Horn of Jurgen the Windcaller walkthrough. The quest "Horn of Jurgen" in the game Skyrim - overview and walkthrough of the mission. Briefly about the passage

November 20, 2011 0:15

Sets the task: Arngeir

Locality: Ustegrev

Reward: Absent

When you complete your training Greybeards, Arngeir will send you to your first test - you need to get a horn Jurgen Windcaller which is in his tomb Ustengrev. The tomb itself is located in the swamps Hjalmarka. The entrance to the tomb is guarded by a small squad of bandits - kill them and climb inside. Make your way through it, but don't fly forward - in this tomb there is another wall with a new dragon cry.

A little further there will be three stones installed in the floor. If you approach one of them, one of three doors opens. This is where the newly learned dragon cry comes in handy. You need to slowly accelerate, and when you reach the third stone, scream! If you make your way through and a companion is with you, he will pass through the doors without any problems - they now simply do not close.

Make your way further and approach the tomb. There won't be any horn on the pedestal, but there will be a note from " friend "(you have already received one before upon returning to Whiterun after the first battle with the dragon). This " Friend "offers to meet him at the Sleeping Giant tavern, which is located in Riverwood. In order not to make a mistake, " Friend " asks you to ask for a room in the attic.

Go to Riverwood and contact Dolphin behind the number. It turns out that the tavern does not have such a room and in return it will offer another, but when you find yourself inside the ordered room, Delphine will approach you and give you the horn. A parallel task will begin " Blade in the Dark" Upon completion of that task, you can return Jurgen's hornGreybeard. When you bring the horn, the elders will perform an initiation ceremony for you. Everyone will shout at you Greybeards, and you just need to stand and take the blow. Upon completion of the task, you can also contact Arngueiro to decipher what was said Greybeards.

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"The Horn of Jurgen" in Skyrim is a task that every player will face. The fact is that the quest is a story quest; without it, it is impossible to complete the main line of quests. This is quite normal.

How to pass "Horn of Jurgen"? What will it take? What difficulties await the player? The answers to these questions and more will certainly be given below.


"Horn of Jurgen" in "Skyrim" - story quest, which appears in The Elders Scrolls V: Skyrim. This task does not require the installation of any add-ons or mods.

The Horn of Jurgen is believed to be the final test. It is given to the Dovahkiin after he collects all the new Shouts.

The task is to obtain the item of the same name - Jurgen's horn. This is a quest item that cannot be crafted, but can be obtained while completing the main storyline in the game.

Jurgen's horn in Skyrim weighs 4 units. There is no point in trading it - the cost of the item is zero, but with its help the character will be able to complete the task of the same name.

Briefly about the passage

How to complete the Horn of Jurgen in Skyrim? This is not difficult to do. By the time the task is issued, the player will be quite strong and experienced. If problems arise, the character can activate immortality. But more on that later.

So, to complete the task being studied, the player will need:

  1. Go to Riverwood and try to get the item in Ustengrev.
  2. Talk to the person who took the desired item.
  3. Get through the tomb.
  4. Take Jurgen's horn and return it to Arngeir.
  5. Learn the last word of power from Wulfgar.
  6. Accept the greeting of the Greybeards after successfully completing the task.

It would seem nothing difficult, but real life It is not that simple. Sometimes players have difficulty completing a task.

Quest secrets

Completing the Horn of Jurgen in Skyrim will help complete the main chain of initiation for the Greybeards, so this quest should be treated with special attention.

In general, Jurgen's horn is hidden in the Sleeping Giant tavern in Riverwood. But before finding out, Dovahkiin will go to the tomb of Ustengrev. This is where the Stealth skill comes in handy.

While exploring the tomb, the character will encounter not only enemies, but also traps. They need to be bypassed. Otherwise, it will be impossible to cope with the assigned tasks.

If you have problems completing dungeons, you can use a game console. With its help, the player is able to make himself immortal. To do this, you will have to call the command line and write TGM or TIM there. The first command makes the character immortal with the condition that Dovahkiin cannot be infected with anything. In the second case, immortality is activated, but with the possibility of infection.

Important: it is better to use the TIM command. It is less likely to cause bugs and system failures.

Fast item issuance

In Skyrim, the Horn of Jurgen can be obtained using the game console. This is not the best or fair solution and can lead to a system failure.

However, if the desired item cannot be found, the character can call the game console and then write the command player.additem there. Separated by a space indicate the ID of the horn. In our case, you will have to enter 0003292F. Next, the player must put a space and write the number of items of the selected type given to him. For example, 1.

Once the operation is confirmed, Jurgen's horn will appear in Dovahkiin's inventory. It can be used for its intended purpose. If the player wants, he can leave one item as a souvenir.

On this moment Users do not often complain about the quest being buggy, so you can complete it without much difficulty. At the end, Dovahkiin awaits the last word of the cry “Ruthless Force”.

“The Horn of Jurgen” is a task that you will receive while completing the storyline in game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Having visited high Hrothgar with the Greybeards, Dovahkiin studied new thu'ums, and also discovered even more opportunities for himself during his travels.

New Screams will help you significantly during the passage, and one of them will even help you solve a small puzzle. The task is quite interesting and important for the plot of the game, so let's get ready to go. Ahead of you lies a long dungeon with a lot of traps, monsters and numerous treasures. Stock up on potions in advance, and also empty your inventory to take more valuables with you. Forward!

“Horn of Jurgen” - where to get the quest and how to get the task

After the Dragonborn learns the new Shouts, Argeir will give you one final test. To complete it, you need to obtain the ancient artifact Horn of Jurgen, which previously belonged to one of the heroes of ancient times who defeated Alduin.

Attention! There is a known bug due to which the Greybeards can remain outside High Hrothgar and not return back even after teaching you the previous Shout. Because of this bug, it will be impossible to study the last thu’um “Ruthless Force” and continue the storyline. The solution to the bug is simple - just close the gate for the elders to start moving again. If it doesn’t help, then try changing the location and coming back here again.

The ancient item is located in a tomb in Ustengrev, in the swamps of Hialmark. The mound is located northeast of Morthal, and if you haven't been there yet, it's worth getting to Morthal first. Skyrim is incredibly large, so the easiest way to do this is on a cart for 50 gold, and then run to the right place.

Let's go in search of the horn!

Make your way through the swamp with caution. Here you can find mudcrabs and spiders, and something even more dangerous.

Walkthrough of the mission “Horn of Jurgen”

At the very entrance to the tomb, enemies will be waiting for you: two robbers and a necromancer. If you use melee weapons, then you will have a difficult time on this mission - the opponents in the mound, like this necromancer, are using frostbite magic with might and main, which drains your stamina and significantly slows down your running and attack speed.

In this case, you have the entire swamp at your disposal, so you can run as much as you like, take enemies one by one and deal with them without any problems. After the victory, be sure to collect tasty loot from their corpses, as well as from the camp near the entrance. Now you can go to the mound itself.

At the door you can find a corpse with notes and useful potions still left on its body.

In the first room you will be greeted by a group of necromancers. This is where the real hell begins for melee fighters. I can only wish you good luck, as well as more potions to restore your stamina.

The passage to the next room is difficult to notice, so I'll give you a hint: pay attention to the left wall (from the entrance). Towards the end of the hall, you can see that there is a small passage in it, which is what we need.

Immediately after the tunnel you will have “helpers”. Although, it’s better to say that this will be a major “every man for himself” brawl. In a small room you can watch a picture of a group of magicians fighting a crowd of draugr. Take part in the battle quickly so you can deal with them while they are fighting each other.

The mound is full of secret doors, treasure chests, tombs, books and other tasty loot. If you want to collect more expensive stones, potions and get new skill points, then I advise you to thoroughly explore each room, without skipping the chests.

Some places can be reached using newly learned shouts, namely “Rapid Dash”. Having collected all the treasures, we move on.

Once in the second part of the mound, you will find yourself in a huge beautiful cave. Brave souls with a lot of health can try to carefully jump down, sliding along the stones, but I advise you to go down the usual way. This way you won't miss out on a lot of monsters that you can use to level up your skills, and you'll be able to get even more caches and chests.

In the side corridors you will begin to encounter unpleasant traps - fiery pressure plates. If you use them wisely, you can easily kill draurgs and other evil spirits. It is enough to lure them with you, force them to step on the stove and voila - the fried draurgs are ready! But be careful and don’t fall into a trap that will take away quite a lot of your health.

If you have a restoration spell, you can level up your skills on these pressure plates. We went into the fire for a few seconds, came out, restored our health, waited until the mana was restored, and so on in a circle. But it will take quite a lot of time, so decide for yourself whether you want to do it or not.

As you go down the corridors, you will find yourself at a stone bridge that leads to another part of the cave. This is where we need to go according to the plot, but I advise you to first go down to the Wall of Words.

After learning the new Word of Power, collect all the expensive items, and also look into the waterfall. Behind the wall of water you will find a small cache with a high-level chest.

I found an enchanted piece of armor in it, which was very useful. We've finished at the bottom, now you can climb up the slope, cross the bridge and stumble upon Ustengrev's puzzle.

Just past the bridge you'll come to a small room with rocks that glow red as you approach. To the right of the rocks there will be a small rise with two drurgs.

I advise you to clean it first so that they do not interfere with dealing with the grates.

How to pass rune stones

Remember the Shouts that our hero learned in High Hrothgar? This is where we need them! Namely, “Rapid Dash”. We equip this shout and move a little away from the stones.

Now we start running, run past each stone so that it lights up red, and, having reached the last one, use Scream. This way you can fly through all three bars before they close.

If you didn’t succeed, or you didn’t reach the end, you can always open the gratings using the lever on the wall and try again. After a few mistakes you should be able to do it easily. The main thing is to get used to pressing the thu’um in time, and it’s done!

Behind the bars you will find a huge room with a tunnel full of fiery pressure plates. There will also be frost spiders in the tunnel, which are excellent at burning themselves while standing on the slabs.

As you make your way through this room, try not to step on the traps yourself and jump on the stones that are located near the walls. “Rapid Dash” will also help you here, although you can do without it.

At the end of the cave you will see a gate that can be easily opened with a lever on the left. And behind them is a pedestal on which is the famous Horn of Jurgen “Wind Caller”.

Well, at least it should have been...

Instead of the horn, Dovahkiin will find a note that says that someone has already managed to steal the famous artifact before our hero. For further information we need to go to Riverwood, stop at the tavern and ask for a room in the attic. At this stage, the task will be counted as “failed,” but don’t worry, that’s how it should be.

We get out of the ruins and quickly run to the Riverwood Tavern.

We inform the hostess of the “Sleeping Giant” that you want to stay in a room in the attic. It costs the same as a regular room, so the Dragonborn's pocket won't be too empty.

Perhaps this is a flaw of the game developers, but we will be given a very ordinary room, on the first floor of the building.

All that remains is to sleep for at least an hour on the bed, after which the dialogue will begin.

The tavern owner Delphine will appear in the room and reveal herself. It turns out that she took the Horn before us, and now she is returning it to Dovahkiin. This task was a test of whether he was the hero chosen by the Greybeards or not. Delphine will answer all further questions a little later and not in public, so we go to her room, close the door and go down to the secret headquarters.

Important! If you answer Delphine that you don’t have time to talk now, and just leave with the horn, then all story line will stall. Arngeir will not be able to talk to you about the horn, and you will not be able to continue the storyline. Be careful. After talking with the representative of the Blades, the next story mission will begin and Dovahkiin will finally be free. I advise you to first return to High Hrothgar and give the horn to Arngeir. At this point, the mission “Horn of Jurgen” will be considered completed, and the Dragonborn will have the opportunity to learn about the location of the Walls of Words from the Greybeards. This will allow you to learn new Shouts to fight your enemies even more effectively. In addition, as a reward for the task, our hero will receive the last word of “Ruthless Force” and will proceed to the initiation of the Path of the Voice.

Interesting! After completing the task “Horn of Jurgen”, you can return back to the mound, get to the last room and click on the coffin of Jurgen himself. For this you will receive a dragon soul. This opportunity is available only before completing the quest “Blade in the Darkness”, don’t miss it and be sure to go to Ustengrev.That's it for a detailed walkthrough story mission“Horn of Jurgen” is completed. See you in the next guide!
