Revelation wedding what gives. Wedding at Revelation. How to carry it out and what it gives. Vehicles in the game Revelation

We have all heard about various PvP content, many dungeons that have drawn in more than one thousand players. But what can you do in the game besides battles? In this article and video, we have collected all the most interesting activities in which you can and even need to participate during the respite between battles.

Hot Springs

Every year, on the 31st, we all go to the bathhouse. Then, however, we wake up in another city, but that’s not the point. It’s so good that there is also a place for cleansing in the world. Mostly people come here to AFK and gain experience. This gives a decent boost at the initial levels (for more details, see), and high-level players will also be pleased with some kind of increase in experience.

If they get inside, all the heroes lose their outer clothing and are left in their underpants. (female characters panties + bra). To go about your business in reality, you need to drink wine and eat kebab in the game. Before entering the bathhouse, you can buy drinks and snacks from the NPC or exchange them for fish inside. All the gear is also in the swimming pool, and the fish are caught there. On your first visit, it is better to buy a “beginner’s chest” - it is inexpensive, but contains everything you need for fishing.

The bathhouse has everything you need to gain experience without playing the game. And if you have a virtual wife or husband next to you, the ability "Transfusion of Experience" you can upgrade even more. Only here you will need the skill of persuasion to persuade her or him that it is you, and not your soulmate, who needs this experience.

Amusement park

We continue to take a break from battles, various dungeons and everyday hustle and bustle outside the game. With the recent update the event has been added "Amusement park", where you can plunge into a world of relaxation. Surely Willy Wonko, having built his factory, whispered advice into the ears of the designers of this location. The play of colors and positivity emanates from the screen. If you have played before Board games with dice rolling, the principle of solo dungeon will be very clear.

By selecting this task from the list of all events (O button) and having overcome the auto path, you will be teleported to fairyland with several NPCs at the start. One sells tickets for rolling dice, another gives tasks, and the most important one lets you into the game.

The whole point is to move through the cells after throwing the dice. This requires coupons, which can be purchased first with taels or coupons. The second ones are given for completing the room. Coupons are also needed to purchase various jewelry, crafting ingredients or other "buns" from the same NPC.

Each cell is a separate story. A chest with goodies may fall out and a buff may be applied for a while. Or the player may be teleported to the room to complete the test. There you will have to save mobs, survive, play "rock Paper Scissors", fight bosses, etc.

At the end, the character will be given a chest with reputation, resources and exorcism points. And it is not advisable to neglect this attraction, because this is the easiest way to knock out stones for bracteate.

Reputation farm (Keepers of the Order)

Exorcism or the reputation of the Guardians of the Order can be farmed from level 30 (button C). The Order provides daily and weekly tasks, for which bronze gradeons are given. There are 9 ranks in total, and at a certain level you can increase it by passing an exam. There are different types of tasks: kill the boss, out-aggro him, go through a dungeon in divine mode, or heal your partner with all your heart. In addition, you can farm reputation through quests in the “Path of War” tab, where you will need to fight demons or go to dungeons.

Leveling up exorcism is needed because of the currency - for bronze gradeons, merchants will sell you inlay stones, consumables, items for recrafting golden weapons and armor, seals of rage and a sea of ​​other useful things.


Oh, this stress, these deaths before your eyes... You definitely need to find a person who will always be there, help and listen. So, stop, let grandma go, let her continue watching “Distorted Mirror”. provides an opportunity to find an acquaintance, friend, girlfriend, wife. Moreover, all these roles can be performed by one person. The rapprochement occurs gradually - by gaining proximity points.

There are currently 9 intimacy levels. They can be upgraded: by chatting with a specific person, by killing mobs together, but the best way is to complete tasks for "Island of Loyalty". Each level gives new quests: one requires you to find 7 stars in a location without an auto path, and in the other, together you need to find the necessary NPCs in the maze, and so on.

Cooperative play and leveling up relationships unlocks some skills that will help in the future. For example, already at the 3rd level of relationships a skill from marriage will appear "Transfusion of Experience", which was mentioned in the section about the bathhouse above. In difficult times, your significant other can make food or resurrect you outside of battle. Passive abilities also have a positive effect on the character - the influx of experience when leveling up together is greater.

If a lot of disputes arise between the players, then you can officially hate the person (but first divorce him, just like in life).

Way of the Warrior

Rest is, of course, a good thing, but earning experience, things for crafting, or just money is always necessary. Already starting from level 20, a list opens daily tasks "Way of the Warrior" (U button). With each specific level, more and more daily tasks are added. The rewards for them are different - mainly experience for the character, but also given out: taels, experience stones, different reputations, etc. Each activity has its own description and shows a 100% reward plus a random one. The more tasks you complete per day, the faster the reward scale fills, which also has its own bonuses.

There are several types of quests. Somewhere you will be asked to go to "Arena of the Four Gods", this is a solo dungeon in which you have to withstand waves of enemies, collect chests, kill bosses and survive. Eat "Black market", which sends you to different parts of the world and forces you to collect something and kill mobs. Or even old tasks, like going to "Hot Springs" or complete guild tasks. You would most likely do it just like that, but here you are also encouraged.

Perhaps one of the most interesting assignments is "Island of Despair". It features boss battles and guild dominance. Only available in certain time and for characters from level 50.

Crafting and resources

Skill does not always decide. Of course, it is necessary, but good gear is even more important. You can get things for guardian points, for PvP points, or you can craft them yourself. After reaching level 40, the game will start doing "royal fittings" in the form of craft “parts”. The skill of creating things does not stand out much compared to other projects; there is no complicated system here. Just take the recipe, get the necessary resources and get new armor, helmet, gloves, jewelry, and so on according to the list of all equipment.

You will need a lot of resources; they may cost you money or time. The game allows you to simply farm resources, but if you have money, the auction will welcome you with open arms. But you won’t always have enough currency and you won’t always find the item you need. In such cases, you will have to go farm again, only this time for reputation (mentors, city, pvpsh and exorcism). And then use these points to buy ingredients from the desired NPC.

Outerwear and jewelry are not the only things that puzzle the crafter. For example, for eternal wings you need feathers and special feathers, even if they are expensive, but without donation. Exactly the same system here with mounts: take the Horseshoe Certificate, green bottles and off you go.

Sharpening and stones

It’s a sin not to sharpen an item freshly crafted or freshly obtained from a dungeon! An experienced player will immediately want to increase the characteristics of an item to the maximum. To implement this idea, you will need the sharpening itself, and the more you supply, the less chance of failure there will be, as well as the item and the blacksmith. There are several types of enchantments (the initial ones are purchased for exorcism points), as well as 16 levels of enhancement, and not every equipment has all 16 levels.

Unlike other games, if you fail, only the enchant is lost, but the gain percentage remains the same, and you can move on to new level. And only then, having accumulated ingredients, return to the desired level and continue re-sharpening.

For even more power in weapons, I recommend using stones. They are obtained by completing dungeons and quests, bought from sellers and sold at auctions. It’s worth noting right away: not all stones are suitable for every item. Let’s say that only attack stones are inserted into weapons or gloves, and defense stones are inserted into pants or hats.

They can be inlaid into equipment only after the socket has been drilled "Horn of the Bonfire". Each item has its own slot limit. In order to further strengthen the character, 4 small-level stones are combined into one large one, which, of course, will increase his characteristics.


Playing an MMORPG alone is still hardcore, and we’re not talking about the movie, but in the sense that it’s really difficult and tedious. There is no way without a const party or guild at high levels. Let’s put aside for now the prospects of battles and capturing territories and talk about pumping up this very guild. When joining, each player bears the burden of responsibility - he will have to complete special tasks. They appear every day at the base, where a special NPC kindly teleports you (there are such in every city). However, the guild leader can acquire the teleport skill "Return to Base" and save your allies from unnecessary running around.

For completing tasks (which come in different types: just eat in the cafeteria, kill a couple of animals, etc.) Items are given as a reward. They are required to be left through a “contribution” for the development of the guild. There are also resources for the construction of buildings, such as sawmills or mines, where worker mobs or the players themselves are sent. The amount of resources extracted daily is limited. At the same time it grows "Guild contribution", which is used to receive daily buffs, pump up your ulti and gain additional characteristics.

A good bonus for leveling up a guild is an event from "Way of the Warrior""Island of Broken Stars". Regardless of how powerful your clan is, everyone should participate, because rewards are awarded to as many as 50 of the best guilds. The chance of getting there is very high, and the task on the island is very trivial: accumulate 10 points (i.e. kill 10 enemies or collect 10 crystals). Inside there are small quests for training, for which they give you the resources needed to contribute to the GI. The heads of the distinguished guilds are sent a chest from where they can get, again, useful resources and coupons for replenishing the treasury with taels.

Bottom line

As you may have already noticed, it is replete with interesting content from all the cracks. Every gamer who decides to download the game will find something for themselves in it. It seems that there is not yet a person in the world who does not like all these activities at the same time. However, you can focus on specific things that you like, and then switch to others. The main thing is to have fun in your leisure time!

Revelation Marriage Review and Tips

Wedding in Revelation available to characters of different sexes if the intimacy between them is at a high level. Proximity is a cumulative parameter that reflects the degree of development of relations between players. You can check the status of this parameter at any time through the “Communication” menu (P key), which displays friends. By clicking on the player icon from this menu, a window will appear with detailed information(proximity is displayed as hearts). Maximum level relations - ninth.

  • Level 1 - 200 proximity units.
  • Level 2 - 1000 proximity units.
  • Level 3 - 3000 proximity units.
  • Level 4 - 6000 proximity units.
  • Level 5 - 10,000 proximity units.
  • Level 6 - 15,000 proximity units.
  • Level 7 - 21,000 proximity units.
  • Level 8 - 28,000 proximity units.
  • Level 9 is the maximum.

Increasing your intimacy level is quite simple. Players who are determined to get married need to spend more time with each other: clear dungeons, participate in PvP battles while on the same team, complete special, paired tasks and use consumable items that increase the affinity indicator. Points are awarded even when chatting, but with a limit of 30 units daily.

Players have the opportunity to get married when the level of intimacy between the characters reaches the third level. After which, the couple needs to move to a special location - “Love Island”, using the teleport from the manager Leah. Having moved to the location for the newlyweds, you need to contact the manager Leah again. A dialog box will display a choice of alliance design.

NPC Manager Leah

The first choice implies that one player bears the cost of 50,000 coins. The second choice suggests dividing the sum of 300,000 coins between the young people, but each player will receive a special blessing. Before confirming the wedding, gather a party of friends and clan members - they will play the role of guests. It is profitable to attend a wedding, because after the registration procedure, money trees grow at the location, and after collecting them, guests will receive a monetary reward.

Paired quests are very simple and do not need a description. The tasks are given by the familiar manager Leah and Russula Ki, who lives in the peach valley at coordinates 5317 - 1970. The quests boil down to visiting romantic places together, searching for chests and stars. When the affinity level is very high, players will be able to activate the lilac quest, which will reward outfits for both characters.

If you want to end your marriage, help will come NPC Manager Ruan (located next to Manager Leah). For a fee, he will perform a divorce ritual, in which all intimacy points will be reset and for two weeks the character will not be able to develop a relationship with the other half. The divorce itself takes place within a week. It is worth noting that if you change your choice of marriage (you chose the first one, but suddenly wanted the second one), then in this case you will also have to go through the divorce procedure.

Of course, the whole idea of ​​getting married has its purpose. Players who legalize their relationship are rewarded with bonuses:

  • Each character will have the ability to cook food for their significant other, increasing their maximum mana and health by 1%.
  • Free teleportation to a family member.
  • Now the character will be able to resurrect his partner (does not work in PvP arenas).
  • Your spouse's name may be included on the title.
  • Healing skills will increase their effectiveness by 10% on a partner.
  • Experience gained in hot springs will increase.

How to gain access to the Revelation CBT?

Hi all!

As you remember, in previous articles we invited everyone to join our guild and this time will also be no exception.

The thing is that the publishers of Revelation are holding a “guild presentation” competition, in which we decided to take part in order to get to the CBT of the game - details at the end of the article.

Today we will talk about relationship system in Revelation and everything that comes with it.

Let's remember everyone's "favorite" Demon Slayer, in which the prices for weddings were... well, not the smallest, and at the same time you got buns like crazy - well, they gave us a ring and the opportunity to resurrect a partner, but what else? Never mind! Battle of Eternity was eventually removed as well. So that's what I'm talking about - they ripped off a lot of money /though my wife paid for my wedding/, but there are no benefits. What can it offer us? Revelation?

The Relationship (Proximity) system in the game Revelation.

The game features a “unique” relationship system that allows spouses to hug, carry each other in their arms, and show other emotions that can be unlocked upon reaching a certain level of relationship. There are 9 levels in total:

  1. level - 200 affinity points.
  2. level - 1000 affinity points.
  3. level - 3000 affinity points.
  4. level - 6000 affinity points.
  5. level -10000 affinity points.
  6. level -15000 affinity points.
  7. level - 21000 affinity points.
  8. level - 28,000 affinity points.
  9. level - maximum.
Once you reach intimacy level 3, you can marry your partner on Love Island for just 300,000 fiat currency /let me remind you that paper currency in the game is the main one, this is NOT a donation currency, it is a kind of gold in DS, and in general this amount is the daily earnings of level 40 players/.

Affinity points in Revelation.

Ways to get affinity points. By the way, there is a weekly limit of 5,000:

  • Using special items /pestle and chocolate/.
  • Correspondence in the game chat (up to 30 intimacy points per day).
  • Cooperative passage of dungeons of any complexity.
  • Joint participation in PVP events.
  • Completing family tasks together (when a new level of relationship is reached, new tasks appear).

Wedding ceremony in Revelation.

The ceremony will take place on Love Island. As soon as you have level 3 relationships, 300,000 paper currency and you are in the same group on the island, all you have to do is approach a special NPC. After this, fireworks will be used, a video of the wedding will be played, and you will be given unique titles /and she will nag you until the end of your days/, they will send a message to the entire server and the opportunity to collect flowers (part of the costs will be paid off). There will also be an opportunity to transfer experience to each other in the Bathhouse, and upon reaching a certain level of relationship, the newlyweds will open “special” quests, for completing which they will be able to receive some emotions - hugs and others.

Of course, there is also the possibility of divorce in the game. If the newlyweds divorce, then within 14 days they will not be able to remarry, while the divorce itself is formalized within 7 days. The Chinese version has gone even further, so they allow same-sex marriage, which fortunately /and perhaps, unfortunately for some/ They won’t bring it to us.

Anyone can watch a short segment of the wedding /not mine of course, I haven’t chosen myself yet/. Thank you These guys for the video /conscience does not allow you to take someone else’s video without indicating copyright/:

Vehicles in the game Revelation.

By the way. in order to get to the Island of Love you need to walk/fly/crawl through mountains, fields, cities, etc. So let's take a quick look ways to move around the world of Revelation ( I will talk about this in more detail in another article) :

  • Portals.
  • Mounts such as horses, deer, pink unicorn, etc.
  • Wings, swords and other air assets.
  • On your own.

Bathhouse in Revelation.

Since there is practically no grind in the game /monotonous destruction of monsters in the same location in order to gain experience or gold/ , That additional opportunity To gain experience, the developers introduced a function such as Bathhouse. This is an AFK event that is available to all players starting at level 25. Once a day you can buy “booze” from the Bath merchant, which lasts from 30 minutes to 90 /depending on the quality of the cans, they are sold for paper currency, not expensive/, after which the player enters the Bathhouse and receives a large amount of experience. In addition, spouses or a mentor can transfer experience to each other here.

Fishing in Banya.

Developers Revelation, as always, they are ahead of the curve and even in the Bath they offer players who do not want to tear themselves away from the game to entertain themselves. By purchasing a fishing rod and bait from an NPC merchant, you can entertain yourself with fishing, and at the same time earn some gold by selling your catch.

In Game Revelation we created our own guild,

13.12.2016 Admin 25 048

Video blogger Poemych has prepared a video guide for you on the topic of weddings in Revelation. How to hold a wedding in the game and what does it give us? All the details are in the video!

To get married, you need to get 4 reputation stars with each other (closeness level). The more you play together with your partner: go to dungeons, beat mobs, fight with other players, the higher your level of intimacy will be. See the video guide for all the details.

Learn the game together with other players in our ""!

Revelation- This open world, flights, PvP on the ground and in the air, a chain of quests, unique dungeons, difficult bosses, sieges for up to 5000 players, arenas with personal rating, more than 15 PvP modes, interserver wars, three management styles, standard classes, wedding, top guilds. The official start in Russia has already taken place! You can start playing Revelation now! Follow along.

Currently reading:

» Wedding at Revelation. How to do it and what it gives

Answers on questions

Revelation release date in Russia Group became the publisher in Russia and the CIS. The game is distributed using a free-to-play model.

The official opening of seven servers (Kuromi, Krytos, Gordon, Hangmarr, Raelis, Atum, Morfida) has already taken place on December 26, 2016 (early access holders entered the game on December 23).

Official system requirements

Minimum requirements:

Intel Pentium 2.4G+
GeForce 9500GT / GT610 / Intel HD4000
DirectX 9.0c+
HDD: 16 GB

Windows XP/ 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x32/x64)
Intel Core i5 3.0G+
GeForce GT650Ti / GTX750 / GTX950
DirectX 9.0c++
HDD: 16 GB

Can they grow to a new level over time?

This is a wedding! What does a wedding give in Revelation, what bonuses can you get for concluding an alliance, and how does a marriage take place?

Today’s guide will introduce you to this.

Features of marriage

To get married in an MMORPG, you will need to teleport to a castle in the air located above Asterion. This spot is marked with hearts, so you'll notice it quickly.

Then go into the portal. The wedding ceremony itself takes place on the Island of Fidelity, where you will be taken from the portal.

The NPC receptionist is waiting for you at the double tree. To perform the ritual, players must be in a party with their chosen one.

Wedding in Revelation Online is available to everyone for characters of different genders whose intimacy is at a high level.

What is intimacy in a relationship?

Proximity is a cumulative parameter. It reflects the degree of development of the relationship. The parameter status can be easily checked at any time.

To do this, go to the “relationships” menu by pressing the P key. Friends are displayed here. If you click on the player icon, a window appears where you can see detailed information.

And this is what is displayed by hearts and is proximity. There are nine levels of the parameter, they are designated by proximity units.

  1. 200 units.
  2. 1000 units.
  3. 3000 units.
  4. 6000 units.
  5. 10000 units.
  6. 15000 units.
  7. 21000 units.
  8. 28,000 units.
  9. Maximum level of intimacy.

How to level up?

This is not difficult to do. If you are in the mood for marriage and want to get married in, just spend more time with each other.

Take part in PvP battles, defend dungeons, complete paired special tasks, and be part of the same team.

All these actions add units of intimacy levels. Moreover, you will be awarded points even if you chat (the limit is 30 units every day).

Marriage is possible upon reaching the third level. Now you can go to Love Island, where a dialog box will present you with a choice of how to design your union.

NPC receptionist

The NPC receptionist is the manager Leah. The choice of design varies. The first choice implies that the newlyweds will share the amount of the wedding expenses among themselves (300,000 coins), but at the same time they separately receive a special blessing from Leah. The second choice offers to pay 50,000 coins to one of the players.

Before you confirm joining the union, you need to gather a party of friends who are on your team. They will be guests at the wedding.

Moreover, friends go to such an event willingly, since after the procedure money trees begin to grow at the location. And all guests receive rewards in the form of coins.

Paired quests are very easy to complete. The tasks are given by Russula Ki, a friend of Leah’s manager. She lives in Peach Valley and can be found at coordinates 5317-1970.

Completing tasks comes down to visiting romantic places together, looking for stars and chests.

Upon reaching high level It becomes possible to activate the lilac quest, for completing which the characters receive outfits.

How to divorce?

If “the love is gone, the tomatoes have wilted,” and you want to end the marriage, the NPC administrator will again help you. But this will be Rouen. The divorce ritual occurs for a fee.

Affinity points are reset. For two weeks you cannot begin to develop relationships with other characters.

The divorce takes place within a week. If you decide to change your choice of marriage, then you also cannot avoid the divorce procedure.

What does a wedding give?

Of course, concluding an alliance in the game has its own goals. A wedding in Revelation Online provides bonuses that reward those who have legalized their relationship.

  1. The ability to cook food for your chosen one, which increases the maximum health and mana by 1%.
  2. Increased experience gained in hot springs.
  3. Free teleportation to your husband/wife.
  4. Healing skills for a partner are increased by 10%.
  5. You can put your spouse's name on the title.
  6. The ability to resurrect the election, with the exception of PvP arenas.
  7. Receiving a couple's suit and accessories.
  8. In the bathhouse, players gain increased skill and experience.

A wedding in Revelation Online is an incredibly beautiful and exciting quest. You should definitely go through it!

If you are still single, don’t hesitate – go ahead and find your soulmate. Legalize the relationship, advice and love!

Different games