Guide and walkthrough for "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind". Mages Guild - Walkthrough - Articles Catalog - MorrowinD Morrowind walkthrough for a mage

The main parameters for Guild members


The main skills for Guild members


A career in the Mages Guild requires mastery of the above skills. The degree of their development determines the rank that you can be assigned. If, despite a sufficient number of completed tasks, they do not want to promote you in the Guild, check whether the values ​​of these skills correspond to those required for the next rank. If not, well, practice...

Promotion in the Mages Guild
Rank Attribute Requirements Skill Requirements Additional Requirements
Associate Intelligence 30
Willpower 30 One skill equals 10
Journeyman Intelligence 30
Willpower 30 One skill equals 20
Evoker Intelligence 30
Willpower 30 One skill is 30, the other two are 5
Conjurer Intelligence 30
Willpower 30 One skill is 40, the other two are 10 Pay a fee of 200 drakes
Magician Intelligence 31
Willpower 31 One skill is 50, the other two are 15
Warlock Intelligence 32
Willpower 32 One skill is 60, the other two are 20
Wizard Intelligence 33
Willpower 33 One skill is equal to 70, the other two are equal to 25 Possession of the Mage's Staff
Master Wizard Intelligence 34
Willpower 34 One skill is 80, the other two are 30
Arch-Mage Intelligence 35
Willpower 35 One skill is equal to 90, the other two are equal to 35 The position is given by Trebonius or you need to defeat him in the Arena

Tasks and their implementation
The tasks are sorted by Guild branches where they can be obtained. To receive each subsequent quest, you must complete all previous tasks of this quest giver. If other conditions must be met in order to receive a task, this is discussed separately in each case.

Balmora, Azhira

1. Bring 4 specimens of mushrooms: glowing russula, purple coprinus, bangler bane and hyphya facies. You can collect them in the location indicated by Azhira (in the Bitter Coast area near Hla-Oud, at the mouth of the Odai River). However, the necessary mushrooms grow in any swampy area, and you can stock up on them while completing other upcoming tasks. And finally, in order to not suffer for long and not needlessly wipe your boots, you can simply visit the local alchemist.
Glowing Russula and Purple Coprinus usually grow at the base of trees. Bangler bane and hyphya facies are very similar in appearance and look quite similar to the familiar tinder fungi, therefore, you need to look for them on tree trunks or stumps.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: 4 Cheap Potion Restore of Health.

Mouth of the Odai River

2. Disrupt Galbedir’s experiments by placing a fake soul stone in her desk drawer instead of a real one. Azhira will give it to you. Please note that the stone should be left on the table top. By the way, during this task Galbedir, who is initially located on the top floor of the Mages Guild, will be distracted. Don't miss the moment and take advantage of the situation! On her “dressing table” there is a decent collection of charged soul stones (by the way, the only one in the entire game!). If you plan to make a career with the Telvanni and want to advance to the highest ranks as early as possible, I strongly recommend keeping the Great Stone of Souls with the soul of the winged twilight. It will be useful in building the foundation of the fortress.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: -

3. And again herbariums... This time Azhira needs 4 types of flowers: golden canet, petals of stonewort, willow anther and heather. All this stuff grows in the area of ​​the Ascadian Islands, and the coast of Lake Amaya, where you will be directed to search for Azhira, is just one of the possible places where you can pick up herbs. Again, especially lazy people can simply fork out money... Just don’t forget that in Morrowind the legs feed the wolf, especially when it comes to experience.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: 6 Cheap Potion Restore of Magicka.

Lake Amaya

4. The next task is completely from the “errands” category. Azhira needs a ceramic bowl. After receiving money from her for expenses, go shopping. To the left of the building in which the Guild is located, there is a shop of the Khajiit trader Ra "Virr. An assortment of ceramics...

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: remainder of 10 drakes.

5. While you were shopping, Galbedir stole Azhira's reports and hid them somewhere in the Guild building. The Khajiit woman needs your help again. You will find reports about the mushrooms of Vvanderfell if you turn right behind the chest with the Mages' Guild supplies, but do not climb the stairs to Galbedir's room, but take a good look behind the baskets in the corner. The second report is in the bedroom, on the lower level, under the closet. Just carefully inspect all the cracks there.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: Exclusive Potion of Fire Shield, Exclusive Potion of Frost Shield and Exclusive Potion of Lighting Shield, Exclusive Potion of Spell Adsorption.

6. Azhira heard that the Assu Cave, which is located in the Molag Amur region, currently houses the legendary Staff of Magnus. You can get to Assu from Molag Amur by following the signs to Mount Kand. The cave is located a little further north along the path from the entrance to Mount Kand. Kill the magician in the large room with water (levitation is required) and take the staff to Azhira. She won’t take it, she’ll just look at it and give it to you.

Reward: Staff of Magnus (Staff of Magnus: two-handed blunt weapon; slashing 5-15, cutting 1-10, piercing 5-15; durability 4000; cost 210,000 drakes; spell absorption 25-50 for 60 sec, health restoration 1 point per 60 sec).

Assu Cave

7. Now Azhira sends you in search of the Warlock Ring. According to rumors, the ring belongs to Vendamee Dretan, who lives in the Ashirbadon cave on one of the islands east of Bal Fell. It is better to get there from Vivec. Kill all the inhabitants of the cave and bring the ring to Azhira.

Conditions for receiving the quest: Warlock rank.

Reward: Warlock Ring (Reflect 10-20 for 30 sec on yourself, increase speed 10-20 for 30 sec on yourself; cost - 22,000 drakes).


Balmora, Ranis Atris

1. You need to convince the Telvanni mage Llarar Berelot to join the guild of magicians. The magician lives in Sulipunda, a Velothian fortress in the Molag Amur region. Convincing him is not difficult if you have developed the skill of eloquence or if you have a thick wallet. Once his attitude towards your character reaches 80, the old scoundrel will agree with any of your arguments. It is more difficult to get to Sulipunda. For those who do not like to read the Journal: before reaching Fort Moonfly, turn onto the road leading to Molag-Mar, cross the bridge over the foyada Mameya and follow the road east until you reach the Dunmer fortress of Marandus (you will not confuse it either with which, even if you have never seen Dunmer fortresses before - imagine a huge Egyptian pyramid with a truncated top). Here at the crossroads you turn north and go all the way to Sulipund. Velothian buildings have characteristic rounded roofs, so you should easily recognize Sulipund.

Reward: if you managed to join the magician to the Guild, you receive 4 bottles of Quality Restore of Magicka; If you kill, you get 2 of these bottles.


2. One of the Guild sorceresses, Manwe from the Punabi Cave, has not paid membership fees for several years and owes no less than 2000 drakes. You can just pay the money, Ranis Atris anyway in general... Or you can combine the completion of this task with the previous one, especially since they are given together. Not without reason. Punabi is located north of Marandus, just before Sulipunda, to the right of the path. You will find the notorious Manve near the entrance. Improve her attitude towards you above 80, and Manve will happily part with a large sum.
Advice: if you are completing this task as a low-level character, it is better not to go further than Manwe to Punabi, unless you want to get acquainted with the Daedra prematurely.

Conditions for receiving the quest: Journeyman rank.

Reward: half the amount brought (1000 drakes).


3. The Argonian One-Who-Stands-There from the South Wall Inn teaches magic without permission. Ranis Atris demands an end to this outrage. Talk to him. The Argonian will offer, in exchange for your silence, to teach you the Restoration skill (at a significant discount, of course). Then you can either take radical measures against him, or agree and report to the employer that the matter is in the bag (she is trusting, she doesn’t need anything else...)

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: If you left the Argonian alive, you now have a high-level Recovery skill trainer. If you decide to kill him, Ranis will reward you with 4 Scrolls of Elemental Burst: Fire.

Tavern "Southern Wall"

4. Altmer Itermel, a scientist, stayed at the Eight Plates inn. Ranis asks to be escorted to Pelagiad. However, not everything is so pure in the native Guild. Ranis Atris is not at all concerned about the life of the scientist, but about his notes, which he does not seem to intend to part with. We must get these notes at any cost. It is emphasized - at any cost. You can take a gullible elf out of the city and kill him away from prying eyes, fortunately, elves are fighters, like a ballerina from Schwarzenegger. By the way, the guy is fluent in the levitation spell, be prepared for this. But if you do the honorable thing and deliver the magician to his destination, and even show a keen interest in the subject of his research, as gratitude for your accompaniment, he himself will reward you with a copy of his manuscript.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: none, however, if you kill a scientist (if there is a penalty) Ranis will drop all charges against you.

5. Ranis Atris reports that a certain Tashpi Ashibael lives in Maar-Gan, who has tarnished the reputation of the Guild by practicing necromancy. You should destroy it. Go to Maar-Gan and talk to Tashpi. The sorceress will be very surprised that someone accuses her of such base acts, and will ask you to report to Ranis that you got rid of her safely. Whether you trust her or not is up to you. Again, the head of the Balmora Guild will not question the veracity of your words. Why the extra blood?

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: 2 Scrolls of Elemental Burst:Fire and 2 Scrolls of the Fourth Barrier.

6. According to anonymous reports, a Telvanni spy is successfully operating in the Guild. Ranis instructs you to interview Guild members in Ald'Rhun, Sadrith Mora and Vivec in order to find out who this spy might be. Advisor Tiram Gadar recently appeared in Vivec. At your request, Archmage Trebonius can provide a letter of recommendation from Gadar, but you can see a mile away - this is an obvious fake... Bring the letter to Ranis Atris, she will take over further proceedings.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: 2 Scrolls of Summon Golden Saint, Daedric dagger Soul Drinker (one-handed short blade; slashing 8-12, cutting 8-12, piercing 8-12; durability 700; “Conclusion” on 60 sec upon impact).

Ald "Rhun, Edwinna Elbert

1. The sorceress is seriously interested in studying the vanished Dwemer culture and asks you to get her a copy of The Chronicles of Nchuleft. The book can be purchased in bookstores throughout Vvanderfell or stolen...

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: money that remains from the 250 coins given by Edwinna before completing the task.

2. Use the services of a Guild guide and go to Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall. Edwinna asks you to speak with the head of the Guild there, the Argonian Skink-In-Shadow-Tree, and bring her the Potion of Creature Detection, which Skink should have given her long ago. You can get the bottle without difficulty; return with it to Edwinna.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: Exclusive Potion of Shadow.

3. Edwinna needs the book "Cimervamidium". Sirilonwe has a copy of this rare book in the Mages Guild, Vivec. Sirilonwe's room is to the left of the conductor. The room has an unlocked door leading to a tiny storage room. Come in, close the door behind you and train your security skills to the fullest by picking locks on chests. In one of them you will find the book you need. Take her, but don't talk to Sirilonwe.
After a few days, Edwinna will examine the book and ask for it to be returned to its owner. You can simply put it back in the chest, you can now talk to Sirilonwe and present her with the book as another copy (for which your character will also be rewarded). Under no circumstances say that you stole it from Sirilonwe’s closet!

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: the remaining Scrolls of Ondusi's Unhinging issued for the task, Amulet of Almsivi Intervention ("Almsivi's Intervention" on oneself), Amulet of Divine Intervention ("Divine Intervention" on myself).

4. Something inexplicable is happening in the Hulin hut in Maar Gan. Edwinna asks you to investigate on the spot. Hulin's Hut is outside the city boundaries and can be found by walking around the city wall from the Silt Strider port towards the Temple. Inside the house you will find a scam, with whom you do not need to stand on ceremony. Hulin's frightened disciple, Listin Birleg, will tell you that he inadvertently summoned the creature and was unable to cope with it. As a result, Hulin is dead, the house is turned upside down... Return with a report to Edwinna, having spanked the scoundrel thoroughly.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: 2 Scroll of the Fifth Barrier.

5. Edwinna needs a Dwemer pipe. It is reliably known that there is one such in the ruins of Angtung-Nchurdumtsa, west of Ald-Veloti. You can get there along the coast from Huul, or along the road to Ald Veloti from Gnisis. Despite the external monumentality of the fortress, inside it turns out to be ridiculously small. The remark is not entirely on topic: near the fortress you will meet an unfortunate dancer who dropped her ring into the pond... Don’t be lazy, complete this quest. Get a unique Amulet of Shadows (80% Chameleon for 60 sec), one of the best things of its kind that I have seen in the game.
However, if you don’t want to go so far for an ordinary Dwemer pipe, you can look somewhere closer.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: -

6. Guild member Anes Wendu, representing the scientific society at the Nchuleftingta excavations, did not send reports for last month and continues to remain silent. Edwinna asks to go there and find out what's going on. Nchuleftingt can be reached from Suran or Molag Mar. It’s easier to look at the road on a map than to describe it in words, so I won’t do that here. Inside the Dwemer fortress you will meet the head of the expedition, Senilias Kadiusus, and his daughter. Senilias will share with you his concerns about the disappearance of the scientist, Anes Wendu. As if, shortly before his disappearance, he said something about a secret passage to the lower levels. While exploring the interior, you will come across a hall cluttered with strange Dwemer mechanisms. Each machine has a moving lever against the wall. The one furthest from the entrance opens a passage in the opposite wall leading to the lower floor. There is no need to pull the rest unless you want to spend several months of your young life in a burn center. Below you will find the body of Anes Wendu, on it is the desired “Excavation Report” and the book “The Hanging Gardens,” which under no circumstances should be sold (this is one of the key books in the storyline about the disappearance of the Dwemer). Report to Senilias, and then return with the report to Edwinna.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: -

7. Edwinna asks you to bring her the drawings of a Dwemer scarab from the Dwemer fortress of Mchuleft (near Dagon Fel). From the village follow the road south. These same drawings can be taken, for example, from the Free Tower located right next to it, or, with a sufficient amount of impudence, stolen from the Dwemer Arion Museum in one of the towers of Tel Vos. Among other things, in Mchuleft we find the book “The Egg of Time,” which is necessary to complete the task about the disappearance of the gnomes.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: -

8. While further mining the Egg Mine in Gnisis, miners came across the buried underground ruins of the legendary Betumets, a lost Dwemer fortress. Edwinna sends you to thoroughly explore Betumets and bring back all the drawings that you can find. And there will be diagrams of a Dwemer airship there. The second useful thing that you will have after completing this task is the book "Metaphysics of the Dwemer", another necessary thing to find out the reasons for the disappearance of the gnomes.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: -

9. If you meet the requirements that the Guild places on the archmage, Edwinna sends you to Vivec to meet with the current head of the Guild, Archmage Trebonius. In this case, he challenges you to a duel in the Arena, and if you win, you become the only archmage in Vvanderfell and the head of the Mages Guild.

Conditions for receiving the quest: Int >= 35, Wil >= 35, one of the main skills for the Guild >= 90, two others at your discretion >= 35, Master Wizard rank.

Reward: rank of archmage, title of head of the Mages Guild, Trebonius Staff, Necromancer's Amulet.

Sadrith-Mora, Skink-In-Shadow-Tree

1.. The Argonian asks you to escort the scientist Tanieminwe to Thalsa Areti's ship, the Elven Mariner. Sadrith Mora is a Telvanni city, and they really don’t like it when all sorts of different unidentified individuals are roaming the streets. Naturally, upon arrival in the city, the elf did not bother to properly fill out the paperwork and receive a temporary residence permit and a Guest Certificate. Therefore, it is advisable not to contact the guards along the way (just in case, even if you are Telvanni or have necessary documents). Just take the scientist from the Guild to the port...

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: -

2. The magician passionately wants to get acquainted with the book banned by the Temple - the second volume of “Vampires of Vvanderfell”. They say that the book contains legends about alleged cases of healing from vampirism. Your task is to find and deliver one copy to Skink. There are plenty of them in the game. Start with the bookstores in Vivec (for example, Jobashi Rare Books), just keep in mind that before the Khajiit will talk to you about forbidden literature, you must make a good impression on him. The book can be stolen from the library of the Hall of Wisdom, quite a few of them are in the Secret Library under the Judicial Offices, other copies are found in Vasa (north of Valenvarion), Odirniran (west of the Azura Temple), Mavia (southeast of Molag-Mar), Galom Deus and Kagrenac's library beyond the Phantom Reach.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: 1000 drakes minus the cost of the book (if you buy it).

3. Now Skink wants to talk with the Ashlander shaman (a kind of exchange of experience). You need to find a shaman who will agree to temporarily leave her duties towards the tribe and come to negotiations at Wolverine Hall. Wise women Erabenimsun, Zainab and Urshilaki will immediately reject your proposal, citing extreme busyness. You will hear something similar to a positive answer from the shaman of the Akhemuz tribe, Sinnamma Merpal. She agrees to send her student Minabibi to meet with Skink, but there is a small but... For her misdeeds, Minabibi was sent to the Favel Ancestral Tomb with the task of calming the ghost of Kanit Ashurnisammis. Go there. The easiest way to reach the tomb from Achhemuz's camp is to follow the coast west to the mountain range that separates Gravesland from the lands of Ashland. At the foot is the entrance to the tomb. Along the way, you may stumble upon a camp of rogue Ashlanders, who are quite aggressive. If you kill them all, no one will be particularly offended. In the tomb, talk to Munabibi and clear the entire crypt of undead. After this, tell your student about your success and return to the Akhhemuz camp. Sinnamma will ask which of you killed the ghost. Answer honestly. The shaman admits that she never believed that such a mediocre student would be able to do this alone, and without regret she will send her to Wolverine Hall. Go ahead and then take the quest. Don't forget to talk to Minabibi who arrived at Wolverine Hall (she is now standing not far from Skink). You will receive the Ring of the Ancestors from her.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: Ring of the Ancestors (summon the Spirit of the Ancestors).

The following task relates to promotion tasks. It is given by all heads of Guild departments when you apply to them at the appropriate moment for promotion to Wizard. For me it was Skink, but with the same success the task will be given by Ranis Atris, Edwinna, and Trebonius.

4. If at this point you are ripe for the title of Wizard, Skink will inform you that a necessary attribute of any master of magic is the Wizard's Staff. You can buy it right there, for only 5,000 drakes, or you can get it in a fair fight. There were always wizards who were expelled from the Guild for one or another offense. One of these sorceresses, overly interested in the dark arts, now lives in the Suda Cave, in the Shigorad region. The staff can be removed from her body. We get to the cave from Dagon Fel, following the roads west to the coast (not to be confused with the bay, which you will have to cross along the way!). There are a lot of goodies in the cave and even more Daedra, especially the Hungering ones.

Conditions for receiving the quest: Int >= 33, Wil >= 33, one of the main skills for the Guild >= 70, two others at your discretion >= 25.

Reward: the Mage's Staff you obtained + Wizard rank.

5. It seems that half of the Mages Guild is seriously interested in necromancy... This time you have to go to the Shal cave, located north of HlaOud, and help say goodbye to the life of a certain Telura Ulver, a necromancer. From Hla-Oud we move to the northwest, we move to the island with Daedric ruins, we go around them and behind the swamp we see the doors to the cave. Dealing with a renegade is not difficult.

Conditions for receiving the quest: Wizard rank.

Reward: -

6. For experiments, Skink needs the soul of an ash ghoul. The Argonian is drawn to all kinds of vampires, even if not real, even if generated by the magic of Dagoth Ur... The magician gives you 2 Great Stones of Souls and a landmark: the Yakim Cave, the residence of the Sixth House closest to Sadrith Mora. The easiest way to get there is from Tel Arun, heading northwest from the city, which will take you through one island and end up on the coast. The entrance to the cave is almost at the water's edge, near a grove of palm trees.
The same result, you understand, can be achieved in any place where ash ghouls are found, be it the Phantom Reach, Telasero, Ilunibi, or one of the many caves occupied by the Sixth House.

Conditions for receiving the quest: Wizard rank or higher in the Mages Guild.

Reward: everything that remains from the Scrolls of Fphyggis's Gem-Feeder and Great Soul Stones issued for completing the quest.

7. Skink's last task leads to certain thoughts... He needs the "Notes of Galur Ritari", the Eternal Guardian, who became a vampire and then managed to be healed. The book describes the treatment method in detail. The trouble is that the book exists in the form of a small number of copies, and only a select few have seen it due to the taboo imposed by the Temple. The mere suggestion that vampirism might be just a disease, and not a lifelong curse, and treated in the same way as a common cold, will prompt thousands of adventurers to embark on adventures. Therefore, you should very carefully “ask about the notes from the owners of shops selling rare books.” Is the hint clear? We go to Jobashi in Vivec, from him we learn that the “Notes” are in the Secret Library of the Hall of Justice, a secret room that is always carefully guarded. In the Court Offices and in the Watch office there are locked hatches with traps on the floor. Hack (preferably under the Chameleon), enter the library premises and take the book you are looking for from the shelf. By the way, there are several volumes of “Vivec’s Sermons”, not found anywhere else in the game (raise the appropriate skills), as well as quite interesting manuscripts (also marked “Top Secret”) about what actually happened that day at the foot of Red Mountain...
Other copies of the book in the game can be found in the Galom Deus Observatory and in Kagrenac's Library beyond the Phantom Reach.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: Skink amulet.

8. This is not even a task, but rather a guide to advancement. If you meet the requirements for an archmage, Skink will give you a letter and offer to deliver it to Vivec, the current head of the Guild, Trebonius Artorius. After reading the message, Trebonius is forced to appoint you as archmage. Thus, there are now two archmages in Vvanderfell... and two heads of the Guild.

Conditions for receiving the quest: Int >= 35, Wil >= 35, one of the main skills for the guild >= 90, two others of your own choice >= 35, rank Master Wizard.

Reward: rank of archmage and position of head of the Mages Guild.

Vivec, Archmage Trebonius

1. The first task that Trebonius agrees to give you is more of an order like “go there, I don’t know where... just get rid of it.” You need to solve the mystery of the disappearance of the gnomes. They don't give you any hints about where to start. And how would he know? battle mage Trebonius? The Archmage directs you to Edwinna Elbert, and by completing her tasks, you become the owner of the Hanging Gardens, Dwemer Metaphysics and the Egg of Time. In addition to Edwinna, there is another scientist living in Vvanderfell who is interested in this problem. Baladas Damnevanni, Telvanni wizard from Arvs Drelen (Gnisis). He can help you decipher the Gnomish writings.
Although it would be more appropriate to turn to the original source. The last surviving Dwemer lives in the corpusarium on full board. He will be able to find out what happened to his people using only two of the above books. This is understandable; the dwarf does not need translation into the Altmer language...

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: -

2. It makes sense to complete Trebonius’s second task only after completing the main one storyline, as some key characters will be killed. The meaning of the quest is simple: Trebonius has these Telvanni in his heart, claiming equal rights with the Guild in teaching and using magic. Therefore, he orders the elimination of all members of the Telvanni Council. There are only six of them, unless, of course, you hold a high position in House Telvanni; in this case, I don’t even know what to do - shouldn’t commit suicide?
1) Arion - Tel Vos (Upper Chamber);
2) Drata - Tel Mora Tower (Upper Tower);
3) Terana - Tel Branora Tower (Upper Tower);
4) Neloth - Tel Naga Tower in Sadrith Mora (Upper Tower);
5) Baladas - Arvs-Drelen in Gnisis;
6) Gotren - Tel Arun Tower (Upper Tower).

Conditions for receiving the quest: completed the quest about the disappearance of the gnomes.

Reward: Trebonius Staff: two-handed blunt weapon; weight 16.0; durability 900; cost 10,000 drakes; slash 2-16, slash 3-16, pierce 1-10; vulnerability to fire ranged target 5 ft. 7- 15 for 6 sec, vulnerability to electricity removed target 5 feet 7-15 for 6 sec, fire strike removed target 5 feet 7-15, lightning strike target 5 feet 7-15) and Necromancer's Amulet (permanent effect). ; resistance to normal weapons 25%, increase intelligence by 25, restore health 1p, absorb spells 25p).

Non-obvious task (Balmora)

For Sharn Gra-Muzgob in the Balmora Mages Guild there are 2 chests on the shelf. Open the right one and steal the book “Legions of the Dead” from there. With the help of this book, you can blackmail an orc about forbidden experiments in the field of necromancy. For your silence you will receive a ring with the summoning of Ancestral Ghost and Skeletal Minion

The Mages Guild is an organization whose influence extends to all provinces of Tamriel. It is controlled by five archmages. The main task of the Guild is the study and use of magic. All the most popular potions and magical items were created by members of the Mages Guild. All this can always be purchased at the Guild representative office for a reasonable price. Also, the Guild can always offer a wide variety of spells and components for creating potions. In addition, those whose knowledge of magic has reached a high level can be offered services to create their own spells.

The Mages Guild should not be considered an ordinary store. Those deemed worthy to join the Guild are given access to the Guild's libraries and laboratories. Not immediately, of course, but over time. However, if you have joined the Guild and embarked on risky experiments, you must be aware of the dangers that your actions may pose. After all, the Guild is responsible for everything you do.

The Mages Guild is a professional organization recognized by the Emperor whose mission is to promote the study of the arcane arts. Guild members receive significant discounts on goods, services and training, and Guild branch managers will always find work for them. If you think that magic is your calling, then your path lies in the Mages Guild.

In Morrowind, branches of the Mages Guild can be found in Balmora, Aldrun, Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora, and Vivec in the Outlander Quarter.

In the Guild of Magic, the skills of Alchemy, Mysticism, Illusion, Alteration, Destruction and Enchantment are of great importance. As for the character's characteristics, the greatest importance here is given to Intelligence and Willpower. The Mages Guild does not have close ties with other guilds in Morrowind, slightly emphasizing only the Imperial Cult and being distinguished by its hostile attitude towards the Great House Telvanni.

There is no doubt that the Mages Guild is one of the most powerful Guilds in Tamriel.

The main parameters for Guild members


The main skills for Guild members


A career in the Mages Guild requires mastery of the above skills. The degree of their development determines the rank that you can be assigned. If, despite a sufficient number of completed tasks, they do not want to promote you in the Guild, check whether the values ​​of these skills correspond to those required for the next rank. If not, well, train...

Promotion in the Mages Guild

Rank Performance Requirements Skill Requirements Additional requirements
Dedicated Intelligence 30
Willpower 30
One skill equals 10
Journeyman Intelligence 30
Willpower 30
One skill equals 20
Defiant Intelligence 30
Willpower 30
One skill is 30, the other two are 5
Spellcaster Intelligence 30
Willpower 30
One skill is 40, the other two are 10 Pay a fee of 200 drakes
Mage Intelligence 31
Willpower 31
One skill is 50, the other two are 15
Warlock Intelligence 32
Willpower 32
One skill is 60, the other two are 20
Wizard Intelligence 33
Willpower 33
One skill is 70, the other two are 25 Possession of the Mage's Staff
Master Wizard Intelligence 34
Willpower 34
One skill is 80, the other two are 30
Archmage Intelligence 35
Willpower 35
One skill is 90, the other two are 35 The position is given by Trebonius or you need to defeat him in the Arena

Tasks and their implementation

The tasks are sorted by Guild branches where they can be obtained. To receive each subsequent quest, you must complete all previous tasks of this quest giver. If other conditions must be met in order to receive a task, this is discussed separately in each case.

Balmora, Azhira

1. Bring 4 specimens of mushrooms: glowing russula, purple coprinus, bangler bane and hyphia facies. You can collect them in the location indicated by Azhira (in the Bitter Coast area near Hla-Oud, at the mouth of the Odai River). However, the necessary mushrooms grow in any swampy area, and you can stock up on them while completing other upcoming tasks. And finally, in order to not suffer for long and not needlessly wipe your boots, you can simply visit the local alchemist.
Glowing Russula and Purple Coprinus usually grow at the base of trees. Bangler bane and hyphya facies are very similar in appearance and look quite similar to the familiar tinder fungi, therefore, you need to look for them on tree trunks or stumps.

Conditions for receiving the quest:

Reward: 4 cheap potions of health restoration (4Cheap Potion Restore of Health).

2. Disrupt Galbedir’s experiments by placing a fake soul stone in her desk drawer instead of a real one. Azhira will give it to you. Please note that the stone should be left in the desk drawer. By the way, during this task Galbedir, who is initially located on the top floor of the Mages Guild, will be distracted. Don't miss the moment and take advantage of the situation! On her “dressing table” there is a decent collection of charged soul stones (by the way, the only one in the entire game!). If you plan to make a career with the Telvanni and want to advance to the highest ranks as early as possible, I strongly recommend keeping the Great Stone of Souls with the soul of the winged twilight. It will be useful in building the foundation of the fortress.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: -

3. And again herbariums... This time Azhira needs 4 types of flowers: golden canet, petals of stonewort, willow anther and heather. All this stuff grows in the area of ​​the Ascadian Islands, and the coast of Lake Amaya, where you will be directed to search for Azhira, is just one of the possible places where you can pick up herbs. Again, especially lazy people can simply fork out money... Just don’t forget that in Morrowind the legs feed the wolf, especially when it comes to experience.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: 6 Cheap Potion Restore of Magicka.
Lake Amaya
4. The next task is completely from the “errands” category. Azhira needs a ceramic bowl. After receiving money from her for expenses, go shopping. To the left of the building in which the Guild is located, there is a shop of the Khajiit merchant Ra'Virr. Ceramics in assortment…

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: remainder of 10 drakes.

5. While you were shopping, Galbedir stole Azhira's reports and hid them somewhere in the Guild building. The Khajiit woman needs your help again. You will find reports about the mushrooms of Vvanderfell if you turn right behind the chest with the Mages' Guild supplies, but do not climb the stairs to Galbedir's room, but take a good look behind the baskets in the corner. The second report is in the bedroom, on the lower level, under the closet. Just carefully inspect all the cracks there.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: Exclusive Potion of Fire Shield, Exclusive Potion of Frost Shield and Exclusive Potion of Lighting Shield, Exclusive Potion of Spell Adsorption.

6. Azhira heard that the Assu Cave, which is located in the Molag Amur region, currently houses the legendary Staff of Magnus. You can get to Assu from Molag Amur by following the signs to Mount Kand. The cave is located a little further north along the path from the entrance to Mount Kand. Kill the magician in the large room with water (levitation is required) and take the staff to Azhira. She won’t take it, she’ll just look at it and give it to you.

Reward: Staff of Magnus (Staff of Magnus: two-handed blunt weapon; slashing 5-15, cutting 1-10, piercing 5-15; durability 4000; cost 210,000 drakes; spell absorption 25-50 for 60 sec, health restoration 1 point per 60 sec).
Assu Cave
7. Now Azhira sends you in search of the Warlock Ring. According to rumors, the ring belongs to Vendamee Dretan, who lives in the Ashirbadon cave on one of the islands east of Bal Fell. It is better to get there from Vivec. Kill all the inhabitants of the cave and bring the ring to Azhira.

Conditions for receiving the quest: Warlock rank.

Reward: Warlock Ring (Reflect 10-20 for 30 sec on yourself, increase speed 10-20 for 30 sec on yourself; cost - 22,000 drakes).
Balmora, Ranis Atris

1. You need to convince the Telvanni mage Llarar Berelot to join the guild of magicians. The magician lives in Sulipunda, a Velothian fortress in the Molag Amur region. Convincing him is not difficult if you have developed the skill of eloquence or if you have a thick wallet. Once his attitude towards your character reaches 80, the old scoundrel will agree with any of your arguments. It is more difficult to get to Sulipunda. For those who do not like to read the Journal: before reaching Fort Moonfly, turn onto the road leading to Molag-Mar, cross the bridge over the foyada Mameya and follow the road east until you reach the Dunmer fortress of Marandus (you will not confuse it either with which, even if you have never seen Dunmer fortresses before - imagine a huge Egyptian pyramid with a truncated top). Here at the crossroads you turn north and go all the way to Sulipund. Velothian buildings have characteristic rounded roofs, so you should easily recognize Sulipund.

Reward: if you managed to join the magician to the Guild, you receive 4 bottles of Quality Restore of Magicka; If you kill, you get 2 of these bottles.
2. One of the Guild sorceresses, Manwe from the Punabi Cave, has not paid membership fees for several years and owes no less than 2000 drakes. You can just pay the money, Ranis Atris anyway in general... Or you can combine the completion of this task with the previous one, especially since they are given together. Not without reason. Punabi is located north of Marandus, just before Sulipunda, to the right of the path. You will find the notorious Manve near the entrance. Improve her attitude towards you above 80, and Manve will happily part with a large sum.
Advice: if you are completing this task as a low-level character, it is better not to go further than Manwe to Punabi, unless you want to get acquainted with the Daedra prematurely.

Conditions for receiving the quest: Journeyman rank.

Reward: half the amount brought (1000 drakes).
3. The Argonian One-Who-Stands-There from the South Wall Inn teaches magic without permission. Ranis Atris demands an end to this outrage. Talk to him. The Argonian will offer, in exchange for your silence, to teach you the Restoration skill (at a significant discount, of course). Then you can either take radical measures against him, or agree and report to the employer that the matter is in the bag (she is trusting, she doesn’t need anything else...)

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: If you left the Argonian alive, you now have a high-level Recovery skill trainer. If you decide to kill him, Ranis will reward you with 4 Scrolls of Elemental Burst: Fire.
Tavern "Southern Wall"
4. Altmer Itermel, a scientist, stayed at the Eight Plates inn. Ranis asks to be escorted to Pelagiad. However, not everything is so pure in the native Guild. Ranis Atris is not at all concerned about the life of the scientist, but about his notes, which he does not seem to intend to part with. We must get these notes at any cost. It is emphasized - at any cost. You can take a gullible elf out of the city and kill him away from prying eyes, fortunately, elves are fighters, like a ballerina from Schwarzenegger. By the way, the guy is fluent in the levitation spell, be prepared for this. But if you do the honorable thing and deliver the magician to his destination, and even show a keen interest in the subject of his research, as gratitude for your accompaniment, he himself will reward you with a copy of his manuscript.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: none, however, if you kill a scientist (if there is a penalty) Ranis will drop all charges against you.

5. Ranis Atris reports that a certain Tashpi Ashibael lives in Maar-Gan, who has tarnished the reputation of the Guild by practicing necromancy. You should destroy it. Go to Maar-Gan and talk to Tashpi. The sorceress will be very surprised that someone accuses her of such base acts, and will ask you to report to Ranis that you got rid of her safely. Whether you trust her or not is up to you. Again, the head of the Balmora Guild will not question the veracity of your words. Why the extra blood?

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: 2 Scrolls of Elemental Burst:Fire and 2 Scrolls of the Fourth Barrier.

6. According to anonymous reports, a Telvanni spy is successfully operating in the Guild. Ranis instructs you to interview Guild members in Ald'Rhun, Sadrith Mora and Vivec in order to find out who this spy might be. Councilor Tiram Gadar has recently appeared in Vivek. At your request, Archmage Trebonius can provide a letter of recommendation from Gadar, but you can see it a mile away - this is an obvious fake... Bring the letter to Ranis Atris, she will take over further proceedings.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: 2 Scrolls of Summon Golden Saint, Daedric dagger Soul Drinker (one-handed short blade; slashing 8-12, cutting 8-12, piercing 8-12; durability 700; “Conclusion” on 60 sec upon impact).

Ald'Rhun, Edwinna Elbert

1. The sorceress is seriously interested in studying the vanished culture of the Dwemer and asks you to get her a copy of The Chronicles of Nchuleft. The book can be purchased in bookstores throughout Vvanderfell or stolen...

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: money that remains from the 250 coins given by Edwinna before completing the task.

2. Use the services of a Guild guide and go to Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall. Edwinna asks you to speak with the head of the Guild there, the Argonian Skink-In-Shadow-Tree, and bring her the Potion of Creature Detection, which Skink should have given her long ago. You can get the bottle without difficulty; return with it to Edwinna.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: Exclusive Potion of Shadow.

3. Edwinna needs the book “Cimervamidium”. Sirilonwe has a copy of this rare book in the Mages Guild, Vivec. Sirilonwe's room is to the left of the conductor. The room has an unlocked door leading to a tiny storage room. Come in, close the door behind you and train your security skills to the fullest by picking locks on chests. In one of them you will find the book you need. Take her, but don't talk to Sirilonwe.
After a few days, Edwinna will examine the book and ask for it to be returned to its owner. You can simply put it back in the chest, you can now talk to Sirilonwe and present her with the book as another copy (for which your character will also be rewarded). Under no circumstances say that you stole it from Sirilonwe’s closet!

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: the remaining Scrolls of Ondusi's Unhinging issued for the task, Amulet of Almsivi Intervention (Almsivi Intervention on oneself), Amulet of Divine Intervention (Divine Intervention on oneself) .

4. Something inexplicable is happening in the Hulin hut in Maar Gan. Edwinna asks you to investigate on the spot. Hulin's Hut is outside the city boundaries and can be found by walking around the city wall from the Silt Strider port towards the Temple. Inside the house you will find a scam, with whom you do not need to stand on ceremony. Hulin's frightened disciple, Listin Birleg, will tell you that he inadvertently summoned the creature and was unable to cope with it. As a result, Hulin is dead, the house is turned upside down... Return with a report to Edwinna, having spanked the scoundrel thoroughly.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: 2 Scroll of the Fifth Barrier.

5. Edwinna needs a Dwemer pipe. It is reliably known that there is one such in the ruins of Angtung-Nchurdumtsa, west of Ald-Veloti. You can get there along the coast from Huul, or along the road to Ald Veloti from Gnisis. Despite the external monumentality of the fortress, inside it turns out to be ridiculously small. The remark is not entirely on topic: near the fortress you will meet an unfortunate dancer who dropped her ring into the pond... Don’t be lazy, complete this quest. Get a unique Amulet of Shadows (80% Chameleon for 60 sec), one of the best things of its kind that I have seen in the game.
However, if you don’t want to go so far for an ordinary Dwemer pipe, you can look somewhere closer.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: -

6. Guild member Anes Wendu, representing the scientific society at the Nchuleftingta excavations, did not send reports for last month and continues to remain silent. Edwinna asks to go there and find out what's going on. Nchuleftingt can be reached from Suran or Molag Mar. It’s easier to look at the road on a map than to describe it in words, so I won’t do that here. Inside the Dwemer fortress you will meet the head of the expedition, Senilias Kadiusus, and his daughter. Senilias will share with you his concerns about the disappearance of the scientist, Anes Wendu. As if, shortly before his disappearance, he said something about a secret passage to the lower levels. While exploring the interior, you will come across a hall cluttered with strange Dwemer mechanisms. Each machine has a moving lever against the wall. The one furthest from the entrance opens a passage in the opposite wall leading to the lower floor. There is no need to pull the rest unless you want to spend several months of your young life in a burn center. Below you will find the body of Anes Vendu, on it is the desired “Excavation Report” and the book “The Hanging Gardens,” which under no circumstances should be sold (this is one of the key books in the storyline about the disappearance of the Dwemer). Report to Senilias, and then return with the report to Edwinna.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: -

7. Edwinna asks you to bring her the drawings of a Dwemer scarab from the Dwemer fortress of Mchuleft (near Dagon Fel). From the village follow the road south. These same drawings can be taken, for example, from the Free Tower located right next to it, or, with a sufficient amount of impudence, stolen from the Dwemer Arion Museum in one of the towers of Tel Vos. Among other things, in Mchuleft we find the book “Egg of Time,” which is necessary to complete the task about the disappearance of the gnomes.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: -

8. While further mining the Egg Mine in Gnisis, miners came across the buried underground ruins of the legendary Betumets, a lost Dwemer fortress. Edwinna sends you to thoroughly explore Betumets and bring back all the drawings that you can find. And there will be diagrams of a Dwemer airship there. The second useful thing that you will have after completing this task is the book “Metaphysics of the Dwemer”, another necessary thing to find out the reasons for the disappearance of the gnomes.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: -

9. If you meet the requirements that the Guild places on the archmage, Edwinna sends you to Vivec to meet with the current head of the Guild, Archmage Trebonius. In this case, he challenges you to a duel in the Arena, and if you win, you become the only archmage in Vvanderfell and the head of the Mages Guild.

Conditions for receiving the quest: Int >= 35, Wil >= 35, one of the main skills for the Guild >= 90, two others at your discretion >= 35, Master Wizard rank.

Reward: rank of archmage, title of head of the Mages Guild, Trebonius Staff, Necromancer’s Amulet.

Sadrith-Mora, Skink-In-Shadow-Tree

1.. The Argonian asks you to escort the scientist Tanieminwe to Thalsa Areti's ship, the Elven Mariner. Sadrith Mora is a Telvanni city, and they really don’t like it when all sorts of different unidentified individuals are roaming the streets. Naturally, upon arrival in the city, the elf did not bother to properly fill out the paperwork and receive a temporary residence permit and a Guest Certificate. Therefore, it is advisable not to contact the guards along the way (just in case, even if you are Telvanni or have the necessary documents on hand). Just take the scientist from the Guild to the port...

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: -

2. The magician passionately wants to get acquainted with the book banned by the Temple - the second volume of “Vampires of Vvanderfell”. They say that the book contains legends about alleged cases of healing from vampirism. Your task is to find and deliver one copy to Skink. There are plenty of them in the game. Start with the bookstores in Vivec (for example, Jobashi Rare Books), just keep in mind that before the Khajiit will talk to you about forbidden literature, you must make a good impression on him. The book can be stolen from the library of the Hall of Wisdom, quite a few of them are in the Secret Library under the Judicial Offices, other copies are found in Vasa (north of Valenvarion), Odirniran (west of the Azura Temple), Mavia (southeast of Molag-Mar), Galom Deus and Kagrenac's library beyond the Phantom Reach.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: 1000 drakes minus the cost of the book (if you buy it).

3. Now Skink wants to talk with the Ashlander shaman (a kind of exchange of experience). You need to find a shaman who will agree to temporarily leave her duties towards the tribe and come to negotiations at Wolverine Hall. Wise women Erabenimsun, Zainab and Urshilaki will immediately reject your proposal, citing extreme busyness. You will hear something similar to a positive answer from the shaman of the Akhemuz tribe, Sinnamma Merpal. She agrees to send her student Minabibi to meet with Skink, but there is a small but... For her misdeeds, Minabibi was sent to the Favel Ancestral Tomb with the task of calming the ghost of Kanit Ashurnisammis. Go there. The easiest way to reach the tomb from Achhemuz's camp is to follow the coast west to the mountain range that separates Gravesland from the lands of Ashland. At the foot is the entrance to the tomb. Along the way, you may stumble upon a camp of rogue Ashlanders, who are quite aggressive. If you kill them all, no one will be particularly offended. In the tomb, talk to Munabibi and clear the entire crypt of undead. After this, tell your student about your success and return to the Akhhemuz camp. Sinnamma will ask which of you killed the ghost. Answer honestly. The shaman admits that she never believed that such a mediocre student would be able to do this alone, and without regret she will send her to Wolverine Hall. Go ahead and then take the quest. Don't forget to talk to Minabibi who arrived at Wolverine Hall (she is now standing not far from Skink). You will receive the Ring of the Ancestors from her.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: Ring of the Ancestors (summon the Spirit of the Ancestors).

The following task relates to promotion tasks. It is given by all heads of Guild departments when you apply to them at the appropriate moment for promotion to Wizard. For me it was Skink, but with the same success the task will be given by Ranis Atris, Edwinna, and Trebonius.

4. If at this point you are ripe for the title of Wizard, Skink will inform you that a necessary attribute of any master of magic is the Wizard's Staff. You can buy it right there, for only 5,000 drakes, or you can get it in a fair fight. There were always wizards who were expelled from the Guild for one or another offense. One of these sorceresses, overly interested in the dark arts, now lives in the Suda Cave, in the Shigorad region. The staff can be removed from her body. We get to the cave from Dagon Fel, following the roads west to the coast (not to be confused with the bay, which you will have to cross along the way!). There are a lot of goodies in the cave and even more Daedra, especially the Hungering ones.

Conditions for receiving the quest: Int >= 33, Wil >= 33, one of the main skills for the Guild >= 70, two others at your discretion >= 25.

Reward: the Mage's Staff you obtained + Wizard rank.

5. It seems that half of the Mages Guild is seriously interested in necromancy... This time you have to go to the Shal cave, located north of HlaOud, and help say goodbye to the life of a certain Telura Ulver, a necromancer. From Hla-Oud we move to the northwest, we move to the island with Daedric ruins, we go around them and behind the swamp we see the doors to the cave. Dealing with a renegade is not difficult.

Conditions for receiving the quest: Wizard rank.

Reward: -

6. For experiments, Skink needs the soul of an ash ghoul. The Argonian is drawn to all kinds of vampires, even if not real, even if generated by the magic of Dagoth Ur... The magician gives you 2 Great Stones of Souls and a landmark: the Yakim Cave, the residence of the Sixth House closest to Sadrith Mora. The easiest way to get there is from Tel Arun, heading northwest from the city, which will take you through one island and end up on the coast. The entrance to the cave is almost at the water's edge, near a grove of palm trees.
The same result, you understand, can be achieved in any place where ash ghouls are found, be it the Phantom Reach, Telasero, Ilunibi, or one of the many caves occupied by the Sixth House.

Conditions for receiving the quest: Wizard rank or higher in the Mages Guild.

Reward: everything that remains from the Scrolls of Fphyggis’s Gem-Feeder and Great Soul Stones given for completing the quest.

7. Skink’s last task gives rise to certain thoughts... He needs the “Notes of Galur Ritari,” the Eternal Guardian, who became a vampire and then managed to be healed. The book describes the treatment method in detail. The trouble is that the book exists in the form of a small number of copies, and only a select few have seen it due to the taboo imposed by the Temple. The mere suggestion that vampirism might be just a disease, and not a lifelong curse, and treated in the same way as a common cold, will prompt thousands of adventurers to embark on adventures. Therefore, you should very carefully “ask about the notes from the owners of shops selling rare books.” Is the hint clear? We go to Jobashi in Vivec, from him we learn that the “Notes” are in the Secret Library of the Hall of Justice, a secret room that is always carefully guarded. In the Court Offices and in the Watch office there are locked hatches with traps on the floor. Hack (preferably under the Chameleon), enter the library premises and take the book you are looking for from the shelf. By the way, there are several volumes of “Vivec’s Sermons”, not found anywhere else in the game (raise the appropriate skills), as well as quite interesting manuscripts (also marked “Top Secret”) about what actually happened that day at the foot of Red Mountain...
Other copies of the book in the game can be found in the Galom Deus Observatory and in Kagrenac's Library beyond the Phantom Reach.

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: Skink amulet.

8. This is not even a task, but rather a guide to advancement. If you meet the requirements for an archmage, Skink will give you a letter and offer to deliver it to Vivec, the current head of the Guild, Trebonius Artorius. After reading the message, Trebonius is forced to appoint you as archmage. Thus, there are now two archmages in Vvanderfell... and two heads of the Guild.

Conditions for receiving the quest: Int >= 35, Wil >= 35, one of the main skills for the guild >= 90, two others of your own choice >= 35, rank Master Wizard.

Reward: rank of archmage and position of head of the Mages Guild.

Vivec, Archmage Trebonius

1. The first task that Trebonius agrees to give you is more of an assignment like “go there, I don’t know where... just get rid of it.” You need to solve the mystery of the disappearance of the gnomes. They don't give you any hints about where to start. And how could he, the battle mage Trebonius, know? The Archmage directs you to Edwinna Elbert, and by completing her tasks, you become the owner of the Hanging Gardens, Dwemer Metaphysics and the Egg of Time. In addition to Edwinna, there is another scientist living in Vvanderfell who is interested in this problem. Baladas Damnevanni, Telvanni wizard from Arvs Drelen (Gnisis). He can help you decipher the Gnomish writings.
Although it would be more appropriate to turn to the original source. The last surviving Dwemer lives in the corpusarium on full board. He will be able to find out what happened to his people using only two of the above books. This is understandable; the dwarf does not need translation into the Altmer language...

Conditions for receiving the quest: -

Reward: -

2. Trebonius's second task makes sense only after completing the main storyline, since some key characters will be killed. The meaning of the quest is simple: Trebonius has these Telvanni in his heart, claiming equal rights with the Guild in teaching and using magic. Therefore, he orders the elimination of all members of the Telvanni Council. There are only six of them, unless, of course, you hold a high position in House Telvanni; in this case, I don’t even know what to do - shouldn’t commit suicide?
1) Arion - Tel Vos (Upper Chamber);
2) Drata - Tel Mora Tower (Upper Tower);
3) Terana - Tel Branora Tower (Upper Tower);
4) Neloth - Tel Naga Tower in Sadrith Mora (Upper Tower);
5) Baladas - Arvs-Drelen in Gnisis;
6) Gothren - Tel Arun Tower (Upper Tower).

Conditions for receiving the quest: completed the quest about the disappearance of the gnomes.

Reward: Trebonius Staff: two-handed blunt weapon; weight 16.0; durability 900; cost 10,000 drakes; slash 2-16, slash 3-16, pierce 1-10; vulnerability to fire ranged target 5 ft. 7- 15 for 6 sec, vulnerability to electricity removed target 5 ft 7-15 for 6 sec, fire strike removed target 5 ft 7-15, lightning strike target 5 ft 7-15) and Necromancer's Amulet (permanent effect; resistance). normal weapons 25%, increase intelligence by 25, restore health 1p, absorb spells 25p).

Non-obvious task (Balmora)

For Sharn Gra-Muzgob in the Balmora Mages Guild there are 2 chests on the shelf. Open the right one and steal the book “Legions of the Dead” from there. With the help of this book, you can blackmail an orc about forbidden experiments in the field of necromancy. For your silence, you will receive a ring with the summoning of Ancestral Ghost and Skeletal Minion.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Walkthrough of the Mages Guild was last modified: May 5, 2016 by admin

To the right, my lord, to the left, my lord, steps, my lord...

Constance from the film "The Three Musketeers"

If you have read the previous parts of this guide, then, of course, you understand: passing Morrowind is a relative concept. It can be done in a hundred different ways. But there is still a set of tasks that can be solved in a certain way. And we will start with those that are necessary to complete the game.

All other tasks are a personal matter and the choice of the player. Of course, many of them are useful and make life much easier, but you can do without each of them.

Actually, you were landed on this island as an imperial agent who must deal with the strange cult of Morrowind and a certain prophecy that is extremely popular in this cult. And also with diseases corprus and pestilence (Blight). And immediately upon appearing on Morrowind soil, the ball begins to slowly unwind...

At the same time, you receive missions from all and sundry, for example, from guilds. But this is a completely different story and will be discussed in a separate chapter.

You shouldn’t delay completing the main missions at all: disease and corruption spread throughout Morrowind quite quickly, and the ending of the game depends on your actions.

So - the main tasks.

Letter for Kai Cosades

Having answered the guard’s questions, that is, having created our character, we immediately receive an order from Sokutius Ergalla (an official in the office): to deliver a package to the city of Balmora, to a certain Kai Cosades.

This is not easy to do, but very simple: we go to the nearest riding tick station and buy a ticket to Balmora.

Balmora is divided in half by a large river; the sought-after gentleman lives on its eastern bank, on the northeastern edge of the city (in the tavern to which Sokutsiy sends us, he has not been around for a long time, but you can get the address there).

Kai, having received his package, will initiate us into the Blades - this is an organization of imperial spies. In this capacity, the hero will have to go through several tests... In other words, from now on we are at the disposal of Cosades. He will even kindly provide us with a couple of hundred gold pieces so that we can adequately equip ourselves for the journey.

The tests will consist mainly of missions to gather information regarding the cult. The problem is that Kai's informants do not share data for free. And they will have to work hard.

Gasfat and the Dwemer box

Let's take advantage of Kai's generosity properly (according to our skills and tastes) - and return to him for orders. He sends us to Gasfat from the military guild for the necessary information and warns that Gasfat will not just give up the information, so we will have to serve him.

There can't be regular tick flights to a place with that name, right? Therefore, you will have to walk on foot. We stomp south, leave the city and cross the river across the bridge. At the signposted junction we prefer the route to Caldera (north road). Soon you come across another sign with the inscription “Molag Mar” - it adorns a small branch to the right. Let's follow him. The path will climb into the mountains and cross an old bridge.

On the bridge we are attacked by a sorcerer with a skeleton. Let's not confuse cause with effect and waste energy on putting the skeleton to rest: let's deal with the magician, and the skeleton will crumble on its own.

To the south of the bridge is the entrance to the desired ruins. Turn the tap on the pipe - and we are inside.

We followed the pebbles to the lower level and used them to climb up on the other side of the cave. Behind the door of the “Empty Hand Rooms” we are attacked by some bad guy; On the left on the bottom shelf is the ordered box. After the guy dies, we grab her and go back along the same path that we came.

By the way, just for information: the mysterious Dwemer are none other than dwarves. This is how the word has changed over the years. The trick is that the word dwemer very reminiscent dweomer- a spell. Play on words...

Gasfat pays for the box with papers for Kai.

Llyul and his skull

Our inquisitive Kai is still not satisfied. Now he needs data from the Balmora Mages Guild. The counterparty is an orc wizard with the poetic name Sharn gra-Muzgb. The guild is next to the military one, next door. Mr. Muzgb lives on the bottom left.

A certain Llyul Andrano (how I like the local names!) allowed himself to be buried in family crypt. Recklessly, because the orc needs the Llyul skull, and we have to bring it. Somehow these “informants” are not very imaginative...

Sharn, if you ask him better, will also equip us with a blade and scrolls.

South of Pelagiad, at the very fork in the road, is the desired tomb. Down the stairs, left along the corridor to a room with a couple of skeletons. On the other side of the room is a door to the next corridor; We go down, on the right behind the door is the skull we need. We take it to Sharn and ask about Nerevarine. Having received information for Kai, we return, and we are promoted to apprentices of the Blades.

Three from Vivec

At night you will have a strange dream. Without sleep, you return to Kai. He sends you on a new mission. You will have conversations with three more people. All of them can be found in different districts of Vivec:

Addhiranirr, a Khajiite from the Thieves Guild - in St. Olms;

Yuleyu, an Argonian from the Morag Tong - in the Black Silk Bar, located in the lower rows of the foreign quarter;

and Meru Milo, the copper-haired temple priestess - in the library of the Hall of Wisdom and Justice.

Kai will give you a parchment with addresses and 200 gold to brighten the way.

The intercity tick will take you to Vivec. If you don’t want to stomp through the whole city, let’s start with what’s closer - from the Foreigners’ Quarter. There you need to find Yuleya. The lower rows can be reached by walking down one of four ramps and entering one of the doors marked "Lower Rows". Black Silk is located in the middle corridor on the east side. Argonians are quite conspicuous, so you are unlikely to confuse him with someone else. During the conversation, he will mention that he needs to go to his friend’s bookstore, but some idiots won’t let him in. Ask him about everything, without missing a single topic, and you will find out that his friend's store is none other than Jobashi Rare Books. But the boobies are there, and they really prevent him from passing! Chat with one of these specimens. By the way, what gender are you? Depending on this, you will have to either bribe him or simply charm him. Now we can mention that dirty lizard over there. If they answer that they don't care about her, your task is completed. You can explain to Yuleya that he has nothing to fear. He will still ask you to accompany him to the store. You will find Jobashi's store in the middle corridor on the west side of the Lower Rows. Once inside, you can finally talk calmly about the Nerevarine Cult, and he will give you notes for Kai.

Now it's Addhiranirr's turn. Exit the Lower Rows, down the stairs, across the bridge to the south to Redoran Canton. From there, across the eastern bridge to the canton of Arena, and again across the bridge south to the canton of St. Olms. From there you need to go to the eastern or western border of the canton, and from there to the Rows. Come in. The stairs down lead to the Canal. Still down, through the hatch - into the dungeon of St. Olms. That way. You will find Addhiranirr on the north-eastern side of the canal. Talk to her. She will tell you about her little problem. She's being watched. Ask her about the tax agent. She wants this gentleman to leave, and until you achieve this, she does not want to talk to you. The tax agent sits upstairs in the St. Olms rows, close to where you entered. Meet Duvin Platorius, you will find him on the north side. Talk to him. I'll have to lie: she went to the continent. Now return to the Addhiranirr society with a sense of accomplishment. Ask her about the Cult of the Sixth House. She will willingly share everything she knows. Once you're done with Addhiranirr, head back and leave the Canton of St. Olms.

And the last interview... Mera Milo. Get in a ceremonial mood and head to the southwest corner, across the bridge into the Temple Canton. Enter directly into the Hall of Wisdom. Walk halfway down the corridor (following the Attendant), to two ramps on the left and right. Follow them to the library. There you will find a copper-haired lady - this is Mera. Talk to her. She will take you to the room behind the library, where you will ask her about the Nerevarine cult and the book “Ascending to Truth”. She will advise you to take a copy of "Rising to Truth" to Kai. By the way, this copy is on the top shelf in the southwest corner of the library. You can steal it. Although, if you are afraid of getting caught (suddenly your thief skills are not so great), you can buy (or still steal) a book in the Jobashi Rare Books store in the Foreigners' Quarter.

Return to Kai. After talking with him, you will receive the title of Journeyman of Blades. Well, 200 gold at the same time.

Ashtray Informant

Kai says that you need an Ashtray informant, and he has someone named Hassor Zainzubani in mind. True, this Khassor loves gifts, so Kai gives you 100 gold for a small gift.

The flight tick will take you to Ald-Rhun. You will find Hassor Zainzubani at the Ald Kkar Inn, in the northwest corner of the city, just behind the Council Club. Approach the bar, to the right of the bar there is a staircase down. Go down it, and in the depths of the room you will find Hassor.

Talk to him about business, and by the way, take an interest in the custom of giving gifts (if you say something wrong, he will be offended, and your reputation will fall). Ask him for a "smart gift" and he will accept your offering. Now we can get down to business - to the “ashlanders”. He will give you a note for Kai.

Take the note to Kai. You will receive the title of Blade Seeker and find out what was in the package that you delivered to Kai. It turns out that the Emperor believes that you may be one of the fulfillers of the Nerevarine prophecies. You will receive a decrypted copy of the package and 200 gold.

Urshulaki tribe

Now Kai wants to send you to the Urshulaki camp, talk to two ashmen named Sul-Matuul and Nibani Maesa.

Again by tick to Ald-Rhun, transfer to Maar Gan. Exit Maar Gan to the east, turn north onto Foyada Bani Dad. Along Foyada north to the sea. The wreck of a ship at the mouth is a sign. Sail east through the ruins of the Crypt of Assur nabitashpi. Avoid encounters with Daedra - they are strong and aggressive. Urshulaki's camp lies east of the ruins, in a hollow.

After appearing in Urshulaki's camp, you must talk to any Ashman you encounter. Talk about the Nerevarine prophecies. Tell them that you have come to fulfill the prophecies and want to speak with Sul-Matuul and Nibani Maesa. They will want to test you and send you to Zabamund. Yurt Zabamunda is the second from the right of the many yurts located in the Big Tent to the south. You will be able to prove the veracity of your words with the help of gold - tell Zabamund: “Nerevarine Prophecies” - and offer a donation of 200 gold. He will take you to Ash Khan's yurt to talk with Sul-Matuul.

Ash-Khan's yurt is the next one to the south. Sul-Matuul needs to be asked about the initiation rite. Sul-Matuul will want you to get him a family heirloom... the Bone Bow of Sul-Senipul from the Burial Caves of Urshulaki, and only after that he will allow you to speak with the wise woman Nibani Maesa.

The cemetery lies south-southeast of the camp. The door is located on the northern slope of the hill halfway between the camp and the slopes of the Red Mountains. The easiest way to find the Cemetery is to walk along the shore. At the heap of stones, turn exactly south and you will come to a cave.

In the cave, do this. Follow the corridor to a hall filled with water, then go south until you reach the Laterium crypt. Up the stone spiral - you will exit into Yuno's crypt. There you will fight a ghost, and in his remains (hmm?) you will find the desired bow.

Sul-Matuul will happily perform the initiation ceremony with you. Now you are a friend of the ashmen. As it turns out, they don’t need the bow at all, keep it for yourself. Commendable selflessness, by the way! Some Imperial informants could take a lesson from the desert barbarians...

Since you have received a place in the clan, you can now see Nibani Maesa. She lives in the northernmost tent - Yurt Mudra. Tell her you passed the test and ask her all the questions about the prophecies. Nibani Maesa will give you two books - “The Wanderer” and “Seven Visions” - and will send you for another one, called “The Lost Prophecies”. (As you may have already guessed, there are enough books here, you can’t read enough!)

Strictly speaking, you have already completed Kai’s task, the book will wait. Tell Kai about her, he will send news to your friend Mera Milo. And so that you don’t get bored, until Mera finds time to answer, you will receive a new task.

Sixth House Base

In Fort Bakmoth (I hesitate to translate this as a name), you will have to talk with Raesa Pullia and find out what she knows about the base of the Sixth House. She knows mainly that a certain Dagoth Gares has lived in the world. 400 gold for the track - go!

This fort is almost next to the southern gate of Ald-Rhun. Raesa can be found behind the door right at the entrance. The essence of her message boils down to the following: a soldier sick with corprus came from the base of the Sixth House (now you will have to systematically deal with this unpleasant disease). The soldier soon died, but said that the base of the Sixth House was Ilunibi. Somewhere near the island of Gnaar Mok. "London, City, ask on the corner."

Along the Balmora Road to the west, at the Gnisis-Balmora-Ald-Rhun intersection, turn south and immediately take the western path to Drulin's house. Go off-road west to the shore, to the dark elf fortress. Not far from where you come to the shore, in the south, you can see the island of Gnaar Mok, kindly connected to the mainland by a bridge. The island of Ilunibi stuck to it.

There, visit the following doors (I give the name without translation): Tainted Marrow, Marowak’s Spine, Blackend Heart, Souls Rattle. There you will meet Dagoth Gares. Killing him will cause you to become infected with Corprus; Don't panic, that's how it's meant to be. Loot Dagoth's body and return to Balmora.

Kai will honor you with another rank in the organization.

Cure for corprus

Kai has an idea what to do with the corpus. An ancient mage from House Telvanni, Divayth Fyr, contains a "corprusarium" and must know how to cure this disease. Kai gives you an artifact, a decent amount of money and a couple of potions and sends you to him.

Telvanni from the Fir clan should live in Tel Fir - simple and logical, right? The easiest way to get there is with the help of the Mages Guild in Balmora, paying them for a trip to Sadrith Mora. Exit the building and swim southeast to the tower. To get into the tower, you need spells, because the magicians did not provide stairs: and there is no point for everyone to hang around them. But this is where Kai’s levitation potions come in handy.

The entrance to the tower is from the north side. Go through the door with the inscription “Oninx Hall”, immediately after the door to the right there will be a staircase, and behind it the Fir hall. Look up; that's why they gave you the second potion...

We took off to the floor above. Divayth Fyr lives there. Give him an artifact from Kai (just give him) and ask about the punishment of the gods, a disease called corprus. He will say that those suffering from corprus are not afraid of other diseases, just like the Nerevarine himself... hm. Assure him that he can fulfill the prophecy, and he will send you to the corpusarium for some Yagrum Bagarn slippers, and then you will receive a healing potion.

Return to the Oninx hall, from there down the stairs, at the intersection of the corridors - to the right. Here you are in the corpsarium. A cheerful sight, isn't it?

Your main task is not to get into a fight with anyone here. Yagrum Bagarn is a guy with spider legs. He will give you the shoes you are looking for without any problems. Divayth Fir will respond by sharing the potion with the condition: take it right here.

Phew, cured. And the immunity, by the way, was preserved!

Back to Sadrith Mora, and through the transport of the Mages Guild home to Kai. Here we are waiting: a new rank, money, a magic shirt and pants, and also Kai’s ring. The fact is that our boss is leaving for the capital. The house and other things remain to us. At parting, we will receive instructions on what to do next.

Basically, we already know that all the troubles come from the vile type Dagoth Ur. But we still have a long way to go before we can fight him.

Lost Prophecies

And what about the book that the ashtrays have been talking about for so long? Mera Milo had to find out about her; I hope you haven’t forgotten the way to it yet. However, she is being followed, so you will have to look for her personal apartments. They are locked, but Mera hopes that you will not be shy and pick the lock. There is a message left on your dresser with the code "Amaya". Take the potions from the chest of drawers.

Mera went to the Ministry of Truth to visit the Inquisitor. Follow her, taking with you the scrolls of Divine Intervention. The Ministry is a stone above the temple canton, so the potions you just stole will be useful to get there.

Talk to Alvela Saram: he will give you the key and tell you where to look for Meru Milo. It is recommended to travel around the ministry unnoticed, otherwise you will have to deal with the guards. Mera, as you understand, is locked up. Get to her cell and tell her that you brought saving scrolls with you. One for you, one for her; meet in Holamain.

She will send you to a certain Blatta Khatera in the Black Heart port and give you the original password: “I want to fish.” The Vevran monk will show you the entrance. Here comes Holamain; Gilvas Barelo has the book you need. At the same time, get a couple more examples of Morrowind literature.

With prophecies in hand, go again to Nibani Maesa. Now you will fulfill your destiny under her strict guidance.

Third Test: The Moon, the Star, and the Nerevarine Companions

Ask Nibani about “her decision.” Here it turns out that you have passed the first two tests, and now you must pass the third. For him you go to Sul-Matuul.

What is the third test? First you still need to prove that you are worthy of it. Bring from Kogorun a shield of shadow, a cup with the sign of the house of Dagoth and drops of corprus.

From the Ashthorn camp, go south all the way to the mountains, and at the bottom turn east. Pass Falasmarion, at the crossroads go east. On the left will be Kogorun.

In its southeastern corner, under the sign “Eye of Pollock,” fight Dagoth Girer, where you will get the cup. You will receive drops in the urn by the door. Now get out, go to Fisto's hall and from there to Maki's hall. Straight through the hall you will reach a large room, where the left corridor will lead to the lower floor to the locked door of the Nabit Channel. Go around it to the left, find the tunnel. Finally you will reach a door with a Wounded Heart sign. Come in. At the intersection - turn right, then right again. Ugh. With a shield, and not on a shield at all, we return to Sul-Matuul.

Now you receive a riddle from him. Bring de Nibani the moon and the star.

You need the Cave of the Incarnation. It's east of the camp, follow the coast all the way to the mountains. In the mountains, turn south (sign: two pointed rocks on the side). Option: Return to Sadrin Mora, from there take a boat to Tel Arunn, and from Tel Arunn to Tel Mora. In the west, find Tel Vos and fly over the mountains using levitation.

You can only enter the cave between 6 am and 6 pm. There you take the star and the moon and watch a cartoon about what awaits you. By the way, you can talk with failed Nerevarines (well, didn’t you think that you were the only one so smart?) and get a lot of useful things from them.

Therefore, there are seven tests. What does Nibani have to say about them other than the fact that the third test has been passed?

You will learn what the fourth and fifth are. In the fourth, we will have to unite the great Houses of the Dark Elves: Redoran, Hlaalu, Telvanni. Each of them must recognize you as a Hortator.

In the fifth, you will have to deal with the no less unnatural unification of four tribes of ashmen: Urshulaki, Ahemmuza, Zainab and Erabenimsum. They, in turn, must recognize you as a true Nerevarine.

You can complete these tasks in any order you choose.

Fourth Test: Three Great Houses


Let's start with House Redoran, famous for its warriors. In the mansion district of Ald Rhun, find Sareti's mansion (to the west of the upper level). Redcoat Atin Sareti will agree to declare you a Mentor and whatever else you want if you save his son.

You don’t even have to go to some remote place for this: my son is nearby, in the Venim mansion. Find the key and note on the bench. Either steal the key or pick the lock - whichever is easier for you. The lock is level 50. The door that needs to be opened is hidden behind a tapestry.

Call the unlucky Sareti Jr. with you. The guards are attacking you, you will have to fight or flee. The main thing: do not accidentally kill Bolvin, you will need to do this later. That's it, Atin - for you.

With other advisors everything is much simpler. They don't seem to care who they vote for. We need to visit the mansions of Arobara, Garisa Lletri, Barara Morvain, Hlaren Ramoren - and, finally, Bolvin Venim.

Bolvin Venim seems to be a little offended by us and challenges us to a duel. It's a good thing, isn't it? But prepare yourself properly before entering the arena.

By the way, if you rob his body after the fight, no one will object.

Now return to Atin and he will confirm that you have been declared a Mentor.


Telvanni headquarters - the city of Tel Vos. The easiest way is to take a tick from Ald-Rhun to Houl, and from there sail with a transfer to Dagon Fel and Tel Mora to Vos. From Vos it is not far to Tel Vos (road to the northwest).

The Telvanni are all magicians, and to communicate with them, be well stocked with means of levitation. Making stairs is beneath their dignity.

So, Telvanni advisors.

You will have to seduce Drata if you are a man; Out of class solidarity, she will give her vote to a woman just like that. Arion doesn’t need anything from you either. You can talk Terama out if your Speech is high enough, but if not, you’ll have to kill her, which is a shame. Baladas and Neloth will not be too fussy and will calmly vote for whom they say.

Gothren will play for time. They say that the truly wise can expect a positive decision from him. I recommend to everyone else that they kill him for being boring; I think no one will judge us for this. But just let him attack first (treat him properly).

Ugh. We return to Arion, we receive confirmation of our valor.


These guys know exactly which side of the sandwich the butter is on. Pay them, pay them and pay them again. Their votes are worth a total of almost three and a half thousand.

The Hlaalu live in the glorious city of Vivec.

Crassius Curio in the Foreign Quarter, Hlaalu section, costs 1000 gold. Yngling Half-Troll (Canton of St. Olms, Yngling Manor) will cost as much as two thousand if you don't want to take on the trouble of killing him. Drum Bero (Haunted-Manor in the same square, behind a locked door) will vote for free. Velanda (Telvanni Canton, Omari Manor) - similar.

Orvas Dren (lives on his own plantation north of Vivec) is not for sale for money. You can talk him down with your Speech (up to 90 reputation) and convince him that you are going to... protect Morrowind from the Empire. If you tell him that you want peace for Morrowind, he will attack you and you can kill him. Finally, you can take his key (on the ground floor, on the table), kill the guards and open the locked chest with a trap; there, in addition to all sorts of valuables, there is wonderful dirt on our staunch adviser. It will serve his conviction in the best possible way.

Niven is located near Dren, north of his plantation. Her estate is on the road to Suran. She doesn't need money.

Having secured the support of all this brethren, return to Crassius and receive the title of Mentor and a mentoring belt.

Test Five: Ash Tribes

Here we have to unite four tribes of ashmen: Urshulaki, Ahemmuza, Zainab and Erabenimsum, convincing them that you are the true Nerevarine. Many people prefer to complete this mission before the previous one, since by the time you receive them you are already with Urshulaki.


It’s not difficult to convince Sul-Matuul, since he already knows you well. Tell him only about need and duty. Without much pain, he will recognize you as a Nerevarine and present you with the Tooth of Urshulaka as a sign of this. Nibani will tell you where to look for other tribes.


You will find their camp like this. Take the northern route from Urshulaki, follow the coast west to Huul (you may have to swim). Talmeni Dretan at the port will take you to Dagon Fel. Hema will take you from there to Tel Mora, and from there Tonas Telvanni will take you to Vos. Go north along the coast until it begins to turn sharply; not far from here to the southwest is the desired camp.

The first step is to find, of course, the Mudra yurt (northwest of the camp). Sinnamma Mirpal will ask you to talk first with Kausi, Dutadalk and Yenammu. Look for the Kausi and Dutadalk yurts. They won't ask anything special from you.

Sinnammu wishes that the Ashpelts could migrate to the Ald Daedroth, and safely.

Ald Daedroth is directly north of the camp, and you will have to swim there, and it will be long and nasty. At the temple you will meet Drores Arvel, who is involved in a small brawl and will cope without your help. Tell him that you came to rob the temple. Come in. Guards will attack you (one of them is with a paralyzing sword). Go to the inside of the temple, kill the golden saint and the dremora. After that, return to Ahemmuza and arrange for Wise an excursion to Ald Daedroth. She will agree to recognize you as a Nerevarine and give you the Ahemmuza stone.


The Zainab live not far from Ahemmuz, go southwest from their camp. On the way you will come across the tomb of Nerano; clean it and kill the vampire. At the intersection go southeast, at the next one choose southeast again, then south and south again. Here is Zainab's parking lot.

Looking for a yurt... who do you think? Wise, of course. She will send you to Ash Khan Kaushad. He will have to be bribed to support your claims. In addition, he will want the death of the vampire Calvario... how fortunate that you have already put this unpleasant gentleman to rest. But this is not enough for the greedy khan: give him also... a wife. Not just any kind, but Telvanni. Sunnammu can advise you on Khan's tastes; what you need can be bought from Savil Imain at the slave market in Tel Arunn and passed off as a purebred Telvanni woman.

Tel Arunn is southeast of Zainab's camp, but first you should purchase funds in the city of Vos to mislead the khan. Something like: Telvanni musk (at the Arelet pharmacy) and a special (exquisite) shirt, skirt, shoes (Eleynan). Now look for Saville Imain, tell her about the special clothes, ask for something special. In exchange, she will demand musk and 1200 gold (ehma!). Take the slave Falura Llerva and deliver her to Kushad. He will be head over heels and will proclaim you everything you desire.


Once you are able to pronounce this name, no tests will frighten you anymore, right?

Sail to Sadrith Mora and from there to Tel Fir. A tribe with an obscene name where we were sent, in the southwest.

The local Wise One has a long list of people from whom she would like to rid the world. Ulat-Pal, Ahaz, Ranabi, Ashnu-Akhhe. They all live nearby, have fun. Don’t forget to rob the bodies (although I know what you’re talking about, and you don’t need to remind anyone about this!). Now we need to convince a certain An-Amma to become the next Ash Khan. Chat with him and give the clothes taken from the dead, a fiery heart and an ax. If you are particularly skilled in verbiage, you can convince him without gifts.

After this, you will be proclaimed a Nerevarine and given another iconic item.

High Priest

The High Priest, Lord Toler Saroni, wishes to see you. This is in Vivec, in the temple canton. Danso Indules (in front of the temple) will order to let you in. Go through the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice, go up the stairs and pick the lock at High Fanes. Talk about church doctrine with the high priest. He will arrange a meeting with Lord Vivec and give him the key to his church, as well as the lock you just broke into.

Talk to Vivec, accept the magic item from him and ask how to destroy Dagoth Ur. You receive an action plan; All that remains is to take a ticket for the tick and leave for Balmora.

Red Mountain and the Seven Vampires

Do you like cutting up vampires, gentlemen? Retail, wholesale and battalion-by-battalion?

South of Balmora, take the eastern road to the path to Caldera. Walk along it just a little bit and go up the hill. Cross the bridge, go down, and you will reach the Daedra altar. Here comes the Phantom Gate. In the towers of Dawn and Dusk, replenish your equipment.

A map of Red Mountain would be very helpful. It can be obtained from priests. If everything is ready, go. Place the switches to open the Mountain.

You don't have to kill the first vampire. But killing is better. It will be easier to deal with Dagoth Ur.

Dagoth Utol lives in Kogorun Cave, east of Veminal. It's right at the entrance, you won't have to search for long. (Some people prefer to kill him during the third test.) The easiest way is to lure him somewhere where he will get stuck and stick him with arrows, but you can do it in a fair fight. Don't forget to remove the belt from your body.

Dagoth Endus - the second - is also an optional program. Go north of the Gate, turn northwest at the Yassu Mines. At the wall - to the north. This is how you will find Endusal. Vampire - in the room on the left, kill and rob him.

Dagot Tureynul can also be pardoned, but not necessary. His lair is northeast of the citadel of Dagoth Ur. He himself is in the library.

Dagoth Arainis does not live in the mountains at all, but near Berandas. You don't have to kill him either. Get to Ald-Rhun, from there by tick to Gnisis, swim across the river to the northeast - and you will end up in Berandas. To the east of it is a place called Mamaka, the Temple of Awakening, and further on is the Temple of Black Hope. That's where he sits, my dear.

The necessary part of the quest begins with Dagoth Ordos. He lives in the Dwemer academy in Ordosal. Take the amulet and key. Go up the stairs and find an item called The Keening.

Dagoth Vemin is located not far from Dagoth Tureynul, in a fortress.

You will meet Dagoth Gilvot on the road to Dagoth Ur, on the northern side of his citadel. Go down into the crater and you will see a door with a steel button (like the one in the Dwemer dungeon). Nearby is a lever that must be turned to open the door. Go down the stairs, go around the hole in the floor and jump into the next one. Go through two doors and turn right before the third. There you will see the seventh vampire. Kill him and move on.

Dagoth Ur

Here he is, Dagoth Ur, about whom the Bolsheviks, imperial spies and other ashmen have been talking for so long.

Rest properly before entering his abode and conjure on yourself everything that is more or less useful that you have.

Talk to him. If you have Wraithgaurd (from Lord Vivec), Keening (from Dagoth Ordos) and Sunder (from Dagoth Vemin), fight him, otherwise he will not attack you. When you defeat him, he will disappear and a door will open; Rest and clean up again before entering. Equip yourself with Wraithgaurd and Sunder (in that order, otherwise you'll get hurt). Prepare a potion of levitation or at least a slow fall. Instead of a weapon, take Keening and hit the heart on the floor five times. Do not pay attention to the enemies, except for the huge robot, which you will have to fly or jump to. Hit the heart with Sunder. Switch to Keening again and hit the heart five times. After this, the adversaries will disappear, run across the bridge and make sure that the robot has disappeared too. On the way back, meet Azura, watch the cartoon and get the ring.

Dagoth Ur's lair has been cleared.

Actually, that’s all: the task is completed, general splendor has arrived. But the game doesn’t end, and you can complete side quests to your heart’s content and provide your hero with a place under the hot Morrowind sun.

Guild quests

I will describe the tasks of several guilds that seemed more interesting to me than others. In principle, there is nothing particularly difficult in these missions, and most of them are completed in one breath.

Since these tasks are completely optional, I will present them a little more concisely. Moreover, I cannot guarantee that I did not miss any of them even in the guilds I described.

There are so many of them!

Mages Guild

Ranked quests

To obtain the rank of wizard (the eighth level of initiation), you must acquire a wizard's staff. This toy is not cheap - 5000 gold. For that kind of money you can (see above) buy the votes of the entire house of Hlaalu! However, you can get it for free if you find and kill Anirna, a renegade sorceress living in the Sud Caves, west of Dagon Fel. Daedroths live there, hungry ones and skeletons with bows.

To become the head of the guild, you need to replace Trebonius Artorius in this post. However, this gentleman does not take his post too seriously. Mr. Skink will provide you with the necessary arguments after you carry out his instructions.

2. Associate Intelligence 30Will 30 One skill 10
3. Journeyman Intelligence 30Will 30 One skill 20
4. Evoker Intelligence 30Will 30
5. Conjurer Intelligence 30Will 30 200 gold
6. Magician Intelligence 31Will 31
7.Warlock Intelligence 32Will 32
8. Wizard Intelligence 33Will 33 Wizard's Staff
9.Master Wizard Intelligence 34Will 34
10. Arch-Mage Intelligence 35Will 35 This rank is given only by Archmage Trebonius

Skills: Hex, Destruction, Transformation, Illusion, Mysticism, Alchemy.

Ayira's quests

If you join a guild in Balmora, your first contact in the guild will be Ayira. She will instruct you to get her rare mushrooms, without which she will not be able to achieve the title of apprentice. Namely: luminous russula, violet coprinus, bungler’s bane and hypha facia. By the way, these are really good mushrooms (see table of alchemical reagents).

Here's what they look like:

In the hills southwest of Balmora all this joy grows. Seek and you will find.

Further, Ayira’s rival, Galbedir, also wants to become an apprentice, and we must... no, not kill her, we didn’t guess, but just slip her a fake soul stone. It's simple: just place the pebble on Galbedir's table along with the rest.

Why, oh, why are magicians taught botany? This time Ayira wants to receive a bouquet of rare flowers. Also, of course, useful as reagents. Namely: gold kanet, stoneflower petals, willow anther and heather. Portraits of wanted plants:

This time, take a walk across the bridge in the southeast of the city - and get plenty of the herbs you are looking for. For this feat, in addition to deep moral satisfaction, you will receive magic restoration potions and great, great gratitude from Ayira as a reward.

Now deliver the clay vessel to Ayira from the merchant Ra-virra. The price of the bowl is two coins. You won't overwork yourself getting it. The merchant lives in the neighboring house.

Galbedir, offended by us, strikes back: she steals Ayira’s laboratory work about the flowers we obtained. Find a scoundrel and cajole her for a long time using any method available to you until she treats you better than you deserve (reputation approximately 70). The papers live under the closet in her bedroom and in a bag of reagents on the first floor. Ayira will love you even more and give you potions of fire shield, cold shield and lightning shield.

Once you reach rank six, Ayira will tell you about Magnus' staff. This is not even a task as such, but simply useful information about a useful thing. The staff lies in the Assu Cave, on the slope of Mount Kand northwest of Molag Mar, at the southeastern end of the island. The battle in the cave will be serious: Daedra, Atronachs, two magicians. One of them is level twenty and carries the desired staff. The Staff of Magnus, in addition to being a decent weapon, absorbs magic and regenerates your health.

At the next stage, you are offered a similar “task” - searching for the Sorcerer’s ring. Ringlet lives in Ashirbadon Cave, on an islet east of the ruins of Bal Fell, directly east of Vivec. The cave is very small, but the atronachs, dremora, daedroths and magicians are worthy of all respect. The ring is worn by Vindamea Dretan. The ring reflects magic and strengthens speed.


Quests from Ranis Atris

This series of quests begins when you reach the third rank - journeyman.

First task: recruit a Telvanni named Llarer Berelot in Sulipunda. This requires considerable Speech skill, otherwise Llarer will have to be killed. Sulipund is located north of the Marandas fortress. The reward is four potions of magic restoration and +10 to reputation.

Next, membership fees should be collected from a lady named Manwe from Punabi. She owes the guild 2000 septims. Likewise: if you don’t convince her, you’ll have to kill her. She lives near Llarer. With a reputation of 70, you will convince her to give the money, and you will receive half of the proceeds as a reward from Ranis.

The illegal teacher at the South Wall Club - the Argonian you saw when you were looking for Kai Cosades - is trying to teach Restoration without a license. He needs to express the general “fe”. Likewise: chat with him until the result is achieved, or kill him.

Next, escort a certain Itermerel to Pelagiad. And also copy his notes for Ranis. Keep your eyes on him until you reach your goal. After arriving at the desired tavern, he will leave you behind; talk to him and take the papers.

In Maar, a certain Tashpi Ashibael took up unholy necromancy. Ranis orders the stubborn creature to be killed. She lives far to the north, beyond Ald-Rhun. Ticks go there. If you ask Tashpi about necromancy, she will at first pretend to be surprised, but it’s worth mentioning Ranis - and everything will fall into place. Tashpi simply refuses to join the guild and works as a free doctor. There are two options: still kill or agree that Tashpi will disappear and Ranis will receive a report about her death. From Ranis you will receive two very powerful scrolls.

There is information that a Telvanni spy has infiltrated the guild. You need to visit the guild buildings in Vivec, Ald-Rhun and Sadrith Mora and find the spy. This can be done quickly thanks to the guild's transport - teleportation. You will find the trail only in Vivec, where Trebonius Artorius will categorically reject rumors of spies and send you to his adviser Tiram, who is “doing it.” Ask him more about Tiram and you will learn everything you need. Ranis will give you a reward - two scrolls and a Daedric dagger.

There is an alternative solution: accuse Ranis of espionage in front of Artorius (if you did not kill Tashpi).

Quests from Edwinna Elbert Atris

A rare book - "Chronicles of Neuleft" - for Edwinna can simply be purchased in the Vivec store. Edwinna will give her money.

Bringing a potion from the Skink of Sadrith Mora is no more difficult. We jump into the teleporter, get the potion, and return.

The situation is a little more complicated with Edwinna’s new need - a book called “Himarvamidium”. Sirilonwe has a copy, and Edwinna, in general, does not hope that Sirilonwe will give it up. Simply, you have to steal the book and not get caught, otherwise you will be thrown out of the guild in disgrace. She has the book under lock and key (level 30). If you open the lock while the door is closed, you won't get caught. But do not talk to the victim while the stolen goods are on you. After some time, Edwinna will have copied everything she needs, and the book will have to be returned; it's not difficult, and if you want you can just give it to Sirilonwa. The reward is two amulets of divine intervention and Almsivi intervention.

Now you are sent to deal with some kind of disorder in the house of Hulin, in Maar Gan. The house is in the east, outside the city. There is a lonely monster wandering around and a sad student who managed to summon the monster. But to hold it - no. No problems.

I desperately need a Dwemer pipe. She wants you to look for her not just anywhere, but in the ruins with the poetic name Arkngtunch-Sturdumts (sing this to your favorite tune). But this is completely unnecessary: ​​there are more than enough such pipes in all sorts of ruins, they are simply lying around in chests there. You probably already have one; give it to the customer, and that's the end of it.

Shouldn't you look for Edwinna's colleague, a certain Senilius Cadius, in the Dwemer ruins (these ruins were given to them!) Neulefting? It’s been a while since he’s written to his dear colleague. Ruins - northeast of Suran. Senilius (which means “elder” in Latin) and his daughter got lost because they lost their guide. And why do they teach botany in the Mages Guild, but don’t teach you how to walk around ruins using the right-hand rule?! We need to find a guide. There are three cranks in the northeastern part of the Trial of Image, and the eastern one opens a door to the lower levels (the rest are traps). There lies the carcass of the deceased guide and two Dwemer robots. You can have time to escape from them. But grab the book “The Hanging Gardens”, which is in the same room.

Our restless dwarven explorer (remember who the “Dwemer” are? None other than the former owners of Morrowind - the dwarves) wants a map of another Dwemer ruin - Mtsuleft, southwest of the northern city of Dagon Fel. The ruins are guarded by orcs, but the cards are on the shelf to the right of the entrance, and you can quickly grab them without getting into a fight. But in this picturesque place you can also find the book “Egg of Time”, on the table, next to a couple of orcs. If you get it too, Edwinna will recommend that you talk to an old acquaintance: Gasfat from the military guild.

Edwinna... won't understand the book. Not mature enough yet.

Errands for Skink of Sadrith Mora

Skink will be ready to give his first task immediately after completing the mission from Edwinna, the same one where you ran to him for the potion. A certain scientist from the club must be escorted to the ship. There is nothing to go there - the club is located across the bridge from the fort.

The second task is more serious: find the book “Vampires of Vvardenfell”. The first volume can be bought, the second is very rare; guess which one Skink needs? But this part is also prohibited by the Church. You can still buy it in Jobashi's Vivec store... for a modest sum of four hundred coins. An alternative: try to steal it from the secret library of the Hall of Justice or take it in battle from the lair of some vampire. Skink will pay a whole thousand coins for it, so the investment is justified.

Now Skink wants to meet with the Mudra of one of the ash tribes - Urshulaki, Zainab, Erabenimsun or Ahemmuza. It is with Ahemmuza that he suggests starting. We have already described the location of these parking lots in the main tasks section. The wise Sinnammu refuses the rendezvous, but offers to send in her place a student - Minabibi, who resides in... a crypt to the west of the camp. Minabibi is not against it, but she must first kill some ghost for her, and then ask Sinnammu’s permission on her behalf (“Did you ask those in front? And what did they answer?”). Fortunately, Skink will be satisfied with a replacement. He will reward you for your efforts with a charmed ring.

Skink, like Ranis, also cares about what they call the "good name" of the guild. One Telura Ulver is said to practice necromancy in the Shale, north of Hla Oad and the Daedric ruins. This time the venerable magician seems to have guessed right, because Telura attacks you as soon as you appear. Deal with it and return.

Upon receiving the rank of a full-fledged wizard (level 7), Skink will consider you worthy to help him in his research: to obtain the soul of an ash ghoul for him. For which you are given two scrolls of soul traps and two stones. He suggests looking in the cave of the Sixth House, west of Sadrith Mora. There really is a ghoul there. Most importantly, do not forget to read the soul trap, otherwise you will be looking for another suitable ghoul for a long time. The second stone may remain as a reward for you.

The next book about vampires that Skink is interested in is “The Notes of Galur Ritari” - it tells about how someone became a vampire, but was healed. Jobasha from the Vivec store will tell you that you can look for it in the secret library of the Hall of Justice, in Red Mountain or in Galom Deus. The easiest way, of course, is to get to the secret library, but there is a good castle there (level 75), and it is not recommended to get caught. However, it’s certainly not easier in Red Mountain.

Quests Trebonius Artorius

Trebonius Artorius wants to know nothing less than the secret of the disappearance of the Dwemer gnomes. How to recognize her? He has no ideas about this. Let Edwinna tell me, is she spending the guild's resources on digging up Dwemer ruins for nothing?

If you carefully completed her previous tasks, then you have three books: “The Hanging Gardens”, “The Egg of Time” and “Divine Metaphysics”. In addition, you have probably already communicated with Gasfat and Seniliy, and one of them suggested that the first of them is the key to the other two. The only problem is that “the last page of the detective story was written in Arabic”: you need an expert in Old Elvish. Edwinna or someone else will explain that the best specialist is Yagrum Bagarn, already familiar to us from the main storyline. The Telvanni Baladas from the tower in Gnisis will also do. After one of them translates the book for you, return to Trebonius and receive your reward.

After completing the main storyline, the guild gives one more mission: destroy all Telvanni advisors. You know where they live from the main task. All of them, of course, are well guarded. And, characteristically, it is completely unclear why Trebonius needed this... But as a reward, he is ready to give his own staff (when hit with it, the victim receives vulnerability to fire and shock, as well as damage from shock and fire) and a necromantic amulet with a bunch of permanent effects .

Morag Tong Assassins Guild

This elite establishment is available exclusively to dark elves. For everyone else - alas.

Rank Attributes Skills
1. Associate
2. Blind Thrall Speed ​​30Agility 30 One skill 10
3. Thrall Speed ​​30Agility 30 One skill 20
4. White Thrall Speed ​​30Agility 30 One skill is 30 and two others are 5 each
5. Tinker Speed ​​30Agility 30 One skill is 40 and two others are 10 each
6.Brother Speed ​​31Agility 31 One skill is 50 and two others are 15
7. Know Speed ​​32Agility 32 One skill is 60 and two others are 20 each
8.Master Speed ​​33Agility 33 One skill is 70 and two others are 25 each
9. Exalted Master Speed ​​34Agility 34 One skill is 80 and two others are 30 each
10. Grandmaster Speed ​​35Agility 35 One skill is 90 and two others are 35 each

Skills: Illusion, Stealth, Acrobatics, Light Armor, Short Blades, Marksmanship

Joining the Morag Tong

The first thing you need to do is find this guild: it doesn’t shout about itself on every corner. Its headquarters are in Vivec, in the canton of Arena. You can find someone who can tell you his whereabouts, or you can independently discover a locked hatch behind the boxes under the Arena, in the warehouse area. Inside, find and talk to Eno Hlaalu.

He will ask you to show what you are capable of. Are you capable of killing Feruren Oran, in the club of the Elven Peoples, in the Hlaalu canton of the city of Vivec. Eno will even give you a paper according to which you... will receive a reward for the murder from the guards. Report to Eno.

Work days

The following missions can be obtained in at least three places: Ald Rhun, Balmora and Sadrith Mora, in the guild halls.

So you should kill:

Odayshaha Yasalmibaala, in a yurt on an island northwest of Tel Fir;

Thoris Saren, in his own mansion in Redoran Square in Vivec;

Saraina Sadusa, in Zaintirari Cave, north of the Erabenimsum tribe camp (see. story missions), at the head of his bandits;

Idroso Wendu and Etal Selot at an inn near Telvanni Square in Vivec;

Guril Retheran in the Golden Flowers Club, Rendoran Canton, Vivec (don't forget to pick up a very useful item from him);

Galasu Uvain, Hlaalu Treasury, Vivec;

Mavona Drenima, Telvanni Canton, Vivec ( strong magician, attacks first);

Tirera Belvaina, dungeon of Shar, southwestern coast of the island of Dagon Fel;

Matina Bemisa, a gang of thieves in the Hlaalu dungeon, Vivec (three thieves will stand up for the chieftain and posthumously share with us very decent loot);

Brilnozu Laris, Chloramaren fortress west of Balmora;

Navila and Ranes Ienitov at Villa Dren (they are experienced killers with paralyzing daggers; they are “ordered” by the thieves’ guild, too, so you can complete this mission for two clients at once).

After you deal with Dagoth Ur and become the head of the guild, you will receive several more orders:

Larrius Varro, head of the Imperial Legion, Fort Moon Moth barracks (a very strong enemy with excellent weapons);

Baladas Demnevanni, advisor to Telvanni from Gnisis, a powerful magician, by the way, who somehow interfered with Trebonius Artorius from the guild of magicians;

Dram Bero, an advisor from Hlaalu in Vivec (if you kill him, a message appears about the violation of the prophecy - but after the death of Dagoth Ur this no longer matters);

Terana, another Telvanni advisor (Terana may no longer be alive as a result of one of the main story quests).

Sanguin's Legacy

During the game, you come across several items that were once made by the Daedra Sanguin. There are twenty-seven such things in total. Sanguin made them for Mephala, head of the Morag Tong. Eno Hlaalu can tell about them and instruct him to find them all (more precisely, 26 of them - the last one is owned by Eno himself). Most of the rest are in the possession of members of a hostile clan or equally hostile cultists.

Here is a list of these items (to avoid confusion, I give the name in the original language):

Amulet of Sanguine Enterprise: Owned by Eno Hlaal;

Amulet of Sanguine Glib Speech: belongs to the innocent Shoterra from the city of Hoole;

Amulet of Sanguine Nimble Armour, Ring of Sanguine Fluid Evasion, Glove of Sanguine Swift Blade: belong to Severa Magic, a powerful sorcerer in the chapel of Ald Soth, northeast of Vivec;

Belt of Sanguine Balanced Armour, Belt of Sanguine Deep Biting: owned by Relas Arotan in the Asserneraireren Chapel in the dungeon of the St. Olms, in Vivec;

Belt of Sanguine Hewing, Belt of Sanguine Sureflight: at Durr Maria's in the same chapel;

Belt of Sanguine Denial: from Movis Daris in the Ald-Rune mages guild;

Belt of Sanguine Fleetness: from Hrordis at the Halfway Tavern in Pelagiad;

Belt of Sanguine Impaling Thrust: it is owned by Gluronk gra-Shula, in the tavern at the gates of Sadrith Mora (another, alas, quite peaceful owner of an item from Sanguine);

Belt of Sanguine Martial Craft: from Karekalmo in the Ashalmimilkala Chapel, west of Balmora and north of Hla Oad;

Belt of Sanguine Smiting: Domba, chapel of the Ald Daedroth, between Ahemmuza's camp and Dagon Fel;

Belt of Sanguine Stolid Armor: Mindeli Saren, Yasammidan Chapel, northwest of Gnisis;

Glove of Sanguine Horny Fist: Guril Retheran, lower floor of the Golden Flowers Club, Vivec, Redoran Canton (another Morag Tong quest suggests killing him);

Glove of Sanguine Safekeeping: Inganar, Ularradallaku Chapel, northeast of Ald Rhun;

Ring of Sanguine Golden Wisdom: Talis Veran, Ebernanith Chapel, on the northern shore of Vvardenfell, almost in the middle;

Ring of Sanguine Green Wisdom: Snaggletooth, Ald Daedroth Chapel, between Ahemmuza's camp and Dagon Fel;

Ring of Sanguine Red Wisdom, Ring of Sanguine Transcendance, Ring of Sanguine Transfiguring: all three are owned by Llandral Varam, Chapel of Ald-Soth, northeast of Vivec;

Ring of Sanguine Silver Wisdom: Earmil, Assurnabitashpi Chapel, off the coast east of Hooul City (note that the chapel has two entrances and two halls);

Ring of Sanguine Sublime Wisdom: Anel Retelas, in the already mentioned Yasammidan Chapel;

Ring of Sanguine Unseen Wisdom: Erundil, Indoranyon Fortress, north of Tel Arun;

Shoes of Sanguine Leaping: on the Khajiit Dro-Zaymar in the canton of Sainte-Delin, Vivec;

Shoes of Sanguine Stalking: Tovasi Alen, Assarnathamat Chapel, northeast of Balmora and southeast of Caldera, in the Ashlands.

For all this torment you will get a cheap spell that does not make mistakes and combines the effects of a chameleon, attack strengthening and a short blade. No one else has yet been able to learn how to strengthen a skill, so this spell is completely unique.

Other tasks

If you ask Eno about special tasks, he will find something specific for you. For example, to come into contact with the Dark Brotherhood, the one that owns many of the magical things mentioned above. The Brotherhood once spun off from the Morag Tong and is now its mortal enemy. The Vivec hex specialist, Miun-Jay, can put you in touch with the Khajiit Tsrazami in the Vivec Bazaar Canton.

After some time, you will be asked to convince a member of the Brotherhood, a certain Movis Daris, to join the Morag Tong (unless, of course, he has already fallen victim to the fact that he got one of Sanguin's items). Where to find it - see above. Likewise, an order will follow for another gentleman from the list - Durra Maria. Perhaps it’s worth combining business with pleasure here... The same goes for Severa Magic.

Having reached the penultimate rank, you may want to lead a guild. Eno Hlaalu will say that he would not mind resigning, but in general the custom on this matter is clear: the former head of the guild must die. You have the option of letting Eno retire or fighting him. Please note that if you have not yet completed the task with Sanguin's things, then you need to complete it before becoming the head of the guild - or Sanguin's mission will automatically fail.

Warrior Guild

The missions of the military guild strongly conflict with the missions of the community of thieves. Soon enough, their activities become hostile to each other. Therefore, making a career in both guilds at once does not make sense. Many tasks will be unavailable because you have already taken part in the conflict on the opposite side. It would seem quite natural for a thief to play both sides, but there are mechanical limitations here: you can play, but many actions simply will not appear within reach.

The warrior guild is deeply law-abiding, and you will regularly have to help the local guards and lords. But with all this, something strange nestled at its top...

Rank Attributes Skills Other
2.Apprentice Strength 30 Stamina 30 One skill 10
3. Journeyman Strength 30 Stamina 30 One skill 20
4. Swordsman Strength 30 Stamina 30 One skill is 30 and two others are 5 each
5. Protector Strength 30 Stamina 30 One skill is 40 and two others are 10 each
6.Defender Strength 31 Stamina 31 One skill is 50 and two others are 15
7. Warder Strength 32 Stamina 32 One skill is 60 and two others are 20 each
8.Guardian Strength 33 Stamina 33 One skill is 70 and two others are 25 each
9. Champion Strength 34 Stamina 34 One skill is 80 and two others are 30 each
10.Master Strength 35 Stamina 35 One skill is 90 and two others are 35 each Need to kill Hard Heart

Eidis Fire-Eyes

The chief of the Balmora branch of the guild will first of all propose to destroy... the cave rats in the house of Drarain Telas. Drarain will tell you that she has a rat in her bedroom and two more in the attic, and will give you a key to the attic. Dealing with them is not a difficult task.

Next you need to take care of the two egg stealers. A certain Sevilo Otan and Dainila Valas, fired egg diggers, started stealing. They are in the mine and will attack you first; Don't even think about attacking the first miners you meet.

1 2 All

The game "Morrowind" gives the player endless opportunities to create a character. The “pure magician” is considered one of the most difficult to complete the game. By focusing on magical arts, the player sacrifices survivability, and there will be problems with damage at first. Next, we will consider the passage of "Morrowind" for a magician.

Character Creation

If a gamer decides to play through Morrowind as a mage, then the first thing he should think about is the starting characteristics and future development of the hero. It all starts on the ship, where the player will have to choose not only his own name, but also his race.

Every creature in game world has its own characteristics. Someone can become the best magician, someone - a warrior. But you don't have to concentrate on this. In Morrowind, a mage build can be built based on any set of skills, initial characteristics, or character field. Here is a list of the most suitable starting options:

  1. Argonian woman. Has 50 points of intelligence and willpower each, as well as a slight increase (+5) to “Mysticism”, “Alchemy” and “Illusions”.
  2. Breton man. Also good in intelligence and willpower, but all bonuses relate to magic. "Restoration", "Sorcery", "Mysticism" are +10 each, and "Alteration", "Alchemy" and "Illusions" are +5. Innate abilities give this race increased mana and 50% spell resistance.
  3. They have 50 points in intelligence alone. Bonuses to skills are also exclusively magical, but are aimed more at offensive magic. Unfortunately, they have huge racial penalties to magic resistance.
  4. Male Dunmer make a good combo class. Despite the fact that their basic characteristics are more consistent with magicians, they also have bonuses to melee skills.

In Morrowind, the mage build can be based on any character. The player does not have to choose one of the above races. If we talk about the top 1 mage, then it will be a Breton.

Zodiac sign

This is another important point when creating a true magician. Not all birth signs are suitable for playing as a mage in Morrowind, but again you can take any. The most suitable ones are listed below.

  1. "Lady". Allows you to temporarily increase stamina and attractiveness. The first is useful for protection, the second - for some magical schools.
  2. "Mage." Increases maximum mana (0.5 x Intelligence).
  3. "Journeyman" gives even more mana (1.5 x Intelligence), but limits a penalty of 50% vulnerability to magic.
  4. "Atronach". Absorbs spells, increases the magic pool (2.0 x Intellect), but does not allow passive mana regeneration.
  5. "Shadow". Allows you to become invisible. It will be needed to sneak past strong opponents.

You can take any of these signs. Most fines are simply imaginary. For example, the Journeyman's vulnerability is fully compensated by the Breton racial bonus. But mana regeneration will still occur from bottles. This way the player can also level up alchemy.

Skill Selection

The last point when creating a character is the choice of primary and secondary skills. A mage in Morrowind does not necessarily have to have all the spell schools in the “main” ones. It would be best to take the most difficult skills to upgrade in them.

For example, "bludgeoning weapon" is responsible for wielding a staff. "Picking" allows you to open most locks. Both of these skills will be used regularly and are quite important for a mage, but they are difficult to level up. At the same time, "destruction" is a combat magic that the player will use constantly. It can also be classified as secondary.

The main thing is not to forget that when you increase skills from group 3 (unimportant), the level does not increase. Therefore, you should not add skills that will be useful to you here.

That's all for the skills of the self-created "adventurer" class. The player can also choose one of the ready-made options. When it comes to the mage guide, Morrowind allows you to select the following relevant classes:

  1. Mag. Proficient in most magical schools, as well as daggers.
  2. Sorcerer. Has a slightly different distribution of skills than a mage, but uses medium, heavy armor and bows. This class is usually obtained by players who try to complete all the content and distribute skills evenly.
  3. Healer. It does not have offensive magic, but it fights with crushing weapons and hand-to-hand combat.
  4. Paladin. He won't make a pure magician, but he still knows how to use destructive magic well in addition to his heavy weapons.
  5. Sword of the night. A professional burglar who uses his magical skills to increase stealth.
  6. Inquisitor. One of the most difficult classes to master. Can use weapons, as well as some spells.
  7. Battle Mage. Much like sorcerers. Uses heavy armor and the school of destruction.

If a player wants to create a classic magician, then the choice is small - magician, sorcerer and "combat". The rest allow you to develop your character in many ways. However, when choosing, it is worth remembering that there are also several other guilds in the game, besides the magical one. If a person wants to fully explore the lore of the game, then he should go through all of them. And for this you need a versatile character.


By the time the player completes the Mages Guild in Morrowind, they should have accumulated certain items. Their use will greatly facilitate the further passage of the game.

  1. Boots of Blinding Speed. Increases the speed of movement by 200 points, but blinds the player. If you use a potion that grants 100% magic resistance, you can avoid the negative effect. These boots will come in handy if the player encounters an enemy that is too tough for him.
  2. Azura's Star. An item that allows you to endlessly contain the souls of killed monsters, which means there will be no need for soul stones. It is also the only item that can contain the soul of the final boss of the Tribunal expansion.
  3. Spear "Greed". It is useful because it can absorb magic. Refers to polearm weapons.
  4. Necromancer amulet. Weapon protection, increased intelligence, health restoration and spell absorption. It is worn by the current head of the Mages Guild - Trebonius. You can get it if you complete the Guild quests to the end.
  5. Robe of Pride Brawl. Increases intelligence, grants fire resistance and spell reflection.

These artifacts are simply necessary for every successful magician. In addition, the player can use the enchantment skill to create a pair of useful items. For example, a shirt and pants with passive restoration of mana and health. However, it is worth remembering that this will require things of the highest quality and great souls. With this, you can finish the guide to the magician in Morrowind and move on to the actual passage of the game.


To receive tasks and complete the Morrowind Mages Guild, the player will have to move up the career ladder. Luckily, it doesn't depend on anything other than the character's own skills. Below is a table with the requirements for obtaining the next rank.

Rank Intelligence and willpower Level of primary and two secondary skills Additional requirements
Dedicated 30 10-0
Journeyman 30 20-0
Defiant 30 30-5
Spellcaster 30 40-10 Pay a fee of 200 drakes
Mage 31 50-15
Warlock 32 60-20
Wizard 33 70-25 Wielding the Mage's Staff
Master Wizard 34 80-30
Archmage 35 90-35 The position is given by Trebonius or you need to defeat him in the Arena


The Mages Guild in Morrowind has three branches. Typically, players take the following route: sailing to Seyda Neen, then north to Pelagiad and even further to Balmora. Or directly using local transport. It is there that you will join the Guild and begin completing your first quests.

In Morrowind, the Mages Guild is one of the main sources of income, information and quests. After joining, the player will be able to take tasks from some of its members. And the first of them will be Azhira. She will offer the player to complete several tasks:

  1. Bring samples of mushrooms: bangler bane, luminous russula, coprinus lilac and gaif facies. They can all be found in the swamp north of Seyda Neen, and the player may already have them in their inventory.
  2. Disrupt the experiment. It is necessary to place a fake soul stone on Azhira’s “colleague” right there in the Guild. You need to be careful so that the player is not noticed by other members of the community. At the same time, you must not forget to steal several already charged stones.
  3. Bring samples of flowers: golden canet, stoneweed petals, willow anther and heather. They grow on the shore of Lake Amaya, which the player passed by when walking from Pelagiad to Balmora. If the character arrived on the Silte, then you need to move south, past the fort of the Moon Butterfly Legion.
  4. Immediately after completing the previous task, you can receive a quest for a ceramic bowl. You can buy it from the merchant next to the Guild.
  5. Find stolen reports. They lie right there in the Guild: one under the stairs, the other in the bedroom under the closet.
  6. For the warlock. Find the Staff of Magnus in the Assu Caves north of Molag Mar. You can get there by "Silta" along the route Balmora - Suran - Molag Mar. You need to leave the town to the west and follow the road to the north. At the fork, turn off the road and go further north along the gorge. To pass you will need levitation and good combat skills.
  7. For the warlock. Find the ring. Apart from the high price, it is nothing special. Can be found in the Ashirbadon Cave east of Vivec on the Isles.

Ranis Atris (Balmora)

Another character who gives quests in the “initial” Mages Guild of “Morrowind”. To interact with him, the player must have the rank of "apprentice".

  1. Convince the magician Llarar Berelot to join the guild. He resides in Sulipundu in the mountains east of Balmora. Persuasion will work if you raise its attitude towards the character to 80. To find shelter, follow the map in the picture below.
  2. Collect membership fees Manve (2000). You can pay out of your own pocket, but the amount is quite large. You can meet this character in Punabi, on the way to Sulipund. The mark can be seen on the same map. By raising the ratio to 80, you can talk the debtor out. As a reward, the player will receive 1000 coins, so they can be spent on increasing their attitude.
  3. Stop unauthorized teaching of magic at the South Wall Inn. By talking to an Argonian, you can get a discount on training in restoration magic. The customer can simply be told that the matter is settled.
  4. Escort the Altmer from Balmora to Pelagiad and obtain his notes. You can simply take him out of the city into the field and kill him. Or show participation, talk and bring it to the goal, for which he himself will give a copy of the manuscript.
  5. Kill the necromancer in Maar Gan. You can get there by "Silta" through Ald'Rhun. After talking with the locals and reading books in Tashpi's house, the player learns that she is a healer. The best option would be to let her go.
  6. Catch a spy. You can immediately go to Vivec to talk with Archmage Trebonius. When he mentions his assistant Tiram Gadar, you need to ask for a recommendation and take it to Ranis Atris.

Sharn Gra-Muzgob (Balmora)

This orc mage in the Guild in Balmora gives only one quest. After talking with her about necromancers, a diary entry will appear. You need to carefully and quietly break open the chest standing nearby and take the book. Then show the find to the orc. As a reward, the player will receive a summoning spell of their choice.

Edwina Elbert (Ald'Rhun)

It is worth continuing the passage of the Morrowind Mages Guild with this character. If the player did not have time to reach the warlock rank for quests from Azhira, this is the most suitable place.

  1. For the apprentice. Bring the book "Chronicles of Nchuleft". You can buy from merchants or steal from some house.
  2. For the apprentice. With the help of the Guild guide, go to Sadrith Mora and pick up the potion from the local leader.
  3. For the apprentice. Steal the book "Kimervamidium". You can get it in Sirilonwe's room in the Vivec Mages Guild. You need to go into the pantry, close the door behind you and break open several chests. The main thing is not to talk to the owner. When the time comes to return the book, you can give it directly to the owner, but do not say that it is her copy.
  4. For the apprentice. Go to the Hulin hut - it is located in Maar Gan outside the city. After killing the monster and talking with the student, you can return. There are a number of bugs associated with the quest, so it is better not to complete it in advance.
  5. For the caster. Find the Dwemer pipe. You can go to the ruins that she will indicate on the map, or you can steal the item in Balmora (home of Vorar Helas).
  6. For the caster. Find out what happened in Nchulefting. You can get there from Suran (see the map below for more details). There you need to talk to the NPC and search the ruins. On the scientist's corpse you will find a report and the book "The Hanging Gardens", which under no circumstances should be sold.
  7. For the caster. Travel to Mchuleft and obtain the scarab plans. To get there, you can take the Silt to Huul, and from there take a boat to Dagon Fel. The ruins are located to the south of the settlement. You will need to go around the mountain along the road.
  8. For the caster. Find the drawing in the ruins of Betamets. The fortress is hidden in the Gnisis egg mine. You can get inside by persuading the guard, taking a pickaxe into your inventory, or following the quest to heal the kwama uterus from the Imperial Legion.

Edwinna's last quest is special. If the player already meets the conditions for becoming an archmage, then he will send a character to Vivec to arrange a duel with Trebonius and take his position. As a result of completing the quest, the player will receive two good artifact, but quests for the Morrowind Mages Guild from the archmage himself will become unavailable.

Skink (Sadrit mora)

Quests for this character become available if you deliver a potion to Ranis.

  1. Escort the Altmer to the ship. The main thing is to talk to her after this and return to Skink.
  2. Invite the shaman to a meeting. We need to go to the Ahemmuza camp - it is located across the water north of Tel Mor. After talking with the shaman, you will need to find her student Minabibi in the tomb to the west of the camp. After completing the instructions, you will need to return to Sadrith Mora and talk with the student and Skink.
  3. Find the second part of the book "Vampires of Vvardenfell".
  4. Kill the necromancer. Skink will describe the path to the cave to the player in detail, so no problems should arise.

Promotion to Wizard. If a character is ready to get promoted, he needs to get a mage's staff. You can buy it right there for 5,000 coins or pick it up from the corpse of an exile. You can find it in the Sud Cave on the west coast of the island with the settlement of Dagon Fel.

The following quests require a character to be a Wizard rank:

  1. Collect the soul of an ash ghoul. This monster can be found in the Yakin Cave. It is located far to the south of Tel Mora or on the shore of the mainland, if you go from Tel Arun to the northwest.
  2. Find the book "Notes of Galur Ritari".

Trebonius Artorius (Vivec)

This is the final stage of the Mages Guild in Morrowind. If the player has not yet killed Trebonius in a duel, he will give a quest to find information about the reasons for the disappearance of the Dwemer. The task is very simple if the protagonist managed to complete the quests from Edwinna. You will need the books "The Hanging Gardens", "Divine Metaphysics" and "Egg of Time". Then you will need to visit several characters around the world and report the investigation to the archmage.

Since the Mages Guild in Morrowind monopolizes the practice of witchcraft, the archmage will ask the player to kill the Telvani advisors. Among them there are key story characters, so it is better to complete the task after completing the storyline. As a reward, the player will receive Trebonius artifacts. This is the best time to challenge him to a duel and avoid unnecessary deaths.

This concludes the tasks of the Morrowind Mages Guild. The player becomes the head of the organization. This title will be useful when completing the story and completing certain quests.

Archmage title

In the Mages Guild, you don't have to finish to the end. There are three ways:

  1. Peaceful. After achieving the rank of "master wizard" (or before), the player must complete all of Skink's instructions. At the end of the quest chain, he will give a letter that must be delivered to the archmage. In the name of the Emperor, the protagonist is appointed archmage and head of the branch of the Mages Guild. In this case, you can get Artorius's things only by completing his tasks or illegally killing him, as a result of which the guards will be aggressive.
  2. Duel. The Morrowind Guild of Mages is dissatisfied with its leadership. If the player already has the rank of "master wizard" and has completed Edwinna's orders, she will give the last task. After traveling to Vivec and speaking with the archmage, the player will schedule a duel in the local arena.
  3. If you have the penultimate rank, you can independently agree on a battle. That is, the player does not have to work for Edwinna to the end. You need to go of your own free will and talk to Trebonius about a promotion. He will decide that the player is trying to trick the head of his position, and he will challenge the protagonist to a duel.

Now the Morrowind Mages Guild is in the hands of the player. You can continue to complete tasks from Guild members and explore the world.

A few more tips from those who completed the game to the end:

  1. Don't create a pure magician. You will still have to go through the guilds of fighters and thieves, since this is necessary for the plot, but it will be difficult for a magician to do this.
  2. Don't go into the caves unless you need to on a mission. You can accidentally kill the wrong character, find and sell a quest item and disrupt the further progression of both the plot and side quests.
  3. Don't work for the Morag Tong for the same reason. The Assassins' Guild may order an important person. Leave it for the end.
  4. Read everything. The game world is huge, and its lore is so extensive that it gives a 100-point head start to any modern projects, including everyone’s favorite “The Witcher” with its books.
  5. If the quest requires you to find a book, immediately go to Vivec to the Jobashi Rare Books shop. Even if he does not have the item you are looking for, he will definitely give you a tip on where to look for the item.
  6. Even when playing as a warrior, take a couple of spells. For example, restoring health or summoning. This way you can upgrade the skills needed for the Mages Guild in advance.
  7. Two of the easiest skills to level up are athletics and acrobatics. There are two ways: the first is not to take them even into secondary skills, the second is to take them into the main ones. The player will have to level up about 50 points - this is 5-10 character levels. It's better to do this from the very beginning to increase your stamina. You just need to rest against the rock and start jumping. The animation will not complete, so the acrobatics will progress much faster than usual. Don't take athletics as a matter of principle. It will be better if it does not affect the character at all, especially the magician.

By adhering to some simple rules and being careful, the player can safely explore the vast territories of Morrowind, discovering more and more secrets of this mysterious island in the middle of Vvardenfell.

Good day, ladies and gentlemen. The time has come to describe the path from the studio of the Mages Guild to the highest post. A good career ladder, isn't it? In Morrowind, the passage also provides for this. Well, are you ready to move to the very top? Then it's probably worth starting. According to the good old tradition, I propose to join the Mages Guild in Balmora. There the town is smaller, and the streets are more familiar, and the outlines of the houses are more pleasing to the eye. Therefore, welcome to the Balmora Mages Guild. The first woman we meet inside can accept us into the guild. Are you sure you want to join this guild? Then feel free to agree and start looking for assignments. In Balmora, Azhira is in charge of issuing quests. She can be found next to the teleportation site, near the desk. The walkthrough of the Morrowind game for the Mages Guild begins! So, let's take it from Azhira...

First task! And the first task is to find and bring 4 types of mushrooms to Azhira. No, not the mushrooms you're thinking about. Indeed mushrooms that are used in alchemical combinations. As always, there are several ways out of any situation. Firstly, you can go where Azhira sent you, i.e. to the Bitter Coast area, near Hla Oud. Or you can simply run through any swamps and collect the mushrooms necessary to complete the task. We need four species: glowing russula (no, not from Chernobyl), purple coprinus, bangler bane and hyphya facies. So, lilac coprinus

usually grows under trees, luminous russula - that's what luminous russula is, I'm sure you've come across it often, bangler bane and hyphya facies - mostly grow on tree trunks. Therefore, go ahead for orders, ugh, mushrooms. We take the mushrooms we found to Azhira and go to the woman who received us. We ask her for a promotion and receive the title of Beginner. Great, we've started! So let's continue...

Now Azhira needs us to place the fake soul stone in Galbedir's table. This same Galbedir can be found on the second floor of the Mages Guild. Once you accept this quest from Azhira, Galbedir will begin to descend. Therefore, we quickly run to her table and put a fake soul stone in it. It's inside, not on the table. And then... And then you can play around a little and pick up the charged soul stones from the surface of Galbedir’s table. There, for example, there is a great soul stone with the soul of the Winged Twilight. Have you ever met such a creature? I won’t say that you were unlucky... Sometimes the consequences of meeting this creature are very sad... In any case, you completed the assignment, and therefore go to Azhira and report on completion. Then you should go to Ranis Atris, the same woman who accepted you into the Guild, and ask for a promotion. I was given the title of Wanderer.

Azhira gives the third task again from the gathering area. This time she really needs 4 types of flowers. These are golden canet, stoneweed petals, willow anther and heather. They can be found in the Ascadian Islands region, and in general, many places. Although, the laziest ones can buy everything they need. For example, I found everything except the petals of the Kamenevka right there, in the Mages Guild. But I had to run after the stoneweed. I searched all five mage guilds, but still couldn't find her. Therefore, I had to go on foot to this very Region of the Askadian Islands and pick this stoneweed there. But, in any case, you have the necessary flowers, so it’s time to return to Azhira. And Azhira thanks us and rewards us with 4 mana restoration potions. And weak ones. Do you need them? No to me. Oh well, it's time for the next task.

But for the fourth task, I was ready to kill Azhiru. Of course, I understand that humility is a very important trait for training willpower, but still... Azhira needed a ceramic bowl. And therefore we are given a task and, naturally, money to purchase this very bowl. The question is, what the hell?! After all, you and I are not servants, but members of the guild of magicians. Well, okay, we need to move up the career ladder. Therefore, we go to the store of the Khajiit merchant Ra "Virr. Out of pure stubbornness, I stole this ceramic bowl from him. But you can buy it and bargain... But one way or another, you have the bowl, and now it’s time to return to Azhira. We give it back give her a bowl, for which we don’t get anything as a reward, and we find out that Azhira has lost some notes!

So, the next quest is to find those same missing records. Well, let's get started. According to Azhira, the records were stolen by the same evil Galbedir. But this thief did not run away with the reports, but hid them somewhere. Let's find out where they are. One of the reports, which is about flowers, you will find under the closet in the bedroom, right there in the Mages Guild. But the second one is hidden a little more cleverly, but still without the slightest resourcefulness. Remember, at the entrance to the guild there is a small nook in which there are baskets, boxes, and bags? So, this is where you need to look carefully. Not inside the boxes, but between them. There's a report on mushrooms there. Great, we have both reports, let's return to Azhira. Now we have been rewarded well. Several exclusive potions - especially for us. Great, it would always be like this. And Ranis Atris awarded me the title of Summoner.

After talking with Azhira about the next task, we find out that she will give it to us only when we receive the title of Warlock. So, we go to Ranis Atris for a task. She asks us to go to the Telvanian magician Llar Berelot in Sulipund and on the way stop by Punabi to pick up membership fees from a certain Manwe. So, we head east from Balmora. Look carefully at the world map. Do you see a narrow and long inlet ending in a lake? Here we are on the western coast of this lake. Or rather, almost. Punabi is located a couple of millimeters from the middle of this coast, if you look at the world map. We go to Punabi and chat with Manwe. If we increase her ratio to 100, she will give us the 2000 she owes. We pick up and move to Sulipund. It is located further north along the same road. In general, in Morrowind the passage for the Mages Guild is the longest. And the point is not even that there is a lot of running, but that there are more tasks. So, having entered Sulipund, we go to the very top of the tower and talk with Llar. Again we raise his attitude to 80, and he agrees to join the mages guild. Great, tasks completed, time to go home. We get to Balmora and report to Ranis about completing the tasks. After this, we ask for a promotion, and, having paid 200 gold, we become a Mystic. Great, happy new title to you!

Next, Ranis asks us to stop the illegal teaching of magic by the Argonian One-Who-Stands-There from the South Wall tavern, whom we know from the Thieves Guild. Great, let's go there and talk to the intruder. But it’s not for nothing that he’s standing in the thieves’ guild building, he’s offering us a deal. You agree that you will show him off to Ranis, and he will give you a significant discount on tuition. I think the choice is obvious. Therefore, we return to Ranis and say that everything went like clockwork. Ranis, a trusting girl, takes everything on faith, so we can safely return and study. By the way, the training is quite good, up to a high level. Now that you have been trained in new knowledge, it is probably time to take on Ranis's next task.

And now Ranis asks us to escort a certain Itermel, who is now standing in the Eight Plates tavern, to Pelagiad. But, as it turns out upon more detailed questioning, she is not interested in Itermel himself, but in his records. Well, records are records. You can honestly escort him to the Pol Puti tavern in Pelagiad, or you can take him out of town and kill him. I preferred the second way, it seemed faster to me. Yes, and we are interested in the passage of Morrowind moving as quickly as possible. Well, one way or another, we end up with the records. We take them to Ranis, for which we receive gratitude. And, if you suddenly decide to kill him in the city, Ranis will drop all charges against you, if any. Therefore - a pleasant murder, or a pleasant trip to Pelagiad. Now it's time for the next task.

The next task is to get rid of the vile necromancer, whose name is Tashpi Ashibael. She can be found in Maar Gan. She has a personalized hut, so you won’t pass it by. After talking with Tashpi, we find out that Ranis wants to take revenge on her for the fact that Tashpi did not join the Mages Guild. That’s why he accuses the unfortunate woman of necromancy. Next, the player has a choice, which becomes very common in Morrowind. Should I kill the victim or let him go? Tashpi promises to get off the island, so there will be no traces. The choice is yours... I decided to omit it, and, having reported to Ranis about the “death” of Tashpi, I realized that I had made the right choice. Ranis made a slight reservation: “You have done a great service to me... That is, to the guild...”. I think this is a good reason to think. Well, okay, after that I was given the title Magius.

Let's move on to the sixth task of Ranis. She asks to find a Telvani spy. Hm. I don’t understand, and why send spies? After all, everything is already in plain sight... But we are going to interview people in different guilds of magicians. We are told that adviser Tiram Gadar recently appeared in Vivek... Hmm, this is not good. We go straight to Archmage Trebonius. This pompous turkey does not even suspect that Tiram's letter of recommendation is just a pathetic fake. So who is the guild based on now? Of course, We will look much better in its chapter. Therefore, we take these recommendation documents and run to Ranis. We were rewarded very well for this task! They even gave me a Daedric Dagger! Great, it will come in handy in our collection. But Ranis no longer gives tasks, and we have not yet reached the Warlock rank, so we go, according to the good old tradition, to Ald'Rhun.

In Ald'Rune, a certain Edwina Elbert will become our quest giver for a long time. On the first task, she will ask you to find her a copy of the book "The Chronicles of Nchuleft". No problem! We go to Balmora, to the bookstore. There is just one copy of the book we need lying around. Great, let's buy it You can even bargain, we need to get more money for ourselves. And no one will ask for it back. Now that we have the book, we go to Edwina and give her everything she needs. In general, the passage to Morrowind is also so interesting. -for the liveliness of the world. For example, you can spend the whole day reading books in the library. Agree, this does not often happen in other games. But we got distracted. It’s time to take it and complete the next task.

And our second task will be one of conversation: Edwina directs us to the guild of magicians of Sadrith Mora. She asks to speak with the Argonian Skink-In-Shadow-Tree. This Skink owes her a creature detection potion, so we go to him to extort the potion. There are no problems with Skink giving up the potion. Therefore, he boldly demands, we take it and return it. As a reward for the satisfied Edwina, we will receive an Exclusive Shadow Potion, which cannot but please us. In general, I love exclusive things. After completing the task, I was given the title Warlock. But don’t rush to rush to Azhira - I suggest you finish all your work here.

The next task is again a second-hand book task. Edwina urgently needed a copy of the book "Cimervamidium". You can steal it from Sirilonwe in the Mages Guild, Vivec. Great, let's go to Vivec. How good it is that the Mages Guild knows how to teleport. Sirilonwe's room is located to the left of the teleportation point. Next, you should proceed to the storage room in the room, where there is a chest and several small chests. We close the door behind us and begin to break open the chests. In one of them lies the book we are looking for. Without talking to the hostess, we leave the room and go by the same teleport to Edwina. She will ask for time to study, but for now she will send us on the next mission, again to distant places.

And the next task is to deal with something strange in the Hulin hut, which stands on the outskirts of Maar Gan. The hut is located outside the city, apparently so that civilians will not be accidentally harmed during the magical experiment. Well, let's go along the wall from the Silt Strider side, find a hut, save - and go inside! And inside we find a scammer who dies with one blow. Hulin's student, Listin Birleg, scared to the point of trembling in his knees, says that he summoned a scam and could not cope with him. Here is a student with hands from one well-known place. Okay, Dagoth Ur is with him. We return to Edwina and report the incident.

Edwina has finished researching the book "Cimervamidium" and asks to return it to its place. It turns out that the book has no Dwemer value. Well, let's go back to Vivec. And here you can simply put the book in its place, or you can talk to the owner and offer to “gift” this book to her. Naturally, she will be surprised, but she will reward us adequately. That's great, we return to Edwina for the reward. If you ask for a promotion, Edwina will tell us that a promotion is possible, but only if we have the Wizard's staff. She will offer to buy it, or find it from a former member of the Mages Guild. Well, I think 5000 is not such a big amount, so we pay and get the title Wizard. Or we go to this very former member and take the staff from him. In any case, the rank of Wizard is in our pocket. If, of course, you meet the requirements.

Therefore, it's time for the next task. Edwina needs a Dwemer pipe. Was she going to smoke it, or what? Edwina knows for sure that there is one Dwemer pipe somewhere in the ruins of Angtung Nchurbamts. Well, there you go, unless of course you have your own Dwemer pipe lying around in your collection. We leave for Khuul and along the western coast we get to the Angtung-Nchurbamts we need. And we see a huge fortress in front of us. But only outside. It seems that the builders were chasing the thickness of the walls. Anyway. We go in, clean it out, find the pipe... Everything is as always. Now it’s time to return to Edwina in order to let her smoke a mow... Hm, give the Dwemer pipe for research, of course. Colleagues, don’t you think that Edwina smokes?

Next, Edwina sends us to Nchuleftingt to bring reports on the excavations from Anes Wendu. Because he hasn’t sent anything for a long time. (Maybe there were love messages in the reports?). So, we go on Silt Strider to Suran, and from there on foot it’s not far to Nchuleftingt. That's great, let's run. When you go inside, find the head of the expedition with his daughter. It’s the boss who will tell us that Anes is lingering at the lower levels. He did some research there and never returned. Well, that means we are moving to the lower levels. Yes, it's hot here. Having gone down to the “research center”, we go to the outermost lever and move it. See the secret passage on the map? This is where the door will open for us. We go down to the lower floor and immediately stumble upon the body of Anes, next to which lies the book “The Hanging Gardens”. Take her, we will need her for the main quest. And take the excavation reports from Anes himself. Next, clear out the rest of the space, collect the jewelry in the barrels - and back.

We report to the head of the expedition, who is not very sad about the loss, and then we go to Edwina. Great, we're great. The game Morrowind does not stand still.

In the next task, Edwina wanted to look at the drawings of a Dwemer scarab. Well, as always, we will provide her with such an opportunity. She sends us to the Dwemer fortress Mchuleft. You can get there from Dagon Fel, but you already know how to get to Dagon Fel. Well, or come up with it yourself if you don’t know. Well, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that we have already reached Mchuleft and are now going down. We act according to a well-known scheme - we went down, cleaned up, and stocked up with everything we needed. Yes, don't forget to pick up the book "Egg of Time" in Mchuleft. We will need it to complete the main quest. Now it’s time for us to go bow to Edwina for a reward. Have you reached it? Great, we have our reward, let's move on to the next task? Yes, by the way, I was awarded the rank of Master Wizard. In my opinion, the next rank is already archmage... Well, that will be ahead.
