The role of a child’s play by age. The role of play in child development. The role of play in the development of a preschooler - consultations for educators - methodological piggy bank - madou "birch"

Marina Popova
The role of play in children's development preschool age


Preschool childhood is a large period of a child’s life. Living conditions at this time are rapidly are expanding: the boundaries of the family are expanded to the limits of the street, city, country. The child discovers the world of human relationships, different types of activities and social functions of people. He feels a strong desire to be involved in this adult life, to actively participate in it, which, of course, is not yet available to him. In addition, he strives no less strongly for independence. From this contradiction a role-playing game is born - an independent activity children, simulating the life of adults.

Entire life preschooler is associated with the game. Mastering the things around him, relationships between people, understanding the meanings that social life carries, the work and responsibilities of adults - he gets acquainted with all this while playing, imagining himself in the role of mom, dad, and so on.

The role of play in the mental development of a child.

Game is the leading activity in preschool age, it has a significant impact on child development.

IN play activity The mental qualities and personal characteristics of the child are most intensively formed. The game develops other types of activities, which then acquire independent meaning.

The game affects all aspects of the psyche development, which has been repeatedly emphasized by both teachers and psychologists. So, A. S. Makarenko wrote: “Play is important in a child’s life, it has the same meaning as activity, work, service for an adult. What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, education occurs primarily in play.

The entire history of an individual as an actor or worker can be represented in game development and in its gradual transition to work.

Gaming activity influences the formation of arbitrariness mental processes. So, in the game the child begins develop voluntary attention and voluntary memory. In conditions games Children concentrate better and remember more. The conscious goal stands out to the child earlier and easier in the game. The conditions themselves games require the child to concentrate on the objects included in the game situation, on the content of the actions being played out and the plot. If a child does not want to be attentive to what the upcoming game situation requires of him, if he does not remember the conditions games, then he is simply expelled by his peers.

At the same time, the child’s experience of gaming and especially real relationships in role-playing games forms the basis special properties thinking allows you to take the point of view of other people, anticipate their future behavior and build your own behavior on this basis.

Role play has a certain meaning for development of imagination.

Influence development games The child’s personality lies in the fact that through it he becomes acquainted with the behavior and relationships of adults, who become a model for his own behavior, and in it he acquires basic communication skills and qualities necessary for establishing contact with peers.

Productive activities of the child - drawing, design - at different stages preschool childhood closely merge with play. Interest in drawing and design initially arises as a playful interest aimed at the process of creating a drawing or design in accordance with the game plan. And only in middle and older preschool age interest is transferred to the result of the activity and is free from influence games.

Within the gaming activity, educational activity also begins to take shape, which later becomes the leading activity. Teaching is introduced by an adult; it does not arise directly from games. But preschooler begins to study When playing, he treats learning as a kind of role-playing game with certain rules. However, by following these rules, the child unnoticed masters basic learning activities.

The game has a very big influence on speech development. The game situation requires each child included in it to have a certain level development of speech communication. The need to explain things to peers stimulates development of coherent speech. In the game, children learn to fully communicate with each other. Juniors preschoolers They still don’t know how to truly communicate with their peers.

IN developed role-playing game with its intricate plots and complex roles, creating quite a wide scope for improvisation, children is being formed creative imagination.

The game contributes to the development of voluntary memory; it overcomes the so-called cognitive egocentrism.

IN preschool age play becomes an independent activity of the child, he masters different types games, through games preschooler“enters different spheres of social reality, expanding the possibilities of knowledge of these spheres.”

Thus, the game has a positive impact on the formation of interaction and relationships children. Games remove psychological barriers, instill confidence in own strength, improve communication children with peers and adults.


Today, a toy for a child has become an indispensable and faithful friend, companion and the most important active object in children's fun and games. Toys help a child develop logical thoughts, and also give a chance to know all the possibilities that exist in the environment with all its reality. The most important thing is that toys are perceived by a child primarily aesthetically; a child with a toy cultivates good qualities. Even at the moment when a toy loses its true interest and play value in a child, the child still has his own attitude towards the toy. It’s not for nothing that our favorite toys remain in our lives for a long time and decorate our everyday life with their presence, even if the toy has ceased to be the object of its purpose for us.

Educational value toys:

This is an indispensable companion to children's games;

Participate in the creation games, influence the child’s personality;

Meet the child's needs for active activity, various movements,

They help you realize your plan, enter into role, make the child’s actions real;

Often they suggest an idea games, remind you of what you saw or read, influence the child’s imagination and feelings;

Accustom the child to meaningful, purposeful activities, develop thinking, memory, imagination, attention, develop endurance, cultivate strong-willed qualities;

They help educate children's interest in work, inquisitiveness, curiosity;

Contribute to cultivating a sense of patriotism, sympathy, and respect for people of different nationalities;

Unite children, requiring joint efforts and coordinated actions.

Requirements for toys:

They should give a correct idea of ​​objects, their characteristics, purpose in life, broaden the child’s horizons, develop an interest in technology, to work;

Promote the education of the basis of personality, form the values ​​of knowledge, transformation;

Have dynamic properties that ensure their multifaceted use in game: mobility of parts and components, sound mechanisms, Additional materials to reveal game functions;

Correspond age peculiarities of perception children;

Must be safe and hygienic;

- develop cognitive interests, intensify communication;

Accustom to collective activity, develop organizational skills;

Awaken creative imagination and ingenuity.

What kinds of toys are there?

In modern literature, a classification is more common that corresponds to the use of toys in various play activities.

Plot-shaped: toys: dolls, animal toys, household items that contribute to development of role-playing games.

Tech toys: water, land, air and space transport; toys reflecting household, agricultural and military equipment, industrial equipment, electronic toys, etc.

Construction and structural toys: sets of geometric solids (cubes, prisms, pyramids, cylinders, plates, architectural or thematic sets including different blocks (walls, columns, arches, roofs); mixed building material.

Didactic toys: nesting dolls, inserts, eggs, towers, pyramids; so-printed toys (lotto, paired pictures, cut pictures).

Funny toys: with mechanisms, with surprises, light and sound effects.

Motor toys: balls, hoops, skittles, serso, jump ropes.

Musical and theatrical toys: tambourine, piano, metallophone, scenery and attributes for various types of theater and independent theatrical and play activities.

Homemade toys: made of wood, fabric, paper, natural and waste material; complement ready-made toys and perform developing and educational functions.

Made up:

Popova M. N., Deputy Head of SMR

MBDOU – kindergarten for supervision and health improvement No. 333

Play is the leading activity of a child. S. L. Rubinstein noted that play preserves and develops the childish in children, that it is their school of life and practice of development. According to D. B. Elkonin, “in play, not only individual intellectual operations are developed or re-formed, but also the child’s position in relation to the world around him radically changes and a mechanism for a possible change of position and coordination of his point of view with other possible points of view is formed.” .

Preschool age covers the period from 3 to 6 - 7 years. Last year- approximately - preschool age can be considered a transitional period from preschool to primary school age.

Preschool childhood is a very special period of child development. At this age, the child’s entire mental life and his relationship to the world around him are restructured. The essence of this restructuring is that in preschool age, internal mental life and internal regulation of behavior arise. If at an early age the child’s behavior is stimulated and directed from the outside - by adults or by the perceived situation, then in preschool the child himself begins to determine his own behavior. The formation of internal mental life and internal self-regulation is associated with a number of new formations in the psyche and consciousness of a preschooler. L.S. Vygotsky believed that the development of consciousness is determined not by an isolated change in individual mental functions, but by a change in the relationship between individual functions. At each stage, one or another function comes out on top.

The game creates a child’s “zone of proximal development,” reveals his capabilities and develops them. Like no other activity, play gives a child the opportunity to experience a sense of freedom, a sense of importance, and emotional comfort.

A child is brought up by those activities that bring him joy, have a positive moral influence, harmoniously develop mental and physical abilities, and it is the game that plays the most important role and is this activity. With the help of games, a wide variety of tasks are solved: educational, educational, health-improving. During the games, favorable conditions for the development of children’s motor skills, the formation of moral qualities, as well as habits and skills for living in a team. Elementary skills are developed to navigate in space, to coordinate their movements with the movements of other children.

The game helps the child overcome timidity and shyness. It is often difficult to get a student to perform a movement in front of everyone. In the game, imitating the actions of other children, he naturally and easily performs a variety of movements.

Submission to the rules of the game instills in students organization, attention, the ability to control their movements, and promotes the manifestation of volitional efforts. The longer and more active a child is in the game, the more he practices one type of movement or another, and the more often he enters into various relationships with other participants, i.e. the more he has to show dexterity, endurance, and skills.

One of the teacher’s tasks during games is to maintain sufficient activity of all children, gradually increasing the complexity of movements in accordance with the age characteristics of the students.

If the game is based on a certain concept, then the exercises are methodically organized motor actions, specially selected for the purpose physical education, the essence of which is to perform specific tasks. In dance and choreography lessons, plastic games with a plot and without a plot are most used.

Story-based games are built on the basis of children’s experience, their knowledge of the surrounding life, professions, natural phenomena, lifestyle and habits of animals and birds. The plot of the game and the rules determine the nature of the movements of not just the players, but the performers.

Plotless games are very close to plot ones - they just don’t have images that children imitate, all other components are the same: the presence of rules, responsible roles, interconnected play actions of all students. Children really like such games; they require students to be more independent, quick, dexterous, and quick-witted.

Role-playing, or, as it is sometimes called, is clearly expressed in preschoolers. creative game. This is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and, in a generalized form, in play conditions, reproduce the activities of adults and the relationships between them. A child, choosing and playing a certain role, has a corresponding image - mother, doctor, driver, pirate - and patterns of his actions. A child over 3 years of age becomes much more independent, and his joint activities with a close adult begin to disintegrate. At the same time, the game is social both in origin and in content. She will not be able to develop without frequent, full-fledged communication with adults and without those varied impressions of the world around her, which the child also acquires thanks to adults.

Those moments in the activities and relationships of adults that are reproduced by the child constitute the content of the game. Younger preschoolers imitate objective activities - cutting bread, washing dishes. They are absorbed in the process of performing actions and sometimes forget about the result - why and for whom they did it.

For middle preschoolers, the main thing is the relationships between people; they perform play actions not for the sake of the actions themselves, but for the sake of the relationships behind them. For older preschoolers, it is important to obey the rules arising from the role, and the correct implementation of these rules is strictly controlled by them. And the actual game actions gradually lose their original meaning. Objective actions are reduced and generalized, and sometimes completely replaced by speech.

The game contributes to the development of not only communication with peers, but also arbitrary behavior child. The mechanism for controlling one's behavior - obedience to the rules - develops precisely in the game, and then manifests itself in other types of activities. Arbitrariness presupposes the presence of a pattern of behavior that the child follows and control.

In preschool age, the number of activities that the child masters increases, the content of the child’s communication with the people around him becomes more complex, and the circle of this communication expands. In preschool age, consciousness acquires the characteristics of indirectness and generality, and its arbitrariness begins to form. At this age, the child’s personality is mainly formed, i.e. the motivational-need sphere and self-awareness are formed. At preschool age, elements of work and educational activity also develop. However, the child has not yet fully mastered these types of activities, since the motives typical for a preschooler do not yet correspond to the specifics of work and learning as types of activity. The work of children consists in the fact that they carry out instructions from adults, imitate them, and express interest in the process of activity. Elements of educational activity are manifested in the child’s ability to hear and listen to an adult, to follow his instructions, to act according to a model and according to the rule, in an awareness of how to perform actions. Elements of educational activity initially arise within other types of activity in the form of a child’s desire to learn something. However, children cannot yet separate the educational task from the practical one; they do not have a special attitude towards an adult as a teaching person.

The breadth of the range of activities of a preschool child shows that he masters a variety of subject content. The sphere of communication with adults is also expanding and becoming more complex. The leading motives for communication are cognitive and personal. The child turns to an adult as a source of knowledge about the natural and social world. The preschooler asks adults questions about the world around him, about people, their relationships and about himself.

Peers play an important role in the life of a preschool child. Children develop relatively stable sympathies and develop joint activities. Communication with a peer is communication with an equal; it gives the child the opportunity to get to know himself. Increasing complexity of activities and communication, expanding the circle of contacts lead to the formation of self-awareness. The child becomes aware of himself, first of all, at the level of the subject of action. He develops a stable positive attitude towards himself, determined by the need for recognition from others. The child recognizes himself as a bearer of individual characteristics - physical appearance and gender, as a person changing over time, having his own past, present and future. Self-esteem of a preschooler appears in special situations that require the child to evaluate himself, but in content it is situational and reflects the assessment given to the child by adults. By the end of preschool age, a specific self-esteem is formed; the child can evaluate himself non-situationally and reasonably.

In the game, all the mental qualities and personality traits of the child are most intensively formed. Gaming activity influences the formation of arbitrariness of behavior and all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. Performing a play role, the child subordinates all his momentary, impulsive actions to this task. Children focus better and remember more when playing than when given direct instructions from an adult. The conscious goal - to concentrate, to remember something, to restrain impulsive movement - is most easily identified by a child in play.

Play has a strong influence on the mental development of a preschooler. Acting with substitute objects, the child begins to operate in a conceivable, conventional space. The substitute object becomes a support for thinking. Gradually, play activities are reduced, and the child begins to act internally, mentally. Thus, the game helps the child move on to thinking in terms of images and ideas. In addition, in the game, performing different roles, the child takes on different points of view and begins to see the object from a different perspective. different sides. This contributes to the development of the most important human thinking ability, which allows you to imagine a different view and a different point of view.

Conclusion on Chapter I: In this chapter, I revealed the concept of “game”, also analyzed preschool age, and in conclusion wrote about the role of play in the development of a preschooler’s personality. After which I made a theoretical conclusion: play is the main form of activity and contributes to the development of a preschooler’s attention.

We were all children once and enjoyed playing various games. Maybe that’s why often bright memories of childhood are associated with games. The word “game” is associated with something unique and joyful. But play is not only entertainment and pastime that evokes a lot of positive emotions, which in itself is very valuable for the development of a cheerful, healthy child. Play is also the ability to learn in a fun and relaxed way. Learn to see and understand the world around you, learn to communicate with adults and children, learn to speak and do something, learn to think and create.

Depriving a child of play practice is depriving him of his main source of development: the impulses of creativity, the signs and signs of social practice, the richness and microclimate of collective relationships, and the activation of the process of learning about the world.

Play has an advantage over all other types of children's activities and occupies a special position in pedagogical process, as it gives children a greater opportunity to demonstrate their own activity and independence. Why is it play, and not study and work, that ensures the independence of preschool children? The point is in the specifics of gaming activity, in its conditional nature. Everything in the game is “make-believe” - the actions, the space, and the roles. It is enough for a child to draw a line to indicate: “Here, behind this line, there will be a street, and here, where I am standing, there will be a kindergarten.” Opening a door lock with an imaginary key or a stick that replaces it costs nothing for a child.

IN real life A child cannot always perform all these simple, in our opinion, actions on his own, without the help of an adult. And the game does not require special skills from him in this regard, since it is not associated with obtaining a specific practical result.

In preschool age, a child discovers the world of human relationships. He feels a strong desire to be involved in adult life, to actively participate in it, which, of course, is not available to him. In addition, he strives no less strongly for independence. From this contradiction, role-playing play is born - an independent activity of children that models the life of adults.

Psychologist D.B. Elkonin, relying on studies of children's play begun by psychologist L.S. Vygotsky, presented in his works the problem of play as central to understanding mental development in preschool age. He pursues the idea of ​​the internal kinship of all types of games, paying attention to the social origin and content of the plot-role-playing game.

In the role-playing game, socialization occurs, comprehensive development child, the personality as a whole is formed. The child as a personality develops in real relationships that he develops with peers in role-playing play under the influence of the role he has assumed.

Role-playing game in its typical form is a free type of joint activity for children. Children unite among themselves on their own initiative, determine the plot of the game themselves, take on appropriate roles, distribute game material, outline and develop the content of the game, performing certain game actions. It is important that they take the plot and content of the game from the life around them, reflect those moments that attracted their attention, aroused interest, and made a special impression. Of course, all this is possible only if preschoolers have sufficiently mastered play activities with the help of the teacher.

The educational value of the game is diverse. It contributes to the child’s knowledge of the world around him, to the development of his thinking, feelings, will, to the formation of relationships with peers, the formation of self-esteem and self-awareness.

In play, children become acquainted with such aspects of reality as the actions and relationships of adults. In order to display any aspects of the lives of adults in the game, children must first get to know them (with the help of their elders, of course). However, the main thing is not the amount of information the child receives, but the quality of its assimilation. What children learn through play is different from what they only heard about from adults or even observed themselves. And this happens because the game does not just display, but simulates social situations.

In the process of play, children, as is known, take on various roles and thereby replace people who are in certain social relationships with each other. At the same time, the game model reflects reality in a generalized way, that is, it highlights only the most basic and general relationships, omitting everything that is secondary. This leads to the fact that children comprehend the essence of relationships between people, which in other conditions remains hidden from them, obscured by a mass of unimportant details.

The substitution and modeling of reality phenomena that are formed in the game are not passive, but active. Thus, the need to use in the game not those objects that are used in the activities of adults, but others that only resemble them and allow them to perform game actions (a cube instead of soap, a chair instead of a car), pushes children towards the search for suitable substitutes. And these are already elements of imagination and creativity.

Of course, what was said above about the developmental significance of role-playing games applies to the case when the game itself reaches a fairly high degree of development in preschoolers. And this requires systematic and skillful guidance on the part of the teacher.

The study of the problem of the development of role-playing games showed that, based on the well-known position in pedagogy that the child is encouraged to play by the social environment, it proves the leading role of a competent adult who knows how to take the position of the child, cooperate with him, and see the meaning of the unfolding situation. This sets the child up for a creative attitude towards life, for experimentation based on life experience and knowledge received from adults.

An important task is to study the motives (the starting point of the game - distribution of roles, discussion of the plot, selection of game material, etc.), when there is an objective need for partners to enter into communication. Studying the motives of play activity will make it easier for educators to find methods and techniques for managing play, which form it as an independent children's activity.

The motive of the role-playing game is the interaction of people. When getting acquainted with the environment, it is necessary to show that adults not only do various useful things, they also constantly come into contact with each other. The various actions with objects that they carry out in the process of their work seem to be relegated to the background, the main thing is the relationship between people: a seller cannot be without buyers, a patient cannot be without doctors.

The development of games is greatly influenced by the knowledge acquired by preschoolers as a result of familiarization with fiction (reading poems, stories, solving riddles), artistic and creative activities (making applications, drawings, preparing attributes, places for play), cognitive activities (conversations about professions , about the work of adults, looking at photographs). When getting acquainted with the work of adults, the greatest preference is given to excursions, i.e. direct observation. Children are shown not only the actions that people perform, but also the significance of their work for others. Pay attention to a person's personal qualities. For example, they explain that the seller is polite, attentive, he listens to customers, and offers them the right thing. And it is very important that the knowledge gained naturally influences children’s games.

So, play in kindergarten should be organized, firstly, as a joint game between the teacher and the children, where the adult acts as a playing partner and at the same time as a carrier of the specific “language” of the game. The natural emotional behavior of a teacher who accepts any child’s plans guarantees freedom, independence and ease, the child’s enjoyment of the game, and contributes to the children’s desire to master play methods themselves. Secondly, play should be preserved as a free independent activity of children, where they use all the gaming tools available to them, freely unite and interact with each other, where constructive ways of resolving conflicts that arise during the game are formed. It is necessary to organize the play of preschoolers in such a way that they have the need to turn to other people for something. They will see from their own experience how important it is to skillfully establish contacts with others.

Role-playing games are an ideal field for acquiring social skills. Such games help solve many educational problems: children learn to communicate with people, clearly state a request, and develop cultural behavior skills. But the most important thing is that children acquire new social experience of interacting with other people, which will help them in establishing contacts with peers and in play activities. In addition, in the process of role-playing games, you can develop memory, coordination of movements, work with fears, and acquire new knowledge. The game promotes social development, enriches life experience, and prepares the ground for the child’s successful activities in real life.


  1. Raising children through play. A.K. Bondarenko, A.I. Matusik - M.: Education, 1983.
  2. Preschool education in Russia in documents and materials: Collection of current regulatory documents and program and methodological materials. – M., 2001.
  3. Game and preschooler. Development of children of senior preschool age in play activities: Collection / ed. T.I. Babaeva, Z.A. Mikhailova. – St. Petersburg, 2004.
  4. Elkonin D.B. Psychology of the game. -2nd ed. – M., 1999.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of games in raising a child, especially preschool age... Parents can use games to develop qualities that are important for the child...

No one will argue that if we are interested in some type of activity, we will do the work much faster and with better results than doing a boring task. This rule works for both adults and children. And even more so for children. A child cannot, like an adult, mobilize himself to work by willpower or additional motivation (a bonus, for example). If we want to involve a child in some activity, it is better to invite him... to play. And then helping the mother, learning something new, will be much more interesting for the child.

Thematic material:

What does the game give?

For moms and dads, the world around them seems clear, but the baby just has to figure out all its collisions. Playing in the profession, he can touch adult life, try to become brave, strong, responsible. By communicating in the game, he learns to give in and make contact with other guys.

An adult can use such a game to develop qualities that are important for a child.

For example, responsibility. If your child plays in the hospital, you can tell him that it is time for the sick to rest, gain strength, and that this is important for them. If he is a pilot, remind him that he needs to get a good night's sleep, because he is responsible for the lives of many people. And then in real life you will notice that it has become easier for you to put your baby to sleep. He will understand your requirements better.

If you played in kindergarten, it is worth talking with your daughter or son about what a good teacher should be. If you were putting out a fire, discuss the professional qualities of a firefighter or rescuer. Tell your child what a circus performer, for example, or an astrologer studies in order to master their profession.

While playing mother-daughter, it is worth discussing what character is inherent in his doll mother or doll father. Which qualities can be called good and which ones can be called bad. In the future, this will help girls become feminine and economical, and boys - brave, strong and responsible.

If children build something in play, this can be considered the first step in their preparation for work. Musical toys develop breathing, hearing and help in the development of speech.

Moving exercise is good for your health. Develop dexterity. It is especially good to organize them on fresh air. If one of the guys is too shy, try to involve him in general game, overcome embarrassment.

Sometimes we just think that entertainment is a waste of time. The role of play in the development of a preschool child is difficult to overestimate; children do not just play, they learn to live, little by little they become adults.

Learning the alphabet, developing attention

While having fun, the baby thinks only about the game. He does not set himself the task of learning anything, mastering something new. But it will be much more interesting for him to remember a letter, for example E, if you offer to do it in the game. Ask your baby to clap his hands when he hears it. And then say any words. For example:

  • pine
  • Rowan
  • chamomile
  • And rice

When the baby learns to easily identify the letter at the beginning of a word, you can complicate the task and hide it in the middle. We are looking for the letter A:

  • sweater
  • trousers
  • dress

While studying letters, you can at the same time remember the names of groups of objects: these are trees, and these are flowers, and these are clothes. By using pictures in the game, diversify it and consolidate what has already been learned. Ask your child to choose dishes or images of poultry from all the cards. You can try to develop attention. For example, from five or six pictures of clothes, quietly remove one and ask the child which card is missing?

Learning to count

If several children are participating in the game at the same time, you can use the ball to strengthen counting skills. An adult should stand in a circle with the kids and agree on the rules. The person who catches the ball must continue counting without interruption. We need to try to ensure that each of the guys has the ball and everyone has to count out loud. When children can easily perform this exercise, you can complicate the conditions. For example, boys catch a ball and count down, and girls do the usual counting. There are quite a lot of similar games and they definitely give a positive result in mastering knowledge.

The role of an adult

If an adult correctly assesses the role of play in the development of a preschooler, he can and should provide assistance at the initial stage of play. Help organize it. If the emotional background seems aggressive or somehow one-sided to you, you can add new impressions to the game, take it in a different direction. Playing with children will give you positive emotions yourself. Childhood passes quickly, don’t miss the opportunity to briefly return to this wonderful time and give your kids the joy of communication and learning through play.

The role of play in the life of a preschool child


      The concept of the game, types of games…………………………………………….7
      General characteristics of the game……………………………………………………….11
AGE ………………………………………………………………...16
2.1. Leading activities of preschool children………...16
2.2. The influence of play on the development of a preschool child…………...........19
NOTE ………………………………………………… ………....31


About twenty years ago, most children went to school unable to read, write, or count. Children learned all this at school, and their intellectual development did not suffer at all from this. Now the situation has changed.
In order for a child to be accepted into a good school (and therefore, in order for him to receive a decent education, and then successfully settle in our difficult life), at the age of 6 he needs to pass a solid “readiness” exam.
Therefore, parents are in a hurry to start his education as early as possible. The so-called “early development” is very popular and fashionable these days. Children are taught almost from birth to read, count to 100 and back, learn a foreign language, logic, rhetoric, grammar, mathematics, etc. And parents are willing to pay a lot of money for such preschool education - after all, nothing is spared for the future child!
As a result, the preschool education system is increasingly turning into the lowest level of school education. Despite the progressive and humanistic concepts of scientists and calls to preserve childhood, fear of the future takes its toll and “readiness for school” becomes the main goal of parents, educators and even psychologists working in kindergartens.
This trend is not only unjustified - neither from a pedagogical nor from a psychological point of view, but also very dangerous, bringing with it unpredictable social consequences. The fact is that, due to their psychological characteristics, children of preschool age (up to 7 years) are not capable of conscious and purposeful educational activity. 19


Children cannot learn just because adults want them to. And not because they are lazy and naughty, but because they are children. And the trouble is not that they gain nothing from such premature education, but that they lose the incredibly important opportunities that preschool childhood opens up for them.
Preschool age is a unique and decisive period in the development of a child, when the foundations of personality emerge, will and voluntary behavior are formed, imagination, creativity, and general initiative actively develop. However, all these most important qualities are formed not in educational activities, but in the leading and main activity of a preschooler - in play. The advantage of play over any other children's activity is that in it the child himself, voluntarily obeys certain rules, and it is the implementation of the rules that gives maximum pleasure. This makes the child’s behavior meaningful and conscious, transforms it from spontaneous to strong-willed. Therefore, play is practically the only area where a preschooler can show his initiative and creative activity. 19
The study of the features of play in the activities and education of modern preschoolers and its influence on their personal development is an extremely urgent task.
The purpose of this work is to study the role of play in the development of modern preschoolers
The object of this study is the game, its types and varieties.
Research hypothesis: modern changes in socio-cultural

19 Electronic resource. Access mode:

children's living conditions entail a change in the selection of games and gaming materials, the content of role-playing games, as well as their level of development.
The objectives of the study were as follows:
1. Analysis of scientific literature.
2. Identification of the specifics of games and the content of role-playing games in modern preschoolers.
3. Investigate the influence of games on the development of mental processes in preschool children.
4. To identify the level of development of role-playing games in modern preschoolers.


Turning to the history of studying the game, one can find that humanity went a long way before recognizing any “useful functions” for the game. It is no coincidence that most researchers considered it, first of all, as an activity that brings pleasure and enjoyment and was opposed to “work.” This state of affairs was due to the fact that they were looking for the “instant” usefulness of the game. And indeed, they found it only in the fact that the game simply kept the child busy.
Perhaps one of the first to point out the promising usefulness of play was the German scientist Karl Groos, who proposed considering children's play as an instinctive preparation for future “adult” life: girls playing with dolls is an exercise of maternal instinct, boys playing war is a manifestation of hunting. instinct. K. Gross calls games the original school of behavior. For him, no matter what external or internal factors motivate the games, their meaning is precisely to become a school of life for children.
Modern scientists are far from attributing an instinctive nature to children's play and equating it in this sense to the play of animals, as K. Groos did, but the assumption he made about the enormous significance of play for the entire future life of the child is now accepted by researchers around the world as an axiom.
Game is one of those types of children's activities that is used by adults to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In play, a child develops as a personality, he develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his educational and work activities, and his relationships with people will subsequently depend.

8 Mikhailenko N., Korotkova N. Why does the child play? // Preschool
education, 1995. No. 4. 21-24s.

      Concept of game, types of games
L.S. Vygotsky noticed the emergence of a plan in preschool children, which means a transition to creative activity. In early childhood, a child moves from action to thought; a preschooler already develops the ability to move from thought to action, to realize his plans. The ego manifests itself in all types of activities, and, above all, in the game. The emergence of a plan is associated with the development of creative imagination.
Elkonin believed that the games that preschool children usually play can be divided into three main groups. The first pear is outdoor games. These include various games with a ball, with a jump rope, tag, hide and seek, etc. In such games there are rules that all players must obey. Outdoor games are very important for the development of a child. They are an excellent means of physical education for preschoolers; During games, children learn to obey the rules and develop team behavior skills. 17
The second group includes games of lotto, spillikins, multi-colored pyramids, etc. Each such game has its own educational task. In these games, children get acquainted with various objects and phenomena of reality, children form ideas, develop observation, perception, memory, and thinking. Such games are of great importance for mental development preschool children. 9
The third group consists of the most typical and at the same time creative role-playing games that are important for the development of preschool children. In these games, children portray adults whose activities for some reason attract them. In a role-playing game, the child wears special ones created by himself

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9 Mendzheritskaya D.V. To the teacher about a children's game. M., 1982. - 128s
17 Elkonin D. B. Psychology of play M., Education 1987

playing conditions, independently reproduces the social and labor functions of adults. Role-playing play, in which children reproduce the lives of adults, is one of the forms of their participation in the lives of adults in preschool age.

By definition, a game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-control of behavior is developed and improved.
In human practice, gaming activity performs the following functions:

    Entertaining (this is the main function of the game - to entertain, give pleasure, inspire, arouse interest);
    Communicative: Mastering the dialectics of communication;
    Self-realization: In the game as a testing ground for human practice;
    Game therapy: Overcoming various difficulties that arise in other types of life activities;
    Diagnostic: Identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;
    Correction function: Making positive changes to the structure of personal indicators;
    Interethnic communication: Assimilation of socio-cultural values ​​common to all people;
    Socialization: Inclusion in the system of social relations, assimilation of the norms of human society.
In the game, thanks to gaming motivation, the following develop:
      imagination and fantasy
      communication skills
      ability to symbolize and transform
      generalization function
      voluntary behavior (willpower)
      perfect plan
      ability to think, etc.
It is through play that the child’s basic needs are satisfied:
      in move
      in communication
      in cognition
      in self-realization, freedom, independence. 14
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14 Shatsky S. T. Selected pedagogical works. In two volumes. Volume 1; 1980 Second-hand book edition.
      in joy, pleasure
      the need to be “like an adult.”
A huge number of talented psychologists and teachers pay great attention to the topic of developing basic mental processes in children through play. There are methods of outdoor games, didactic, developmental, etc. For example, Boris Pavlovich Nikitin and Elena Alekseevna Nikitina are the authors of the well-known method of child development using a whole series mind games. Nikitin Boris Pavlovich is known for his appearances in the press about raising children, books about his experience of using educational games in his family, which allow him to successfully solve the problem of developing a child’s creative abilities.

1.2. General characteristics of the game

For preschool children, play is the main activity. Some spontaneous games of preschoolers have a pronounced resemblance to the games of representatives of the animal world, but even such simple games like catch-up, wrestling and hide-and-seek are largely cultural. In games, children imitate the work activities of adults and take on various social roles. Already at this stage, differentiation by gender occurs. Specially designed educational and therapeutic games occupy a special position.
Games reveal individual and age characteristics children. At the age of 2-3 years they begin to master a logical-figurative representation of reality. While playing, children begin to give objects contextually determined imaginary properties and replace real objects with them (make-believe games).
In play, the child first discovers the relationships that exist between people in the process of their work, their rights and responsibilities. Responsibilities towards others are what the child feels necessary to fulfill, based on the role he has taken on. When playing the role of a buyer, for example, a child understands that he cannot leave without paying for what he has chosen. By performing duties, the child receives rights in relation to persons whose roles are performed by other participants in the game. Thus, the buyer has the right to be given any goods available on the toy counter and to be treated in the same way as other buyers.
Role in story game It is precisely to fulfill the duties that are imposed by the role and to exercise rights in relation to other participants in the game. 20
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20 Electronic resource. Access mode: Game

Compliance with the rules and the child’s conscious attitude towards them shows how deeply he has mastered the sphere of social reality reflected in the game. The child's attitude towards rules changes throughout preschool age. At first, the baby easily breaks the rules and does not notice when others do this, because he does not understand the meaning of the rules. Then he records the violation of the rules by his comrades and opposes it. He explains the need to follow the rules, relying on the logic of everyday connections: this does not happen. And only then the rules become conscious and open. The child consciously follows the rules, explaining that following them is necessary. This is how he learns to manage his behavior. “The game is a school of morality, but not morality in performance, but morality in action,” wrote D.B. Elkonin.
In play, the child uses a variety of game items: toys, attributes, substitute items. The last group deserves special mention. Substitution arises in a problematic situation: what to do when the doll wants to eat, but there is no spoon? With the help of an adult, the child finds a suitable object - a stick instead of a spoon. True substitution occurs only when the child names a substitute object in accordance with its new function, i.e. gives deliberately new meaning. The main condition is that with the substitute object one can perform the same function as with the one being replaced. Therefore, a spoon can be a stick, a pencil, even a thermometer. But the ball cannot be used instead of a spoon, as it will not scoop up food. The use of substitute objects enriches children's play, expands the possibilities of modeling reality and contributes to the development of the sign-symbolic function of consciousness. 17
The game always involves the creation of an imaginary situation, which constitutes its plot and content. The plot is the sphere of reality that is modeled by children in the game. And, therefore, the choice of plot is always
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17 Elkonin D. B. Psychology of play M., Education 1987.

relies on certain knowledge. That is why, throughout preschool age, “family” games are favorites for children, since they themselves are involved in such relationships every day, and therefore have the most complete understanding of them.
Gradually, preschoolers begin to introduce stories from their favorite fairy tales and films into their games. The games intertwine real and fairy-tale plots, and the reconstructed sphere of reality continues to expand as the child is included in more complex social relations. Everyday stories are joined by professional ones, and then social ones. The richness and variety of plots is closely related to the richness of children's imagination. At the same time, creating game plots stimulates the development of children's imagination and creative activity.
For the youngest children, the plot is suggested by a toy or attribute that came into their field of vision and attracted their attention. The children's play does not last long, the plots are very unstable and monotonous. They usually consist of one, less often two storylines. For example, a mother and daughter are cleaning the house or washing the dishes.
With the development of gaming skills and the complication of game plans, children begin to engage in longer-term communication. The game itself demands this and promotes this. The desire to reproduce adult relationships in play leads to the fact that the child begins to need partners who would play with him. Hence the need arises to come to an agreement with other children and organize a game together that includes several roles.
IN cooperative game children learn the language of communication, mutual understanding and mutual assistance, learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.
Bringing children together to play together helps to further enrich and complicate the content of games. Each child's experience is limited. He is familiar with a relatively narrow range of actions performed by adults. In the game there is an exchange of experience. Children learn from each other and turn to adults for help. As a result, games are becoming more diverse. The complication of the content of games leads, in turn, not only to an increase in the number of participants in the game, but also to the complication of real relationships, and to the need for clearer coordination of actions.

Drawing. 2. Parents’ assumptions about their children’s readiness to study in preschool educational institutions

Children's play activities are not limited to role-playing games, although they are most typical for a preschooler.
A special type of gaming activity is a didactic game. It is created by adults specifically for educational purposes, when learning proceeds on the basis of a gaming and didactic task. In didactic play, the child not only gains new knowledge, but also generalizes and consolidates it. 16

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16 Elkonin D.B. Creative role-playing games for preschool children. Publishing house of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. – 1985 – 180 p.

Preschoolers develop cognitive processes and abilities, they assimilate socially developed means and methods of mental activity.
The main goal of any didactic game- educational. Therefore, the main component in it is a didactic task, which is hidden from the child during play. The child is simply playing, but in its internal psychological meaning it is a process of unintentional learning. The originality of a didactic game is precisely determined by the rational combination of two tasks: didactic and gaming.


2.1. Leading activities of preschool children

By the end of early childhood, new types of activities begin to take shape that determine mental development. This is a game and productive activities (drawing, modeling, designing).
In the 2nd year of a child’s life, play is procedural in nature. Actions are one-time, unemotional, stereotypical, and may not be interrelated. L. S. Vygotsky called such a game a quasi-game, which implies imitation of an adult and the development of motor stereotypes. The game begins from the moment the child masters play substitutions. Fantasy develops, therefore, the level of thinking increases. This age is different in that the child does not have a system according to which his play would be structured. He can either repeat one action many times, or perform them chaotically, randomly. For a child, it does not matter in what sequence they occur, because there is no logic visible between his actions. During this period, the process itself is important for the child, and the game is called procedural.
By the age of 3, a child is able to act not only in a perceived situation, but also in a mental (imaginary) one. One object is replaced by another, they become symbols. The child’s action becomes between the substitute object and its meaning, and a connection appears between reality and imagination. Game substitution allows you to separate an action or purpose from a name, i.e., from a word, and modify a specific object. 7

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7 Loschenkova Z.B. Age-related psychology. Moscow; 2009 – 118 p.
When developing play substitutions, the child needs the support and help of an adult.
. Stages through which a child is included in the replacement game:
1) the child does not respond to the substitutions that an adult makes during the game, he is not interested in words, questions, or actions;
2) the child begins to show interest in what the adult is doing and repeat his movements independently, but the child’s actions are still automatic;
3) the child can perform substitute actions or imitate them not immediately after the adult’s demonstration, but after a lapse of time. The child begins to understand the difference between a real object and a substitute;
4) the child himself begins to replace one object with another, but imitation is still strong. For him, these actions are not yet of a conscious nature;
5) the child can independently replace one object with another, while giving it a new name. For play substitutions to be successful, an adult needs to be emotionally involved in the game.
By the age of 3, the child should have developed the entire structure of the game:

    strong gaming motivation;
    game actions;
    original game replacements;
    active imagination.
The role of play is very important for a child admitted to a preschool educational institution. Such children go through a difficult adaptation period, leaving their usual and familiar “home” lifestyle and daily routine. 17 Game, of course, is the leading type of activity for this category of children, since they can get carried away by the process, become interested through the game not only in its plot and content, but also, with the skillful approach of the teacher, understand and correctly

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17 Elkonin D. B. Psychology of play M., Education 1987.
understand your new situation - all the positive components of visiting kindergarten. Party games, I help the child in the adaptation period to get to know the team of children, the kindergarten staff, etc.

    Figure 3. Comparative diagram of the adaptation period of children in preschool educational institutions.
2.2. The influence of play on the development of a preschool child

All children's activities are syncretic, that is, to a certain extent, united and inseparable. This unity arises thanks to an imaginary, conditional situation in which the process of children's creativity takes place. The game synthesizes the child’s cognitive, labor and creative activity. Any new knowledge or skill encourages him to take action with it. The nature of this action is playful, as it is the closest and most understandable for children from their previous experience.
Some psychologists believe that children's games cannot be considered a creative activity, since nothing new is created in them. This is true, if we approach children's play with the same standards as the activities of an adult, then the term “creativity” is truly inappropriate. But it is justified if you approach the issue from the point of view of child development.
The creative nature of the game is confirmed by the fact that the child does not copy life, but, imitating what he sees, combines his ideas. At the same time, he conveys his attitude towards the depicted, his thoughts and feelings. This relates play to art, but the child is not an actor. He plays for himself, and not for the audience, he does not learn the role, but creates it as he plays. When a child enters the image, his thoughts are active, his feelings deepen, and he sincerely experiences the events depicted.

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