From what distance are darts thrown in darts? Competition is meaningless without correct counting! Rules of the game of darts: how to count points. Darts - throwing rules

Players take turns throwing 3 darts. To determine the order, each player or one of the team throws a dart. The one closest to the center starts the game. The count is based on the darts remaining on the target after three throws. Each side starts with a score of 301. The scoring method is to subtract the resulting number of points from the remaining ones. The bull's eye is 50 points, the green ring around it is 25 points, the inner ring of the target triples the value of the sector (the "Tripling" ring), the outer ring of the target doubles the value of the sector (the “Doubling” ring). The winner is the one who managed to reduce his score to zero first. The game must be completed by throwing at the “Doubling” or the “Bull-eye” of the target (Bull-eye) so that the resulting number points brought the score to zero. (Bullseye counts as a double 25). If a dart throw scores more than the score required for a score of zero (or results in a score of one), then all three last throws do not count and the score remains the same as before. a series of throws that lead the score to a bust or one. Each game in 301 is called “Leg”. Five “Legs” make up a “Set” (the game is played until three wins in “Legs”). The final winner is the one who wins a given number of "Sets". The game of 301 is mainly for two opponents. For team game the score increases to 501 (in pairs) or 1001 (in triples and quadruples).

How to learn to play darts well?

When playing darts, many people often make the mistake of throwing the dart as if they were throwing a ball, while moving their arm far back and leaning their body forward to give force to the throw. It is not surprising that they do not hit the intended target. When choosing a throwing position for yourself, you must remember that the dart is light in weight, the distance to the target is short, and the target is very small in size. You will be successful if you throw with your torso slightly bent forward, motionless, and the throw is made with the elbow and wrist. For brevity, we will consider the throwing position with the right hand, so those who play with the left will need to make appropriate adjustments for themselves. adjustments. So, stand half-sided towards the target, with the little toe of your right foot touching the throwing line. Strictly ensure that you do not step beyond this line and always fight your opponents correctly in the future. To do this, if possible, nail a wooden block to this line. Then, leaning forward slightly, choose the most comfortable and stable stand for yourself. Don't forget that stability is half the battle. To further promote stability when throwing, place your left hand against your stomach. Leaning forward will provide the necessary space for the throwing arm, as well as shorten the distance to the target. Now move your right arm forward so that your elbow is pointing straight down and the fletching of the dart is in a straight line from your eyes to the intended target.

Darts – popular game, in which participants throw darts at a special target. For some it is a hobby and an interesting hobby, while others play at a professional level. This sport is interesting because you can do it at any age, be it a child or an old person. You don’t need a lot of space for training, and the material costs to start training are relatively small. Thanks to such democracy, the game is gaining popularity, so it is interesting to consider the rules of the game of darts. Parents should also remember that the game develops the child’s accuracy and precision.

Targets and darts

First you should find out what equipment is needed for this sport. To produce targets, natural fiber is used, which is obtained from agave leaves. This material is called sisal. It is from its compressed fibers that targets are made; their total diameter is 451 mm (+/- 10 mm).

On the front side there are sectors of different colors, a wire is attached to the top, dividing the target into radial sectors (20 pcs), and also has rings of doubling and tripling. In the center is the green sector “Bull” and the red sector “Bull Eye”. According to the rules of the game of darts, the markings determine the number of points the player receives.

The game also requires darts, which can be brass or tungsten. Their weight should not be more than 50 g (usually 20-24 g), and their length should be up to 30.5 cm. Each dart consists of the following parts:

  • barrel, that is, the metal part into which the needle is pressed;
  • the shank is a replaceable part made of metal or plastic that is screwed into the barrel;
  • the tail is inserted into the shank, it is designed to stabilize the flight.

It is better to buy high-quality equipment, even if it costs more. This will protect against unnecessary dart bounces.

How to count points according to the rules of darts?

You can play together or as a team of 2 or more participants. It is determined by drawing lots who will start first. According to the rules of the game of darts, the distance to the center of the target from the floor should be 1.73 m, and from the line from which throws are made - 2.37 m.

Each team must throw 2 sets of darts, after which they are removed from the target. The throw will not be counted if the thrower steps out of line, or if the dart gets stuck in another dart or falls out of the target.

Scoring is carried out as follows:

  • hitting the sector field is counted according to the number indicated on the sector;
  • a throw into the outer ring leads to doubling the number on the sector;
  • hitting the inner ring triples the sector numbers;
  • the green sector gives 25 points, the red sector – 50.

These are the classic rules of darts, but there are different variations that are also worth saying a few words about.

The most popular game is “501”, and official competitions are held for it. Each player or team is initially given 501 points and must be counted down during the competition. It is necessary to close the last points through the doubling sector. If it turns out that in the last approach the player received more points than he had in his balance, then he will be left with the result that was before the throws.

Another one famous game- “Cricket”, the essence of which is to be the first to cover certain numbers on the target. So, sectors from 15 to 20 and “Bull” take part in the game. In Cricket, to close a sector you need to score triple the number of points in it.

Of course, the rules of playing darts for children may be simplified or different. You also need to understand that for a child, the target should hang lower, at the level of his height. Darts can be a great family hobby and leisure activity.

General rules

Before the start of the tournament, players play out the right of first approach. Players throw one dart and the player whose dart is closest to the center of the target will throw first.
In all games, players take turns throwing three darts at one target. If the dart does not stick into the target and flies away from it or the player does not hit the target, the throw is counted as ineffective.

x01 (501)
This is the most common game of darts. This game can be played as a team against a team or one on one. When playing with two people, they often play “501” or “301”. Also, to practice endings, you can play “101” or “170” (170 is maximum amount points, which is deducted with three darts, i.e. in one go). Teams often play “701” or “1001”.
Purpose of the game: players take turns throwing 3 darts, writing off the points scored. The first one to reach 0 wins.
Scoring rule: hits in all sectors are counted, including doubling and tripling sectors (if you hit a triple sector, the sector points are multiplied by three). The points scored in 1 approach (3 darts) are summed up and subtracted from the total points from the previous approach.
Ending rule: the last throw must fall into the doubling of the corresponding sector (for example, if 40 points remain, then you need to hit the doubling of the “20” sector, and if 32 points remain, then you need to hit the doubling of the “16” sector). Beginner players usually play without this rule. By agreement of the players, it is possible to end in an even sector. Also, by agreement, the game can begin with the doubling sector.
Bust rule: If a player scores more points than necessary during the last approach, then this approach does not count. For example, if a player has 2 points left, and he gets into the “20” sector, then on the next approach this player again starts with 2 points.

All throws are made to the center of the target. Only hits on the bull (50) and green ring (25) are counted.
The goal of the game is to be the first to score the number of points agreed upon before the game. For example, 300.

American cricket
You can play as a team against a team or one on one.
Purpose of the game: each player (team) must close all sectors from “20” to “15” and bull, while scoring the same or more points than the opponent.
Closing rule: A sector is considered closed if it is hit at least 3 times. For example, 1 time per tripling of this sector or just 3 times per sector.
Scoring rule: If a player enters a sector that is closed for him, but the second player is not closed, then the first player is awarded points. For example, if the 1st player has the “20” sector closed, but his opponent has this sector not closed, and the 1st player hits the “20” treble, then he gets 60 points. You can play without this rule.

Big round
You can play alone or with an opponent.
The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible by throwing three darts in turn at each sector from “1” to “20” and the center.
Scoring rule: The number of hits in a sector is multiplied by the number of that sector. For example, if, while throwing in sector 2, you hit the treble once and once in the sector, then the points scored in this sector are: (3+1)*2= 8. The points scored in each of the sectors are summed up and counted final result.

Sector 20 - recommended for beginners.
All throws are made in sector “20”. You can play alone or with an opponent.
Purpose of the game: Score the maximum number of points in 10 approaches (30 darts).
Scoring rule: Only hits in the “20” sector are counted. One hit gives 1 point, a double hit gives 2 points, a triple hit gives 3 points. After 10 approaches, the total amount is calculated.

Doubling round
This game can be played by one player, setting personal records.
The goal of the game is to hit all the doubles one by one, starting from sector 1 to sector 20, spending fewer darts than your opponent.
Rules of the game: Until the player gets into the doubling of the 1st sector, he does not proceed to doubling the 2nd sector. Etc.

They play together or in pairs.
The goal of the game is to be the first to capture/cover certain numbers on the target and score the most points. The player who does this first is considered the winner.
Rules of the game: The numbers in the game are: 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and “bull”. Players take turns throwing darts. Three throws in one go. In order to cover a number, the player must knock it out three times. This can be achieved:
- three single hits in a given number;
- one single and one hit in the “double ring” for a given number;
- one hit in the “triple ring” for a given number. If one player knocks out the same number three times, then that number becomes his property. If both players take possession of the number, it is considered “closed” and no longer participates in the game. In order to close the bull you need:
- get to sector 25 three times;
- once in sector 25 and once in sector 50.
If one player has “taken possession” of a number, but the second has not yet, then the first player can score points on it until this number is “closed”. Points from hitting a number begin to be awarded to the player from the moment he takes possession of the number, but this number has not yet been “closed”. The numbers can become owned or "closed" in any order the player wishes. The player is not required to name the number he is throwing at. After the number becomes the “property” of the player, getting into the doubling or tripling sector for a given number leads to doubling or tripling additional points for that number. The winner is the one who is the first to “close” all the numbers and “bull”, and at the same time has the most points. If both players finish the game and have the same number of points or no points at all, the first one to “own” all the numbers and the “bull” wins. If a player is the first to “own” all the numbers, but he has fewer points than his opponent, he must continue the game and score points on the “uncovered” numbers until he scores an equal or greater number of points than his opponent, or all numbers will not be “closed”. This game has interesting feature: if one player has already “closed” a sector that the opponent has not yet closed, then each hit in this sector is recorded with points at the face value of the sector. You can play ahead, and then the game is played until all sectors are closed by one player. You can play for points, and then it is customary to play until both players close all sectors. The one who scores the most points on his opponent wins.

Around the clock(clock face) - recommended for beginners.
One of the simplest games. An unlimited number of players can take part in it.
Purpose of the game: each player must sequentially hit the numbers from 1,2,3,4 to 20 (the last one needs to hit the number 25).
Rules of the game: players take turns making 3 throws. The player who hits all the numbers first is the winner.

Simple set of glasses - recommended for beginners.
The most popular game for beginner darts players.
The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible. The second option is to collect a certain number of points.
Rules of the game: Players make 30 throws in 10 series of three darts for the best amount.
Scoring rule: The points scored as a result of all accurate hits on the target are summed up. When entering the doubling or tripling zones, the points are doubled or tripled accordingly and added to the total points.

The goal of the game is to be the first to hit the bull.
Rules of the game: you need to hit sectors from 1 to 20 one by one, then double and triple the 20th sector, and end the game by hitting the bull. If in a series of throws all three darts reach the target (for example: 1, 2, 3 or 12, 13, 14), the throwing player continues his game out of turn. The scoring field of a sector is its entire area, including the doubling and tripling rings.

Quick round
Additional conditions are imposed on the rules of the game in “Round”: if you hit the triple of a given sector, the score moves three positions forward. For example: a player needs to hit sector 10. He falls into the triple of this sector. Now the goal of this player is sector 13. When hitting a double, the score accordingly moves two positions forward.

The scoring field of the game is “Bull - Red Ring” and “Green Ring”. Each player initially has no points and scores in series of three darts, counting only "50" and "25". The winner is the one who scores 1000 points. The game has a bust rule.
You can play according to these rules in “500” or “250”.

British pentathlon - complex game.
The game involves an even number of players. The recommended number of players is 20 people.

Everyone plays with everyone in 501 2 legs with a direct start.
- Each player plays 1001 and 2001 with a direct start.
- Games 501, 1001 and 2001 end with a doubling or bull (50).
- Each player plays "Shanghai" from sectors 1 to 9.
- "Halve-it" sector 20, 16, doubling 7, 14, tripling 10, 17, bull (50).
- "Double round" from sector 1 to sector 20.

In total, each player will play 24 games.
The winner is the player with the most points

501, 1001 and 2001
Points scored per set (3 darts) 95-130 points 1 point
131-159 points 2 points
160-180 points 3 points

Closing by doubling 2 points

Game over for 9 darts 10 points
10-12 darts 4 points
13-15 darts 3 points
16-18 darts 2 points
19-21 darts 1 point

Each player throws 3 darts into sectors starting from 1 and ending at 9 (first at 1 then 2, etc.)
Scoring method: One hit 1 point
Double 2 points
Triple 3 points
For example: 1 hit in sector 4 and 1 hit in triple sector 4 = 7 points
2 hits in sector 3 and 1 hit in triple sector 3 = 5 points
Bonus: 1 hit in the sector, 1 hit in the doubling and 1 hit in the treble = 6 points + bonus 6 points = 12 points

Each player throws three darts in order:
Sector 20. Hits in sector 20, doubling 20 and tripling 20 are counted. 1 point is given for hitting a sector, 2 points for doubling,

Triple - 3 points.
Sector 16. Hits in sector 16, doubling 16 and tripling 16 are counted.
Doubling 7. Only hits in the doubling of sector 7 are counted.
Sector 14. Hits in sector 14, doubling 14 and tripling 14 are counted.
Triple 10. Only hits within the triple of sector 10 are counted.
Sector 17. Hits in sector 17, doubling 17 and tripling 17 are counted.
Bull (50). Only hits in the Bull are counted; 2 points are given for hitting a Bull.

Double Round
The game begins with doubling sector 1; when hit, the player proceeds to doubling sector 2 and so on until doubling 20. In total, the player has 14

Approaches (42 darts) to complete all doublings.
When completing all doubles in less than 42 darts: 40+(42-<кол-во дротиков>) points
If a player fails to complete all doubles in 42 darts:<номер последнего поражённого удвоения>X2 points
For example: The player finished the game with 34 darts. 40+(42-34)=48 points
The player reached the doubling of the 16th sector with 42 darts. 15*2=30 points

Modern entertainment in the form active games preferred by more and more people who want to spend time usefully. Darts is both an excellent form of intellectual and physical pastime. The rules of the game of darts depend on its variety, so it is worth studying them before starting this exciting game.

Darst - rules

This game is popular among adults and children. It develops logical thinking, dexterity, coordination, eye and speed of reactions. For those who want to play darts, the rules of the game for beginners allow you to get necessary knowledge, without which everything will be meaningless. This type of entertainment is often used by office workers to relieve stress during breaks between work. This game can also be used at home as accuracy training. You can organize competitions as it is great for both one player and big company. The rules of the game of darts are:

  1. First, a circle is placed on the wall or door, which can be of different diameters. It comes with darts in the form of mini-spears or arrows, which are used to make throws.
  2. The goal is to hit the dart into the compartments of the circle, the closer to the central part of the target, the better.
  3. The circle involves markings in the form of numbers; for children these can be different interesting items, names, images of figures.

Rules of Darts 501

The game of darts has variations and features, 501 is one of them. The beginning of the action implies the accrual of 501 points for each player. The goal is to bring your points to 0 by hitting different areas, but the best one is the doubling area. If there is an overrun of points, their number does not change from the last time. Such a turn is possible in the following cases:

  1. In the process, more points are scored compared to the number that remains.
  2. When subtracting, one point remains;
  3. If the rules for doubling are violated, but there are still 0 points left.

Darts, the rules of which have their own nuances, mean that the winner is the one who ends up with 0 points. After 20 attempts, provided that none of the participants goes beyond the zero score, the player with the fewest points wins. If after 20 attempts the score is equal, the game continues for another 10 attempts and the one who scores 0 during them wins.

Darts - rules of the game 301

This is one of the most popular varieties of this fun. Its main rule is team competition. The rules of Darts 301 have a similar goal to Darts 501, which is to reduce the number of points towards zero.

  1. Participants take turns throwing darts and the one who can get as close to the middle as possible starts the game.
  2. Getting into the double ring (doubling) is necessary to start opening an account.
  3. The following moves involve throwing three darts one after another, the total number added from the numbers of hits is subtracted from 301.
  4. The action continues until the participant's score decreases to such a level that the doubling can be deducted.
  5. The score is recorded on a special board, on which there are divisions into columns for each player with the beginning of the score being 301.

Darts "Cricket" - rules

Another variety that has its own characteristics. This type of entertainment is suitable for more experienced players who have some skill in this matter. The rules of the game "Cricket" darts are simple, and the goal of the game is to score maximum points, while covering all the available numbers on the circle, including the center of the target. The number is considered closed if one participant or team hits it three times. In this form, the middle of the target is divided into two equal parts. The rules of Cricket darts state that a different number of participants can take part.

Darts "Grand Round" - rules

The big round is one of the variations of this game. Professional darts, whose rules indicate that it can be played by one person or by several participants, is becoming increasingly popular. The goal is to score as many points as possible. You need to throw three darts in a row in sectors from 1 to 20, trying to hit the bull's eye. Points are calculated by multiplying the number of hits by the zone number.

Playing darts - rules and markings

Many people are interested in how to play darts, the rules of which are easy to understand, so the main goal is to hit the dart directly in the very middle of the circle. To do this, you need to understand the design of the target.

  1. The center of the circle is called the “bull’s-eye”, around it a certain area is painted green, and the center point is painted red.
  2. The target is divided into 20 numbered compartments, they will be in contrasting colors - black and white.
  3. The ring located externally is the doubling zone or “double”

Darts Rules - Distance

It is important to place the target correctly, so its center point should be located at a height of 1.73 m from the floor. Darts rules define the distance to the target as 2.37 m. Throwing darts is supposed to be from such a distance, and spade is a mistake and does not count points.

  1. A typical target includes “debla” and “trebla” rings - 8 mm each.
  2. The size of the middle of the target is 12.7 mm. The standard circle is divided into 20 sections.

Darts - installation rules

To set up a target, you must have a free space with a length of 3 m to the target and 0.5 m on each side. It has already been mentioned that the distance from the floor to the target should be equal to 1.73 m. You can carry out one more check - the distance from the “bull’s-eye” to the diagonal throw line should be 2.934 m. It is necessary to hang the dart equipment so that the “20” sector is black in color and located strictly at the top.

Darts - throwing rules

The order of throwing darts is determined by drawing lots or by throwing at the central point of the bull's eye in the bull zone. Darts rules state: the target must be firmly fixed to the wall.

  1. The score must be kept by the darts that remain on the target after three throws. The arrow needle should fit completely into the circle.
  2. The movement of a dart is like a thrown stone or a bullet fired from a gun. Its speed depends on the force of throwing; with perfect throwing skill, the dart moves parallel to the curve.
  3. When throwing an arrow, you do not need to move your shoulder, only your arm is used.
  4. Darts rules state: the target must be firmly fixed to the wall.

Darts rules - how to count points?

The scoring process depends on which type of darts was chosen, so the most common options are scored as follows:

  1. 501. Accounting is carried out depending on entry into all sectors. There are segments where points are doubled and tripled. After three hits, the amount is determined and subtracted from the result.
  2. Bull. When hitting the green sector, the player receives 25 points, and when hitting the bull, 50. After the throws, all points are summed up.
  3. Big round. When you enter a certain sector, the number of points is multiplied by its number. After the lap, the points are summed up and the overall result is given.
  4. Cricket. Darts rules show that points are awarded depending on hitting your own or your opponent's sector. When assigning a number, you can get an area for doubling or tripling the result.

Tricks of playing darts

Scientists carried out calculations and found out which rules of the game of darts increase the chances of winning.

  1. To earn the maximum possible number of points to win, you need to strive to get into the middle of the narrow ring of section No. 19. It is located on the border with zone number 7.
  2. There is an opinion that for a quick victory you need to aim at the even-numbered sections of the circle. If you always hit them, the last throw in dart 501 is made into the doubling circle.
  3. If the main goal is to earn 32 points, participants need to aim at the outer part of section 16.

Darts rules for children

This type of entertainment will help captivate your child, develop logic and coordination. Children of any age will enjoy it, as it is an interesting and rich game for useful pastime. Children's darts are often different from adult ones. The most popular type for young players is a circle with a sticky surface, and instead of darts there are special balls that stick to the target due to their texture.

The base of the circle can contain bright numbers, cartoon characters, all kinds of pictures or figures. Such the game will do for children aged four to nine years. For teenagers, you can already buy a circle with darts, but you should make sure that the child does not get hurt by the sharp needle at the end of the arrow. The brief rules of playing darts for children are not very different from adults; the main goal is to hit the bull's eye. You can play it either alone or with friends. The circle must be placed at a convenient distance for the child, according to his height.

Darts Competition Rules

Darts competition is often the main goal. Many participants want to fight with an opponent, demonstrating dexterity and skills, experience and logic. You can play for some prize at the end or just for fun, entertaining yourself and your friends. Darts competitions are often organized at a professional level in various specialized institutions.

  1. An application for participation in the tournament is officially submitted, and a lot is drawn before the start of the competition.
  2. The rules of darts competitions depend on the specific type of game.
  3. Participants are given 3 darts, which must be thrown one at a time.
  4. Before the start of the competition, players are offered a warm-up, which consists of throwing 6 practice darts.
  5. The process is monitored by the organizers, its results are assessed by judges and recorded on special stands.

Darts are sport game, in which players must throw darts at a special round target. Darts first appeared several centuries ago in the British Isles, after which it quickly gained popularity in many countries around the world. Nowadays, there are more than 50 varieties of this entertainment.

A standard dartboard is divided into 20 cells, numbered 1 to 20.

Typically, points are calculated after a player throws 3 darts. After this, the turn passes to the other player.

The maximum possible result of 3 throws is 180 points (if the player hits all three darts in the inner narrow ring of sector 20).

Most often, darts is played by 2 teams or 2 players. Before the start of the competition, each participant is allowed to make 9 practice throws to warm up. Then a representative from each side makes another throw, which determines the order: the team whose player threw the dart closest to the bull's eye of the target starts first.

In one approach, everyone must make 3 throws. In most cases, 2 sets of darts are used (1 for each team), after which they are removed from the target. The throw does not count if the player steps beyond the designated line. Points can only be counted if the dart remained on the target for at least 5 seconds after the last throw. Players also receive no points if a dart gets stuck in another dart or falls off the target.



The most common version of the game of darts, for which there are even various kinds of official tournaments and championships. Each team starts with a starting score of 501 (301 in the other variety). The points received by players for the throw are subtracted from the remaining points. The game continues until one of the participants reaches 0. The final throw must be made at the bullseye or double so that the points received (for 1 throw) reduce the score to 0.

If the hit brought more points than was necessary to achieve 0, the entire series of throws that led to the “overshoot” is not counted, and the number of points becomes the same as it was before the start of this series.

One game in 501 (301) is called a "leg". Five such “legs” form a “set” (three won “legs” complete the “set”). The team that wins a certain number of “sets” wins.

Twenty seven

Each participant receives 27 points before the start of the game. The first three darts must hit the "double" of sector 1 - each such hit will bring the player 2 points (2x1). If not a single dart hits, 2 points are deducted. The next three darts need to be thrown into the “doubling” of sector 2, and a hit will give as many as 4 points (2x2). The same amount will be taken away if you fail.

The game continues until sector 20 of the target, and the player with the most points earned wins. Participants whose score during the game drops below one are eliminated.


The essence of this game is to take turns hitting sectors from 1 to 20 with a dart, and then “doubling” and “tripling” the last sector. The competition is considered completed after the final hit in the center of the target, and the winner is the one who hit it. If in a series of throws one player hits the target with all three darts (for example, in sectors 1, 2, 3 or 5, 6, 7), he continues the game out of turn.


In this game, only hits on the bull's eye and green ring count. Participants start the game without points and score them in a series of 3 throws, taking into account exclusively the 50 or 25 points earned. The first participant to score 1000 points wins. In case of “bust”, the points drop to 0.

  1. 1. Throwing position

When choosing a throwing position, you should remember that the dart is light in weight, the distance to the target is short, and the target is very small in size. Success is achieved if, when throwing, the body body, slightly tilted forward, remains motionless, and the throw is made with the elbow and wrist parts of the arm.

So, you should stand half-sided towards the target, with the little toe of your right foot touching the throwing line. It is necessary to strictly ensure that you do not step beyond this line and in the future you will always fight your opponents correctly.

Then, leaning forward a little, choose the most comfortable and stable stance for yourself. To further promote stability when throwing, the left hand should be pressed towards the stomach. Leaning forward will provide the necessary space for the throwing arm and will also reduce the distance to the target.

The right hand must be moved forward so that the elbow is turned straight down and the feather of the dart is in a straight line from the eyes to the intended target.

*Left-handed players will need to make appropriate adjustments for themselves.

2. Throw

You should hold the dart in your hand so that its tip points exactly at the intended target. At the same time, you must strive to find a way to hold the dart in order to subtly feel its center of gravity. The thumb should be slightly behind the center of gravity. The dart and the brush should form a single whole. You need to hold the tip of the dart slightly upward and move your hand back and forth. Any extra movement will mean that the dart will not fly straight.

When practicing throws at the upper and lower sectors of the target, you need to build on the basic technique you have already acquired. For this:
- when targeting the upper sectors, you should slightly raise your forearm and straighten your body a little;
- aiming at the lower sectors, lower the forearm and, accordingly, slightly increase the tilt of the body forward.

When the target is the side sectors of the target, you should not try to throw diagonally. It will be more effective to move along the boundary line; this will bring you closer to the intended goal.

It is necessary to achieve smoothness and grace when throwing a dart at a target. The meaningfulness of the movements and the achieved result will bring joy and confidence in your capabilities.
