Military affairs are a shadow. The best and worst skill combinations. Aeschylus "Chained Prometheus"

The Assassin is a powerful, attacking class, with weak defense, so trying to raise resistance to it is useless and you have to increase your attack with all your might in order to kill before they kill you.
Leveling up your skills
Military affairs
Weapon Proficiency - increases attack speed with a club, sword and axe. Also increases offensive ability. Max first.
Mastery of two swords - allows the hero to walk with two swords. With leveling up the skill, it increases the chance of hitting with two weapons at the same time - max it out, but not right away, for starters, you can invest one. His improvements will not be mentioned separately. Let's just max them out.
Evasion - increases the chance of evasion. Max.
We skip Furious Onslaught and all its improvements, because... An assassin is better off with a calculated strike.
We ignore the combat rage branch, it is completely useless.
We ignore the Call of the Ancestors with its improvement, because... We are melee fighters, not summoners.
The battle banner and its improvement are worth investing 2-3 units, and if you have free points, then max it out altogether.
With the Battle Horn and its improvement, the situation is similar to the previous one - we invest 2-3 points, if there are free points, max.
Whirlwind and lancet (improvement of the vortex) - we put one into the vortex itself and its improvement, because in my opinion this will be enough.
A calculated strike and a successful strike - maxim. This is our main attack, but we will put it on the right key.
Blade sharpening - max. increases damage, and this is the main thing for our assassin.
Maxim the entire “poisoned weapon” branch, because This is damage and slowdown and a chance to send the enemy out.
We skip disarming traps, because... Traps are easy to destroy anyway.
Mortal blow and its improvement maxim, because. this is our attack against bosses and strong monsters. And it stuns, and increases bleeding and poisoning.
An open wound is a very questionable skill, because... the chance of triggering is not that great. But it’s worth investing another one.
Anatomy Knowledge is a skill that enhances bleeding damage. Maximize, because daggers cause bleeding.
Throwing knives is an attack that will help us a lot. To the east, invest at least one, but I personally maxed out this skill, because... Damage from bleeding will not be unnecessary.
Flurry of knives - improvement of the "knife throwing" skill. You need to invest at least 4 units into it, otherwise you will get a dozen deaths. But it needs to be maxed out quickly.
Branch of traps - you can put another one, because distracts, but nothing more.
An assassin needs to carry two swords. This is not discussed. Otherwise, it will be the wrong assassin who has not used his full potential.
I would personally recommend “Pagos” and “Mind Slaying Sword”, and normally go with two “Sabertooths”.
There are no problems with armor - the assassin's kit is the best option. But this is on Epic-Legend, and before that you have to choose the best option yourself.
Now let's talk about amulets and rings. I have already said that the assassin is an attacking class and there is no point in increasing his resistance with rings and amulets. Therefore, we take the “pendant of eternal rage” as an amulet, and the “Mark of Ares” and “Will of Apollo” as the rings (although I personally went with two “Marks of Ares.”) It’s difficult to decide on an artifact, but I would prefer the “Blood of Ares” (name is not exact)
On the right key we put a Calculated blow, on the left - a fatal blow. We put “poisoned weapons” on one, and “Sharpening blades” on two. And a C - knife throwing. We place a bugle on the number 4, and a banner on the number five. The tactics are as follows. We start the game, press 1 and 2, thereby turning on sharpening blades and poisoned weapons, then when we meet a crowd, press three (throwing knives) and throw them into the crowd. We put up the banner and blow the horn. Next, we go into close combat, holding down the right mouse button so that the hero himself switches between opponents. But you can bet your skills on other numbers.
Tactics against Draconid mages and Tigermen mages
We throw knives, run up, strike with a fatal blow, and run away. If alive, repeat until all magicians die.
Tactics against bosses
We throw the dagger, wait for the boss to try to attack you, and at the moment of the attack we dodge (it’s better to initially be on the other side), run up and deliver a fatal blow, and while the stun lasts, we do one or two calculated blows, then we run away. Repeat until the boss dies. It is advisable to first study the habits of the bosses.

Which role-playing game can do without the assassin class? Surely more than one project won’t allow itself such a luxury, and the one I liked couldn’t do without it either.

However, the game’s emphasis on the classic scheme already implies the presence of this dangerous fighter, and in this guide I propose to understand why our hero may be attractive.

Key Features

The Titan Siege Assassin is primarily designed to deal maximum damage per unit of time, in other words we have a melee damage class with physical attacks.

The main features are high movement speed, the ability to become invisible and a high chance of inflicting critical hits. Ideally, a killer is a player whose attacks are concentrated on single targets, but there is the possibility of swinging for massive damage.

True, you shouldn’t be fooled by his impressive attacks, because his defense is not as strong as that of warriors and close combat against several enemies may not end in your favor.

Overall, with the support of a healer, you can become a top-notch damage control character and excel in direct contact.

Branch robber

I personally found this development path to be very specific and not particularly useful, although it has some interesting abilities, for example, mass attacks that will work well in PvE, the ability to control the enemy and high movement speed.

In the overall picture, I would classify this thread more as a PvE mode, because it will be difficult to fight with real players with the capabilities offered here, although if you have a different opinion, share it in the comments.

Skills on the left side develop control over the enemy, while the right side is aimed more at attacking both single and multiple targets.

Assassin branch

I liked the development along this path more, there is the vaunted invisibility, and high damage with critical hits, and the imposition of debuffs on the enemy, and even self-healing.

For PvP fans, here you can find everything you need to develop a really useful killer, and many skills work great for PvE, but it is worth noting that there is not a single mass attack skill in this branch.

I’ll give a build for one of the Assassin variants a little lower, but for now I’ll tell you about the advantages of different variations of this class.

What to pump?

For myself, I have identified several types of killers, on the one hand they are obvious, on the other hand, not everyone adheres to this simplicity and sprays on everything at once and ends up with a useless character.

  1. Rogue/Control - take Strike, Trample, Throwing Knives and Celerity from the top line, and otherwise download the left side of the branch. This way we will have good abilities to slow down and stop the enemy, while dealing damage to him.
  2. Rogue/DD - from the top skills we take everything the same as the previous option, only instead of Penetrating Strike it is better to take Beatdown, then we upgrade the right side. This way we get a damn nimble hero with good attacking data for single and massive battles.
  3. Assassin/Control - you can use Impale, Dust in the Eyes, Poisoner's Power and of course Running Shadow as a basis. For the rest, download your skills from the left side - this will allow you to develop the abilities you have already taken from the first line, control skills and wild speed in stealth mode.
  4. Assassin/DD - I train this type myself and his strength lies in critical hits. Below I will give a build for it, which I think will be an excellent option for dealing high damage to a single target.

There is also the option of creating a hybrid, taking the most interesting skills from different paths and ultimately getting a unique character.

Build for Assassin

As promised, I’m giving you a build that, in my opinion, will look great in PvP mode and in particular against single targets.


In the end, I want to say that the class described above is definitely interesting in its own way, but with its own problems. Depending on your preferences, you can scatter skills to your taste; in my opinion, a killer should take out single targets as quickly as possible.

Good luck in developing the game and write your notes in the comments, maybe you have something to add to the article.

The Ancient Greek Trench War

For a long time, it seemed that the Brigand’s auras and Study Prey were the only way of making traps inflict good damage on the long run. Without buffs, progress in Legendary is sluggish at best. Pet bonuses do not help them in the regular game, and burn damage has little effect beyond looking nice. A long overlooked bonus granted by the Warrior’s Battle Standard, however, increases the damage of almost everything in its radius, including trap bolts, by up to 274 physical points!
The idea behind the build at hand is to make use of that bonus as often as possible, using the traps’ rapid rate of fire as well as flurries of throwing knives to deliver it to the enemy.

And this works quite well, to say the least. Especially on Legendary, thanks to high %physical bonuses.
What is more, the Assassin needs fewer skillpoints for this than the Brigand, can make do with little -recharge, and is quite safe to play, which makes him an interesting build for new players. Old boys, on the other hand, can explore some interesting possibilities opened up by specific equipment.

Standard bonus affecting traps and knives:


The basic principle is quite simple: Our “trench fighter” builds a fortification consisting of three traps and a Standard, then lets the enemy storm it with their clubs. When they are down he attracts the next wave, or moves the “front” forward.
This makes his progress depend a bit on how often he can place a new Standard (recharge). However, thoughtful placement does allow players to use each one for a relatively long time.
Tactical support comes in the form of confusing knives, Warhorn stun, the Standard’s other benefits (45% damage absorption, +skills, -50% energy cost) and whatever else the player chooses to do.

Actually, the only other thing he needs to do at this point is not die, and maybe replace the occasional trap. But why stop at that?

“Don’t forget your stick, Lieutenant.”
“Rather, Sir. Wouldn’t want to face a machinegun without it!”
– Blackadder goes forth

Varieties The beauty of this Trapper is that, after completing the core build relatively early, you are left with a lot of points to distribute freely according to your preference and playstyle.

As a general direction, he can become a Fighter, Caster, or both.
Let’s call the last one a Hybrid (for lack of a better word, since he excels at both).

…is initially not much of a trapper, but rather resembles the ordinary assassin in style and gear. Fighting through trash mobs with Warwind and Onslaught (maybe even dual wielding), the knives are used only to help distribute the poison. Usually able to defend himself, he only takes the time to construct fortifications to ensure victory against larger groups or bosses.
He is a straightforward char who capitalizes on the strength and dexterity granted by the masteries, needs little to no -recharge, and is therefore a good choice for newer players. By finding the right gear, he can gradually evolve to become the Hybrid.

  • Attributes: str / dex about 2:1, int of a youghurt.
  • Equipment: The usual Warrior stuff.

…tries to stick to the basic idea as much as possible, as early as possible. Accordingly, he strives to have traps and Standards up all the time, while supporting with knives. Melee skills are only used in emergencies, and are not trained for. – His main goal is the reduction of recharge time.
This requires him to increase his intelligence in order to wear things like Archmage’s Clasps. On the other hand, he also needs strength and dexterity – to carry a decent shield, to block better, and to hold or wear any other equipment that may reduce recharge times (Hunter's Helm, Tracker's Hood, Ceremonial Buckler...) or support his traps (MButi spear). All those requirements, in turn, make him appreciate equipment which reduces them, like a Captain’s Signet or Hephaestus’ Shield.
The advantage of the caster lies in his flexibility, and in trap/knife damage being completely independent of player attributes. By disregarding melee, he can distribute those with the sole purpose of wearing equipment – ​​which is perfect for players who would like to play trapper style, but need or want to do it with whatever rag-tag -recharge gear they have or find.
And it is worth collecting, not only for more Standards: With enough -recharge Throwing Knives becomes a spammable attack, allowing for some active buttkicking by the caster himself. It can also allow him to have a permanent escort of Ancestor spirits (they, too, get the Standard’s bonus!), which makes him a petmaster on top. And with enough intelligence to carry Hades’ Scepter, he can temporarily increase their number to eight.

  • Attributes: Mixed, depending on the equipment. Do not affect damage.
  • Equipment: Whatever reduces recharge, or strengthens knives and pets. See below.

…is a fighter as well as a caster who, thanks to excellent equipment, can get rid of recharge time while still only focusing on strength (and still having room for resistances, +skills and melee/knife/pet bonuses). Except for the ability to use Hades’s scepter, he combines all combat abilities of the above two classes.
However, he is extremely gear dependent, and the before only viable for “rich” players (or miserable cheaters:P), or as a future goal for those starting out as a Fighter.

  • Attributes: Like Fighter
  • Equipment: Odysseus' Armor, Tracker's Hood, Talisman of the Jade Emperor, Polaris, Lykaion Malleus, SBCs.

Obviously, the transitions between possible variants are smooth. Besides, I would not stop anyone from supporting his traps as a staff mage or archer (with no recharge Lethal Strike…).

Do whatever you like – the char allows it.

Maiev the Fighter, aspiring to become a Hybrid:

Equipment & Tips

  • When using +skills, the tooltips will not always show the correct Standard bonus. It works perfectly, though, going up to 274 at level 14.
  • The Standard's aura boosts itself , ending up one level higher than initially stated. Placing one Standard while in the radius of another yields one more level.
  • When using the Fanpatch , Triumph is another great boost to your fortification by protecting it against melees (even more) and reducing enemies’ physical resistance. It does, however, draw aggro to the Standard, which is rather fragile in normal.
  • Since keeping the Standard alive is crucial, an obvious thing to do is to spread out your summons , especially when facing AoE attacks.
  • The added physical bonus greatly exceeds the innate pierce damages of both knives and trap bolts. Therefore points in BS, and Improved Fire Mechanism for traps, are more important than the base skill levels.
    When points are scarce, level 1 traps will do. They also cost less mana to build. Likewise, knives can be left at 1-max unless you really want the extra damage .
  • Fun fact : After being granted some damage to its “hands”, the Standard, just like some ranged pets, occasionally performs a melee attack.
  • The only way of boosting trap damage further are ally auras, which in the Assassin’s case means magic scrolls or other party members. Considering the latter, your best friends are Hunting (Pierce damage boost, high level Study Prey) and Nature (SotP, HoO, Plague). Team up with a Ranger for insane traps and wolves.
  • In the Anniversary Edition, you can and want to boost your traps with physical damage pet gear that synergizes with the Standard’s bonus.
    And while the Standard’s aura itself will mean less of a DPS increase in the AE, this will make already make traps better outside of it.
  • Blade Honing does not affect the traps because they lack the required weapons. The flat pierce damage would get added to your knives, however, and more pierce conversion helps your spear if you also have lots of +% pierce damage on you.
    Though if not, enemy pierce resistance might cancel the benefit. You decide whether it is worth the points.
  • What you can do is increase the damage the enemy receives, by reducing their physical and pierce resistances. Triumph, as mentioned, does this. So do Monkey King relics on jewellery, which also apply on knives. Sheng Nong or weapons which inherently do this (Sapros, Boreas, Defiler, Bramblewood) work too, but only on direct attacks with that weapon.
  • The best way to reduce both physical and pierce resistances is using a Mbuti’s Advocate (Anouran MI spear), which grants a chance to cast Study Prey – even when throwing knives! This allows you to spread it from afar, with many opportunities of activating.
    It also works well in melee, combined with Onslaught and Lethal Strike. But even if you are a low-strength Caster, using War Wind with a Sheng Nong’d, Mandrake-poisoned Mbuti can ruin a small crowd’s day.
  • Lastly, another way to more damage when using many small attacks is to reduce enemy armor . Weapons like The Last Emperor, suffixes like “of Ruin” (direct attack only) and Hamstring all make each bolt/knife hurt a bit more.
    This is where a partner with Dream can shine (especially pet Ritu / trap Illu), because Chaotic Resonance annihilates around 300 points of armor in an AoE.
  • Standard and equipment bonuses all add up on your knives. So do special effects like leech, stun or reduced resistances. They are more like arrows than spell projectiles.
  • The one exception to this are bonuses on weapons (and shields), which only affect knives via global %, or granted skills. Fortunately, there are affixes (e.g. Tyrant’s) and relics (Thanatos, Achilles) which increase physical or total % nicely – if you want to focus on damage.
  • Generally, the key to good knife damage is to stack as many flat bonuses of a type as possible on them, and then boost that same type(s) by many%.
    Tracker’s Hood, for example, increases the knives’ base pierce damage by 100% and grants another 40 flat lightning which, in turn, would profit from %lightning and, in this case, intelligence.
  • Physical and pierce damage on knives do not care about str/dex. Yet this char should use those, especially physical, because they are already present and supported.
    Items like the Pendant Of Immortal Rage or Ares relics help here. Phantom Bane and Ring of Dexterity are worth a look, too.
  • Battle Rage and its mod affect knives! Due to their numbers, this can be quite useful: Up to 80 points per knife (before +%) and 25% chance of another 300.
  • Open Wound (chance of bleeding) works as well, as long as you carry a bladed weapon. In normal difficulty, blood/poison knives are a viable option.
  • For survival, your primary equipment should always include a shield. The best one, obviously, is Aionios. Ankil is good too, for extra blocking, and so is a Vengeance with good affixes and a Turtle Shell.
    Casters already have some strength from masteries, and should have little trouble ending up with at least a medium shield thanks to -requirements, like the “Flowing Shield of the Euphrates” or an epic Vengeance.
    If you want to get by without strength for some reason, as always, use Santa’s inedibly hard peppermint.
  • Strong guys can put one or two Onagers on switch to quickly regenerate mana.
  • As it should be, bows are an Assassin’s friend! Early on, they are great Envenomed Weapons, and a cheap alternative to knives for luring enemy groups.
    Later, the ability to deliver Nightshade and Hamstring slow, Lethal Strike / Onslaught damage and stun, and other weapon effects from a distance makes them great for sniping bosses.
  • Casters who use Ancestors a lot may think about getting physical pet gear for them. The % bonus works on their damage, the added damage, and the Standard’s boost.
  • Though it’s neat to have, there may be better options than going all the way up to 500 int just to hold Hades’ Scepter. The extra Ancestors’ cooldown cannot be reduced, and you must not switch back to your shield while they are up.
    If you also own the Demonskin Walkers, though, or want to support with staff shots, more power to you.
  • The best artifact to get is certainly the Jade Emperor’s Talisman. Resistances, recharge reduction and an ally aura are all useful to us. Thot's Glory and Polymath are good for Casters, for their requirement reduction. And those focusing on throwing knives may like anything that grants flat bonuses, like the Tyrant’s Fist.

May 20, 1859 Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, a forty-three-year-old but already middle-aged landowner, nervously waits at the inn for his son Arkady, who has just graduated from university.

Nikolai Petrovich was the son of a general, but his intended military career did not materialize (he broke his leg in his youth and remained “lame” for the rest of his life). Nikolai Petrovich married the daughter of a lowly official early and was happy in his marriage. To his deep grief, his wife died in 1847. He devoted all his energy and time to raising his son, even in St. Petersburg he lived with him and tried to get closer to his son’s friends and students. Lately he has been intensively busy transforming his estate.

The happy moment of the date arrives. However, Arkady does not appear alone: ​​with him is a tall, ugly and self-confident young man, an aspiring doctor who agreed to stay with the Kirsanovs. His name, as he attests to himself, is Evgeniy Vasilyevich Bazarov.

The conversation between father and son does not go well at first. Nikolai Petrovich is embarrassed by Fenechka, the girl whom he keeps with him and with whom he already has a child. Arkady, in a condescending tone (this slightly offends his father), tries to smooth out the awkwardness that has arisen.

Pavel Petrovich, their father’s elder brother, is waiting for them at home. Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov immediately begin to feel mutual antipathy. But the yard boys and servants willingly obey the guest, although he does not even think about seeking their favor.

The very next day, a verbal skirmish occurs between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, and it was initiated by Kirsanov Sr. Bazarov does not want to polemicize, but still speaks out on the main points of his beliefs. People, according to his ideas, strive for one or another goal because they experience different “sensations” and want to achieve “benefits.” Bazarov is sure that chemistry is more important than art, and in science the practical result is most important. He is even proud of his lack of “artistic sense” and believes that there is no need to study the psychology of an individual: “One human specimen is enough to judge all others.” For Bazarov, there is not a single “resolution in our modern life... that would not cause complete and merciless denial.” He has a high opinion of his own abilities, but assigns a non-creative role to his generation - “first we need to clear the place.”

To Pavel Petrovich, the “nihilism” professed by Bazarov and Arkady, who imitates him, seems to be a daring and unfounded teaching that exists “in the void.”

Arkady tries to somehow smooth out the tension that has arisen and tells his friend the life story of Pavel Petrovich. He was a brilliant and promising officer, a favorite of women, until he met the socialite Princess R*. This passion completely changed the existence of Pavel Petrovich, and when their romance ended, he was completely devastated. From the past he retains only the sophistication of his costume and manners and his preference for everything English.

Bazarov’s views and behavior irritate Pavel Petrovich so much that he again attacks the guest, but he quite easily and even condescendingly breaks down all the enemy’s “syllogisms” aimed at protecting traditions. Nikolai Petrovich strives to soften the dispute, but he cannot agree with Bazarov’s radical statements in everything, although he convinces himself that he and his brother are already behind the times.

Young people go to provincial town, where they meet with Bazarov’s “disciple”, the son of a tax farmer, Sitnikov. Sitnikov takes them to visit the “emancipated” lady, Kukshina. Sitnikov and Kukshina belong to that category of “progressives” who reject any authority, chasing the fashion for “free thinking.” They don’t really know or know how to do anything, but in their “nihilism” they leave Arkady and Bazarov far behind them. The latter openly despises Sitnikova, and with Kukshina he “is more interested in champagne.”

Arkady introduces his friend to Odintsova, a young, beautiful and rich widow, in whom Bazarov immediately becomes interested. This interest is by no means platonic. Bazarov cynically says to Arkady: “There is profit...”

It seems to Arkady that he is in love with Odintsova, but this feeling is feigned, while mutual attraction arises between Bazarov and Odintsova, and she invites young people to stay with her.

At Anna Sergeevna's house, guests meet her younger sister Katya, who behaves stiffly. And Bazarov feels out of place, he began to get irritated in the new place and “looked angry.” Arkady is also uneasy, and he seeks solace in Katya’s company.

The feeling instilled in Bazarov by Anna Sergeevna is new to him; he, who so despised all manifestations of “romanticism,” suddenly discovers “romanticism in himself.” Bazarov explains to Odintsova, and although she did not immediately free herself from his embrace, however, after thinking, she comes to the conclusion that “peace is better than anything in the world.”

Not wanting to become a slave to his passion, Bazarov goes to his father, a district doctor who lives nearby, and Odintsova does not keep the guest. On the road, Bazarov sums up what happened and says: “...It is better to break stones on the pavement than to allow a woman to take possession of even the tip of a finger. This is all nonsense."

Bazarov’s father and mother can’t get enough of their beloved “Enyusha,” and he gets bored in their company. After just a couple of days, he leaves his parents’ shelter, returning to the Kirsanov estate.

Out of heat and boredom, Bazarov turns his attention to Fenechka and, finding her alone, kisses the young woman deeply. An accidental witness to the kiss is Pavel Petrovich, who is deeply outraged by the act of “this hairy guy.” He is especially indignant also because it seems to him that Fenechka has something in common with Princess R*.

According to his moral convictions, Pavel Petrovich challenges Bazarov to a duel. Feeling awkward and realizing that he is compromising his principles, Bazarov agrees to shoot with Kirsanov Sr. (“From a theoretical point of view, a duel is absurd; well, from a practical point of view, this is a different matter”).

Bazarov slightly wounds the enemy and himself gives him first aid. Pavel Petrovich behaves well, even makes fun of himself, but at the same time both he and Bazarov feel awkward. Nikolai Petrovich, from whom the true reason for the duel was hidden, also behaves in the most noble manner, finding justification for the actions of both opponents.

The consequence of the duel is that Pavel Petrovich, who had previously strongly opposed his brother’s marriage to Fenechka, now himself persuades Nikolai Petrovich to take this step.

And Arkady and Katya establish a harmonious understanding. The girl astutely notes that Bazarov is a stranger to them, because “he is predatory, and you and I are tame.”

Having finally lost hope of Odintsova’s reciprocity, Bazarov breaks himself and breaks up with her and Arkady. In parting, he says to his former comrade: “You are a nice fellow, but you are still a soft, liberal gentleman...” Arkady is upset, but soon enough he is consoled by Katya’s company, declares his love to her and is assured that he is loved too.

Bazarov returns to his parents’ home and tries to lose himself in his work, but after a few days “the fever of work disappeared from him and was replaced by dreary boredom and dull anxiety.” He tries to talk to the men, but finds nothing but stupidity in their heads. True, the men also see in Bazarov something “like a clown.”

While practicing on the corpse of a typhoid patient, Bazarov wounds his finger and gets blood poisoning. A few days later he notifies his father that, by all indications, his days are numbered.

Before his death, Bazarov asks Odintsova to come and say goodbye to him. He reminds her of his love and admits that all his proud thoughts, like love, have gone to waste. “And now the giant’s whole task is to die decently, although no one cares about this... All the same: I won’t wag my tail.” He says bitterly that Russia does not need him. “And who is needed? I need a shoemaker, I need a tailor, I need a butcher..."

When Bazarov is given communion at the insistence of his parents, “something similar to a shudder of horror was instantly reflected on his dead face.”

Six months pass. Two couples are getting married in a small village church: Arkady and Katya and Nikolai Petrovich and Fenechka. Everyone was happy, but something in this contentment felt artificial, “as if everyone had agreed to act out some kind of simple-minded comedy.”

Over time, Arkady becomes a father and a zealous owner, and as a result of his efforts, the estate begins to generate significant income. Nikolai Petrovich takes on the responsibilities of a peace mediator and works hard in the public sphere. Pavel Petrovich lives in Dresden and, although he still looks like a gentleman, “life is hard for him.”

Kukshina lives in Heidelberg and hangs out with students, studying architecture, in which, according to her, she discovered new laws. Sitnikov married the princess who pushed him around, and, as he assures, continues Bazarov’s “work”, working as a publicist in some dark magazine.

Decrepit old men often come to Bazarov’s grave and cry bitterly and pray for the repose of the soul of their untimely deceased son. The flowers on the grave mound remind of more than just the tranquility of “indifferent” nature; they also talk about eternal reconciliation and endless life...

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In this add-on, while playing, you can do the following joke. If you imported Persians and you don’t need all of them, then you can use them as sponsors, buying with their money, and then taking everything you need through the transfer panel.

Don't be stupid in developing the Persians. There is no need, for example, to develop military skills and defense. Warfare develops an attack with two swords, and defense develops a shield. But you can’t run with two swords and a shield.
I recommend the following developments: earth and air magic have very powerful spells, you can make a good magician. The spirit takes emphasis on staves, it is better to develop with nature. Develop military affairs with the shadow. It turns out a bomb. Hunting with some elemental magic or shadow. Protection with shadow. Spontaneous development can be done in any direction, it won’t turn out badly. But it’s better to develop the Power of Dreams alone; once fully developed, you can get a killer character.
Try to have relics inserted into all available items.
I'll list some good things. 1. In Babylon, running through the forests, where the general gives the task about armor, killing tigers, you can find Sabretooth. Green, damage is somewhere around 35-45, but magical properties add fire damage (whatever else you need), from 30% to 50% attack speed, agility. Native speed is Very Fast. Also in Babylon there is a Babylon Clothes set. Not bad things. In Egypt you can find the Ramses kit. Not bad for a magician. In this add-on, while playing, you can do the following joke. If you imported Persians and you don’t need all of them, then you can use them as sponsors, buying with their money, and then taking everything you need through the transfer panel.
Don't be stupid in developing the Persians. There is no need, for example, to develop military skills and defense. Warfare develops an attack with two swords, and defense develops a shield. But you can’t run with two swords and a shield.
I recommend the following developments: earth and air magic have very powerful spells, you can make a good magician. The spirit takes emphasis on staves, it is better to develop with nature. Develop military affairs with the shadow. It turns out a bomb. Hunting with some elemental magic or shadow. Protection with shadow. Spontaneous development can be done in any direction, it won’t turn out badly. But it’s better to develop the Power of Dreams alone; once fully developed, you can get a killer character.
Try to have relics inserted into all available items.
I'll list some good things. 1. In Babylon, running through the forests, where the general gives the task about armor, killing tigers, you can find Sabretooth. Green, damage is somewhere around 35-45, but magical properties add fire damage (whatever else you need), from 30% to 50% attack speed, agility. Native speed is Very Fast. Also in Babylon there is a Babylon Clothes set. Not bad things. In Egypt you can find the Ramses kit. Not bad for a magician. In this add-on, while playing, you can do the following joke. If you imported Persians and you don’t need all of them, then you can use them as sponsors, buying with their money, and then taking everything you need through the transfer panel.
Don't be stupid in developing the Persians. There is no need, for example, to develop military skills and defense. Warfare develops an attack with two swords, and defense develops a shield. But you can’t run with two swords and a shield.
I recommend the following developments: earth and air magic have very powerful spells, you can make a good magician. The spirit takes emphasis on staves, it is better to develop with nature. Develop military affairs with the shadow. It turns out a bomb. Hunting with some elemental magic or shadow. Protection with shadow. Spontaneous development can be done in any direction, it won’t turn out badly. But it’s better to develop the Power of Dreams alone; once fully developed, you can get a killer character.
Try to have relics inserted into all available items.
I'll list some good things. 1. In Babylon, running through the forests, where the general gives the task about armor, killing tigers, you can find Sabretooth. Green, damage is somewhere around 35-45, but magical properties add fire damage (whatever else you need), from 30% to 50% attack speed, agility. Native speed is Very Fast. Also in Babylon there is a Babylon Clothes set. Not bad things. In Egypt you can find the Ramses kit. Not bad for a magician. In this add-on, while playing, you can do the following joke. If you imported Persians and you don’t need all of them, then you can use them as sponsors, buying with their money, and then taking everything you need through the transfer panel.
Don't be stupid in developing the Persians. There is no need, for example, to develop military skills and defense. Warfare develops an attack with two swords, and defense develops a shield. But you can’t run with two swords and a shield.
I recommend the following developments: earth and air magic have very powerful spells, you can make a good magician. The spirit takes emphasis on staves, it is better to develop with nature. Develop military affairs with the shadow. It turns out a bomb. Hunting with some elemental magic or shadow. Protection with shadow. Spontaneous development can be done in any direction, it won’t turn out badly. But it’s better to develop the Power of Dreams alone; once fully developed, you can get a killer character.
Try to have relics inserted into all available items.
I'll list some good things. 1. In Babylon, running through the forests, where the general gives the task about armor, killing tigers, you can find Sabretooth. Green, damage is somewhere around 35-45, but magical properties add fire damage (whatever else you need), from 30% to 50% attack speed, agility. Native speed is Very Fast. Also in Babylon there is a Babylon Clothes set. Not bad things. In Egypt you can find the Ramses kit. Not bad for a magician.
