Fisherman's Bay wot map. Fisherman's Bay map - tactics of the game World of Tanks. Anti-tank self-propelled artillery units

(city) and (village). The map size is 1000 by 1000 meters, and the battle level is from 4 to 11. It perfectly combines large open spaces and narrow labyrinths of streets. Any technique will find a place here. The tactics on this map are quite banal, but there are simply a lot of solutions. There are large quantities of various shelters on the map, both relief and buildings. Conventionally, the map can be divided as follows: hill, alley, village, city and island. Let's look at each of these zones separately.

Approximate travel routes for all types of equipment.

Red dots are art.

Green areas are the location of the PT.

Red areas are hot spots, main battle sites.

Yellow arrows are directions of ST attack.

Blue arrows are TT attack directions.

Hill- this is the location of the first team. Often she gathers all there. From this zone, the city and village are perfectly covered.

They feel comfortable in the alley. There are plenty of places where they can fire without being noticed. They also like to drive along the alley located on the first line. It is not very difficult for both the first and second teams to break through the defense in this sector, which often leads to the loss of the first team’s artillery.

Tactics on the Fisherman's Bay map.

The village is the meeting place of ST and LT. This is the shortest path to the enemy base, and if you start moving here in the first seconds of the battle, then there is a chance to illuminate enemy artillery, which has not yet managed to take up positions.

The city is a favorite place for fighting. Many houses make it possible to hide from enemy artillery fire and make it more common for heavy warriors to conduct street battles.

The southern base is the location of the second team. There is a small hollow there, which provides good shelter from light from the village and city.


I don’t think it’s worth talking about tactics for different spawns, they are almost the same. But there are still a couple of differences. It is best for the first team to attack through the city. The enemy's artillery sees poorly there and this significantly increases the chances of a successful breakthrough. Moreover, the enemy artillery itself is located very close to the city. The city must be stormed by heavy tanks. ST has a different role. They, under the cover of anti-tank missiles, must rush along the alley to the enemy base. The village in the center of the map should not be left either. 1-2 heavy loads there will be enough to cover the flank and rear of tanks attacking through the city.

*Game tactics World of Tanks

For the second team, it is best to choose defensive tactics. The alley should be covered with PT and 1-2 strands. These comrades will hold back the pressure of enemy STs. It is better to send ST to the village. There they can illuminate artillery, or enter the rear and flank of enemy heavy forces in the city. The heavy tanks of the second team should be sent to the city. Moreover, they have a slight advantage. The fact is that there is a little more cover on the side of the second spawn and it is easier to attack from here. Moreover, the allied artillery sees the city quite well from the island.

That's all the wisdom. I would advise it is better to use tank ambush tactics on this map. Many hills and shelters provide excellent opportunities for this. So, go for it. Good luck in the difficult task of tanking!

Greetings, dear fans. tank battles World Of Tanks! Today you will get acquainted on our portal website with map Fisherman's Cove. We will try to look at this location from all sides and explain to you how to play here.

General information.

The wot map Fisherman's Bay is standard in every sense: size is square kilometer, battle levels are 4 - 11, map type is summer. The map's terrain is also very complex and includes absolutely all types of terrain that we encounter in the game - this includes urban development, strong elevation changes, a body of water, and forests. Fisherman's Cove has been in the game since patch 0.6.7.

Picture 1. Minimap.

On Fisherman's Bay there is a classic of the genre two main directions , through which it is possible to develop an attack, as well as one auxiliary to support allies, illumination, base defense, etc.

Let's consider key elements maps that you need to know in order to skillfully use the minimap and take the right actions in battle.

Picture 2. Legend.

  1. "Zelenka" or left flank. The first direction for attack, as well as the most important positions for defense. This is the direction for fast and maneuverable tanks, which are able to get here at the beginning of the battle and take up convenient positions. Among many random players, it is mistakenly believed that only the top base team can attack on the green, but in fact this is not the case. The fact is that in this direction there are equally convenient positions for both teams - these are large stones, and the path to them is approximately equal. The stones marked with the number 1 are positions that need to be taken by the lower base team (however, as a rule, the lower team ignores this direction and prefers to stand in defense behind the “green”), the stones marked with the number 2 are positions for the upper base team (and This command never leaves this direction empty and always tucks under the stones). The main clash here should take place between the stones, and those tanks that survive here will subsequently have a strong influence on the outcome of the battle. It is very easy to develop an attack from these stones, and most likely the team that captures these most important positions will eventually push through the green. It is worth noting that it is much easier for the lower base team to clear the direction after pushing them under their stones. In addition, you should know that behind the “green” there are probably several tank destroyers, which are the stronghold of the base’s defense, since from these positions it is very convenient to defend the approaches to the base. This means that by pushing through the city, but not capturing the green space, your team will have less chance. By the way, earlier (a couple of years ago) they played on this map absolutely correctly - both teams went to the green and fought there, and the situation when the lower team abandoned attempts to attack this direction began to happen only recently and this is extremely wrong!
  2. Upper base area. Team respawns are also located here. The terrain is extremely difficult and hilly. There are several rock shelters and bushes here. There are houses on the right and left - excellent positions for def. It is extremely difficult to attack from the side of the city, since your path will go a little upward and the defenders of the base will shoot you on the approaches.
  3. Center of the map. This is an auxiliary direction that can only be used as support. By and large, this is an urban development located in the middle of the map, but it is impossible to use it in any attacking actions, since this part of the map is slightly higher than the rest of the map, and therefore you will definitely get shot from all sides. But very useful opportunities also open up from the center: highlighting opponents (especially important at the beginning of the battle to show the allies that the enemy is on the move), shots across almost the entire map (but you should be careful and not get under return fire), as well as the extremely important function of the center of the map Fishing bay wot - defense! The fact is that opponents attacking your base will certainly be caught in the crossfire if your allies are located both in the center of the map and behind one of the flanks. This is a rather difficult direction, you always have to be on your guard and be able to look at the minimap, and therefore if you do not have sufficient knowledge of our game, then it is better to go to fight on one of the flanks. The most important thing you should know about this direction is that there is no place for tanks that do not have decent camouflage, which means it is only suitable for light or medium tanks.
  4. Lower base area. Practically no different from the opposite base. The only significant difference that affects the gameplay is that it is more difficult to defend here.
  5. City or right flank. An extremely difficult direction due to the lack of travel options through it. There is only one road along which you can press in the city. Otherwise, the city, as everywhere else, is characterized by large houses located close to each other. Here is the most best shelter from artillery and long-range shots on the map, which means it is ideal for heavy and armored tanks.
The narrow and deep river located to the right of the city does not represent any gameplay value, but it is easy to drown in it if you slip into it carelessly.

Now we’ll look at how to play on the Fisherman’s Bay map.

The picture above shows the main tactics on the Fisherman's Bay wot map. And now I will try to explain to you. So, on this map, as I already said, there are two main directions and you need to occupy both of them (at least so that there are defenders), and there is also one auxiliary direction - the center (through the center you will never develop an attack, do not advance, here you can only help and support).

  1. For artillery There are several successful, comfortable and, most importantly, hidden positions. They are indicated by brown areas. You should keep in mind that you need to choose a position based on which allied forces went to which flank. If medium tanks did not go to the green zone or heavy tanks did not go to the city, then you should not take the corresponding positions. Be sure to keep in mind the position of forces on the minimap and leave the abandoned flank in time.
  2. For tank destroyers on Fisherman's Bay there are also very successful and comfortable positions, which are highlighted in purple. From these positions, the greenery and the center of the map are perfectly covered, and the breakthrough from the city is also perfectly defended. However, you should under no circumstances “put down roots here.” Support the team, follow the allied forces, and come to the rescue in time where it is needed.
  3. The first direction to attack is the greenery , it is shown in blue. You will feel comfortable here medium tanks. This is a very difficult direction. Usually one or two tanks from the upper base come here in a vigorous breakthrough with the support of tank destroyers behind, and the entire team of the lower base takes up tank destroyer positions. This is a fundamentally wrong tactic, which, as a rule, ends the same way: the top team gradually pushes through the entire “green”, destroying enemies and gaining an advantage. In order to successfully fight in this direction on Fisherman's Bay, the team of the lower base also needs to go to the green area, huddling under their stone and destroying enemies. You should play from the stone, highlighting enemies. Only such tactics can bring success. However, you should not rush if you are not playing in a platoon or were unable to motivate random allies to support you, because you will probably die here alone. It’s worth traveling with at least two people, with the support of your allies behind. You must drive to the stone very quickly and along the shortest route. After one of the teams captures the green space, the other team will lose comfortable positions and the most important direction. This is a very important component of tactics.
  4. The second direction to attack is the city , shown in the picture above in red. The city here differs from urban areas on other maps in that it has two wide areas with many streets and passages for each of the teams, but they are connected by only one road (numbered 2). This road can be safely called “the road of death,” because an attempt to drive carelessly here will turn out disastrous for you. This means that before driving along this road it is necessary to thoroughly reduce the opponents in another part of the city. Without this, even experienced platoon players can run into trouble here. In addition to this road, in fact, there is another one here (marked with the number 1), but using it is even more dangerous, since it is open to gunfire from the center or city, and to artillery fire.
  5. Medium and light tanks can choose the center of the map for themselves. Light tanks from the center (closer to the city) can see through the enemies heading into the city, and medium tanks from here can have time to throw clumsy heavyweights into the sides. After this, by and large, in the center of the map, battles take place only between those who came here. However, the lower base team here has several convenient shots around the city. Dear friends, I remind you that this is just an auxiliary direction and it’s worth going here only if there are enough allied forces on the flanks.

In custody.

The Fisherman's Bay map wot at first glance is quite balanced and should be interesting and cheerful, but in reality it turns out differently, “stall” flourishes here, and cheerful breakthroughs, as a rule, end unsuccessfully. This is due to the fact that this location has not only comfortable conditions for a breakthrough, but also even more comfortable conditions for defense. The city on Fisherman's Bay is not convenient for a breakthrough, since it has only one more or less safe road to travel through, and even after driving through the city, you will again run into the defenders of the base, who will shoot you with different sides. So we won’t call this card good.

Dear readers of our site, this concludes the guide to the Fisherman’s Bay wot map and says goodbye to you until we see you soon.

Fisherman's Bay is exactly the map in World of Tanks where each type of equipment will find its own application and will benefit the team. Heavies in the city, fireflies in the village, tank destroyers on the hill and the mill, all-seeing and punishing artillery and medium tanks that will be useful everywhere - everyone has a role and every role is important. But about everything in order in this guide.

Map type - summer, size 1000 x 1000 meters, battle level from 3 to 12, types of battles - standard only.

The relief of the map is flat, the style is a small town on the coast. The main active zones are the city (line 8-9 throughout almost the entire map), the village in the center and the ravine on the first line, which is not shot from the open spaces of the map, but is perfectly accessible from the hill for the first respawn (square B1) or from the mill for second respawn (square J2). Both of these squares are beloved by tank destroyers because they have wonderful bushes and amazing shooting through them, so a rush along the ravine in the first minutes of the battle is doomed to failure and guarantees a ticket to the hangar.

The symmetry of the map causes similar movements - heavy tanks usually go to the city, tank destroyers take up places to protect their bases, light and medium tanks rush to the village. “Fisherman's Bay” is one of the few maps where the role of active light is significant. From the village you can not only see both possible directions of enemy attack, but also shoot at the sides of heavy tanks that are just moving to take their positions. Moreover, most of the houses in the village are indestructible, so the possibility of a tactical retreat with the possible luring of the enemy under the guns of allied tank destroyers is quite real. And from the western edge of the village you can also highlight artillery positions, if they have not bothered to move.

Artillery generally feels quite good on this map - most positions are shot through, with the exception of urban ones, and if you move to squares A8 and K8 for the first and second spawns, respectively, there is every chance of throwing shells at those in the city.

Battles in the city are no different from the rest: perhaps the only thing I would like to note is that you should avoid going to the embankment in square E9 - the area is under fire from many directions and you will feel like a “sitting duck”, although not for long. Well, there will almost always be naturalists who want to take a boat trip and try to climb onto a boat. Many people get up to half...

Control of the village does not guarantee the further successful development of an attack in the center on the enemy base - the whole point is that both the first and second bases are covered with additional vegetation, which may well hide more than one defending tank. So, after capturing the village, the most correct thing would be to help the allies in the city or ACCURATE illumination for the allied tank destroyers in the ravine.

In general, an attack through a ravine is one of the most risky on this map. Yes, there are small stones in it that act as shelters: only if you are hiding behind it from a tank destroyer, then think about what to do next. If you were exposed to light, then usually the guns are already trained on you and an attempt to move out of cover is fraught with a shell to the forehead. Returning - why did you come here at all? You are usually distracted from such thoughts by an artillery shell, which will fly perfectly over any cover in a ravine and send you to the hangar. Conclusion - an attack on a ravine makes sense only at the late stage of the battle, when the location of all enemy forces has been revealed and there is a chance to break through - even at the cost of damage and the use of a repair kit. Is it worth the risk, especially on high levels battles where the one-time damage of a tank destroyer can exceed 1000 units of damage - it’s up to you to decide.

This map is a good combination of open space and rugged terrain. The narrow, winding streets of the port city located on the flank will help you gain an unexpected advantage.

Gentle hills with numerous bushes will allow extensive use of ambush tactics. The map was added in update 0.6.7. Name in the battle recording file: fishing_bay.


The game location is conventionally divided into three zones: alley (green), village (center) and city (port). The Alley is an open area in the west of the map. Variations in terrain make it unsuitable for heavy tanks. Slow vehicles will be detected at a great distance and shot before they can get close.

Therefore the classic route heavy tank runs through the city, located by the water in the east. City buildings provide reliable cover and the ability to get close to the enemy base without coming under artillery fire.

There is a village on a hill in the center of the map. The buildings here are also very strong and can withstand self-propelled gun shells. However, the position itself is very vulnerable to flanking fire.

Light tanks

Light tanks can break through to the enemy base in any of the possible directions. A classic example is the light from the village in the center. An alternative tactic is to "passively light" the alley.

Medium tanks

Medium tanks are distributed across the map depending on the preferences of the players. Usually this is an alley and a village, but if the player is more accustomed to urban combat, he can send his tank to the city. At the first stage of the battle, the STs are engaged in intercepting light tanks and occupying key positions. They then fight at medium and long ranges. At the end of the battle, the surviving STs are mobilized to break through the emerging gaps in the enemy’s defenses.

Heavy tanks

Heavy tanks traditionally clash in the city. Some cars can also go into the alley.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery units

Tank destroyers protect the approaches to the base. Mainly, they concentrate on the hill and near the church on both sides of the lowland in the alley. If the allies successfully move forward, tank destroyers can move to the center. From there, most of the map is in their fire sector.

Self-Propelled Artillery Mounts

Self-propelled guns are usually located on a hill or outside the city, at the very edge of the map. Large, slow self-propelled guns have a very high probability of being discovered in the first seconds of the battle, so it is important to leave the open area at the base as early as possible.
