Walkthrough of Nefarian in heroics with basic cards. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft - Secret Laboratory. Game strategy against Atramedes

Black Mountain. The center of magic, strength, deceit, dark thoughts and excellent fights. In total, there are 17 top bosses and each one carries danger. Victory over each of these creatures costs the seeker considerable effort in both heroic and normal mode passing.

Nefarian Hearthstone walkthrough games

Waits for travelers in the Secret Laboratory, from the fifth wing of Black Mountain. An elite, fire-breathing dragon that brings chaos, destruction and death. Nefarian and his faithful companion Onyxia are the fourth and final guardians of the location. Therefore, the player should not be surprised at their sophistication, strength, speed, cunning and special attack structure. Nefarian has a nickname - "Darkwing" because you won't find a darker dragon and he actually has wings.

Duel with Nefarian

The entire battle with the dragon is divided into three stages. In the first, Nefarian will unleash all his power on the intruders. His bone minions know no peace until their master calms down. After all the armor of the insidious dragon is knocked out and it remains to deal the final blow to it, the Wing of Darkness will evaporate. He will hide, and Onyxia will take his place.

Second phase. Onyxia has a destructive ability - Nefarian's Flame, which acts automatically and causes direct damage to your hero. Nefarian's flame acts with a certain algorithm, making the first move - 1 unit of damage is dealt, 2nd move - 2 units, 3 - 1, 4 - 3, 5 - 1, 6 - 4. On the seventh turn no damage is dealt, but on the eighth and every the next one deals 20 units of damage. This stage is recognized as the most difficult, grueling and requiring unprecedented composure. But this is not the end.

Third stage. After Onyxia is defeated, the Dark Dragon becomes enraged. He makes a desperate attempt to break the hero's resolve. Having appeared, he will instantly destroy everyone who is on the board (it makes sense to clear it before Onyxia’s death). But rage alone is not enough to win; after surviving this appearance, the hero can eliminate the winged one with just one blow. The fact is that the dragon cannot regenerate health and armor. Which is good news, otherwise he would be invincible.

Battle strategy

At the first stage, it is best to use destruction cards such as Thunderstorm, Whirlwind, from the Warrior class. They are good at clearing the board of Bone Monsters. But there is no need to rush at this stage. You need to fill your part of the board with combat creatures as much as possible and prepare for the second stage.

When Nefarian is exhausted, Onyxia will appear. This is where a good pace of play is needed. Since the dragon's friend immediately causes damage to your Hero, she needs to be converted to dust as soon as possible. In this case, you should remember the third stage and, shortly before the death of Onyxia, clear your part of the board.

The decisive duel with the Wing of Darkness is preferably fought by top fighters. Such as Kel'Thuzad, Doctor Boom, Raganros.

Winner's Reward

The player will receive two copies of the Dragonhawk Sorcerer card. And also one, neutral Nefarian card.

The Secret Laboratory is the last wing of Blackrock Mountain and Nefarian's secret hideout. In it you will once again meet not three, but four opponents at once: the modified Omnitron security system, a mixture of the dragon and the alchemist Maloriak, the victim of a failed experiment, the blind Atramedes and, of course, Nefarian (aka Lord Victor Nefari), whom we beat -they beat me, but they didn’t finish me off.

(Secret Laboratory)

I’ll say right away that I’m terribly disappointed with the last wing. No, the opponents here are quite interesting and each has their own “tricks”. But how simple they are. Omnitron, Maloriak, Atramed were defeated the first time, and Nefarian - the second. This was not at all the difficulty I expected from the final bosses. Thank God there is still a heroic mode...

Omnitron system

(Rogue Valira VS Omnitron system)

Your first opponent will be the Omnitron system, developed by the dwarves from the Dark Iron clan. Omnitron, using his hero power, places cards (thrones) on the playing field that have various properties and have different prices. It can be:

Charotron- both players take +2 spell damage. Requires 0 mana and is laid out on the first turn.
Toxitron- at the beginning of each Omnitron turn, deals 1 point of damage to all other creatures. Requires 4 mana.
Electron- all spells, both yours and your opponent's, cost 3 mana less. Requires 6 mana.
Magmatron- every time you play a card, Magmatron deals 2 damage to your hero. Requires 8 mana.

It’s difficult to give any advice on strategy here. Omnitron is a very simple opponent and I didn’t notice any super cool cards from him. As for thrones, sometimes it makes sense not to destroy some of them right away, since their properties can benefit you too.

(one step away from victory)

For defeating the Omnitron system, you will receive two Volcanic Dragon cards.

(Volcanic Dragon cards revealed)


(Mage Jaina VS Maloriak)

Maloriak has a passive hero power, Alchemist, which changes the attack and health of a creature every time it is placed on the field. Is it good or bad? Normal, especially for a hero like Jaina. After all, most creatures have much less attack health, so such creatures become easy prey for you. Well, when large creatures are used, it doesn’t really matter what and where they change.

(Feugen and Stalagg as a couple “don’t care” about Maloriak’s hero power)

Defeating Maloriak will reward you with two Blackwing Destroyer cards.

(Blackwing Destroyer cards revealed)


(Hunter Rexxar VS Atramed)

Atramed is a blind dragon with the hero power “Echolocation” for one mana. Echolocation equips Atramedes with a weapon called "Dragon's Teeth", which initially has zero attack. But the point here is that as soon as you play a card, Atramedes “hears” it (he’s a blind dragon, as you remember) and his weapon immediately gets +1 to attack. This would be quite annoying, but at the very beginning of the game you get three Rolling Gong cards into your hand, destroying Atramedes' weapon. The main thing here is not to rush to use it immediately after Atramed took out the weapon, so as not to end up left completely helpless. Wait until he has enough damage accumulated, and then act.

(now Atramed will lose half of his health)

Defeating Atramedes will reward you with two Draconid Destroyer cards.

(Draconid Destroyer cards revealed)


(Paladin Uther VS Nefarian)

Nefarian is the final boss of the wing. In addition to health, it has ten units of armor and has a rather primitive hero power “Bone Minions”, which for two mana summons bone creatures with parameters 2/1 to the field.

(the alignment on the field is quite in our favor)

After you remove Nefarian's armor, he will summon his sister Onyxia in his place with the hero power "Nefarian's Flame" and the weapon "Onyxia's Claw".

(Onyxia just tears and rushes)

If you defeat Onyxia, Nefarian will appear again, but will destroy all your creatures before he appears. It took me by surprise and that's why I lost the first time. Then I was already ready for such a turn of events, Nefarian even did me a favor :).

- the fourth and final boss of the Secret Laboratory (fifth wing) and the entire Black Mountain adventure. Onyxia is also involved in the confrontation with this boss. From this guide you will learn which decks can defeat this boss in normal and heroic mode.

Decks for passing

Hero Power

Phase 1 and 3: Nefarian

Hero Power: Bone Minions. In normal mode, this hero power allows the boss to summon two creatures with indicators of 2/1; in heroic mode, the indicators of these creatures increase to 4/2. In both modes, the cost of using a hero power is 2 mana crystals.

Phase 2: Onyxia

Hero Power: Flame of Nefarian. This power Boss Hero takes effect automatically at the beginning of each turn and is completely free to use. Onyxia's Hero Power deals damage directly to your hero, and its use is accompanied by commentary from Nefarian. The value of the damage dealt depends on what turn Onyxia is used on (1 turn - 1 point of damage, 2 - 2, 3 - 1, 4 - 3, 5 - 1, 6 - 4. On the seventh turn, the boss's hero power does not deal damage your hero, but on the eighth and each subsequent move the damage is 20 points).

Unique cards

The unique cards used by the bosses in this game are and.

Nefarian Deck


Nefarian's final appearance in the adventure will be a challenging one.

At the beginning of the battle, Nefarian himself will come against you, armed with the hero power of the Bone Minions. Once his armor is depleted, the action will immediately stop and Nefarian will fly away, to be replaced by Onyxia. This usually happens during a player's turn.

While Onyxia is alive, her Hero Power Flame of Nefarian will deal damage to the player's Hero at the start of each turn, and the damage dealt will change with each turn. Taking into account the increase in damage value, it is obvious that it is advisable to destroy Onyxia as soon as possible.

After Onyxia is destroyed, Nefarian returns with the same total health. When Nefarian spawns, which will likely occur during the player's turn, all of the player's creatures on the board will be instantly destroyed. Once Nefarian is destroyed, final victory will be achieved.

Due to the different phases of the battle, it makes sense to deliberately hold back the pace of the game in order to endure the effects of the hero power of Onyxia Nefarian's Flame as painlessly as possible. You should also prepare for the board clearing that will follow the destruction of Onyxia, and plan your next actions. In this case, you need to try to lose as few creatures as possible or use creatures that have a useful ability (for example, or). Alternatively, you can prepare a crushing blow to finish off Nefarian's armor in one turn and destroy the emerging Onyxia. In this case, you will not only be saved from the effects of the hero power of Onyxia, but will also be able to bypass the mechanism for clearing your creatures when Nefarian reappears. The class with its combo, including cards and , is perfect for this strategy.

Control Decks Using Ability

Several classes can effectively apply this strategy, and a prime example is the class. The essence of the strategy comes down to minimizing the damage caused by the hero power of Nefarian's Flame and taking advantage of the board clear carried out before the start of the third phase. To do this, you will need creatures with the ability deathrattle ( and ) and expensive cards control. A shaman deck based on the card is ideal.

During the first phase, use destruction cards ( , or for the class) to neutralize numerous creatures and clear the Nefarian side of the board while you saturate the board with your own creatures. For effective exchange, the shaman can use, generated by the map, and totems summoned by hero power, enhanced by the card. At the same time, the most important thing for you will not be increasing the pace of the game, but ensuring a strong presence on the board and its control. After some time, Nefarian will begin to play strong cards, such as , which will not be too dangerous for you due to the high health of your hero.

If you can maintain board control, Nefarian will eventually exhaust his hand. From this moment you can move on to the second phase of the game. During this phase, your hero will receive inevitable damage, so you need to go through it as quickly as possible. If you managed to gather moderate forces on the board, then there should be no problems destroying Onyxia, you may even be able to do it within one turn. However, after Onyxia is destroyed, your creatures on the board will also be destroyed. This is where your creatures with the deathrattle ability ( , etc.) come in handy, which will allow you to quickly return to the game after clearing your ranks.

During the first two stages, your hero's health should not drop much, so after Nefarian's second appearance you should not have any problems. At this stage, expensive strong cards ( , and ) will be extremely effective, in addition, Nefarian will no longer be able to play more than one card during each turn, which gives an excellent chance of launching powerful attacks with your strong creatures. Even if you survive the second stage with only a couple of creatures that have the Deathrattle ability, you still have a good chance of success, you just need to be careful of cards and .

Using this class, you need to strive to create conditions for achieving victory within one turn. This uses the strategy of creating a monster using spells,

To implement this tactic, you will need to create a creature with an attack rating of at least 31. Do not forget that destroying Nefarian’s armor without destroying him himself will entail the appearance of Onyxia and the transition to the second phase of the game. So you will have to reduce the boss's armor to 1 and keep him in this state until you are able to carry out your attack.

The main difficulty of this strategy lies in drawing the necessary cards and keeping your creature on the board until it accumulates the necessary power. Nefarian doesn't have any truly powerful destruction tools in his arsenal, however, you should avoid putting your base minion into play too early. Wait until you have all the necessary cards in your hand, and until then, focus on clearing the boss's creatures and try to lure cards and , from his hand, that can neutralize your creature before you can buff it for the finishing attack.

The reward for completing the entire Black Mountain adventure will be the legendary neutral card.

In contact with

Brief description of the battle

The battle begins with the resurrection of Onyxia by Nefarian in his human form. After this, he transforms into the form of a dragon and rises up, landing after half a minute to take part in the battle. Despite the fact that Nefarian can be attacked in phase 1, attempts of such an action will lead to the fact that he will be able to destroy the raid using Electric Strikes. In addition, if Onyxia is not attacked, then it accumulates electrical charges (or, in other words, an energy scale) - and when it accumulates the maximum, it will simply kill the raid. To successfully complete the stage, the distance between the dragons must be about 60 meters or more, otherwise they receive a mutual buff for a 100% speed bonus. Phase 1 ends when Onyxia dies. Therefore, Onyxia needs to be killed first, while Nefarian just needs to be kept on the sidelines. The bone warriors, which Nefarian will have time to summon several times during this phase, just need to be kited (tanking does not make much sense, since the servants, when attacked by melee, are significantly strengthened) - they have a lot of health points, but over time they die on their own .

Start phases2 The battle is marked by Nefarian's second takeoff and the platform being filled with lava. Three columns will rise above the lava, each of which will have a Chromatic prototype. In order to deal with the adds, raid participants should split up into three groups in advance, each of which should quickly leave the area filled with lava and position themselves on their own pillar accordingly. Prototypes periodically cast a powerful AoE - Fire Star Flash, which must be shot down. This phase should be extended as long as possible, without specifically killing the last prototype. The main idea is to remove as much health as possible from Nefarian before he lands. Don’t forget that Nefarian at this stage is actively throwing shadow bolts at the raid, which have a very small radius of action, so to reduce the damage you need to stand on the columns rising from the lava. Phase 2 ends with killing all assistants or after three minutes have passed. Please note that there are no Animated Bone Warriors at this phase.

When all minions are killed or 180 seconds have passed, the lava disappears and Nefarian lands for the last time. Actually this is where it begins phase 3. Under the influence of Dark Fire, Animated Bone Warriors appear. You just need to run away from them. In essence, the third stage is, in a sense, a race for survival - the raid must kill the boss as quickly as possible. It should be noted that Nefarian, in addition to his main abilities, has a Flash of Shadow Flame - this is a circle of fire that, appearing as a burning point, eventually expands into a large ring. It’s not that difficult to dodge the fire, but over time Nefarian throws it to the ground more and more often, and accordingly it becomes more and more difficult to cope with (that’s why it was necessary to remove as much health as possible from Nefarian in the Chromatic Prototypes phase).

The outer circle of the "hall" is an ideal place to "tank" the boss, besides, it is more convenient to react to

Consists of 17 bosses, each of which turns out to be a very dangerous opponent in heroic mode. Gmbox is here to help: we'll tell you which decks will help you deal with them. Please note that due to the notorious “randomness” even with the most expensive legendary cards each boss can take a lot of attempts; The approximate travel time for one wing will be from an hour to two. Go!

First Wing - Blackrock Depths

"Sullen Glutton"

In Heroic mode Koren Khudovar at the beginning of each of his turns, he takes out and places three random creatures on the table (two from his deck, one from yours). The tactics against him are simple: you need to build your deck so that it contains only the most powerful minions from your collection, and without class abilities. battle cry"(they do not work when playing a card directly from the deck). Also, don’t forget about cheap spells that will help you cope with the overwhelming forces of your opponent - for example, the Druid “ Close to nature" After that, all you need is a little luck. And if Koren, on the very first move, takes two “ Power tank", it will be easier to start the battle again.

Dark Iron Arena

In Heroic mode Judge Grimstone owns stronger cards, starts the match with four mana crystals and summons help for free every turn " Black Iron Spectator" - 1/1 creature with " provocation" He can be defeated relatively easily by a mage who specializes in surviving and freezing enemy minions. One of the most important cards will be " Mental Technician", which will help you drag a couple of powerful enemy creatures to your side (if you're lucky). It must be said that the luck factor plays a more important role here than in the first battle, and you will probably have to play against Gloomstone more than once or twice.

On the left is the optimal deck for winning the Dark Iron Arena, on the right is a deck made up almost entirely of basic cards (Mental Technician, alas, is extremely necessary - you will have to spend 200 units of dust to create it). In both cases, a magician is used - a very strong class, which shows all its power in this battle.

(click on the dotted line)

Emperor Thaurissan

Expectedly the most difficult and “random” boss of the first three. On Heroic mode, Thaurissan's wife Moira Bronzebeard has characteristics of 3/1 and can die from any spitting in his direction; at the same time, the emperor himself uses cards like “ Abominations», « Death's bite" And " Unstable Ghoul" It won’t be possible to protect yourself from enemy attacks with “taunt” cards - then Moira will attack them, and after her death the emperor will kill you with his hero ability (30 damage for two mana (!), available only if Thaurissan’s wife is dead). You'll have to be cunning! Most important map in this battle there will be " Mad Alchemist”, with the help of which Moira’s characteristics need to be swapped already on the second turn - keeping her alive with 1/3 characteristics will be at least somehow possible. If Mad Alchemist doesn't come into your hand on turn one or two, it's best to start over. Naturally, to treat Moira you will have to use a priest in this battle - it is much more difficult to defeat Thaurissan with other classes. You will also need a lot of cards to heal yourself, destroy enemy creatures and - of course! - two "Muteness", to "Abominations" And "Unstable Ghouls" upon death did not cause damage to all creatures on the field.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Thaurissan, on the right is a deck made up almost entirely of basic cards (you simply can’t do without two copies of “Mad Alchemist”). Note that the first case uses a combo of " Inner fire" And " Divine spirit“- if the circumstances are successful, it will help you win quickly and beautifully.

(click on the dotted line)

Second wing - “Molten Core”


In Heroic mode Garr has 45 health and starts the battle with seven 0/5 minions " Firestone", but when they die, they deal three damage at once for each similar minion that died during the current turn. Yes, this means that if they all explode at once, your hero will receive 147 damage - only Jaina’s secret called “ ice block" But there is no point in playing a magician here - it is much easier to pacify an elemental with a priest. This will especially help " Circle of Healing», « Dumbness», « Light of the Naaru», « Northshire Cleric" And " Mass dispersion"(!). The best start is that on the first turn you put a “Cleric” on the table, and on the second you play a “Circle of Healing” and get a full hand of cards, which will make the rest of the battle a matter of technique.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Garr, on the right is a deck made up almost entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Baron Geddon

A desperately difficult and incredibly “random” boss - much more difficult than any other in the first two wings " Black Mountain" In Heroic mode Geddon has 50 health and 50 armor, and every time you were unable to spend all your mana on your turn, he will deal 10 damage to your hero with the ability " Ignite Mana" Also adds complexity to an already bullying boss " Living bomb“- if you cannot get rid of this debuff on your minion (you can somehow kill it, you can impose silence) before the boss’s next turn, then it will explode and cause the same 10 units of damage to all your creatures and the hero.

In general, it will be difficult. Most likely, you will spend at least an hour on Geddon, and every turn will be torture. You will have to carefully weigh your chances (will you be able to spend all the mana if..?) and take ineffective steps (for example, killing your own minions with your cards - just so as not to die by pressing the “End turn” button).

You need to play as a warlock - only he can get enough cards from his deck during the battle to at least somehow cope with Mana Ignition. More precisely, you will have to play a warlock with a deck filled demons, since they all complement each other very well, and their cost varies from 1 unit of mana to 9. And yes, it’s very necessary “ Alexstrasza"(it’s good that they’re even allowed to use it here) - instantly reducing Geddon’s health from 50 to 15 points will help a lot.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Geddon, on the right is a deck made entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Majordomo Executus / Ragnaros the Firelord

A surprisingly easy boss if you know what you're doing and have a little luck. The battle consists of two phases: in the first you need to win Majordomo Executus(30 units of health, 15 units of armor, for 2 units of mana can summon unremarkable creatures with 3/3 characteristics), and in the second - after the death of Executus - Ragnaros(30 units of health, 30 units of armor, for 2 mana twice (!) deals 8 damage to a random enemy character).

The main problem with the boss is that he uses cards in huge quantities " Fire Giant“—there are at least six of them in his deck. You just need to play, knowing that you cannot lower the health level of Executus and Ragnaros below 20 points so that they do not flood the table with these same giants.

A paladin is ideal for this boss - this class easily fills its half of the playing field with small but numerous creatures, and is capable of inflicting an unexpectedly large amount of damage in one turn. The main cards here are “ Call to battle», « Seal of Kings», « Blessing of Strength», « Emperor Thaurissan», « Kel'Thuzad" and, of course, " Tirion Fordring».

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Executus and Ragnaros, on the right is a deck made entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Third wing - Blackrock Peak

Chief Omokk

The first boss of the third wing of Black Mountain turned out to be quite easy. In Heroic mode, his ability destroys a random enemy minion and is applied automatically at the start of each turn. It’s easy to counteract such simple mechanics - use a lot of small creatures, the loss of which will not be a tragedy. The best class to defeat this boss is the paladin, which is greatly helped by the cards " Call to battle"(summons three minions with 1/1 characteristics to your side of the field at once) and " Divine Grace"(will help you not to be left without cards in your hand, because you will have to play them all at once). You can hardly pay attention to Omokk's creatures; attack the boss himself from the first moves.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Omokk. On the right is a deck made up almost entirely of free cards (three cards are taken from Curse of Naxxramas, and you should already have them - there is no point in buying Blackrock Mountain first).

(click on the dotted line)

General Drakissat

Another brutally difficult boss, to defeat which you will have to replay the battle more than once and hope that the right cards will come into your hand. His passive ability is " Gaze» makes all creatures and spells cost 1 mana, but at the same time limits you to one card played per turn. In normal mode Drakissat plays by the rules and is also limited to one card, but in heroic mode he gets 2 units of mana at his disposal. Moreover, his deck consists almost entirely of powerful spells to kill your minions and legendary minions. In general, you will have to compose your deck so that each card in it is as weighty as possible and, in theory, capable of taking two or even three enemy cards with it into the card grave. We recommend using the paladin again - his " Tirion Fordring" And " Jagged"They are very good in this fight. The best start to the battle would be " Alexstrasza"- so Drakissat will immediately drop from 50 health units to 15 units. It would be nice to play after her “ Sylvanas Windrunner" or " Kel"Thuzada».

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Drakissath. On the right is a deck made entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Rend Blackhand

Slightly less challenging than Drakissat, but still quite a formidable final boss of the wing. Blackhand's ability changes after each use, and in heroic mode it can summon a) three 2/2 dragonets; b) two 2/2 orcs with the ability " Defender"; c) one 5/4 draconian; d) 8/8 dragon. This allows Blackhand to seize control of the field from the very first moves, and you will have to defend by all means until the very end of the battle. There's a good hunter here - his " Explosive Trap" in combination with " To the mad scientists" will significantly thin out the ranks of enemy creatures, and powerful " Command “Take!”" And " Pull the dogs"will allow you to kill Blackhand before he kills you. However, it will still take quite a long time to replay the battle.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Blackhand. On the right is a deck made entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Fourth Wing - Blackwing Lair


First boss of the penultimate wing " Black Mountain" turned out to be a weakling even in heroic mode. Yes, here he starts the fight with " With a corrupted egg» 0/3 in their half of the field, and a dragon with characteristics 7/7 hatches from such an egg. But almost any fast deck can calmly take over the field and deal with these eggs every turn. In general, use a regular warlock with his inexpensive " zoo", and there shouldn't be any problems.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Razor Death. On the right is a deck made entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)


Valastrasz in Heroic mode, each turn forces both heroes to draw three cards from the deck and receives an additional mana crystal. It is not difficult to calculate that without treatment and additional tricks, by the tenth turn you will be dead by default. You have to be cunning and use a special version of the so-called mill druid, which specializes in burning your opponent’s cards and quickly playing a bunch of cards from your hand. Will help a lot" Close to nature», « Explosive growth" And " Gift of nature", and you must make the final push with a double " Wild roar"and numerous small minions who were prepared in advance. Please note that the battle is not easy, and you will have to replay it several times, at least due to bad luck with the initial hand.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Vaelastrasz. On the right is a deck made entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)


In Heroic mode, harmful cards Chromaggus, which he stuffs your hand with every turn, cost 3 mana and are stronger - for example, they heal him by 6 health points every turn. But dealing with him is quite easy if you use the Druid deck presented below. If you're lucky, Chromaggus will run out of cards very quickly, and the spells he filled your hand with will not help him in any way, but your creatures (for example, Twilight Dragon) will only benefit from them. The combination of “Kel” Thuzad” and “Sylvanas Windrunner” is very advantageous in this battle - with their help you can easily establish control over the field, and a reliable path to victory will be paved.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Chromaggus. On the right is a deck made up almost entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Lord Victor Nefari

A terrifyingly difficult boss at first glance. In Heroic mode Nefarian receives 30 units of health and 50 units of armor, and already from the second turn has 10 units of mana and simply bombards you with powerful creatures. Besides, Ragnaros will help you in this fight only once, adding one of his free cards to your hand on turn three, after which Nefarian will caustically note that "this won't work" on Heroic difficulty. In general, you can’t rely on Ragnaros here, you’ll have to dodge it yourself. With some luck, you can dodge it quite easily if you use another option (but much slower) of the mill druid. Your task in this battle is to make sure that best cards Nefarian was burned, and all he had left in his hand were useless class spells like " Bite" You must survive until the middle of the game with the help of " Insights», « Messengers of Doom" And " Mental Technique", and then use heavy artillery in the form of " Volcanic ancient», « Malorne" And " Chromaggus».

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Nefari. On the right is a deck made up almost entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Fifth Wing - "Secret Laboratory"

Defense system "Omnitron"

In Heroic mode, Omnitron has 30 health and 15 armor, and its Hero Power summons robots much faster - on turns one, two, four, and six. The first robot gives you and your opponent 2 spell power, the second at the beginning of each turn " Omnitron» deals 1 damage to all creatures, the third makes all spells cheaper by 3 mana, and the second deals 2 damage for each card played. We are interested in the third robot - " Electron». Best deck in this battle - a deck of a magician who freezes opponents and survives exactly until the moment when he puts " Archmage Antonidas" With " Sorcerer's Apprentice" and in one turn showers the boss with free " Fireballs " A little luck will come in handy, but victory should come already on the first or second attempt.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Omnitron, on the right is a deck made entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)


The most difficult wing boss. Maloriak can already on the first turn summon three “Aberrations” with characteristics of 3/3 (in heroic mode, he not only swaps the health and attack indicators of all creatures, but also improves his minions by +2/+2) and the ability “ Jerk" If he did this, it would be easier to give up and start again - continuing the fight with 21 health units already on the second turn will be incredibly difficult. An excellent deck against Maloriak would be a rogue deck - his " Backstab», « Dazed" And " Gutting"will allow you to somehow remove enemy creatures from the table, and " Sprint” will save you when you inevitably run out of cards. The main “work” will be done by “ Fire giants" in combination with " Intercessor sin "dorai" In addition, Maloriak uses secrets, which will play great against " Mystics of Kezan" It may take a lot of attempts to kill this boss, but don’t despair - it will get easier.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Maloriak, on the right is a deck made up almost entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)


The difficulty of this boss is that you cannot be guaranteed to get the “Acid Slug” from the deck at the right time - you have to rely on luck. In Heroic mode, you are not given a single special card for destroying weapons Atrameda, which gets +1 attack for every card you play, so you'll have to play very carefully. It's best to try to deal with him with a synergy-based Priest deck." Words of Power: Shield», « Divine spirit», « Velen's Chosen" And " Inner fire" Don't rush to play all the cards in a row, get ready for the turning point of the battle when you play all of the above and immediately after that destroy Atramedes' weapon. Until then, protect yourself with powerful creatures with the ability " Provocation» — « Lords of Death», « Shield Bearer Sen'jin" And " Slime Belcher».

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Atramedes, on the right is a deck made up almost entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)


In Heroic mode Nefarian receives 30 units of health and 30 units of armor, and when the player copes with his armor, he summons in his place Onyxia with 30 health units and begins to deal gradually increasing damage every turn. We don’t want to have anything to do with Onyxia and her clawed paws, so we use the priest deck with the same synergy as in the case of Atramedes. The best scenario is that you somehow survive until turn 8 with a couple of creatures on the board (one of them simply has to be), and then lay out “ Kel"Thuzada", after which you wait for combo cards to come into your hand. You may have to wait quite a long time, but in the end Nefarian will die from just one blow, and at the same time you can celebrate your victory over everyone heroic bosses « Black Mountain» and admire the new back for your cards. Congratulations!

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Nefarian, on the right is a deck made up almost entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)
