Walkthrough of the bureau. Walkthrough of the game The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. The big scoreboard is back

About a month ago, publisher 2K Games released its new creation, The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. The developers took a new path, creating a completely different game than the usual XCOM. The Bureau allows you to look at this genre from a different perspective and show the whole essence of the project.

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is a third-person shooter, one might even say tactical TPS. Main character takes on the responsibility of leading a squad of agents who are sent by the Bureau to fight aliens. The game allows you to look at XCOM from the inside, wander around the local agency - a special American Center, which at one time was created to control the threat from the Soviet Union.

Alien invaders have already bombed all American military bases, but this place survived only thanks to special secrecy. Of course, all the usual and necessary attributes of XCOM have migrated here - weapons, medical stations, laboratories, and so on. You will be able to explore every corner of the base, meeting working personnel, communicating with them and completing third-party missions.

Walking around the base is a pleasure, the atmosphere of the 60s, all possible maps, ancient computers, projection screens create their own unique atmosphere. Before the combat mission, you will need to prepare the squad for departure. All fighters are divided into classes, which determine several parameters. Firstly, this is a set of skills, and secondly, fighters different classes use different weapons, and thirdly, some classes work well in pairs, while others do not. The Bureau allows you to customize your squad so that it suits your playstyle, rather than getting in the way.

Your character can use any weapon, while subordinates can only handle a certain type of weapon. There are a huge number of locations in the game, but they all represent a “corridor” in which the battle will take place. The main assistant in battles with unearthly intelligence will be Battle Focus, a function that allows you to slow down time, like Max Payne. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is interesting and not normal game, which is sure to please XCOM fans.

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If you are having problems with Walkthrough of the game Bureau XCOM Declassified, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Bureau XCOM Declassified. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Bureau XCOM Declassified Walkthrough read on our website.


Walkthrough The Bureau: XCOM Declassified begins with an introductory video in which we are told about the alien invasion in 1962.

Following the video, we wake up after being stunned. We leave the room through the door, we have a pistol. We go further along the corridor. When you see an enemy flying saucer, duck down and crawl along the wall. We go further along the indicated route, through the main entrance we go out onto the street. Then turn left and watch the cut-scene. Then we shoot the aliens from behind cover and go through the door where our friend hid. You will contact Director Faulk, who will advise you to get to the warehouse.

Now you have something like a partner, but in fact he is useless, since in a few minutes he will be removed from us. We go down to the street and go onto the stairs, watch the cut-scene and pick up the carbine. We approach the window and, together with our partner, shoot the enemies. Now we need to get to the elevator by going further along the corridor. We pass into the flooded hall, jump down and walk along the destroyed and burning buildings.

We follow further along the street and move towards the marker. We come across a machine gun, so we are in no hurry to rush through. Call up the tactical menu and send your partner to the flank of the machine gun, and then blow up the machine gun with a critical hit. Shoot the aliens who arrived at the noise and move on.

We select a fragmentation grenade, send Nils to the flank and destroy the enemies. At the end of the building, press the button to call the elevator. While we wait for him, we will have to fight off the aliens. Send Nils to advantageous position and shoot all the aliens. Then we take the elevator and go down.

We exit the elevator and find a shotgun. The weapon is powerful, but only at close range. Better leave the rifle for now. Next we will find ourselves in the laboratory. We go to Faulk, and then to Nils. After this, we pass through the gate, where new enemies await us.

With each level you will gain new tactical skills. Further on, you will act at your own discretion, since there are a great many tactical options. We clear the room of enemies and then come across an enemy turret, which can be destroyed with a critical shot. We go into the laboratory, make minced meat from an incomprehensible creature and move on.

After the cut-scene, we sit on the trolley, ride it to the indicated place, and then call air support by radio. Along with this, you will be given a sniper rifle. A powerful weapon that will make defending a warehouse seem quite easy. After the clouds of enemies are over, we turn on the self-destruction system. Then we get into the helicopter and watch the gorgeous fireworks from a bird's eye view.


For good service we will be given a good submachine gun. After the video, we go to agent da Silva. After this, you should wander around the base, talk with other agents and assess the situation. After that, we go to Faulk, talk to him and head to Nicholas. We choose two people of our choice for our squad, and then we will need to neutralize the crazy scientist. We go along the corridors to the elevator, go down, go into the morgue.

In the morgue we watch a cut-scene, then we kill all the enemies in the room, while the spy can be taken alive. We return to Faulk, along the way we meet with a scientist from the laboratory who will tell us a lot of useful things. Faulk sends us to free a certain doctor from the university.


We land in a damaged helicopter. We get out of the burning piece of iron and find out that now our task is to destroy the anti-aircraft guns, after which we must save that same doctor. We go into the bar, see an infected person, report him to the base. Proceeding further, you will stumble upon a crowd of aliens and meet a new species - the commander. He, in fact, does not present any difficulties, so just kill him first and shoot all the enemies.

Next, you will have to protect the agent while he opens the door. We follow him and come across the first anti-aircraft gun. With a slight movement of the hand we turn it into a pile of metal. Now let's go get the doctor. We go further through the building, we are met by aliens mixed with civilians. Try to minimize civilian casualties.

After destroying all the enemies, talk to the frightened people. Let's move on and meet the new kind enemy - mutons. The creatures are mobile and dangerous, but with little armor. After the cutscene, we shoot the enemies and move on to the university building.

You won’t find the doctor himself in the main research office, but Bailey’s assistant will happily greet you. He will report that the doctor can be found busy with some kind of research. We go to the laboratory, this time there is also a sectopod waiting for us. With him, too, everything is quite simple - you need to go around his flank and shoot at his back. Destroying enemies, we make our way further until we reach... a nuclear reactor!

But now this is not our main goal, but the doctor. We go into the laboratory, take the doctor and quickly leave. Along the way, we learn that that same assistant is a spy for strangers, but he did not kill the doctor. We go out into the street, shoot all the enemies and watch the video.


After the video, we go after Agent Weaver, she will offer us a new task.


Our task will be to exterminate aliens at one of the military bases in order to prevent the launch of nuclear missiles. We disembark from the helicopter, move further across the field, destroy the enemies and go into the granary. We go down to the basement, activate the figurine and a secret underground passage will open to us.

Don't push forward, walk carefully. The rockets are already ready to launch, so leaving the rockets without fuel will not work, you need to act differently. We go up the stairs and find a sectopod - a vile creature, but with proper control it does not pose a great threat. We shoot the enemies and move further to another storage facility.

This time the doors are blocked and we cannot open the door with the help of a figurine, but aliens are rushing towards us from behind in a joyful crowd. We destroy the enemies, go to the observation station, even though it is destroyed. We enter the coordinates and heroically stop the launch of nuclear missiles.


After the cut-scene, we go into the laboratory and listen to the useful dialogues of the scientists. Then we go up to the second floor and talk with Dr. Drazner, who will ask us to catch a couple of escaped experimental subjects. We leave the laboratory and destroy the glots. One is waiting for you right at the exit, the second will run away from us when we go into the toilet, and all the other monsters are having a party on the second floor. You know what to do with them.

We go to the engineering department to see Faulk, who needs to interrogate the spy for new research. The spy will be at the camera nearby. There is nothing difficult about interrogating him, just remain calm and peaceful. After you finish with the spy, return to Faulk and report to him the results of the research.

After this, Faulk will report that da Silva has not been in touch for several days. We have to find out the reason for his disappearance...

The search for da Silva

We land in New Mexico and try to get in touch with da Silva, but only silence awaits us in response. We move forward through the destroyed city, destroying enemies along the way. Suddenly we receive a signal from da Silva, who tells us that he is alive. We run towards it, Nicholas will contact us by radio and open the passage. When we go inside, we find that da Silva is infected.

We take a break to destroy monsters and talk to the agent again. When we convince him to go into quarantine, we leave the power plant and kill the aliens. We go to the bunker, deal with the enemies and wait for a signal from Barnes, who will take Nicholas. Near the bunker we exchange the doctor for da Silva and move towards the shopping center.

Next, we will have to protect the doctor while he tinkers with the control panel. After that, we take the elevator and we find ourselves on some kind of bridge to a bridge. We move towards the tower, destroying crowds of enemies. We move to the tower, and then teleport to the top. A powerful enemy awaits us there - titanium, and when confronted with it we must avoid its incinerating ray. We destroy all the enemies on the tower and watch the video


We arrive at the base, watch an unexpected video and then we pass out. We wake up in a hospital room, Faulk calls us to his place. On the way to him, we will be asked to look for infected agents at the base. One is in the laboratory, and the second you will find at the post. After this, we return to the engineer and receive praise for the work done.

Barnes will ask us to interrogate an enemy spy. When talking to him, don’t be rude and try to persuade him to join our squad. After that, we go to Falk, then we talk with Angela, and then again with Falk. While we are talking to him, a cut-scene will start and an unexpected turn awaits us.

We fly after the escaped Weaver, then talk with the agents at the base about Weaver and find out the cause of the problem. Then we go to the post and talk to the guard, after that go to Weaver’s office. Behind the painting you will see a safe, the key to which will be the date November 21st.

Search for Weaver

We disembark from the helicopter. Weaver will contact us and ask us not to pursue us. We follow in the footsteps of Weaver, destroying the aliens along the way. After you go through the dump, the lost agent will contact us again and tell us a lot of interesting things. We go further and kill the sleepwalkers again. On the way to the checkpoint, the aliens will blow up the gate. We put one of the agents in charge of repairs, and we ourselves will hold the defense.

After this, we move further along the base, Weaver will ask to finish off his wounded brother. Something like a boss will appear here, from which we will happily make a sieve. The main thing in battle is not to forget about small enemies, as well as about the bunkers in which the control points for the boss’s electrical panels are located. After you knock down the shield, just finish off the boss and watch the video.


We learn that sitting on defense is stopped and we are flying to the alien base. Yes, not alone, but with a powerful bomb. We go to Falk, listen to his instructions, and then go to Barn, who will ask you to repair our glorious ship.

Crack in the planet

We land and immediately see a group of enemies joyfully greeting us. We deal with them and move on. We meet the alien commander. He is dangerous because he has psionic skills, so he should be destroyed as soon as possible.

We also fight our way further until we enter the building. On the radio we will be ordered to destroy the generators that are interfering with our special operation. Along the way, you will meet another enemy, whom you are unlikely to be able to kill right away, that’s why he is a scout. Take out generators one by one while fighting off crowds of enemies. At the last lever we will be met by a powerful group of aliens.

Now it's time to turn off the main power source in the main compartment. It is located on the floor above, but getting to it will not be easy. After this, we will hear a strange voice, and the rest of the team will not notice anything.

Now we need to return to the ship, but we also have problems with this. The gate closes in front of his very nose. To open them, you need to destroy all enemies in the department and use the control panel. After that, we run faster than the wind to our savior and fly away to hell from here.

Now we need to get to a certain Source, whose voice we just heard. You can capture it without any problems using an artifact in the form of a bracelet. While we capture the Source, many pages will open in storyline and for the main character in general. We complete the mission and watch the video.

The Last War

We immediately warn you that this is the final mission, so it’s better to do all your business right away, and then start completing it. When choosing a mission, the electricity in the entire department is turned off, after which we are sent to the laboratory. Entering it, we will observe an unusual picture of a conversation between two ancient ethereals, one of which, by the way, is inside us. We can’t listen to this nonsense forever, so we just knock out... uh... particles to one of the ethereals.

After this, we go to Faulk, who is trying to somehow improve the situation. But instead of the director, we will find a spy who will try to escape. We catch up with him, then destroy the entire squad of aliens. After a short chase and a mountain of corpses left behind you, you can kill the escaped spy.

We are heading towards the ship, but we are frantically haunted by hallucinations, and the demon inside us is also hindering us in every possible way. After this, you will be given the opportunity to make a choice that will affect the ending of the game. There is no point in giving advice here, so everyone chooses according to their desires.

The day the skies fell

Your tactical management skills will play a huge role in this mission, as it will be difficult to complete it to the end alone. We find ourselves on an alien ship, which, thanks to the efforts of the main character, is simply swarming with enemies. We fight off the attack, and then make a difficult choice about helping our allies.

After the rescue, we run to the relay, and then we see Carter. Here we also have to make a choice that will affect the ending. We make our way further to the core. We destroy enemies, do not forget about tactical control. Don't try to destroy all the enemies, but just go inside the core. After that, we watch the final video of the game, and then enjoy the end credits.

This is our walkthrough

Operation Invasion (large-scale operation):

We delve into the settings, select the difficulty of the game and start playing. We will be shown a video where cool and serious men are gathered discussing the problems of the United States. One of them mentions that in one of the mines in Montana they found a strange object, unknown to anyone, and apparently not from our world. When he is asked where this item is, he will mention Agent Carter, and will take us to the motel, to that same Carter.

Complete walkthrough The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

There will be a knock on the door and Carter will open the door and get shot in the shoulder. Apparently, Carter is not a real agent, and the killer doesn’t seem to know that you need to shoot in the head if you want to kill. After this, Carter will rise and engage in battle with the transformed enemy, and after that he will lose consciousness and wake up when it’s all over. Our enemy is burned, and Carter's wound is miraculously healed. Yes, what the hell happened here?! The suitcase is empty, and our agent's head is pounding. We leave the room and hear a signal about an attack. We move on and are attacked by an enemy attack aircraft. We run for cover and move forward in small steps. One of the soldiers decided to run ahead and died, do not repeat after him. We go further and see that there are only corpses in the hall and dining room. Listen to Carter's notes on this matter and move through the building. We go out into the fresh air and assess the scale of the destruction, after which we follow the sounds of shooting and see that one soldier is being killed, and the CIA agent manages to escape and lock himself in the building. People in suits always survive. Law of games. We kill our first opponents and go into the building to meet agent Nils. We take the radio and call Director Faulk. One of the agents will answer us and say that they are protecting an underground laboratory. We follow agent Nils and look at the enemy ship that is destroying our allies. Unfortunately, we can't do anything. After some time, you and Nils will cross paths and you will find your first weapon: the M14 Rifle. After that, get acquainted with combat tactics, open the window and kill the aliens. Exit the building and watch as the aliens drag away the pilot. You can't help him anymore. Poor guy. Let's move on and watch how the allied tanks are defeated. After that, we are shown a video about tactics. We go to tactical mode (space) and select “critical hit” from Nils’ skills to destroy the machine gun. After that, kill the remaining enemies, collect ammunition and move on. We see the shelling and what was left after it. Some kind of energy field in which we understand nothing. Leave him and move on. We go to the warehouse and pick up fragmentation grenades. We clear the warehouse with or without the help of grenades. It is best to wait for a cluster of enemies and shoot at one of the barrels. Just get a combo - kill. Collect ammunition and call the elevator, and then defend it. After clearing the perimeter of enemies, get into the elevator and listen to the conversation between Carter and Nils. Coming out of the elevator, pick up the shotgun. But consider either a shotgun or a rifle. Once in the laboratory, wander around it and ask Nils questions. After that, go to Falk and talk to him. Here, by the way, a dialogue system will open, similar to the system in Mass Effect. After talking with Faulk, we get another partner: John Kinney. We open the door to the storage room and go down to the enemies.

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Order Kinney to place a turret, and Nils to take out one of the enemies with a critical shot, and then finish off all the survivors. After that, collect ammunition, kill further and kill two more enemies. Go ahead and ask questions about Elerium and Elerium reactors. Enter a combat location and watch how two soldiers are crushed by an enemy turret. Hide behind cover and destroy the enemy turret with Nils' critical shot, then deploy your own turret with Kinney. After destroying the enemies, collect ammunition and move on to the command post. In the laboratory, destroy the gray one, who, apparently, does not see you, then go into the secret storage room command post. Watch the video during which General Dimz reveals his true identity, but fortunately he is killed by Agent Angela Weaver. After that, we ask the agent a couple of questions and run to the platform. Having run to the platform, we deal with the strangers with the help of Nils’ artillery shelling. After that, we sit on the diesel trolley and watch the video. After the video, get off the diesel trolley and call the Ranger on the radio. Don't forget to pick up a new weapon: "M1903 - A4 Sniper Rifle." After that, defend your positions with accurate shots in the head, blowing up barrels and using a laser turret. Also, do not forget to destroy the landing capsules so that clouds of enemies do not land on your heads. After the battle, collect ammo and activate the self-destruct system using the launch pad. Again, defend your positions until the Ranger arrives. When the Ranger arrives, you can not pay attention to the enemies, but feel free to jump onto the turntable and leave this station before the explosion. After this mission, you will see the results of the operation, and as a reward for completing this task you will receive a new weapon: “Pistol - Z62 submachine gun.”

Operation Base (shelter):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

We watch the video, after that we follow Agent Weaver, and she will introduce us to Agent da Silva, and whom we also follow into her office. You can ask Nicholas questions, and then read the dossier on yourself and Nicholas. After reading Carter and Nichols's dossier, go to the meeting with Nicholas, and then watch another video about Carter's nightmares. Luckily Nicholas wakes us up. You can talk to him and go to Faulk.

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Go to the radio and write down the numbers she dictates. If you want to fix the radio, then go to Agent Chulski and talk to her. She is in the office opposite. Tell her the coordinates: 250, north, 892. These will be survivors who warn of an enemy attack.

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Having dealt with the radio, head to Faulk for a conversation. Along the way, you can go into Angela Weaver's office and listen to the tape. Go to Faulk's office and talk to him. After talking with Faulk, go to Nicholas da Silva to select a team. Remember where two soldiers stood and did not let the doctor in without orders from their superiors? Yes? You should go there. The soldiers will let you through, and you can safely pass through. We go into the duty room and learn from Nicholas that some scientist took explosives with him and fled from the base, but we, in turn, need to recruit a team to help if something happens. You can only take two people into your squad. So choose wisely. I recommend taking a medic and a commando or a medic and a sniper. After you recruit a team, Nils will contact you and say that he has driven the scientist into the morgue, but he has so many explosives that it is better to hurry. We go to the armory, and then turn right. We take the elevator, which will take us to the Rangers hangar, and then we go into the hangar and go to the morgue. In the morgue we find dead Nils and the spy who killed him. If it weren't for our guys, we would already be dead. The spy, in turn, calls the sectoids for help. We choose a spy as the main target for our partners, and we ourselves deal with the emerging sectoids. After you kill all the sectoids, the spy will be captured alive. Contact Faulk and report the situation, and then return to his office and talk about the next task. At the exit from the first aid station, Agent Nicholas will meet us and tell us that Faulk sent him on reconnaissance. Tell him about Nils' death, and also wish the agent good luck. After that, get into the elevator and go to Faulk.

Halfway to Falk, Doctor Drezner will intercept us and tell us about his laboratory and alien technology. He will also give you a Venn bracelet, thanks to which you can capture and adapt alien technology for yourself. After talking with Faulk, we receive a new task. We need to free Dr. Weir from Rosemont University. We go to the terminal and go out to the strategic map.

Operation Doctor (large operation):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

We watch the video and prepare for the mission spiritually. Anti-aircraft guns will start to shoot us down, but the helicopter pilot will cope with this situation perfectly and will be able to land us not far from them. Our main task: destroy the anti-aircraft guns, and then take out Dr. Weir. We go into a cafe and find a non-hostile infected person who keeps repeating the same thing to everyone and does not respond to signals. Report to Falk and leave the cafe. Continue through the ruined city until you see enemies. Here you will see a new enemy: the Alien commander. It can increase the armor of others, which is very undesirable. Kill the boss with heavy fire, and then switch to smaller enemies. After killing the enemies, go to the door with a lock and order one of the agents to open the door. Please note that he will not be accessible while he is opening the door and will be very vulnerable, so you will need to protect him from opponents. Destroy the landing capsule so that there are fewer enemies, and then kill the remaining aliens. Open the hacked door, go further and deactivate the enemy anti-aircraft gun, then inform Barnes about the work done. Now we need to find a doctor. Go through the door and go to the bank. There will be sleepwalkers, scattered money, and survivors in the bank. The survivors are downstairs in the vault. Talk to them. You can also decide whether to help them or not. After talking with the survivors, exit through the door and go to the hairdresser, and then exit it and look in the supply box. With it you can replenish ammunition, replace equipment, or summon new fighters. We go further and kill the enemies. Arriving at the campus, we see a cut-scene and a new enemy: "Mouton". Focus all your fire on him, and then switch to lower-ranking enemies. After successfully killing the aliens, enter the campus and start looking for Dr. Weir. In Dr. Weir's office you will find his assistant Lawrence Bailey, who will say that Dr. Weir is at the observatory and working on some project. My instinct suggested that Bailey was a spy for strangers, but Carter did not sense this during the campaign and let Bailey go first to the observatory. Leave the campus and you will come across alien weapons. Tell Faulk about this and pick up your weapon. Now you can move on. We kill a group of enemies and go through the gate, where we meet a new enemy: “Sectopod”. To defeat such an enemy, go around behind him and shoot at his patterns. At this rate, he will quickly die, after which switch to enemies of lower rank. We go further along the location and at the supply point we find the backpack of a marksman. You can put it on right there. Let's move on and deal with the next group of enemies. After this we see a nuclear reactor, which triggers the transformation of the city. We can't do anything, so we move on in search of Weir. When you arrive at the laboratory, grab Weir and leave. By the way, Bailey is an alien spy, just as I thought. But he spared Weir's life and said that Weir was the key to the puzzle. What kind of mosaic? She often flashes during the last hours of Carter's life. Go out into the open air and destroy the alien “Stormtrooper” with joint efforts. After this, the mission will end and you can take a break.

Operation Base (shelter):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

After Operation Doctor, Angela Weaver will approach you and ask for your help. She will be waiting for you near the tactical map. We talk with her and begin to complete small tasks.

Operation Sentinel (minor mission):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

We need to fight back military base from the aliens in Montana so they don't launch nuclear missiles right on our heads. We are dropped off at the farm and then we go on our own. We destroy the enemies and go into the barn. Contact Barnes, he will fill you in on the matter and tell you where the computer might be. Also, go upstairs and grab the laser pistol on the table. Now go down to the basement. We touch the nesting doll and open the secret entrance to the launch room. Take the orderly's backpack on the table. Trying to interrupt the fuel supply, we come across an error. The missiles are already fueled and there is even a target - Washington. Our task is to turn off the power and interrupt the missile launch. We go up the stairs and meet a new enemy: “Selectoid”. Kill new enemies, move on and kill a squad of strangers led by a muton. Also, don't forget to destroy the landing capsule. After the battle, turn right into the barn, there will be a new weapon there: “laser pistol - machine gun”, pick up ammunition and go to another barn. Pull the matryoshka doll and a secret door will open. We press the button and... Nothing happens. Aliens somehow bypassed the defense system and the bomb now needs to be stopped manually. We leave the control room and fight off the enemies. It will come in handy here new enemy: "Sniper - rocket scientist." After this, we fight off two more waves of enemies and a sectopod. After this, we remove the shield and go into the destroyed control room. We request safe coordinates from Barnes and enter them on the terminal. The rocket will fall on a nuclear test site. Well done, you have completed the task.

Operation Base (shelter):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Now we can go into the laboratory and see everything with our own eyes. We talk with doctors, listen to recordings, read notes, observe the work of the test site. After a thorough examination of the laboratory, go up to the second floor and talk to Dr. Drezner. He will say that several glots have escaped, and it would be nice to catch them. They leave a clear trail, so it won't be difficult to find them (using tactical mode). At the exit from the laboratory, in the purification room, you will be attacked by Heinrich's first mouthful. Kill him and move on. Go to the rest room, to the toilet, a mouthful will fly out from there, but will not attack us, but will jump into the ventilation. Go up to the second floor and go through the accessible door, destroy all the swallows there and return to Heinrich. As a reward for completing the assignment, the doctor will give us an autonomous task related to nanotechnology.

Now you can go to Folk in the technical department for a conversation. Faulk will show our only trump card: a captured alien ship, and will also ask to interrogate a spy to obtain new information. We go to the laboratory for interrogation. When talking with an alien, follow diplomatic tactics, and you will learn a lot of new things about Mosaic, communications, aliens, and so on. After the interrogation, you can ask Angela Weaver for an opinion, and then go to Faulk’s office with new data. In a conversation with Faulk, you learn that agent Nicholas da Silva has disappeared and has not been in touch for several weeks. You need to find him, and also take Dr. Weir with you so that he can establish contact with Mosaic.

Also, tasks will appear on the operational terminal to which you can send other agents. These tasks are called autonomous. Choose your agents wisely. On a mission, they can gain experience, find new weapons or even other agents.

Operation Warm up (offline task):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Operation complexity: 5. I advise you to send experienced agents on the mission. Your first agents should have reached level 3, so send two of them. As a reward for this completed task, you will receive a guard's backpack.

Operation Return of the Leaders (offline mission):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

A signal was received about the surviving President Truman and his guards. We need to check this signal. Send your people on this mission. Send two rank 3 fighters and one rank 1 fighter. The President died from his wounds, and his guard was wounded. But the doctors patched him up, and now he joins the Bureau as an agent. He immediately becomes rank 3, which is very good.

Operation Fraud (minor mission):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

The train with the alien artifact crashed. We need to find this train and evacuate the artifact from there before our enemies do it. We are dropped off again next to the farm. We go to the farm and see drones, we need to follow them. We clear the territory, collect ammunition and move further through the location. In the building you will be attacked by a couple of goths. We kill them and go out into the fresh air. A little further you will have to stomp along the river. Did you grab your swimming trunks? While walking along the river, you will see a couple of drones, run after them. A couple of gulps turn over the ladder, along which we can climb further. Don't forget to thank them... by killing. A little further, in the carriage you will find a gunner's backpack. We jump off the carriage and kill the first group of enemies, go further and kill the second enemy led by the muton. We go further and pick up an alien artifact.

Operation Signal from Outside (large-scale task):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

We'll be sent to New Mexico to search for a targeting system. Scientific phase plotter. Also, if possible, you need to find the battle group of Nicholas da Silva. The city is full of lunatics, that's how things are. We are trying to contact Nicholas by radio, but no one gets in touch. You'll have to look for it yourself. Jazz music plays in the city, there are broken police cars, in a word, a paradise for looters and mafiosi. Barnes will warn you of the approaching patrol, so be prepared. After destroying the patrol group, go to Lari's car dealership. We walk through the car dealership and go into the garage, lower the second lift using the lever and pick up the tactics backpack. We leave the territory of the car dealership and receive a message from Barnes that he is alive and has sent a signal for help. Alas, the strangers heard this signal and are already moving towards the power plant. We need to hurry! We run around the location and see strangers exploding next to a car bomb. After this, agent Nicholas contacts us and calls us inside. At the power plant we kill a couple of enemies and go inside the power plant. Nicholas da Silva is infected, but is still fighting, and meanwhile a new group of enemies, led by a muton, is looking at us.

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

We kill them and return to the agent for details. We talk to the agent and convince him to go into quarantine so that scientists can find a cure and cure him. After that we go outside. We go to the mark and kill one sectoid next to the “skyscraper”, take the backpack for destroying shields there and move on to the alien checkpoint. Destroy enemies near the checkpoint, collect ammunition and move on. In the bunker you will find a new weapon: the Blaster Launcher. We leave the aliens' bunker and go to the checkpoint. We distract the enemies and see how a car breaks into a gas station and takes with it the lives of strangers and sectoids. Barnes will contact us and say that he will drop Weir near the checkpoint, and then take Niko to the helicopter. We go further and clear the area next to the gas station from enemies. After that, we kill the sectopod and go to the hypermarket, and from there to the doctor. After talking with the doctor, we follow him and go into the warehouse. In the warehouse we kill two glots and move on. Near the terminal, protect the doctor from sectoids and glots. After this, go further into the lair of strangers. Open a couple of doors, stand on the elevator, press the button and teleport. We are transported to the docking airlock, halfway to the tower, the main thing is not to look down. Continue through the doors and bridges in search of the phase plotter. If you find a combat group, kill it. A little later, a muton will appear along with drones that will heal it. Destroy them, look for ammunition and move on. Build two bridges, press the transponder and listen to the Fuhrer - our enemy, who is trying to prove the opposite. We shoot back from the aliens and sectoids, and then use the teleport to the roof. The Fuhrer does not want to let us go, and therefore he attacks. Meet a new enemy: the Titan. Hide for cover when he tries to take you into his beam, and then shoot with all your guns. After that, listen to the Fuhrer, watch the video and complete the mission.

Operation Base (shelter):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Arriving at the base, we stumble upon our own guns. In a figurative sense. Together with the squad, we are taken to the quarantine zone for inspection. During the check, Carter becomes ill and, clutching his head, loses consciousness. We wake up, we are already in the medical ward and the nurse asks us to come to Faulk.

On the approaches to Faulk, Dr. Drezner will intercept us and ask us to look for the infected at our base. We need to check the duty room, operations department, laboratory and engineering department to check for those infected with sleepwalking. To do this, press [space], and then hold [F]. The operations department will be clean. The engineering department is also clean. There will be one infected agent in the laboratory, send him to the infirmary. There will be one infected agent on duty, send him to the infirmary. Return to Drezner and receive a new autonomous task.

In the engineering department, talk to Barnes and find out that a spy tried to get onto the Avenger, but not an alien, but a red one. Go to the interrogation room and talk to this communist. Offer to join your Bureau and make a deal with him. If he believes and sees aliens, then he works for you, and if not, then you will send him to Cuba. After completing this task, a new offline task will be available.

Having wandered around the base to your heart's content, and having heard a lot of new rumors and gossip, go to Faulk's office for an important conversation. In Faulk's office we come across Angela and Faulk arguing. After that we talk with Angela about the Fuhrer. After the conversation, head to Chulski, and then to Weir to find out the location of the Fuhrer. After that, we go to Faulk and begin to argue that we need Weaver on the mission. While we were arguing, Weaver stole a helicopter and flew to Oregon, to the Fuhrer, without us. We need to catch up with her. Go to the mission terminal and fly after her.

But it’s better not to rush and find out about Weaver’s relationship with the Fuhrer and why she is so eager to catch him or even kill him. Go to Agent Chulski in the radio room and talk about Weaver. It turns out that Weaver's brother disappeared a couple of years ago, and she thinks that the Fuhrer may be involved. She will advise you to contact Percy for details. We go to Percy’s duty room and ask about Weaver and the kidnappings, he, in turn, will give a tip on Weaver’s documents in her office. Let's go there. We go into Weaver's office and move the painting aside. There will be a safe with a password. In Weaver's office there is a photograph of her brother, dated November 21st. This is the password. Now we open the safe and read the materials about the abductions. This completes the “Vendetta” quest and you can now fly on the mission.

Operation Nanotechnology (offline mission):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Your agents need to find Anna Ganhaldo, the world's best nanotechnology specialist, and deliver her unharmed to the Bureau, so that she can continue her research, but in safety. As a reward for this task you will receive a backpack - a stabilizer.

Operation Sleepwalkers (offline mission):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Send your agents to one of the cities to find the source of the sleepwalking infection. As a reward for the task you will receive a melee backpack.

Operation Pole (autonomous mission):

Remember the Pole you interrogated? Who else tried to ruin the Avenger ship? Now your agents need to show him what's going on in the world. Let the agents take him on one mission and bring him up to date. Upon completion of this task you will receive a level 4 engineer.

Operation Long Sword (minor mission):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

My agents and I need to destroy the plant where the aliens produce landing capsules. We land on the street, listen to Barnes and go on reconnaissance. We listen to the dialogue near the dead soldier and move on. Many soldiers were killed here, but we will avenge them. Run further and pick up a new weapon near the first barricade: “Laser pulse weapon.” Enemies will immediately attack us, we deal with them and move on. We destroy the next enemies, collect ammunition and enter a huge building. Before entering the factory, pick up a drawing of a kinetic acceleration backpack. After that we enter the factory. At the factory, go down the right stairs and turn the corner. There will be a new weapon: “Heavy Plasma Pistol.” We go deep into the plant, kill all the guards and then use the control panel to open the door to the next location. In the next location, we clear out the enemies and, using the plant control panel, knock it out to hell. That's it, mission completed.

Operation Not From This Earth (large-scale mission):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

We land at the place and contact Angela, she says that this is a fight for her, and then does not get in touch. We are in no hurry to follow her. There will be diary No. 7 near the house, read it, and then follow the tracks into the cave. There will be Diary No. 6, a photograph, and a Combat Concentration Pack. When leaving the cave, we will be attacked by strangers and drones, we destroy them and follow Weaver's trail. We approach the garbage pit and kill the alien commander along with the squad, then contact Weaver and ask questions. It turns out that she is not here because of the Fuhrer. And because of whom then? Maybe her brother Pete is here? We go a little further and come across a muton with drones, as well as a dried lake. Why are they doing that? It doesn’t matter, kill them and move on, after contacting Weaver. At the checkpoint after the shootout with the Muton and the drones, pick up new grenades: “Sticky Grenades.” The teleporter is blown up and we can't get any further. We put one of the agents to break the door, and we ourselves go on the defensive. We clear the area, select ammunition and go to a meeting with Agent Weaver. After talking with Weaver, we understand that this base has been here for a long time, and Pete has been a sleepwalker for many years. We promise to help. We lower the bridge and move deeper into the base, simultaneously shooting back from enemies. After two skirmishes with enemies, Weaver will contact us and say that she has found her brother, or rather, what is left of him. End his suffering. Now go out the same way you came and follow the Fuhrer. Now we can control Angela Weaver. She only has one skill: sniper shot, but it does a lot of damage, so you'll be glad. After the battle, next to the troupe of alien guardsmen there will be a new weapon: a “sniper plasma gun”. Now all that remains is to visit the Fuhrer. First, we knock down his shield using the control panels in three bunkers. But don’t forget about the enemies, because there are a lot of them here. Also, after each disconnected bunker, a mouton arrives. So clear the first bunker and mouton first, and then do the same with the second and third. After this, we neutralize the Fuhrer and watch the video. The task is now complete.

Operation Behind Enemy Lines (offline mission):

Military transporting supplies and weapons were ambushed by strangers. Send your agents to help them. As a reward you will receive an agent - level 3 commando.

Operation Vendetta (offline mission):

It will be available if you dug into the connection between Angela Weaver and the alien codenamed "Fuhrer". As a reward for this task you will receive an explosion-proof backpack.

Operation Base (shelter):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Talk to Angela Weaver about her brother and the next task. Apparently, there will be a finale soon. After talking with Angela Weaver, go to Alan Weir and ask about the coordinates you found. We're flying into alien orbit! And the doctor will fly with us to open the Venn Gate. After this, you will be called to see Director Faulk, but it is better not to rush, but to walk around the base. In the laboratory you can see agent Nicholas da Silva; apparently, they are conducting some experiments on him, maybe they will even find a cure for sleepwalking. You can visit the duty room and talk with Agent Percy and find out that he was appointed head of the squad, like Carter. And at the quartermaster's desk you can listen to a message from his soldiers, who scold his tactics. I don't know about you, but I heard a hint of a bad player.... After all the conversation, head to Director Faulk. Having dealt with all the matters and talking with Faulk, go to the Avenger ship. Enter the ship and talk to Weir and Weaver.

Go to Barnes and he will ask you to find fuel leaks in the Avenger. Using tactical mode, find leaks, and then, using valves, eliminate the leak coming from the pipes.

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Operation Hawkeye (minor mission):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

A military convoy carrying a high-ranking alien officer was ambushed, and the spy was able to escape. Bring this officer to base, dead or alive. Enemies are already waiting for us at the landing site. Kill a bunch of sectoids and move on. The surviving sectoids will lead us into an ambush by strangers, and after the last stranger has given up the ghost, a new enemy will fly to us: “Muton the Guardsman.” Even more dangerous is the armor of its smaller brother - the mouton. After a hot mess, collect ammunition and move on. Going a little further, we will see how the military is trying to resist two sectopods and aliens. Let's even out our chances with the help of a heavy plasma pistol. One shot in vulnerable spot the sectopod is behind him and he dies. We do the same with the second sectopod, and then we deal with the remaining aliens. After this, we open the doors of the carriage to watch how the spy takes control of the mind of one of our agents and runs away. Now we need to chase him. Having decided that we have caught up with Muut - Jin (that is the name of the former prisoner), we are mistaken, he splits into two parts and we will have to fight with the clone. We kill the clone, and Carter and the agents decide that Muut – Jin should be killed and do not care about Faulk’s order and the cries of the scientists. The spy lures us into an ambush by aliens and an alien ship. Be careful, he can take control of your agents. So kill him right away, and then deal with the remaining enemies. And if you go along the right side, then on one of the stands you can find a new cannon: “Rotary Plasma Cannon”. Having dealt with all the enemies, we board the helicopter and fly home.

Operation Firestorm (minor operation):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

The task is available from the terminal of the Avenger ship. XCOM reconnaissance has discovered that aliens have begun to build a tower. We and our agents need to capture it in order to gain unlimited access to the Mosaic. We are dropped off right next to the fire. We go into the cafe and listen to the audio recording, and there we see a sleepwalker standing over the corpse of a sectoid and wailing about Rosie. So it goes. We have nothing to do here, so let's move on. We go to the entrance to the spire and deal with the guards: a mouton and a bunch of strangers along with sectoids. After this, we go into the spire and activate the infection of the well. Many enemies will come running, led by a Muton guardsman. After the battle, call Barnes, but he does not answer. Something or someone is jamming your connection. We need to find another escape route. Along the escape route you will see a supply point. You can replenish ammunition or change your agents' weapons. Move on and deal with a group of strangers. Having finished here, go into the alien building and pick up an anti-personnel backpack there. Having arrived at the landing site, climb onto the roof and use the radio antenna to call Barnes. We take up defensive positions and then fly home.

Operation Crack in the Planet (large-scale operation):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

We listen to the briefing from Myron Faulk and fly on the last mission of our lives. Sounds like a suicide mission, huh? A multi-ton bomb will be placed on our ship. If we are going to end the war, then this is the only way, but we ourselves can die. First you need to disable the defense system so that the Venn Gate opens. We walk through the dam offices and come across a dying sleepwalker, in whom the swallow was sitting. We kill him and move on. Having gone out into the open, we watch a video where strong strangers mock a helpless sectoid, and then order him to commit suicide. Having caught the moment, Carter blows off the head of one of them. We will also meet a new enemy: the psionic commander. After this, we will begin to make our way to the main hall through a bunch of enemies. Having made our way through the enemies, we go into the building, where Weaver contacts us and says that we need to turn off the generators. We go further and see a new enemy: “Scout”. He, seeing us, immediately disappears without starting a fight. He will perform this trick one more time, and then lead us to the strangers and the generator. In the generator room, fight off enemies and press the levers to turn off the generators. There will be 3 levers in total. Along with the scout there will be another new enemy: the Phantom Guardsman. In front of the last lever in the generator room, a muton will appear along with a scout and a commander - defender. Poor. They have no chance against us. After turning off the third switch, we will need to turn off the main generator, and at this time phantoms - guardsmen and an assistant commander - run out towards us. We deal with them and move on. We go up the stairs and turn off the main generator. After this we go through the opened door. After that we go down, under the dam. Below we kill the enemies and open the door; behind the door there will be an ammunition replenishment point. We go down to the water and run to the Avenger, killing the glots along the way. As we approach the ship, Istok will contact us and say that he has been looking for us for a long time. But the trick is that only Carter, that is, us, heard the voice of the Source. And I don't really like it. Having gone a little further and dealt with the strangers, we see the Avenger breaking through the Venna gates, but they close after him. We, in turn, need to open these gates. We kill the enemies and use the control panel to open the gates of Venna. Afterwards we return to the Avenger ship, killing strangers trying to stop you. When returning to the ship, don't forget to grab the stamina pack from one of the control panels.

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

After this, we board the ship and find ourselves in the territory of the invaders. Our main task: to capture the Source using the Venna Bracelet. Once on cargo ship aliens, click on the panel and call a fully armored muton in company with a stormtrooper, who, in turn, will land aliens on your head. As the battle progresses, the Source will speak to us and tell us about our purpose and destiny. After the first batch of such enemies, they will bring us an identical second batch. By the way, at the very end of the combat location there will be a drawing of a kinetic acceleration backpack, do not forget to pick it up. After the battle, listen to the voice of the Source, pick up ammunition and move on to the Mosaic core and the Source. Let's watch the video. Remember Groom-Range's suitcase, which saved our lives? So the Ethereal sat inside Carter throughout the game, feeding the Mosaic. After this, listen to the Source, press [E], watch the video and complete the mission.

We need to save the sleepwalkers, whom strangers are trying to transfer to another base. Upon arrival, Dr. Drezner will contact you and say that aliens are using sleepwalkers as labor. We kill strangers and free the first batch of lunatics, after which Dr. Drezner will contact us and say that the lunatics will be killed after construction is completed and therefore we need to hurry. Before constructing the aliens, take the health conversion backpack and go inside the structure. After this, we again save the lunatics and kill strangers. We reboot the base and fly home.

Operation Last War:

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

We need to destroy the communications tower in Chicago to finally finish off the invading army. But our plans suddenly change. An earthquake occurs at the base, and all electricity is cut off, but emergency power is turned on. Dr. Weir contacts us and says that we better come to the laboratory, as the ethereal is waking up. On the way to the laboratory, we notice that the whole system is “naughty”: the doors are jammed, there is a flood, the soldiers are running around like crazy. In the laboratory in Carter, Ethereal wakes up and we find ourselves somewhere in space. It turns out that the captured ethereal has a name - Shemesh. And our ethereal also has a name, or rather, we have a name - Asaru. After numerous questions and answers, we ask how to destroy the Source and the Mosaic. We are offered to destroy humanity, but we refuse and William Carter tries to kill Shemesh, having come to his senses, but she responds in kind, and after a flashback about the Carter family, we wake up in the infirmary and hear a conversation between the captive spy and Myron Faulk. We go into the room where the Spy connects with the Source, and the Source absorbs him, knocks out the director, the doctor and you, and then escapes. We need to catch up with him! Run after him dodging his shots. Istok was still able to call for reinforcements. We kill all strangers. Having destroyed all the strangers, go through the opened door and move on. At times, the ethereal will try to take over your mind, but Carter will successfully resist this, so don’t worry. Continue running along the corridors until you come across a second batch of strangers. After the strangers, we kill the sectopod, and then we shoot the Spy. Now we need to get to the Avenger while ignoring Carter's headaches. Before reaching the Avenger, Carter turns in a different direction and tries to escape from the ethereal. For a moment, control of the ethereal passes into our hands. A moment later we play as Carter again and he wants to blow the whole complex to hell.

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Operation The Day the Heavens Fallen (large-scale mission):

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

The source did not die, it was able to survive and adapt. We need to finish unfinished business and kill the Origin. Having landed on the land of strangers, we receive a message from Barnes. Carter wakes up and says that the ethereal cannot be trusted. Well, let's see what happens next and decide. Come aboard the flagship and distribute responsibilities between the director and the doctor, then walk around the ship and find a new weapon: the Lightning Cannon. There is almost no resistance and this is strange. Be on the lookout! Once on the elevator, we receive a message from Barnes. Carter has escaped and he's coming towards us. Let's be careful, then. The only plus is that Carter, we don’t know which of the three contains the ethereal. In a second, Carter will contact you and warn you about the ethereal infection. We run to the Mosaic control panel and watch a video in which Carter ruins all our plans and calls strangers. We'll have to repel the attack. After repelling the alien attack, we will have to decide which of our two allies to help? Myron Faulk or Dr. Weir. No matter who you decide to help, Carter will help someone else. After saving one of your friends, grab the relay. Having dealt with the relay, run to the aid of Weir and Carter. Carter fails to cope with his task and one of your friends dies. Activate the relay in the armory. Carter will take over the relay, but after the battle we will be enemies again. Now go to the main hall and remove the barrier. Having removed the barrier, we see Carter approaching. Our friends grab him.

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

You can kill him, or you can turn around and go further on the mission, to the core of the Source. The Source Core is very well defended, so be prepared for numerous opponents. You'll have to sweat! After a long battle, open the Mosaic Core, and then fight off six Mutons at once!! You can’t stay here forever, therefore, after a while, enter the core of the Mosaic, not paying attention to the squads of mutons, because they will keep coming and coming. That's all. We watch the video and the ending, which depends on the selected character you controlled in this mission.

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Complete walkthrough of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

1) Invasion!

October 28, 1962
“All the peoples of the Earth will one day stand united to repel attacks from other planets” - General Douglas MacArthur.

For six months now, the high command of the United States of America has been receiving strange signals emanating from an unknown source. In addition to the threats from the Russians, there are aliens who are trying to take over the planet. A strange object was discovered in the Elerium mine. Agent William Carter is ordered to take him to a meeting. A lady in uniform, who was supposedly sent to help us, enters the room, shoots William and opens the suitcase. The bright light instantly illuminates the room. Attempts to stop the spy lead to nothing good.

Having woken up, we get out of the room. We run along the corridor and are soon attacked. We press ourselves against the wall under the windows. We move to the side and jerk around the doors. We get out into the hall, go left, hug behind the cover and jump over it. We go down and, by pressing the corresponding button, highlight the current task and the pointer label. Having got out, we run to the left, go around the truck and find an agent being pursued by aliens. While behind cover, we shoot the sextonoids, trying to hit them directly in the head.

Having dealt with the aliens, we enter the building and meet agent Nils. Together we begin to make our way to Director Faulk. We take the radio from the counter and contact Agent Kinney. They, together with the director, defend themselves in the underground laboratory. We go upstairs, go out into the street and run across to the next staircase. Once inside, we select the rifle and press the button to open the hangar doors. We open the window and support our ally with fire. Having reunited with him, we get out of the building and go around the burning debris. Walking along the road, we come across a turret. We switch to tactical mode: time slows down and we are given the opportunity to plan our actions with maximum efficiency. We order Nils to get closer to the turret by selecting the “Move” command and clicking on the flank cover at the other end. Then we immediately issue the “Critical Damage” command and aim at the turret. We deal with the arriving sectonoids.

Enemies have outstanding accuracy and can immobilize us in a matter of seconds.

After the battle, be sure to collect ammunition. We go into the left building, go upstairs and take additional cartridges from the rack. We move to the next hangar, take cover behind the loader and pick up grenades. We concentrate our attention on a large enemy and use “Critical Damage” against him. We also shoot at explosive barrels. By calling the freight elevator, another wave of enemies will arrive. We constantly monitor them through tactical mode and do not allow ourselves or the agents to be surrounded.

We go down on the arriving elevator and follow the sign to the Eleria laboratory. We get to Director Faulk and inform him that the artifact has been destroyed. Most likely, our immediate superior, CIA Director Frost, has died, so we are coming under the command of Faulk. Having asked all the questions of interest, we go to the command post. One more agent. He also has his own distinctive abilities. We go down and take a position. We place the agents at the tables, and we ourselves go around on the right side. Along the way, don’t forget to use skills and grenades.

We move into the tunnel and use the “Shelling” or “Paranoia” skill to “smoke out” the enemies. Another turret blocked the path. We go around on the left side and at the same time use the agents’ skills. Having dealt with the aliens, we follow the sign. Having reached the command post, we meet General Dimz. Suddenly, Angela Weaver shoots him. We are trying to take away the weapon from a violent girl. As it turned out, the general was under alien control.

We ask Angela and go to the platform. There we can use the train to get to the training ground. During the battle, we direct the agent with a shotgun closer to the enemies, and the agent with sniper rifle on the contrary - further away. Having cleared the platform, we set off by train to the training ground. Having arrived at the place, we use the radio to call the Ranger team. While the evacuation helicopter arrives, we must hold our position. Having cleared the entire lower level, we contact Faulk and inform him that we want to test the bomb. This will help shake the strangers off your tail. We activate the launcher and quickly move back to the helipad. We defend ourselves until the transport arrives. It is best to install a laser turret near the stairs.

Operations Command Bureau – secret object, created specifically for analyzing situations that threaten national security. Initially, the Bureau's task was to repel attacks from the USSR. Now its employees have to study alien technologies and the uninvited guests themselves. We follow Angela Weaver, she will show and tell everything. We meet senior operative Nico da Silva. After talking with him in the office, we go to the planning meeting.

Agents, like us, gain experience as the battle progresses. The higher the agent's level, the more skills he has.

After a disturbing dream, we talk to Niko and go up to the top floor to see Director Faulk. Dr. Drezner should study Elerium. We get to the duty room by following the signpost. We interact with the terminal. Through it, the selection of agents/equipment and the acquisition of skills is carried out.

Nils caught the spy. We pass through the armory, turn left and take the elevator up to the medical compartment. Nils is killed, and a spy appears and reports an imminent threat to Earth. We use “Critical Damage” on the enemy and quickly shoot him before he restores his shield. We finish off the rest and arrest the spy. We go back to Faulk and along the way we encounter Dr. Drezner. We get a Venn bracelet. We use tactical map, select the large-scale operation “Doctor” on it.

Our main task is to rescue Dr. Weir from Rosemont University. He is a leading specialist in the field of communications and without his help we will not be able to establish communication. Having landed, the first thing we do is go to the anti-aircraft installation. We run along the road until we arrive at a local diner. We go inside and find “sleepwalkers”. Their minds are controlled, but they are not hostile towards us. We exit through the other door and continue along the road. We go down lower and turn right. After passing through the building, we find enemies. First, we kill the commander-defender so that he cannot provide shields to his allies. We move forward, hiding behind cover on the left side. At the intersection in the corner building there is a sniper, we order the agent to kill him or we shoot at the barrel ourselves. If it so happened that the agent died, then they will send us a new one - completely “green”. Therefore, it is best to reload the control point in the event of the death of a more experienced subordinate.

We get to the wall, go upstairs and open the door with the help of one of the agents. During this time he will not be able to participate in the battle. We position ourselves behind cover next to the stairs. If the enemies managed to get to the left building, then we throw grenades there. Having destroyed everyone, we go through the opened door and disable the anti-aircraft gun. Having disobeyed Faulk's order, we directly go in search of Weir. We arrive at the bank and quickly run through it. We find survivors in the basement and promise to pick them up on the way back. We get out into the alley, go through the hairdresser and find a box with supplies. We use it to replenish ammunition or replace agents.
