Dracula hunting game walkthrough. Dracula Hunter Walkthrough Opening the book of Dracula

Dracula: Origin
Dracula Hunter

Mina's house

We talk with Mina, and suggest that she go for a walk with us. The girl agrees and leaves to put herself in order. Wasting no time, we look around. We take the newspaper from the chair, read the note and go to the table. We take a photo of Jonathan and look through a selection of newspapers. We are interested in the newspaper dated September 06, Thursday. We read it. We pass deep into the room, push the curtains on the wall, and see a map of London. We compare all the facts that we learned from the newspapers, take a red pencil and look for all the points on the map that were mentioned in the notes, and then we connect each point with the one where, according to witnesses, the criminal disappeared (to draw a line, we place the pencil in the desired point, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, lead to another point we need). From the Church of St. George we draw a line in the direction of Victoria Station. From the point on the Southwark Bridge, we draw a line in the direction of the Tate Gallery. From Justan Road, we lead a line in the direction of St. George's Cathedral. From the railway from New Kent Road station, we lead a line in the direction of the National Gallery. We see that all the lines converge in one place - the Goldming mansion. We click on it with a pencil and decide to go there immediately, abandoning the tempting walk with a lovely girl.

Goldming Mansion

We knock on the door of the mansion like well-mannered people. A strange servant opens the door for us, who announces the absence of the owners, adding at the same time for some reason that he eats flies, and that he cannot let us into the house in any way. Hmm, fly lover, then? Well, well, let's remember this oddity, it will come in handy. Since we are not allowed into the house, we will take a walk through the cemetery. We enter the gate and try to open the door to the gatehouse. But there is no one in the gatehouse, it is locked. Near the gate we pay attention to an urn, around which disgusting fat flies are swarming. From the gate we go along the path to the left and see another strange person who is digging a grave with his hands. Doesn't he have a shovel or what? From a short conversation with the gravedigger, we learn that the tools are locked in the gatehouse, and he forgot the code. After asking him in more detail, we find out that the code for the lock on the gatehouse must be looked for at the grave of the Lemon spouses. We need to find out their age, and then turn the numbers 6 and 9. We select a scraper at the grave and go in search of the burial place of Mr. Lemon and his wife. We go to the gate, go down the stairs located just opposite these very gates, and immediately go up the stairs to the right. Having risen, we pay attention to the mausoleum with two graves to the right of us. The surface of the gravestones is smeared with dirt, so we take a scraper in our hands and clean them until the dates of birth and death of the spouses appear. We find out what was the age of D. B. Limon at the time of his death. 1772-1703 = 69 years old. And how old was his wife? 1790-1722 = 68 years old. Yes, but you still need to turn the numbers 6 and 9. we get 96 and 98. quite satisfied with ourselves, we go to the gatehouse and enter the code 9698. We enter the gatehouse and look around. We take a crowbar and a shovel near the door, grab a lantern from the table and leave. We go to the gravedigger, kindly offer him a shovel, but he refuses, eccentric. We talk with him and learn from him valuable information that it is possible to enter the mansion by a secret passage, but the only person, the cemetery caretaker, who knew exactly where the entrance to this secret passage is hidden, has already died. He, the poor fellow, was buried along with his notebook, which he did not let go of even after his death. We decide to visit the caretaker's grave and look at his notes. We return to the gate and again go down the stairs. The caretaker was buried in the mausoleum, behind a strong grate, guarded by two stern stone monks.

We use a crowbar on the grate to push the bars apart and read the inscription on the tombstone, but darkness prevents us from doing this. But we have a lantern and matches to light it. We take the matches and, without lifting the left mouse button, drag it to the lantern (thus, the items in the inventory are combined). We put the lighted lantern on the shovel in the inventory and push this simple structure through the bars of the lattice. We read the inscription, and it automatically appears in the documents. After reading the inscription, we understand that we are talking about angels, with the help of which we can open the grate to get inside this crypt. We go to the first angel, who is literally one step away from us. We look at the statue, and then we read the inscription below, which reads:. It is very easy to distinguish saints from demons, so we shouldn't have any trouble placing bowls near demons, and tears near saints, clicking on the squares opposite each character. If everything is arranged correctly: cup-tear-cup-tear-cup-tear-cup-tear-cup-tear-cup-cup (clockwise), click on the image of the angel in the upper left corner. We hear a click and a hissing sound, indicating that the first mechanism has been started. We go to the next angel. We go up the right stairs and go left to the end of the path. We look at the leaning angel. This is the first hydraulic counterweight. We read the inscription below, and start thinking logically. ... 3? 100 = 300 years. 100? 3 = 300 years. (300 + 300): 2 = 300.. The rude ones got 300 years, and it is three times more than 300 × 3 = 900 years and 25 more years in addition. We believe that we got it: 300 + 300 + 300 + 925 = 1825 years. Yes, Peter's judgment is harsh, but fair. But we got distracted. We need to get this number by clicking on the weights on the right. We easily cope with the task at hand: we click once on the weights with numbers 1000, 500, 200 100, we double-click on the weight with the number 10 and once more on the weight with the number 5. Then we click on the scale and sigh with relief when we hear the noise of the worker. mechanism. We hurry to the third angel along the path to the right, but before we deal with him, we take away the black veil that lies on the cross opposite the angel. We look at the chained angel, we read the inscription below. So again saints and sinners. Looking for sinners by clicking on their heads:

1. Gluttony (fat man at the bottom of the screen)
2. Fornication (a girl with a raised skirt)
3. Cruelty (a woman beating a child)
4. Greed (curmudgeon with a bag of money)
5. Lust (woman on a stretcher)

The heads of sinners turn black, and we click on the image of the sword in the upper left corner. Another small victory. We are looking for the fourth angel. We return to the gate and near the urn we throw a veil over the swarm of flies. Dearies got caught! From the gate we move down the path, where we see the fourth angel. How about another hydraulic counterweight? We read the inscription below. Well, it's quite simple. We click on the eyes of the specified creatures (spider, snake, toad and three wolves). One wolf is near the horse, next to him is a howling wolf, and the third is found under a spider. When all evil red eyes light up, click on the image of the wolf in the upper right corner. We succeeded in everything, and the crypt of the old caretaker opens its womb before us. We hurry there, go inside and take a book, which we immediately read. Well, well, well, the mischievous lord has built a secret passage in order to handle his affairs with impunity. But we are only interested in the exact location of the entrance to his tunnel. We have learned all that we need, therefore, without regret, we leave this haven of sorrow, and go up the right staircase upstairs. We turn right and go to the end of the path. We use the crowbar on the grave near the wall, next to the large cross. The lid slides open with a crash and pulls from below with the coldness of the dungeon. We go downstairs. The door is locked, and we will have to solve a simple puzzle to open it. The task is simple: you need to move all the sliders from left to right. You can suffer by solving this riddle. Or you can do it easier: first click on the top slider, and then on the bottom. And that's all. The door is open, we enter. We are in the basement of the estate, where we were so eager to get.

We look around. We find an empty glass jar under the table, take a box of nails from the table, grab the wire cutters that we see near the column. We pay attention to the working workbench with a vice, it will still be useful to us. Move on. Taking a saw near the stairs, we go upstairs. We go into the door. A disgusting picture opens before us when we see a lover of flies, enthusiastically eating running cockroaches. A fly lover? Yes, we caught their full net. In the inventory, we transfer the flies to a glass jar, and we throw this dubious delicacy to the servant. While the servant enthusiastically eats fat flies, not paying any attention to us, we take a wooden spoon from the table, pick up a knife from the floor, and quietly leave the door on the left. In the corridor, go right to the front door. There, in the umbrella stand, we take a good cane. We return and go into the door opposite the kitchen. We look around. We are in a large, bright room that looks like a living room. Decline and desolation reign in it. Hmm, someone in this house clearly doesn't like mirrors, otherwise why break them? We pass deep into the room. We select freshly chopped pieces of wood near the fireplace. We pay attention to the safe to the left of the door. Someone desperately tried to open this safe with a hammer, but we will try to open it with our brilliant mind. But everything has its time. We leave the living room, and go up the stairs. On the landing, pay attention to the candelabrum, which is poorly attached to the wall. We'll deal with it a little later. We rise to the second floor. We go into the right door. It's a library, but what a mess it is! We go deep into the library, on the floor we see a stain of blood, but we are only interested in a stack of blank paper, which we take from the table on the right. We return to the door, and pay attention to the panel to the right of the door. It is very similar to what we saw on the safe door. I wonder what kind of protrusions are these? And an inscription in Latin that we can't read? Okay, let's leave this for now and continue exploring the estate. We go into the room opposite. Wow, this is Lady Goldming's bedroom. We lift the spool of thread from the floor. Near the wall to the left of the bedside table, we select and read the maid's note. We go to the window, and we pick up a wooden hammer from the floor, and a tailor's tape is waiting for us near the bed. We leave the bedroom, and at the end of the corridor we unsuccessfully try to open the locked door. We ought to look for another entrance to this room, because, for now, let's try to conjure over the safe. We return to the library, and once again we look at the panel near the door. What if: Yes, not a bad idea. We go into the inventory through the black square, and click there on the stack of blank paper. Right-click and we see the panel again, but with a strip of blank paper. We lower this strip down the screen to the protrusions, and click the left mouse button. We get a sheet of paper with punched holes where there were protrusions. We hurry to the living room, to the safe, to perform a similar operation. Having received the second sheet of paper with punched holes, we put it in inventory, and we take out the sheet from the library. We attach it to the inscription so that the letters are visible, and click the left mouse button. We automatically get a record in SEENSENSE documents. Nothing is clear yet. We go up to the library, click on the panel, take out a sheet with holes from the living room, attach it to the inscription so that the letters are visible, and left-click. We get an entry in the NENSSEE documents. We go back to the living room, click on the safe door. We notice the panel in the upper right corner, and look at it thoughtfully. Nothing comes to mind? Well, of course, these incomprehensible letters are nothing more than the designation of the cardinal points, this is the code of the safe. N is north, S is south, E is east, and SE is southeast. We turn the discs in the indicated direction (from left to right):

SE E N SE N SE N E N S SE E (southeast, east, north, southeast, north, southeast, north, east, north, south, southeast, east). Well, aren't we good fellows? Then believe the proverb. In our case, it is still as it should be. But we got distracted again. We open the safe, we take the key. The found key to the locked door does not fit, so now is the time to start looking for another passage to the sealed room. We remember the maid's note, and about the poorly fixed candelabrum on the wall of the staircase, we go up there. We use the pliers on the candelabra, we see a strange keyhole in front of us, and immediately decide to make a master key for this lock. First, you need to measure the depth of the four holes. A tailor's tape is not good for this. We need to improve it somehow. Through the black square we enter the inventory and combine there a tape measure with a wooden spoon and thread. That's it, the measuring device is ready. We click our improvised device on each hole, and we get the following entry in the diary: 10, 8, 12 and 5 cm. These data are quite enough for making a master key. Remember the vise on the workbench in the basement? We hurry there. We click on the vice, and in front of us on the screen there is already everything that we need for our work. We take a thin dark piece of wood, put it exactly under the ruler, with a saw cut off the first tongue 10 cm long, and insert it into the upper hole of the vertical workpiece on the right side. In turn, we cut the remaining three dowels in sizes 8, 12 and 5 cm and also insert them into the workpiece.

How are we going to turn this key? We make a handle for it. We take a light wide rail, also put it under the ruler, cut off 5 cm and insert it into the workpiece, but on the left side. The turn came to work with a file. We click them on the edges of all five pieces of wood. After processing with a file, we take nails, lay them out in front of each piece of wood (to the left of the blank for thin dowels, and one to the right for the handle), and hammer these nails with a wooden hammer. Our key is ready. We return with our master key in our pocket to the landing. We unlock the door with a homemade key, and we find ourselves in a dark corridor. We pass further and use the key from the safe on the door on the left. Opening the door, we find ourselves neither more nor less than in the chambers of Count Dracula himself. The room is decorated in ominous blood-red tones, not without a touch of pretentious theatricality and pomp. Even the count's coffin, clearly ceremonial, is displayed in the middle of the room. Let's not be distracted further by looking at other details of this room, but let's get down to business better. Under the portrait of Dracula we see a book with a pentagram, obviously expensive, because the cover is also decorated with precious stones. But we cannot even open it, not what to read. We need to find a clue. We go deep into the room, and pay attention to the bookcases, which we immediately examine for finding any usefulness. Our expectations did not disappoint, and now in our documents there is a bloody page with various symbols and a pentagram, very similar to the pentagram from the cover of a book. We approach the book, click on it, then click on the bat at the top. We see how the symbol appears in the small triangle between the blue and white stones. Click on the small triangle between the red and black stones, and then on the small triangle between the white and green stones. The triangles are swapped. We click on the mouse at the top and see how new symbols appear on the small triangles. Then we swap the remaining triangle between the black and green stones, and the triangle between the blue and red stones. We click on the mouse at the top, and we see all the displayed symbols. Now we need to show invisible inscriptions on large segments (this can be seen on the bloody page from the book). Click on the large segment with a red stone at the bottom and then on the segment with a black stone at the bottom. They change places. Clicking on a bat reveals an inscription on one of them. Click again on the large segment with a red stone at the bottom, and then on the large segment with a white stone at the bottom. After their mutual replacement, we again click on the mouse at the top so that another inscription appears. Swap the segment with the green stone at the bottom, and the segment with the blue stone at the bottom, after the replacement click on the mouse. It remains to swap the segment with the red stone at the base, and the segment with the blue stone at the base, after the replacement, click on the mouse. All the secret inscriptions on the cover were revealed. Now you need to move the gems to the vertices of the triangles. The task is very simple, so I will not describe it in detail. I will only write in what order one after another clockwise the stones should be, starting from the right vertex of the triangle on which we will place the black stone: black-red-blue-green-white. Here is a drawing of the complete solution to the problem.

We click on the bat and read the revelations of Dracula. Oh my God! Truly, in the name of the great love for the Woman in the world, the greatest feats and the most terrible crimes are committed! One could also feel sorry for the brave warrior of a glorious ancient family who fell into the net of unrequited love, but something does not regret. After reading the book, we close it. We hear the approaching steps of the servant, who is heading in our direction, and quickly leave the estate through a secret passage.

Mina's apartment

We look around and listen. A presence is clearly felt in Mina's bedroom. Alas, we already know the name of her intruder. Without wasting a minute, we pick up the crucifix and decisively open the bedroom door. We are late! Vampire bite marks are visible on Mina's neck. We look at this fiend of Hell and see in front of us not a decrepit withered old man, but a handsome young man, in whose face something cruel and predatory is guessed. But we are not deceived by the Count's pleasant appearance, for in his eyes the Lady Death herself lurks. He is dangerous, he is very dangerous, but this time he yielded to us, and quickly retreated through the window. Without delay, we call the doctor, our former student, by telegram to Mina. Mina's life is in danger, and we decide to save our pupil by all means. After talking with the doctor, we go to the wall on which the map of London hangs, and we find there a map of the world. We click in the lower right corner of the map on Cairo.

Moving forward. Talking to passers-by is useless, they only speak Arabic. On the right we see a corral with camels, and above it there is a huge advertising poster, we read it. We communicate with the poster's author - an enterprising Muslim named Mustafa. Having quickly agreed with him about everything, we go to the Cairo Museum. We return back to the crossroads, and we go to the right side of the screen. We find ourselves in the treasury of world culture - the Cairo Museum, which contains all the most valuable exhibits on the history of Egypt.

Cairo Museum

Hmmm, calling this squalor, which opened before our discerning gaze, the treasury of world culture, was a very hasty and ill-considered decision on our part. We pass forward and talk to the man at the table, who turns out to be not the director of the museum, but only his assistant and temporary deputy. In addition, he categorically refuses to help us, referring to his busyness. We offer him our help in some rather simple matter. Of course, this impudent person does not refuse our help, and without a twinge of conscience immediately hands over a list of things that we need to find within the walls of this room. Sighing, we go to look for this rubbish, which for some reason must be included in the inventory list.

1. Head with a sun disk
2. Knife with mother-of-pearl handle
3. The headless statue
4. Spanish helmet
5. Papyrus
6. Small scarab

Having received from the deputy director of the museum detailed explanations about the weight-deben, and having received a stiletto from him as a gift, we go to the right screen. We take a miniature pyramid from the shelf of the rack, under the pyramid we find the key, which we put in inventory. From the top shelf we take the symbol of the pharaoh's power - the nekhet, which turns out to be just a crude forgery. We take papyrus from the shelf of the middle rack, it is on our list. We turn to the rack opposite. From the bottom shelf of the nearest rack we take a knife with a mother-of-pearl handle from our list. We take another pyramid on the shelf above it. We pass forward, and we again find ourselves at the front door. Let's check the racks of the central aisle, but first we take from the table another pyramid and a figurine with a broken head - it is also from our list. From the shelf on the left we take a small scarab figurine from our list, and another pyramid. We look at the shelves opposite. From the rack at the front door we take the helmet of a Spanish soldier, which is also on our list, and from the chest we take another pyramid, and a fake symbol of the pharaoh's power - a hake. We go to the right screen. On the shelf closest to us we see an old Spanish trunk, to which the key we found under the pyramid easily fits. We take out another pyramid from the open wardrobe trunk, and from the shelf under the wardrobe trunk we take the head with the sun disk, which is also considered missing, that is, in our list, and another pyramid. We have found all the items from the list, but we are continuing our inspection. We approach the table of the assistant director of the museum, and go to the left screen. We see there a genuine mummy and a fake sarcophagus in the shape of a pharaoh. We hand over to this fake pharaoh fake symbols of power, and from the sarcophagus we take a genuine pyramid. We return to the assistant's table and talk to him. We leave the museum and go to talk with Mustafa about renting a camel. But the owner cannot give us a camel, because they all suddenly fell ill. Pay attention to the camel drinker, it is all filled with fresh grass. We take an empty stewpan behind the owner and a pitchfork leaning against the cart. We pick up the grass with a pitchfork and show it to the owner. We pass Mustafa to the left, and we see a gray-bearded monk on the porch. We speak to him, and then we show him the grass found in the camel drinker. It turns out that these are very poisonous leaves. We receive from the monk an antidote for one camel, and we give this medicine to Mustafa.

Temple of Bloodspur

We pass inside the temple and hear how something falls with a crash outside. This is one of Dracula's henchmen, on his instructions, heaped stones at the entrance to the temple. It’s unpleasant, of course, but we will try to find another way out. We look around. We select from the floor the iron head from the pickaxe, and take the turban lying near the skeleton. We turn around and take one of the boards. There is nothing more interesting for us, and we go down the screen. We throw the board over the hole and take the lantern. On the right, at the bottom of the hole, a passage is visible. We pass forward and turn right. The room we got into is kind of strange, the frescoes on the walls are striking. We take linen strips from the surgical table in the center of the room, and from the small table near the wall we take a bottle of oil. We leave and go to the left. In the dark corridor we stumble upon the corpse of a young girl. Undoubtedly, this is another victim of Dracula. We select the belt of the unfortunate girl near her body. Having grieved over the unfortunate woman, we pay attention to the door. There are some strange symbols on it and we cannot open it (at least not yet). We return to the failure, to where we saw the passage. Maybe we can get down there? Let's try. In the inventory we combine linen strips, a belt and a turban, we get a long rope. We tie the rope to the board thrown over the hole. Before setting off, it would not hurt to light the lantern. Pour the found oil into the lantern, and then light it with matches. Everything is ready, you can go downstairs. We select the tip of the lance, here is the handle for our pickaxe. In the inventory we combine the head of a pickaxe and a wooden spike, and we get a pickaxe, quite ready for use. We go into the passage and again we stumble upon the skeleton. Hmm, aren't there a lot of skeletons scattered around here? We take from the bag, which lies next to the skeleton, a bunch of grass. This herb is very similar to the one with which camels were poisoned. Yes, more, perhaps, we have nothing to do here, so it's time to think about how to get out of here. We carefully examine the dead end. We direct the mouse cursor to the upper right corner, find the active point, and apply the pickaxe. We were not mistaken trying to break free here. We leave through the punched hole. Upstairs we will have an unexpected meeting with an old monk. We talk to him and learn that he is not just a monk, but a novice of the Coptic Order and the keeper of this place. After listening to the story that Herodotus of the Jews told us, we find ourselves again in Cairo near Mustafa.

Mustafa is concerned about the loss of his niece. Wasn't it her corpse that we saw in the temple? Apparently, yes, but we are in no hurry to share this news with Mustafa. We need to complete the assignment of the monk, who gave us a list of items required to complete the ritual of closing the seal. We go to the market, which is located opposite the paddock with camels. Talking to the seller is also useless, because he only speaks Arabic. Next to him, on the left, we take a bunch of garlic. We take the scales from the counter, especially since the seller does not object to the expropriation of his property, and an empty jar. We go to the museum, we speak with the assistant director. A murderer's knife flies past us, in terrifying proximity, and with force plunges into the wall of the rack. The assistant director is scared to death and considers us his savior. We take out the knife from the wall of the rack and again speak with the assistant director. We show him a list of the items we need. It is possible to agree on the return of the brotherhood's things only in exchange for a promise to find and return the stolen museum values ​​to the museum. We take from the table the exact plan of the pyramids of Giza. To the right of the table we take the mirror shard. We're no stranger to looking. Therefore, having received an empty vessel (henka) from the assistant director, we leave the museum and go to Mustafa. We show him the knife of a loser killer. Mustafa recognizes the knife and tells us the name of the owner of the knife, who turns out to be the leader of the local smugglers. Having learned from Mustafa where the house of the Turkish smuggler is located, we head there. We go to the left of the camel paddock, and try to open the door in the house to the left. Hmmm, the lock is not very simple, but with the help of logic we will solve this problem too. We look at the puzzle in close proximity. To open this ingenious lock, we need to build from the balls exactly the same picture that we see on the left, it looks like the number four. Let us number the square as shown in the figure: we designate the columns with numbers, and designate the rows of balls with letters. To move a group of balls, you need to move the cursor to the outermost ball and click on the red arrow that appears. Move the individual balls in the same way. The red button is responsible for resetting incorrect actions and returning the balls to their original position. The task is not an easy one, so we follow the instructions very carefully:

1. Move the column number 2 up once
2. Move the top ball of column number 2 to the left 1 time
3. Move the column number 3 down 3 times
4. Move the left side of row B to the left 1 time
5. Move the column number 2 down 2 times
6. Move the row under the letter B to the right 1 time
7. Move the right side of row B to the right 2 times.
8. Move the right side of row B to the right 1 time
9. Move the right side of row D to the right 2 times
10. The top ball in the column number 7 is moved down 2 times
11. The last ball in row D is moved to the left 1 time
12. Move row E to the right 2 times
13. Move the bottom of the column at number 3 up 1 time
14. Move one ball in row G to the right 2 times.
15. Row E move to the right 2 times
16. Move one ball in row G to the right 1 time
17. The lower ball of the column number 7 is moved down 1 time
18. Move row E to the right 1 time
19. The lower part of the column numbered 7 (two balls) is moved down 1 time
20. The lower ball in the column number 7 is moved to the left 1 time
21. Move the top ball in the column at number 7 down 1 time
22. Move the right side of row B to the right 1 time

If everything is done correctly, the lock will open. We enter the house, look around. It can be seen that this is the dwelling of a person who is far from poor. We take the figurine of the black sphinx from the chest. The documents will contain hieroglyphs depicted on the lateral surface of the sphinx. We raise the ax from the floor and turn around. On the table we see a torn parchment, so we collect it. With the right mouse button, you can turn over the torn pieces of parchment. When assembled, the parchment will look like this:

After the parchment is collected, it will be attached to the rest of our documents. We pass deep into the room and pay attention to the bag with precious stones on the table. We are trying to open the door to another room, but then suddenly we notice how the floor vase by the door begins to swing, then falls to the floor and breaks. A cobra with a swollen hood appears from the broken vase and begins to hiss warningly, making it clear that it is not going to let us go further. We take in the inventory the poisonous herb we found in the temple, turn around to the table, and throw it into the pot with smoldering coals. Cobra is defeated, so the path to the next room is clear. But first we will check if there is anything suitable for us among the fragments of the broken vase. Intuition does not let us down, because there we find the key to the door to the next room. Next to the broken vase, we find another pyramid. We unlock the door with the key and enter. From the table on the right we take several documents that are clearly not intended for prying eyes, but we will nevertheless read them and learn a lot of curious things. Yes, Mr. Dracula is not afraid of us, otherwise, why would he give his henchmen the order to get us out of his way? Very interesting. There is a small shelf with books on the wall, and under it we unexpectedly find a sun disk, and we hide it in our inventory. On the left, from the top shelf of the bookcase, we take a bag of golden sand. So, we have found the stolen treasures of the Cairo museum, which we are in a hurry to inform the assistant director about. We make the previously agreed barter. It would also be nice to read the parchment found. We show it to the learned husband. He himself refuses to read it, but allows us to take the book from his desk. As always, we ourselves have to solve our problems. We are trying to read the parchment. On the left there are words that must be dragged onto the parchment with the mouse under the correct hieroglyphs. We read:

1 row - weapon-with-magic power-inside-seker-head
2 row - cursed-blood-hidden-under-the-north-altar
3 row - before-entering-darkness-destroy-guard-damned forever

A transcript of the text will appear in the documents. Before leaving the museum, we show the assistant director a figurine of a black sphinx, but we will not hear anything intelligible or useful about this figurine from him. Well, thanks for that. We leave the museum and go back to Mustafa. His wife kicked him out of the house, poor fellow, because of her niece, but we still do not dare to tell him the truth. We go to visit the monk. We find him in the same place - on the porch, and talk to him. So, we need clean water that Herodotus could consecrate. As a blessing, we receive a wafer from the monk. Return to the camel enclosure. We collect water from a camel drinker with a saucepan. In the inventory, use a knife to pick out the diamond from the necklace, and process the edges of the mirror shard with it. We put a saucepan with water on the grill coals near the wall so that the water boils, and put it in inventory. In the inventory, drag the processed mirror shard onto a stewpan with hot water, then place an empty flask there. The condensation from the mirror is transferred to the flask. Thus, we have found a way out of the situation, and are carrying volatile water to the monk. He performs a ritual over the water we brought, and as a result, we have a bottle of holy water in our inventory. After talking with Herodotus, we show him a figurine of a black sphinx. The monk will advise us to break it, but we, not listening to his advice, again hide the figurine in our inventory.

Temple of Bloodspur

We enter the temple through the entrance, which we also pierced. Our goal is a closed door in the hallway. We climb up the rope, go forward and turn into the left passage. The girl's corpse is gone, she was buried by a kind monk. We examine the door again, now more attentively. Everything we need to open it is on the left. The door opens very easily: we insert the sun disk into the central part of the door. Insert the wafer received from the monk into the upper cylinder. Pour holy water into the lower cylinder. We insert a mirror into the left slot, but into the right one - a whole bunch of garlic (and it’s true that the Miracle of the Lord: fit such a big bunch of garlic into such a small slot). Then we say (joke), We utter, of course, the spell that Herodotus of the Jews taught us, and the door opens .. We go in. The splendor of the premises is striking and terrifying at the same time. We look around. We take out another weight from the vessel on the right by the wall, called. On the left, near the chest, we raise the bowl from the floor. We approach the structure in the left corner of the temple, resembling an altar, which is smeared with either blood, or paint, very similar to blood. The hieroglyphs seen on it seem very familiar to us, don't they? We quickly open our diary, and find there images of hieroglyphs that were sketched from a black sphinx. We press on the altar plate the familiar hieroglyphs in the order in which they are sketched: 1, 6 (first row), 5, 9 (second row), 9 (first row), 7 (second row). The curbstone moves, and we see blood under it. A line from a letter from a Turkish smuggler immediately comes to mind. We fill the golden vessel with this blood. So what else was in this letter? ... We return back and see the broken statue of Seker at the right wall. We finish off Secker with an ax (the pun, however, was drawn). From the broken head of Seker we take out the silver tip of the spear. We look at the pool with water in the center of the hall. What did the monk say to us at parting. The pool is in place, the blood is already there, only the golden deben is missing., But there is a bag of golden sand, from which we will extract the golden deben. We approach the chest at the left wall, put the scales on it. We put two copper debens in the left side of the scales, and put the stiletto received from the assistant director in the right side of the scales.

Yes, he also told us the weight of one copper deben - 27.3 grams. This means that the weight of the two debens will be 54.6 g. The weight of the stiletto is 1.44 ounces, which in terms of grams will be 41 g. The difference in weight between them will be just one golden deben - 13.6 g. We take the golden sand from bag and pour it into the right pan of the scale until the scales are balanced. It turned out exactly three tablespoons of golden sand. We pour it into the bowl we found. We now have all the ingredients to open the secret passage. We pour golden sand from the bowl into the pool, and pour the cursed blood from the golden vessel into the same. But what is it? The pool water turned to sand. What should we do next? And again we recall the words of Herodotus of the Jews. Pharaoh's graves are pyramids, we have them. But where do we get the sun in the dungeon? Looking forward, to the upper left corner of the screen, we pay close attention to the middle column near the left wall. A bit dark. We examine this column with a lantern. So that's why we have been collecting the pyramids for so long and tediously! Take with the mouse the large pyramid on the left, and drag it under the image of the large pyramid on the wall. Move the slider on the left to the middle position. In this case, our lantern must be exactly under the pyramid. There is! The shadow from our pyramid exactly matches the pattern on the wall. We do the same operation with the middle and small pyramids. After completing the task, and finding the necessary pyramids, we place them in the sand pool. We put the large pyramid on the sand at the right side, place the middle pyramid in the center of the pool, and place the small pyramid at the left side. Here it is, it happened! The secret door has opened and we hurry there. Yes, and you will not wish your enemy SUCH immortality! We recall the third line from the deciphered letter of the Turk. We return, look at the boat and two guards near it. At the left guard we take a metal bar from the hands, near the right guard we pick up a part of the broken column from the floor. We cut off the support of the rook with a poleaxe so that the rook would slide down. We put the broken column under the right side of the boat, and insert a metal bar there as well. Clicking on the improvised lever, we lower the boat into the water and go there. We use the rook as a bridge and find ourselves on the platform. We go to the end of the platform in the direction of the fog. This is not just fog, this is a black enchantment that we need to destroy. We pass to the end of the platform, and use the black sphinx figurine on the dark enchantment. Here is the statuette that came in handy for us, otherwise it could be smashed and smashed! The fog clears and we go into the secret room. There is nothing to see here, so we take the papyrus, and with a sense of relief we leave this abode of evil.

We go straight to the monk to show him our precious find. Alas, he did not please us: although the papyrus was written in the ancient language of his order, the monk himself does not know it. True, he gives us a tip on his fellow monk, who can read in this dead language, but we should look for this monk in Vienna. We ought to say goodbye to our hospitable host before leaving. We explain with Mustafa, tell him a tale about the passionate and secret love of his niece and the overseas count, and to prove our words we give Mustafa a bag of gold and a necklace.

We are watching the video, after that we speak twice with Countess Orlovskaya. We memorize the notes of her unpretentious song: C, G, D #, F, D, A #, to the second octave. We go to the left side of the room. We are trying to open the door to the library - to no avail. On the wall to the left of the door we see a panel, we look at it. We also examine the bookcase on the left, we fish out a textbook of chemistry from it. We continue to inspect the cabinet, and we find there a home chemical laboratory. Another puzzle, moreover, musical and chemical.

Gloriously glorious. Let's try to figure it out. Arrange the notes of the musical octave as shown in the figure.

The first note is C, and in the Countess's melody, the first note is also C. The chemical formula Na2CrO is written on this key. We look at the chemistry textbook sheet on the right. It says that it is sodium chromium, yellow. Take a blank piece of paper with the mouse in the lower right corner, and put it in the yellow solution (the first test tube). Below we see the first number 2. Further, the note G sounds in the melody. This key has the formula CuSO4 5H2O written on it. We find this formula in a chemistry textbook - this is copper sulfate, blue. We take a blank sheet of paper, find a test tube with blue color, dip litmus paper there, and get the second number - 6. We do the same operation with the rest of the notes of the countess's melody. For the impatient, let's write the correct color sequence for the test tubes; yellow, blue, green, black, red, orange, white (1,5,3,4,2,6 and 7 tubes). Under the test tubes there will be the following number series: 2, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 18. We guess that this is some kind of code for the safe. Now it wouldn't hurt to find the safe itself. We go left and pay attention to the marble statue in the niche. Naturally, we will find a safe there. We already know the code for this safe. We open the safe, and we get from there a letter from the count and a key. We also take from the safe a piece of wood that looks very much like an angel. We go to the right side of the screen, and open the door to the library with the found key. Entering the library, we freeze with admiration: we want to stay here and read, read, read. But, the trumpet calls, and we go in search of the secret door. We pass to the bottom of the screen. We see a canvas with the emblem of the university on the wall, move it aside. A wooden circle with an incomplete collection of figurines of angels and demons is hidden under the canopy. Let's go look for the missing figures. We return to the hall. Near the stairs to the second floor, we see a table with an unfinished experiment. We take tweezers and a scalpel from the table. We go to the showcase with butterflies, which is right in front of us. Use the scalpel to open the showcase, take the angel figurine from there. Having passed to the right, we take from the curbstone another figure of an angel. We are heading to the fireplace. On the right we see some kind of winch. And if you twist? To the left of the winch, we take a poker, and then we go to see if there is anything interesting on the lowered chandelier. Yes, there really is something there, but the chandelier is not low enough for us to take this item. We see a stepladder and strive for it (is it really a pun again?), Take it and put it right under the chandelier. We go up the stairs, and take off another angel figurine from the chandelier (I wonder who was frolicking like that here? ). We go forward and remove the suspenders from the first skeleton (nothing, and without pants it will stand). We go back and go up the stairs to the second floor. We click on the map of Europe, we find Transylvania on the right (did you expect something else?), The area of ​​Transylvania is gray. We click on this area, from the opened cache we get another figure of an angel. We go right. From the middle shelf of the first bookcase on the left we take a book and another angel figurine (the text about shooting from a crossbow will appear in the documents). We return to the wooden circle on the wall. On the left, we pay close attention to the alcoholized freaks. But we have nothing to open the bank with. Nothing? And if you think about it? In the inventory, we combine the suspenders and the poker, we get something that looks like a homemade corkscrew. We use it on the bank we like. With the help of tweezers we take out a demon figurine from there. Everything seems to be. Let's see what this will give us. Click again on the wooden circle and assemble a not very complicated puzzle of figures of angels and demons, while the figures do not even need to be turned over. We enter the opened door. As always, we look around. Pay attention to the dragon's head protruding from the front wall of the table. To the left of the basket we take a linen cloth. We find the statuette of St. Michael the Archangel on the shelf of the bookcase, and we take the spear from it.

We apply this spear to the dragon's head, and we see a closed safe door with another riddle. To open the safe, you need to illuminate all the vertices of the triangles with balls. This is really a mystery, we did not guess that. Let us number from one to eight clockwise all the holes at the vertices of the triangles, starting with the lower left and ending with the lower right (respectively, at the bottom you will have holes at the vertices of the triangles numbered 1 and 8 - from left to right). The sequence of pressing is as follows: 3, 8, 2, 5, 7, 2, 4, 7, 1, 4, 6, 1, 3, 6, 3. We take from the safe the key and chalice belonging to Count Dracula himself. We go down the screen. On the shelf we find a barrel of wine. Hmm, maybe we should be a little foolish and leave the monks without wine? No sooner said than done. We use a scalpel on the tap of the barrel, pour all the wine onto the floor. At the wall near the shelf we take the handle from the mop and connect it in the inventory with the cloth. And what, a good torch turned out. We light the torch with matches and we pass to the right into the passage. Phew, what an abomination these rats are! Sugan them with a torch, and as a reward we get holy water from poor Baker's bag. We move further along the aisle. We remove the old cassock from the hanger on the left, and disguise ourselves as a monk. Trying to open the door is useless. We return back to the empty wine barrel. Suddenly, the figure of a monk possessed by demons appears from the aisle. How, he dared to threaten us, and he worships demons? Would you like to see them, brother? We can easily arrange it for you, only then don't be offended if you don't like it. We use a torch to set fire to the wine spilled on the floor. Servant of Hell goes there without a change, whether he wants it or not. We are not squeamish people, so we examine what is left of the demon worshiper. We pick up the key from the floor, with which we unlock the door that was previously locked. We carefully look into the hall. Oh, horror, we got to black mass. In the right corner we see a man in a cage. Apparently, they are going to sacrifice him, we must try to save him. While the monks do not pay attention to us, behind their backs we quietly make our way to the man in the cage, and talk to him. God, this is Brother Alberto, and we need him. In order to calmly talk to Alberto, we need to somehow get rid of the black monks. We approach the pentagram in the center of the hall. On the right, against the wall, we notice a statue of a goat with a cup of drink for the monks on its head. And what will happen if you treat the black monks with holy water? Pour holy water in Dracula's chalice in inventory (irony of fate, however), then pour it into the bowl on the goat's head and leave. Let's not look at what the black monks are doing with the body of their deceased brother, but rather talk calmly with Brother Alberto. Alas, Brother Alberto is also unable to help us, because he is blind. And he also cannot leave with us, because he was crippled. With his last breath, Brother Alberto gives us valuable advice: to save the souls of innocent people, you need to destroy Dracula in his lair. Rest in peace, our good brother, and we'd better get out of here as soon as possible. We take out the key found in the safe, open the door in front of us, and leave.


We speak with Seward. Poor fellow, he is very bad, and it is useless to hope for his help. We take from the table two dried pretzels, a spoon and foil, and go to talk to the owner. We are trying to look at the menu on the counter. The owner obviously doesn't like this idea for some reason. We pass deep into the hall. On the bench near the door, we collect some sticky mucus with a spoon. We are trying to take the key to the door on the left, and then go out into the same door. Both of these innocent actions make the owner indignant. But Seward is getting worse, we need to find a cure for him immediately. Again we speak with the owner of the tavern. Grunting something under his breath, he leaves for the medicine. We quickly look through the papers from the counter. And this is not even a menu at all, but ordering products for today's feast in Dracula's castle, on the back of the order we find a fragment of a letter from Jonathan Harker. When the owner returns to the hall, loudly slamming the door with anger, a stuffed wild boar will fall from the wall. We agree with Seward to distract the owner for a while, and during this time we will try to make a dummy key. We lift from the floor the fang, which fell out of the jaw of the stuffed animal. In the inventory, we combine the foil with the sticky muck, and then wrap both pretzels with this foil in turn and connect them. We also wrap the boar's tusk in foil and connect it with two pretzels. As a result, we get a fake key, which we immediately change to a real one. We already have the key in our pocket, so it wouldn't hurt to talk to the tavern owner again. The attempt was successful, the innkeeper hides behind his counter, and in the meantime we get the real key, unlock the door, and get to the stable. We see that everything here is already ready to be sent to Dracula's castle. It is necessary to think of something quickly to hide in the carriage unnoticed, and thus secretly enter the castle. But the horses are so restless and angry, they ought to be somehow reassured. We pass to the workbench on the right. We find an empty bucket near the bucket with oats, and we collect oats from the bucket with it. But regular oats will not work for these unusual horses. We notice that blood is still dripping from the carcass of the animal near the door. We moisten oats in a bucket with this blood and treat the horses. Now that the horses are calm and busy, we pass in front of their muzzles, and we lift the old chute from the floor, we take a funnel and an empty box from the table. We raise a rusty pipe near the horses, and near the block for chopping meat, we pick up an old beaver skin. We go to the carriage, at the top of which is a huge barrel of wine, we could easily accommodate there if the barrel was empty. We get down to business. We take out an empty box and put it on the floor in front of the rear wheel of the carriage. On the left on the floor we see a well - a drain. This is where we will pour the wine from the barrel. We put a gutter on the box, through which the wine will flow. We attach a beaver skin to the upper part of the gutter, and put a funnel on it under the tap of the barrel. Place the pipe between the gutter and the gutter. Now you can safely open the barrel valve. When all the wine is poured out of the cask, we will disassemble our design. And on time, because the coachman is already ready to go.

Dracula's castle

We look around. It would be necessary to somehow get rid of the coachman so that he could freely enter the castle. From the table on the left we take a trap for the wolf. Near the table we notice a bucket filled with the blood of the victims. We go up the screen, where from the table we take a couple of hooks on which the carcasses of animals are suspended. We go to the open window. There are barrels under it, and on them are two ropes, which we hide in our inventory. Above the open window on the ceiling we see a pulley. In the inventory, we connect one of the ropes with a trap, and we stretch this structure through the pulley on the ceiling. We attach another rope to the hook on the floor near the trap. In order for the coachman to fall into our trap, bait is needed. We return to the table where we took the hooks. A little further than this place we see a dead rat, which also fell into a trap. We click on this place and try to free the rat from the trap. We take one hook, and we click it on the rat trap, with the second hook we click on the rat's head to pull it out of the trap. Raise our head up and see a second pulley on the ceiling, through which we need to throw a second rope, so we just click on it. We go to our wolf trap, and put the bait there. We move aside. Our trick succeeded, and the coachman fell into our trap, we speak with him. He gives us some disappointing news. We need to hurry. We pick up his ax from the floor near the coachman's feet. Near the red package, which lies opposite the open window, we raise the bowl, and the package itself is opened with the help of a silver arrow. Nothing fancy, it's just a regular jam jar. Nothing special, you say? This is really jam, not from berries, but from human hearts! We give it to the hungry coachman, but he doesn't want to tell us anything more, he only mutters that now he is in debt to us. We must move on, but before leaving we will fill the cup with sacrificial blood from a bucket. We leave from the stable. In the vestibule on the right we take a rope (these ropes are always so useful), an old fur coat and go to the left door. We find ourselves in front of the crypt, locked on a metal lattice. We look at the panel on the wall to the right. Another riddle. At first glance, it seems that the riddle is very complex, but in fact, everything is very simple. Consider it. On the left in the center we see a portrait of Dracula, and at the top and bottom of the portrait we see small panels with one-color stripes. There are some black characters at the top and to the right of the large color field. If you move the cursor to them, parts of the portrait of Dracula are highlighted. What is the purpose of the riddle? It is necessary to correctly set the colors in the panel with one-color stripes. How it's done. We move the mouse cursor to the symbols to the right of the field, and click on the portrait of Dracula on those fragments that we see under the symbols. Fragments in the portrait turn over and form a void. Turning over four fragments on the portrait, with the left mouse button grab the portrait of Dracula by the left edge, and drag it almost to the center of the field, just a little to the right and a little down so that the symbols that we see to the right of the field are visible in the open squares of the portrait. Only here these symbols will be painted in different colors. It is these very colors that we will put on the bottom field in the sequence in which the symbols are drawn, namely: green, white, dark red, white. We return the portrait to its place and give it its original appearance. We do the same operation, only with the upper symbols. Drag the portrait into the field, pressing it to the left edge so that all four upper symbols are in the open squares. We set the colors on the top panel: green, white, blue, blue. Everything, the entrance to the Dracula family crypt is open. We look at the lid of the coffin, which stands directly in front of us. The lid falls, and we examine it very carefully, click on the indicated date and on the bloody inscription. If this is not done, then we will not receive an entry in our diary, but it will be useful to us. We do the same with the coffin in the lower left corner. Our diary must contain entries about red-haired and blond girls, and their names. We look at the central coffin, on the lid of which a dragon is painted. This is the master of the count himself. We take out the ax and smash to smithereens Dracula's daytime abode. Well, in the last coffin that we open, a sad sight awaits us, and our heart is squeezed with grief. We see Jonathan Harker transformed into a vampire. We take his glasses from Jonathan's hands, take his diary and book from the coffin. We read. Poor, poor Jonathan. No, no matter how painful and bitter we may be, we will not give his soul to be torn apart, and for this we must rest the body of Jonathan. We combine in the inventory a wooden stake and a wooden hammer, we apply this on the body of our former beloved student. Rest in peace dear Harker, now you are free. With sadness in our hearts we leave the crypt and go to the room opposite the stables. The hall amazes with its former luxury and desolation. We go to the right wall, and we consider an old beautiful tapestry, which depicts a very young Count Dracula. We click on his shield. We look at the knight's hand on the left, a pink scarf is tied on it. Near the tapestry on the floor we see a painting on a church theme. We look at the wall again, notice the hanging cord, pull it. We raise the fallen cord, and then we carefully examine the beautiful, well-preserved portrait of the sad girl. It is she, Irina, whose love Dracula carried through the centuries. We head to the opposite wall, examine the paintings hanging there, read the plates under the portraits. We are trying to enter the door on the left. The black-haired beauty does not let us go further, but proudly tells us the number of nights she spent in the Count's bed - 5,777 (I wonder where such precision comes from?). We turn around, go to the weapons arsenal, which is located opposite the door, where the succubus does not want to let us in. Yes, as expected, the arsenal is locked with a coded lock, it would be necessary to ask the coachman about this in more detail.

We go to his stable, talk to him. The coachman does not hide from us what he knows, but speaks in riddles. Let's think it over. The coachman told us that the bloody inscriptions we saw on the coffins of the Count's former lovers are the number of nights each of them spent with him. And the code to the arsenal is as follows: three times - the number of rises of the white moon, twice - the number of rises of the red moon, and 5 times - the number of rises of the black moon. One of them, Ilona, ​​a blonde (white Moon), spent 8 954 nights x 3 = 26 862 with the count. His other beloved, Muan, a red-haired beauty (red Moon), spent with the count, judging by our records, 12 176? 2 = 24 352 nights. Well, the black moon itself told us the total number of nights with the graph - 5,777. Sum up all the numbers obtained, we get 80099. We go to the arsenal and enter the resulting code. We counted everything correctly, so the medieval arsenal hospitably opens its doors to us. We take chain mail, crossbow and try to take the shield. Yes, no doubt about it, Pelor's shield is here. We look at the shield in the center. What do we know about this shield? We read in the book. So, we need to set the arrows on the shield appropriately. But first, we rotate the images of the two moons in the center so that they seem to be facing each other, forming a symbol that looks like a letter. Then we turn the small inner circle three times. We turn the large outer circle 12 times so that all the arrows on the shield take the appropriate position. The legendary shield of Pelor has been found, and we have it in our hands. Now let's tackle black-haired Ada. We take out a bowl of sacrificial blood and use it on the door, behind which there is a succubus. We are watching a short video. Goodbye Ada, monstrous spawn of hell (hmm, pun again). We go into her room. Horror and disgust grips us, but we must hurry. To our left we take a pot of fat, without even trying to think about whose fat it might be. We use the silver arrow on a musical instrument that stands near the bed. In the inventory, we connect the extracted string with the crossbow, and load the crossbow with a silver arrow. The crossbow is ready for battle. We chop the coffins with an ax. We take the key and the book from the first coffin, read it. From the second coffin we take a portrait of Ada Damer, a beautiful young girl who became first a victim and then the beloved of Count Dracula. May she rest in peace. Now we need to test the found key, whether it will fit the last locked door in the hall. Yes, undoubtedly this is the key. We unlock the door and enter. Our hearts sink in fear, because the ritual conceived by Dracula has already begun. The music sounds more and more alarming. A thunderstorm shower with a full blue moon creates an enchanting and terrifying atmosphere at the same time. The heart in the chest begins to beat faster. We must act as soon as possible to prevent Dracula from completing the ritual. We notice in front of us a barrier of restless souls, and next to them are two statues made of solid metal. Look at the bookcase on the left. It can be moved by lubricating the rusted rails with grease. We take out a pot of fat and apply it to the rails. We push the cabinet forward. We approach closer to the left statue, put chain mail in front of it. We combine two cords in the inventory, we tie the resulting rope to the left leg of the statue. The idea was successful: a lightning strike makes a hole in the wall of souls. But we cannot go through this passage, because the floor is wet and there is a large charge of electricity in it from the lightning that got here. To avoid death from electric shock, put a fur coat on this place and go forward. We take out of the inventory a crossbow loaded with a silver arrow, and bravely take a step forward towards our destiny. Watching the video. Happy end ?!

We talk with Mina, and suggest that she go for a walk with us. The girl agrees and leaves to put herself in order. Wasting no time, we look around. We take the newspaper from the chair, read the note and go to the table. We take a photo of Jonathan and look through a selection of newspapers. We are interested in the newspaper dated September 06, Thursday. We read it. We pass deep into the room, push the curtains on the wall, and see a map of London. We compare all the facts that we learned from the newspapers, take a red pencil and look for all the points on the map that were mentioned in the notes, and then we connect each point with the one where, according to witnesses, the criminal disappeared (to draw a line, we place the pencil in the desired point, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, lead to another point we need). From the Church of St. George we draw a line in the direction of Victoria Station. From the point on the Southwark Bridge, we draw a line in the direction of the Tate Gallery. From Justan Road, we lead a line in the direction of St. George's Cathedral. From the railway from New Kent Road station, we lead a line in the direction of the National Gallery. We see that all the lines converge in one place - the Goldming mansion. We click on it with a pencil and decide to go there immediately, abandoning the tempting walk with a lovely girl.

Goldming Mansion

We knock on the door of the mansion like well-mannered people. A strange servant opens the door for us, who announces the absence of the owners, adding at the same time for some reason that he eats flies, and that he cannot let us into the house in any way. Hmm, fly lover, then? Well, well, let's remember this oddity, it will come in handy. Since we are not allowed into the house, we will take a walk through the cemetery. We enter the gate and try to open the door to the gatehouse. But there is no one in the gatehouse, it is locked. Near the gate we pay attention to an urn, around which disgusting fat flies are swarming. From the gate we go along the path to the left and see another strange person who is digging a grave with his hands. Doesn't he have a shovel or what? From a short conversation with the gravedigger, we learn that the tools are locked in the gatehouse, and he forgot the code. After asking him in more detail, we find out that the code for the lock on the gatehouse must be looked for at the grave of the Lemon spouses. We need to find out their age, and then turn the numbers 6 and 9. We select a scraper at the grave and go in search of the burial place of Mr. Lemon and his wife. We go to the gate, go down the stairs located just opposite these very gates, and immediately go up the stairs to the right. Having risen, we pay attention to the mausoleum with two graves to the right of us. The surface of the gravestones is smeared with dirt, so we take a scraper in our hands and clean them until the dates of birth and death of the spouses appear. We find out what was the age of D. B. Limon at the time of his death. 1772-1703 = 69 years old. And how old was his wife? 1790-1722 = 68 years old. Yes, but you still need to turn the numbers 6 and 9. we get 96 and 98. quite satisfied with ourselves, we go to the gatehouse and enter the code 9698. We enter the gatehouse and look around. We take a crowbar and a shovel near the door, grab a lantern from the table and leave. We go to the gravedigger, kindly offer him a shovel, but he refuses, eccentric. We talk with him and learn from him valuable information that it is possible to enter the mansion by a secret passage, but the only person, the cemetery caretaker, who knew exactly where the entrance to this secret passage is hidden, has already died. He, the poor fellow, was buried along with his notebook, which he did not let go of even after his death. We decide to visit the caretaker's grave and look at his notes. We return to the gate and again go down the stairs. The caretaker was buried in the mausoleum, behind a strong grate, guarded by two stern stone monks.

We use a crowbar on the grate to push the bars apart and read the inscription on the tombstone, but darkness prevents us from doing this. But we have a lantern and matches to light it. We take the matches and, without lifting the left mouse button, drag it to the lantern (thus, the items in the inventory are combined). We put the lighted lantern on the shovel in the inventory and push this simple structure through the bars of the lattice. We read the inscription, and it automatically appears in the documents. After reading the inscription, we understand that we are talking about angels, with the help of which we can open the grate to get inside this crypt. We go to the first angel, who is literally one step away from us. We look at the statue, and then we read the inscription below, which reads: "Demons drink the blood of a saint who sacrifices himself, and the righteous weep for him." It is very easy to distinguish saints from demons, so we shouldn't have any trouble placing bowls near demons, and tears near saints, clicking on the squares opposite each character. If everything is arranged correctly: cup-tear-cup-tear-cup-tear-cup-tear-cup-tear-cup-cup (clockwise), click on the image of the angel in the upper left corner. We hear a click and a hissing sound, indicating that the first mechanism has been started. We go to the next angel. We go up the right stairs and go left to the end of the path. We look at the leaning angel. This is the first hydraulic counterweight. We read the inscription below, and start thinking logically. "Three who were angry and rude, for a century (100 years) each to face." 3 × 100 = 300 years. "And three times more proud" 100 × 3 = 300 years. "He gave the term of these four in half to a glutton and a liar" (300 + 300): 2 = 300. "The seventh came, he is stupid and greedy, he is three times worse than all who are rude." The rude ones got 300 years, and it is three times more than 300 × 3 = 900 years and in addition another 25 years. We believe that we got it: 300 + 300 + 300 + 925 = 1825 years. Yes, Peter's judgment is harsh, but fair. But we got distracted. We need to get this number by clicking on the weights on the right. We easily cope with the task at hand: we click once on the weights with numbers 1000, 500, 200 100, we double-click on the weight with the number 10 and once more on the weight with the number 5. Then we click on the scale and sigh with relief when we hear the noise of the worker. mechanism. We hurry to the third angel along the path to the right, but before we deal with him, we take away the black veil that lies on the cross opposite the angel. We look at the chained angel, we read below the inscription "Only pure hearts will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, not fearing the Abyss." So again saints and sinners. Looking for sinners by clicking on their heads:

1. Gluttony (fat man at the bottom of the screen)
2. Fornication (a girl with a raised skirt)
3. Cruelty (a woman beating a child)
4. Greed (curmudgeon with a bag of money)
5. Lust (woman on a stretcher)

The heads of sinners turn black, and we click on the image of the sword in the upper left corner. Another small victory. We are looking for the fourth angel. We return to the gate and near the urn we throw a veil over the swarm of flies. Dearies got caught! From the gate we move down the path, where we see the fourth angel. How about another hydraulic counterweight? We read the inscription below "The demon is hidden in every thing: the eye of a spider, a snake, a toad and a wolf." Well, it's quite simple. We click on the eyes of the specified creatures (spider, snake, toad and three wolves). One wolf is near the horse, next to him is a howling wolf, and the third is found under a spider. When all evil red eyes light up, click on the image of the wolf in the upper right corner. We succeeded in everything, and the crypt of the old caretaker opens its womb before us. We hurry there, go inside and take a book, which we immediately read. Well, well, well, the mischievous lord has built a secret passage in order to handle his affairs with impunity. But we are only interested in the exact location of the entrance to his tunnel. We have learned all that we need, therefore, without regret, we leave this haven of sorrow, and go up the right staircase upstairs. We turn right and go to the end of the path. We use the crowbar on the grave near the wall, next to the large cross. The lid slides open with a crash and pulls from below with the coldness of the dungeon. We go downstairs. The door is locked, and we will have to solve a simple puzzle to open it. The task is simple: you need to move all the sliders from left to right. You can suffer by solving this riddle. Or you can do it easier: first click on the top slider, and then on the bottom. And that's all. The door is open, we enter. We are in the basement of the estate, where we were so eager to get.

We look around. We find an empty glass jar under the table, take a box of nails from the table, grab the wire cutters that we see near the column. We pay attention to the working workbench with a vice, it will still be useful to us. Move on. Taking a saw near the stairs, we go upstairs. We go into the door. A disgusting picture opens before us when we see a lover of flies, enthusiastically eating running cockroaches. A fly lover? Yes, we caught their full net. In the inventory, we transfer the flies to a glass jar, and we throw this dubious delicacy to the servant. While the servant enthusiastically eats fat flies, not paying any attention to us, we take a wooden spoon from the table, pick up a knife from the floor, and quietly leave the door on the left. In the corridor, go right to the front door. There, in the umbrella stand, we take a good cane. We return and go into the door opposite the kitchen. We look around. We are in a large, bright room that looks like a living room. Decline and desolation reign in it. Hmm, someone in this house clearly doesn't like mirrors, otherwise why break them? We pass deep into the room. We select freshly chopped pieces of wood near the fireplace. We pay attention to the safe to the left of the door. Someone desperately tried to open this safe with a hammer, but we will try to open it with our brilliant mind. But everything has its time. We leave the living room, and go up the stairs. On the landing, pay attention to the candelabrum, which is poorly attached to the wall. We'll deal with it a little later. We rise to the second floor. We go into the right door. It's a library, but what a mess it is! We go deep into the library, on the floor we see a stain of blood, but we are only interested in a stack of blank paper, which we take from the table on the right. We return to the door, and pay attention to the panel to the right of the door. It is very similar to what we saw on the safe door. I wonder what kind of protrusions are these? And an inscription in Latin that we can't read? Okay, let's leave this for now and continue exploring the estate. We go into the room opposite. Wow, this is Lady Goldming's bedroom. We lift the spool of thread from the floor. Near the wall to the left of the bedside table, we select and read the maid's note. We go to the window, and we pick up a wooden hammer from the floor, and a tailor's tape is waiting for us near the bed. We leave the bedroom, and at the end of the corridor we unsuccessfully try to open the locked door. We ought to look for another entrance to this room, because "normal heroes always go around", but for now let's try to conjure over the safe. We return to the library, and once again we look at the panel near the door. What if ... Yes, not a bad idea. We go into the inventory through the black square, and click there on the stack of blank paper. Right-click and we see the panel again, but with a strip of blank paper. We lower this strip down the screen to the protrusions, and click the left mouse button. We get a sheet of paper with punched holes where there were protrusions. We hurry to the living room, to the safe, to perform a similar operation. Having received the second sheet of paper with punched holes, we put it in inventory, and we take out the sheet from the library. We attach it to the inscription so that the letters are visible, and click the left mouse button. We automatically get a record in SEENSENSE documents. Nothing is clear yet. We go up to the library, click on the panel, take out a sheet with holes from the living room, attach it to the inscription so that the letters are visible, and left-click. We get an entry in the NENSSEE documents. We go back to the living room, click on the safe door. We notice in the upper right corner of the panel "The Rose of the Winds", and we are pensively looking at it. Nothing comes to mind? Well, of course, these incomprehensible letters are nothing more than the designation of the cardinal points, this is the code of the safe. N is north, S is south, E is east, and SE is southeast. We turn the discs in the indicated direction (from left to right):

SE E N SE N SE N E N S SE E (southeast, east, north, southeast, north, southeast, north, east, north, south, southeast, east). Well, aren't we good fellows? So believe after that the proverb "There is strength - no mind is needed." In our case, it is still as it should be. But we got distracted again. We open the safe, we take the key. The found key to the locked door does not fit, so now is the time to start looking for another passage to the sealed room. We remember the maid's note, and about the poorly fixed candelabrum on the wall of the staircase, we go up there. We use the pliers on the candelabra, we see a strange keyhole in front of us, and immediately decide to make a master key for this lock. First, you need to measure the depth of the four holes. A tailor's tape is not good for this. We need to improve it somehow. Through the black square we enter the inventory and combine there a tape measure with a wooden spoon and thread. That's it, the measuring device is ready. We click our improvised device on each hole, and we get the following entry in the diary: 10, 8, 12 and 5 cm. These data are quite enough for making a master key. Remember the vise on the workbench in the basement? We hurry there. We click on the vice, and in front of us on the screen there is already everything that we need for our work. We take a thin dark piece of wood, put it exactly under the ruler, with a saw cut off the first tongue 10 cm long, and insert it into the upper hole of the vertical workpiece on the right side. In turn, we cut the remaining three dowels in sizes 8, 12 and 5 cm and also insert them into the workpiece.

How are we going to turn this key? We make a handle for it. We take a light wide rail, also put it under the ruler, cut off 5 cm and insert it into the workpiece, but on the left side. The turn came to work with a file. We click them on the edges of all five pieces of wood. After processing with a file, we take nails, lay them out in front of each piece of wood (to the left of the blank for thin dowels, and one to the right for the handle), and hammer these nails with a wooden hammer. Our key is ready. We return with our master key in our pocket to the landing. We unlock the door with a homemade key, and we find ourselves in a dark corridor. We pass further and use the key from the safe on the door on the left. Opening the door, we find ourselves neither more nor less than in the chambers of Count Dracula himself. The room is decorated in ominous blood-red tones, not without a touch of pretentious theatricality and pomp. Even the count's coffin, clearly ceremonial, is displayed in the middle of the room. Let's not be distracted further by looking at other details of this room, but let's get down to business better. Under the portrait of Dracula we see a book with a pentagram, obviously expensive, because the cover is also decorated with precious stones. But we cannot even open it, not what to read. We need to find a clue. We go deep into the room, and pay attention to the bookcases, which we immediately examine for finding any usefulness. Our expectations did not disappoint, and now in our documents there is a bloody page with various symbols and a pentagram, very similar to the pentagram from the cover of a book. We approach the book, click on it, then click on the bat at the top. We see how the symbol appears in the small triangle between the blue and white stones. Click on the small triangle between the red and black stones, and then on the small triangle between the white and green stones. The triangles are swapped. We click on the mouse at the top and see how new symbols appear on the small triangles. Then we swap the remaining triangle between the black and green stones, and the triangle between the blue and red stones. We click on the mouse at the top, and we see all the displayed symbols. Now we need to show invisible inscriptions on large segments (this can be seen on the bloody page from the book). Click on the large segment with a red stone at the bottom and then on the segment with a black stone at the bottom. They change places. Clicking on a bat reveals an inscription on one of them. Click again on the large segment with a red stone at the bottom, and then on the large segment with a white stone at the bottom. After their mutual replacement, we again click on the mouse at the top so that another inscription appears. Swap the segment with the green stone at the bottom, and the segment with the blue stone at the bottom, after the replacement click on the mouse. It remains to swap the segment with the red stone at the base, and the segment with the blue stone at the base, after the replacement, click on the mouse. All the secret inscriptions on the cover were revealed. Now you need to move the gems to the vertices of the triangles. The task is very simple, so I will not describe it in detail. I will only write in what order one after another clockwise the stones should be, starting from the right vertex of the triangle on which we will place the black stone: black-red-blue-green-white. Here is a drawing of the complete solution to the problem.

We click on the bat and read the revelations of Dracula. Oh my God! Truly, in the name of the great love for the Woman in the world, the greatest feats and the most terrible crimes are committed! One could also feel sorry for the brave warrior of a glorious ancient family who fell into the net of unrequited love, but something does not regret. After reading the book, we close it. We hear the approaching steps of the servant, who is heading in our direction, and quickly leave the estate through a secret passage.

Part 1: London

The left button performs actions, viewing an object, scrolling through dialogues. All active points are highlighted on the screen by pressing the space bar. The right mouse button calls up the inventory (sections Items, Dialogues, Documents and Reports) and completely interrupts the dialogue.

House of Professor Van Helsing

Van Helsing will receive a letter from Jonathan Harker and the New Times on Thursday 8 September announcing the death of her husband and wife. Also in this newspaper there is a reference to Tuesday's edition, which refers to a similar incident.

In the letter, Jonathan writes how he got into Dracula's castle, showed him a photograph of his beloved Mina during a conversation, and he showed interest in her. Jonathan worries that misfortune will happen to his wife.

The professor, without hesitation, decides to go to London.

Mina's apartment

Finding out where the criminal could have escaped

First of all, Van Helsing will decide to visit Mina's apartment. We talk with her. She will inform us of the death of her maidservant's sister. This case is even mentioned in today's newspaper. When Mina leaves the room, from the chair that is on the right, we take the newspaper The Courier. From the table on the left we take the Daily Big Mirror newspaper and a photo of Jonathan Harker. We look at the stack of newspapers, which lies on the same table. We select the News Times newspaper, published on Tuesday 6 September. It was to her that there was a reference in the issue of September 8, which we received while still in the professor's house.

All these newspapers talk about the attempted murder of people: where it happened, and in which direction the offender fled.

We pass to the back of the room. We pull back the curtains to see the map of London behind them. On it, we need to draw lines that would lead from the place where the murder took place to the place where the killer most likely went. Hints are given in the four newspapers we have.

Take a pencil and draw lines from one point to another.

1. Based on information received from the New Times on September 8, we draw a line from Station to National Gallery.
2. From The Courier: Draw a line from Southwark Bridge to Tate Art Gallery.
3. From the Daily Big Mirror: drawing a line from Tottenham Court to St. George "s Cathedral.
4. From the New Times, September 6: Draw a line from St. George's Church to Victoria Station.
= see (Figure 1) =
Next, we click on the intersection of all the lines that converged at the point of the Godalming estate near the Bloomsbury cemetery.

When Mina returns to the room, Jonathan will give her instructions, and he will go to the estate.

Godalming Manor. Bloomsbury cemetery

We knock on the door of the estate. Someone Hendrik will come out to us. After talking with him, we pass through the gate to the cemetery.

Selection of the code for the lock hanging on the barn door:

We notice a barn, the door of which is locked with a lock with a code. We go up the path. We communicate with the gravedigger Paul Long. We ask him what the lock code is. It turns out that the code is the age of DB Lemon and his wife. In addition, if the code contains numbers 6 and 9, then they will need to be replaced with each other.

We select the scraper lying on the ground, and we go along the path to the top of the screen. We step along it until we reach the stairs. There will be a mausoleum next to her. We look at him. Use a scraper to clear the moss-covered slab on which the dates of birth and death of DB Lemon and his wife Susie Lemon will be written. We clean the stove until Van Helsing says “Great!”.

We return to the barn. We look at the lock hanging on the door. From the information received, we find out the code. D. B. Lemon lived in the period 1703 - 1772 = 69 years, and Susie Lemon in the period 1722 - 1790 = 68 years. We connect these numbers (6968) and 6 we replace 9, and 9 we replace 6. We receive the code 9698. Enter it on the lock, then press the button to the right of the lock.

Barn: From the floor near the exit we pick up a shovel and a crowbar. We take a lantern from the table.

We return to the gravedigger. We talk with him about the estate and about the secret passage to it. We learn that the watchman who worked here before knew where the secret entrance to the estate is. He was buried in this cemetery in the mausoleum along with a book that says where the entrance is.

We get to the watchman's book:

We return to the mausoleum of DB Lemon and his wife Susie. We go down the stairs and on the left we see the locked lattice of the watchman's mausoleum, on either side of which there will be statues of monks.

We look at the grate. Use the crowbar on the bars to make a hole. In inventory, light the lamp with the help of matches. Then we put it on the shovel. We push the shovel, on which there is a lighted lantern, into the hole and read the inscription on the plate, which is inside the mausoleum.

This rhyme talks about how to open the grate. To do this, we must sever the stone hearts of the heavenly minions. These are the statues of angels.

The first angel

From the watchman's mausoleum we go up the screen (we do not go up the stairs). We look at the statue of an angel. A plate with a picture of a saint surrounded by demons and believers will appear on the screen.

We read the inscription at the bottom of the plate. It says: When a saint sacrifices himself to atone for sins, demons drink his blood, and believers cry.

Opposite each believer and demon there is a square in which you can put a cup or a tear. The meaning of the riddle is to determine who the demons are, in order to put a cup in front of them in a square, and who are believers in order to put a tear in front of them in a square.
= see (picture 2) =
Having done so, click on the image of the saint in the upper left corner of the plate. A mechanical sound will be heard, which means that the puzzle has been solved correctly.

Second angel

We rise along the stairs to the right and we pass along the path down. We look at the second statue of an angel. A plate with an image of weights and weights will appear on the screen. We read the text of St. Peter. It speaks of sinners who were given various terms, calculated in years, for their sins. The meaning of the riddle is to correctly sum up these years and set the resulting figure using weights.

So, three sinners, for whom anger became a sin, were given 100 years each (a total of 300).
The vain sinner was three times worse (100 * 3 = 300 years).
Envious and insatiable sinners received half of the sum of the previous four sinners (300 + 300 = 600/2 = 300 years)
The curmudgeon received the sum, multiplied by two, of all sinners for whom anger became a sin, and moreover 25 years (300 + 300 + 25 = 625).

Summing up all these data, we get the figure 1825 years. We click on weights with a weight of 1000, 500, 200, 100, twice 10 and once 5.
= see (picture 3) =
We click on the bowl, which is under the weights, and if a mechanical sound is heard, it means that the riddle has been solved correctly.

Third angel

We pass to the right. Take the black veil that lies on the cross in the lower left corner of the screen. We look at the statue of the third angel. A plate with an image of believers and sinners surrounded by demons will appear on the screen.

We read the inscription at the bottom of the slab: Only the devout and saint has eternal salvation, only he can fear nothing.

Our goal is to determine which people are considered sinful.

We click on the heads: a gnawing fat man, a woman with a raised skirt, a woman beating a child, a man holding a bag of money, and a woman being carried on the bed.
= see (picture 4) =
We click on the image of the sword in the upper left corner of the screen. A mechanical sound is a sign of the correct solution to the riddle.

Fourth angel

We return to the cemetery gates. Use the veil on the urn to catch the flies that are circling over it. From the gate we go down the path. We look at the statue of the fourth angel. A plate with an image of animals will appear on the screen.

We read the inscription at the bottom of the slab: The demon is everywhere - in the eyes of a spider, snake, toad and wolves.

We click on the eyes of the indicated animals. In the eyes of a snake, a toad, a spider and three wolves: one under the spider, the second rushes to the horse, and the third howls.
= see (picture 5) =
Having done everything right, click on the image of the wolf in the upper right corner of the screen.

The path to the estate:

We go to the watchman's mausoleum. The grate is now open, so we go inside. We take the book that lies on the coffin. We read it. It says that a secret passage leading to the estate is between a grave without a lid and a Gothic cross.

We leave the mausoleum and go up the stairs that can be seen on the right. We pass along the path upward. We use the crowbar on the lid of the grave, which is located between the grave without a lid and the Gothic cross. A secret passage will appear behind it.

We go down and look at the door, on which we will see 6 sliders. They all need to be moved to the right side. But bad luck, if you move a slider, then it will move 2 more.

The solution is simple: click on the top slider and the bottom one. The door will open. We go inside.

Exploring the estate:

Basement: Take the box of nails that lies on the table, the glass jar that lies under the table, and the wire cutters that are attached to the pillar to the left of the table. We pass down the screen. We take the saw, which lies near the stairs. We go upstairs and through the door we get into the kitchen.

Kitchen: We see Hendrik, who collects insects from the floor and eats them. In the inventory we combine the jar with flies and then throw it towards Hendrik. While he is busy eating flies, we take a wooden spoon from the table, and select a file from the floor under the table. We leave from the kitchen into the corridor.

Corridor on the first floor: We pass down the screen to the front door. We take out the cane from the umbrella stand. We go into the door opposite the kitchen. We find ourselves in the living room.

Living room: Examine the safe, built into the wall to the left of the door. We will start opening it very soon. We pass to the window. We select pieces of wood from the floor. We leave the room and go up the stairs to the second floor. We go into the door on the left. We find ourselves in Lady Godalming's bedroom.

Bedroom: We select the note that lies on the floor to the left of the small table with a candlestick. Below on the floor we find threads. We take them and we pass to the bed. We select a tape measure from the floor in front of the bed, and a hammer from the floor under the window. We leave the room. We go into the door opposite.

Library: On the wall to the right, we notice exactly the same panel that we saw in the living room. We pass to another part of the library. We take the leaves from the table on the right side of the screen.

We open the safe in the living room:

We look at the panel in the library, which is attached to the wall to the right of the door. On it we see a Latin inscription, and under it are protruding squares. Click on the inventory icon at the bottom of the screen. We make the leaf active. Having closed the inventory, on the screen we will see a sheet of paper on top of the plate. Drag the sheet to the bottom of the slab and left-click. Holes will be made in the leaf.

We go down to the first floor of the estate and go into the living room. We look at the safe to the left of the door. It also has a Latin inscription, underneath it are protruding squares, and below it there are 12 discs. We go into the inventory, make a sheet of paper active. Drag it to the bottom of the safe and left-click. Holes will be made in the paper.

We now have two leaves with holes. We return to the library. Use the hole paper obtained from the living room on the stove. Move the sheet to the bottom so that the letters are visible in the holes on the paper, and click the left mouse button. Van Helsing will write down the received letters in his diary - N E N S SE E (this is mandatory!).

We return to the living room. We use the paper with holes, obtained from the library, on the safe. Drag the sheet down so that the letters are visible in the holes, and click the left mouse button. Helsing will write the letters received in the diary - SE E N SE N SE (this is mandatory!).

We remove the leaflet with holes and look at the safe. The letters we received are the code for the safe. SE - southeast, E - east, N - north, S - south. Turn the discs to the following directions (from left to right): SE E N SE N SE N E N S SE E.
= see (picture 6) =
We take out the key from the opened safe.

Secret passage to Dracula's room. We make a special key:

We leave from the living room. We go up the stairs and stop at the landing. The naked eye can see that there is a door on the wall. Use the pliers on the candlestick to remove it. We look at the door. We see 4 oblong holes. First, let's measure their depth. In the inventory, combine a wooden spoon with a tape measure and thread. With the resulting measuring device, click on all four holes. Their lengths (from top to bottom): 10, 8, 12 and 5 centimeters. These results must be recorded in the diary!

Now we go down to the basement, where we will begin to tinker with the key. We look at the desktop. On the right side of the screen, we notice the objects we collected earlier: nails, a file, a hammer, a saw, and in the lower part - pieces of wood. Also on the screen we see a ruler, and above it is a blank for our future key.

We take a dark brown tongue (lies at the bottom of the screen) and put it under the ruler. Using a saw, cut the tongue to 10 centimeters. Then we insert it into the upper hole in the workpiece.

We do the same operations to get grooves of 8, 12 and 5 cm. We insert them, respectively, into the holes on the workpiece.

Now we take a thick light brown tongue and place it under the ruler. Using a saw, cut it to 5 cm. Then we insert the resulting stub into the only remaining hole on the workpiece (on the left side).

With the help of a file, we process all 5 dowels. We take nails and put them opposite each tongue. Using a hammer, hammer in the nails and ... the key is ready.
= see (picture 7) =
We return to the staircase. We use the handicraft key on the door. Having got automatically into the secret passage, we rise along the stairs to the door. We open it with the key that we got from the safe in the living room, and go into Dracula's room.

Riddle with a book in Dracula's room:

We look at the book that is on the table. It features a pentagram with inner and outer triangles and gems. We pass to the left. We take out the book from the bookcase. We study the leaf. On it is drawn exactly the same pentagram, but only with symbols on the inner triangles and with inscriptions on the outer ones.

We look again at the book that lies on the table. First, let's show the symbols on the inner triangles.
= see (figure 8) =
1. Click on the bat at the top of the book to display the symbol on triangle 4A.
2. Click on triangles 1A and 3A to swap them. We click on the bat. Symbols appear on the triangles.
3. Click on triangles 2A and 5A to swap them. Then we click on the bat.

Symbols are now visible on all small triangles. Next, we will develop the inscriptions on the large triangles.

1. Click on triangles 1B and 2B to swap them. We click on the bat.
2. Click on triangles 1B and 4B, then on the bat.
3. Click on triangles 3B and 5B, then on the bat.
4. Click on triangles 1B and 5B, then on the bat.

All large triangles are now labeled. The last thing to do is place the gems on top of the small triangles.

1. Place the black stone on the upper right vertex.
2. Place the red stone on the top to the right.
3. Place the blue stone on the top at the bottom.
4. Place the green stone on the top to the left.
5. Place the white stone on the top left top.

We click on the bat. Then we read the book of Dracula, in which he describes his life. After reading, Hendrik will go to Dracula's room. We run into the secret passage and go downstairs. Van Helsing will automatically go to Mina's apartment.

Mina's apartment

We use the crucifix, which lies in our inventory, on the door of Mina's room (door above). Van Helsing will go inside and see Mina with bites on her neck and Dracula himself, who will soon run away. We read the telegram that Van Helsing sent to Dr. Seward asking for help. The doctor will already be here when we finish reading the telegram. We communicate with him, then we pass down the screen, where we click on the map of Europe. On it we select the point of our further travel - Cairo (in the lower right corner of the map).

Part 2: Cairo

We find ourselves on the street of Cairo. We pass upstairs to the market square, then to the corral with camels. We communicate with Mustafa. We rent a room from him (which we will not be able to visit) and ask where the museum is located. We pass to the right of the paddock with camels in order to immediately find ourselves in the museum.

Collection of items in the museum:

We go down the screen. We communicate with the assistant director of the museum, who is sitting at the table. We offer him to help find the right things. Having received a list of exhibits, as well as items: deben and a scribe's pen, we learn from the assistant what deben is. It turns out that it was a unit of measurement in Ancient Egypt.

We pass to the right. We take out papyrus from the shelf of the middle cabinet, from the shelf of the right cabinet - the pyramid, the key that will lie under the pyramid, and the Order of the Pharaohs - Nekhnekh.

We pass to the left of the middle cabinet. From the shelf of the cabinet, which is at the bottom of the screen, we take the pyramid and a knife with a mother-of-pearl handle.

We go to the central aisle (the one in front of the front door). We take the Spanish sword from the shelf of the cabinet to our left. From the chest below we take the pyramid and the order of the Pharaohs - Heka. From the table, standing in the center of the passage, we take the figurine of the pharaoh with a broken head. Now we pass to the front door of the museum. In this view, we take a pyramid from the table in the center of the aisle, from the shelf of the cabinet that stands to our left - a scarab.

We pass to the right of the door. From the shelf of the cabinet, which stands at the bottom of the screen, we take the pyramid and the head with the sun disk. Use the key to open the box, which is on the shelf above. We take out the pyramid from it.

We pass to the right to the last aisle of the museum. In the hands of the sarcophagus, which stands next to the mummy, we insert the orders of the pharaohs Heka and Nekhnekh. From the opened sarcophagus we take out a large pyramid.

We return to the assistant director. We speak to him. We learn from him about Demonomicon and a place called Blood Rocks. After the conversation in the inventory from all we have collected will remain only pyramids of various sizes. We leave the museum.

Camel rental:

We approach the corral with camels. We talk with Mustafa about renting a camel and traveling to Blood Rocks. Unfortunately, the trip will have to be postponed for some time, since all the camels instantly fell ill. We take the vessel, which lies behind Mustafa, as well as the pitchfork, attached to the cart. They select a plant lying in a trough in front of the camels.

We pass to the left from Mustafa. Before the door of the house we communicate with the Monk. Having shown him a plant, we get a medicine for camels. We attribute it to Mustafa.

The camels will recover quickly. On one of them we will get to Blood Rocks.

Inside Blood Rocks. Getting out:

We go inside the temple. Dracula's henchman will provoke a rockfall that will block the exit from the temple. If we ever want to breathe fresh air, we will have to look for another way out.

In the room in which we are now, we select a beam from the floor on the left, and a turban and a pickaxe head from the floor on the right. We get down to the bottom of the screen and we pass to the right straight to the abyss. We use the board on the abyss and move along it to the other side. We pick up a lantern from the ground. If you look down the abyss, then on the right we will see a passage.

We rise up the screen and we pass first to the right. We take linen strips from the table in the center of the room, from the table that stands on the right - a bottle of oil. We leave into the corridor and now we pass already to the left. In the room we find the corpse of a young woman. We select the belt lying near it, then we look at the door.

We return to the abyss. In inventory, combine linen strips with a belt and a turban to get a rope. We tie it to the beam. Also in the inventory we combine the lantern with a bottle of oil and matches to light the lantern.

We descend along the rope to the bottom of the abyss. We select a thorn from the floor. In the inventory, combine it with the pickaxe head to get a whole pickaxe. We go along the aisle to the blockage. From the bag, which lies near the skeleton, we take out a poisonous plant. In the upper right corner of the blockage, we find the active point. We use the trigger on it. Van Helsing will make a hole through which we can get out into the street.

In search of the home of Dracula's henchman:

We communicate with a monk who will introduce himself to us as Herodotus. He will give us a list of the exhibits to be returned to the temple. After the conversation, we will automatically find ourselves in the market square. We speak with Mustafa. We learn from him about the disappearance of his wife's niece. Apparently, we have already seen her corpse in the temple.

We rise along any of the stairs to the counter. We take the scales and the flask from the table on the right, remove the garlic from the left support.

We go to the museum. There we communicate with the assistant director. During the conversation, Dracula's henchman will try to kill us. He will throw the knife, but he will miss. We take out the knife from the cabinet, then show the assistant the list that Herodotus gave us. Having received the necklace and vessel, we leave the museum.

We show Mustafa a knife in the market square in front of the camel paddock. Find out who owns the knife and where its owner lives. We go from the market square to the left to get to the Turk's house.

Riddle with the door of the house of the Turks:

We look at the door of the house. On it we will find a riddle with balls. Our goal is to make the balls as shown in the picture on the left side of the screen. To move a group of balls, move the cursor to the outermost ball and click on the red arrow that appears. The red button is responsible for resetting the puzzle.

= see (figure 9) =

1. Move the column number 2 to the top.
2. Move the top ball of column number 2 to the left 1 time.
3. Move the column number 3 down 3 times.
4. Move the left side of row B to the left 1 time.
5. Move the column number 2 down 2 times.
6. Move the row under the letter B to the right 1 time.

= see (figure 10) =

7. Move the right side of row B to the right twice.
8. Move the right side of row B to the right 1 time.
9. Move the right side of row D to the right twice.
10. Move the top ball of the column number 7 down 2 times.
11. Move the last ball in row D to the left 1 time.
12. Move row E twice to the right.

= see (figure 11) =

13. Move the lower part of the column under number 3 up 1 time.
14. Row F (there is one ball) move to the right 3 times.
15. Move row E to the right 2 times.
16. Move the bottom ball of the column number 7 down 1 time.
17. Move row E to the right 1 time.
18. Move the lower part of the column under number 7 (two balls) down 1 time.
19. Move the lower ball in the column number 7 to the left 1 time.
20. Move the top ball to the columns at number 7 1 time down.
21. Row B move to the right 1 time.

= see (figure 12) =

Search for loot, compilation of parchment:

We go into the house. From the chest that stands in the lower left corner of the screen, we take the pyramid and the black sphinx. Taking it, in the inventory in the "documents" section we will have a sheet with hieroglyphs. Also in the lower left part of the screen we find a poleaxe. We take it. We look at the torn pieces of parchment that lie on the table to the right. We compose a whole piece of pieces:

= see (figure 13) =

We pass into the back of the room. Trying to open the door, a cobra will crawl out of the vase on the right. To get rid of it, add the poisonous plant to the smoking ashtray on the table. When the cobra is no longer a danger to us, we take out the key from the broken vase and unlock the door with it.

We go into the room. We take out a bag of gold powder from the shelf to the left of the window. We select the sun disk from the floor near the wall, and from the table on the right side of the screen we take the letter and part of the letter.

Transcript of the letter of the Turks:

We return to the museum. We speak with the assistant director. After the conversation, our inventory will contain a bag with Coptic treasures. We show the Turk's letter to the assistant. He will say that the book will help us to decipher this letter.

We click on the book on the table. A sheet with hieroglyphs will appear on the screen, and English words to the left of it. We need to put the corresponding word under each hieroglyph. See the solution in the figure below:

= see (figure 14) =

We will have a translation of hieroglyphs in the documents. We show the black sphinx to the assistant director and leave the museum.

We produce water that has not touched the ground:

We speak with Mustafa in the market square. We pass to the left of him and in front of the house we speak with the monk. He will give us a cachet (round white thing). Next, he will ask us to create water that did not touch the ground in order to make holy water. Before leaving, we show the black sphinx to the monk. He will recommend breaking it.

Return to the camel enclosure. We draw water from the trough with a dish. In inventory, use the knife on the necklace to get a diamond. We use the diamond on the mirror to make it square.

We put a pot of water on the grill to get a pot of boiling water. In inventory, use the square mirror on the vessel to get a mirror with condensation. Then use the flask with the mirror to get the flask with condensation.

We return to the monk. We give him a flask with condensation, and in return we get holy water. After these actions, we will automatically find ourselves in Blood Rocks.

Entrance to the temple:

Through the hole on the right we get inside the pyramid. Further we rise along the rope, we pass up the screen and immediately to the left to the room with a metal door.

We look at the door. On the screen we will see a castle with 5 slots, and to the left of it the objects we have collected: a square mirror, garlic, wafer, holy water and a sun disk.

Insert the sun disk into the central slot, the wafer into the top slot, garlic into the right slot, mirror into the left slot, and holy water into the bottom slot.

If everything is done correctly, the door will open, through which we will get into a large room of the temple, where we have a lot to do.

In the large room of the temple:

We turn to the translation of the letter of the Turks.

The first line reads: Weapon with magical power will open the head of Seker

We look at the statue lying on the ground in the right side of the room. This is the Seker mentioned above. We hit the statue on the head with an ax and take out a silver tip from it.

The second line reads: The cursed blood is hidden under the northern altar

We pass to the altar, which is in the lower left part of the screen. Looking at it, we will see various hieroglyphs. We click on the following hieroglyphs that were seen on the black sphinx:

= see (figure 15) =

After these actions, the altar will move to the side, and under it we will see blood. We use the hinu vessel on the blood.

Remember what the monk told us earlier: To open the secret passage, you must place the deben gold and the cursed blood hinu in the pool (the whirlpool in the center of the room).

There is blood, it remains only to measure the required amount of gold (and it needs 13.6 grams). On the right side of the room near the Seker statue we find a vase, from which we take out a copper deben. Now we pass to the left side of the room. To the left of the chest we select the bowl, then put the scales on the chest.

We look at the scales. On the screen we see the scales standing on the chest. On the chest itself we find: a copper deben from the museum, a copper deben from a pot, a scribe's pen (looking like a sword), which was given to us by the assistant director of the museum, and a spoon. To the left of the chest is a bag of gold.

Measuring 13.6 grams of gold is easy. In the left side of the scale we put two copper deben (their total weight is 54.6 grams), and in the right side - a scribe's pen (weight 41 grams) and 3 spoons of gold. In this case, the scales are leveled.

A bowl will appear at the bottom right of the screen. Pour 3 spoons of gold into it from the scales.

= see (figure 16) =

We throw gold and blood into the whirlpool. After these actions, the water in the pool will turn into sand.

We look at the middle pillar on the left side of the room. We use the lantern on it to make the riddle appear.

In the upper left corner of the screen, we notice the pyramids, which we collected all the way here. There are three large pyramids, three medium and three small. For example, take any large pyramid and place it on the floor in front of the first pyramid wall art. Using the arrows, set the lantern at the bottom of the screen under this pyramid. Move the slider on the left side of the screen to the middle position.

A shadow will appear on the wall. We want the shadow to line up with the outline of the pyramid wall art. If this does not happen, then we try to substitute another pyramid. Having found the correct large pyramid, move on to finding the correct medium sized pyramid and then small.

The solution to the riddle is clearly shown in the figure below:

= see (figure 17) =

When the puzzle is solved, we will have only three pyramids in our inventory. We place them on the sand pool in the center of the room: the large pyramid on the right, the middle pyramid in the center, and the small pyramid on the left. These actions will open a secret door for us, which is located at the bottom of the location.

The third line reads: Before entering the darkness, destroy the guard, otherwise the curse can be imposed on you forever.

We pass through the secret door. We see a crocodile and a skeleton on the platform. We return back to the room with the funeral boat between the two statues. From the hands of the left statue we take out the crowbar, from the floor near the second statue we select a piece of the pillar.

We pass into the secret room. After passing through the funeral boat, we will find ourselves on the platform. We look at the sarcophagus standing on it. Something else alive will appear from it. We pass to the end of the platform. In the inventory we combine the ax with the black sphinx and use it on the fog. When the fog clears, we will see a door. We go in. From the altar we take papyri written in a language unknown to us. We leave the room.

We automatically find ourselves in the market square. We go to the monk. We speak with him about the papyri. He will inform us that they can be deciphered by Brother Alberto, who lives in the abbey in Vienna. We pass to the corral with camels. We speak with Mustafa. He will give us a letter from the director of the museum. After giving Mustafa the gold dust and necklace, we will go to Vienna.

Part 3: Vienna

Orlovski estate

Van Helsing will stay at the Duchess Orlowski's estate. We communicate with her and with Sevard. We learn that the entrance to the abbey is in the library.

Chemical formula puzzle:

We speak again with the duchess. She will hum some melody. We ask her about it. We will have an entry in the diary - C, G, D #, F, D, A #, C2.

We pass to the left. We check the locked door of the library, we look at the picture with the piano keys, on which chemical formulas are written. Van Helsing will paint this picture in his diary. We take out the book of chemistry from the middle bookcase (a page from this book will appear in the diary).

We look at the closed compartment in the left bookcase, behind which there are flasks with chemical elements. The screen will display:

= see (figure 18) =

What do we have to do? We remember what melody the duchess sang, and exactly what notes were in the melody. The first note is C. Look at the drawing with this note. The chemical formula is written on the key - Na2 CrO4. We look at the sheet from the book of chemistry on the right. We find this formula. We see that it belongs to the Sodium Chromate element. It goes under yellow. We take a piece of paper in the lower right corner of the screen and use it on a test tube with yellow liquid (first flask).

In general, paper should be used on the following tubes (from left to right): 1, 5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 7.

Under the test tubes we will see the numbers 2, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 18. Van Helsing will write them down.

We open the safe:

We pass to the left of the bookcases. We look at the marble statue to the right of the door. In it, Helsing will find a door, behind which a safe will be found.

As a code, we use the numbers obtained after solving the puzzle with chemical elements. We turn the disk (clockwise) using the arrows at the top of the screen to the number we need, and each time we press the knob!

Code: 2, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 18.

From the safe we ​​get the key, the angel and the letter from the Duke Orlovsky.


Use the key on the door to the right of the bookcase to get into the library. We pass down the screen. We move aside the curtain with the insignia of the university and look at the circle that will be found behind it. To the right of the circle, we will see figures of demons and angels in an incomplete "composition". So let's start looking for them.

Find figures:

We go up the stairs to the second floor. We look at the map of Europe that hangs in front of us on the wall. Find Transylvania and click on it.

= see (figure 19) =

We take out the first angel figurine from the niche. We pass to the right to the bookcases. From the middle shelf of the first bookcase we take out the second angel figurine and the text of Robert's work.

We go down to the first floor. We approach the table on the left, on which we find tweezers and a scalpel for paper. We use a scalpel on the door of the showcase with butterflies, which is attached to the wall. We click on the open door to take the third angel figurine. To the right of the showcase with butterflies we find a radio. Remove the fourth angel figurine from it.

We approach the fireplace. We find a winch in the wall next to the books. We twist it to lower the chandelier. We select the poker, attached to the cabinet, and we pass into the center of the library hall. Take the huge staircase in the lower left corner of the screen and use it on the chandelier. Climbing the stairs, we take the fifth angel figurine, which hangs on the chandelier.

We go into the passage, which is located to the right of the stairs. Remove the braces from the dressed skeleton.

We go down the main hall of the library. In the inventory, combine the poker with suspenders to make a homemade corkscrew. We use them to open the jar standing on the cabinet to the left. With the help of tweezers we take out the demon figurine from the jar.

Now we pay all attention to the circle on the wall. Drag the figures of demons and angels as shown in the picture below:

= see (figure 20) =

Through the opened door we get into the basement of the abbey.


Take the linen fabric that lies on the basket on the right. Examine the bookcases and take out the spear from the figurine. We use it on the dragon's head, which is attached to the front of the table. We study what has opened.

Ball puzzle:

The goal of the puzzle is to light up all the balls at the vertices of each triangle. See the solution in the figure below. Click on the balls in the specified sequence:

= see (figure 21) =

Find brother Alberto:

We take from the hiding place the key of dark color and the bowl. We pass down the screen. We take the handle from the broom, which lies on the floor to the right of the shelves. On the shelves we find a keg with alcohol. We use a scalpel on it to open the barrel and release all the alcohol from it.

We pass to the right. In inventory, combine the broom handle with the linen cloth to get the torch. In the inventory, we use it with matches. We use the lit torch in order to drive away the rats swarming near the bag. When the rats run away, open the bag and take out the holy water from it.

We go into the corridor, which can be seen at the top of the screen. We take the monk's clothes to change Van Helsing into it (it will happen automatically).

We return to the barrel of alcohol. At this moment, a demon worshiping monk will come to us. To get rid of it, we use a lighted torch on a puddle of alcohol. Then we select the key from the floor and go to the door in the corridor (where we took the clothes).

We unlock the door with the key and go into the room where satanic ceremonies take place. We pass to the cell in which the brother of Alberto sits. We speak to him. Then we approach the pentagram on the floor. In the inventory, combine the bowl with holy water and use it on the bowl, which stands on the right side of the screen on the goat's head. We move away from the mad monks and see what happens.

While the two monks are distracted, we calmly talk with Brother Alberto. His leg is broken and he is blind, so he cannot read the parchments. And run away with us too.

We use the dark key on the door on the right to automatically find ourselves in the Orlovsky estate. After talking with her and with Seward, we will go to Transylvania.

Part 3: Transylvania

We speak with Sevard to automatically be in the tavern.


We speak with the owner of the hotel Abraham. We are trying to take paper from the counter. We pass down the screen. From the table at which Sevard sat down, we take two pretzels of different shapes, a spoon and foil. Use the spoon on the sticky liquid that is spilled on the bench on the right. We are trying to take the key that hangs to the left of the door and go into the door itself.

Seward will get really bad. We speak with Abraham about the medicine.
When he leaves, we take paper from the counter. In the inventory in the documents section, we will have an excerpt from Harker's journal.

At this point, Abraham will return with the medicine. He slams the door so hard that the head of a hog will fall off the wall. Hitting the floor, a tooth will come off the head. We select it.

Making a dummy key:

1. In inventory, combine the foil with the sticky substance to get the glued foil.
2. Use the glued foil on two pretzels.
3. Combine two glossy pretzels together to get a kind of key.
4. Use the glued foil on the hog's tooth.
5. Combined pretzels are used on the tooth to get a master key.

Use the pick on the key hanging to the left of the door. Having made the replacement, we speak with the owner of the hotel. Van Helsing will ask him to find something. While Abraham is busy behind the counter, we unlock the door with the key and go into the stable.


Calming Horses:

We pass to the desktop on the left. Take the empty bucket that lies on the ground behind the cans to the left of the table. Next, we use the taken bucket of oats, which is on the floor in front of the cans. We pass to the door. We use a bucket of oats on the carcass from which blood is dripping. We treat the horses with bloody oats, and they will calm down.

We drain the liquid from the barrel:

We pass to the screen in front of the horses. We select a pipe from the ground, near the stump - a dead animal, from the table we take a box and a funnel, and under the table we find a gutter.

We pass to the carriage. We put the box on the ground in front of the rear wheel. We put a gutter on the box. We use a dead animal on the top of the gutter. We use a funnel on the tap of the barrel. Place a pipe between the hole in the ground and the box.

We open the valve of the barrel. When all the liquid has drained off, we click on the installation built by us. Van Helsing will climb inside the barrel and, in this way, get to Dracula's castle.

Dracula's castle

Let's create a trap:

Van Helsing will say that it would be nice to lure the cab into a trap. We take the trap from the table on the left.

We pass down the screen. Take the 2 ropes that lie on the barrels on the left side of the screen. We find a pulley on the ceiling. We attach one of the ropes to it. Attach a trap to the end of the rope.

We use the remaining rope on the trap. We pass to the right of this screen. We attach the end of the second rope to the pulley on the ceiling (just click on the pulley). The trap is ready. It remains only to put the bait into it.

Take 2 hooks from the table in the lower right corner of the screen. On this row of tables we find a dead mouse trapped in a trap. We look at her. At the bottom of the screen we see two hooks we picked up. We use them on the trap that the mouse fell into. One active point is on the right, the other on top of the mouse.

We take a dead mouse and go to our trap. We put the mouse in a trap.

On the way to the crypt:

After some time, a cabman will come into the room and fall into our trap. We talk with the cabman, then we pick up the ax lying in front of him from the ground. We unfold the red wrapper, which is to the left of the carriage, using the arrow from the inventory. A jar with "goodies" will appear behind the wrapper. We take it and give it to the cab. We find a bowl above the red wrapper. We take it and go to our original location, where we took a trap from the table. We use the bowl on the bucket of blood, which is on the floor in the lower left corner of the screen.

Through the door we fall into the lock. We take the cord on the red curtain and the fur coat on the barrel. We go into the middle door (top). We find ourselves in front of the locked gate. We look at the panel on the right on the wall to start a puzzle.

Riddle with a picture of Dracula:

The playing field consists of squares of different colors with images of different triangles. To the left of the field is a photo of Dracula, divided into squares. They can be removed and added. Also, this photo can be dragged onto the playing field. There are 4 squares with symbols at the top and to the right of the playing field. If you hover over them, then we will see a part of the photo of Dracula. In the upper left corner and in the lower left corner of the screen there is a strip with 4 bars, the colors of which can be changed.

1. We look at 4 squares from the top of the playing field. Let's see what parts of the Dracula's photo are behind them.
2. Remove these parts from the photo to the left of the playing field.
3. Drag the photo of Dracula to the playing field and look for a suitable place for him. Those. in the four holes that we made in the photo, those triangles should be visible, which are visible above the playing field on 4 squares. Having found this place, we memorize the colors of the squares in which these triangles are located.
4. On the strip in the upper left corner of the screen, set the bars of the following colors (from left to right): green, white, blue, blue.

Here's what you should get:

= see (Figure 22) =

Now we do again operations 1-4, which are written above, but only for 4 squares, which are located to the right of the playing field.

On the stripes in the lower left corner of the screen, set the bars of the following colors (from top to bottom): green, white, red, white.

= see (figure 23) =

Inside the crypt

We go into the crypt. We look at the lid of the coffin, which stands in front of us. We look at the inscriptions Moana and 12176. Van Helsing will write this data in his diary. We open the lid of this coffin. There will be a female vampire with red hair inside.

We look at the lid of the coffin, which stands in the lower left part of the screen. We look at the inscriptions Illona and 8954. Van Helsing will enter these data in his diary. We open the lid of this coffin and look at a vampire woman with white hair.

We use the ax on the coffin of Dracula (on the lid the symbol of the dragon). We find nothing and no one inside the coffin.

We open the lid of the coffin, which is on the right side of the screen. Inside it will lie Harker, who has become a vampire. From Harker's hands we take glasses, near Harker's feet we find and take a book about the myths and legends of the first order of knights and a magazine. They talk about the Pelor shield.

In the inventory, we combine a thorn and a hammer, then use these combined items on Harker to save him from being reputed to be a vampire.

We leave the crypt and through the right door we get into the large hall.

Big hall

We pass to the left. We look at the white drawing on the floor. The text “Origin” will appear in the inventory in the Documents section. We look at the tapestry of the knights hanging on the wall. In a close-up we look at the shield of Dracula and at the hand of the knight standing on the left. To the left of this tapestry will be a portrait of Irina, hidden behind a curtain. We pull the cord, pick it up and look at the porter. In a close-up we look at her hand. Then, with the help of glasses, we carefully examine the scratches on the hands. By clicking on them with the left mouse button, a note about this will appear in the diary.

We pass now to the right side of the hall. There on the wall there will be 3 portraits: the left one belongs to the fair-haired Illona, ​​the middle one to Dracula, and the right one belongs to Moana with red hair. We look at these portraits and read the tablets that are under them.

We click on the door to the right of the portrait of Moana. We meet the black-haired beast Jada. We learn that she spent 5777 nights with Dracula.

We find the code of the lock hanging on the arsenal:

After talking with Zhada, we approach the closed arsenal on the right. We look closely at the castle. The code consists of 5 digits. We return to the stable, where we speak with the cabman Igor. We learn from him that the numbers on the coffins are the number of nights spent with Dracula. We also find out the code: 3 times a night with a white moon + 2 times a night with a red moon + 5 times a night with a black moon.

Ilonna is blonde (white night). 8954 was written on her coffin.8954 x 3 = 26862
Moana has red hair. 12176 was written on her coffin.12176 x 2 = 24352.
Jada is black-haired. From her, we directly learned the number of nights spent with Dracula - 5777.5777 x 5 = 28885.

We sum up all the numbers obtained and we get 80099. This is the code from the arsenal lock. We go into the large hall and unlock the lock.

Shield puzzle:

We take out chain mail and crossbow from the arsenal. We look at the Pelor shield (it is in the center). On it, we must set the 2 moons in the correct position, then set the gold arrows so that they point to the silver circles, the silver arrows to the bronze circles, and the bronze arrows to the gold circles.

How to install the 2nd moon is shown in the picture below. If you haven't touched the rings yet, then we turn the outer ring 12 times, and the inner one 3 times.

= see (figure 24) =

The shield will be in our inventory. Now we use a bowl of blood on the door of Jada's room. Let's see what Van Helsing will do with her.

Battle with Dracula:

We go into the room. Take a pot of fat from the floor on the left. We destroy two coffins with an ax. From the first we get the key and the book, and from the second a portrait of Jada before her transformation into a vampire. Use the arrow on the mandolin on the bed to get the strings. We combine them in the inventory with a crossbow. We leave the room.

Use the key to open the door in the center of the screen. We go in. We see how Dracula conducts a ritual with Mina. On the rails of the bookcase, which is on the left, we use a pot of fat. We move the cabinet along the rails.

We approach the left statue of the knight. Put chain mail on the ground between the puddle and the statue. In the inventory, combine two cords together. We use the resulting long rope on the left leg of the knight statue.

We pass to the right. We use a fur coat on the central active point (between the clouds). In the inventory, we combine the crossbow with an arrow (a string should already be attached to the crossbow). Everything! We make the crossbow active and go to Dracula. End.


At the beginning of the game, you will learn the story of how the main character Jonathan seems to have destroyed the bloodsucker Dracula, who bit his wife. There was no lethal outcome, but after seven years the bite still affected. The wife felt an irresistible urge to go to Dracula. Which she did, although she had previously written an explanatory letter to Jonathan. In it, she writes that strange visions began to appear to her and she went to Dracula, who turns out to be alive. The hero, as befits an exemplary spouse, immediately goes to save his wife Mina.

You start the game in front of a typical Transylvanian tavern (you know). Upon entering, you meet three men, later you will have to get rid of them. In the large room you will see an old man sitting at a table and an old woman who is the owner of this tavern. You will need to ask them about the road to Dracula's castle. You will learn that the only way to reach it is through the bridge. After you have received the first information, you will need to go down to the basement, located opposite the counter, behind which is the old woman. Having penetrated into the basement by the stairs, you will see another one.

There will be a cabinet on the right, open it and take the spyglass, there is nothing else you can do here. Leaving the basement, you will immediately see a staircase leading to the second floor. Go upstairs and, after walking along the corridor, go into the room. There is a chest of drawers in the left corner near the window. Walk up to it and move it. Then climb onto the chest of drawers, in the upper right corner there will be a white key from the door to the attic, which is located next to the key.

Open the attic and climb in there. In the attic, go to the tripod and place the telescope on it. Look into it, you will see the very bridge that the old man told you about. You shouldn't go there yet, they won't let you in anyway. Leave the house. Go straight to the fork with the signpost. You need to turn left towards the bridge, and at the next fork, turn towards the cemetery. After that, you will find yourself at the next fork: to the left is the road to the cross, and to the right to the cemetery - go to the cemetery.

At the cemetery, going forward and to the right, in front you will see a pickaxe, take it and go to the grave, from which a blue light emanates. Dig up the grave with a pickaxe and take the dragon key. Now return to the last fork and turn left towards the cross.

Go around the cross and take the slingshot on the ground. Return to the very first fork and turn right towards the pier. Seeing the house in the distance, look around: on the right there is another path to the tower on the tree. Climbing the tower, you will see flying birds in front. Use a slingshot on them and go to the house. Before reaching the corner, look carefully at the bottom of the wall - and in the dark you can find a stick, not a needle, after all.

Now use the stick on the guy behind the corner. Then go to the pier and take the knife stuck in the barrel and return back. Take a harmonica under the lantern in a barrel - it will still be useful to you. Return to the house, chat with the man and the owner of the tavern and find out that this harmonica is used by vampires for bad needs.

Go up to the attic, look into the telescope (suddenly the bridge has resolved), use the accordion on the peasant (the peasant will run up to the house in horror). Nearby you will see a rope with a metal object hanging from it. Cut it with a knife (this way, the poor man, you will often lose consciousness). Get down from the attic and see a frightened grandmother, she will leave an open door behind her. After going through it, you will find yourself on the balcony, go down through the hole in the floor, and an unconscious man will be lying on the left. Take the key from him. Then, going forward, you will find yourself near the old well.

I must say that an attempt to go further across the bridge will be unsuccessful - the bridge is too fragile, you will have to look for another way. Therefore, go to the well and open it with the key. Go downstairs, walk forward and climb the stairs. Take the lantern hanging on the wall, and after going down the stairs, hang the lantern in the dark corner to the left of the stairs. Now you can see the harpoon, taking it, return to the hole through which you left the house.

Use the harpoon to climb onto the balcony and go to the old woman. She will tell you about the dungeon in which her husband died, and will leave on the table a key from the chest of drawers to the left. Open the chest of drawers and then the drawer in it. In the box you will find a lighter, a key, and a notebook that tells about the dungeon. Now go to the basement and, without going down the stairs, find a small window near the floor - there is a candle in it. Light a candle with a lighter and go downstairs. There, turn left to the barrel. There will be a lock on the side of the barrel, open it first with the key from the box, and then with the dragon key. Enter the opened passage.

Walk forward to the large room, then left to the gate. There will be a dragon sign on the wall on the right. Open it and insert the dragon key. The gate will open, and you can go to the house with the pier. Enter the house with the key. Go to the barrels, and at the bottom take out the crowbar that supports the barrel-pyramid in a state of unstable equilibrium. The barrels will collapse, and you can go to the elevator. Press the button on the edge and go down.

After an unsuccessful landing, you will find yourself in a dungeon. Walk left to the end. Break the chain with the crowbar you pulled out from under the barrels and everything will collapse again. Take the large stick that fell from the ceiling. Insert it into the hole, and you get a crossing over the ravine. Walk forward, then left to the pile of stones, dig it out with a crowbar. A skeleton will be dropped as usual in these areas. Take his hand (do not disdain) and go to the grate. Light the lantern with a lighter and you will see a stick. Take it with the hand of the skeleton so as not to stain yours.

Now - down to the bridge. Use the stick on the chain that holds the bridge. You will find yourself on the other side Step down the stairs, then turn around and down again. Walk left past the table and find yourself on the rails. Turning right along the rails, go to the wheelbarrow. Go around it and at the bottom direct the arrow to the ledge on the wheelbarrow.

The main character will kick on him and take a short trip. Have you noticed how, at the time when you hit the wall, a rope with a hook flew out from above? Fine. Go forward a little and take the hook at the top. Now exit to the left and you will find yourself near the table. Go to the rails, to the lever that rearranges the rails. Insert the hook into its mechanism and then twist. The rails will move Return to the wheelbarrow, find the same ledge on the wheelbarrow in the dark and drive forward. After driving a long way, you will find yourself in another tunnel.

Walk forward and open the door on the left, go down into the room with the mechanism. Open it and insert the dragon key. Now, when the mechanism will work, take the key and go up into the corridor. Going further ahead, find a lamp on the left on the floor, light it with a lighter and take it with you. Walk forward a screen and search the rails at the very beginning of the bridge, hang a lamp there and boldly walk across the bridge. Then to the right and into the arch. Walk along the right wall and pull the lever.


A car will drive up to you along the rope, in it you will make a pleasant journey to Dracula's castle. Once in the courtyard, go forward through the small cemetery. On the right in the corner there will be a passage to the spiral staircase. First go downstairs, on the left, unlock the lock with the dragon key.

A door with a dark room will open. Walk right, then left. Take a look at the left far post: there is a lamp on it, light it with a lighter. In a dark corner, you will see an old woman imprisoned in a castle. She promises to help you because she also wants revenge on Dracula. After talking with her, climb the stairs up - there is a closed door in front of you. Walk forward to the hall and to the small room in the far left corner. There you will get the key from the door lock. Now go up the stairs and straight through the door. After passing along the corridor, you will find yourself in the bedroom. There is a table with a ball in the middle.

Take the ball and go through the left semicircular door to the library balcony. From him immediately to the right and into the door. Here pull the lever, which will open the way out of the castle. Now go forward along the balcony. The door will lead you to the library itself. You have nothing to do here yet. Go through the door at the other end of the room, then right into the corner, there will be a descent down. Going forward, open the door with the key and find yourself on the street.

Now - to the grandmother about the ball (what are you doing with him?) Talk to her about the ball, and then talk again the first conversation. This is necessary in order for the grandmother to go with you again and open the same secret door, otherwise there is no way to get into the lock. Go to the room where you took the ball. Open the chest in the corner, take the painting, open the book, and there will be another item in it. Now hang the painting on the wall opposite the table and put the ball back. Three symbols (signs of the Zodiac) will appear in his reflection. There is a shelf with cards in the table. From them you can find out which pictures correspond to these symbols. Now take a look at the wall opposite the table: there, in a circle, all the constellations are depicted. If you imagine this circle in the form of an hour dial, then the code will be like this: (4, 9, 5) A secret door will open. Do not rush to go there, but go back to the first hall.

Did you notice a small dump in the right corner? Take a closer look at this place, and an iron glove can be found under the shield. Then go to the secret room. At the end of it there is a lock for a dragon key. Use it, the statue of an iron lion or a dragon from behind will move from its place, and there will be a knife under it. Taking it, go to the lock for the dragon key and insert the knife into the middle of the lock. The fanged head on the right will open its mouth - plug it with an iron glove. Looking inside, pull the ring, and the altar will open in front of you.

There is nothing else you can do, so go to the library. There is a staircase near the entrance, climb on it, there you will find a letter from Dracula. He will only say that you are trying in vain and it is impossible to save your wife. Do not believe the bastard and, while on the stairs, twist the handle so that the stairs move to the other end of the room. Go downstairs and go to the very corner. Here, carefully examining the wall, find a nest for that little thing from the book. After putting it down, go up the stairs and turn on the beam. Go in the direction of the beam and open the shutter under the beam, the family tree of Dracula will open in front of you.

Now open the drawer just below. Take a picture, a key and two medallions. Then go to the secret room and insert a picture into the altar. A strange object with the faces of Dracula's family members will come out from below (family photo?). Take the key and use it on the portrait of Count Dracula personally. The lid will open, and there you can take the key and the diamond. Now get the knife out of the lock and go to the grandmother.

Talk to her about the medallions and ask for help again - so that she can help you and open the door to the castle. Head to the library. Go to the clock and insert the key into the lock on the dial, the clock will show twenty minutes to twelve. This means that you have four steps left to open the secret door, and one of the pictures on the family tree will also turn over. Put a yellow medallion there, the clock will show 11.45. The globe will now open.

Look at the card on the table with the image of a dragon, put the dragon key in the lower left corner, and you will see two numbers in the circle: 40 and 25. Now go to the globe and dial 40 on the blue side, and 25 on the red. Then click on pointer that moves the reconciliation of the globe. The globe will turn over, and a winged dragon will crawl out of it (on the clock - 11.50, "midnight is approaching" ...). Insert a knife in his back, and the clock will be 11.55, there is only one step left. Examine the dragon's wing. And insert a diamond into the paw that has risen from the back. The clock will show midnight. A beam will fly out of the medallion and open the door.

You go there, then right and left to the altar with the book. On the left on the table, read Dracula's letter that he bought a winged aeronautical machine (an airplane, that is, of the 15th century) and installed it on the tower. There is a book on the table on the left, pushing it, a bottle will fly out and cover it with an iron chain. The chain will simply dissolve. Take this bottle. Now consider the altar itself: there is a medallion slot on top of the book. The altar will turn over. Take the picture and open the door. This is a word puzzle. The top horizontal line should contain the word "SATOR", and the bottom - "ROTAS". Similarly, in the left vertical line "SATOR", and in the right - "ROTAS". A golden cross will appear, take it and go to the first room.

There's a small hole in the wall. Insert a cross there, and a passage will open even lower. Go forward, turn left and there will be a medallion, which the old woman spoke about, behind the bars. Pour the chain from the bottle and take the medallion. The three keepers of the medallion will wake up.

On the right, pull the lever, the windows will open, and three keepers, taking advantage of the situation, will wash off. Go to the other end of the hall and open the castle with a cross, then into the opened passage. Here you will meet an old woman who will show you the serenely sleeping Mina and take the medallion.

Leaving you, she will go to fight Dracula. Thanks to the medallion, she can defeat him and do all the dirty work for you. Walk forward and find the lock on the wall, insert the picture, and then the dragon key. The great gates will open. Now go to Mina, take her, and you will travel home on Dracula's plane in the final cutscene.

Magazine "Great Dragon", 2000.


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Standard controls for the quest genre. The menu is called by pressing "Esc", where you can save, load the game, adjust the game parameters and exit. Inventory in the game is called with the right mouse button.


We go forward and go into the tavern, where we talk with the owner of the establishment. We take two steps forward, turn left and go into the door leading to the basement. We go down the spiral staircase, we pass one step forward and from the cabinet on the right we take the telescope. We return back, go up the stairs to the second floor, go along the corridor and go into our room.

We take two steps forward, turn left and move the chest of drawers to the left side of the room so that it stands under the hatch on the ceiling. We climb onto the chest of drawers, we take from the lintel pen and apply it to the hatch in the ceiling. We throw back the hatch cover, climb into the attic and go one step forward. We put the telescope on a tripod and look through it. We go down to the first floor of the tavern, where we talk with Misha and Barina. We leave from the tavern.


From the entrance to the tavern, turn left and go straight. We pass by the well, reach the fork and go right. We walk to the next fork. The path in front of us leads to the ruins of the church, and the path on the right leads to the cemetery. We go along the path to the right, we go into the territory of the cemetery and go around the mausoleum on the left side. We go past the mausoleum all the way (the mausoleum should be on the right side of us) and in the corner we select pickaxe... We return to the cemetery gates and go from them to the left to the grave, above which a bluish glow can be seen. We dig out the grave with a pickaxe and take a dragon in the shape of a ring. We go to the fork and this time we pass to the ruins of the church. We climb the steps to the cross, go around it on the left side and take at the foot slingshot... We hurry to the tavern, where we talk with Misha and Barina about our findings.


From the entrance to the tavern we go straight to the fork, from the fork we go straight again to the next fork. The road on the left leads to the house at the pier, and we head there. On the way to the house, there will be another inconspicuous path to the right. We go along it, we climb the stairs into the tree house and shoot with a slingshot at owls between the trees. Dracula's henchman runs out to the noise. We get down, we go to the house by the lake. At the wall on the right we take baton and deafen the man with it. We get out of the barrel pipe, we go to the pier and take out from another barrel knife... We return to the tavern, talk with Misha and Barina about the pipe. We rise to our room, then we climb into the attic and look through a telescope. Looking through the telescope, we take out the pipe from the inventory and use it on the man we see through the telescope. When he runs up to the tavern, we make one step forward to the edge of the attic and cut the rope with a knife. After watching a small video, we pass through the right door in our room. We go straight and go down through the breach of the balcony to the street. We go to the man in the snow, we search him and take a bunch of keys. We go left to the well.


We approach the well and unlock it with one of the keys that were found during the search of the man. We go down, along the corridor we go to the stairs and go up it. We take away from the niche in the wall Lantern, we go down from the stairs and go to the right to the dark place behind the stairs. On the left on the wall, by touch, we find hook, we hang a lantern on it and lift a hook with a rope from the floor. We get out of the well. We pass directly to the bridge, we try to pass it, but the bridge collapses.


We return to the tavern, it turns out to be locked. We go to the breach of the balcony, use a hook with a rope on the breach and go upstairs. We hurry to the owner of the tavern, tell her about the bridge, after which the innkeeper gives us the key to the drawer in the buffet. We take the key, turn left and open the buffet. We unlock the box with a key, take out the key, a lighter and read the diary of Barina's husband. We go down to the basement


Without going down the stairs, we look at the grate and light a candle with a lighter. We get down to the basement, we go to the large barrel on the left side of the basement. We go around the barrel on the left, open the door and insert a dragon in the form of a ring into the mechanism. We climb into the appeared passage in the barrel. We look around and understand that the passage is blocked. We go to the left side to the wooden door. On the right on the wall, we notice a ball, twist it and insert a dragon in the form of a ring into the mechanism that appears. We go out into the street and go to the house by the lake.

Lake house

We go to the front door, open it with a key and go in. On the left side we notice an elevator shaft, in which barrels are piled. We take out the crowbar under the barrels, go into the elevator car and, having turned around, press the lever on the left.


We turn to face the elevator car, we go to the right twice. We turn left, on chain we use a crowbar and make a collapse. We take the board in front of us, we go to the edge of the cliff. On abyss we use the board and we pass into the next room of the cave. We take two steps forward, use a crowbar on the blockage of stones and take the left hand of the skeleton. We look behind the grate, light the wick with a lighter and, with the help of the skeleton's hand, take out a rod with hinges from behind the grate. We turn around and go down the stairs (the upward staircase is to the right of the downward staircase) to the next room.

We pass to the end of the bridge, turn to the right and use a rod with loops on the chain. After watching the video, we go down the stairs to the left down. We go to the table, and from it we turn to the left, where we find a passage behind the stones. We find ourselves in a cave with rails, we pass to the trolley along the right rails. Attention here: we go behind the trolley, turn around and on the left on the trolley we find brake mechanism ... We pull the lever and ride the trolley. After landing, we take a step forward, turn to the right and take hook... We go down into the cave with rails. From the fork in the rail we take one step forward, turn to the left and notice the mechanism for moving the arrows. V mechanism hole insert the hook and pull lever arm... We return to the place where we took the hook, on the trolley we find brake mechanism and disable it.

Having reached the next cave, we take a step forward and turn left. Move aside the plate and go down the stairs. We go to the mechanism and examine it. We turn the lever, open the shutter of the mechanism and apply a dragon in the form of a ring to the mechanism. After starting the mechanism, we take the dragon and go upstairs. We take one more step forward, turn left and find below on the floor broken lantern... We set it on fire with a lighter and take it with us. We approach the bridge, but do not go on it. We throw the lantern down to the left of the bridge, we pass over the bridge and go to the cave on the right. We reach the lever and pull it.

Dracula's castle

We turn left, cross the courtyard and go into the door in the right corner. We go down the stairs to the basement, go around the grate and go forward, where we meet Dorko. We speak with a woman who promises to help us. We rise to the second floor, we pass into the hall and we go to the niche to the left of the stairs leading up. We go down to the niche, where we get the key from the lock. We go up the stairs, we go into the door in front of us. We find ourselves in the bedroom. We go to the table in the center, we take a round ball from the stand. We go around the bed and open the chest, from which we get the portrait of Dracula and the book. We leaf through the book and find a brooch. We approach the wall opposite the fireplace, and we hang a portrait of Dracula on it. We go to the door and we pass through the small door on the left.

We take one step to the right, then we turn to the right and go into the door. We go to the mechanism, turn the handle and thereby restore the passage. We leave and go to the door in the left corner of the room. We go down to the library, where we turn right to the bookcases. Click on the top of the stairs, pick up the fallen leaf and read it. Click on the stairs, thereby moving it to the cabinet at number 25. We pass one step forward along the cabinet, look at the shelves and see that one cabinet does not have a number. Insert a brooch in place of the missing number. We go up the stairs, attached to the bookcase number 25, and click on the mechanism. We approach the bureau, start the mechanism above the box and open the box, from which we take away the icon of St. George, a medallion, a key and a circle with a cross. We leave the library through the door to the right of the table.

We go to the right corner and go down the stairs, open the door at the end of the corridor with a key and go out into the street. Once in the yard, we go to Dorko where we met her for the first time. We show the woman our findings and go up to the second floor. In the pile of rubbish in the center of the hall, move the stove aside and take the glove. We go into the bedroom, where we place the ball in its original place. We memorize the symbols on the cards. We take a step towards the fireplace and turn around, look at the table with a ball, pull out the drawer and remember which sign of which zodiac sign belongs. We get the following order Leo, Capricorn, Virgo. We go to the fireplace, look at the mechanism above the fireplace and click on the zodiac signs in the order that was shown to us: Leo, Capricorn, Virgo. If you did everything correctly, then a secret room will open. We pass into the secret room.

We pass into the secret room, where we go forward to the column. To the left of the column we see a mechanism. We apply a dragon in the form of a ring to the mechanism and see that a niche has opened in which the dagger lies. We go one screen back and take the dagger, we return to the niche at the column. We insert a dagger into the slot of the mechanism and click on it. A dragon's head emerges from the column, into the mouth of which we insert a glove and pull the ring. The column turns, insert the icon into the niche that appears. We take the dagger, and in the sphere, which is located in the column, we insert the key from the library. We take away the sphere and go to the library.

We approach the clock, open the lid and insert a small key into the keyhole of the clock, thereby we wind up the clock. We see that one picture has turned in the bureau. We go to the bureau and insert a medallion into the place of the portrait of Dracula. We go to the table by the door, move the small globe and examine the map. Place the card in the lower left corner. We remember the coordinates in the dragon's paws - 40 0 ​​and 25 0. We go to the globe in the center of the library, panels appeared in the upper left and right corners of the screen. Click on the buttons and set the coordinates: 40 - on the left, 25 - on the right. The globe will open and a dragon will appear from it. Click on the dragon's wing and put a sphere in the figure that appears. Another secret room has opened, and we are heading into it.

We go up the stairs to the top right, go to the table and read on it Dracula's notes about the flying car. We approach the pedestal with the book, insert the circle with the angel into the hole above the book and turn the pedestal. We lower the wooden door. The essence of the puzzle: you need to arrange the balls so that the words SATOR-ROTAS are obtained horizontally and vertically. The correct order is shown in figure.

We take away the cross, look at the table to the right of the pedestal and push the book standing in the left corner. We watch how the bottle overturns, from which acid flows out and dissolves the metal chain. We take away the magic bottle with acid and go down the stairs. In front of us is another niche, into the hole of which we insert a cross and go down.

In this room, we go first to the niche on the left side of the hall. We dissolve the lattice chain with acid and take the amulet from the niche. We look at how three girls are attempting to attack us, and we pull the switch on the wall to the left of the niche. Then out of nowhere, our friend Dorko appears, we give her the amulet and hurry to the niche on the right side of the hall. We insert into the niche of the angel, turn it and apply it to the dragon mechanism in the form of a ring. We run to Mina and take her in our arms. Watching the final video.

What is our life? The game. And I'm writing a passage to her ...

Anna Gorbunova

Indian Solitaire