Quantum break freezes. Quantum Break raises low FPS. There is no sound in Quantum Break. Can not hear anything. Solution

Many never even dreamed of seeing Quantum Break on computers, but, fortunately, the game was released simultaneously for two platforms - PC and Xbox One. Unfortunately, the optimization leaves much to be desired. Don’t be discouraged, even if you encounter some problems in the game - most of them are completely solvable. If you have Quantum Break no Russian language, no sound, controls don’t work, Quantum Break slows down, lags, does not install, Quantum Break flies out into Quantum Break black screen, saves don't work, errors and bugs pop up - we offer you ways to solve these problems.

Minimum system requirements Quantum Break:

  • OS: Windows 10 (x64)
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 4460 2.70 GHz | AMD FX 6300
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 2 GB | AMD Radeon R7 260x 2 GB
  • HDD: 68 GB
  • DirectX: version 12
  • OS: Windows 10 (x64)
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 4690 3.90 GHz | Analogue from AMD
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 4 GB | AMD Radeon R9 390 8 GB
  • HDD: 68 GB
  • DirectX: version 12

System requirements for ultra settings in Quantum Break:

  • OS: Windows 10 (x64)
  • CPU: Intel Core i7 4790 4.0 GHz | Analogue from AMD
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 980Ti 6 GB | AMD Radeon R9 Fury X 4 GB
  • HDD: 68 GB
  • DirectX: version 12

Software update

Before you become hysterical, remember all the dirty words and want to crash your PC, carefully read this article, which contains solutions to the most popular problems. First, update the drivers for your video card:

AMD Radeon .
Download drivers for your video card Nvidia GeForce .

To always be aware of all updates, we advise you to download the program Driver Scanner .

To optimize your computer for the needs of a particular game, we advise you to use the program Razer Game Booster .

Also don't forget about the additional software, such as DirectX .

Well, if updating your drivers doesn't help, don't worry. Below you can find solutions to the most pressing problems with the game.

Quantum Break won't launch. Does not work

If you are trying to run Quantum Break but nothing happens. Try launching it not through a shortcut on the desktop, but from the root folder of the game as an administrator, having previously gone to properties. Remember that the installation must take place with the antivirus disabled, otherwise it may remove one of the important game files. Don't try to run Quantum Break on Windows versions other than Windows 10.

Quantum Break is slow. Low FPS. Frisit. Lags

The main problem of many players experiencing wild brakes in Quantum Break lies in inattention. Remember that updating your graphics card driver can add about 30% to overall performance. Before starting the game, close all external applications, disable your antivirus and change the priority Quantum Break to high in task manager. With the release of new patches, optimization is gradually improving, so do not forget to set automatic updates.

Quantum Break crashes on the desktop

If crashes occur at the same time, try running the game as an administrator. Freeing up RAM by closing unnecessary applications also helps prevent crashes. Forget about updating drivers and games.

Quantum Break has a black screen

If you see a black screen after starting the game, try going to windowed mode by pressing the key combination Alt+Enter. Then go to full screen mode again. It is possible that during installation some files were deleted or installed incorrectly. The installation path must not contain Cyrillic. Try to run Quantum Break on behalf of the administrator. Often a black screen can be caused by a video card driver that is incompatible with the game. Check for updates.

Quantum Break won't install

First, check if you have enough free memory on your hard drive - the game needs at least 68 gigabytes. An antivirus can damage the installation; it is better to disable it during installation. Check if your internet connection is working.

Saves don't work in Quantum Break. Saves are corrupted

The save path should not contain Cyrillic. The location where the save folder is located must have free memory. If the game stops loading due to corrupted saves, do not rush to start all over again. Check for updates, maybe a patch will fix the problem.

Quantum Break freezes. It's buggy. Bugs

If on some at a certain point Quantum Break disappoints you with freezing or another bug that interferes with the passage, try to replay this moment from an earlier point. Don't forget to install Latest updates.

Errors pop up in Quantum Break

Often errors in Quantum Break are related to a missing Dll file. To fix the problem, download Dll-Fixer, run the program and enter the name of the file that appears in the error in the required field. The application will automatically download the required file. Restart your computer, then launch the game.

There is no Russian language in Quantum Break

Official version Quantum Break completely translated into Russian, and therefore downloading third-party Russifiers is not recommended. Try changing the language in the settings. If for some reason it is not there, try reinstalling the game with the antivirus disabled.

Controls don't work in Quantum Break

If in Quantum Break the controls do not work, that is, your gamepad or keyboard and mouse do not function in the game at all, check whether the device is well connected to the computer. If both a gamepad and a keyboard and mouse are connected to the computer at the same time, try disabling one. In the game settings you can view the key configuration, you may need to change it. If all else fails, we advise you to reinstall the game.

Quantum Break has no sound

If the game runs completely without sound, check your sound device to see if it works in other games. Update the audio driver - for standard audio cards, a regular video card driver will do; if you are using an external audio card, look for the update on the manufacturer's website.

If you have not found a suitable solution to your problem related to the game, you can ask us a question in or below in the comments. We will be happy to read it and try to help you!

This article will talk about Quantum break, as well as possible problems at startup, various errors, lags, freezes, freezes, black screens, but everything in order, then there will be a list of problems, as well as their possible solutions, look for your problem and read about the solution.
Quantum Break fails to launch:

  1. Be sure to check your computer for viruses! They can pretty much ruin the life of the user, both when playing and when simply surfing the Internet; due to viruses, the toy may not start, it may freeze and lag;
  2. Also check the path to the game in Cyrillic (Russian letters), it is better to name all folders in English, for example, you installed this game in the path D:\Games then Quantum Break will not start, you can solve this by renaming the Games folder to the Games folder.

Quantum Break freezes, slows down and drops FPS

Check your video card drivers for updates, update if required, and also try reinstalling them.

Lower the Quantum Break graphics in the settings to a minimum, check what your monitor resolution is and set it in the game, if there is a higher resolution, there will be a crooked picture or freezes.

It may well help to disable all “left” programs, this includes antivirus (you should turn it off when playing), background programs, Skype, browser and other nonsense that is generally useless to you while playing. Also, do not run the game from the built-in video card.

Check if your computer is overheating, clean it of dust, remove unnecessary programs using the utility CCleaner.

Quantum Break hits your desktop

The minimum amount of RAM for Quantum break is 4 GB, ideally have all 8 GB. Try reinstalling and updating DirectX, try to always keep it up to date.

Quantum Break has no sound

There is only one piece of advice: reinstall and update the drivers for your sound card.

A black screen appears

There are also some tips here, run the game in a window, and update the diver to your video card.
Quantum Break SLI does not function
We can’t help you, just blame the developers, they rushed with the port of this game, at the start of the game, it did not function or worked very crookedly, there are rumors that they specially made a crooked port to force people to buy consoles, but this is unlikely to be true .

In Quantum Break, when playing videos, there is no picture (black screen), there is sound

This is due to outdated or missing codecs on your computer. Here I can give just a few tips: install the K-Lite Codec Pack, if that doesn’t help, install the Bink codec separately.

Quantum Break appears ERROR File IO failure

The game simply does not have enough access rights to create, read saves, files, log into the computer with account admin, and run the game as administrator (in general, it is better to run everything as administrator).
It is quite possible that this is due to the fact that the username on your computer consists of Cyrillic, rename the user.

Quantum Break - raising low FPS, adjusting graphics and other interesting tips

The other day (September 29), the Steam version was released, a huge and important project developed by the Finnish studio Remedy Entertainment.

There was no revolution or change of formations, but this is another and, this time, successful step towards the implementation of the combination of game and series (film). This means that after playing the game, you can influence the development of the series, as is the case with Quantum Break.

Remedy has been pursuing this concept for a long time, dating back to Alan Wake. It was a little early then, but now it’s quite timely. Plus, the game has a well-implemented concept of changing time and, along with this, the appearance of corresponding interesting abilities - time dilation, etc.

And also, quite good story, all together this gives reason to give the game Quantum Break a fairly high rating; individually or due to the absence of something, this project would look much worse.

But what is not new with modern games, this is the disease of low FPS in Quantum Break. This problem can be greatly improved with the tips below, plus a video that clearly explains and demonstrates all of these tips.

So, let's look at how to increase low FPS in Quantum Break

First, some tips, and a little lower we’ll look at the graphics settings.

  1. Poorly optimized console port for PC, nothing can be done here, as it is;
  2. System requirements are too high, this is demonstrated in the video below, the game can be played on a significantly worse PC;
  3. How much video memory do you need? Answer: low up to 2 GB, medium up to 3 GB, high up to 4 GB (for 4K 6 GB)
  4. Update video driver, directx. It is clear and understandable here that this must be done before starting any new game;
  5. Add a swap file. You need to do this even if you have 8 or more gigabytes of RAM, because the page file has slightly different functions and is important in any case;
  6. Keep the system normal(clean free but effective ccleaner program, defragment files (do not do it on SSD), space on local disks is at least 10-15%);
  7. Graphics settings can be changed on the fly without restarting the game, which is extremely convenient;
  8. Despite the preset “Low” ( low settings) it's all the same antialiasing enabled, so even on a low profile you will have to remove some settings;
  9. Scaling, be sure to turn it on, gives + 20 FPS!!! This is extremely important point and, the most basic in raising FPS in Quantum Break.

  • Volumetric lighting(Volumetric Lighting) set to Medium, at higher values ​​there is a drop in frame rate by 12-30%;
  • Shadow resolution (resolution of shadow maps) - has a very slight effect on performance, even on Ultra there is a drop of 1-1.5 fps;
  • Shadow Filtering (filtering shadow maps) - so-called soft shadows, also has almost no effect on performance, can be set to maximum;
  • Texture resolution - if you have 3-4 GB of video memory or more, you can set it to maximum;
  • Screen Space Ambient Occlusion(SSAO) - easily processed even by mid-level cards, but adds additional shadows to objects, making the picture more realistic; when disabled, it adds only a couple of frames;
  • Screen Space Reflections (reflection quality) are various reflections in puddles and shiny objects, they really add realism to the picture. So, if you completely disable the parameter, we get plus 2.5 fps; if you turn it on to the maximum, you lose 10% (about 5 fps); if the card is GeForce GTX 960 level, it is better to leave the average value;
  • Effects Quality - Quantum Break has a lot of time-varying effects, it's a big part of the atmosphere and gameplay. At the maximum value, yes, the effects will be brighter and more beautiful, but you will also have to give up about 4% fps;
  • Global illumination quality - generally affects the quality of the cinematic realism of the image; for the maximum value you will have to pay 5% fps;
  • Anti-Aliasing (full-screen anti-aliasing) - when this parameter is turned on, a loss of 15 percent or more fps occurs; if you have problems with a low number of frames, then undoubtedly turn off anti-aliasing, it does not deteriorate the picture much.

There are profiles in the game that, in general, have a place to be. First, depending on your video card, you should set one of the presented profiles, look at number of fps and, with enough, start changing some settings according to your preference and the description above.

With a small number of frames, reduce the following settings: anti-aliasing, volumetric lighting quality, global illumination, quality of effects and reflections - they add the most frames per second in Quantum Break.

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  • October 5, 2016
  • Alex website

Quantum Break is undoubtedly one of the most interesting releases of this year. Another plus is that the game was released not only on Xbox, as originally planned, but also on PC, which pleased some and angered others, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. We'll talk about what problems and questions PC users encountered when they decided to play Quantum Break.

Quantum Break message, You need to update your OS to run the game. Will the game run on Windows 7/8.1/32 bit systems?
If you have Windows 7.8 or (God forbid) lower, then you will not be able to run the game. The same thing applies if you have a 32-bit system.
To enjoy Quantum Break, you need to install Windows 10 and 64 bit only.

Will Quantum Break run on video cards with Directx 11?
In this case there are no restrictions. The game will run even on video cards that do not support Directx 12. The only thing is that you will not see a couple of effects that you would have with Directx 12.

Quantum Break SLI not working
But these are all questions for the developers. The fact is that at release the game really does not have support for SLI (or terrible problems arise with it), so you just have to wait for some action on the part of the small ones.
MS is now being discussed online, saying that they deliberately make crooked ports so that people buy Xbox One.

Quantum Break there is no video during the videos (black screen), there is sound
This is a sign that video codecs are not installed on your system; most likely we are talking about Bink Video. In order not to worry about this issue anymore, we advise you to install the K-Lite Codec Pack.
If that doesn't help, install Bink separately:

Quantum Break error File IO failure
Most likely, the game does not have enough access to create/read the files necessary to launch. To solve problems, run the game as an administrator and make sure you are logged in with an administrator account.
This problem may occur due to the fact that your OS username consists of Russian characters.
If it doesn’t help, then wait for a patch from the developers, they know about this problem.

Quantum Break friezes, lags
In this case, we will not tell you anything new. Everything is as usual:
1.Install the latest drivers for your video card.
2. Make sure that the hardware meets the requirements of the game, and if it does not, then lower the graphics in the game.
3.Make sure that there is more than 15% free space on the system disk and on the game disk.
4.Disable your antivirus and downloads for the duration of the game.
5. Defragment and clean the system of temporary files.
6. Test the RAM and hard drive.
7.Increase the priority of the game in the task manager.
8.In the video card settings, set maximum performance.
9.Disable MSI afterburner, Fraps.

Quantum Break black screen
Make sure that the resolution set in the game settings matches the resolution of your monitor and does not exceed it.
Also, try running the game in a window.

Quantum Break won't start/APPCRASH
Before starting the game, it is important to make sure that you have the latest Windows 10 updates. To run the game, you need to have at least the November (2015) updates installed. If earlier, the game will not start.
1.Clean the registry using CCleaner
2.Run the game as administrator.
3.Install the latest DirectX, Net Framework, MS Visual C++ Redistributable
4.Disable your antivirus/firewall.
5.Check your internet connection so that the game can access the network.

Quantum Break no sound
The problem arises when, for example, the game settings are set to 5.1 sound, but you do not have a 5.1 system, but use regular speakers or headphones. Go to settings and select the settings that suit your audio equipment.

Quantum Break does not save, problems with saves
This situation is again related to WIndows 10 updates and the situation when you have several users/accounts on the system. Install the latest updates on the OS, they solve the problem where a conflict occurs between accounts.

Quantum Break how to exit the game
Many criticized the game because... it does not have an exit button, however, it is there. The game can be closed like any Windows 10 application - move the cursor to the upper right corner and the treasured X will appear.

Today the release of one of the main exclusives for Xbox One took place - Quantum Break. To the delight of PC players, the game was released on personal computers. Everything would be fine, but PC players are faced with a very terrible optimization of the game, and this despite the fact that the publisher is Microsoft and is asking a considerable 3,999 rubles for it. If you have Quantum Break won't start? Black screen? Does it slow down? No Russian language? Low FPS? Gives an error message? Crashes to desktop? - then read our article for the solution to all these problems.

  • Processor Intel Core i5-4460 (2.70 GHz) or AMD FX-6300
  • Video card NVIDIA GTX 760 or AMD Radeon R7 260x
  • RAM 8 GB RAM
  • 68 GB hard drive
  • DX12 support
If all is well, read on...

Quantum Break won't launch. Does not work

If you run Quantum Break but it doesn’t start, then try launching the game not from the shortcut on the desktop, but from the root game park as Administrator. Also, do not install the game with your antivirus enabled, it may delete important game files during installation. Also don't try to run Quantum Break on Windows operating systems other than Windows 10.

Quantum Break black screen

If after launch Quantum Break you only see a black screen, try switching the game to windowed mode, to do this you need to press the combinations Alt+Enter. Then go back to the mode full screen by pressing this key combination again. If this solution to the problem did not help you, it means that some files were deleted when installing the game, or the game was not installed correctly. The path to the game must not include Cyrillic characters. Try running the game as Administrator or check for an update for your video card. Often a black screen can be caused by a mismatch between the video card drivers and the game.

Quantum Break no Russian language

Officially Quantum Break completely translated into Russian. So it is not recommended to download a third-party cracker. If you don't have Russian in the game, try changing the language in the game settings menu. If there is no option to select the Russian language, then reinstall the game with the antivirus disabled.

Quantum Break is slow. Low FPS. Frisit. Lags

One of the main problems Quantum Break the fact that the game slows down wildly and most often has a very low FPS. Be sure to update your video card drivers before installing the game itself, as a new version drivers can add up to 30% to overall game performance. Disable everything before starting the game third party programs and antivirus. And set the priority in the “task manager” to high.

Quantum Break crashes on the desktop

If Quantum Break always crashes to your desktop in the same place, then run the game as an administrator or try disabling your antivirus. Also, before installing the game itself, do not forget to update your video card drivers. Also from departures to Quantum Break Freeing up RAM in the “task manager” can help; to do this, disable all unnecessary applications before starting.

Quantum Break errors pop up

If you get errors when playing Quantum Break, you should know that they are most often due to the lack of Dll files. To solve the problem you need to install the Dll-Fixer utility and run it. And in the required field, enter the name of the file that appears in the error. The utility itself will find this file and install it on your computer. After this, be sure to restart your computer.

Controls don't work in Quantum Break

If the controls don't work for you in Quantum Break, check if your gamepad or keyboard and mouse are well connected to the back of your computer. Also, if you have both a keyboard and us connected to your PC at the same time, we advise you to disconnect one of the devices.
