A simple spell for a coin. How to correctly perform coin spells. Conspiracy to urgently receive material resources

There are many money rituals. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will show you money spells for coins. But, first of all, I will give you a monetary call on the Powers, words of a spell that will strengthen and intensify your efforts, and make the ritual for wealth much more effective.

In order not to be poor, but in your circle to be known as a rich man, you need to do rituals yourself to call on wealth from time to time - on the waxing moon, on the new moon or on the full moon. Invite money to you, and in addition, create strong protections for yourself, so that no one can interrupt your financial success or steal your wealth. Don't let anyone ruin your life.

Witchcraft words that need to be read before coin spells for wealth

If you are planning to do something for a rich life, then first you need to say the words of calling on the Forces. Take note, you won’t go wrong. So, even an independent conspiracy to use a coin for work, for trading, or for an influx of money from any sources - everything will work better, the result will be stronger and more lasting.

“The seven faces are not of holiness, but of Silina, so from those faces the good breath will be created to help me, then the face is not ecclesiastical, but ours, so filled with power. Whoever pleases, he walks in lordly robes, he lives with the feathers of a feather bed. I call that whim to myself: “Oh, make your right move, and lie down on my darling, like a languid cloud, envelop me, save me from all troubles, walk around and around, and let me be honored by this personal thing. a passionate river, a golden spring, silver from the heavenly world - all this is in my destiny, but it is an honor for me to live. I close with a strong word, I affirm with a black book, with an unspeakable psalm. Amen".

Having completed your money ritual for profitable trading on a found coin, or any other one for a lordly, rich, joyful life, then you need to read the following words of the spell twice:

“Like the patriarchal dark path, the mistress of the free soul of the eresnik finds, so I send the Force into freedom from myself, from the body, from the soul I release. Go do what you are told. Amen".

Having said this, you release the Force. There is no need to keep Dark spirits near you - they have a task that you gave them, let them fulfill it. It is good to do with the call of the demonic Force money conspiracies at the crossroads for coins. And home rituals with calling work better. When you call upon demons, even a simple conspiracy ceases to be such and becomes a demonic rite. You can, of course, attract money with your own power. But it’s always better if magical assistants try.

This concerns simple conspiracies on new coin so that there is money in the wallet, and actually demonic rituals. Below, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give a powerful ritual on how to receive a money amulet through Demon’s blessing to attract success. The magical ritual is not for beginners, because there must be a good connection with the Demons, and you need witchcraft power and patience. But the one who performs the ritual with the coin himself will forget about the need.

The rituals of Money Drinking are also good for a constant increase in money, as well as for trade, helping to sell any thing or real estate. You will also find these powerful rituals in my article by the magician Sergei Artgrom.

Below are examples of cemetery money rituals. They have their own specific work; they cast magic not with demonic power, but with the power of the dead with the support of the egregor of the cemetery, the so-called. The owner. So, these are the black magic spells for coins to attract money - demonic and cemetery rituals for money.

Reading a spell for a gold coin is a demonic blessing to become rich

This is a demonic conspiracy for a coin. The coin will be filled with the power of the Demon, it will destroy poverty and make you rich. The amulet of wealth is strong, enough for a lifetime. You need to independently read a spell for good luck on a coin for the new month.

Take gold coin, and at midnight 33 times at home, read the coin plot for money and wealth. Then put it at your head and leave the money there for 40 days and nights. During these days, keep a fast - just eat bread and water.

The text of the money plot that needs to be read on the coin is as follows:

“In the dark forests and in the swampy clans stands and rises the kingdom of the demons - a dark state, the mansion is high and the upper chambers are wide, no matter what the night, they are alive, and in the great mansion the black throne stands and rises, and the demon is old and strong on the throne . And even if you are (name), at midnight I will proclaim old words and forbidden words, and I will worship the demon with a royal coin: and if you are a demon, even if those years were numberless, so there was less gold. May you bless this coin with a demonic blessing, so that it multiplies profit and destroys poverty. Blood is a seal for words. Key and lock. Amen".

Apply a drop of your blood to the coin. Then the money amulet will be strong. Only after 40 days and nights, carry the coin with you, do not give it into anyone’s hands, do not tell anyone about it, no one should touch it, because it is dangerous for you.

Money drinking - a conspiracy to use water for money

They cast a spell to increase money in the morning, on the waxing moon. Prepare the following:

  • glass of clean cold water
  • wax candle
  • small mirror

Place the mirror with the reflective surface facing out on the table. Place the glass on the mirror. Place and light a candle in front of the glass. Place your left hand on the glass.

Read the words of the spell for water and coins to attract wealth 3 times:

“In the morning, get up and call to the goldsmith, yes, goldsmiths, and minions of all merchants, servants of all the lordly affairs, and born devils. Those who lament are chased, those who honor are sprinkled with gold. So my respect, and desire for water like a mirror, and as in a mirror, everything splits in two, and so my money multiplies, and gold is a pretext. Yes, as a pretext, it’s a pawn in the wallet, yes. So gold and silver will ring like a ring, and my purses will sing like a cooer. If one comes, he will take the other, and if he takes it, he will approve of me with money, make me rich, indulge me, and exalt me ​​in every possible way. So, my bearable money, you will grow into endless fields and useful fields, and fruitful black soil, and scatter into water and populated rivers. Let everything be measured on the mirror surface, let everything be measured in two by a gold coin and multiply it, so I can walk around in gold and silver, and walk around in royal, lordly, and merchant gold, so that I can be rich. No one will finish, interrupt, cut with an eye, or shut a wink with a word. Whoever wants harm, the devil himself will drop by. Amen".

Drink part of the water, charmed for wealth, and wash your face with the other part from top to bottom with your palm. Put out the candle. Do this on the waxing moon for at least 3 days in a row. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend this ritual to be carried out with a preliminary monetary call on the Forces (the text of the call is given at the beginning of the article). The ritual uses the demonic power of black magic, so a ransom is needed.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

A good conspiracy to trade with a coin - to sell an item at a profit

With the help of this witchcraft, you can sell things or your real estate (house, apartment, land, etc.) at a profit. Take a nickel in your left hand, and place your hand on the thing that needs to be sold and read the text of the plot 13 times on the found coin so that trade would take place, or on the nickel coin that was in the wallet:

“We have an ancient agreement, I rule the words of the strong: the dark demons will be my helpers, share the black guarantors, help and assist, so that when someone sees this thing (the name of the thing) he is old or small, female or male, a slave or a lord, poor or beggar Innumerable is his glory, his beauty is just as noble, if anyone were to see this thing, it would be in his gaze, like the sun, like a beautiful robe, like a seductive color, like a seductive color, like a prisoner of her will, like a sick man of the stomach, like a hungry man of bread. Such a thing would deceive his mind, the good thing is old, the good thing is new, the good thing is bad, the good thing is good, so it would not be possible to say a single word, if the drag was indecent. Everything will be according to these words. From this conspiracy, according to kokud, the thing is in your hands. Amen forever and ever."

When the item is sold, go to the intersection of earthen paths, leave a nickel there and say:

"Tribute for mercy."

There is no specific time for performing a magical ritual. Do it when the need arises.

Cemetery coin plot to attract a lot of money

You need to cast magic on a full moon. There is not much difference - you will go to the cemetery to perform this ritual in daylight or at night. Whatever is best for you, do so. What you need to take for money for witchcraft:

Upon entering the cemetery land, present the gifts to the Host - where you usually place them, or in the place where they indicate. And go closer to the center of the cemetery. Place the coin on the ground
cemetery, not at the grave. Step on the coin with your left foot, and read the text of the coin’s powerful spell to attract money three times:

“I conjure, the ghouls are the master, and the ghouls are the mistress, their distant children, watchmen, guarding the land of the dead. Yes, this land can not only take, but it can also give. Give me, the funeral land, strewn with pity, as much money for my share as there are people buried. how many human tears fell here. As long as people know death, as long as people are buried, I will have countless amounts of money. The dead man is in a coffin, the coffin is in the earth, and I am on feather beds, and with gold and silver. So it was, is and will be. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Say an independent spell on a silver coin on a full moon 3 times, then lift it from the ground with your right hand and say:

“I took dead money for money. Amen".

And leave the land of the dead. Carry the coin that you yourself have spoken for good luck and money. The power in her is great, the power of the cemetery. This witchcraft ritual will attract money into your life. This ritual is working. Well, at least for those who know how to cast magic in the cemetery and have an established connection with the cemetery egregor.

On an unmarked grave, charm coins to attract money

You can conjure different things on unmarked graves. Here is a powerful ritual for money, performed on the waxing moon. What you need to have with you when you approach an unmarked grave:

  • 3 dimes
  • wallet

Put nickels on the grave, and on the nickels - a wallet with the money that was in it at that very moment. Stomp your left foot on the ground three times and read money wordsconspiracy coins onfinancialgood luck and for greater profits in trading:

“What is closed by death is opened by me. If it is not named, then I conjure it to work. Now I knock three times on the grave with lightning, now I call the dead man to action, not with the prayer of Christ, but with a black book, not with a book of psalms, but with a blasphemer. So here I rise above the grave, and conjure this nameless one: There are royal mansions, there are merchants’, there are corpses’. Yes, in those ghastly mansions the dead are sitting, contemplating, and talking among themselves in ghastly talk. Yes, among them is this nameless one, slain by me, and crushed by black talk. So I select him from among all the dead, his steward, and the dead resting place, who was in charge of money during his life, and not just one, but the whole race washed by death, the whole dead people during life. So you counted everything, and filled your wallets with money, there were copper coins, there were gold coins, there were sleek, trimmed, rocked by the king, and coined among the kundas and nobles. So, you, the dead, were in charge of all the money, you negotiated and traded with money, you measured one thing with a measure, gave another, and took everything with you to the grave kingdom as bedchambers and attendants. Let everything come together like this, and merge into one, like golden haste, like rain, like rain, like a dead path. So from the dead people’s purses, and into one purse, on the spot where we are standing, and with my luggage. What the dead settled during their lives, my purse was washed. Such money will roll there from the graves, straight, move, and with the cry of a crow, and with a black wing. I do everything through a nameless person, and through him I take money. It’s like you can’t count those left behind without a name, like you can’t bring down dead souls, but you can’t count them by straight count, but you can’t count them crookedly, so you can’t count my money. As the graveyard is filled with the dead, so through the nameless one my purse will be sanctified with money. This commandment is kept. Amen".

After you have independently read the spell for money using coins, you need to pick some grass from the grave and put it in your wallet. Next, take a pinch of dead earth and put it in your wallet in the same way. Say this:

“So it bore fruit, gave birth, but everything went to the burial ground, so it was commanded by the nameless, but for me wealth, for great money, then land, and zhukhlem. The nameless one can create, but I have money, and a wallet full. Amen".

Close the wallet and put it in your pocket. After this, pick up 2 nickels from the grave and also put them in your pocket with the words of the money spell:

“Two for me, and one for the nameless one. Amen".

Leave without looking back. At home, take grass and a pinch of grave soil from your wallet and wrap it in a piece of natural cloth. Wrap one of the coins in this bundle and hide it in the house or where you sell (in a store, market point, department, etc.). Carry the second nickel in your wallet for good luck and money growth.

There are good and simple rituals in real magic rituals for adding money and increasing financial well-being, which together give a very good result. Next, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about such rituals.

So that the house is full - an independent conspiracy for any coin

You can cast magic yourself on a waxing moon or on a full moon. What is needed for the ritual:

  • new mirror
  • 2 wax candles
  • coin

“There is a village in the field, and a hut in the village. There is a light in the hut. In the light there are beautiful girls Marya and Daria. They sit under the window, look into the mirrors, each sees chambers, those chambers are rich, in those chambers the king and queen feast, in marten furs, pearls are silver on them. They eat from golden dishes, they drink from golden cups. Marya looks at the queen, sees herself, a beautiful maiden. Daria looks at the queen, sees herself, a beautiful maiden. I, named (name), look in the mirror and see myself. Likewise, for me, (name), may there be rich chambers and refreshments, and deliverance from all adversities. Amen".

“As a rainbow trout swims in a clear river, so money floats to me, praise and honor for it. Just as a clean river rushes to the sea, so wealth rushes and rushes towards me. Just as the river found the sea, so irreplaceable, eternal money came to me. She stayed with me, multiplied in my house, and turned into a thousand things I needed. My words stuck, they turned from words into deeds, from deeds into money, and this money quickly found me. Just as my words were heard, so money, with its mercy, did not forget me! Let it be so".

Self-made spell to add money to coins in your wallet

“A merchant is coming to me, carrying a casket, all in order, all rich, everyone is happy about that rich merchant. The beggar will rush to the merchant, rush for the half-stuff: “My first hand!” The merchant's purse rings with gold and rattles with silver money, and let my purse ring with gold and rattles with silver money. Everything on me glows, sparkles, glitters. For now, for centuries, for all bright times. Amen".

How to make a mirror corridor yourself to attract money

This witchcraft ritual is performed using coins at home to attract money and wealth on a waxing moon or on a full moon. In the evening, as soon as the sun sets, start. Close windows and doors. If the room has a large mirror, cover it with thick dark fabric. What you need to take to perform the ritual yourself:

  • 2 large red wax candles
  • 2 mirrors on stands
  • large coin (can be used modern coin, as well as ancient, but not copper)
  • a piece of dark natural fabric

Light the candles. Place mirrors opposite each other to create a mirrored corridor. Place the coin so that it is reflected in the mirrors.

“From mirror to mirror along the path, I (name) should walk, walk, collect money, ten kopecks and rubles. Collect money, put it in your wallet, don’t know your needs. Let it be so".

Place the mirrors with their reflective surfaces facing each other, old coin– between them, wrap the structure in fabric and put it away from prying eyes.

    Now, of course, this method of conspiracy is difficult, since ten paper rubles are no longer produced, and you can’t find that kind of money anymore... If you just put up an ad and ask who has it and exchange it =) But the conspiracy is good, I like it, I need to look for dozens . Although I’ll try to make a spell on a five-ruble coin, there are plenty of them! In a month it means I’ll be rich =)

    It turns out that this is the secret of wealth, and I’m sitting reading smart books! By the way, they still produce ten-ruble notes and often give change with them, so if anyone needs them, just ask around at grocery stores! I even have a couple of pieces in my wallet now, I can try it, if I get rich, then I will officially admit that I owe the authors of this site!!!))))

    If people believe in talismans, then why not believe in conspiracies? Because talismans probably speak the same way. It seems to me that this is the same, and there is nothing to be afraid of. It’s just that conspiracies have always been in our lives, it’s just that now everything is encrypted, for example, in prayers. These are also conspiracies in their own way. At least that's my opinion. If you work day and night and end up not seeing any money, this is considered the norm. Then why not try conspiracies and deceive the system of life?

    There were some financial problems. And then, as luck would have it, you have to pay for the loan.. In general, I couldn’t think of anything better than reading conspiracies to attract money. Moreover, I’ve heard a lot about it, and at least the same money tree. I decided to try the ten-ruble method, and you know, I didn’t buy myself a lombargini, but I managed to solve my current money problems. Therefore, my advice to you: do not neglect such ways to improve your financial situation)

    She made a conspiracy to increase capital. I also read on the Internet that you don’t know exactly how the conspiracy is implemented. So they didn’t want to give me a loan, but today one of the largest banks called and said that I could come get a loan. Happy and very grateful to you))

    I also sometimes use conspiracies. Helps.

    I have actually read and tried many conspiracies, but money ones are the most effective! Honestly, I tried quite different things, went to fortune tellers and grandmothers, but the long-awaited capital never grew. And the fact is that I am not asking for a money tree or coins from heaven, just a constant state of need and the opportunity to buy toys for the children that drives me to despair! Conspiracies work! The main thing is to find the one that suits you!

    Of course, you want to live in abundance and get everything you want from this life. But it happens, especially in our country, that there is never too much money. It’s very sad that I can’t even go on vacation. So I decided to use spells, what if I got lucky? . It really worked.

Poverty can turn anyone's life into hell. Money is not just a means of enrichment, it helps maintain health, stability and support a family. In addition, the success of each individual employee is assessed by their number.

Therefore, coin spells are carried out very often. It helps to stabilize your financial situation, attract financial luck and help improve your well-being. It is carried out in one of the selected ways and is based on casting a special spell that attracts success into a person’s life.

Features of the ritual for small things

To perform these rituals you need small coins of any dignity.

It is better, of course, that they are multiples of five, that is, five or ten rubles.

You can also specially purchase souvenir money in a specialized store or in a Chinese goods store.

The most effective or lucky thing is considered to be a little thing found by chance or donated by a kind person with the best intentions.

In order to cast a spell on a coin for money and good luck, you must strictly follow each point, otherwise the spell will not be valid. You should absolutely believe in the success of your planned enterprise for the fastest possible effect.

Usually such rituals are carried out on their own. They belong to the practice of white magic and do not pose any danger to the performer or his environment.

However, they are very effective. After the conspiracy is carried out, money begins to flow to the person in a very short time.

Casting a spell on small things is most often required on the waxing moon. It is advisable to fully concentrate and penetrate deeply into the essence of the ritual.

Conspiracy to urgently receive material resources

If money is needed urgently, but the required amount is not enough, a very simple ritual is performed.

They take a small coin and place it on a small saucer. Then they cover it with millet and cover everything with a clean piece of cloth.

Leave for three days, and then pour warm water into the cereal, while reciting the spell:

“Most Holy Mother, you give food to the elderly and infants, the noble family and the poor. From your grain you give 10, and 27, and fifty. Grant me luck, the servant of the Lord, let wealth arise, like a sprouted grain of wheat. Day and night the grain grows, wealth increases. The family will be fed, God bless me.”

As soon as the first shoots begin to appear, family income will increase accordingly. Moreover, the effect will not take long to arrive.

Ritual with the Sun

An exceptionally simple ritual is performed on a gold-colored coin. It is equivalent in its effect to a love spell.

The change is placed under the rays of the sun, saying:

“The sun will shine golden, the warmth of heaven warms the earth. Light up, little penny, with golden fire, deliver me from poverty, bring joy to the house. Amen".

Then it is left until sunset, and then placed in a separate pocket in the wallet. You cannot spend the enchanted money. It is also necessary to ensure that the coin does not get lost or mixed with others.

Soon a person will discover that the contents of his wallet begin to increase rapidly.

New moon spell

To ensure that there is always money in the house, a special ritual is carried out.

It helps you quickly attract the desired amount. Sometimes it arrives literally within a matter of days after it is completed.

But conspiracy does not help you become rich. With its help, you can only urgently receive the required amount of money. The ritual is resumed with each waxing moon.

The best option for a spell is a special coin that is not involved in circulation. It comes in gold, anniversary or collector's edition. It is important that the sight of a coin makes your heart happy.

If there is no such money in the house, then you just need to pour all the change into your palm and take a closer look at it. Whichever money your eye is drawn to is the one you should choose.

As already mentioned, the plot is made on the waxing moon. You also need to take two green candles and Cahors.

It is advisable to thoroughly clean the room in which the spell will be cast.

It is better to decorate it with special things, lay new bedspreads on the sofa and furniture. The excess must be taken out to make the room spacious.

The performer of the ceremony sits down at a table on which two candles are burning. He places a coin and a container with Cahors on it.

Then you need to recreate a picture of prosperity in your imagination, looking closely at the details. One should imagine trip around the world, a new car or buying a summer house.

After a person begins to believe the picture he has drawn, it is required, before the vision disappears, to say:

“The Lord God Most High has a paradise in heaven in which a blessed garden grows. The devil has a hell, terrible with boiling tar underground. Magic candle boil and melt, let my wealth accumulate along with it. The wax money will always be with me and all the wealth will go to me. I see an Angel standing at the gates of the Garden of Eden, I see a black devil standing at the gates of terrible hell. But I don't care about that. I close my word forever and attract money to myself. Amen".

The words are repeated three times, and then the coin is placed in the Cahors, and they drink from the glass three times. Afterwards they go straight to bed.

The wine is left on the table. In the morning, the money is taken out, washed and placed in a wallet separately from the rest.

In the future, they constantly carry it with them, especially when concluding deals, selling things and receiving salaries.

Spell for five rubles

They also carry out a conspiracy using a five-ruble coin. It is held on the full moon.

It's better to have two money. At night they are taken and then taken to the intersection. They extend them towards the sky, saying:

“The coins are shiny and want to increase.

Higher power, help me.

Give heavenly blessings, wonderful luck.

One coin per month.

So my wallet grows as the days fly by.

Come. Get rich. Amen"

Then the coins are put away in the purse and kept there constantly. To consolidate the result, it is better to renew the spell after a month.

Rite for a small coin

There is another conspiracy for a nickel. It helps out even in the most difficult cases, being a very powerful love spell.

The ritual was carried out by our distant ancestors in the most hopeless financial situations.

Even a beggar got out of poverty with his help.

The spell works even when casting a spell or evil eye on a person.

One coin will be enough for him. It is placed under the base of a large century-old oak tree, covered with soil. Then the words are said:

“As the old tree grows, so will my wallet grow in breadth. Twelve months will pass, they will bring me money, year after year, day after day, I will be happy now. Amen".

You immediately need to return home, go into the kitchen, bake bread. The wealth in the house increases with each new portion. It should be prepared during every full moon period. Then the ritual will become indestructible.

The conspiracy is very powerful, despite the fact that the results from it will not be immediate. But the effect, when repeated regularly, lasts almost a person’s entire life.

Ritual for money luck

A special factor for acquiring finance is luck. Therefore, it is very important to attract him.

There is a rather complex ritual. But it cannot be carried out for selfish reasons, out of greed or for entertainment.

If there are funds in the house, and a person simply wants to become rich, then he is able to achieve the opposite result.

The best option for him would be complete absence of effect. At worst, finances will begin to flow out of his pocket as if by magic.

The ritual is performed only in cases of extreme need or the need to raise money for something important.

For him they take:

  • a jar with bay leaf;
  • pencil;
  • piece of paper;
  • seven coins;
  • a jar with a lid, preferably in the shape of a brick.

Write down the amount of money needed on a piece of paper and put it in the jar.

Coins are taken in the right hand and placed one at a time on top of the paper. At the same time the words are said:

“There is plenty of mud in the swamp, there is fish in the sea, and I have a cartload of gold. Grow, month, increase, God's servant (your name), add wealth. Amen".

They take out a bay leaf and write their full name on it with a pencil. Then it is also placed in a jar. Then it is put away in an inaccessible place and left for the time being.

Gradually, the amount of money that was written on paper will come to the person. Then you need to take a piece of paper with a number and bury it deep in the ground.

The conspiracy is weaker than the previous one, but it works quite effectively. For the most pronounced effect, all points should be performed very carefully.

The text of the spells must be pronounced very accurately. You cannot add anything on your own or change it so that it becomes more convenient for pronunciation.

The most the best way it would be if it were memorized and read without the help of a piece of paper. Then the effectiveness of the ritual increases many times.

Sometimes a person makes incredible efforts to attract good luck into his life, but nothing helps him.

Then he resorts to witchcraft. White rites are often performed independently.

They actively increase the flow of funds and increase the possibility of a successful event.

All coin rituals help to achieve success, and their implementation is quite simple. As the conspiracy continues, the amount of money a person has increases, and the possibilities of obtaining it become easier.

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Monetary well-being, financial stability, wealth are the constituent aspects of our life that a person strives for. What to do if you want to live in abundance, but it doesn’t work out? Usually in such cases they resort to magic. A coin spell and rituals that are aimed at improving well-being are quite simple and can be carried out at home, without the involvement of outside specialists. And in one of the previous articles, we published effective ones that will also help attract finance.

There are a huge number of conspiracies to attract financial well-being and improve your well-being. Our ancestors also used them, so they have a reliable and proven basis. But, we must clearly understand that magic should be attracted only when necessary, and not to increase what you already have. The result is exactly the opposite.

Financial well-being is not just a phrase; behind it there is a “mental condensate” that generates thoughts and emotions. In which there is a piece of your energy.

If, in the absence of money, a person loses heart, complains or begins to envy those who have it, then with his negative energy flows, without knowing it, he feeds the “dark side of money.”

It is these two “entities”, from the entire multitude that exist in general, that have the power to attract or not attract banknotes of any denomination and in any form (bills, shares, credit cards, bank account).

Based on this knowledge, draw a conclusion, in order to attract well-being, it is enough to know that rituals, ceremonies and coin spells will help with this, which will bring the desired result.

Using a simple coin, there is a direct connection with the essence, which will help in money matters. We must not forget that you can attract both light and dark forces, it all depends on what rites and rituals you choose.

A money conspiracy carried out on a coin, with a pure soul and joy in the heart, that the money received will go to good deeds, without any savings, will attract the bright side to fulfill what is desired.

If the ritual is performed with anger and greed, dark side It won’t take long to wait and you can fall right into her “paws”.

But, as you know, both of these entities will help and improve well-being, the payment will only be different.

The dark side will require a serious payment and it will not come according to your will. So try to attract light forces, they don’t need anything from you.

Rituals on a coin

To obtain positive results from magical actions, you should follow the rules that you need to know before starting rituals on a coin at home:

  1. Moral preparation for receiving money is very important. And under no circumstances should you turn up your nose or boast about the condition you have received. This will not lead to good things.
  2. Do not perform a ritual for the purpose of obtaining finance unless there is a strong need for it. For the sake of curiosity and interest, you shouldn’t do this either, the result will have the opposite effect. What you have, you will lose. And from being wealthy, turn into a beggar.
  3. Read the words of the conspiracy in the order in which they are written, do not distort them or paraphrase them. It is advisable to memorize the text of the conspiracy; there will be more chances for your wishes to come true.
  4. It is prohibited for a woman to perform a ritual with a coin during the period of bearing a child. The future baby should not take part in magical rituals. This may negatively affect its intrauterine development.
  5. Observe the time of the ceremony, which is indicated in the recommendations. If it is written that you should read at night, then you should read only at night.
  6. To read and receive money using a coin, try to prepare not only mentally, but also physically. To do this, you need to fast for several days, both in food and in close relationships with your other half.
  7. Before performing the ritual: ventilate the room, clean it and wash the floors.
  8. Do not tell anyone anything regarding the ritual. This is a personal matter and should not concern anyone.
  9. It is better to choose the days for your plan - Saturday or Sunday, on the eve of any major church holiday.

How to charm a coin into money

Of the huge variety of conspiracies to attract money, there are those that use huge success. This spell involving a coin where the number “5” (5, 50, 500) is written is used most often because it has enormous power of attracting money.
The actions of this ritual are carried out in nature, where there are old large trees with spreading branches. It will be good if you find an oak tree, if not, then bury the monetary value under any tree and read the following:

“As an old tree grows in width, so my wallet swells along the way. Month after month they go and let them bring me the money, day after day, month after month, year after year. And let there be no end to my happiness.”

After the ritual, go home. To complete it completely, you need to bake bread for every full moon throughout the year, making twelve loaves in total. And the next day, give to the poor and needy people. So that they are grateful and fill their souls with joy. Then the wish you make will double.
There is no need to expect a quick effect from this ritual. But when the desired comes true, it will be such as it was difficult to even imagine, a comfortable existence on long years will be provided.

Spell a coin using water

Water is an indispensable natural material for rituals and ceremonies. It carries positively charged energy and takes away negative energy. She is able to store information and with her help achieving what you want will not be difficult. You just need to really want it and not be too lazy to perform the ritual.
In witchcraft, there are ways to charm a coin to attract money and good luck using two types of water:
Silent water. This liquid, which must be drawn from any natural source, in complete silence.
Not scooped water. This liquid must be collected after midnight, also from a natural source, before anyone else draws it from it.
Conduct a ritual on the waxing moon, when any plan is multiplied. There should be no one in the room and nothing should distract attention from what was planned. Take three identical containers. One filled with silent water, the other not scooped and the third empty. In which you should put a coin at the bottom.
First, pour water from the first container into the one where the coin is and read the words of the spell, then from another container, into the same container with the coin:

“The water flows strong, bring gold and silver into my wallet with your powerful stream. My words are iron and indestructible.”

Remove the coin from the container, dry it and put it in a secluded corner of your wallet. Do not pay with the coin and do not show it to anyone. After all, she has now become a talisman and will attract financial well-being.

Speak a coin to the moon

Conspiracies that are read using the moon are very powerful in themselves. Especially when it is in the ascending phase. And if you also perform a ritual using a ritual coin, then the power will increase several times.
To carry out the ceremony, you will need to choose a clear midnight so that the light from the moon falls on the coin while saying the following words of the conspiracy:

“Just as wealth follows a merchant, so let money follow me. And this coin will be my assistant, so that the money knows where to go.”

Read the plot three times. At the same time, move the coin along your left wrist counterclockwise. After reading, touch the coin to your forehead, also three times.
Place the coin in your wallet. Wash your hands and go to bed with a pure heart and good thoughts about the upcoming purchase. Do not touch the coin for three days, then you need to spend it.

Yellow coin spell

This ritual is carried out using a copper coin, which is charmed to obtain wealth.
To perform the ritual, you need to take:

  1. Small round mirror;
  2. Church candle;

A copper coin (this could be a special Chinese coin for rituals).
Place a mirror (mirror side up) on a table covered with a plain tablecloth. Place a candle on top, preheat its bottom over the fire, and when the wax melts, attach it to the mirror. Take a coin and bring it to the candle flame, hold it over it and read the plot:

« I go to the market to bargain with the merchant so that I can return on horseback a fine man. I will bring the treasure into the house and save happiness in the house. There is as much money in that treasure as there are stars in the sky, as many fish in the sea. I'll fill my chests, let them be big. Just as the copper of this coin shines and shimmers, so may the coins in the chests never run out. Let it be so".

In some life circumstances you simply cannot do without the help of white magic. If a person works hard, but the financial situation in his life does not change, it is worth thinking about additional ways to attract wealth into his life. A coin spell or other types of magical influence will help a person achieve financial well-being and become more successful. Naturally, you shouldn’t sit idly by. It is important to continue working for your own good. And magic will help you achieve your goals faster.

Rituals for getting rich quick are a special formulation of words and actions that are aimed at changing a person’s destiny and increasing his financial well-being. It is very important to adhere to all the rules of rituals, so the effect will be positive. It is also important to believe that the results will be quick and lasting.

Such rituals belong to household magic; they can be performed even by those who have not previously encountered magic. No additional hard-to-find attributes or special knowledge are required. The spell on a banknote is strong; to enhance the effect of it, you may need the following attributes:

  • dried plants;
  • tree bark;
  • teeth, animal fur;
  • large bills or small coins;
  • church candles;
  • blessed water.

It is necessary to prepare in advance those things that will be needed for the ritual, so as not to be distracted during it.

Rules for conducting rituals

Before performing a ritual to attract money, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and recommendations that can be used to increase the effectiveness of rituals:

Observing simple rules, you can attract money energy, wealth, success and financial well-being.

Effective rituals for a coin

To the moon

Magical actions for a money wallet are carried out during the waxing moon. You need to place a paper towel or napkin on the saucer. Sprinkle lightly with water. Sprinkle a handful of wheat on top. Cover the top with a paper towel as well. Sprinkle a little with water. Do this for three days in a row. On the third day, read the text of the spell:

“Mother water, mother wheat. How from one small grain a whole field of wheat grows, how from one ear of wheat you can make a lot of food and feed a large number of people. So let my money increase and make me happy. They will only be mine. Just as wheat feeds old people and babies, the poor and the rich, so let the money not decrease from me, not disappear anywhere, although they will spend it, but on good and necessary deeds. Let it be so."

Then pour some warm water and say:

“As a grain of wheat grows, so my money multiplies; I will go through life with wealth and luck.”

Then roll up the entire contents of the saucer and bury it in a deserted place. When the wheat comes up, there will be more money.

Another strong ritual for a coin can be performed during the waxing moon. For trifles, read the slander three times:

“Beauty of the night, the moon. You are silver and golden, I look at your beauty and charm. And I call for help. Direct your golden rays at my coins, charge them with your pure and powerful energy. Let my money increase, my wallet shakes with wealth.”

When the love spell on the coin is read, put the change on the windowsill. Leave until morning. Let the penny coins be charged with lunar energy. In the morning, put them in your wallet and carry them with you for 30 days. Then buy something with this money.

For a nickel

A plot for a patch is carried out during the waxing moon or full moon. A conspiracy for a 5 ruble coin is carried out in moonlit night. Take five rubles in your hand, looking at the month, read on the nickel:

“I’m going as a merchant to a wide market, I have income, I have wealth and prosperity, send me, Lord, so that there is enough for everyone. Amen".

When reading a five-ruble coin or a 5-kopeck coin, stroke the coin clockwise with your left palm. Repeat the spell for 5 rubles three times. Then wash your hands in salt water and go to bed. Store the change for 30 days, then buy something else.

In the sun

The power of solar energy will also help with money. We start talking about a new or found penny (if you accidentally find it on the street). On a gold coin, read the following words three times:

“The clear sun shines and warms. Light up, coin, with clear gold, warm my wallet. Give me wealth."

Place the coin so that the sun's rays fall directly on it. Let it charge for 12 hours. Then use the coin to increase your wealth, as it will become a personal amulet. Carry it in your wallet in a secret pocket.

On the water

You will need two buckets. Fill one with water, let the other remain empty. Read the coin spell at night. Place a coin in one bucket, then pour water from a full bucket into an empty bucket and read:

“The river is long and wide, you flow among clean and wide fields. Your flow is powerful, you give life to all living beings, servants of God, plants and trees. So let financial well-being flow into my bins like a stormy stream. Let the money flow like a storm. I will be able to curb, hold and multiply them. My words are strong and strong, no one can destroy them, no one can lure my money away for themselves.”

After reading the words on a silver coin or a fiat coin, take it out and store it in your wallet.

Quick plot to get rich

Wrap 10 rubles in the hem of clothing (dress or shirt). Standing on the threshold of the house, whisper:

“The Lord is merciful to my house, and money is flowing.”

Keep the charmed money in a red bag in a secret place. Forty kopecks can be used for such spells. In this case, the spell for 40 coins will need to be read forty times.

How to charm a coin for a new wallet

To get rich, magic helps. To do this you need to buy a new wallet. Put a ruble coin in it and go to any source of water. Wet your hands and take your wallet, read the spell for the ruble:

“This coin is there, it can’t fall out or get lost. May it bring me only joy and success. I wait for my wealth, like a stormy river, like the moon and the sun, like food and water. Let it be as it was said and spoken in the bright hour and with sincere motives.”

The charmed coin should become a personal amulet. It cannot be spent under any circumstances. If you accidentally spend it, all your efforts will go down the drain, and wealth will turn away from you.

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