Walkthrough of State of Decay. How to survive in a harsh world (personal observations and notes on the game) Task in state of decay

10 tips to help you survive

Describe the genre State of Decay 2 in a nutshell is a survival based stealth RPG puzzle game. All the individual parts are easy enough to understand, but it's hard to keep the whole picture in your head. At its very core, the goal of the game is to survive in a post-apocalyptic zombie world. But to play well, win, or even just have fun, you'll have to do a lot more than just survive.

You basically have to figure out for yourself how to play the game, understand what's in it and how it's happening, and manage all the people and resources - it's a difficult task. We've spent some time in State of Decay 2 and we're here to help. Below are 10 things to think about, remember and consider. They will help you understand the principles of the game and survive the apocalypse.

It's All About Survival ("Well, Life Finds a Way")

It's right there in the name of the genre; State of Decay 2 is survival horror. You are not here to fight your way through the entire apocalypse like Rambo. You're here to learn that you and your merry band of survivors must, well, survive. This game spends as much time managing people and resources as it does crushing zombie skulls.

Of course there are victory conditions, this is a video game after all. In the end, you will create a safe area, promote someone to leadership, and strengthen your legacy for future generations. But this is far away, and to get there you will have to survive for a long time, survive and survive - and this means being good at resource management.

You're always missing something

Keeping a community of survivors fed, healthy, and happy (or as happy as they can be during an apocalypse) means that everyone has everything they need—food, medicine, a bed, and a neighborhood free of unsightly zombies. And it's a constant struggle.

Your community has daily needs, such as how much food they eat and how many beds they need. Sometimes your resources can suddenly become depleted when, for example, hordes of zombies attack your base and you run out of ammo, or a group of thieves steal some of your fuel. You can see your current supplies, their passive recovery, and their costs in the Resources window on the Base tab of your menu.

For a long time it will look like a lost war. You will have more mouths than food and more bodies than beds. Your job in combating this is to maintain your supplies (so that everyone survives) until you get a cushion. Then you can start expanding and planning for the future.

Exit outside

At some point you will have to leave the base. You'll need to scavenge for food or medicine, you'll have to seek help from a neighbor besieged by zombies, you'll need to find a few extra beds for all your new recruits, or maybe you'll just go crazy. One way or another, you will have to go into a world filled with zombies, and this means that you need to take with you something that you can use.

Here are the things you can't do without (in our opinion):

The largest backpack. You start State of Decay 2 with a 6-slot backpack. Over time you will find additional larger backpacks (7-8 slots) in containers you find in the world. Every time you leave your base there is likely a chance to fill every slot, so always take the biggest backpack you can. (Sometimes this means you need to borrow a backpack from a community member when you remove them from active duty.)
- Healing and stamina. Ideally, you should always take painkillers to restore your health and coffee to replenish your stamina. You may not have these items at first (see Supplies section below), so bring bandages and snacks - they do the same thing, just not as well or as quickly.
- Melee weapons. You should always have a melee weapon. Whatever you like - they all kill zombies. As a survivor uses a weapon more and more, he improves along with that weapon and eventually unlocks a specialization, a skill that makes him better with that weapon. - Try to match your survivors with their preferred weapon type, but never leave them without a weapon just because the current weapon is not ideal.
- Firearms and ammunition. Taking a pistol on an excursion isn't necessary—you can deal a lot of damage with a melee weapon (provided your stamina isn't depleted)—but we think it's better to have one than to need one and not have one. Gunshots are loud and attract zombies (more on noise below), but they're also great for killing tough zombies (like screamers) from afar. Sure, you can sneak up on them, but a bullet is usually a safer and easier solution.
- Don't take more than you need. As with any game with limited inventory space, you will be constantly limited. You won't have enough space to take everything you want, and you won't want to leave anything behind. When you take your largest backpack, don't immediately fill it with things you don't really need.

Resources vs. Consumables

There are two types of things you need to survive the apocalypse in State of Decay: consumables and resources. Consumables are things you use as a survivor. This includes everything from coffee to bandages and ammunition. Resources are the more general things that your people use.

Consumables are items that take up a slot in a pocket or backpack. The most important thing to remember is that you can turn resources into consumables, but you cannot turn consumables into resources. This means that you will receive an "Ammo Stock Low" warning from your base no matter how many packs of 9mm bullets you have - 9mm bullets are a consumable, not a (non-stock) resource.

A hiking backpack is still a backpack

You'll maintain your supply of resources - food, medicine, ammunition, fuel and building materials - by going out into the area and picking up backpacks. (Later you can find outposts that passively provide these resources.)

Backpacks are large bags of materials that you can bring to your base (and only your base) to add to your supply. They have a dedicated slot in your inventory and you can only bring one at a time, so this usually means a food raid is just a food raid and an ammo raid is just ammo.

You can find backpacks at potential outposts by searching through every available container, and you often receive them as rewards for helping your neighbors.

"Get in, loser, we're going shopping."

And that brings us to cars. Since resource backpacks take up their own dedicated slot, a food raid will only result in one food backpack. It works, but it's just not sustainable - you'll be constantly working and won't have enough resources to get ahead - so you'll need to start surviving smarter.

When you approach the back of most cars, you can open the trunk. If the car is drivable, these extra few slots are useful in general - you can store fuel or extra weapons in there, but their most useful quality is that each slot in the car's luggage compartment can hold a backpack. This means that the resource collection vehicle allows you to bring as many backpacks as can fit in the trunk (plus one on the back). However, you will still have to spend a few minutes getting them out of the car and into the storage area at your base.

Quiet place

Stealth - or more accurately, sound - plays a huge role in preventing zombie attacks. Sure, zombies will notice you if you walk straight at them until they collide with you, but their vision isn't very good and you'll get a lot more out of it than you'd expect.

What you can't avoid is noise. Walking (unless you're sneaking), sprinting, shooting a pistol, failing a quick search, and driving a car all make noise. And the noise attracts zombies.

You get a visual indication of how much noise you're making on your minimap in the bottom left corner of your HUD. When you make noise, a white circle will pulsate around your location: when you walk it will be a small circle, when you blow something up (or fail a quick search) it will be a large one.

Most of the time you can't actually do anything about the noise (sometimes it just doesn't matter). It's always good to be aware of this because it will allow you to make some quick decisions about how to handle some conflicts. If you crouch while walking, you move slower, but you can sneak up on zombies and take them out quietly. This is an invaluable way to reduce their numbers as you explore an area.

Expand with a purpose

As you explore the world and grow into the community, you'll need to find new outposts and locations. This costs a lot of Influence, the game's only currency. Influence is a fairly limited resource - you'll get five points here and there. It helps, but to get a lot you need to work hard. The several hundred influence points required to claim a new outpost is a big investment.

Early on, this especially means you need to be wise with your Influence investments - and know how to choose your outposts. Avoid things like billboards or phone towers until you have enough food outposts to feed your community.

Start with the basics like food (pizza icon) and medicine (plus sign/cross). This is what you will spend most regularly. After that, look for outposts that provide additional benefits - such as a radio tower that reduces the cooldown of a radio call or a weapons shop that supplies daily ammo.

As you expand your community, you will also need beds for everyone. Some houses will give you beds when you turn them into outposts. These beds are not as important as, say, food, but not having enough beds will hurt morale and may even lead to arguments or people leaving your community.

Your community

You only control one of your survivors at a time, but you can invite another survivor to come along with you for support. However, your surviving people are just people. They get tired and injured, and sometimes get infected. They need rest time between resource raids and battles - or at least healing in the infirmary.

This makes your community members another resource. Their fatigue and health will regenerate over time (or when you send them to bed or the infirmary), so it's best to cycle them in and out. As your raids deplete them further, you may even need to replenish the ranks of your survivors, which means you need more food and beds.

Your neighbors

Your community is not the only one surviving the apocalypse. The area is dotted with enclaves of survivors, all of whom need or want something. The zombie apocalypse has an amazing number of ways to kill time

Doing business with your neighbors - in addition to managing your community - will be overwhelming. Your radio will seem like a constant stream of distractions and requests. By helping your neighbors you gain some influence and goodwill. Not helping them will result in them leaving the area or actively hating you (with guns).

Balancing everyone else's needs with yours is a constant struggle. Helping everyone you can can also benefit you, but it’s important to emphasize “possible.” If you don't have food, your neighbor who needs a bed will just have to wait. If, however, your base is fairly stable, finding neighbors in need of help is a good way to earn some influence and find potential recruits for your base.

In the material: State of Decay 2

State of Decay is a sandbox game in which the player will have to survive in a state under siege by the living dead. The number of characters varies: at first you can control only one hero, but then - several at once. The game makes it possible to experience all the difficulties and dangers of a real zombie apocalypse. This includes collecting the necessary resources, joining groups with other survivors, and arranging your own shelter. By the way, bases in State of Decay are one of the main aspects of survival in the game world. The project developers have added many interesting gameplay elements related to the construction, expansion and improvement of shelters. You can read more about this and much more in our material. So, let's talk about the original release of the game and the State of Decay YOSE update.


To protect against zombies in this project, you need to hide in special bases, where it can be quite safe if you do timely strengthening. Each such object can be provided with electricity, barricades, floodlights and other improvements. It is at the bases that all the survivors that the player managed to discover gather.

About the heroes

Each character is endowed with his own character, skills and habits (both useful and harmful). At the very beginning, the player can choose between three survivors:

  • Marcus - among his main qualities are straightforwardness, courage, strength and endurance. Unlike other heroes, Marcus has the most space in his inventory. His best weapons are a crowbar and a bat.
  • Maya - the character went through the army, so she prefers to use machine guns and pistols in battle. Maya is a balanced and self-possessed girl who always shows calm. Completely useless in close combat and with appropriate weapons. Inventory space is very limited.
  • Ed is a thin young man who was a student before the zombie outbreak. He makes full use of his speed and agility to sneak past the dead unnoticed. Ed is very cheerful and optimistic, which sets him apart from most survivors. For close combat he chooses a machete and knows how to use firearms (pistols and machine guns). Inventory space is very limited.

What do you need to know before construction?

Before you start building a base, you need to understand several main conditions:

  1. The selected area must be open for development.
  2. Base areas in State of Decay are usually surrounded by high fences.

It’s worth saying right away that such territories in the game do not occur as often as we would like. However, do not worry, because there are still plenty to choose from. How can you tell if a location is suitable for building a base? In State of Decay, such areas are usually marked with a house icon. If during the next journey through the game map the player is lucky enough to stumble upon a similar icon, then he has found the right place.

Before proceeding directly to the construction process itself, you need to go outside the territory - a corresponding inscription should appear on the left side. Next, press the Alt key, call up the radio menu and select the move option. Here we can get all the necessary information about the resources that will be used to build a new shelter, and how many people will be needed for this process. If any items do not meet the stated requirements, the move will be cancelled.

How to build your own base?

The construction of a new base in State of Decay begins with the Tab key, which opens access to a special menu. We are interested in the empty line in the tab with objects - select the menu and call up the window with buildings. After that, we look through all the available buildings and select those that we want to build at the moment.

If there are not enough materials, it is better to limit yourself to only the most necessary buildings, at least for the first time. Otherwise, large expenses can lead to a shortage of building materials and other resources, as well as a decrease in overall group morale. The shortage of any material can be made up by going on a sortie. After hovering the mouse over an unfinished base, you can find out the current progress and the percentage of its completion.

The level of the object determines the number and type of buildings that can be built. If a group of survivors decided to settle in the Church, then its territory is too small for large-scale construction, but if you move to the Snyder warehouse, then this location will be enough for a lot. By the way, many mods in State of Decay for bases help users not only with construction, but also with subsequent arrangement. With their help, you can expand the territory, change the appearance of the shelter, and even increase the number of survivors living in one territory.

We extract resources through the walkie-talkie

A walkie-talkie is the safest option for finding the resources you need.

Go to the construction menu and select the radio station option. With its help, you can either leave a request for a specific type of material or try to contact other survivors. Soon we will receive a response signal that will indicate the nearest location with the resources or people we need. It is also convenient that all coordinates are automatically marked on the map, so we don’t have to search “blindly.”

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to use the radio station often; in addition, nothing guarantees that the next request will be successful. Perhaps the biggest advantage of this method is that it is completely free and does not require the use of additional resources.

Finding resources through forays

Forays outside the bases in State of Decay (where it is safest) are always a big risk, especially when supplies and resources are at stake. The player can go to search both themed stores, such as weapons shops or eateries, and ordinary residential buildings in which no one else lives. The main advantage of such forays is that survivors can take with them absolutely any type of objects and things (at least those that are not nailed to the floor).

To ensure that manual search for resources does not cause you any particular difficulties, we have prepared some useful tips and recommendations:

  1. When looking for food, it is best to go to gas stations, snack bars and other eateries.
  2. For building materials, we recommend going on a raid through unfinished houses, large warehouses and small sheds.
  3. Large stocks of weapons and ammunition are usually stored in the warehouses of specialized stores. Sometimes you can try your luck with residential buildings and barns.
  4. Gasoline cans can be found at local gas stations or building materials warehouses.
  5. If any of the survivors need medication, we advise you to search hospitals and also, when searching residential buildings, you should not pass by bathrooms with medical cabinets.

Help to collect remaining resources

A player can only take out one package of resources at a time. The rest can be collected by "scavenger runners" - this is the name of other characters who are sent to collect the remaining supplies that do not fit in the protagonist's backpack. To call the “runners” you need to use the walkie-talkie (menu via Alt) near the abandoned resources and select the appropriate option.

If the main character has wandered too far from the base, then it is better not to send for the “runners”. In this case, they will move towards the player, not paying attention to possible danger along the way. Unfortunately, scavenger runners' long-distance runs are never successful - they always run into zombies, after which they begin sending out a distress signal.

Construction of an outpost

In addition to bases, in State of Decay, survivors can build outposts - special places where all accumulated resources are stored. You can access them outside the shelter, which is very convenient. In addition to this, the outpost has another very useful function - burning the horde. However, after each use of this function there must be an automatic recharge, which will take some time.

So how do you build an outpost? To do this, go inside any building, completely clear it of the walking dead and use the walkie-talkie (we remind you that the menu opens via the Alt key). Finally, we order the location of the security post via radio. From this moment on, all found loot can be placed on it. We recommend placing outposts as far as possible from large State of Decay bases - this way they will become temporary warehouses for recently collected resources, giving the player the opportunity to safely explore new territories.

Sometimes it happens that honored figures in the gaming industry, tired of modern fashion trends, go free, assemble their own studio and do everything “as before.” So did Jeff Strain, a veteranBlizzard , who put his hand toWorld of Warcraft . Having organized his studio, Jeff released a game without co-op and micropayments, but with a million gameplay nuances and a duration of one hundred hours (and, if desired, three hundred). It's just like the good old days.

Redneck Rampage

Anyone who watched the second season of The Walking Dead will feel right at home. The American outback is the perfect place for a zombie apocalypse. Fields, meadows, farms, small towns, beautiful views and plenty of places to make a refuge. However, in this particular case, zombies can be replaced by an invasion of guinea pigs or radioactive mutant bees. After all, the main idea of ​​the game is rather survival in any dangerous and hostile conditions in general.

Crowds of rotten, bloodthirsty rednecks - what could be more canonical for the zombie genre?

We don’t even have a main character: the controlled character, already at the very beginning of the game, joins a group of people, each of whom has survival skills no worse than Bear Grylls and is eager to fight. It is enough to approach any of your loitering comrades and say: “ I'm tired, change it- and now you are already in his shoes. Each survivor has his own set of parameters - strength, endurance, health. They improve just like in The Elder Scrolls(or closer): running all day around the area, the hero will eventually surpass any Jamaican runner, and if you don’t let go of your trusty club and beat everything living (or not quite living) with it, the team will acquire a personal Bruce Lee.

But people tend to get tired, and when the stamina bar dwindles, the only way to bring the hero back “to life” is to let him rest by temporarily taking control of someone else. If you are carried away by research, you may forget about this, but when you find yourself a couple of kilometers from home, surrounded by two dozen brain-eaters, you will definitely remember. Especially considering that endurance is spent on everything (running, hitting, jumping and generally any active actions). The only pity is that there is no opportunity to create your own Daryl Dixon or Philip Blake, nicknamed the Governor - the character settings in the game are difficult. This may upset many people.

Characters with a ready-made specialization are worth their weight in gold. Especially at the beginning of the game.

THIS IS INTERESTING: In addition to the classic parameters, some survivors also have specific ones, such as leadership or cooking skills. Their importance cannot be underestimated: a skillful leader has an extremely positive effect on the morale of the shelter, and the cook greatly reduces food consumption (you won’t get into the Michelin red guide anyway). Over time, it becomes possible to train or retrain characters for a certain specialization.

Deadly weapon

Outside the shelter, we have to travel for a long time around a gigantic open world (for a downloadable game, the world is really very large) and engage in exciting looting. If, of course, cleaning out refrigerators in abandoned houses can be called exciting. But there is nowhere to go: looking for weapons, ammunition, food, first aid kits and other things necessary for survival is our specialty. Zombies exist precisely to break up the collecting routine and keep us from getting bored.

They try their best: they quietly creep up while you are rummaging through your backpack, climb into windows, knock down doors, scream terribly and wave their arms. But, unfortunately, the combat system ruins all the fun from communicating with these cute creatures. One hit and the opportunity to finish off a stunned enemy - that’s the entire arsenal of techniques for your survivors. It looks like a low-fat copy and gets boring after a couple of hours.

True, if the crowd of lovers of human flesh grows to a couple of dozen individuals, complaints about the combat system dissolve into a bloody mess, especially if mini-bosses join the celebration. They are no different in originality: some run fast, others explode, others hit hard - we have seen all this in and other zombie games. But you are unlikely to think about this when you rush around the house in a panic from the “fat man” (the local indestructible zombie strongman) and, out of despair, throw yourself out the third floor window in a desperate attempt to escape. At such moments, it even becomes a pity that the game lacks co-op.

Individual individuals are almost not dangerous, but even in such skirmishes it is not easy to survive.

THIS IS INTERESTING: Naturally, the game has a wide selection of firearms. But pistols and rifles are much weaker than even an ordinary stick with a nail, and they are difficult to aim (the zombies in the game are fast, like in Left 4 Dead). Only shotguns and various incendiary mixtures and grenades are more or less useful. But you even remember them only when the edged weapon breaks.

However, in most cases, clashes can be avoided. The zombies here, like in The Last of Us, hear you swatting a mosquito a couple of blocks away, but they can’t see anything beyond their nose. Sometimes a whole horde simply passes by, even some kind of perverted feeling of loneliness and resentment awakens. But don’t worry, just make some noise (scream, break a couple of windows) and you’ll instantly find yourself in the center of attention. Keep in mind that once a character dies, he will not be reborn. This adds spice to the action and sets the tone for the entire game.

If zombies surround your car, be careful - they can easily pull you out of the car.

THIS IS INTERESTING: if you regularly evade battles, you will have to face the discontent of your comrades, so it is better to destroy hordes (companies of five to ten individuals) and clear houses occupied by the undead on a regular basis. A car is perfect for these purposes - it is not so easy to break it, and it crushes zombies, including mini-bosses.

Jack of all trades

But, despite the importance of all these “everyday” activities, you literally have to find time for them. The main mantra of the game is that the player must constantly be busy with something. Therefore, over the radio, from the camp, tasks are pouring in in an endless stream: to help another group of survivors, to conduct a transaction for the exchange of goods, and hundreds of other small and not so small assignments. There won’t be enough time for everything, so get ready for survivors to die and deals to fall through. Although we don't recommend ignoring cries for help from other groups - if you help them a few times, they will most likely want to join your team, and extra manpower won't hurt.

The most effective way to gain the trust of another group is to long and tediously board up windows and help repel the attacks of the dead.

THIS IS INTERESTING: in our absence, the survivors do not sit still. They are also released into the wild to hunt for prey and most often disappear. Anyone can fall into the abyss, even a chef or a particularly carefully developed pet. The chance that the character will be found and return on his own is small; most likely you will simply receive a message with a cry for help, and the poor fellow will have to help out yourself. Although no one forbids leaving him to die either.

Sometimes, in the stream of secondary quests, plot tasks flash through - they can easily be overlooked and slow down the development of the story, stretching the game for a couple of hundred hours. The plot itself, however, is not particularly interesting; the characters are simply trying to survive and escape to hell.

Much more interesting are the small stories associated with the survivors themselves. There are more than enough colorful personalities among them, and it is usually interesting to follow their frequent skirmishes - the drama here unfolds no worse than in The Walking Dead. It’s a pity that there weren’t enough resources for a decent technical implementation: the characters are deprived of normal facial animation and gestures, and in order to feel the drama of the situation, you have to use your imagination. Again, just like the good old times.

Home Sweet Home

Having run into a shelter during a break between looting and saving people, you will hardly be able to rest either. In general, you will have to spend almost half of the game time at the base. The survivors, like blind kittens, can only disappear without your sensitive guidance. In order for the group to be in a good mood and be able to repel the attacks of walkers (and zombies attack quite often, especially if you are a pacifist and do not hunt them yourself), you have to monitor a bunch of parameters. First of all, the base must have plenty of resources: food, medicine, fuel, building materials and ammunition. All this property is obtained through endless looting. Secondly, it is necessary to constantly modernize the shelter, build new buildings and train new specialists.

THIS IS INTERESTING: the shelter can always be moved. You choose the place yourself; there can be no uniquely successful solutions; everywhere has its pros and cons. For example, having settled on a farm in an open field, you will not suffer from zombie attacks, but it is difficult to extract resources there. In the city there will be fewer problems with resources, but there will be hundreds of times more walkers.

You can, of course, do without all these difficulties, but you will definitely remember the missing first aid station when your favorite character dies from a bite while on vacation. There is not enough space for everything, you have to look for a balance, deciding, for example, what is more important - to build a training ground and improve the combat skills of your comrades, or to put a sniper tower in this place to repel the attacks of walkers.

In addition to the main base, you can set up several outposts, for which any building is suitable. After construction, a safe zone will be formed around, in which there will be almost no zombies.

Implementing your architectural ideas will require not only resources, but also respect points. They are given for everything: for putting freshly brought loot into the general inventory, for completing a task, for destroying hordes. You can spend them not only on construction, but also on various useful actions: for example, on an artillery strike on the undead (although you will first have to enlist the support of the military) or calling a comrade to help collect battle trophies (there is a chance that you will get lost along the way).

The more survivors you save, the more unique features you can buy with points. From the accelerated construction of buildings to calling a special forces squad.

The only pity is that it’s not so easy to understand all these nuances, and the game gives almost no clues. The barrier to entry is very high, and players accustomed to convenience will most likely give up trying to survive in the harsh world of State of Decay after just a couple of hours. Moreover, despite all the fascination of the process of maintaining order at the base, many things remain unobvious and even begin to irritate. Why does the squad's morale drop when there is plenty of food and ammunition and not a single undead for miles around? Where did our mechanic go, considering that a second ago he was just fixing a rifle? We can only hope that the technical flaws will be corrected in the PC version, which should be released in the near future.

The game takes place in an open world environment where you must survive a zombie apocalypse by rescuing survivors, rebuilding civilization, and scavenging supplies. If you're in a desperate bid for help, there are some walkthrough guides available for State Decay 2.

Unfortunately, there are also some obvious virtue signaling elements at play, including the notorious black lesbian black woman who doesn't need any man. Literally, there is a black lesbian and her white friend under the couple "Eternal Breakup".

Gameriot, wanting to recognize the virtue as "woke" him, as a typical social justice, learned YouTuber, decided to play as a black lesbian and her white girlfriend.

State of Decay 2 Controls

After selecting a character, a short cinematic will be shown featuring the character you selected. No matter which characters you choose, it will always go through the Army Refugee Tutorial.

Once you enter the army refugee camp, some zombies will be inside and will start attacking you. Press "X" on your Xbox controller to attack the zombies. Keep attacking your target until they are killed. You will need to watch your stamina when attacking because if you keep attacking you will run out of stamina and your attacks will not be as effective.

Use the right trigger plus "X" to finish off the zombies that are still crawling on the ground.

Press "B" on your Xbox controller to dodge attacks.

You need to spend a lot of time looting. Press "Y" on your Xbox controller to search for items.

Press the left bumper while searching to perform a quick search to speed up the search process. However, a quick search will create a lot of noise and may alert zombies.

The right bumper will allow you to quickly use items in your quick inventory. It's located in the bottom left corner of the screen, next to your health and stamina bar.

Use the left and right number pad to cycle through available items.

In dark areas, you can press the left analog pad to activate the flashlight.

Move through the refugee camp and collect items from glowing boxes, cabinets and storage boxes.

Click on the digital pad to open your inventory. You can assign different items to your main hand and outside, as well as melee and ranged weapons.

Follow the linear paths through the refugee camp until you reach the stealth segment. Use "Right Trigger" and "X" to hide killed zombies from behind. Once you interact with the screamer, you will be faced with a short cinematic where a soldier will save your duo.

You need to go to the doctor who will give you a gun and you will need to kill the zombies in the cage. Once you get out, you need to talk to Sawyer, the soldier, and they will ask you where you should go next. You will have the choice of visiting the foothills, plateau or valley.

Sawyer will make you go. You can get in and out of cars like in Grand Theft Auto using the "Y" button on your Xbox controller. You can speed up using the right trigger and slow down using the left trigger.

Once you unlock the next New Home mission, you will have the option to invite your friends to play with you online or set up a private session online or you can play offline. Additionally, you can make changes to your multiplayer settings at any time in the options menu.

Wherever you go, you need to secure a building for your house by killing all the zombies in the house.

Once you have searched all the rooms and cleared all the zeds, you can hold "Y" on your Xbox controller to claim houses.

Your next goal is to get to the cell tower so you can survey the area.

Go up the stairs and when you reach the top target the gun will take a look at objects in the immediate area to identify points of interest as well as some of the vehicles and resources in the area.

Once you have inspected all the buildings and objects with question marks on them, you can start cleaning up the nearby buildings.

In one of the service shacks, you need to find a package of lumber, which is needed for your first search mission.

Keep in mind that carrying large items will speed up your stamina, so avoid engaging in tough battles.

Once you get the items back to your base, leave them in the house and then start building the infirmary.

To build, build and develop your base, go to the settings menu and then tap the right bumper until you get to the Base section.

State of Decay 2: How to Build a Base

If you have enough materials, you can build new compartments and sections in your base. To do this, go to the "Bases" menu from the inventory screen and select one of the empty slots from the blueprint. If you don't have any free space, you will need to remove one of the existing slots by clicking on them and deleting them.

Once you have selected the area where you want to build a hospital, click on it and highlight the hospital. Keep building and it will appear in this area of ​​your base. You can go to the hospital and also for anyone who is sick, injured or dying, you can choose to check them in to stabilize them.

Stabilizing Blood Plague victims no longer cures them. You will need to find real cures to help correct their illnesses. If you cannot cure your diseases, you will have to kill them before the plague spreads throughout your community.

If you mark a vehicle on your map, be sure to visit the vehicle's location. There should be several stacks of lumber on the way to the vehicle located inside the drawers and cabinets. If you find an SUV, you can open the back of the vehicle and place heavy loads inside the vehicle for transport.

There's also an abandoned clinic where you can collect some medical supplies. You can use medical supplies to help survivors suffering from the blood plague.

You don't need to take supplies from the back of the car, you can simply park the car in the parking lot and then automatically transfer the resources to the base by pressing the right trigger.

Talk to your new neighbor

World. This is not an easy task at all, because you need to constantly keep yourself and your companions healthy, well-fed, and, ultimately, alive. Luckily, in this article we will share with you a few tips and tricks for beginners that would be very useful for you to know before you start playing State of Decay 2.

Transferring things from the trunk to the base

Will not automatically fall out of your vehicle. Park your car in the designated area of ​​your base and exit it. Go around the car and open the trunk. While looking into it, press the right trigger button or T on . Choose the best cars in the game with maximum capacity and trunk volume.

How to take another companion with you?

Always take a partner - this will give you extra help as the game progresses and an extra backpack. To take a character with you, talk to one of your buddies and ask him to join you.

How to play with friends?

The ability to select a mode in State of Decay 2 appears after completing the tutorial mission. There are a few noteworthy things that come with joining someone's game. For example, exchanging things, progression, and much more.

Important skills

Along with combat skills, it is also very important in the game if you want survivors to recover as quickly as possible from injuries and fatigue. To get another Outpost slot, you will need computer skills to upgrade the Command Center to level 3. Mechanical skills allow you to create your own car repair kits.

Always take the biggest backpack

When you plan to thoroughly acquire new things, do not forget to take with you two partners with large bags and a car. If your hero's inventory is full, you can put some things in the trunk. If you run out of space again, organize the correct layout of items by combining similar ones into one group. This will significantly improve the efficiency of your storage space. If you've already filled everything to capacity, switch to another character and fill it to capacity again. Switching between characters is incredibly useful, especially when you have multiple backpacks.


Be careful with transport because you can easily get stuck and lose it. Also in State of Decay 2 it is important to improve your car.


A powerful weapon with a few charges can be much more useful than a weak weapon with a ton of ammo. You'll only really need guns against special groups of infected. Also, don't forget to repair your weapons.

Plague Hearts

Plague Hearts deal damage when they lose a third of their health bar. This can be seen by the heart splashing blood out. It can kill you if you attack it melee with low health.

Low morale

If your morale is too low, the survivors will leave you.

Play in single player mode and offline

If you are playing in single player mode, make sure your game is set to offline mode. If you do not do this, you will not be able to pause it, even if there is no one else in the game except you.

How to continue the game where you left

If you leave the game and come back again, you end up in a completely different place. To prevent this, select offline mode. In this case, you will return to the same place from where you left.

How to kill a ferocious one

When you are driving a car and see a ferocious one, it is quite easy to kill him. Get close enough to him that he notices you, and slowly start moving away from him. He will chase you and try to jump on the car. When he jumps, switch back and shoot him (or if you were driving backwards, switch forward and shoot him). This will either kill him outright, or you can knock him down for an easier kill.

The ferocious ones also do not like to be illuminated. They simply fall to the ground and roll around, becoming easy prey.

If the ferocious one is running towards you, roll when it tries to attack. He will miss and fall, and you will have time to get up and finish him off. Just roll forward, he'll miss, and quickly finish off.
