Five card draw poker. How to play five card draw poker Opponents draw poker rules of the game

Draw Poker

Five-cad draw poker

The name of this game is California or California Poker. Before the start of each new game and the distribution of cards, all players set the initial bet, ante - place their playing chips in front of them. The dealer, making sure that all bets are made correctly, moves the chips to the center of the table. This procedure for setting bets (through the dealer) must be followed throughout the game. All players' combined bets in the center of the table are called pot. It is for all this money that the game is played. After setting the ante, the dealer deals each player five cards face down. Thus, everyone sees only their own cards and does not know the cards of other players.
The first betting interval begins. The player who started dealing the cards must bet first. If he is confident in his cards, he can open the game by betting or betting and make the first bet. If the cards are weak, he can check, in which case the move passes to the next (on his left hand) player, who also has the right to bet or check.
If all players check, then a replay occurs - the dealer collects all the cards, shuffles them again and deals them out. At the same time, players add new initial bets to the previously made antes - they set a ri-ante. Therefore, the starting pot in the next game will be twice as large. If in the next game none of the players decides to open the game, everything is repeated, the cards are shuffled again, dealt, and the players add initial bets to the pot.
If one of the players opened the game - made the first bet, then each subsequent player cannot check and must either answer the bet - call, or raise - raise, or fold their cards - fold.
If at this stage of the game any player is not confident in his cards, he refuses to continue the game - he does not make any bets, fold says, discards all cards and loses the right to win. At the same time, he should not reveal discarded cards so that other players do not see them. If all players fold, then the player who opened the game wins - takes all the pot. If a player calls, then he responds to the previous bet - he puts the same amount into the pot as the previous player.
If a player says raise, he increases the previous bet. Everyone else, if they want to stay in the game, must already respond to this particular bet, and players whose bets were raised must, in turn, contribute the necessary amount to the pot to match their bets with the increase made. Increases may be repeated. The total number of all increases is determined in advance by the casino rules.

Jax that open

Jax T u O open - jacks open - a variant of Draw Poker, in which only the one who has a pair of jacks or a higher combination of cards can open the game (make the first bet). If no one opens the game (all players check), a replay occurs - all previously established antes remain in the center of the table, new ri-antes are added to them, the cards are again shuffled and dealt. If the game is not opened further, a new one starts, etc.
If one of the players, having a pair of jacks or a higher combination of cards, makes the first bet, then further play occurs according to the usual rules.
Note. The opener must prove that he had a pair of jacks or a higher hand. To do this, at the end of the game, he must show his cards to other players and the dealer, even if all other players have folded their cards. If, when replacing cards, his initial hand is broken, for example, the player has B, B, 10, 9, 8 and replaces one jack, then he must place the discarded cards in the center of the gaming table next to the pot and notify the dealer that these cards should not move to poppy. By doing this, the player reveals his true hand to his opponents, so such a split is usually simply not done.
If it is established that the player opened the game without having the required combination in the first betting interval, before replacing the cards, for example, having noticed his mistake, he himself declares it, then any player to the left of the offender (except for those who have already folded the cards) in turn, he can open the game, if, of course, he has the combination necessary for this, and the game continues. At the same time, any player other than the offender may be refunded all of his bets placed after the game was falsely opened. If in this case no one ever opens the game, then the entire pot (the total antes and all the offender's bets) remains until the next game.
If a rule violation is discovered at showdown, when all cards have been revealed, then the player who did not violate the rules and has the highest card combination wins the entire pot. Players who fold cannot expect to have their bets returned from the pot.
If a violation of the rules is discovered after all players have folded their cards, then all bets are returned to them, and the offender's bets remain in the pot for drawing in the next game.

Dro Football

Dro Lowball, or simply Lowball, is more common in American casinos than standard Dro Poker. The main difference between these games is that in Lowball, the winner is the one who has the lowest combination of cards at showdown.
In Lawball, the Ace is the lowest card. Two aces are the lowest pair. In most games, a straight and flush are not considered hands, and the lowest card combination is A, 2, 3, 4, 5, regardless of suit. If a straight is taken into account, the lowest combination is A, 2, 3, 4, 6.

Draw Poker Strategy

The main rule of poker is not to adhere to any rules. Change your tactics, be flexible and unpredictable. In the early stages of any game, play tightly, entering the game only with sufficiently strong cards. Next, change your strategy depending on the habits and repetitive actions of your opponents. Adapt to their tactics and extract the greatest benefit from it.
If you notice that other players are analyzing your game, play on their attention to you. Convince them that you are a player of the same style, that you can only play in one direction, and then make completely opposite moves, which will bring you hidden profits for a long time. Once you notice that your secret actions have been revealed, return to your previous style.
Here is a simple scenario of possible tactical actions. When playing against one opponent, only call and open when you have at least a pair of jacks, otherwise always check. If another player opens the game after you check, always fold. Very soon your game and your opponent's actions follow a repeating pattern, in most cases you check - bet, you fold or you bet - he folds, and if he calls, he most likely loses. In this type of play, you will lose quite a bit if your opponent calls your first bet with only a very strong card and folds in most cases. Otherwise, the advantage will be on your side. Very soon you will completely convince your opponent that you are playing completely “honestly”. Seeing that he believed this, change your plan of action. If you see that your opponent, taught by bitter experience, in most cases folds his cards after you open the game (he “knows” that you have a strong card), open the game with weak cards. In addition, he “knows” that once you check, you no longer claim to win. Therefore, after your check, he always places a check, even if he has the weakest cards. Take advantage of this and, when you receive good cards, check first and then raise, which will put your opponent in a very ambiguous position and in any case increase your profit.
Start using this new tactic every time. After some time, when you notice that your opponent began to play by new rules every time - in most cases folding cards after your check-raise, make a new amendment. Start playing check-raise with weak cards. In addition, sooner or later he will notice that you have begun to open the game with weak cards, which means he will begin to answer your first bet more often. Change your actions here too - open the game again only with a strong card. This completes the circle, your general actions are back to the beginning of the game. The following moves may be repeated according to the above scheme or become even more unpredictable and varied.
Similar tactics can be used in games with a large number of players. True, it is not so clearly visible due to the more diffuse attention of players who are forced to follow a large number of opponents. In this case, you can direct your tactics against a specific player, demonstrating your playing style to him as clearly as possible, without forgetting, of course, about the general strategy against all players.
A common strategy that allows you to win is to work backwards. If the majority play very tightly, enter the game only with very strong cards and in most cases fold, then at a certain stage of the game you can play more widely, thereby quite often winning the antes, which here can amount to a fairly large amount. If the entire table is made up of maniacs, then you will undoubtedly profit by playing very restrainedly. When opponents have different styles, your tactics must become more selective and depend on the position of the players at the table and whose turn it is at the moment. If the first move is yours, then the quantitative advantage, as well as the degree of adherence of your opponents to a particular style, will give you the correct definition of “mixed” tables.
In any case, it is believed that tight play brings greater profits, especially in the early stages of the game - when the first games are played and when you are the first to open or call a bet. And a wide style of play is more suitable at its later stages - when many games have already been played and the playing style of the majority has become more predictable or after you there are the smallest number of players not yet involved (having the right to vote). If your first move is in a five-player game, then you are playing against four players, and if three players before you have already checked, then you are playing against only one player. In other words, the closer you are to the dealer button, the looser and more defined your line of play can be.
So the game has begun. The first thing you should determine after dealing the cards is how strong your cards are. The following table is based on probability theory and shows the total number of all possible poker combinations, the number of ways in which a particular combination can be made, and the chance of getting that combination when cards are dealt.

Combination Number of composition paths Chance
Royal flush 4 1 of 649740.00
Straight flush 36 1 out of 72193.33
Fo of kind 624 1 of 4165.00
Full house 3744 1 out of 694.00
Flush 5108 1 out of 508.80
Straight 10200 1 out of 254.80
Free of Kind 54912 1 in 47.32
Two pairs 123552 1 out of 21.03
A pair 1098240 1 out of 2.36
High card 1302540 1 out of 1.99
All combinations 2598960

The probability and frequency of various combinations is determined by their seniority. For example, you may end up with a particular pair in 1 case out of 2.36. That is, we can say that every second deal of cards you will have a pair. To get a higher hand - two pair - you must play 21 games. Of course, only practice determines the frequency of certain games. But it is on the knowledge of this probability that all your conclusions should be based. So, with a full house, you can bet a lot - the likelihood of you losing is very small. Two aces also promise you a win, but you are unlikely to be as confident in it as with a straight or flush combination. In addition, your chances of winning are directly proportional to the number of players sitting at the table. The more players there are in the game, the more likely it is that your opponents will have a stronger hand of cards.
Below are tables that give an accurate assessment of your cards. These tables show the percentage probability of winning different pairs when playing with different numbers of opponents.
Notes The probability of winning a pair depends quite heavily on what unpaired cards you have, so the tables show 3 rows of numbers. In the top line are the percentages corresponding to the situation when your unpaired cards are the lowest - two, three, four, in the bottom - the highest cards - ace, king, queen, and the middle line shows the average value for all possible combinations of unpaired cards. It is the value of the middle row that you should rely on in most cases!
When playing with a large number of opponents, pairs of low value have a very low probability of winning, and therefore are not considered at all.
All calculations were performed using a standard random number generator. Permissible error 0.5.

Game with 1 opponent

22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 10 BB DD QC AA
% 50 52 54 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 83 87 91
% 50 54 57 61 64 68 71 75 78 81 85 88 92
% 50 55 58 62 66 70 74 78 82 86 88 90 92

Game with 2 opponents

22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 10 BB DD QC AA
% 25 27 29 31 36 41 46 51 57 63 70 77 83
% 25 29 33 37 41 45 50 55 60 66 72 78 84
% 25 30 34 39 44 49 55 61 67 74 77 81 85

Game with 3 opponents

44 55 66 77 88 99 10 BB DD QC AA
% 16 17 21 26 31 36 43 50 58 67 76
% 19 22 26 31 36 41 47 54 61 69 78
% 20 24 29 34 40 47 55 64 68 73 78

Game with 4 opponents

66 77 88 99 10 BB DD QC AA
% 13 16 21 26 32 39 48 58 64
% 17 20 25 30 36 43 52 61 70
% 19 24 30 37 45 54 60 66 71

Game with 5 opponents

88 99 10 BB DD QC AA
% 14 18 24 31 40 51 64
% 17 22 28 35 43 54 66
% 22 28 36 46 53 59 67

Game with 6 opponents

99 10 BB DD QC AA
% 13 18 24 33 44 59
% 16 21 28 37 47 60
% 22 30 40 46 53 62

Game with 7 opponents

% 13 19 27 38 54
% 16 23 31 42 56
% 24 34 41 48 57

In all cases, the real chance of winning is only greater than 50%. This one percentage and determines the starting combination of cards with which you should open the game or respond to other players' bets and raises. For clarity, in the tables, the numbers that determine losing and winning combinations are indicated in different colors.
After looking at the table for a game with three opponents, you decide that you should only enter the game with at least a pair of jacks. In this case, experienced players use more flexible tactics related to their position at the gambling table. If you have a pair of 9s, you shouldn't open the game if you act first - at best you only have a 47% chance of winning. If you are in the penultimate position and the first two players have already checked, then practically you are playing with only one opponent - your chances have increased to 74%, and you can open the game.
By entering the game only with the “correct” combinations each time, you will allow your opponents to guess your cards. Therefore, play with strong cards most of the time and in some cases enter the game with weaker hands.
The following table shows the winning percentages for other stronger card combinations and how they depend on the number of opponents you have.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Two pairs 92 84 78 72 66 61 56
94 89 86 80 76 72 68
97 94 91 88 85 83 80
Free of Kind 97 94 91 88 85 82 80
98 96 94 93 91 89 87
99 98 97 97 96 95 94
Straight 99 99 98 98 97 97 96
Flush 99,7 99,5 99 98,5 98 97,5 97
Full house 99,9 99,9 99,5 99,2 99 98,7 98,3
Fo of kind 99,99 99,95 99,9 99,85 99,8 99,75 99,7
Straight flush 99,99 99,99 99,99 99,99 99,99 99,99 99,99
Royal flush 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

All these percentages can be used by you to determine the odds - the coefficient of two probabilities: winning and losing. 50% give an odds ratio of 1 to 1, and at 70% the odds ratio is 7 to 3. Knowledge of the odds ratio is necessary to determine the value of the odds ratio, which in turn determines the mathematical feasibility of all your bets and raises. If the odds are 1 to 2 and you assume from your opponent's actions that he also has a low hand of cards, you can continue playing if the ratio of all the money in the pot to your next bet is more than 2 to 1. For example, if there is $30 in the pot and your next bet is 10, then you bet. Then, theoretically, you will lose 10 in two cases and win 30 in one, making a profit of 10 dollars.
The greater the value of the sweat, the more free you are in your actions. But still, do not forget that the mathematical probabilities of poker are just a theory, which, of course, in most cases is confirmed in practice, but the true skill of poker lies in noticing exceptions in time. Once you start playing, you will often encounter the fact that two (or more) players have very strong cards at the same time. Once you feel this, do not strive to endlessly increase your bets. It is better to win less than to suffer very high losses.
In all cases, compare the mathematical probability of poker with the habits and behavior of your opponents. If your opponent is not used to bluffing and he raises significantly, make allowance for this when calculating the mathematical feasibility of your own raises. If your opponent plays very wide and aggressively all the time, then even with a low pot odds, your bets and raises have a great chance of winning.
The next important part of the draw poker strategy is understanding the likelihood of making different combinations of cards when replacing them.
It is unlikely that a thinking player will enter the game only with the highest card in the hope that after replacing cards he will make a more reliable combination. All odds are against it. By replacing all four cards and keeping the Ace, you can often get a strong pair, but most of the time a player who already has a pair will beat you. His chance of making stronger combinations: two pairs or free of all cards, is equal to your chances of getting a second ace, and therefore beating your cards again. This way your opponent is already ahead of you. Sometimes you will be able to catch up, but most of the time you are destined to be late.
Comparing the probability of any combination and the pot odds value will give you a determination of the mathematical feasibility of your bets. If you have 4 cards for a flush and the probability of making this hand is 1 in 4, you can enter the game when the pot odds are more than 4 to 1. In such cases, theoretically you will lose 4 times on one of your bets and in one case win the pot, amounting to more than 4 of your bets.
By making the “correct” substitutions, you will have a greater chance of strengthening your initial combination, but in doing so you will show your opponents the true value of your cards. Here you have a second hidden strategic weapon to bluff or upgrade.
The table will show you the probability of making stronger poker hands when replacing different numbers of cards.
Based on the data in this table, you can draw several important conclusions. Never try to play 3 cards for a straight or flush! The odds of getting two cards of the same suit to make a flush are 1 in 24. Never try to fill an inside straight!
If you decide to enter the game with only a high card, pretend that you have a pair, two pairs or a higher combination - replace 2, 4 cards or do not replace cards at all. If your bluff succeeds, you will make an immediate profit, if it is revealed, perhaps your sacrifice will pay off in the future, when in the next games your opponents, believing that you again have a very weak card, call your bets without having enough strong cards . As already noted, replacing four cards with one ace is not justified.

Initial combination Replacing cards Possible combination Probability of compilation
Pair 3

Two pairs

Free of Kind

Full house

Fo of kind

Something else

1 to 5

1 to 8

1 in 97

1 to 359

1 to 2.5

Pair with ace-kicker 2

Ace up

Other two pairs

Free of Kind

Full house

Fo of kind

Something else

1 to 7.5

1 to 17

1 to 12

1 to 119

1 in 1080

1 to 3

Two pairs 1

Full house

Something else

1 to 11

1 to 11

Free of Kind 2

Full house

Fo of kind

Something else

1 to 15.5

1 to 22.5

1 to 8.5

Free of kind and one unpaired card 1

Full house

Fo of kind

Something else

1 to 14.7

1 to 46

1 to 11

4 straight 1


1 to 5

4 inside straight 1


1 to 11

4 flush 1


1 to 4.2

4 straight flush open end 1

Straight flush

Something else

1 to 22.5

1 to 2

4 straight flush inside 1

Straight flush

Something else

1 to 46

1 to 3

Ace 4

Pair of Aces

Ace up

1 to 3

1 to 14

If you have a pair, then in most cases you should replace 3 cards. Replacing two cards in this case will greatly reduce your chances of making a stronger hand, but may force other players to fold their cards or give up high bets and raises in the next betting interval. To be successful, such a strategic move must be made quite rarely. Typically, such a replacement is considered not as a bluff, but as an advantage - showing that when replacing two cards you do not necessarily have a free of charge. And when you actually receive three cards of the same rank and replace two cards, your opponents, thinking that you are bluffing, will not fold their cards ahead of time and will continue to bet or call your bets and raises.
If you have two pairs, then replace one card. The chance of making a full house is not very high (1 in 11), but it is still there. The only thing you can do is not make a replacement at all. This tactical move requires some experience. Two pair in itself is a strong enough combination of cards that promises a win, and your inappropriate bluff in this case can simply reduce the profit - other players with low combinations will simply fold their cards. When you have low two pair, your opponent has replaced one card and may have strong two pair, then you can refuse to replace cards. It is very likely that in this case your bluff will reduce your losses - the opponent in the next betting interval will most likely not risk opening the game and will check, which will free you from having to make a losing choice - to call or fold.
With a free of charge, you can replace two or one card. At the same time, the probability of making a four-of-a-kind in both cases is very small, and a full house is the same. By replacing two cards and playing completely "fairly" before, you will show your opponents the true value of your cards, which will most likely cause them to fold and deprive you of a high profit. If you have previously made a two-card change with a pair or other combination of cards, and your bluff was called, then the last change will not give them confidence that you actually have strong cards. Replacing one card in this case is also very advisable, since you show your opponents that you have two pairs or an undeveloped straight and flush, which can often bring you very high profits. It is not advisable not to make any replacements when you have 3 cards of the same rank - you are already winning, and your bluff will only reduce or completely eliminate the profit. If you have 4 cards of the same rank, be sure to replace one. By refusing to substitute, you are unlikely to be able to make the huge profits that one of the strongest poker hands promises.
Let's now consider what possible replacements for your opponents can tell you.
If your opponent trades 3 cards, he most likely has one pair. Build your game on this, not forgetting what chances your opponent has to improve his cards.
If a player replaces two cards, it means he has a free-of-kind or a pair. Your decision should be based on how he played before, how often he bluffed, what bets he made before, how much he won or lost in the last game.
Replacing one card indicates that your opponent most likely has two pairs, 4 for a straight, 4 for a flush. Sometimes this is a replacement for free of charge. A player with a pair or high card can also make such a substitution. Four of a kind is a rare enough poker hand to be guessed every time someone changes one card. So in most cases, assume that your opponent has two pair or an unfinished straight and flush. With two pair, a player can raise and call raises. 4 for a straight or flush will make his play more restrained - although he can call raises, he is unlikely to raise himself. If before changing cards the player played passively, and after changing one card he suddenly began to play very aggressively, this indicates that, most likely, he managed to make a straight or flush. Your suggestion that the player makes a non-standard substitution in such cases should be strengthened with each new repetition. At the same time, you should not forget that all of your opponent's previous moves may have been a premeditated decision (advancement) aimed at developing a standard reaction in you to repeated actions.
If your opponent refuses to replace cards, allow others (if they are in play) to experience the true value of his cards. If you are playing heads-up, make your decision based on the size of your own cards and the actions your opponent took when setting the bets. Experience from past games should also be your guide. If you have strong cards and at least a little doubt about the strength of your opponent's cards, stay in the game. Having a weak pair, add up your cards - do not forget that an experienced player is bluffing with not the weakest cards, and it is very possible that his pair is slightly higher than yours. In such situations, refuse promotions. Reduce the cost of your most likely loss, and you can punish the one who decided to deceive you. If you yourself have a strong card, raise. Many players, believing in their infrequent luck, will endlessly increase bets with a straight or flush, completely forgetting that they can be easily beaten by higher straights and flushes, not to mention stronger combinations.

Main conclusions

You can stay in the game only in three cases: if you think that the combination of your cards is higher than the combinations of your opponents’ cards; if the odds are in your favor; if you have a high enough chance to strengthen your combination after replacing cards.
In most cases, you should only open the game and respond to other players' bets when you have a greater than 50% chance of winning. If you don't have a pair or, better yet, 4 cards for a straight or flush, fold your cards without hesitation - your chances of beating other players or making a stronger hand after changing cards are minimal. Remember that in most cases the winner is the conservative player who is willing to lose a few small upfront bets to get into the game with a strong card.
If you hold a pair before changing cards, consider its size, the number of players at the table, the size of bets and raises. Having a strong enough combination, build your tactics in such a way as to force your opponents to bet as much money as possible, act very carefully and do not scare them off ahead of time.
Use bluffing to make your game unpredictable. By playing fairly and according to the same scheme each time, you risk that your cards will be read by your opponents.
Try to change your habits. With one pair, you can replace three, two or one card. At the same time, practice changing the size of your bets with the same combination of cards.
Try in each game to find a middle ground between an unfavorable substitution and deceiving the enemy, between bluffing and playing openly.
Watch how other players place bets and how they make substitutions. Mentally determine their playing style: who likes to bluff, who tends to fold or raise.
Remember that P oker is not a game of cards, but an insight into secret passions and desires, hidden thoughts, habits and opinions. Forget about cards and just build models of human relationships, trying to take a dominant position. Be one step ahead of your opponents, ahead of their actions. Lead them with you and try not to follow their lead. Manipulate them, don't become their puppets. Poker is not just a game, poker is a way of life. Once you learn to win here, you will win in every way.

For a long time, the most popular type of poker was Five Card Draw Poker, also known as Five card with exchange. Today this game is predominantly home, and many probably became familiar with it much earlier than with other types of poker. However, ours can offer the study of this game too!

But once upon a time, it was Five Card Draw Poker that was played in all Las Vegas casinos. The game was first mentioned in 1820. Then they used only a 20-card deck. Five-card draw poker reached its peak in the 30s of the twentieth century. Poker video Those times are gone, but, for example, it was the Five-Card with Exchange game that the hero Adriano Celentano played in the famous Italian comedy “Bluff.” With the advent of Hold'em, interest in the game began to fade, and many began to consider Five Card Draw Poker a game in which luck plays too large a role. Actually this is not true. In draw poker, the advantage of an experienced player over a beginner can be even higher than in Hold'em.

Draw poker rules

  • Five Card Draw Poker No Limit
  • Five Card Draw Poker with Fixed Limits
  • Five Card Draw Poker with Pot Limit

Five Card Draw Poker Strategy

When choosing starting hands, the influence of position must be taken into account. With UTG, it is recommended to open combinations no lower than a strong pair. A mistake for beginners is to play draw combinations from early positions. Strong draw combinations are hands with four cards of the same suit in poker or four cards in a row. The chances of closing these draws are only 19 and 17 percent, respectively. These hands can be played from late positions or when more than one person has entered the pot. You should not limp; raising increases the chances of taking the pot before the exchange. It is advisable to change those cards that do not form a combination. For example, if you have a pair, then you should exchange the remaining three cards, hoping for

Draw poker ranks third in popularity, behind Omaha and Hold'em. The discipline arose at the beginning of the 19th century, the ancestor of other varieties of poker. The rules are not complicated, the main thing is to remember the course of the hand and the permissible actions.

general information

Draw poker is a discipline without community cards. Players use only pocket pieces when making combinations. This puts mathematical calculations in second place; in the foreground is the ability to “read” opponents, to make assumptions about the strength of combinations based on the actions taken at the table.

The game is played with a standard deck of 52 cards without jokers. The player's goal is to win the pot by getting the strongest hand or forcing opponents to fold before showdown.

Making mandatory bets

Draw poker rules require making “blind” bets (blinds) at the beginning of the hand. Forced bets are made by two poker players sitting to the right of the button. Mandatory bets form the initial pot for which participants compete.

Dealing cards, first auction

After placing forced bets, poker players receive 5 pieces face down. It is prohibited to transmit information about starting hands to participants - poker players do not know the meaning of the cards that went into fold.

After receiving the starters, participants begin trading - competing with bets in an attempt to increase the pot, to “knock out” opponents from the hand. When choosing moves, poker players take into account the pieces received, the place at the table, the size of the bets and the playing style of their opponents.

Poker players act in order of rotation. The person to the left of the Big Blind goes first. Next, the right to move is passed around the circle.

Available actions:

  • Fold – end the game of a hand by discarding your hand. The solution is relevant when the cards are very weak or opponents have offered unprofitable bets. After folding, the player waits for the game to end before taking part in the next hand.
  • Check – the poker player passes the initiative to the next opponent without folding his hand or introducing chips into the pot. You can skip a move if no one has bet before. The check is valid if it was not possible to strengthen the hand.
  • Bet – minimum bet. The size depends on the selected table. Bet is relevant when not the strongest, but promising figures with the possibility of improvement have arrived.
  • Call – invest the same amount of chips as the previous opponent. The player agrees to continue playing at the stated bets of his opponents. People resort to calling with average hands and the opportunity to strengthen at the next stage of the game.
  • Raise - Increase your opponent's bet by putting more money into the pot. The solution is relevant when you get a strong hand in order to “inflate” the pot. Raises must be beneficial in terms of pot odds to opponents. Some players use raising when implementing bluffing tactics with speculative cards - making large raises that are unprofitable for opponents to call.
  • All-in – make a full bet. The move is relevant if there are nuts. In rare cases, all-in is used as a bluff.

Trading continues until all poker players remaining in the game match the highest bet or there is only one participant left in the hand, taking the pot. Raises are possible during competition, so bidding often takes place in several rounds until everyone has contributed the same amount of money to the pot.

Exchange round, second trades

Draw discipline involves an exchange round. Participants can discard any number of starting pieces and receive new ones in return. If strong starters initially came or the goal was to mislead the opponents, the player has the right to refuse a substitution.

After the exchange, participants proceed to the second and final auction. Having assessed the strength of their hands, players announce their decisions. If at the end of the auction there are two or more opponents left, the collected combinations are compared. The pot goes to the player with the highest hand.

Poker combinations

Draw involves collecting classic combinations of the High format. Full list of combinations in descending order of precedence:

If controversial situations arise, the seniority of identical combinations is determined by rank. When equal hands are collected, the pot is split.

Strategy Basics

  • Avoid limping. If you have strong cards, go with a raise. The exception is the position in the small blind, limping is an acceptable solution (to move to the next stage of the game you need to bet half of the BB).
  • Play carefully when you have a Straight Draw or a Flush Draw - in most cases you will not be able to complete your hands.
  • With two identical cards of 10 or higher, keep a Pair with the goal of getting to a Set when exchanging.
  • Consider your position at the table. Open with a stronger range of cards with UTG and expand the range to later places.
  • Consider how many cards your opponents exchange. If the opponent left his hand, there is a high chance of having the nuts. When your opponents are active in the trade, stick to more aggressive tactics - you can take the pot before showdown.

Variations of the discipline

There are several varieties of the discipline, in addition to the classical variation:

  • Triple Draw. Players have more opportunities to get strong hands and build up pot. There are 4 rounds of betting in total with three rounds of replacing pieces.
  • Stripd Dec. The game is played with a short deck - from 6 to A. Due to the presence of fewer cards of each suit, the seniority of combinations changes - Flush is a stronger combination than Full House.
  • 2-7 Single Draw. Lowball variation. The gameplay follows the usual rules. The only difference is in the principle of ranking the hands. The strongest combination is A-2-3-4-5. Players are required to collect low hands to win hands.


In Draw poker, the rules of the game are simple. The difference between the discipline and Hold'em and Omaha is the absence of a board and the principle of constructing combinations, and trading is similar. Therefore, mastering this type of poker is not difficult. Play it in popular rooms - and.

Still have questions about the topic of the article? Ask them to us.. Also tell us in the comments what advantages and disadvantages you have identified for yourself in this discipline, how often you win and in which poker rooms you prefer to play. If you haven't encountered a draw yet, do you plan to play it?

Classic Holdem has become incredibly popular in recent years. It is chosen by professionals, and you cannot find a single poker room where this type of game is not available. But Hold'em is only a small copy of Poker Draw, which appeared two centuries ago.

The game is now preferred by some pros and the vast majority of older Americans.. Draw Poker or California Poker is the star of home parties and get-togethers with friends in the States. There, the prevalence of California poker is comparable to and. Online poker rooms also have separate interfaces for playing Poker Draw. Let's try to understand the rules of this "big brother" Hold'em, and consider the main features of the game.

General description of Poker Draw

Draw Poker dates back to the days of gold miners. A small deck of twenty cards served as the main entertainment for the workers. It was at this time that Draw Poker first appeared. A hundred years later, the rules of Draw Poker have changed, but the basic principle remains the same.

Participants receive all the necessary cards in their hands immediately - there are no open ones on the table. After the first acquaintance with the combinations, the so-called “bidding” begins. Standard sequence of actions: raise, fall, all-in and other actions with the bank and game. Fallen cards remain face down and do not participate in subsequent distributions. The California system provides for the possibility of exchanging cards (from 1 to 5) before the first round of bidding.

A completely closed game - the advantage and disadvantage of the Californian party. You do not depend on the streets of distribution and open cards on the table. Only yours becomes the basis for increasing beta or. But this will also be a disadvantage - it is almost impossible to reliably predict opponents’ combinations; you can only analyze them by reacting to their call/raise/re-raise/fold to build. It is believed that Poker Draw is the easiest game to bluff (which is why Americans love it at home parties).

General rules of Draw Poker

Before the game starts, you need to decide who is responsible for the distribution. A special chip is placed near the first one (in online poker this can be an identification mark near the user-dealer). The player to the left receives dealer status in the next game.

Initial distribution

Pass to receive cards in hand and participate in trading - mandatory bet. Poker Draw provides two betting systems - fixed for everyone, or big/small for two from the table. (fixed bet) is deposited by players on each round of Poker Draw in the same amount. The beta amount is determined in advance.

Blind initial bets are made by only two players. One of them is twice as large as the other - accordingly, the bets are called the big and small blind (blind). The game bank is formed from only two bets before the first round of distribution. The right (or responsibility) of the blind passes clockwise to other opponents.


After all bets have been made, the gameplay itself begins.. (the dealer) deals each player five cards face down. At this point there is no action, players look at their cards. They can then take one of the following game actions:

  1. Call . Call is a response to a player raising the equivalent or raising to the size of a big blind on the first move.
  2. Promote . The size of the raise depends on the type of California poker (fixed raise step, no limit or proportional to the size of the pot).
  3. Over-raise . Re-raise after the completion of the round, a repeated increase in the bet by the player who previously made the bet.
  4. All-in . A bet on all available chips. A player with a large bank can respond to an all-in not with the entire amount, but with the equivalent of the opponent’s bet.
  5. Skipping a Raise without the desire to increase the previously made bet.
  6. Fold . Discarding cards without showing a combination.

The player to the left of the dealer can raise or call first(this rule applies to the ante system). When forming a pot with the big blind, the player to the left of the big blind bettor acts first.

Draw Poker rules provide for a replay if the pot pot has not increased after the first round. The dealer collects the cards and distributes them to the players again. The repeated round is considered the first, but previously made bets (big blinds/antes) are not returned. The next hand requires another starting bet from the party participant. Theoretically, the rules of Draw Poker provide for an endless system of such circles. However, more often players choose a system that gives the right to make the first bet only to those who have a combination higher than a pair of Jacks.

Exchange of cards and second round of betting

Card exchange in Poker Draw begins after one of the players raises the bet in the first round. During the Draw stage, the player can replace his cards from the dealer, ranging from bartering one card to upgrading all of them in his hand. The exchange takes place blindly; the ranks and suits that come out of the game are not visible to either opponents or the dealer. Discarded cards go face-down and do not participate in further distributions. The repeated right to raise the bet, drop or go all-in is given to players after a Draw (exchange). Folds and calls are made in the same order as in the previous round. If someone folds, betting moves clockwise through the active players, starting with the one sitting to the left of the dealer.


After exchanging cards and the second round of betting, opponents reveal combinations. At the showdown, the participant whose combination is higher than the other opponents takes the money. Opponents whose cards are of equal rank will have to divide the pot among themselves.

  1. Limited size. There is a limit on bets - everyone bets no more chips than the pre-set limit.
  2. Dependent on the bank. The player's bet cannot be higher than the current pot size.
  3. Free. Raises are not dependent on pot or pre-set limits.

The rules of California poker are relatively simple - even a beginner will have enough of the first couple of games in order to understand all the subtleties and nuances.
