Raisen 2 voodoo magic. Voodoo magic. Treasure Island Legendary Item

1. There is no magic in this game; witchcraft is built through rituals and shamanic dances based on the blessing of the spirits of ancestors.

2. Initially, 2 shamanic staffs are available, which are made with your own hands at the altar
Staff of Fear - a single target becomes paralyzed for about 30 or 60 seconds, the effect disappears if the target is attacked. This is useful when there are 2 or several enemies - throw fear at the first one, beat the second one. Helps against strong enemies (for example, a group of 4 pirates, where you can send a powerful leader into a stupor, and deal with simple bandits first).
Staff of strength - allows you to pit two enemies against each other, and start hitting the third, or the one who is attacked without the effect of the curse. Useless for single targets.

Witchcraft is determined by the Black Magic parameter with a check of the enemy’s resistance (for example, a pirate has a resistance of 50, this means that in order for one or another curse from a staff to affect him, he must have a World Cup above 50). To cast a curse from a staff, you need to dance with it for 10 seconds, no less, you should take this into account, and cast a spell 20 steps before the enemy, otherwise if the hero is hit, the shamanism will be lost.

There may be other staves, but none have been seen yet.

3. It is possible to make voodoo dolls to curse enemies. However, for each doll you need 4 consumables, which are not cheap and you won’t be able to find them easily. One doll per enemy - it reduces the attack and defense of the target, and the higher your World Championship skill, the weaker the enemy will become under the influence of the curse. With the learned skill to enhance the curse, any strong and strong monster or human enemy can be turned into an insignificant, shaking, frail snot that can be killed in 2-3 blows.
That is, useful against heavy opponents.

4. The Cult of the Dead skill apparently allows you to call upon the spirits of your ancestors as your companions in battle, but it will most likely appear by the end of the game, because in the half-completed game they have not yet given such an opportunity.

5. The Ritual skill allows you to brew potions according to recipes that enhance the player’s parameters for 30-60 seconds. For example, a potion that increases all weapon skills by +15 for a minute. The higher the Ritual, the more effect the potion gives. Moreover, you can also drink a Ritual potion to double the effect! From here, with a high Ritual skill, by pouring a potion into yourself, you can completely raise certain parameters to +50 or higher. Given the right situation, for a minute you can turn the hero into a terminator. Alas, only for a minute))

6. It is possible to make amulets, rings and earrings that will give an increase to the parameters of Voodoo magic. However, the most significant will be the artifacts found and rewards for key quests - for example, a +15 bracelet to the World Cup and Ritual.

From here we see that Voodoo magic cannot be used as a main or combat magic to its full extent. It is incredibly useful in difficult and difficult places, on individual powerful enemies, with the ability to paralyze, antagonize, or weaken to the point of impotence. Just like pumping up the hero with steroids.
However, you will still have to hit your enemies cold or firearms. Voodoo spells do no damage.

Perhaps this changes somehow when calling on the spirits of ancestors, but there are none yet.

It's a shame that there are no combat spells in Voodoo -(
That there isn’t even some kind of “life transfer”?

In the Sword Coast location there is a settlement of the Shaganumba natives. There you can learn voodoo magic, but in this case you will have to take the side of the natives. If you take the side of the Inquisition, the path to magic will be closed. If you want to learn voodoo magic, then my advice to you teach only dexterity and voodoo magic.On Tacarigua, Petya will help you kill everyone. Don’t waste your glory on melee weapons and firearms.

If voodoo does not cause damage. How then to do without melee and firearms skills? =_=

Original: German magazine PC Games 2/12
Translation: Marina "Ai Rin" Gatina

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"Even the most hardcore roleplayers will soon be playing with dolls."

Probably not a single player would be against returning to the shore of the Sword. After all, this region of the Dungeons & Dragons universe was the setting for one of the best role playing games of all time: Baldur's Gate.

Perhaps due to the good memories that players associate with this name, the developers of Risen 2 decided to name one of the parts of their game world the bank of the Sword. But, while the predecessor was inhabited by fire-breathing dragons and powerful wizards, in Risen on Sword Island we will meet aborigines living in unity with nature and mysterious voodoo witches.

One of these magically gifted women is Chani, she is Kiki (this is what voodoo priestesses are called in the language of the Shaganumbi tribe), an indigenous inhabitant of the island Risen 2. Her hero will meet after a couple of hours from the beginning of the game: after the battle with the titan, our hero joined Inquisition, but did not continue his fight against the remaining titans that threaten the existence of the world. But nevertheless, our old friend from the first part suddenly appears in the game: Patty, the daughter of the pirate Gregorius Emanuel Steelbeard. She and her father drag the hero, who has sunk to the very bottom, into an adventure, the result of which should be the search for weapons against the titans. After escaping from Caldera's starting island, the trio of adventurers land on Sword Island.

Arriving there, the hero has a choice: Will he work side by side with the ruthless Inquisition in Puerto Isabela, or will he try to win the trust of the natives? No matter which faction you decide in favor of, the goal remains the same: you must stop the pirate Raven, who wants to awaken one of the titans in a temple in the heart of the jungle. This temple is located near the village of Shaganumbi and is guarded by tribal warriors called Tonka.

You will fight on the same side with them if you do not choose the Inquisition: the guard at the entrance to the village at first is not at all eager to let you inside. In general, you will have to - just in the good traditions of a rude atmosphere - first punch him. Or you can use the new ability "Language" and convince the warrior that you belong to Team Raven.

When you arrive at the village (the only thing you can see there is a couple of thatched huts and a fire in the center), Chani will talk to you. A young girl, the daughter of the leader of the Bakir tribe, is very skeptical about the fact that her father decided to collaborate with the evil Raven. But before she invites the hero to throw her father off his destructive course with voodoo magic, she sends the Nameless One on a series of missions.

Prove to this warrior that you are worthy of being initiated into the secrets of voodoo. To do this, you will need to collect sacrificial gifts, get rid of the crocodile, free the scout captured by the Inquisition, and also stand the exam with your ancestors, where you will have to answer questions from an enchanted spirit. Eventually Chani will show you how you can use dolls and scepters to enchant people.

You will have to immediately put the acquired knowledge into practice, namely, create a voodoo doll with which you can take control of another character. But this witchcraft can only be performed a few times throughout the game with certain characters and during the course of the story - for example, over the pirate Jim, who belongs to Raven's crew and organizes the provision of supplies from the village of his colleagues in the temple. He is the only one who can enter the temple unaccompanied - and that is where Chani Bakir's father is located, whom you must stop and prevent him from collaborating with the Raven.

But first things first: In order to make a Jim doll, along with predator teeth and jade stones, you will also need a hair from the head of a dirty pirate. Out of habit, you will knock teeth out of the mouth of some animal - just like in Gothic and the first part of Risen, for this you will need a certain skill and suitable tools. For those who find this task very difficult, there is a simple alternative, namely, animal fangs can be bought from a local voodoo goods merchant.

Finding jade stones will be more difficult. They lie not far from the cave, which was chosen by warrior termites (distant relatives of the Gothic crawlers). Chani will, of course, take you to the entrance to the cave, but she will have no desire to fight with them, just like you, since in this moment game time you are still very weak. So it’s better to entrust this task to your trained monkey, which you bought on Puerto Isabela, this way you will take control of the monkey into your own hands for a while and safely steal the jades, even before the termites even notice the monkey.
Now only Jim's hair remains. You will lure him out when talking to him, offering him to exchange his hair for an amulet that you previously bought from an old woman. Just tell him that this amulet will fulfill his deepest desire - you can find out this option either by asking Jim questions in the correct order, or simply by pointing at all the options in a row until you get the right one.

With the help of Chani and the right ingredients, you will be able to create little rag Jim and take control of his big living brother. To do this, you will hide Bezysyanny in some inconspicuous corner and then control Jim. But before you head into the very heart of the temple, you will meet Jim's “friends”: they are angry with the inveterate pirate and drunkard and do not let him through.

Grinding your teeth, you will be forced to pay Jim's debts and finally meet Chani's father, Chief Bakir. Thanks to Jim's capable fingers, you will be able, with the help of some manipulations, to tear a hair out of the leader's head, so much so that Bakir will not even notice it. Jim will deliver the hair to the nameless hero and this will be the end of his work as a living puppet.

Returning to Chani, you will create a second doll from her father's hair. With the doll in your pocket, you will come across Bakir and Raven - and with the help of voodoo magic you will be able to turn the tribe leader against his accomplice. Unfortunately, he still manages to awaken the titan, which will lead to a fight: the hero and Chani, along with the leader and his Tonka on one side, against Raven and the remnants of his warriors.

If at the very beginning you chose the Inquisition, then instead of Chani, four warriors with muskets will fight on your side and you will have a rifle in your hands. But in this case, you will have to give up the voodoo magic and life-giving abilities of Chani, and Tonka will attack you on the orders of the Raven.

A third faction, compared to the first part and the Gothic series, is not currently provided for in the second Rizen, and there is also no additional gang of pirates. Because you will join the sea wolves later in any case, no matter whether you work on the side of the Inquisition or on the side of the aborigines. Will this affect the number of quests?

With the introduction of voodoo magic, the already unusual pirate scenario acquired another genre feature. Until now, the use of dolls to control characters is considered a bit far-fetched, and this possibility is seen as a potential breeding ground for all sorts of bugs, logical errors and moments in which players may have to grab their heads. But at the same time, this function brings some novelty to the game and also creates fun situations.

After fighting the Raven and defeating the Titan (cutscenes included), you return to Puerto Isabela, where you are eager to steal the ship. Instead of sabotaging fortress cannons, organizing supplies, and freeing a captain from prison to achieve this goal, experienced voodoo priests can simply bewitch the city commandant and control his actions.

In this case, the head of the city you control will simply walk around the city and give instructions: remove the guards from the ship, provide the ship with provisions and release the arrested captain - and at the same time you can give an order to reward the nameless hero with a whole bunch of gold. Since...let us express this in the words of the enchanted commandant: “This man is a hero!”

Voodoo magic

Instead of magic spells and fireballs, the hero this time gives preference to voodoo magic, with the help of which he influences the thoughts and feelings of people. But you can become a voodoo priest only by joining the aborigines on the banks of the Sword, the Shaganumbi tribe. Success in learning voodoo magic depends on the “black magic” parameter, which can be improved, for example, in Chani. A pop-up meter above enemies' heads will show you whether you have enough black magic to curse an enemy or use a scepter.


Anyone who knows how to handle a thread and a needle well will be able in the second Risen to control people at a distance and curse their enemies. Just like with a scepter, you cannot deliver a direct contact blow with a doll. The cursed doll can weaken the enemy and make him a victim of a subsequent attack.


You make dolls on a special altar, mixing the teeth of the animal and the necessary herbs with the hair of the character you want to bewitch. If you have a little gold, then you can buy everything you need from voodoo goods merchants.

Remote control

At certain points in the story, you will have the opportunity to create a doll of a certain character. With its help, you will be able to take control of this person, you will control his body and speak with his voice. This way you can complete some quests in a very entertaining way.

Spilled dolls disappear after one use. They form a blood cloud around your enemy, which reduces his defensive and offensive abilities. It is still unknown whether there will be other dolls and spells in the game.


Magic scepters are available in three versions, which both make battles easier and shorten the lives of your enemies. Scepters, like other secondary abilities of the hero (throwing sand in the eyes of enemies, firing a pistol) have a recovery time, and they can, in principle, be used without limitation.

Thief's Bone Hand

With the help of this device you will be given the opportunity to steal valuable items, remaining unnoticed, right under the nose of their owner - thanks to built-in telekinesis, even at a long distance.

Scepter of Fear

A swing of the scepter sends a purple cloud at enemies and makes them retreat from fear of the hero - thus, you can provide yourself with a pause in a difficult battle.

Scepter of Power

By using this scepter, you freeze time. From the perspective of said victim, you select an NPC or another monster nearby - and subsequently both creatures attack each other. Attention: if the hero tries to do something like this within the city and someone catches him doing this, then punishment cannot be avoided!

Reworked: character menu

In this area, compared to Risen 1, Piranha urgently made some changes and improved the character window. In the first part, the character development window, inventory and world map dangled towards the end of the list of competitors. For the second Risen, Piranha (also taking into account the console versions) made some changes to these points and added a comfort function. The fast travel system now works using the map and quest markers are easier to track on the map.


As usual, the hero has a number of characteristic features that you can increase by using NPCs specific for pumping up a particular skill. Increased durability allows you to deal more damage in battles with sabers or daggers, high agility improves your accuracy with Inquisition muskets, and black magic will be useful for you to use voodoo spells.


There are five talent categories that combine three abilities: Swords, Firearms, Toughness, Cunning, and Voodoo. You can improve your skills from teachers who you will find in cities. Also, your companions on the ship, one of whom will definitely come on board with you, can serve as teachers. You can exchange experience points and gold, for example, for knowledge of how to brew magic potions - or very tasty grog, which in Risen 2 is used as a healing elixir.


The hero's backpack is much more visual than in the first part. The game automatically sorts collected items into “weapons” (clothing, weapons, amulets), “useful” (potions, alchemical ingredients) and “junk” (everything else). The comparison function makes it easier to choose the right item.


The 3D portrait shows the clothes the hero is wearing, below are the values ​​for health, condition and experience points. Below you can see which faction the hero belongs to.

The plots of Risen 2: Dark Waters and Risen are continuously connected by a strong logical thread. The same nameless hero, but now serving in the Inquisition, Steelbeard, Patty and even Eldric.

The same ubiquitous titans, haunting honest sailors, pirates, simple peasants, aborigines and everyone, everyone, everyone, under the leadership of the powerful titan - Lady Mara.

But this time everything is much more interesting! Many new opportunities, quests and secrets await you in Risen 2: Dark Waters. Well, let's try to defeat Mara and her minions?

During the passage of Risen 2: Dark Waters, any gamer will certainly have a lot of questions about the main plot and additional quests. Perhaps the most popular question is where to find all the legendary items?

Legendary items in Risen 2: Dark Waters

On locations Risen games 2: Dark Waters contains 20 legendary items, or 21 if you have the Treasure Island expansion installed. You need to collect them all not only for the sake of sporting interest, but also for the benefit of the cause. After all, each of them develops a certain skill. And keep in mind: it’s quite difficult to do this without tips!

In the game, information about the location of legendary items can be found from random sources - books.

Legendary items hidden in Tacarigua:

  • wooden leg,
  • Hemp pipe
  • And a mirror.

A wooden leg will increase your "stamina" by 1.

You can learn about its existence from a book called “The Brave Man,” which you will find in Antigua in the hut of the fisherman Eddie.

You can find it in the northern part of the island. From Vasco Tower you need to climb a little higher and go through a through cave. Then turn left and follow the path, due north, all the way. There, behind the bushes, you will find it.

Hemp pipe will increase "small weapons" by 1.

The mirror will increase the skill "Redbait" by 10 units.

After reading the book "Private Raids", in the tower of old Jack on Tacarigua, you will learn about the existence of a mirror.

It's easy to find. Just buy it at the inn from Hawkmoth for 2000 gold.

Legendary items in Antigua:

  • hanging noose,
  • Silver mask,
  • Left boot
  • Voodoo needle

A hanging noose will increase your musket skill by 10 points.

You will find information about the hanging noose in the diary of Captain Alvarez in Antigua, in the captains' house.

It lies in a prominent place, on the top floor of a warehouse in Antigua. But don't be fooled. It is possible to penetrate there only if you have the “monkey training” skill.

Silver mask will increase the "Tough Leather" skill by 10 units.

To find out about its existence, you need to read the book "The Masked Man", which lies in the chest, in the room on the left, in the house of the governor of Puerto Sacarico, on the first floor. This is in Tacarigua. From it you will learn that the mask was last seen in Antigua, in a tavern.

On the second floor of the tavern you will find the next clue - a yellowed book that will tell you that the silver mask rests in Gibson's grave, there in Antigua.

But to get into the room you will have to buy the key to it from Quinn, who sells on the shore.

The left boot will increase your "agility" by 1.

You will learn about its existence by reading the book “Pirate Stories”, which lies in the brothel room on the second floor, above the Hawkmoth tavern, in Tacarigua.

Then you will completely calmly find the boot on a small island in the northwest of Antigua. He's just lying there.

The Voodoo Needle will increase your Piercing Weapon skill by 10 points.

You will find information about her in the "Pirate's Diary", on the chest of drawers, in a small cave with spies, not far from the pirate tower, on the Coast of Swords, during the main quest.

You can get a needle by purchasing it from Emma (a voodoo merchant) in Antigua.

Maracay Bay Legendary Items:

  • Dead man's skull
  • Jaguar paw
  • Broken ratchet
  • And a cannonball.

Dead Man's Skull will increase your Voodoo Mastery by 1.

You can find it by reading the book “Chaka Pagabudu”, which lies in the kitchen of Mauregato’s house in Caldera.

To get it you need to complete the quest “Legacy of Chaki Datu”, at the choice of the leader.

Jaguar Paw will increase the Ritual skill by 10 units.

In the Black Dog camp, in Maracay Bay, you need to read the book “Precious Objects” and receive the quest “Talisman”.

You can find it in the southern part of the island, east of the Marakayan village, in the first tomb, next to the pirate’s body.

Broken ratchet will increase "Black Magic" by 10 units.

Read the book "The Practice of Voodoo" in Emma's shop in Antigua to learn about its existence.

It will be given to you by the Maracayan shaman, Osama, for completing the quest “Tombs of the Ancestors.”

A cannonball will increase your gun skills by 10 units.

You can read about the legendary cannonball in the book "Naval Battles in early periods shipping." She lies in the tower of the Inquisition on the Sword Coast, where Tagana sits.

You can buy it for 2000 gold from the storekeeper Mercutio in the temple in the bay.

Legendary items of the Sword Coast:

  • Dried head
  • A bag of gunpowder,
  • And a bottle of memories.

Dried head Increases your Intimidation by 10 points.

From the book "Military Traditions", which you will find in the village of the Maracay tribe, next to the merchant, you will learn about the legendary dried head, which puts enemies to flight.

You can find it in the Indian cemetery, in the south of the sword bank.

A bag of gunpowder will increase your pistol skill by 10 points.

To find out about the existence of the legendary bag of gunpowder, you need to read Sofia's notes, which you will find in Miguel's warehouse in Puerto Isabela, behind a closed door. You can open it only by leveling up Lock Picking to 75.

You can get it by bringing 10 boxes with cargo to the storekeeper as part of the quest "Cargo Boxes".

Bottle of Memories will increase "Cult of the Dead" by 10 units.

In the northern tomb, near the Shaganumbi cemetery, you can read the book “Rituals” and learn from it about the legendary “Bottle of Memories”.

Or you can simply buy a bottle for 2000 gold from the Kapua merchant in the Aboriginal village.

Caldera Legendary Items:

  • Snuffbox,
  • And a comb with one tooth.

The snuff box will increase the Stealing skill by 10 units.

For 2000 gold it will be sold to you by Possodino, who sells it near the entrance to the Highest Council.

Comb with one tooth will increase your melee weapon skill by 1.

On the Sword Coast, in Puerto Isabella, on the second floor of the fortress, you will find the book “The Art of Fencing”, from where you will learn about this legendary item.

You can find it in a chest, among the treasures, forgotten in the crystal cave of Caldera.

You will find the treasure map in the chest to the left of Commandant Carlos, provided that “lockpicking” is leveled up to level 60.

Legendary treasures of the Island of Thieves:

  • parrot wing,
  • And a flask.

The parrot's wing will increase the Throwing Weapon skill by 10 points.

You will find the book "Cutthroat", which mentions the legendary wing, in the northwestern crypt of the island of the dead.

You will find the wing itself in the treasure chest, and the map to it is on south coast island, next to the drowned, sealed in a bottle.

The flask permanently increases Dirty Tricks by 10 points.

It is mentioned in the book "What They Talk About at the Port." You will find her in the house behind the tavern in Antigua.

The flask itself is kept by the leader of the gnome tribe, Kaan. And he will give it to you only for successfully completing the quest “Dwarf Eater”.

Legendary items of the Isle of the Dead:

  • Hook,
  • Old coin.

The hook will boost the slashing weapon by 10 points.

Behind a small cemetery in Antigua you will find the book "A Pirate's Life", where you will read about the legendary hook.

You will find the hook itself among the treasures on the Island of the Dead. And the treasure map is in one of the houses next to the arena.

An old coin will increase your Bulletproof by 10 points.

You can take it at the very moment when you move into the world of the dead. It's on the table next to the altar.

Treasure Island Legendary Item:

Additional item - "Pirates' Almanac" will only be available with the game update installed.

It will increase the fame gained by 10 percent.

But not only legendary items can improve the hero’s skills. Teachers can do this for a fee.

Skill teachers in Risen 2: Dark Waters

Skill Teachers in Caldera:

  • Largo - a prisoner in the courtyard of the fortress teaches how to “sneak”
  • Di Silva, in the hotel, teaches "voodoo"
  • Godin, in the highest council, teaches “the art of a gunsmith” (for the Inquisition),
  • Fernando teaches "mastery of a musket" (for the Inquisition).

Skills Teachers in Antigua:

  • “Combat abilities” will be improved for you by Zach, at the tavern,
  • Scarlet, near the tavern, will improve her "quick talker" skill,
  • Spencer, in the tavern, rocking the "intimidation"
  • Quinn rocks the dirty tricks
  • Donovan will teach you how to use a pistol (for the Inquisition),
  • Bill will rock "Cold Weapon"
  • Alvarez, in the captains' house, will teach "sword skills". But after Slaine's murder,
  • Wilson will teach you how to forge.

Skills teachers in Tacarigua:

  • Blacksmith Stone, in the Pirate's Nest, teaches how to "forge"
  • Holly, in the Pirate's Nest, will rock "agility" and "eloquent",
  • Hawk Moth, in the Pirate's Nest, will boost your "stamina"
  • Curtis, in the Pirate's Nest, will teach you how to use edged weapons,
  • Flannigan, in the Pirate's Nest, will rock "agility" and "dirty tricks"
  • Barney, in the Pirate's Nest, will teach you how to use "firearms". "Pistols" in particular
  • Largo will teach "thieves' skills"
  • Roquefort, in Puerto Sacarico, will teach “handling of edged weapons”,
  • Alistair will teach "Winemaking"
  • Blake will increase her "stamina".

Skill teachers on the island of thieves:

  • Jafar will train you to become a master of theft

Skills Teachers in Maracay Bay:

  • Datu, in the village, will rock “voodoo magic”,
  • Osamu, in the village, will make you a "voodoo master",
  • Cordobar, in the village, will teach you how to use a “cutting weapon”,
  • Bons, in the village, will teach the “witch doctor” skill
  • Koraka will teach "throwing weapons"
  • Valdez will teach "stabbing weapons"
  • Marcos, on the pier, will build up his “stamina”.

Skill teachers on the Sword Coast:

  • Hikoko, in the village of Shaganumbi, will teach "alchemy",
  • Capua, in the village, will teach "voodoo"
  • Jim, in the village, will rock "dexterity" and "theft",
  • Ranapiri, in the village, will teach "throwing weapons",
  • Nakutu, in the village, will build up "stamina",
  • Bartolo, in Puerto Isabela, will teach "firearms"
  • Alcazar, in Puerto Isabela, will rock "edged weapons"
  • Webster, in Puerto Isabela - "firearms,"
  • Sofia, in Puerto Isabela, will boost your "stamina"
  • AND Cooper will teach you how to forge.

Unique weapons in Risen 2: Dark Waters

Risen 2: Dark Waters, unlike the first part, has unique weapon. But finding it is quite difficult. If only because there are no clues about his whereabouts in the game. You will have to find it yourself, without marks on the map.

In addition, each of them is divided into 2 parts: the blade and the guard. And they are hidden, accordingly, in different places. In order to assemble it, you must have the Blacksmith skill.

Legendary weapons are presented in Risen 2: Dark Waters in only three copies:

Whirlwind (damage 45-60, slashing weapon +15)

  • The Wind of Storms guard is hidden in a box on Dead Man's Island, to the left of the main entrance.
  • The Wind of Storms blade is located in Maracay Bay, in a chest. South of the harbor, but just north of the old mine. In a dead-end gorge.

Dancer on the Waves (damage 60-100, slashing weapon +20)

  • The guard is in the chest of the gunsmith Fernando in Caldera.
  • The blade is on the island of thieves. In the termite cave, north of the dwarven village.

Soulcaster (damage 45-100, piercing weapon +15)

  • The guard is hidden on the Sword Coast in a chest. She can be found in Puerto Isabella, on the beach south of the Inquisition ship. Or receive a reward from Cooper for help in making swords.
  • The blade lies on the third floor of a warehouse in Antigua

Risen 2: Dark Waters Cheat Codes

For those who for some reason do not want to complete Risen 2: Dark Waters on their own, the developers have provided cheat codes or, in simple terms, cheats. What they are needed for is most likely not worth explaining. Use:

To activate the cheat mode, you must enter during the game "pommes", not forgetting to switch the keyboard language to English.

After entering "pommes" the following should appear on the screen: "test mode activated". Next, click "Tilda"(~) and enter the necessary cheats.

Don't forget that codes are case sensitive. Don't ignore capital letters!!!

goto [city or character code]

Teleports you to Right place. You can move either to the desired character or to any city.


Cheat for immortality.

No comments needed.


kill any selected character.



Enemies do not see the hero. But before the battle begins.


Setting the game time.

time scale [default number 1]

Change the course of time. Stop or speed up.


Show all commands.

edit [character name]

Edit any character.

For example: edit PC_Hero - edit the main character.


Defeat the highlighted character.

teach [attribute]

Using this command you can edit the hero's skills and characteristics.

For example: teach MaxBlood 1000 - The maximum health level will increase to 1000.

teach attribute codes:


Blades- Steel arms

  • SkillBladesSlashing - Slashing weapon
  • SkillBladesPiercing - Piercing weapons
  • SkillBladesDagger - Throwing weapon

Firearms- Firearms

  • SkillFirearmsMusket - Muskets
  • SkillFirearmsShotgun - Shotguns
  • SkillFirearmsPistol - Pistol

Toughness- Endurance

  • SkillToughnessBladeProof - Durable leather
  • SkillToughnessBulletProof - Armor
  • SkillToughnessIntimidate Intimidation

Cunning- Dexterity

  • SkillCunningDirtyTricks - Dirty tricks
  • SkillCunningThievery - Theft
  • SkillCunningSilverTongue - Speech

Voodoo- Voodoo

  • SkillVoodoooBlackMagic - Black Magic
  • SkillVoodooRitual - Ritual
  • SkillVoodooDeathCult - Cult of the Dead

Blood- Blood flow

MaxBlood- Maximum health

glory- Glory


Steel arms:

  • PerkBladesCounterAttack - Counterattack
  • PerkBladesSlashingPlus5 - Slashing
  • PerkBladesSlashingPlus10 - Slashing II
  • PerkBladesSlashingPlus15 - Slashing III
  • PerkBladesCounterParade - Parry
  • PerkBladesBlacksmith - Blacksmith
  • PerkBladesPowerCounter - Strong counterattack
  • PerkBladesSwordmaster - Master Swordsman
  • PerkBladesPowerAttack - Strong blow
  • PerkBladesPiercingPlus5 - Piercing
  • PerkBladesPiercingPlus10 - Piercing II
  • PerkBladesPiercingPlus15 - Piercing III
  • PerkBladesDaggerPlus5 - Throwable
  • PerkBladesDaggerPlus10 - Throwing II
  • PerkBladesDaggerPlus15 - Throwing III


  • PerkFirearmsGunsmith - Gunsmith
  • PerkFirearmsThundergun - Thunder gun
  • PerkFirearmsNuffSaid - Stop talking
  • PerkFirearmsCriticalHit - Critical hit
  • PerkFirearmsLeftie - Lefty
  • PerkFirearmsMusketPlus5 - Muskets
  • PerkFirearmsMusketPlus10 - Muskets II
  • PerkFirearmsMusketPlus15 - Muskets III
  • PerkFirearmsPistolPlus5 - Pistols
  • PerkFirearmsPistolPlus10 - Pistols II
  • PerkFirearmsPistolPlus15 - Pistols III
  • PerkFirearmsSharpshooter - Marksman
  • PerkFireamsShotgunPlus5 - Shotguns
  • PerkFireamsShotgunPlus10 - Shotguns II
  • PerkFireamsShotgunPlus15 - Shotguns III


  • PerkToughnessIntimidatePlus5 - Intimidation
  • PerkToughnessIntimidatePlus10 - Intimidation II
  • PerkToughnessIntimidatePlus15 - Intimidation III
  • PerkToughnessBladeProofPlus5 - Durable leather
  • PerkToughnessBladeProofPlus10 - Tough Skin II
  • PerkToughnessBulletProofPlus5 - Armor
  • PerkToughnessBulletProofPlus10 - Armor II
  • PerkToughnessMedicus - Healer
  • PerkToughnessLiquidCourage - Drink for courage
  • PerkToughnessQuack - Witch Doctor
  • PerkToughnessBrandyman - Vinokur
  • PerkToughnessKick - Kick
  • PerkToughnessIndestructible - Indestructibility


  • PerkCunningMonkeyTrainer - Monkey Trainer
  • PerkCunningTrickster - Old Trickster
  • PerkCunningThieveryPlus5 - Theft
  • PerkCunningThieveryPlus10 - Theft II
  • PerkCunningThieveryPlus15 - Theft III
  • PerkCunningParrotTrainer - Parrot Trainer
  • PerkCunningSneak - Silent step
  • PerkCunningDirtyTricksPlus5 - Dirty tricks
  • PerkCunningDirtyTricksPlus10 - Dirty Tricks II
  • PerkCunningDirtyTricksPlus15 - Dirty Tricks III
  • PerkCunningPickLock - Picking locks
  • PerkCunningSilverTonguePlus5 - Speech
  • PerkCunningSilverTonguePlus10 - Speech II
  • PerkCunningSilverTonguePlus15 - Speech III
  • PerkCunningPickpocket - Pickpocket
  • PerkVoodooPowerCurse - Powerful curse
  • PerkVoodooRitualPlus5 - Ritual
  • PerkVoodooRitualPlus10 - Ritual II
  • PerkVoodooRitualPlus15 - Ritual III
  • PerkVoodooBlackMagicPlus5 - Black magic
  • PerkVoodooBlackMagicPlus10 - Black Magic II
  • PerkVoodooBlackMagicPlus15 - Black Magic III
  • PerkVoodooCreateTalisman - Making talismans
  • PerkVoodooDeathCultPlus5 - Cult of the dead
  • PerkVoodooDeathCultPlus10 - Cult of the Dead II
  • PerkVoodooDeathCultPlus15 - Cult of the Dead III
  • PerkVoodooCreateVoodooPotion - Making potions
  • PerkVoodooVoodooMaster - Voodoo Master
  • PerkVoodooCreateVoodooDoll - Making dolls
  • PerkVoodooCreateVoodooScepter - Making scepters

spawn [character]

This command calls the required character.

For example: spawn Petty - This command summons Steelbeard's daughter in front of you.

Used with the "spawn" command:

  • anth - Antigua quest helper.
  • cryh - quest assistant for the Crystal Fortress.
  • iodh - quest assistant for the Island of the Dead.
  • ioth - quest assistant for the Island of Thieves.
  • mabh - Maracay Bay quest assistant.
  • swch - Sword Coast quest assistant.
  • takh - Tacarigua quest helper.
  • towh - Water Temple quest helper.
  • VoodooHelper - Voodoo Helper.
  • zh - Assistant for activating different directions/islands.
  • TeachHelper - Instructor (learning skills)

give [item]

Adds the required item to your inventory.

For example: give It_Armor_DLC1 - Code for receiving pirated clothes with DLC.

It is also possible to specify the number of items. Very useful, even necessary, for getting additional game gold.

For example: give It_Gold 9999 will add 9999 gold to your wallet.

Used with the "give" command:


  • It_Thr_Titan - Harpoon of the Titans
  • It_Sla_Wavedancer - Sword dancing on the waves
  • It_ShP_Olga - Pistol fat Olga
  • It_ShG_Double - Double-barreled shotgun
  • It_Rif_Assault - Assault rifle


  • It_Am_Thief
  • It_Am_Ghost
  • It_Am_Kiki
  • It_Am_Ancestor
  • It_Am_Bone
  • It_Am_Curse
  • It_Am_Earth
  • It_Am_Family_Stahlbart
  • It_Am_Hunter
  • It_Am_Jade
  • It_Am_Luck
  • It_Am_Pirate
  • It_Am_Rat_Hikoko
  • It_Am_Skull
  • It_Am_Soul
  • It_Am_Tiwa
  • It_Am_Tribe
  • It_Am_Warrior


  • It_Bandana_Black
  • It_Bandana_Largo
  • It_Bandana_Red
  • It_Bandana_Striped
  • It_Bandana_Torn
  • It_Hat_DLC1
  • It_Hat_Morris
  • It_Hat_Stahlbart


  • It_Armor_DLC1
  • It_Armor_Voodoo
  • It_GreatCoat_Black
  • It_GreatCoat_Leather
  • It_GreatCoat_Striped
  • It_GreatCoat_Torn
  • It_Shirt_Cloth
  • It_Shirt_Collar
  • It_Shirt_Dirt
  • It_Shirt_Largo
  • It_Shirt_Leather
  • It_Shirt_Striped
  • It_Shirt_Torn
  • It_Shirt_White
  • It_Coat_Inq
  • It_Coat_Cloth
  • It_Coat_Leather
  • It_Coat_Torn
  • It_Vest_Black
  • It_Vest_Leather
  • It_Vest_Silk
  • It_Vest_Torn


  • It_Pants_Black
  • It_Pants_Cloth
  • It_Pants_Striped
  • It_Pants_Studded
  • It_Pants_White


  • It_Blue - All relics
  • It_Pl_Perm - Rare (permanent) herbs with a permanent effect (improving status)
  • It_Wll_Crystal - Crystal head
  • It_Lockpick - Master key
  • It_At_Teeth - Teeth
  • It_Ammo_Buckshot - Buckshot
  • It_Ammo_Bullet - Bullets

The game is great! Do not miss!
