Psychiatric hospital fallout 4. Oberland Station: The settlement is threatened by raiders

Is last mission in a small chain of minor quests that starts after you talk to the ghoul, whose name is Edward Deegan.

You can find this character in several places: Colonial Bar, Bunker Hill, Third Rail or on the Bench.

This is an extremely important side quest chain, as completing it will allow you to get into mental asylum Parsons, where you can find a charisma-boosting bobblehead and a Massachusetts surgical journal, as well as get unique weapons: Lorenzo's Gun or Zeta Gun. At the end of this assignment you will have to make a choice, and in this guide we will describe in detail the consequences of your decisions (if you are interested, of course). Therefore, we immediately warn you that this article contains plot spoilers. To get started this quest You will first have to complete two small missions: “Urgent Delivery” and “Emogen and Her Lover”.

Express delivery

Please note that to complete this task, your character must be level ten. And above First of all, we kill all the mercenaries near the psychiatric hospital. Next, you need to chat with Edward (we have already indicated above where to look for him).

Important: you don’t have to find the ghoul, but immediately go to the Cabot house and talk with its owners using the intercom (this method only works with a high charisma parameter).

We take the quest “Urgent Delivery” from the ghoul. When completing it, you will need to come to the Cabot mansion and talk with your employer. Next, you need to find a certain serum and take it to Jack. If your character has high charisma, then you can lie to the employer, telling him that you did not find the drug. As a result, the serum will remain with you. Try not to be rude to Jack and talk to him politely, as this directly affects whether you will receive the original weapon at the very end of the mission.

Emogen and her lover

It's time to find Jack's sister - a girl named Emogen. First, you need to go to the nightclub “Third Rail”, located in Good Neighborhood. We talk with Magnolia. She will tell us that Jack's sister became a member of a mysterious sect. We follow in the footsteps of the girl and discover an amphitheater. There are two ways to free Emogen: break into the building like Rambo and simply kill all the sextants and take the key to the door where the girl is from the preacher, or go around the amphitheater from behind, open the lock and find Jack’s sister in the room. If you choose the latter option, you will be able to become a sectarian.

Now you can begin completing the quest “The Secret of the Cabot House.” Jack will finally agree to let us into the psychiatric hospital. We follow him to his office. You will have to fight several raiders on the way to the office. IN certain moment you will reach Jack's office. In the room there will be a table with a computer terminal, next to which lies the Charisma doll. Don't forget to take it from the table. Continue following Jack into the main part of the hospital, killing any raiders along the way. Eventually you will reach the laboratory where Lorenzo Cabot is hiding from the raiders in a cage. Here you have to fight a mini-boss named Lefty. Be careful with him - he is a very dangerous opponent.

Kill or free Lorenzo Cabot

At this stage of the quest you are given a choice. You can either activate the four switches in the room and kill Lorenzo, or free him. Your reward depends on the decision you choose (not to mention the moral side of this issue). Don't forget to also take with you the magazine we talked about above. He is actually in this room.

Kill Lorenzo

Just activate all the switches and Lorenzo will die instantly. Go inside his cage. There you can find excellent junk that will be useful to you when building settlements. Jack Cabot will be delighted with your decision and ask you to meet him in a week at the Cabot mansion. You will also receive a nice cash reward (I received about five hundred caps). You can continue playing until a week has passed, or you can simply sleep for the entire seven days.

As soon as a week has passed, an inscription will appear in the journal, according to which you need to talk to Jack Cabot about the artifact. Once you reach the house, you will find Jack creating a weapon, using the psychic powers of the artifact, thanks to which you can knock down opponents. If you were not rude to Jack while completing his secondary task, he will reward you with Lorenzo's Pistol.

Free Lorenzo

If you decide that Jack is just telling a story about his old man and you think that Lorenzo is not crazy at all, then you don’t have to kill him. After this, Jack will run back home, and Lorenzo will follow him. Returning to the mansion, you will get another chance to change your mind and side with the family. Jack will start talking to you and you will have a choice, either tell him that he was wrong and then you will have to kill the family, or agree with him and kill Lorenzo.

If you side with Lorenzo, it won't take you long to kill the rest of the family. From Jack Cabot's corpse you can pick up the Zeta Cannon - this is a unique weapon that deals average damage to enemies. You will also be able to obtain a vial of Lorenzo's blood called the Mysterious Serum. It eliminates radiation, increases strength and resistance to damage. After using the serum, you can return to Lorenzo for more. This way you will be able to get an endless supply of antiradin. There is also a good chance that you will meet Lorenzo later. He will study dead ghouls. Note that your companions will be extremely unhappy if you decide to kill the Cabot family.

If you decide to change your mind and agree to kill Lorenzo, then get ready for a difficult battle. The enemy has a large health bar and deals considerable damage with psychic attacks. We advise you to take the serum before fighting him. After killing the old man, you will receive Lorenzo's Gun and bottle caps from Jack.

"Express delivery"

The quest begins after reaching level 10 or killing mercenaries near Parsons Psychiatric Hospital. The Survivor encounters a Ghoul named Edward, who can be in one of the following locations: Colonial Bar (Diamond City), Bench (Diamond City), Third Rail (Good Neighbor), or Bunker Hill Market.

Having introduced himself, Edward says that he needs people who can stand up for themselves in dangerous situations, and invites us to work under his leadership. But first, the Survivor needs to talk to his boss, Jack Cabot.

We go to the Cabot house in Beacon Hill. Having introduced ourselves to the owner of the house over the intercom, we go inside (the apartment is in unusually good condition) and meet Jack in person. Before getting down to business, he asks a strange question that turns out to be asked of all new employees - do we believe that there are other types of intelligent beings in the universe? And this question is not about aliens, but about the origins of human civilization, about ancient forces that even modern science, at its peak, can barely understand. So why did Jack bring up such a topic? It turns out that his father dug up an ancient city in the Arabian Rub al-Khali, which is more than 4,000 years old. It was built before the emergence of human civilization. The buildings and artifacts were... strange, even frightening. They were definitely not created by humans. Jack spent his entire life deciphering what he found.

Edward interrupts the interlocutors and brings the Survivor up to date. Jack has a compound north of town. And somewhere along the way from here to there, an important cargo disappeared - some kind of metal box with serum, which is what we should find and deliver to Edward. The search should begin at the Parsons psychiatric hospital, there you need to contact Maria, she is in charge of the local security. Possessing high charisma, Jack can find out that his father is under guard at Parsons - for the safety of him and everyone else. After he found one artifact at an excavation in Arabia, he became extremely unbalanced and dangerous.

In one of the basement rooms there is a “Fat Man” next to the bed (this room will be open at the time of passage).

We arrive at the territory of the Parsons mental hospital and find out from Maria where to start the search for the missing cargo. She directs us to Parsons Creamery, north of the hospital.

The place is marked on the Pip-Boy map, we go to pick up the parcel. On the spot we find a whole squad of raiders, having killed them, we take away the box with the mysterious serum, which was taken from the Cabot courier.

In the Cabot house, we give Edward the mysterious serum, for which we get 150 caps, but if we keep it for ourselves, we get 50 caps less. This concludes the task and begins the quest “Emogen and Her Lover.”

"Emogen and Her Lover"

Wilhelmina, Jack Cabot's mother, is in disarray because her eccentric daughter Emogene has run away from home! That's right, Jack has a sister who runs off with a new guy from time to time, and when that happens, Edward enlists someone to bring her home. According to him, she spent a lot of time in “Good Neighbor”, in the local club “Third Rail”, someone probably knows something there, clues need to be looked for there.

Upon arrival at Good Neighbor, we begin a conversation with the local robot bartender from the Third Rail, Whitechapel Charlie. The bartender has not seen her for a long time and advises her to talk to Magnolia, a singer performing in this bar. And she also hasn’t seen the girl for a long time (she will only help a Survivor with a high persuasion skill), but she remembers that a preacher used to come here, he was always talking all sorts of nonsense about how you need to change your life and all that. Other clients didn’t want to talk to him, but he somehow caught Emogen’s attention. Perhaps it was because he looked okay. Assertive. Some women can't resist these. Security guard Ham said that he once kicked out this preacher because... he was disturbing the customers of the establishment, kept asking them to come to him in Back Bay and tried to sell him his stupid flyers.

If you talk to Magnolia, find out about her past, how she got into the Third Rail and became a singer, with a high charisma skill, you can invite her on a date and get to know her better...

This is interesting: At the Rexford Hotel, after a date with Magnolia or accidentally finding ourselves on the top floor, we meet a representative of Vault-Tec, the same one who at the beginning of the game broke the news that our family had been given a place in shelter 111. It turns out , they didn’t even bother to put him on the list for hiding in the shelter and now he is a real Ghoul, and you can only recognize him by his clothes. Having told him the story of his misadventures, about cryogenic capsules, it turns out that he was completely unaware of what was happening in the shelter. With high charisma, you can convince him to return to Sanctuary Hills and work for himself as a salesman.

Our path lies to the Charles View Theater, to Preacher Thomas. Getting to know Brother Thomas is like talking to Jehovah's Witnesses. He offers to become part of his movement, to join the brotherhood.

If we believe his words that we will achieve true wealth, which is health and happiness, only if we part with our material property and give up everything we have - we will remain in only our pantaloons.

If we are in our right mind, then we refuse to join the sect and demand that Thomas tell us about Emogene Cabot. We learn from the preacher that he and Emozhden are lovers, but at the moment they are in a small quarrel and the girl does not want to see anyone now. Thomas locked her in the room to calm her down, since Emogene went crazy, said that she would run away, and until he figured out what to do with her. To take her away from the sect, you can pay the preacher 500 caps, convince her with the help of charisma, or kill Thomas along with his sectarian brothers. If you choose peaceful options, you can come to an agreement with him, and no one will get hurt. We agree with Thomas and go to free the prisoner. Emogen turns out to be much older than she should be, she looks the same age as her mother. How is this possible?! After all, she is Jack's younger sister, the favorite of the whole family!

It turns out that Jack has a serum that stops aging. Emogen started taking it when she was 32 years old, so she usually looks about that age. Having learned from us that there was only one serum left, the lady hurried home, fearing that her mother would convince Jack to give the serum to her. At the end of the quest, we receive 194 caps as a reward from Jack.

"The Mystery of the Cabot House"

We return to the house of a strange family. Jack and Wilhelmina, worried, listen to the radio, from which Edward's voice can be heard. Parsons Mental Hospital is attacked by raiders. Edward and his guards are trying with all their might to hold the line and prevent them from breaking through to Lorenzo. Their unexpected success against Edward's men is most likely due to the raiders' use of undiluted serum.

It's time to find out from Jack what kind of miracle serum this is. Its main property is that it stops aging. Incredibly, the Cabot family lived for over 400 years! The serum has other effects, especially if used undiluted, it increases strength and protection from all types of physical damage. The source of the serum is Lorenzo, while trying to cure him, Jack discovered that the artifact had changed his blood. What makes Lorenzo mad is prolongs the life of his family. His escape must not be allowed; the artifact has made him a bloodthirsty paranoid with supernatural powers.

Now all the rooms are open, in the bedroom there is a “Massachusetts Surgical Journal” on the table.

We go with Jack to the Parsons psychiatric hospital. It seems that Edward's people gave a fierce rebuff to the enemy, the corpses of the raiders are lying everywhere, but, unfortunately, this was not enough, they penetrated inside the building. We fight our way into Cabot’s office to assess the situation.

Having arrived, we find the half-dead poor Edward. He managed to complete the task - lower the elevator into the basement and turn it off, but the raiders somehow still managed to get to the basement.

In Cabot's office, next to the terminal, there is a Charisma Bobblehead.

We get to the basement. The raiders are trying to turn off the abremalin field, but it is the only one preventing Lorenzo from breaking free. We make our way into the main room and finally destroy the raiders.

Don't forget to search the corpses; Lefty will have a mysterious serum and the Death Claw Glove in his pocket. Three more serums are on a tray in the same room.

Meanwhile, Jack insists that the Survivor switch the Abramelin generators to fill his father's cell with deadly radiation, and Lorenzo tries to convince him to open the door for him and not believe his son's lies. The choice is ours what to do.

Option 1 - free Lorenzo

We open the cell to free the prisoner. From Lorenzo’s words we learn that everything his son said about him is a lie. As a reward for his liberation and revenge on his family, he offers us what his son took from Jack - immortality.

We return to the Cabot house to help our new friend take revenge. Edward takes the side of the Survivor and Lorenzo, since doubt about Jack's sincerity has become very great, thanks to our arguments. The entire family betrayed Lorenzo. He was kept in a cell and devoured like vampires to prolong his life. But now everything is in the past, everyone gets what they deserve and goes to another world. The battle is over, and as a reward, the last of the Cabots promises to supply us with the serum as needed for the rest of our lives.

Option 2 - kill Lorenzo

We turn on the four Abremalin generators in the room and Senior Cabot’s chamber will be filled with radioactive gas. Lorenzo dies with curses on his lips... Jack was close to removing the artifact, but it was too late.

In Lorenzo's cell there is a Massachusetts Surgical Journal on the table.

According to Jack, his father committed many crimes in the past; he was not executed only because the Cabot family had great connections. New world...this is a world for monsters. No one could stop him, there really was no choice. A week later, we return to the psychiatric hospital and receive a reward from Jack - Lorenzo’s pistol.

By choosing this option, Emogene Cabot can always be found in The Old Rail - rejuvenated and carefree.

Regardless of which side we take, the quest will be completed.

Parsons Psychiatric Hospital in Fallout 4 is of interest to the player for several reasons. Firstly, there are two collectibles inside, and secondly, there is a quest associated with it, after which you will receive unique weapons and whey.

The area around this medical facility is guarded by mercenaries. Inside are raiders led by the boss Lefty. There are turrets and mines. Moderate radiation.

Valuable finds

The hospital has a Charisma bobblehead, as well as one of the issues of the Massachusetts Surgical Journal. The only entrance to the building is locked. You can only get inside if you have taken on the quest. Only then will Jack Cabot open the hospital with his key.

If at the final stage you remain on the side of Jack's customer, in addition to the caps you will receive a unique Lorenzo Pistol. If you go to Lorenzo, your reward will be the Mysterious Serum. This drug is non-addictive and temporarily increases Strength by 5, Damage Resistance by 50, and Radiation Resistance. You can also pick up the Zeta Cannon from the body of the killed Jack.


If you're looking for Parsons Mental Hospital, head to the northeast of the map. The approximate location of the object will be indicated by the diagram.

Parsons is located just south of the creamery of the same name, just east of the abandoned village of Lynn Woods. If you have already found the Dunwich Drillers location, go northwest from it. To the east of the asylum is the Beach Cottage.

Updated! All 9 magazines!

Pre-war series of medical magazines. It is unknown what the publishers wanted to convey to their audience, but in the harsh conditions of the post-apocalypse, the knowledge obtained from these magazines helps to cause damage, not to heal.

In total, nine issues of this publication can be found on the territory of the Commonwealth. For each issue found Survivor deals 2% more damage to enemy limbs. Thus, the total bonus is 18%. This figure is added to similar bonuses from equipment and abilities. Those. These magazines will be most useful to players who rely on melee weapons or explosives, as they deal damage to the entire enemy, including limbs.

First magazine in Medford Hospital . Go up to the second floor and find a locked room; you don’t have to unlock it, but take the magazine through the broken window.

The second magazine is in Massachusetts Blood Center . On the second floor, in a room locked to the terminal.

Third magazine in Cambridge Polymer Laboratories . On the second floor, on a table in the office behind a locked door.

The fourth magazine is in Boston Public Library . You need to return books to the return machine for 50 tokens (one book - 5 tokens) and buy a magazine.

The fifth magazine can be found in Greentech Genetics . Go up to the second floor, then into the corridor to the right and up the stairs to the third floor, then into the room to the left of the toilet. The magazine is on the table with the coffee pot.

6th in Sandy Coves Sanatoriums . On the ground floor behind the locked door, hack the terminal to open it.

Seventh magazine in Parsons Psychiatric Hospital and you will have to run after him. To gain access to the hospital you need to take the quest The Mystery of the Cabot House. In order to start it, you need to destroy the guards at the psychiatric hospital "Parsons" (Deegan can give the quest without destroying the guards). At one of the locations (usually in Good Neighborhood), either a settler or a guard, when the player approaches, utters a phrase about “a strange place”, after which a location marker appears and side quest"conduct reconnaissance." The quest closes when the player approaches the clinic. Dialogue with Deegan available in any case: if you left without opening the location; if you talked to security and left; or shot the guards.) After this, during the game you can meet a ghoul Edward Deegan (approximate locations - Third Rail, Bunker Hill Market, Colonial House ), who will inform you that with this attack you violated some plans of an influential person (if you did not destroy the guards, then he will say that an experienced mercenary is needed). However, you are invited to meet with this influential person to atone for your guilt.

Also Digana can be found immediately upon arrival Cabot House and brazenly breaks in, calling the intercom; with a pumped-up skill, you don’t need to worry too much about persuasion.

In the last part of the quest you will need to decide your fate Lorenzo , since the magazine lies in his cell on the table.

The eighth magazine is on the third floor in Cabot House.

The ninth journal is also found on a quest that gives you . If he trusts the protagonist enough, then after talking with him, you can start the quest. Upon reaching the next trust level (750), he continues his quest, where he asks the Survivor for help finding a cure for his son. Now we must go with him to Med-Tech Research . There is a computer on the top floor that requires a password known to him. The companion will have to be dragged by the handle into the room with the computer, otherwise his monologue will not begin. After lifting the alarm mode in the laboratory, you need to go downstairs and open the airlock from the terminal. Continuing the journey, we find ourselves in a laboratory with a medicine - a marker points to it. Right there on the next table is the Massachusetts Surgical Journal.

How to get to a mental hospital? Passage secrets, valuable finds and tips - information on getting to know the creepy location in the wasteland below.

Parsons Psychiatric Hospital in Fallout 4

Parsons Psychiatric Hospital in Fallout 4 is a visually abandoned medical facility located in the central part of the Commonwealth. The location belongs to the Cabot family, and therefore is perfectly protected by mercenaries with powerful shotguns and sniper rifles.45 caliber. You can get inside only if you receive the appropriate key during the passage of the complex quest “The Secret of the House of Cabots,” but first things first.

Express delivery

The starting stage of the quest chain - characters of the tenth level (or higher) are allowed to complete it. It is enough to clear the territory of a psychiatric hospital in Fallout 4, and the ghoul Edward Deegan will appear, equipped with army body armor. If that doesn't work, you might want to check out The Bench in Diamond City or other neighborhood bars. On rare occasions, a ghoul hides in Bunker Hill. The hero will offer you a couple of lucrative tasks, and will also introduce you to an important person in high scientific circles. There are several tasks - first, detecting and obtaining valuable serum. Then the search for Jack Cabot's missing sister. You’ll have to run around adjacent locations, ask around at the “Third Rail” in Good Neighborhood, and even look into the local sect. When passing through, it is better to prepare in advance - collect items that temporarily increase charisma, for example.

Terrible secret

The final multi-level task, “The Mystery of the Cabot House,” immediately answers the question: “How to get to a mental hospital in Fallout 4?” The main character will literally be led by the hand to the required doors and let inside. Jack, the instigator of the whole adventure, will have to be protected from the attacks of enraged raiders, and then taken to the laboratory compartment, in the lowlands of the medical facility.

Whether to help Jack or save Lorenzo is up to the players to decide. In both cases, you should count on caps and rare experimental weapons. But the madman Lorenzo will be able to supply him with a serum that eliminates radiation and artificially increases strength.

Valuable items

1. The Charisma bobblehead is located on the desktop, not far from the terminal, in a narrow room with a seriously wounded Edward Deegan.
2. Lorenzo's costume is a find obtained during the quest.
3. Massachusetts Surgical Journal - a pre-war series of booklets that permanently increases damage to enemy limbs by 2%. In total, the hero is awarded a permanent increase of 18% if all issues of medical journals are found.
