Calculation of wot tank review. Camouflage coefficients in World of Tanks. How to improve the camouflage of a combat vehicle

Detection and camouflage - essential elements game mechanics. The knowledge gained from this article will help you understand how to act correctly in order to be the first to detect the enemy and hide from him more effectively. Both are extremely important in order to seize the initiative in battle and have the right to the first shot.

Review and discovery

Review of each combat vehicle is calculated in meters and indicated in the performance characteristics of each vehicle. The review value is indicated for a crew with 100% of the main specialty.

Visibility range in game

It is important to understand that on the battlefield the player sees not only those opponents that his tank discovered, but also those that his allies discovered. In this regard, it is necessary to distinguish between two concepts: detection range and visibility range.

Detection range- this is the maximum distance at which the tank can detect the enemy. The game mechanics determine that it cannot exceed 445 meters. If, taking into account the equipment, equipment and skills of the crew, the viewing range of the tank exceeds 445 meters, then the extra meters are counted as a bonus, making it easier to detect camouflaged opponents. Visibility range- this is the maximum distance at which tanks, both allies and enemies, can be visible when detected by them. The game mechanics limit the visibility range to a radius 565 meters around the tank.

Basic ways to increase the detection range of enemies

Increased visibility range


Disguise- this is the property of a technique to be invisible to the enemy. If there were no camouflage in the game, then opponents would always notice each other at their viewing distance (but no further than 445 meters), provided there is direct visibility. However, there are many nuances in the game that affect the detection of equipment, in addition to the review itself.

Aspects affecting camouflage

Equipment dimensions

Each combat vehicle has a stealth coefficient, the value of which depends on its sizes. For large tanks such as Maus or Jagdpanzer E 100, the coefficient will be minimal, and for compact vehicles with a low silhouette such as AMX ELC bis, Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger - maximum.

Class Bonus

  • Light tanks from level 4 (except for the AMX 40 and Valentine) are equally invisible both while moving and when stationary, that is, movement does not affect their stealth. Some low-level tanks also have this bonus.
Actions Vegetation
  • Forests, bushes, trees, tall grass give a bonus to camouflage.
  • The vehicle must be completely hidden from the enemy, namely its overall points. If at least one is not hidden, the tank is unmasked. Therefore, caterpillars or a gun muzzle sticking out of a bush (building) will not affect your visibility in any way - there are no marker points on them.
  • At a distance of up to 15 meters, a bush (or other vegetation) becomes “transparent” to someone hiding behind it. That is, the tank itself can see through the bush, but its opponents cannot.
    • If there is less than 15 meters to the base (closest point) of a fallen tree, then the tree is in sniper scope will be transparent, and if the distance to the center of the tree is more than 15 meters, then the tree will still be transparent in the sniper scope, but for observation rays this tree is opaque
  • At the moment of the shot, all vegetation within a radius of up to 15 meters loses most of its camouflage properties, that is, the shot unmasks the tank.
  • At a distance of 50 meters, opponents can see each other in any case. Even if there is a building between them.

How to improve the camouflage of a combat vehicle

And besides, with pumped Disguise:

  • Upgrade the skill of all crew members The Brotherhood of War.
  • Install equipment Improved ventilation.
  • Use equipment that gives +10% to all crew parameters for one battle Additional ration, Chocolate, Cola box, Strong coffee, Improved diet, Pudding with tea, Onigiri, Bays.

The battle efficiency calculator mod for World of Tanks works without installing XVM.

Using the efficiency calculator mod, you can find out the following parameters right in battle:

The damage you deal is general and average.

Number of hits on enemy tanks.

List of equipment you have damaged.

How much damage received and from whom.

The amount of remaining HP of enemy tanks that are this moment in the light.

Will write in chat if an ally caused you any damage or you did it.

The mod will allow you to write your current damage in the platoon chat.

View the average value that should be on this equipment.

Important! The negative damage value (-1654), which you see in the mod, shows how much damage must be inflicted on enemy tanks in order for the damage indicator for the battle to be above average! If you want to increase your overall statistics, this mod will be very useful to you!

There are four versions of the efficiency calculator in the archive:

2. Advanced - includes all the features of the mod.

3. Complete - efficiency calculator and, in addition, a log of damage caused and received.

How to install the mod, read the instructions in the archive

Copy the scripts folder to WOT/res_mods/game version/.

Hold right CTRL and move the mouse to the desired location.

You can customize the mod, increase the font and change its color in the settings file \World_of_Tanks\res_mods\game version\scripts\client\gui\mods\mod_calculator_rankings_battle.json.

When developing in any type of activity, you need to constantly analyze your achievements. The key to successful movement forward, even in computer game, this is constant planning of tactics, calculation of expended resources, determination of goals, and setting feasible tasks.

The result can be achieved if you correctly combine these factors and apply them in practice, realizing your plans

The World of Tanks game is famous for having an impressive number of development branches for various military equipment. At first, it’s not so easy to understand them, but the experience calculator, designed specifically for World of Tanks, is designed to help. It will become much easier to understand whether you need to buy this or that part, for example, tracks, and whether it will be useful in the future.

There are also situations when it is necessary to calculate the required number of victories to obtain the required number of gold, or to obtain a tank of a higher level - these are the tasks for which the calculator was created experience World of Tanks. It is possible that gaining experience or game currency will not be possible without investment. It is important not to get confused and understand exactly how much you need to deposit so as not to spend too much.

In any situation there is a need to obtain additional resources

IN game World of Tanks such cases include the purchase of modules, the purchase of tanks, the purchase of premium shells that are subject to a promotion, the purchase of a premium account. Or it is possible that the player simply wants to start developing tanks of another branch - then there is a need to find out how much time, effort, expenses, experience, game currency, necessary spare parts and other expenses will be required.

It is important to get a reliable assistant in game world, making the gameplay exciting and unforgettable, as well as helping to implement new tactics, giving the right vector for development, helping to distribute gaming opportunities evenly and competently.

Calculating ammunition will no longer take much time.

Players who know what they need from the game are always at the forefront and stand out from the rest; they are distinguished by the presence of a correctly set goal, towards the implementation of which they successfully go.

In order to help become such a player, who has a perfect command of all knowledge and mechanisms game processes, a World of Tanks experience calculator was written. Even the most controversial tactic can be the key to victory if executed correctly.

Currently, tank review calculations work as follows:

  1. Each tank has a maximum viewing range. For example, the viewing range of tank A is 300 m (the value is written in the technical characteristics, and is visible in the garage). This value corresponds to the maximum enemy detection distance of tank A, but this does not mean that for tank A all enemies within a radius of 300 m will be visible.
  2. Each tank has a stealth rating, which prevents the enemy from detecting the tank. This indicator is not displayed in the garage.
  3. When tank B enters the enemy's field of view of tank A, the system calculates whether tank B will be detected by tank A. With radio communication established between team members, information about all visible enemy tanks becomes common.
  4. Detection distance = maximum viewing range - (maximum viewing range - minimum detection distance) * stealth coefficients. Where:
  • Minimum detection distance = 50 m (see point 8 below)
  • The stealth of a stationary tank and a moving tank are different (this is one of the coefficients). Under normal conditions, the stealth of a stationary tank is much higher (a stationary tank is more difficult to detect).
  • Stealth is also affected by the presence of a combat vehicle in vegetation, elements of equipment, camouflage, fire and other factors, both positively and negatively (these are also coefficients).
  • The viewing range is affected by all weather phenomena: sand, snow storms and others. All weather conditions significantly reduce viewing range.
  • The stealth indicator of the enemy tank is also a coefficient.
  1. The review is calculated by the system once per second.
  2. Another visibility factor is viewing direction. The viewing range of the tank from the rear is significantly less.
    Special conditions:
  3. Blocking the view: some landscape elements, buildings, walls, other vehicles and other objects block the tank from view.
  4. Forced discovery: When two tanks are at a distance of 50 m from each other, stealth indicators do not affect detection. Tanks will see each other.
  5. If the enemy, due to his actions, becomes visible, then this visibility is maintained with a cooldown of 6 seconds.


Maximum viewing range of a combat vehicle Su-100 306 m (performance characteristics in the garage), enemy - tank T-34-85:

Characteristics of the Su-100

The T-34-85 tank stands motionless in the grass.
The Su-100 will be able to detect it from a distance of 133 m.

The T-34-85 tank stands motionless, but is not covered by grass.
The Su-100 will be able to detect it from a distance of 251 m.

The T-34-85 tank stands motionless, but is not covered by grass, it is raining.
The Su-100 will be able to detect it from a distance of 155 m.

The T-34-85 tank stands motionless, covered with grass, and it is raining.
The Su-100 will be able to detect it from a distance of 86 m.

The T-34-85 tank is moving, but is not covered by grass.
The Su-100 will be able to detect it from a distance of 278 m.
