Walkthrough for game Lord of the Rings: War in the North. Walkthrough for game Lord of the Rings: War in the North Walkthrough for game Lord of the Rings War

Chapter 1


We leave the tavern on the street and go right. We stand on the glowing area at the gates of Brovara, press the "E" key and select the city of Fornost on the map. We answer the question in the affirmative.

Fornost's main gate

We rise along the destroyed stairs to the top, kill four enemies who will attack us in pairs and proceed to the gate of Fornost by analogy with the moment when we left Brovar. We deal with the enemies around the perimeter. I advise you not to break away from your two friends, and also deal with the archers first. Next, we destroy the orcs who escaped from the fortress. Black boxes can be found around the perimeter of the courtyard. We break these boxes and find inventory items. After that we pass into the gate, from which the last group of enemies escaped. Moving forward, the floor falls under us.

We go forward and turn left. Ahead we see a wall with cracks, from which light seeps out. We break this wall - a secret area is found. We run forward along the corridor, go down the stairs and go to another area of ​​the cave. We are fighting with a large group of goblins (rather weak opponents, you should have killed one of them literally 20 seconds ago). In truth, the archers who attacked us with the goblins are much more dangerous. So, having dealt with a large group of enemies, we run forward and climb the staircase on the right side. We move into the passage in front and go to another location. By the way, if suddenly your team gets stuck, it will happen for the reason that one, two or three archers remained at the top. Your friends may be powerless against them, such a game. By rotating the mouse wheel, we change the weapon to a crossbow and kill the archers ourselves. After that, we return to the transition and move on. We are watching a video about how the orc squad is trying to cope with the eagle chained.

We break four chains, after which we destroy all enemies in the courtyard of Fornost. We talk with Beleram and agree to carry out the task together. We pass through the door, go up the stairs and stand on the highlighted place. Press the "E" key and find yourself in the menu. So, here we can buy / sell inventory items, as well as go to other locations (in this case, to Brovar). I will not teach how to dress a character or trade. We go up the stairs and complete the mission. When moving from mission to mission, you can change the character. I played as a gnome from start to finish. You - as you know.

Destruction of ballistae

We go forward and join the battle with the orcs. The first ballista will be guarded by an orc mage. This is the first more or less strong opponent encountered in the game. We kill the orcs and throw the ballista into the abyss (in order to capture the ballista, press the "E" key, and then repeatedly click on this key). We move on, kill the second group of enemies and drop the second ballista. Not far from the chest we take out several inventory items. We continue our journey and go to another area.

Ahead we see a whole group of enemies. In order to call the eagle for help, press the "4" key. Arriving, the eagle kills only one of the enemies. After a few seconds, after the cooldown expires, the eagle can be summoned again. In total, we are given 3 such challenges. After killing all the enemies, we examine another chest, go upstairs and go inside the building, thereby completing the mission.

External courtyards. Find the Sons of Elrond

We approach Beleram and talk with him. There is a shop ahead, you can buy / sell items. We turn to the right of the store and go forward. We rise up the stairs, killing all the enemies along the way. When the enemies are defeated, it will be possible to go through the large gate. We are in no hurry to do this. We go down another stepped staircase, located on the right side of the stairs, along which we climbed here. We find two chests with objects. In one of the chest there will be a protective stone of the elves, which can be built into one of the items of clothing. To do this, click on this stone in the inventory and select the desired item. On the other side of the stairs where we killed the enemies, there are several black boxes and a chest with other items. We take these items. Now we pass through the large gate, move forward and go to another area.

First of all, we run forward to the ballista, and we kill the guard who controls it. We deal with the archers, located on two towers, on the sides of the ballista. We kill the opponents attacking us near the ballista, after which we approach the ballista and take control. We deal with all the goblins and orcs in front of the ballista, after which we kill six archers on the roof of the buildings (three on the left and right sides). To the right of the ballista is a destroyed building. We rise into the ruins of this building, we pass to the right side and take out from the chest various subjects... We turn back and in front we see a wall with cracks. We break this wall and find another chest. Taking away inventory items, we leave the ruins. Now we return to the ballista and look forward. Pay attention to a concrete staircase leading to a building. We are heading there! We pass to another area.

Here the first boss is waiting for us - a troll. First of all, we plant in it all the crossbow arrows collected on the way here. Further, when the troll turns his back on us, we run up to him and attack with a melee weapon. We collect the objects dropped out of it and press the "E" key. We are watching the video.

We communicate with two elves on all topics. We follow the elves and see a group of orcs in front, led by a ballista. We hide behind the wall on the left or on the right side of the passage. We run out from behind the obstacle and look forward at the ballista. We call the eagle, and he attacks the guard for the ballista. Let's go ahead and deal with all the orcs and goblins. After the brothers elves leave us, we are waiting for the appearance of a large group of orcs. We kill them, do not forget to use the ballista. Several archers will spawn on the rooftop to the left of the ballista when controlled. When we repel all the attacking waves of the enemy, a door will open behind the ballista and two orc guards and an orc warrior will run out of it. This unit usually leads a group of ordinary orc guards. He has a large supply of health, but he does not pose a particular threat. After killing three orcs, we pass inside the building and see two goblin miners in front of us. These units explode if approached closely. We kill them with shots from a crossbow. Go ahead, Eradan will kill all these goblin miners. When we find ourselves at a dead end, we shoot from a crossbow into a red vase with gunpowder and see how the wall in front of us explodes, from where two miners immediately run out. Eradan will kill them too! We pass to another area.

We see a short video. A ballista is installed at the top of the fortress, which is controlled by a guard. Behind the guard is an orc wizard who has applied a shield spell, so it will not work to kill the guard behind the ballista from the crossbow. What are we doing? Hiding behind the walls on the right and left sides, we run up close to the gate and go upstairs. We deal with the orc-sorcerer, and then - with all the other archers and the guard behind the ballista We pull the lever located next to the ballista. We stand directly behind the ballista and shoot the goblins heading in our direction. We pay special attention to the goblins-minerals !!! You can't let them run up to the stairs! After all the goblins are defeated, the gate will open. We go down and we pass to the bridge, towards the citadel. The gate is closing behind us. We kill all the goblins who attacked us, after which the elves will open the passage to the citadel.

We move forward, we pass into a small building where you can sell / buy things. We leave the building and look at the tower on the right side. On this tower we find a red barrel with gunpowder, into which we shoot from a crossbow. We pass through the broken wall. Ahead we see a wall with cracks. We examine it, and then we break it. We take out the elixir of health from the chest. We rise along the destroyed stairs and empty another chest, this time located to the left of the passage we need. We go into the passage and pull the lever, thereby raising the gate. We are not in a hurry to go back, but go on. We take the inventory items located in the third chest, among the ones we found in the last minute. We run back and, having got out of the destroyed building after the explosion of the tower, we turn right. We move forward and turn into the alley on the right. We go into the passage, which was previously locked on an iron grate.

We quickly run up to the ballista and prepare to repulse the attacking waves of the enemy. The first wave is from the side of the closed passage through which we got here. The second wave is slightly to the left. The third wave is slightly to the right. Finally, the fourth and fifth waves - from all sides, from which the orcs and goblins appeared earlier. As always, we pay special attention to the goblins-minerals! After defeating all the creatures, the elf brothers will open the passage for us. We move forward, kill enemies and go to the citadel, inside the building.


We go forward, from the crossbow we kill the guard who controls the ballista. We fight with groups of opponents. We kill the goblins climbing over the wall, and then - the orc-sorcerer. We pass inside the building and take out the objects from the chest. We head along the corridor to the other side and fight with two groups of the enemy. The first group is led by an orc sorcerer. First of all, we kill the orc. Next, we deal with his remaining minions - archers and warriors. The second group has no leader: these are goblins. As before, we pay special attention to the occasional mineral goblins. When the passage opens, we kill the last three orcs and go up the staircase. We pass to another area. We are watching the video.

We cover the elves while they are trying to remove the dark enchantment from the gate inside the citadel. At the top of the screen, the health of the elves is shown in the form of a green bar. We kill the orcs trying to attack the elves. Attention! Save Beleram's attacks, because at the end of the attacking waves, the troll will attack the elves. It is on him that we set our eagle. After talking with Beleram, we pass inside the citadel.

Citadel tower

Having bought and sold things in the store, we follow the elves ahead. We pass through the iron gates and watch the video. Here comes the second boss. We plant all crossbow arrows in it. After that, we attack with our melee weapon (depending on the selected character). As soon as one of our allies dies, we immediately run up to him and revive! If we are left without two partners, it will be very difficult. Personally, I did not pay attention to Tarzog's minions, but first of all I killed him. We actively use the selected skills, and also drink the elixir of health. Elixir of health can be found in black wooden boxes located along the perimeter of the battle arena, and crossbow arrows can be found in piles with weapons. Go to upper part towers and see how the elves are fighting with Agandur. We are watching the video. We talk with our friends on all topics and agree to go to Sarn-Gebir. We go there on the map.

Chapter 2

Brod Sarn-Gebir

We move forward and from the stone statue we turn to the right. We approach Halbard, standing in the center of the settlement, and talk on all topics. We follow forward and go to the location "Burials".


An eerie place! We run forward along a single path. When we go down to the plateau along a winding path, we turn to the right, to a clearing with a fireplace. Another secret area found! We return back to the fork and head forward. We go down the path even lower and we pass inside a large crypt, which is surrounded by a mysterious fog. We kill all the zombies and go out into the street through another passage, the opposite end of the crypt. Ahead in the clearing we see battles between a troll and several zombies. As soon as we get closer to these creatures, a second troll will jump out from around the corner. We kill all the monsters, it is best to deal with the zombies first, so that they do not linger under our feet. We go forward and go to another location.

Continue up the path and encounter the first zombie swordsman, accompanied by two regular zombies. We kill three "bastards" and move on. We kill several ordinary zombies, go forward and see that the passage is further blocked by flying stones. Zombies and guards in armor and with long swords appear from the ground. If you kill these guards, then ordinary zombies will disappear. Therefore, we draw conclusions, who to beat in the first place! After killing all opponents, we go forward and go to another location.

Here we will have a battle with Death, a kind of boss. Well, first of all, we thrust all our crossbow arrows into Death. As soon as the arrows run out, we kill all the zombies attacking our friends so that they can calmly attack Death. As soon as the boss changes his habitat twice, he will be on the ground. Then we run to him, attack with a heavy blow ( right button mouse) and immediately roll back (hold down the down arrow and click on the "Space" key). After killing Death, we pass inside the burial ground and fight with another group of zombies.

We turn into the corridor on the right side and run down. We are fighting with another group of zombies. After killing all the monsters, we examine the wall with cracks through which rays of light seep. We break the wall and find the secret area. We break all the urns, collect the found items and leave the tomb. Go ahead and kill another group of zombies. We pass to the next location, the passage into which we carry out by pressing the "E" key.

Before continuing the journey, you can buy / sell things at the checkpoint familiar to us. Having brought our marketing campaign to life, we move on to the aisle in which stones soar. We kill the second boss named Death by analogy with the first battle. We go through the opened passage and complete the mission, summing up the results.

Kurgan Amon Gortad

I recommend setting the brightness of the monitor higher, otherwise it will be difficult to make out something. We move forward without turning anywhere. We fight with the undead and come close to the iron grate, blocking the way forward. So, in order to go further, you need to get a key. We stand with our backs to the grate and move to the right side. Having gone upstairs and having killed several zombies, we turn either to the right or to the left. Where we turn anyway, since the corridor here is closed and leads in a circle. So, let's assume that we turned to the right. We move forward, turn left, take a few steps forward and turn left again. We pass half the distance to the opposite wall and look to the right. We open the chest and take out the ancient key from it.

We return to the iron grate and unlock it with the found key. We run along the path forward and in a spacious corridor we deal with a horde of zombies. At the end of the corridor we find a chest, from which we get useful items... We head further and proceed to the battle with the third Death. This fight will be a little more difficult than the previous ones, but the principle is the same: we shoot all the crossbow arrows, and then we kill the zombies while our friends are shooting at Death. As soon as Death moves into our corridor, we finish it off with a melee weapon. We pass into a small hall where you can buy / sell things. After that, we go to another location by opening the stone gate.

We move forward and find a sleeping Luin. After talking with one of the pathfinders, we go all together in search of the second. We follow Luin and kill the monsters that attacked us. We pass to the next location.

Fighting the King of the Underdoms

So, now we have to deal with the "hero of the occasion." The battle is divided into two stages: we kill all the zombies located in the hall, after which the second ranger will jump to us, who is possessed by the King of the Dead. We beat this tracker and repeat the procedure. I dealt with the King in three such peculiar circles. After the victory, we approach the dead tracker, who lies in the place where the King of the Dead used to stand. We communicate on all topics with Luin. We go forward to the luminous point, and press the "E" key. Mission complete! Click on the word "Continue" and watch the video.

Chapter 3


We turn back, approach Elrond and talk with him. Performance additional tasks we will not describe. We get down from the porch of the building and move forward. We pass by a gazebo with a golden roof, climb the steps and run across the bridge with a canopy. We go to another location and thereby open the map. We move to Etta bryozoan.

Etta bryozoan. Cold swamps

We run down the slope and fight with three orcs-robbers. We continue to move forward, in the open field we defeat a whole group of robbers. The further path is in the same direction. But we are in no hurry to go forward. We turn right and go up the slope. We run up to the gorge between two stone slabs, our character will independently jump over this place. We go forward, kill several goblins and get useful items from the chest. We go back and continue our way forward, up the slope. We go into a small cave on the left side, deal with the goblins and the archer and examine the chest. We leave the cave and run up.

We jump down and find ourselves in the camp of the inhabitants of the hills. We destroy all opponents. At the first stage of the battles, first of all, we kill the leader of the inhabitants of the hills, who, with his cry, gives strength to the rest of the opponents. Next, we kill the magician and his companions, after which - the troll and goblins. Everything is as usual! We are watching the video and talking with Beleram.

We are moving forward through a narrow gorge in the mountains. We kill several opponents. We draw attention to the fact that two robbers are running at us from the right side, jumping from a stone slab to stone slab... Having dealt with a group of robbers, we move there - to the right. Jumping over the abyss, we go inside the cave and examine the wall with cracks on the right side of us. We break this wall and find another secret area. We take out useful items from the chest. On this we do not leave the cave, but head into its depths. Having dealt with several goblins, we examine the wall to which the gold is attached. We take away gold nuggets and move forward. At the fork, turn right and remove a few more nuggets from the wall. We return to the fork and go this time to the left. We leave the cave through another passage.

We kill the troll and his fellow robbers. We go to the right side of the cave. We fight with the robbers and go up the hill. At the fork, go to the right and enter the cave, which is located in a mountain with a wooden tower. We remove several nuggets from the wall of the cave, take out useful objects from the chest and return to the fork. We go to the left and find ourselves in a small enemy camp. A difficult battle awaits us here. As soon as we see the leader of the inhabitants of the hills, we immediately click on the "4" key and thereby cause Beleram to attack him. We deal with the rest of the opponents, after which a troll will run out of the gorge. You can also "incite" Beleram twice on him and he will be defeated. We approach the glowing passage, from which the troll ran out, and complete the mission.

Etta bryozoan. Upland swamps

We run forward along the road, we kill the robbers. We do not turn into the cave on the right side, but move on, engaging in battle with a whole group of enemies. Having dealt with the leader of the inhabitants of the hill and his henchmen, we move across the stone bridge to the other side and, without turning anywhere, we run forward. After passing through a narrow gorge, we find ourselves in a small clearing, from where it is necessary to go inside the cave. we deal with the magician and other robbers, after which we open the passage to the cave.

In the cave, you can use the services of a game store. We go forward through the cave, kill three enemies and break the wall. We pass into the secret area, break out gold nuggets from the wall, and take out inventory items from the chest. We leave this branch of the cave and continue to move forward. We deal with a group of opponents and head into the depths of the cave. In a spacious hall with two bonfires we kill a whole group of robbers and one troll. After that, we approach the wooden gates and raise them.

We run out of the cave, on the way, having killed several robbers (in particular, two archers) and also deal with the opponents guarding us in the air. In one of the alcoves of the cave, by the way, just before the exit, there is a chest. In the chest we find a giant eagle feather, which will allow us to call Beleram for help. We run forward, go upstairs and turn left. As soon as we see a whole group of enemies, among which there will be the leader of the inhabitants of the hills, we immediately click on the "4" key so that Beleram will deal with the leader. We finish off the remaining enemies, after which we fight the magician and his minions. We pass inside the cave.

We run forward, break through a hole in the wall and find a secret area. We collect all available items, leave this part of the cave and turn left. We move forward and complete the mission.

Etta bryozoan. Rock cleft

We go upstairs and go to the store (if necessary). We leave the cave and go to another location. We are watching the video.

And here is the stone giant! Perhaps one of the easiest, but the longest fights in the game. When the giant is standing, we go around him from behind and hit him on the legs. We use rolls more actively. If you notice that he wants to stamp, then we roll back. If the giant falls to his knees and holds on to his hands, then we hit him on the hands. And if you are lucky enough to make the giant bow his head, then we hit just the same on it. It is noteworthy that the damage to the head is 5 times higher than the damage to the legs and arms. After killing the giant and collecting the items dropped from it, press the "E" key. We are watching the video. We talk with Farin, the lord of the eagles. We pass to Rivendell.

Chapter 4


We talk with Elrond, get down from the porch and run forward to the gazebo with a golden roof. Near the gazebo, to the right of Beleram, there is a portal. We click on it and start the next mission. We select the location of Mount Gundabad.

Mount Gundabad. Mountain pass

We run forward and in front we see a group of opponents marching from us. We deal with them and move forward. We kill several more opponents, among whom there are archers. We rise up the slope and kill the enemies, which are attacking us next to the fire. We pass to another part of the location.

Immediately press the "4" key and thus call Beleram, who is attacking one of the trolls. We deal with two trolls and a whole group of enemies. We go up the slope and go inside the cave. We take out useful items from the chest, and break off gold nuggets from the wall. We leave the cave and run up the mountain. We are watching the video.

Frozen guards are moving ahead. The fight will be quite difficult, so we use the Battle Cry skill more actively (when playing as a gnome). Guards with a large hammer are very difficult to kill. During their swing, we roll from the blow to the other side. We run further along the mountain and again go to another part of the mountains.

We move up the slope and watch the video. We kill several enemies, rise higher and end the battle. We go to the store (if necessary). We leave the store, turn back and turn to the left, onto a narrow bridge. We approach the mountain, a troll jumps out of it. We deal with the troll and go inside the mountain. We kill two more trolls, go upstairs and leave the cave. We are watching the video.

We run forward and kill all opponents. We pass inside the cave and end the episode.

Mount Gundabad. Podgornaya fortress

We watch the video and talk with the dying gnome. We pass deep into the large cave. Oh how!

We go downstairs and engage in a battle with goblins and orcs. We run forward, we pass inside the building and we kill the last orc-archer on the balcony on the left side. we pass further through the door inside the building. We break the logs that hold this door.

We run forward, killing all the orcs and goblins along the way. We pass to another part of the cave. We continue our journey, chipping off gold nuggets from the walls. We kill the troll spinning the wheel, as well as all the goblins. After talking with partners, we break the wooden stick sticking out from the left side of the wheel of the orcish mechanism. We go into the appeared passage and go up the bridge inside the building. We continue our way up the building and move along the suspension bridge to another building.

We go down, killing archers along the way. After proving to be at the bottom of the building, we leave on the balcony and kill the last archer. We get useful items from the chest, after which we return to the inside of the building and exit through the passage opposite. We turn left and take out a few more useful items from the chest. We go back and go further.

We go, if necessary, to the store. We go down, we approach the entrance to the building and kill first a horde of goblins, and then - a single troll. We approach the doors inside the building, they swing open. We kill three strong orcs and we pass inside.

We kill the goblins, the leader of the inhabitants of the hills and three more archers. We cross the building, inside which there is one chest. We enter the cave and run forward. We conclude the episode.

Together with the gnome we fight with a large group of opponents. As soon as we see several trolls at the opposite end of the hall, we go up the side stairs to the ballista. We are watching the video.



After talking with the gnome, we pass inside the building. We talk with the king of the dwarfs, Gorin. We go down the stairs, leave the hall and find ourselves in the corridor leading both to the left and to the right. We run on either side forward, when the gate opens, we go out onto the balcony and leave the area of ​​the castle through the active point, behind Beleram. Heading to Darkshire.


After watching the video, we kill the Volchar. We don't immediately try to approach him, some kind of magic will not allow us to approach him. Subsequently, the Wolf will teleport next to us. That's when we attack him! We actively use the "Battle Cry" skill. After killing Volachar, we watch another video and approach Beleram, who killed the dragon. After talking with Beleram, we continue our way forward.

We kill the archers hiding in the bushes at the top of the rocks. We fight with a whole group of orcs, and also kill their leader, who cleared the way for us. We go along the path forward and enter the cave. Moving on, we find a crack on the left wall. We demolish the wall and clean up the contents of the chests in the secret area. We continue moving deeper into the cave and watch the video. We destroy the troll and end the episode.

Spider forest

We go forward and fight with spiders and two orcs. Move on and fight with a large number of small spiders and three medium spiders. We continue moving deeper into the forest, the main enemies are spiders. Having reached the river, we deal with three archers and other types of orcs. We run further, kill the two remaining archers and go to another location.

We kill a whole group of spiders - three waves. We select from the ground the staff of the magician, which fell from one of the spiders. We click on the active point, on the left side of the house, and end the episode.

Forest swamps

We run forward and fight the attacking influx of orcs. We pass to another part of the forest swamp. We go forward and kill another group of orcs. At the fork we go to the left, where there used to be a blue aura blocking the path.

We head forward and kill the orc with the hammer. We turn to the right, from where this orc jumped out, and we split the wall. We pass into the secret area and take out useful things from the chest. We move on to the next active transition.

We go up the path upward. We kill spiders, run forward 30 meters and fight with another group of mutants. We turn right and run all the way forward. We take out inventory items from the chest, after which we kill the spiders that attacked us. We turn back and run to the right. We head deep into the forest and keep to the right. We approach the active transition, click the "E" key and end the episode.

Spider cave

We go to the store and sell / buy the necessary things. We head deep into the cave and click on the active point. We kill a giant spider, which will call on its congeners to help. Press the "E" key and talk to Radagast. Watch the video and click on the active point to the right of Beleram. We fly to the lair of Urgost.

Chapter 6

Urgost's Lair. Gray mountains

We move forward and kill the magician and two guards. We rise up the mountain and enter into battle with several magicians and guards. We pass to another part of the mountains along the active point.

We make a few steps, in front we see a whole group of opponents. The fight will be difficult. More often we become inside the hemisphere that Andriel creates. In it, we can replenish our health, as well as hide from arrows and magic balls flying in our direction. We run up the mountain, kill the orcs encountered along the way. In general, in this chapter we try to hide in Andriel's hemisphere more often! So, going upstairs and having dealt with the opponents on the bridge, we enter the cave in the mountain. You can first look into the store.

We run forward, kill all the orcs and go to another part of the cave. We fight with a group of orcs, after which we turn to the right side and run up the slope. We kill the orcs, at the fork we go to the right side and at the end of the cave branch we find a chest with useful things. We return to the fork and go left. We leave the cave, on the bridge we kill a whole group of orcs. We cross the bridge, deal with the remaining orcs and black magicians, after which we enter into another cave.

We go upstairs, killing enemies on our way. We move on, chipping off gold nuggets from the walls. At the fork, when the right road will lead upward, to the exit from the cave, and the left path in the direction of two orc archers, we go first to the left. We kill the orcs and go to the store. We return back to the fork and leave the cave.

The battle with the Karn-Dum sorcerer

In fact, this sorcerer is the same Volchar. Not in the sense that the same boss: he just behaves the same way. We run up to him, go around the fiery barrier and beat what is power! The task will be complicated by ordinary orcs, from time to time appearing from behind the hills. We move away from the archers on the hills. We kill the sorcerer and complete the mission.

We talk with the dragon Urgost and agree to give him the Karn-Dum fortress. We pass to Nordinbad.

Chapter 7


We kill all opponents, immediately run up to the right ballista and shoot at the roof of the two siege towers that have appeared. We destroy the orcs who managed to land on the fortress. Next, we move to the left ballista and do exactly the same procedure. At the next stage, siege towers will appear from two sides, so first we very quickly destroy one pair of towers from one ballista, and then another pair of towers from another ballista. We deal with the remaining enemies and run to the gate. Goblin miners will now run in our direction. If they suddenly slip past our friends, Adrian and Andriel, then we finish them off with a crossbow. After killing a hundred miners (approximately), watch the video.

We destroy the trolls, while they did not manage to knock out the main gate to the fortress from the hinges. Next in line is the orc leader, the commander-in-chief of the siege. This is the same leader of the hill dwellers with slightly more health. We deal with all the orcs and watch the video. We go inside the fortress and thus complete the mission.

Chapter 8

We inform the king of the dwarfs that we are heading to Karn-Doom. We go into the corridor and turn right. We go down the stairs and say goodbye to Beleram. We leave the fortress and go to Karn-Dum.

Karn Doom

We run forward along the ice gorge. We penetrate inside the fortress through a rusty sewer pipe. We run upstairs. There is only one road here, so if you turn in the wrong direction, you will immediately find yourself in a dead end. Climbing to the very top, we pull the lever.

Having opened the gates, we move back, on the way killing the distraught inhabitants of Karn-Dum, whose confinement cells opened together with the gates to the fortress. We also kill one guard, something resembling a Viking. As soon as we go down the first stepped staircase down, we turn into the passage on the right side. It is he who leads inside the fortress. We finish off the remaining enemies and open the gate on the right side.

We kill three guards and run forward. We pass to another part of the fortress. We go up the stairs and in a huge hall we enter into battle with a whole group of opponents: the inhabitants of Karn-Dum, a Viking, several orcs, magicians and a troll for a snack. We pass inside the opened building, we clean up the contents of two chests, and then we deal with the distraught inhabitants of Karn-Dum. We pull the lever and we pass through the opened passage. But no ... We deal with the appeared trolls and other "enemies", after which we still go into the opened passage!

We run forward, turn into a small "utility room" on the right side and take out useful items from the chest. We climb the staircase to the top and deal with the enemies. We rise even higher and move forward (we do not turn into the passage inside the fortress on the left side). We click on the active area and watch the video. We talk on all topics with Beleram. We go into the passage on the right side and end the episode.

Citadel Karn-Doom. Final fight

And here is our villain! We beat Agandur, his behavior resembles Volchar. After a short attack, Agandur will disappear, summoning a troll with a fiery hammer in his place. We kill the troll in the usual way. Now Agandur is returning with his minions. First, we kill the orcs and guards, after that we are already attacking Agandur. Agandur's allies will appear on the battlefield from time to time. This time we hit Agandur until the red health bar in the center of the screen is empty. We deal with the remaining enemies and follow Agandur to the bridge. We are watching the video.

We hit Agandur with a melee weapon. Then we shoot at him with a crossbow, as the villain will soar in the sky and shoot lightning at us. Watching the final video.

We leave the tavern on the street and go right. We stand on the glowing area at the gate of Brovara, press the # E # key and select the city of Fornost on the map. We answer the question in the affirmative.

Fornost's main gate

We rise along the destroyed stairs to the top, kill four enemies who will attack us in pairs and proceed to the gate of Fornost by analogy with the moment when we left Brovar. We deal with the enemies around the perimeter. I advise you not to break away from your two friends, and also deal with the archers first. Next, we destroy the orcs who escaped from the fortress. Black boxes can be found around the perimeter of the courtyard. We break these boxes and find inventory items. After that we pass into the gate, from which the last group of enemies escaped. Moving forward, the floor falls under us.

We go forward and turn left. Ahead we see a wall with cracks, from which light seeps out. Breaking this wall # secret area found. We run forward along the corridor, go down the stairs and go to another area of ​​the cave. We are fighting with a large group of goblins (rather weak opponents, you should have killed one of them literally 20 seconds ago). In truth, the archers who attacked us with the goblins are much more dangerous. So, having dealt with a large group of enemies, we run forward and climb the staircase on the right side. We move into the passage in front and go to another location. By the way, if suddenly your team gets stuck, it will happen for the reason that one, two or three archers remained at the top. Your friends may be powerless against them, such a game. By rotating the mouse wheel, we change the weapon to a crossbow and kill the archers ourselves. After that, we return to the transition and move on.
We are watching a video about how the orc squad is trying to cope with the eagle chained.

We break four chains, after which we destroy all enemies in the courtyard of Fornost. We talk with Beleram and agree to carry out the task together. We pass through the door, go up the stairs and stand on the highlighted place. Press the # E # key and find yourself in the menu. So, here we can buy / sell inventory items, as well as go to other locations (in this case, # to Brovar). I will not teach how to dress a character or trade. We go up the stairs and complete the mission. When moving from mission to mission, you can change the character. I played as a gnome from start to finish. You # as you know.

Destruction of ballistae

We go forward and join the battle with the orcs. The first ballista will be guarded by an orc mage. This is the first more or less strong opponent encountered in the game. We kill the orcs and drop the ballista into the abyss (in order to capture the ballista, press the # E # key, and then repeatedly click on this key). We move on, kill the second group of enemies and drop the second ballista. Not far from the chest we take out several inventory items. We continue our journey and go to another area.

Ahead we see a whole group of enemies. In order to call the eagle for help, press the # 4 # key. Arriving, the eagle kills only one of the enemies. After a few seconds, after the cooldown expires, the eagle can be summoned again. In total, we are given 3 such challenges. After killing all the enemies, we examine another chest, go upstairs and go inside the building, thereby completing the mission.

External courtyards. Find the Sons of Elrond

We approach Beleram and talk with him. There is a shop ahead, you can buy / sell items. We turn to the right of the store and go forward. We rise up the stairs, killing all the enemies along the way. When the enemies are defeated, it will be possible to go through the large gate. We are in no hurry to do this. We go down another stepped staircase, located on the right side of the stairs, along which we climbed here. We find two chests with objects. In one of the chest there will be a protective stone of the elves, which can be built into one of the items of clothing. To do this, click on this stone in the inventory and select the desired item. On the other side of the stairs where we killed the enemies, there are several black boxes and a chest with other items. We take these items. Now we pass through the large gate, move forward and go to another area.

First of all, we run forward to the ballista, and we kill the guard who controls it. We deal with the archers, located on two towers, on the sides of the ballista. We kill the opponents attacking us near the ballista, after which we approach the ballista and take control. We deal with all the goblins and orcs in front of the ballista, after which we kill six archers on the roof of the buildings (three on the left and right sides). To the right of the ballista is a destroyed building. We rise into the ruins of this building, we pass to the right side and take out various objects from the chest. We turn back and in front we see a wall with cracks. We break this wall and find another chest. Taking away inventory items, we leave the ruins. Now we return to the ballista and look forward. Pay attention to a concrete staircase leading to a building. We are heading there! We pass to another area.

The first boss #troll is waiting for us here. First of all, we plant in it all the crossbow arrows collected on the way here. Further, when the troll turns his back on us, we run up to him and attack with a melee weapon. Collect the items dropped from it and press the # E # key. We are watching the video.

We communicate with two elves on all topics. We follow the elves and see a group of orcs in front, led by a ballista. We hide behind the wall on the left or on the right side of the passage. We run out from behind the obstacle and look forward at the ballista. We call the eagle, and he attacks the guard for the ballista. Let's go ahead and deal with all the orcs and goblins. After the brothers elves leave us, we are waiting for the appearance of a large group of orcs. We kill them, do not forget to use the ballista. Several archers will spawn on the rooftop to the left of the ballista when controlled. When we repel all the attacking waves of the enemy, a door will open behind the ballista and two orc guards and an orc warrior will run out of it. This unit usually leads a group of ordinary orc guards. He has a large supply of health, but he does not pose a particular threat. After killing three orcs, we pass inside the building and see two goblin miners in front of us. These units explode if approached closely. We kill them with shots from a crossbow.
Go ahead, Eradan will kill all these goblin miners. When we find ourselves at a dead end, we shoot from a crossbow into a red vase with gunpowder and see how the wall in front of us explodes, from where two miners immediately run out. Eradan will kill them too! We pass to another area.

We see a short video. A ballista is installed at the top of the fortress, which is controlled by a guard. Behind the guard is an orc wizard who has applied a shield spell, so it will not work to kill the guard behind the ballista from the crossbow. What are we doing? Hiding behind the walls on the right and left sides, we run up close to the gate and go upstairs. We deal with the orc-sorcerer, and then # with all the other archers and the guard behind the ballista Pull the lever located next to the ballista. We stand directly behind the ballista and shoot the goblins heading in our direction. We pay special attention to the goblins-minerals !!! You can't let them run up to the stairs! After all the goblins are defeated, the gate will open. We go down and we pass to the bridge, towards the citadel. The gate is closing behind us. We kill all the goblins who attacked us, after which the elves will open the passage to the citadel.

We move forward, we pass into a small building where you can sell / buy things. We leave the building and look at the tower on the right side. On this tower we find a red barrel with gunpowder, into which we shoot from a crossbow. We pass through the broken wall. Ahead we see a wall with cracks. We examine it, and then we break it. We take out the elixir of health from the chest. We rise along the destroyed stairs and empty another chest, this time located to the left of the passage we need. We go into the passage and pull the lever, thereby raising the gate. We are not in a hurry to go back, but go on. We take the inventory items located in the third chest, among the ones we found in the last minute. We run back and, having got out of the destroyed building after the explosion of the tower, we turn right. We move forward and turn into the alley on the right. We go into the passage, which was previously locked on an iron grate.

We quickly run up to the ballista and prepare to repulse the attacking waves of the enemy. The first wave # from the side of the closed passage through which we got here. The second wave # is slightly to the left. The third wave # is slightly to the right. Finally, the fourth and fifth waves # from all sides, from which the orcs and goblins appeared earlier. As always, we pay special attention to the goblins-minerals! After defeating all the creatures, the elf brothers will open the passage for us. We move forward, kill enemies and go to the citadel, inside the building.


We go forward, from the crossbow we kill the guard who controls the ballista. We fight with groups of opponents. We kill goblins, climbing over the wall, and then # orc-sorcerer. We pass inside the building and take out the objects from the chest. We head along the corridor to the other side and fight with two groups of the enemy. The first group is # led by an orc sorcerer. First of all, we kill the orc. Next, we deal with his remaining minions # archers and warriors. The second group has no leader: these are goblins. As before, we pay special attention to the occasional mineral goblins. When the passage opens, we kill the last three orcs and go up the staircase. We pass to another area. We are watching the video.

We cover the elves while they are trying to remove the dark enchantment from the gate inside the citadel. At the top of the screen, the health of the elves is shown in the form of a green bar. We kill the orcs trying to attack the elves. Attention! Save Beleram's attacks, because at the end of the attacking waves, the troll will attack the elves. It is on him that we set our eagle. After talking with Beleram, we pass inside the citadel.

Together with the release of the trilogy "Lord of the Rings" based on the classic fantasy saga John Ronald Ruel Tolkien, set the stage for the release of games set in Middle-earth. And a great many of them came out - from action games and strategies to MMORPGs. However, over time, the excitement faded away. But now the premiere of a new film in the same universe is slowly and inevitably approaching. "The Hobbit" based on the story of the same name, the author of the previous sensational film adaptations decided to remove - Peter Jackson, which means that it is time to return to Middle-earth also by means of a joystick or keyboard.

Unknown War Heroes

The action will take place during the great Wars of the Ring, about which the main trilogy tells. However, this time we will not be given the command of Aragorn, Gandalf or Legolas. Indeed, why tell the same story, if the war was raging across the continent and many people, elves, dwarves and Iluvatar knows who else, became heroes, fighting a great evil on the ground? The creators of this game decided to tell us about such neglected participants in the War.

Meet our heroes: Eridanus, a man of Arnor, a tracker and a skilled warrior, good at sword and bow. Dwarf Farin from the underworld kingdom of Erebor, the toughest melee fighter, while not disdaining to shoot orcs with a crossbow. The third in the team was the magic-wielding elf Andariel... A little later, another hero will join you, not quite an ordinary one - the giant eagle Belaram will support the squad from the air, sometimes at your command destroying some enemy with its claws.

The scene is unfamiliar to the audience of the film trilogy Fornost Erain, parts of Mirkwood and Ettenmurs, as well as some places that have appeared in films. Sometimes our characters will overlap with famous heroes. For example, at the very beginning of the game, Aragorn introduces you to the course. The trinity will have to do no more, no less - a cover for Frodo's march to Mordor. Along the way, the heroes find out that their path lies to the north, and the main goal is to defeat Agandaur, one of Sauron's henchmen.

What can an elf, a man, a dwarf and an eagle oppose to the Sauron hordes? A lot, because there is a role-playing system, as well as a bunch of different types of armor and weapons. Andariel can brew potions from plants found right on the battlefield, and Farin can see caches in the walls. But the main argument is good old steel and magic.

If you play alone, then you will have to choose one of the heroes before each mission, you will not be able to switch between them right during the battle. The other two will take over artificial intelligence, and you can always give an order to the eagle with a separate button. Battles on behalf of a gnome and a person are very similar, only their skills differ, which, by the way, are also pumped during the passage of the game. Naturally, the dwarf Farin is more adapted to the furious chopping in a crowd of opponents, while Eridan uses more cunning methods. But if you chose the sorceress Andariel, you should use her magical skills to protect friends (although she can also hack from the heart). The elf, for example, knows how to place a very useful sphere, in which enemy arrows will not reach you, and the health of her comrades-in-arms will gradually be replenished.

The giant eagle Belaram does not constantly participate in the battle, but sometimes it can dive at enemies. This is useful when the crowd is pressing on you, and archers are still firing at you - so they will become the main target for the eagle.

And again the orcs ...

The Lord of the Rings: War in the North looks much bloodier than most Lord of the Rings games. The blows combine into beautiful combos, which, in turn, can end up chopping off the part of the enemy's body that you think is unnecessary. Moreover, this finishing off is sometimes shown in an approximate perspective, and for it you are given additional experience.

So, you are fighting hordes of enemies over and over again, and it cannot be said that these battles are too easy. Orcs and goblins attack in waves and in huge numbers, often removing your entire health bar. But here's the bad luck - the hero does not die from this, but only begins to crawl like in some one. And just like in it, a friend who is still standing can help him, and only all three will be knocked down - game over. Alas, over time, the monotonous forays of enemies begin to get bored. It is clear that such a passage of three is more designed for cooperative game over the network, where your comrades will be able to slightly diversify the process of exterminating the enemy masses.

The graphics can be summed up in one word - not bad. It will not amaze you with its beauty, but at the same time, it will not be terrifying with crooked models and blurred polygons. The same characteristic applies to music and voice acting. Alas, they are memorable here, but not annoying either.

As a result, we have an average, but high-quality slasher with role-playing elements and in the famous setting. The Lord of the Rings: War in the North worth a try for fans Lord of the rings, those who want to take part in the events not dedicated to the films themselves, as well as those who are not averse to killing the orcs for an hour or two and with the help of such an ingenious lesson to relax after a hard day. The rest of the game is a checkpoint.

Gameplay: 4.0
Graphics: 4.0
Sound and Music: 3.5
Plot: 3.5

Once unlocked, you will have control over your chosen character in The Prancing Pony. You can run and talk to visitors. It is best to start talking to Aragorn right away to get some information, although if you read a book or watched a movie (and you probably watched it), then you will not take anything new out of the conversation.

Note that the conversation can change subtly depending on who your character is. This does not mean that you have to play the game with three characters to get new conversation fragments, but Aragorn will react a little differently depending on who you are.

Among the people you can talk to is Otto Astaire. Talk to him and get the quest "Forewarned is forearmed"... V opposite side, in the corner next to the stairs, there is Rowley Zlatodor, who will give you a quest "Rowley's Gift".

Also, there is a mirror near Rowley, and you can examine it to change your character's appearance. This is not a full-featured face editor, however, you can change some of the facial features that you don't like, for example, make Andrielle blonde. You can change the appearance of your current character, however, if you switch to another character, the changed character will walk with appearance default. You will find mirrors in various areas throughout the game.

Riddles of Tedder Izgorodnik

You can get some information about Bree from the Brewer Oleaner. Better yet, talk to the hobbit Tedder Izgorodnik, who sits at the far end of the bar. He will give you riddles, by answering correctly, you will get some money. Note that Tedder is a one-time npc condom, once you finish talking to him he will become unavailable for dialogue, so knock as much money out of him the first time as possible.

Tedder will offer you up to 5 puzzles, most of which are fairly easy. They go randomly, each with 6 answer options. Make the maximum bet (50 coins) because below lid2pro will give a cheat sheet with answers to riddles, and you, having answered all the questions, will receive 800 profit coins.

"Always runs, never walks. Grumbles often, but never speaks. Has a bed, but never sleeps. Has a mouth, but never eats. What is this?" Rivers.

"At night they appear without a call. During the day they are lost, although not stolen. Who are they?" Stars.

"I drive men crazy for want of me. They just beat me up, but not for free. Who am I?" Gold.

"I am always hungry, I need to be fed. When I touch my fingers, they soon turn red. Who am I?" Fire.

"I live deep underground, but going outside and going through blows and flames, I can become a bloodthirsty killer. Who am I?" Iron.

"I live while I burn, I burn out - I die. The thicker I am, the longer I live. Who am I?" Candle.

"The more of them you take, the more you leave behind. What is it?" Traces.

"In the morning I crawl up to your feet and follow you everywhere, but at noon I almost disappear. Tell me, who am I?" Shadow.

"What is yours that others use more often than you?" Your name.

"What is it that is fragile, even calling his name can break him?" Silence.

"What should you keep after giving it to someone else?" Your word.


After you've legally robbed Tedder, exit Prancing Pony and turn right to enter Bree Village. Study here where the blacksmith is, etc. In general, Bree is such a linear location with one road, the doors to the houses are just for beauty, you cannot go there. Everyone you can interact with is either on the street or in front of buildings.

You can watch the scene of two guys talking about something suspicious behind the Elmund Brushwood store. You can only talk to a guy named Alien from the South and punch him in the face (don't worry, he deserves it).

After you've done your business in Bree, head down the street until you reach the city gate. At the front of the gate, a symbol glows, and after activation you will see a map with places where you can move. Our target is Fornost.


Fornost is your first "dungeon" to explore and your first taste of combat. Although the view is pretty pretty and the perspective allows you to see the mountains in the background, the area itself is fairly linear. Just follow the path reading the tutorial posts and kill everyone in your path.

Please note that AI-controlled squad members will equalize on their own, and you keep all the loot. They will arm themselves and use certain skills. When switching to another character, you need to select abilities (with increasing level) and equip him at your discretion. You can also transfer items to squad members that can only be used by their class. Therefore, keep in inventory items not only for yourself, but also for the transfer and uniforms of your squad members.

Once you reach the second area, you will be attacked by archers from all directions. This is just one of many encounters when you get ambushed. Almost the entire game will be like this. Your task is to survive, killing everyone in your path. When enough enemies are killed, the gate will open, this will be indicated by the dialogues of the squad members, or you can center the camera on where to go next. Kill the remaining enemies and proceed to the next area through the gate.

Your AI teammates won't automatically coordinate their attacks with yours. You can order them to both attack and defend. But I didn’t use defense, it’s better to attack themselves.

In general, you should see who the members of your squad are fighting with, and help them in case of anything (even Farina can be easily dumped), thereby maintaining the pace of the battle. Once it's clear, inspect the treasure chest to the farther side behind the collapsed wall (this is the extreme left position when looking at the front door).

Underground tunnels

You will probably go through a small gate that leads up the stairs ... but now you will find yourself in a hole underground. On the right you will see a glowing symbol on the wall. With Andriel's help, you can cast a spell and get some hidden goodies.

You will be taken to the second area in the underground tunnels, being under the stone bridge. You will be attacked by dozens of goblins, the same as on the street. As soon as you kill them, the distant gate will open. Try to collect everything you can along the way. So there is a chest in the opposite corner. However, go through the gate to continue.

Liberation of Beleram

You will find yourself on the street with a bunch of goblins and an eagle forged in the center of the yard. Your goal is to rescue the eagle by breaking 4 chains. Coordinate actions with your comrades so that while they attack the goblins, you break the chains. Or destroy everyone first, then free the eagle. Does not matter. It is necessary to break each chain with one blow.

Once the eagle is in the air, return to your teammates and get ready for a new batch of goblins. Two types of goblins will attack you here: armored and regular, which can be destroyed by melee or from a distance. Focus on the first type as they are the most powerful and can be a nuisance. If you kill all the armored goblins, then the rest will not pose much of a threat.

When all the goblins are destroyed, the cutscene will begin and you will talk to the eagle. After that, finish breaking boxes and other robberies, and go through the arches. Directly you will see a white glow on the ground. This allows you to do some shopping or you can teleport to Bree. You can go there to bring Otto some weapons you don't need to complete the quest Arsenal Otto... Back, you will teleport to this point, you will not have to go through the entire location again.

From the glow, go up the stairs. You will receive a progress report and will be able to change your character.


Go along the wall, Beleram will fly around, and your goal is to kill everyone and throw off the catapults. Shortly after the start, you will meet your first battle mage and several of his buddies. Clear the area and throw off the war machine on the left from the cliff. Do it to continue.

The next fight (on the second war machine) will be a little more difficult because you will be dealing with two goblin mages. Kill them first, then those who came to their aid. Remove the second catapult to continue.

Outside help

The time has come to find the sons of Elrond. The path is linear and you will soon go deep into the ruins. Call Beleram when you deal with the wooden gate to help clear the area. Before going through the large wooden gate, head in the opposite direction to find a small area in the courtyard with some loot.

Keep moving on until you encounter another ambush as the enemy fires a catapult. Use Beleram to deal with her, destroy other goblins yourself at this moment. You can grab siege weapons and shoot enemies too. The blast wave deals more damage and saves you the trouble of wasting Andrielle's power if you're playing her.

When the area is cleared, you will not be given specific directions on where to go. You will notice a tower with many stairs leading to another building. So there you go.

Kill the troll

Once inside, you will face your first serious opponent. This is a big and terrible troll. He fights aggressively enough to attack him head on like this. If you play as Eradin, then step aside and shoot from the bow at the troll at least the whole day. With Andriel, you can do the same as long as her power bar is full.

Meanwhile, Farin will attack in melee, and Andriel when the power ends. Attack anyway, but watch the troll's movements. When he swings his arm to hit, roll (default space on PC, B on X360 or circle on PS3). When in roll animation, you are invulnerable. Once you are back on your feet, keep hitting the enemy. Farin and Andriel (and Eradin, if you are bored to shoot from a bow) can do roll-attack-roll, etc., until you hit the troll with a crowd. Poor troll.

Internal help

After killing the troll, a cutscene will appear and you will find yourself in the inner chambers of Fornost. The Sons of Elrond will help you cope with the first wave of enemies, but then they will break away from you, in search of a route. Fortunately, there are military vehicles here, sit comfortably, the shooting range begins.

Before the third wave, two orcs will try to hit you from the rear. Destroy them, then again take control of the catapult, shoot everyone else.

Follow the area behind the open gate. A new type of enemies will appear - exploding goblins. They are destroyed by any weapon ranged combat, one shot is enough.

At the end of this path, it would appear to be a dead end, but there is a small red ball next to the wall. Shoot it with a ranged weapon and it will explode (don't get too close, otherwise you will have to collect pieces of armor and your kidneys). Go through the hole that appears.

In the next zone, you will deal with a war machine, but the enemy that controls it is protected by the magician's sphere. So either call Beleram, or somehow dodge until you reach the stairs, and then manually interrupt everyone there. Pull the lever to open the gate.

Get behind the catapult, shoot at everything that moves. Obviously, some enemies will still skip to hit you from behind, so from time to time you will have to leave the catapult and fight manually.

After enough enemies have been killed, the gate will open completely. At this point, the remaining enemies magically disappear, so you can freely continue walking.

Another ambush

Next, you will find yourself trapped on the bridge. About six enemies will be in close combat. Luckily, you can shoot them when they are just climbing walls, it takes about 5 seconds to get to you. One shot, one dead body in five seconds? Yes Easy!

After three waves (left, right, simultaneously from both sides), a new wave of goblins and orcs will appear. Destroy everyone who is near you, apply skills. Once the wave is destroyed, you can freely continue walking across the bridge.

Further there will be some two ridiculous enemies on the tower for archers on the left. You know what to do. Before blowing up the red thing, go around the archer's tower, there will be a beam for a teleport. If you need to repair your weapons, drive them to Bree.

Blow up the tower and go to the lever and gate. As soon as the gate closes, sit behind the catapult and shoot at the newly arrived enemies (they climb from the place where the gate closed). If your homies get hit by a catapult, it's okay, you won't damage them.

The second wave is almost the same, but the third will again send exploding critters. But you are after the catapult? Shoot at everything that moves, and if someone slipped through and tries to hit you from the rear, leave the catapult and fight.

If this wave stops, and the next one does not start, it is possible that this is due to the fact that there is one archer left behind the column above the gate. Check it.

The fifth wave shouldn't be difficult. There will be several archers in the range of the tower, but you will be able to deal with them quickly. Further, the sons of Elrond will raise the gate, and you can move on.

Another ambush and you will finally be able to leave this area. Here the difficulty is only in the goblin mage, who is under a magical shield. Either make your way to it yourself, or use Beleram, which is much safer. In addition, there is no catapult here, so no one can fire at you. Destroy everyone and the gate to the citadel will open. Three enemies will appear, kill them and go inside.


It's pretty simple at first. You will come across one military vehicle, which is located in such a way that Beleram cannot be sent there. You will have to act manually: either with a ranged weapon, or get close to the enemies and fight in close combat.

After that, keep going forward until enemies appear on the far wall. There are many flaming enemies here, so I recommend tackling them first. One tactic you can try is when they get close to you to detonate, hold a block and roll.
When the wave ends, the doors of the Citadel will open. Several more enemies will appear, including a mage who will hide under a protective barrier, but this is no longer a problem for you.

Protect the elves

When you reach the main gate of the Citadel, the Sons of Elrond will try to remove the spell and unblock the entrance inside.

Dozens of enemies will try to kill elves, who, unlike you, cannot be revived. Your squad must protect them, their health bar is located in the upper center of the screen. During the first few waves, try to fight the enemy as aggressively as possible, keeping them away from our allies.

Starting with the fourth wave, move to different corners to reflect an attack from both sides. You can be close to the elves, but keep in mind that if you are too close to them, and the enemy hits you, then the blows can go to the elves. If enemies are heading towards the elves, hit them from behind, this will attract them to you.

The last enemy here will be the troll. By this time, most of the weaker enemies will be destroyed. The troll usually acts the opposite of its predecessors, he will ignore you and head towards the elves. An excellent opportunity to summon Beleram, who may not kill the enemy, but will be able to inflict serious damage before you catch your breath and rush into the attack.

Use the same tactics as before. This time things should go faster, not because Beleram will do some of the work, but because your level will be higher than last time. Use any attack, and if you are too close, prepare to roll when the troll starts swinging. It's simple.

Once the troll and everyone else is dead, you will receive a cut-scene. Basically in it, the Beleram will tell you that he will not be able to follow you inside the Citadel. So you can not count on his help. Go inside the Citadel.

Defeat Tarzog

Immediately to your left, there will be a teleport where you can dispose of the loot. The path is linear, so just follow the Sons of Elrond up the stairs.

After the cutscene, you will deal with a boss named Tarzog. He is quite strong, so it will take some time to destroy him. Start off by shooting ranged weapons before he jumps off the balcony.

If you are not a gnome, then focus on ranged attacks, and when the yellow mark appears, use this to carry out a special attack and deal more damage.

If you are fighting in close combat, then as soon as Tarzog raises his weapon above his head and shouts, then it means that it is time to dodge. In general, the same as with the troll. Dodge punches and hit whenever possible.

He will start summoning other orcs around after the first heavy attacks. At this moment, let your comrades take them over, you focus on Tarzog, because the faster he lies down, the less reinforcements he will call.

Tarzog has 3 main attacks that he will use: AoE attack, jump and drop. The first attack is the most dangerous, so try to dodge when he raised his sword and tries to swing.

Continue attack-roll-attack until you kill the boss. Until then, just ignore his helpers, but make sure that your squad members are in the ranks. After you kill Tarzog, deal with everyone else.

Solitaire Mat