Resources in far cry primal. Far Cry Primal Guide - Skills and gaining experience. You're a scary person

We are on SIMHOST mostly realists. Therefore, we understand perfectly well that many of you have only now begun to undergo Far Cry Primal, after the appearance of “pills” from CPY and 3DM. Therefore, we decided that it would not be amiss to tell a little about Far Cry Primal in our “Guides” section. And first of all, we want to tell you which skills in Far Cry Primal will be most useful to you, and how best to distribute your experience.


And let's start, in fact, with the skills that are present in the game. By completing certain missions and actions in the game, you gain experience, which then, upon reaching a new level, turns into 1 skill point.

Takkar has the most important skills - health and regeneration. Actually, how long you can survive in the game will depend on them. Even if you prefer stealth for the most part, it is better to invest a few points in health. One way or another, you will have to engage in open skirmishes with the enemy.

U Tensay everything has to do with animals. One of the useful things here is taming large animals. Pump as needed. Upgrading owls depends on your personal need and desire to use them.

For skills Jayma It's worth paying attention only if you actively use a bow. And even then, the most useful skill here can be called making more arrows. For those who need more arrows!

Karoosh gives you the opportunity to ride animals and adds a variety of finishing moves. The skills are far from critical, but they pleasantly diversify the game. If you suddenly start to get bored Far Cry Primal.

Wogah doesn't provide anything particularly useful. Especially at the beginning of the game. Towards the end, you can spend money on reducing damage from Dah and fire protection.

Try to invest in the most necessary and useful skills in Far Cry Primal first. Then to the rest.

Gaining experience

Now we want to talk about how you can gain experience in Far Cry Primal, since the game actually has a hidden level limit. That is, at some point you will simply hit the ceiling and will not gain experience and, accordingly, new skills.

But it is possible to somewhat bypass this limitation. To do this, you need to complete bonus (orange) tasks. The reward for them will not be experience, but a skill point. Even after reaching the ceiling.

The rest of the time, gaining maximum experience is welcome. To do this, it is recommended to do:

  • Wenja missions are random tasks that appear on your way. Actually, that’s why it’s worth doing them, because... it will no longer be possible to return to them;
  • Increase the population of the tribe in all available ways. True, unfortunately, the most accessible and natural way to increase the population is not provided. Therefore, complete the already mentioned Wenja missions, light fires and cut out outposts. For every 10 people they give a 2% bonus;
  • Cut out outposts quietly. Or at least without activating the alarm. This will give you more experience;
  • In general, try to quietly cut out everything that moves. For this (and for headshots) they give extra. experience;
  • Find all 12 Spiritual Totems. This will not only give additional experience, but will also give a bonus to receive.

Where to start in Far Cry Primal

Get into health immediately (Extra Health I and II). Then take Animal Taming first. The sooner you get access to Tigers and Bears, the easier (and more fun) it will be to play.

Gathering (Skinning) will also be useful. You can collect more resources and find them easier.

1. Different methods of stealth killings

Only in the fourth part did it become possible to break the enemy’s neck, but they were too dull and of the same type. But Primal has introduced more different methods of stealth killings.
The most popular is the jump from a hill. For example, stand higher than the enemy and jump on him, press a certain button before landing and then look at the cruelty of our ancestors. Interestingly, this method works even if your enemies are underwater. There is also another method, namely killing from behind cover. Same as in other games. We look out and at a convenient moment we neutralize the enemy.

2. How to survive in snowy regions without clothes?

When exploring the entire territory, you will most likely end up in the northern part, but there will be a warning about the need to wear warmer clothes. And know that the game has an option on how to keep warm without killing the unfortunate animals. First you need to stock up on animal fat, use it as fuel and set your weapon on fire. Afterwards, checkpoints are scattered throughout the territory on which fires with a heat radius are located. Stand near the fire for a while, this will instantly warm you up. Advice: light an arrow and shoot at a material that tends to burn. Now you can warm up in peace.

3. How to know if you are not being seen

If you prefer to go through missions secretly, then you will be interested in learning information on how to determine that you have not been noticed. Try to walk in a secluded place while sitting; if the screen is dark at the edges, then no one can see you and you can easily carry out your plan.

4. Animals live their own lives

One of key points in the game is fauna, or rather its variety. Have you noticed that the weaker the animal, the more it attracts the attention of predators, while others try to avoid saber-toothed tigers and wolves.
And the developers also added the ominous badger from the fourth part. If he is on your side, then the enemies have no chance.

5. Allow tamed animals to bring food

This advice applies only to “felines”. If you order a saber-toothed tiger to kill an enemy, then after the attack he will bring the mutilated body to you.
After all, many of us know that our pets bring us caught prey, and in the game it reaches human sizes. I would also like to note the large and varied number of animations for animals.

6.Change your killing methods

Destroying enemies from above has become a very popular way to deal with the enemy. We could see this ability in Assassin’s Creed, Uncharted 4, Dishonored, etc.
In this part, you must first reach a certain rank. Afterwards you will have new kill animations with this option and it depends on a specific weapon.

7. Different animals at different times of day

If you have a problem finding badgers or other animals, then remember that you need to hunt this or that game in certain time days. After all, tigers or badgers appear in the habitat of wolves the next day. Therefore, comb each area and view as many territories as possible at different times, day or night.

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Open the map and find the Urca icon on it. Follow to this place and talk to the savage. And again he invents something!

Target. Find special stones for Urca.

Run to the indicated place where you will need to collect resources. There is a village with an enemy tribe here. In addition to him, there is even a crocodile at the location. Destroy all opponents or try to collect the necessary stones, acting secretly. Please note that there is a big guy in the village. Stones are scattered throughout the village. Activate the hunter's vision and see them. They are marked in red.

In total you need to find three stones. Return to Urki and give him all three stones.

Target. Throw your spear at Urca's chest.

The brainless but very resourceful Urki will ask you to throw a spear at his chest. Do so.


Go to Tinsei's hut again and watch the cutscene. He will tell you about the Krati mask.

Find it on the map Right place. It is marked with an icon of Tinsei. Follow there. As soon as you enter the yellow zone, the task will automatically become active.

Target. Enter Krati's Tomb and steal the Krati Mask.

Find the dark entrance to the cave, among the rocks. Get down below, swim through the water and you will find yourself in a wonderful place.

Target. Steal the Krati mask.

You will need to follow towards the marker, carefully killing enemies. It is advisable to act secretly. It is best to drive the tiger away. You don’t even have to kill all the enemies, but quickly run up to the mask and press the indicated interaction key. Watch the cutscene.

Target. Leave Krati's Tomb.

There are a huge number of enemies here, so it’s best to run away headlong. It is advisable to follow the same route. You can climb up using the grappling hook and move to the left. Don't even try to kill your enemies. Just follow the marker. Deal only with those enemies who can delay you. Return to the village and watch the cutscene with Tinsei.


On the map, find a marker with an image of an ice wolf. Move to the indicated location and kill the enemies.

Target. Follow the tracks to find the three ice wolf leaders, then kill them one by one.

Activate the hunter's vision and follow the red trail. Kill the normal enemies and explore the indicated location. Head to the reservoir, following the marker on the map. Go down and kill two wolves. Inspect bloody trails near the shore. A new location has been discovered - the waters of Pishchi.

In general, follow the orange marker and inspect certain positions, which can be found using the hunter's vision. Approach the cage and break it. This will free the captive Vinge. You can place traps in this location. Be sure to do this.

Climb to higher ground. Soon the leader of the ice wolves will appear. In addition to him, attack ordinary opponents. Once the ice wolf is killed (white wolf), remove its skin and follow the tracks of the other two animals. You will need to do everything the same as before. Attack opponents, search positions. By the way, you will also meet savages from the Izil tribe.

After killing the last wolf, or rather seriously wounding it, tame the beast. This is exactly what the assignment requires.


Go towards the icon with the image of Rushani, a captive representative of Izil. Talk to him and then build a hut for him. By the way, you can upgrade Izil's skills.


Enter the hut and talk to Rushani to learn about a new task. On the map, find the icon with the image of Rushani. You will find yourself at the site of the sacrificial ritual. New location called "Brajiman Stones".

Target. Kill the priestess before she sacrifices Vinge.

When you attack enemies, a new target will appear, described above. Soon the savages from Izil will run up here. One of the savages will be marked in yellow. This color indicates the priestess. The priestess will immediately run to the captive Vinj to kill him. You must deal with the priestess first, and then achieve all the remaining savages. After all this, free the prisoner.


Open the map and find the icon with the image of Ull on the right side of it. You are going to the homeland of Udam.

Target. Cross the Udam Canyons.

Go to the indicated place. There will be a cave with putrefactive poison. Open the item crafting menu and make an antidote from the yellow flowers that you were looking for for Seyla in one of the previous quests.

Go through the cave, follow further. Use your grappling hook to grapple and climb. Along the way you will need to kill opponents. There will be a huge number of enemies - the path ahead will not be easy. Use everything you have. All your skills and abilities.

Target. Kill all enemies and light a signal fire to establish control over the territory.

Eventually, a signal fire will be marked on the map. The yellow marker leads exactly to it. Just kill all the enemies, and then light the fire itself.

Target. Get to Ulla's Cave.

Finally, you will be asked to go to the cave of the leader of the Udam tribe, Ulla. Go inside the cave and start looking for Ull. Along the way you need to kill opponents. Use the icicles hanging from the ceiling of the cave to kill enemies from a safe distance.

Target. Kill Ull.

Please note that you can find ready-made spears at the location.

To wound and stun Ull, shoot at the hanging icicles, as mentioned above. The boss's health bar is shown at the top of the screen. He will be helped by ordinary opponents. Don't forget to kill them. The recommendations will be as follows: pick up fire bombs and run away from Ull. Throw bombs at him so that they hit him at the moment when Ull is under the hanging icicle. Ull will stop for a while, and you can shoot the icicle. When Ull is stunned by the icicle falling, run up behind him and attack. After his death the task will be completed. Watch the video.


Target. Free Vinge to support the attack on the Batari Temple.

Move towards the marker in the form of an icon, which depicts Batari. Upon arrival, you will automatically start a new task. You will need to move towards the yellow marks on the map to free Vinja, who will help you attack the Batari Temple. In general, nothing complicated is required from you. Destroy cells, kill enemies and light a signal fire (where needed). After completing this task, you will need to go to the Batari Temple, where Vinja is waiting for you.

Talk to them and then cut the ropes to open the gate. Kill enemies while your fellow tribesmen are doing something else. Now move to the Batari Temple itself. Takkar, by the way, will wear that same mask. Eventually you will meet Batari.

Target. Kill Batari.

First attack Batari, who is standing on a hill. After this, opponents from the Izil tribe will come running. Kill them and keep shooting at Batari...

Gathering skills play a very important role in Far Cry Primal as they are essential for crafting. Collecting rare and useful plants and resources will help you in assembly and construction. Thanks to this, you will be able to improve caves, build huts, create weapons and much more, which will ensure 100% completion of the game.

Far Cry Primal: Survival Skills Guide

One of the initial development branches of the main character, Takkar, in the game is survival skills. Thanks to these skills, Takkar will repeatedly cope with the most unforeseen situations; without them, surviving in the harsh world of Far Cry Primal will be unrealistic.

Far Cry Primal: Animal Taming Guide

Far Cry Primal has a huge number of animals that can be tamed as companions and means of transportation. With their help you can fight opponents and hunt. This guide presents the entire list of animals available for taming and their features.

CryPrimal: Guide to winter clothes

In Far Cry Primal It’s simply impossible to live without winter clothes. Thanks to it, your resistance to harsh climatic conditions will be increased, thereby you can easily explore the northern part of Urus without fear of freezing. To obtain winter clothes in the game, you need to complete several tasks and invite a specialist to your tribe.

Far Cry Primal: guide for beginners and tips for the game

Compared to Primal with the previous parts of the series, here fire is the most high-tech thing in the world, since the game takes place tens of thousands of years BC. At the beginning of the game, it is quite difficult to navigate and understand what you need to do on the map. With this guide you will learn how to spend your time in Far Cry Primal in the most productive and interesting way.

Now let's look into its secrets. What is Ubisoft's new brainchild hiding? How is it related to the previous parts? What should you pay attention to when playing Primal? All this can be learned from this article, so let’s start reading.

Veselchak is back in action

Remember in the third part there was a certain Hurk, who was constantly having fun and was on time everywhere? Yes, this is the bearded man from the DLC. You will find him, or rather his distant ancestor, in Far Cry: Primal. He's still the same buffoon, with a beard and a bandana. Moreover, you will again complete his missions. In this way we moved on to the next point.

Leap of faith

The same prehistoric Hurk is about to jump, but there’s nowhere to go without you. Therefore, you need to complete a couple of his tasks and bring him two feathers. After that, he will twitch like a bird and run off the cliff. Yes, there will be a haystack waiting for him below. It doesn't sound the best, so it's worth a look.

Hello Yeti

We remember the addition about Bigfoot to the fourth part. Usually the Yeti is left somewhere in the background, but we had to fight with it.
But judging by Primal, our friend still could not survive the Neolithic era. In the screenshot above you can see a skull and it is clearly not human, but of impressive size. You can say that it belongs to some kind of gorilla, but we are in Europe... Okay, it was a long time ago, maybe there were gorillas there, but then where are they? Conclusion, if there are no gorillas, but there is a skull, then the Yeti has clearly entered the wrong area.

Prehistoric winter

Although everywhere is full of the beauty of forests and arid areas, Primal still has snow-covered areas. And according to tradition, they are very cold, so even our terminator is uncomfortable walking with a bare torso. In such areas you
you will freeze, and you will have to look for clothes, or rather kill unfortunate animals. But there is no need to rush, because there is still fire. Therefore, if it gets cold, then at any moment you can set fire to your weapon, and at the same time the environment around you. And if you really don’t want to do any harm, then remember about bonfires, such big bonfires. They have their own heat radius, so you can run from one fire to another and stay warm.

And the days go by

Do you urgently need to pack a bag, but can’t find the animals you need? You're just looking in the wrong place, or rather at the wrong time. Some animals go hunting at night, while others, on the contrary, only walk in the sun's rays. At the same time, the spawns of animals among themselves may vary depending on the time of day. So wait for the right moment.

Killers are nearby

Well, where would we be without another popular series from Ubisoft? That's right, straight to Primal. This time you can find the logo right on the card itself. It doesn’t take long to look for it, you won’t miss this.

Stone miracle

It’s quite easy to find the famous Stonehenge in the game, this is an obvious Easter egg. But there's one catch, it shouldn't be there. Stonehenge itself was built approximately 5,000 years ago, and the game takes us back 12,000 years into the past. If you try a little harder, you can make calculations and understand that Stonehenge appeared only seven thousand years after the events of Primal.

Hidden pride

In addition, in the game you can also find the logo of Ubisoft itself. In one cave hides a wonderful stone with a painted deer. This deer is standing on a certain hill, and the sun is shining from the side, wait... So this is not the sun, this is the Ubisoft logo.

The blood dragon is near again

Do you still remember? What kind of monsters were there? These multi-colored dragons are scary, but the most frightening thing is that Primal also has them. But don’t be afraid, they are available in the form of a skeleton. As you may have already guessed, the remains of the dragon are located in one of the caves. They look great.

Familiar map

Everyone already knows that the map in Primal was taken from the fourth part, but this is not entirely true.
Yes, the map is from the previous part, but not all of it. In Far Cry 4, the map consisted of 6 zones. Primal took only three of them. But in fact, we get a little more than half of the map from the fourth part. Okay, okay, it's okay, because the game takes place in one place. But no, Primal shows us central Europe, and Far Cry 4 throws us into the Himalayas. Eh, apparently they were in a big hurry when developing the new part.

New Takkaru

A very interesting secret scene was noticed in the game. Only the most patient can find it. So, in this scene we are shown a boy who tames a bear in a way known to us. That's all. He tamed the bear, stroked it and that’s it. What is this? Hint of new part? New beast master? Will they take the rest of the map from Far Cry 4? We'll have to wait to find out.

You're a scary person

There is a feature in the game that makes all the animals go crazy, well, there’s no other way to explain it. The point is that small animals are afraid of large ones, weak ones are afraid of strong ones, etc. But as soon as you tame a small dog, it can immediately attack even a bison. While you control the animal, it is ready to run to certain death no matter what. You are a cruel person...

That's how they reproduced

A hot topic has emerged in new game. Running quietly through the caves and not distracting anyone, you can spot a couple in love. Yes, that they are lovers can be seen from their first movements. Let's face it, they are having sex! And to our delight, these savages are of different sexes.

The Flintstones didn't make it

How similar the game setting is to one cartoon... And the developers from Ubisoft are aware of this. Therefore, at the bottom of one of the lakes you can find the famous car from the cartoon “The Flintstones”. The location of the car is indicated on the map.

Snake, is that you?

Passing storyline we will have to find one character whose name is Karoosh. And if you look at him, you will notice that he reminds us quite a lot of Snake. Damn, this is his descendant! Even the eyes are missing.

That's all

There are interesting things hiding in Primal, but not very many. Or maybe you found something unusual in the game or another Easter egg?

Different games