Rubric: Decks. Best Clash Royale Battle Decks

The main part of the game Clash royale make up the cards. There are 48 available cards in total, and the deck must consist of 8 cards, and if the player cannot navigate and choose correct cards, then on the battlefield he will be defeated. On this site you will have the opportunity to choose the deck of cards you need in Clash Royale. You will also have the opportunity to independently create various decks.

How to build decks in Clash Royale

Right assembled deck Is the basis successful game... For example, if you collect only expensive cards in your deck, then during the attack you will not be able to defend against the enemy with anything. The same result will be the case if during the attack you use all warriors with low cost, since in this case, one bomber can easily destroy you.

In order to correctly build a deck in Clash Royale, the player needs to understand in what style he prefers to play, what he prefers, to defend, defend or control. Most importantly, the player should enjoy their game. When I was in the top five players in my region, I smashed enemy towers with various spells, I did not like this tactic, but at the same time I managed to earn a large number of cups. There is no one rule according to which you need to form your deck.

Maps should complement each other

The player will need to make sure that all the cards are in interaction with each other. For example, freezing effectively interacts with a wild boar, and similar examples in Clash game Royale is a lot. Try to make at least 2 cards from your entire deck interact with each other.

Clash Royale's scarcity solves nothing

Rare, or as they are otherwise called epic cards, practically do not solve anything in this game. Epic cards have their own specialty, but it should be mentioned that every card in the Clash Royale game has its own special trait. In this game, the most important thing is to be able to develop your own strategy and correctly combine cards with each other.

The following cards are available to build a deck.

Sometimes, in order to look into the future, you have to look into the past. Hearthstone is a game that is constantly evolving. You will not achieve much success using only the new meta and fresh maps You must plunge into the history of the game. Looping over one class or seeing certain decks as “ the best”Will never allow you to progress as a player or deckmaker. So we will travel back in time to update your perspective on the old archetype. In this case, this archetype is Zoo, who received a fresh image from P4wnyhof... This deck is a lot of fun to play, the aggro style is great for this Warlock archetype, but the presence of Brann Bronzebeard and company raises the mana curve, creating a midrange bias.

The new version of zoo first gained popularity thanks to Reynad who created the original zoo deck about two years ago. Its essence was that you had to fill the board with cheap, but durable creatures, and then deal damage with them. This plan works with a bang, but in my opinion original list cards have already played. The new version has more threats and combinations. And while it is easy to fall for the new shiny cards, you should pay attention to the entire list when evaluating a deck. In this case, the list is a combination of different styles that form a coherent whole. In principle, this is easy to understand, and knowing how all these combinations work will give you a complete understanding of how this deck is played.

I put the Slug as it is one of the few cards you can replace. Most of the deck is built around the core of the Warlock's Zoo, but it is not focused on one deck variant. This means that you have the right to change some cards as you wish. One of the biggest challenges in Hearthstone is adapting your deck to the current meta. If there are many weapons in the meta, then it will be an excellent choice, but if there are a lot of secrets, then the Mystic of Kezan will be yours best friend... Tons of aggro decks can be handled by ong ler with flame. One of best features The core of Zoo is that it works with a huge number of creatures with appropriate characteristics, which means that you can always try something new. As for Slug, the point is to play cards that fit your mana curve, no matter what cards you technically choose to play. Zoolok is all about controlling the board. To cope with this, you need a suggestive curve. The Slug's advantage over the unarmed classes is that it is 3/2 for 2 mana, which is already quite aggressive. If you want to replace this card, make sure your replacement will perform a similar role.

This deck includes the standard Warlock's Zoo set, but has some interesting cards. - one of them. To be honest, I'm surprised the Scarab didn't make it to the other Zoological Decks since its inception. It not only has a great effect on the curve (since it is in the same position as the Black Archaeologist), but also provides a map for the middle or late stage of the game. Remember that the chance to unearth a class card is 4 times more than a regular card. The Warlock will have quite useful cards for removal (spells), such as Drain Life, Demonic Wrath or Shadow Bolt. Also, you may come across the Leader of the Imps Gang and the Void Horror, who have proved more than once that they are good in the Warlock's Zoo deck. Zoo Warlock only cares about filling his part of the table, so even if you didn't get a class card, simply putting a creature on you is better than reaching for it using the hero's ability.

One of the best things about a scarab in Zoolock is that stats don't matter. The only thing that pushes the Scarab away from many decks (especially the Hunter) is its 1/1 stats. This means that every second card will destroy him, therefore there is no advantage on the table. Also, flattening the curve is usually not worth the early lag. But in Zoo everything is different - Zoolok doesn't care about the stats of the cards, he cares about the creatures on the board. Anyone who has encountered a merciless blast knows that a 1/1 creature with the right effect can destroy anyone. WITH Scolding sergeant his damage is 3, and with Overwhelming Power he is able to kill the Slime Belcher. You may not have these buffs, but the enemy will prefer to kill the 1/1 creature in fear that you will pick up the pace.

Himself. Despite the fact that the researcher for 3 mana appeared already at the beginning of the adventures of the League of Explorers, it was not used so much. In this deck, he is a very strong and irreplaceable card. As stated above, the Zoo Warlock cares very much about the value of the cards. This value is different: card ability, board filling, increased characteristics, or death rattle. Branne has two different forms of value that make him a double threat.

The first is 2/4 stats for 3 mana. 2 damage is not so bad at the beginning of the game, and 4 health under the effects allows him to survive ( this is the most important thing in Zoolok), and the second is his ability, arguably the most powerful in the game.

Scolding Sergeant, Dark Iron Dvr, Reliquary Seeker, Black Archaeologist, Argus Defender, Doctor Boom, etc. All of these cards have a battle cry, which means they work well with Brann. You shouldn't play Brann at the first opportunity, unless you have an empty board or you are sure that he will not die. In other cases, you should wait and position him so that he benefits from his ability. Even something simple, like the Scolding Sergeant, will allow you to trade perfectly - it will give four points of additional damage instead of two. When Brann is in your hand, constantly think about what cards he will interact with, and how they will help clear the table ( deals 8 damage if Brann is standing).

I was very happy during the release big tournament this map has become my favorite map. Until he found a suitable place for himself, he showed himself great in aggro decks. This deck is not much different from them and gets a lot of benefit from the fanged legend. A card with 4/4 stats for 4 mana, which also deals damage, is incredibly powerful. You might say that he is not that good, because his ability is situational, but in this deck it will always work. This gives you a great exchange opportunity as well as a double edge on the board. The most important thing here is to know when to play Gorm ok, and this is not just "I have 4 creatures on the board", everything is a little more complicated here.

Exposing Gorm app consists of two phases. The first is planning to put it up in advance, and the second is being sure why you are playing it. If you are playing against a Paladin and you have one early in the game, it is best to play him on turn five. Why? Because usually at this time, the Paladin will play a very annoying Slime Belcher. will help you destroy it without much loss. Also good against Rogue and Mage on turn 5 when they cast Azure Drake. Against the Shaman, he should be released as early as possible, and against the Druid, wait to remove some large creature. Also, due to the characteristics, Gorm ok can be set up without his ability to heat up the situation and throw the opponent out of the game.

Once again, the meta relies on spells, and therefore returns. This card has always played well against any spell deck ( These are almost all existing decks). Although there was a time when his popularity waned, it is over. Like any good card, performs two main tasks to help you win the game. Zoo Warlock is a deck designed for weak board control. Turn by turn you place new creatures, trying to keep them on the table. Most decks try to interfere with this with spells, but they do a great job with it. Moreover, the stats of Loth ib 5/5 are gigantic for this deck. This will help you not only to destroy nasty enemy creatures, but also to clear the way for your small creatures, plus your opponent will be cut off from spells on the next turn.

Besides controlling the table, its second most important role is the factor of surprise. Most decks rely on spells to win or stabilize the game. For example, Wild Roar / Force of Nature, Let the Dogs Down, Brawl, or Lay on Hands. Typically, almost every end of the game is a spell, but it requires the right situation. Players usually prepare for this situation. If you can grasp this situation in time, then by setting Loth ib, you will spoil all the plans of your opponent. Canceling a heal or AOE spell usually allows you to win the next turn. The Hunter and Aggro Shaman will be great at hindering the end of the game, as they usually use spells to do this.

How to play against the five decks I see the most.

Control Priest
I didn’t expect to see this deck in my “top 5”, but I am very glad that this interesting deck was reborn thanks to the Burial. Both of these cards are incredibly powerful and give the Priest even more control than before. This is a pretty interesting matchup, and a 50/50 chance of winning. To defeat the Priest, you must predict his moves. Usually their cards correspond to the move. On the fifth turn, the Ring of Light, and so on. The most important thing is to beware of AOE spells that the Priests use to clean the board and complicate your path to victory.

There are two ways to survive a desk sweep. First, you must leave your creatures' deathrattle unactivated. Even a creature as simple as Ruby's Egg will help you avoid the Ring of Light or the Furious Pyromant. The second way is to lure such spells out with small creatures, leaving a real threat in your hand. For example, Nerub and a few small creatures will perfectly lure the Light Bomb as long as you can use the hero's ability. Once the board is cleaned, you can quickly restore it. With this method, you will quickly empty your opponent's hand.

Paladin on secrets.
So, I was wrong in thinking that the Secrets Paladin will slowly fade away during LI. In fact, he only got stronger. I’m tired of talking about how to defeat the secretpal. He is one of the big parts of the current meta, he cannot be ignored. Usually a Secrets Paladin is a deck trying to maintain control of the board. Early on, secrets. Therefore, you must know how to deal with secrets, with Atonement and Vengeance in particular. You must have a plan to destroy each of your opponent's creatures. The weirdest part of this matchup is that they usually play in your favor. Secretodin needs table control to win, but you control the board better.

As in some matchups, here your path to victory is paved with sticky creatures and non-standard combinations. The secretodin likes to trade one of his creatures for several of yours so that his creatures receive additional value from the secrets. With the help of buffs, you can use your small creatures to exchange. This will give you control of the board, after which you can already trade their fat creatures like the Mysterious Challenger and Doctor Boom. The Paladin on Secrets has the best move in the game - sixth, but you can handle it if you control the board. On top of the above, early board control will mitigate the damage you take, which will help you live longer.

Aggro Shaman
Tempostorm continues to play with his muscles and prove that he can control the game with ease whenever he wants. Aggro Shaman has nowhere to rush, he has become the new Hunter. Indeed, this very strong and aggressive deck tries to destroy you before you gain full control of the table. You should target the Shaman at your creatures with the Argus Champion and reduce the use of the hero's ability as much as possible. The Shaman has tons of direct damage spells, so try to keep your health as far away from flying as possible. Remember that the Shaman's lethal radius is different from other aggro decks. They have a lot of damage, and even 16 health does not always provide you with safety if the Shaman has a large number of cards in his hand.

The most important thing when facing an aggro Shaman is to be aggressive. Like the Hunter, the Shaman will try to deal as much damage and kill as possible if given enough time. Your hero ability usually only leads you to death, but at the same time, you must destroy the enemy's creatures on the field. If you start dealing damage to the Shaman, he will prefer defense over attack. You can escalate the situation on the table without taking damage in the face. in this situation - your most valuable card, because because of it the Shaman loses the whole turn. At the end of the game, the Shaman relies on spells, and when he is laid out in time, he can save and help win the fight.

Reno Warlock
Since the rise of Gul'dan's new peak in popularity and his extremely powerful hero ability, Warlock decks have returned to my list. Reno the Warlock - new deck with a fun style of play that has multiple paths to victory. They all involve a lot of healing, keeping the game as long as possible. This is a very unpleasant matchup. They have a lot of removals, AOEs and heals, which usually prevents you from finishing them. The best way to win a game like this is to be as tough as possible by placing more AOE-resistant creatures (deathrattle) on the table that can also deal a lot of damage if Reno Jackson comes out. You should be as aggressive as possible, because more often than not, calmness leads to defeat. In many ways, this deck is similar to Handlock, except for the giants - instead of putting them, Reno the Warlock heals himself, a little health reaches a critical level. Hit Reno Warlocks and keep hitting until they die.

Midrange Druid
One of the oldest and most reliable decks in the game, Midrange Druid is as strong as ever. However, this is one of the best matchups. It is difficult for a druid to deal with a large number of creatures, because his only AOE is Swipe. Therefore, you can fill the table as you please. In many games you need to play carefully and control the table, but you need to expose cards that pose a threat to your opponent. This will cause the druid to lose tempo, and you can strike in the middle of the game when he starts to expose fat creatures. The most important rule is to display as many creatures as possible for the druid to deal with them. Also, you can not substitute for his combination of Force of Nature / Wild Roar. The ancients with a jerk - The best way victories for the Druid. Be aggressive in the early game, but be vigilant closer to the late game. You probably don't want to die from the Wild Roar because you were too lazy to remove the Piloted Shredder or something like that?

Playing with a druid is another matchup where you need to control the table. The Druid can win not only with the help of his combination, but also with the help of powerful creatures - Druid of the Claw, Slime Belcher, Doctor Boom and the Tree of Wisdom. These creatures are a threat to your table, and they can pick up multiple creatures. You should leave buffs for these situations, because you should not leave someone alive due to the Druid's combination. Clean the board whenever possible, if you did not fly one turn before applying (or already have one). It's good to be aggressive, but don't go too far. Sometimes this is not very fun, because you have to trade and refill the table based on what is in your hand.

The second turn will be better. Hearthstone is a game in which table control is extremely important, so you should start with as sticky creatures as possible. The most important rule of a mulligan is to stick to cheap cards, but if you have a coin, you can get more expensive. One way or another, if you come across expensive cards, try to play the mana curve accordingly. They will only be useful to you if you have a good start.

The note: do not hold Ironclaw if you see the Mad Scientist in the Hunter or Mage decks.

While I'm probably not the most popular choice in the world of Hearthstone, I love the Warlock. Zoo Warlock is a very cool deck, much deeper and more difficult than all the other popular aggro decks in the game. If you add new and interesting maps then you will indeed be the winner. The year has just begun, and this is the time to start improving. Always look for new or interesting decks even if it means going back to old decks. Happy New Year and Christmas, see you next time, may you always fly at the right time!

Translated: Brellox, Edited: Leckermaul, Issued: scazy

Hello dear friend, on our site there are best decks Clash Royale.

The deck, or as it is called in another way the deck, is the composition of the cards for the attack. We will not disassemble any particular deck, because many have their own preferences, and indeed different cards are open.

In Clash Royale, troops have two types of damage to the enemy:

  • A point strike is damage to one target (musketeer, barbarian, goblin, etc.). Units inflicting such a blow quickly deal with single targets with a large supply of health.
  • Scattered strike is damage that is inflicted on multiple targets (witch, valkyrie, dragon, etc.). Units that inflict this kind of destruction are good for dealing with a group of targets with low health.

There are several types of decks:

  • Offensive
  • Controlling

Or in other words, aimed at playing in Attack and Defense.

It is advisable to keep at least one unit from each damage type category in the deck.

Also, units can be divided into melee and ranged combat. Use melee units as a shield for troops that can attack from a distance. Do not take only melee units to the deck or only ranged combat, since without interaction with each other they will not bring victory.

To play successfully, you must have a good and balanced deck with which you will defeat your opponents, move higher in the cups and earn new cards and achievements.

Here we want to target specifically the best combinations of cards for playing Clash Royale for each arena for different play styles. Below are decks with descriptions of the tactics of the game, among which each player can find something for himself.

The dark prince, heavy unit and assemblies with him are heavy too. And if you put it with his younger brother ... Try it yourself! So, our theme, Deck with ...

Every king has a guard. Why are you worse? The Clash Royale Guard Deck is your Guard. These guys will protect you from annoying opponents who want ...

Superman's father didn't survive the encounter with this unit, but you can. I will say more - you will master the map without any problems. Clash Royale Decks With Tornado ...

Always attracted to the charm of a tank? Do you like the power that demolishes everything in its path? Take decks with Clash Royale Golem and experiment. This clay warrior is quite strong. You...

The Clash Royale ice wizard deck will help you easily get to the legendary arena and win a couple of tournaments.

We are all interested in such a question, is it possible to assemble such a deck that will not be inferior to any other.

The Vicious City of Gribamabassk is out now on all servers and we are in the process of updating class guides to show you newest change in existing decks and archetypes.

In the first days and even weeks of the expansion, it is quite difficult to understand which decks will perform at their best, and which will be used only for fun. Our authors are often asked questions in the group (In contact with ): How to play with a deck? What to choose to quickly conquer the ladder? It's hard to come up with answers for the current meta, but we hope this article will help you figure out your deck and get the most out of your journey through the streets of Pribamabassk.

We present a list of decks for each class. The expansion is only a couple of days old and the meta changes very quickly, everyone is trying and experimenting, but these decks should be a great base for playing in ranked.

Druid Decks of Gadgetzan

Jade Golem Druid

This deck is a bit like a druid ramp, but with a faster pace. The first golems do not allow you to exert strong pressure on the opponent, but they will help to restrain aggression. Well, when the table goes 10-10, 11-11 and 12-12, then your opponent will reach for the coveted “surrender” button.

Hunter Decks Gadgetzan

Face Hunter

The deck of aggro face hunt has not changed too much, a couple of strong cards have been added :, and ... Now we have a lot of activators .

Midrange Beast Hunter

The Midrange Hunter is a very popular archetype in any Hearthstone meta. And the new cards from "Gallant City of Gadgetzan" fit perfectly into the synergy of beasts and card enhancements in hand. If we discard one legendary, then the deck is very cheap and quite competitive. So if you're unlucky enough to unlock new sets of cards, you can try playing with this deck.

Mage Decks Gadgetzan

Reno Mage with Kazakus

A good addition to the mage decks. The deck uses a lot of new cards, has flexibility, due to the large number situational maps, but highly dependent on entry, like most Reno decks.

Mage on Secrets

The magician has a lot of unpleasant secrets in the clip + new cards that interact with secrets give a new archetype of this class - the Secret of the Magician. This is most likely the initial version of this deck and will undergo changes in the near future. However, if you now have all the cards you need, you can enjoy playing with this deck.

Paladin Decks Gadgetzan

Agro Pirate Paladin

Agro paladin uses creatures with divine shields and pirates reinforced with new cards - and ... The games are fast, high win rates, but the deck requires a lot of new cards, including legendary ones.

Midrange Paladin on arm strengthening

This midrange Paladin uses new cards from Gadgetzan, which can simply unrealistically empower the creatures in your hand. Let's hope this deck plays and grows into something stronger.

Agro Murloc Paladin

Priest of Gadgetzan Decks

Dragon Priest

In my opinion, this is the strongest deck of the current expansion so far. Dragon Priest still plays well against aggressive decks and has a good tempo against archetype control. Finally, there is a strong sweep - .

Kazakus Reno Priest

If you are a fan of lingering control games, then you will definitely fall in love with Reno Priest with Kazakus. For this deck you need a lot of legendary cards from different expansions, so this deck is clearly not for beginners. Still, is it nice to see the Priests in action again?

Rogue Decks Gadgetzan

Jade Golem Rogue

The only new Rogue deck is built around Jade Golems. We play from the control of the table, trying to pull out additional or , in the late game we resurrect our entire army ... The enemy cannot clean it, because it will die from the golems that have appeared.

Agro Pirate Rogue

Pirates have completely taken over the Hearthstone meta since the early days of the release of the Vile City of Gadgetzan. The robber did not want to stand aside and assembled his pirate deck. If you want a fast deck with a good win rate take the Pirate Horn, especially since this deck does not need a lot of new cards.

Jade Golem Rogue with Gathering

In principle, this deck is not much different from the usual horns on jade golems. The only difference is in the use of the rogue class card. With this card you can get additional Jade Golems. Also, lately, this particular assembly has shown a better result in ranked games.

Shaman Decks of Gadgetzan

Jade Golem Shaman

If you are tired of aggro and mid shaman, then it's time to try summoning golems! The deck is somewhat similar to the old mid shaman that was played a few years ago, with the addition of golem mechanics. There are some spells to control the table, draw through and ... And of course the pressure on the opponent through the jade golems.

Hello everyone. My name is Litiq. I have been playing Hearthstone since the end of its beta. Mostly in the ladder I play for Handlock and the overall percentage of my games for it is 80%. I take a Legend every season and my maximum was 17 Legendary rank. Based on these numbers, you could understand that I am a real Handlock fanatic. This is my main deck, and I also use this archetype in tournaments, changing it to suit the current situation. Today I will tell you how to play for Handlock in this moment games.

BRM Legendary Handlock Deck

Main strategy

Handlock has been around for a long time in Hearthstone. Why did I choose Handlock as my main deck? Because I prefer the control playstyle and I also found this deck to be the most interesting archetype control available. Also, most pros can say that Handlock is one of the most difficult decks in the game, as we have a huge number of cards that open up many ways for us to develop events. In one game, you can find a large number of decisions that you could make. Much more than decks like Druid, Control Warrior, etc. If I have to describe Handlock'a in one sentence, then I would say the following: It is difficult to master it, but once you do it, the reward will not be long in coming.

The gameplay of the deck will be very different depending on whether you are playing against Control Deck or Aggressive. But from my experience, I can tell you that you will enjoy playing against Control Decks much more than against aggro.

When playing with a Handlock, the most important moves for us will be the first 4.

Against Control Deck: Mulligate in favor of the Twilight Dragon and Mountain Giant. These days, I don't even play the Ancient Watcher + Ironbeak combo due to the sheer number of targets that also need to be silenced. If you go first, then, as a rule, the first 4 moves are as follows: 1 move - skip, 2 move - class ability, 3rd turn - class ability, 4th turn - Twilight dragon /. If you go second, then everything should go in this order: 1 turn - skip, 2 turn - class ability, 3 turn - Coin + Twilight Dragon or skip. It is also important to understand when to play Twilight Dragon first, and when Mountain Giant, if you both have them in hand. As a rule of thumb, you can play Twilight Dragon first to force your opponent to remove them, which is a plus, but I'll describe this process in more detail later in the article.

Against Aggressive Deck: In your starting hand, try to get cards such as Hellfire, Shin'dorei Intercessor, Ironbeak, and Dark Bomb. If you go second, then I would also keep the Twilight Dragon in my hand. I only leave the Ancient Vigilant in my hand if I have cards in my hand that I could combine with him (, Sindorei Intercessor, Ironbeak). The first 3 moves will be key for us, as you need to do everything to slow your opponent down enough to put your giant walls on the table and use AOE removal.

Choice of cards

With the advent of the new adventure of Blackrock Mountain, I marked only one card for myself -. This card is truly great. Thanks to its effect, we will be able to hang provocation on our huge creatures much earlier and also complicate the opponent's ability to predict our actions, since he does not know which cards we have made cheaper. Since we are playing with a Handlock, this means that we will almost always have 8+ cards in hand, which will greatly benefit from the ability of Emperor Thaurissan. He will also distract the enemy's attention and removal, which also matters. If the opponent decides to leave him alive, then he will very quickly get out of his control. This card can be considered the Loothib of Blackrock Mountain.

Card replacements

Handlock is a deck in which you won't change much. The main question will be whether we play 2 copies of this card or one. It will depend exactly on your preferences. If you can cut copies of cards in the deck like Ironbeak, Argus Champion, Ancient Healer, Loatheb, and Soul Siphon, then I would recommend putting something like Sylvanas Windrunner and Overflowing Power, since both of these cards work well together with the Flame of Darkness. ...

Mulligan and Match-ups

Control Deck:

Aggressive Decks:

Shaman- in this case, the Twilight Dragon will be better, since it is better for your opponent to spend 3 mana on the Evil Eye than 1 on Earth Shock. Against the Shaman, I also prefer to leave Hellfire / Flame of Darkness in my hand, since in this case it is very important to have access to AOE removal.

Druid- If he already has creatures us on the table

Indian Solitaire