Walkthrough of the game final fantasy 12. Review of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. Hello from the past. Sell ​​your loot and old equipment

Final Fantasy XII spent five years in development starting in 2001 and it was finally released to North American audiences in October of 2006. The game was released on PlayStation 2 and the n it was later re-released on PlayStation 4 in July of 2017 with updated graphics, updated items and a completely redesigned job system .

The re-released version of the game on the PlayStation 4 was titled “The Zodiac Age”. It was based on the International Zodiac Job System version of the game which was developed and released in Japan many years earlier. This walkthrough has been updated and is based on the Zodiac Age version of the game (which is much more fun to play!).


Final Fantasy XII stands out amid Final Fantasy games as it differs quite heavily from previous installations in the series. The graphics and game engine were completely redone, the combat system is unlike any of the previous games and the setting strays away from the fantasy-style settings such as those in Final Fantasy VI , Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IX .

The first thing to note about the game is the huge jump forward in terms of graphics and the new artistic-style that the developers took when they created the game. While it is very dissimilar to Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX and X, gamers who previously played Final Fantasy XI, which was an MMORPG also completely unlike any other Final Fantasy game, will notice the similarities in character designs and the settings.

The cast of characters in Final Fantasy XII are one of the strongest of any of the Final Fantasy games to date. There are no ridiculous and nonsensical characters like Cait Sith (from Final Fantasy VII) or Quina (from Final Fantasy IX). The main cast includes Vaan, Balthier, Fran, Penelo, Basch and Ashe.

The only character who is not a human (referred to as a “Hume” in-game) is Fran, who is a Viera and while her race's attributes are very similar to elven races found in other fantasy-style games and literature, they fit well within the setting of this game.

The world of Ivalice has been seen in previous Final Fantasy titles including Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. The scenery in the various zones look fantastic and work well with the story, although many fans complained of the story being too “political”. This doesn’t bother me, as I would prefer more of a politically-stylized story rather than one that was more fantasy driven, but it doesn’t work well for everyone.

Another highly polarizing aspect of the game is the use of the Gambit system which allows the player to setup specific actions for characters that are completed only under certain conditions. For example, you can create a Gambit which causes your character to automatically use a Potion on themselves or a party member when their HP drops below 50%.

The Gambit system allows you to build specific tactics around moves and focuses a lot of the strategic aspect of the game into the preparation before a battle rather than actions taken during the battle. It did not go over well with every player of the game but I found it to be both challenging and rewarding; especially once you start to master the basic concepts.

This is also the first game in the series which removed the aspect of randomly encountering foes on the battlefield and being forced into a fight. Instead, monsters and enemies appear on the over world and you can now run right past them if you choose to. This style has now been repeated in many of the newer Final Fantasy titles in the franchise (Final Fantasy XIII and XV, for example) and finally removes one of the more annoying and unavoidable aspects of previous games.

This title is not without its flaws though; for example, there are balancing issues with a few of the characters. In the PlayStation 2 version of the game, Fran, Penelo and Balthier (to a lesser extent) are underpowered and it does not make sense to use them during a playthrough. Many of these issues have been corrected in updated versions of the game making all characters useful in certain situations and for certain jobs.

The game also suffers from problems with spell load times which can cause noticeable problems during faster-paced battle sequences. If you noticed this during you’re playthrough, don’t assume that your PlayStation 2 is broken like I did! This is an unavoidable issue that the game suffers from and that players will have to suffer through while playing.

The game also employs a strange replacement to the Limit Break / Trance / Overdrive system: Quickenings. It can take a few tries to get used to Quickenings and to learn how to chain them together, which greatly increases the damage done. But the shear randomness of being able to hit the correct buttons in order and the length of time that the battle is halted while you perform a Quickening Chain is hugely detrimental to the overall experience. Quickening Chains can be used to make many of the battles easier but I avoided them entirely during my first playthrough due to the ‘boringness’ associated with spending several minutes staring at the Quickening screen.

The License Board system is somewhat unique. In the early stages of the game, it offers quite a bit of customization for each of your characters, but this tends to run thin later on in the game as all of the characters begin acquiring the same moves and Magick spells. The Zodiac Age (as well as the International Zodiac Job System version) solves some of these problems by adding in character classes which will greatly change the mechanics behind a standard playthrough.

Overall, I truly enjoyed this game and would rank it in my top 3 Final Fantasy games without hesitation. I highly recommend playing the Zodiac Age version as it includes updated graphics and you won’t have to go hunting down an old PlayStation 2 just to play the game (or worse, having to emulate it). I definitely encourage all Final Fantasy fans to give this game a try - 10/10 .

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Expert tips and tricks for traversing the Final Fantasy 12 PS4, PC, Switch and Xbox remaster.

Final Fantasy 12 has found a home outside of its native PS2 thanks to The Zodiac Age remaster, which is available on PS4, PC, Switch and Xbox One .

As with just about any other Final Fantasy game, The Zodiac Age isn't short, or particularly simple for that matter, and then there's the fact that this PlayStation 4 remaster isn't even of the same version we first saw in the west- it's a reworking of the 2007 International Zodiac Job System version that was released in Japan, about a year and a half after the initial launch.

Here on this page, we"ll be taking you through the PS4 Zodiac Age version differences from those prior versions, plus providing you with a contents of our various Final Fantasy 12 guide pages, and multiple parts of our Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age walkthrough.

Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age changes from International Job System version:

  • Visual upgrades - HD upgrades for backgrounds, character models, fonts, and cutscenes, improved facial expressions, and a map that overlays gameplay without needing to pause the game.
  • Audio upgrades - 7.1 surround sound, higher-quality voices, the ability to switch between English and Japanese dubs.
  • Auto-saving.
  • Reduced load times.
  • Even faster speed for the fast-forward mode - gameplay now moves at 5x speed rather than 2x.

Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age PC, Switch and Xbox differences

Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age PC differences:

  • The ability to run the game at 60 frames per second
  • Support for multiple monitors and 21:9 monitors
  • Choose between the original music, new re-orchestrated music and the original soundtrack from the start
  • Ability to turn on maximum Gil (money) and License Points
  • Start the game with New Game Plus (start at level 90) and New Game Minus (start at level 1 and no experience points can be gained)
  • Support for controllers, Steam Cloud, Steam Achievements and Steam Trading Cards

Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age Switch and Xbox differences:

  • The ability to run the game at 60 frames per second (Xbox One X only)
  • Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. For more information, go .

    About the author

    Mat has been playing video games since the late 70s, and hopes one day to be good at them. Still believes the Amiga was the greatest computer ever, and is waiting for the current Windows and console fad to pass.

Publication date: 12/08/2016 11:43:17

After Reynn and Lann were washed away from Valley Seven, they ended up in the Windswept Mire. Here they meet an enchanted toad.

From where you find yourself, go east and watch a scene about a cursed toad. To lift the curse, you need to capture the Lucky Toad. Despite the fact that in this moment You only have one “tower” available, the fight with Mirage will not give you any trouble. Talk to Lucky Toad to initiate a fight. You cannot kill an enemy even if he has no HP left, because he must be captured to advance the story.

After capturing Mirage, a scene will begin and you will be introduced to another Champion, Snow. He will summon Shiva-Ixion to create an ice path. After the scene, a Gate will appear, so if you need to, you can visit the previous dungeons or buy items at the Chocolatte Mart.

But before crossing the ice bridge, pick up a chest in the west with 4 Chimeric Wings. In front of the chest, Flan's will attack you (look at the map, there are also points “B” where you can encounter them).

Return to the bridge and cross it to the next island. There, turn right to another Chill point, create another bridge and pick up a chest with Aero Seed. Return to the central point of the zone; to the north you will see another place where you need to use Chill. Create a bridge and cross it, fighting the attacking Flans along the way, then save.

To the west of the Save Crystal you will find a switch puzzle and a chest with Remedy. To solve the puzzle you need 14 weight units and 25 water resistance points. After its completion, the path to the secret area will open.

Please note that the secret area is inhabited by Mirage, which you are unlikely to cope with at this stage, so return here later when you become stronger (levels 40-45). For now, leave the swamp by taking the northeast path from Save Crystal. A cutscene will begin, followed by a boss fight.

By this time, you should have already noticed that Flan's are resistant to physical attacks and vulnerable to magical ones, and Golden Flan is no exception. Therefore, prepare the most powerful spells for your “towers” ​​(for example, Fira and Blizzara) and you will deal with boss without any problems.

You also don't have to worry about elemental resistances because the boss's main damage is physical. Heal when necessary and continue to pummel the enemy with magic.

After the fight, a cutscene will begin and Snow will leave you (his Champion Medal is now available from The Girl Who Forgot Her Name). Save your game and continue through the swamps through the northeast exit.

Continue towards the eastern exit, but before leaving the area, go west to the Chill point. Due to the fact that Snow has left, you will have to make the bridge yourself with the help of Mirage with the Chill ability. Cross the bridge and take the chest with 2 Remedies. You can now exit the swamps and enter the desert, completing Chapter 12.

Windswept Mire Secret Zone

Once your party's average level reaches 40-45 levels, you can return to the secret area to fight Malboro Menace and Princess Flan. Defeating them will reward you with a Memento for each Mirage, allowing you to transfigure Korrigan into Malboro Menace and Flan into Princess Flan.

You can also directly capture these two Mirages, although this may take quite a bit of time and attempts (if you leave the zone and return to it, the Mirages will be restored).

To capture the Flan Princess, you must have only one character left alive in your group. To capture Malboro Menace, you need to target him with any status. It won't be easy to get two Mirages at once, so focus on fulfilling one capture requirement first.

To capture Princess Flan, you first need to destroy the enemy tower using a high Topple skill, such as Balancing Act or Misdirection, then defeat Malboro Menace. When only Princess Flan remains, dismantle your two "towers" and attack your party members until either Reynn or Lann is left alive. This will fulfill the capture conditions. Beware of her Dance with Me ability, which will inflict Berserk status on you.

To capture Malboro Menace, start the battle as described above, only after the enemy tower falls apart, kill Princess Flan. Then use Lethean Chime on the remaining Mirage to induce Oblivion status (since the enemy is most susceptible to it compared to other statuses).

Princess Flan is a very powerful Mirage. She has access to the Celestriad ability, which sometimes prevents AP from being wasted while using abilities.

The twelfth part of the series, Final Fantasy 12, was released in 2006 exclusively for Play Station 2. The game became the sixth in the world, which received 40 out of 40 points from the famous gaming magazine Fumitsu. A little later, the game was adapted for Windows. However, some define the genre of the game as “Japanese role-playing game.”

Final Fantasy 12 - Storyline

The action takes place in the game world called Ivalice. The opposing states - Rosaria and the Arcadian Empire - are drawing the neutral state of Dalmasca, located between them, into their conflict. The main characters of the game are the young guy Vaan, the princess of Dalmasca Ash, the air pirates Balter and Freya, Bash, accused of killing the king, and Vaan's girlfriend Penelo.

Together they travel to liberate Dalmasca from enemy occupiers. Final Fantasy XII traditionally uses creatures that can be summoned onto the battlefield to help the main characters. In this part they were called Espers.

When Esper is summoned, the main character remains on the battlefield and fights with him, while the rest of the team disappears. Espers can remain on the battlefield for one to two minutes. If an Esper's life bar is greatly reduced, it will use a powerful attack and disappear from the battlefield.

Gameplay of Final Fantasy 12

Special attention should be paid to gameplay. Unlike previous parts, the developers decided to make changes, and now at the start of the battle the game does not switch to a separate mode, as it has been before. The battle takes place in the same screen in which the players met the enemy.

The battle music is also the same as what was playing until the team encountered an enemy, and all battles take place in real time. The player can control all the characters on the team, but you can set the mode to automatic. Due to the fact that monsters are visible before the battle begins, combat is not difficult to avoid.

However, the game has not lost any of its old and good qualities, and thanks to the acquired innovations it has begun to meet the requirements of modern times. And to say about any shortcomings, of course, is stupid, because this will contradict well-known critics who appreciated the game Final Fantasy 12.

At the beginning, we are asked to go through a tutorial on using buttons and other game mechanics. Here you can try out the combat system. There is nothing complicated about any of this, so just follow the instructions. Eventually, the first "boss" attacks you.

Boss: Air Cutter Remora

Here you have a supporting role. You can, of course, land a couple of blows, but in principle, the team can cope without our help. The only thing is that you need to monitor your health level and, if something happens, use medicine or healing magic. However, this may not be necessary either - your team will make sure that your HP remains at the level.

After the battle, it becomes possible to explore the fortress. To navigate, use the minimap in the upper right corner of the screen. There is nothing interesting in the lower left hall, so we continue to go north through the first branch.

After the battle with several imperial swordsmen, go right on the first branch - there is a chest with Potion there. We continue our way up and turn left, then run to the very northern corner of this area. Here another chest awaits us with another Potion.

We move back a little and go up the stairs to the next floor. The Save Crystal is located here, which will allow you to record the game and restore health and magical power. Now we go up to the next floor. On the stairs you need to repel the attack of three imperial soldiers, but alone. If necessary, you can heal with Cure magic. After the victory, we go straight to the place marked on the map with a red cross.


Now you act as Vaan. Our first mission: destroy the rats. There is nothing difficult about this, especially considering that each rat is marked on the minimap with a red icon. After clearing, a rather long video will begin.

Our next goal is to find Migelo. It's quite close to where you are. We go east and along the southern arch until we see the urn icon on the minimap. This is the Migelo you are looking for.

The next task is to find Kytes in Sandsea. Sandsea is located in the northern corner of the East End (where you are, in fact, now). When you enter, a short video plays and you are introduced to the Notice Board system (like our "Police Wanted" system).

It is necessary to find and neutralize a monster called "Rogue Tomato" (rogue tomato). If you want to know more about Hunt, listen to Tomaj's story. He will give you a Clan Primer, which allows you to view your Hunt progress in a menu. In addition to this, he will also offer Orrachea Armlet. In addition, he will give a lecture on the system for obtaining new License skills.

Vaan finally receives permission to leave the city. We immediately equip him with the Orrachea Armlet, leave the tavern and head to the southern end of this area.

We go through the western exit and go down the large stairs to the east. Here we save at the crystal and go further east to Dalmasca Estersand.

Dalmasca Estersand

This is the first area in the game where you have the opportunity to freely fight monsters, increasing your level and receiving new types of Licenses. Battles in Final Fantasy XII are not random; enemies can be seen from afar.

Therefore, it is useless to tell you where this or that chest is, since it may not be there. True, there are exceptions, but this will be discussed as we progress.

So, to complete the first mission, we go to the northeast. Among two trees with pink leaves we find what we were heading here for.

Boss: Rogue Tomato

Level: 2

Before the battle, it is recommended to use Potion on Vaan (if necessary). After a few hits, Rogue Tomato will run up to the edge of the cliff, jump down and begin to gradually restore its HP. We quickly go down the hill and finish off the enemy. For the victory we will receive Galbana Lilies.

If you don’t know what to spend the first LPs you receive, I can recommend starting with mastering White Magick and Cure.

If you decide to wander around, find useful items in chests and gain some experience, be careful of the T-Rex dinosaur that roams the area. You don’t have enough strength for it yet. The color of the HP bar above the enemy's head indicates whether the enemy will attack or not. If it's red, it means the monster is aggressive, if green, it means it's neutral.

Now you can return to Sandsea. Along the way, don't forget to save at the crystal. As soon as you approach the gate, a cutscene will begin.


We go east, then south until we reach Sandsea. We speak with Tomaj at the bar. As a reward for successfully completing the first Hunt, we will receive 300 Gil, 2 Potion and Teleport Stone. He also suggests talking to Bangaa in the North End. The next hunt will be more difficult than the first, so it’s better to wait it out. In addition, all subsequent Hunts are additional.

If you followed my advice and spent LP on mastering healing magic, it's time to go to the store and get Cure magic to use. The wand icon on the minimap southwest of Sandsea shows the location of the Magic shop. We talk to the man behind the counter and acquire magic.

Money is pretty tight in this game, so be careful what you spend. Don't forget to also sell all the useless items that the Dalmasca Estersand desert monsters left behind. But I would advise keeping the items received as a reward for the Hunt (Teleport Stone, for example).

We are heading to the northern end of the city (North End). The building indicated by something like a smiley face when you select North End is exactly the place we need to go to. Talk to Bangaa outside and tell him to let you through.

At the top, talk to Montblanc to join the Centurio Clan. Talk to him a second time and receive a special prize - 3 Potion. We leave the Clan Hall and head southwest to Muthru Bazaar. From here we turn to the southern square (Southern Plaza) and exit from there through the southern path. To the east there is a round door leading to Lowtown.


ZODIAC SPEAR WARNING: The game contains weapons that can be obtained under very strange circumstances. In order for it to appear later, you must refrain from opening four specific chests. The first one is located directly near the northern entrance to Lowtown. There's nothing interesting in it anyway, so I advise you not to open it.

An icon with a face indicates the place where we should go - Dalan's house. But before that, you can walk around Lowtown, collect items in chests and visit local shops. When you're ready, you can go to Dalan's house.

After talking, we head south, to where you entered Lowtown. Save at the crystal. Before heading to Giza Plains, you can purchase a map of the area from Moogle in the northwest corner of Southern Plaza. From here, head south and exit into Giza Plains.

Giza Plains

I would like to point out that while most of the chests in this area are nothing special, I would still recommend not missing any. It doesn’t happen once in a while - maybe you’ll come across something useful.

First, let's head south to the Nomad Camp. Let's talk first with the elder in front of the tent, then with Masyua, the lonely nomad behind the tent. After this, we watch the scene with Penelo. She will join Vaan.

We leave the camp through the western path. For the trip, Penelo will give us 3 Potion and 2 bunches of Phoenix Down (phoenix down). Now it becomes possible to change the team leader.

In this area, we head past the enemies to the southern exit. From here we continue our way south and open the chest just below the bridge. There is a chance to find a good Escutcheon shield here. In the south of this area there are Werewolves roaming, which it is better not to meet with for now - a couple of their hits and game over.

Now our path lies to the east. Talk to Jinn, who is sitting near the large stone. Explain the situation to him and he will give us a Shadestone, which can be converted into Sunstone. Save the game and begin the journey to the Dark Crystals.

Select the eastern exit and check the contents of the chest in the lower right corner of the area. There is a chance to find Broadsword in it. Now we're heading north. I advise you not to hit the good rabbits in this area, since after a couple of hits they begin to run away, often towards the already unfriendly monsters. They also sometimes treat your health, which is not a bad thing.

Examine the Dark Crystal in this area to begin filling the Shadestone. We need to find two more. There is a chest on the bridge, but I advise you not to look into it for now. It will not appear again, and later in the game there is a chance to find a more valuable item in it.

Head north to the next area where you will find the second Dark Crystal. To get to the third dark crystal, head west through the Nomad Camp and then south. After this, Shadestone should turn into Sunstone. If you still need a fourth dark crystal, you can find it in the far northwestern area.

For completing the task you will receive 50 Gil, 2 Potion and 2 Teleport Stone. Now you can return to the city and go to the old Dalan. He will give us the Crescent Stone. We leave the Dalan house and head to the northern part of Lowtown. Let's turn a little west and then north again until we find Storehouse 5.

Before you go down to Garamsythe Waterway, Kyte will give you 2 Potion and 4 Phials of Eye Drop. We open the door and go down to the waterway.

Garamsythe Waterway

We save at the crystal, go up the stairs and go north. The path is relatively straight, so you are unlikely to get lost. There is a chest on the west side. After this we cross the bridge and further east and south.

We continue east and cross a series of shallow water trenches. Try not to miss the chests that may appear here. Follow the road northeast where you will find the exit to the next area.

Explore all northern alleys for chests. Cross the makeshift metal bridge and ignore the stairs for now. There is a staircase here leading south to a chest in which (if it appears, of course) you can find an Oak Staff.

We go up the stairs in the west and go down to the opposite side. We go down another ladder and turn around on its own axis. This path leads to the western part of the area (there is a dead end) where you can find a chest containing a Mage Masher. We go back and head to the northwest corner of the area. Now, if you are ready to enter the castle, do so.

Royal Palace

ZODIAC SPEAR WARNING - Do not open the chest in the far southeast corner of the Cellar basement. You'll probably notice that there are two chests there, and you can basically open the one on the right (when the camera is facing south) without consequences. But there is nothing interesting there, so I would advise you not to open any. If you do open one of the chests and find Elixir there, feel free to press Reset, if, of course, you want to get the most powerful weapon in the game later.

Save your game and take the palace map from the urn. You can open all the other chests that you come across along the way without a twinge of conscience. When you go north a short cut scene will play. Try to climb the stairs. The soldier won't let you through. Talk to the palace servants. One of them (thick, looks like a cross between a toad and a crocodile) will help you.

Press the square button, calling security on yourself. Luckily for us, the guards aren't too smart, and the helmet doesn't allow them to see what's going on around them. So as soon as they are distracted by the fat toad crocodile, go to the stairs and run upstairs as fast as you can.

Here you will also have to play a little arcade. You need to press square to call the guards, gradually moving them from place to place so that you do not meet them head-on and are not caught in a dead end. We turn right on the first branch, having reached the guard near the stairs, tease the guard on the eastern side, and then run back to the west.

On the first branch, press square so that the guards run towards you, and run to the right (east). The Hawk Signet will not respond to the Crescent Stone, so we will continue on our way. We go further east, turn left, then left again into the next passage. On the floor we find the Lion Signet. Use your Crescent Stone and thereby open the passage to the secret room.

We continue to go west to the next branch and call the guards standing to the north. Run east yourself, go around the corner and go to the wall that was shown to you in the video. Get close and press X.

There is a lever in the far western wall. After you press it, another passage will appear. After a short scene, Vaan receives GODDESS'S MAGICITE. After this, all you have to do is climb the stairs. Let's watch a great video.

Garamsythe Waterway

Having saved at the crystal, we go down the stairs. Here you will find a detailed lecture on the Gambit system. Examine the corpses of the fallen soldiers and then continue south. Turn left and collect the Garamsythe Waterway Map from the urn.

We go west, past the stairs (unless, of course, you want to miss the chance to later find a chest with a good item there). Follow the road and continue up the stairs. Continue around and then south until you exit into the next area. On the way down, be careful not to miss the chest that may appear in the eastern alley containing a HiPotion.

Continue south to the next area. Don't run past the chests, they may contain a Long Sword, Escutcheon and Leather Armor.

We are now in East Sluice Control (to find out where you are, press select and look at the map). We save at the crystal. We go down the stairs and prepare to repel another attack.

Four Imperial soldiers appear, chasing a mysterious woman. This battle is not up to the level of boss battles, but in order for the battle to pass without any major losses, I recommend following the following tactics:

Let Vaan be the main healer (since he is the only one who has learned Cure magic). If you do use his attacks, keep an eye on your team's health. Balthier and Fran should already have gambits that direct them to attack whoever the leader is attacking (that is, you). The stranger attacks just about anyone, so don’t pin your hopes on her. It will be very good if everyone focuses on one enemy at a time. Therefore, try to focus your attacks on one soldier with whom the stranger is fighting.

After the battle, she (Amalia) joins the team as a guest. Like the guest in Final Fantasy Tactic, you cannot control her actions. After the battle, it is also recommended to save the game again at the crystal.

We go west to a large open area where we meet a new monster - Flan. They are quite strong, but have a weakness to fire. Vaan may not have learned Fire magic yet, but Fran has it natively. Open the menu and change Fran's Gambit: instead of attacking the leader's target, have him use Fire magic.

Now concentrate the entire team's efforts on a single Flan and start attacking.

They will inevitably blind the team, Eye Drop helps with this. Flan heal each other, so you need to finish them off as quickly as possible.

After the battle with Flan, I would advise you to return to the crystal again and save. This eliminates the need to use healing items.

Check the east and west sides of the battlefield for chests that have a good chance of containing Leather Shield and Dagger. We go west to the next area.

We go up the stairs to the south. Don't forget to change Fran's Gambit to a normal attack. We continue north to the next area.

Check the western branches for a Cotton Shirt in one of the chests. Let's go further east. When you find yourself in an area that has a "D" shape on your minimap, on the southeast side of that "D" there is a small chance of finding a chest containing the new Gambit "Foe: Targeting Self."

Keep in mind that if you don't find an item that is described in this walkthrough, don't press reset right away - you can find it later.

We go east and save at the crystal in the middle of Central Waterway Control. Now get ready to face the boss.

Boss: Firemane

Level: 7

The fight is not easy. All medicines accumulated during the game can be used up here. Firemane attacks primarily with his normal attacks, and each such strike may require at least one Potion or Cure. I would advise using Vaan exclusively as a healer for the rest of the team.

The boss's most dangerous attack is Bushfire, it not only destroys a huge amount of HP, but can also poison a team member with poison. Amalia automatically casts Phoenix Down if anyone dies, so it will be very difficult if she dies (or runs out of Phoenix Down). She also sometimes uses Potion, but sometimes it's too late, so it's better to monitor the team's health yourself. Path Fran and Balthier will be the main attackers.

Nalbina Dungeons

Vaan ends up with Fran and Balthier in the Nalbina Dungeons Stockade. Let's start looking for Knots of Rust, which will be useful to us in the next battle. The first one is in a chest located in the southwest corner of the room. The second one can be found near a pillar on the northwest side.

The last two Knots of Rust can be found in the chests in the southeast corner of the room. Once you have all four, save at the crystal, talk to any prisoner in this room, and then exit through the northern path.

The next battle isn't that difficult, even though you're unarmed. As a last resort, we still have healing magic and the newly found Knots of Rust for more powerful attacks.

ZODIAC SPEAR ALERT - After the next scene, you will discover all your equipment. However, do not give in to temptation and do not open any of the chests in this room. In principle, you should not open just one chest, but to be on the safe side, it is better not to touch them all. Otherwise, you will miss the opportunity to find the Spear of the Zodiac later.

Save your game and continue east. Climb the stairs in the southeast corner, then go around the corner and go west to a dead end where you'll find a chest that may contain Chromed Leathers. Return to the first floor and go around all the corners. There may also be chests with various items.

We pass through the hall into the passage in the northwest corner. Turn left and keep close to the southern wall and go forward until you come across a chest that may contain Gambit, Ally: HP< 60%. От сундука идем прямо на север до другого сундука.

As we approach the north, we will be shown a scene and the door that Fran spoke about. Let's go through open door.

Barheim Passage

Save at the crystal in the corner. Examine the Timeworn Device in the center of the room, then go down the stairs near the crystal and talk to the creature named Burrogh. He will give Tube Fuse. I also advise you to buy the magic Blindna (cures blindness) and Blizzard (ice attack) from him, they will be useful to us. Return to the second floor and check the far eastern corner of the room. There are three chests of gold there.

Use Tube Fuse on the device in the middle of the room to turn on the lights. Now press the switch on the wall near Burrogh to open the gate. At the same time, the energy level will decrease to 70%. Burrogh will explain what you should support good level tension in order to walk through the catacombs relatively calmly. If you don’t follow his advice, then when it gets dark, all sorts of dead things will crawl out of the ground and you won’t be envied. In addition, everything is complicated by the fact that Basch, a naked idiot, gets into trouble and has to be constantly treated. Later he will receive his armor and the battles will become a little easier, since he will not be short of strength. Now, while he’s running around in nothing but tattered underpants, if he dies, I wouldn’t be in a hurry to resurrect him. You can't get enough phoenix feathers.

We leave through the opened gate. After a short video, we get to work. The first step is to destroy the Battery Mimic, which devours energy from the wires. These creatures restore 200 HP to themselves due to tension.

You may already have the Libra ability, which allows you to see that Battery Mimics have a weakness to ice attacks. Therefore, the first thing you do when you notice another mimic is cast Blizzard magic on him.

Having defeated the first Battery Mimic and other monsters, we will continue on our way. Going down the stairs, let the little Mimic pass, since a little further on there is a Battery Mimic waiting for us, which we need to kill first. Defeat all enemies and continue east.

There are at least two Battery Mimics in this area, and not necessarily close to each other. Quickly take out the first one and then run past all the other enemies to the south until you find the second one. Afterwards you can finish off everyone else. After the battle, when no one is bothering you, be sure to explore all the nooks and crannies in search of chests.

Ignore the first branch heading southwest (after you get rid of the Battery Mimic) and go straight south to another branch. The eastern branch will lead to the next Battery Mimic and a possible chest. Another branch leads further south. After defeating the Mimic, return to the fork and take the road leading north to a dead end. There in the urn you will find a map of the dungeon.

In the square room to the west you will meet a couple of Battery Mimics. But since you don’t have any responsibilities for clearing this room, you can immediately head south. Here, quickly get rid of the first Battery Mimic, the second one is hidden at the end of the eastern path, although there will be a couple of Flans along the way.

Here, go up the stairs and head to the west exit. The next room is full of Flan and Battery Mimic. Here you need to make your way through the crowds of enemies to the far northwest corner of the room, where there is a switch lever that opens the gate. In this case, the voltage will drop by 30%. Now we return to Special Op Sector 3 (previous area) and from there we head south.

Save the game and continue south. There are a lot of chests here, but most of them are actually Mimics in disguise. First of all, don't forget about Battery Mimic. If the voltage level starts to drop, it means one of them is nearby. Using the red icons on the minimap, we find them and destroy them.

There are at least three more Battery Mimics in the next southern area. The voltage level here decreases very quickly, so it is best to use Blizzard magic on the first Battery Mimic (near the exit you passed through) and immediately kill the second one a little lower. The third one hid in a rather inconvenient place: you need to go south and further to the northeast.

We return downstairs and open all the numerous chests that can be found here. New equipment abilities and gambits can be found here. After that, we go along the slope to the northeast corner to the exit. Save the game and get ready to fight the next boss.

Boss: Mimic Queen

Level: 10

The boss is weak against ice attacks, but always leave some MP for healing. During the battle you will have to run a lot and destroy many small mimics. As soon as their number decreases, attack the boss with your strongest attacks. In general, the battle is not very difficult.

Dalmasca Estersand

Go west where you will find a bunch of chests. All the monsters here are ridiculously simple, so kill everyone who gets in your way. And not only for the sake of experience and LP, but also for the items that monsters leave behind. Most of them do not represent anything valuable, but they can then be sold. And as I already said, there is always not enough money in the game.

Don't go close to the very northwestern corner of the map, there you may be attacked by a basilisk named Nekhbet. Until then, it won’t be easy to deal with him.

After collecting all the chests, head south to the exit. On the map the place where we need to go is marked with a red cross. Along the way, continue to kill defenseless wolves and turkeys.

Just don't touch T-Rez yet. However, trying is not torture.


It's time to spend everything you've earned. I suggest visiting weapons and armor stores first. White magic won't hurt either.

Since there is only Vaan left in the team, postpone the Hunt until better times. Visit Montblanc and get rewards for beating bosses.

Now head to Migelo. They will show you a scene, but Penelo is not there. Now go to Lowtown to Dalan and talk to him.

Dalan will give you the Sword of the Order and will ask you to deliver it to a man named Azelas. Its location is indicated on your map. Run to the northwest part of the map and talk to Rabanastran on the basket.

When Basch joins you, distribute LP. Leave Lowtown, save your game and head to the Sandsea Bar. Watch a short scene along the way. In Sandsea, go up the stairs and watch another scene featuring Balthier.

Select three team members. After this, I advise you to hunt a little. The first four Hunts can now be completed.

Head to Westgate and from there to the Aerodrome. Find Balthier there at the end of the hall, standing near the stairs. Tell him you are ready.


You can wander around the city. The shops here practically sell the same things as in Rabanastre. A map of the city can be purchased from the moogle cartographer standing on the right at the Travica Way intersection. Also purchase the Lhusu Mines map from him. Judging by the map, the entrance to Lhusu Mines is located in the northeastern part of the city.

The Lhusu Mines

After watching the cutscene, head west until you can turn south. Going down, turn west and go further across the bridge. In the next area, you can go south (there you will find a chest with a possible Killer Bow and a dead end) or continue northeast.

Lhusu Mines has a lot of traps that can, if not kill the team, then seriously injure them. To see the traps you need to use Libra. If you don't already have this technique, equip the Bangle (I had this accessory on Lady Ashe by default).

In Shunia Twinspan you will be greeted by five or six skeletons. Kill them one by one before moving on.

In the next area, follow the road and continue up the stairs. Go north and watch the cutscene.

According to the scenario, you are not supposed to fight these bandits, so hold down the R2 button and run back as fast as you can. You need to run through at least three or four areas before they fall behind. Return to Bhujerba.


Go up the stairs and watch the scene. You have to play a small mini-game in which you have to run around the city and shout that Basch is alive.

Just walk up to people and press square. Try not to approach the Informed Sainikah (soldiers in fascist helmets), shouting about Basch in their presence will greatly reduce the Glory die. But if you contact City Parijanah (people with a book in their hands) this will quickly increase your fame much faster than turning to random people.

After the minigame, you will be able to access the fifth Hunt, available on the Cloudborne Notice Board, although this monster is now quite difficult to defeat.

Check the map and go to the place marked with a red cross. Watch the long video.

The Leviathan

Vossler joins the team as a guest. He wields an extremely powerful two-handed sword. Save your game and exit Port Launch. Most of the corridors are blocked by a laser grid. If you pass through it, the guards will immediately come running. However, it won't be too difficult to kill her. But still, I advise you to make every effort to avoid them.

Dreadnought Leviathan is a maze of corridors and dead ends. Fortunately, you receive a map at the very beginning, so getting lost will be very problematic. To avoid confusion, I won't say "turn left" or "go west" here. You can easily find your way here using a map.

Head to the middle of Airship Berith Access. Once you are there, you will be attacked by many enemies, including more powerful Judges. First of all, take them out, and then the small soldiers.

After the battle you will be given No. 1 Brig Key. In the brig you will find a save crystal and an urn with a System Access Key and a moogle merchant.

Ashe is in one of two chambers. When you find her, she will automatically join the team. We return to Port Launch. Along the way, I recommend just running towards the breakthrough while holding R2, as the enemies here are endless.

Before entering Port Launch, heal the team and get rid of harmful conditions. There will be a boss battle next, and the save crystal is too far away.

Boss: Judge Ghis

Level: 14

First, kill all the soldiers. Judge Ghis is a nasty son of a bitch, he loves to hit everyone who gets into his field of vision with his combos, and they are all deadly. Therefore, have someone from the team constantly heal the others. When he runs out of MP, swap him for someone else.

To save MP, try using Dark, especially early in the battle. This should be enough to break the enemy's defenses.

Judge Ghis doesn't have any particular weaknesses, so attack him with your strongest physical attacks. Quickening helps very well, but it is unlikely that you already have them. There is one consolation: when the judge's health drops to 25%, the battle will automatically end.

Returning to Bhujerba, you can try your hand at the fifth Hunt (although it will still not be easy). According to the scenario, you need to get to Marquis Ondore's, it is located in the same place from where you got on board the Leviathan.

Ogir-Yensa Sandsea

The exit to Ogir-Yensa Sandsea is to the west of where you start. Head south and climb up the first tower, then head southwest to the exit.

Go down the tower to the ground and kill all the sand robbers. Climb the western tower to find a map in an urn.

Return back to the ground again and go north. After climbing the tower, head west until you reach a fork in three possible paths. The fastest is the southwest path, but many quite strong enemies await you there. On the middle path (west) you will meet level 45 fire monsters, which are not aggressive by nature, but if you accidentally hit them or use magic in their presence, the whole team will die (they destroy 3000 HP at a time). I suggest taking the longest path. This way you will level up and find more chests.

Also, you should not go into Zertinan Caverns yet (the entrance there is located in the center of the map and is marked???). You won't go far anyway - all the paths there are blocked by sandfall. And the monsters are not weak. Then you will return there for the esper. But through a different entrance.

Eventually you need to get to the Yensa Border Tunnel, where you will find a save crystal. Go west to NamYensa Sandsea.

Nam-Yensa Sandsea

Here you can find a lot of useful things in the chests. Therefore, try to climb all the nooks and crannies. On the northwest side of this area you will find two bridges. Choose the southern one and at the end you will find an urn with a map.

Now head towards Withering Shores. Here, head north across the Urutan-Yensa Sea to the next area, Sandscale Bank, where you'll find a save crystal and a lone moogle.

Talk to him and agree to his proposal. He will talk about a giant turtle that is disturbing the lives of local residents. What problems? Let's help the moogle. Let's go back to Withering Shores.

Here we will find this giant turtle named Urutan-Eater. Fortunately, five or six “guests” from among those whom you beat all the way will help you in battle.

Your "real" guest, Vossler, is a complete idiot. Instead of hitting the turtle, he kills the sand people. Before he kills everyone, run closer to the turtle. The fight is not difficult, just hit her with physical attacks. Wind and Aero also work well if you have them.

After the turtle dies, return to the moogle. After talking to him, head east back to Ogir-Yensa Sandsea. Climb the first tower and watch the scene. Return west to the moogle and watch another scene.

Examine the flower and receive a bunch of Eksir Berries. Talk to the moogle twice to learn that the Garuda monster especially doesn't like this flower. Let's remember, this will be very useful to us soon.

So, back to the main mission. You need to get to Demesne of the Sandqueen. There is a bridge here in the western corner of the area leading north (in an L shape) to a dead end. There you can find a chest with Foe Gambit: HP< 1000.

Continue on to the Trail of Fading Warmth. There are two paths from here: to the north and to the west. The road to the north (Simoon Bluff) is full of traps, strong enemies and leads to a dead end. But here you can find a bunch of chests. There is also one flying monster that has a weakness to water. Water magic takes away 400-500 HP from him. For winning you will receive 2 LP!

After adventuring in Simoon Bluff, go west to the exit. Before entering the crypt you will find a trader riding a chocobo. So there is no crystal here, the game itself will ask you to save.

The Tomb of Raithwall

Boss: Garuda

Level: 14

Start the battle by using Eksir Berries (this is actually why we helped the moogle get rid of the turtle). These berries will cause a lot of damage to the guard. After this, attack with any magic or long-range weapons (bows, electronic pistols). Silence Shot is very effective.

Go up the stairs and use the save crystal. Touch the Way Stone and be transported to the Tomb of Raithwall. Go west, past the second teleporter and down the stairs. Watch the scene. A giant Demon Wall will begin to move towards you.

This wall is an additional boss. There is no shame in turning back and avoiding a fight. But I advise you to still fight the wall, since then you will encounter another similar wall and you will no longer be able to escape from the battle. Although the second wall is weaker than the first.

Boss (optional): Demon Wall

HP: about 20,000

Level: ?

The battle will be very difficult, but there is a way to defeat this enemy. This is a long chain of Quickenings.

This tactic will require either a lot of Ether or Quickening for every team member. If you're lucky, you can make a chain of eight or more Quickenings (it's unlikely that you'll be able to do more, but you can try).

If we managed to remove 4000 HP (or less), then our affairs are bad. 8000 HP (or more) is great. 6000 HP is acceptable.

After completing the first Quickening chain, wait until the X-Zone effect kills one of the team members. It's simply inevitable. Connect characters from the reserve and repeat the Quickening chain again. In total, you need to perform 4 such Quickenings without spending Ether.

Is the boss still not dead? Then we use Ether and continue in a circle.

Another interesting note: the speed of the boss itself does not seem to be affected by the speed of the battle, so if you set it in the settings maximum speed battle, then you have another advantage.

After the battle, do not rush to check what you got as a reward. Return to the crystal and save your game. Then continue through the door at the end of the hall where you fought the boss. We'll have to fight the door again.

Boss (mandatory): Demon Wall

Level: 16

Your main goal is to destroy the boss before he kills the entire team or smears them across the opposite wall.

First of all, let's set up the gambits. The wall will constantly reward you with various negative statuses, the most severe of which is Sleep. So set the gambit to use Alarm Clock. If you don’t have this item, keep the weakest character on your team so that he can beat his sleeping comrades. This will have to be done manually.

Another aid in battle is torches. When you touch them, they will speed up or slow down the boss's movements. You can experiment with them, but don't rely too much on them.

The boss's defense is not very good, so it is best to kill him with simple physical attacks. At the very beginning of the battle, you can try using the Quickening chain. This can take away a lot of your MP, but if you're especially lucky, you can knock off up to 5,000 - 10,000 HP.

If anyone missed the first battle with the wall, let me remind you that the speed of the boss itself does not seem to be affected in any way by the speed of the battle, so if you set the maximum battle speed in the settings, you have another advantage.

Now, if you beat the first wall, you can go back and get your reward. Head to the place where the first boss fight was and touch the stone in the wall. This will raise platforms on both sides of this area. Now go back to the crystal and save your game.

Take the north or south stairs. They will lead you to one place anyway. Go down the stairs. Below you will be attacked by many fire slugs. Hold the R2 button and run past. Halfway along the path there is a 70% chance of finding a chest.

If the chest is suddenly missing, return to the previous area and try again. The chest has a 45% chance of finding gold and a 50% chance of finding Holy Mote. Holy Mote is completely useless. In addition, there is a small chance to find Demonsbane - a one-armed sword with 59 attack power. Keep in mind that the average weapon at this stage of the game has an attack power of slightly more than 20. That is, the impact power will double. This is worth running back and forth for. But that is not all. The chest appears again so you can get some more Demonsbane. Good luck.

Head to the place where you fought the second wall. Go up the small stairs and go through the western door. Go down and find an urn with a map.

There are three Way Stones: blue, red and green. Blue takes you back to the exit. Touch it if you want to save the game and heal. Green and red don't work yet. Go down the southern stairs.

You will have a choice - to continue going down or to go further. Ignore the stairs and follow the path until you reach a door leading south. Turn right (west) and walk until you find three chests on the road.

After going through a few more rooms, you will find a green stone in the wall, which will activate the green Way Stone and lower the Mystic Altar a little. Kill all Lich attackers. After this, use the green Way Stone to return to the central platform.

Now head up the northern stairs, ignore the second staircase leading down (or better yet, go down, there's a chest there, then go back). Turn right (east) and follow the road to a door leading north (there may be a chest nearby, don't miss it).

Go through the rooms similar to the southern area, touch the stone in the wall, kill all the zombies. Use the Way Stone, on the central platform use the blue Way Stone to return to the exit and save your game. Next we will have a meeting with the boss, so it won’t hurt to heal.

Go back and use the green or red Way Stone. Then go into the door, which is now open. There are no enemies in the next area, you just need to get to the exit. At the bottom of each staircase there is a chest (they won't appear a second time) in which you can find Elixir.

Boss: Belias

Level: 20

Here is our first acquaintance with the esper. There are a few things that may surprise you about this battle. The first surprise: logically, the boss is bursting with heat, which means he should use an ice attack. But in fact, they are not effective against him, like any other magic. Only physical attacks and Quickening remain.

The second surprise is that the boss is terribly slow. You manage to make two or three attacks while he makes one. Your opinion of him will change when he performs his signature move, the limit break. This explosion is very painful for the entire team. But this can be perfectly treated with the magic of Cura.

Obviously, if you have Demonsbane, the fight will end much faster.

Check your Licenses board. Unfortunately, only one character can use an esper.

Don't rush to leave here. First, roll the camera around and look for two chests on either side of the area.

Continue through the door and down the stairs. Walk past the Way Stone and watch the scene. Once you get the Dawn Shard (don't sell it, even though it seems completely useless, it will come in handy). Use Way Stone. Save the game and go to the exit. Watch the scene.

The Shiva

Boss: Vossler

Level: 20

This battle is a piece of cake, no matter what level or equipment you have.

Here's the first way: call Belias. He will quickly deal with the guards and then finish off Vossler. You can just run back and forth while Belias wins the battle for you.

Another method is based on a long series of Quickenings. This will immediately kill all the guards and quite possibly Vossler himself.


Now you have the opportunity to have three more espers. This, of course, will require more pumping and more strong magic. Therefore, I advise you to hold off for now.

Head to Montblanc first and get the rewards you deserve. You can also receive orders for new Hunts.

In addition, you can complete an additional quest to obtain the Barheim Key. Also, as a result of completing this quest, you can get Deathbringers - a sword with attack power of 90 points.

After all the preparations, head to Southgate, save the game and go to the exit.

Giza Plains

You need to reach the Starfall Field area in the southwest corner of the map. Which way you get there depends on your desire.

Since it's the rainy season, you can take this opportunity and do a small quest to get some very useful items. Rotten trees called Withered Trees grow throughout Giza Plain and can be thrown into the river. There are six such trees in total. When you knock down all the trees, they will stop in one place in the southeast of the map and form a kind of bridge through which you can get to the secret area. There you can find several chests and an urn containing an item that is used in another side quest.

The first tree can be found just outside the northern exit in Nomad Village. The second is inside Nomad Village, on the southeast side. The next one is in Gizas North Bank, on the far north side, east bank. The fourth is located in Toam Hill in the farthest eastern corner. From here, go to the south exit to Starfall Field and you'll find the fifth one to the east. The last tree can be found in the east of Crystal Glade (north of the save crystal).

After this you can go Gizas South Bank. Go east until you find a bridge made of fallen trees. Level 36 turtles roam here and so far they are quite difficult to defeat. In principle, you can kill one if you call Belias for help.

Head to the southeast corner of the area where you will find a Feather of the Flock urn. This item is used in another side quest. After that, search around this area - there should be more chests here.

Try not to use magic in the presence of neutral monsters, as they will probably become angry and attack. However, their level is not high enough; you can defeat them, although not without losses.

The entrance to Ozmone Plain is located south of Starfall Field.

Ozmone Plain

Here you just need to go south through a few areas. Half of the decent treasure here can be found on the west side of Field of Fallen Wings.

Here you can find two rare monsters: Bull Croc and flying Eros. To fight them, head east into The Switchback to the next Greensnake area. From there, go through the southern exit. Bull Croc hits hard and Eros flies, making them very difficult to fight. Use Quickening and summon an esper.

I suggest you go around the entire map and level up a little. The werewolves in Dagan Flats are quite strong, but they leave a whopping 2 LP behind.

Ultimately, you need to go south to Haulo Green and take the western exit.


Maps of these areas can be purchased from the moogle walking near the bridge. Talk to Garif Warrior standing in front of the bridge and you will be allowed to move on.

Once you reach the northeast corner of the area, speak with High-Chief Zayalu. He will give Jaya Stick, which must be given to War-Chief. War-Chief is located near the bridge in the northwest corner. Give him the Jaya Stick and agree to his offer.

In the next area, if you haven't forgotten about the Hunt, you can find your customer for the mission "The Defense of Ozmone Plain" named Sugumu, standing a little to the north.

Go to the Great-Chief's tent and talk to him. What follows is a fairly long series of videos, and at the end of them, you will receive a nice little prize and the opportunity to ride a Chocobo for free. Drive through Ozmone Plain to the eastern area of ​​Dagan Flat. From here, continue east.

Golmore Jungle

Once inside, immediately turn left (northeast) and follow the road to a fork. Turn right now and run past the Malboro monsters until you find some urns with the Golmore Jungle map inside. Now navigating this area will be much easier.

From the place with the urn, continue going east, then south. This should bring you to the Needlebreak area. Go right (west), then left (south) and then left (east). Walk forward a little and you will find an area with several chests. If you're interested in finding various treasures, a similar cache of chests can be found in the far southwest corner of Paths of Chained Light.

From here, continue east until you hit a barrier. Fran will perform a small magical ritual and a path will appear. Let's watch the scene.

Eruyt Village

Talk to the moogle seller and buy Esuna and Curaga magics. Talk to the moogle cartographer and buy a map of the village.

Enter the village and talk to the people you meet. Your goal is the top level, Fane of the Path, as the locals call it. Talk to Jote and return to the village exit. Watch the scene.

Return to the jungle and head back to the Giza Plains exit. At the exit you will see a chocobo next to a wounded imperial soldier. Talk to the soldier and offer him Potion. In exchange, he will allow you to use the Chocobo.

Ride the chocobo west into the next area. Almost as soon as you enter, you'll notice a grassy path on the left that can only be passed on the back of a chocobo. This is a secret path leading to the southern area of ​​The Shred with the entrance to the springs.

The Henne Mines

The first one is located on the left pillar near the road. Initially it is blue, press the switch to change the color to red. Go south through the gate. Talk to the wounded soldier.

Click on the switch to open the gate. A whole bunch of slugs will fall from the ceiling. After the battle, go through any of the exits. Get ready to repel the attack of a horde of bats until you reach the urn with the dungeon map.

Go back to the second switch. Click it again and go through the western exit. Follow the road to Phase 1 Dig until you reach a 4 road junction.

Here you can search all the nooks and crannies in search of treasure chests. In any case, you need to get to the next area.

Here, go north, ignoring the eastern branch and turn east there. Continue running northeast and further south to Pithead Junction B.

Press the gate switch and get ready to fend off the insane attack of slugs that fall from the ceiling. After a difficult battle, go west. Familiar place? Yes, because of such hooks, the game stretches two or three times. We run north again and turn east. We choose the northern road. We save and prepare for battle.

Boss: Tiamat

Level: 25

Even though he uses mostly physical attacks, Tiamat is a pretty tough boss. He has very strong defense and a lot of HP, so the battle will be protracted.

In Gambits you can set the use of Curaga. And I recommend casting Protect. Use Regen and Protect on one of the characters who has the most HP and cast Decoy on them to make the boss attack him. This combination will give you a big advantage.

It's also useful to equip Jackboots. Tiamat loves to knock out heroes with Disable magic, and Jackboots protect against this scourge. If there aren't enough boots for everyone, use Esuna.

Use whatever attacks you find most effective against this boss. And, of course, Quickening will help a lot. If possible, save one Quickening for the end of the fight, as when Tiamat's health drops to 15%, he will greatly increase his defense.

Golmore Jungle

Before leaving the village, purchase Golden Amulets from the moogle, preferably enough for the entire combat team.

With a tear in hand, barriers are no longer a hindrance to us, so we can now walk here without restrictions. Return to the jungle and go east until you reach Whisperleaf Way. Continue along the road and save at the crystal.

Boss: Elder Wyrm

Level: 27

So, let's start with the basics: at the very beginning of the battle, use the Quickening chain. This will cause serious damage to the enemy and destroy his assistants.

Preparation before battle is also important. The monster has a certain set of physical attacks that are not particularly powerful, but there are two main ones that you just can’t miss:

The first is an explosion of ball lightning. This is especially dangerous if a team member is currently under the influence of Oil (and judging by the monster's habits, this will be permanent). Damage can range from 1000 to 2000 HP, that is, it kills one character at once. Get ready to use Phoenix Downs.

It is necessary to have at least two team members ready with the "Any ally: Esuna" gambit, as the boss's second most dangerous attack, Sporefall, poisons the heroes with various negative statuses, similar to the bad breath in the previous parts of the game. Esuna is very helpful in this case, but you will probably have to use Echo Herb first to get your magic powers back.

Finish off the boss with the most powerful physical attacks. He has more than enough health, so nothing will work out quickly.

Return to the crystal and save again. Now look at the map. There are two routes to the east: north and south. I recommend going north, since the only difference from the south is that you can find chests there.

In Paramina Rift, go straight east without turning anywhere. Eventually the road will turn northeast towards Mt Bur-Omisace.

Mt Bur-Omisace

First, go around the sellers. If you don't mind the money, buy maps from a Moogle cartographer.

Before leaving this place, if you still have money, buy light armor (the one that protects against magic) and Ice Shields. Buying an ice shield is not necessary, but it will make the next boss fight much easier.

Now it's time to return to Paramina Rift and go south.

Paramina Rift

Continue south to reach Frozen Brook. Be careful of the traps in this area. Some of them destroy a fair amount of HP, others blind, and others simply kill. Pay attention to the flying white ball - Ice Elementals. When you pass by, do not use any magic, otherwise he will get angry and attack. And so they fly quite peacefully.

Take the southwest exit from Frozen Brook. This is the only path that leads to Stilshrine. Save at the crystal and continue south.

The Stilshrine of Miriam

Go forward, save at the crystal, enter the temple. Somewhere in the middle of the area there is a column. Touching it will spawn three zombie enemies and nothing else. To make this thing work properly, equip your team leader with the Dawn Shard (it also reduces MP to 0).

Get ready to fight with the animated statue. There is a chest next to the trap that has a chance to reveal Elixir or Megalixir.

Next you will be met by three dragons dancing an incomprehensible dance. The fight is not easy, you may even have to use the Quickening chain. Large stone heads will come to life as soon as you get close and block your path. They will also have to be killed.

Climb the stairs and approach the pillar in the east. Again, before you touch it, equip the Dark Shard. Return to the floor below and go down any of the new stairs.

The green crystal begins to fight when touched. If you kill him, he will turn into a regular blue save crystal. In the next room, beat the guards and touch the "Sword of Judgment". This will open the door at the north end of the room. Go there and touch the Way Stone to teleport back to the temple entrance.

This is not a typical situation. Next comes a boss battle, and no one offers to save. Therefore, I will suggest doing this. Go outside and save. After this, you can safely return here and go to the northeastern part of the hall.

Go down the stairs to the door that is now open, then take the exit to the east.

Boss: Vinuskar

Level: 27

This is where the light armor purchased at Mt Bur-Omisace comes in handy. Anyone wearing heavy armor will automatically be affected by Slow magic.

This is an interesting boss because it really isn't that difficult.

You might think his HP total is a typo, but it's not. Almost all of your attacks will remove a fair amount of his health. Your main goal is to just keep hitting him with your strongest attacks.

Exit through the east door and approach the statue. Rotate it counterclockwise until it faces west. Also check the temple map urn near the south wall. Now exit from here back to Cold Distance and go north.

Save your game again and then go down the northwest stairs. You need to get to the Walk of Prescience area, where there is another statue. Rotate it clockwise until it faces east. Now go south and further. I advise you to explore all the dead ends and nooks and crannies to find a bunch of useful and not so useful items

On one of the flights of stairs you will find the third statue. Rotate it counterclockwise until it faces north. From here, take any road to the Ward of Measure.

Teleport to Ward of the Sword-King. Run to the crystal and save. The next boss will be more difficult.

Well, go south and meet a new esper.

Boss: Mateus

Level: 30

The first step is to get rid of the small monsters that the boss summons at the beginning of the battle. The easiest and most effective way to kill them all is to use the Quickening chain.

Be sure to equip Ice Shield and damage from ice attacks will decrease.

In addition, it is useful to equip the Dawn Shard. It increases magic defense by 20 points and ice attacks will often miss. In this case, you can use Decoy so that the boss attacks exactly the character who has the Dawn Shard equipped.

After these preparations, hit the esper with your strongest physical attacks.

Return to the exit. Watch the scene again. Save your game and teleport back to Mt Bur-Omisace. Or walk if you want to pump up.

Mt Bur-Omisace

All you have to do is go to the temple. Watch the video and get ready to meet the boss.

Boss: Judge Bergan

Level: 30

Start the battle by destroying the guards near the doors. It is necessary to soak them before Bergan gets close. When he is nearby, use Decoy, Regen and Protect on the hero with the highest HP.

Bergan attacks primarily with physical attacks and often uses Battle Cry to enhance his strength and defense. He likes to counterattack, so keep an eye on the health of your main attackers.

After the battle you find yourself outside the temple. Acolyte will be wandering nearby. Talk to him and he will give you a Stone of the Condemner, which is used to purchase a new esper. (See Zeromus Esper in the Espers section).

Return to the crystal and teleport to the city of Rabanastre and head to Dalmasca Estersand. Go northeast through the Outpost and Yardang Labyrinth to the exit to the city of Nalbina. From here head onto the northwest passage to the Mosphoran Highwaste.

Mosphoran Highwaste

We move northwest to the Summit Path area. Here, sticking to the western wall, go northwest again (if you go south, you will end up in Dalmasca Estersand).

Go down the leaf bridge and find yourself in an area with a crystal and a store. Somewhere nearby there is a moogle cartographer wandering around, from whom you can purchase a map for 2,400 gold.

If you have Gyshal Greens, you can grab yourself a Chocobo, which is located in the northeast. We leave Babbling Vale through the northwest passage.

There are many traps here, so be careful. Turn right at the fork and go east. Behind the trap in the southeast corner of this area, look for a mountain. Hit it well and you'll get a bridge. The bridge will be useful to us in the future, but now we need to go north.

Now all that remains is to go northwest to the exit.


Follow the road until you reach the crystal. In the next area (Trunkwall Road), take the fork to the right and continue east. When you have the opportunity, turn right again and follow the road until you find an urn with a map of this forest.

Go east to Diverging Way, then southeast to Living Chasm. Moogle Boss walks here alone. He doesn't want to do anything until we find 9 of his brothers. So, let's begin the search.

Nine moogles were crowded together in four different places. All of them are marked on your map, so I think it’s unnecessary to talk about how to get to them here. Once you find the last group, you will automatically find yourself in front of the gate.

Talk to Moogle Boss and get Quasimodo Boots for free. Wonderful. Welcome to Phon Coast.

ZODIAC SPEAR ALERT - I hope you haven't forgotten about the most powerful weapon in the game that I mentioned from time to time? If you think you are already strong enough, you can get it right now. To do this you need to go to Necrohol Nabudis.

The Phon Coast

There are many areas and low quality treasures to be found everywhere! Just go southeast until you reach Hunter's Camp.

Watch the video. Save, buy new equipment. To the northwest of the save crystal on a hill you can buy the Phon Coast map. When all preparations are completed, go through the northern exit.

ZODIAC SPEAR ALERT - The southeast exit from Caima Hills will take you to The Vaddu Strand. On the far east side (not the hill) you'll come across 16 chests. One of these chests cannot be opened until you have the Zodiac Spear.

So let's head north to Tchita Uplands.

Tchita Uplands

Chests in this area appear extremely rarely here. But the content justifies the search. Most of them contain Hi-Ether, armor that you could buy at the Phon Coast camp or about a couple thousand gold.

Go east (you don't have to climb the hill, there's nothing interesting there). In the next area, cross the southern bridge and continue southeast where you will find an exit to an area with a crystal. Talk to the boy near the wounded Bangaa and agree to the Hunt. For this you will receive a Soul Ward Key.

Continue east and stick to the north wall. In the next area, go north again to the northwest corner (don't climb the hill on the left), where you will find the entrance to a cave.

Sochen Cave Palace

At the fork, turn right and watch out for the chest against the eastern wall. Continue north, sticking to the eastern wall. Here in the middle of the road there are dangerous traps that can confuse the whole team and they will kill each other.

Another chest can be found in the northeast corner. From here, go west as far as possible. Open two more chests. Now we're heading north. Heal up the team before moving on to the next area.

Boss: Mandragoras

HP: 9069 (each)

Level: 37

Funny start. Yes, and the battle is not to say that it is difficult. There are two completely opposite tactics for this battle depending on how prepared you are.

Considering that mandrakes scatter in different corners, it is incomparably easier to wet them.

First strategy (if you have a low level). Avoid meeting a group of mandrakes in every possible way, cast Decoy on yourself developed character, and use the rest to wet the walking plants. If this is too hard for you, try the opposite - collect them more in a pile and apply the Quickening series.

If your characters' level is high, hunt down the mandrakes alone or in small groups and kill them with simple attacks.

By defeating the Mandrake, you will not only receive 1000 gold and 3 Remedy from the boy who ordered the hunt, but you will also get the opportunity to join the official Hunt Club located in Hunter’s Camp Phon Coast. However, this can be done later.

Go through the east or west door and heal the team. Both paths lead north to a fake save crystal. Defeat him, save your game and continue east.

Go through the north door and turn right at the first fork, sticking to the east wall until you find an urn with a map of the cave.

Then go north to the next area. Here, I hope you noticed, there is a secret room. But to get to it you need to make a small detour. From here, return south to the previous screen. Now run all the way west and go up north there. As a result of these movements, the message “the course of the waterfalls has changed” should appear. If there is no message, try again.

Run north, a little east and then take the first northern exit. Run east, through the door and then through the southeast door. Continue east from this door all the way. The next exit we need is the exit to the south, second from the right if you look at the map. As you go south, another message should appear: “the course of the waterfalls has changed.”

Now go directly south back to Mirror of the Soul. From here, go west and turn north along the second path on the left. Once again the course of the falls will change.

Go straight north to the exit (second from the left). Once again, go through the room to the east and this time head south along the very first road (it's in the middle if you look at the map).

An inscription appears indicating that a door has opened in the distance. Go south and open Pilgrim's Door. The chest will contain either an Iga Blade or a Koga Blade. They are the same in strength.

Boss: Ahriman

Level: 38

Most of the battle will have to be spent on all kinds of treatment, since the boss is constantly poisoning you with something.

The boss clones himself, but all but one are fakes that will disappear after a couple of hits. His other attack is the elemental magic of ice and fire, which, however, is not very strong. Heal on time and victory will be yours.

After the battle, heal the team and exit through the eastern door.

The path is relatively straight, filled with traps and enemies. Examine the support at the top of the hill and ride the elevator.

Old Archades

Go west to the next area, Alley of Muted Sighs. Talk to the local "Lucky Man" who is talking to Bangaa. He will talk about Bag 'o Coin.

Now head to the south gate in the west near the save crystal.

Talk to the guards, choose any answer, watch a scene with a stranger. When he asks for 1500 coins for information, you have no choice but to pay.

Talk to Jules. He will direct you to a man named Beasley, who is sitting on the ground in the east of this area. Go back and talk to Jules again (he's probably already moved, but he hasn't gone far).


The first thing you need to do is get a map of this city. Head west to Molberry and continue to the northwest corner with a store. Find the Moogle Cartographer there.

Go shopping and sell everything you don't need, as you'll soon need to pay another 2,500 Jules for information.

Along the way, talk to the Cab Guide south of the weapon shop.

So, let's get to work: talk to one person with a smiley face, remember what he said and find another person who matches this phrase. Each time you do this you will receive a Pinewood Chop. And so nine times.

Molberry is the best choice for completing this quest. There are just 9 matching pairs of people there. In general, couples are always in the same area. Vaan has a poor memory - he can only remember one word or phrase. Therefore, having memorized one, go around everyone in the area and do not change until you find a pair. The task is complicated by the fact that people do not stand still and it is quite difficult to remember who you have spoken to and who you have not yet spoken to.

After completing the quest, take a taxi and save at the crystal upon arrival. Go north and watch the cutscene. Try going back and watching the video again. Talk to the taxi driver and select the answer option "you know where to go" ("You know where").

Draklor Laboratory

Explore the North Lift Terminal and go to the 67th floor. Go east to the fork, turn north to C.D.B. Watch the scene. After it you will receive a Lab Access Card and a map.

The minimap is now blurry, so check the big one often. Look into the western room (Rm 6704 East) and save at the crystal.

In the next room (Rm 6703 East) there is a Bulkhead Controls, which opens and closes various doors. Click on the switch so it turns red. Return to the elevator and go up to the 68th floor.

Turn east to find room 6803 and hit the switch. Now we head north and further west and south.

Find room 6804 and press the switch. Then head south, west, south again, west, and so on until you reach room 6811 in the bottom corner. Click on the switch.

Go east, then north along the corridor, then east again when you can. Eventually the road will lead you to a new elevator. Go up to the 70th floor. Save and go up the stairs.

Boss: Doctor Cid

Level: 40

We haven't encountered such difficult bosses for a long time. Launch three Quickenings on one of the Rooks. Don't touch Doctor Sid yet, since Rook protect him and therefore you won't be able to harm him much anyway. It is necessary to get rid of the Hands as quickly as possible, although this is not easy - they have strong defense and a lot of HP. Switch to manual mode and wet the Hands one by one. Monitor your health.

When all four Arms are destroyed, take on Sid. By this time he will already be protected by Shell and Regen magic, which makes the task much more difficult.

Let one of the team be the healer (set the appropriate gambit), and let the rest finish off the doctor with simple attacks.

Balfonheim Port

At your leisure, you can wander around the city and explore the local shops. Now head to the northeast corner of the map, where you can find some very useful things. South of the save crystal is a moogle cartographer from whom you can buy new maps. Behind him there is a chest with 5040 gold.

After all the preparations, teleport to Eruyt Village. If you run out of teleportation stones, buy them from the merchant next to the crystal.

Head through Golmore Jungle to the very south. There you will find the entrance to Feywood.


You just need to make your way to the southern part of the forest. Go southeast to the next area, Walk of Stolen Truths. Here your minimap will start to shake again. Turn immediately east. You will soon find an urn with a map.

Save your game in Antiquity's End. Let's go head south.

Boss: Rafflesia

Level: 43

From the very beginning of the battle, MP will slowly decrease. Therefore, immediately use the necessary magic, otherwise it will be too late. Use Dispel on the boss to remove his defenses (Reflect, Haste (Regen) and Shell). After this the fight will be easier.

Almost every Rafflesia attack brings some kind of negative status. Disable is especially dangerous. To get rid of this scourge, equip the Black Belt.

While there is still MP left, use the Quickening chain. Finish off with simple attacks.

After a difficult battle, you can return to the crystal and improve your health.

Head south from where the Rafflesia battle was until you find the exit to southern Feywood. This area requires a different map.

The urn with the map is in the same area (White Magick's Embrace) is located in the lower southeast corner.

Look at the map. See four star-shaped objects? These are the four holy places. Make your way to any of them and stand in the middle. A voice in the head will say: "In this sanctuary the pilgrim will find truth and illusion united together. Illusion means the true path." Now rotate your camera around and take a closer look at the gaps between the pillars. One of them will have a beautiful tree-lined path. Follow this road to the next shrine.

Repeat this process several times and eventually the path will lead southwest to The Edge of Reason.

Before repeating a similar ritual, go southwest to the four-pointed star.

To the southeast of this place there is a chance to find a chest with an Ensanguined Shield.

This extremely powerful shield exposes the owner to various negative statuses, but provides incredible protection. This chest will not reappear once you find it, but there is a 1 in 4 chance of finding it again if you move 2-3 areas away from here.

So repeat the same procedure until the path leads you west to the exit. Examine the door and a voice will call for the summoner "Gigas". Call Belias and touch the gate.


Head west to the save crystal. Even further west, touch the Way Stone and be transported to the Gate of Water.

Boss: Daedalus

Level: 42

The boss has only one advantage - Haste. Turn this advantage against him - use Dispel and speed will be on your entire side.

The boss unleashes powerful physical and elemental attacks that hit the entire team. One of the main attacks is with the earth element, but with Dragon Shield equipped it won't even scratch you.

Save the Quickening chain for last, because when the guard is about to die, he will begin to go on a rampage and deal such strong blows that it will be very difficult to survive.

Use Way Stone and move to Water-Steps. Head down south and examine the Avrio Gate Stone. Go into the opened southern passage all the way south and kill two Mythril Golems. After the fight, touch the Chthes Gate.

Now head straight north. At the top you will find a chest with White Fang or Elixir. Go back down a little, turn west and continue north.

Follow the circle to the second chest containing a White Fang. Since it's a dead end, go back and go south. The road will eventually lead you west (look at the map). Kill the golems and follow the green path to the next area.

Below you will find a Paron gate Stone, which is guarded by two golems. Touch it and head northeast and follow the road until you reach the Parelthon Gate Stone, which is also guarded by a pair of golems.

After this, zigzag your way south to the Tychi Gate Stone. This is the last one, thank God. If you go a little further, you will find a chest with a 50% chance of receiving Elixir. Now we return to the west.

We go down and kill the next golems. After winning, head to the western edge of the area and take the green path.

Go through the gate, save at the crystal and head west. In the next area, turn left and go up the slope. At the top, turn right (northwest) and approach the northeast edge. As before, a path will appear, at the end of which a boss awaits you.

Boss: Tyrant

Level: 43

We will not be able to use Technicks in this battle. I don't know about you, but I've never used them in battle.

The boss has an insane amount of HP, so the fight won't end quickly. First of all, deprive him of his protection (Regen, Protect and Shell) using Dispel magic.

Using the magic of Curaja, you will no longer lose. If you have a Zodiac Spear, use Haste on its owner. With this weapon the battle will be over pretty soon.

Touch the Way Stone and teleport to A Prima Vikaari. The map will not help you here, so I will describe the further path in more detail.

Find Gate Scorpio nearby. Stand with your back to him. Now turn right and go down the hidden green path. Examine the crystal chest (it's surrounded by a trap) and get a Black Mask or Elixir. There is another hidden path here. It will lead us to the Way Stone.

Once you move around, you will notice three exits. Choose the one in the middle (it's the only one that leads up). There you will find a chest with Knot of Rust or White Robes. Now exit here through another path leading down to the area with the Cancer Gate Stone. Destroy the golems and press the switch.

From Gate Pisces, take the path leading down. Into the next area, continue down. Here you will find Aries Gate and Pisces Gate Stone. Kill the golems and touch the stone and go back two areas.

When you get to the top, take the only path leading up. Examine the crystal in the middle to get a Knot of Rust or Holy Lance. Go back to A Vikaari Bhrum. Exit through the right path leading down.

Use Way Stone and watch the scene. Go down and save at the crystal. Use the Way Stone nearby and teleport to Gate of Wind. Go straight to the boss.

Boss: Shemhazai

Level: 45

The new esper does not prepare any surprises, although this is by no means an easy battle. Magic is almost useless in this battle. Shemhazai absorbs all magic attacks except one, but until you find what kind of magic he has a weakness for, he will change it to another. Forget about black magic.

The boss also often uses Silencega. Therefore, it is useful to change the gambit to use Echo Herb in this case. If there is no corresponding gambit, use Echo Herb manually.

Almost all of the boss' attacks are non-lethal. The exception is Flare magic, which will severely injure one team member. Continue hitting the enemy with your most powerful physical attacks. Dispel magic comes to the rescue again, ridding the esper of Haste.

Like previous bosses, Shemhazai's defenses become brutally strong when he feels his death is near. Therefore, at the end of the battle, use a series of Quickening.

Go south to the Way Stone. Read the inscription and touch the stone. After watching the scene, you will receive a Treaty-Blade. Touch the Way Stone again. You will find yourself at the entrance.

Save your game and teleport to Port at Balfonheim.

Port at Balfonheim

Go shopping and buy new magic and equipment. I think that the money received after Giruvegan should be enough.

When you're ready, look at the map and head to the place marked with a red cross. Talk to the guard and enter the Manse. After watching the scene, head to the airfield. Inside, talk to the woman at the counter near the entrance to board the Strahl. Select The Ridorana Cataract in the southeast.

Ridorana Cataract

The music is reminiscent of the movie "The Lord of the Rings" in some places. Hm.

Save at the crystal. There is nothing interesting in this city except chests with useless things and familiar enemies. In the next area, head southeast towards the exit.

When you approach the Colosseum, be careful - there are a lot of traps here. First, go to the north exit, go down the stairs and turn left. There, in one of the dead ends, you will find an urn with a map.

You can crawl around the Colosseum up and down and find a bunch of chests. Or you can immediately go north to the exit.

Follow north until the fork. If you go down the small stairs, you will find many chests. Continue east to Path of Hidden Blessing.

After going up the stairs, you will find a save crystal with 5-6 traps. Try not to die before you reach the crystal.

Pharos - Lighthouse

First of all, you shouldn't even come here if you don't have Esunaga magic. Even in the cave it is useful to have Float magic.

Secondly, I must warn you how brutally long you will have to wander here. It will take several hours, even if you know where to go and what to do.

Level: 47

As with most previous battles, start by using Dispel magic. During the battle you will become a victim of conditions such as Immobilize, Poison and Sap, plus MP drain (sucks MP out of you). So be ready with the Esuna Gambit. Haste magic helps a lot.

Don't go back - there's another save crystal ahead of us. As you walk around this area, enemies will often leave behind Black Orbs (it remains as a small dark blue crystal). I advise you to grab more of this goodness.

First you need to get a map. Exit through the southern passage from this room and run east, where there is an exit to the next area. But we don’t need to go there yet; instead, we need to get through a labyrinth of square rooms to the center of the area to a rectangular room. There you will find an urn with a map.

Now with map in hand, let's see what we have. The northeast exit leads to the circular middle area. That's where we'll go now. Here you will find the Altar of Night. Place one of the Black Orbs you received in random battles and then return to the previous area.

Now you need to get to the middle circular area through the entrance in the north-northeast. There you will find another Altar of Night. Place the Black Orbs in it and return to the maze. Now let's return to the crystal. On the southeast side of it you will find the last Altar of Night. Use Black Orbs again. Save your game and head to the Blackrock Vault room (it's marked with an exclamation mark on the map).

Boss: Pandemonium

Level: 45

The boss attacks with slow but powerful physical attacks. This is the basis of a strategy that you cannot lose with.

Give your team leader the toughest shield and Gauntlet accessory. Apply Protect, Regen and Decoy on it (you can also add Bubble) and you will become practically invulnerable!

The only problem is that when the boss's health is reduced to half, he applies a protective shield, which makes him invulnerable for some time. Here you only need to be treated in time and protected with Protectga magic. The shield will melt in a minute or two and will not appear again. Finish it off.

After the boss dies, a Way Stone will be earned. Return to the entrance and save your game, then use the Way Stone. In the new area, head northeast to a large room and go north to a dead end. Break the wall to find a chest containing a Hi-Potion or Elixir.

Go up the eastern stairs and kill the two burning heads. A bridge will appear. Cross it and head south. Kill all the Brainpans you meet along the way here. Cross the new bridge and continue up the stairs.

On the 20th floor, in the leftmost room, next to the burning head, there is another wall that can be broken. In this room you will find a chest. Climb further, remembering to wet the Brainpan. Break the wall on the 23rd floor and go up to the 24th.

On the 25th floor, three more skulls await you. After their destruction, another bridge will appear. Continue climbing upward. You probably noticed that there is a chest on the other side of the cliff. Then I'll tell you how to get to it.

Go up the north stairs and break the wall to find a chest. Open the ancient door to the south and soak the Brainpan inside. The next Brainpan is at the top of the south stairs. Now go up the eastern stairs, ignore the red skull. Finish off the last Brainpans and move across the bridge.

Kill the Brainpan on the 32nd floor (there's a Deidar nearby - don't touch him for now) and look for the next two Brainpans on the 34th floor. Take the eastern path and you will find a Brainpan at the top. Two more Brainpans can be found at the end of the hall, and there will be one Deidar nearby. Run across the bridge.

Go up to the 48th floor, open the door and save your game at the crystal. If you want to get valuable treasures, then go back and kill all the Deidars, but leave Brainpan alone. As a result, a red bridge will appear on the 35th floor (break the wall, there is another bridge), where you can find a Dueling Mask and Zeus Mace in the chests. These chests may not be there, the chance of their appearance is about 70%. Try to go 2-3 areas and come back.

On the 25th floor there should also be a bridge leading to a chest with a Holy Rod. It’s very disappointing when the chests aren’t there, as if it’s not enough that we’ve come such a long way and killed a bunch of monsters. Please note that these items are not much better than what your heroes are currently wearing. Therefore, decide for yourself whether they are worth your time or not.

Return to the save crystal and go up the stairs on the southwest side.

Level: 47

For the first time, Dispel is useless. At the beginning, the boss can only be treated with Regen magic. Just hit him with your strongest attacks and victory will be yours.

Go up the stairs and you will find a Way Stone that will take you to the 67th floor. So, let's start the second climb. The save crystal is in the northwest. Now you must make a choice. Each of the four doors leads to a tower where we need to get. But on each path, various kinds of restrictions await you.

For example, if you go the Threshold of Steel route, you will be deprived of attack commands. You will have to fight with magic alone. If you choose Threshold of Wealth - you cannot use items, Threshold of Knowledge - there will be no minimap, Threshold of Magicks - you will continue without magic. I choose no minimap because big map you can still use it. You won't lose much if you go without being able to use the items. If you prefer to fight with magic alone... um, good luck.

Go southeast to Threshold of Knowledge and examine the altar near the door. Touch it to unlock the door. Turn left and take the stairs to the 61st floor. Don't forget to constantly check the map.

On the 61st floor you just need to walk to the west side. Go into the southern room, then the western one, then straight north. Now you are already on the 62nd floor.

Continue straight east and exit to the central circular area. Head to the northwest corner of the circle. Go straight north until you find a door that cannot be opened from this side. From here, go east through the long corridor, then look at your map. Do you see another long corridor to the north? Go there and further west (don't fall into the trap).

In the very northwest corner of the 62nd floor you will find an urn with a map. You can now open the door that was closed (so you don’t have to run around in vain later). Now look at the whole map. The stairs to the 63rd floor are located in the southeast corner.

On the 63rd floor, the stairs leading to the next floor are located in the northwest corner of the map. But to get there, you must first go through the northeast corner and follow the northernmost corridor to the west. All other paths are blocked by one-way doors.

On floor 64, save your game at the crystal in the northwest corner. Take the stairs (southwest) to the 65th floor.

Boss: Fenrir

Level: 49

Start with Dispel to get rid of Haste and Bravery from the boss. Like Pandemonium and Slyt, this one mainly hits with physical attacks. His combos are very sensitive at times.

Luckily his defense is very weak, so physical attacks against him are very effective. Use Decoy and Protect on one of the characters, equip him with the strongest shield. Finish it off.

Open the doors to Threshold of Sacrifice. Find the corresponding altar that you chose at the beginning of the path. In my case it is the Altar of Knowledge in the southeast. Touching the altar will return the minimap. There will also be an elevator on the west side that will take you to the 67th floor. Save your game and tap Way Stone. We begin the third climb.

Now do everything exactly as I say, otherwise you will fall into the clutches of a rather strong monster. Not a very pleasant experience.

Touch Way Stone - Black Sigil. Now head east. Go down to the southeast corner and look for a wall that can be broken. Inside you will find a chest (if it appears, of course) with a Dragon Whisker or Rubber Suit. Touch Way Stone - Green Sigil.

Turn left or right (beware of traps - Float and Libra will help you with this). Break down two walls. Go ahead and touch the Way Stone - Red Sigil. Here you will find a chest containing a Circlet. Touch the purple Sigil of Sacrifice, which will take you to the northwestern area (Spire Ravel - 2nd Flight).

Head north and break the wall leading west. Use Way Stone. Phew, the finish line is near.

There is another Way Stone near you. Teleport and go through the southern door. Here you will find an urn with a map. Return to the Way Stone, teleport back and take the elevator to the 90th floor.

Boss: Hashmal

Level: 50

From the beginning, use Dispel to deprive the esper of protection and get ready for the fact that he will literally trample you into the ground. Protectga is good, but it's not the only thing that will help us.

Once his health is reduced to half, he will use his signature move - Gaia's Wrath. This is a pretty strong attack, but if you use Float magic, he won't even scratch you. If you don't have Float magic, you can equip Dragon Shield. Well, then everything is simple.

After the battle we begin the long and boring climb up. Fortunately, on the way we will be shown a scene, after which we will be closer to the exit. Use the crystal's services and get ready for a whole series of boss battles. To do this, touch the Way Stone.

Boss: Gabranth

Level: 47

At the beginning of the battle he casts Protect on himself, so use Dispel in response. During the battle, you just need to heal from time to time and hit with simple physical attacks.

In the middle, Gabranth begins to argue with Basch. After this, he has a number of new attacks. But you don't have to worry too much about it, they're all non-lethal. Just keep hitting the boss with physical attacks. Like all Judges before him, Gabranth becomes several times tougher and stronger as his health approaches zero. Therefore, if you do not have a very high level, use a chain of saving Quickening at the end, otherwise it will be very difficult.

Boss: Dr. Cid

Level: 50

I've been wanting to smear that smug face for a long time.

Doctor Sid begins the battle already loaded with Protect, Shell and Haste protection. In response to this, use Dispel. Sid hits quite hard, and from time to time he uses his most powerful attack - the Gatling Gun, which seriously injures all team members. After this, immediately cast Curaja, otherwise you will not be able to survive further attacks.

When Sid's health is reduced to half, he summons his esper Famfrit to help. Now you have no choice but to switch to a new enemy. But first it is useful to use Shell magic, since Famfrit's most powerful attack is Waterja magic and if your health is weakened, this magic can easily send the whole team to the next world. Shell in this case reduces damage.

The Doctor will also not stand aside and will try to protect his esper with Haste and Shell. Eliminate these benefits with Dispel. If you manage to defeat the esper, then you will even kill Sid.

Also be prepared for the fact that after the death of the esper, Sid will start firing more often from electronic pistols. Remember to use Protect as soon as the esper is defeated.

Congratulations - you've completed the game's biggest dungeon. But if you think this is the end, then you are mistaken. The dungeon has another additional floor that can be reached by elevator. Try to return to the lighthouse when the opportunity arises. I have battle team Level 70 could barely hold out there. But here you can find one of the most powerful espers in the game. But we will talk about this in other sections.

Balfonheim Port

This is your last stop in the game, so if you want to complete or start additional quests, now is the time. You can swing, save up money and LP, buy good magic, equipment and gambits. Your time is unlimited.

And if you can’t wait to lather the last bosses and watch great videos, then head to the Aerodome (in principle, this can be done in any decent city). Your goal is Bahamut.


Here you will almost not need to run around and solve various puzzles. Here you only have to fight.

Turn right and go through the door. There is no need to fight local enemies. It was necessary to increase the level, receive LP and money earlier. You won’t be able to return from here, so there’s still nowhere to spend your earnings.

After going down the stairs, turn left at the fork and go to the central ring. Go forward (southwest) to another central ring and from there to the west. Heal up and run in circles to restore MP. Launch Lift Controls.

Boss: Gabranth

Level: 49

There's that annoying judge again. Use Dispel to rid him of Haste and slowly start hitting him with something heavy. Gabranth will use Renew magic quite often. Thus, he becomes stronger. To counter this, use Protectga to reduce damage. The battle is not much different from previous fights with judges, so I think you have learned their habits and will not lose.

Take the elevator and go upstairs. Next we have to endure several battles in a row.

Level: 50

This is Vane's first incarnation. He will use a lot of nice cinematic attacks, but they are not very effective, especially if your team is protected by Protectga magic.

It's best to hit him with simple physical attacks. He doesn't have much HP, so save your strength and health for your next incarnations.

Boss: Vayne Novus

Level: 53

HP: 12,121 (each)

This is where difficulties begin (but those who have met at least Gilgamesh know how difficult it is). Start the battle by using Dispel. It seems to me that it is absolutely useless to wet his swords; it is better to immediately beat him himself.

Gabranth is a stupid idiot, like most of your "guests" in the game, attacks mainly with swords. Just ignore him, let him do what he wants.

During the battle, you will have to resort to the magic of Curaja more than once or twice. At the same time, try not to waste MP too much.

After Vane's speech, the Protect, Shell and Haste statuses will appear again. Don't forget about Dispel. This will increase your chances of winning.

He doesn't have any weaknesses to black magic, so rely entirely on physical attacks. Before you use objects, do not forget that the hardest battle is yet to come.

Boss: The Undying

Level: 55

The lack of a dice with this boss's HP level makes the battle not so much difficult as it is confusing. It will be quite difficult for you to determine how long to continue to wet it.

When the boss's health is reduced by half, he will apply a shield that protects him from physical attacks. In this case, you will have to use magic. Flare and Holy are very good. The shield will disappear soon, so don't rely too much on magic. At this time, it is useful not to waste MP on the boss, but to increase your own defense: Protectga, Shellga and Bubble for each member of the combat team. This will give you a big advantage in the future.

Don't miss the moment when the boss uses Faith and Bravery on himself. Neutralize this with Dispel, otherwise you will hardly be able to survive his subsequent attacks, even with a high level.

Most attacks are large, epic explosions that knock out 1000 to 2000 HP to each team member. But under the influence of Bubble this should not be a problem for you. Especially with the gambit using Curaja.

You should also keep in mind that since this is the last battle and all accumulated elixirs, Phoenix feathers, etc., can be spent without fear.

If the boss casts Dispelga, try to immediately respond with Protectga and Shellga.

Well, not even a hundred hours had passed before The End arrived.

Load your latest save and get started additional quests. You will see how huge the world of Ivalice is. The final fantasy will never end.

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