Walkthroughs Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl: S.T.A.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl - Walkthrough. Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl walkthrough Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl check walkthrough

"Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl" is the first part of the famous games about stalkers. The developers presented the game in 2007, and it immediately gained a leading position in the world of computer games, and over time became a cult favorite.

A little plot

The story of the game begins in 2012, when the miraculously surviving hero woke up in a “death truck” - a special transport that transported the dead from the Exclusion Zone, where it was going off scale. But the main character of the game remembers absolutely nothing, and in his arsenal of personal belongings there is only a communicator with an incomprehensible inscription - “Kill Strelok”. He picks him up and takes him to the merchant Sidorovich. For the tattoo, the hero receives the nickname STALKER. From this moment the game “Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl” begins, the passage of which is based on the hero completing assigned tasks and going from one informant to another in order to find out who this mysterious shooter is.

Features of the passage

In "Stalker: it is based on completing simple tasks that the hero receives from Sidorovich via communicator. Moreover, the entire gameplay is associated with the transition from one game location to another. Well, the intrigue of the entire gameplay is the penetration of the Marked One into the very heart of the sarcophagus, with the goal find the Wish Granter.

On the hero’s path, he will encounter two types of stalkers: those sitting near fires in destroyed buildings and those loitering idle along the roads. From both of them, the hero can get the necessary information or sell some of his unnecessary equipment. The graphics of the game are quite realistic: deserted streets, destroyed and abandoned houses, areas with high radiation, animals affected by radiation, and zombies.


In "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" the passage also comes down to the destruction of groups of bandits, enemy soldiers and zombies, which are distinguished by their tenacity. Enemy stalkers behave inconspicuously and appear at the most unexpected moment, and in open areas of locations, shooting with them is a rather exciting process. Of course, for battles the hero needs equipment, and for confrontation - various types of firearms, which can be bought for in-game currency or obtained by searching the corpses of destroyed enemies. In the same way, you can replenish food supplies and energy, which the hero simply needs to survive in emergency conditions. Game currency can be replenished by completing certain tasks or selling unnecessary equipment. Different types of overalls protect against different heroes, but none provide 100% protection. Also, during the game, the suits wear out, and you have to buy new ones. The same situation applies to weapons. As wear and tear occurs, misfires appear, and eventually the weapon becomes unusable. Different types of weapons have their own types of ammunition. When searching corpses, you can also replenish your supply of bandages, first aid kits and food.

It is worth noting that we will get several endings in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. The passage takes more than one hour.

Also in the game you will need to collect artifacts. Many of them increase the strength and power of the hero, while others can be sold profitably, but they are not always quite easy to get, many of them are in hard-to-reach areas, and in order to get them you will have to show skill. But it is worth considering that by strengthening one characteristic, we reduce another, so you should not select everything.

The marked one will penetrate into various secret laboratories, warehouses and enemy objects, where he will have to fight both warriors and enemy stalkers, and mythical zombies and monsters.

In the game, participants will be offered a choice of three modes: classic, team versus team and the most exotic - hunting for an artifact.

The walkthrough for the game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" and additional mods and patches for the game can be found on the official website of the game.

Second part

The continuation of “Stalker” will present to the attention of players the already familiar gameplay, where the main character, undoubtedly, remains the Marked One. In "Stalker-2: Shadow of Chernobyl" the passage comes down to the hero completing various tasks. At the same time, it will also be necessary to complete certain tasks and fight bandits and warriors. In this part of the game, new locations, completely new missions and new plot twists appear, as well as a variety of types of firearms.

In "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. Apocalypse" the passage comes down to the fact that Strelok returns from the Pripyat zone and finds himself at the cordon. When entering the Exclusion Zone, new groups and, of course, new adventures await our hero.

First steps

As soon as you select the difficulty and start the game, a video will start in which you will see the prologue to the story of “Marked One”. After the video, you will find yourself in the hideout of Sidorovich, the main merchant in the area, who buys and sells everything that lies within the Zone.

This person saved you, and therefore you will have to do him a favor. During your first conversation, if you are not familiar with the STALKER series, ask Sidorovich to address you as a beginner so that he can introduce you to the situation and explain the basics of control.

The first task during your work for the huckster will be to find a man nicknamed Nimble, who stole a carrier with important data.

After finishing the conversation, leave the shelter and talk with the stalkers outside, and specifically with the Wolf, who will hand you the first weapon.

Before leaving, explore the starting village, the houses of which are mostly open. It is especially important to look behind the Wolf, where the stairs leading to the attic are located - inside there are boxes with provisions.

Moreover, from the attic you can move to the outer ledge of the house, and then jump onto the building opposite (you can only jump to one house from there) and find a box there. Attack him with a pistol to move him closer to the crevice - then the load will break, and you will be able to get the mercenary equipment.

According to the quest from the Wolf, go to the stalkers on the other side of the road, whose group is marked on your PDA. On the way, you can hear the groans of a wounded person - give him a first aid kit if you want to get your first friend in the Zone, and also increase the respect of stalkers.

Examine the carriage for ammunition and continue moving. Together with a group of stalkers, you will have to attack the bandits' base - do not run towards them openly if you are playing even on medium difficulty, as an enemy with a sawn-off shotgun can kill you instantly.

Make your way into the territory through the hole in the fence and begin the battle. If you are confident in your abilities, you can tell Petrukha that you can handle the battle alone, for which he will eventually give you a good Fora 12 pistol.

Kill all the bandits in the buildings, and then go to the two-story building, inside of which lies the bound Nimble. Take the flash drive, collect swag from corpses and boxes, and then return to Sidorovich.

After completing the task, you can immediately proceed to the next story mission. However, the best option would be to complete third-party quests, since now you need to get cooler equipment.

Rest assured that the tasks of clearing the territory from monsters, bandits, or finding an artifact can always be given to you by nearby NPCs like Wolf and Nimble.

N a Agroprom!

When you feel ready to continue the plot, take an assignment from Sidorovich, who will ask you to find important information. According to him, they must be located somewhere on the territory of the Agroprom Research Institute, which is guarded by armed soldiers.

Before leaving, do not forget to purchase first aid kits, bandages and ammunition if you do not want to get into trouble. Mercenary armor or equipment from the Nimble quest will be especially useful here.

To get to Agroprom, you have to pass a cordon of soldiers at the bridge. You can solve the problem in several ways: give the boss five hundred coins (to do this, you need to approach him quietly and calmly without shooting), in order to pass in one direction (if you try to pass again, they will not take money from you - they will start shooting right away), or immediately to deal with them.

An open fight with the military will not be so easy, since these guys are armed with the latest technology: there are six of them in total, and each of them has shortened Kalash rifles and a lot of first-aid kits in their hands.

In addition to the options described above, you can also try to bypass the cordon along the radioactive embankment or through the tunnel on the left, full of electrical anomalies.

In the first case, you will receive a considerable dose of radiation, when, as in the second, you will have to carefully avoid anomalies that kill instantly (use bolts to discharge the trap and go a little forward).

After passing the outpost, you will receive a message from Sidorovich, who will tell you about a certain stalker nicknamed the Fox. The fox is in trouble, and you can help him if you want to make another friend.

Moreover, the guy will tell you about Strelok, a person who managed to get into the epicenter of the Zone. Kill the flock surrounding the Fox's shelter to get one and a half thousand rubles.

If you have a grenade, use it to smoke out the enemies who are holed up in the building. When the shootout is over, collect swag in the area and, most importantly, do not forget to pick up the Viper-5 - an excellent machine gun at the beginning of the game.


The new location will immediately confront you with another danger. The bandits have pinned down a neutral stalker, whom you can save. By the way, no one will forbid you to dress up as a bandit and just pass by, since in STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl you can side with any factions, including bandits, simply by killing their enemies.

After the mess, you will receive information on the PDA, which contains information about the attack of bandits directly on the landfill (not the location, but the landfill). On the spot you will find Bes, the leader of the neutrals, who asked for help.

He will tell you that bandits owned the landfill in the past, but then they (Bes and his comrades) managed to recapture this place. Now the guys are reaping the benefits of constant attacks, and they ask you to help them deal with the threat.

Before the battle, explore the junkyard for ammo for the Viper, which is in the boxes at the top of the turret. During the battle, try to protect the Imp, who, like any other NPC, can die. If successful, he will give you rubles and an artifact that can be sold.

Collect cartridges for the AK-74U, which will be useful to you directly in the battle on the territory of Agroprom (since this is where a particularly difficult mess awaits you, for which you will need something more powerful than the Viper-5).

Next, go to the hangar in the middle of the location where Gray is located - this man knows something about Strelok. On the way to this place, you will again receive a message about an attack by bandits who are simply besieging the Landfill.

A battle between stalkers and bandits will take place in the hangar - help the latter if you want to contact the netrals in the future. In battle, do not stand in the center, as you can be caught by both sides.

To clear the hangar, enter head-on, since along the direct path you can climb onto the carriage, or move over to the stalkers and fight them shoulder to shoulder.

Another option is also available to you - then you will have to enter from the side in order to get to the rear and take the attack by surprise.

After the shootout, talk to Gray, who will tell you about Strelok’s “lurch,” as well as another stalker who may know the approximate location of your main target.

Search the area and go to Agroprom, taking the left path from the railway. On the road you will have to defend yourself a few more times, but nothing serious will happen.

Research Institute "Agroprom"

On the way, you will meet a neutral who knows that Mole (the same stalker with new information about Strelok) was attacked by the military. Next, you will see a short cut-scene with the landing of soldiers who will begin to attack the stalkers.

Don't waste time collecting resources just yet, as the battle is in real time and every second counts.

Pass the fence and, once on the territory of Agroprom, start shooting the military. Be sure that it is extremely difficult to fight them openly - you need to kill opponents from behind cover.

Soon you will reach the central part of the base, where the Mole himself is defending himself. This guy can die very quickly, so act very quickly and deal with all the military, if possible exposing yourself to the bullets intended for the Mole.

You can also use grenades and blow up barrels here, but use caution as there is friendly fire in the game.

When the battle is over, the Mole, if he survived, will take you into the building and tell you about Strelok's hiding place, which is located on the lower level of Agroprom.

Before setting off, you should look north of Agroprom, to the swamps, where there is a valuable artifact, as well as an interesting hero nicknamed Deserter, with whom you can chat.

P dungeons of the Research Institute "Agroprom"

After going down to the lower level, examine the first corpse. Next, slowly approach the stairs down, next to which there is an open room (between the columns).

Throw a grenade there or open fire if you haven't been noticed yet, as there are enemies inside. There is also an incendiary barrel inside that can be detonated.

After the battle, go into the corridor dotted with electrical traps, like you could see in the tunnel near the military cordon. Having passed the anomalies with the help of a bolt, go into the next room, from where you can go even lower - into the tunnels leading to Strelka’s cache.

If you are unable to pass the “electra”, then look into the nearest room and use the spiral staircase. It will lead you to another corridor with more benign anomalies - acids that cause severe bleeding.

Pat yourself with bandages and quickly get to the end of the path to then get out into the main hall. Here, try to move slowly, keeping to the wall, as there is a dangerous creature nearby, nicknamed Bloodsucker, who remains invisible for the most part.

If you do not allow yourself to be detected, the monster will soon encounter the military (otherwise, the grenades located in the box against the wall on the right will help you).

By the way, by holding down the use key (standard F), you can highlight objects at a distance of up to three meters to simplify your task of finding supplies.

In the same room there is an artifact “Hedgehog”, which must be picked up, but only after the battle. Go through the crack in the wall, pass the corridor and turn left where there is lighting.

Here you will find a lot of valuable things like an improved Kalash, stalker armor, various artifacts and, most importantly, a data carrier (lies next to the map).

Now you must leave the dungeon: step through the main tunnel to reach a shaft with a spiral staircase. The latter will lead you to the top, but along the way you will have to constantly fight.

For documents!

After leaving the dungeon, you will find yourself within the western part of Agroprom, where the military has settled. Here you will have to act carefully, since the opponents have taken positions on the towers and are generally patrolling the entire area.

If you are noticed, then hide somewhere in a building or behind another strong shelter, then play defensively and do not attack yourself. Ultimately, you need to get to a tall building (at the entrance you will find a loudspeaker that you should shoot at).

Inside the house, prepare for resistance - soldiers will stand around every corner. On the third floor you will come across a white briefcase, where the information you are looking for lies. When you take it, Sidorovich will contact you, who will report another military attack on their base.

Accordingly, you will not be able to meet with him for some time, so he will send you to another knowledgeable person - the Bartender.

The latter, by the way, introduced you to Debt and asked this group to open the way for you to the Rostock plant.

Now you need to get out of here, because after the conversation even more military men will descend on the territory of Agroprom. Leave through the far entrance, as there are fewer enemies there.

As for the eastern part of Agroprom, soldiers also live there. There is no valuable loot there, so go straight to the Landfill. Before leaving the location, it makes sense to explore the area around the research institute, since there are guaranteed artifacts there.


After leaving the research institute, you will come across bandits who you don’t have to kill. However, if you deal with the whole gang and help the local stalkers, you will receive recognition from the Bartender, since he is in charge of this territory.

Continue to the Duty Outpost, near which you will witness an attack by monsters on their base. You can help Debt, and then you will be given stalker armor. One way or another, you will be allowed inside.

At the Bar location, follow the right path. Soon a pack of dogs will attack you, from which you can run away if you wish, reaching the next Duty outpost. It's safe inside the base. Now visit the Bar itself, where the Bartender is located, to whom you must give the information.

Sell ​​the swag to the merchant and talk to him. After the conversation, do not rush to start the next task, as there are many interesting things at the base.

You can ask the locals about such a thing as the Arena, where stalkers fight for big profits, risking their lives in the process. When you complete the Arena, you will receive more than ten thousand rubles, as well as recognition from all stalkers.

From the X-18

The bartender will give you the next story mission related to finding information from the X-18 laboratory. The task itself differs from going to the territory of Agroprom, since the location of the laboratory is unknown to the Bartender.

Moreover, the first thing you have to do is find the second part of the key, which opens access to the lab. The key is in the hands of the leader of the bandits, nicknamed Hog, whose soul you will have to go to first.

Borov lives in his own base in the Dark Valley location, which you can get to through the Landfill. You will have to go back and again pass many monsters and bandits.

Before moving into the Dark Valley, explore the end of the Dump. Very often in this place (on the right side of the hill) there are anomalies, among which lies an artifact worth five thousand rubles.

Dark Valley

At the start of the new location, you will meet the long-serving Pulya, who is interrogating a shot bandit. From their conversation, you learn that Bartender's reconnaissance group was ambushed, and now Bullet wants to save them.

Not far from here you can find an artifact lying near a boulder. These are “Mom’s Beads”, which increase resistance to gunshot wounds.

Naturally, Bullet will need your help - he will ask you to rescue another stalker held by bandits.

You can refuse to set up an ambush with a debtor if you do not want to increase your reputation with this faction. As a reward for completing it, you will receive a sight for 74 and interesting information about the state of the Valley.

After this, go to the bandits' base, where you can get there in two ways - head-on, but then you will have to withstand incredibly heavy fire, or through the sewer, the road along which is marked on the map. In the second case, you will have to move while sitting, without using NVGs or a flashlight, otherwise you will be noticed.

Moreover, the enemy can even hear you changing the gun or firing mode (this also applies to reloading), so prepare in advance.

As a result, you should calmly get to the garage, from where you can get onto the pipes, and then through the window, where the chaos will finally begin. Neutralize your opponents quickly, taking advantage of the effect of surprise.

Under the van you can accidentally fall into the pit where the "heat" anomaly is located. Before jumping away from there, pick up the Abakan - an analogue of the Kalash, but with a little more damage and higher accuracy.

After killing all the bandits in the yard, start clearing the houses. Operate from the largest hangar, which has a path to the top floor, and then the opportunity to go to the roof of the neighboring house, where the largest number of enemies are located.

In the same red building you will find a grate behind which a debtor is imprisoned (he can be saved to increase his reputation).

There is no need to deal with all the thugs - the final goal of the task is in the office space, where the leader of the bandits is located.

Naturally, it would be safer to deal with everyone. Finally, you will reach Borov - kill him and examine the corpse to obtain the missing key piece.

By the way, during the quest you may stumble upon a bandit in a raincoat who is armed with an Abakan with a grenade launcher. This powerful weapon can be returned to one of the debtors who lost it.

Laboratory X-18

Inside the laboratory, examine the neutral's corpse, and then go into the room with a secure door. To open it, you need to get the code, which is located from one of the researchers (at the end of the corridor with the “heat” and snorks).

To simplify the battle with snorks and poltergeists, take the powerful Monolith armor, which lies in one of the lockers on the same floor.

Having picked up the key, return to the door and enter it. On the lower level, your only landmark will be the elevator opposite - you need to remember it.

Here the poltergeist will begin to attack you again, throwing various utensils - dodge flying objects and reduce the distance, since you need to kill these clumps in close combat.

On the right side of the elevator is a corridor leading to another blocked door. Behind the elevator is another corridor ending in an empty room, from where you can exit into a room with a hole. Go to the latter.

After this, you will find yourself in a huge room with a small amount of light, and in the center you will find something - a pseudo-giant. This creature will cause you a huge amount of problems, as it has a gigantic amount of health and deals a lot of damage.

Do not let him approach you and continue shooting - after the battle, examine the body of the researcher, which is located in the corner of the room. After receiving the key, search the room (IL 86 and RPG-7 are located here) and return to the right corridor.

When the door opens, someone will begin to break in, but in the end there will be no one behind it. Next, a new battle with poltergeists awaits you. In the hall, move along the left side to the open door, which will slam in your face.

A battle will begin with a fire poltergeist, which is slightly stronger than its “blue” counterparts (it creates a mark under your feet, which soon bursts into flames). After the battle, get to the control room and collect the information to trigger a cut-scene.

After awakening, it turns out that you are not alone here - soldiers have visited the hall. Now you will have to get back out, of course, with a fight, but if you wish, you can try to move on the sly.

Outside, Sidorovich will contact you, who will be glad that you are alive and will tell you about the closure of the Landfill. Because of this, you will have to go through the old tunnels leading to Cordon.

In return

You will find yourself in Cordon territory, but from the other side, which was attacked at the beginning of the game. Take the information from the lab to Sidorovich and sell all the swag.

Before completing the next story quest, you can complete secondary ones: the merchant will ask you to steal information from the military base, and the Fan will ask you to kill the mercenaries. Next you need to reach the Landfill to get to the Bar. Follow the same path that was recaptured by the military.

At the bar, talk to the Bartender, who will continue the storyline. Also here you can transfer the Abakan found in the past to one of the debtors, if you wish.

To the X-16 laboratory

According to Barman, the researchers know where you can get to the X-16, so you need to go to them. You have to go through the Wild Zone, where a hidden passage to a new location will appear - on the spot you will hear negotiations of thugs with whom you will have to fight.

Inside the house, deal with the remaining opponents and exit on the other side. There will also be a fight outside, so don't relax. After the battle, go to the railway station, where a cut-scene will start, after which you will have to protect the researchers from the attack of thugs.

Get to Doctor Kruglov, who needs help. If you help him, you will advance through the main storyline even faster, as his subordinates will become loyal to you.

Reach the point with the fallen pinwheel, cutting out enemies at the same time, and then talk with the researcher. Now Kruglov will need to be escorted all the way to Yantar, where their shelter is located. Soon you will be attacked by two powerful Wolfhound squads at once - from behind and in front.

You will have another battle at the Bytovka, and then a battle at the construction site. After this, a group of scientists will begin to pass through the zone with anomalies - follow them, as these guys know the safe way.

Immediately you can be attacked by zombies who are not particularly smart, speed or damage, but lack cowardice.

Having overcome the danger zone, you will receive a gift from Kruglov - a carrier with valuable information, which should be given to the Bartender. From here, the scientists will reach the base on their own.

I am an amber

You will find yourself in scorched expanses that were once filled with water. Now this depression is a swamp with a powerful background, anomalies, snorks and other creatures that thirst for your flesh. In the center of the lake there is a research base, where you need to get.

A cut-scene with a conversation between Kruglov and Sakharov will start inside the base. After this, talk to the latter - you can give him all the swag (especially artifacts, for which he pays more than ordinary traders); the scientist will also reward you for accompanying Kruglov with an excellent protective suit, which will be useful for avoiding anomalies (it is useless in battle).

According to Sakharov, you can get into X-16, but first you will have to calibrate the equipment, since the previous group, without assessing all the dangers, died due to incredibly high psi radiation. Kruglov will personally correct the background condition, but he himself will not go there - you will have to accompany him.

If your inventory is full, throw unnecessary things into the scientist base box, since after this mission you will return here. However, be sure to bring both regular armor and a spacesuit.

On the way, look for snorks, moving ahead, as they will try to attack the researcher, whose health is limited. On the spot, the scientist will begin to study the environment - the earth will tremble for the first time.

Inside, proceed in the same way, moving ahead of Kruglov. During the second study, vibration will begin again, and during the third study, ejection will begin.

After this, a crowd of monsters will attack you, which are guaranteed to devour Kruglov if he previously received a lot of damage. By the way, after falling, the researcher will drop the cannon, which you can pick up and throw at his feet - then he will pick it up.

At the base, talk to Sakharov, who will mark the location of the X-16 on your PDA and give you a suit with protection from PSI background. Go to the marked point, moving near the fence.

In the swamps, deal with the zombies that stand on the islands of land, because when you step into the water, they will immediately attack you.

But before that, you should examine the helicopter crash site, where the body of a researcher lies with information about the laboratory. His notes will also mention a certain Ghost, who was in Strelok’s group.

After this, return to the scientists’ base and equip yourself properly, as you will be visiting the Yantar plant. While wearing a protective scientific suit, move carefully and do not expose yourself, as it has very little physical resistance.

Once there, go to the van, to the left of which lies a dilapidated building with supplies. From there you can get around the zombies and simply throw grenades at them. Having reached the treasured entrance, go down to the laboratory.

K complex X-16

Inside the laboratory, a snork will attack you - kill him and climb into the elevator shaft. After descending, immediately run to the control cabin, which can be reached via the stairs (to the left of the elevator).

Move quickly, as snorks may come after you. From the cabin, step forward, while simultaneously dealing with the monsters.

Maneuver along the corridors, examining the shelves for food and medicine, until you finally reach a room with a hole filled with barrels. It's worth throwing a grenade there, as there are enemies behind them.

After this, go to the large room where the psi device is located - you need to turn it off within five minutes by deactivating the power.

It is necessary to turn off four switches that are located around the perimeter of the room. The allotted time should be enough for you if you do not stop and fight with enemies for a long time.

After completing the task, the hero will pass out again. After waking up, get out of the laboratory (turn right, leading into the corridor). Deal with the zombies and get ready to open the massive door behind which is the controller.

After the battle, examine the corpse of the Ghost with valuable information about the Strelok and powerful armor. Next, use the hole in the right cell, which will lead you into the tunnels.

Inside you will have a battle with snorks that will emerge straight from the ground. Go straight until you come across a pseudo-giant - kill him and go outside. After this, Sakharov will contact you.

Finally, all you have to do is get to the researchers' base. Sakharov will express great gratitude to you for turning off the “burner” and will present you with an excellent spacesuit.

Also give him the Ghost vest to get money, and take on the quest to find even cooler stalker armor. Now all you have to do is return to the Bartender.

K ordon and Agroprom

After completing the above task, you should not immediately begin the storyline, since a Guide will appear on the Cordon, who has information about the Doctor’s whereabouts.

Get to your destination through the Landfill. Soon you will reach a dilapidated building, near which the Guide sits (earlier here you saved the Fox).

The Guide himself, by the way, is considered one of the most skilled stalkers, since he was one of the first to arrive here and is still alive. According to him, the Doctor hid in Strelok’s hideout, so that’s where you need to go - to Agroprom.

Inside the complex, get ready to fight the bandits. Further, making your way to your destination, you will in any case come across a tripwire, which will trigger a cut-scene. The doctor will raise you to your feet, after which you will finally realize that you were hunting yourself (the Shooter is the Marked One).

Next, the chiropractor will tell you about the Monolith: this is indeed, as Strelok (that is, you) previously believed, a sample from under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant itself, which can only be reached with the help of a rare key. The latter is hidden in Pripyat. Finally, return to the Bartender.

B armen

In the Bar, the owner will inform you about Debt, the head of which (Voronin) wants to talk with you. Also, the key quest will now be to disable the next “burner”, but this time in the Radar location, which is particularly difficult.

Voronin will ask you to find unique optics at the mercenary base, for which you will receive Vintar. Also, if you are looking for good armor (and if Seva does not suit you), you can visit the base of Freedom - the faction opposite to Duty, which also has a lot of additional tasks. Raise your reputation with it and eliminate the traitor to receive powerful light armor.

After completing the secondary quests, return to the Freedom Cordon, blocking the path between the warehouses and the Radar. You have to repel the attack of the Monolith, after which you will be able to go to the next location.

R adar

The new location will be limited due to the strong background around the perimeter, so you will not be able to get close to rocks and cars. Go straight ahead to the military post and clear it, then continue moving.

In this case, a Vintar or another long-range gun will help you, since you won’t be able to get close to the sniper. Follow the main road past the Red Forest and avoid too much glare as the Monolith camp is nearby.

Near the tank, examine the supply boxes - a few grenades will be useful to you. Clear the patrol ahead and climb up the hill, behind which there will be a turn where an enemy with an RPG is holed up.

You need to spot it first or choose a particularly protected position, as this weapon has a large hit radius. At the same time, deal with the remaining adversaries and clear the camp.

Next, new snipers await you: one hid right in the GAZ (look at the body), the other is on the balcony to the left of the road. Although they may be in other positions! After the hill, you will constantly encounter small units that are not difficult to deal with.

The closer you get to the “burner”, the more glitchy it will start to glitch you - ghostly monsters will appear in the area that do no damage. If you shoot at one of these, you will lose some HP.

Closer to your destination, continue killing enemies until you reach a base with a sniper and ordinary military personnel. Kill them all, and then run to the tunnel fenced off by the carriage and go inside.

L laboratory X-10

The new laboratory will be more civilized and well-lit than the previous ones. Continue through the corridor to reach a large room. Move carefully here, as bloodsuckers are prowling throughout the lab. This time you will not be required to look for codes or passwords - go straight to the marked point.

Soon you will come across a controller - kill him and go down the stairs to get to the boiler rooms. Go to the other side of the room and climb into the corridor, from where you can get to the Burner control panel. Using the lever will cause you to lose consciousness.

When you awaken, a mysterious voice will turn to you; the owner will be the real Black Stone, or the Wish Granter, who, in fact, is engaged in transforming people’s various requests into reality. As you remember from the doctor’s words, this voice is glitches from the lab under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Now come back. Along the way, you will encounter units of the Monolith, whose fighters are equipped with exoskeletons. Shoot them in the head to save ammo, as the rest of these enemies' bodies are incredibly tough.

Once outside, you will notice a change in the situation - vanity has begun, as the military arrived at Radar with the task of clearing the Monolith. Go to the camp not far from the base with the lab.

There you will find a carriage with a great Liberty costume. After this, move to the branched road where the broken down UAZ is located.

Here you will witness a battle between Svoboda and Debts, during which you can provide assistance to one of the parties or simply wait it out. Finally, all you have to do is return to the Bar if you need to recuperate. In the end, you should visit Pripyat.

P rippy

In a town overgrown with myths, an interesting scene awaits you from the very beginning - you will meet seasoned mercenaries who can escort you to the garages. There is an option to refuse, since in reality they are of little use.

After walking through the streets and reaching the bare area with the statue, look around, as here there are snipers sitting on the roofs with Gauss guns - incredibly powerful weapons that kill with one shot. No less formidable opponents await you from below - the Monoliths.

Ultimately, you need to get to the hotel, where it is more or less calm. When you reach your destination, you will find out the number of the required room - 26 (April 26 was the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant).

There is no point in running to the room, as enemies with gauss guns await you along the way. Collect valuable information on the spot and leave the building through the stadium. After this, you can reach the passage at the end of the map, which leads to the station.


First, you have to fend off numerous attacks from opponents, while moving quite quickly, since the time before the release is limited. You shouldn’t stop during the passage, as many of the bodies ahead will turn out to be simple models without loot.

Behind the concrete fence you will find a railway station - from there run to the station, shooting back from enemies. It won't be possible to kill them all, so just make your way along the wall to the gate.

On the spot, an armored personnel carrier will approach you, from which you immediately need to hide, since it will penetrate any armor. Jump through the hatch to reach the next level.

The entrance to the lab is somewhere nearby, and you need to find it. By the way, no one will forbid you to find the sarcophagus directly in order to complete the ending of the Monolith, but in reality they will turn out to be negative. Move forward, clearing the rooms.

After the corridor, go down to the lower level and go through the crack in the wall, where about seven enemies are holed up. Then find the stairs to the top, which at the end are guarded by Monoliths. To avoid giving yourself away, climb without light.

On the next floor you will find corridors that can lead to both the laboratory and the sarcophagus. Go into the corridor with the red beacon to find the stairs. If you choose the right path, the game itself will inform you about this, indicating in the tasks that you have found a lab.

Finally, all you have to do is go through the door, which you will first have to open. During decryption, you will have to fight off the Monoliths, after which you will be able to go inside.

After the first part of the encounter, you will go into a room with lanterns and a Monolith symbol in the middle - destroy everything to interrupt the signal. With each destroyed lantern you will be attacked by fiery poltergeists.

Eventually, when you complete the task, you will be contacted by a mysterious scientist with whom you can talk. Ask him about everything that interests you and perhaps you will understand what the Zone really is.

At this point, you can accept the person's offer to join them, after which the game will end with one of the good endings.

If you refuse, then another level awaits you, during which you will jump through portals until you eventually reach a room with these scientists who are lying in stasis. Kill them or spare them - it's up to you, since there is no right or wrong option here.

Video: walkthrough of STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl

Like if it was useful

Walkthrough - the secret of the Chernobyl Zone

Stalker Marked is the only survivor of a car accident when a lightning strike caused a truck to explode and crash into a ditch in the northern Cordon area. Only the driver was unlucky - the other passengers in the back were not harmed by the explosion, as they were already dead. Traumatic brain injury led to amnesia. The hero has no name or memories left. All that connects him with the past is the tattoo “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.” and a pocket computer with a photograph and a laconic task: “Kill the Strelok!” I wish I knew who this Strelok is...

Now our hero is a guest of the merchant Sidorovich, whose bunker is located on the southern outskirts of the Zone next to the army checkpoint. Sidorovich does not meddle in Marked’s personal affairs, but the debt must be repaid. And the merchant gives the first task - to help free a stalker captured by bandits in order to return a valuable flash drive with information.

For your information: It is not necessary to follow the story quests and even complete the first task. You can go on a free hunt or do side quests at any time. Remember - the more often and more actively you move away from the main storyline, the more you explore the world of the Zone, the easier it will be to go through the later stages of the game, when you have valuable artifact samples of weapons and armor.


So, training mode. Leave the bunker, get familiar with the controls, read the basic information and go to the farm where the stalkers have settled. Here you can talk to people, steal some food from the basement, listen to jokes and finally talk to a stalker named Wolf. He will give you a pistol and ammunition, saying that the bandits are holding a prisoner at the motor-tractor station and three stalkers are already hiding nearby, not daring to take the MTS by storm.

Past the skeleton of the bus, exit onto the main road. On the right is a military checkpoint, you don’t need to go there. On the left, next to the carriage and concrete blocks, in front of the bridge lies the wounded stalker Tolik. Help him with the first aid kit (it lies nearby) and listen to the radio communications of the helicopter flying around.

Now - the first mission. It's a very challenging tutorial, so be prepared. Stalkers are waiting for you by the road - here you will have a choice: go on an assault with everyone or try to deal with the bandits alone, Rambo style. The first option is simpler, the second is more interesting.

The bandits are armed with pistols and sawn-off shotguns. Defeat them all and talk to Nimble. I wonder where he kept the drive that the bandits didn’t find it? To celebrate, the freed prisoner will share with you the location of the valuable cache.

For your information: here Shustry can give the first side quest - the search for the “perfect” suit. The suit (a unique bandit jacket with sewn-in elements of a bulletproof vest) lies where the arrow on the map points - in the depths of the tunnel on the right, near the wall. The treasure is guarded by a pseudodog. You can return the costume to Shustrom or put it on yourself.

Return the flash drive to the merchant and don't forget to check in with the Wolf along the way.

The merchant will reward you with some information about Strelok and what is happening in the Zone. It turns out that the central regions of the Zone, the richest in artifacts, are inaccessible to visitors due to mysterious radiation that makes the brain boil.

For your information: you can take a few more side missions from the merchant. Many have a time limit, so it makes sense to take one at a time.

A suitcase with secret documents will help you uncover the secret of mysterious events. It is hidden on the third floor of the Agroprom Institute. The problem is that the institute is in the hands of the military, and it is very difficult to take it by storm. Let's start small - how to get into the northern region of Cordon, beyond the military checkpoint under the destroyed bridge?

There are two ways to go north beyond the destroyed bridge. Firstly, on the advice of the merchant - to the left of the bridge through a narrow tunnel with electrical anomalies. On the dead stalker's PDA you will find notes indicating that these anomalies are flashing throughout the system. Apparently, the owner of the PDA understood the system incorrectly. The second option is to go to the right of the bridge through the hole in the fence. There it is very important not to turn to the right, so as not to fly into a radiation spot. Finally, the soldiers can simply be shot.

Northern Cordon

Delighted by your success, Sidorovich will get in touch and offer to talk with a stalker named Fox - he was just wandering somewhere nearby and fighting off mutants with varying success. You will find the fox in one of the dilapidated houses. He killed a lot of blind dogs, but he himself got the worst of it. I hope you have a first aid kit? Help Fox deal with a large pack of dogs.

He himself knows nothing about Strelok, but his brother, Gray, who lives in an abandoned factory two kilometers to the north, may know. Forward! You need to get through the checkpoint occupied by bandits to get to the landfill area.

Equipment cemetery

It won't be so easy to visit Gray - bandits have infested the area. They shoot at the stalkers and for some reason try to capture the radioactive cemetery of equipment, which is defended by the stalkers led by Bes.

The demon will offer you help in defending the camp - it’s up to you whether to agree or not. Here you can get hold of submachine guns and AKS-74U. In any case, you will have to stock up on ammunition and first aid kits to break through the bandit fortifications on the way north to the plant. If you are confident, you can sit in the vehicle graveyard and try to protect it. First the bandits will come from the east, then from the south and from the north. You will quickly run out of ammunition - you will have to not only collect it from the bodies, but also shake it out of the weapon lying on the ground.

Once you decide that there is nothing more for you to do here, follow the road north. You won't miss Gray's habitat - on the radio you will be asked to help protect the building from bandits advancing from the east. And here is Gray himself. He will transfer you to another acquaintance - a stalker nicknamed Mole, who, it seems, unearthed the cache where Strelok kept his things.

Before you go to the Mole, stock up on ammunition, bandages and first aid kits. On the way to the east, to the Agroprom Research Institute, bandits sat behind concrete slabs. You can try to fire at them under the protection of half-open iron gates.


The research institute area is controlled by soldiers - you will constantly encounter patrols on the road. Outside the gates of the institute, stalkers fight with the military. Help Mole's group and he will show you the entrance to the sewer system where Shooter once kept his valuables.

This dungeon will also lead you to the research center, where the suitcase that the merchant needs is stored on the third floor.

For your information: in the center of a small lake in the northwest of the region, you can talk with a character - a non-aggressive soldier who will tell you that the only way to enter the research center without noise is through the catacombs. Don't forget to find at least one silent pistol before going into the dungeon - very soon you will need stealth.


Below you will be warmly greeted by bandits. Don’t go where electrical anomalies flare up - go down the spiral staircase to the lower level, into the kingdom of the cheerful green lights of the witch’s jelly, to the inquisitive bloodsuckers.

Having dealt with the mutants and several stray soldiers, climb the stairs in the pipe to the hiding place. There are two interesting things here. Firstly, the rapid-fire AK-74, the one and only. Secondly, a flash drive with information about Strelok. He will lead you to a stalker named Ghost, one of Strelok's associates.

Carefully move further through the dungeon and get ready to meet the game's first controller. If you have grenades, good. If not, you can live too. Hide from him around the corner and fire at him in quick bursts so that he does not have time to capture the stalker's attention.

After waiting until evening (you may have to go have some tea), come out from underground. You are inside the perimeter of the research center, and your goal is to steal the treasured suitcase from the third floor.

Research Center

You won't be able to complete it entirely in stealth mode, no matter how hard you hide from the sentries. The suitcase with documents is on the third floor in a room with wonderful-looking instruments. You will have to fight your way out. Fortunately, the helicopter is here just for the sake of it; no one is going to shoot at the character from the air.

There is another way to get to the suitcase - by brute force. Having indicated your presence, immediately run to the house across the road and, when the soldiers jump out into the open, fire at them through the window. In the research center building itself, it is convenient to take positions on the staircases.

With the suitcase in hand, return to the landfill area and go north to the Debt checkpoint. They will let you through there when they find out that you are carrying a suitcase to the bartender. If “Duty” asks you to help with the hordes fleeing from the Dark Valley area, from the east, do not refuse - and the bartender will then give you a fee.

It’s best to run past a pack of angry dogs with a bottle of energy drink. The "Duty" post will shoot the dogs if they chase you in a fit of courage. You are in Bar territory. This is the central area where stalkers come to relax, chat, drink in a bar or fight in the Arena.

The bartender will be your next quest giver. The documents speak of a secret X-18 base somewhere in the Dark Valley area. The door to the laboratory is opened by two keys. One bartender will give you, the other will have to be obtained from a bandit named Hog, who set up his camp not far from the entrance to the laboratory.

Dark Valley

To get to the valley, you will have to run through an area of ​​​​high radiation, so prepare an antidote. You will be met by an unfamiliar debtor named Bullet, interrogating a wounded bandit (he will be here even if you make your way into the area without the quest). The stalker will invite you to help him with an ambush - two bandits are leading a captive comrade, a stalker named Semyon, along the road to the factory.

Once in place, sit behind the stop, wait for the bandits to pass, and open fire when the stalker starts shooting. Having rescued Senya, you will receive a PSO-1 sight and a new task - to free other captured stalkers.

At this level, a partially hidden passage is also implied - and here you will get to the factory where the bandits have settled, also through a sewer pipe. Don't bother the guards, find the place where the ZIL has half fallen into the repair pit, and, having guessed the time, jump into the basement. Carefully and quietly move through the basement to the next building. This is where things get a lot more difficult, so save often. Bandits stand on the floors and patrol them. Remember to be able to drag bodies (action key with left Shift).

The hog sat down at the far end of the building on the lower floors. Take the key from him (by then you will probably be discovered, so take out your most powerful guns). If you want, free the stalker in the basement and in the house behind the gate. Now you have both keys. You can get out of the factory along a long passage that starts in a brick building (south of the building) and leads into the valley.

Now you need to storm another factory building - the one next to which you sat in ambush with Bullet. Get ready to shoot a lot or break through. You need to enter the room on the left from the courtyard, turn right and go down to the basement. There you will find a locked door.

Laboratory X-18

First of all, you need to find the code in order to open the door to the lower level of the laboratory. The code is 1243, but until you find it on the scientist’s body in the back room, you won’t be able to use it. The main enemy here is fiery anomalies (watch out for the swaying air). A couple of snorks can also ruin the fun. Avoid flying boxes.

On the lower floor you will need to find the key again. The local corridors are teeming with poltergeists and flying boxes, and in the large hall, where another dead scientist is lying, a lone pseudo-giant is running around - it’s better to shoot him through the doorway while he’s warming up and jumping around the hall. Don't forget to go up the stairs and examine the box with valuables. There is nothing interesting in the refrigerator.

Save and open the door with code 9524. Kill the next poltergeist, look at the mysterious flasks with amazing creatures inside and go up to the control room, where you will be overtaken by the first flashback - a memory from the past.

Don't forget to pick up the folder from the table. Get back out the same way. Four soldiers shouldn't pose much of a problem for you. The army attacked the factory, so once you are on the surface, it is better to try to get out the other way - to the second floor and down through the roof.

The documents must be taken to the bartender, but the passage to the landfill is blocked. You will have to make a detour and return to Cordon. Show the documents to Sidorovich, and then take them north to the bartender.

The next stop is Yantarnoye Lake, where the X-16 laboratory turns unwary stalkers into zombies.

Wild lands

You will have to make your way to Amber Lake through the Wild Lands (directly from the northern checkpoint). This huge station is under the control of mercenaries, and they don’t like strangers. Very soon you will witness how mercenaries shoot down a helicopter in which scientists were peacefully flying to their bunker. You will have the opportunity to rescue one of the scientists by escorting him to the lake. This is not as difficult to do as it seems - the scientist tries not to get into trouble.

Behind the bridge with fiery anomalies you will meet the first zombies. They wander slowly, but shoot accurately. Along the road you will find yourself in the vicinity of the dried-up Yantarny Lake.

Amber Lake

In the vicinity of the lake, destroy all the local zombies, but do not approach the buildings yet. Your goal is the bunker and Professor Sakharov, who can provide you with protection from psi radiation in exchange for the services of a bodyguard. You need to accompany the scientist Semenov and guard him while he takes field strength measurements.

The secret is to run ahead of Semenov and destroy the zombies. Sooner or later, psi radiation will knock out the hero, but you will not turn into a zombie. Sakharov will give you a sample of brain protection. We'll have to go underground again...

Psi radiation is successfully shielded by the device, but the hero’s eyes are still grey-gray. In the yard, well-aimed zombies (not dangerous) and jumping snorkels (these will cause problems) await you. Go down to the laboratory.

Laboratory X-16

The population is familiar - zombies, snorks - for some reason the radiation does not affect these, but a slow, staggering snork would be a very convenient opponent. Go down the stairs to the lower floor and, shooting half-dead creatures, move along the level. Save - in the large hall you will have to run up the stairs in a race against time. The radiation is too powerful, the protection will not last long.

While destroying the zombies as quickly as possible, turn off three levers in sequence on three levels (don’t miss the very first one). Once at the very top, turn right, save and pull the lever on the control panel. Hurray, there is no more radiation, the danger has passed, a career as a zombie is no longer possible for us. The hero will again remember passages from his past. I wonder who this powerful old man with the dog is?

All that remains is to go into the far hall, deal with the sad controller, and rummage through the Phantom’s body. You are primarily interested in an artifact suit with a regeneration effect, and only then in documents from the X-16 laboratory. To your right there is a hole in the stone floor. Jump into it and get out through the tunnel. The first pair of snorks will meet you behind a pile of earth. Be careful around the bend - the snork is hiding behind a curved piece of pipe lying against the left wall. Another one will jump out from around the corner, where a jet of flame shoots out. At the fork where you kill the zombies (there is a grate on the left, a pile of earth on the right), try to throw a couple of grenades behind the pile of earth with a piece of pipe lying on it - two cheerful snorks are waiting for you right behind the hill. They think they can take you by surprise, but that’s not the case!

Get ready to shoot in bursts at the pseudo-giant, who, having scattered the boxes, will run towards you, but, of course, will not reach you. There are zombies on the left - you can ignore them. Run straight and go up the stairs after two turns to the surface. The helicopter won't do anything to you - it will fire a couple of missiles at the laboratory and quickly fly away out of harm's way. Report to Sakharov and return to Bar.

The bartender explicitly invites you to visit the Monolith and turn off their psionic field to open the way to the north for the stalkers. And, it would seem, now that you have protection from radiation, nothing (except dozens of evil Monoliths, of course) prevents you from hitting the road. But don't rush. The Phantom's notes contained information about a Guide who was supposed to meet with a certain Doctor. Why not try to find out who the Guide and the Doctor are?

We will find the first one in the south, in the Cordon area in front of the destroyed railway bridge - in the very place where you once talked with Fox. The conductor is terse: “The doctor is waiting in a secret place. If you're in the know, you know where it is."

Of course we are on topic! Return to the northwest to the Agroprom area and again dive into the sewer hatch - into the very catacombs where you were looking for information about Strelka. Having defeated the bandits and bloodsuckers, go up the familiar stairs... The doctor (the same old man from the visions) really doesn’t want the player to start shooting at him out of fear and spoil the acquaintance, so without further ado he will hit the hero on the top of the head and tell him everything, until he will have a headache. And then he will disappear, leaving information about the cache hidden in the Pripyat hotel, in room 26.

Let us remember this information and, armed to the teeth, we will go north to storm the lands of the Monolith.

Army warehouses

The army warehouses, which are controlled by the Freedom group, are a buffer area between Bar (Duty) and the Red Forest (under the control of Monolith). Here you can join one of the organizations and choose a side in the conflict. If you become “Free”, you will no longer be allowed into the Bar in an amicable way, and it will become more difficult for anyone who joins “Duty” to cross the border between the Warehouses and the Red Forest - there is a checkpoint at “Freedom”.

It is nevertheless worth helping the Svoboda commander repel the Monolith’s attack. This way you will learn the habits of stalker-sectarians.

Red forest

Don't leave the road - there is high radiation along the roadsides in many places. You will have to fight your way along the road to the north. Ignore the first turn to the right - there is a dead end (I wonder what was originally planned to be done there?). The second turn is to Pripyat, but even with brain protection they won’t let you through there. Move forward and uphill, towards the radar station. It is the radar that is the source of psi radiation.

In addition to the Monoliths, your enemies here will be phantoms emerging from the ground. Shoot them as they approach - they die easily, which cannot be said about the Monolith stalkers. At the top of the hill they will try to roll barrels of fuel at your feet - try to blow them up as early as possible. Be careful when approaching the wall - there are snipers perched on the towers behind it. They can be shot in a duel or ignored by running into the dead zone.

Ahead is a broken section of the wall. If you wait too long, the Monoliths themselves will jump out of the hole towards you. The more Monolith stalkers you shoot outside, the less you will have to fight inside. The entrance to the X-10 laboratory is hidden. Climb up the ramp into the carriage that sticks out in the tunnel and clear the last meters to the laboratory. The phantoms will not leave you until you go inside.

Laboratory X-10

The inside of the laboratory is empty - only a few unconscious bloodsuckers roam the dusty corridors. Yes, it doesn’t matter how “Monolith” guards its secrets. There will be no forks - just run through the corridors and rooms, from time to time knocking the breath out of the bloodsuckers. After passing several rooms with metal balconies and huge cylinders, do not miss the passage at the end into a room with a switch. Save. One move of the switch - and the brain burner is turned off, passage to the north, to Pripyat and the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, is free for everyone. Watch the next vision of the main character and return the same way.

The path to the cellars will be difficult - dozens of angry Monoliths are blocking your way out, lying in wait literally around every corner.

Outside, the landing party is having fun and rejoicing. Military stalkers are surprised by the weak resistance and correctly assume that someone has already been here before them. Soldiers in armor are very dangerous enemies, but as soon as you break through the gate, stalkers will come to your aid. There are many of them here - free stalkers, “Duty”, and “Freedom”, and even mercenaries - all rushed to the north as one.

The path to Pripyat is open to everyone, including Marked.

Advice: Bring a suit with the highest radiation protection. In the vicinity of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant it will be very useful to you.

Walkthrough of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl


At the entrance to the city you will be met by a group of stalkers who will know about your arrival. They will help you get through to central Pripyat. I advise you to arm yourself with a sniper weapon at this place - enemies will appear on the roofs of Khrushchev buildings to the left and right and emerge from the windows. Having suppressed the resistance at the end of the street, turn right and try to shoot the enemies on the balcony and in the window of the two-story building as quickly as possible.

Stalkers will help you clear the dark underground parking lot - then you will have to go alone. It's not as scary as it might seem. You just need to very quickly get rid of the sniper on the roof opposite - he has an electromagnetic rifle. Hiding in shelters, shoot enemies in the hotel lobby and go inside, jump from the narrow window onto the roof of the passage and climb into the window of the adjacent hotel building. Your goal is number 26, where the key to the Zone's secret is hidden.

This is a recording. If you play it on a tape recorder, you will find out that there is a secret door at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, which Strelok once discovered. What's behind this door? We will soon reveal this secret. In the meantime, let's play shooting range. Hotel windows are great for shooting bad guys on the street. Pay special attention to the window at the end of the corridor - the one that looks out onto the Ferris wheel. To the left of the wheel is a low round building with exposed brickwork in places. A Monolith soldier with an RPG-7 is sitting on its roof. It is difficult to see through the branches - use an optical sight. He will never understand what killed him.

To find yourself in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant area, you just need to jump out of the window and run a hundred meters north, to the entrance to the Avangard stadium. But before you dive under these arches, save.

It is important: ahead is the point of no return, a place from where you cannot return to the Zone, to the monsters and bandits that have become so dear to you. The big finale of the game lies ahead, and no matter how it ends, the way back will be closed for you forever.

Chernobyl nuclear power plant

The main problem here is that everyone wants to kill you. "Monolith" defending the approaches to the station. Military stalkers storming the nuclear power plant from several sides. Mi-24 helicopters, generously scattering bullets and missiles. And even an infantry fighting vehicle, which will spur the player on at the entrance with a machine gun.

The goal here is to climb into the building in the area of ​​the fourth power unit. Prepare your sniper rifle and turn left following the pipe. When helicopters fly overhead and fire at the entrance (you can hear radio conversations between soldiers, snipers and pilots), shoot several Monolith stalkers in front of the gate and dive inside as quickly as possible. If you linger near the brick substation building, you will attract the attention of helicopters and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as military stalkers armed with silent machine guns.

You can climb into the trailer to catch your breath, but you shouldn’t linger here. Run across the road and carefully move along the long building, hiding behind concrete structures, pipes and fittings. Niches in concrete blocks are your best friend, you can hide in them if it gets hot. Helicopters and military stalkers will distract the Monolith, but you will also get it. Look carefully to see if a stalker with a machine gun is running ahead - the gray uniform on the gray concrete is very hard to see.

When military stalkers enter the courtyard, harbingers of a future release will appear. This means you only have five minutes to get inside the building before the eruption kills the hero. There is not much time, but enough so that you don’t rush too much.

For your information: the ejection only affects the main character and only if he is near the ground. This means that you can run freely on the roofs during the release, which we will do shortly.

Unit 4

The inside is dark, radioactive and full of Monolith. The Monolith itself gets on your nerves, every few seconds promising fulfillment of desires with a voice in your head.

Before the first turn to the right, be careful - at the far end of the corridor there is a sniper with an electromagnetic gun. When you reach the end, turn left and walk along the corridor. Turn left into the passage with a metal mesh and very carefully, looking through the hole in the wall, shoot the Monolith stalkers. In the hall you can hide behind boxes.

After passing the corridor lined with boxes, you will see a staircase. There are many enemies on the flights of stairs. And several more Monolith stalkers are waiting for you at the very top, behind the doorway with a warning sign. Behind this doorway you will be able to choose your ending. Turn left and go into the destroyed reactor - the ending will be false. Turn right and find an inconspicuous niche with a ladder leading up to a creaking emergency light - there will be a true ending.

False ending

Climb the stairs along the pile of concrete and graphite to the torn off roof of the reactor. You can get to the Monolith flickering in a niche if you enter the white rings of the teleporter. You will only need to carefully walk along the metal structures into the next room, climb onto the concrete reinforcement along the iron sheets and jump to the Monolith.

He will fulfill the hero's wish. And what exactly the hero will wish for depends on many things. For example, on how much money he has in his pockets. From what reputation he has, and also from whether he, by chance, killed the leader of “Duty” or “Freedom”.

End of the game. However, we also have a true ending.

True ending

Climb up the stairs and approach the secret door at the end of the corridor. Before opening it, prepare your weapon and save - for thirty seconds, while the code to the door is being selected, Monolith stalkers will appear out of nowhere behind you. As soon as the door opens, run inside. You are in a secret laboratory.

Secret laboratory

Close corridors, the Monolith crowd - everything is as usual. Only there is no radiation and no voice in my head. Enemies lurked literally around every turn and in every room. At first, you don’t have to stick your head out of the room into the corridor, luring the stalkers towards you and shooting through the metal bars.

Then go left down the corridor and after a few turns you will find yourself in front of a room with electronic "cabinets". There are several stalkers here, you can deal with them if you throw grenades into the room and carefully shoot in bursts, peeking around the corner. Your goal is a dark hall with a green holographic image of the Monolith in the center and six pairs of glass tori around the perimeter.

Solving the riddle is not so difficult - start crushing the glass. At every second, a poltergeist with a signature scorching flame will jump into the room. Get rid of them as they come.

When the sixth pair of tori explodes, a green hologram depicting a scientist will descend before talking with Marked One. The Ghost will explain why the Zone was formed and who Bullseye is, and offer a choice in the style of "red or blue pill".

If the player agrees with the hologram's arguments, the game will end with the first true ending. If not, he will again find himself on the street, and his heart will burn with a thirst for revenge.

Chernobyl nuclear power plant

The ejection continues, so it is in the character’s interests to jump into the white rings of the teleporter as quickly as possible, without touching the Monoliths that have appeared around. Climb the ladder to the roof and hide behind the bundle of pipes.

For your information: from time to time the hero will shake noticeably - it is impossible to conduct aimed shooting at these moments, hide. Interestingly, the “shaking” does not affect your enemies.

The gameplay at this level is quite straightforward - without going down to the ground, you need to jump from teleporter to teleporter in order to get to those responsible for the appearance of the Zone and have a heart-to-heart talk with them. There are a lot of snipers on the roofs, but you can also hunt well on the vast expanses of the Chernobyl NPP roofs.

Climb the two stairs to the sarcophagus, run along it and go down the other stairs. Don't look at the wooden stairs, but run to the edge of the roof and go down the long concrete walkway. You need to run along it to the next teleporter.

After two jumps you are back on the roof. Run across the entire roof diagonally to the next teleporter. You are at the very top of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, on the roof of the sarcophagus. Climb the stairs to the burning helicopter and pipe. Near the very foot of the pipe is another teleporter. Two jumps and you're on the pipelines. Turn around, climb the ladder onto the ledge and, ignoring the snorkel, dive into the next teleporter.

The stalker sitting in front with an RPG-7 can be killed, or you can run past him while he realizes what is happening, removes the grenade launcher and takes out a pistol. Jump again! Around the corner, two snorks lie in wait for you, but you can ignore them - turn right, run forward to the gap in the railing and boldly jump from the roof! You are again on the concrete passage between two pipes. There is a rift ahead. What to do? Jump straight from the pipe to the roof on the right and, hiding between two tanks, get rid of the snipers and shooters on the nearby roofs. To climb a meter high, you must first jump onto the railing. You will pass the gap in the roof and jump from the ladder onto the pipe again. Ahead is another teleporter. Pay attention - at the top, to the right of the pipe, two Monolithians are running. Destroy them so that you don't end up with them nose to nose the next time you jump. Three more jumps without interference.

Now get ready for the fact that you will have to fight your way to the teleporters again. It's good that before a fight you can usually prepare and be the first to open fire. There's a shootout, we run around the corner, we shoot the stalker hiding behind the pipe. Bounce. Battle among the boxes. Bounce. Hello, Sidorovich! Bounce. Hide in the maze of pipes and tanks (you can shoot at the iron bridges from below), climb the stairs and run to the next teleporter. But don't enter it until you save.

The final battle lies ahead. There will be no monsters here - just a lot of Monolith stalkers, snipers on the roofs and shooters with RPGs. In addition, enemies will simply teleport to you several times. If you immediately rush to the roof to the last teleporter, there is no chance of surviving the crossfire.

The secret is not to climb the stairs to the iron bridges, but to run below on the roof. The one below can hide behind tanks and pipes. Those on the bridges are open and defenseless. First, destroy the two shooters on the sides, then carefully eliminate the snipers on the roof ahead. When a new batch of enemies arrives, deal first with those running around on the roof next to you, then deal with those walking on the bridges. A Monolith soldier with an RPG-7 will sit on a raised platform between the bridges in the center of the roof.

After making sure that there are no more enemies (at least available to you), climb the stairs onto the bridges and cross the rubble of containers. Now all you have to do is climb onto the roof and sprint to the last portal, not paying attention to the Monoliths teleporting towards you.

Evil is defeated. Good triumphs. This means that you have completed the game. Congratulations.

To succeed in the difficult conditions of the alternative future of the Chernobyl Zone, to win honor and respect among stalkers, defeat the bad guys and reveal the secret of your origin, it is not enough to run fast and shoot deftly. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - not exactly an action movie. This is a game that mixes battles and quests, the pursuit of artifacts and secret conspiracies, the selection of equipment and the hunt for mutated living creatures.

Special rules apply here. We'll start with them.

Life inside the Zone

Fast or hard

The first sensations from being in the Zone are familiar. The hero can run, crouch, jump, speed up for a few seconds (sprint), shine a flashlight with an infinite charge into dark places and look at the surrounding hills with binoculars.

But there is a big difference in the way he handles things.

In a regular action movie, the hero can hang a dozen guns on himself, load up with ammunition, and joyfully tear through the area. This won’t work here - having robbed several defeated enemies and stuffed five machine guns into his backpack, our main character suddenly discovers that jumping under a hail of bullets is no longer so easy.

This is all due to the limitation of the backpack: only forty kilograms can be carried by a stalker, anything higher is difficult. The limit after which the stalker cannot budge is sixty kilograms.

The sprint here is very fast - for a few seconds our hero turns almost into a living motorcycle - but even a light stalker will run out of steam after a while. And if he carries a bunch of swag on his shoulders, his sprint will not only be reduced to some ten meters - the stalker will run out of steam even at a normal trot. Stopping for a break is dangerous if blind dogs are wandering nearby, sensing a fresh stalker. In case of danger, an energy drink will help, if you have it with you - your strength will be restored for another ten-meter sprint. But it’s better not to be greedy and overload yourself, risking your life.

For your information: the stalker gets tired not only from sprinting, but also from jumping.

Hide everything you don't need in your own stash and carefully choose what you take with you on business. An assault rifle... a pistol... several grenades, ammunition. Already ten kilograms. Secondly, medications. It is advisable to have at least ten to fifteen kilograms of “free” weight in order to run faster and be able to pick up an interesting gun for the collection.

Chicken sausage with soy, canned “Tourist's Breakfast”, bread - all this will be useful to the stalker if he suddenly feels a little hungry. But you should take food with you only as a last resort. Usually a couple of canned goods lasts for the whole day. Vodka is never enough - especially among young stalkers, who often, due to inexperience, fly into infected areas and are greedy for treatment with a valuable antidote.

It doesn't hurt to have a few bandages with you. These are not just “small first aid kits”. With their help, they stop bleeding, due to which the character loses health and may even die before the wound has time to heal.

Mental health

In the character window (I), next to the health bar, you can find another blue bar. What is this, magic? No, mental health. It is not gloomy sights that can damage him, but a more common thing - psionic influence. Some monsters in the game can boast of the habit of putting pressure on their brains, and first of all, of course, the controller.

There are, however, places in the game where a character will simply burn his brains out. Maybe I should put the pan on my head so that my neighbors don't get irradiated? The idea is good, the method of panning by stalkers has been tested and works, but our hero will take a different path.

Politeness Lessons

Every stalker should firmly know that it is impolite to poke another stalker in the face with a machine gun unless you are fighting shoulder to shoulder or... trying to kill each other.

From the very first minutes you need to acquire a good habit - to put away weapons in camps where stalkers are located, or when meeting a fellow professional in the wild. The easiest way to do this is to switch to binoculars, bolts, or press the weapon button again.

Remember that politeness is the key to good attitude towards you. An NPC not only has a name, community affiliation and experience level - he also has an established opinion about the main character. If he attacks one neutral character, then all the NPCs in the area will want to blow the hero's brains out. Winning the friendship of another stalker is not so easy. Only an NPC saved from death, to whom the hero handed the first aid kit in time, immediately becomes a friend.

For your information: a seriously wounded stalker can only be cured if he is neutral or friendly. The enemy cannot be healed. It's a pity - it would be interesting to see what he will do when he discovers who saved him.

Reputation is gained in the game slowly, but quite easily, if you don’t deliberately do dirty tricks to your neighbors.

If a neutral or friendly stalker is not fighting, telling a joke, or playing the guitar, he is available for conversation. Some can give the hero a quest, some can be talked to about the latest rumors or gaming legends (yes, our hero, like a real folklorist, writes them down in his pocket computer). But with the majority you can only try to trade. The stalker is ready to put up a few things for sale - mainly medicines or food. And he will agree to buy very little from the hero - the same first aid kits, food and, interestingly, upgrades to weapons.

The weapons themselves are valued very well here and are lying around in abundance after every battle. But in order to sell it, you will have to run with a full backpack to a merchant far away. Yes, doing business in the game is not so easy.

This is interesting: Having seen a good cannon on the ground, the stalker can pick it up, throwing away his old one, which has become unnecessary. You may well be overtaken in the selection of trophies, so hurry up!

...And the bolts with it

Why does a stalker need a bottomless bag of bolts? In order to provide them with a safe path among dozens of anomalies in the Zone. The need for this, however, arises infrequently. Almost all anomalies can be seen in daylight and successfully avoided. The anomaly detector, which the stalker always has with him, will warn in time with a squeak that the hero is approaching a dangerous zone. Finally, there is the stalker’s sixth sense, which puts “flies” in the hero’s eyes when he is about to fly into the “meat grinder” or step into the “witch’s jelly.”

At night, some anomalies are not so visible - and this is where the bolts come into play. Nights in the Zone are not always dark, but even in pitch darkness you can try to discern the boundaries of the anomalous zone “by eye”. Corridors, underground passages and dungeons are places where bolts can really come in handy. For example, the hero needs to walk along the corridor at any cost - and on the way there are several dangerous anomalies at once. Only by throwing a few bolts can you “grope” for a safe path.

This is interesting: The bolts for checking anomalies in the game are very heavy and large - each fifteen centimeters long. But they cannot kill you, even if you fire a bolt at an NPC’s head. There will be no negative reaction either. At the same time, the bolt interacts with the rest of the world according to all the rules of physics. For example, by throwing it, you can knock a skeleton hanging on the wall to the ground.

Geography lessons

An extensive rectangular map of the southern and central parts of the Zone - from the southern Cordon to the northern city of Pripyat and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - was initially “sewn” into the stalker’s pocket computer.

For your information: The stalker's PDA serves as both a quest journal and an encyclopedia of information about the world around you, and can even wirelessly determine what kind of people are around you, slowly squeezing the ring, right down to their names and nicknames. If an NPC dies, his computer marks the place of death on the main character's mini-map.

But not all over the map you can walk freely. Areas accessible to visit - Cordon, Equipment Cemetery, Amber Lake and others - look like small “spots” on the map. They are surrounded on all sides by barbed wire, anomalies or zones of deadly radiation. They are usually connected by areas of road crossings. When crossing them, the player sees a loading window.

For your information: in a game, like in Space Rangers or in the series of star simulators X: Beyond the Frontier, the lives of monsters and NPCs are calculated not only in the area where the player wanders, but also in other areas, according to slightly simplified rules.

However, in some places the player cards do not miss NPCs or objective reasons. For example, at the very beginning of the game, you can immediately explore four areas - the southern Cordon, the Equipment Cemetery behind the northern checkpoint, the Agroprom Research Institute in the west and the Dark Valley in the east. The passage to the central area - the territory of the stalker organization "Duty" called the Bar - is closed by a post through which you will be allowed only when you reach the desired place in the plot or prove to the stalkers of "Duty" that you are worthy of visiting the bar "One Hundred Roentgen".

It is impossible to get to the northern zones - to Pripyat and the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant - except according to the plot.

Lots of artifacts, few pockets

The character does not have parameters that grow over time. All the hero can afford is a change of protective suits and a selection of artifacts in five pockets. There are a total of fifteen types of costumes in the game - from simple leather jackets and primitive protective suits to durable spacesuits that protect from almost all harmful influences (see table “Costumes”) . And there are many ways to die here.

  • Mutants bite and scratch the stalker - which means the clothes must be tear-resistant.
  • Fiery anomalies burn painfully - fire-resistant qualities will not hurt.
  • Electrical anomalies can quickly finish off a stalker whose clothes do not have protection against current.
  • Anomalies of impact and falling from a height will not be so dangerous for someone whose suit absorbs the harmful effect.
  • Chemical burns are rare in the Zone, unless you go into the thickets of burning fluff. However, protection will come in handy.
  • Strong armor will reduce damage from nearby explosions. Usually, enemies take care of grenades and do not throw them in vain - only in the later stages of the game, when helicopters and RPG-7 shooters appear, protection will become relevant.
  • Bullet protection is usually what matters most. Lead poisoning is one of the most common causes of death in the Zone.
  • Finally, don't write off radiation. There is a lot of it here, especially in the later stages of the game.

Many costumes have their own specialization. For example, the orange suit of scientists protects well from chemistry, current and radiation - but does not help at all against bullets and fangs. Military suits are often well armored, but do not protect against radiation. The heavy exoskeleton is powerful armor, but the hero, having put it on, loses the ability to run quickly.

Five pockets for artifacts (stalkers usually find them near anomalies) will allow you to fine-tune the hero’s defense parameters or increase his stamina. Typically, each artifact has positive and negative traits. Some make the stalker more resilient, but reduce the defense parameter. Others protect against radiation, but with them the stalker gets tired earlier. Some artifacts in the game are radioactive (positive parameter “Radiation”) - you can only hang them on your belt for a short time if you don’t have a good protective suit. The harmful effects, however, can be compensated for by other artifacts with a negative radiation parameter.

Do not forget that light and valuable artifacts are a good source of money if you hand them over to merchants on time.

Wildlife Zone

Many mutated animals live in the vicinity of the zone. Blind dogs run in packs, sometimes accompanied by sighted and very dangerous pseudo-dogs. Former collective farm pigs jump on godlike legs, and wild boars grunt menacingly. Bloodsuckers lurk in dark places, and above all this chaos fly ravens, which, thanks to successful mutations, have not only learned to fly around “mosquito bald spots”, but also acquired real immortality. Not a single stalker has ever managed to shoot down a flying crow.

This is interesting: Judging by the sounds, rats are roaming somewhere nearby. Sometimes a cat's meow from beyond the grave is heard. However, no one has yet seen these animals here - at the last moment, imitator cats, aggressive rats and dwarf burers did not receive registration in the Zone.

Mutant animals go about their business in the Zone. They rush around the area, sleep under bushes, hunt, eat, and in case of danger, without any doubt, they make their moves. The living world is one of the key features of the game, and watching wild animals through binoculars is sometimes very interesting.

Yes, in peacetime, an inquisitive stalker can feel like Prishvin or Steve Irwin. For example, yesterday, sitting at the foot of a power pole, I watched two sad pigs (in stalker jargon, “flesh”) eating a wild boar. Everything was quiet and peaceful until a large pack of blind dogs led by a pseudo-dog taxied out from the edge of the area. Seeing the pigs, the dogs, I’m sure, with joyful telepathic exclamations: “Meat!” - rushed to attack. One pig hesitated and was instantly killed, but the other noticed the danger in time and ran away. The dogs rushed after her along the road, past the remains of broken equipment - straight to the log houses, where the “Dolg” fighters were on duty at that moment.

The stalkers did not have to take out their machine guns - seeing a crowd of people, both the dogs and the pig rushed away from the hill, across the road and onto another hill, to the old, abandoned village. Having discovered several anomalies along the way, the pig instinctively managed to make a couple of cunning “anti-aircraft” maneuvers so that several dogs fell into gravitational anomalies and were torn to pieces. So they ran around until they discovered that the village... was not so abandoned at all. The bloodsuckers that broke out of the houses (“Wake me up?”) rushed at both the dogs and the pigs, not distinguishing who was right and who was wrong.

Remember the famous Benny Hill chases accompanied by a saxophone? It was very similar. A motley crowd led by a frightened pig rushed away from the village. The last two dogs, seeing how cruelly the bloodsuckers dealt with their friends, decided: “Wow, pancakes, it won’t take long to die!” - and, limping, they ran away.

The crowd disappeared behind the hill. Running out after me, I saw two pigs near the road (someone came to the aid of our “flesh”) squabbling with two bloodsuckers. Soon one bloodsucker died, one of the pigs gave up the ghost. The final battle took place dangerously close to an anomaly called the “springboard”. When the duelists were already on their last legs, someone touched the edge of the anomaly. The springboard slammed. There were no survivors.

For your information: It’s worth digging not only in the pockets of dead NPCs, but also in the corpses of monsters - sometimes they drop valuable loot for sale: dog tails, pig legs, eyes of “flesh”... It makes sense to dig in the entrails of boars, “flesh”, dogs of all kinds , snorks and bloodsuckers.

Stalkers in battle and in peaceful life

Some sit by the fire, others wander around with weapons in their hands, looking for danger. Someone could climb into a house nearby and fall asleep. Even in the Zone, lone stalkers or groups move slowly and calmly.

However, everything changes as soon as the alarm sounds. Where have our lazy people gone? The stalkers pick up their weapons, jump up and bravely enter into battle.

This is interesting: It’s not just the invasion of monsters or enemies that can bring stalkers out of their state of meditation. Once I died of hunger at the stalkers’ base - as soon as the carcass fell to the ground, those sitting by the fire jumped up, rushed to the shelters and began to look for who killed their comrade.

In battle, NPCs are smart and quick-witted. They not only fire, spread out, crouch, hide to reload, run from grenades and flank the main character. Enemies know how to behave unpredictably in close combat - if a bandit is hiding from the hero behind a container or a bunch of concrete slabs, he can jump out from any side to shoot you in the back.

For your information: with a well-aimed hit to the head you can incapacitate the enemy. The same rule applies to our hero - maybe they won’t kill him with the first shot to the head, but his health will no longer be the same.

Enemies, especially experienced fighters, shoot very accurately, despite the fact that the recoil of the weapon and the upward movement of the machine gun barrel when firing in bursts also affects NPCs. In groups, characters cover each other with fire when moving. An experienced enemy will hide not only to reload. He will quickly leave the line of fire when he realizes that he is being fired upon - very often opponents try to take cover when they simply see that the hero is aiming at them.

NPCs are careful in battle. Realizing that the player is sitting in ambush around the corner, they will not stick out and will wait until the person himself loses patience and rushes to attack. Battles between two groups of NPCs can last a very long time - and all because of the reluctance of computer heroes to get into trouble.

After the battle, the NPC will finish off wounded enemies as soon as possible and help wounded friends with a first aid kit.

Advice: those around him do not react either to the hero’s theft of poorly laid loaves of sausage, or to looting. Therefore, after each battle, it makes sense to collect ammunition from the bodies and remove cartridges from the selected weapon (right mouse button).

Not just friends

Many different groups live in the Zone. You will easily make friends with some, your relationships with many will be tense, and some will strive with enviable tenacity to wipe you off the face of the earth.

Not all stalkers are equally useful.

  • Single stalkers They are most often found in the south of the Zone, but sometimes they wander into the central Bar and even cluster in the vicinity of the Freedom base in the north. The player will not have problems with them if he does not attack first.
  • Scientists are ready to buy weapons, artifacts or body parts of killed mutants from the hero. They live in only one place - in a bunker on Amber Lake. It is impossible to meet a scientist in the wild.
  • Bandits- simple thugs and a criminal element who were brought to the Zone by a passion for profit, light artifacts and the opportunity to trade weapons. You can recognize them not only by their black jackets and blue sweatpants, but also by their characteristic expressions. The bandits attack everyone in a row - “everyone in a row” reciprocates the bandits.
  • Army not only guards the perimeter of the zone, patrolling the area in helicopters, but also sends troops inside - however, you will meet military stalkers (as well as helicopters and armored personnel carriers) only towards the end of the game. In the southern and central regions, soldiers will be rare. They patrol the roads, control the area of ​​the Agroprom Research Institute and from time to time attack areas captured by bandits.
  • "Duty"- a paramilitary organization whose members destroy monsters and do their best to prevent the leakage of artifacts outside the Zone. The main base of "Dolg" is Bar. As paladins, they really dislike bandits, but their main enemy is “Freedom”. If the player joins the Freedom, the Bar guards will open fire and will not let him back... as long as they are alive, of course.
  • "Freedom"- an organization of anarchists opposed to the ideals of "Duty". They preach free hunting for artifacts, but at the same time protect everyone else from the northern threat. They block the passage to the central regions so that the Monolith stalkers cannot break through from the north. Anyone who makes friends with “Duty” will become the enemy of “Freedom”. Anyone who makes friends with Svoboda will suddenly discover that bandits have stopped attacking him - there is an unspoken truce between the criminal world and Svoboda.
  • Mercenaries- an organization that is at war with all stalkers. It's amazing how they still manage to stay alive. Mercenaries control the Wild Lands region adjacent to Bar. It is impossible to make friends with them or make them stop attacking the hero.
  • "Monolith"- stalker sect. Its members worship a mysterious artifact, a large monolith that supposedly grants wishes and is located somewhere in the north. “Monolith” occupied all the northern lands - the Red Forest, the radar station, Pripyat and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant itself. Other organizations are prevented from attacking the Monolith's positions by a mysterious, but no less deadly psionic field. Few people want to become a zombie. You won't be able to make friends with Monolith either.

Anomalies Zone

The hero's first enemy is not bandits or mutants, but hostile anomalies that, like mines, await the player in all places of the Zone - both on the ground and underground.


Yes, areas contaminated with radiation can also be called an anomaly - the most dangerous of all, because it is not visible. Only by the crackle of a Geiger counter can one approximately determine the boundaries of a dangerous place.

Abandoned equipment is usually radioactive. A lot of x-rays can be picked up at the edges of playing areas. The further the player moves north, the more often he will encounter contaminated patches of ground. You shouldn’t even go into the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant without a suit with good radiation protection.

You can find out whether the hero is infected in the same place where his duffel bag is (default key I). The higher the yellow bar, the faster the hero loses health. If you hesitate and remain in a high infection zone for a few seconds, the character will lose a lot of HP and die faster than the infection parameter drops to a safe level.

There are two ways to cure radiation. The first one is folk. A couple of bottles of vodka can remove the infection, but the hero will not be able to actively act and fight due to the side effects. For serious cases, it is worth having an antidote on hand - it removes the infection quickly and effectively. You can restore lost HP with food, a bandage or a first aid kit.

For your information: simple first aid kits (red) only heal HP. Military first aid kits (blue) also stop bleeding. The most valuable first aid kits of scientists (yellow), among other things, will help remove radioactive contamination.


This will be the first anomaly that the hero encounters on his way. Usually the trampolines are safe - even a dog can afford to run through this anomaly a couple of times, getting off with a slight fright.

The springboard looks like bubbles of hot air swelling above the ground. Leaves are flying around. When a bolt, dog, or stalker enters the springboard's area of ​​effect, the anomaly explodes, causing area damage. It can explode continuously (not just the springboard - all anomalies remain in place after being triggered), so it is better to retreat to a safe place.


Area where static electricity is concentrated. Discharges hundreds of lightning bolts within a radius of several meters. This anomaly is more dangerous than a springboard, but usually it is clearly visible both day and night - only the edges are difficult to determine by eye, but bolts will help here.

For your information: In some places of the Zone (most often in tunnels) you can find blinking rows of electrical anomalies. Before approaching them, it’s worth taking a closer look - in what order do they appear and disappear? Is it possible to safely bypass them?


You can recognize this anomaly by the randomly flashing translucent “lights” and foliage flying around. The action is similar to a springboard - the anomaly first pulls things into itself and then scatters them.

A gravitational anomaly is very unpleasant, but at least you can get out of it relatively quickly. The vortex is much more dangerous.


From a distance it looks like gravel, but if you take a closer look at it, the difference becomes noticeable: the lights do not flash, they collapse, and the foliage flies towards the center of the anomaly. The whirlwind is dangerous because it spins the hero in place, preventing him from escaping. You will see many times in the game how a pig or a stalker accidentally caught in a whirlwind spins in the air and then explodes into bloody pieces - once caught in a whirlwind, they are doomed. The hero has a good chance of escaping from the whirlwind alive, but he must act very quickly, running out of the anomaly before it sucks the hero in again.


Fire anomaly. It is the most difficult to see, because it gives itself away only by the movement of hot air. It is especially difficult to see it in dark dungeons, where it is very common.

It’s good that, having earned a stream of flame, the stalker can quickly leave the dangerous place. The bad thing is that sometimes the fryer “appears” next to the player and showers him with flames, signaling that the hero has attracted the attention of a poltergeist.

Burning fluff

Burning fluff is greenish “algae” hanging from metal objects. They hit when the player gets close and ignore slow moving characters.

The main method of dealing with burning fluff is prevention. Just don’t go near the pieces of iron covered in fluff, and everything will be fine.

This is interesting: There were other anomalies in the game - reducing gravity, slowing down time. They, however, did not make it past the final competition and never made it into the game.

A mutant is not a bandit's friend

The fauna of the Zone is rich and diverse. Knowing the habits and habits of each mutant is good for the health of the stalker.

Blind dog

A single blind dog is safe - he won’t even think about approaching an armed stalker. The problem is that usually blind dogs roam in packs and, sensing a prey, attack from all sides at once. The dogs maneuver very competently so as not to get shot - they run around the hero, running away in case of danger and returning after a few seconds.

Large packs of blind dogs are best avoided from a distance. But if a skirmish is inevitable, you will have to prepare for a bloody battle. It is important to incapacitate several dogs as quickly as possible - then the rest will chicken out and run away. You can try to throw a grenade at the sitting dogs. It is necessary to open fire from the maximum possible distance, which the dogs will still quickly overcome.


The mutant wolf is very aggressive and dangerous even alone. Sometimes pseudo-dogs hunt together with packs of blind dogs - they never attack each other. Northern pseudo-dogs have psionic abilities and can, upon approaching, damage the hero’s mind.

The weakness of the pseudo-dog is that it usually attacks in a straight line, ignoring bullets flying at its face. A couple of long bursts will calm the mutant down.


A collective farm pig has mutated into an insectoid creature, inheriting from its piggy ancestors not only omnivorousness, but also timidity. The flesh is not too dangerous - these pigs usually graze in one place and are easily exterminated from long distances: the natural roundness of their shape plays a cruel joke on them.

Pigs are easy enough to put to flight.


A wild boar whose stubble has slid down its belly. He is aggressive and very dangerous up close (one and a half meters at the withers), but it is not very difficult to resist him. First, he attacks in a straight line, accelerating like a rhinoceros. Secondly, he is also blind and in a rage usually does not see anomalies - and even more so will not be able to turn in time if the stalker runs away to the side.


A small eared rat-like creature. Found in basements of houses. The jerboa is dangerous primarily because it is very difficult to notice - it can gnaw on the stalker’s thigh for some time before he pays attention to it.

A flock of jerboas is very unpleasant. Each of them is weak individually, but together they can cut off a large piece of the stalker with their sharp teeth before they die.


A humanoid monster that is very dangerous in close combat and, in addition, knows how to camouflage itself, becoming almost invisible. In the battle with him, you need to carefully monitor your eyes (they are the only ones clearly visible in camouflage mode) and maneuver vigorously, preventing the bloodsucker from delivering fatal blows.


Zombies are stalkers who, through negligence, were exposed to a psionic field and lost their minds. All they can do is wander around, mutter incoherently and shoot accurately at anyone who happens to be nearby. It’s even strange that the swinging zombies retained their shooting skills.

The poor fellows must be shot from afar. If the zombie is not completely dead, it must be finished off with a control shot to the head.


A mysterious invisible creature that lives in dark dungeons. The poltergeist's favorite pastime is throwing wooden boxes at the hero (you can shoot them to pieces) or barrels with cylinders (just dodge).

The poltergeist is also annoying because it creates flying fiery anomalies aimed at the hero. A poltergeist looks like a ball of electric sparks floating along the corridors of a dungeon. If you shoot accurately at this formation several times, a dead poltergeist with a surprised face will fall out of it.


This two-legged running creature is indeed very dangerous, but it is difficult not to smile when you see how it waddles from side to side. It is quite difficult to kill him; he swings his paw and hits the floor - the blast wave injures the hero. If the stalker has a big gun and it doesn’t jam at a critical moment, then the pseudo-giant will quickly come to an end.

They always meet alone.


The strangest monster in the game is a man who decided to get closer to nature and for this purpose put an old gas mask on his head. Now he jumps at the enemy like a large frog, kicks from a belly-on position and swings his trunk menacingly.

Laughter is laughter, and snorks are very often dangerous because of their swift attacks and fortitude, thanks to which they withstand a burst of machine gun fire at point-blank range. One snork is a problem, two are a big problem. Really dangerous guys, against whom only high speed and heavy fire help.


The controller is dangerous due to his psionics and that alone. This chubby-headed creature in jeans, wrapped in bandages, doesn't have to hit and bite to kill a stalker. It’s enough for him to get on the stalker’s nerves. From a distance, the controller pulls and throws away the game camera, interrupting shooting, reloading and at the same time very quickly reducing the blue mental health bar. If you run closer to the controller, it will be a little easier to shoot, but your mental health will still decrease. When it fades away, the stalker will die and become food for the controller.

Nevertheless, fighting this monster is not so difficult - you just need to kill the controller before he kills the stalker. If the mutant is far away, you can hide around the corner (if the hero is not visible, he cannot be psychically hit from a distance) and carefully throw grenades at the feet of the slowly weaving controller. As soon as he gets closer, the blind spot is no longer a defense. Fire, merciless fire! The controller cannot dodge - having grabbed the entire horn of the AK-74 in his plump head, the monster will die from resentment.

Controllers are encountered very rarely, alone and usually in dead ends of dark dungeons. In addition, they very often indicate their intentions in advance with terrible screams.

Weapon for stalker


Real analogue: The knife is most similar to Ka-Bar products.

A typical Bowie blade with an extended blade release, one-and-a-half-sided sharpening and a serrated blade. In general, a tactical knife. There are few uses for it in the game. Yes, a couple of stabs with a knife can kill a stalker, and if he doesn’t see you, one stab in the back will be enough. But sneaking up to this distance is not so easy - even very quiet steps can be heard, and the player can suddenly find that the victim is pouring lead on him from a machine gun from a safe distance, and the alarm has risen at the base.

The knife is not very effective against mutants simply because it is even more difficult to sneak up on them, and in battle they maneuver and never wait for the letter Z to be cut into their forehead.

So it turns out that the knife in the game is the weapon of last hope.



Real analogue: Makarov pistol (PM).

Magazine capacity: 8.

Strengths: cheapness.

A simple, cheap and easy-to-use pistol, the first weapon of a stalker in the Zone. As befits a “unit” according to the laws of the genre, the pistol kills monsters with great difficulty and often misses. Ammunition - 9x18 mm.


Real analogue: Fort 12.

Magazine capacity: 12.

Strengths: cheapness, store volume.

Ukrainian pistol made on the basis of the CZ-83. It boasts accuracy and an increased magazine capacity. The extra four rounds will come in handy when funny monsters are jumping around the hero.

Noiseless Pistol (PB1s)

Real analogue: silent pistol (6P9).

Magazine capacity: 8.

Strengths: muffler.

Pistol with built-in silencer. An irreplaceable thing in cases where you need to quietly remove a sentry without raising the alarm. It is best to shoot from close range, aiming for the head. A single miss means the failure of the entire operation, because even a muffled shot (its consequences) will be heard by the sentry.


Real analogue: Colt M1911.

Magazine capacity: 7.

Strengths: availability.

The famous Colt, a good pistol for a collection. In all respects it is almost equal to the PM, but uses different ammunition - 45 ACP.

SIP-t M200

Real analogue: SIG P220.

Magazine capacity: 7.

Strengths: accuracy, damage.

"Sig-Sauer", a pistol with increased accuracy and damage. Useful for any stalker.

UDP Compact

Real analogue: Heckler & Koch USP.

Magazine capacity: 8.

Strengths: accuracy, damage.

Another excellent pistol under 45 ACP with excellent damage and accuracy parameters.

Walker P9M

Real analogue: Walther P99.

Magazine capacity: 16.

Strengths: store volume.

Not the most powerful pistol. Its main advantages are 16 rounds in the magazine and good accuracy. Ammunition - 9x19 mm.

Black Kite

Real analogue: Desert Eagle.

Magazine capacity: 8.

Strengths: damage.

Yes, this is the famous Desert Eagle. The pistol's damage is enormous, but its accuracy is poor. The barrel points upward when firing. It makes sense to shoot from it only at point blank range. Ammunition 45 ACP.

Submachine guns

Viper 5

Real analogue: Heckler & Koch MP5.

Magazine capacity: 30.

Strengths: rate of fire, ease of handling.

The only representative of the class. An extremely easy to use submachine gun. Extremely accessible - dropped in abundance from bandits in the southern regions of the Zone. Extremely convenient for targeted shooting in combat at medium distances. At long distances it is inferior to machine guns, which also appear in the game quite soon.


Sawed-off shotgun

Real analogue: Winchester or Remington horizontal shotgun.

Cartridges in the barrel: 2.

Strengths: accessibility, damage.

Weapons of bandits of the southern regions. A very interesting option in close combat, but it requires quick reaction and accuracy from the player, since after two shots you will have to reload.

Chaser 13

Real analogue: Winchester 1300.

Magazine capacity: 6.

Strengths: damage, clip.

This option is already better - in battle you can fire six charges before you have to go into cover to reload. A classic gaming shotgun with only one serious drawback - finding this “boomstick” and ammunition for it in the game is not so easy.


Real analogue: Franchi SPAS-12.

Magazine capacity: 8.

Strengths: clip, damage.

The best shotgun in the game, excellent in close combat. The only problem is that in the vastness of the Zone there are not many situations in which you have to engage in close combat. Even in populated areas it is usually more convenient to use automatic machines.

Slot machines

Akm 74/2U

Real analogue: AKS-74U.

Magazine capacity: 30.

Strengths: availability.

The weakest machine gun in the game, its characteristics are close to a submachine gun. It is worth picking it up only to shake out the 5.45x39 mm cartridges from the horn.

Akm 74/2

Real analogue: AK-74.

Magazine capacity: 30.

Strengths: availability.

An entry-level assault rifle with parameters below average, but quite suitable for combat in the Zone. It's best to shoot with single shots.


Real analogue: AN-94 "Abakan".

Magazine capacity: 30.

Strengths: availability.

In all respects it is similar to the AK-74. The only improvement is increased accuracy.

IL 86

Real analogue: Enfield L85A2 IW (SA80).

Magazine capacity: 30.

Strengths: accuracy, damage.

This machine with a mounted sight is already much better. It can be used for successful targeted shooting at medium distances. Decent damage. Ammunition - 5.56x45.

SGI 5k

Real analogue: SIG 550.

Magazine capacity: 30.

Strengths: accuracy.

The most convenient machine gun in the game for aimed shooting. The recoil is practically not felt.

TRs 301

Real analogue: Z-M Weapons LR 300.

Magazine capacity: 30.

Strengths: accuracy.

Another high-precision machine gun. However, it is worse than the SGI5k - decent shooting is hampered by decent recoil.

Thunder S14

Real analogue: OTs-14 "Thunderstorm".

Magazine capacity: 20.

Strengths: underbarrel grenade launcher.

An assault rifle with an under-barrel grenade launcher and an increased rate of fire. A convenient, but not very accurate weapon.

VLA Special Assault Rifle

Real analogue: special automatic machine (AS) “Val”.

Magazine capacity: 20.

Strengths: muffler.

An assault rifle with an integrated silencer, an excellent replacement for pistols for silent shooting. Thanks to the flash suppressor, bullet tracks are very clearly visible when shooting in the game. Special 9x39 cartridges are used, suitable only for this machine gun and Vintorez.

Sniper weapon


Real analogue: Dragunov sniper rifle.

Magazine capacity: 10.

Strengths: accuracy.

Army self-loading rifle with increased accuracy. When using an optical sight, kills an enemy with one shot (or two if the armor is strong).


Real analogue: shortened sniper rifle (OTs-03AS).

Magazine capacity: 10.

Strengths: rate of fire.

Compact option. Slightly worse damage and accuracy. If you have a choice, it is better to use SVD.

Vintar Sun

Real analogue: VSS "Vintorez".

Magazine capacity: 10.

Strengths: noiselessness.

A silent sniper rifle with an integrated silencer - a real treasure for any stalker. Now the sentries are in trouble!

Gauss Gun

Magazine capacity: 10.

Strengths: damage, accuracy.

Highest damage for a sniper rifle in the game. Almost always kills with the first shot (if you look through the optical sight). As befits a gaming electromagnetic gun, it hits in a perfect straight line, extremely accurately. But there is a big drawback - after each shot, the rifle must “charge” for several seconds. As you understand, in close combat such a break is very unpleasant.

It is also very difficult to find ammunition for it.

Grenade launchers

Bulldog 6

Real analogue: RG-6 hand grenade launcher.

Drum capacity: 6.

Strengths: damage.

An interesting thing is a hand grenade launcher with six grenades in the drum. Throws grenades hundreds of meters, and if the player hits an enemy, he has a hard time. But it's hard to find ammunition. And this piece of iron weighs almost seven kilograms.


Real analogue: RPG-7.

Strengths: damage, accuracy.

Deadly thing. One hit knocks down a helicopter, two hits annihilate an infantry fighting vehicle. But obvious problems with weight and ammunition make the RPG-7 a “last-level” weapon.

This is interesting: If you shoot a grenade launcher at the zenith, the grenade will not disappear in the blue sky, but after a few seconds will fall to the ground several hundred meters from the player. This proof of the smooth operation of game physics is very interesting, even though the real RPG-7 grenade has a self-destruct mechanism built into it.



Real analogue: F-1 grenade.

A defensive grenade that can be thrown in two ways: a regular throw at a medium distance or, by pressing the “aim” key, a throw with a selected swing force. It works well against harmful controllers or against enemies who do not want to leave a convenient position.


Real analogue: RGD-5 grenade.

An offensive grenade with an increased radius of fragments. There are no similarities with a real grenade, except for the shape and name. It's just the way it is here.

Optional equipment

GP-25 Kostyer

Real analogue: GP-25 underbarrel grenade launcher.

Underbarrel grenade launcher for domestic assault rifles.


Real analogue: M203 underbarrel grenade launcher.

Grenade launcher for NATO assault rifles.

PSO-1 Scope

Real analogue: optical sight PSO-1.

Optical sight for domestic assault rifles (only for those that are not equipped with an optical sight).


Real analogue: optical sight SUSAT L9A1.

Optical sight for NATO assault rifles.


A homemade silencer for a pistol of any caliber in the game.

Walkthrough - the secret of the Chernobyl Zone

Stalker Marked is the only survivor of a car accident when a lightning strike caused a truck to explode and crash into a ditch in the northern Cordon area. Only the driver was unlucky - the other passengers in the back were not harmed by the explosion, as they were already dead. Traumatic brain injury led to amnesia. The hero has no name or memories left. All that connects him with the past is the tattoo “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.” and a pocket computer with a photograph and a laconic task: “Kill the Strelok!” I wish I knew who this Strelok is...

Now our hero is a guest of the merchant Sidorovich, whose bunker is located on the southern outskirts of the Zone next to the army checkpoint. Sidorovich does not meddle in Marked’s personal affairs, but the debt must be repaid. And the merchant gives the first task - to help free a stalker captured by bandits in order to return a valuable flash drive with information.

For your information: It is not necessary to follow the story quests and even complete the first task. You can go on a free hunt or do side quests at any time. Remember - the more often and more actively you move away from the main storyline, the more you explore the world of the Zone, the easier it will be to go through the later stages of the game, when you have valuable artifact samples of weapons and armor.


So, training mode. Leave the bunker, get familiar with the controls, read the basic information and go to the farm where the stalkers have settled. Here you can talk to people, steal some food from the basement, listen to jokes and finally talk to a stalker named Wolf. He will give you a pistol and ammunition, saying that the bandits are holding a prisoner at the motor-tractor station and three stalkers are already hiding nearby, not daring to take the MTS by storm.

Past the skeleton of the bus, exit onto the main road. On the right is a military checkpoint, you don’t need to go there. On the left, next to the carriage and concrete blocks, in front of the bridge lies the wounded stalker Tolik. Help him with the first aid kit (it lies nearby) and listen to the radio communications of the helicopter flying around.

Now - the first mission. It's a very challenging tutorial, so be prepared. Stalkers are waiting for you by the road - here you will have a choice: go on an assault with everyone or try to deal with the bandits alone, Rambo style. The first option is simpler, the second is more interesting.

The bandits are armed with pistols and sawn-off shotguns. Defeat them all and talk to Nimble. I wonder where he kept the drive that the bandits didn’t find it? To celebrate, the freed prisoner will share with you the location of the valuable cache.

For your information: here Shustry can give the first side quest - the search for the “perfect” suit. The suit (a unique bandit jacket with sewn-in elements of a bulletproof vest) lies where the arrow on the map points - in the depths of the tunnel on the right, near the wall. The treasure is guarded by a pseudodog. You can return the costume to Shustrom or put it on yourself.

Return the flash drive to the merchant and don't forget to check in with the Wolf along the way.

The merchant will reward you with some information about Strelok and what is happening in the Zone. It turns out that the central regions of the Zone, the richest in artifacts, are inaccessible to visitors due to mysterious radiation that makes the brain boil.

For your information: you can take a few more side missions from the merchant. Many have a time limit, so it makes sense to take one at a time.

A suitcase with secret documents will help you uncover the secret of mysterious events. It is hidden on the third floor of the Agroprom Institute. The problem is that the institute is in the hands of the military, and it is very difficult to take it by storm. Let's start small - how to get into the northern region of Cordon, beyond the military checkpoint under the destroyed bridge?

There are two ways to go north beyond the destroyed bridge. First, on the advice of the merchant - to the left of the bridge through a narrow tunnel with electrical anomalies. On the dead stalker's PDA you will find notes indicating that these anomalies are flashing throughout the system. Apparently, the owner of the PDA understood the system incorrectly. The second option is to go to the right of the bridge through the hole in the fence. There it is very important not to turn to the right, so as not to fly into a radiation spot. Finally, the soldiers can simply be shot.

Northern Cordon

Delighted with your success, Sidorovich will get in touch and offer to talk with a stalker named Fox - he was just wandering somewhere nearby and fighting off mutants with varying degrees of success. You will find the fox in one of the dilapidated houses. He killed a lot of blind dogs, but he himself got the worst of it. I hope you have a first aid kit? Help Fox deal with a large pack of dogs.

He himself knows nothing about Strelok, but his brother, Gray, who lives in an abandoned factory two kilometers to the north, may know. Forward! You need to get through the checkpoint occupied by bandits to get to the landfill area.

Equipment cemetery

It won't be so easy to visit Gray - bandits have infested the area. They shoot at the stalkers and for some reason try to capture the radioactive cemetery of equipment, which is defended by the stalkers led by Bes.

The demon will offer you help in defending the camp - it’s up to you whether to agree or not. Here you can get hold of submachine guns and AKS-74U. In any case, you will have to stock up on ammunition and first aid kits to break through the bandit fortifications on the way north to the plant. If you are confident, you can sit in the vehicle graveyard and try to protect it. First the bandits will come from the east, then from the south and from the north. You will quickly run out of ammunition - you will have to not only collect it from the bodies, but also shake it out of the weapon lying on the ground.

Once you decide that there is nothing more for you to do here, follow the road north. You won't miss Gray's habitat - on the radio you will be asked to help protect the building from bandits advancing from the east. And here is Gray himself. He will transfer you to another acquaintance - a stalker nicknamed Mole, who, it seems, unearthed the cache where Strelok kept his things.

Before you go to the Mole, stock up on ammunition, bandages and first aid kits. On the way to the east, to the Agroprom Research Institute, bandits sat behind concrete slabs. You can try to fire at them under the protection of half-open iron gates.


The research institute area is controlled by soldiers - you will constantly encounter patrols on the road. Outside the gates of the institute, stalkers fight with the military. Help Mole's group and he will show you the entrance to the sewer system where Shooter once kept his valuables.

This dungeon will also lead you to the research center, where the suitcase that the merchant needs is stored on the third floor.

For your information: in the center of a small lake in the northwest of the region, you can talk with a character - a non-aggressive soldier who will tell you that the only way to enter the research center without noise is through the catacombs. Don't forget to find at least one silent pistol before going into the dungeon - very soon you will need stealth.


Below you will be warmly greeted by bandits. Don’t go where electrical anomalies flare up - go down the spiral staircase to the lower level, into the kingdom of the cheerful green lights of the witch’s jelly, to the inquisitive bloodsuckers.

Having dealt with the mutants and several stray soldiers, climb the stairs in the pipe to the hiding place. There are two interesting things here. Firstly, the rapid-fire AK-74, the one and only. Secondly, a flash drive with information about Strelok. He will lead you to a stalker named Ghost, one of Strelok's associates.

Carefully move further through the dungeon and get ready to meet the first controller in the game. If you have grenades, good. If not, you can live too. Hide from him around the corner and fire at him in quick bursts so that he does not have time to capture the stalker's attention.

After waiting until evening (you may have to go have some tea), come out from underground. You are inside the perimeter of the research center, and your goal is to steal the treasured suitcase from the third floor.

Research Center

You won't be able to complete it entirely in stealth mode, no matter how hard you hide from the sentries. The suitcase with documents is on the third floor in a room with wonderful-looking instruments. You will have to fight your way out. Fortunately, the helicopter is here just for the sake of it; no one is going to shoot at the character from the air.

There is another way to get to the suitcase - by brute force. Having indicated your presence, immediately run to the house across the road and, when the soldiers jump out into the open, fire at them through the window. In the research center building itself, it is convenient to take positions on the staircases.

With the suitcase in hand, return to the landfill area and go north to the Debt checkpoint. They will let you through there when they find out that you are carrying a suitcase to the bartender. If “Duty” asks you to help with the hordes fleeing from the Dark Valley area, from the east, do not refuse - and the bartender will then give you a fee.


It’s best to run past a pack of angry dogs with a bottle of energy drink. The "Duty" post will shoot the dogs if they chase you in a fit of courage. You are in Bar territory. This is the central area where stalkers come to relax, chat, drink in a bar or fight in the Arena.

The bartender will be your next quest giver. The documents speak of a secret X-18 base somewhere in the Dark Valley area. The door to the laboratory is opened by two keys. One bartender will give you, the other will have to be obtained from a bandit named Hog, who set up his camp not far from the entrance to the laboratory.

Dark Valley

To get to the valley, you will have to run through an area of ​​​​high radiation, so prepare an antidote. You will be met by an unfamiliar debtor named Bullet, interrogating a wounded bandit (he will be here even if you make your way into the area without the quest). The stalker will invite you to help him with an ambush - two bandits are leading a captive comrade, a stalker named Semyon, along the road to the factory.

Once in place, sit behind the stop, wait for the bandits to pass, and open fire when the stalker starts shooting. Having rescued Senya, you will receive a PSO-1 sight and a new task - to free other captured stalkers.

At this level, a partially hidden passage is also implied - and here you will get to the factory where the bandits have settled, also through a sewer pipe. Don't bother the guards, find the place where the ZIL has half fallen into the repair pit, and, having guessed the time, jump into the basement. Carefully and quietly move through the basement to the next building. This is where things get a lot more difficult, so save often. Bandits stand on the floors and patrol them. Remember to be able to drag bodies (action key with left Shift).

The hog sat down at the far end of the building on the lower floors. Take the key from him (by then you will probably be discovered, so take out your most powerful guns). If you want, free the stalker in the basement and in the house behind the gate. Now you have both keys. You can get out of the factory along a long passage that starts in a brick building (south of the building) and leads into the valley.

Now you need to storm another factory building - the one next to which you sat in ambush with Bullet. Get ready to shoot a lot or break through. You need to enter the room on the left from the courtyard, turn right and go down to the basement. There you will find a locked door.

Laboratory X-18

First of all, you need to find the code in order to open the door to the lower level of the laboratory. The code is 1243, but until you find it on the scientist’s body in the back room, you won’t be able to use it. The main enemy here is fiery anomalies (watch out for the swaying air). A couple of snorks can also ruin the fun. Avoid flying boxes.

On the lower floor you will need to find the key again. The local corridors are teeming with poltergeists and flying boxes, and in the large hall, where another dead scientist is lying, a lone pseudo-giant is running around - it’s better to shoot him through the doorway while he’s warming up and jumping around the hall. Don't forget to go up the stairs and examine the box with valuables. There is nothing interesting in the refrigerator.

Save and open the door with code 9524. Kill the next poltergeist, look at the mysterious flasks with amazing creatures inside and go up to the control room, where you will be overtaken by the first flashback - a memory from the past.

Don't forget to pick up the folder from the table. Get back out the same way. Four soldiers shouldn't pose much of a problem for you. The army attacked the factory, so once you are on the surface, it is better to try to get out the other way - to the second floor and down through the roof.

The documents must be taken to the bartender, but the passage to the landfill is blocked. You will have to make a detour and return to Cordon. Show the documents to Sidorovich, and then take them north to the bartender.

The next stop is Yantarnoye Lake, where the X-16 laboratory turns unwary stalkers into zombies.

Wild lands

You will have to make your way to Amber Lake through the Wild Lands (directly from the northern checkpoint). This huge station is under the control of mercenaries, and they don’t like strangers. Very soon you will witness how mercenaries shoot down a helicopter in which scientists were peacefully flying to their bunker. You will have the opportunity to rescue one of the scientists by escorting him to the lake. This is not as difficult to do as it seems - the scientist tries not to get into trouble.

Behind the bridge with fiery anomalies you will meet the first zombies. They wander slowly, but shoot accurately. Along the road you will find yourself in the vicinity of the dried-up Yantarny Lake.

Amber Lake

In the vicinity of the lake, destroy all the local zombies, but do not approach the buildings yet. Your goal is the bunker and Professor Sakharov, who can provide you with protection from psi radiation in exchange for the services of a bodyguard. You need to accompany the scientist Semenov and guard him while he takes field strength measurements.

The secret is to run ahead of Semenov and destroy the zombies. Sooner or later, psi radiation will knock out the hero, but you will not turn into a zombie. Sakharov will give you a sample of brain protection. We'll have to go underground again...

Psi radiation is successfully shielded by the device, but the hero’s eyes are still grey-gray. In the yard, well-aimed zombies (not dangerous) and jumping snorkels (these will cause problems) await you. Go down to the laboratory.

Laboratory X-16

The population is familiar - zombies, snorks - for some reason the radiation does not affect these, but a slow, staggering snork would be a very convenient opponent. Go down the stairs to the lower floor and, shooting half-dead creatures, move along the level. Save - in the large hall you will have to run up the stairs in a race against time. The radiation is too powerful, the protection will not last long.

While destroying the zombies as quickly as possible, turn off three levers in sequence on three levels (don’t miss the very first one). Once at the very top, turn right, save and pull the lever on the control panel. Hurray, there is no more radiation, the danger has passed, a career as a zombie is no longer possible for us. The hero will again remember passages from his past. I wonder who this powerful old man with the dog is?

All that remains is to go into the far hall, deal with the sad controller, and rummage through the Ghost’s body. You are primarily interested in an artifact suit with a regeneration effect, and only then in documents from the X-16 laboratory. To your right there is a hole in the stone floor. Jump into it and get out through the tunnel. The first pair of snorks will meet you behind a pile of earth. Be careful around the bend - the snork is hiding behind a curved piece of pipe lying against the left wall. Another one will jump out from around the corner, where a jet of flame shoots out. At the fork where you kill the zombies (there is a grate on the left, a pile of earth on the right), try to throw a couple of grenades behind the pile of earth with a piece of pipe lying on it - two cheerful snorks are waiting for you right behind the hill. They think they can take you by surprise, but that’s not the case!

Get ready to shoot bursts at the pseudo-giant, who, having scattered the boxes, will run towards you, but, of course, will not reach you. There are zombies on the left - you can ignore them. Run straight and go up the stairs after two turns to the surface. The helicopter won't do anything to you - it will fire a couple of missiles at the laboratory and quickly fly away out of harm's way. Report to Sakharov and return to Bar.

The bartender explicitly invites you to visit the Monolith and turn off their psionic field to open the way to the north for the stalkers. And, it would seem, now that you have protection from radiation, nothing (except dozens of evil Monoliths, of course) prevents you from hitting the road. But don't rush. The Phantom's notes contained information about a Guide who was supposed to meet with a certain Doctor. Why not try to find out who the Guide and the Doctor are?

We will find the first one in the south, in the Cordon area in front of the destroyed railway bridge - in the very place where you once talked with Fox. The conductor is terse: “The doctor is waiting in a secret place. If you're in the know, you know where it is."

Of course we are on topic! Return to the northwest to the Agroprom area and again dive into the sewer hatch - into the very catacombs where you were looking for information about Strelka. Having defeated the bandits and bloodsuckers, go up the familiar stairs... The doctor (the same old man from the visions) really doesn’t want the player to start shooting at him out of fear and spoil the acquaintance, so without further ado he will hit the hero on the top of the head and tell him everything, until he will have a headache. And then he will disappear, leaving information about the cache hidden in the Pripyat hotel, in room 26.

Let us remember this information and, armed to the teeth, we will go north to storm the lands of the Monolith.

Army warehouses

The army warehouses, which are controlled by the Freedom group, are a buffer area between Bar (Duty) and the Red Forest (under the control of Monolith). Here you can join one of the organizations and choose a side in the conflict. If you become “Free”, you will no longer be allowed into the Bar in an amicable way, and it will become more difficult for anyone who joins “Duty” to cross the border between the Warehouses and the Red Forest - there is a checkpoint at “Freedom”.

It is nevertheless worth helping the Svoboda commander repel the Monolith’s attack. This way you will learn the habits of stalker-sectarians.

Red forest

Don't leave the road - there is high radiation along the roadsides in many places. You will have to fight your way along the road to the north. Ignore the first turn to the right - there is a dead end (I wonder what was originally planned to be done there?). The second turn is towards Pripyat, but even with brain protection they won’t let you through there. Move forward and uphill, towards the radar station. It is the radar that is the source of psi radiation.

In addition to the Monoliths, your enemies here will be phantoms emerging from the ground. Shoot them as they approach - they die easily, which cannot be said about the Monolith stalkers. At the top of the hill they will try to roll barrels of fuel at your feet - try to blow them up as early as possible. Be careful when approaching the wall - there are snipers perched on the towers behind it. They can be shot in a duel or ignored by running into the dead zone.

Ahead is a broken section of the wall. If you wait too long, the Monoliths themselves will jump out of the hole towards you. The more Monolith stalkers you shoot outside, the less you will have to fight inside. The entrance to the X-10 laboratory is hidden. Climb up the ramp into the carriage that sticks out in the tunnel and clear the last meters to the laboratory. The phantoms will not leave you until you go inside.

Laboratory X-10

The inside of the laboratory is empty - only a few unconscious bloodsuckers roam the dusty corridors. Yes, it doesn’t matter how “Monolith” guards its secrets. There will be no forks - just run through the corridors and rooms, from time to time knocking the breath out of the bloodsuckers. After passing several rooms with metal balconies and huge cylinders, do not miss the passage at the end into a room with a switch. Save. One move of the switch - and the brain burner is turned off, passage to the north, to Pripyat and the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, is free for everyone. Watch the next vision of the main character and return the same way.

The path to the cellars will be difficult - dozens of angry Monoliths are blocking your way out, lying in wait literally around every corner.

Outside, the landing party is having fun and rejoicing. Military stalkers are surprised by the weak resistance and correctly assume that someone has already been here before them. Soldiers in armor are very dangerous enemies, but as soon as you break through the gate, stalkers will come to your aid. There are many of them here - free stalkers, “Duty”, and “Freedom”, and even mercenaries - all rushed to the north as one.

The path to Pripyat is open to everyone, including Marked.

Advice: Bring a suit with the highest radiation protection. In the vicinity of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant it will be very useful to you.


At the entrance to the city you will be met by a group of stalkers who will know about your arrival. They will help you get through to central Pripyat. I advise you to arm yourself with a sniper weapon at this place - enemies will appear on the roofs of Khrushchev buildings to the left and right and emerge from the windows. Having suppressed the resistance at the end of the street, turn right and try to shoot the enemies on the balcony and in the window of the two-story building as quickly as possible.

Stalkers will help you clear the dark underground parking lot - then you will have to go alone. It's not as scary as it might seem. You just need to very quickly get rid of the sniper on the roof opposite - he has an electromagnetic rifle. Hiding in shelters, shoot enemies in the hotel lobby and go inside, jump from the narrow window onto the roof of the passage and climb into the window of the adjacent hotel building. Your goal is number 26, where the key to the Zone's secret is hidden.

This is a recording. If you play it on a tape recorder, you will find out that there is a secret door at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, which Strelok once discovered. What's behind this door? We will soon reveal this secret. In the meantime, let's play shooting range. Hotel windows are great for shooting bad guys on the street. Pay special attention to the window at the end of the corridor - the one that looks out onto the Ferris wheel. To the left of the wheel is a low round building with exposed brickwork in places. A Monolith soldier with an RPG-7 is sitting on its roof. It is difficult to see through the branches - use an optical sight. He will never understand what killed him.

To find yourself in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant area, you just need to jump out of the window and run a hundred meters north, to the entrance to the Avangard stadium. But before you dive under these arches, save.

It is important: ahead is the point of no return, a place from where you cannot return to the Zone, to the monsters and bandits that have become so dear to you. The game's grand finale lies ahead, and no matter how it ends, the way back will be closed for you forever.

Chernobyl nuclear power plant

The main problem here is that everyone wants to kill you. "Monolith" defending the approaches to the station. Military stalkers storming the nuclear power plant from several sides. Mi-24 helicopters, generously scattering bullets and missiles. And even an infantry fighting vehicle, which will spur the player on at the entrance with a machine gun.

The goal here is to climb into the building in the area of ​​the fourth power unit. Prepare your sniper rifle and turn left following the pipe. When helicopters fly overhead and fire at the entrance (you can hear radio conversations between soldiers, snipers and pilots), shoot several Monolith stalkers in front of the gate and dive inside as quickly as possible. If you linger near the brick substation building, you will attract the attention of helicopters and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as military stalkers armed with silent machine guns.

You can climb into the trailer to catch your breath, but you shouldn’t linger here. Run across the road and carefully move along the long building, hiding behind concrete structures, pipes and fittings. Niches in concrete blocks are your best friend, you can hide in them if it gets hot. Helicopters and military stalkers will distract the Monolith, but you will also get it. Look carefully to see if a stalker with a machine gun is running ahead - the gray uniform on the gray concrete is very hard to see.

When military stalkers enter the courtyard, harbingers of a future release will appear. This means you only have five minutes to get inside the building before the eruption kills the hero. There is not much time, but enough so that you don’t rush too much.

For your information: the ejection only affects the main character and only if he is near the ground. This means that you can run freely on the roofs during the release, which we will do shortly.

Unit 4

The inside is dark, radioactive and full of Monolith. The Monolith itself gets on your nerves, every few seconds promising fulfillment of desires with a voice in your head.

Before the first right turn, be careful - at the far end of the corridor there is a sniper with an electromagnetic gun. When you reach the end, turn left and walk along the corridor. Turn left into the passage with a metal mesh and very carefully, looking through the hole in the wall, shoot the Monolith stalkers. In the hall you can hide behind boxes.

After passing the corridor lined with boxes, you will see a staircase. There are many enemies on the flights of stairs. And several more Monolith stalkers are waiting for you at the very top, behind the doorway with a warning sign. Behind this doorway you will be able to choose your ending. Turn left and go into the destroyed reactor - the ending will be false. Turn right and find an inconspicuous niche with a ladder leading up to a creaking emergency light - there will be a true ending.

False ending

Climb the stairs along the pile of concrete and graphite to the torn off roof of the reactor. You can get to the Monolith flickering in a niche if you enter the white rings of the teleporter. You will only need to carefully walk along the metal structures into the next room, climb onto the concrete reinforcement along the iron sheets and jump to the Monolith.

He will fulfill the hero's wish. And what exactly the hero will wish for depends on many things. For example, on how much money he has in his pockets. From what reputation he has, and also from whether he, by chance, killed the leader of “Duty” or “Freedom”.

End of the game. However, we also have a true ending.

True ending

Climb up the stairs and approach the secret door at the end of the corridor. Before opening it, prepare your weapon and save - for thirty seconds, while the code to the door is being selected, Monolith stalkers will appear from nowhere behind you. As soon as the door opens, run inside. You are in a secret laboratory.

Secret laboratory

Close corridors, the Monolith crowd - everything is as usual. Only there is no radiation and no voice in my head. Enemies lurked literally around every turn and in every room. At first, you don’t have to stick your head out of the room into the corridor, luring the stalkers towards you and shooting through the metal bars.

Then go left down the corridor and after a few turns you will find yourself in front of a room with electronic "cabinets". There are several stalkers here, you can deal with them if you throw grenades into the room and carefully shoot in bursts, peeking around the corner. Your goal is a dark hall with a green holographic image of the Monolith in the center and six pairs of glass tori around the perimeter.

Solving the riddle is not so difficult - start crushing the glass. At every second, a poltergeist with a signature scorching flame will jump into the room. Get rid of them as they come.

When the sixth pair of tori explodes, a green hologram depicting a scientist will descend before talking with Marked One. The Ghost will explain why the Zone was formed and who Bullseye is, and offer a choice in the style of "red or blue pill".

If the player agrees with the hologram's arguments, the game will end with the first true ending. If not, he will again find himself on the street, and his heart will burn with a thirst for revenge.

Chernobyl nuclear power plant

The ejection continues, so it is in the character’s interests to jump into the white rings of the teleporter as quickly as possible, without touching the Monoliths that have appeared around. Climb the ladder to the roof and hide behind the bundle of pipes.

For your information: from time to time the hero will shake noticeably - it is impossible to conduct aimed shooting at these moments, hide. Interestingly, the “shaking” does not affect your enemies.

The gameplay at this level is quite straightforward - without going down to the ground, you need to jump from teleporter to teleporter in order to get to those responsible for the appearance of the Zone and have a heart-to-heart talk with them. There are a lot of snipers on the roofs, but you can also hunt well on the vast expanses of the Chernobyl NPP roofs.

Climb the two stairs to the sarcophagus, run along it and go down the other stairs. Don't look at the wooden stairs, but run to the edge of the roof and go down the long concrete walkway. You need to run along it to the next teleporter.

After two jumps you are back on the roof. Run across the entire roof diagonally to the next teleporter. You are at the very top of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, on the roof of the sarcophagus. Climb the stairs to the burning helicopter and pipe. Near the very foot of the pipe is another teleporter. Two jumps and you're on the pipelines. Turn around, climb the ladder onto the ledge and, ignoring the snorkel, dive into the next teleporter.

The stalker sitting in front with an RPG-7 can be killed, or you can run past him while he realizes what is happening, removes the grenade launcher and takes out a pistol. Jump again! Around the corner, two snorks lie in wait for you, but you can ignore them - turn right, run forward to the gap in the railing and boldly jump from the roof! You are again on the concrete passage between two pipes. There is a rift ahead. What to do? Jump straight from the pipe to the roof on the right and, hiding between two tanks, get rid of the snipers and shooters on the nearby roofs. To climb a meter high, you must first jump onto the railing. You will pass the gap in the roof and jump from the ladder onto the pipe again. Ahead is another teleporter. Pay attention - at the top, to the right of the pipe, two Monolithians are running. Destroy them so that the next time you jump you won't find yourself face to face with them. Three more jumps without interference.

Now get ready for the fact that you will have to fight your way to the teleporters again. It's good that before a fight you can usually prepare and be the first to open fire. There's a shootout, we run around the corner, we shoot the stalker hiding behind the pipe. Bounce. Battle among the boxes. Bounce. Hello, Sidorovich! Bounce. Hide in the maze of pipes and tanks (you can shoot at the iron bridges from below), climb the stairs and run to the next teleporter. But don't enter it until you save.

The final battle lies ahead. There will be no monsters here - just a lot of Monolith stalkers, snipers on the roofs and shooters with RPGs. In addition, enemies will simply teleport to you several times. If you immediately rush to the roof to the last teleporter, there is no chance of surviving the crossfire.

The secret is not to climb the stairs to the iron bridges, but to run below on the roof. The one below can hide behind tanks and pipes. Those on the bridges are open and defenseless. First, destroy the two shooters on the sides, then carefully eliminate the snipers on the roof ahead. When a new batch of enemies arrives, deal first with those running around on the roof next to you, then deal with those walking on the bridges. A Monolith soldier with an RPG-7 will sit on a raised platform between the bridges in the center of the roof.

After making sure that there are no more enemies (at least available to you), climb the stairs onto the bridges and cross the rubble of containers. Now all you have to do is climb onto the roof and sprint to the last portal, not paying attention to the Monoliths teleporting towards you.

Evil is defeated. Good triumphs. This means that you have completed the game. Congratulations.

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Article Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl Walkthrough highlights the storyline of the game. As well as the nuances of development and some secrets of Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl. Version 1.0004 reviewed here. So, the user will play on behalf of a stalker nicknamed Marked. After the initial cutscene, the player finds himself at a merchant named Sidorovich. In turn, the merchant explains how to use the PDA and gives a task.

Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl Walkthrough – Cardon:

The Marked One rides on a “death truck” and carries the corpses of dead stalkers. Suddenly, lightning strikes the car, causing an explosion. A stalker running past saves Marked, who miraculously remains alive. The Savior decides to take Marked to the merchant Sidorovich. Here the main character comes to his senses, but it turns out that he has lost his memory. Classic story for .

The only connection with the past for the stalker is the PDA, where the message “Kill Strelok” is saved. Now Marked One must find Strelok to find out the details of his past, or simply kill him. Meanwhile, Sidorovich believes that Marked is his debtor. Therefore, the main character must complete a series of tasks to repay the debt. In the genre.

Cordon - the first task and development of the storyline.

With his first task, Sidorovich sends the player to Khutor so that he finds Shustroy there and takes
flash drive. How to complete the first task:

  • You need to go to the Stalkers Village to see the Wolf.
  • The wolf will give you a gun.
  • Then you need to get to two stalkers - they are standing on a hill, not far from the ATP.
  • After a short conversation, the player goes with the stalkers to clear the ATP from bandits.
  • Important - you need to kill at least two or three bandits to complete the quest.
  • After destroying the bandits, the player must approach Shustrom and receive a flash drive.
  • Next, you need to return to the Stalkers Village and receive a reward from the Wolf.
  • Then you need to go to Sidorovich.
  • You need to give the flash drive to Sidorovich and receive a reward.

A simple passage scheme is described here - only the first task is meant. But even here there may be a lot of nuances that you should be aware of. Knowing some details will make the process of playing Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl Walkthrough easier. By the way, a new one has already been released. It's practically no different from this one. Although, there are problems with the controls!

Game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl - nuances and important points.

Here we will consider only those nuances and details that take place precisely from the beginning
until the end of the first task. To make it easier to navigate the game, small details will be described in detail, including instructions for actions. So, what nuances and important points are there:

  • To save the stalker who is lying near the trailer - having received a pistol from the Wolf, you need to immediately run to the trailer (by the road). There is a corpse of a stalker here, from whom you can take a first aid kit. This first aid kit should be given to another wounded stalker, who lies not far from the corpse and will ask for help.
  • When meeting with Shustry, in addition to the flash drive, you need to take a job - this task is optional. But the quest is quite simple. By the way, while completing the task, Shustry can go to the Stalkers Village.
  • Shustroy’s task is “to find a bandit’s jacket” - the jacket lies under the bridge, guarded by one pseudo-dog. Killing a dog can sometimes give you a tail.
  • It is recommended to keep the artifact (Medusa) received from the Wolf - soon Sidorovich may give an additional task (find Medusa).
  • After completing the task, you can examine the corpses and collect trophies - if you cannot take everything away at once, then you can put some of the things in one of the corpses, and then come back and pick them up.
  • Before clearing the ATP, it is recommended to use a quick save - on a hill it is most convenient to load again later (in case of death).

In principle, this is where the nuances end. By the way, the bandits in the first task die quite quickly - you just need to shoot them in the head or chest. Since the bandits are running all the time, it is advisable to find some kind of shelter for yourself - hide behind trees or behind walls. But you shouldn’t stand in one place. Otherwise, it's over!

Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl Walkthrough - secrets and hiding places at the Cordon.

Further, hiding places and secrets will be illuminated, thanks to which you can collect food, ammunition and first aid kits. It is advisable to start collecting things after completing the first task, so that the stalker near the trailer does not die. If you save him, the first friend will appear, which will glow green on the PDA.

Where to look for food, ammo and first aid kits:
  • In the Village of Stalkers - in the house near which the Wolf is standing, there is a box and a hiding place in the attic. For now the cache will be empty. But in the box there is food, energy drink, bandages and ammunition.
  • In the Stalkers Village - in the next basement from the Wolf you can find food (bread, canned food).
  • In the trailer by the road where the stalker's corpse lies, you can break the boxes with a knife and find a pistol, first aid kit, bandages, cartridges, etc.
  • In the Village of Stalkers - in the last house where there is a stove, there is a tin can in a saucepan.
    Advice - you need to inspect all suspicious boxes that come across.
  • Under the bridge on the road to the ATP, where the UAZ is parked, there is a box on the hood of the UAZ, you can find cartridges in it.
  • In the Village of Stalkers, in the basement of two houses there are boxes, in which you can find canned food and ammunition.

As for caches, they are activated only after completing the first task in. For example, if you complete the task according to the scheme given here, a cache will open in the Village.
In total, approximately three caches can open:

  • Stash in the Village of Stalkers - This stash is located in the attic of one of the houses. It is quite easy to get it, but you need to try not to fall. Three thin beams lead to the hiding place. Three first aid kits are hidden in the cache.
  • Cache near the Village of Stalkers - not far from the Village where the blind dogs hang around, there is a cache hidden in the bushes. But first you have to kill two boars, and then try not to get into the anomaly. The cache contains a pistol with a silencer and ammunition.
  • Cache at the Mill - access to it can be obtained after searching the bandit's corpse. Here, in one of the buildings (closest to the road) a bandit jacket is hidden.

That's all for now. Article Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl The passage ends. Further the game will be covered in. Good luck, gentlemen Stalkers!
