Walkthrough of the game tomb raider shore of sorrows. Tomb Raider Challenge Secret Locations

Once in this place, you will see how a helicopter with a rescue expedition landed near the edge of the Fortress. You should get to it quickly. When you reach the rope, crawl along it to the bridge you need to jump onto. Is it possible that someone will attack you from behind? No, Mathias is already dead, unless his unknown twin brother does it. Quickly run across the dilapidated bridge, otherwise it is about to fall. I advise you to first run backwards, fending off the enemy’s attack along the way, and then just jump across that old bridge.

Fortress tower
You will slide down and watch the helicopter start up to fly away in an unknown direction. When passing this location in the game " Tomb Raider"you should climb to the very top of the tower along a rather difficult, deadly path in the form of a giant spiral staircase. You will take a walk around the tower, which will be filled with numerous obstacles. Ultimately, you will need to make an epic jump into a flying helicopter when you find yourself on the roof of a falling towers.

Once you are in the helicopter cockpit, you will see Rott and the Japanese pilot. Regarding all the other members of the expedition, they are fighting off the islanders below. A little later, it becomes clear that the pilot does not even think about picking them up. Lightning will then strike the helicopter, causing it to fall to the ground. After an unplanned hard landing, Rott will be the first to wake up. He feels much better than Lara Croft, who is unconscious and barely breathing. Here Rott will begin mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. After this, you will wake up, and you will immediately need to repel the attack of opponents led by Matthias. An ax will fly at Rott, after which he will still try to eliminate a couple of enemies, but, alas, you won’t last long with an ax in your back. In the further passage of "Tomb Raider", after Father Mathias leaves, the rest of the expedition members will come to you, with the exception of Whitman. They will start building a funeral pyre for Rott. Then you will be left in splendid isolation, while others will be busy repairing an incomprehensible boat. I advise you to join the repair work, as you will be able to get into the “ritual hall” that you saw when looking at the stolen map of Father Mathias from the office in the Fortress.

Chapter 18. Loneliness

mountain forest
When passing through this location in "Tomb Raider", located near the Slums, be sure to hurry up to catch up with the group. The positive thing is that you will pass through the forest, where you can hunt and enjoy nature to your heart's content, thereby taking a break from the gloomy caves and burning houses. But, of course, you shouldn’t forget about wolves when walking through the forest in the game “Tomb Raider”. But patrol hunters will appear before them, and it is easier to eliminate them with a pistol with a silencer so that there is no noise. If you feel like it, climb a tree and admire the forest from above.

Going further, you will see a rock on the left side where there is a cave, which is a tomb. The main obstacle here will be pitch darkness, which can be dispelled with the help of instinct. If you find trash, just set it on fire.

In the further passage of this level in "Tomb Raider" you need to return to the hunting village. After passing it, you will come to the next checkpoint, which is patrolled by wolves and hunters. It is worth noting that although the cave is called a wolf’s lair, it was clearly not without human intervention, because there are cages with wolves, doors and stairs everywhere. This is probably some kind of nursery. Take advantage of the moment while the animals are locked up and destroy them with a pistol shot at each one. After you deal with them, you will gain experience. When you reach the hanging deer, you will need to pull it up with a rope, so it will move the crossbar. Go to it and continue completing this test in the game "Tomb Raider". Having gone to the end, you will find yourself in a part of the cave that no one has been to for a long time. And the guest will be greeted by a flock of bats.

After you leave the cave, you will find yourself back in the slums. You will then need to climb down using a rope stretched over the waterfall.

Chapter 19. Accelerated Descent

For some reason, you will be needed in order to repair the boat, but essentially you are a mechanic, the same Reis. But that might be for the best, because they have to wait for you. And ahead you will see many more cables that promise to end with the end of the game.

Cable car
Don't think that you'll have to walk along short ropes when completing this level in Tomb Raider. No, the cable car is a well-oiled machine that moves small cabins with a missing roof from bottom to top and vice versa over a beautiful winding mountain river. You will begin your descent when there is thick fog, which will gradually dissipate, and then the cable car will stop. You better get out of the cabin as quickly as possible. You should throw the rope onto the nearby tower. Once there, find the stairs leading up and climb them. As you go up, you will see a rope. But, probably, someone noticed you, because the movement of the cable car was stopped. Then, when you enter a ship suspended high above the ground, enemies will begin to attack you en masse. You don't even have to leave cover because the newly arriving enemies coming down the ropes will destroy each other, leaving a mountain of corpses in the middle. It reminds me of a game about “lemmings”, only in reverse. Continuing through this stage in the game "Tomb Raider", the smartest of the enemies will think of standing next to the machine gun and shooting at the cables that hold the ship. Of course, the ship tilts sharply downwards and you will be thrown sharply towards the railing, against which you will hit your back very hard. After this, immediately try to climb up, but you should be careful, because the ship will still fall down with its stern, and you will find yourself on the platform. Here you will see many ropes that you need to jump over to get to the river. Congratulations, you managed to reach the shore. It seems like we have been enjoying the ski resorts forever.

Shore of Sorrow
A huge number of remains from sea vessels are scattered in this location. It’s worth noting that it won’t be boring here either, and you’ll be able to find underwater tires and a tank. But for now, Lara Croft decided to take a little break.

Chapter 20. A Pirate's Life

This chapter has this title not because you will start printing counterfeit discs. On the contrary, you will need to obtain rigging to repair the boat. And you can do this if you start robbing ships. In order to begin the journey to the ship, you need to approach the destroyed pier. In the further passage of this level in "Tomb Raider", find the tower and use the rope to get to the galleon. Once there, you will see two witnesses who saw you land on the wreckage. You need to kill them, as they can add to your troubles. Having dealt with them, head to the bow of the ship. In order for the anchor fastening (rigging) to fall down, you just need to shoot at it. Then the mast will be on deck. Now raise the rigging and return to your comrades.

Whitman, who suddenly appeared, runs screaming about the attack. But the enemy is not visible yet. It becomes clear that the chase was staged. Suppose Whitman was freed from captivity, or was he simply released to spy? It's not clear yet. You won’t have to think for long, because Grace will arrive and ask you to accompany her in the search for Alex, giving you a composite bow. Now you will have access to this the new kind weapons like "napalm arrows", the peculiarity of which is that they can ignite any surface.

Chapter 21. Missing Persons

In the further passage of the game "Tomb Raider" Alex will go to Endurance to get tools. Join him, it’s so interesting to see what the ship looks like now. To start your journey to it, go to the East. If you need to make new ropes, use a composite bow to break through stone walls. By the way, you can try to do this now, because you already need to get to the goal marker. Then Alex will radio over that he is already on the ship and is looking for tools. In order to successfully reach your next goal in Tomb Raider, you have to go through a very non-linear path. You will see two guards who will communicate with each other, discussing you. After standing and eavesdropping on their conversation, you will learn that Boris and his soldiers are in this moment on Endurance. What? Did Alex get caught? Now climb up, constantly jumping from one piece of debris to another. Then look up and see a rope that you can use to climb down.

In the further passage of this stage in the game "Tomb Raider" you will come across two opponents who are guarding the entrance to a tomb hidden from prying eyes. There, behind the door, there is a military bunker, inside of which there is a laboratory for studying local storms. Be careful when you step on the floor - it is under high voltage. You first need to set fire to the raft mount, then take out a shotgun and demolish the barricade, so pull the raft twice to get across it to the opposite side. Then shoot the rope at the mount, which serves as a lift to the power source, and then calmly walk through the water to the opposite side. Now you need to raise the current source back, just first pull the raft under it. That's it, with a measured step, head towards the stairs along the water and rummage through the chest.

Now it’s worth returning to the shore of sadness. Don't forget to use the new bow to drive ropes into walls. When you get to the opposite side, you will find a passage into the cave.

Bunker on the rock
When you get to the other side, you'll find a camp and a wonderful view of what's left of Endurance as the locals are slowly dismantling it, and a cable car. When passing this stage in the game "Tomb Raider" you need to attach the rope to the wall. Having overcome the wall, you will come straight to a military cannon, whose barrel is bent. Then you will have to go through the pipes to reach a room where the local population is busy repairing something. Their number will be replenished as they descend from cables coming out of a large crane. If you complete the passage of "Tomb Raider" at the bottom, you will reach a staircase guarded by several opponents. Then go upstairs and eliminate the attack of the fighters, which will be a little more difficult. Here the enemies have excellent armor and include well-aimed demolitionists. Having risen to the third floor, you will need to climb onto the forklift, from which you can climb onto the roof. There will be a wonderful view of the sunset, but this means that darkness will soon envelop this island. You now need to make a rope to get down to a piece of land from which a pole sticks out with a cable leading to the ship. You will fall onto the pipes and roll down, but no one will notice. As you get closer to the Endurance, you will see one big guy helping the others take the ship apart. Of course, when completing this challenge in Tomb Raider, you will need to fight them. I advise you to shoot the thug's head, because that's the only vulnerable spot him. When you stun him, run up and finish what you started with the ice ax. Now search it and find a “zhumar” - this is a device that makes it possible to carry on a rope those objects that were previously beyond your capabilities. Now he will take one object and, using a jumar, throw it onto the deck, breaking through it, thereby opening a passage into the hold.

When you go into the hold, you will see a pile of debris and rubbish. It is unclear how the islanders managed to cause such damage to the ship. After walking a little along the corridor, you will see the terrible state of Samantha's cabin. And just looking at the middle of the ship with its stern broken off gives the impression that some monster simply bit off a piece of the ship. In the further passage of this level in "Tomb Raider" you need to get to the engine room along the cable. Now you will find yourself in the water and hear Alex, crushed by the rubble, give a voice. But you cannot get close to it, because there is an obstacle in the form of exposed wiring. You should shoot the crane with the rope, then use the jumar to pull it closer. The crane has two ladders: a long one and a short one. You need to climb on them and start pushing the crane all the way to the other side. But first you need to climb onto the ladder, which is shorter, pull the rope and climb onto the long ladder. This way you can climb into the hatch, which is located in the ceiling. As you continue this challenge in Tomb Raider, break the pipe that is blocking the faucet. Then open the passage by repeating the same steps as with the previous tap, returning it to its original position. You will see Alex pinned down, but bad luck, the opponents are right there. In the end, he will be left alone and is going to blow everyone up, and then the ship will sink. Find the wrench and screwdriver, then quickly escape Endurance. It is worth noting that using a jumar, you can climb the ropes as quickly as you can descend. Alex is somewhere behind, and you should continue on your way, returning to the bunker along the cables.

Twilight has come to an end, and the moon is already visible. Pull the weight you find at the top down. This will break the ceiling and allow you to jump down. When you see the diary, go up to it and read that the scientists went to the monastery, but what happened next is unknown. When you go through the door, you will find yourself in a room you have already been to. Also, some places have now become accessible, since you have a zhumar in your arsenal. Get to the place where the cannon is, because from there you can get out along the cable. And ahead of you awaits the passage of "Tomb Raider" through the tunnel.

Shore of Sorrow
You can get to your friends by returning along the same path. But if you wish, then use zhumar to create a new one. Next you will see a fire, which you can get to by jumping from one cable to another.

Which was warmly received by the press and players a little less than a year later. Next week, including in Russia, the sale will go on sale Definitive Edition for Playstation 4 and Xbox One— re-release of the game with updated graphics and special effects. On the eve of this event, we decided to compile a guide for those who decide to independently find all the precious relics hidden in the folds of the mysterious island.


First, let's remember what you need to do to complete 100 percent:

— Finish the story campaign.
- Collect all items on the island, including artifacts, documents, GPS beacons and treasure maps.
- Find and clear all 7 tombs.
- Complete all side quests.
— Upgrade all the heroine’s skills and completely improve all types of weapons.

Achievements in the game are also tied to certain actions in multiplayer, but for 100% completion you do not need to perform them.

Collect artifacts, documents and search for tombs in two ways. The first is during the game, the second is at its completion. After completing the storyline, the game does not end and you can return to the island again and finish the work you started there. We will try to provide you with the right advice no matter which of the two tactics you choose.

Story campaign

The passage does not pose any particular difficulties, even if you (conditionally) upgrade the wrong skills, use the wrong weapons and are not at all distracted by side missions and exploring locations. However, in order to significantly diversify the gameplay and make the passage easier, we will give some simple and effective tips that you should follow during your first playthrough:

  • Kill all enemies. Try to participate in every battle with opponents during the passage - this will significantly increase the amount of experience, which you will then use to level up your skills and make Lara stronger.
  • Use all your skills. Try to kill your opponents not just quickly, but also beautifully: try to act silently, and if you are noticed, take headshots left and right, use all available means and types of weapons, effectively destroying enemies. For many tricks you will also receive additional experience, which, as you know, is never superfluous.
  • Use “survival instinct” more often - Lara’s special vision mode, which will help you navigate the terrain. Thanks to “instinct,” it is easier to find not only artifacts and treasures (highlighted in yellow), but also animals for hunting (in red).
  • Upgrade your skills correctly. The main character has three lines of skills - Survivor, Hunter and Brawler. At the beginning, upgrade the first branch of skills, especially the skills Survivalist (allows you to gain more experience for butchering animal carcasses and searching for treasures), Advance Salvaging (increases the number of spare parts in caches found by Lara) and Bone Collector (you can collect spare parts from animal carcasses). Together, these three skills will give a significant jump in leveling at the first levels of the game.
  • Try to explore every path you see. Your curiosity will almost always be rewarded. The more you explore the territory, the more experience and equipment parts you receive.

After completing the story campaign, you can load your last save and be transported to starting location games - “Coastal Forest”. There is fast travel between areas through special camps, so don’t be afraid - you won’t have to go through all the locations on foot again.

In addition to the missing items and artifacts, enemies, living creatures and chests with parts will again await you on the island - all so that you can fully upgrade the heroine’s skills and improve weapons that you did not have time to do during the main playthrough.

Despite the decent list of tasks, completing the game 100 percent is not that difficult. treats the player very sparingly and largely helps him complete secondary tasks. On average, to complete all remaining side missions After beating the game you should have about 2-3 hours.

Location research

Secondary missions or challenges are also related to search certain items, but depending on the location these items are very different. Typically, a task involves collecting certain artifacts - totems, posters, discovering certain statues, and so on. To understand what is required of you in a particular location, you just need to carefully study them and use the “survival instinct” - it is structured in such a way that you will somehow stumble upon these missions while playing through the game. Again - pictures with the location of all the secrets.

- If you use detailed walkthroughs, be aware that the location of artifacts on the map always remains the same, but the artifacts themselves may be shuffled. Therefore, if you find the wrong treasure in the right place, do not be alarmed, this is how it should be.

- Explore the relics. In the game menu you can not only get acquainted with all the treasures that you will find during the game, but also find hidden secrets in them. All you have to do is spin the item in the menu and perhaps you will notice some kind of hint on the back. Do not hesitate to spend time on this - for such curiosity you can gain additional experience.

- There is one zone in which there is no camp for fast travel - “Bunker on the Rock”. In order to get into it, you need to move to the “Coast of Sorrows” and independently get to the “Bunker”. Players experience most of the problems with collecting items in this location.

— At the “Research Station” level, to collect the first artecate, you will need 2 grenades or 2 exploding arrows. This is the only way to get it, so if you don’t have them during the passage, you’ll have to come back here later, with the necessary ammunition.

In conclusion, here are a few from the developers about survival on the island:

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 appeared in Russia in March 2013. The game was released in fully localized form, with voice acting and subtitles in Russian.

Release date: Definitive Edition for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in Russia is scheduled for January 30.

Challenges in Tomb Raider- an integral part of the game. Throughout the entire journey, Lara Croft and her team will fight for survival, which in itself is already a great test, but in addition to the main goal there will be many secondary ones. Each major location is fraught with carefully hidden secrets that must be found to complete passage games. For the sake of tradition, secrets are divided into two categories: simple - opened with the help of treasure maps or by carefully studying the territory, complex - always remain closed and are not marked on global map, you need to look for them yourself. The challenges in Tomb Raider are very similar to those in Resident Evil 5, .

Tomb Raider did not stop at emblems, replacing them with totems, flags, sea mines and other items unique to each location. All the “complex” secrets are securely hidden, sometimes even (the [Q] key) does not help Lara Croft, because they are located at large distances and do not fall within the range of the skill. Finding the secret, you need to shoot it with a , break it with an ice ax, use a “Comet” or fire arrows, then it will be counted and included in the overall statistics of the passage. Collecting secrets and completing challenges in Tomb Raider gives rewards - new galleries, additional characters for network game and experience, which is subsequently exchanged for. Galleries can be found in the main menu of the game in the "Miscellaneous" section.

Tomb Raider Challenge Secret Locations:

  • Coastal Forest / Challenge - Auror(totems):
    1. 53N 712351, UTM 3416078 - hanging on a branch next to a suspended corpse, near the bunker.
    2. 53N 712363, UTM 3416063 - Hanging on a tree branch near where the first deer was killed.
    3. 53N 712355, UTM 3416065 - on a block of stone in the middle of the forest, from where you can see the fire of the camp on the rock.
    4. 53N 712367, UTM 3416074 - on a block of stone in a dead end in the northern part of the forest.
    5. 53N 712343, UTM 3416060 - on a tree branch near the path to the entrance to the camp, from the side of the coastal rocks.
    6. 53N 712375, UTM 3416114 - on a tree branch near the bridge leading to the temple where Whitman will be waiting.
    7. 53N 712375, UTM 3416112 - under the bridge on the way to the entrance to the temple, where Whitman will be waiting.
    8. 53N 712384, UTM 3416113 - under the destroyed bridge near the waterfall, in the eastern part of the forest, near the temple.
    9. 53N 712364, UTM 3416119 - under the canopy near the broken statue in the western part of the forest, not far from the temple.
    10. 53N 712390, UTM 3416125 - under the roof, to the right of the main gate of the temple with Whitman.
  • Mountain Temple / Challenge - Pyromania(luminaires):
    1. 53N 712429, UTM 3416144 - on the second floor of the broken pagoda, after fighting the mercenaries and climbing the rope ladder.
    2. 53N 712429, UTM 3416160 - under the roof of a house near the path, where two mercenaries will talk about Vladimir’s cruelty.
    3. 53N 712434, UTM 3416154 - in the temple corridor (entrance through the hole above the wall).
    4. 53N 712440, UTM 3416154 - on the balcony in front of the abyss in the temple, opposite the place where the first silent murder takes place.
    5. 53N 712435, UTM 3416144 - on the corner of the pagoda roof after escaping from the burning temple.
  • Mountain Village / Challenge - Illuminations(deity statues):
    1. 53N 712469, UTM 3416161 - in the gazebo in front of the pagoda, not far from the camp and the passed out Rott.
    2. 53N 712472, UTM 3416201 - next to the waterfall, on the first ledge on the way to the tower (after parting with Rott).
    3. 53N 712464, UTM 3416189 - before the second abseil on the way back to the mountain village.
    4. 53N 712481, UTM 3416184 - on the platform behind the house after the second abseil, on the way to the mountain village.
    5. 53N 712488, UTM 3416195 - in the passage through the cave where two mercenaries are talking, on the way to the pilot of the crashed rescue plane.
    6. 53N 712502, UTM 3416186 - on the second hill after the “” tomb, on the way to the pilot of the crashed rescue plane.
    7. 53N 712521, UTM 3416191 - at the cliff of the waterfall, south of the camp after the mountain temple.
    8. 53N 712498, UTM 3416184 - on a cliff, next to the place where three mercenaries set up camp. You can climb on a cable if you throw it from the camp after the mountain monastery across the river on the left side of the bridge.
    9. 53N 712508, UTM 3416203 - at the top of the cliff, east of the "" tomb, on the way to the pilot of the crashed plane.
    10. 53N 712454, UTM 3416152 - on a hill, near the tail of the crashed rescue plane.
  • Mountain Village / Challenge - Nest Destroyer(bird eggs):
    1. 53N 712458, UTM 3416172 - on the roof of the pagoda near the rusty plane at the waterfall.
    2. 53N 712470, UTM 3416197 - on the top of the pagoda above the wolf's lair, on the way to the radio tower where two mercenaries are talking.
    3. 53N 712509, UTM 3416202 - on the edge of the cliff, east of the Ascension Hall tomb, on the way to the pilot of the crashed plane.
    4. 53N 712510, UTM 3416188 - on the edge of the cliff next to the gazebo, on the way to the pilot of the crashed plane.
    5. 53N 712463, UTM 3416153 - on the roof of a house on a hill, near the tail of a crashed rescue plane.
  • Mountain Base / Challenge - Anti-propaganda(red posters):
    1. 53N 712443, UTM 3416286 - in the room on the first floor, from where two mercenaries roll out a barrel of fuel.
    2. 53N 712457, UTM 3416286 - on the wall in the room with generators.
    3. 53N 712458, UTM 3416299 - in the room with a soldier crushed under a slab, after an explosion in the generator room, .
    4. 53N 712432, UTM 3416299 - in the room on the first floor where Lara Croft is ambushed, north of the camp marker on the map.
    5. 53N 712433, UTM 3416288 - in the room with a broken control panel.
  • Slums / Test - Silence(mechanical sirens):
    1. 53N 712565, UTM 3416087 - on the tower, southwest of the camp fire and the fallen helicopter.
    2. 53N 712596, UTM 3416035 - on the roof of the extension, from where the mercenaries will shoot when Lara Croft meets Grim.
    3. 53N 712601, UTM 3416052 - on the southwestern side of the base of the cable car.
    4. 53N 712607, UTM 3416060 - on the balcony near the mill blades.
  • Slums / Test - rest in peace(stuffed animals):
    1. 53N 712571, UTM 3416099 - on the wall, southeast of the camp fire near the helicopter.
    2. 53N 712583, UTM 3416067 - on the wall of the building with the entrance to the tomb "", west of the inner gate.
    3. 53N 712558, UTM 3416112 - on the path behind the tail of the helicopter.
    4. 53N 712592, UTM 3416050 - above the waste puddle behind the inner gate.
    5. 53N 712615, UTM 3416064 - among the rocks, next to the cable car (you need to stand to the right of the gears of the cable car mechanism: first, and then we launch the cable).
    6. 53N 712580, UTM 3416046 - on the rock near the tower with the platform where the meeting with Grim will take place.
  • Cave/Challenge - Arsonist(bags):
    1. 53N 712685, UTM 3416011 - near the ceiling next to the stone column in the cannibal cave.
    2. 53N 712677, UTM 3416010 - near the ceiling in the southern branch in the cannibal hall.
    3. 53N 712684, UTM 3416020 - near the ceiling next to the cells of the cannibal prisoners in the oval corridor.
    4. 53N 712707, UTM 3416018 - behind the iron gates after the hall with the cannibals.
    5. 53N 712706, UTM 3416028 - near the ceiling in the next room after the camp.
    6. 53N 712697, UTM 3416031 - near the ceiling in the tunnel in front of the praying mercenaries.
  • Mountain Forest / Challenge - Silent hunt(mushrooms):
    1. 53N 712605, UTM 3415994 - among the trees near the tail of the crashed helicopter, after leaving the camp.
    2. 53N 712610, UTM 3415994 - near the tree behind the body of the crashed helicopter.
    3. 53N 712616, UTM 3416004 - at the end of the path before the exit to the mercenary camp.
    4. 53N 712624, UTM 3416007 - in the forest on the northern side of the reservoir.
    5. 53N 712626, UTM 3416000 - on the shore of the reservoir, before the main group of mercenaries.
    6. 53N 712626, UTM 3415990 - on a stone ledge, southwest of the main group of mercenaries.
    7. 53N 712633, UTM 3415984 - near the waterfall, in the southern part of the location.
    8. 53N 712641, UTM 3415993 - at a dead end behind the waterfall, southeast of the main group of mercenaries.
    9. 53N 712642, UTM 3415998 - at the entrance to the cave behind the main mercenary camp.
    10. 53N 712632, UTM 3416005 - at the bridge next to the tomb "".
  • Shore of Sorrow / Test - Ruin of the dolmens(graves):
    1. 53N 712469, UTM 3416008 - on a stone cliff near the entrance to the location (you can climb using a buoy).
    2. 53N 712483, UTM 3415992 - on the cliff next to the tomb "".
    3. 53N 712471, UTM 3415995 - on a cliff next to a rusty tank, north of the camp.
    4. 53N 712503, UTM 3415950 - at the mercenary tower in the southwestern part of the location on the way to Alex on the Endurance.
    5. 53N 712522, UTM 3415950 - on the top of the hill after the mercenary tower, in the southwestern part of the location on the way to Alex on the Endurance.
  • Shore of Sorrow / Test - Demining(sea mines):
    1. 53N 712491, UTM 3415990 - on the sandy shore next to the “Temple of the Servants” tomb.
    2. 53N 712490, UTM 3415969 - on the ocean shore next to the destroyed pier.
    3. 53N 712477, UTM 3415945 - by the Portuguese ship, south of the broken boat.
    4. 53N 712469, UTM 3415962 - in the coastal waters of the ocean, on the way to the Portuguese ship for rigging.
    5. 53N 712465, UTM 3415948 - in the coastal waters of the ocean, on the way to the Portuguese ship for rigging.
    6. 53N 712509, UTM 3415969 - among the shipwrecks in the southeastern part of the location, on the way to Alex on the Endurance.
    7. 53N 712536, UTM 3415946 - at the end of the sandy shore, in the southeastern part of the location.
    8. 53N 712520, UTM 3415949 - on the shore near the tower with mercenaries, in the southeastern part of the location.
    9. 53N 712515, UTM 3415944 - in the water near the shore next to the mercenary tower, in the southeastern part of the location (destroyed from the roof).
    10. 53N 712503, UTM 3415959 - in the water, on the north side of the mercenary tower.
  • Bunker on the Rock / Test - Former inhabitants(flags with red stars):
    1. 53N 712559, UTM 3415925 - in a bunker on the rock next to the torn cannon.
    2. 53N 712563, UTM 3415928 - on the wall near the ceiling, opposite the suspended platform in the hall with the mercenaries.
    3. 53N 712562, UTM 3415931 - on the roof of the bunker, on the way to Alex on the Endurance.
    4. 53N 712571, UTM 3415931 - on the third section of the crane above the hangar, on the roof of the bunker next to the camp.
  • Research Station/Test - Solar killer(totems):
    1. 53N 712453, UTM 3416052 - near the ceiling in the corridor to the camp.
    2. 53N 712459, UTM 3416049 - near the ceiling in the flooded corridor next to the camp where the mercenaries are on duty.
    3. 53N 712457, UTM 3416044 - on a suspended corpse, if you look through the window, standing in the open doorway iron door in front of the camp.
    4. 53N 712444, UTM 3416053 - on the platform, on the right side of the fallen elevator.
    5. 53N 712440, UTM 3416050 - behind bars near the boxes in the corridor after the fallen elevator, on the way to the hall with the commander.
