Completed GTA 5, what's next. Diversity in the world of GTA V after completing story missions. How to get endless money

Devin Weston will come to Franklin and try to induce him to kill Michael, for whom he has a personal enmity. After he leaves, you have to decide how to finish the game, however, you should know that if you kill one of the key characters, you will never complete the game 100%, and the task of killing Trevor or Michael is much more boring than that prepared by the developers in the “Save Both” option.

The last mission and final game in GTA 5

Save both

Come to Leicester and see a little gaming video, in which he comes up with a scenario where you kill all the game's antagonists and live happily ever after.

Head to the Murrieta Heights Foundry, but first bring your friend Lamar with you.

As soon as you arrive at the place, you will have to watch the most entertaining cut-scene: Michael and Trevor, whom you are trying to save at the cost of your own skin, have pointed weapons at each other, and a little more, and the irreparable will happen. Franklin, who arrives in time, barely manages to resolve the difficult situation by uniting former friends in the fight against a common enemy. The FIB agents are already close, so it's time to take positions and prepare for the attack. During the shootout, do not forget to switch between characters.

Once you clear the building, switch to Franklin and go help Lamar.

When the prompt appears, switch to Trevor/Michael, all the main characters should be on the street. The longest and most epic firefight in the game awaits you, so don’t forget to stock up on body armor before completing the final mission of GTA 5.

So, after you kill all the agents, at a general meeting you decide that it is worth forever silencing everyone who crossed your path. You have 4 targets to destroy: Wei Chen, Harold Joseph (Stretch), Steve Haynes and Devin Weston.

Murder of Mr. Chen

Before killing the triad leader, visit Ammu-Nation and purchase body armor and a sticky bomb.

The best option is to wait until your target gets onto the highway, drive up to him on a motorcycle using Franklin's special ability, throw a sticky bomb and detonate it, and then hide from the triads.

Murder of Stretch

Control will switch to Michael. Just drive to the basketball court where your target is, walk up to Stretch and kill him. Now all that remains is to hide from the Ballas gang.

Murder of Stephen Haynes

Head to Del Perro Pier, where FIB's most corrupt agent films his show. Take a sniper rifle and kill the most annoying asshole in the game with a precise headshot.

Now all that remains is to hide from the police.

Murder of Devin Weston

This is the only sub-task in the mission in which you may have difficulty. Before you go to deal with the main antagonist of GTA 5, visit Ammu-Nation to replenish your ammunition and purchase body armor - a great shootout awaits you. Get to the mansion where the asshole billionaire lives and use a sniper rifle to destroy some of the Merryweather fighters who are guarding Weston.

Then enter the local area, knock out Devin and load him into the trunk of the car.

Drive to the designated place where Michael and Franklin are waiting for you so that you can all deal with this big thorn together. The task will end with you pushing the car off a cliff.

To complete the mission The Last Dash - Save both of them 100% (Gold Medal) you need:

  1. At least 20 enemies must die from accurate shot to the head.
  2. Mr. Chen's car is to be blown up with a sticky bomb.
  3. Haynes should die from a gunshot to the head.
  4. Harold Joseph must die in close combat.
  5. The accuracy of your shots should be at least 70%.
  6. The passage time should not exceed 21 minutes and 30 seconds.

Kill Michael in GTA 5

If for some reason you dislike this deceitful and slippery character of the game, then you can end him without a twinge of conscience.

When Michael arrives to meet Franklin, you will watch a heartbreaking cutscene in which his wife calls him and tells him that Tracy is going to go to college, but Franklin is still trying to kill him. The bullet hits the car and Michael manages to escape. Get in the car and catch up with him.

The chase will cause you to take Michael by surprise and throw him over the tower railing, but he will grab your arm. You will have a choice - reset it or save it. No matter what option you choose, it will still fall.

Franklin then calls Lamar and walks off into the sunset.

Kill Trevor in GTA 5

The essence of the mission is the same: Trevor comes to the meeting, but Franklin misses the opportunity to kill him, and a chase begins.

Now all you have to do is shoot the gasoline in which Trevor lies.

If your game crashes while completing this mission, read all the recommendations in this section.

If you still haven’t decided who to kill in GTA 5, then choose “Save everyone”. It seems that the developers deliberately did not make the tasks of killing one of the main characters epic. That's it for the walkthrough storyline finished, but don't worry, there are still collecting tasks.

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Money in GTA 5 plays a huge role for us, because money is power and opportunity! Weapons and houses, any updates and interesting features are drawn on the price tag, sometimes very substantial sums, while having money in GTA 5, we do not depend on anyone or anything. Therefore, it all comes down to the question of how to make money in GTA 5? We figured out this issue and compiled a walkthrough of missions for GTA 5, which will not only help you learn many tricks, which will greatly help us, but we will also share a number of recommendations on how to make the most money on robbery missions in GTA 5, which partners to choose so as not to overpay pointlessly, but also get maximum help and cover for the money you give and much more! These recommendations will help you if you start going through the plot of the game again, despite the fact that the missions can be replayed, our profit from this will not increase!

The first thing I would like to say is to postpone the missions from Lester, except for those provided for by the plot, and there are only two of them.
And of course, don’t forget about reasonable spending, because the more we have on our balance sheet, the more we can subsequently earn!
Below, we will talk about this in detail.

Earning money from heist missions in GTA 5

Heist Mission: The Jewel Store Job

Plan: B (smart)

Partners: drove Karim Den z, computer genius Rickie Lukens and shooter Packie McReary

If we choose a partner Rickie, who lost his job in Lifeinvader, he will give us as much time as we can collect everything we need on the shelves. Undoubtedly, taking on a robbery mission The Jewel Store Job a more skilled hacker, on the one hand, we will receive a larger number of treasured minutes, but on the other hand, in order to make money in GTA 5, we need to adequately assess the situation and choose those partners who will give us the necessary time, and not useless extra, which we can’t afford will not help.

As for the fighter who will cover us, we recommend choosing Packie, because thanks to it we can earn two% more in GTA 5 than with Gustavo Mota, and he will fulfill all his duties no worse.
To Packs has become available to us, we must complete a random task " Getaway Driver", in it our hero near the shack Franklin and he is looking for someone who will help him escape, we can serve as his driver!

We also do not recommend hiring Norm Richards, because he will die in any case when the chase begins, we will not be able to save him, and, on top of everything, we will lose five% of the profit, so let’s give him life for now, we will still need him!

It is worth considering that the passage GTA missions 5 with driver Karim Denz It will be only a little more difficult due to their choice of motorcycles for departure, but this will not affect our profit in any way! But we will save as much as six percent by not hiring his direct competitor Eddie Toh.

Heist Mission: The Merryweather Heist

Plan: A or B

Partners: no options

If you are interested in how to quickly make money in GTA 5 on a robbery mission The Merryweather Heist, then relax, it's impossible!
Why? Yes, because habits Trevor, sometimes, do not coincide with reality!

Heist Mission: Blitz Play

Plan: no choice provided

Partners: no choice provided

Completing GTA 5 will be accompanied not only by victories, but also by small losses, for example, count on earning money in GTA 5 on a mission Blitz Play also not worth it.
After all, we do menial work, and, sadly, others will receive all the benefits for us!

Heist Mission: The Paleto Score

Plan: no choice provided

Partners: fighter Packie McReary(if it was used in the first robbery) or Chef

This time, every shot in our back will cost us money. Our initial amount is $8,016,020, the balance will show how professional you are in your field! In GTA 5 mission walkthrough The Paleto Score It is with these partners that we benefit most. Why? Because Packie McReary has the best characteristics if you took it for the first robbery, as we recommended. Chef, as well as Packie, perform their duties efficiently, no worse and cheaper by as much as two percent than Gustavo Mota!

And here Norm Richards let's spare him again, as in the first robbery, because he will be killed again, and we will lose not only our partner, but also part of the loot, if we don't pick up his bag, we'll give his life Norm until the final robbery.
Likewise, don't touch the shooter Daryl Jones, imminent death awaits him, let's save him!

Heist Mission: The Bureau Raid

Plan: B (entrance from the roof)

Partners: computer genius Rickie Lukens and a fighter Norm Richards, carriers Taliana Martinez or Karim Denz

On a mission The Bureau Raid you can only get money in GTA 5 Franklin.
Plan B will net us about $30,000 extra over Plan A.

Therefore, if you still choose plan A, then enlist help Packs And Gusa, because, as you may have guessed, Normal will be killed again, let us spare him.

And if you follow our advice and choose plan B, then as a hacker we take Rickie Lukens, his knowledge is quite enough. In this version Norm Richards doesn’t die and his candidacy suits us completely, we’ll take him.
And for a driver there is no better candidate than Taliana Martinez, plus she will charge us nine percent less Eddie Toh.
For it to become available in our team, we must go to the northeast of the state and find Taliana near an overturned car, then we rush into Sandy Shores in order to bring her back alive. Just try, she will be very useful to us in the final robbery!

Taliana will sit down and wait for us in the ambulance, thanks to which we will rush past the police without unnecessary consequences. Will do the same Karim Denz, but only if he participated in the first robbery, improving his skills! For which I received praise from Michael, however, with a note about his stupidity in the first motorcycle robbery. Please note that if Karim didn’t participate in the first robbery, he will come to us in a minivan, and it will be hard!

Heist Mission: The Big Score

Plan: B (obvious)

Partners: pilot Taliana Martinez, driver Karim Denz, arrows - it doesn’t matter who, except Gustavo Mota

Mission The Big Score- the final and most ambitious and profitable heist, and if you were wondering how to make a lot of money in GTA 5, then after completion, the budget of each of the three protagonists will be replenished by $41,664,000, subject to correct completion!

Helicopter pilot - Taliana, this is the right choice for just five percent of the profit, but if you appoint her to her post Karim Denz, then he will most likely crash the aircraft, therefore, his place is as a train driver!
But marksman fighters do not affect the progress of the mission, therefore, we choose the most budget options!
If we choose Plan A, we will receive almost $7 million less - $34,892,000 - than Plan B.

In the event that your choice fell on the quietest option - plan A, then put Packie McReary or Chief as the 1st shooter, and select the second Norm Richards. Drivers - Taliana Martinez And Karim Denz, hacker - Rickie Lukens.

Congratulations! We completed all the robberies and a tidy sum of more than 40 million dollars appeared on the balance of each of the protagonists! Do you want to increase them as quickly and profitably as possible? Do you remember that Lester offers us a number of stock market manipulations in GTA 5? Let's get started!

Instructions for making money in GTA 5 on the stock exchange and other financial transactions

Quests from Lester

There will be periodic encounters during the game and tasks from Lester in GTA 5, as we said earlier, it is better to postpone them by the time we go through the main storyline, except for the mission “ Hotel Assassination", which is simply necessary for further development actions in the game, therefore, we perform it in the first third of the plot.

Other missions such as:
« The Multi Target Assassination»
« The Vice Assassination»
« The Bus Assassination»
« The Construction Assassination»

Complete after completing the main storyline, and recommendations how to make money in GTA 5 on the stock exchange, where to invest money in connection with these missions, because they will have a significant impact on the stock price, read the article - section Investments !

In progress GTA walkthroughs 5, you will also encounter random missions that will have a significant, albeit not long-term, impact on the stock market, and random advisers will help us make money on stocks in GTA 5, whom we can meet completely unexpectedly, and we will tell you about some of them!

Event " Hitch Lift 1» - deliver a latecomer to the airport Liberty City analytics and if you do this in at its best, he will tell you a few secrets regarding the exchange rate.

Where can you find such a valuable passenger? You can find it in the center of the resort village Chumash, which is located on the western coast of the state. He will appear on the map as a bluish dot, absolutely sad, losing last hope, catching at least some ride in the direction Great Ocean Highway - Ineseno Road. From this place we need to deliver him to the airport Los Santos in 2.5 minutes.

Before the event starts, we invest the money of each of the three protagonists on the stock exchange BAWSAQ in company shares Tinkle (TNK), which specializes in the field of mobile communications. We just have to wait about one game day or simply sleep and sell shares when the profit is about 30%, on consoles a little more - about 50%.

Subject to following our instructions, the balance of each of the three protagonists will accumulate a tidy sum of $1.9 billion, less than on consoles, but more than enough overall for such a period of time!

After all, on PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One And PS3 If you sell shares on behalf of three characters at once, you will get a profit of more than $2.5 billion.
However, there is a small nuance here, since the game uses a 32-bit data type, the maximum game balance is $2,147,483,647.
First in the game version 1.0 we risked running into a negative balance, but subsequently Rockstar We corrected this jamb with a patch and all the extra money is simply written off, so how not to lose profit?

We recommend the following!
We sell shares in parts of approximately 250 million, when the shares have reached their maximum value, and immediately invest the money received in shares of other companies, the best exchange for such actions is LCN, because its course does not depend on the presence of a connection to the servers Rockstar.

...and the heirs of Ostap

In GTA 5 there are many well-wishers, both in the literal and figurative sense of the word, the goals of some of them are to profit from us! For example, in San Andreas , trades in the so-called Bill Binder, which offers to insure your investments in case the American economy collapses. Of course, this is a scammer, but if you are a person who has wads of bucks pressing into all his pockets, have fun - invest 10 thousand dollars in the scammer's portfolio generator.

I think all these tips will help many and make the passage of the GTA 5 game not only more interesting, but also more conscious and profitable; there are, perhaps, just a few GTA 5 tips that I would like to give in the end.
Remember, apart from missions, we do not have the opportunity to in any way influence the stock price on the exchanges within free play, even if we go to shoot the company’s equipment, its shares will not fall, therefore, outside of missions, if the desire is so great, we can blindly (without anyone’s prompting) invest in company shares, using only our mind, having studied the development trends of companies, and the only rule of any business is, buy low - sell high! Good luck!

Please note that BAWSAQ- this is an online exchange, for it to work you need to connect to Xbox LIVE or PlayStation Network.

In GTA Online, money plays no less important, so we have compiled instructions - how to make money in GTA 5 online.

There is no revelation of the mystery of the global conspiracy or new details of the presence of a UFO in Trevor's mind.

Here we will talk about those small, seemingly unnoticeable things that other developers might simply not add to their games. But Rockstar Games- not “other developers”, they are rock stars in their field.

Therefore, if you have already played a hundred hours of gameplay and, you will definitely find something to have fun here.

We get into any vehicle, press B (cinematic camera), then press the right stick, and then tilt it down - this will allow you to enter super slow motion.


Pour gasoline on the asphalt - then you can set it on fire using a car exhaust.


At a traffic light, you can start revving your engine to challenge a person, standing nearby, and start the race.


When you are flying in the air, press B to do this funny.


In long tunnels GPS stops working.


If you attack Michael's house, when shooting at him with , he will send you a text message asking you to stop doing this.


If Franklin passes by members of his gang, they recognize him and say hello.


If you take pictures of people, then they may hit you. Private life, fuck and bang!


At Michael's house, standing up next to the gardener and by clicking on the cross, you can find out his name.


If you bought, then in Ammunation stores, from the seller, you can hear the following good words: “You’re my favorite customer.”


If you play as Trevor, then whenever the gang members see him The Lost, they will attack him. I wonder why...


You can find the area of ​​Hawick which is a reference to a Scottish town with the same name (Rockstar North comes from Scotland).


When you are driving in a wild or funny car, then people will take pictures of you. Just like some kind of star. Or a freak.


Under the main bridge of Los Santos there is a whole homeless town, with tents and sofas.


When walking along the edge of the coastline you will get stuck in it more than in ordinary sand or mud, and even traces will remain!


If you harm someone in the family Michael, he will soon send you an angry message from the hospital. , for example, writes that you will pay his bill for this.


A parachute, just like any other, customizable at the Ammunation store.


IN memory of GTA San Andreas, Madd Dog and OG Loc posters can be seen in Franklin's house.


When they run nearby, each character says something special. For example, Trevor: “You need to take him with you!”


Cars appear extra shine paintwork after you visit the car wash.


Yours clothes get wet, depending on where the water touches it.


Sniper rifle can punch right away several people in a row.


While swimming or when you are moving on a boat, you experience splashes and foam on the water.


When you are driving off-road, from under the tires dirt and sand fly out.


In most cases, there are no additional downloads between and gameplay.


Stairs can be approached from any angle, even from behind, without any problems climb them from these points.


By clicking on the cross, you can switch from low beam to high beam, and vice versa.


When it starts to rain, people react to it: they take cover, cower, cover themselves and run for cover.


When unarmed, press the D-pad right to say something any pedestrian.


You automatically adjusting your helmet, as soon as you stop on your motorcycle.


If you play as Trevor, you can go to the front of your trailer and properly inhale gasoline. After this, you will wake up (wake up) in a new place.


When you're filming woman of easy virtue, then you can choose her service from a whole price list. Just like in good store.


Your controller vibrates, if you drive over ditches, grates or potholes in the roads.


When you are driving a car, you can choose view... of the driver. To do this, turn on the first-person view by pressing the back button several times, then press the right stick.


You can do various special kills with help .


If you fail a mission, there will always be a message saying why did this happen.


If you have a car folding roof, then by stopping and pressing the cross to the right, you will fold/unfold it.


Go to Gym under open air Muscle Beach and you'll see there very strange people. Rockstar created special characters exclusively for this location.


Power line wires sway in the wind.


You can break glass at bus stops. Petty hooliganism is so petty!


You can go to any 7/11 store, buy candy from them and then rob and

We present to your attention a list of useful tips and tricks for GTA game 5, we are sure that they will be useful to you when completing this wonderful game! When you click on the right arrow pad, you will begin interacting with the game NPC.

Using the “point of interest” function on the map, you can mark many useful and interesting places.

If you're on a walk with Chop, use LT(X360/XONE) or L2(PS3/PS4) to tether your dog to you.

There is one trick - you can transport your bike in the back of a truck.

In GTA 5, smaller missions (or mini-missions) are indicated on the map by blue dots.

Orange skull icons on the map indicate special crazy rampage missions for Trevor.

If you want to understand what missions are available to you in this moment for this character, look at the map. Missions for different characters have different colors: Michael's are blue, Franklin's are green, Trevor's are orange.

Switching between various characters, know that the number below them shows the number of available missions for that character.

We would like to give one piece of advice - try to rob a cash-in-transit vehicle. To do this, you need to open the rear doors of this car (shoot them or blow them up). Following this, cases with money will fly out of the car. An encounter with a cash-in-transit vehicle is a random event that can be found near gas stations.

To rob almost any store in GTA 5, you must walk into the room so that the door closes behind you. When you exit, stop right in the aisle so that your character begins to hold the door to the store open. You will be able to take out your weapon and shoot at the cash register. In this case, bags with money will fall to the floor. What's sad is that not all stores have such a cash register.

To restore your health, you should look for medicine in your homes or look for a liquor store or vending machines to buy food. The services of moths also replenish your health bar. The same effect occurs when switching between characters.

If you need to hide from the police, here's our advice - use the bushes. In this case, your character's arrow will turn gray, which means they no longer know where you are.

Upon completion of all tasks in the Ammu-Nation store shooting gallery on gold medal, you will receive a 25% discount on all products in this store, and at the same time improve your shooting performance. This valuable advice will save you a lot of money.

By pressing the right arrow on the d-pad, you will be able to turn the flashlight on your barrel on or off.

For purchase maximum quantity supplies for your weapon in the Ammu-Nation store, you can click on the button, which is responsible for switching between purchasing the maximum quantity and purchasing one magazine. These are X (X360/XONE) and Square (PS3/PS4). On Xbox 360 it's an X, and on PS3 it's a square.

If you want to shoot and run at the same time, then you need to hold the right trigger to do this. And in order to make a somersault, you need to hold one of the triggers and press X/☐.

While in the car, and pressing the left bumper, you can show the middle finger to others. But first you should check if you have a weapon in your hands. You can switch by pressing X/☐.

To dive, you need to jump and then press B/○.

The next time you stand at a traffic light, try roaring the engine, there is a chance that the nearest car will take part in drag racing with you.

When researching distant zones huge GTA maps 5, you can quickly return to the mission area by changing the hero.

If you want to find a parachute, then you need to climb to the top of the highest mountain in the game. The coveted backpack is located near the exit from the funicular. To deploy the parachute, press A/x. After appearing once in your inventory, it will be automatically used when jumping.

GTA 5 has scuba gear that allows you to dive to great depths, although it does not include a wetsuit or fins. You will find it behind the shipyards on one of the piers.

To avoid getting a wanted level at the airport, you need to buy one hangar.

If you want to fly the cropduster in GTA 5, look for it on the runway at Trevor Mackenzie Field. These planes often land here.

After purchasing the Mackenzie Field Hangar, a twin-engine aircraft will appear in it.

If you need to urgently land a plane, but you can’t find a runway, we recommend using the highway or the beach.

In GTA 5 you have the opportunity to buy a helicopter or plane via the Internet - a browser on your phone at Military equipment order at After you have purchased the vehicle, it will be delivered to the hangar.

You can pick up and move various vehicles using The Cargobob helicopter, which is a cargo helicopter.

If you want to avoid hesitation when using the helicopter, then take our advice - hold down the right and left triggers.

To get rid of search lights on police helicopters in GTA 5, you need to shoot at them.

To save money, try buying various goods on the Internet - it’s usually cheaper there.

To quickly close the browser on a mobile phone, press Y/∆

After killing a passerby who has just used the ATM, you will receive a lot more money.

Using your special ability, Trevor can survive a strong impact with the ground (falling from a great height).

For more accurate shooting from a car, you can use Franklin's special ability.

You can increase the duration of Michael's special ability using yoga.

To avoid being chased, you can drive into a tunnel.

If you want to dial a number on your phone, go to your contacts list, press X/☐, enter the number, and then press X/☐ again.

Another helpful advice— during cutscenes it is possible to take advantage of a pause.

In order to get more money for robberies, you need to hire the best shooters, drivers, and hackers.

You can call one of the main characters and meet to spend time together.

When the missions are over and you don’t know how to continue the storyline, try changing the main character.

You can respond to emails, which will increase the degree of immersion in the game world.

If you want to increase the “hardcore”, you can turn off the radar and HUD, so you will lose the ability to see the police and people on the minimap.

In order to get small discounts in stores and new services, try going to the local social network Lifeinvader and subscribe to the pages of various people and companies. This way you can unlock a new hairstyle by subscribing to Herr Kurtz Barber.

In order to unlock the "Out Of Your Depth" achievement, you must be eaten by a shark. Find a boat and sail far out into the open ocean until the water around you gets darker. Then wait for the shark to appear (it will be marked with a red dot on your map) and jump into the water. Soon you will become shark food and receive the desired achievement.

When playing GTA Online You can visit the bank’s website from your mobile phone and transfer your money to a bank account without an ATM.

A useful tip for multiplayer is to get a free shotgun in GTA Online, go to Ammu-Nation. When choosing a weapon, scroll to the right and after the rocket launcher you will find your free shotgun, although without ammo.

If in GTA 5 the missions of the main storyline are completed and 100 percent progress is achieved, then you should not be disappointed.

The main narrative gives a lot of positive emotions, but even after its completion there is something to do in the world of San Andres.

The developers have prepared a huge amount of all kinds of entertainment that will captivate you for dozens of additional hours. You can find out all the details about them from this article.

World tour and photography

Completing missions in GTA 5 does not mean that the adventure can be completed and the game should be deleted. Even without going into multiplayer mode, there are activities you can do to keep yourself entertained. Here, first of all, it is worth noting the beautiful world around us, which can be seen in the example of Los Santos. Even simply exploring the nooks and crannies of the metropolis and other places on the mainland can be fun.

The game has a lot Beautiful places worth a visit

At the same time, the player will discover incredible beauty, interesting references to other projects and much more. To make your exploration more fun, you can set yourself the goal of taking a selfie with all the animals in San Andres. They must be alive, and completion of such a task will be rewarded with an achievement.

Cars, stunts and more

After completing GTA 100 percent, the player should definitely start his own collection of cars. Users have the opportunity to upgrade any car, which will become the coolest on the streets of Los Santos.

After this, it is recommended to drive around the streets a little, test the controls and stop at a red light next to some driver. This will be a kind of challenge similar to a short distance race. The diversity of the world in GTA 5 can be felt at the moment when the player slowly drives a cool car along Vespucci Street.

You can build your own collection of tuned cars

If you move at minimum speed, you can see how non-player characters begin to take pictures of the car. Returning to the topic of photographs, you can see interesting secret, if you get into any of the mansions in Vinewood, where girls swim in the pool. At the same time, you need to have time to take a selfie with them. The entertainment is one-time, but the fun is worth your time.

After this, the player can take a BMX bike and go train in stunts. If you manage to create your own combinations, you can make a video and post it for public viewing in special services. This requires time and patience, but the result will definitely bring satisfaction.

Complete chaos

If tasks and missions in GTA 5 are not enjoyable, then you should try a proven scheme. In any of the parts of the series there was simple entertainment such as turning the streets into a real hell. To do this, you should stock up on weapons, codes for immortality and plenty of ammunition. Conquering Los Santos using this method, as well as seeing the reaction of law enforcement agencies, is worthy of attention. The activity doesn’t last long, but challenge lovers should definitely grab military base. The player, on behalf of one of the characters, for example Michael, calls Trevor and Franklin and invites them to have a drink.

Raise hell on the streets of Los Santos

Instead of going to the pub, you should go to the northwest coast, where there is a facility with maximum security. The fight against the military people will drag on for a long time, and the assault may not even succeed the first time. As a prize, you can receive interesting equipment for your collection.

If this level of mayhem seems insufficient and you want something original, then go as Trevor at night under the main bridge. The player will see such a diverse audience that there will be no limits to surprise. Hippies, homeless people, outcasts and other individuals with unusual behavior will be able to entertain with their conversations.

Sports passion

Of course, completing 100 percent includes some entertainment from the list of sports activities, but even after that you should not give up trying to become a champion. Darts and billiards are easy enough to learn, but golf is a tough challenge.

This game will require several hours of time and even developing your own tactics. Plus, this is an opportunity to earn good money and gain additional achievements. When such sports activities begin to get boring, the player can go skydiving.

Spend your free time playing golf

This method also pumps up the character's stamina. Ski jumping can be a great experience and an adrenaline rush. All you need to do is take a good motorcycle, go through a few training sessions, and then record your tricks for the collection. The same applies to air tests on airplanes and helicopters of various types.

Exploring the world from above can be even more fun. Another enjoyable attraction is the shooting range. Shooting tests are also necessary for complete passage, but for a change you should look a few times. Becoming a master of all sports in GTA 5 is not so easy and only a few users can boast of such an achievement.

Additional missions

In GTA 5, the additional mission called “Strangers and Oddballs” is recommended to be completed completely even after reaching 100 percent in the passage. This indicator requires only 20 out of 58 possible tasks, but no one limits the user in this regard. The developers have worked hard so that these quests can be of interest to unusual personalities and stories with unpredictable turns of events. For example, during one of the tasks the player will meet a person who is fighting in every way for the legalization of marijuana.

You can complete the game 100% by completing random missions

These missions are a great opportunity to brighten up time in the signature style of GTA 5. This activity will captivate the user for ten hours. Don't ignore it either random events, if they meet on the streets of Los Santos. In the game, these are considered to be incidents involving non-player characters. They occur in certain places at the moment when one of the main characters is nearby. To complete 100 percent you need 14 out of 57, but you can continue to have fun using this method. A random incident is always a joy to see, because it introduces chaos, variety and sets an additional goal for the player. This is why GTA 5 is loved by millions of people.

Stock Exchange

Making money is one of the main goals in the world of San Andreas. The currency will allow you to buy the best vehicles and real estate. In this case, you should pay attention to Lester's missions in GTA 5. They are related to investments on the stock exchange. If you complete all five tasks from this character, the total amount of funds will increase tenfold.

The first task, called "Murder - Hotel", is completed as Franklin. The point is to use all your money to buy BettaPharmaceuticals shares on the BAWSAQ market. After this, you should save 12 times at home, and the securities will become more expensive by 81.5 percent. The essence of the second task “Murder - 4 targets” is even simpler.

Play the stock market to earn millions

It is necessary to use the money of three heroes to look at the LCN exchange and buy shares of Debonaire Cigarettes. Then you should wait 2-3 hours until the competitor, Redwood, reaches the $50 mark. After this, all available shares should be sold and purchased by Redwood. Then again at home you should save 12 times, which equals four game days. As a result, the profit will be 300 percent of the initial amount.

The task “Murder - Panel” is completed using the same method, only operations are performed with Fruit and Facade. First, wait for the shares of the first company to rise to 51 percent, and then sell and buy the second ones. The fourth task is related to Vapid shares on the BAWSAQ exchange. Again, you should invest all the money, wait 2 days and withdraw twice the amount. Last mission identical to the previous one, only Goldcoast shares, and a profit of 81 percent.

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