow, Potion and two doses of MidgBread, then go through the water to the lower right corner. The eastern wall of the corner is false, behind it are hidden the last four chests with Iron Arrows, Fenix ​​Down, Soft and Potion. Get up. Sarina lives in the house behind the right door of the hotel building; she is very upset that her beloved Desh climbed the mountain where the dragon lives. Grab the LuckMallet from the pot by the fireplace, sell your excess gear, and leave.

Road to the top
Recommended level: 8-10
It wouldn’t hurt for us to climb after Desh. Kanaan stands right at the foot of this mountain, and a fairly convenient, albeit unsafe, road leads to its top. At the beginning of your ascent, a large dragon will appear before your eyes. Follow the winding path to the first fork, deviate south along it and take the Soft hidden in the chest. Now go all the way north and at the dead end take the book Aero - a useful spell for the White Wizard. Go down a little to the south and go west; at the place where the path turns north, grab another Soft, then go up north and exit the map. If you try to climb even higher, the dragon will return, grab the team and drag you to its nest. Examine the fire burning in the nest, and a warrior will emerge from it, none other than Desh. Apart from his name, he remembers almost nothing else - except that he must do something (what exactly is shrouded in the darkness of oblivion). Your interesting conversation will be interrupted by the returning dragon, after which the battle will begin!

Boss: Bahamut
*Boss stats*: but does it matter?

When you see the dragon approaching, Desh will give you valuable advice: RUN! Defeat Bahamut (no cheating) you won't be able to anyway: he has 60 thousand HP, almost impenetrable defense and high resistance to magic. He hits, however, surprisingly weakly (the damage is expressed in single digits), but this will not help you much, so aim all the characters to hide.

When you escape from Bahamut, Desh will give you the Mini spell (for the White Wizard) and joins the team, after which all five jump off the top of the mountain.

Chapter 2. Sea voyages

After a successful landing, look into the woods nearby, there are three springs there (resurrection, replenishment of strength and removal of statuses), and also wanders the Lilliputian. He will tell you about the Lilliputian town located in the forest in the south. Once out of the spring forest, head south to a much larger forest. The town of Lilliputians is hidden in the northwestern point of its southern part. Tozas, but only the Lilliputians themselves can enter it, so first apply Mini to all team. After this, it makes sense to put all the characters in the back row and either fight exclusively with magic, or avoid the monsters altogether. You will now be able to infiltrate Tozas.

The Lilliputian Inn will cost you 80 Gil. The only shops here are Magic and a bakery selling MidgBread; buy five of them. In the northwestern corner of the city is the house of Dr. Shelko. First, collect the Cure2, Burning Staff and Mithril Ring spells from the shelves (for the White Wizard), as well as Cloth, then talk to the doctor himself. He lies in bed and tosses his stomach. Cure the patient by giving him Antidote, and he will open a secret path to Miraluku. Go down the stairs and pick up the Mithril Wand and Mithril Ring (for Black Wizard) and go down even lower to Secret Road. Walk in a straight line, destroying enemies with combat magic, then climb the stairs and move in a straight line again until you reach the exit. Return the team to normal size, if the Monk has reached level 9, take away his nunchucks. Enter the cave in the north, which contains viking base.

Local service is provided only by the Hotel (40 Gil), where the magic merchant is located. Go right along the corridor. Do you see the chest? The brick wall north of it is fake, and there is 300 Gil inside. The Vikings will complain that the sea dragon has gone crazy after the earthquake and is preventing them from going out to sea. Climb the stairs, go left, go into the small recess in the south and, after passing through the false wall, go down. An old Viking will tell you about Nepto, a sea dragon who lived in a tomb and went berserk after an earthquake. The two chests next to it contain 300 Gil each. Return upstairs and look into another recess, to the right of the stairs. Take two steps from it south through the wall, then go all the way east, then south, then west - to three chests with the spells Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2 (teach all three to the Black Wizard). To the east of the entrance, a Viking leader lives with two girls. He will offer you a deal: the team will eliminate the sea dragon, and he will give you the Enterprise ship. Go north and exit the base.

The "Enterprise" is laid up, but don't even think about boarding it! If you swim even a little from the shore, the team will be attacked by Nepto. Possessing a defense comparable to Bakhamut's, he kills any hero with one hit and cannot be escaped. Getting involved in a fight with him is certain death. Instead, head northwest and enter Nepto's tomb.

Nepto's Tomb
Recommended level: 10-11
Inside is a statue of Nepto with one empty eye socket. Cast Mini on the whole team, move all the heroes to the back row and crawl into the eye socket.
1st floor. The enemies here are not shy about using magic, so sometimes it’s better to run away. Walk along the narrow bridge until you see two holes in the floor. Dive first to the left, take Carapace Armor and Carapace Helm from the chests (for Fighter), go back and climb into the right hole.
2nd floor. Search the chest for the Serpent Sword item for the Fighter and dive into the next hole.
3rd floor. Just follow the linear corridor until you eventually come across a healthy rat. Heal the heroes and talk to her: the rat stole the gem that served as the eye of the Nepto statue and is not going to return it.

Boss: Giant Rat
HP: 450 . EXP: 240 . Gil: 1000 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2.

Due to the state of the heroes, physical attacks are meaningless, and the magic of the first two levels causes too little damage. The first fiddle will be played by the Black Wizard - his 3rd level spells are capable, if you're lucky, of inflicting over 100 damage. damage; let the entire stock be shot, and then move on to the magic of lower levels. The White Wizard can cast Aero and heal the wounded - the Rat's elemental attacks will take about one and a half hundred HP. Heroes of military professions can only use SouthWind or Zeus" Rage to quickly fry the enemy. In fact, this battle is better to be carried out by a group of magicians, but if you are too lazy to change professions (like me), then it’s quite possible to win anyway.

Pick up a trophy Nepto's eye, return to the 1st floor and climb out through the eye socket. Return the team to normal size and insert the stone into the eye socket. Nepto will thank you for returning his mind and reward you Fang of Water. Stop by the Viking Inn and relax; the leader will confirm the transfer of the "Enterprise" to you as a token of gratitude. Go outside and climb aboard the ship - it moves quickly across the seas, but cannot swim along rivers and lakes (it is too shallow for it there). You can moor to the shore anywhere. Sail northwest from the tomb to Argass Castle.

The castle is empty, and there is little of interest here. Go up two screens to the north and pull the rightmost torch. Follow the dark corridor that opens until you hit a wall, then move south through the false piece of wall and follow the dark corridor through the second false piece into a room with three chests, 1000 Gil in each. Go up the stairs and search all the chests in the room - two will contain a hundred coins, one will contain one and a half thousand, and three will contain three thousand. Return to the room with three torches and go up the stairs to the Round Table room. There is a thick column to the right of the table, enter it from the north and pick up SouthWind and BombShard. The hole in the wall between these chests will lead you to the Paralyzer. We will come back here later, but for now we leave the castle, board a ship and sail south to the village Tockle.

The village is in chaos: the buildings are badly damaged, people are scared out of their wits. Go to the first house and talk to the frightened kid; when he runs into the fireplace, follow him. His mother will say that Tokkle was plundered by soldiers with signs of Argassian government. There are, naturally, no service establishments; All that remains is to ransack the village and rob what the soldiers did not manage to do. In the northwest corner, Tokkla is hidden in the LamiaScale bushes. To the right of it stands the elder's house; look inside, go through the fireplace and take the 3-Part Nunchucks in the far right pot in the secret room, and take the Kenpo Vest and FenixDown from the chests. Equip the Monk with two nunchucks, one of which is the new three-piece, and equip him with the Kenpo Vest. Once outside, head to the southwest corner - a grassy dead-end path hides Gods" Wine. North of it in the bushes lies Great Bow. Finally, a patch of grass in the middle of the eastern border of the village will be shared by Freezing Staff (for the White Wizard). Leave Tokkla.

Head west through the desert. Walking along the isthmus located behind it, you will see a forest, and behind it - village of the Ancients. A hotel here will cost 120 Gil. The village boasts luxury shops: get a second Serpent Sword from the gunsmith (for Fighter), in the Armor Store buy him a Flame Mail, a Monk - a Headband, and both Wizards - Wizard Robes. In the Magic Store, purchase all new spells for your White Mage - Sight, Exit and Wash. After wandering around, level up your team to level 11, or better yet, level 12 and return to the ship.

To the east of the village of the Ancients there is a forest chocobo. You can catch one for yourself. It allows you to travel anywhere a person can go, but at a significantly higher speed and without boring random fights (monsters don’t catch up with him). True, if you get off the chocobo, it will immediately run away to its native grove.
Sail to Argass Castle and go west from it. Once you hit the mountains, turn north until you reach a mountain pass. Follow it southwest and enter the cave (there is another chocobo forest to the northwest). This gurgan valley- soothsayers. Those ten that are standing in a circle near the crystal balls will not say anything worthwhile, so go down the stairs and talk to the main gurgan - he will present the Toad spell to the group (for the White Wizard) and will send her to Owen's Tower, where Desh will fulfill his destiny. Return to the ship and sail (or ride a chocobo) north from Argass Castle. It's worth it there Owen's Tower; The spillway next to it is blocked by a whirlpool.

Owen's Tower
Recommended level: 11-12
Entering from the west inside the building that occupies almost the entire floor, approach the dead end at its right wall. One of the heroes will notice that only a toad can swim through the flooded dead-end tunnel. Cast on the entire Toad team, and the heroes will be able to get inside the tower.
1st floor. Return the characters to their normal appearance and move up the stairs.
2nd floor. Cross the bridge and, grabbing the MaidKiss on the right, go up the stairs on the left.
3rd floor. Go east, cross the bridge and onto the stairs.
4th floor. Go down two bridges, then along the third - to the southeast corner for Tyrving Sword, then to the southwest corner and onto the stairs.
5th floor. Talk to Desh - he will tell you that there is a switch hidden behind the eighth gear from the left. Pull it and step into the opened passage. After passing the stairs, pick up the MaidKiss and go up further.
6th floor. Move west, cross the long bridge and up the stairs.
7th floor. The chests to the right of the entrance contain a BombShard and an EchoHerb. A few steps north there is a staircase up.
8th floor. We go along the bridges - first to the northeastern corner behind EchoHerb, then to the southwestern corner - to the stairs.
9th floor. Go west and open two chests - in the northwest corner you will get a Flame Mail, and to the west of the entrance is a Salamander Sword for a Fighter. The staircase is in the southeast, pick up Zeus" Rage on the way to it.
10th floor. Talk to Medusa standing in your way. On the orders of some Sir Zande, she is going to bring down the Tower, which will destroy the entire continent. She needs to be stopped!

Boss: Jellyfish
HP: 980 . EXP: 360 . Gil: 1200 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Break. Resistance: Black Magic.

Medusa is not capable of normal physical attacks at all. All she can do is methodically, move by move, cast on one of the Break characters. As a rule, this spell is not successful, and the enemy essentially misses turns. If it suddenly worked, the petrification process lasts several turns, and you may well have time to kill her. As a last resort, use Soft bottles. Medusa has very good resistance to Black Magic, so the Wizards rest in this battle. A fighter and a Monk together are capable of inflicting at least 200 damage to the boss. damage per turn, so the killing process will take four to five turns.

Examine the burning flame, and then Desh's memory will return. He will be the only surviving guard of the Owen Tower and will climb to repair the damaged reactor of the tower, advising you to go to the island of the gnomes, for the Fire Crystal. Jumping into the reactor, Desh teleports the team outside.

The whirlpool disappeared. Go into the strait and swim east, then turn south and swim until you see a city at the foot of the mountains on the eastern shore. This is a peasant town Gisal. The local hotel requires 120 Gil per stay, most shops are absent. First, go to the Magic Store and buy a single spell for the Black Wizard there - Ice3. In the house to the right of it is a chocobo farm, its owner will give you advice: to summon Fat Chocobo, you need to put the Carrot in the trees in the middle of the chocobo forest. There are a couple of these Carrots sitting in pots on the farm. To the north of the farm there is a rather specific store: they sell keys here. Buy a dozen Magic Keys, then go to the southeast corner of town and search two patches of grass to find a couple more. Board the ship and return to Owen's Tower.

Chapter 3. The Dwarves and the Liberation of Argassus

Continue sailing west past Owen's Tower until you see a crescent-shaped island with two caves. At the moment we are only interested in the southern one, Cave of the Dwarves- enter it. Here for 80 Gil you can relax and go shopping for weapons and armor. Go downstairs to the main room and ask the gnomes - they will complain that the nasty Guzko whistled one of their two precious Ice Horns. Buy another 3-Part Nunchucks and equip the Monk with two of them. From the main room, go down the western stairs, approach the lake and turn into frogs.

underground lake
Recommended level: 12-13
1st floor. When the team gets here, the first thing you need to do is turn back into people. Head south, then east, take the Soft in the chest and go through the false wall (you can see a crack on it), then go down.
2nd floor. After capturing the Zeus "Rage, go south and pick up another one. To the west of it lies a Soft. Head north along the bridge, pick up another Soft and go down.
3rd floor. After going west, improve your condition by 300 Gil, then move north and take the same amount. The thief who stole the Horn of the Dwarves is standing nearby. Heal yourself before talking, because he doesn’t want to give up what was stolen.

Boss: Guzko
HP: 1400 . EXP: 500 . Gil: 1500 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Fire2. Immunity: to the element of Ice.

The enemy is of average difficulty. Guzko deals 50-80 points of damage with his physical attacks and sometimes, for the sake of variety, uses Fire2 with about the same effect. Ice elemental spells are simply useless against him, and other combat magic causes too little damage - about 30-50 HP per best case scenario. As in the case of Medusa, the Fighter and Monk dominate here, demolishing 200-300 HP per turn for the pair. The White Wizard works as a healer, and the Black Wizard rests. As long as melee fighters stay on their feet, the boss's health will steadily decrease.

Take the kidnapped Horn and return to the Dwarven Cave. A strange white piece will follow you on your heels. In the main room, the team will be allowed to approach the altar and place the Horn on it, which is what they must do. The horns should be symmetrical relative to the center. Guzko, who suddenly appears, will impudently pull off *both* Horns and run away into the Cave of Flame, seeking the power of the Fire Crystal. It turns out that he, in the form of this white piece, followed the group, hiding in its shadows. Go to the Armor Store and buy *all* pieces of the ice set - Ice Armor, Ice Helm and Ice Shield to equip the Fighter with them. After resting at the hotel, go outside and swim to the northern cave of the island.

Cave of Flames
Recommended level: 14-15
1st floor. Go west past the stairs leading into the lava and grab the SouthWind in the chest, then go back and enter the lava (don’t worry, heroes, oddly enough, will not lose health). At the fork, first go right - there is another SouthWind, and then go left, to the stairs down.
2nd floor. Enter the lava and head south, ignoring the waterfall. At the end of the road you will find an IceBlade, which you should immediately equip the Fighter with - it will deal additional damage. damage to almost all local monsters. Go back and go under the waterfall (you will lose HP), after it turn south and take the HiPotion at the end of the path. Return to the fork at the waterfall and head north, there is a dead end with a HiPotion and a path to the stairs.
3rd floor. At the first fork, go west first and take the Potion, then head north. Taking the HiPotion, push the conspicuous stone - a secret passage will open. It leads to a small room with a single door - follow there.
Fire Crystal Room. Approach Guzko. He got ahead of you and grabbed the power of the Crystal for himself, but not completely. He can take the rest only by killing the heroes. With these words, the transformed Guzko will rush into battle.

Boss: Salamander
HP: 2100 . EXP: 700 . Gil: 1800 . Weakness: Ice element. Special Attacks: Flame.

The Salamander very rarely uses physical attacks, which is understandable: the damage from them is low. Instead, he casts Flame on the team every turn, taking away one and a half hundred HP from each character. The only exception is the Fighter, clad from head to toe in ice armor; Flame will deal 10-50 damage to him. damage, and physical attacks are generally 1 unit. Get ready for the fact that in a few turns all the heroes except the Fighter will be dead. You need to keep them in combat readiness for as long as possible in order to cause maximum damage to the Salamander. The White Wizard must cast Cure2 on the team every turn, and the Black Wizard must hit the enemy with Ice3 (for some unknown reason it does not always work or causes disproportionately little damage, but if it works properly, it will remove 300-400 hit points). You can use SouthWind if you have time. The Fighter and the Monk fight hand-to-hand. By the time the three heroes die, the Salamander will have lost more than a thousand HP. The Fighter will complete the rest - it will take time, but the boss will not be able to cause him serious damage. If you need to heal, drink HiPotion.

Talk with Fire Crystal. He will give you the powers of Light contained in him: professions Hunter, Knight, Thief and Scientist. Step on the teleporter and be transported outside, then return to the Dwarven Cave. As soon as you take a few steps inside, a breathless messenger from Tokkla appears. He will report that they want to burn the village and ask the Warriors of Light for help. Before he disappears, he will say that Hein knows how to change his weaknesses. Before jumping to Tokkl, go down to the main room of the cave and talk with the cheerful gnomes. One of them will give you a Magic Key. The other one, standing at the southeast stairs, will go down these stairs and remove the stone that was blocking the path to the dwarven treasures. Walk along two rows of chests, collecting rewards: Otterhead, Elixir, Gauntlet, Killer Bow, EchoHerb, Soft, Scholar Outfit, Scholar Hat, Fire Book, Ice Book, Light Book, Knight Armor, Hero Shield, Carrot and 2 Fenix ​​Down. Repurpose a Fighter into Knight and equip it with Salamander Sword, IceBlade, Ice Helm, Knight Armor and Gauntlet. Save one set of Scientist equipment, sell unnecessary equipment and level up to at least level 15. After resting at the hotel, return to Tokkl (swim east to Owen's Tower, then south).

As soon as the team takes a few steps deeper into the village, they will be paralyzed by hostile magic. The soldiers of a certain Sir Hein will come running from all sides, shackle the heroes and drag them into the dungeon of their master’s castle.

Haina Castle
Recommended level: 15-16
1st floor. The castle, as you can see, has a wooden structure. This is the tree torn from the Living Forest (you could see it flying through the desert when you walked to the village of the Ancients). Talk to your cellmates. One of them is King Argass, betrayed and imprisoned by his ex-minister Hein. He, with the help of witchcraft, enslaved the minds of the soldiers and seized power. Since we still need to be saved, we can at the same time get even with the scoundrel. A dying soldier in red armor will give you a LuckMallet and advise you to escape through the hole in the upper left corner of the cell. Shrink the heroes using the familiar method and climb into the hole.
2nd floor. It's worth saving the Black Magic in Hain's castle - it will come in handy in the end. Immediately increase the heroes and go to the center of the floor. The chest to the south contains 20 Holy Arrows, and going through the false wall to the west will lead to a room with a Fenix ​​Down and a ladder to the top.
3rd floor. First of all, you will see three doors. For the left one you can take 100 and 30 Gil, for the middle one - 3000 and 3300 Gil, for the right one - Fenix ​​Down and Zeus "Rage. Go around the large room around the perimeter and enter the door in the middle of the northern wall. There will be a chest right in front of you - change Salamander Sword Knight onto the King Sword lying there, then go through the false wall to the west and up the stairs.
4th floor. Follow the north wall east and grab the Fenix ​​Down, then head south and up the stairs.
5th floor. Head north past the door to pick up the Rune Bow, then go back and go through the door. Hein will meet you there personally. Before talking with him, heal the heroes and change the Monk's profession to Scientist, issuing the appropriate equipment.

Boss: Hein
HP: 1600 . EXP: 1040 . Gil: 2100 . Weakness: is changing. Special Attacks: Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2, WallChange. Treatment: different elements. Resistance: to physical attacks.

Hein does not stoop to physical attacks, but constantly hits heroes with elemental magic, removing 100-150 HP. It’s pointless to hit him in hand-to-hand combat - most attacks simply won’t reach the target, and those that do hit will take away, at best, a measly two dozen hit points. The only one who can really damage the boss is the Black Wizard. Here you need to act wisely, after preliminary reconnaissance. Hein absorbs all elemental spells except one, and every third round, instead of attacking, he uses WallChange, which changes his weak point. Accordingly, as soon as he casts WallChange, use the Scientist command Scan- and find out what’s new vulnerable spot enemy. The next two turns, the Black Wizard fires at the boss with the strongest spells of the indicated element, then Scan again, repeating the process in a cycle. If suddenly Hein turns out to be weak against the Ice element, this is a great success; it will be possible to bomb him with Ice3 and SouthWind. The White Wizard heals the wounded, and the Knight takes part of the damage. If everything is in order with the black spells, the scoundrel will soon throw off his hooves.

The tree that Hein used for the castle will thank you for saving it. The released prisoners, led by the king, will do the same, after which the Tree will take the team to Living Forest. Forest fairies will give you Wind Fang. Change Scientist to Monk and head southeast to your ship. Sail to Argass Castle.

Climb in a straight line to the very top of the castle, to the Hall of the Round Table, and talk with the king. He will give you Gear of Time with instructions to take it to Sid in Canaan. Now go down to the room with 4 torches, pull the right one, go along the secret passage to the room with six chests and go up even higher. Go east then north and unlock the green door in the northeast corner (you will need either a Magic Key or a Thief leading the team). In the room behind it you can get a pack of Ice Arrows, a pack of Fire Arrows, Scholar Outfit, Ice Book, Flame Book and Light Book. Now go west and unlock the green door in the northwest corner. Shoot a couple of Elixirs from the white mage, then stand at the eastern wall and examine the area to the south of you. The wall will disappear, revealing the Killer Bow and two packs of arrows - Medusa Arrows and Bolt Arrows. Leave Argass and sail to Canaan (north of the Viking base).

Enter Sid's house and show him Gear of Time- he will add her to the "Enterprise", turning it into airship! He moves quite quickly over any terrain, with the exception of mountains, and without boring random fights with monsters - they cannot attack a flying ship. The Enterprise also retained its seaworthiness, so it turned out to be something like a seaplane. The only problem is that it doesn’t know how to land, only splash down, and then only at sea.
As a training flight, visit the village of the Ancients; buy one or two dozen Bolt Arrows, Flame Mail and 99 Potions there. You can look into the chocobo forest and stick Carrot in the thick of the trees in the middle of the location (where it smells like birds), try the services Fat Chocobo- you can put unnecessary objects in his belly, and then take them out. The volume of this natural warehouse is 32 stacks, the shelf life is unlimited. Fly in any direction to the edge of the map, after which the team on the airship will leave their home Flying Continent.

Chapter 4. Sunken World

The Flying Continent hangs over a huge endless sea. Not only the eye, but also the spell Sight sees only water around. You will have to fly almost at random. Let's try to go... well, let's say, to the northwest. Soon you will reach a large island with a temple in the middle. From here, head north, heading west a little. Check the course on the map during the flight. You must discover the island near which the ship crashed. Splash down, land on the shore and climb onto it.

Follow the straight path, going down two stairs in the process. At the end of the path there are two chests (Blood Sword and Zeus "Rage), an old man and a sick girl. Clear the chests, interview the old man (you will find out that the Flying Continent is only a piece of the world that survived the earthquake, the rest was swallowed up by the sea), cure the girl by giving her a drink her Antidote. Elia, the priestess of the Water Temple, will sense the Warriors of Light in you and ask you to help her connect the broken piece of the Water Crystal with the Crystal itself. After your consent, she will join the team. Return to the "Enterprise" and fly back to the island with the temple - this and There is Water Temple. Land south of the Temple and enter.
To the right of the entrance there are two magical sources - restore the team's strength, then move north, climb the stairs and take the Crystal fragment. Now is the time to take advantage of our services Hunter- Let the White Wizard change his profession. Equip the Hunter with Rune Bow and Bolt Arrows, equip him with Flame Mail, then leave the Temple and head to the cave to the north.

sea ​​cave
Recommended level: 16-17
1st floor. Enemies here are vulnerable to Lightning, and a Hunter firing Bolt Arrows can make life a lot easier. Go south. When you approach the door, Elia, after praying, will break the seal and allow you to enter. Go through the long room, then go west to the stairs.
2nd floor. Head west all the way, then go south along the left bridge (the right one leads to a dead end) and go downstairs.
3rd floor. Of the two bridges, choose the lower one - this road will lead to the stairs.
4th floor. It's simple - follow the long channel of the canal to the door.
Water Crystal Room. Approach the Crystal. Elia will return the light hidden in the shard to him, after which a mysterious cloaked figure will shoot an arrow into her. In fact, the killer was targeting us: he was sent by Sir Zande, already mentioned by Medusa, with the order to break the Crystal and destroy the Warriors of Light. After this, the Kraken will take off its cloak and try to correct its mistake.

Boss: Kraken
HP: 1950 . EXP: 1320 . Gil: 2500 . Weakness: Lightning element. Special Attacks: Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2.

Assassin from the Kraken is, frankly speaking, unimportant. Yes, for some reason his combat magic causes outrageously powerful damage (150-250 HP), but in contact combat he is rather weak (if you do not take into account critical hits), and with defense everything is generally bad. The boss penetrates well with physical attacks - the Knight and the Monk will cut off 200-300 hit points each. It does not digest elemental attacks based on Lightning - the Black Wizard's Bolt2 spell and the Hunter's Bolt Arrows deal 150-200 damage. damage. Even Ice3, which belongs to the Ice element, will come in handy! Hammer the Kraken melee, shoot Bolt Arrows and hammer with Bolt2 and Ice3 spells. He will die in four turns, without having time to inflict serious damage. If suddenly his spell seriously injures someone, have the Hunter take his mind off the shooting and cast Cure2 on the victim.

Mortally wounded, Elia will die, having managed before her death to transfer to the team the powers of the Water Crystal she had extracted - profession Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking, Mystic Knight, Karate, Wizard and Bard. A strong earthquake will begin and all the heroes will lose consciousness. They will wake up only three days later, in a hotel in the city Amur, whose residents found you and took you to a safe place. Most of the newly acquired professions are not yet suitable for use, since there is no equipment for them. Repurpose the Monk into Karateka, and the Black Wizard who has served his time - in Vora. However, don’t buy equipment for them yet. The hotel here charges 200 Gil per night.

Talk to the people at the hotel. It turns out that a certain Goldor chained your ship in order to protect the Crystal he had. Once outside, move east past the shops and enter the unnamed house. Explain to old Jir that you need to go to the sewer. He will scare you with monsters, but then agrees to open the entrance to the city canals. During the conversation, four old men will appear, imagining myself Warriors of Light, and will run into the sewer, ahead of you. After entering the canal, go north and pick 4 Carrots from the carrot patch. Then head west, go under the bridge north of the shops, go up the waterfall and out onto the grassy island. Hidden in its northeast corner is a DarkSuit, and in its northwest corner a DarkHood and a Thief Gauntlet; put it all on the Thief. Go shopping - you need to buy a pair of Boomerangs for the Thief, and Chakra and Blackbelt Outfit for the Karate Kid (he doesn’t need weapons, let him fight with his fists). Move the Hunter and Thief to the back row. After completing the preparation, go down into the canal again and go to the southeastern corner of the Amur, inside the stone horseshoe-shaped building.

Amur sewerage
Recommended level: 17-18
1st floor. All that is required here is to move a little to the right towards the stairs down.
2nd floor. A little more complicated than the previous one. Head west to the stairs, grabbing a CatClaw along the way.
3rd floor. Walking a little to the right, you will catch up with the four old men you saw at Jiru's house. They are surrounded by a ring of monsters and ask for help. Upon closer inspection, the monsters will turn out to be goblins (the number of the squad is 8 snouts). I think you there will be no problems with them;-) The old people will sign that they are unfit to be heroes, and you continue to go right and go down.
4th floor. Go west and, stopping in front of the bridge, go south all the way. Behind the false wall on the right there is a secret room in which M.Gauche and Thor Hammer are stored. After leaving the room, go all the way to the left - there is another false wall, and behind it is an Orialcon Dagger and a Power Ring (for Karateka). After collecting all the treasures, move west and turn south. Enter the door in the southwest corner. Ask the sorceress Delilah for a pair Flying Shoes. At first she won't believe your story and will throw away the explosive shoes. The old men who arrive in time will warn you about the explosion and convince Delilah that the heroes are real Warriors of Light. Then only she will give you real shoes. One of the old men will cast Exit, and the team will again find themselves in the Amur. Relax, buy a dozen or two HiPotions and leave the city.

Head south. If you want to shorten the hike, then when you reach the mountain range, turn east - there is a chocobo forest. Catch the bird and go south, skirting the massif from the west. When you reach a small desert, move a little east, to another chocobo forest, and north through the Bottomless Swamp (Flying Shoes will keep you from drowning)- To Goldor's mansion.

Goldor's Mansion
Recommended level: 18-19
1st floor. The mansion is entirely built of gold. The monsters here have a very high defense against magic, so no combat magic - only physical attacks. Ignore the locked rooms. Just go due north and climb up.
2nd floor. Walk around the perimeter of the huge building, which occupies almost a whole floor. In the southeast corner there is a row of chests, and in them are 11 pieces of Shiny Sword and Dragon Claw (equip Karate CatClaw and DragonClaw). Return to 1st floor. Of the four locked rooms, we are only interested in one, the top right one. Use the key/lockpicks to open the door and go through the false wall in the upper left corner, then go up the 2nd floor. The easiest and fastest way to get through the maze is to simply move west along the southern wall: all the obstacles along this path are fake. The stairs up are located in the northwest corner.
3rd floor. In the room with the Golden Crystal, you will meet Goldor.

Boss: Goldor
HP: 2300 . EXP: 1640 . Gil: 3300 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2, Ice3. Immunity: to Black Magic.

Goldor is a dangerous opponent. Although his physical attack takes no more than 200 HP, he practically does not use it, but instead actively casts combat magic. Second level spells will take 200-400 HP, and Ice3 - 500-600. Among other things, the boss has an unpleasant manner of persistently hitting the same hero over and over again. You may have to spend a Fenix ​​Down or two. Attack spells are useless against Goldor, the Hunter with his magic arrows is also useless, let him deal with healing and resurrection. Meanwhile, the other three characters beat Goldor with physical attacks. A karateka should, if possible, be pumped up by the team BuildUp; This is risky, but the damage from such an attack is noticeably higher.

The defeated Goldor will break his Golden Crystal and then die. Never mind, the Crystal is still not what you need. Take what's left from the enemy key- he will mystically unlock the lock on the chain holding the ship. Leave the mansion and return to Amur; buy a couple dozen more HiPotions and board the ship.

Fly to the southern tip of the continent on which Amur is located, and from there east until you reach the Flying Continent. From it, move strictly south; on the way you will see a small town Leprit who needs to be visited. It only has an Inn (for 200 Gil) and a shop selling magic from the School of Summoning. In the northwestern part of the city there is a patch of grass surrounded by forest. Go through the forest to the right of the "three piece" row of grass and grab the hidden TurtleShell and Elixir. Now go east, line up with the pond and go through the forest to pick up the Fenix ​​Down at the end of the path. Change the Thief profession to Sorcerer and buy him all five spells offered. Fly east along the mountain ridge. There lies a kingdom Salonia. Don't go near his castle yet! Instead, move east a little more and fly south to the island with the city Dastar. A hotel here costs as much as 320 Gil. Hidden in the grass on the ledge north of the shops is an EarthDrum. Another one lies in the grass north of the inn. Repurpose the Hunter into Geomancer; buy and give him two Giyaman Bell, Gaia Outfit and Feather Hat. Take another Feather Hat for the Sorcerer.

Level up your team to at least level 21 (this can be done fastest in the area south of Thessalonia) and thoroughly stock up on HiPotions - after all, no one else knows how to cast healing magic. Return to Thessalonia and fly over the castle. The "Enterprise" will be shot down by anti-aircraft gunners of the castle garrison.

Chapter 5. Kingdom of Thessalonia

There is a civil war in the kingdom, but it is not clear why. The warring parties in front of whom you land will not touch you, but they will not let you into the castle, so we immediately leave the location. The kingdom consists of a castle and four urban districts, all of which are surrounded by a high wall. First, let's look at Northwestern area. There is an Inn here that charges 320 Gil at a time, a Magic Shop and a huge library. Only the first establishment is open: the store is sealed, and there is a sentry at the library.

Having scouted the area, we go to Southwestern area. The Armor Shop located here is sealed. Go straight north across two bridges and talk to the old man - he will say that a child who looks like Prince Allus recently came into the inn. Follow his advice and enter the inn (nameless building to the north). Inside, four goons are mocking the boy. Punch those idiots in the face (they'll turn out to be Gold Knights). When the problem is resolved, talk to the boy; he is indeed Prince Allus, son of King Horn of Salonia. His father expelled him from the castle for unknown reasons, and he asks for our help to stop the civil war unleashed by the king. After joining Allus' team, go west from the inn and go down into the canal. Get out a little lower, near the nameless house, and go to the southwestern corner of the location. The old man standing there will give you (or rather, the prince) Wind Spear. Again, go down into the water near the nameless house and wander east - the old man on the tiny island will give the prince Dragon Armor. A chocobo researcher lives in an unnamed house in the southeast corner of the location. He will summon Fat Chocobo for you at your first request, and you don't even have to waste carrots! Go through the western wall of the room and collect 11 Carrots.

Let's look into Northeastern area. A hotel here will also cost 320 Gil. There are as many as four stores in the area (two for Weapons and two for Magic), but most of them are sealed. In the only working Weapon Shop, take three Wind Spears and one Thunder Spear.

Finally, we visit Southeastern area. North of the entrance is the only building you need - Dragon Tower. Let's go inside.

Dragon Tower
Recommended level: 21-22
1st floor. It consists of 4 rooms, we start in the bottom left. We pass through the false wall in the east and go south along the dark corridor, going around the lower right room so as to enter it through the eastern false wall. Through the northern false wall, exit into the dark corridor and head to the eastern wall of the upper right room - it is also false. Finally, exiting the upper right room through the western wall, follow the dark corridor south and west to enter the upper left room through the hole in the southern wall. I hope I managed to confuse you? ;-) Go up the stairs.
2, 3, 4, 5 floors. Rise even higher.
6th floor. There are two roads to choose from. The chests at the end of the top contain Fenix ​​Down, 2 Dragon Armors, Thunder Spear and 2 Dragon Helms; the bottom one will allow you to get 2 Thunder Spears, Fenix ​​Down, 2 Dragon Helms and Dragon Armor. We choose both. After collecting all the ammunition, leave the Tower.

As you might guess, you were given so much dragoon equipment for a reason. Change professions everyone heroes on Dragoon, equip each with a pair of spears (Wind Spear plus Thunder Spear) and equip Dragon Armor and Dragon Helm. Most likely, you will have to look at Fat Chocobo and put other junk in his belly. All characters must have over 800 HP. It is better to raise the team level to 23. Be sure to get some sleep at the hotel!

After all the preparations, head to the castle. Walk between the warring parties to the next screen. Allus will demand to be let in, but the guards will refuse, citing the king's orders. At this time, the chief of the guard will appear and give a new order - to let the prince in. The king has scheduled an audience with you for tomorrow and has assigned you a room where you can wait for the meeting. However, you won't be able to get enough sleep - at night the king will enter your bedroom and try to stab the prince with a knife. Following him will appear Gigames, the villain who controls his mind. Or rather, the ruler - the king will not be able to carry out the order to kill his own son; instead, he will stab himself. The enraged Gigames decides to put an end to Allus with his own hands, but, having run into the Warriors of Light, he will fight, having first set a bird on them.

Boss: Garuda
HP: 5000 . EXP: 2200 . Gil: 3400 . Weakness: element of Wind. Special Attacks: Thunder.

Garuda does not use physical attacks, but casts Thunder every turn. This special attack removes around 400 hit points from the entire team, so three hits are guaranteed to knock down the hero. To avoid this, all characters must use the command every turn Jump. If the hero managed to jump before the boss cast, he will not receive any damage at all. The only problem is that Garuda doesn't always go last, and he usually hits one or two heroes. A counterattack flows smoothly from the defense tactics: upon emerging from the jump, the dragoon will land on the enemy’s head, inflicting from 100 to 1000 damage. damage On average, you will lose 500-600 HP per jump; Occasionally, attacks will either miss completely or cause over one and a half thousand damage. Wind Spears, as a Wind elemental weapon, are especially useful against the boss. All heroes must fight with two spears. Eventually the giant bird will be destroyed.

After the battle, King Gorn will die, and Allus will take the throne. The chaos in the kingdom will stop. All previously sealed stores will resume operations. We begin to search the castle of Thessalonia. The section of the eastern wall between the two chairs is false, go through it and turn south. At the end of the dark corridor there are a dozen chests - you will get two HiPotion, four Rusted Armor, Scholar Hat, Golem Staff, Thor Hammer, Freezing Staff, M.Gauche and a pack of Medusa Arrows. Go down the stairs on the right and go east from the patch of floor along an invisible bridge - you will find Viking Helm, Viking Armor, Dragon Helm, Earth Bell, Gaia Outfit and Rusted Armor. Return to the room where you fought Garuda and exit to the south. (the stairs will lead to the throne room, but there is nothing interesting there, except perhaps to exchange a few words with King Allus). There are two rooms to the left and right of the central tower. First go to the left one and examine the section of the northern wall to the left of the upper right table, then step into the opened passage and down. After passing through the left wall, go up, right and down along the dark corridor, then through the right wall and onto the stairs. There will be another ladder below, go down and go south for two Fenix ​​Downs.

Return to the central tower and enter the right room. The Salonia engineers sitting there will offer you to compensate for the loss of the Enterprise with a new airship "Nautilus". He can move over any terrain except mountains at superior speed, traditionally without the occasional fight with monsters. Due to its good aerodynamic properties, the ship is able to overcome strong winds. The Nautilus can land only on plains and fields. Return the characters to their previous professions ( Knight, Karateka, Geomancer, Sorcerer) and equipment. Replace one of the Geomancer's bells with an Earth Bell. In the southwestern area, buy the BlackRobe Sorcerer, in the northeastern area, buy Flame and Ice Wands. Here, a character who has studied Black Magic must acquire and learn Kill, and a character who has studied White Magic must acquire and learn Cure3 and Life. Leave Fat Chocobo with one set of dragoon equipment and sell the rest.

Return to Amur (from Thessalonia west to Leprit-->north to the Flying Continent-->west to the desert-->north to Amur). Head west to a continent covered in rocks. In its southwestern part there is a passage where you need to head. There are strong winds there, but the Nautilus can easily overcome them. More dangerously, due to the tightness of the passage, your ship greatly loses its maneuverability, which will allow various flying monsters to attack it. At the fork, take the left path and land next to Dorga's house.
Furry creatures will greet you at the entrance moogles, serving Dorga, and soon he himself will appear. Dorga will recognize you as the Warriors of Light and give you the command: all the chaos going on in the world is being sowed by his former classmate Zande. Once upon a time, they, together with another comrade, Unne, studied with the Archmage Noah. Dorga received magic from him, Unne received the World of Dreams, and Zande remained an ordinary person. Dissatisfied with this turn of events, he began to plot. It is necessary to stop his attempts to summon Darkness to the world, for which purpose Dorga will join the team. Go south and go up the stairs. The moogle on the left is selling items (buy 8 pieces of LuckMallet from him), the moogle on the right has very good magic - let the character who learned White Magic acquire Soft and, most importantly, Haste. The candle in the corridor to the right of the merchants allows you to summon Fat Chocobo. Enter the door in the middle. One of the pots in the room resurrects the dead, the other restores HP/MP. Search bookshelf in the corner to get a HiPotion, then pull the candle and go into the opened passage. Standing on the hole, shrink all the characters and crawl through it.

Cave of the Magic Circle
Recommended level: 22-23
1st floor. It makes sense to make one hero, no matter who, Thief and run away from monsters in all random skirmishes - there will be less hemorrhoids. From the entrance, head west towards the stairs down.
2nd floor. Go right, then move around the perimeter: north, then west. Go downstairs.
3rd floor. From the entrance, go west to the only fork; from there, head south and enter the door. Return the Thief to his former profession and move north along the long corridor. Dorga will stand on the teleporter and cast a spell on the Nautilus, allowing it to dive under water. Now our ship can sail underwater (but not by water!). Diving/ascent can only be done where the bottom topography allows.
Dorga will send you underwater Temple of Time for Noah's lute to wake up Unne, who is in the World of Dreams, and he himself will go to get the key to Eureka. The cave will begin to collapse, but the magician will have time to teleport himself and take you outside.

Increase your team and fly out through the passage in the mountains. You can visit Dorgi village - locality in the southeastern part of the continent, surrounded by rocks. To get there, dive into the sea east of the village and swim through the underwater rocks along the green-lit route, then emerge from the lake inside the ring of rocks. The village is notable for the fact that you can buy most of all the spells in the game from the local residents. Each resident, except the one standing at the entrance, is ready to sell you something. This “something” in total makes up all the spells of levels 1-7 of the White and Black schools plus levels 1-5 of the Summoning school. However, we don’t need to buy anything here: we already have all the spells we need.
If none of the heroes can cast Exit, you will need at least one Otterhead - fly to Leprit if you don't have one. Head to Thessalonia. At the southern tip of the continent there is a bay enclosed by a pair of “horns”. Dive into the sea between the horns and enter the Temple.

Temple of Time
Recommended level: 22-24
1st floor. Head south, then turn west and pick up the Diamond Helm behind the locked door. (for Knight). Continue west and take the Diamond Ring behind the second locked door. (for Geomancer). Get down into the water, go north and past the waterfalls - west, to the stairs. In a small room there are Defender Swords (replace IceBlade Knight with it) and a door to the 2nd floor.
2nd floor. Go right past the descent into the water; the locked door hides a chest containing the Knight's Diamond Armor. After taking it, go down and follow the water north to two rooms. On the left you can profit from Orialcon Dagger and Diamond Gauntlet (put on Knight); on the right there is a staircase down (both doors are locked).
3rd floor. Follow the path to the south, go into the water and wade to the southern border. In the room on the left is a Diamond Shield, and on the right is lute, which Dorga spoke about (both doors are locked). Taking the lute, use Otterhead.

Before waking up Unne, it makes sense to complete a couple of additional quests and level up your team. Clear space in your inventory and fly to the continent on which Amur is located, heading east from the desert in its south. Soon you will see a triangular island. Dive next to him and swim into the underwater cave.

Underwater cave
Recommended level: 23-24
1st floor. The monsters in the cave are extremely fleshy, so leveling up your heroes will be easy and enjoyable. There won't be much choice on this floor, just go west and go down.
2nd floor. To the left of the entrance is a Diamond Shield. The passage leading northeast ends with a chest containing a Defender Sword (equip the Knight with two of these). Finally, the Tomahawk Ax can be picked up south of the entrance, and the stairs leading down are to the east of it.
3rd floor. After crossing the first bridge, turn west onto an island with 4 chests. They contain Diamond Ring (for Sorcerer), Diamond Armor, Air Knife and Loki Harp. There are three more chests across the bridge to the south: Diamond Gauntlet, Fenix ​​Down and Elixir. From here, go west through the false wall (it shows cracks at both ends of the passage). The four chests in the secret room are guarded by some pretty dangerous monsters: the Blood Spear in the top left is guarding a Peryton, the Triton Hammer in the bottom right is guarding an Eater, the Aegis Shield in the top right is guarding a Dragon Zombie, and the Reflect Armor for Knight in the lower left is protected by DeathClaw.
Return to the beginning of the floor, but now go south. In the first chest along the way you will find an Ancient Sword (save it). Even lower are the last 4 chests on the floor - replenish your inventory with Diamond Helm, Diamond Shield, God's Wine and BlackHole. If the team has not yet reached at least level 29 (or better yet 30), start leveling up. After finishing training, return to the Nautilus .

Relax at the hotel. Change your profession as Karateka to Dragoon and equip him with a pair of Wind Spear + Blood Spear. Fly to the southeastern area of ​​Thessalonia and dive south of it. The cave in the rocks is the entrance to the catacombs of Thessalonia.

Catacombs of Thessalonia
Recommended level: 29-30
Go north and up the stairs, then along the winding bridge to the west and up the stairs again. In the next room, head east and look into the corridor going west to grab a Golem Staff, then go north along the eastern wall to get a Gaia Outfit and an Aegis Shield. Return to the room's entrance and head west. Look into the corridor going east - there is a Reflect Armor there. Go north along the western wall, grab the Giyaman Bell and go up the stairs. You can walk through a false wall east of the stairs in the middle of the carpet and head along the dark corridor to the east. The 8 chests there contain four Fenix ​​Downs (guarded by Ion) and four Elixirs (guarded by Ouroboros). Go west and go down. Heal all the heroes and talk to the impressive-looking guy, waking him up from his sleep.

Boss: One
HP: 7000 . EXP: 5000 . Gil: 5600 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Atom Edge.

Odin's signature move, Atom Edge, drains the entire team of 400-700 HP, and he uses it every turn. Occasionally, for the sake of variety, Odin can resort to a physical attack that causes stunning damage - a hero who comes under such a blow will most likely be killed. The point of fighting him is to win before the characters run out of health. For such a battle, it is not a pity to spend Gods" Wine - the Knight strengthened by it inflicts up to two and a half thousand damage. The Dragoon must constantly jump: if he manages to get off before Odin, he will dodge Atom Edge, and upon landing he will inflict about 1000 HP of damage, and even and will heal himself. The sorcerer summons Titan every turn, steadily taking away about a thousand more hit points. But there is no activity for the Geomancer, except for the fact that he will give the Knight Gods' Wine on the first turn. The battle must take place in three turns - the boss will not have time to kill any of the characters.

After victory, Odin recognizes the Warriors of Light as worthy of his help, and your Sorcerer will receive the Odin spell. Get out of the catacombs and replenish your supplies. Convert Dragoon into Karateka, but don’t give him back his claws: let him fight with his fists.

Chapter 6. Awakening Unne

It's time to meet Unne. She sleeps in a cave north of the horns, between which stands the Temple of Time. You can get to it from the west or from the east through passages in the rocks. After entering the tomb, head north and approach Unne's bed on the left, through the false wall. Play on lute, and she will awaken. Talk to the sorceress; she will tell you that the first thing you need to do is get a ship that can overcome rocks. Such a cunning transport is located in Ancient Ruins north of here. Unne will join the team and give you Fang of Fire. Now there is only one Fang left to find. But first - to the Ruins. You can get through the rocks only if you build a path over the rivers. We assign Leprit as the starting point for the search. From there we fly over the river to the south, over the large lake we again head south and after the waterfall we turn right; Having flown a little south and then west, we land on a piece of plain. Having crossed the swamp, we find the entrance to the Ruins.

Ancient Ruins
Recommended level: 30-31
1st floor. Go right to the road littered with adamantium. Unne will clear a passage for you. Follow it south to the nearest door, behind which is a Reflect Armor. Go west to another door. Before rushing towards the stairs, head north. There is a local service point there: behind the left door is a Hotel (200 Gil per stay), behind the middle one is an arms dealer, behind the right is an armor dealer. Go back south and go down.
2nd floor. Many local monsters know how to share. True, for this they need freedom of action. Actively use the Knight's Ancient Sword, Geomancer's Earth Bell and the Sorcerer's spells Shiva and Ramuh to prevent them from multiplying. First, go down and to the right, at the first fork, turn down. The room on the right will be shared by Chakra, the room on the left by Blackbelt Outfit. Return to the fork and go up a little more. At the intersection, first go left - there is a Rune Bell hidden in the room (replace Geomancer's Giyaman Bell with it), then go back. Go to the right for the Elven Claw lying in the next room, then return to the intersection and go north to the stairs.
3rd floor. Along the long corridor, go right to the stairs.
4th floor. The same thing, only you need to go left.
5th floor. Head south across several bridges and down.
6th floor. Continue south, crossing the bridges, and go down.
8th floor (it’s unclear where the 7th went). Cross the long bridge and board the airship "Invulnerable". Grab the helm and the mighty ship will rise into the air. "Invulnerable" can move over all types of terrain, including thin mountainous areas (to fly over mountains you need to manually issue a climb command). Landing/disembarking takes place anywhere, except for the same mountains, since the ship does not land, but only drops a rope ladder. To disembark, go down the stairs to the left of the helm. On board it has four vending machines (weapons, armor, magic and items), a free bed to rest on, and a wooden table that summons Fat Chocobo (the same principle as in the Chocobo Forest, that is, for Carrot). During the flight, you can return to the deck at any time; to continue the flight, grab the steering wheel. Finally, monsters are usually unable to attack the Invulnerable, and in those cases where they can catch up with the ship, a heavy weapon is installed on board. During an air battle, before the start of each turn, it fires at all enemies, causing them good damage. The only drawback of the Invulnerable is that it moves very slowly (you didn’t think that this dreadnought could outrun the fast Nautilus)?

Unne will show the team where everything is and will leave the team, sending you after the last Fang in cave of darkness. Buy the White Magic specialist Cure4 from the machine, and the Black Magic specialist Brak2. Fly east to Thessalonia. From the kingdom, head southwest, fly across a thin section of mountains, fly south along a narrow passage, then through another section of mountains and land near the town Fargabaad. To the east of it is the Chocobo Forest.

The city is tailored to the needs of the Mystic Knights. The hotel here is somewhat expensive - as much as 640 Gil. There is a forest to the north of the Weapons and Armor Shops. Go through it to the east and enter the waterfall. Talk to the old man; he will decide to test your skills by inciting a team of ninjas.

Boss: Shinobi
HP: 1100 . EXP: 4000 . Gil: 4000 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: No.

Not a boss, but one name. The shinobi hits very painfully, causing 500-1000 damage, but the small HP reserve will not leave him a single chance. Let the Sorcerer summon the Titan - he will take away almost all the enemy’s health, and the Knight and Karateka will finish him off. The battle will last exactly one turn.

Confident in your abilities, the old man will give you the Kiku Sword. Exit the waterfall and follow the channel south to an island with a stone column. Hidden in the grass at the corners of the island are two HiPotions, Demon Armor and Demon Shield. Now get out on land and go north from the shops, to Fargabaada cave. Before entering, repurpose the Geomancer into Mystical Knight, equip it with Kiku Sword and Demon Armor. Move him to the first row. The cave is inhabited by “fissioning” monsters, and M. Knight’s katanas have a very useful property - enemies wounded by them will not split. In general, “dividing” enemies are very good at cutting with katanas. South of the entrance lies a Thor Hammer to the left and two false walls to the right. Enter the upper wall, take two steps to the right and nine up, then go right to the room with the Ashura Sword and Kotetsu Sword, equip the M. Knight with the latter. Return to the point "after two steps to the right." Take six steps up, seven steps right, three steps down, four steps right, two steps down, then go right and pick up the Demon Armor. You can leave the cave - there is nothing behind the other walls.

Fly again to Amur, and from it to the north. Your goal is a mountain range, in the middle of which there are many pieces of plain, separated from each other by narrow rocky strips. The entrance to this rock labyrinth is through a corridor to the west. Being in the rocks, "Invulnerable" is deprived of freedom of maneuver, which will make it a target for monsters. Having reached the first obstacle, jump over the rocks to the east twice, then south three times, east once, south once, fly to the right, jump north twice, then east twice, north three times, West once, North once, West once again, fly left to the second plain and "jump" South twice. Finally got there! Drop off the team and go into the cave.

Cave of Darkness
Recommended level: 31-32
1st floor. The cave is inhabited by already familiar “fissioning” creatures, so the Mystic Knight will mainly fight here, and the Knight with his Ancient Sword will also help. Before you go deeper, it's worth stocking up on 99 HiPotions. The false wall to the right of the entrance will lead you to LamiaScale. Follow the corridor south, then east. After going through the false wall, pick up the Gods "Wine. The wounded knight will give you his Kotetsu Sword. Go down the stairs, go through the wall and go down again.
2nd floor. Follow the corridor to the north, looking closely at the walls. In the western wall, towards the northern end, there is a hole, and behind it is a Paralyzer. Continue north through the wall, then turn west. At the left end of the current segment there are two holes - to the west and to the south. First go west - at the end of a long secret passage lies LilithKiss. Now go through the southern hole, move all the way down, then all the way to the left. Go down the stairs.
3rd floor. Go south and go through the wall in the recess on the left. Three secret passages will appear before your eyes. At the end of the top one you need to find and put a Genji Gauntlet on M. Knight. The other two go into each other. Return to the beginning of the floor and, after going south from the notch, go west and enter the hole in the wall. Of the four secret passages, choose the second one from the left: it will lead the team to the next floor, while the others cycle towards each other.
4th floor. Again several secret passages, again all of them, except one, turn into each other. Enter the southeastern hole - it leads to the next floor.
5th floor. Head left. Ignoring the first two secret holes, enter the one on the far left and pick up the Kiku Sword in the chest (Mystic Knight must fight with two of these). Go right through the wall, then down through another one and left, going around the walls. Of the three new passages, we are only interested in the middle one - go there. After passing through visible and invisible paths, go down.
6th floor. Move south, then east. Soon you will again come across several secret passages; the bottommost one leads to the Genji Shield, and the topmost one leads to a corridor leading to the next floor.
7th floor. Behind the false wall east of the entrance is a hole leading to a Genji Helm (put it on M. Knight). Once back, go south to three new passages. Select left. Arriving from the west at a small crevice, exit it to the east, turn north and leave the floor through the false wall on the left.
8th floor. Immediately go south along the secret corridor and take the Genji Armor in the chest (equip Mystic Knight). Return to the entrance, cross the long bridge and go into the water. Ignoring the first passage, go right to the other three and enter the one on the right wall. The long corridor will end with a bridge. Heal the fighters, give the Knight two Defender Swords, cross the bridge and examine the Fang - the guardian of this artifact will appear.

Boss: Hekaton
HP: 6500 . EXP: 4800 . Gil: 4900 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: No.

The only strong point of this boss is powerful physical attacks that deal 1000-1500 damage. damage. Three melee comrades (Knight, Karateka and M. Knight) with their combined efforts will take away from him over two thousand hit points per turn; The sorcerer must summon Titan - he alone takes away from one to two thousand hits. Don't waste time on healing and strengthening fighters. Hekaton can seriously wound one of the heroes with his powerful blow, but will most likely die before he has a chance to land another one.

Having acquired Fang of the Earth, cast Exit, board the ship and get out of the rocky labyrinth. Move west and fly into the passage between the rock ridges. It is blocked by a force field created by four pairs of statues. Disembark and go north past the statues - your Fangs will destroy them one by one. Board the ship again and fly along the cleared corridor. Having “jumped” over the isthmus, continue to fly to the northeast, fighting off persistent monsters. Once you reach the vast plain, fly east, land and enter Labyrinth of the Ancients. Take a few steps north and enter the door.
Earth Crystal Room. The slightest upward movement is enough for another Zande messenger to attack the team.

Boss: Titanium
HP: 7800 . EXP: 4400 . Gil: 4500 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Flare.

Hekaton's brother compares favorably with his relative with increased health and protection, so the battle will last longer. Instead of physical attacks, he prefers to use Flare, which takes away around 1000 HP. Use the same tactics: Knight, M.Knight and Karateka hit the boss with contact attacks, Sorcerer summons Titan (pun intended?). To destroy one of the heroes, the Titan will need at least two casts; You shouldn’t waste time on healing; it’s better to resurrect the killed character if the boss decides to target the same fighter twice. Three to four moves should be enough to defeat your opponent.

Talk with Earth Crystal. He will give you his strength - profession Sorcerer, Shaman and Summoner, and will also tell you that Zande has occupied Sylks Tower and is trying to summon the Dark Cloud there. Repurpose the Sorcerer into Summoner(the same equipment will do) and go outside.

Return to the Ancient Ruins south of Thessalonia and transfer to the Nautilus. It's time to visit Dorga's house west of the Amur. When you enter the house, Dorga will teleport the team to some cave.

Dorgi Cave
Recommended level: 32-33
1st floor. Go south along the left road. At the fork, turn down and head south until you enter a door. Go west, grabbing twenty thousand gold from the dead end along the road, then move along the long corridor. When you get to the stairs, go past and take another twenty thousand, then go back and go down.
2nd floor. Head north, when you see the door in the northeast corner, go west. Behind the door at the end of the corridor are three chests, each containing a Barrier. Returning to the northeast corner, enter the door and go down the stairs, remembering to grab another Barrier.
3rd floor. Go south, then east, heal and go through the door. Dorga and Unne are already waiting for you. Dorga will stun the team with a demand to fight them - the energy released in the battle will help complete the key to Eureka. The heroes will reject this offer, and then Dorga will attack himself.

Boss: Dorga
HP: 4500 . EXP: 3400 . Gil: 4000 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Brak2, Drain, Quake.

Dorga is well protected from physical attacks and casts some nasty spell every turn. He will most likely start the battle by using Quake, taking away 1000 HP from all heroes in the area. In addition, the boss can turn one of the characters into stone with the Brak2 spell or seriously injure Drain, while healing himself. The tactical task is to turn it off as quickly as possible. Knights, normal and Mystic, swing their swords, inflicting about 500 damage. damage, Karateka gets pumped up by the team BuildUp, The Summoner gives the Karateka Gods "Wine. On the next move, the Karateka goes on the attack and in one fell swoop demolishes Dorge's approximately two and a half thousand hit points - more than half his health! The knights in conjunction with the Titan, which the Summoner will summon, must finish off the enemy. If he does will have time to turn someone into stone, use Soft.

After Dorga's body is spread out on the floor, Unne will enter the battle without interruption, leaving you no opportunity to improve the condition of the heroes.

Boss: Unne
HP: 4800 . EXP: 4000 . Gil: 4200 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Blizzard, WhiteWind, Wall.

Unne is very easy to deal with due to her extreme predictability. On the first turn, she will cast WhiteWind on someone, leaving the injured hero with only a few hit points. Don't pay any attention to it. The karateka gets pumped up again BuildUp, Knight and M. Knight chop down the enemy, taking away 500-1000 HP (depending on your luck), the Summoner, having nothing else to do, can summon a Titan (this is of little use, but it will undermine the boss’s health for a couple of hundred hits). On her second move, Unne will cast Wall on herself - what do we care about that? We don't use combat magic anyway. We repeat the entire set of actions, involving the Karateka in the fight. We do the same for the third time, and there are possible options here (descending probability): a) Unne will die without having time to do anything; b) Unne will cast WhiteWind or Wall again, after which she will die; c) Unne will fuck someone from Blizzard heroes, after which he will die. If you are very unlucky and a hero who has already been under WhiteWind falls under attack, well, you will have to spend one Fenix ​​Down, and the boss will die on the next turn.

The defeated Dorga and Unne, if you talk to them, will give you Eureka Key And Sylx Key accordingly, they will be sent to Silx Tower to fight with Zande, after which their bodily incarnations will die. Get out of the cave and visit the village of Dorgi; you need to purchase five lower Summoning spells for the Mystic Knight, and for the Summoner - Cure of all four levels, Haste, Wash, Life and Soft. You will have to sacrifice some of the spells you have already learned - choose the most unnecessary ones (this includes all Black Magic of lower levels, the rest is at your discretion).

Return to the "Invulnerable" and transfer to it. Transform Karate Kid into Dragoon, equip him with a combination of Thunder Spear and Blood Spear, rest, and then fly north from Leprit to a friend To the Flying Continent. Head northeast, towards the Gurgan Valley. You've probably noticed before a strange shadow cutting back and forth across the lake south of the valley, but you couldn't get to it. Jump over the mountain isthmus that encloses the lake from the south, disembark the team and paddle into the shade in a canoe.

Lake Dol
Recommended level: 33-34
1st floor. The group will find themselves in an underwater dungeon. Head south, then east. Take FenixDown, NorthWind, EarthDrum and Gods' Rage lying in a dead end, go north, take three HiPotion and Elixir standing in a row, then go down.
2nd floor. Walk along the corridor, at the fork first turn north to take a WhiteScent from a separate chest, and from the four lined up - Aegis Shield, LamiaScale, Gods "Wine and TurtleShell. Now go south and go down the stairs.
3rd floor. Go west to the intersection. The southwestern road quickly ends at LilithKiss and ImpsYawn, the northeastern one will lead you to Reflect Armor, Thor Hammer and BlackHole, and if you go a little further, you will find a chest with DarkScent. Finally, the northwest road ends in a staircase.
4th floor. Follow the only path, heal and talk to the boss at the end.

Boss: Leviathan
HP: 7000 . EXP: 5000 . Gil: 5700 . Weakness: Lightning element. Special Attacks: Tsunami.

Leviathan will hit the heroes with its strong physical attacks (damage ranges from 600 to 1000 hit points) and periodically use Tsunami, taking away 400-600 HP from all characters. Like many other bosses, he must be defeated as quickly as possible before he can cause serious damage to the team. The Knight and M.Knight chop down Leviathan - each blow takes away from five hundred to a thousand hit points. Dragoon uses Jump: When landing, it will knock off one or two thousand HP from the boss thanks to Thunder Spear, and there is also a chance to dodge Tsunami. The summoner gives the Mystic Knight Gods "Wine (after which he will deal over two thousand damage at a time), and then begins to summon Rama - minus another 500-1000 HP. You need to try to beat Leviathan in two or three turns. Even if he casts Tsunami two turns out of three, all heroes must remain on their feet, but if the battle drags on, losses are possible.

The defeated Leviathan will agree to provide support to the Warriors of Light, and you will receive the Leviathan spell for the Summoner. Return to Invulnerable, convert Dragoon to Karateka, exchange Summoner's BlackRobe for WhiteRobe, sold right there in the vending machine. Fly east to the Viking base. South of the base's southern entrance is a cave surrounded by rocks. Fly over the mountains from the east, disembark and enter the cave.

Cave of Bahamut
Recommended level: 35-36
1st floor. To the south of the entrance are chests with EarthDrum and Gods' Rage. Move east, at the first fork, run north for FenixDown and NorthWind and continue east to the stairs down.
2nd floor. Cross the two bridges and pick up the Golem Staff. On the island behind two more bridges lie LamiaScale and Gods" Wine. Behind the last bridge, near the stairwell, take ChocoRage and TurtleShell, then go down.
3rd floor. Go north, collect DarkScent, FenixDown and Elixir from the chests, cross the bridge and equip the Kotetsu Sword. Before approaching the cave exit, heal all heroes and repurpose the Summoner into Shaman. Equip him with Golem Staff. The shaman will need mana of 6-7 levels, if you have trouble with it, spend one Elixir. When everything is ready, approach the exit. The voice of Bahamut will challenge the team; she will leave the cave into a clearing, where in a few seconds the dragon himself will appear.

Boss: Bahamut
HP: 7500 . EXP: 2800 . Gil: 3500 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: MegaFlare.

Bahamut doesn't care about combat magic - your spells barely scratch him. The dragon's physical attacks are nothing particularly scary, but every few turns he casts MegaFlare, hitting all heroes with more than a thousand hit points. There are two ways to defeat the monster. The first is to protect all heroes with the Reflect status (Wall spell, Barrier items and Odin's A effect). When Bahamut decides to throw his MegaFlare, it will be reflected from the magical wall and hit him, causing more than two thousand damage. damage. The disadvantage of this method is that the boss is not obliged to cast directly at your wall, and if he is late with this, Reflect may disappear at the most crucial moment. I advise you to resort to the second method. On the first turn, the Knight and M.Knight attack the boss, dealing approximately 1000 and 500 damage. damage accordingly, the Karateka gains strength with the team BuildUp, and the Shaman drinks him (Karateka) Gods "Wine. Let's hope that Bahamut does not use MegaFlare on the first move, otherwise the Karateka may not be able to cope. On the second move, the Knight, M. Knight and Karateka attack, and the damage from the latter will be at least 2000 HP, and the Shaman speeds up the Knight with the Haste spell (now he will cut down the enemy with 2000 HP or more). At this moment, Bahamut will most likely cast MegaFlare. If this does not happen, you will have time to speed up the M. Knight, increasing the damage he deals all up to the same 2000 HP. Now three melee fighters must continuously hammer the dragon. Immediately after MegaFlare, the Shaman casts Cure4 on the entire team, and M. Knight - Cure2. The battle should not last longer than three turns, so a repetition of this attack is extremely unlikely.

Bahamut, impressed by your fighting skills, recognizes the heroes as worthy of his help, and you will receive the Bahamut spell for the former Summoner, now Shaman. Enter back into the cave and return through it to the ship, but first you should wander around the floors and level up to at least level 39, and preferably 40.

Chapter 7. Last trip

Leave the Flying Continent and head to Labyrinth of the Ancients. Before you break into it with a song, prepare yourself properly. Buy 99 HiPotions and a few dozen Soft, sell all items except Gods" Wine, HiPotion, Soft, FenixDown and Elixir. For the last time, transform the Karate Kid into Dragoon, rest and clear out as much space in your inventory as possible. Disembark in front of the entrance to the Labyrinth, save and enter.

Labyrinth of the Ancients
Recommended level: 39-40
The monsters here will attack singly or in pairs, so the Summoner is almost useless - the warriors will do the main work, and the fourth hero, the Shaman, will deal with healing and logistical support. Head north along any of the roads. Once north of the Earth Crystal room, go first right to pick up the Elixir, then left and through the door. Go north - there you can find LilithKiss and Crystal Shield. Return to the front door and go west. At the fork, first go north, find Crystal Armor there (put on the Knight), return to the fork and head west. Take the DarkScent at the dead end and continue west, then north. When you reach a place where the road branches off to the right, ignore it for now and head up; take the Crystal Gauntlet at the end of the path, put it on the Knight, return to the branch, go east and go to a new screen.
Go right and turn down as soon as possible. The first two roads to the left and right will end up in chests with Crystal Helm (for Knight) and GreatAxe. After taking them, go down even lower and collect FenixDown, Break Sword (replace one of the Knight's Defenders with it) and Ultimate Wand (save it). Return to the northern border of the location and head east. On the new screen, go south and then east. The first chest contains FenixDown. Now look in the northeast corner and pick up the Protect Ring there (for Shaman). From here, head south; move along the perimeter of the location down and to the left. Enter the door in the southwest corner and go upstairs. The chest on the right contains a HellClaw, the chest on the left contains a Holy Spear. (replace Dragoon's Wind Spear with it). Exit through the northern door outside.

Silks Tower rises directly in front of you. Once inside, go north and enter the room surrounded by water in the center. Go upstairs to the mirror. When the path is blocked by an invisible wall, use Eureka key to remove it. Approach the mirror - the teleporter to Eureka will work.

Forbidden Land Eureka
Recommended level: 41 and above
1st floor. Hidden in this secret area are five powerful weapons, as well as some other useful items. Eureka is inhabited by some pretty cool monsters, but you will get plenty of experience from them. Our main goal here is to level up and get the best weapons in the game for the team. Leave Forbidden Land only possible through the front teleporter - the Exit spell does not work here. But let's get back to the walkthrough. Take a few steps down, at the intersection go right and down, take Elixir and NorthWind in the niche. Return to the intersection, go left and down, grab the BombR.Arm and Gods" Rage in the niche, return to the intersection. Go straight south and go down the stairs.
2nd floor. Continue south until you reach the intersection. In the room to the east of it, clear three chests from NorthWind, Fenix ​​Down and Gods "Rage. Now look into the room to the west of the intersection and take the BombR.Arm. Even further to the west, there is a chest in the wall. You can get to it through a secret passage, starting directly to the right of the chest (you'll have to go all the way through the rather thick wall south of the room with the BombR.Arm.) The chest is guarded by a ninja and contains a Ribbon. Give it to the Shaman. The floor can be left via two staircases. The left one, south of the western room, will lead you to Shuriken; Having taken it, go back upstairs and go down the right stairs - the one south of the eastern room.
3rd floor. Go south and in the dead end on the left after the second staircase, take the Elixir, then continue along the path. On the road along the southern border, pick up Shuriken and FenixDown at the next two dead ends, and then go down.
4th floor. Walk along the corridor until you see a pedestal with a boomerang. Try to take it and meet the first boss of Eureka.

Boss: Amon
HP: 7040 . EXP: 4200 . Gil: 3450 . Weakness: changes. Special Attacks: Flame and WallChange. Treatment: from different elements.

Like the ever-memorable Hein, this boss absorbs spells of all elements except one, and every third turn it uses WallChange, which changes its weak side. However, unlike Hein, he can penetrate well with conventional weapons - the damage from a joint team attack will be more than 1500 HP. Because of this, do not worry about identifying the enemy’s weaknesses, but simply beat him in hand-to-hand combat. Amon's physical attacks take only five to six hundred hit points, but Flame will take away seven or eight, for all heroes. After it, it won’t hurt to cast the Cure4 team. Even without resorting to various tricks, the battle should be completed in five moves.

Defeating Amon will reward you with the first forbidden weapon- FullMoon boomerang, equip the Mystic Knight with it. Continue along the linear corridor and go down the stairs.
5th floor. Cross the bridge and go left at the intersection to pick up the FenixDown. After this, go right from the intersection to the pedestal with the blade. Touch it and get ready to meet the boss.

Boss: Kunoichi
HP: 9000 . EXP: 4800 . Gil: 5000 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: MindBlast.

This ninja deals up to 1000 damage with his attacks. damage and knows how to cast MindBlast, with which he will start the battle. If three or four heroes are paralyzed, the situation can become quite unpleasant, but if one or two are paralyzed, everything will go smoothly. Knight and M. Knight attack melee, causing about a thousand points of damage, Dragoon jumps as a team Jump, which will allow you to dodge MindBlast and, upon landing, take away another thousand from the enemy. If the Shaman remains in service, cast Haste on the Knight to speed up the process. The faster the paralyzed fighters recover, the sooner victory will come. If you started the battle with a decent level of health, you will not need to be treated.

As a prize you will receive the second forbidden weapon- Masamune blade. M.Knight should now fight with a combination of Masamune + FullMoon. Go south from the intersection, take FenixDown and go down.
6th floor. The bridge on the left is destroyed, so go right. Cross the long bridge connecting the small island with the stone into which the sword is driven. Heal the team and try to pull out the sword. Of course, you will be attacked in this case.

Boss: General
HP: 12000 . EXP: 5000 . Gil: 5200 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Flare.

The General's blows take down one and a half to two thousand HP, and the Flare spell - around a thousand (which is why he apparently casts it so rarely). You can't expect any dirty tricks from him, just a stupid drain on your health. Increase the performance of both knights with the Haste Shaman spell - a simple Knight will cut down up to two thousand HP per turn, and a Mystic one up to three. After such processing, they will be able to kill the enemy in a couple of moves. The Dragoon jumps to stay out of sight of the boss longer, and the Shaman, having finished accelerating his allies, heals the wounded. Since the General only deals damage to one hero at a time, the team's health can easily be maintained at a high level.

Third forbidden weapon, Excalibur, has become yours - give it to the Knight instead of the Defender Sword. Return to the beginning of the floor and go left along the broken bridge (dark squares represent the invisible floor). Once at the southern end of the vertical bridge, go all the way to the right, then all the way down, right again, up the bridge and through the wall.
7th floor. Head north along the bridge and touch the sword on the right, getting ready for another fight.

Boss: Guardian
HP: 12000 . EXP: 5400 . Gil: 5600 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Quake, Wall.

The Guardian, with his powerful Quake spell, will take 1000-1500 hits to the team every turn. Occasionally he will give you a break by casting Wall on himself - but very rarely. Without wasting time, pounce on him with the whole group. Dragoon jumps all the time (and he can really hurt this boss, like two thousand), knights fight hand-to-hand. The team's health reserve will allow the Shaman to spend the first two turns casting Haste on the Knight and M. Knight - if before they took 1000-1500 HP, now they will take 3000-3500. After that immediately start healing the entire team with Cure4. However, the Guardian will not last long against accelerated knights.

Trophy fourth forbidden weapon, the sword of Ragnarok, must be given to the Knight. Once healed, touch the staff on the left; The final boss of Eureka will appear.

Boss: Scylla
HP: 10000 . EXP: 5200 . Gil: 5400 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Flare.

Scylla has abandoned physical attacks in favor of Flare, which takes about 2000 HP from the selected hero, while she has a nasty habit of focusing her efforts on one fighter. Start the fight by casting Haste on the Knight - it will deal up to 3000 damage. damage every day. You can also speed up M. Knight, but he already penetrates 2000 units. every time, but you also need to be treated. Dragoon constantly jumps, taking off about 1000 HP and sometimes happily avoiding Flare. The shaman monitors the heroes' health and casts Cure3 or Cure4 on those who have fallen victim to Scylla's magic. Two moves, many three, and she will be defeated.

Besides the fifth forbidden weapons, Eldest Staff, you got something better - elite professions Ninja and Sage. Enter the north door. The springs on the sides will resurrect the dead and restore strength to the team. Go north past the springs, collect two Shuriken and two Elixir from the chests, then do business with the local merchants (how did they actually get to the Forbidden Land?) First, sell your unwanted junk. The left merchant supplies level 8 magic, both White and Black, while the right one will sell you spells of three higher levels Summoning schools, but only if you already have copies of them (that is, if you defeated the corresponding bosses at one time). Buy the Death and Life2 spells for Shaman and M. Knight, and for the latter, in addition, Odin, Leviathan and Bahamut. You won't need any other magic.
It's time to change professions for the last time. Repurpose Knight and Dragoon into Ninja(move them to the front row), and M. Knight and Shaman to Sages(send them to the back row). Arm one of the Ninjas with a pair of Excalibur + Ragnarok and dress them in crystal armor (Crystal Armor, Helm and Gauntlet). Give another Ninja Masamune + FullMoon and equip a set of Genji armor (Armor, Helm and Gauntlet). Arm the first Sage with Eldest Staff and equip Black (or White) Robe, Ribbon and Diamond Ring, the second - Ultimate Wand + Golem Staff, and equip him with Black (or White) Robe, Feather Hat and Protect Ring. Now go between the merchants and, burying yourself in a niche in the middle of the northern wall, examine it. Go into the opened passage. After walking along a dark corridor, you will find a third merchant. He brings to your attention crystal equipment and shurikens. Buy as many Shurikens as you can buy in gold in batches of 10. (most likely, it will only be enough for one ten), and save the rest of the money for the future. Return to the teleporter on the 1st floor of Eureka and be transported to Sylks Tower.

Silks Tower
Recommended level: 44-45
1st floor. Exit the room with the mirror that serves as a bridge to Eureka. Follow the winding corridor west, then south and take the Barrier. Head north a little and go through the hole in the wall to pick up a WhiteScent. From there, go north and pick up the ChocoRage lying next to the door; go past the door to the east and open the chest for a LilithKiss. Head south along the eastern border for ChocoRage and EarthDrum. Go through the hole in the wall, take Barrier and WhiteScent. After clearing all the chests on the floor, go to the north door and unlock it Silks key. Behind the door lies the second floor.
2nd floor. Head left, turn down, go further left and up, to the Elixir lying in the chest. Go all the way south and head east until you pass through the false wall. To the north of you will be a chest containing FenixDown. Go all the way down, then left; go past the stairs and get the Elixir, then return to the stairs and go up.
3rd floor. Go up and to the right through the hole in the wall. Walk a little to the north, penetrate another hole and head down the corridor. To the north of the stairwell lies an Elixir - take it and go up to the next floor.
4th floor. Move north along the long narrow corridor, then south along the wide one. Collect FenixDown and Eldest Staff (distribute the weapons of the Sages like this: each gets an Eldest Staff, in the other hand one gets a Golem Staff, the other gets an Ultimate Wand) and move symmetrically to the beginning of the floor: first north along the wide corridor, then south along the narrow one.
3rd floor again. The chest near the entrance contains FenixDown. Head north along the western border, then go through the two false walls. Before rushing to the stairs, take the Elixirs lying on the sides of it (2 pieces).
4th floor again. Go south and go up.
5th floor. Quite a confusing place. There are no treasures here, so we make our way straight to the exit. Head up and left, then down all the way, right to the first fork, turn down at it and immediately left. The rest of the floor is linear: just follow the path along the edge of the location to the stairs located in the northern part of it.
6th floor. Go south from the entrance. At the fork, first go left to pick up FenixDown, then go back and this time go right - there is a new Crystal Armor in the chest (for that Ninja who still wears Genji Armor). Go south and then west and go up (it was possible to go south from FenixDown and then east with the same result).
7th floor. There are crystal equipment scattered here: Crystal Shield, Crystal Helm, Crystal Gauntlet, as well as FenixDown. To get to the northern islands with chests, you need to go into the water from a large empty pedestal connecting two small ones, walk through the water and get out at the goal (you can simply approach the southern ones). Replace the second Ninja's Genji Helm and Gauntlet with their Crystal counterparts.

There is a door directly north of the entrance. DO NOT enter it! Instead, go back down to the 1st floor of the Tower, teleport through the room with the mirror to Eureka, go to the very top, replenish your strength, sell trophies and buy Shurikens with all the money you have (should be enough for two dozen). Now walk around the 3-4 floors of Eureka, destroying monsters until the team reaches level 50. She should have at least 34 shuriken in her arsenal. Once these conditions are met, climb back to the top of Sylks Tower and enter the notorious door.

Once fully healed, walk past the menacing dragon statues to the mirror. As soon as you look into it, Zande's henchman will appear and joyfully yell that you've been caught. The heroes will be paralyzed, and the statues of demonic dragons will slowly begin to come to life. Only five bright hearts can break the dragon's curse. Dorga will appear just in time and instantly gather five good souls - they will be your former companions: Sarah, Sid, Desh, Allus and one of the Amur old men. When they take their places near the dragon statues and distract them, the team will regain freedom of movement and teleport to the last room of the tower. Go north and talk to Zande. The battle has begun!

Boss: Zande
HP: 21000 . EXP: 0 . Gil: 0 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Flame, Libra, Meteo, Quake.

Zande will start the battle by casting Libra on one of the heroes. In fact, it will give you a one-turn head start. On his second move, he will hit you on command with a Quake or Meteo spell - the first will take away two thousand hit points for everyone, and the second will take as many as four. On the third turn he will again cast Libra, on the fourth - one of the Meteo/Quake spells that he has not yet used. Then the sequence is repeated. Sometimes he will mix up his routine with a Flame special attack or a regular attack. Against Zande, it is best to use traditional blitzkrieg tactics. On their first move, both Ninjas throw Shurikens at the boss with both hands, dealing over 6000 damage. damage (use 4 shuriken in total). At this time, the sages summon Bahamut, who will destroy about 3000 HP. On the second turn, the Ninjas pick up their melee weapons and attack, and the Sages again summon Bahamut. Zande will probably have time to cast the first battle spell, but level 50 heroes should have enough health to survive even Meteo. By the end of the second turn, the enemy's hit points should dry up, but if he is still alive, you have a third turn left. Since the boss will use Libra again on the third turn, you can repeat the attack with impunity and finish him off.
If you decide to save shurikens (which I don’t recommend doing, 30 grand is enough), let one Ninja throw two pieces, and the second one immediately starts chopping. One of the Sages will cast Haste on him, and the second will summon Bahamut, after which they begin to furiously heal the group with Cure4 - with this tactic, Zande will live long enough to have time to hit you at least once more.

The dying Zande will wheeze that his death will not affect anything, since Dark Cloud has already clouded the world. The emerging Cloud will declare that it has come to reduce everything that exists to nothing. It will begin this process with heroes.

Boss: Dark Cloud
HP: a lot of. EXP: 0 . Gil: 0 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: FlareWave.

It is impossible to deal with the Cloud, since not a single attack of yours can even scratch it. Stand and wait until the enemy kills the entire team (and you won’t have to wait long).

The campaign will not end there - when the Cloud disappears, Dorga and Unne, with the help of five of your friends, will infuse the team with vitality. Heroes will be resurrected and their HP/MP will be restored to maximum. Zande, according to Dorga, fell under the power of the Dark Cloud he himself created. Now you need to go to the Dark World and destroy the Cloud; this is the only way to restore the balance of Light and Darkness, disturbed by Zande. After listening to all the parting words, go north to the large blue teleporter. There will be no way back - you can only return with victory.

Dark world
Recommended level: 50 and above
It’s useless to run away from the local monsters; it won’t work anyway. However, we don’t need this technique - destroying enemies is not difficult. We begin to explore the Dark World. The team is given a choice of stairs and four tracks. Let's call this place starting point. The staircase will gradually lead you to the Dark Cloud, but it is not recommended to immediately go looking for it - a thorough study of the Dark World will make the final battle easier for you in the future.
First of all, we head to top left path, go up the stairs and walk a little up. From its end they diverge into different sides three secret passages - go into the left one, go all the way to the left, then all the way down, then to the left, go along the corridor, go up and take the Ribbon (put it on a Sage who doesn't have it yet), which is guarded by no less than a clone of Zande. There are two passages in the eastern wall, the first on the same line as the chest, the second a little lower. Enter the lower one and move like this: all the way to the right, up, right again, up again, left and up the stairs. Get closer to Dark Wind Crystal, and his guard will go into battle.

Boss: Cerberus
HP: 23000 . EXP: 6000 . Gil: 6400 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Thunder.

Surprisingly easy fight. Ninjas constantly fight hand-to-hand, removing one and a half to two thousand HP at a time, and the Sages summon Bahamut, who inflicts two to three thousand damage. Cerberus is only able to respond to this with a special attack Thunder, after which all heroes lose a measly 600-800 hit points. There is no need to strengthen the fighters, much less waste shurikens. If the heroes' health drops below one and a half thousand, cast Cure4 on the entire team, but it is unlikely that it will come to that - Cerberus will not last more than three turns.

Boss: Echidna
HP: 32000 . EXP: 8000 . Gil: 7000 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Brak2, Death, Drain, Flare, Meteo, Quake.

Tough opponent. The large health pool and, most importantly, powerful attacks make fighting Echidna a risky proposition. On the first move, both Ninjas throw a pair of Shurikens, saving the boss from an extra ten thousand HP, and the Sages summon Bahamut, inflicting about three thousand damage. damage Then act according to the circumstances. Ninjas must constantly attack with melee weapons. If you have a free minute, it is advisable to cast Haste on both of them - the damage done will increase to a quite decent 4 thousand per turn. Immediately after the enemy casts a mass destruction spell (Quake or Meteo), both Sages should fully focus on Cure4 (apply to command) until the damage is neutralized. If the boss used Flare or Drain, heal the victim with Cure3. When you don’t need to heal, and the Ninjas are already accelerated, you can summon Bahamut to your heart’s content. If one of the heroes dies, resurrect him using Life2. You will only spend 4 shuriken on this battle.

Touch the Crystal, freeing the Warrior of Darkness imprisoned in it. He will tell you that the Dark Cloud is a product of an imbalance between Light and Darkness, and will offer to join forces. We return to the starting point (the secret passage to the stairs crosses the entire floor vertically, so it will be faster to go through it) and we move along top right path. We go up the stairs and move north, noticing a hole in the right wall along the way. If you want, go right and take out the chest guarded by the Zande clone in the northeast corner of the Ribbon. If you don’t want to waste time and energy, immediately enter the hole. We go up, then to the right and along a twisting spiral we get to the stairs. Move both Ninjas to the back row. Approaching Dark Crystal of Fire, you will be attacked by another boss.

Boss: Double Headed Dragon
HP: 29000 . EXP: 7000 . Gil: 6800 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: No.

The dragon doesn't have access to spells, so Meteo won't hang over your head. On the other hand, his physical attacks are simply devastating. The hero standing in the front row can be considered lucky if he managed to get away with losing 2000 HP, which is why we moved the entire team to the back row - there, at least, the dragon will not be able to kill them with one blow. The only consolation is that the enemy only wounds one hero at a time. In order not to lose destructive power, the first Ninja throws a pair of Shurikens at the boss during the first two moves, and the second at the same time throws Shuriken with one hand and FullMoon with the other. Such a combination will deprive the dragon of eight to ten thousand HP. The Sages, as usual, summon Bahamut, inflicting 2-3 thousand damage. damage The first move is to cast Haste on Ninja with FullMoon. If the Dragon inflicts heavy damage on someone, immediately heal them with Cure4. Starting from the third turn, the Ninjas fight hand-to-hand - by this time the enemy should have already lost almost all his health, all that remains is to finish him off. The consumption of shurikens will be 6 pieces.

Return the Ninja to the front row and rescue the Warrior of Darkness imprisoned in the Crystal. This one will give a speech about the power of hope and love (sorry, I forgot about faith), and will send to beat those who want the world to be swallowed up by emptiness (he doesn’t name names, but we know that he means the Dark Cloud). Return to the starting point and follow lower right path, then up the stairs. Follow the corridor down and to the right, at the fork take the road up, then right all the way. Take the secret passage to the east. Another chest, another Ribbon, another Zande clone. Return to the beginning of the secret passage and move down. After crossing the winding corridor, head east and climb the stairs. It was possible to turn at the fork and go down - final result would be the same, only Ribbon would not be possible to get. Once completely cured, touch Dark Earth Crystal and repel the boss's attack.

Boss: Ahriman
HP: 35000 . EXP: 9000 . Gil: 7200 . Weakness: No. Special Attacks: Blizzard, Flame, Quake, Meteo, Thunder.

And here comes the most dangerous boss of the Dark World. In my opinion, he will be cooler than the Dark Cloud itself. His Meteo + Quake combo can easily take down a level 52 team. Fortunately, Ahriman rarely uses such powerful spells one after another, usually interposing elemental attacks of medium strength between them. On the first turn, both Ninjas throw two Shurikens, and both Sages summon Bahamut. The total damage simply must exceed 15 thousand hit points, more often it reaches 17-18 thousand. On the second move, the Ninja throws only one Shuriken each, and takes Ragnarok or Masamune in the other hand. If Ahriman did not use Quake or Meteo, one of the Sages continues to call Bahamut, and the second heals the entire group of Cure4. If he used one of his super-killer spells, both of them do the healing. Starting from the third turn, the Ninjas fight in close combat, and the Sages heal the team and call out to Bahamut from time to time. In the event that one of the heroes does not survive the effects of Ahriman’s magic, resurrect him with the Life2 spell. The main thing is to keep the team in good condition. Eliminating Ahriman should cost you 6 shuriken.

Free the last Warrior of Darkness from the Crystal. Without wasting any further words, he will invite you to fight the Dark Cloud together. Return to the starting point and go up the main stairs. In this room, visible floor cells are mixed with invisible ones. Follow the following route: from the entrance 3 cells up, 4 right, 3 up, 3 right, 8 up, 5 left, 3 up, 3 right, 3 up, 3 left and onto the stairs. Heal the team and restore Mana to the Sages using Elixirs. You must have at least 14 Shurikens left. Go north and chat with Cloud of Darkness. After his boast that in the Dark World the power of Light is powerless, the Warriors of Darkness you saved will appear. By sacrificing themselves, they will deprive the Cloud of energy from the Dark Crystals, and it will be weakened. It's time to destroy the evil in its lair!

Boss: Cloud of Darkness
HP: 45000 . EXP: unnecessarily. Gil: unnecessarily. Weakness: No. Special Attacks: FlareWave.

Actually, the boss's initial health is 65000 HP, but each Warrior of Darkness we save, having cut off the enemy from the energy of his Crystal, will take away 5000 hit points from him. Since we saved all four, Cloud of Darkness will be missing a total of twenty thousand, which will result in the figure indicated in the summary. Only two attacks cause significant damage to the enemy: shuriken throws and calling Bahamut (the first will take away at least 5 thousand HP, usually the damage is 6-7 thousand; the second will remove at least 2 thousand HP, usually about 3 thousand). Cloud counterattacks with his FlareWave every turn (minus one or two thousand hit points for all heroes), so you will have to heal often. During the first three turns, the ninjas each throw a pair of Shurikens at the boss; on the fourth turn, one throws, the second goes into melee combat, starting from the fifth, both fight hand-to-hand. Before the shurikens run out, Cloud of Darkness will lose 40,000 HP in the worst case scenario; All you have to do is hit him with physical attacks a couple of times. Both Sages can constantly call on Bahamut, but then the battle will be on the edge of survival. It is better to summon him once, and then apply Cure4 to the group every turn - this will allow you to maintain the health of the heroes at a decent level without a significant loss in strength. Most likely, the boss will die before you exhaust your supply of shuriken.
If there are not enough shurikens (wasted on nonsense fights), the situation becomes significantly more complicated. The tactics won't change much: still throw Shurikens, summon Bahamut and heal, but the battle will last much longer and will be noticeably more difficult. There is no need to create problems for yourself; It’s better to start the battle with a good supply of “stars”.

Having lost the last remnants of health, the Cloud of Darkness will slowly crumble and disappear forever.
So, our brave team at the last moment managed to separate Light and Darkness, thereby preventing the world from plunging into the Void. The four heroes owe their strength to the only feeling that allows one to maintain Light even in Darkness - hope. The heroes will listen to the congratulations of their friends, in turn thank them for their help and take them home (by the way, Desh still returned to Sarina). Princess Sarah, in accordance with her promise at the beginning of the game, will decide to stay with the team. The last thing that awaits the saviors of the world is a ceremonial reception in hometown and meeting with adoptive parents. The crystals returned to their rightful places, and the next threat hanging over the world remained forever in the past.
