Rbg wow. Rated battlefields tactics, selection of classes. Class selection for a Rated Battleground

Good afternoon everyone, today is a slightly unusual release of the article, as it was written in collaboration with a young, promising and very well-established, one of the best raid leaders Hero of the Loolik Horde.In the future, it is planned to continue this topic, namely, tactics for each type of battlefield, both flag and check.


Selection by class
raid composition
player roles

Little prehistory:
From the very beginning, there was no BG in the game and people were content with the Hillsbrad Foothills. Patch 1.5 introduced the first 2 BGs: Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley, and 1.7 added Arathi Basin. There was a small rank system. Titles were given out for merit in the field of PvP. Not many reached the top. Who wants to read in more detail.
A new battlefield, Eye of the Storm, has been added to BC.
With the release of VOTLK, 2 more battlefields appeared: the Coast of the Ancients and the Isle of Conquest.
The arrival of the Cataclysm marked not only the appearance of two more: the Twin Peaks, the Battle for Gilneas, but also the introduction of a new system of Rated Battlegrounds.
What gives us new system? - In addition to the ability to receive honor points (honor), it also makes it possible to receive a personal rating similar to the arena, with its own system of titles different for the Horde and the Alliance:

Scout- Earn 1100 Battleground Rating - Private
Rubak- Earn 1200 Battleground Rating - Corporal
Sergeant- Earn 1300 Battleground Rating - Sergeant
Staff Sergeant- Earn 1400 Battleground Rating - Staff Sergeant
foreman- Earn 1500 Battleground Rating - foreman
stone guard- Earn 1600 Battleground Rating - Knight
Blood Guard- Earn 1700 Battleground Rating - Knight Lieutenant
Legionary- Earn 1800 Battleground Rating - Knight Captain
Centurion- Earn 1900 Battleground Rating - Knight Defender
Defender- Earn 2000 Battleground Rating - Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant General- Earn 2100 Battleground Rating - Commander
General- Earn 2200 Battleground Rating - Marshal
Leader- Earn 2300 Battleground Rating - field marshal
supreme chief- Earn 2400 Battleground Rating - commander in chief
Hero of the Horde- Finish Season 9 PvP in the top 0.5% of the Battlegrounds leaderboard (although it's logical to expect in future patches not only for Season 9, but most likely a great achievement like Gladiator for all subsequent seasons) - Hero of the Alliance

It's not a secret for anyone that a well-chosen squad in the realities of different patches can win raids with more skillful players.

Flag bearers:

Let's start with the most key player - the Flag Bearer. The flag bearer, aka the tank, is an important player that does a huge amount of work on battlegrounds like Twin Peaks and Warsong Gulch. Since on this moment 2\4 RBG with flags, this player should be in every raid.
Now many raids have a dilemma of who to take with a tank. In most cases now on the RSF you can see Warriors and Druids wearing flags. Warrior and Druid are much better at keeping damage than DK, they can not only fend for themselves in terms of damage but they also have ways not to be controlled and only they have increased mobility. The paladin in this regard is a little behind in abilities, but is also a good flag bearer compared to DC.
You can talk for a very long time on this topic and sort out the abilities of each class on the shelves, but now we will analyze Druids and Warriors.

Lately, my preference for tanks has fallen on the druids. The way to the flag - the druid goes through any skirmish in crouching beast and raises the flag.
Mobility - The druid has a travel form that allows you to carry the flag much faster than any other tank, and add to this an impulse and an alarm roar. With a good raid performance, the druid will bring the flag to his base while the enemy tank is still in the center of the map.
Survivability - Druids have many defensive abilities in their arsenal, such as oakskin, survival instincts other.

Also, one of the good options is a warrior. A warrior, unlike a druid, must run in front of everyone, and many raids use this, starting to stun, slow down, control, kill a tank that has not even had time to reach the flag. Therefore, it is better to send with a warrior one of the healers, preferably a holy paladin. But they still have something to surprise the enemy.
Mobility - for a warrior, it is many times better than for the same paladins and death knights. Jerk, interception, intervention, heroic leap- all this, together with other abilities, makes the warrior one of the best flag bearers on the RBG.
Survivability - warriors have many defensive abilities in their stock, such as: spell reflection, disarmament, deaf defense and others.


Holy paladin is an ambulance, at the moment it is the most healing class. The paladin has a wide range of abilities that allow him to heal frenzied damage: starting from light warrior aura usually gives great advantage at the beginning of the battle, lay on hands is perhaps the strongest ability to heal, the wrath of the avenger and ending (although not ending the entire list of their abilities) divine shield which makes it possible not to be controlled and with complete immunity to do their job.

Priest is an excellent healer with high healing, buffs such as damage absorption and the best in the game. dispelling spells and mass dispersion.The main abilities are: pain suppression, spiritual zeal that can protect against unnecessary damage, mana burn is a very useful ability in protracted battles especially in Gilneas, and of course it is worth mentioning the excellent mass control mental scream.

Shaman is a universal, useful class, because having him in the raid you can be sure that as long as the shaman is alive and everything is in order with his mana, your tank will not be taken away. They have many useful abilities, for example: magma totem if you are in control , then this totem is what you need! Thanks to him, until the flag is knocked down, it will be impossible to capture; spiritual connection totem- this is truly just an irreplaceable thing that will save you more than once, as well as an ability that will help your raid both in attack and defense bloodlust, totem of awe + many useful abilities such as buffs from totems and so on.

The druid is a raid healer, the amount of damage a druid can heal is enormous. Druid is very useful in mass battles. But at the same time, the druid most likely will not be able to “raise” the health pillar of any player when the enemy suddenly changes the target. Among the abilities that they can boast of are: the tree of life and tranquility, wonderful mass healing. They also have excellent chain control, the most important of which is a tornado .


Rogue is a mandatory class that should be in the raid, as he has a smoke bomb in his arsenal, which allows you to kill almost any player with uncontrolled healers. Also, horns as a stealth are very useful for various tricks in attack, protection of points and "turning off" any player from the battle thanks to an incredible series of control (more details in my previous articles) in addition, horns have very strong burst damage.

Mage is an undeniably indispensable class after rogue, everyone knows about novas and the ring of frost every melee class with bloody tears prays for dispelling spells when it hits her. Frost Mage is also good for point defense, player control, and good burst damage. Arcane mage is a turret that shaves off any target in its path if it is not stopped. Fire mage is very good for burst, and protects healers / players well dragon breath.For all his advantages with the cataclysm, he had such an opportunity as time distortion. In any talent tree, the mage can cause problems to the enemy, he is also included in the stealth category on RBG.

Warlock - is now a very strong AoE damage dealer, they have no problems with bursting on the target and have time to hang dots / control players, so warlocks are often in demand in the raid. In addition, Afli loki - they hang unstable sorcery which do not allow enemy healers to mindlessly scatter everything in a row, and those who still dare to do so remain punished. It's also not a bad class to protect the point, but the warlock is much more useful in a skirmish with the enemy. Among other things, they can create a health stone, which is a transferable item.

Death knight - very good both for AoE damage and on the target, they feel good against casters, they can cause problems with one death grip, which is often used when switching to different targets, stopping the flag bearer, etc. If your death knight plays in the ice branch , he just has an excellent ability insatiable cold that, when interacting with many AoE controls of other players, will contribute to achieving victory. Of course, you should pay attention to necrotic strike, You will be pleasantly surprised by the amount of healing absorbed on the selected target, thanks to this your switches will be more effective.

The hunter is one of the best defenders of the points, in addition to having a pet that can also knock out checks, they have a camouflage that introduces them to the stealth group, and they can survive heavy burst damage thanks to containment. They have incredibly high damage in branch of the master of the beasts. In addition, a good strategic ability is the eagle eye.

Warrior is a good AoE/target damage dealer, not bad at fast attack, and can survive just as well. It's quite possible to bet on point defense, but not as good as players with a pet or stealth.

Paladin - of course we are talking about retrics, strong target damage, acceptable AoE, removes slowdowns, can heal a little, there is also a laying on of hands to help members of the raid, or save himself, very useful in large skirmishes, feel confident for now divine shield not on cd, after which they can quickly die from enemy raid dps.

Feral Druid is a very strong melee damage dealer, very strong target damage, not bad control in the form of a tornado, not bad for defending a point due to survivability, but such an ability as crouching beast introduces them to the number of stealthers.

The balance of the druid - strong AoE damage during acceleration is inherent, the burst on the target from the opening is a little lame, but this is compensated by merging with darkness, the mental scream still does not give him the opportunity to remain on the defense of the points himself.

Shamans - elemental shamans have huge target damage, which, when cooperating with other raid members, can simply one-shot targets. Just like balance, druids have thunder and lightning, which, with good positioning, will greatly help your raid. and the elemental shaman has a good intercept system mainly due to: As a rule, the raid consists of 1 tank (flag bearer) with a damage spec, 3 healers, and 6 damage dealers. Of course, you can go to 4 healers, but there can be a serious shortage in damage.
The raid should have both strong AoE damage dealers and targeted ones. Never make a lineup of only casters or only melee.

For comfortable game you will need:

Tank: Druid \ Warrior
- Healers: Paladin + Priest + (Shaman\Druid)
- Damage: Rogue + Mage + Warlock + (Warrior \ DK \ Feral) + (Hunter \ Balance \ Shaman \ ShP)

Of course, you can prioritize player miles, but at least one or two casters should be in the raid for your own convenience. You can also stack (2 shamans, 2 druids, etc.) classes, which many people do now, but this is already the choice of everyone.
Having collected such a composition, you will have a complete set of skills and opportunities for a convenient and high-quality game.

We have collected the raid and are almost ready to win on the battlefields, but before we go to battles, let's decide on the main tasks of the players in the raid.
Every raid must have Raid Leader(RL).RL is responsible for the tactics that the raid will play and for the positioning of all players on the battlefield. If there is no person who commands the raid, then even the strongest representatives of their classes will not be able to win the battle.
gunner– there should be a person who will be responsible for the game on targets (targets), it should be a damage dealer, preferably one who is not busy with control, there should always be someone from the raid who can take over this role if the main gunner dies or something more will happen to him.
On non-flag battlegrounds, it's also not bad to have a person who is responsible for "checking" points, who should knock down checks and report problems that he may have in order to help him.

And now a few more tips:
- healers should be well positioned far from each other so as not to catch extra mass control, and if they catch it, other healers should instantly dispel it;
- on flag battlegrounds it is very important to slow down the enemy flag bearer and protect your own;
- don't forget to leave someone on defense on check BGs, otherwise it will be easily taken away by a representative of the stealth group;
- always know your role, where you are needed, if something is not clear to you, ask the RL before the start of the battle;
- very often players don't help with goals, thinking that someone else will do it for them, believe me, this is often not the case;
- don't forget to do the so-called fake rushes on check BGs, when the bulk of the players head in one direction, and a few players capture other points, for example, it can be a group of stealthers;
- never neglect the opportunity to take control of a point even for a few seconds, in the end it may affect the outcome of the battle;
- one of the most important parts of the game on RBG is Voice communication, if the players do not inform each other about any actions, problems, then such a raid will be defeated;
- You must monitor and report to the radar about the movement of enemy players, especially representatives of the stealth group;
- from time to time do not forget to gather and update buffs;
- if enemy healers or casters do not have mana, believe me it is better to control them than to kill them, they do not pose a big threat;
- representatives different classes must agree and communicate their controls;
- if someone is in a bad mood, it's better to replace him or reschedule the raid, as he will project his negative attitude onto all members of the raid (don't be selfish, there are still people in the raid besides you and many of them have enough problems and worries of their own ).

One of the strongest Russian premades will help you with any rbg titles, and qualified TOP renters will also help you with getting any ratings and titles in the arena. Also, if you have any questions about my articles and not only, write to me on skype!

Rated Battleground (RBG)- an innovation implemented in the Cataclysm addon. The RBG provides one of the ways to rank up in PVP and earn Conquest Points. Each of the battleground rated fields once a week gives you the opportunity to get bonus points by completing daily tasks On him. The points earned can be spent on purchasing epic rewards, items of equipment that are so necessary in PVP battles. By winning, you get a positive rating change, as well as conquest and honor points. The higher your rating and the better the result obtained on the RBG, the greater the maximum points available to you weekly and the better items You can afford to buy.
For those who cannot take part in the battles for the rating or do not want to spend their time on it, the Dving.ru game help service offers the opportunity to get things, rewards and titles from the rating battlegrounds. Efficiency of processing applications is no more than 15 minutes. Orders are accepted by free phone 8-800-333-23-75 or through the feedback form.


multiple warhead


reconnaissance and combat group

Vocabulary: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. - M .: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. - 318 p.


Source: http://www.radiation.ru/research/xenon.htm


"Russian Business Newspaper"

edition, RF

Source: http://www.bizbank.ru/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=699

Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations. Academician. 2015 .

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