The role of play in the education and development of a preschool child. Coursework the role of play in the life of a preschool child The role of play in the development of a preschool child

Game activity - modeling various life situations - is predominant for preschool children. It is in play that a child’s personality develops, the roles they will play in adulthood are worked out, and the way of interacting with the outside world is learned. Learning new skills and abilities also occurs in a playful way. The leading role of play in the development of a preschool child is determined by the peculiarities of the development of the psyche of children. By watching children play, you can learn a lot about their living conditions, preferences, and character traits.

Psychology identifies the entire younger age as a period of active play activity. Parents often call children's fun a useless activity, a waste of time, and try to replace them with really “important” things - special training exercises, lessons on various fashionable techniques. However, the role of play in a child’s mental development is paramount.

What is the meaning of the game, why is this activity so necessary for kids?

  • While playing, children learn to create and dream, to create their own reality: by connecting together dreams and the reality they know, children’s imagination actively works.
  • Cognitive, cultural, social, physical development occurs - children recreate situations that reflect the interactions of people in society, consolidate their ideas about life.
  • Strong-willed qualities, the ability to build and plan one’s activities are improved, which is a necessary condition for intellectual development.
  • Playing together brings people together, teaches them to find a common language, make contact and maintain it. Children make their first friends in games. Feelings and emotions are formed, the experience of a wide variety of strong experiences and overcoming difficulties appears.
  • Children's speech is enriched and structured.

While playing, a preschooler comes to understand the social essence of all things - every action, manipulation, word has meaning for some person. Gradually, the child develops an understanding of the leading role of human relationships.

Pedagogy distinguishes many types of games:

  • Movable – training of agility, speed, strength, as well as the desire to win, perseverance, empathy, and strong-willed qualities.
  • Logical - help in preparing for school, an important stage in the development of memory, perseverance, and the ability to look for a non-standard solution to a given problem.
  • Didactic – replenishment of vocabulary, formation of coherent speech, ability to formulate one’s thoughts, correct attitude towards various aspects of life (nature, Motherland, professions, people of different nationalities).
  • Role-playing play as a means of child development has a special place, being an effective tool for the formation of mental functions, thinking, imagination, and emotional sphere.

Play from infancy to 7 years

Improvement and development of play activities of preschool children occurs gradually, starting with the most primitive actions.

Entering first grade does not interrupt this path - the importance of play in the lives of schoolchildren is just as great right up to middle school. Children socialize, master the voluntary side of their activities, and model more complex and lengthy plots with a larger number of roles.

Key Components of Creative Play

The main components of the game are content, plot, role.

The plot represents a sphere of real life that children reproduce in their play. The main themes of the plots of children's games:

  • Everyday life: family, shopping, guests, kindergarten, cooking dinner.
  • Manufacturing - here there is a connection with professions: hospital, hairdresser, school, supermarket, construction site.
  • Socio-political plot: “war”, pirates, Indians.

The development of role-playing games proceeds in exactly this order - from everyday situations to the most complex socio-political ones. This is due to the enrichment of one’s horizons and the ability to understand deeper social relationships.

Often, children's favorite game plot is the script of a popular cartoon, movie, or book. Modern children spend hours playing “ninja turtles”, “rescue puppies”, “autobot robots”. Observe what situations your child imitates in such games, perhaps you will understand that you should more carefully select cartoons and films to watch.

With age, children's living conditions change, their horizons broaden, the number of plots for games increases, some plots lose their relevance and cease to be used.

When building the content of the game, the child puts into it what is his current environment. Children reflect what they see and absorb from their immediate circle. Observing different variations of behavior in the “family” game, you can see a variety of mothers: swearing and punishing, preparing food and cleaning, doing work, reading books to their daughters.

Along with the enrichment of plots and content, the playing time increases. Three- and four-year-olds can play continuously for no more than 15 minutes. Five year olds can be captivated for up to an hour. Older preschoolers play real games for several hours, often continuing the same storyline for two or three days.

Creative play as a means of child development is influenced by adults, but their real influence lies in providing children with high-quality “material” and providing an adequate “primary source”. Parents and educators provide the environment and toys, but the most important contribution to children’s play is the work of adults themselves, since it is their behavior, reactions, and emotions that preschool children reproduce in their games.

The older the child, the more pronounced the motives for play become - the child’s need to join the “big”, adult world, to become a full-fledged member of society, to take a recognized place in it, to perform socially important, significant functions.

How to build a children's role-playing game

The structure of the game consists of the following components:

  • roles;
  • game actions;
  • playful use of objects (substitution);
  • real relationships between the guys.


This is the most important component of any creative game - it represents certain actions and statements characteristic of a certain person. The preschooler takes on the role of an adult and builds play behavior, which, in his opinion, is inherent in this adult. The baby speaks, moves, and manipulates various objects appropriately.

Children are very selective about roles. A child will most readily agree to the role of someone who arouses his genuine interest, strong emotions, whose actions impressed or delighted him. The formation of the relationship of this role with other participants in the game is also important - whether the figure has weight, how its interactions with others develop, how high the character’s activity is.

Game actions

The role is realized through play actions - all movements, statements, and manipulations with objects made by the child. Replacing things in real life with toys or some other objects is a technique that will gradually develop abstract thinking and imagination. Usually, the younger the child, the less demanding he is when it comes to toys - the baby will be happy to use sticks, stones, pencils, paper, pillows and blankets.

Psychologists recommend that parents buy fewer toys for their preschool children. When a child has a wide range of objects that can fill any game, there is no need to fantasize, imagine, or abstract from a specific form. By providing a child with a small set of ready-made toys, we give him the opportunity to develop more deeply and intensively.

Partnership interaction

Building partnerships between playing children includes the following points:

  • Joint discussion, planning a storyline, pronouncing some of the actions of the players.
  • Determining the role of each participant, choosing game attributes.
  • Controlling actions as the plot develops.
  • Making adjustments to the game.

The older the participants in the game, the more progressive their real functions are, the higher their ability to negotiate and stick to the plan. When talking about the role of creative games in the development of a preschool child, teachers and psychologists focus on natural socialization, the ability to live in the interests of the team, and the acquisition of a partnership spirit. The game is of key importance for the formation of a children's team. Kids learn to hear each other, negotiate, seek compromise, sacrifice their interests for the interests of their peers, using the following tools:

  • Planning - future events, plot are discussed by all participants.
  • Discussion of the initial concept - what roles the friends will play, is it possible to switch roles so that everyone can be the main character.
  • Creating a gaming environment - the environment and subject content are selected together.

Parents believe that children's games, being a meaningless, useless activity, are devoid of purpose and result. This is a misconception: the implementation of the accepted role is the goal, and the effectiveness of the manifestation of the role, its correspondence to real heroes is the result.

In order to organize playful, direct plot-role communication within the chosen plot, preschoolers use the following techniques:

  • Role reversal. During the game, children can repeatedly change roles, introduce new characters, and get rid of some.
  • Transition to playful cooperation. Looking closely at each other, the kids play side by side, each in their own imaginary field, and only over time do the plots unite and create a common play space.
  • The guys are guided by the feelings they experience in relation to the characters. Thanks to such empathy, interest in the game is maintained, the plot develops, and the content is enriched.
  • Dramatization of events - increased emotional tension, the need to help the heroes, save them - is a means of reviving the game, making it attractive, and maintaining interest at a high level.

The role of adults in organizing games

Parents and teachers must understand that the role of play in a child’s mental development is not to teach certain plots or behavior patterns, but to create conditions for natural, free mastery of the ability to communicate, empathize, and make friends.

An environment suitable for play activities often does not require any special spaces; it consists of the simple presence of peers nearby and the absence of coercion and control from adults.

If, as you grow up, the game becomes more complex, enriched with new ways of interaction, the ability to introduce new characters appears, the ability to combine different situations develops, and dialogues improve, then we can talk about an increase in the level of the game, and therefore an increase in the number of its participants.

Kindergarten teachers have their own methodological tasks for organizing play activities:

  • Involve yourself in children's creative play, demonstrating by your own example the techniques of play activities.
  • Adjust the ways of developing the plot and game actions in accordance with age.
  • Develop gaming skills and explain their meaning.
  • Make sure that children in the game reflect acquired skills, ideas, learned behavior patterns, gently guiding the children.
  • Introduce didactic toys, teach animation, plot creation
  • Introduce board and outdoor games and rules.

Parents need to remember that children’s play activities develop spontaneously, naturally, intuitively - there is no need to create a special developmental climate or fill the environment with special toys. The constant active involvement of parents in children's play can even be harmful - the child will not be able to independently, without the help of mom and dad, choose and direct the storyline, fill in the content, enrich role behavior, and build interaction with friends.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of games in raising a child, especially preschool age... Parents can use games to develop qualities that are important for the child...

No one will argue that if we are interested in some type of activity, we will do the work much faster and with better results than doing a boring task. This rule works for both adults and children. And even more so for children. A child cannot, like an adult, mobilize himself to work by willpower or additional motivation (a bonus, for example). If we want to involve a child in some activity, it is better to invite him... to play. And then helping the mother, learning something new, will be much more interesting for the child.

Thematic material:

What does the game give?

For moms and dads, the world around them seems clear, but the baby just has to figure out all its collisions. By playing in a profession, he can touch adult life, try to become brave, strong, and responsible. By communicating in the game, he learns to give in and make contact with other guys.

An adult can use such a game to develop qualities that are important for a child.

For example, responsibility. If your child plays in the hospital, you can tell him that it is time for the sick to rest, gain strength, and that this is important for them. If he is a pilot, remind him that he needs to get a good night's sleep, because he is responsible for the lives of many people. And then in real life you will notice that it has become easier for you to put your baby to sleep. He will understand your requirements better.

If you played in kindergarten, it is worth talking with your daughter or son about what a good teacher should be. If you were putting out a fire, discuss the professional qualities of a firefighter or rescuer. Tell your child what a circus performer, for example, or an astrologer studies in order to master their profession.

While playing mother-daughter, it is worth discussing what character is inherent in his doll mother or doll father. Which qualities can be called good and which ones can be called bad. In the future, this will help girls become feminine and economical, and boys - brave, strong and responsible.

If children build something in play, this can be considered the first step in their preparation for work. Musical toys develop breathing, hearing and help in the development of speech.

Moving exercise is good for your health. Develop dexterity. It is especially good to organize them outdoors. If one of the guys is too shy, try to involve him in the general game and overcome his shyness.

Sometimes we just think that entertainment is a waste of time. The role of play in the development of a preschool child is difficult to overestimate; children do not just play, they learn to live, little by little they become adults.

Learning the alphabet, developing attention

While having fun, the baby thinks only about the game. He does not set himself the task of learning anything, mastering something new. But it will be much more interesting for him to remember a letter, for example E, if you offer to do it in the game. Ask your baby to clap his hands when he hears it. And then say any words. For example:

  • pine
  • Rowan
  • chamomile
  • And rice

When the baby learns to easily identify the letter at the beginning of a word, you can complicate the task and hide it in the middle. We are looking for the letter A:

  • sweater
  • trousers
  • dress

While studying letters, you can at the same time remember the names of groups of objects: these are trees, and these are flowers, and these are clothes. By using pictures in the game, diversify it and consolidate what has already been learned. Ask your child to choose dishes or images of poultry from all the cards. You can try to develop attention. For example, from five or six pictures of clothes, quietly remove one and ask the child which card is missing?

Learning to count

If several children are participating in the game at the same time, you can use the ball to strengthen counting skills. An adult should stand in a circle with the kids and agree on the rules. The person who catches the ball must continue counting without interruption. We need to try to ensure that each of the guys has the ball and everyone has to count out loud. When children can easily perform this exercise, you can complicate the conditions. For example, boys catch the ball and count down, and girls do the usual counting. There are quite a lot of similar games and they definitely give a positive result in mastering knowledge.

The role of an adult

If an adult correctly assesses the role of play in the development of a preschooler, he can and should provide assistance at the initial stage of play. Help organize it. If the emotional background seems aggressive or somehow one-sided to you, you can add new impressions to the game, take it in a different direction. Playing with children will give you positive emotions yourself. Childhood passes quickly, don’t miss the opportunity to briefly return to this wonderful time and give your kids the joy of communication and learning through play.

Marina Popova
The role of play in the development of preschool children


Preschool childhood is a large period of a child’s life. Living conditions at this time are rapidly are expanding: the boundaries of the family are expanded to the limits of the street, city, country. The child discovers the world of human relationships, different types of activities and social functions of people. He feels a strong desire to be involved in this adult life, to actively participate in it, which, of course, is not yet available to him. In addition, he strives no less strongly for independence. From this contradiction a role-playing game is born - an independent activity. children, simulating the life of adults.

Entire life preschooler is associated with the game. Mastering the things around him, relationships between people, understanding the meanings that social life carries, the work and responsibilities of adults - he gets acquainted with all this while playing, imagining himself in the role of mom, dad, and so on.

The role of play in a child’s mental development.

Game is the leading activity in preschool age, it has a significant impact on child development.

In play activities, the child’s mental qualities and personal characteristics are most intensively formed. The game develops other types of activities, which then acquire independent meaning.

The game affects all aspects of the psyche development, which has been repeatedly emphasized by both teachers and psychologists. So, A. S. Makarenko wrote: “Play is important in a child’s life, it has the same meaning as activity, work, service for an adult. What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, education occurs primarily in play.

The entire history of an individual as an actor or worker can be represented in game development and in its gradual transition to work.

Gaming activity influences the formation of arbitrariness of mental processes. So, in the game the child begins develop voluntary attention and voluntary memory. In conditions games Children concentrate better and remember more. The conscious goal stands out to the child earlier and easier in the game. The conditions themselves games require the child to concentrate on the objects included in the game situation, on the content of the actions being played out and the plot. If a child does not want to be attentive to what the upcoming game situation requires of him, if he does not remember the conditions games, then he is simply expelled by his peers.

At the same time, the experience of play and especially real relationships of a child in role-playing games forms the basis of a special property of thinking, allows you to take the point of view of other people, anticipate their future behavior and build your own behavior on the basis of this.

Role play has a certain meaning for development of imagination.

Influence development games The child’s personality lies in the fact that through it he becomes acquainted with the behavior and relationships of adults, who become a model for his own behavior, and in it he acquires basic communication skills and qualities necessary for establishing contact with peers.

Productive activities of the child - drawing, design - at different stages preschool childhood closely merge with play. Interest in drawing and design initially arises as a playful interest aimed at the process of creating a drawing or design in accordance with the game plan. And only in middle and older preschool age interest is transferred to the result of the activity and is free from influence games.

Within the gaming activity, educational activity also begins to take shape, which later becomes the leading activity. Teaching is introduced by an adult; it does not arise directly from games. But preschooler begins to study When playing, he treats learning as a kind of role-playing game with certain rules. However, by following these rules, the child unnoticeably masters basic learning activities.

The game has a very big influence on speech development. The game situation requires each child included in it to have a certain level development of speech communication. The need to explain things to peers stimulates development of coherent speech. In the game, children learn to fully communicate with each other. Juniors preschoolers They still don’t know how to truly communicate with their peers.

IN developed role-playing game with its intricate plots and complex roles, creating quite a wide scope for improvisation, children creative imagination is formed.

The game contributes to the development of voluntary memory; it overcomes the so-called cognitive egocentrism.

IN preschool age the game becomes an independent activity of the child, he masters different types of games with the help of games preschooler“enters different spheres of social reality, expanding the possibilities of knowledge of these spheres.”

Thus, the game has a positive impact on the formation of interaction and relationships children. Games remove psychological barriers, instill self-confidence, improve communication children with peers and adults.


Today, a toy for a child has become an indispensable and faithful friend, companion and the most important active object in children's fun and games. Toys help a child develop logical thoughts, and also give a chance to know all the possibilities that exist in the environment with all its reality. The most important thing is that toys are perceived by a child primarily aesthetically; a child with a toy cultivates good qualities. Even at the moment when a toy loses its true interest and play value in a child, the child still has his own attitude towards the toy. It’s not for nothing that our favorite toys remain in our lives for a long time and decorate our everyday life with their presence, even if the toy has ceased to be the object of its purpose for us.

Educational value toys:

This is an indispensable companion to children's games;

Participate in the creation games, influence the child’s personality;

Meet the child's needs for active activity, various movements,

They help you realize your plan, enter into role, make the child’s actions real;

Often they suggest an idea games, remind you of what you saw or read, influence the child’s imagination and feelings;

Accustom the child to meaningful, purposeful activities, develop thinking, memory, imagination, attention, develop endurance, cultivate strong-willed qualities;

They help educate children's interest in work, inquisitiveness, curiosity;

Contribute to cultivating a sense of patriotism, sympathy, and respect for people of different nationalities;

Unite children, requiring joint efforts and coordinated actions.

Requirements for toys:

They should give a correct idea of ​​objects, their characteristics, purpose in life, broaden the child’s horizons, develop an interest in technology, to work;

Promote the education of the basis of personality, form the values ​​of knowledge, transformation;

Have dynamic properties that ensure their multifaceted use in game: mobility of parts and components, sound mechanisms, additional materials to reveal game functions;

Correspond age peculiarities of perception children;

Must be safe and hygienic;

- develop cognitive interests, intensify communication;

Accustom to collective activity, develop organizational skills;

Awaken creative imagination and ingenuity.

What kinds of toys are there?

In modern literature, a classification is more common that corresponds to the use of toys in various play activities.

Plot-shaped: toys: dolls, animal toys, household items that contribute to development of role-playing games.

Tech toys: water, land, air and space transport; toys reflecting household, agricultural and military equipment, industrial equipment, electronic toys, etc.

Construction and structural toys: sets of geometric solids (cubes, prisms, pyramids, cylinders, plates, architectural or thematic sets including different blocks (walls, columns, arches, roofs); mixed building material.

Didactic toys: nesting dolls, inserts, eggs, towers, pyramids; so-printed toys (lotto, paired pictures, cut pictures).

Funny toys: with mechanisms, with surprises, light and sound effects.

Motor toys: balls, hoops, skittles, serso, jump ropes.

Musical and theatrical toys: tambourine, piano, metallophone, scenery and attributes for various types of theater and independent theatrical and play activities.

Homemade toys: made of wood, fabric, paper, natural and waste material; complement ready-made toys and perform developing and educational functions.

Made up:

Popova M. N., Deputy Head of SMR

MBDOU – kindergarten for supervision and health improvement No. 333

The importance of play in the development of a preschool child.

Preschool childhood- a short but important period of personality development. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, towards work, develops skills and habits of correct behavior, and develops a character.
The main activity of preschool children is play, during which the child’s spiritual and physical strength develops: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. In addition, play is a unique way of learning social experience, characteristic of preschool age.
N.K. Krupskaya spoke in many articles about the importance of games for understanding the world and for the moral education of children. “...Amateur imitative play, which helps to master the impressions received, is of enormous importance, much more than anything else.” The same idea is expressed by A.M. Gorky: “Game is the way for children to understand the world in which they live and which they are called upon to change.”
In the game, all aspects of the child’s personality are formed, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity of a preschooler.
Games occupy a special place, which are created by the children themselves - they are called creative or plot-role-playing. In these games, preschoolers reproduce in roles everything that they see around them in the life and activities of adults. Creative play most fully shapes a child’s personality, and therefore is an important means of education.
What gives the right to call play a creative activity? The game is a reflection of life. Everything here is “as if”, “make-believe”, but in this conditional environment, which is created by the child’s imagination, there is a lot of reality: the actions of the players are always real, their feelings and experiences are genuine and sincere. The child knows that the doll and the bear are just toys, but he loves them as if they were alive, understands that he is not a “real” pilot or sailor, but feels like a brave pilot, a brave sailor who is not afraid of danger, and is truly proud of his victory.

Imitating adults in play is associated with the work of the imagination. The child does not copy reality; he combines different impressions of life with personal experience.
Children's creativity is manifested in the concept of the game and in the search for a means for its implementation. How much creativity is required to decide what journey to take, what ship or plane to build, what equipment to prepare! In the game, children simultaneously act as playwrights, prop makers, decorators, and actors. However, they do not hatch their idea, do not prepare for a long time to perform the role, like actors. They play for themselves, expressing their dreams and aspirations, thoughts and feelings that possess them at the moment. Therefore, the game is always improvisation.
Play is an independent activity in which children first interact with peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to achieve it, common interests and experiences.

Children choose the game themselves and organize it themselves. But at the same time, in no other activity are there such strict rules, such conditioning of behavior as here. Therefore, the game teaches children to subordinate their actions and thoughts to a specific goal and helps to cultivate purposefulness.
In play, the child begins to feel like a member of a team and fairly evaluates the actions and actions of his comrades and his own. The teacher’s task is to focus the attention of the players on goals that would evoke a commonality of feelings and actions, and to promote the establishment of relationships between children based on friendship, justice, and mutual responsibility.
Creative collective play is a school for educating the feelings of preschoolers. Moral qualities formed in the game influence the child’s behavior in life, at the same time, the skills developed in the process of children’s everyday communication with each other and with adults are further developed in the game. It takes great teacher skill to help children organize a game that would encourage good deeds and evoke better feelings.
Play is an important means of mental education for a child. The knowledge gained in kindergarten and at home finds practical application and development in the game. Reproducing various life events, episodes from fairy tales and stories, the child reflects on what he saw, what was read and told to him; the meaning of many phenomena, their meaning becomes more clear to him.

Types of games.

There are several groups of games that develop a child’s intelligence and cognitive activity:
Group I– object games, such as manipulations with toys and objects. Through toys - objects - children learn shape, color, volume, material, the animal world, the human world, etc.

Group II– creative, plot-role-playing games, in which the plot is a form of intellectual activity.

Intellectual games like “Lucky chance”, “What? Where? When?" etc. Data is an important part of educational, but, above all, extracurricular work of a cognitive nature.

At the end of early childhood, play with a plot emerges from object-manipulative activities. Initially, the child was absorbed in the object and actions with it. When he mastered the actions woven into joint activities with an adult, he began to realize that he was acting on his own and acting like an adult. Actually, he acted like an adult before, imitating him, but did not notice it. As D.B. writes Elkonin, he looked at the object through an adult, “like through glass.” In preschool age, affect is transferred from an object to a person, due to which the adult and his actions become a model for the child not only objectively, but also subjectively.

In addition to the required level of development of objective actions, for the emergence of role-playing games, a radical change in the child’s relationship with adults is necessary. Play cannot develop without frequent, full-fledged communication with adults and without those varied impressions of the world around us, which the child also acquires thanks to adults. The child also needs various toys, including unformed objects that do not have a clear function, which he could easily use as substitutes for others. D.B. Elkonin emphasized: you cannot throw away bars, pieces of iron, and other unnecessary, from the mother’s point of view, garbage that children bring into the house. Then the child will have the opportunity to play more interestingly, developing his imagination.
L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “... if in preschool age we did not have the ripening of needs that cannot be immediately realized, then we would not have play.” The game, he wrote, “must be understood as an imaginary, illusory realization of unrealized desires.” At the same time, it is emphasized that the basis of play is not individual affective reactions, but enriched, although not consciously realized by the child, affective aspirations.

Creative role-playing game becomes, according to L.S.'s definition. Vygotsky “the leading activity of a preschooler,” in which many of his psychological characteristics are formed, among which the most important is the ability to be guided by ethical authorities. Role-playing is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and, in a generalized form, reproduce the activities of adults in play conditions and the relationship between them.

Directing and figurative role-playing become sources of plot-role-playing play, which reaches its developed form by the middle of preschool age. Later, games with rules emerge from it. As I.Yu. points out. Kulagin, the emergence of new types of games does not completely cancel the old, already mastered ones - they are all preserved and continue to be improved. In role-playing games, children reproduce their own human roles and relationships.

Having undergone various changes, every role-playing game turns into a game according to the rules. This game gives the child two necessary abilities. Firstly, following the rules in a game is always associated with their comprehension and reproduction of an imaginary situation. Imagination is also connected with meaning and, moreover, for its development it requires special tasks for comprehension. Secondly, playing with rules teaches you to communicate. After all, most games with rules are collective games. There are two kinds of relationships in them. These are relationships of a competitive type - between teams, between partners who have exactly the opposite goal (if one wins, then the other will lose), and relationships of true cooperation - between members of the same team. Such cooperation and participation in collective activities helps the child to “get out” of the situation and analyze it as if from the outside. It is very important.


Preschool childhood is a period in which the active development of the entire personality as a whole takes place. Speech develops rapidly, creative imagination and a special logic of thinking appear, subordinate to the dynamics of figurative representations. This is the time of the initial formation of personality. The emergence of emotional anticipation of the consequences of one’s behavior, self-esteem, the complication and awareness of experiences, the enrichment of new feelings and motives in the emotional-need sphere, and finally, the emergence of the first essential connections with the world and the foundations of the future structure of the life world - these are the main features of the personal development of a preschooler.
A game for preschool children is a source of global experiences of the dynamism of one’s own self, a test of the power of self-influence.

The role of play in the upbringing and development of a preschool child

Game is one of the forms of manifestation of personality activity, one of the types of activity.

Children's play is a way for children to reproduce the actions of adults and the relationships between them, aimed at understanding the surrounding reality.

During preschool childhood, the child is involved in different types of activities. But play is a special type of activity due to the opportunities it opens up for the child. The role of play in the upbringing and development of a preschool child was revealed in the works of L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinstein, N. N. Poddyakov and others.

Play is the most important sphere of a child’s self-expression and the development of his “self.” The game fully fulfills its developmental functions when it is an independent children's activity.

The game of dates provides a child with an opportunity for an emotionally rich entry into the lives of adults based on the reproduction of their social relationships. Play creates favorable opportunities for the child to develop self-affirmation and self-esteem.

In play, the child begins to recognize himself as a member of a certain team, a feeling of unity appears for the first time, and the concept of “we” is formed. Children begin to evaluate each other, public opinion appears. Accordingly, thanks to the game, the children's group develops as a team.

The game actively develops the ability to be attentive to the point of view of another, to look at the world from his position. This stimulates the overcoming of children's egocentrism and the transition to a new stage of intellectual development.

In the process of organizing children's educational activities, the teacher widely uses game technologies for teaching children (for example, logical-mathematical and didactic games). The game acts as a shell - a kind of frame for educational activities (for example, a travel game, etc.). In educational activities, various gaming techniques are used: actions with toys, gaming imitation of movements, actions, speech, playing roles. These techniques support children's attention, help increase cognitive activity, and stimulate creativity.

Professionally important qualities of a teacher in relation to children’s play activities:

*the ability to observe the game, analyze it, evaluate the level of development of gaming activity; plan techniques aimed at its development;

*enrich children's experiences in order to develop their games;

*draw children’s attention to such impressions of their lives that can serve as the plot of a good game;

*be able to organize the start of the game;

*make extensive use of indirect methods of guiding the game, activating the child’s mental processes, his experience, problematic game situations (questions, advice, reminders), etc. ;

*create favorable conditions for the game to move to a higher level;

*be able to get involved in the game yourself in the main or secondary roles, establish playful relationships with children;

*be able to teach the game in direct ways (demonstration, explanation);

*regulate relationships, resolve conflicts that arise during play, give bright play roles to children with low sociometric status, include shy, insecure, inactive children in play activities;

*offer new roles, game situations, game actions in order to develop the game;

*teach children to discuss the game and evaluate it.

Preschool childhood is a sensitive period of play. If at this time the child has played enough from the heart, then in the future he will easily adapt to any situations, taking on different roles, for example, the role of a student.


1. Gogoberidze A. G., Derkunskaya V. A. Theoretical pedagogy. Student's Guide. – St. Petersburg. : Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, 2004.

2. Preschool pedagogy with the basics of education and training methods. Textbook for universities. Third generation standard / Ed. A. G. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntseva. – St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2013.

3. Game and preschooler. Development of children of senior preschool age in play activities / Ed. T. I. Babaeva, Z. A. Mikhailova. – St. Petersburg. : Childhood-press, 2004.

4. Kodzhaspirova G. M., Kodzhaspirov A. Yu. Dictionary of pedagogy. – Moscow: ICC “MarT”; Rostov n/d: Publishing center "MarT", 2005.

The role of play in the speech development of a child of primary preschool age

The role of play in the speech development of a child of primary preschool age

Play occupies a huge place in the lives of children of primary preschool age. It is absolutely necessary both for the general mental development of the child and specifically for the formation of his self-awareness [T. N. Doronova 2006. – 208 p.].

In preschool pedagogy, play has long been used to teach and educate children. It was an indispensable attribute of folk pedagogy. Its samples were passed on to the youngest children from generation to generation through adults and older children [T. N. Doronova, L. N. Galiguzova, L. G. Golubeva and others. 2007. – 303 p. ].

Game is a multifaceted concept. It means occupation, relaxation, entertainment, amusement, amusement, competition, exercise, training in the process of which the demands of adults on children and the demands of children on themselves are brought up. As A. S. Vygotsky points out [L. S. Vygotsky1966. - With. 17 – 25], A.V. Zaporozhets [A. N.. Leontiev 1975. – 359c], A. N. Leontiev [A. N.. Leontiev 1975.- 193c], A. A. Lyublinskaya [A. A Lyublinskaya 1972. - 256c], S. A. Rubenstein [L. S. Rubinstein T. 1. - p. 360-480, T. 2. -p. 78-89]., D. P. Elkonin [D. B. Elkonin 1978. – 304c] consider play to be the leading activity of a preschooler.

Game is one of the types of children's activities that is used by adults to educate preschoolers, teach them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In play, a child develops as a personality, he develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his educational and work activities, and his attitude towards people will subsequently depend. For example, in the game such a quality of a child’s personality is formed as self-regulation of actions taking into account the tasks of collective activity [M. G. Gening, N. A. German 1980. – 270s].

“For preschool children, games are of exceptional importance: play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of education” - these words belong to the Russian teacher N.K. Krupskaya [N. K. Krupskaya, 1980. –263 p. ].

In preschool pedagogy, play is considered as one of the most effective means of organizing children’s lives and their joint activities. A child in childhood must play; play is the norm for him. The game reflects the child’s internal need for active activity. It acts as a means of understanding the world around us; in play, children enrich their sensory and life experiences, enter into relationships with each other and with adults, and organize a children's play community.

The enormous importance of play for the development of all mental processes and the child’s personality as a whole gives reason to believe that this particular activity is the leading one in preschool age.

The game develops speech and thinking.

The game is impossible without verbal communication. Well-developed speech is a necessary condition for successful learning at school.

The reason for the urgent need to develop children's speech is the need for a person to communicate with the people around him, and in order for speech to be intelligible, understandable and interesting to others, it is necessary to conduct a variety of games, develop methods of playing games, so that children are interested in gaming activities.

To develop the speech of children in kindergarten, various games are played, both in classes and in children’s free activities.

Therefore, the role of play in the development of speech in preschool children occupies a leading place. Through playrooms, gyms, walking areas and educational games, special conditions are created in which the child develops speech through play.

A child gains significant experience through play. From his play experience, the child draws ideas that he associates with the word. Play and work are the strongest incentives for the manifestation of children's independence in the field of language; they should be primarily used in the interests of children's speech development.

The child comes into frequent repeated contact with the objects presented in the game, as a result of which they are easily perceived and imprinted in memory. Each object has its own name, each action has its own verb [E. I. Tikheeva, 1981 – 52 p. ].

The word is part of reality for the child. It follows from this how important it is, in the interests of stimulating children’s activity and the development of their language, to thoughtfully organize their play environment, provide them with an appropriate selection of objects, toys, and tools that will nourish this activity and, based on the enriched stock of specific ideas it provides, develop their language. [E. I. Tikheeva, 1981 – 52 p. ].

It is thanks to linguistic games that children develop a culture of communication and speech: the correct placement of stress in words, clarity of pronunciation, the ability to correctly formulate sentences and their thoughts in general.

Therefore, the role of games in speech development remains relevant. You can start playing didactic games with your child that stimulate speech development. They form coherent speech and memory, and also teach attentiveness.

The role of games in the development of speech is colossal - with their help, vocabulary is replenished and formed. The gaming situation requires each child to have a certain level of development of speech communication. The need to communicate with peers stimulates the development of coherent speech.

According to teachers, the role of play in the development of speech also occupies an important place because play is not only entertainment, but also the creative work of a child, this is where he begins his life. During the game, children study not only the world around them, but also themselves, their place in the world.

There is a two-way connection between play and speech: on the one hand, the child’s speech develops and becomes more active in the game, on the other hand, the game itself improves under the influence of speech.

The game represents precisely that vector of movement in the educational space that implements educational, correctional, developmental and educational tasks, unites teachers, children and parents, meets the needs of the state educational policy and new federal state standards.

M. Montensori’s position: “The game must be educational, otherwise it is an “empty game” that has no impact on the child’s development” [P. A. Kozlova, T. A Kulikova, 2002].

R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Mendzheritskaya believe that the leading role in the game belongs to the teacher. The teacher enriches children's understanding of the environment by organizing classes, excursions, reading works of art and working to create a subject-based play environment. In this regard, methods of direct and indirect game management are being developed in pedagogy.

Direct guidance means that the teacher influences both the choice of topic and the development of its plot, and helps children distribute roles, filling them with moral content. Indirect guidance is the indirect influence of the teacher on the game through the introduction of toys, through the assumption of certain roles [R. I. Zhukovskaya, 1975. – 333 p. ].

A number of authors (L. B. Baryaeva, A. P. Zarin, N. D. Sokolova) note that in the process of educational games it is necessary to teach children to accompany game actions with speech, facial expressions, and gestures. In the learning process, the teacher-speech therapist, educator, on the one hand, gives a model of correct, clear speech, and on the other hand, stimulates their own statements [L. B. Baryaeva, A. P. Zarin, N. D. Sokolova, 1996. – 95 p. ].

The experience of speech therapists (Yu. F. Garkusha, V. I. Seliverstov, L. N. Usacheva, T. B. Filicheva, etc.) shows that the acquisition of knowledge, speech skills and abilities occurs more easily and firmly when the speech therapist includes various types of games and game situations in the learning process [Yu. F. Garkushi, 2002. – P. 44 – 47]. [L. N. Usacheva, 1983. - 24 p. ]. [T. B. Filicheva, 2003. – 480 p. ].

Thus, we found out that many studies have been devoted to the problem of play in preschool children. Most teachers consider play as a serious and necessary activity for a child, but each from their own point of view. Play is considered the leading activity of a preschooler. Game is one of the types of children's activities that is used by adults to educate preschoolers, teach them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In play, a child develops as a personality, he develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his educational and work activities, and his attitude towards people will subsequently depend.

Play activity retains its significance and role as a necessary condition for the development of speech and the comprehensive development of their personality and intellect. On the other hand, shortcomings in sound pronunciation, limited vocabulary, violations of the grammatical structure of speech, as well as changes in the tempo of speech and its smoothness - all this affects the play activity of children and gives rise to certain behavioral characteristics in the game. Without specially organized training, play aimed at expanding the vocabulary and life experience of children does not arise independently. Children gain their basic knowledge and impressions only through purposeful play activities. The teacher’s task is to organize the management of the game, ensuring maximum actualization of the child’s capabilities. The completeness of the development of the game, and, consequently, its correctional value increases, subject to the planning of the teacher’s influences. Children's speech develops faster in play activities, since play is the leading activity of a preschool child, and the child spends most of his time playing a variety of games. Play in speech development is an integral part of the life of a preschooler. And the main thing in this is the participation of parents and educators, who can properly organize children’s games and give advice.


1. Vygotsky L. S. Game and its role in the psychological development of a child // Questions of psychology. – M.: Education, 1966. - p. 17 – 25.

2. Garkushi Yu. F., Correctional pedagogical work in preschool educational institutions for children with speech disorders [Text] / Ed. Yu. F. Garkushi. – M.: Academy, 2002. – P. 44 – 47.

3. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten: Program and methodological recommendations. M., 2007.

4. Gerbova V.V. Development of speech. 24 years. M., 2003.

5. Doronova T. N. Upbringing, education and development of children 3-4 years old in kindergarten: method. guide for educators working under the Rainbow program / comp. Doronova T.N. – M.: Education, 2006. – 208 p.)

6. Doronova T. N., Galiguzova L. N. Program “From childhood to adolescence” - M., 2007

7. Zhukovskaya, R. I. Raising a child in the game [Text] / R. I. Zhukovskaya. – M. Education, 1975. – 333 p.

8. Krupskaya N.K. The role of games in kindergarten. //Ped. op. – M.: 1980. –263 p.

9. Leontiev A. N. Word in speech activity. – M.: Mysl, 1975.- 193 pp.,

10. Leontiev, A. N. Psychological foundations of preschool games [Text] / A. N. Leontiev. – M.: Education, 1983. – 323 p.

11. Lyublinskaya A. A. To the teacher about the development of the child. – M.: Education, 1972. - 256 p.

12. Rubinshtein L. S. Fundamentals of general psychology: textbook. manual: in 2 volumes. Vol. 1. - p. 360-480, 1988

13. Rubinshtein L. S. Fundamentals of general psychology: textbook. manual: in 2 volumes. T. 2. - p., 78-89, 1988

14. Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children [Text] / V.I. Seliverstov. – M.: VLADOS, 1994. – 344 p.

15. Tikheeva. E. I. Development of children's speech: E. I. Tikheeva. – M.: Education, 1681. - 159 p.

16. Usacheva. L. N. Corrective focus of play activity of preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment (plot-role play) [Text]: abstract. dis. Ph.D. ped. Sciences / L. N. Usacheva. – M.: MSU, 1983. - 24 p.

17. Frolova A. N. Preschool pedagogy: lecture notes / Frolova A. N. - Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2009. 251 p.

18. Elkonin D. B. Psychology of play - M.: Pedagogy, 1978. - 304 p.

Parent meeting “The role of play in the development of preschool children”

Goal: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of gaming activities in preschool children

1. To form the concept of parents about the possibility of play as a means for the development of intellectual and cognitive activity.

2. Stimulate parents’ interest in joint play activities with their own child.

3. Discuss the issue of organizing a play environment in kindergarten and family settings; about the advantages and disadvantages of toys.

Participants: teachers, parents

Preparatory work:

game memo (Appendix 1,

tips (Appendix 2,

materials for creative work (Appendix 3,


The tables are arranged in a circle;

A selection of educational games,

Progress of the event

1. Introductory part

Many of us still remember our favorite toys and games. They preserved memories of our childhood games and fun; we “return” many years ago, to our childhood. In many families, toys are passed down from generation to generation; these toys have a certain value - pleasant, good childhood memories.

In order for our conversation to be sincere and frank, I suggest you fill out a business card. On a business card, write your name, patronymic and draw a picture that matches your mood (sun, cloud, etc.)

Psychological warm-up “Smile”

I want to know: are you in a good mood? How to give it to other people without words when they meet? How to communicate your good mood without words? Of course, with a smile. Smiled at the neighbor on the right, smiled at the neighbor on the left. A smile can warm you with its warmth, show your friendliness and improve your mood.

Ball game.

1. What game did you play with your child recently?

2. If a child asks to play with him, your actions.

3. What games does your child play most often?

4. When choosing a new toy, what do you take into account, what are you guided by?

5. What games were played in childhood, do you tell your child?

6. If a toy breaks, what do you do in such cases?

7. Where does your child play at home? What conditions have been created?

8. What are your child’s favorite toys?

9. Who plays with the child more often: mom or dad?

2. “And here, in kindergarten, we play” (View presentation)

1. Didactic games - specially developed for children, for example, lotto to enrich knowledge and develop observation, memory, attention, and logical thinking.

2. Outdoor games - varied in design, rules, and the nature of the movements performed. They help improve children's health and develop movement. Children love active games, listen to music with pleasure and know how to move rhythmically to it.

3. Construction games - with sand, cubes, special building materials, develop children's constructive abilities, serve as a kind of preparation for mastering later labor skills;

3. Exercise “I’ll start, and you will continue” - “The game is...”

A game is (fun, interesting, exciting).

To make the game interesting, educational, etc.

Any toy should be what (parents' answers)

1. aesthetic;

3. develop;

4. entertain the child.

4. Games in the kitchen

1. “Egg shells”

2. "Dough"

Sculpt whatever you want.

3. "Pasta"

Lay out fancy patterns on a table or sheet of paper, studying shapes and colors along the way.

4. “Semolina and beans”

Mix a certain amount, offer to choose beans from semolina.

5. "Peas"

Transfer the peas from one cup to another. Sort: peas, beans

6. "Hercules"

Pour the cereal into a bowl and bury small toys in it. Let him find it.

7. “Various small grains”

Invite the child to draw pictures with grains. For very small children, use a spoon to pour the cereal from a bowl into a bowl.

9. “Disposable cups”

You can insert one into the other, make pyramids of different heights.

10. “Breakfast cereal rings”

Offer to lay out drawings from them or string them on strings - beads and bracelets.

Creative work of parents (Appendix 6).

We are now convinced that you can play with your child in the kitchen too. I suggest you make your own artistic applique from plasticine and various cereals, so that you can do this at home with your kids. Go to the table and take all the materials you need for work (parents perform the applique to the music).

Be sure to show your work to the kids at home and make it even better with them!

6. Final part.

The meeting is coming to an end. I would like to express my gratitude to you for your participation and for taking the time to come to our round table meeting. I think that now each of you will be able to answer the question from our meeting: “The role of play in a child’s life.”


1. Impressions from the parent meeting.

2. What conclusions did you draw (parents’ statements).

Play is the leading activity in preschool age, an activity that determines the development of the child’s intellectual, physical and moral strength. The game is not empty fun. It is necessary for the happiness of children, for their health and proper development. The game pleases children, makes them cheerful and cheerful. While playing, children move a lot: run, jump, make buildings. Thanks to this, children grow strong, strong, agile and healthy. The game develops children's intelligence and imagination. By playing together, children learn to live together, give in to each other, and take care of their comrades.

And in conclusion, I want to tell you: Let's play with our children as often as possible. Remember, play is an excellent source of strengthening a child’s physical, spiritual and emotional well-being. Discover the world with your child! See you again!

Annex 1.

Advice for adults

1. Practice is important for the game. Play with your children as often as possible!

2. Welcome the expression of any feelings, but not any behavior.

4. Pay special attention to children who are not playing.

Playing with a child will teach us:

Talk to the child in his language;

Overcome the feeling of superiority over the child, your authoritarian position (and therefore egocentrism);

Revive childish traits in yourself: spontaneity, sincerity, freshness of emotions;

Discover a way of learning through imitation of models, through emotional feeling, experience;

Love children as they are!

Appendix 3.

Materials for creative work of parents.

1. Egg shells.

2. Pasta.

3. Semolina and beans.

5. Hercules.

6. Various small cereals.

7. Breakfast cereals “Rings”, etc.

8. Plasticine.

9. Cardboard blanks (circle, oval, square)

The role of play in the development of a preschooler - Consultations for educators - Methodical piggy bank - MADO "Beryozka"

The role of play in the development of a preschooler


In any preschool program, the basis of the educational process is made up of various types of child activity that are most conducive to solving developmental problems at a given age stage. Such activities that develop a preschooler usually include:


Elements of educational activities

Cognitive and research activities (experimentation).

Currently, much attention has been paid to the organization of play activities in kindergartens in connection with the introduction of FGT requirements into preschool education. Federal state requirements also define play as the leading activity of a preschooler. Functional features of the game:

Multifunctionality is the ability to provide an individual with the position of a subject of activity instead of a passive “consumer” of information, which is extremely important for the effectiveness of the educational process.

The game refers to an indirect method of influence: the child does not feel like an object of influence from an adult, but is a full-fledged subject of activity.

Play is a means where education turns into self-education.

Play is closely related to the development of personality, namely during the period of particularly intensive development in childhood, it acquires special significance.

In the early, preschool years of a child’s life, play is the type of activity in which his personality is formed.

What does the game give to children? The game gives:

Freedom (the game is not a task, not a duty, not a law. You cannot play by order, only voluntarily);

A break from everyday life;

Entering a different state of mind;

Order (the system of rules in the game is absolute and undeniable. It is impossible to break the rules and be in the game);

Passion (there is no partial benefit in the game. It intensively involves the whole person, activates his abilities);

Opportunity to create and unite a team;

An element of uncertainty that excites, activates the mind, and sets the mind to search for optimal solutions;

The concept of honor;

The concept of self-restraint and self-sacrifice in favor of the team, since only a “played” team will achieve success and perfection in the game.

Physical improvement;

The opportunity to demonstrate or improve your creative skills in creating the necessary game paraphernalia;

Development of imagination, as it is necessary to create new worlds, myths, situations, rules of the game;

The opportunity to develop your mind, since it is necessary to build an intrigue and implement it;

The joy of communicating with like-minded people;

The ability to navigate real life situations, replaying them repeatedly and as if in make-believe in your own fictional world.

A child plays because he develops and develops because he plays.

Game requirements:

The game should be based on the free creativity and initiative of children;

The game must be accessible; the goals of the game are achievable; and the design is colorful and varied;

A mandatory element of every game is its emotionality (the game should evoke pleasure, a cheerful mood, and experience in dealing with negative emotions);

A moment of competition between teams or individual participants is required.

In order for a game to be an effective means of developing and educating a child, the following conditions must be met when organizing and conducting games:

Emotional (to attract the child, give him pleasure, joy);

Cognitive, educational (the child must learn something new, recognize something, decide, think);

Games should be socially oriented.

Based on the above, let us dwell on modern approaches to the classification and typification of games in preschool age.

More details on the website

Parent meeting Topic: “The role of play in the development of preschool children”

Sun, 04/06/2014

MBDOU d/s No. 29 “Zhuravushka”, Surgut

Form: round table

Target: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of play activity in children of middle preschool age


  1. To form parents’ concept of the possibility of play as a means for the development of intellectual and cognitive activity.
  2. Stimulate parents' interest in joint play activities with their own child.
  3. Discuss the issue of organizing a play environment in kindergarten and family settings; about the advantages and disadvantages of toys.

Participants: teachers, parents

Preparatory work: parent survey (Annex 1) ,

individual invitations (Appendix 2) ,

reminders for parents (Appendix 3) ,

game reminder (Appendix 4) ,

adviсe (Appendix 5)

materials for creative work (Appendix 6) ,

group design, musical accompaniment.

A selection of didactic games, “Logic blocks of Dienesh”;

On a separate table there are cards and equipment for parents’ creative work;

Record player.

The teacher's opening speech, he opens the parent meeting, announces the agenda, and introduces the procedure for holding it.

1.Introductory part

– Good evening, dear parents! We are glad to meet you at our round table. Today we will talk to you about children's games, toys, their significance in understanding the world around us, and their impact on the development of our children.

Many of us still remember our favorite toys and games. They preserved memories of our childhood games and fun; we “return” many years ago, to our childhood. In many families, toys are passed down from generation to generation; these toys have a certain value - pleasant, good childhood memories.

In order for our conversation to be sincere and frank, I suggest you fill out a business card. On a business card, write your name, patronymic and draw a picture that matches your mood (sun, cloud, etc.)

Psychological warm-up “Smile”

I want to know: are you in a good mood? How to give it to other people without words when they meet? How to communicate your good mood without words?

Of course, with a smile. Smiled at the neighbor on the right, smiled at the neighbor on the left. A smile can warm you with its warmth, show your friendliness and improve your mood.

Ball game.

Please answer questions honestly and frankly.

  1. What game did you play with your child recently?
  2. If a child asks to play with him, your actions.
  3. What games does your child play most often?
  4. When choosing a new toy, what do you take into account, what are you guided by?
  5. Do you tell your child what games you played in childhood?
  6. If a toy breaks, what do you do in such cases?
  7. Where does your child play at home? What conditions have been created?
  8. What are your child's favorite toys?
  9. Who plays with the child more often: mom or dad?

This topic, “The Role of Play in the Development of Preschool Children,” was not chosen by chance, because each of you dreams that your child will grow up smart, independent, and that in the future he will be able to take a worthy place in the life of society. Children are brought up in games as well as in other activities.

By performing one or another play role, they seem to be preparing themselves for the future, for the serious life of adults. We can say that the game is a time machine for a child: it gives him the opportunity to live the life that he will have in many years. The importance of play and its influence on the development of a child’s personality cannot be overestimated.

Like a magic wand, play can change children's attitude towards everything. The game can unite the children's team, involve introverted and shy children into active activities, and instill conscious discipline in the game.

2 .Analysis of survey results (Annex 1)

In preparation for our meeting, we conducted a survey of parents. (Teacher’s statements on the analysis of questionnaires.)

3 And here, in kindergarten, we play” (View presentation)

  1. Didactic games– specially developed for children, for example, lotto to enrich knowledge and develop observation, memory, attention, and logical thinking.
  2. Outdoor games- varied in concept, rules, and nature of the movements performed. They help improve children's health and develop movement. Children love active games, listen to music with pleasure and know how to move rhythmically to it.
  3. Construction games– with sand, cubes, special building materials, they develop children’s constructive abilities, serving as a kind of preparation for mastering later labor skills;

4. Role-playing games– games in which children imitate the household, work and social activities of adults, for example, games kindergarten, hospital, daughter-mother, store, railway. Story-based games, in addition to their cognitive purpose, develop children's initiative, creativity, and observation.

5. Musical toys- rattles, bells, bells, pipes, metallophones, toys representing a piano, balalaikas and other musical instruments.

What can musical toys develop in a child? Musical toys promote the development of speech breathing and hearing.

6. Theater toys- bi-ba-bo dolls, finger theater, table theater.

Do children need these toys? (parents' answers)

These toys develop speech, imagination, and teach the child to take on a role.

In play, a child acquires new knowledge and refines existing knowledge, activates his vocabulary, develops curiosity, inquisitiveness, as well as moral qualities: will, courage, endurance, and the ability to yield. The beginnings of collectivism are formed in him.

In play, a child depicts what he has seen and experienced; he masters the experience of human activity. The game develops an attitude towards people and life; a positive attitude in games helps to maintain a cheerful mood.

Adults, playing with children, enjoy themselves and bring great joy to the children.

4. “Let's play together” - practical part.

We invite you to play with logic cubes and Dienesh blocks. We successfully use the didactic material “Logic Blocks”, developed by the Hungarian psychologist and mathematician Dienes. The educational game is designed for children from 2 to 10 years old.

While playing, children are able to comprehend complex mathematical and logical operations. Dienesh's logic blocks are games based on a set that consists of 48 geometric shapes - four shapes (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles); three colors (red, blue and yellow); two sizes (large, small); two volumes (thick, thin). Purpose of the games:

  • Familiarize children with geometric shapes and the shape of objects, size
  • Development of thinking skills: compare, analyze, classify, generalize, abstract, encode and decode information
  • Mastering the basic skills of an algorithmic culture of thinking
  • Development of cognitive processes of perception of memory, attention, imagination
  • Development of creative abilities.

Let's play the game “Treat for the bear cubs” (the teacher explains the sequence of actions of the game).

Exercise “I’ll start, and you will continue” - “The game is...”

Any toy should be which one? (parents' answers)

1. aesthetic;

2. safe (in terms of paint, quality of material);

3. develop;

4. entertain the child.

5. Games in the kitchen

Now we'll play a little more. I ask everyone to take part. We have prepared questions for you. (There are pieces of paper with questions in the vase.)

The whole family spends a lot of time in the kitchen, especially women. Do you think it’s possible for a child to find something to do there? What can a child do using the following materials? (parents pull notes from the vase)

(Music sounds, the vase moves in a circle. The music stops, the one in whose hands the vase is answers. Those who wish can complete the answer.)

1."Egg Shell"

Crush the shell into pieces that a child can easily pick up with their fingers. Apply a thin layer of plasticine to the cardboard - this is the background, and then invite the child to lay out a pattern or design from the shell.


More details on the website

in the development of musical creativity of a preschool child"

Material prepared by:

highest qualification category

Khomichuk N. N.

  1. The relevance of creativity for preschool children lies in a non-standard form of creative manifestation of one’s “I”, self-realization, and creative courage. This is the natural behavior of a child in his imaginary creative world.

Creativity is the ability to be creative, the ability to come up with something, generate unusual ideas, and find a non-standard solution. This is the ability to respond to the need for new approaches, new ideas, and the creation of a “new creative product.” A creative person is a creatively gifted person, a dreamer, an inventor.

  1. Classification of creative creative games, musical activities.

Creative creative games are divided into:

  • Vocal exercises and warm-ups;
  • Musically - creative games and tasks;
  • Vocal-motor games;
  • Non-standard figurative speech games (imitation games.);
  • Bioenergy exercises (game self-massage) ;
  • Special game tasks (articulation gymnastics, pantomime exercises, game rhythms, breathing exercises.).

A creative musical lesson consists of elements of musically creative games, or is completely built on non-standard exercises and special tasks.

Let me give you a few examples of creative games.

Creative games, tasks

Everyone knows that in order to develop children’s sense of rhythm, tact, ear for music and memory, it is necessary to closely familiarize them with musical games from an early age. The basis of musical creative play is inspiration, excitement, fascination, and intensity of experience. This is a direct bridge of fiction from imagination to reality.

Let me give you an example of creative games:


This is a game using any musical instruments of the same or different timbre (tambourines, sounding hammers, cubes, sticks, etc.).

Purpose of the game: development of timbre memory.

Three subgroups of children participate in the game, and the driver - the driver can be a child or an adult.

  1. First stage of the game:

The driver is an adult. The driver's task is to set the rhythm for any subgroup of children, in turn, the performers (children) must reproduce the rhythm on musical instruments. The first stage of the game is carried out over 2 - 3 lessons.

Second stage of the game:

The child who accurately reproduces the rhythm becomes the driver. The performers (children) repeat the same rhythmic pattern, but exactly copied. The second stage of the game is also carried out over 2 - 3 lessons.

The third stage of the game is called “Interruptions”. The drivers are soloists of some subgroup of children. They set the rhythm for another subgroup of children in this order:

  • The soloist of the 1st subgroup performs the rhythm;
  • The rhythm is repeated by a subgroup of children;
  • The rhythm is repeated by 2 subgroups of children;
  • The soloist of subgroup 2 sets his own rhythm;
  • Children of subgroup 2 repeat the rhythm of their leader;
  • Children of subgroup 1 repeat the given rhythm.

The third stage of the game is also carried out over 2 - 3 lessons.

The fourth stage of the game is called “Soloists”.

The drivers are several soloists (4-5 people) from different subgroups. They choose one of the musical instruments and play each their own rhythm. An unusual melody is formed from various rhythmic patterns. The result is an orchestra of percussion instruments:

We'll create the rhythms now,

How many musicians -

So much talent!

This game can be used no more than twice in class, as this is a long-term training. Anything that can produce any ringing, noise, rustling, rattling, etc. can be used as musical instruments...

Such an unusual orchestra will decorate with its sound, for example, the song “The World is Like a Colored Meadow,” music by V. Shainsky. In this song, hand clapping can be replaced with a rhythm on a triangle, a chromatic metallophone, or a children's electric musical instrument.

We are all familiar with such dances as samba, rumba, macarena. All of them are based on Latin American rhythms.

For this game you need to make your own instruments - maracas are small plastic bottles for carbonated drinks, baby food, which are filled with small bulk objects - rice, sand, small pebbles, peas, bones. The bottle is closed with a lid and placed on a stick.

The prototype of this instrument is the Latin American instrument chocala, which is a kind of wooden cylinder. In this game, children's maracas, drums and a Latin American ensemble will not be out of place. And then you can read an excerpt from Korney Chukovsky’s poetic fairy tale “Africa”:

Imagine that

More details

7. Cardboard blanks (circle, oval, square)

Progress of the event

The song “Where does childhood go” is playing.

1. Introductory part

– Good evening, dear parents! We are glad to meet you at our round table. Today we will talk to you about children's games, toys, their significance in understanding the world around us, and their impact on the development of our children.

Many of us still remember our favorite toys and games. They preserved, remembering our childhood games and fun, we “return” many years ago, to our childhood. In many families, toys are passed down from generation to generation; these toys have a certain value - pleasant, good childhood memories.

Game "magic ball"

The teacher offers to play a little. Unwinding and passing the ball to each other, parents tell what games they play with their children at home. Then the ball comes back. While winding it up, parents tell what the game means to their child

2. Speeches by the teacher

“What do our children play?”

Today we will talk about what our children play. Why does a child need a game? What games educate and how, and what games are harmful? Do children know how to rejoice and have compassion while playing? Why about this: we invite you to talk?

Yes, because our modern boys and girls, those for whom play is a vital necessity and a condition for development, stop playing. And the games children play have become sad and aggressive.

The chain of transmission of the gaming tradition from one children's generation to another has been broken. Where are they - salki, Cossack robbers, blind man's buff, lapta and other children's pranks and joys. All of them with rhymes, songs, chants - the greatest wealth of our culture, were preserved and passed on from mouth to mouth.

3.Game - task “Chips”

The teacher offers to remember the parents' family evenings and give them self-esteem. If they do as the sentence says, then they put out a red chip, not always a yellow one, never a blue one.

Game questions:

Every evening I spend time playing with the children.

I talk about my games as a child

If a toy is broken, I repair it together with the child.

Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it and show different options for the game.

Listening to a child's stories about games and toys

I do not punish a child with a game or toy, I do not deprive him of a game or toy for a while

I often give my child a toy


If there are more red chips on the table, then there are always games in your house. You play as equals with your child. Your baby is active, inquisitive, and loves to play with you.

After all, play is the most interesting thing in a child’s life.

The game is serious. “What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, the education of a future leader occurs primarily in play. And the whole history of an individual person as an activist and worker can be represented in the development of play and in its gradual transition to work...” This idea belongs to A. Makarenko, a wonderful teacher who emphasized the enormous importance of children's play.

Pay attention to the easel on which the motto of our meeting is placed. You see the following words: “interest”, “pleasure”, “development”. These are the key concepts of gaming activity. He's interested, but

This means that learning and development occur easily and with pleasure.

This topic, “The Role of Play in the Development of Preschool Children,” was not chosen by chance, because each of you dreams that your child will grow up smart, independent, and that in the future he will be able to take a worthy place in the life of society. Children are brought up in games as well as in other activities.

By performing one or another play role, they seem to be preparing themselves for the future, for the serious life of adults. We can say that the game is a time machine for a child: it gives him the opportunity to live the life that he will have in many years. The importance of play and its influence on the development of a child’s personality cannot be overestimated.

Like a magic wand, play can change children's attitude towards everything. The game can unite the children's team, involve introverted and shy children into active activities, and instill conscious discipline in the game.

3. “And here, in kindergarten, we play” (View presentation)

1. Didactic games - specially developed for children, for example, lotto to enrich knowledge and develop observation, memory, attention, and logical thinking.

2. Outdoor games - varied in design, rules, and the nature of the movements performed. They help improve children's health and develop movement. Children love active games, listen to music with pleasure and know how to move rhythmically to it.

3. Construction games - with sand, cubes, special building materials, develop children's constructive abilities, serve as a kind of preparation for mastering later labor skills;

4. Role-playing games - games in which children imitate the everyday, work and social activities of adults, for example, games kindergarten, hospital, daughters and mothers, store, railway. Story-based games, in addition to their cognitive purpose, develop children's initiative, creativity, and observation.

5. Musical toys - rattles, bells, bells, pipes, metallophones, toys representing a piano, balalaikas and other musical instruments.

What can musical toys develop in a child? Musical toys promote the development of speech breathing and hearing.

6. Theatrical toys - bi-ba-bo dolls, finger theater, table theater.

Do children need these toys? (parents' answers)

These toys develop speech, imagination, and teach the child to take on a role.

In play, a child acquires new knowledge and refines existing knowledge, activates his vocabulary, develops curiosity, inquisitiveness, as well as moral qualities: will, courage, endurance, and the ability to yield. The beginnings of collectivism are formed in him.

In play, a child depicts what he has seen and experienced; he masters the experience of human activity. The game develops an attitude towards people and life; a positive attitude in games helps to maintain a cheerful mood.

Adults, playing with children, enjoy themselves and bring great joy to the children.

3. “Let's play together” - practical part.

Exercise “I’ll start, and you will continue” - “The game is...”

A game is (fun, interesting, exciting...).

To make the game interesting, educational, etc.

What should any toy be? (parents' answers)


2. safe (in terms of paint, quality of material);

3. develop;

4. entertain the child.

4. Games in the kitchen

Now we'll play a little more. I ask everyone to take part. We have prepared questions for you. (There are pieces of paper with questions in the vase.)

The whole family spends a lot of time in the kitchen, especially women. Do you think it’s possible for a child to find something to do there? What can a child do using the following materials? (parents pull notes from the vase)

(Music sounds, the vase moves in a circle. The music stops, the one in whose hands the vase is answers. Those who wish can complete the answer.)

1. “Egg shells”

Crush the shell into pieces that a child can easily pick up with their fingers. Apply a thin layer of plasticine to the cardboard - this is the background, and then invite the child to lay out a pattern or design from the shell.

2. "Dough"

Material from the site Article - What is the role of play in a child’s development?

“Play is of great importance in a child’s life, almost the same as activity, work, service for an adult. What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, the education of a future leader occurs, first of all, in play.”

A. S. Makarenko

The role of play in a child's development!

To paraphrase S. Mikhalkov’s famous poem about his mother, let’s say: “Different games are needed, different games are important...”. Because the role of play in a child’s development is enormous!!!

A single definition of the concept of “game” has not yet been developed by science and practice. A game is a type of activity and a form of activity, it is life as it is and an imitation of life, it is competition and construction, etc.

A game is a special form of mastering reality by reproducing it and modeling it. In play, a child learns about the world and people through substitutes, models of real objects - toys.

What is the role of play in the development of a young child?

For a child from one to three years old, play is manipulating with objects. Through playing with objects, the child learns about the surrounding objective world.

Playing in the kitchen while mom cooks, the child learns the purpose of various kitchen utensils and the names of his favorite (or least favorite) foods.

Playing with educational toys (pyramids, inserts, cubes, etc.) with mother, the child’s fine motor skills, thinking, memory, and attention develop.

This game also teaches children to communicate about toys and activities, enjoy success, persistently achieve results, follow the instructions of adults, and correlate their actions with the actions of their parents.

What is the role of play in the development of a preschool child?

For a preschooler, play is the most important activity. At this age, the child lives in play.

In addition to playing with objects, at this age another necessary type of game appears - role-playing game. This is a game in which children take on the roles of adults and, in a generalized form, reproduce the activities of adults.

For example, these are games of “mothers and daughters”, “shop”, “hospital”, “school”, etc. The main task of such a game is to “play the role” correctly, i.e. conform to adult behavior patterns.

These games are a direct reflection of what children see in their daily lives. One girl, playing the role of a mother, gently strokes the child before going to bed, and the other yells at him for spilling tea on the table.

And modern children also play “holiday feast”, dashingly clinking glasses with toy glasses. Or killers and police officers, or glamorous beauties, at whose feet “men fall like that.” There are fewer and fewer fairy-tale princesses waiting for a prince, and knights in search of victory over dragons.

And the children themselves play with each other less and less. More often nearby, but alone. Because they don’t know how: there is more and more one child in the family, parents have no time to play with him, there is little time to play on playgrounds, and mothers are constantly watching.

What is the role of play in the development of a preschool child? It is in role-playing games that such important qualities for a child develop as the ability to manage one’s attention and memory, remember and adhere to rules, plan one’s activities and foresee the result, and develop observation and imagination.

And the plot-swarm game is a huge field for the manifestation of bright emotions of a preschooler, as well as the opportunity to look at the world through the eyes of another, which is important for overcoming children's egocentrism.

What is the role of play in the development of a school-age child?

The game does not disappear from the life of a student, it is transformed. Schoolchildren can play with toys and role-playing games. There is a desire to play intellectual games and board games.

More and more modern schoolchildren are becoming involved in computer games.

For a school-age child, outdoor games are very useful. These are hide and seek, tag, games with a ball, jump rope, etc. Team games – volleyball, basketball, football, etc.

During these games, children learn to follow the rules of the game and develop team behavior skills.

What is the role of play in the development of a school-age child? A game for a school-age child is not a school of life, as it is for a preschooler. For schoolchildren, play is a means of relaxation and switching activities.

So, what is the role of play in a child's development? Huge! Large-scale!

Therefore, there is no need to look at the game as fun or an empty pastime, according to the principle “whatever the child enjoys…”.

Play in a child’s life plays the role of the main instrument of development and education (on the part of the parents) and the soil, foundation, fabric of life itself (for the child himself). You can read about this in the book “ANTINANYA, or How to raise a happy, healthy and self-confident child, saving time for your personal life and career.”

In order for a child to develop in play, it is necessary to avoid overprotection of the child and provide him with more space and independence. Children whose desire for independence is not sufficiently developed do not know how to play or play reluctantly, little and poorly.

What is the role of play in a child's development? Play seriously with your child and you will find out.

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