Ragnaros where to get the map. We're talking about a new legendary card - "Ragnaros, Lightlord" for Hearthstone. Recently information appeared about a new legendary card for the upcoming paladin expansion, Ragnaros Lord of Light

For those for whom one Ragnaros was not enough, the developers added a second one. Especially for Paladins.

Ragnaros, Lord of Light

At the end of your turn, heals 8 points. health to your character with incomplete health.

In standard mode

We have quite a few unflattering things to say about how this card fits into the World of Warcraft. No way. If today were April 1st, we wouldn't even publish this map. But we understand that Warcraft lore is not of interest to every reader, so we will not continue on this topic. We will evaluate the card.

Paladin control is becoming more and more real. First appeared, now there is a new Ragnaros.

We love this map. leaves the standard mode. The new Ragnaros also heals by 8 units. Health, costs 3 mana more, but has stats +5/+5 higher than . Purely mathematically, the new card is more profitable. Yes, it is a little more difficult to perform if you only need to heal your hero. You need to get rid of wounded creatures, or hope for an accident. On the other hand, this card is more flexible than . The new Ragnaros can exchange with almost any creature, and at the same time fully restore his Health. Moreover, even if this creature is killed immediately (yeah, try doing this with 8 HP), when summoned it will still restore 8 Health to someone, and take 8 damage that could have been sent to other targets.

Now to the cons. The main problem with this card is its cost. It is not overpriced, but the Paladin’s 8-mana slot is already taken. If Control Paladin becomes a reality, it would be nice to add both Ragnaros into the mix. 3 creatures for 8 mana in one deck at once? It all depends on the pace of the meta, but from today's perspective, the deck seems too heavy.

Our rating: 7/10

In free mode:

Seriously, why couldn't they call this creature something else? Why was it necessary to come up with something that is completely impossible in Warcraft? Are there not enough Paladins worthy of appearing in Hearthstone? Okay, let's keep quiet 🙁

When talking about the card's impact on Wild mode, we can't ignore the decks that already exist in this mode. Paladin currently has four decks in the meta.

Therefore, in Wild mode, everything will also depend on the appearance of Control Paladin. Or at least the Renault Paladin.

So what happened to Ragnaros when the Old Gods returned to Azeroth?

Today IGN officially announced the release new card additions Awakening of the Ancient Gods. Meet "Ragnaros, Lord of Light" - the legendary paladin card, a very unexpected twist for the most symbolic card of the game!

Wait a minute, what??

Anyone who has ever dealt with Hearthstone undoubtedly knows about one of the most emblematic characters card game, Ragnaros, the Lord of Fire, and at the same time herself popular map from the classic set. Unlike many of the inhabitants of Azeroth, corrupted by the corruption of the Old Gods, Ragnaros became a warrior of light. Instead of dealing 8 damage to a random enemy character, the new Paladin Legendary card restores 8 health to a wounded friendly character.

Imagine a world where Ragnaros says "Live, insect" at the end of his turn and heals you instead of dealing 8 damage to your opponent! It would be amazing world, is not it?

Team 5 was asked about the wonderful new Ragnaros. “Yes, we know, in the expansion we wanted to make a lot of good characters evil,” said Senior Designer Ben Broad. “It became interesting for us to see Ragnaros (once already enslaved by the Ancient Gods) in a new light, also changing his role. The only problem was that he already personified evil on a universal scale, because he is the fearsome Lord of the Elements. Therefore, we took a different path and decided find out what Ragnaros would look like if he weren't "corrupted". At their core, in Awakens of the Old Gods, paladins represent a bastion of hope, with many of their cards themed against the coming darkness. Ragnaros, leading the armies of Light into battle against his former masters, looked like "It would be unrealistically cool. Tremble, Ragnaros, Lord of Light, is coming!"

The mischievous nature of the card game is most revealed in its darkest expansions, and Ragnaros is the most wonderful example of this. When a new evil comes, ready to desecrate everyone around you, your enemies become your main allies, ready to help in the difficult struggle. Isn't that cool?

Let's discuss this new "corrupted" card in the expansion.

Ragnaros, Lord of Fire plays in decks due to its immediate impact on the game situation, while the new Ragnaros, in terms of impact, is more like Ancient Healer - stabilizes and controls the board.

However, the Lord of Light has a disadvantage similar to that of the Lord of Fire. Both effects are extremely powerful, but require a prepared game situation to play and get the most out of them.

In the case of Ragnaros, Firelord, ideally you play it to a clean board with 8 damage flying into your opponent's face, or to a board with one huge minion from your opponent, so you have a 50% chance of regaining control of the game in his own hands if Ragnaros kills him. The more small creatures your opponent has on the board, the less potential benefit there is when playing Firelord, and sometimes the right decision will leave your opponent's Ragnaros alone if you have a lot of minions, and choose another target instead.

On the other hand, it should be easier to get value from playing Lord of Light since it doesn't depend on the opponent's board. For example, if you hold Ragnaros, Lord of Fire in your hand, you cannot say for sure how many creatures your opponent will play next turn, and the further benefit of Ragnaros depends on this.

Preparation for the Lord of Light, on the contrary, depends on yours actions. If you need to heal your hero, you need to be sure that you do not have small wounded creatures on the table. If they are available, you can exchange them. If you want to heal your one huge creature on the table, you can also play with the probability, and with a 50% chance the creature will be healed.

The big difference is that Ragnaros, the Lord of Light, is also a big creature to be reckoned with, since, starting from the next turn after the play, he can make an attack - while the Lord of Fire cannot - unless on him will not cast silence, but then he will lose the ability to shoot a random creature for 8 damage. From this point of view, the Lord of Fire loses to the Lord of Light - every turn he can deal damage by destroying creatures and restore 8 points of damage.

One important question remains - will there be a slot in decks for such an expensive creature? All expensive cards in Hearthstone have a strong and immediate impact on the game. They provide additional burst damage to win (Ragnaros, Firelord, Grommash Hellscream), help stabilize your position in the game (Tirion Fordring, Jaraxxus), help prepare lethal (Alexstrasza) or simply have a really strong effect (Ysera, Mal'Ganis , Archmage Antonidas).

Creatures that have a higher cost are usually part of the win condition.

This is a pretty interesting mechanic.

The paladin already has a ton of different ways to heal (and there are even more of them, remember the recently announced Forbidden Healing), but what’s quite interesting is that similar effect attached to an impressively sized body. This is definitely a control card and, according to Team 5, the card will fit into the control meta, which will take hold with the release of the expansion. What can this clearly indicate? This means that games will be an order of magnitude slower.

The main reason why the pace will slow down is the removal of the Curse of Naxxramas adventure cards and the Goblins and Dwarves expansion in the new Standard mode, which accelerated Hearthstone and helped face decks like Face Hunter rise to the top ranks. I will also note that the additions showed us sticky/difficult to kill creatures (an example would be Possessed Crawler), with the departure of these cards, the power of all other cards will be changed in some way.

In addition to this, those cards that we have already seen from the Awakening of the Ancient Gods expansion - C'Thun and his minions - are focused on a control style of play. They are specifically made to slow down the pace of the game so that it lasts 10 or more turns.

Each class will have a potentially new type of control deck thanks to K'Thun.

Will Ragnaros, Lord of Light, come into play in the era of Standard and Awakening of the Old Gods? The Control Paladin archetype will most likely return. Without a doubt, this card can be part of a C'Thun paladin's deck, helping to maintain board control in the late game and providing you with a new victory condition.

Next addition for Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft - « Awakening of the ancient gods"will add more than 134 new cards to the game for the game. Today we will tell you about one of the legendary cards - “ Ragnaros, Lightlord" - a legendary paladin and a very unexpected twist in the game.

Anyone who's been playing Hearthstone for a long time knows that Ragnarog Firelord is one of the most familiar cards in the game, and certainly one of the most popular Legendaries. Unlike many of the inhabitants of "Azeroth" presented in the game, "Ragnarog" went in a different direction and became a holy warrior. Instead of dealing 8 damage random map The opponent's card is now a legendary paladin that restores 8 health to all your damaged creatures.

Senior game designer Ben Brode told us more about the new Ragnaros.

In the new addition, we decided to turn many cards from good to evil. We also know that "Ragnaros" was once enslaved by the Old Gods. The problem is that Ragnarog is already a terrible elementalgo in itself. So we went a different route and decided to imagine what he would have looked like and acted like if he had not been enslaved. It's incredible! Instead of dealing 8 damage to the enemy at the end of its turn, it instead heals you. This is much better, isn't it?

This is all a very interesting twist. World of Warcraft and in the Hearthstone what could it be better creation a radically different card that would work great alongside another Ragnaros.

Wherein " Lightlord" has similar flaws to "Ragnaromo the Firelord". Both of these cards are very strong, but to get the maximum effect you will have to take into account some features.

In the case of Ragnaros the Firelord, the ideal situation for it is to play on an empty board, when your opponent has a clean board or one card lying there, then you have a better chance to hit your opponent with that card in the face and turn the tide of the match.

In this plan " Lightlord"should be much easier to play. So he is not so dependent on the actions of the enemy. If you have Ragnaros the Firelord in your hand, then you have no control over how many minions your opponent will place during their turn, and this will directly affect how effective your Ragnaros will be in your play.

In the case of Ragnarog Light Lord, it depends more on your actions. If you need to heal your hero, then you must make sure that there are no damaged creatures on the table. If there are, then you need to think about whether it would be more profitable to destroy them.

Well, the big difference between these cards is that “ Ragnaros Lightlord" can be used on your next turn and hit enemy cards or faces with it, while "Ragnarog Firelord" will not be able to strike again unless you feed its energy fireball. So in this case " Lightlord" is more effective than "Fire Lord".

Evening Hearthstone: Review of update 4.1.0 and playing with spectators

Read more about the new addition on our website. Let us remind you that Hearthstone: Whispers of the Old Gods will be out very soon. According to the developers, the release will take place in April/May 2016.

We will talk about the once most popular card of almost any deck - Ragnaros. This character migrated into the game from World of Warcraft, and subsequently appeared as a character in the expansion Black Mountain. Ragnaros Hearthstone is rightfully considered the king of randomness due to his ability to deal eight points of damage to a random enemy character. Thus, this card can either destroy the enemy or break the entire game.

Ragnaros himself cannot attack, due to which he has lost popularity in the current meta, since he easily dies from the Experienced Hunter, which can now be seen in most decks, and a single random hit can hit a completely unnecessary target.

In addition, he is inferior in terms of performance to the new king of the game - Doctor Boom, who, at a cost of seven mana, enters the field himself with very impressive 7/7 stats and brings with him two 1/1 explosion bots, which, in case of death, inflict from one up to four damage to a random enemy character. Compared to him, Hearthstone's Ragnaros, with stats of 8/8 for eight mana and without the ability to attack, looks at least undignified. And yet, although you rarely see him in ranked games now, in the arena he is still more relevant than a large number of legendaries, for example, Nat Pagle, Thalnos or Baron Geddon.

Recently, information appeared about a new legendary card for the upcoming expansion for the paladin, Ragnaros the Lord of Light.

The biggest debate was whether the old Ragnaros would remain or whether this would be his replacement. Now the answer has been received - there will be two Ragnas in the game, the Lord of Light and the Lord of Fire. This reassured fans of the game, who may not have used him much lately, but saw him as an integral part of Hearthstone. The new Ragnaros is also an 8/8 for eight mana, but, unlike its predecessor, can attack, which makes it in the eyes of players it is much more useful than its namesake. In addition, since it will be a paladin card, Ragnaros was given the ability to restore the health of wounded allied characters by eight points. Of course, experts in the history of the original Fire Lord express their dissatisfaction with the inconsistency of this map with the Warcraft lore, where Ragna never acted as a good healer. But this is a completely different game and the appearance of such an ambiguous creature will only bring liveliness to the discussions and, perhaps, will revive interest in the good old Ragnaros, whom everyone remembers from the very start of the game.

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The final boss of Molten Core (second wing). From this guide you will learn which decks can defeat this boss in normal and heroic mode.

General strategy

The boss fight consists of two phases. In the first phase you will have to fight Majordomo Executus. It includes one significant feature. The Majordomo deck has 10 Fire Giants. Thus, as soon as his health drops to 20 units, he will begin to field several 8/8 creatures per turn.

In the second phase you will have to fight Ragnaros himself. The boss has a very powerful hero power, 16 units. health in normal mode and 60 units. health in heroic mode. The fight with Ragnaros cannot last long, so during the fight with Majordomo you will have to build your board in such a way that you can kill the Fire Lord in a couple of turns.

This tactic is used in both Normal and Heroic mode. Majordomo lives a long time with 20 or more units. health while you field your creatures and strengthen them. This is done so that you don't have to deal with the Fire Giants. This will give you plenty of time to prepare for Ragnaros' arrival.

We present to your attention several decks with which you can defeat Executus and Ragnaros

Decks against Majordomo Executus (normal)

Basic Priest deck (video)

The fight consists of two phases: a relatively easy phase with Majordomo Executus and a more difficult phase with Ragnaros the Firelord. The main problem of the first phase is that when the health level is low, Executus puts out numerous Fire Giants that cost 0 crystals, and they quickly kill the enemy.

To defeat him, try not to lower the boss' health level below 20 units. This way he will quickly accumulate a lot of “dead” cards in his hand, and you will be able to gain control of the board and place creatures with great strength attacks. After that, all you have to do is quickly lower it from 20 to 0, not allowing you to field Fire Giants, and finish off Ragnaros on the next turn.

Decks against Majordomo Executus (heroic)

Best Option: Budget Priest Deck (video)

Majordomo Executus summons a Pyro Acolyte every turn with stats 3/3, costing 2 mana. This deck helps you survive against Executus thanks to Mental Techniques, Rings of Light, Deathlords, and Mogu'shan Guardians.

Your goal is to prolong the match as much as possible by defending against attacks from large provocateurs, building the board, and gradually increasing control. Majordomo's deck has 10 Fire Giants, so unless his health drops below 20, he'll quickly accumulate cards in his hand that he can't play.

After that, all you have to do is field large creatures, strengthen them, and deal enough damage to the bosses to kill them in one turn. To do this, you need to use various combinations of cards: Velen's Chosen, Divine Spirit, Word of Power: Shield and Inner Fire.

Budget Paladin Deck

In Heroic mode, you cannot allow Ragnaros to use his abilities, so you will have to kill Majordomo Executus and Ragnaros the Firelord in one turn.

Majordomo Executus summons a Pyro Acolyte every turn with stats 3/3, costing 2 mana. The deck in question provides maximum survivability by limiting the benefits of Executus in the first turns. Fend off the Acolytes by trading your minions and using Silver Blade, Seal of Light, and Consecration to seize the initiative.

Executus has a lot of Fire Giants in his deck, but if his health goes above 20, he won't be able to field them. Try to play your big creatures and gain board control, but don't attack Executus in the face until you have enough power.

Empower minions with Seal of Might, Blessing of Kings, and Blessing of Strength to kill Executus at 20. health and Ragnaros with 60 units. health in one turn. At first glance, the tactics seem complicated, but in reality everything is quite simple.

Suggest your decks for completing Majordomo Executus and we will add them to this guide.

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