Guide and walkthrough for "Unreal II: The Awakening". Unreal ii: the awakening: guides and walkthroughs Three in a boat, not counting Ne"Ban"

When the developers Unreal II: The Awakening created the game, they apparently gave the highest priority to its graphical side. The remaining components were in a subordinate position. Where necessary, they came up with a background for missions on yet another impossibly beautiful planet. When it was necessary to revive the world, they launched enemies into it and scripted their behavior. The result was a rich bright colors a game that is not very difficult to complete.

However, there are several hidden aspects in the game, and it makes sense to pay attention to them. At the same time, it’s worth checking out some tactics, making it easier to fight enemies, and deal with weapons, of which there are plenty in the game.

As you begin reading this guide, keep in mind that it was written after finishing the game, so it reveals some plot details that you might want to find out for yourself. If this is not your plan, skip the section " Characters ": the main plot secrets are described in it.


The game has three difficulty levels: easy, normal and impossible. For an experienced shooter, it will not be a problem to beat the game on the most difficult level. If you know how to use a mouse and what “strafe” is, but don’t feel confident enough in action movies, medium difficulty is suitable for you. If this genre is not entirely native to you or you don’t want to waste energy on survival, the best option is an easy game.

Only the danger of your enemies depends on your choice: the more self-confidence you show, the more active your opponents will be, shooting more often and causing more damage.

However, do not rush to restart the game if you have a hard time at the first level. In my opinion, the beginning of the game is the most difficult, but later on it is much easier. Having successfully completed the first task, go through a couple more levels, and if you still have problems, start again on a different difficulty. Or enter the code that can be found in the corresponding section of our magazine.


"Atlantis". The ship on which the game's heroes patrol a remote sector of the galaxy. A battered vessel, but still capable of delivering the team to a given point. Usually remains in orbit while the captain flies off on a mission in a small shuttle ship.

John Dalton. Captain of the Atlantis. The main character on whose behalf the game is played. A former paratrooper, expelled in disgrace from the elite troops for insubordination. This was expressed in direct disobedience to the commander: during the execution of the mission, the order was given to leave the wounded, but Dalton did the opposite. This character trait will appear again on one of the missions.

Ida. Chief Officer on Atlantis. Strategic genius, hero last war, which was won only thanks to her. Having lured the enemy fleet to a remote planet, the earthlings destroyed it completely, sacrificing hundreds of colonists. Aida cannot forgive herself for this act, although millions were saved at the cost of the lives of a few.

Isaac. Ship engineer. He is well versed in technology and constantly supplies Dalton with new weapons. I got on Atlantis after a dramatic incident. During the skirmish with the skarges, Isaac controlled the airlock through which the assault teams went into battle. Wounded, he panicked and opened the outer doors ahead of time; the squad inside died in endless space.

Hawkins. Director of the Office of Earth Colonies, in whose service John Dalton and his team reside. Obsessed with a thirst for power and skilled in intrigue. The main villain of the game, who until the last moment pretended to be white and fluffy. Reached a well-deserved finale with the direct participation of John Dalton.


The plot of the game revolves around mysterious artifacts inherited from some ancient race. Possession of them is the path to unlimited power, so it is not surprising that several parties got involved in a fierce battle over seven strange objects.

Terran Colonial Authority or the Earth Colonies Administration. Galactic police maintaining order on planets with settlers from Earth. Only its historical affiliation with this organization makes it an ally of Dalton.

Marines. Space landing forces, from which John Dalton flew out with a whistle. They are equipped with standard weapons: pistols, assault rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers and rocket launchers.

Axon Corporation. A research corporation collaborating with the War Department. Our people are on the board and need to be protected in every possible way.

Liandry Corporation. An industrial corporation engaged in heavy engineering and mining. Its service includes women's death battalions - Liandry Angels. In fact, they are ordinary paratroopers, only hostile.

Izanagi Corporation. Apparently, the descendants of Japanese industrialists. They respect the old codes and employ mercenaries who call themselves Ghost Warriors. They can also be considered a kind of paratroopers opposing the official authorities.

Scaarj. Skarzhi, aggressive aliens, enemies since the time of the first Unreal. They prefer to fight alone, and this is our only salvation. They dodge shots, quickly jump up, cutting the victim with steel blades, and withstand several hits even from a grenade launcher. They can shoot energy blasts at a great distance.

Izarians. Evil creatures with sadomasochistic tendencies. They fell into slavery to the skars and act on their side. They are armed with spears that can fire electrical discharges.

Kai. A peaceful race of interstellar wanderers. They prefer to spend their time studying ancient civilizations and serving other races. The energy of the artifacts turns them into deadly warriors that are almost impossible to resist.

Araknids. Spiders that have grown to extremely large sizes. As usual, the fault lies with the scientists who went beyond all limits in their experiments and paid for it. It’s good that the eight-legged creatures didn’t become smarter and didn’t acquire increased resistance to damage, otherwise things would have turned out really bad. They lay mines from cocoons with spiderlings and can suddenly attack and bite.

Drakk. Alien robotic race. According to Aida, they are almost invulnerable; in fact, due to their metallic nature, they simply take a long time to kill. They are engaged in disgusting experiments on other inhabitants of the galaxy, for which they can only be destroyed. They use laser-guided railguns and deadly beams in shootouts.


Having such an army of enemies, you need to counter them with an equally impressive arsenal. That’s right: already at the beginning of the game, excellent means of destroying the enemy are available. After visiting the planets, new specimens are added to them, and the previous ones, through Isaac’s efforts, become more powerful or acquire new capabilities.

T-13 Popgun. Weapon of last resort. Does not require ammunition, shoots bolts of energy. In secondary mode, it can accumulate a powerful charge, which then kills almost any enemy in one go. Due to the low speed of the shot, it is ineffective at long distances. Quickly loses rate of fire and requires energy accumulation.

M32 Duster. Assault rifle. Shoots in bursts or powerful charge from five bullets. A universal weapon and quite sufficient to complete almost the entire game. In secondary mode, bullets ricochet off any surface.

M406 Hydra. Hand grenade launcher. You can detonate fired grenades with a delay if you hold down the button for a while before firing. It has six types of ammunition (the entire set will only be available at the end of the game): explosive, incendiary, poisonous, electromagnetic, stun and smoke.

Vulcan. Flamethrower. Impressive at close range. The enemy lights up and starts running around screaming, forgetting about shooting. Convenient for creating a dense barrier in the path of a crowd of enemies. In secondary mode, it sprays a flammable liquid that can then be ignited.

M700 Shotgun. Another weapon for hitting multiple enemies at once. Between shots there is a pause for reloading, due to which it is less effective than a flamethrower. In secondary mode, it fires incendiary bullets.

Shark. Heavy multi-charge rocket launcher. Unfortunately, it cannot guarantee one hundred percent death of any enemy, but this is usually what happens. In secondary mode, it fires four homing missiles, with pre-set targets when the button is pressed and the sight is aimed at the desired object.

Grace. Ida's personal pistol. The fiftieth caliber guarantees instant death if hit in the head. Moreover, the charges are explosive. In secondary mode, fires three bullets in a row.

Widowmaker. A sniper rifle with a computer guidance system, which is activated by the secondary mode button. Using the mouse wheel or the weapon switch keys, you can change the magnification level. A shot to the head kills on the spot. Hitting other parts of the body can leave the target alive.

Shocklance. Captured weapons taken from the Izarians. Shoots a double electric discharge with an increased number of ricochets. After modifications, Isaac became more powerful, and in the secondary mode it releases an energy clot that is dangerous for automatic devices.

SpiderGun. Why Isaac designed this strange device is unclear. It doesn't kill enemies, it just makes you take your mind off the firefight. A bunch of spiders, falling on the enemy, makes him scream and try to shake off the vile arthropods, but this does not last too long. In the secondary mode, it sticks cocoons to surfaces, from which spiders emerge if anyone is nearby.

Drakk Laser. Railgun is a weapon of high power and instant action. In secondary mode, it emits a constant (as long as there is charge) beam over a short distance.

Takkra. Autonomous combat robot. Looks like the Jedi training ball from " Star Wars". In the primary, attacking mode, it flies around the specified victim and shoots it with a weak laser. In the secondary, defensive mode, it remains near its owner and shoots down all incoming enemy shots.

Force field. Passive protection. The pillars are placed with the shoot button and are connected to each other by beams if they are close enough. You can pass through the rays using the "Use" key. Her pillars are removed back to stock. You can't shoot right through.

Automatic guns. Active protection. There are two types: machine gun and rocket. After installation, it tracks and destroys targets automatically. Can be returned to stock by pressing the "Use" button.

Already at the first level you will notice the unpleasant ability of enemies to shoot with anticipation. If at the moment the enemy shot you were moving and do not want to change the nature of your movement, then you will inevitably encounter a fired charge. Therefore, immediately choose a different direction if you see a rocket or a bunch of energy approaching you.

The secondary shooting mode of the assault rifle is a great thing if you know how to use it. It's good, of course, to hit the head all the time, but this is hardly possible when the target is constantly moving. Therefore, act differently: shoot at the legs or even at the ground or floor in front of the enemy. Once it hits an obstacle, the charge spreads out like a fan and hits a wider area.

The sniper rifle can be used as binoculars. This will help you accurately aim at the target, and then, without moving the mouse, shoot from another weapon without wasting precious ammo from Widowmaker.

If you have paratroopers or automatic cannons helping you, you can use them as a human shield. Enemies shoot at the closest target, so staying behind everyone will prevent you from wasting unnecessary armor and health. Not very fair to your teammates, but safe.

Don't forget to walk over the corpse of a defeated enemy to restore armor. True, this does not apply to all enemies. A blue glow around a lifeless body helps identify the right one.

When attacking an automatic cannon, remember: it will respond immediately. Therefore, after firing a shot, try to either take cover behind something, or simply step aside so that the return fire falls into the void.

A shot from a rocket launcher or grenade launcher at close range is not as scary as it seems. If you don't get too close, the explosion causes very little damage.


Perfect Linearity Unreal II: The Awakening leaves few places where it may be difficult to pass. Almost all issues are resolved on their own once they arise. When you encounter a closed door or a blocked passage, look nearby for another path; as a rule, it is the only one. Based on these considerations, the passage of the game will be presented briefly, without describing how you, for several minutes, shoot enemies, steadily moving forward. I hope that all the questions that arise will be covered.


Having received a distress signal, John Dalton flies to the planet Sanctuary. It is immediately clear that ruthless aliens were in charge here. We, too, will not engage in humanistic philosophizing, but will simply walk along the corridors of the base, dealing with vile creatures.

At this level you will encounter the first scarge. His appearance will be extremely impressive, but the fight will rather exert psychological pressure than seriously damage his health. If you don't just stand there and watch them cut you to pieces.

The generator into which the artifact fell is restarted by two switches on the wall and a button on the central control panel. Go down to the bottom of the generator along the rotating structural elements. Below, all that remains is to defeat the huge and tenacious skarge.

In the room with two fans on the sides, climb through the right one into the air duct. In its middle you will find a switch that will turn on the left fan and the air will suck in the flame, freeing up the passage further.

Once you reach the twisted room, repeatedly crossed by a laser beam, crawl under the right door to get inside. You need to walk along the beams to the next floor. The path starts on the left and goes around the entire room. There are two buttons at the top, one turns off the laser, the other opens the door two floors below.

Then you will find yourself in another control room, in which you turn off the laser beam in the center and go further through the hole into which it hit.

Finally, the third control room will open a door to a hole in the floor from which spiders crawl out. Through it you can penetrate to another ray, the most powerful. Here there will be a spiritual shootout with the main spider. After winning, turn off the beam and take the artifact.


First you need to climb onto the large building on the left and find the radio transmitter. From the first remarks, they will instantly split you and send a group of comrades to sort it out. So the lift, which is vital for descending into the bowels of the planet, will be at the top.

Below you find an artifact covered with a shell and activate three detonators. Having picked up the precious thing, you return to your shuttle.


It will not be possible to save one of the paratroopers, no matter how hard you try. But after it there will be a sniper rifle that is worth picking up.

You need to get inside the dam through a drain. The first bomb is located on the pipe, the path to which begins under the stairs. From there, climb to the very top and through the hatch in the ceiling enter the control room. Here, press the button on the remote control to open the front door.

Behind you is the exit to the stairs, along which you go down to the first door, and behind it you will find a second bomb on a thick vertical pipe.

Exit the room through the door on the opposite wall to enter the central corridor. There will be an exit to the right, and a large machine room to the left. The third and last bomb is attached to the turbine housing behind and slightly to the right. The shortest way is to crawl under the iron plates leading up, carefully jumping down to the turbine before turning. You can take a roundabout path, at the end of which you will have to jump through the pipes. Go back through the pipes immediately to the left of the bomb. Five minutes should be enough to leave the planet.


Purely defensive mission. The equipment Isaac spoke about (it includes two automatic cannons and several pillars for organizing a force field) lies at the end of the left canyon. Enemies will attack in groups sequentially with different sides, sometimes sending one saboteur directly to your rear. Don't move too far from the wall, otherwise you might miss the enemies starting to break open the door.


Training mission. But this time you are the teacher. First, you show how one person captures a fortified enemy base, and then how one person defends it from superior forces. The paratroopers under your command should be concentrated in the control room in case one of the enemies manages to penetrate it.

After clearing the base, do not forget to turn off the call for help in the control tower (the elevator to the left of the central entrance), otherwise all the Izanagi of the galaxy will flock to it.


The room where Dr. Mayer is being tortured can be reached through ventilation duct. The entrance to it is in the room to the right of the locked beast and is guarded by an automatic machine gun. Deal with him, crawl forward, and you will be picked up by a stream of air and lifted up. Now all that remains is to save Mayer, get two artifacts and escort your new companion to the roof, where the ship will pick you up. The final stage is defensive. Please note that there are three doors leading into the hangar: one large in the center and two small ones on the sides opposite it.

At some point, Mayer will ask for help with the antenna, which is located outside at mark "4". When you fulfill his request, a new group of enemies will arrive. Don't mess around with them for too long, otherwise someone will get into the hangar and kill Mayer.

Na Koja Abad

The force field on the road to the base is turned off in the small building on the right. There is an electrical panel inside, opening which you will see the desired button.

Walk past the main building without stopping. The entrance to it is locked, and you can only enter through the wide pipe on the left side.

Inside the base, you will also have to climb narrow and dusty alleys to get around locked doors. Look closely in the laboratories to see if there are any useful things.

Inside the strange alien object at the very end, behind the network of lasers, lies another artifact. You need to show dexterity in order to, by crawling under the rays and jumping over them, reach the goal of your arrival on this inhospitable planet. The return journey will be complicated by the new hosts who have appeared.

Drakk Hive

For the seventh artifact, necessary for the complete collection, you will have to go to the very lair of the ancient alien race.

Mechanical enemies are very unique. They have two classes: managers, who sit behind impenetrable glass, and soldiers, who appear with a sharp sound from somewhere below. Two shots from the Drakk Laser Rifle almost kill the soldiers, and provoke the managers to open their cells. At this moment they need to be shot. But this is not at all necessary; such a desire may simply arise after seeing the terrible experiments.

Penetrating into the heart of the Drakk world, you will meet their leader. As befits a big boss, he has two lives. In the second stage, the alien is in two parts at once, one of which shoots, and the other flies nearby and substitutes itself. It is useless to shoot at the first; all firepower must be concentrated on the second. Moreover, you need to shoot the transparent sphere at the bottom of the enemy. This was also true at the time when the boss was a single whole.

Having dealt with the enemy, take the last artifact and you can return home to Avalon.


The home planet was attacked by skarges. They managed to penetrate the very heart of TCA and activate a large ion cannon to protect themselves. The first task is to turn it off. The second is to help the survivors organize their defense. Your contribution will be simple: one of the paratroopers will make his way to the generator to repair it, and you will cover him from above, shooting the attackers with a sniper rifle. You will then be escorted to the location where everyone is to be picked up aboard TCA's flagship fleet, The Dorian Grey.

The Dorian Gray

The end is near. Obsessed with a thirst for power, Hawkins uses artifacts and creates an unstoppable monster. Hide behind columns and wall ledges from antimatter charges, and shoot the monster yourself until it loses its terrible hand. Now pick it up and annihilate the enemy.

Leave the hall. It's time to learn the truth and dot the i's. Having given Hawkins what he deserved and made sure that the artifacts disappear from reality forever, you need to get out of the dying ship yourself.

After passing through a couple of rooms, you will find yourself in the reactor cooling chamber. When gravity decreases, without crossing to the other side, jump onto the upper balcony (preferably on the side of the semicircular ledge), and hold the jump key until you find yourself where you need to be. Go forward through the doors and jump onto the balcony on the right again.

When you hit a blank wall, jump again. The door you need is at the top left. Now the corridor will lead directly to the rescue capsules, and only one remains, the very last one.

Easter Egg

The Sancturian rabbit-like rodent, which once took part in the main plot with disastrous results for Atlantis, is capable of delivering other joys. For example, when you first appear on the ship, you can find him in the hatch on the upper deck on the port side, opposite Ne'Ban's cabin. By sequentially selecting actions 1, 3, 2, 3 (Spam, Spam, Spam, Humbug), you will be very surprised by the message , obtained from the planet Sanctuary.

A game:
Genre: FPS

Developer: Legend Entertainment/Epic (
Publisher: Infogrames/Atari (
Minimum system requirements: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP, Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon 733 MHz processor, 256 MByte RAM, 32 MB NVIDIA GeForce2 MX, 3 GByte free HD space, 8x Speed ​​CD-ROM, DirectX version 8.1
Recommended system requirements: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP, Pentium III or AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz (in fact, 2 Gh will not be enough), 384 MByte RAM (all 512 MB RAM is better), 64MB NVIDIA GeForce3 or ATI Radeon 8500 (ideally Radeon 9700 Pro).
Number of CDs in the original version: 2.
Multiplayer support: No. Author's rating: 8/10

Agree, few games come out that are awaited, crossing out the days on the calendar before the date on which the word release is already carefully written in red marker, which has been postponed many times, which is why the entire calendar is covered in red with the words release. They can, without any exaggeration, be counted on one hand. The alphas and betas of these games are necessarily posted by “unscrupulous” employees/friends/acquaintances on the Internet so that people can appreciate the efforts of the project’s programmers. And even the last dial-up operator begins to mock his modem, downloading distribution kits worth hundreds of megabytes. I don’t think it’s worth mentioning the daily look at those few screenshots that the publisher’s PR people did post on gaming sites.

Well, I simply won’t talk about the fact that pirates will release the game with us 4 days earlier than the official release “over the hill” - after all, these are all mandatory points of the program.

Well, now let’s remember the hero of today’s celebration also that it took him as much as 3 years to do it (and if you count infantile fun like sketches, concepts and other “paper” delights, then all 4). Fans will scream that they have been waiting for it since that distant 1998, when the first part of the masterpiece was released. And let’s also not forget that the malicious guys from Infogrames deliberately delayed the release back in mid-2002, fearing for the sales of their brainchild because of Unreal Tornamet 2003, which was already beginning its victorious journey on the shelves with discs. Citing "...forced testing", the release was delayed - and now I have two treasured discs with the game.

Unreal beauty
The stylized menus of the game look simply wonderful, I’ll tell you: everything turns and spins beautifully and does not hurt the eyes with its pretentiousness. The developers' videos on the game engine are also good, but that's not what we're talking about... The first thing we do when we launch the game is look at the graphics we've been waiting for so long. We look, we look again, we install Detonator XP 41.09 (on which, as the readme honestly says, the developers tested the game), getting rid of the glitches on the character models, we look again and understand that our wait was not in vain. Anril's graphics for number 2 were a success, and so far they have impressed me more than even the graphics in alpha Duma 3, but here the latter has a big head start. The raw alpha of Duma 3 from the spring E3 does not yet demonstrate Carmack's brainchild in all its glory, but the epic engine has already shown everything it can. Before we proceed directly to the dissection of the game engine, I will present my configuration so that the reader can assess the level of “gluttony” of the game:
- Intel Pentium 4 Northwood 1.6 GHz @ 2.3 Ghz (143x16) on SiS 645
- Nvidia GeForce 3 TI200 @ TI500 128 MB DDR SDRAM
- 256 MB DDR SDRAM (CL=2)
- Seagate Barracuda ATA 4 40 Gb
- Windows XP SP1, DirectX 8.1, Detonator XP 41.09
I’ll say right away: buy 512 meters of brains. Without this amount of memory, playing becomes extremely difficult. The game starts to stutter terribly, making the gameplay incredibly difficult.

Overcoming all sorts of oohs and aahs regarding the incredible number of polygons poured into the character models (Aida, oh what Aida was there), and without peering into the dazzling colors of the planets being explored, we can safely state that the Unreal 2 engine is not significantly different from the Unreal Tournament 2003 engine And therefore, we can only once again praise this wonderful engine and move on to glorifying the level designers, who, thank God, did not let the work of the engine programmers go to waste and put everything together as well as possible. Each of the planets, which will be explored by John “Marshal” Dalton himself (a former Marine, excellent in combat and political training, a walking encyclopedia of jokes and simply charismatic main character), looks unique and memorable in its own way. Each has its own flora, fauna, surroundings and, most importantly, there are no “stamps” in the game that are simply impossible to look at when launching another craft...
Add here the sound, which is completely EAX and makes you feel that the crazy money spent on your acoustics was not wasted, which amazes the imagination and is also terribly buggy and stops the whole game and to which you need to attach a patch so that you don’t have to watch performance drop by 10 fps. Otherwise, we have complete order here.
But it was an ode to graphics and sound...

About stamps
The gameplay turned out to be not what millions of Unreal fans were expecting. Instead of the Unreal universe, we were given a skillful puzzle from all the hit action games of the last year or two. Yes, I must admit, everything was done very well and professionally, but will the fans accept the far-fetched ears of the Unreal universe to, in general, a banal shooter, of which there are enough of them on the market now? But nevertheless, there were eminent “teachers”: Half-Life, Halo, in some places Star Trek: Voyager and even Red Faction along with C&C: Renegade. And this is just what comes to mind first.
But the most important thing about the game cannot be taken away - you are immersed in the gameplay with your head. The crew of the starship (heh, I can’t resist and put a smiley face :)) Atlantis (consisting of Aida - the “killer” Lariska Croft in terms of bust size, who is also the first officer of the ship, Isaac Borisov, who was entrusted with the position of gunsmith technician, and comrade Ne “Bana, who can only be dreamed of by Comrade Lucas and then in a nightmare) will do everything so that you don’t get bored, entertaining you with briefings for missions, descriptions of weapons and just pleasant chatter. Well, you and I get into action, sitting on our personal hearse.

This is where the most enjoyable part of the program begins - shooting all kinds of living creatures in pursuit of seven parts of an ancient artifact. The gameplay is varied - good for long years development developers were able to come up with a large number of game options. We will have to not only make our way alone through the labyrinths of all kinds of scientific laboratories (a la Half-Life), but also participate in the cooperative defense of approaches to various kinds of objects. Thank God the “decorating” of the gameplay is over. We, fortunately, will not find acrobatic sketches over the abyss a la Lara Croft, or terribly boring primitive puzzles on the list of mandatory completion of the game. But shooting to your heart's content is always welcome, fortunately the arsenal of weapons has been selected to suit your needs.
There is no point in describing each “trunk” in detail, but it is perhaps worth highlighting the features. The set of weapons turned out, like the gameplay, a cross between all sorts of ideas recent years shooter industry The default set of any self-respecting shooter is present in full: an energy pistol, a shotgun, a sniper rifle, a rocket launcher. The grenade launcher is a continuation of the ideas of the first Unreal Tournament. Only now there are already 6 types of rockets, and all are accompanied by multi-colored fireworks when they explode. Well, and for a snack that same flamethrower. One whose flame can currently be considered the best flame ever created in gaming. And watching the “scorched” enemies rushing from side to side is, you know, quite a sight.
The bots, you have to give them credit, are one of the strongest aspects of the game. Finally, you can stop grumbling about their insurmountable stupidity. Although they go out mainly due to excellent shooting and fast movement, unlike us, because we, dressed in such body armor that Schwarzenegger never dreamed of, cannot really accelerate. So it turns out that the enemies are jumping around us at crazy speed, and all we have time to do is jump away. Well, combat experience helps - there are no invincible bots. That's why they are bots.

“Is it really that little?” - you ask. Yes, it’s really not enough, it’s just offensive. So many years of anticipation - and everything fits into twenty-five short missions that are completed in one day. But there’s nothing you can do about it... Some add-ons could have said something, but... Tell me, are you ready to wait another 2 years for this phenomenon, and then lament about an even shorter add-on? No, this pleasure is not for me.
But the main thing that is incredibly frustrating is that the game has lost its main trump card: its unique atmosphere. To some extent it has been preserved, but for the most part it is, as noted above, an excellent “fusion” of the latest hit shooters. Is it that bad? For fans - bad, for everyone else - I think not.

You are on the page of the game Unreal 2: The Awakening, created in the Action genre, where you can find a lot useful information. The game was released by Legend Entertainment Company. The walkthrough we found for the game Unreal 2: The Awakening will help you quickly solve in-game problems and get tips on difficult moments. Also for the game Unreal 2: The Awakening, codes and cheats are simply necessary for everyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

Considering that the game Unreal 2: The Awakening was not released in Russian, you will obviously need a localization to make the game clearer, because playing in your native language is much more enjoyable. You will play alone, going through each stage without anyone's help.

Reviews and feedback from readers will help you decide if a game is worth your time. Considering that the game was released on 2003-02-04, we can say that it belongs to the category of classics.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and improve the gameplay. You can download them in our file storage.

System requirements:
  • Processor: Pentium III/AMD Athlon 733 MHz
  • Memory: 256 MB RAM
  • HDD: 3 GB free space
  • Video: 32 MB NVIDIA GeForce2 MX
Test system:
  • Processor: Pentium 4 2.5 GHz
  • Memory: 512 DDR PC2700 Kingston
  • Video: 128 MB NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti4200

Almost five years ago (in 1998), a new bright star named Unreal shone on the gaming market. It was a first-person shooter, which, in full accordance with its name, transported players into an “unreal” world, where the most advanced graphics at that time were harmoniously intertwined with a high-quality plot and exciting gameplay. Therefore, almost everyone who was able to play Unreal was eagerly awaiting the release of its sequel, rightly hoping for a new hit. And recently, Unreal II: The Awakening finally hit store shelves, and fans of the original Unreal were able to test all their expectations in action. Do you think their hopes, fears and desires were justified? This is the question I will try to answer now.

Without further ado, I’ll start with a description of the plot. The plot is the cornerstone of any successful creation. Often it is the plot, correctly integrated into other elements of the gameplay, that determines (although not always) how interesting it will be for the user to play a particular project. But the developers from Legend Entertainment completely forgot about this. Moreover, as you progress through the game, you get the feeling that the plot as such was invented at the last minute, and there was simply not enough time for its more detailed development.

Unreal II takes place in the distant future, but only a few years after the events of the original Unreal. You, in the role of the brave John Dalton, a drunken space marine demoted to an ordinary patrolman, find yourself in a godforsaken outback of who knows what galaxy, who knows why, but, as it becomes clear as the game progresses, you find yourself there at the most inopportune moment for yourself . Actually, you initially have one goal - to wander around your quadrant, catch bandits, murderers and foreign invaders and return them to the righteous path, by bringing them to a quick and merciless trial, that is, execution. You must fight crime entirely alone, although here the creators from Legend Entertainment took an unconventional step and added three “important” companions to your team - a strategic planning expert named Aida, a monster pilot named Ne"Ban, and a gunsmith named Isaac There is no specific help in completing tasks from this trio, but throughout the game they will tell you about their unhappy childhood, complexes and bad habits.

At the very beginning of the game, an order comes from the commander of the Confederation to drop everything and immediately begin collecting the most valuable antiques - seven artifacts that give the owner extraordinary strength, health and longevity. Since the fate of the entire Universe depends on the completion of the task, and as always there is not enough diesel fuel for the Confederation’s space fleet, and, therefore, it is not possible to send help, you will have to act alone. As is expected in such situations, other “collectors” of human and not entirely human origin begin to arrive at the excavation site, and periodically wild fights begin to break out in the area.

Here I will allow myself to digress a little - the plot of Unreal II turns out to be very familiar. Moreover, this all resembles nothing more than the legendary shooter Halo from Bungie Software, which was released two years ago and became “ Best game 2001." There was also a battle for a powerful weapon capable of destroying all life in the Universe; several races were also drawn into the conflict, one of which the player is fighting for. Only in Halo the plot was integral, but the parts-levels into which the story of Unreal II is divided are absolutely not connected with each other. In this aspect, the latest creation of Legend Entertainment deserves universal censure and public flogging.

But besides the failed semantic part, there is something in Unreal II: The Awakening that is worth talking about with respect in your voice. This applies to the visual design of the project. Almost the entire time the game was being developed, Legend Entertainment employees worked hard to create one of the most powerful graphics engines. And they coped with their work with a solid four plus!

The engine does an excellent job of rendering both vast external and detailed internal spaces, and both rooms look “lived in” and are perceived as very real fragments of reality. Thanks to large, clear textures, realistic lighting effects, a variety of game locations and high-quality models, Unreal II can without a twinge of conscience be called one of the most impressive (visually) games of recent times. And it will remain like this for some time... until the release of Doom III.

It’s a pleasure to look at the special effects of weapon shots (the flamethrower alone is worth it!), monsters, and large and varied levels, but running through these levels is a completely different pleasure. Each map in the game has many small details that come together to give the levels a unique look. Whether it’s a living asteroid or the snow-covered expanses of the Ice World, the foggy thickets of the jungle or the alien world that is alien to us, everywhere you will enjoy graphics and special effects, only the price for such beauty is prohibitively high a huge number of megahertz and megabytes, as well as the time required to download this beauty from hard drive into computer memory.

In addition to this, the game's soundtrack is well done. The levels are full of different sounds that create a high-quality sound background, weapon effects are quite consistent with the gameplay, but the voice acting of the characters themselves could have been done much better.

All that remains to be said is how the gameplay is played. First of all, each mission begins on the Atlantis spaceship, where, by the way, you can freely wander around the cabins, utility rooms and other utility rooms. Having walked around the ship to your heart’s content, you are voluntarily and compulsorily invited to visit Aida, who will tinker with the computer for five minutes, give out a bunch of useless information and send you off to another massacre. Unfortunately, it is not possible to skip or somehow shorten this part of the acquaintance with the mission, so you have to humbly listen to the stories of your companion.

After an “instructive” conversation with the strategist, you can immediately jump into the shuttle and fall onto the next planet, or turn to Isaac for help, who can explain the features of using this or that weapon. In general, the benefit of such enlightenment is also zero point zero.

And now the moment of truth after a long ordeal on Atlantis, you find yourself on the next planet, where waiting for you... is the most ordinary gameplay, no different from the gameplay of any other shooter. Roughly levels can be divided into two classes. The first includes ordinary levels, where you have a certain chain of tasks necessary to complete (reach, turn on, pick up, etc.), and levels where you need to organize the defense of a particular section of the territory. As for the latter, you are given a certain number of power generators, automatic cannons and rocket launchers to be placed in strategically important places, as well as several people from the paratrooper squad, to whom you can give orders (for example, “defend the corridor”, “defend the left passage”, etc.) through a simple interface.

Otherwise, the gameplay is absolutely linear and predictable. And so from mission to mission, from level to level. The number of enemies is small both in variety and in number. Fights are very fleeting, and battles are rare - sometimes between battles you can run a quarter of the level and still not meet anyone. The enemies also lack “brain mass,” that is, intelligence. There is no need to talk about coordinated action or any advanced military tactics. The order to “attack” comes to their minds only when you find yourself at a certain distance from your opponents, after which the enemies begin to rush at you with the stubbornness and dexterity of a sick rhinoceros.

To ensure your own safety, you are given a set of weapons that are standard for any shooter, plus three exclusive “new items”. In the standard kit you will find a pistol, machine gun, shotgun, grenade launcher, rocket launcher, sniper rifle and a flamethrower, plus each of the devices has alternative firing modes. Everything is quite familiar, but the “unique” weapons turned out to be not at all unique: a cannon that shoots “spiders”, flying balls with laser guns, on which the Jedi practiced their laser saber technique in the movie “ star Wars", and an analogue of the BFG10K plasma thrower from Doom, but with a smaller radius of destruction.

By the way, the second biggest problem with Unreal II: The Awakening is the extremely long and frequent loading of levels. Any video, any transition to another part of the level is accompanied by minute delays and creaks of a hard drive smoking from an incredible load. Moreover, even if the video lasts only 10 seconds, you have to wait 30 seconds for it to load. And so every time,


To summarize, I want to draw a final line... even two... intersecting. Because in terms of innovation and in the development of the genre, Unreal II can be safely put an end to it. Apart from decent graphics and special effects, there is nothing to highlight in the second part of Unreal. The plot turned out to be weak, the multiplayer mode is completely absent (although they did not do it on purpose, promising to concentrate efforts on the single player). I think that Unreal II is a clear example of how a simple attempt to use a popular name led to the creation of a project that turned out to be even worse than the original in some respects. It is clear that high-quality graphics alone and the absence of other elements cannot save the game. It's also a bad sign that the entire game took less than 10 hours to complete on Normal difficulty.

Personally, in my opinion, Halo, which came out two years ago, is not so much inferior in terms of graphics quality to Unreal 2, but it has excellent, balanced, memorable gameplay. One hope is that the Unreal 2 engine will form the basis of other projects that will avoid the mistake made by Legend Entertainment.

pros :

  • Excellent graphics and special effects, large levels, clear textures, high-quality models.
  • Good level design.

Minuses :

  • Complete lack of innovation in gameplay.
  • Uninteresting plot.
  • Clueless opponents.
  • Short game: less than 10 hours to complete the entire story.
  • Unpredictable falls into the system: as soon as it starts to fall - guard!
  • Poor optimization (performance loss with a large number of characters).

Attention! This text contains spoilers and a lot of things that can deprive you of the indescribable thrill of the Game... Therefore, it’s better not to spoil your holiday, but try it yourself first, and only then come here.

Okay, let's go! After landing on a pretty island, washed on all sides by ocean waves, where the TCA headquarters is located and talking with your boss, Commander Hawkins, you have two choices: set a course or immediately return to the ship. In general, then you will often have a choice of several options, so you can influence the behavior of the characters, listen to instructions, get involved in disputes, or, conversely, immediately stop all verbal battles. If you are in a hurry to get more new troubles on your head, then go ahead. I recommend that others choose a two and go through the training. Leave the room, down the stairs, press the button in the elevator.

Go to training center and meet Raf, who will introduce you to the situation and introduce you to the sophisticated XA/F type protective suit. Take a basic jumping-crawling course, and then you will be shown and even allowed to play with a pistol (unlimited ammunition, it just takes time to recharge), and a grenade launcher, capable of carrying up to six different types of grenades. Well, then you will play deathmatch, it’s called: whoever kills the opponent first five times wins. Finally, check out a couple of chargers, one replenishes health, the other a shield, and talk to Raf again.

On the ship Atlantis, meet the first, engineer Isaac (if you want, he will tell you in detail about the features of your weapon) and an overseas space slug named Ne’Ban, who serves as your pilot in the officer exchange program. Aida in the briefing room will talk about the received distress signal, then show 3D model your next showdown location is the ore mining factory on Elara-5. Go to your landing ship and click on it. This is how you will begin your next mission on a new planet.

Elara 5. Sanctuary.

Go to the complex, along the way they will constantly show you glimpses of someone’s body in the corridors and, amid dying groans and hoarse screams, they will drag the poor people behind locked doors. Everything is as it should be in best traditions old man H-L. Until, finally, you meet a bunch of aggressive monsters armed with long shock lances... spitting out paired blue plasma beams that ricochet off the walls. Pick up their weapons, Dani Miller, an engineer who by some miracle survived at this base, will contact you via radio. Climb through the hatch, swim through the tunnel, then there will be a long corridor with piles of boxes and monsters attacking from all sides (don’t forget to look back). The rifle cartridges will be at the very end, this seems to be a tradition here.

Sanctuary - Mining Complex.

A massive attack awaits you in the next courtyard; I advise you to look at the roof on the left, and not just track the nearest passage to the door. Enter inside the complex, the next skirmish is expected in the room with the tank. And the cartridges, damn them, will be revealed to you by the engineer again only at the very end of this room. No, why does the most delicious thing always end so quickly, because it takes three times longer to shoot them with alien farts than with the proven Duster M32. Get in the elevator and go up... oops... do you like surprises? The evil scaarj falling from above like snow will quickly remind you of who was the most formidable opponent in the first Unreal. I think next time you will be more quick and everything will work out... After that, get into the next elevator and go upstairs again, it didn’t work out the first time. At the stairs, pick up a shield and a first aid kit. Again, dear scaarj will meet you in the courtyard, go to the door marked 7B.

Sanctuary - Power Plant.

You are on Commander Hawkins' ship. This advanced type decided to test his guesses regarding artifacts. To do this, he used one of the Kai as a guinea pig (they have the DNA of the ancient Tosc race that created the artifacts), who immediately turned into a giant monster... and, well, destroy everything, well, go on a rampage. Shoot him until his paw falls off. Pick it up - it's your new gun. You can recharge your suit if you go to the room from where Hawkins directed the process. Then go to open door next to a broken and sparkling beam. Look into the room on the left, and on your computer you will listen to the last message from Aida, downloaded literally seconds before the death of Atlantis... listen to the end, you won't be fooled by it

The Dorian Gray.

Go up to the command bridge and talk to Hawkins. It was he who wanted to get the artifact so he could learn to control Tosc, he was the one who destroyed your entire crew, making it look like the work of Scaarj. , it’s not difficult to guess, watch the video - you will kill him, then direct the ship towards the nearest star. This seems to be the only way to destroy Tosc wandering around the ship. All that remains is to run to the rescue capsule, hitting the hated Tosc with his own weapons on all decks along the way. Gravity will be reduced, so you can jump to the upper tiers without problems. Then the ship will generally lose control and begin to tumble, the floor will become the ceiling and vice versa. In general, if you still manage to get to the rescue capsule safely, Gray will fall apart, then watch the final video: John Dalton will again put on the last recording from Atlantis.
