Various types of activities in kindergarten. Types of children's activities in kindergarten. Play as a leading activity. the line of transition from egocentrism to decentration. Development along these lines determines the child's readiness for schooling

A child's attendance at a preschool institution is an obligatory component of the all-round development of the personality of a future adult. If parents themselves can teach reading and writing at home, then it is impossible without communication with peers and completing tasks in a team. Kindergarten contributes to the normal growth of the child, prepares him for adulthood.

Activities in accordance with Federal State Requirements

There are generally accepted requirements that all preschool institutions in the country must adhere to. So, the main types of children's activities in accordance with FGT include the game component, communicative, labor, cognitive and research, musical and artistic, productive, as well as reading.

The general education program in kindergarten should be carried out not only through the interaction of an adult and a child. The kid must solve many problems on his own. Such activity allows not only to acquire new skills, but also to consolidate the existing ones.

Federal-state requirements are developed taking into account the regime moments in children in accordance with age. Based on this, the main activities of children should be planned, taking into account the periods of sleep and wakefulness.

in kindergarten

The game can rightfully be called the main activity in a preschool institution. Role-playing games help the development of personality, active ones contribute to the rapid physical formation of the child. Any training is much more productive if it is interesting for the kid. It is no coincidence that many educational programs are built in the form of a game.

All can be divided into two groups. In junior preschool age games become more substantive in nature. Children study the world around them visually. They try to distinguish one object from another, to taste it. In older preschool age, kids are already beginning to interact with each other. Role-playing games are becoming popular. And if the educator correctly builds the educational process, in the form of a game it will be possible to teach children to write and read. All types of children's activities in kindergarten to one degree or another should be associated with it.

Cognitive research activities

No less important activity can be considered cognitive and research. This view is closely related to the game. After all, it is thanks to the latter that the child gets to know the world around him. Cognitive activity is of great importance at any childhood age. Depending on the goals that the educator sets for the children, this type of activity may include experimentation, observation, excursions.

Special attention should be paid to targeted walks. In the warm season, thanks to trips to the park or out of town, the teacher helps children solve several problems at once. Active rest can be combined with acquaintance with nature and animals of the native land. In addition, the fresh air improves baby's appetite and sleep. Too low air temperature or precipitation can be an obstacle to daily walks. In the summer, caregivers should make sure that children spend less time in the open sun and wear hats. Almost all kinds of children's activities in kindergarten in summer can be carried out outdoors.

Communicative activity

The main task of the preschool institution is to prepare the child for the future adult life. The little man must acquire many skills before he gets into society. This is not only the ability to speak or use household items as intended, but also the correct communication with others.

Most children easily find a common language with both peers and adults. But in every preschool institution there is necessarily a group of introverted kids who find it difficult to socialize. This behavior may be related to personality traits or parenting. Often, family troubles lead to the fact that the child withdraws into himself and does not want to communicate with his comrades. The main types of children's activities are aimed at helping such a baby. V game form the teacher helps him to open up and establish contact with peers.

Properly organized in kindergarten also contributes to the development of the speech apparatus of babies. Classes can include communication with children on certain topics, situational tasks, conversation, guessing riddles. Story games are very popular among kids. In the role of their favorite fairy-tale characters, children become more self-confident, reveal their creative potential.

in preschool

In order to exist in a full-fledged society, a child needs not only to learn how to communicate correctly, but also to serve himself. All kinds of children's activities in kindergarten contribute to teaching kids independence. They must be able to dress properly and hold kitchen utensils without adult assistance.

Household labor is also not in the last place. The child should be familiar with the activities of adults. This is especially true for everyday tasks. Not only the teacher teaches kids the culture of life, but also the parents at home. Even in preschool age, parents, together with educators, must teach the child to be accurate. All toddlers should clean up their toys and kitchen utensils. The preschooler must know that all things have their place.

The joint activity of an adult and a child also contributes to social development. The kid quickly learns to solve certain everyday problems, begins to understand the degree of his importance in society.

Productive activity

It is impossible to imagine without drawing, sculpting and appliqués. These are all productive activities that contribute to mental development... In the classroom, kids learn to express their thoughts, show imagination. It is in kindergarten that love for art can develop, and parents usually at this time reveal a particular talent in a child.

Praise is a very important part of being productive. In no case should the child be told before school age for mistakes. The teacher can only direct the child, suggest how it would be optimal to solve a specific problem. It is no coincidence that there is no grading system in preschool institutions. The child should not know that he draws or makes the applique worse than others.

Productive activities in kindergarten help to acquaint the child with the surrounding nature, with the basic colors and shapes. In addition, drawing and sculpting contribute to the development of coordination of movements.

Musical and artistic activities

Children's musical activities in kindergarten include singing, singing along, playing the instruments, and outdoor games with musical accompaniment. In such classes, children develop their creative abilities. Many kids enjoy vocal improvisation classes. It is musical and artistic activity that was created to prepare kids for performances. Children learn to feel great in front of a large audience.

Reading in kindergarten

Despite the fact that children begin to read only at school age, educators should teach this skill long before that. The child must first of all learn to listen and understand the work. A very important skill is the ability to handle a book. The kid should know not to tear the pages while looking at the illustrations.

V middle group the teacher begins to acquaint children with letters. First of all, children learn easy-to-pronounce letters. These are simple. Next, the kids learn to put letters into syllables, and theirs into words.

The activity of a child in kindergarten must necessarily be associated with learning small poems. Activities of this kind contribute to mental development, train the child's memory. Parents can also study small stories and jokes with their children at home.

Proper organization of leisure activities is also important.

Teaching the basic skills of a child in preschool comes first. But properly organized cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten are also important. In order for children to be able to usefully spend their free time in a group, the space must be properly organized. Adults should pay particular attention to toys. The corresponding zones in the form of a living corner, kitchen or pharmacy are of great benefit. Special toys make role-playing games for children more intense.

The conditions for the implementation of activities of children in kindergarten also include theatrical events. Performances and fairy tales help children to better consolidate the material they have covered. In addition, favorable conditions are created for the all-round development of the child within the walls of a preschool institution.

Babysitter or kindergarten?

Today more and more parents give preference to raising children at home. Meanwhile, it is in a preschool institution that a child can acquire skills in social and role behavior. The experience of communication is established between children in the most diverse forms. Even a negative experience that is impossible to get within the walls of a family home will benefit the baby. And play as a leading type of child's activity will contribute to comprehensive development baby in the team.

At the same time, raising a child at home has advantages. A nanny with a pedagogical education will make every effort to educate a particular child, taking into account the characteristics of his character. This will make it possible to cultivate the best qualities in him.

main activities for young children are:
- objective activity and games with composite and dynamic toys;
- experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.);
- communication with an adult;
- joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult;
- self-service and actions with household items-tools (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.);
- perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poems, viewing pictures;
- physical activity.

Given the age and psychological characteristics of young children, the activities to be organized should be:
- eventful (associated with an event from personal experience);
- rhythmic (motor and mental activity should alternate);
- procedural (development of skills in household and game processes).

The activities of the teacher in each direction:
1. Objective activities and games with composite and dynamic toys. Subject- play activity with composite and dynamic toys is the main one in the formation of cognitive activity, in the development of visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking of children.
To composite toys include pyramids, nesting dolls, various lacing, composite and cut pictures, cubes, puzzles (large), constructors (large), etc.
To dynamic toys whirligig, spinning tops, tumblers, clockwork toys, that is, those based on various types of movement: twisting, somersaulting, rotation.
In object-play activity, the result of the child's action is very important (especially with composite toys). The cognitive interest of children is precisely supported by their own effective actions that they understand. Thus, the assimilation of methods of action takes place.

Tasks of the teacher:
- develop a cognitive interest in surrounding objects and promote active actions with them;
- to form play actions with a variety of plot toys, the ability to use substitute items;
- to form the ability to imitate the play actions of an adult.

2. Experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.). Acquaintance with the properties of objects occurs in practical research activities by the method of tests. In the process of experimentation, the teacher draws the attention of children to smells, sounds, shape, color and other properties of objects and objects. Show the right course of action and provide opportunity for independent research. Do not forget to remind about rules of safe conduct in actions with sand and water (do not drink water, do not throw sand), as well as on the rules of playing with small objects (do not put objects in the ear, nose; do not take them into the mouth).

Tasks of the teacher:
- to acquaint with generalized methods of studying various objects from the surrounding life of a child;
- to maintain cognitive activity and cognitive interest in the process of experimentation;
- encourage independent experimentation with a variety of didactic materials;
- to enrich the direct sensory experience of children in various activities.

3. Communication with an adult. Communication is a critical event at an early age and the main form of education. The forms and content of communication change as the child develops: emotional communication; communication based on understanding intonation, facial expressions, gestures, and then the actual verbal communication. Adult speech is a role model. For the development of communication, questions, verbal assignments, the creation of problem-speech situations, role and communication games, reading poems and fairy tales, experiments, dramatization, observation.

Tasks of the teacher:
- contribute to the enrichment of the dictionary;
- to form the ability to ask, answer, ask, give a reply;
- develop the need for verbal communication.

4. Joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult. Since it is still difficult for young children to independently engage in games with peers, the teacher purposefully organizes play activities. For joint games, communication, role-playing, musical-rhythmic games, as well as games and exercises with didactic material are recommended.

Tasks of the teacher:
- contribute to the formation of the experience of friendly relationships with peers;
- teach positive ways of communication and conflict resolution during the game;
- develop emotional responsiveness when interacting with peers.

5. Self-service and actions with household items-tools (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.). The simplest skills of independence, neatness, neatness are formed in the process of regime moments. In this case, a prerequisite is compliance with the principle of gradual inclusion of the child in any activity to acquire self-service skills. Emotional involvement of the baby in actions with household items-tools is necessary, therefore, learning should take place in a playful way.

Tasks of the teacher:
- to form elementary skills of self-service;
- to form the skills of the culture of behavior, corresponding to the norms and rules;
- to form objective actions;
- to develop independence in everyday behavior.

6. Perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poetry, viewing pictures. It is advisable to organize a cycle of educational game situations aimed at developing the child's emotional world. Of particular importance in the perception of young children is visibility. Therefore, reading, telling, listening to music is accompanied by the display of pictures, paintings and toys. How to work with pictures can be read

Tasks of the teacher:
- to form the ability to consider pictures, illustrations;
- to form the ability to listen and understand short, accessible songs, nursery rhymes, fairy tales and stories;
- develop the ability to emotionally respond to various works of culture and art.

7. Locomotor activity. In addition to organizing outdoor games and exercises, the teacher should create conditions for the development of independent motor activity children. To do this, it is necessary to enrich the developing environment with toys-wheelchairs, carts, cars, etc., as well as sports equipment and equipment.

Tasks of the teacher:
- to develop physical activity of children in all types of games;
- to promote the development of basic movements;
- create conditions that encourage children to physical activity.

Thus, when organizing the interaction of a teacher with young children, it is necessary:
- include several different types of activities, which successively replace each other;
- organize activities so as to avoid overwork in babies;
- to enrich the personal experience of children in everyday life and play processes.

Dear teachers! If you have questions on the topic of the article or have difficulties in working in this direction, then write to

Alexandra Veselova
Types of children's activities

Types of children's activities

Activity can be defined as a specific type of human activity aimed at cognition and creative transformation of the surrounding world, including himself and the conditions of his existence.

Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the process of socialization begins, the child's connection with the leading spheres is established. being: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal values.

Therefore, the main task of preschool education is to create favorable conditions the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child, as a subject of relations with oneself, other children, adults and the world.

FSES identifies 5 educational areas, which are implemented through the organization of various types children's activities or their integration using a variety of forms and working methods.

In the first place is the game activity, since it is due to the very nature of man. The main feature of the game activities is the possibility of human development and improvement, as well as the creation of conditions for communication and interaction with people of different ages and interests. The game unites both peers and people of different generations.

Game view children's activities, is organized when carrying out regime moments, joint, independent children's activities.

Cognitive research is organized with the aim of developing cognitive interests in children, their intellectual development. The main task is to form a holistic picture of the world, broaden outlook.

Communicative activity is carried out during the entire time of the child's stay in the preschool educational institution, and contributes to the child's mastery of constructive ways and means of interacting with people around him - the development of communication with adults and peers, the development of all components of oral speech.

Motor activity organized when conducting physical exercises, when conducting regime moments, in a joint activities of an adult and a child.

Self-service and elements of household work. This view activities include: self-service, domestic work in the room, domestic work on the street.

Pictorial activity is aimed at the formation of the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality. This view activities realized through drawing, modeling, application.

Musical activity aims to develop the ability to emotionally perceive music. Directions work: listening, singing, songwriting, musical rhythmic movements, dancing and playing creativity, playing musical instruments.

The perception of fiction is aimed at the formation of interest and the need for reading books. Implemented across: reading books, discussing what has been read, learning poetry, situational conversation. Children learn to be listeners, to handle books with care.

In the course of its activities the child encounters difficulties, when he has a difficulty, he turns to the adults around him. Development scheme of any kind activity is:

1. Self-reliant child activity

2. Difficulty

3. Joint activity with adults and with peers

4. Joint activities with peers

5. Amateur performance

An important indicator of the development of a child is the level of mastering various types of children's activities... At this stage, preschool educators help the child, who, in turn, should be able to organize leading types of children's activities, as well as organize a joint and independent activities of preschoolers.

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CHAPTER 1. Development of mental functions in preschool age

§1. Characteristics of the development of thinking, perception and speech

§2. Features of the development of imagination, memory and attention in preschool children

CHAPTER 2. The main activities of a child of preschool age.

§1. Play as a leading preschool activity

§2 Visual activity and perception of a fairy tale in preschool age

§3. Labor activity of preschool children

CHAPTER 3. Child's readiness for school

§1. The crisis is seven years old. The symptom of loss of immediacy

§2. Psychological characteristics of readiness to study at school




Currently, the attention of many psychologists around the world is drawn to the problems of child development. This interest is far from accidental, since it is found that the preschool period of life is the period of the most intensive and moral development, when the foundation of physical, mental and moral health is laid. The future of the child largely depends on the conditions under which it will proceed. At the same time, multiple factors influencing the socialization of the individual are also laid down and formed precisely in the preschool period of the child's development.

The development of the psychology of a modern person is laid at an early age and is predetermined by the pedagogical characteristics of the impact on him of society, the impact on him of the people around him and, above all, the people closest to the child, his family. This confirms the role that the psychologist-teacher plays in the formation of the personality, the formation of its psychological characteristics.

In the upbringing and development of a preschooler, all the factors influencing the child are important - both family education and upbringing in a preschool institution.

Society declares its conditions of social behavior, developed in the course of social evolution. And here it is important to orient the upbringing and development of a preschooler in this way so that his behavior, as an interaction with the environment (society), including orientation towards this environment, as well as the development of personal characteristics, including the physical capabilities of the body, correspond to the developed norms and principles, requirements of socialization conditions.

The topic of this term paper is relevant, because the study of a preschool child will always help any person to understand the processes of development of his child and thereby help to most actively develop any abilities in him.

General theoretical questions of the development of preschool children are disclosed in the works of D.B. Elkonina, A.N. Gvozdeva, L.S. Vygotsky and others.

Purpose of the work: to reveal the features of the process of development of a child in preschool age.

The object of the research is preschool children.

The subject of the research is the development process of preschool children.

Research objectives:

· Analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic;

· To study the features of the development of preschool children.

The theoretical significance of the work lies in considering some aspects of the child's development that were not sufficiently well disclosed earlier.

The practical significance of the work lies in the ability to use the information obtained for the development of various programs by teachers necessary for the development of a preschool child.

CHAPTER 1. Development of mental functions in preschool age

§1. Characteristics of the development of thinking, perception and speech

child preschool development

In preschool childhood, the child has to solve more and more complex and varied problems that require the isolation and use of connections and relationships between objects, phenomena, actions. In playing, drawing, designing, when performing educational and work assignments, he not only uses memorized actions, but constantly modifies them, obtaining new results. Children discover and use the relationship between the moisture content of the clay and its pliability during molding, between the shape of the structure and its stability, between the force of impact on the ball and the height at which it bounces when hitting the floor, etc. Developing thinking gives children the opportunity to foresee the results of their actions in advance, to plan them.

With the development of curiosity, cognitive interests, thinking is increasingly used by children to master the world around them, which goes beyond the tasks put forward by their own practical activities.

The child begins to set himself cognitive tasks, looking for explanations for the phenomena he has noticed. Preschoolers resort to a kind of experiments to clarify the questions of interest to them, observe phenomena, reason about them and draw conclusions. Children acquire the ability to reason about such phenomena that are not related to their personal experience, but which they know about from the stories of adults, books read to them. Of course, the reasoning of children is not always logical. For this, they lack the knowledge and experience. Often, preschoolers amuse adults with unexpected comparisons and conclusions.

From finding out the most simple, transparent, lying on the surface connections and relationships of things, preschoolers gradually move on to understanding much more complex and hidden dependencies. One of the most important types of such dependencies is the relationship of cause and effect. Studies have shown that three-year-old children can only detect the reasons consisting in any external influence on the object (the table was pushed - it fell). But already at the age of four, preschoolers begin to understand that the causes of the phenomena can also lie in the properties of the objects themselves (the table fell because it has one leg). In older preschool age, children begin to indicate as the causes of phenomena not only the immediately striking features of objects, but also their less noticeable, but constant properties (the table fell, “because it was on one leg, because there are still many edges, because which is heavy and not supported ").

Observation of certain phenomena, their own experience of actions with objects allow older preschoolers to clarify their ideas about the causes of the phenomena, to come by reasoning to a more correct understanding of them.

By the end of preschool age, children begin to solve rather complex problems that require an understanding of some physical and other connections and relationships, the ability to use knowledge about these connections and relationships in new conditions.

Expanding the range of tasks available to the child's thinking is associated with the assimilation of more and more new knowledge. Acquiring knowledge is a prerequisite for the development of children's thinking. The fact is that the assimilation of knowledge occurs as a result of thinking, it is the solution of mental problems. The child simply will not understand the explanations of the adult, will not learn any lessons from his own experience, if he cannot perform mental actions aimed at highlighting those connections and relationships that adults point to him and on which the success of his activity depends. When new knowledge is acquired, it is included in further development thinking and is used in the child's mental actions to solve subsequent problems.

The basis for the development of thinking is the formation and improvement of mental actions. From what kind of mental actions the child owns, what knowledge he can learn and how he can use it. The mastery of mental actions in preschool age occurs according to the general law of assimilation and internalization of external orienting actions.

Acting in the mind with images, the child imagines real action with an object and its result, and in this way solves the problem facing him. This is visual-figurative thinking that is already familiar to us. Performing actions with signs requires distraction from real objects. In this case, words and numbers are used as substitutes for objects. Thinking, carried out by means of actions with signs, is abstract thinking. Abstract thinking obeys the rules studied by the science of logic, and is called, therefore, logical thinking.

The correctness of solving a practical or cognitive task that requires the participation of thinking depends on whether the child is able to identify and connect those aspects of the situation, the properties of objects and phenomena that are important and essential for its solution. If a child tries to predict whether an object will float or drown, associating buoyancy, for example, with the size of an object, he can only, by chance, guess the solution, since the property he has allocated is actually insignificant for swimming. A child who, in the same situation, associates the ability of the body to swim with the material from which it is made, highlights a much more essential property; his assumptions will be justified much more often, but again not always. And only the allocation of the specific gravity of the body in relation to the specific gravity of the liquid (the child masters this knowledge when studying physics at school) will give an error-free solution in all cases.

Perception in preschool age becomes more perfect, meaningful, purposeful, analyzing. It highlights voluntary actions - observation, examination, search Children know the basic colors and their shades, can describe an object in shape and size. They adopt a system of sensory standards (round as an apple).

In preschool childhood, the long and difficult process of mastering speech is generally completed. By the age of 7, the child's language becomes really native. The sound side of speech is developing. Younger preschoolers begin to understand the peculiarities of their pronunciation. The vocabulary of speech is growing rapidly. As in the previous age stage, there are great individual differences: some children have more vocabulary, others - less, which depends on their living conditions, on how and how much close adults communicate with them. Here are the average data for V. Stern. At 1.5 years old, the child actively uses about 100 words, at 3 years old - 1000-1100, at 6 years old - 2500-3000 words. The grammatical structure of speech is developing. Children learn patterns of morphological order (word structure) and syntactic (phrase construction). A 3-5-year-old child correctly grasps the meanings of "adult" words, although sometimes he uses them incorrectly. Words created by the child himself according to the laws of grammar of his native language are always recognizable, sometimes very successful and certainly original. This children's ability for independent word formation is often called word creation. K.I. Chukovsky, in his wonderful book "From two to five", collected many examples of children's word-creation (From mint cakes in the mouth - a draft; A bald man has a barefoot head; Look how the rain comes in; I'd better go for a walk without eating; Mom gets angry, but quickly fertilizes ; slider - worm; mazelin - petroleum jelly; mokres - compress).

§2. Features of the development of imagination, memory and attention in preschool children

Development children's imagination associated with the end of early childhood, when the child first demonstrates the ability to replace some objects with others and use some objects in the role of others.

In the games of preschool children, where symbolic substitutions are made quite often, the imagination is further developed.

In the older preschool age (5-6 years), when memorization performance appears, the imagination from reproductive (re-creating) turns into creative. Imagination in children of this age is already connected with thinking, is included in the process of planning actions. The activities of children acquire a conscious, purposeful character.

The creative imagination of children is manifested in role-playing games.

By the end of the preschool period of childhood, imagination in children is presented in two main forms:

) Arbitrary, independent generation of an idea by a child;

) The emergence of an imaginary plan for its implementation.

The imagination of preschoolers has several functions:

) Cognitive - intellectual,

) Affective - protective.

The cognitive function allows the child to get to know the world around him better, it is easier to solve the tasks assigned to him.

The affective-protective function of the imagination protects the vulnerable soul of the child from excessive experiences and trauma.

Games for developing a child's imagination can be successfully used for a kind of symbolic resolution of conflict situations. This can be explained by the fact that through an imaginary situation, the emerging tension is discharged.

By the age of 6, the purposefulness of the child's imagination and the stability of his ideas increase. This is reflected in the increase in the duration of the game on one topic.

It should be noted that during the period of its inception, the imagination of a preschooler is practically inseparable from play actions with material, it is determined by the nature of the toys, the attributes of the role. And children 6-7 years old no longer have such a close dependence on play material, and the imagination can find support in such objects that do not look like substituted ones. The images of imagination at this age are characterized by brightness, clarity, mobility.

Older preschool age is sensitive (sensitive) for the formation of the imagination. It is at this age that the activation of imagination occurs: first, reproductive, re-creating (allowing one to imagine fairy-tale images), and then creative (which provides the opportunity to create a new image).

The value of imagination in mental development is great, it contributes to a better knowledge of the world around, the development of the child's personality.

An important role in the development of memory in a 5-7 year old child is played by auditory and visual impressions. Gradually the memory becomes more and more complex.

The memory of a preschool child is especially rich in images of individual specific objects. In these images, essential, common features inherent in a whole group of objects (animals, birds, houses, trees, flowers, etc.), as well as insignificant signs and particular details, are merged together.

A completely opposite property is also characteristic of children's memory - it is exceptional photographic quality. Children can easily memorize a poem or fairy tale. If an adult, retelling a fairy tale, deviates from the original text, then the child will immediately correct him, remind him of the missing detail.

In preschool age, other features of memory begin to form. Memorization at this age is mostly involuntary (the preschooler does not care that everything that he perceives can be easily and accurately recalled later).

But already at the age of 5 - 6 years, an arbitrary memory begins to form.

It should also be noted that visual-figurative memory prevails at the age of 5-7 years. But throughout this period, verbal - logical memory arises and develops, with recollection essential signs of objects begin to stand out.

A characteristic feature of the attention of a preschool child is that it is caused by externally attractive objects. Attention remains focused as long as there is interest in perceived objects: objects, events, people.

Thus, the emergence and development of voluntary attention is preceded by the formation of regulated perception and active command of speech. To improve the preschooler's ability to self-regulate their cognitive activity, it is necessary:

) develop his cognitive abilities (thinking, perception, memory, imagination),

) train the ability to concentrate consciousness (switch from one object to another, develop the stability of attention, improve its volume).

CHAPTER 2. The main activities of a preschool child

§1. Play as a leading preschool activity

Play is the main activity of a preschooler. Children of this age spend most of their time in games, and during the years of preschool childhood, from three to six to seven years, children's games go through a rather significant path of development: from object-manipulative and symbolic to plot-based role-playing games with rules. In older preschool age, you can find almost all types of games that are found in children before entering school.

The beginning of two other types of activity that are important for the development of activities: work and study is associated with the same age. Certain stages of the consistent improvement of games, work and learning of children at this age can be traced by conventionally dividing preschool childhood into three periods for analytical purposes: junior preschool age (3-4 years), middle preschool age (4-5 years) and senior preschool age. (5 - 6 years old). Such a division is sometimes carried out in developmental psychology in order to emphasize those rapid, qualitative changes in the psychology and behavior of children that occur every one or two years in preschool childhood.

Younger preschoolers still play, as a rule, alone. In their object and design games, they improve perception, memory, imagination, thinking and motor abilities. The role-playing games of children of this age usually reproduce the actions of those adults whom they observe in everyday life.

Gradually, by the middle period of preschool childhood, games become cooperative, and more and more children are included in them. The main thing in these games is not the reproduction of adult behavior in relation to the objective world, but the imitation of certain relationships between people, in particular, role-playing ones. Children identify the roles and rules on which these relationships are built, strictly monitor their observance in the game and try to follow them themselves. Role-playing games for children have various themes that the child is quite familiar with from his own life experience. The roles that children play in the game are, as a rule, either family roles (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, son, daughter, etc.), or educational (nanny, kindergarten teacher), go professional ( doctor, commander, pilot), or fabulous (goat wolf, hare, snake). The performers of the roles in the game can be people, adults or children, or toys that replace them, such as dolls.

In middle and senior preschool age, role-playing games develop, but at this time they already differ in a much wider variety of topics, roles, game actions, rules introduced and implemented in the game than in the younger preschool age. Many objects of a natural character used in the play of younger preschoolers are here replaced by conditional ones, and the so-called symbolic play arises. For example, a simple cube, depending on the game and the role assigned to it, can symbolically represent and various subjects furniture, and a car, and people, and animals. A number of play actions in middle and senior preschoolers are only implied and performed symbolically, in abbreviated form, or only indicated by words.

A special role in the game is given to strict adherence to rules and relationships, for example, subordinate ones. Here leadership appears for the first time, organizational skills and abilities begin to develop in children.

In addition to games involving real practical actions with imaginary objects and roles, drawing is a symbolic form of individual play activity. Representations and thinking are gradually becoming more and more actively involved in it. From the image of what he sees, the child eventually moves on to drawing what he knows, remembers and invents himself.

Competition games are allocated to a special class, in which the most attractive moment for children is winning or success. It is assumed that it is in such games that the motivation for achieving success is formed and consolidated in preschool children.

At the senior preschool age, the design game begins to turn into labor activity, during which the child designs, creates, builds something useful, necessary in everyday life. In such games, children learn elementary labor skills and abilities, learn physical properties subjects, they are actively developing practical thinking. In the game, the child learns to use many tools and household items. He acquires and develops the ability to plan his actions, improve hand movements and mental operations, imagination and representations.

Among the various types of creative activities that preschool children like to engage in, the fine arts, in particular children's drawing, take a large place. By the nature of what and how the child depicts, one can judge his perception of the surrounding reality, about the features of memory, imagination and thinking. In drawings, children strive to convey their impressions and knowledge received from the outside world. Drawings can vary significantly depending on the physical or psychological state of the child (illness, mood, etc.). It was found that the drawings made by sick children differ in many respects from the drawings of healthy children.

Music occupies an important place in the artistic and creative activity of preschoolers. Children enjoy listening to musical compositions, repeating musical rows and sounds on various instruments. At this age, for the first time, an interest in serious music studies arises, which in the future can develop into a real hobby and contribute to the development of musical talent. Children learn to sing, perform a variety of rhythmic movements to music, in particular dance. Singing develops an ear for music and vocal abilities.

So, none of the children's ages requires such a variety of forms of interpersonal cooperation as preschool, since it is associated with the need to develop the most diverse aspects of the child's personality. This is cooperation with peers, with adults, games, communication and joint work. Throughout preschool childhood, the following main types of children's activities are consistently improved: game manipulation with objects, individual object game of a constructive type, collective role-playing game, individual and group creativity, games, competitions, games - communication, domestic work. About a year or two before entering school, one more activity is added to the named types of activity - educational activity, and a child of 5-6 years old practically finds himself involved in at least seven to eight different types of activity, each of which specifically intellectually and morally develops him.

§2. Visual activity and perception of a fairy tale in preschool age

The visual activity of the child has long attracted the attention of artists, teachers and psychologists (F. Frebel, I. Luke, G. Kershenshteiner, N.A. Rybnikov, R. Arnheim, etc.).

What is the role of visual activity in the general mental development of a child?

According to A.V. Zaporozhets: “Visual activity is like a game, it allows you to more deeply comprehend the subjects of interest to the child. However, it is even more important, as he also points out, that as the child masters the visual activity, an internal ideal plan is created, which is absent in early childhood. In preschool age, the internal plan of activity is not completely internal, it needs material support, drawing is one of such supports. "

The child can find himself in drawing, and at the same time the emotional block that inhibits his development will be removed. The child may self-identify, perhaps for the first time in his creative work. Moreover, his creative work in itself may not have aesthetic value. Obviously, such a change in its development is much more important than the final product - the drawing.

In the article "Prehistory of the Development of Written Speech" L.S. Vygotsky viewed children's drawing as a transition from symbol to sign. The symbol has a similarity to what it stands for, the sign has no such similarity. Children's drawings are symbols of objects, since they have a similarity to the depicted one, the word has no such similarity, so it becomes a sign. Drawing helps the word become a sign. According to LS. Vygotsky, from a psychological point of view, we should consider drawing as a kind of children's speech. L. S. Vygotsky considers children's drawing as a preparatory stage of written speech.

Another function of a child's drawing is an expressive function. In the drawing, the child expresses his attitude to reality, in him you can immediately see what is main for the child and what is secondary, in the drawing there is always an emotional and semantic center. Through the drawing, you can control the emotional and semantic perception of the child.

Finally, one last thing. The favorite subject of children's drawings is that a person is the center of all children's life. Despite the fact that in the visual activity the child deals with objective reality, real relationships play an extremely important role here too. However, this activity does not sufficiently bring the child into the world of mature social relations, into the world of work, in which adults participate.

In addition to playing and visual activity, perception of a fairy tale also becomes an activity in preschool age. K. Buhler called preschool age the age of fairy tales. This is the literary genre most loved by a child.

S. Buhler specially studied the role of the fairy tale in the development of the child. In her opinion, the heroes of fairy tales are simple and typical, they are devoid of any individuality. They often don't even have names. Their characteristics are limited to two or three qualities that are understandable to children's perception. But these characteristics are brought to an absolute degree: unprecedented kindness, courage, resourcefulness. At the same time, the heroes of fairy tales do everything that ordinary people do: eat, drink, work, get married, etc. All this contributes better understanding fairy tales by a child.

But in what sense can the perception of a fairy tale be an activity? The perception of a small child differs from the perception of an adult in that it is a detailed activity that needs external support.

A.V. Zaporozhets et al. Identified a specific action for this activity. This assistance, when the child takes the position of the hero of the work, tries to overcome the obstacles standing in his way. BM Teplov, considering the nature of the child's artistic perception, pointed out that empathy, mental assistance to the hero of the work constitutes "the living soul of artistic perception."

Empathy is similar to the role that the child takes on in the game D.B. Elkonin emphasized that the classical fairy tale most closely matches the effective nature of the child's perception of a work of art, it outlines the route of those actions that the child must carry out and the child walks along this route. Where this route is absent, the child ceases to understand it, as, for example, in some fairy tales by H. H. Andersen, where there are lyrical digressions. TA Repina traced in detail the path of the interiorization of assistance: young children have understanding when they can rely on an image, and not only on a verbal description.

Thus, the first children's books should be picture books, and pictures are the main support for tracing the action. Later, such tracking becomes less necessary. Now the main actions should be reflected in verbal form, but in the form and in the sequence in which they actually occur. In older preschool age, a generalized description of events is possible.

§3. Labor activity of preschool children

At preschool age, four types of work are feasible for children.

Self-service - developing the skills of eating, washing, undressing and dressing; development of skills to use hygiene items (pot, handkerchief, towel, toothbrush, comb, brush for clothes and shoes, etc.); education of respect for their things and household items.

Household labor - the development of household labor skills in children (wiping and washing toys, children's and doll furniture, washing doll and children's (socks, handkerchiefs, etc.) linen, cleaning toys and putting things in order in the room, helping parents with kitchen.

Labor in nature is the active, feasible participation of children in work on the flower garden, berry, vegetable garden, as well as caring for indoor plants and pets.

Manual labor is an independent and with the help of adults making from paper, cardboard, natural and waste material of the simplest objects necessary in everyday life and for the child's games (boxes, pincases, panels, play material, etc.).

So, starting from an early age, children develop work skills aimed at meeting personal needs, they are associated with the processes of dressing, undressing, eating and with the observance of basic personal hygiene skills. In joint activities with adults, children are introduced to new labor operations: put dishes, wipe the table, remove toys. On a walk, children can help an adult remove foliage on the paths and benches, collect snow with a shovel. In a corner of nature, together with adults, they water the flowers, feed the living inhabitants.

When teaching young preschool children the skills of self-service, it is important to preserve their desire for independence, which is a great achievement of a child of this age, the most important factor in the formation of hard work. Great patience and pedagogical tact is required from an adult in order not to extinguish the child's initiative. Children should be encouraged to try to help each other. Household work of children of this age is reduced to the implementation of the simplest assignments, but this work should be encouraged in every possible way, since these actions contain the cobs of collective labor. It is necessary that the work was feasible for the children. However, already at this age, they should feel that all work is associated with overcoming difficulties. Children should be taught to work side by side without interfering.

Parents should take care of animals and plants in the presence of children, explaining their actions and encouraging the children to want to help him. It is important to form in children a desire to take care of animals and plants.

In the middle preschool age, the skills that children mastered at a young age are improved. But great attention is paid to diligence, the ability to bring the work started to the end: dressing, undressing, eating without distraction. These tasks are solved more successfully when using play techniques and systematic control over the actions of children. At this age, the child has a desire to teach a friend what he can do.

Household work begins to occupy a significant place in the life of children, the main form is various assignments. Children perform not only individual labor actions (I wipe the cube), but learn to perform whole labor processes (wet a cloth, wipe the cubes, rinse out a cloth, dry, put in place).

In nature, children participate in the feasible work of caring for living inhabitants, they are responsible for work orders at their summer cottage.

During manual labor, children master the simplest skills of making crafts from paper and natural materials.

In older preschool children, special attention should be paid to ensuring that the child uses labor skills consciously (he understands the need to brush his teeth, use a handkerchief, rinse his mouth after eating, etc.). Children are already dressing, undressing, keeping their clothes clean, tidy in their lockers and in the room as a whole. Children are taught to take good care of their belongings, to clean and dry clothes and shoes. Children are taught sensitivity, kindness, responsiveness, the ability to come to the aid of younger and older family members.

Thus, with senior group the content of the household work of children is expanding. Particular attention is paid to the formation of skills in organizing collective family labor activities. Children are taught to listen to the assignment, think over a work plan, prepare everything necessary for its implementation, be careful during work, not interfere with other family members' work, help them, not leave the job without finishing it, do not hesitate to ask for help. Along with participation in collective activities, children also carry out individual assignments, which are different both in difficulty and in nature.

CHAPTER 3. Child's readiness for school

§1. The crisis is seven years old. The symptom of loss of immediacy

On the basis of the emergence of personal consciousness, a crisis arises for 7 years.

The main symptoms of the crisis:

) loss of immediacy. Between desire and action is the experience of what meaning this action will have for the child himself;

) demeanor; the child builds something of himself, hides something (the soul is already closed);

) a symptom of "bitter candy": the child is bad, but he tries not to show it. Difficulties arise in upbringing, the child begins to withdraw and becomes uncontrollable.

These symptoms are based on a generalization of experiences. The child has a new inner life, a life of experiences, which is not directly and directly superimposed on the outer life. But this inner life is not indifferent to the outer one, it affects it. The emergence of inner life is an extremely important fact, now the orientation of behavior will be carried out within this inner life. The crisis requires a transition to a new social situation, requires a new content of relations. The child must enter into a relationship with society as with a set of people performing obligatory, socially necessary and socially useful activities. In our conditions, the tendency towards it is expressed in the desire to go to school as soon as possible. Often the higher stage of development, which the child reaches by the age of seven, is confused with the problem of the child's readiness for schooling. Observations in the first days of a child's stay at school show that many children are not yet ready to go to school.

However, the school is a public institution.

The symptom that dissects the preschool and primary school ages is the “symptom of loss of immediacy” (L. S. Vygotsky): between the desire to do something and the activity itself new moment- orientation in what will bring the child the implementation of this or that activity.This is an internal orientation in what sense the implementation of the activity can have for the child - satisfaction or dissatisfaction from the place that the child will take in relations with adults or other people.

In recent years, there is education and it will increase in preschool, however, it is characterized by an exclusively intellectualistic approach. The child is taught to read, write, count. However, you can be able to do all this, but not be ready for schooling. Readiness is determined by the activity in which all these skills are included. The assimilation of knowledge and skills by children at preschool age is included in play activities, and therefore this knowledge has a different structure. Hence, the first requirement that must be taken into account when entering school is that readiness for schooling should never be measured according to the formal level of skills, such as reading, writing, counting. Possessing them, the child may not yet have the corresponding mechanisms of mental activity.

The transition to the school system is a transition to the assimilation of scientific concepts. The child must move from the reactive program to the curriculum of school subjects (L. S. Vygotsky). The child must, first, learn to distinguish different sides reality, only under this condition it is possible to move on to subject teaching. A child should be able to see in an object, in a thing, some of its separate aspects, parameters that make up the content of a separate subject of science. Secondly, in order to master the foundations of scientific thinking, a child needs to understand that his own point of view on things cannot be absolute and unique.

J. Piaget identified two important characteristics of the thinking of a preschool child. The first concerns the transition from the pre-operational thinking of a preschool child to the operational thinking of a schoolchild. It is carried out through the formation of operations; and an operation is an internal action that has become reduced, reversible and coordinated with other actions into an integral system. The operation comes from an external action, from the manipulation of objects.

As we have already noted many times, human action is characterized by a complex relationship between the orienting and executive parts. P.Ya. Halperin emphasized that the characterization of the action only in terms of its executive part is insufficient. This remark, first of all, refers to J. Piaget, since he, speaking about action, does not single out psychological and objective content in it.

Under the leadership of P. Ya. Gal'perin, studies were carried out that made it possible to reveal the process of transition from preschool to the beginning of the school worldview. As you know, the thinking of a preschooler is characterized by the absence of an idea of ​​invariance. Only at the age of seven to eight does the child recognize the conservation of the quantity. J. Piaget associated the disappearance of this phenomenon with the formation of operations.

So, by the end of preschool age, we have three lines of development.

Formation line of voluntary behavior,

The line of mastering the means and standards of cognitive activity,

The line of transition from egocentrism to decentration. Development along these lines determines the child's readiness for schooling.

To these three lines, which were analyzed by D.B. Elkonin, the child's motivational readiness for schooling should be added. As LI Bozhovich has shown, the child strives for the function of a student. For example, during the "game to school" children of younger ages take on the function of a teacher, older preschoolers prefer the role of students, since this role seems especially significant to them.

L.S. Vygotsky highlights some of the features that characterize the seven-year crisis:

) Experiences acquire meaning (an angry child realizes that he is angry), thanks to this, the child has new relationships with himself, which were impossible before the generalization of the experiences.

) By the crisis of seven years, for the first time there is a generalization of experiences, or affective generalization, the logic of feelings. There are deeply retarded children who fail and lose at every step. A school-age child develops a generalization of feelings, that is, if a situation has happened to him many times, he has an affective formation, the nature of which also refers to a single experience or affect, as a concept refers to a single perception or memory.

By the age of 7, a number of complex formations arise, which lead to the fact that the difficulties of behavior change dramatically and radically, they are fundamentally different from the difficulties of preschool age.

§2. Psychological characteristics of readiness to study at school

In terms of cognition, a child has already reached a very high level of development before entering school, which ensures the free assimilation of the school curriculum. However, psychological readiness for school is not limited to this. In addition to developed cognitive processes: perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking and speech, it includes formed personality traits, including interests, motives, abilities, character traits of the child, as well as qualities associated with the performance of various types of activities. Before entering school, the child must have sufficiently developed self-control, work skills and abilities, the ability to communicate with people, role behavior. In order for a child to be practically ready for learning and assimilation of knowledge, it is necessary that each of these characteristics be sufficiently developed in him. What does this mean in practice?

The development of perception is manifested in its selectivity, meaningfulness, objectivity and high level formation of perceptual actions. Attention of children to the moment of entering school should become arbitrary, possessing the required volume, stability, distribution, switchability. Since the difficulties that children face in practice at the beginning of schooling are associated precisely with the lack of development of attention, it is necessary to take care of its improvement first of all, preparing the preschooler for learning.

The initial stage of schooling places great demands on the memory of children. In order for a child to be able to master the school curriculum well, it is necessary that his memory becomes arbitrary, so that the child has various effective means for memorizing, preserving and reproducing educational material.

There are usually no problems associated with the development of children's imagination when entering school, so that almost all children, playing a lot and in a variety of ways in preschool age, have a well-developed and rich imagination.

Thinking is even more important than imagination and memory for the learning ability of children. When entering school, it must be developed and presented in all three main forms: visual-effective, visual-figurative and verbal-logical.

The verbal readiness of children to learn and learn is primarily manifested in their ability to use the word for arbitrary control of behavior and cognitive processes. Equally important is the development of speech as a means of communication and a prerequisite for mastering writing. Special care should be taken about this function of speech during middle and senior preschool childhood, since the development of written speech significantly determines the progress of the child's intellectual development.

Children's personal readiness for learning seems to be no less important than cognitive and intellectual. The child's desire to learn and his success depend on it.

Speaking about the motivational readiness of children to learn, one should also bear in mind the need to achieve success, the corresponding self-esteem and the level of aspiration. The need to achieve success in a child must certainly dominate over the fear of failure. Children should show as little anxiety as possible in learning, communication and practice related to ability tests in situations that involve competition with others. It is important that their self-esteem is adequate, and the level of aspirations is consistent with the real possibilities available to the child.

Thus, children's abilities do not have to be formed by the beginning of schooling, especially those of them who continue to actively develop in the process of learning. Another thing is more important: so that even in the preschool period of childhood, the child has the necessary inclinations for the development of the necessary abilities.


The social situation of the preschooler's development is characterized by a significant expansion of the range of interpersonal relationships, which at the previous stage of development - at an early age - were reduced mainly to a narrow family circle. The preschooler, preserving as the most significant relations with parents and other members of his family (grandparents, sib-lings, etc.), begins to actively master the sphere of communication with peers, and having entered a preschool institution, he is also included in relationships with the teacher as a social adult, performing special functions and presenting special, new requirements for the child. However, the changes in the social situation of development at this age are not limited only to the expansion of the sphere of relationships: along with the cognitive and personal development of the preschooler, a qualitative change in his previous connections also occurs - parent-child relations are rebuilt, and interaction with other family members also acquires a different psychological content. Deeper forms of communication with people become available to the preschooler.

The sphere of activity of a preschooler also becomes fundamentally different in comparison with early childhood. Throughout the preschool age, which lasts for four whole years (from 3 to 7 years), the child masters such complex activities as role-playing game (leading activity of this age), drawing, construction, perception of a fairy tale and many other types of activity. The activity of communication continues to develop intensively: in addition to the situational-personal and situational-business forms of communication between a child and an adult, the preschooler masters two new, more complex forms of communication - outside situational-cognitive and extra-situational-personal, as well as interaction with peers.

Within the framework of significant relationships that permeate all forms of a child's activity, preschoolers gradually develop a whole system of neoplasms that are of fundamental importance on the scale of the entire ontogenetic process. Studies show that in preschool age, not only individual mental functions (perception, attention, memory, speech, etc.) develop intensively, but also a kind of laying of a common basis for cognitive abilities occurs, including the formation of such types of thinking as visual-effective, visual -shaped and elements of verbal-logical. It is the preschool age that provides the child with unique opportunities for the development of symbolic function and imagination, which underlies any type of creative activity.

In the personal sphere of the preschooler, a hierarchical structure of motives and needs begins to form, a general and differentiated self-esteem, elements of volitional regulation according to reference. At the same time, moral norms of behavior are actively assimilated, and value-semantic formations arise on the basis of gradually accumulating life experience. By the end of preschool age, the possibilities of voluntary regulation of behavior also noticeably increase, and egocentric perception of reality is gradually giving way to the ability to take into account not only one's own point of view, but also to take into account the views and opinions of other people, both adults and peers.

In the context of the psychologist's diagnostic and correctional work, the above-mentioned components of the social situation of development, typical types of activity, forms of communication and normative neoplasms of preschool age serve as basic guidelines in the process of analyzing the course of a child's development. Violation of any of the links or mechanisms of the development of the complex psychological structure of the preschooler's personality, which A.N. Leontiev called the process of "the initial actual folding of the personality", can decisively affect everything further course child development.

An important feature of preschool age is the fact that during its course many psychological characteristics of a child (including unfavorable ones) are still latent, not quite obvious, and their manifestations seem to be "disguised" as purely childish, which means that they are completely traits of immaturity, natural for this period. Subsequently, it can be seen that in some cases the socially undesirable aspects of children's behavior are transient, temporary and eventually, gradually, as they grow up, the child loses them (for example, shyness and fearfulness in new situations, impulsivity and immediacy of response, egocentrism, etc.). ). However, in many other cases, in preschool age, the roots of serious future problems are laid in the child, since quite stable features of personal response begin to form here, a hierarchy of motives and values ​​is being built, and some characterological features are consolidated. In this regard, more than justly based on numerous facts, A.V. Zaporozhets that "if the corresponding intellectual or emotional qualities, for one reason or another, do not receive proper development in early childhood, then subsequently overcoming such shortcomings turns out to be difficult, and sometimes impossible"


The path of cognition that a child takes from 3 to 7 years old is enormous. During this time, he learns so much about the world around him and so masters various intellectual operations that many psychologists and teachers of the past believed that the preschool child had passed the main path of the development of thinking and that in the future he had only to master the knowledge gained in science.

At first glance, this opinion seems fair. Indeed, a child (especially by the end of preschool age) already knows how to observe, generalize, draw conclusions, and make comparisons. He has a desire to look into the cause of the phenomenon, to discover the existing connections and relationships of things. This is evidenced, for example, by the persistence and even annoyance with which he already in the first half of preschool childhood asks adults his endless "why?"

True, often children can be satisfied with the most superficial and even ridiculous answers, but there must still be some answer, and if it is not there, the child finds it himself, in some of his own, specific for this age, logic. And these issues deeply concern children, as they are closely related to their general emotional relationship to the environment.

All this suggests that the consciousness of a preschooler is not just filled with separate images, ideas and fragmentary knowledge, but is characterized by some holistic perception and comprehension of the surrounding reality, as well as an attitude towards it. In a sense, we can say that he has his own view of the world and that he himself and his relationship with other people are not excluded from this world.

We can say that in the period of preschool childhood, a special children's world outlook is indeed formed, which includes some general idea of ​​the world, attitude towards it and attitude towards oneself in this world.


1.Aseev V.G. Age psychology: Tutorial... - M .: Education, 2008 .-- 230 p.

Vygotsky L. S. Collected works: In 6 volumes - T. 4. . - M .: Vlados, 2008 .-- 283 p.

Zimnyaya I.A. Educational Psychology: Textbook. - M .: Pedagogika, 2006 .-- 178 p.

Martsinkovskaya T.D. History of Child Psychology: Textbook. - M .: Vlados, 2008 .-- 283 p.

5. Obukhova L.F. Child psychology: theories, facts, problems: textbook. - Rostov n / a .: Phoenix, 2007 .-- 384 p.

Obukhova L.F. Child psychology: theories, facts, problems: textbook. - Rostov n / a .: Phoenix, 2007 .-- 384 p.

Pedagogy // ed. Yu.K. Babanskiy- M .: Gardarika, 2009 .-- 225 p.

8.Spirin L.F. Theory and technology for solving pedagogical problems: Textbook. - SPb .: Peter, 2005 .-- 560s.

9. Stolyarenko L. D. Educational Psychology: Textbook. - M .: Education, 2008 .-- 142 p.

10. Stolyarenko L. D. Educational Psychology: Textbook. - M .: Education, 2008 .-- 142 p.

11.Talyzina N.F. Educational Psychology: Textbook. - M .: Pedagogika, 2006 .-- 178 p.

12.Talyzina N.F. Educational Psychology: Textbook. - M .: Pedagogika, 2006 .-- 178 p.

Elkonin D. B. Children's psychology. - M .: Pedagogika, 2006 .-- 178 p.

Yaroshevsky M.G. History of Psychology. - M .: Education, 2008 .-- 230 p.

Yaroshevsky M.G. History of Psychology. - M .: Education, 2008 .-- 230 p.

Preschool children are constantly involved in some kind of activity. They run, play, look at pictures and books, want to wash dishes like mom, or knock with a hammer like dad ... The activities of preschoolers are varied, and all of them are vital. This is how three interrelated processes take place in childhood: the development of the cognitive sphere, the development of activities and the formation of personality.

Why activity is important for a preschooler

Various types of activities provide an opportunity for preschool children to actively learn about the world around them, try their hand, acquire the first experience.

Children's activity is understood as a process formed by a need and specific actions. Ideally, the result is still important, verified against the initial desire (whether it turned out what I was striving for or not). But children of preschool age are far from always result-oriented; they benefit from direct actions in which they are interested.

The special value of the activity lies in the fact that there is a two-way process. While developing, the preschooler learns to perform more complex actions, and by getting involved in the activity, he is immersed in conditions that stimulate his development.

Conditions are created for the speech development of preschoolers through various types of activity. Whatever the child does, he accompanies his occupation with words. With the help of speech, children reveal the reasons for behavior, expresses the goals of their actions: "building a house", "I will comb the dolls", etc.

Variety of types and forms of activity in preschool age

The preschooler gradually masters those activities that are feasible for him at a certain age stage. In early childhood, it is necessary to master actions with objects. Then comes the turn of play, creativity and mental actions aimed at solving the problem.

Each age period is characterized by the predominance of some types of activity over others. The predominant species is the most influential, therefore it is distinguished as the leading activity.

The involvement of the child in the business is carried out in different ways. Interest and attempts to do something can arise spontaneously under the influence of momentary desire, or when the baby observes others and seeks to imitate. Also, children's activities can be organized by adults and correspond to a specific goal to develop useful skills.

The child is especially prone to some activities. Perhaps he has the makings of drawing or music, construction or logical thinking. Appropriate activities will help develop the preschooler, given to him by nature.

A preschooler can enthusiastically build a house from cubes or draw on his own, but he is also attracted by collective activities. The collective form provides other possibilities. The child sees what peers are doing, notices what actions are approved, and role models are formed in his imagination.

Productive activities

Through individual activities, the child creates a real product that can be shown to others or appreciated. In these cases, preschoolers take place.

These include, first of all, drawing, designing, making applications.

Features of productive activity lie in the fact that by depicting or modeling, the preschooler receives multifaceted material for the development of perception. He needs to figure out the size and shape of the object, figure out how to display them on a sheet or in a model. The child develops the perception of color and the technique of detailed examination.

Play activity

Most of the time, the preschooler is busy with games. The game develops and appears at this age. Over the period from 3 to 7 years, play activity changes greatly, enriched with new forms and content.

A three-year-old can play alone, carried away by the subject. Interest in how peers play arises somewhat later. Younger preschoolers begin to imitate each other, show their toys, they can just run together, and for them this is already a game.

The most common in preschool childhood are mobile and. Outdoor games such as hide-and-seek or catch-up are aimed at developing motor abilities.

They differ in strict rules - otherwise there will be no game. It is interesting that until the age of 4 a child does not understand why he is running away or hiding, but he fulfills the rule. Even in such a simple activity, the formation of ideas about the rules and norms is laid.

Role-playing is especially important for a preschooler. Acting according to the rules of the role, the child develops imagination, masters the norms of communication, learns to control his behavior.

Prepares the preschooler for the next type of application of his strength - for artistic productive activity.

Creative activity

The artistic or creative activity of a preschooler develops in accordance with the principle "from simple to more complex." In children's creativity, much depends on the extent to which the child owns the means and methods to transform into images and models everything that he sees, hears and feels.

At the disposal younger preschooler there are very few such methods and means. By the age of 6-7, a preschooler learns a lot: to draw and cut out of paper, to imagine images before embodying them in a drawing or model, to keep the idea of ​​a conceived composition and to create it consistently. , in turn, is represented by several types.

Fine art

The child includes drawing, modeling, making appliques. Classes are useful at any age, since children are more often attracted to the process itself, rather than the result. It doesn't matter that the baby only gets chaotic lines and circles. In these inept actions, the hand and the technique of drawing movements, visual perception are developed, a sense of color and harmonious color combinations are formed.

Practicing drawing, the preschooler masters the space of the sheet. At the age of 5, he will no longer draw everything in a row on one sheet, but will demand a new one - one for the Snowman, and the other for the meadow with flowers. The child comes to understand that the creation of a drawing requires the correspondence of a single composition.

Applique making gives the child the first idea of ​​symmetry. Symmetry becomes a discovery for a preschooler when snowflakes, leaves and other elements of the applicative plot are cut out of a folded sheet of paper.

After this practice, children develop the ability to see symmetry in the world around them.


The constructive activity of a preschooler is the construction of various buildings and the creation of models from Lego parts and other plastic or wooden sets. This type of construction belongs to paper.

In practical actions, the preschooler reveals the existing patterns. There is an awareness of what shapes and sizes the parts should have in order for them to fit together. By experimenting, children come to understand that when building a tower, you need to make the base wider so that it is more stable - this is how the concept of stability and balance is formed.

Develops the ability to perceive the subject as a whole. The preschooler learns to plan a few steps ahead, and then implement the plan. Constructive thinking develops in such activities.

Musical and dance activities

Musical activity is rarely mentioned in the context of a preschooler's development. At the same time, it is an actively present and important topic in a child's life. Children begin to respond to music early, the perception of musical sounds and rhythm is formed.

Preschoolers of any age are happy to perform dance moves to music. The ear for music also develops.

Dance lessons have a significant impact on motor and general development child. He memorizes and performs movements in a given order, learns to distribute attention between the direct execution of the movements and observing the coach or dance partners. At the same time, the ability to perceive the visual-motor image develops. As they master the dance moves, the preschooler can be creative and create their own dance.

Cognitive research activities

Cognitive activity of a preschooler contributes to the development of mental activity and thinking. Such activity can manifest itself in a practical and mental form. In the case when the child conducts the simplest experiments, cognitive research activity takes place.

The preschooler does not engage in experimentation for fun. He is faced with a previously unknown property of an object and seeks to understand this property, to discover the argumentation. The child checks how the paper boat floats and what happens when the paper is completely saturated with water. Experiments what can be thrown higher - a ball or a balloon.

In such activities, the preschooler discovers essential signs of objects and phenomena. He cannot explain them, and then a chain of questions follows for an adult. strengthens and pushes to new experiences. The value of children's research activity lies in the fact that it is a way of knowing the surrounding world.

Labor activity

A preschooler wants to be like a mom or dad. He looks at what adults are doing, and he also wants to try his hand. At this time, the child is driven by the strongest interest and desire to be on an equal footing.

The child is fascinated by the process, not the result. He wants to knead the dough with his mother and water the flowers in the flowerbed next to his father. The preschooler declares that he will help. It is not a problem that the "helper" will be covered in flour, or the water from the watering can will be poured over himself. Participation in a useful cause is important.

The main rule that parents should be guided by when doing this: do not get annoyed! The child shows independence, realizes his needs. In addition, he absorbs the manners of adults, and the parental reaction will become a model of behavior for him in the future.

The child expects a positive assessment, praise, approval of their actions. A child's sense of pride in his achievements manifests itself already at the age of 3 years, as soon as he discovered his own self. It is very important to praise the child and entrust him with a task that is within his power.

A special value from the point of view of a younger preschooler lies in the fact that he becomes an adult's employee and acts in a real situation, and not in a play one. The older preschooler has different priorities. He is happy to get to work if he understands its importance. Whatever the motive for engaging in activity turns out to be, the preschooler gradually forms work skills.

Educational activities

In older preschool age, children are interested in more serious "adult" skills - reading, counting. Cognitive motives are formed. All these are prerequisites for the child to be ready to learn new things and solve more complex problems. Games and creative activities prepare the preschooler for learning activities.

The first skills are taught to the preschooler in didactic game... Didactic games are games that are specially invented by adults so that children gain new knowledge and develop skills.

At first in a playful way, but over time, preschoolers and without a playful context listen to cognitive material with interest, read and perform simple counting operations.

As for educational activities, you should not overload preschoolers with new knowledge. It is much more important to prepare children for the fact that schooling requires arbitrary cognitive processes. And for this, it is necessary to conduct games with children for attention, for the development of voluntary perception and memory.

In an effort to fully develop a child, adults need to remember that all activities of children benefit them. It is important for a preschooler to play and draw, design and perform feasible household chores. Parents should give their child the opportunity to exercise independence, be patient with children's experimentation, and actively engage in joint activities.

Different games