Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous Wasteland 2 where is Casey James

Ranger Citadel.
The game begins with a conversation with General Vargas. After talking with him, we set off to complete the mission. The essence of the task is to find Captain Ace's diary near the place where he was killed, and, if possible, find out who did it and why. Vargas also ordered us to find repeater, which was lost by Ace near the radio tower. If we complete this task, then we will be promoted to rangers and we will be able to go through the heavy metal door. We go north, along the way we talk with the corporal Solveig Sefor, in the future we can maintain trade relations with her: buy something interesting or sell some rubbish. Seeing loose soil, we dig it out with a shovel, as we will find valuable things in it. We find a girl named Angela, having learned where we are going, she will want to join our team and take revenge on Ace’s killers (it’s up to you to take her into the group or not). After talking with the girl, we can go to the globe and go to the minimap to the location “ Wasteland", where we will begin the transition to the radio tower. We are trying to take the shortest route, since our heroes’ water reserves are running out; they can be replenished at any oasis we come across. There are also radioactive zones on the map that are best avoided, otherwise we risk losing a certain number of life points.

Radio tower.
Arriving at the location "Radio Tower", we discover bloody trail, we move along it to the north, on the left near the hill in the bushes we will find "Dead Ranger Badge". Afterwards, we will arrive at the enemy base and enter into dialogue with one of its participants. A conflict is brewing, and it can be resolved in two ways:
1. Pay to pass
2. Join the gang in battle.
By choosing one of the paths and going to the bandit camp, we can set up a signal from the tower, if indeed we have a computer specialist on our team. Having adjusted it, we get something similar to a Morse signal.
Passing the base, moving east, we will find one in the clearing from the diary pages, and a little higher mechanical leg. We search every corner for useful things.

In the north-west, we will find a cave and go inside, we will find a statue that will increase experience points and a broken toaster (you can fix it with a certain skill). Next we head to the eastern cave where we will find a mutated frog. After we deal with her, we will find valuable things, repeater And a couple of torn pages from the diary, as well as a synthetic robot, which owns the previously found severed mechanical leg. In the location in the south there is a gate that is mined. You can open them with skill; after unlocking them you will find a couple of boxes, one of them will be mined.

We return to the globe, along the way the authorities will contact us and give the order to connect the repeaters to the towers "CX-center" And "Hypule." After you go to one of the specified points, local residents of these cities will contact us and ask for help. Both cities are subject to attack, saving one city, the second one changes completely and turns into ruins.

Agricultural center.

Deadly dangerous fields.
Arriving at the SH center, we will discover a strange picture: mutated large flies, hares, huge plants and infected people.
While exploring the location, we will find a large number of locked doors, which it will be possible to open the name hacking skill +2. You can find items useful for the game in the east of the location, in a destroyed building, inside you will find boxes with weapons and a safe, another safe is located in the southwest, right on the railway tracks. In the west you will find a small room, the entrance is mined, inside there are a couple of boxes with ammunition. Don't forget to dig out the earthen embankment with a shovel. Having finished all our work, we go to the main entrance of the central complex.
Near the door on the left there is a strange plant that can explode when approaching it and poison us for the rest of the mission with its spores. To avoid this, we shoot at it with a gun or a more economical, but risky way: run up and immediately run away from the miracle of nature.
Next, when nothing bothers us, we approach the door of the complex and contact through intercom (to the left of the entrance) with people inside the building. After a short dialogue, they will let us inside and tell us about their problem with the plants.

Main complex.
Inside the building you will see two people: Dr. Katie Lowsen and Matt Forestal, who is confined to a wheelchair ( medicine seller). After listening to Katie’s dialogue, the picture will become clearer, and she will entrust us with two main tasks:
1. Help find a cure for infection, for this you need to collect 10 spore particles from plants, which explode upon contact, coming into contact with a living organism, subjecting it to changes.
2. Turn off the irrigation system, thereby stopping the development of plant mutations and saving the complex.
Having a skill "Suck-Ups" you can ask the doctor about the radio tower, she will explain to us that the entire radio tower is riddled with shoots and in order to launch it you must first deal with the farm’s irrigation system.
Having entered into dialogue with Matt, you can ask him about Eise, he will tell us that the deceased communicated with a certain mercenary and it is better to learn more about their conversation from Skinner working on a mushroom farm.

After tedious dialogues, the doctor will unlock three doors. We move to the right, in one of the southern offices, we will meet a girl named Rose. She will offer us a helping hand, it is better not to refuse her help, since she has high level: surgery, medic and pistol shooting.
Approaching the door with us, Rosa will unlock it for further advancement, we will go out into a large clearing, where we will see four workers of the complex surrounded by monsters. Having dealt with the monsters, we save the staff, then explore the area, do not forget to collect fruits from strange exploding plants.
Next we head to the west of the location, our task is to save Giulio, who became a hostage to his own beloved pets, rabbits. Having dealt with them, we free Giulio standing at the radio tower control panel, then we explore the area for the presence of plant fruits, having collected the required number of fruits, we return to Katie Lowsen.
Having given the collected material to the professor, he and Matt will move to the room where Rose had previously stood for an in-depth study of the resulting spores. But the preparations for the medicine are not finished yet, we need to find "fungicide". And to do this you need to go down to the basement of the complex.
We move north, along the central corridor at the very end we will find a descent into the basement.

Going down to the basement, we will find a control panel in the center. In the lower corners of the room there are two drawers, inside them are the keys to the western and eastern rooms.
By activating the computer, we will have a choice of which of three doors to open:
Gateway (Yu)- leads to the mycelium.
Gateway (W)- leads to the generator responsible for ventilation.
Gateway (B)- leads to the irrigation system.

We open the southern gateway. And we find ourselves in a system of branched tunnels inhabited by monsters, we clear the mycelium.
After running through the area you will not find anything except boxes buried valuable items in the ground and another farmer entwined with roots. But in this location there is an inconspicuous cave, it is located in the east. It was in it that a farmer named Skinner. Having entered into dialogue with him, he will ask us to help him leave this place. Next to him on the floor we will find an important component for the drug "fungicide". Also behind Skinner there are a couple of secret rooms that require hacking skills, behind them you will find weapons and ammunition. Having obtained the fungicide, we return to the professor. Having given her the item, she will test the prepared medicine on Mat Forestal. The experiment will be successful and Mat will recover, after which you can once again buy new, necessary medicines and weapons from him.

We return to the basement and open the western gateway. Behind the door, a corridor filled with poisonous gas awaits us; we run into it and unlock the door to the operating room on the right. In it we will find many useful things, as well as a safe with an electronic lock, which can be opened using the skill of a computer scientist. Then we need to overcome the corridor, which is barricaded by plant roots; this can be done in two ways:
1. Repair a robot (requires skill) "Repair+2"). Having repaired the robot, the mechanism will sever the roots and clear the way for us.
2. Break the flimsy walls on the south side (requires skill "Brute force"). Having destroyed the wall, we will find ourselves in a small room inhabited by monsters, having neutralized them, we destroy another wall on the western side, thus we will go out again into the corridor, but on the other side of the barricade.

We move through the gas, to the dead end of the corridor, after running through the fan, we turn it on using the panel on the wall. After the fan blows out all the gas and the air becomes clean, we can turn it off again, then move to a new location.

Western fields.
Having risen to the surface and leaving the building, we will see an old man nicknamed Melon Lewis who shoots rabbits.
We join his venture and help rid the location of voracious and aggressive creatures. Having killed all the animals, the old man will leave our squad and go about his business, and we can safely explore the area.
In the southern part of the location there are three buildings, we go into the largest one by breaking the door, there we will find exploding plants, a couple of boxes and a belt (flow regulator). Having taken it, we head to the next building. By breaking the door and going inside, we will find a generator, use the found item on it, and then we can hack the terminal using the computer geek skill. The main task is completed, we return back to the basement, but finally, near Lewis making the beds, we open another door, inside the room we will find a wounded guy named Sue, he needs to be brought back to his senses using the medic skill. According to the staff, Sue is the number one suspect in everything that happened, so he can be brought into conversation and blamed for all the troubles, but we will do this a little later.

Main basement.
We return to the control panel and open "Gateway B". The corridor, just like in the west wing, is filled with poison. Having run into it, we open the northern door on the left, there we will find scientist entwined with roots, as well as four boxes of ammunition. Our task is to ventilate the corridor from the poisonous gas. You can do this in the following way. We go to the room opposite, on the northern wall we will see three switches, and three fans, two of them are turned off and one is on. It needs to be turned off, then we can divide our group and send one of the team to the other end of the corridor, where there are two more fan control panels. After our hero gets to them, we turn on two panels on the eastern wall, and then three more near the panel where our squad remains. Thus, by turning on all five fans, the gas will disappear from the room, and we can safely unite the group and get out to a new location.

Eastern fields.
Once outside, we will see spacious fields with a large number of hostile creatures. We examine the location for signs of things valuable to our squad. Also, do not forget to dig up mounds of earth,
Let's carefully examine the northern part of the map, there we will find cages with pigeons, so we will find evidence against Sue Having discovered them, we can prove his guilt in everything that happened. In the center of the corn field we will find a small building in which a guy named Ryan Kornilof(on the western side of the building there is a monument that will increase all experience points). Having cleared the territory from the infected, we will save the guy. Having heard words of gratitude from him, the guy will hasten to leave the field, and at this time we will go east and come to the cowshed. The cowshed is inhabited by mutant rabbits. Having destroyed them all, we approach the building on the porch, whose corpse we find, and next to it there is an inscription in blood "Don't believe it".
Going inside, we will see: mutated insects, a couple of corpses, an irrigation system next to which will lie in a pool of blood Dr. Patrick Larson. We save him by killing all the mutated animals, enter into a conversation with him, first place soldiers at advantageous points, since from the dialogue we find out that the doctor set it all up and is a certain link in everything that happened. Having finished the discussions, we enter into battle with the doctor. Having defeated him, we interact with the irrigation system.

Now we return to the western fields for interrogation with Sue. After going down to the basement, you can explore the room on the left, which was entwined with plants and blocked the passage. After we turned off the irrigation system, all the plants withered and we can clear our way with a couple of shots at the dried roots. Going inside we will find a couple of wandering monsters and boxes with equipment. Now we go out into the corridor and run to the west wing.
Once in the western fields, we go for interrogation with Sue. Having started a conversation, we ask him about "Pigeon droppings", after which the guy confesses to what he did and marks it on the map infected points: contaminated pumping station, contaminated farm and village. Now we can safely go to the central building to see Professor Katie.

Central complex.
Having handed over the task to the professor, the girl will say that there is one last thing left to do. inject the vaccine into the water, which will prevent the infection from spreading further, and in addition will heal everything in the area, including us (if we were hit by one of the exploding plants).

Having received 5 jars of vaccine, let's go to northeast, along the way, in one of the rooms you can talk to a center employee and complete the quest to save the complex personnel. We move up the corridor, then we break the dried shoots and find ourselves in a room with a tank, which we need pour out all five received jars.
Having completed the assignment, the complex has been saved, the poison in our body has been neutralized, we return to Katie.

Afterwards, we head to the western wing, along the way we open the room, there is the last prisoner of the plants. Having freed the victim, we head to radio tower, having cleared it of plant shoots, activate the panel with one of repeaters. The radio tower is activated, all tasks in the SH center are completed, we can leave it by going to the city Highpool or disinfect the places on the map marked by Sue.

Highpool is in ruins.
Arriving in Highpool, we find the city in flames and ruins.
Having cleared the territory from mutated animals, we will go into one of the buildings in the west, inside the room we will see how the robbers interrogate the last living resident. After the dialogue, the survivor enters into a shootout with the offenders and we need to cover him, we act quickly, as they can kill him. Having dealt with the raiders, the guy will indicate on the map the location of the destroyers, and we can take revenge on them for what they did. Leaving the building, we go to the north of the location, where we will find a destroyed radio tower, reporting this to Vargas, we will receive new coordinates of the city not far from the Demont prison, where there is another tower.

Arriving in the town of Highpool, starting to move, we will stumble upon three enemies, having finished with them, take off and search the corpse of a civilian at the end of the house, you will find him slingshot. Afterwards you can enter the building to the west. Inside the room we will meet a girl named Jess-Belle. She will ask us for help, the essence of her problem is that the smashers want to break into her safe, in which her dowry is kept. Walking along the corridor, we will see these same violators wondering what is inside the safe. We interrupt their curiosity (we can, of course, break into the safe and take its contents for ourselves).

Leaving the building, we will see a group of bandits firing mortars at civilians. Having defeated them, we can use weapons against them using one of our skills.
On the right we will see a mined gate, behind it we will find a couple of boxes and a safe, inside them there are useful things and weapons. On the way up to the tower, in the west, there is an inconspicuous passage among the rocks; walking along the passage in the north near the pipe we will find an inadequate person from whom you can receive a quest to deliver mail to Highpool.
Going out into the clearing near the tower, we find ourselves witnessing a shootout between bandits and civilians. Let's get into the showdown. Having killed the robbers, we will find one of them balls to the slingshot. Having searched the bandits, we head to the control of the lift, with the help of which we will rise to the attacked town.
Let's explore the situation. Talk to the resident by name Marko Stachoueic, we learn that his house is on fire and we need to put it out using a pump, but the tap was torn out by a shell, and without a tap it’s impossible to turn on the water. We find a tap near the house and use it on the pump. The fire is extinguished, and we listen to thanks.
After going out to the square, we will see how children mock a captured Indian imprisoned in a cage. We talk with minors, from one of them we will receive a task find lost slingshot. We give back the toy we found in advance, and then free the Indian named Screaming Vulture. Also not far from the square there is a man named Adam Duchin his dog went missing Garuf, after talking with him, he will ask you to find the dog and give us the dog’s chewing knot. We go to the southwest, near the cemetery in the bushes we will find a dog. Using the knot, we return the pet to the owner, and if something goes wrong, we can shoot him, but this news will not make the owner happy. By going into the room with the doctor, we can fix the sewing machine Harold, for this we need to take behind his back motor and apply it on a sewing machine with great repair skills.

Having dealt with the residents, we go down into the tunnel, the entrance is in the west of the location, there is another entrance in the east, next to it there is a monument to increasing experience. Going down the western entrance, we will find a girl named Kate Preston, from her we learn that the measure is dead, the irrigation system will soon explode, and the girl is also running for the place of the measure, but in order for the residents to elect her, she needs to do a good deed, such as preventing the explosion of the irrigation system.
Standing in a small room, we will see: a scoreboard, a control panel with numbers from 1 to 10, and a central pump. Electricity is running out and we cannot open more than 2 compartments at the same time using the control panel,
therefore, we leave one of the team near the control panel, he will open the necessary doors and help the group move through the labyrinth, you should not get confused, each compartment is labeled above the door.
Our task is to help the girl turn on the four pumps that are in 4-5-9-10 compartments. Having come running to 10 compartment, we will not be able to turn on the pump, since it does not have a tap, so first it is better to run into compartment 2 and take the tap. In addition to the pumps in the labyrinth, there is also radio tower generator, the generator switching panel is located on the eastern wall in 6 compartment.
Turning on all pumps and generator, we return Katie, after the dialogue we activate the central pump, the pressure in the system drops, the irrigation system is saved, we get out and watch the election of a new measure.
After the elections, the votes are divided equally and the candidates go their separate ways. If we helped all the residents, then Katie will be chosen as a measure, otherwise Sean will become a measure.

Approaching Sean Berengin, we find out the location of the bandit camp "Bulwark of the Crusher". The camp will be marked on our map. Then we head to the radio tower and activate it using our repeater. Mission Complete. We can go to the Cx center, on the way we drop into the bandit camp and punish them for all their crimes.

Destroyed agricultural center.
Having arrived at the Cx-center location, we find that the entire area is in ruins, which is overgrown with mutated plants, among which monsters wander. After exploring the area for valuable items, we head to the main complex. Opposite the front entrance we will see a wounded man Dr. Patrick Larsen, having entered into a dialogue with him, he will ask to help him, if we do this, in the end we will have to fight with him. After killing him, we go to the northwest, where we find a destroyed radio tower. After which the authorities will contact us and warn us that another tower is not far from Prison Demont. We set off to the coordinates marked on the map.

Prison Village
Arriving at the prison village, our main task is find radiation suits. As you begin your journey north, you will meet a man with a goat named Fred Darvis. From him we learn that these lands were occupied by the Red Scorpions, they collect taxes and terrorize the population, he will also tell us about a guy named Red, who most likely knows where to find the suits, but he took refuge from this mess at the top of the hill and placed turrets around his home. Afterwards he will mention a code for deactivating the turrets, but it will not be valid since Red changes them often. We help Fred pull the cart out of the mud using brute force. Next, we go to explore the territory to the east, where we can find a woman who will ask us to repair the well.
In the west we will meet a farmer named William Brown, he will tell us that one of the local guardians of the law, nicknamed Pitbull stole his pigs. North of the farmers we will meet a sick woman named Anna Hegedas, when she sees us, she will ask to kill her, if we do this, the farmer and his family will hide from us.
We go east, near the houses we will meet Chris Vann Oweiberk with his gang, he will order us to pay taxes, we can refuse and kill them all.
Moving further east we come across monument, raising experience points a little higher above him, breaking down the gate, we will find cages with three prisoners, we free them, having first turned off the alarm. Having reached the fork, we can go through the scorpion camp, killing them all, approaching the globe, we will find ourselves at the farm. The second way is to kill a couple of wolves, hack the control of the electromagnetic cranes and use it to move the carriage that blocks the path to the new location. Having entered it, we will find ourselves in a cave in which there are red scorpions, having dealt with everyone, we will find ourselves on a farm. The third way is to run through the container through the moat, bypassing the scorpion camp and calmly move to a new location.

Having taken one of the paths to a new location, you will no longer be able to avoid battles. We move to the west of the map, being careful of the minefields, Red Scorpions will meet us there, having dealt with everyone, we head to the farm. Scorpions on the farm will be friendly as long as we don’t ruin their peace. There are several ways to do this. Open the safe without disabling the alarm; unsuccessfully release the pigs, which will be noticed by scorpions when escaping. The result is a shootout with a group of enemies. On the farm near the dovecote we will meet the former owner of the farm named Jobs, he will tell us how he had to rent out his farm to a scorpion named Jimmy at gunpoint. Jobs would like to bring the farm back, to do this we need to kill Captain Danforth, which is located in the east behind the turrets that tear people in half. You can get to it in two ways:
1. Hack the toaster in which we find drug "G" Having contacted the prison through the intercom, we find out that all their dogs are sick, informing them about the drug, they will let us in.
2. Repair the robot that is located next to the entrance to the prison area. To repair it, we need to find such a caterpillar that is located in Damonte.
Back to the character Redu, having previously passed the pig rescue task. Near the sick woman there is a gate that leads to a cave, through these caves we will get to Red. There is another way to get to Red: pick up the password for the turrets, or simply destroy them with a sniper rifle and a small supply of grenades. Having reached Red along one of the paths, we find out that he does not know where to get the suits, but he knows who has them, a guy named Rick Bajczewski, who is serving time in the Rangers' citadel.
We go to the citadel on the way to the globe, we will meet Pitbull, after we get even with him, Vargas will contact us and warn that our radio towers attacked by mechanical machines, and we need to fix this problem. Having dealt with the robots, we return to the Citadel.

Ranger Citadel.
Having arrived at the location, we go to the citadel. Having entered the room, we go into the office to Vargos we can give him what we found pages from Ace's diary, after the dialogue in the eastern wing we find a corporal named Flintlock Eggleston, you can give him what you found ranger star, then we can listen to his excursion. In the hall there is monument increasing experience points, as well as mini nuclear plant, activating which brings the game to a sad end.
Going into the next room, we find a doctor Eric Tideman and seriously ill Stephen Karl.
You can get treatment from a doctor, and then, if you give him painkiller he will thank you and use it on the patient. After this, we can enter into a dialogue with Karl, from the conversation we learn that he is very sick and we can help him by finding medicine in the location Darwin Village.
Next we are interested in a person named Robert Bowling, he is in the western wing and sells damaged weapons, but no one should know about this (if one of the rangers finds out about this, he will be arrested). From him we will receive another quest, the essence of which is to take the letter to his sister Katie to location Rail Nomads Camp.
We'll meet you in the next room Captain Ethyl Mercaptan we can give it to him mechanical leg and all sorts of things found interesting items. We'll get it for them applications, for which you can take modifiers and weapons for free.
In another room, which is located to the north Lieutenant Tan, selling grenades, it will be possible to hand over the found droppings to him for making weapons.
Having bypassed all the merchants, we go to Riku, it is located in a chamber in the northeast. After asking him about the suits, he will tell you that he hid them in one of his hiding places. We must free him by talking to the guard, in return he will indicate the location of the hiding place on the map "Rick's Trailer"

Rick's trailer.
Having arrived at the location, the authorities will contact us and ask us to return the prisoner after the operation back to the citadel for interrogation. We can do it return, A we can lie and say that Rick was killed.
Having chosen one of the answer options, Rick tells us safe password 733. Having opened the safe, we will find the long-awaited radiation suit (protection 4). Having put it on one of the characters, it begins to affect the entire team.

Mine Noviur Aries
After leaving the location, Rick's Trailer will hear a signal for help on the radio. People have been buried in the Noviur Aries mine, we are going to the northwest to find out the situation. Arriving at the location at the entrance to the cave, we will find two people Takayuki and Denis Semenov. After talking with Takayuki, we learn that people are buried in the mine and need to be pulled out of there; they themselves cannot, since the entire mine is infested with monsters. Taking Denis has a detonator, let's go inside. Having entered the mine, we hear the voice of one of the survivors, we move towards the group, destroying quite strong monsters on our way. Having found the group, we install the detonator and clear the way, activating it for the local residents, and then follow them out. Coming out of the mine, we can take on the team - Takayuki (quite a strong close combat fighter). Then you should talk to the beggar by name Isaac Leibovich, from him we learn about the place "Mysterious Temple", there we will find a semblance of a monument that increases experience points.

Rail Nomads Camp
We go to the location Rail Nomads Camp. Having begun his advance, a girl named Jessie and ask for help. We follow her, from the dialogue we understand that her friend fell into the lake and is drowning. We run to the scene, cross the bridge, and see a drowning guy. In order to help him, we need to knock down one of the pillars using brute force. We bring down that pillar that is without bones at the top Otherwise, if we knock down the wrong pole, we'll kill the guy.
Returning to the path, we continue to move north, at a dead end we will notice a guy in a pool of blood named Topecan. Approaching him, he will ask us for help. We put the guy on his feet using the surgery skill, then we listen to the story, from which we find out that there were disagreements between the two tribes, after which the Atkinson tribe placed explosive devices throughout the village.
Having completed the dialogue, we move north, having passed the fork, we will meet again Jessie, she will thank us for saving Ralphie, if we are attentive, we will notice next to her bombed bicycle, our task is to clear it out of harm’s way (without clearing the bike, the girl will die).
We move to the crossroads, follow the most northwestern path, at the end of it we will find near a reservoir, tortured corpse We take one of the rangers lying nearby star A.K.
We'll find it nearby turtle, lying on the shell, turn it over using one of the skills. As a token of gratitude, she will point us to cache hidden by homeless people. There is another way to find this treasure, we need to take a beggar named into the team Scotchmo(good sense of smell, in addition to a high level of proficiency with shotguns). Having decided to leave the location, Scotchmo will remember his hiding place, having found it with the help of scent, we will complete one of the minor quests.
Next we move along another path, which in the center will lead us to the cemetery, we will find one of the graves medal with a scribbled password Bellona, we can use the password on one of the safes in the location "Darwin's Village". And walking along the eastern path, we will stumble upon a friendly gang, and in the very corner of the map behind the pond there is radioactive mushroom(Torchok will ask for the mushroom).

It’s better to stop there for now with completing side quests. Since, having settled the problem of two warring tribes, all available characters are activated.
Heading to the leader Kekabe, which is located in one of the railway station buildings.
After talking with him, we will find out the current situation. Previously, both tribes lived in peace and harmony, the only bread was work on the railway tracks, but at one point one of the trains flew off the rails and lost the hand of the Topecan leader. Kebab blamed the Atkinson tribe and their leader for the incident. Casey James, after which he drove them out of the village, dooming them to death. Besides everything, he took away a holy relic called "Golden Crutch". This relic symbolizes superiority over all other railway tribes. In revenge, Casey James steals "brake shoe" from the second train, thereby depriving the Topecan tribe of trade.
This problem can be solved in a non-peaceful way, by stealing the Golden Crutch by first turning off the generator at the gate, and the second way is to find the “brake shoe” in the Atkinson camp and return it to Kebab.
Kebaba will refuse our help, but we can still get one of the quests, the essence of the task is to stop a gang of rail thieves who steal rails and sell them for metal.
Having said goodbye to the leader, before heading to the Atkinson camp, we’ll run into the trailer Holliday. Having entered into a dialogue with him, we find out that a gang of railway thieves stole part of his equipment and it needs to be returned (by returning the goods to Holliday, we will receive a discount on weapons).
Afterwards we run into another trailer to a collector of game cartridges and consoles Quorex, from him we will take the quest to find the console CD-i, which is missing from his amazing collection.
After talking with these characters, we go to the location of the Atkinson tribe. While exploring the area, we will enter into a shootout with one of the gangs on the bridge. Having dealt with them, we go to the northeast, where another clash awaits us with the same thieves who stole Halliday’s goods.
Having collected Holliday's goods, we go to the Atkinson camp, at the entrance to the camp we will meet a girl Melissa. After talking with her, she will warn us that if anyone else from the tribe dies, she will end this enmity by killing both leaders, and then commit suicide. After listening to the girl’s warning, we go into the second dwelling, there we will meet a junk dealer named John, you can give him the found one medal, having received it, he will tell us about the village of Darwin, after which we buy a console from him CD-i.
Having purchased a quest console, we go to the home Chisel(central house). When he sees us, Chisel will think that we have come for his soul and will tell how and why he dealt with Ranger Hel Roz, whose corpse we found near a pond in the beggars’ camp. As a result, Chisel will tell us that he will not leave the camp until the problem of the two tribes is resolved (having reconciled the tribes, Chisel can be taken into the group, he will be waiting for us near the exit from the Rail Nomads location).
After going around the Atkinson camp, we will stumble upon broken well, having repaired it, we will supply the residents with clean water. In the southern part of the camp we can fix the toaster, inside it we will find fertilizer sprayer, it can be attributed Melon Lewis to the location of the SH center, in return from it get melon +1 to charisma. Myself brake shoe hidden in the swing, in order to get it, we need apply firearms (let me remind you, this item will further aggravate tribal relations)
Afterwards we go into the home of the Atkinson leader. Casey James will turn out to be an uncompromising leader who categorically does not want to give up the shoe. From him we learn slightly different testimony. Kebaba himself arranged the train accident, because he was tired, he shares the profits with the Atkinsons. Words will flash in the dialogue, and we will understand that Jessie is Casey’s daughter, and she is now being held captive by the Topekans. Having offered him his help, he agrees to a tribal truce to save his daughter, but puts forward conditions. The conditions are simple, the Topekans must return his daughter and the golden crutch, after which the Atkinson tribe will repair the tracks, return the shoe and begin to share the profits.
Having a certain speaking skill (level 5) you can convince Casey to return the golden crutch by saying that this relic can be worshiped by both tribes, using it as a symbol of trade.
We return to Kebab, we talk about how Casey wants peace and is waiting for us at the entrance to the village. The leader will first complain to us that it was none of our business, but in the end he will agree, since he will be happy to repair the road with the help of a crutch.
Then Kebaba will put forward his conditions: Casey must stop the bloodshed of Topekan, after which he will release his daughter, he is also embarrassed by the fact that he lost his right hand in the war, and Casey John did not lose anything. Kebaba offers Casey to part with his left hand as a sign of reconciliation, then the debt will be paid in full and this act will serve to unite the tribes.
We go to the exit from the village, there we will see Casey John surrounded by his people, we enter into dialogue with him. The leader accepts Kebaba's terms and extends his hand to him as a sign of reconciliation, losing it forever.

We return with good news to Quorex, giving it to him game console, he will be happy and will give us scarps in return, having completed the quest, we leave his trailer and go to Holliday, having cleared the location of hostile thieves and returning his equipment to him, we will get a good discount in his shop. Afterwards we can look into the neighboring dwellings, there we will meet Gorkinovich and Samuel. Having speaking skill +4 , we can talk with Gorkinovich about the missing batch of alcohol, after this dialogue a location called "Gorkinovich Distillery". Having started a dialogue with Samuel, he will begin to move away from the conversation, in the end we will find out that he often traveled with Ace, taking advantage of his authority, but at one point they were attacked by one person who killed Ace and took the repeaters, but he managed to snatch the diary Ace and shoot off the offender's leg. After this conversation, Samuel will give us the diary. Attention! If you have on your team at this moment Angela Deth, then she will shoot Samuel, to avoid murder, wait until Angela leaves the squad.
We move north, entering the dwelling on the western side, inside the room we will meet a drug dealer named junkie, from him we will receive a search task radioactive mushroom. Having the mushroom in our arsenal, we can safely give it to him, thereby completing the quest. Afterwards, Torchok will ask us not to tell Chief Kekaba about him (having told the chief about the drug dealer, the chief will send people to eliminate him).

We return to the central road, move north along it, passing about statues, We can use the trainer skill on her. Will come out from under the statue trained rat, which will boost our team +1 intelligence.
Then we go into the first trailer, there we will find a girl Anna, which provides certain services for a certain amount of scrap.
Entering the neighboring trailer on the south side, inside it we will find Ranger Robert Bowling's sister by name Katie, having given her a letter from her brother, she will tell her story of how she ran away from pitbull, to whom she owes money, but he tracked her down and will appear soon. We can console her by saying that Pitbull is dead, if he is still alive, then she will shoot herself when leaving the trailer.
In the trailer opposite we will find Ralphie with his elderly mother, she will thank us for saving her son, and then offer to take him to her team, since she will not be able to feed him. Ralphie is strong in close combat, and also has well-pumped skills "toaster repair" And "disable alarm".
Afterwards, we go to the southwest of the location, explore the area and finish off the remaining enemies.
There in the mined clearing We will find a broken radio tower, it can be repaired if you did not have time to save both towers in the locations Highpool and SH Center, to do this you need to explore the places of broken towers and find the missing elements: antenna, control circuit, and then connect the power cable.
Crossing the bridge from the north side, towards us an armed stranger will get attached, who will kill our enemies with great zeal, shouting words in Latin.
Having dealt with all the enemy elements in the location, we go to the leader Kebab, we tell him that there are no more thieves, the leader, delighted with the news, will thank us with scarps, after which we can tell him about the location of the drug dealer, ridding the location of all drug addicts.
Having completed all matters, we leave the location and go to Darwin village, which is nearby.

Darwin Village
Having entered the location, we will see that the entire village is filled with zombies, they are inactive and it will not be difficult to destroy them. Having dealt with them, we approach the door in the west. Rose will open the door since she used to work in this place and knows the code, if she is not on the team, then use the computer technician skill. Open the door and go down go to the underground complex. Opening the safe in the corner we will find list with names crossed out in blood - Ace and Hell Razor.
Moving further we will find an adequate monster named Jen closed in a sealed chamber. Having entered into a dialogue with her, we learn the tragedy of the complex, how she broke a test tube with the virus and infected the entire laboratory. After which Jen will ask turn on the cleaning system buildings and not kill her mutated colleagues if possible.
Going down to the lower level, next to the trash, we'll find the display. Next we will find an extensive system of labyrinths with many traps and zombies. Moving along the corridors, we will find a room with a computer. Having a certain skill, we can extract from it floppy disk, also in this room on the shelf we will find cancer vaccine, which is necessary Stephen from the citadel. Leaving the room and passing further near the northern wall we will find purifier, by turning it on, we will save the complex. Having turned on the purifier, we go to the ventilation shaft, which will lead us to a creature named Night Terror surrounded by turrets. Once freed, he will become attached to our journey, begging for candy or other edible things.
Returning to Jen, she will thank us for the work done, and then ask us not to disclose this place to anyone, giving them time to conduct their experiments to save humanity.
We go to the Ranger Citadel, after talking with Vargas, we keep silent about the Darwin Village, saying that everyone died there, after a dialogue with him we go to Dr. Eric Tideman, giving him medicine to restore the patient. All things done, we go to the next location, which is located on east of the prison.

Tintan Canyon.
Arriving at the Tintana Canyon location, the authorities will contact us by radio and ask us urgently Angela Det will return to base. Having lost one fighter, we will see a broken caravan of travelers fighting off the raiders. Without wasting time, we save - Doc, we remember that for an unsuccessful attempt to provide assistance, we will enter into conflict with them, but if everything goes well, we will be able to buy medicines from the merchant at half the price. Afterwards, we enter into a conversation with Jill Yates from her we learn about these places, as well as about monks, raiders and deity. We can also get from her side quest, the essence of which is to find the shepherd Bart. After talking with Howdy You can piss him off and run into a shootout if you are persistently interested in his brother. It is better to know when to stop and end the dialogue with him at the right time.

This location can be passed in three ways, the outcome of which will be different for everyone. Our task is not to get involved in the war and not to accept one of the specific warring parties, but to quietly, peacefully resolve the conflict, which will give us the opportunity to complete all quests.
We move south, there we will witness a showdown in which a guy named Volume, taking revenge for his family, he killed a man with a mark, while he himself, without having it, will now be put on the wanted list of the mad monks. Having a high level of conversation, we can ask him about his problems and help find his wife. To do this, we follow him, protecting him from attacks by aggressive creatures when we arrive at Right place, we will see a not very pleasant picture. Tom will begin to dig a grave for his wife, by entering into dialogue with him, we will receive from him key.
Leaving the nook, we will meet a stranger on our way who will ask to follow him. Following in his footsteps, he will lead us to a safe place and ask us to help him overthrow the monks; we also have a chance to receive from him key V Headquarters of the Rattlesnake Squad having high speaking skill.
After talking with the stranger, we can go north, where we will meet Brother Chavez, having entered into a dialogue with him, he will ask you to go to the first checkpoint and ask for help from brother Franks.
Walking further along the path, we will witness how one rider attacked a companion named Sarah with her personal monk, Sarah paid tribute to the deity, and as a result, out of hopelessness, the monk blows himself up, taking the lives of everyone around him. Self-detonation can be avoided and Sarah can be saved; for this you need a sniper rifle and a certain skill in using it.
Further moving north along the path, we will stumble upon a raider camp; seeing that we have no monks, they will rush into battle. At this stage, it is better to avoid conflicts by bypassing the habitats of local authorities.
We move northwest to a place called checkpoint number one. There we will see that same brother named Franks. We can go through the gate if we agree to present a gift to the deity. After we agree, Franks will give us three empty containers they will need to be filled out "sludge". You can also tell him about the bandits calling themselves the church police and about brother Chavez needing help. If in our squad there is Ralphie you can come and talk to brother Ranel, from him we learn that Ralphie is his son, after the conversation the father will want to blow himself up. He can be dissuaded from this idea with improved conversational skills and returned to his family, which is located in the Railwaymen location; Ralphie will be very happy with this outcome of events.

Having agreed to collect sludge for the temple, Brother Franks will give us one of the monks named Shapiro. His presence will not allow raiders to attack our squad. Passing the checkpoint, we move to the southeast; along the way, at a fork in the road, soldiers will attack us; having dealt with them from the Order of Rattlesnakes, we move on in our direction. Having passed the turn, we will see one of the six barrels in the canyon with sludge surrounded by lizards. Having defeated them, we fill the empty containers received from brother Franks.
We move further south, there we will encounter a gang of raiders, we don’t have to be afraid of them, since we have a monk with us. Trying to collect sludge from another barrel, one of the guards tells us to do this. He can be deceived with the help of a certain conversational skill; if we believe us, the raider will put his hand in the barrel, which will lead to disastrous consequences for him.
Not far from this place we will find Bart imprisoned in a cell, we free him and take him to a fork, after which he will remember the road and independently go to meet Jill.
In the meantime, we will head west. In a nook we will meet the leader of a gang of raiders named Stinky Grunt. Having entered into a conversation with him, we will learn how his gang was completely destroyed by a group of unknown people, and he miraculously survived. Afterwards he will ask to be taken to one of the nearest checkpoints at our discretion. Having a conversational skill, we can promote it as a bonus for our service.
Having gone a little further, we come across another cluster of riders, one of them has caught two travelers and wants to deal with them, we can manage to stop him from this planned madness, saving a couple of lives. Also near the building near the northern wall, we will find another barrel with green slurry.
We head to the south of the location until we reach the destroyed checkpoint number two, next to the corpses of the monks we will come across a junk dealer with an iron hand named Gary Niger. After talking with him, we can go along the winding path and find on the hill monument increasing experience points.
Having returned and crossed the bridge, we will witness a quarrel between two raiders who cannot leave each other; their conflict can be resolved with the help of a pumped-up conversation.
Next, if we go west, we will find strange refrigerator, which is the secret entrance to the Rattlesnake base. It is better not to go to this place with Monk Shapiro, since his presence will lead to a conflict, by hacking the alarm and opening it, alliance soldiers will run out to meet us, entering into dialogue with us, they will ask to hand over their weapons. After we fulfill their request, we will go to their headquarters where they will be waiting for us Captain Sadler.
After talking with him, he will ask us to help his army and get rid of the mad monks, and will give us decoder, which we will have to install in the temple of the titans in the control room to the rocket control panel. Also, having a high speaking skill, we can beg him for weapons for his mission or find out about his illness and give drug "G" found in the prison location in a toaster near the turrets.
At the base, we have nothing else to do; we go to checkpoint number three, which is located in the southwest. At the bridge we will meet a water carrier and a man named Clyde he will ask us for a small supply of water at our discretion, and then tell us to talk about his problem at a nearby checkpoint.
We go to the checkpoint, there we will have to approach Gorski's brother and report Clyde's problem to him. After finishing the conversation, he will send his people to Clyde. We will also have the opportunity to save checkpoint number three from attack; for this we will need to climb to a hill, where we will neutralize three armed, unknown raiders. Having dealt with them, we go to the globe and move to a new location.

Temple of Titan.
And so, starting our movement in an easterly direction, we will meet Dale, who will always be confused in his testimony. Having a high speaking skill, we can help him by giving him one of the available containers with sludge, he will pour the liquid and return the container to us. As a token of gratitude, Dale will show us in the future a safe entrance to the tertiary of the secret complex. We move south near the gate and we will be met by people from the Order of Rattlesnakes. If we decide to help them, we can safely go through this door into the temple, but do not forget to get rid of the monk, as his presence will cause the order to attack you.
If you still want to go through the main gate that guards brother Roy Parsons then do not forget to fill the empty container with sludge; in the south there are a couple of barrels with this slurry. Having given three containers of sludge to brother Roy, we can go to the monks’ base.
Before reaching Brother Roy, we will meet a merchant named Mr Taggart, to the south of it is Buck Dinges by entering into dialogue with him we get Kevlar vest and some energy cells.
Going to the base, we can help Brother Staal fill three more empty containers with liquid as a sign of gratitude we'll get it from him nuclear grenade.

Entering into dialogue with father Enola we will receive a task to find brother Wright who disappeared in mine No. 7. Then appear on our map new location and father will let us pass through the gates that he guarded. In addition, Enola will hint that we should return the warhead to them, such an action would be very reasonable on our part.

But if we are interested in the whole truth about titanium, then we need to get inside the complex:
Dale, the guy we helped at the very beginning of our journey by giving him a container of liquid, will stand at the secret door to the temple, from which he knows password 60845.
Dr. Baum he will ask us for a favor, the point is to find him glasses, which are in the Highpool location, bringing them to him, he will issue a sick note to Dr. Sidney Kyle which can implant metal prostheses, the sick leave will serve as a ticket to the monks’ complex.
Having good speaking skills, we can convince brother Nero let us inside the complex, if he starts expressing his complaints, we can simply kill him.
Having penetrated the temple, we will find a prisoner of the monks named Brother Guano, we learn from him that the monks never had a warhead, and they only had a dummy of it, as a result of which they frightened the entire area with titanium, maintaining peace for 15 years. Guano will then add that Brother Wright betrayed his cult and wants to destroy the canyon by blowing up a titan.
By going to the dummy rocket, we can establish decoder to the control panel, this will serve as a signal for the Rattlesnake squad to attack, as a result of which all the monks will be destroyed.
Having made one of the next choices, we leave the complex and head to the globe. Having entered the wasteland location, we move north, along the way we will find Damont’s location. After which Vargas will contact us and ask us to immediately restore the radio tower, since he has picked up an unknown radio signal and wants to find out its location. The radio signal was talking about the development of cyborogs, the distribution of which had already begun forcibly.

The town was attacked by robots, most of its inhabitants were dead. We move to the southwest, there we will find a small building with survivors, led by our old friend Jill Yates. Having entered into a dialogue with her, she will ask you to find her runaway cows, and transmit their location. Afterwards, to help us, she will offer to take with us one of her people named Bart.

Having finished the conversation, we go to clear the city, it is better to start from the eastern part. Having reached the flimsy fence, we turn off the alarm, break the fence using brute force and hack the turret. Having reached Hopi auto repair shop, let's help a girl named Magi fight off the attacking robots. Having done her a favor, Magi will allow us to go inside the building after which we can enter into dialogue with the girls. Having given Maga anything we have firearms, we will receive in return machine gun "Big Betty", and having repaired the robot next to Hopi, we’ll get our own discobot.

Further moving west, we will meet Clyde. He will ask you to help him clear the office of the robots that have settled in it and repair the water tower. We run around the building and go inside, having dealt with the robots we will find a body Barnes, we can put it on it Sarah's medallion(found in the canyon), then lifting the page next to it, we find safe code 152260.
We are moving west, along the way we will meet a group of robots, having dealt with them, we will save a man named Hector Nguyen, having entered into a dialogue with him, he will ask you to find his daughter Bean alive or dead, we agree. Then we can fix the toaster. Inside which we will find "dog bones". They can be given to the prison warden, in return we will receive from him book + 1 for animal training. Leaving the building and going up the hill, we will find monument increasing skill points.
Next we will have a battle with robots. To make this task easier, run around the turret from the south side and hack it. Having run around the turret, we will come across a radio tower, we need to insert our repeater onto it, but this can be done after we kill the robots breaking into the room. Having defeated them, we approach the building and contact the intercom with Wally the Werewolf, having opened the doors for us, we can enter into dialogue with him. If you have found plate from the CX center location you can exchange it with him for record player. Having a high speaking skill, we can ask him key from the gate leading to the radio tower, and then the task of clearing the location of robots.
Having repaired the radio tower, we will receive a signal from which we will understand that the state of California has not been destroyed, after which the authorities will ask us to come to the citadel as soon as possible.

Near the radio tower you can see Reda Bajchowski, holed up in one of the crashed planes. We help him fight off the robots. But we are in no hurry to enter into dialogue with him just yet. Let's return to him later, because if he gets attached to us, he will be killed.

While clearing the location from robots, we will stumble upon a northern dead end cows Jill. And then we find a rusty hangar. Inside which is another hostage and Hector's daughter on which experiments are carried out, mechanical organs are implanted into it. Before freeing them, we will enter into a difficult battle with robots and a humanoid creature nicknamed Tinsmith. Having taken half the lives of the tinsmith, he will stop the battle, and at this time we must hack the terminal that is on the left in the corner without being seen by the robots. This will subsequently prevent the Tin Man from activating an explosive device in the chest of the unfortunate girl. After the tinsmith resumed the battle, taking a few more lives from him, he again stopped the fight, threatening to kill Bean, and we are at this time
I'm hacking into the computer at the terminal. Without fearing for the girl, we boldly deal with the Tin Man (having secured the girl, be careful when firing a weapon and do not hit Bean, as this will lead to a disastrous outcome). Having won, we examine the body of the Tinsmith, and in the end we will find the quest item "The Tin Man's Finger", after looking into the box on the eastern side of the room, we will find in it tank caterpillar TRL-01553, which is needed for the robot at the entrance to the prison. Using the tinsmith's finger on the cage, we will release a person named Lexicanium, having become a victim of scientific experiments, Lexicanium has a high mental ability and is a good melee fighter using his metal hands. Afterwards, we free Bean and return her to her father, telling him about her difficult fate.
Next we go to Red. After talking with him, we find out that he came here for the treasure, which is located in the aircraft cemetery in the location missile base number 7. Let's go there, not forgetting to visit along the way Gil Yates, and tell her about the whereabouts of her cattle.

Missile base number seven.
Having arrived at the location and starting your movement, you will come across two turrets, one of which can be carefully hacked, and the second, having noticed us, will begin to attack; it is easier to hack it after two moves than to engage in battle. We go along the western tunnel,
having reached a dead end, we find secret passage, leading to the plane containing Red's treasure. Opening the farthest box, we find screwdriver, it will be possible to open one of the gratings located on the floor of the plane. Having opened the necessary grate, we will find the treasure that Red spoke about.
Next, we leave the plane and head to the complex, clearing mines along the way for safe passage. Inside the complex we will meet brother Wright, who will tell you that he tried to defuse the warhead to prevent a disaster, but it didn’t work out for him. Afterwards he will ask to kill him if we decide to return the warhead to one of the groups. Having said this, Brother Wright will await our choice. You can deal with the warhead in the following ways: Defuse it, send it to the rattlesnake camp, or send it to the monks. Having made our choice, we will later face its consequences by returning to the Titan Temple location.
Moving through the wasteland, the authorities will contact us and warn us that we need to deal with the red scorpions, since they have united all their forces and are terrorizing the local population under the leadership of Denford holed up in an old prison.
Attention! After this dialogue, the game may appear bug. The dialogue cannot be closed. You can solve this problem by changing the language in the game menu, from Russian to English, and when you arrive at the prison location, return everything to its place.

Having arrived at the place, we will encounter a detachment of red scorpions, having killed everyone, we go to the old prison. Approaching the prison, at the gate we use a tank caterpillar on the robot, after activating it, the robot will ask whether organic or
inorganic choosing the second option, the robot will drive up to the turrets and destroy them. We enter the prison territory and decide Denford's fate. Then on the path we will meet Jobs, who will thank us for helping him return the farm, and then tell us that it was he who poisoned all Denford’s dogs, wanting to attract our attention.

Ranger Citadel.
We leave the location and go to the rangers' citadel. Having met Vargas in the citadel, he will tell us crazy information, and then ask if we have finished all our business, if so, we are going to California, sitting in the chairs of a helicopter.

Santa Fe Springs.
So, after the flight, our helicopter crashes in the Santa Fe Springs location. Having started our movement, we meet Dave shooting from irradiated dogs, joining his occupation, we kill all the dogs. After entering into a dialogue with him, he will tell us about the situation and ask us to treat his leg, and then find Wade Woodson, who went to establish a signal with the citadel and disappeared. Woodson is in the next building, having found it, he will ask you to clear it
location from dogs and patch holes in the fence through which dogs enter the territory. Leaving the building, we will find a crane with a bag hanging on it; you can knock it down with a targeted shot at the inside; we will find a powerful rifle. We stock up not far from this place building material and we set off to clear the area of ​​dogs, and at the same time repair the gaps in the walls (there are five in total). Before you go on a mission, you need to visit Dave and tell him that everything is fine with Uedom.
Having completed Woodson's task, we go to him. During this time, he moved to the neighboring building, which is to the south; entering it, we will find the dying Dave. Upon learning that the walls have been repaired, he will die. Afterwards, Woodson will give us four main tasks:
1. Improve protective suits with help cat litters(enough for improvement 8 bags), bags are scattered in different locations across the state.
2. Establish contact with the citadel in Arizona.
3. Investigate the attack on the group " Foxtrot" and find out what happened to the soldiers.
4. Increase radio broadcast radius in Los Angeles.
After the dialogue, Woodson will give us the key to the southern gate and, after we leave, will close the gate again, for security purposes.
In the meantime, we will move on to the next location.

Arriving at the Cerritos location, we will meet an elderly woman on our way, she will ask us to stop the gang and return her cattle. Before
go rescue livestock, talk to the seller Tom, you can buy valuable things from him. Afterwards we overtake a gang of cows leading away to their camp. When starting a conversation with a type 12 brother (Matthew's collector), do not mention that you are rangers. After the bandits mark a new location on our map, we can kill them all and return the cattle to the owner. You need to act quickly, as bandits can take away the livestock if they leave the location.

Los Amitos.
Once in this location, on the western side we will find a dying man named Dakkar-Fiery I
streb. Raising him to his feet, he will tell us that as soon as he took an interesting thing from a pile of rubbish, he was attacked by robots located on the eastern side, and he faithful dogs They ran away out of fear and we need to find them. We go to the northeast, passing friendly robots, there we will find Dakkar dogs named Jake and Luke, who need to be lured, with the skill of a trainer and taken to the owner, a stranger named Probst will also come to us, and we will also find cat litter, taking which from We will have problems with robots. After leaving the location and going out onto the map, you will find a new city.

Arriving in Rodia, we will see a merchant Samuel, you can buy valuable things from him. Afterwards we will witness how at a checkpoint a gang in leather suits will deal with travelers trying to get into the city without paying for ammunition.
We can go through this city, as always, in two ways: the first - we can call it insidious (a little further you will find out why), by paying at the checkpoint, and entering the city we will deal with the gang from the inside without waving a weapon, and the second - by refusing to pay them, we will join The battle, having completely ruined relations with the gang, will no longer be possible to dream of a quiet walk in this city as long as there is at least one living element of the group in it.
Our main task is to repair the radio tower and collect cat litter.
So, we head to the casino, there we will meet the bartender Wilrica Kella, having entered into a conversation with him, he will ask us chloral hydrate. Having passed further north, we will stumble upon a significant man in the circle of the gang, nicknamed Pat Topor. Next, we can visit a brothel; do not even think about having sexual relations with girls, as you risk contracting a sexually transmitted disease.
We go to the west of the location, in the hospital we will find Etelina, Samga and Dr. Robert Horchat, we need him. After talking with him, he will ask us to find microscope, which is located in the location "Temple of Angels", marking it on the map accordingly. Near the doctor in one of the drawers we will find the chloral hydrate that the bartender asked for. We return to Wilrick, give it to him, we will receive the ingredient in return poisoned drink, she can be woken up to treat Pat Topor.
We go to the east of the map to the distillation shop. At the threshold of the building we will be met by a boss nicknamed Hairy Greek. Having entered into a dialogue with him, we can use one of the conversational skills, saying that we want to go inside and in order to buy a couple of barrels of tequila, without having the skill, he will drive us away. Entering the room, we select an empty bottle. In the farthest room we can find the mayor's son named Chris in the arms of a lady (we won’t even think of killing a guy, he won’t be very happy about this event). In the corner near the bed we can find a note with code from cell 2369 that is in the bank. We leave the building and go to the north of the location, we need to find a well which is located in the field where agave is grown. Having found a well, we fill an empty bottle with water and take it to the Hairy Greek. Having quenched his thirst for the Greek, we go to the north-west of the location to the farm Wills.
Willa raises possums. Having entered into a dialogue with her, she will tell you that one of her pets named Pogo was irradiated. This is what we need, we buy it steak made from the meat of a sick possum. Before leaving the farm, we can search its northern part, where we will find cat litter. Having picked up the filler, we head southwest to Obigganu. At the threshold of the building we will be met by a security guard, and having entered into a dialogue with him, he will let us inside. In the front of the building we will come across a secretary; after talking with her, she will ask us to free the mayor, in return for our work done, she will tell us the location of her treasure. We go into Obigann’s office, starting a conversation, treat him to steak. We can also talk to you in the office Lieutenant Dengler, he will ask you to convince Jess to grow agave, and then sell its seeds to him. Having gone to Jess, she will abandon this idea. Having a high speaking skill, we can avoid bloodshed by deceiving Dengler and paying him 40 rounds. The lieutenant's second task will be to find drink recipe. The recipe is in the jar, you can get into it in two ways, one of them is safe, to do this we go to the agave field and break into the secret passage that leads to the sewer. In the sewer we will find cat litter. Having climbed the stairs, we will find ourselves in the bank, open the door, take the drink recipe, and return to Dengler.
Having fed and watered the important figures of the gang, we can safely go to the center of the location where the Mera is being held. The entrance to the territory is guarded. Having dealt with the guards, all the exhausted gang leaders, whom we skillfully worked on, will come running to us. Killing them will not be difficult, since after our treats they life force will drop to 80 points. After killing the leaders, the group in the leather suit will break up, and they will all run away from the location. And the second path is no less bloodthirsty; you can resort to it at any time if something does not go according to plan.

We release the measure using the control panel, but first you must find a toaster inside the building located on the eastern side of the perimeter, enclosed by a fence. There will be shampoo inside the toaster. Next to the cage in which the measure was locked, we will find a radio tower, but we will not be able to install a repeater yet. Let's follow the measure. Having entered the room, we speak with the secretary, she will thank us for saving the mayor and mark her treasure on the map.
We just have to fix the radio tower. Can help us here Virgil, let's go to him. Having entered into a dialogue with him, he will ask you to return his possum named Satan and separate Dante with his wife, who wants to find out with Dengler where he keeps the money, after the services we provide, he will repair the tower. We go to the field, there, using the trainer skill, we lure possum. And we return him to the owner, now it remains to deal with Dante and his wife. Arriving at the house Dante, having entered into a dialogue with him, we find out that when we drove away the gang, his wife ran away with Dengler. We tell Dante that Virgil is waiting for him, reunite the couple and receive from him hot potatoes.

Of course, the outcome of events may be different if you come to Dante before the release of the measure. Then Dante will need to tell about the plan of his wife and Dengeler and offer to come with us and eavesdrop on the conversation with the lieutenant. As a result, having opened Dante’s eyes, we will enter into battle. Having dealt with the enemy
om, Dante will return to Virgil.

We go to Virgil, after we returned his loved ones, he goes to repair the tower, we follow him. Having arrived at the tower, all that remains is to insert the repeater and listen to Vargas’ praise. The adventures in Rodia do not end here as we have not yet found microscope doctor and did not solve the problem with the poisoned well. We leave the location.

And so, having entered the mini-map, you don’t have to go to the Temple of the Angel, but rather wander around the area until one of the locations called Playa del Rey or the Baldwin Mountains opens. The fact is that upon entering the Temple of the Guardian Angel, he will consider us inadequate, all because of the fake rangers who pretended to be us, sullied our reputation and the attitude of the guards towards us.

Playa del Rey.
Arriving at the location, we will find a bloody battle, as well as a nailed star of the rangers. A squad of proofreaders will consider this to be our doing; they can be killed or convinced by going to the Baldwin Mountain location to restore our honor and find answers that interest us to unclear circumstances.
After making a certain choice, we can explore the location, here we will find: cat litter, a toaster inside of which lie gloves and also broken GPS device, we found a display from it in Darwin Village.

Baldwin Mountains.
Arriving at the location, deal with the fake rangers, then explain this situation Roger Lee. After our story, the captain of the proofreaders will appear, who will thank us for exposing the false rangers and put in a good word about us in the Temple of the Angel location. Having searched the location on the western side, we will find a safe, cracking it, we will find cat litter.

Aneg Temple.
Having entered the territory of the temple, we will find a corridor of entrusted people. This place is ruled by a bloodthirsty cannibal named Mr Manners. We begin to explore the location, immediately at the entrance on the left side we will find rope, we will need it to help us get a girl named Sandra, from a tree. Afterwards in the east wing we will find beggar, who will ask not to hand him over to local authorities. Using brute force, we break down the decrepit fence and find wild boars at the tower behind it.
There is also such a wall in the western wing, next to the monument that increases experience points. Having explored the foot of the temple, we turn to the guards. Having entered into a conversation with a soldier named Llewelyn, we can report to him about the girl in the tree and the beggar (later seeing us, he will reproach our choice) after the guard will ask us for one favor, to convey flask with water security guard named Darla, guarding the eastern wall on the tower. Having finished the dialogue, the guards will open the gates to the temple, and we, taking the flask, will go to the tower. To transfer water, place the flask in the sentry’s bucket. Let's go to the temple. If we have not met the above locations, then we will need to answer stupid questions, two guards who will stop us.
Having answered all the questions, we go inside. He will meet us at the crossroads Sheriff Marshall, who will tell you about correct behavior in the temple. Afterwards we can go into the kitchen, where we will meet the cook Sam Posten, he will tell you about his trouble and ask you to find him a heating element for his stove.
Leaving the kitchen, we will stumble upon one of the important personalities in this location named Tori Robbinson. We go further to the west in front of the door we will meet Sandra's family, after talking with them we will get ration coupon Having found the door, we go into it. Upon entering the room we will find Nurse Flinkman from whom we can take the quest to obtain the necessary ingredients for the medicine and Dr. Edvinson who has microscope which we need to complete the task in Rodia. Having entered into a conversation with the doctor, he will refuse to give it to us, but if we
high speaking skill, then we can beg it or take it away threateningly. In worst cases microscope can be stolen from the next room from the table. The doctor will also tell you that Manners is a cannibal and ask you to turn off the freezers with human meat.
We leave the room and head to the center of the location, going down the stairs, we will come across a merchant Osmond, you can buy good weapons from her. Walking a little west, we will meet an old man Mr. Paladino who will ask you to find him glue for dentures after we agree to help him, he will mark the location of the glue on the map.
Next, we will hear a conversation near the old man, from which we will find out that the guy Arjuna Rabindranath could be executed because he has dandruff. We can help him get rid of this scourge by giving shampoo, which was found in the location Rodia, thereby saving him from death.
Afterwards we can approach the prisoner by name Fletcher, he will ask you to find evidence of his innocence. Having agreed to investigate his case, after our conversation he disappears, and Mr. Manners orders the guards to capture us. After talking with the sheriff, we can leave one of our people from the group as collateral and proceed with the investigation ourselves, or we can simply go the other way and kill everyone who gets in our way. It is better, of course, to resolve this issue by mine.
We go to the western wing, entering the door, we will find ourselves in the restroom; on the western side we can enter a small hole that will lead us to the basement. We head to the eastern tunnel, at a dead end we will find evidence, missing tools, which will be tedious to return to the owners (Paladino's watch, Linda's tools, Flinkman's medicine) and the robot's corpse, then we explore the basement, in one of the rooms we will find cat litter. Rising from the other side, we will find ourselves in a small room with guards, next to them we will see a panel radio tower control. Having made our way behind the guard, we can install our repeater in it, thereby activating the tower. Then we return to the surface and take the evidence to Mr. Manners, after talking with the guy Jonathon, who is accused of stealing the items we found in the basement. We distribute the missing items and prove Jonathan’s innocence. After talking with the cannibal, we can convince him and set him on the right path by eating beef, he will like this idea and he will give us letter of intent.
Leaving his office, we will go to look for evidence of the escape. And the evidence will be the traces of Fletcher's kidnapping, which will lie from his cage to the ventilation shaft. Along the way we will meet two witnesses - this Roger Yee and his wife Elizabeth By pressing on her with the help of conversational skills, we will find out the truth. At the ventilation shaft we can talk to Linday Lou who will ask you to bring her fan. We can buy a fan from the Osmond merchant at the entrance to the stadium. Going to the farm, we will meet Intan White who has a problem milking goats because his hands are very cold and he needs to find gloves. We give back the gloves found in the toaster in the location Playa del Rey.
We return to Mr. Manners and report to him the progress of the investigation. He will thank us and ask us to free our colleague from captivity.
Attention! If your squad consists of six people, then a bug is possible. The prisoner will never be able to get out of the cage and will remain standing in it. To prevent this incident, fire one of your soldiers, and then take him back to the squad, as the prisoner returns to your team.
Afterwards, Mr. Manners will ask you to find the intriguer Tori Robbinson, who wants to take his place and bring her head to his table. Starting a conversation about cat litter, the cannibal will say that he needs them for his beloved cats whom he loves very much, and then he will add that toast he loves more, but the cook’s stove is broken, so if we fixed it, he would give them to us. After finishing the dialogue, Tori Robbinson's location will appear on the map.

Dentist Brentwood.
Having entered the territory of the city, robots will attack us, having dealt with them, we move north across the bridge, where we will meet
Bill family. Among all the brothers we are interested in Dentist Bill, after telling him Mr. Paladino's problem with the lack of jaw glue, he will say that he will help us, but first we must bring him painkiller. If it is there, great, but if not, we run behind the house, there we will find a box, breaking it open, you will find the necessary one inside glue.
Afterwards we talk with Curly Bill he wants to get "Blank sheet" which will erase all his sins, and he also needs a lot of weapons to carry out a new terrorist attack. We can stop him by engaging in battle with the brothers.
But for a peaceful passage, you must show the order of a cannibal who is interested in the supply of fresh meat. Curly Bill, without hesitation, will kill one of his cows and give us the desired specimen for testing.

Los Angeles Aqueduct.
Having made our choice and decided to deal with Tory Robbinson, we go to her camp, bypassing the minefield. By entering into dialogue with her, she will want to convince us and rally together against the cannibal. We refuse and enter into a merciless
battle. After killing Tori, we take her head and before leaving the location repairing a toaster, inside it we will find a heating element. We return to the Temple of Angels. On the way to Mr. Manners, we give the heating element to the cook, Mr. Paladino his glue, and then we go to the cannibal.
Having started a conversation with Manners, we give him beef meat to try, he will like it, then we give the head of the intriguing Tori, the cannibal will say that he would have eaten her head, but he gave up on this matter, after which we never cease to amaze him and tell him that we fixed the stove cook, Mr. Manners will be delighted with this turn of events and will gladly part with all his supplies of cat litter.

You can replay it in another way from the place when we began to investigate the case of Fletcher’s disappearance. After talking with all the witnesses, we will go out to Gina Cornica, which is located on the tower, he will tell you that he saw two people dragging Fletcher, then we go to the dining room and find Tory, having entered into a dialogue with her, we will have a new outcome of the conversation. After finishing the conversation with her, she will mark the location of the refugee, we go after him. We return Fletcher safe and sound to the temple, the cannibal executes him, and Tory Robbinson starts a rebellion to overthrow Manners from the throne.

We return with the microscope to the doctor Robert Horchata, having given the microscope, we will receive from the doctor as a sign of respect cat litter bag. Then the doctor will give us a hook and ask us to fish out an unknown body from the bottom of the well. Taking hook, let's go to the well. Having arrived at it, we activate the hook in the inventory and we get the body of a synthetic robot. We go to the doctor and tell us what was at the bottom, after which Robert will give us disinfectant, which we will have to add to the well. Having completed his task, we return to the doctor, listen to his thanks and leave the location.

Long Beach.
Having arrived at the location, we will find an old merchant at the entrance, going further to the south, a gang of children of the citadel will run to us and ask us to save them from the attacking robots. Having agreed to help them, we can demand a reward from them, in the conversation do not mention that you are rangers, this way you will avoid conflict, after which they will mark the location on the map Tyuleniy Beach. Having dealt with the robots, we select cat litter, and then we demand the promised reward from the gang.

Santa Monica.
Arriving in Santa Monica, we will witness the execution of a man for eating seafood. We enter into dialogue with the executioner Pastor Jinto. In a conversation, we can change the course of events by attacking the gang or killing the sinner ourselves. It is better to run away from the place of execution and start a fight. Having dealt with the gang of saints, we will take the quest item from the pastor’s body bag of zeolite.

Brothel - Calversity.
Upon entering the location, we will meet two girls of easy virtue, they will ask you to kill the gang of holy militia, holed up in the brothel.

La Cienega.
Arriving at the location, we will again encounter a gang of holy militia who will want to shoot civilians before our eyes. We stop them and take them from the dead body of the leader bag of zeolite.

Once in the location, people will run up to us and ask us to save their house from a giant robot. Walking west, a big one will come out of the house. Scorpitron, destroying it to the ground. As the battle progresses, we need to place people with shotguns as close as possible, but not too close to the robot, since it activates the flamethrower. While conducting a firefight, the robot will release small scorpions, which soldiers with shotguns will have to take on. Having dealt with the scorpitron, we approach Igg Humperdinck, we listen to his gratitude, and then we buy weapons.

Salt Lake Park.
We go to the north of the location, having found a house, we approach the gate and communicate through the intercom with the owner of the house by name Alex Dupre. He's not very talkative
You will be allowed to look at your product only after prepayment. We can give him an advance, but it's better to go to the northwest and deal with the honey badgers. Having dealt with them, take with you something from the remains of animals. Then go to the barn, where you will find cat litter. We return to Alex and say that we have saved him from annoying creatures, the owner will ask for evidence, which we can immediately provide. As a sign of gratitude, he will still show us his arsenal. Returning to the globes, we will be ambushed by robots.

Having collected 8 bags of cat litter, we can safely return to Wade Woodson, which is waiting for us at the Santa Fe Springs location.

Santa Fe Springs.
Having entered the city, we go to the building where Woodson is waiting for us. Having given him 8 bags of filler, he will say that this is enough, but improving the costumes will take some time, and we should take a walk through unknown locations. We return to the globe, opening the gate, we will meet two travelers Brother Thomas And Ertana who will gladly join our ranks.

Before we even begin to move across the state, we receive a distress signal. Arriving at the Whittier location, we will fall into a trap. The person who called our squad will ask us for an apology, after which he will be killed by a robot that comes out from around the corner of the building. The battle will be fierce, it is better to take the soldiers north to the corner, and then begin to fight off the fierce attacks of the enemy. Having dealt with the gang, we leave the location.

Santa Fe Springs.
After leaving the Whittier location, Woodson will contact us by radio and make us happy, saying that the costumes are ready. We drop everything and go to him (having received the suits, their protection will be five units from radiation. To increase the defense level to six, Woodson will ask you to find more bags of pure ziolite). After we take the suits, robots will attack us, making a hole in the wall. Having destroyed them, we put on a suit and go to the location Hollywood.

Having entered the land of Hollywood, we move along the street to the north, on the way we will meet Ratboy, who will tell us information about this location if we buy at least something from his product.
Not far from Ratboy, we will see a girl named Ma Brown, having entered into a dialogue with her, she will ask us for help. She has her own
restaurant, but oh Fitzer Lam doesn't sign a permit for her to use it, so Ma Brown wants us to help solve this problem.
Having finished the conversation with the girl, we move along the street to the west, on the way we will meet Mary, which in horror will begin to ask us to clear the cemetery of wild animals. Having entered the territory of the cemetery, we kill the animals that stopped the burial ceremony of the deceased.
Having dealt with the animals, we explore the territory of the cemetery. In the south we will meet cemeteries Raji who turns out to be not very affectionate and talkative. Not far from it we will find monument raising experience points and a gravedigger named Johnny Maloney, from whom we can take a side quest, the essence of which is to kill animals desecrating graves.
Coming out of the cemetery we will see the same one Officer Lama standing on the other side of the road. Having entered into a dialogue with him, we convince him using the skill "bully" give us permission to operate the Brown restaurant. Having received it, we can return and make the girl happy.
Near the officer we will meet a sectarian Alexa Falka, after talking with him, we can take a test that will decide whether we can join Matthew's army. Having turned from the intersection, we move into the brothel building, there we will meet its owner named Heidi Hollander, who will ask you to find out what happened to her best employee named Veronica, and whether she accidentally fell in love with someone. We enter Veronica's apartment and enter into a dialogue with her; she does not want to talk about her problem, since she is worried about more serious problems, such as slave trade and drug trafficking, which reigns in Hollywood. We agree to look into this matter and provide her with evidence, after which Veronica will warn us that it is better to start our search from the Duke of Schwag’s cafe.
Entering the room opposite, we will find secret button, by activating it, we will be able to get into the secret room,
which has a connection to the city sewer. Going down into the sewer, we will meet crazy uncle Wilpool, who asks to fix his toaster, having fixed it, we will receive from his uncle pass card to the room next to him. Further exploring the tunnels, we will find a laboratory for the production of drugs and drug dealers, but we will not find the evidence that interests us.
We leave the sewer using this exit, and head to Duke of Schwage's cafe. Upon entering the premises, we will find a waitress named Flo. Having started a conversation with the girl, she will ask you to go with her to a safer place, or rather to the cemetery. Arriving at the cemeteries, Flo will ask you to take a closer look at the inhabitants of the cafe, as well as its owner, Duke Schwag. We return back to the cafe and enter into dialogue with his client nicknamed Zinger, starting to ask him about the slave trade, he will ask us to come to his office and leave the premises. Following him, we will come to the east of the location, where a gang of slave traders will attack us. Having dealt with them, we go down to the basement through a secret hole near the sofa. Having gone down, we find prisoners and Zhivchik with his guards. We kill the slave traders, free the prisoners, explore the room to find evidence and again nothing.

Evidence of all the city's dirty business is located in the office of the Duke of Schwag, in the café building. You can get to it by hacking the computer panel near the door or actually knocking down the door using "brute force" Having dealt with the guards and the Duke himself, search the office, in the safe you will find evidence of “black accounting records”. After leaving the office, talk to Flo she will be upset that she worked for such a scoundrel for so long. Meanwhile, we go to Veronica’s brothel. After providing her with the evidence, she will ask to show it to Heidi Hollander. Having shown the evidence to the owner of the brothel, we can return to Veronica and ask about her lover. Veronica will tell you that she fell in love with a man in a mask who calls himself A broken man, who often turns to her services, but lately he hasn’t come in and she’s worried about him, after which the girl will ask her to find him.

We return to the owner of the brothel, tell her the whole situation, after the dialogue we can receive from her an additional task, the essence of which is to get into the bastion of the Holy Militia, which is located in the location Griffith Park and open the gates to her troops for the successful defeat of her enemies.
We are in no hurry to leave Hollywood, as we still have unfinished tasks. Leaving the brothel, we cross the street and find among the crowd of people the owner of the casino named Manny Wong. He will ask you to find his chips, which he stole Chris is the king.
At the crossroads we will meet married couple George Lin and his wife Martha. They will tell you that their store is infested with cockroaches, and they will get back to work as soon as they clean it up. We agree to help them, entering the building, we will find many corpses of insects and unsightly puppy it can be scared away using the badass skill, or it can be tamed using the trainer skill. After leaving the building, we inform the owners that the premises have been cleared of insects, and they will immediately begin trading.
Next, another shop awaits us, selling t Rambo. You can seriously purchase weapons from him if your finances allow it.
Leaving the store and turning north at the intersection, we will see TV broadcasting Matthew he will ask you to join his army. I refused, but you decide for yourself what to do. After my refusal, Matthew began to threaten that he would deal with the rangers' stronghold.
To the left of the TV we will find unsightly blockage of bricks. Behind it lies a secret passage to the bastion of the monks; passing along it, we will cut off an impressive distance. You can clear the rubble using explosives.
We go to the east of the location, where there is a passage to the neighboring city.

Los Feliz.
Having arrived at a new location, at the entrance we will meet a merchant named Jason Tseng, we’ll meet him not far Edwina, having entered into a dialogue with him, we say that we want to enter into
the ranks of the band of saints, after which he will send us to Preacher Gunderson. On the way to the preacher we approach monument, and then we go into the building opposite. We will meet indoors Chris the King gambling , he stole it chips at Manny's. We enter into dialogue with him and find out the location of the chips using a certain skill. The chips are located in the farthest room of the building in one of the boxes. Afterwards we talk with all visitors: Julianne Capps, Doc Cleric and Alex Bermudez, Alex will ask us for help, and will join our ranks until we pull his brother out of the bastion Louis.
We leave the building and move to the north of the location, where we will meet the preacher Gunderson's revelation, we tell him that we want to pass the tests, after which he will let us into Griffith Park.

Griffith Park.
Having entered the park, we will encounter wild animals, we will have to fight them in a minefield, this fact can play to our advantage. Having dealt with the animals, we will approach the checkpoint guarding the gate to the bastion.
From this moment we must choose our further actions. We can help Heidi's troops penetrate the territory of the bastion, and this choice will destroy all the key characters inside the temple. To do this, you need to engage in battle with the guards, calm down the guards, shoot at the gate control panel, after this action the gate will open, and our allies will rush to enter the territory of the bastion.

The second path is less bloodthirsty and more interesting. Standing at the gate we enter into dialogue with Preacher Inflexibility Garza, then he will ask if we want to challenge him, we say yes and a fight ensues. After the shootout, the preacher will think we deserve respect. After his words, we can go to the territory of the bastion. Attention! Once you start a fight, don't hit the door control panel with a ricochet.

Passing through the gate on the western side, we will meet brother Luis Bermudez, the brothers will engage in a short conversation, after which Alex will leave our squad, telling his brother that he will wait for his release in the pilgrim camp. We can start a shootout and free Louis, then all the cultists will be angry with us.

Coming out of the nook, let's head towards monument Having raised experience points, we will go inside the temple. We can buy a weapon in the corner; before we can go deep into the room, it will become attached to us. Holiness White and will ask to show him our backpacks for the presence of alcohol and drugs. Not
having found neither one nor the other, he will leave the temple. We go to the northern wing of the temple, there we will meet Ascension McDade, having entered into a dialogue with him, he will ask us for help, the essence is to find dirt on the Mazer Curse. Afterwards we can explore the room, in the corner we will find hidden tunnel leading to Hollywood location, and on McDade's desk we will find Broken Man mask. Having found these clues, we will understand that McDade is Veronica's lover.
We go to the west of the temple, there we will meet Vera Meiser, she will tell us about her new husband Curse of Meisere, whom she was never able to love after the death of her fiancé named Simms. After she asks you to join her sect, we join without hesitation. Having entered the Faith Sect, her current husband will appear from the door and ask us for a favor, the essence of the task is to kill two shepherds. Ignoring him, we go to the south of the temple, there we will meet Caroo Jones, who will also give his assignment similar to the assignment of his colleagues.

To find dirt on Meiser we need to climb to the roof of the temple, there we will find booze, we take all the alcohol, having previously cleared the box. We get down and go to the courtyard of the bastion to the very shepherd who was looking for alcohol from us. Intoxicated White will tell us that it was he who killed Vera Simms' fiancé at Mather's request, then he will add that after he killed him he removed it eye, which he keeps on a podium near his workplace. The eye is located next to White and any attempts to approach him will end in a shootout. To get an eye, we need to steal it through a gap in the fence using the hacking skill. Having stolen the eye, we go to Vera, giving it to her, she will give us dirt on her husband. Having received incriminating evidence, we go to McDade, having received the evidence, McDade will kill Mazer with his own hands, and we will only have to pick up the key to the fence leading to the radio tower from the dead body.
Having taken the key, we leave the temple, open the gate on the north side and move towards the radio tower. On the way he will stop us Victor Rocco Di Leo, he will say that he has no right to stop us on McDade’s orders, passing further, we will notice on the rack three bags of zeolite, let's take them. After opening the safe we ​​will find two more bags inside it. If the safe does not yield to your skills, blow it up with explosives. Further insert the repeater into the control panel of the radio tower and leave the location, returning to Hollywood for closing side quests received from Veronica, Heidi and Manny Wong.

Seal Beach.
Having received the required number of bags with zeolite ( 6 bags are enough to improve costumes). We go to Woodson's location Santa Fe Springs. Having given him the bags, the suit will be created within a couple of seconds, we equip ourselves with it and go to the Seal Beach location, which is in the south of the wasteland.

Arriving at the beach area, we will meet Mike-Mad Money. After talking with him, we can buy things that interest us from him. Afterwards, Mike will start a story about mechanical, toy robots that he wants to sell to Matthew’s guards. The guards, not approving the merchant’s proposal, will attack him. We help Mike out of this situation. Next we will explore the territory in the west
location we will meet two guys Dwizla And Johnny Zipper. Having entered into a conversation with them, we find out that one of them works for Matthew, and the second wants to help us by showing us how to enter the sewer. Having made a choice and killed Dwizla, we won't go wrong, Johnny Zipper opening the doors, he will lead us away from the trap set by his colleague. In the corridor, we hack the panel and close the doors leading to the room filled with enemies.
There is another way to the sewer, located in the east of the location. First we need to enter into a conversation with the guards; they will ask us to go beyond the fence. Going inside, we will see a crowd of people who want to serve Matthew, among them there will be a curator named Reverend Degg, having noticed us, he will order the crowd to deal with us. After killing everyone, we will find a descent in the sewer.
Having gone down into the sewer using one of the paths, we will find ourselves in a maze filled with enemies. There is no point in exploring the location; there is nothing valuable in it. Go to the north of the labyrinth; on our way we will come across one of the hostile gangs. After killing all its members, go along the corridor, then we break open the doors and go out to the area where scorpitrons are collected. After walking a little north, we will meet a robot named Dugan. After the dialogue, he will leave his servants, whom he will order to kill us. Having dealt with the enemies, we rise outside. There we will have a battle with Dugan, as well as with his entourage, including one scorpitron. We don’t regret the RPG, first of all we try to destroy Dugan and the meson cannon, then take care of the robot workers, and finally there will be a scorpitron, do not come close to it and put people with shotguns in front. Having dealt with the enemies, go to the take-off site, where the helicopter is located and will transport us to a new location.

Ranger Citadel.
Arriving at the citadel, we will meet General Vargas, after the dialogue he will join our team. Moving along the site, we will meet all the people whom we managed to help before, now they also want to help us by joining our ranks or selling excellent weapons of mass destruction.
We move towards the citadel, dealing with robots along the way. Having entered the citadel, we will notice that all the personnel have been killed; approaching the elevator, we will listen to Matthew, after which the gates will open and we will be able to go down to his apartment.

Attention! If you have people on your team with built-in mechanical implants, then it is better to dismiss them from the team, since the AI ​​Kochis will be able to take over their minds, after which our colleagues will begin to attack us.

Having gone down, the final battle with Matthew awaits us, we listen to his speech and watch how his mind is taken over by artificial intelligence
called Kochis. There are quite a lot of robots around him, and with each of his moves Matthew calls on new soldiers; in order to cut off Matthew’s army from reinforcements, you need to kill him as soon as possible using sniper rifle or RPG shooting at him and his surroundings. Having dealt with Matthew’s army, we head to the north-eastern part of the room, where there is a door that will lead us to the take-off pad. Afterwards we will have the choice to fly away or activate a nuclear bomb that will destroy the AI. By choosing the second option, you will need to sacrifice one of your people, who will go down in the fire and break open a couple of doors behind which there is a nuclear bomb. By activating the bomb, we ask our colleagues to leave the citadel, while we ourselves die heroically, destroying the AI ​​once and for all.

Game over!
If you have any questions, write, I will answer.

Wasteland 2 Character Creation Guide

rail nomads camp map

note to the map

  1. Login to the location
  2. Jessica
  3. Where will Ralphie drown?
  4. Topecan with a severed leg
  5. Defuse your bike on the playground
  6. Drug addicts
  7. Radioactive mushrooms
  8. Cemetery, it is possible to dig up a large number of fascinating things, it is possible to reach a medal of honor from a toaster; this medal can be given to Honest John at the Atkinson camp. The star will say Bellona, ​​this is the password for the safe in Darwin's village.
  9. Archive in will be the book “Sunrise of the Midnight Bombardier” +1 to the skill of the air defense technician
  10. House with people
  11. Here is Ralphie, whom we saved while he was drowning in the river; it is possible to take him to our own team. He has an excellent skill in repairing toasters 5
  12. the woman Anna will give us the item “Anna's eagle feather”
  13. It's possible for Scotchmo to take this homeless guy into his own team. If you don’t want him to be on your team, transfer everything he has in his inventory to the second team member and exclude him.
  14. The rotting corpse of a desert ranger. Pick up the Ranger A.K. star from it. and his diary. Give it to General Vargas
  15. This is an entertaining and at the same time slightly tedious quest. Use force on the turtle, then follow it. It will trudge for a very long time and eventually die on the shore and a nest will appear near it, which can be dug up.
  16. A place that you have the opportunity to dig up if you follow the turtle
  17. Aethelwulf Utopia, it is possible to give the captain Ethyl Mercaptan in the citadel
  18. Use the animal taming skill on the statue. A learned rat will come out from under the statue. The owner of the animal will be subject to the effect of the secret of N.I.M.Z. + 1 intelligence
  19. It is possible to use a train whistle
  20. The bar in which Gorkinovich is located that implements the squeeze. You must have the 4th ass-licking skill and then the Gorkinovich distillery mark will appear on the map. In the bar, ask Samuel about the ranger Ace, with your dialogue skills leveled up, he will agree and tell you about the ranger and the robot battle and give you Ace’s diary. If you take Angela Deth into a bar with you, she will shoot him. Contact the base and report.
  21. A gun store where Mr. Holliday will be. It is possible for him to return the goods stolen by drug addicts. The goods are in Atkinson's camp
  22. Dilapidated slot machines. Go inside and talk to Quorex, offer him help. He will ask you to bring an old CD-I device for him. Found in Atkinson's camp, can be purchased from Honest John
  23. Entering this trailer, on the closet shelf, pick up the book “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” give it to Corporal Flintlock Eggleston at the Ranger Citadel
  24. Trader “Junkie” It’s possible to shove radioactive mushrooms into him, see the location on the map (7)
  25. If Scotchmo is on the domestic team, he will take us to the hiding place
  26. An unusual person will follow us
  27. A dilapidated radio tower, we need to find details for it if we want to attach a repeater to it
  28. The meeting room where the Topecan chief is located
  29. entrance to Atchinson's camp
  30. If you want to steal the golden crutch (does not lead to a peaceful response) Generator. Disarming the alarm before attempting to disable it. Turn off the generator.
  31. Side entrance to the meeting room, you need to disarm the alarm and break in, you need a huge level of skill. This is also necessary in order to steal the golden crutch
  32. The golden crutch itself

A peaceful response to the conflict between the Topekans and the Akinsons

At the time when you deal with the CX center or Highpool, be sure to go to the citadel to sell the trash, buy something and take on other tasks. Upon completion of this task, you will be allowed inside. I won’t describe everything here Additional tasks.

We run to the city center. A woman, Jessie, will run out to meet us and ask for help for a drowning man. Run after her to the bridge and run along it to the pillars.

Ralphie will be in the water, use force on the pillar, he will fall into the water and Ralphie will be saved. Talk to him and go further into the city. On the way you will come across a Topekan with a torn off leg, help him using surgery.

Then it is possible to go to the camp ..... and chat with Kekkaba - report to him that we helped one of the Topekans. Talk to him. He will tell you that they have enmity between the Atkinsons and the Topekans. He doesn’t want us to help him in any conflicts.

In order to get him to talk, you need to find the brake pad.

Go to the Atchinson camp. Talk to leader Casey. If you ask him about the stocks, he will tell you to bring his daughter to him and then he will tell you where the blocks are (the blocks are in the swing next to his house, you need to break them easily). Fundamentally important: but if you bring the pads to Kekkabu, he will tell you that now we will wipe them all off the face of the earth and without that, in general, this is not a solution to the problem.

In order to peacefully resolve the conflict, talk to Casey with a proposal for peace (do not ask questions about the pads). Then he will say that he is ready for a truce if we bring his daughter.

We go again to Kekkab, then you need the smart-ass skill - 6 or ass-licking - 5. If you have one of the skills, he will let Jesse go. Go to Casey again and talk to him. He will offer to meet near broken roads.

Please note that at the end of his phrase the word two is in italics. Write this word directly on the line. Then you offer him a new option: “What if you both began to have it?”

In general, he will agree.

Again we run to Kekkab, he will demand that Casey cut off his left hand and then he will agree to peace. We go to the arrow, which will be near the entrance to the Atchinson camp and talk to Casey about this. He will agree.

Camp Atkinson

Camp Atkinson Map

note to the map

  1. enter exit
  2. Halliday's stolen supplies
  3. rail thieves camps
  4. Camp Atkinson, Melissa
  5. Antiquities of the switchman - Trade Shop Honest John might give him a medal. He will tell you about Darwin. Buy CD-I from him
  6. A house with a broken toaster. Having repaired it, I took a sprayer for liquid fertilizers and give it to Melon Lewis at the CX center. He will give you a melon, use it and you will get the effect melon +1 charisma +2 AP
  7. Chisel is located, if we resolve the conflict between the camps, he will be located at the exit from the rail nomads’ camp, it will be possible to take him into the group good tank, but little intelligence
  8. Casey James Principal Atkinson
  9. brake pads - hidden in the swing, you need to smash them. As has been repeated before, stocks do not lead to a peaceful response to conflict between warring camps.

Gorkinovich Distillery

Gorkinovich Distillery

The mark on the map will appear only after we’ve chatted with Gorkinovich in the rail nomads’ camp, and you need to have the skill of ass-licking more than 4. He will ask you to find his missing party. Find out at the plant and report to Gorkinovich when finished.

note to the map

  1. Larry was surrounded by tramps, here it is possible to use conversational skills in order to peacefully resolve the conflict, or to fight. In addition, if you take Scotchmo with you, he will solve the problem. Ivan will ask us to deal with the honey badgers
  2. Ben, you can give him dried juniper berries, which are available in the toaster in the colony location. For this he will give a special squeeze

Wasteland 2 WORLD in the Rail Nomad Camp walkthrough (part 5) release version 2014 Steam

Titan Canyon Map

Canyon of Titan

It is possible to get to the canyon after we have a protective suit. If you have a monk on your team, who can be picked up at point 11, then many raiders will not attack you. In addition, if Angela Det is on our team, she will go to the base. Where it is possible to collect slag for donation is marked on the map with a green dot.

Some of the containers that the raiders have cannot be touched if you have a monk with you, then you will need to fight him and the raiders. In addition, you have the opportunity to choose who you prefer: rattlesnakes or monks

note to the map

  1. Jill Yates, help heal Doc next to her and ask her about monks and Titans. When you cure Doc, talk to her and she will ask you to find the shepherd Bart. Bart is at point 23
  2. Mysterious stranger, follow him to point 4
  3. Follow this place to a stranger, he will ask for help in overthrowing the monks; if you use butt-licking, it is possible to take from him the key to the rattlesnake headquarters
  4. Tom, he doesn’t have the mark of the Titans, but he killed people with the mark and now the mad monks will figure him out as the enemy. Having sufficient conversational skills, it is possible to offer him help, find him, help him and his wife
  5. Go to this point with Tom. In that place, deal with the badgers along with this so that Tom does not die in the battle. He will start digging a grave for his wife. Talk to him, he will give us the key. In the same place, take the banana pudding from the pot.
  6. It is possible to break the barrier, it is possible to shoot through it
  7. Church police with brother John.
  8. Brother Chavez will ask you to go to Brother Franks point 11.
  9. Let's notice the scene of how the monk protects Sarah by blowing up everyone. Take Sarah's medallion, you can give it to David Barnes in Damont, after which kill her, or not.
  10. 1st checkpoint. If you have Ralphie on your team (rail nomad camp), brother Ranel will tell you that he is his dad. While they are chatting, he will want to blow himself up. It is possible to convince him if you have sufficient dialogue skills. Then Brother Franks will be there, he will give us containers for collecting radioactive waste - the sludge will be a domestic donation. Brother Shapiro will join us and now we will not be attacked by raiders
  11. Raider camp, if Brother Shapiro is with us, they will not attack
  12. Container with radioactive waste for collecting sludge
  13. Several will attack us if one of the monks is with us. If Loagen Rykdeshel is knocked down, it is possible to pick up an AK-47
  14. Stinky Grunt will tell you that they were attacked by people in dark uniforms and will ask you to take you to the checkpoint
  15. Raiders will not attack you if a monk is walking with you
  16. Gary Niger and the 2nd checkpoint with killed monks
  17. + 1 skill
  18. The raiders will not attack you if there is a monk with us; there is another barrel of slag right there.
  19. The raiders are quarreling, it is possible to try them on using pumped up conversational skills
  20. Go through this place alone, do not take Monk Shapiro with you. Use the Trolley or the refrigerator. In general, a squad will jump out here (if you don’t hack the alarm), hand over your weapons and go inside
  21. Rattlesnake Army Base Captain Sadler will ask us to help him get to the rocket in the Temple of the Titans and then they can attack the Temple, we will take the encoder for the control room
  22. Convicted shepherd Bart, you need to have well-pumped hacking or strength skills. When you release him, respond to Jill.
  23. Clyde will ask you for water and report to the checkpoint that they are in trouble.
  24. 3rd Checkpoint where Brother Gorsky is standing, tell him about Clyde and his problem
  25. Entrance further to the Temple of the Titans

Temple of Titan

Temple of Titan Map

notes to the map

  1. He will ask Dale to help him and give him one container of sludge, but by using the conversational skill, you can understand that he is always confused in his own story and is most likely lying. But it is possible to give him a container, he will give it to us uninhabited. If you do this, when you enter the Temple territory, he will tell you the password to the dark entrance.
  2. Raiders will not attack you if Brother Shapiro is with you
  3. Here you can use Tom's key on the chest, which you can help in the Canyon of the Titans
  4. Entrance to the temple if you work for the police
  5. Buck Dinges is a drunkard, talk to him, you can get a Kevlar vest and few energy cells
  6. Mister Taggart tradesman
  7. Brother Roy Parsons. Here is the entrance to the Temple of Titan, if you have collected all the containers, give them to the monk and you will be allowed to enter inside
  8. Brother Staal
  9. Papa Enola. He will ask us to find Brother Wright, who escaped into Shaft No. 7 and found his own titan. We will have a new location, warehouse No. 7
  10. Dale (at point 2), if you help him with the container, then when you go inside he will be in this place, talk to him, he will tell you the password 60845 to the dark entrance to the Temple of the Titans
  11. Entrance to the Temple of the Titans, code 60845
  12. Brother Nero, it is possible to use the speaking skill and then he will move away
  13. Hardcore entry into the Temple of the Titans
  14. While you persuade brother Nero, he will remain in this place, it is possible to kill him
  15. Clinic. Doctor Baum, you can give him glasses, which can be found in Highpool at point 4 (see on the map of Highpool), then he will write us a sick leave to the Temple
  16. Temple Entrance Hardcore
  17. Doctor Sydney Kyle
  18. Exit to the wasteland, it will be possible to exit after the end of the conversation with Enola's father, at the time when you agree to find the warhead in warehouse No. 7
  19. Hardcore temple entry
  20. Convicted Brother Guano
  21. Toaster, if we need to repair it, we'll use depleted uranium
  22. Titan rocket mockup

How much and what to do

When you arrive at Canyon of the Titans, there are several routes you can take. It is possible to get to the 1st checkpoint and agree to bring donations for the mad monks. To do this, you need to collect radioactive sludge in three containers.

At the end of which we will be allowed to enter the territory of the Temple of the Titans.

The most reliable option for how to get to the rocket unnoticed is to help Dale (Temple Canyon map points 2 and 11) then he will give the code to the entrance to the temple and get to the rocket by breaking the locks. When we approach the rocket, Enola's dad will appear and ask you to find a warhead for him in shaft No. 7, if we agree, then there will be no battle, if not, we will fight

Second option. It is possible to find a closed camp of the army of rattlesnakes (points 21,22 on the map) to do this, use a trolley or refrigerator. At the rattlesnake base, Captain Sandler will give us an encoder and ask us to get into the Canyon Temple itself, to do this we use the entrance (watch point 5 on the Canyon Temple map) and make our way to the rocket, bypassing the patrols,

Where the convicted brother Guano sits in the corner, you can find the “Brochure from the Titan Rocket Museum” and bring it to Sandler, as confirmation that the rocket is just a dummy. Sandler will ask you to bring him a warhead from Mine No. 7.

In general, both rattlesnakes and monks can give you the task of going to the mine and bringing a warhead; you decide which of them you will go to meet. Moving up the global map to the mine from the Temple of the Titans, you will come across Damonta

Option to get to the rocket without killing anyone

Mine (warehouse) No. 7

Red fumbles around a little and says: “Not here.” and falls off, and we move on to the mine.


Go through the mines and turrets and go inside. Rain is already waiting for us in that place. Talk to the monk. At the end of which we have a couple of options for action, we can go up to the computer and launch a rocket at the monks or at the AGZ.

The warhead may be damaged by using the explosives skill, but in any case, when we arrive at the Titan Temple location, we will notice a picture that all the monks have been killed. Near the exit to the wasteland (point 19 on the map) a new toaster will appear, in which there will be a “hymn to the fiery flood“

In order to open the safe next to the computer, switch to English in the game, go to the computer and write the word Joshua in the input line. A panel in British will open for us, select the “no” option. After this, a safe will open to our right.

Wasteland 2 Walkthrough - [#24] - Canyon of Titan

note to the map

  1. Login to the location
  2. Jessica
  3. Where will Ralphie drown?
  4. Topecan with a severed leg
  5. Defuse your bike on the playground
  6. Drug addicts
  7. Radioactive mushrooms
  8. Cemetery, you can dig up a lot of interesting things, you can get a medal of honor from a toaster, this medal can be given at the Atkinson camp to Honest John. The star will say Bellona, ​​this is the password for the safe in Darwin's village.
  9. The archive inside will be the book "dawn of the midnight bombardier" +1 to foreman skill
  10. House with people
  11. Here is Ralphie whom we saved when he was drowning in the river, you can take him to your team. He has a well-leveled toaster repair skill 5
  12. the girl Anna will give us the item “Anna's eagle feather”
  13. Scotchmo, you can take this bum into your team. If you don’t want him on your team, just take him to the team, transfer everything he has in his inventory to another team member and exclude him.
  14. The rotting corpse of a desert ranger. Pick it up from him Ranger star A.K.. and his diary. Give to General Vargas
  15. This is an interesting and at the same time a little tedious quest. Apply force to the turtle, then follow it. She will trudge for a very long time and eventually die on the shore and a hole will appear near her that can be dug up.
  16. A place that you can dig up if you follow the turtle
  17. Aethelwulf Utopia, can be given to captain Ethyl Mercaptan in the citadel
  18. Use the animal taming skill on the statue. A learned rat will come out from under the statue. The owner of the animal will be subject to the effect of the secret of N.I.M.Z. + 1 intelligence
  19. You can use a train whistle
  20. The bar in which Gorkinovich is located who sells the squeeze You need to have the 4th ass-licking skill and then a mark will appear on the map Gorkinovich distillery. In the bar, ask Samuel about the ranger Ace, with your dialogue skills leveled up, he will confess and tell you about the battle between the robot and the ranger and give you Ace's diary. If you take Angela Deth to a bar with you, she will shoot him. Contact the base and report.
  21. A gun store where Mr. Holliday will be. Drug addicts can return stolen goods to him. The goods are in Atkinson's camp
  22. Old slot machines. Go inside and talk to Quorex, offer him help. He will ask you to bring an ancient CD-I device for him. Found at Camp Atkinson, can be purchased from Honest John
  23. Entering this trailer, on the shelf of the closet, take the book “ Do androids dream of electric sheep?? give it to Corporal Flintlock Eggleston at the Ranger Citadel
  24. Trader “Junkie” You can shove radioactive mushrooms into him; see the location on the map (7)
  25. If Scotchmo is on our team, he will lead us to the cache.
  26. A strange man will follow us
  27. An old radio tower, we need to find parts for it if we want to attach a repeater to it
  28. The meeting room where the Topecan chief is located
  29. entrance to Atchinson's camp
  30. If you want to steal the golden crutch (does not lead to a peaceful solution) Generator. Disarm the alarm before attempting to turn it off. Turn off the generator.
  31. Side entrance to the meeting room, you need to remove the alarm and break into it, you need a high level of skill. This is also necessary to steal the golden crutch.
  32. The golden crutch itself

Peaceful resolution to the conflict between the Topekans and the Akinsons

When you deal with the CX center or Highpool, be sure to go to the citadel to sell junk, shop and get other tasks. After completing this task you will be allowed inside. Here I will not describe all the additional tasks. We run to the city center. The girl Jessie will run out to meet us and ask for help for a drowning man. Run after her to the bridge and run along it to the pillars. Ralphie will be in the water, use force on the pillar, he will fall into the water and Ralphie will be saved. Talk to him and go further into the city. On the way you will come across a Topekan with a torn off leg, help him using surgery.

After this, you can go to the camp ..... and talk with Kekkaba - report to him that we helped one of the Topekans. Talk to him. He will tell you that they have a feud between the Atkinsons and the Topekans. He doesn’t want us to help him in any conflicts. To get him to talk you need to find a brake pad.

Go to the Atchinson camp. Talk to leader Casey. If you ask him about the stocks, he will say bring his daughter to him and then he will tell you where the blocks are (the blocks are in the swing next to his house, you just need to smash them). Important: but if you bring the pads to Kekkabu, he will say now we will destroy them all and do so, in general this is not a solution to the problem. To peacefully resolve the conflict, talk to Casey with a proposal for peace (don’t ask about the stocks). Then he will say that he is ready for a truce if we bring his daughter.

We go again to Kekkab, then you need the skill of smart-ass - 6 or ass-licking - 5. If you have one of the skills, he will let Jesse go. Go to Casey again and talk to him. He will offer to meet near the broken tracks. Please note that at the end of his phrase the word together in italics. Write this word directly on the line. Then you offer him a new option: “What if you both owned it?” In general, he will agree.

We run to Kekkab again, he will demand that Casey cut off his left hand and then he will agree to peace. We go to the arrow, which will be near the entrance to the Atchinson camp and talk to Casey about this. He will agree.

Camp Atkinson

note to the map

  1. enter exit
  2. Halliday's Stolen Deliveries
  3. rail thieves camps
  4. Camp Atkinson, Melissa
  5. Antiquities of the switchman - Honest John's trading post and you can give him a medal. He will tell you about Darwin. Buy CD-I from him
  6. The house where there is a broken toaster. After repairing it I received sprayer for liquid fertilizers give it to Melon Lewis at the CX Center. He will give you a melon, use it and you will have the effect melon +1 charisma +2 AP
  7. Chisel is located, if we resolve the conflict between the camps, he will stand at the exit from the rail nomads’ camp, he can be taken into the group as an excellent tank, but not very smart
  8. Casey James Chief Atkinson
  9. brake pads- hidden in the swing you need to smash them. As has been repeated before, stocks do not lead to a peaceful resolution of the conflict between warring camps.

Gorkinovich Distillery

Gorkinovich Distillery

The mark on the map will appear only after we talk to Gorkinovich in the rail nomads camp, and you must have the butt-licking skill of more than 4. He will ask you to find his missing batch. Find out at the plant and then report to Gorkinovich.

note to the map

  1. Larry was surrounded by tramps, here you can use your conversational skills to peacefully resolve the conflict, or fight. Also, if you take Scotchmo with you, he will solve the problem. Ivan will ask us to deal with the honey badgers
  2. Ben, you can give him the dried juniper berries that are in the toaster in the prison location. For this he will give a special squeeze
