Complete the game Escape from the Museum 2. Walkthrough of the game Escape from the Museum. Search for missing treasures. Mini games from the Museum Escape series

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Game description

Continuation popular game. The story of Susan's miraculous rescue from the rubble of a museum destroyed by an earthquake was shown on the news. A few months after this, Susan received a package: an unknown person sent her the travel journal of T.R. himself. Benson, the legendary traveler and treasure hunter.

The accompanying letter said that only a brave explorer could follow Benson's footsteps, and Susan had already proven that she knew how to maintain a presence..." />

Continuation of the popular game. The story of Susan's miraculous rescue from the rubble of a museum destroyed by an earthquake was shown on the news. A few months after this, Susan received a package: an unknown person sent her the travel journal of T.R. himself. Benson, the legendary traveler and treasure hunter.

The cover letter said that only a brave explorer could follow Benson's footsteps, and Susan had already proven that she could maintain her presence of mind in dangerous situations. If she decides to go in search of the world's most desired treasures, then luck will be on her side, and the mysterious stranger will bear all the expenses!

What archaeologist could refuse such a tempting offer? To begin with, you and Susan will search for gold reserves lost during the Civil War. You will need to explore the US National Museum, the home of war hero General Grant, the old Federal Reserve building and the famous Empire State Building. Unravel the secret symbols on the map and discover the location of the first treasure!

In the next levels of the game you will find Napoleon's secret vault in the Parisian catacombs, the treasury of the Egyptian pharaohs, Mayan gold and the secret hideout of the famous pirate nicknamed Blackbeard. Perhaps the found jewelry will help you reveal the incognito identity of the mysterious sponsor and bring him to light. To complete the level and find the next treasure, you need to explore several locations. In each of them you will have a list of objects that need to be found and a task for intelligence.

Arm yourself with the tools of a real archaeologist - a metal detector, a brush to sweep away the dust of centuries, a hammer and a lighter, which will always come in handy. Open the magazine often and solve the clues from the old eccentric Benson. Collect a collection of priceless relics for the museum!



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Take map And mobile phone, and then go through the door to the front entrance.

Front entrance
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2. Stone break the rear window of the car, after which a hidden object area will appear. Collect everything to get umbrella.
3. Garden shears cut the seat belt.
4. Attach hose to the broken wires and then use it on them umbrella to move.
5. Zoom into the interior of the car (through the broken rear window) and click on the driver of the car to pull him out.

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2. Move your chair back to get new mission - find the owner of the puppy.
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4. Use nail puller on the trunk of the car, after which a hidden object area will appear here. Collect everything to get skateboard, subwoofer And wrench.

5. A sparkling area appeared again on the right side of the street (in the same place where they were looking for objects). Zoom in on it and then use it wrench to unscrew the road sign.
6. Place it near the car subwoofer, and on top of him - sign. You will get a mini springboard. Use skateboard to jump over the pit.

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3. Sand add gasoline.
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4. Click on the window to execute mission- find the owner of the puppy.
5. Zoom into the right sparkling area. Use knife to tear off 2 staples.
6. Put hanger to the place of the gap in the steps. Secure the hanger 2 staples and then use knife on staples. Click on the top steps (a green icon with a man will appear). Climb even higher and go through the door to the street.

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Royal Apartments: Fire Exit
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3. Click on the window to execute mission- find the owner of the kitten.

4. Position 2 pulleys in the holes on the fence above and 2 pulleys into the hole on the fence below. Pull between pulleys the wire.
5. Hang elephant into the wire loop.
Click on the fire escape to lower it down, then go down it.

Adventure is just what dilutes our daily life, adds adrenaline to it and makes our heart beat faster. Well, adventure games are in great demand among fans computer games. And what? Adventure doesn’t cost a lot of money, you don’t have to carry heavy bags with you, and there are endless flights, dangerous jungles and predators that can scare you in the game, but won’t cause real harm in real life, which makes this genre even more attractive. And most importantly - computer game in the adventure genre always guarantees a successful outcome of the mission for you and me. And if the game is called "Museum Escape 2. Search for Lost Treasures", this means that no matter how long we have to sit at the computer solving puzzles, we will eventually find these treasures.

You are already familiar with the main character named Susan from the first part of the game. Escape from the Museum, in which she and her little daughter had to escape the museum during an earthquake. The game's story takes place some time after the events of the first game. One day she receives a package from a stranger. It contained the diary of one famous archaeologist Benson. Susan knew that the diary was a treasure in itself, since the archaeologist described in it all his expeditions and the keys to finding treasures. Attached to the diary was a letter in which an unknown person invited Susan to search for treasures of various peoples and eras. And even despite her promise to her husband not to engage in search expeditions anymore, she could not resist such an offer and began searching.

Museum Escape 2: Search for Lost Treasures, just like the first part, is made of a good mixture of “I’m looking” and “quest”. You'll start by searching for Civil War treasures, and step by step you'll move forward, discovering new clues and clues. There will be several items in your arsenal with which you can perform various actions. For example, with a brush you will clean centuries-old dust from objects, with a lighter you will be able to set fire to some objects, and so on. These items will always be available to you in the Tools tab.

The entire list of items has 2 colors. Those objects that can be found immediately without using any actions are highlighted in gold. Those items that you will have to perform some action to find are highlighted in blue. For example, in the Empire State Building you will have to break a couple of pots and a glass display case with a hammer to get treasured clues that will show us the way to the treasure. Pay attention to appearance cursor when you move it around playing field. Those places that require the use of any of your tools will turn your cursor into spinning gears. If you get stuck at some location, you can easily search elsewhere (the map is located in the upper right corner). Also, at any time you can refer to the diary and check whether you are collecting clues correctly and following the professor’s instructions.

At the end of the mission, treasures await you, a flight to new location and new searches in another country. If you are not interested in the game dialogue in the game Museum Escape 2, you can skip it and dive completely into searching for hidden objects.

The game is made very professionally, the graphics have become more realistic compared to the first part and, as is already customary, Susan’s appearance has changed and she has become younger. Game Escape from the Museum 2. Search for Lost Treasures We recommend it to all fans of hidden object games and quests.

The game is out January 18, 2011
File size: 188.2 MB
The game can also be categorized as Quest, I'm looking for
The game is also called Escape from the museum. The final

A strong earthquake destroyed the city, and archeology doctor Susan and her daughter were trapped in the National History Museum. David, the head of the family, must overcome the entire city by any means necessary to rescue his wife and daughter. The hero's assistant and guide on this dangerous journey will be an eccentric old man-collector who knows the city very well. Along the way, David will have to help other victims and hide from rescuers trying to evacuate the population. David's health also complicates the task - his heart condition is not good, and he should not overexert himself and be nervous.

A lot of puzzles await you to test your intelligence. Be very careful, carefully explore each location, checking all objects that attract your attention. By clicking in the area where the cursor turns into gears, you will receive an important hint. Under moving objects you can find useful tools or save a living soul. Don't forget about David's poor health - his blood pressure rises and his heart rate increases when you make too many mistakes while searching for items, so take your time and be calm.

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Mini games from the Museum Escape series

Size: 103.5 MB

June 26, 2010

One day, Susan, a museum employee, took her daughter to work with her, and it was on that day that a powerful earthquake occurred. As soon as the tremors began, Susan left her daughter in the security room, and she went to check the premises - she needed to make sure that no visitors were lost in the museum. Soon it shook again, and Susan was hit on the head with something heavy. She lost consciousness, and when she woke up, it turned out that things were bad...


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