Sudway surf. Subway surf games online. Not everyone likes bright colors

The game is designed and thought out in such a way that the player is in constant excitement and tension. The plot of the game is very vivid and dynamic, so the player will not be able to relax until the end of the journey.
At first the plot Online Games Subway surfing seems simple, and to some extent even banal. At first glance, you may get the impression that this is an ordinary “runner”, but this impression does not last long - the game draws you in completely. Main character- a cheerful and cheerful guy Jake, who climbs into one of the train cars and secretly paints it with colorful graffiti. The young Surfer is spotted by an inspector, and an extreme chase begins. The main task of the player is to run away from the annoying inspector and his faithful dog for as long as possible. On his escape route, Jake encounters a huge number of obstacles, ranging from various structures to trains moving towards him. The player's goal is to get around all the obstacles at super speed and not crash into anything in the confusing subway maze. When the hero crashes into something, the game ends. In this case, you can continue the adventure using the keys you earned. Playing Subway Surf online for free on PC is a real pleasure. A boy who runs around trains and collects gold coins will give us all real pleasure!

Additional features

During the chase, Jake comes across gold coins on the way, which he needs to collect as much as possible. Coins can be exchanged for special bonuses:
Magnet– allows the player, while fleeing, to attract coins lying on the way.
Super sneakers and jetpack– lift Jake into the air, thereby helping to collect coins.
Secret box– includes interesting and useful items in the game. By completing daily game tasks, you can get an improved version of the box.
Bonus Hverboard– makes it possible to continue the game after colliding with obstacles.
In each mission, the player will have 3 mandatory tasks to complete. After completing 30 missions, gold boxes appear in the game. To receive new tasks, the player will need to connect to the Internet. If for some reason the player fails to complete the mission, then it can be skipped by paying a certain amount of earned coins.
As described earlier, collecting coins in the game is a very important point. With their help, you can not only buy bonuses and improvements, but also new characters with unique abilities and super suits.

An important advantage of the game is that all improvements can be purchased with earned game coins. That is, you don’t need to invest real money to buy this or that bonus; you can earn everything with your diligence. You can start playing the game Subway Serf online right now on our website. Here you will find everything available versions and updates. The game will immerse you in a dynamic and stunning world and charge you with only positive emotions.

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Let's get to know Jake better

A cheerful and mischievous teenager named Jake cannot be called a good boy. At the same time, you can’t call him a malicious hooligan either. He loves to travel, skateboard and paint walls in the subway and on the railway, which often displeases local security guards. Clean and tidy in the morning, by evening the tomboy usually doesn’t look so great. An active lifestyle and love of extreme sports taught the young man to take bruises and abrasions for granted. A bloody nose or broken knees are common for him.

That is why in some games the brave fellow does not run away from someone at all, but patiently waits until his bruises and abrasions are treated. At the same time, Jake is charismatic and sociable. If you comb him well, give him a bath, and generally put him in order, he will even begin to look like a little boy. But at such moments you need to keep an eye on him, otherwise he might run away.

It is difficult to say which country in the world Jake has not yet visited. In numerous subway surf games, he races on breakneck speed along the streets of many cities around the world. At the same time, the guy is not at all hampered by the language barrier, and he runs away from those who intend to catch up with him with enviable consistency.

Not everyone likes bright colors

Most of the subway surf games are made in the style of runners. It is precisely such bright and colorful proposals with excellent voice acting and magnificent graphics that boys and girls all over the world love, and not only computer games, but also numerous applications for phones and Androids.
The word subway in the name of the game itself says a lot; this is what Americans usually call the subway. Well, fans of extreme sports definitely don’t need to explain what the word surf means. For outside observers, we note that this, by and large, is nothing more than a type of skateboard.

It is on a skateboard that in many games Jake is forced to break away from the chase. Well, they are chasing him, in his own opinion, completely undeservedly. Well, what’s wrong with the fact that a person wanted to make the world brighter and more fun. The paintings on the gray walls please the eyes of passengers, but for some reason infuriate the workers railway and subways. So Jake is forced to make races and do all sorts of pirouettes on his miracle subway surf board.

Subway surfing is not for the faint of heart

Many games in the runner style, and especially subway surf, are made very realistic. The hero running at great speed is forced to dodge all sorts of moving obstacles while moving, overcome a large number of obstacles, jump, crouch, different sides and at the same time run. Sometimes one single wrong step becomes disastrous and the young man has to start all over again.

You can get injured in a subway surf, get hit by a rubble, or fall into a ditch. In order for such troubles to happen as rarely as possible in the vast subway surf, you must not only run fast, but also try to pick up as many useful bonuses as possible, which allow you to jump over obstacles without much difficulty, add maneuverability or speed to the hero of the game, or make you completely invulnerable for a while . This is the speed world of the subway surf game.

What attracts players

Bright and colorful platformers, designed in the style of a runner, attract you like a magnet. There are plenty of reasons for this. One of the main ones, perhaps, is the charisma of the main character of the game subway surf. His enthusiasm is enough for everyone. And the guy also has a lot of courage and resourcefulness. Together with him you can visit the most exotic places, visit various countries and cities, one problem - all this on the run.

During the game you can learn to make quick decisions, because otherwise you simply won’t have luck. Someone will have to fail during their first acquaintance with such a game, but that’s why it’s a game. Agree, if everything had worked out right away, there would have been no such intrigue, and therefore no one would have shown increased interest in the game.

It is very valuable that you can play subway surfing with friends. All results in the game are recorded, which means that the spirit of competition is always present and spurs the participants of the extreme race to achieve new heights. Each subsequent record set in subway surf encourages the race participants to take clearer and more coordinated actions. Perhaps not everyone will be able to become a winner the first time, but the victory will become all the more valuable and desirable. If you haven't tried subway surfing yet, now is the time to do it.

Without a doubt one of the best games on Android. It has excellent graphics, excellent voice acting and incredibly interesting gameplay.

You need to escape from the guard while avoiding moving trains, fences and other obstacles. The further you ran, the faster the pace. At the same time, you earn points and special stars, with which you can purchase new heroes, boards and various improvements.

Subway Surfers Perfect for those who need to kill time with interest. Control is carried out with one finger in vertical mode, so you can play without problems anywhere and at any time.

Tips from the site:
- To quickly land a jump, swipe down. This will save you more than once and help you collect more coins.
- Instead of wasting coins on useless things, you can constantly buy Mystery Box. There is a chance to win a lot of gold, nice goodies in the form of boards, trophies, and, of course, special tokens for unlocking new heroes.
- To prevent the game from slowing down, unload all other applications from memory. To do this on Android 4+ you need to run " Open Applications" (long press on the "Home" button), then swipe left or right to shake off all unnecessary programs.
- If your goal is to score as many points as possible, buy boards and, when the speed becomes very fast, use them whenever possible.
- Practice your reactions at low speeds, dodging trains and barriers in the nick of time. This way you will be able to pass such obstacles more confidently and at high speed.

Every developed person craves self-expression. People use sports and other creative activities for this. And there are individuals who go into the mainstream of excitement and risk in order to feel all the emotions in one day. Racers, climbers, stuntmen, pilots. There are a lot of professions in the world that cause a rush of adrenaline. A great future awaits you, but while you are a teenager, you have to test yourself in available and accessible ways. But who said that it is impossible to prove to your peers that you are cool? You can go to a party after school and listen to empty conversations, you can dance to music and meet new people. And there is an option to discover street drive and extreme sports.

New Generation

On the territory of the Subway Surf game you will get acquainted with the rebellious culture. Here only desperate and brave guys become leaders. This informal environment, which is common to all teenagers, encourages them to commit slightly illegal actions. In this world of contradictions, the attitude towards street art is very ambivalent. On the one hand, painting of some industrial and gloomy buildings is encouraged, but on the other hand, the authorities are trying to take control of all teenage organizations. You don't need to download to your PC, tablet or Android phone. Start playing the game Subway Surf directly online.

If graffiti means more to you than money or freedom, then try to paint something truly forbidden. This will increase personal rating and will be able to show the outside world what a brave man is capable of. The hero of the game subway surfers is looking for the most inaccessible and protected objects for painting and self-expression. He is fearless. He is driven by an insatiable thirst for adventure. And the hacked Subway Surfers allows you to play in your browser around the clock. A good option for relaxation after an ordinary gray weekday.

Adventures in the Underground

What could be more mysterious and darker than dungeons? Now imagine that this is the home of huge and high-speed trains. Here constant movement, and the game space is limited by tons of land above your head and narrow rutted roads. Perhaps the perception will paint very strange pictures, but it is quite possible to find this in the subway tunnels. Tricky labyrinths and the eternal risk of being caught, because public transport is closely guarded. But if you decorate it with a fancy pattern, the townspeople will appreciate your work of art.

In the Subway Surf games, the police prevent such hooliganism, but you have already deceived them and realized your plan. The task is completed, and a surprise awaits the passengers. When the train arrives at the platform, all that remains is to escape the crime scene from the intrusive cops. This is real if you are strong enough to run without looking back. Subway Surf games will show you the way and test your hero's ability to run on trains. Freedom is more valuable than broken knees, but not more valuable than life. Be agile and careful. There are plenty of dangers. Run away and try to avoid jail time.

Towards new missions

Get ready to play almost endlessly, and be patient. There are countless lives in this wonderful entertainment. It’s easy to forget each failure by starting the process all over again. But you gain invaluable experience. Try to escape the uniformed bloodhounds and avoid getting into an emergency with the subway trains. Playing Subway Surf is exciting because of the constant movement and tension. This entertainment is available around the clock and free of charge, without downloading. Of course, you can find cheats, mods and codes for the game, but then all actions will become meaningless, and the game itself will lose its charm. Do you really want easy victories with the help of tips?

The video game Subway Surf impresses with its high quality and excellent graphics. This is quite an unusual phenomenon for such Internet fun. So that you don’t have to search the Internet for something similar to this toy, we recommend visiting the site where best games Subway surf. It is a time saver and a great choice for every user. The popularity of this version is growing with regularity, and more and more inhabitants of the planet are going virtual into the underground. Become a legend, find your limit and evaluate your own strength. Try it once, and you will be caught in the whirlpool of what is happening. We wish you good luck!

Subway Surf Games: Only forward!

The heroes of the game Subway Surf are desperate teenagers who enter the territory of the railway depot to apply graffiti to the cars. But this disgrace is noticed by a policeman who begins to pursue the guys. You control one of the teenagers and help him escape from pursuit. This is not easy, and your hero cannot linger: after all, he is being chased not only by a cop, but also by a very angry dog, capable of gaining quite a lot of speed. If you play Subway Surf online on a computer, you will have to run throughout the entire game, dodging dangers and collecting bonus coins. Collisions with obstacles, such as a train, can knock the hero down.

The game has several parallel paths along which a teenager can run. Sometimes they are all free, and the hero can choose any one. And sometimes trains come towards him, and he needs to weave between the rails so that his escape does not end in an accident. The guy can climb onto the roofs of the cars, and then simply jump from one train to another. Often there are obstacles on the rails, and there is no way to turn either right or left - in this case you have to jump over the obstacle or slide under it. Additional devices that can be purchased with collected coins or picked up while running help you gain speed.

Pleasant bonuses of the game Subway Surf

For example, there are hoverboards - fantastic devices similar to skateboards, but without wheels, flying at a short distance from the ground. With such boards you can rush over rails and carriages without any problems. In addition, the game offers:

  • jetpacks that allow you to fly with enormous acceleration
  • super shoes that increase running speed

Things will be useful for increasing the collection of coins. For example, a magnet that attracts even those bonuses that are located at a distance. In Subway Surf you can play as several characters. The main characters here are the guy Jake, as well as his friends Tricky and Fresh. Other guys open only after collecting a certain number of bonuses. This game was originally released for devices with operating system Android, but then versions appeared for other platforms. Now the game Subway Surf can be played online for free by almost everyone. In addition to the main version of the toy, the developers have released several add-ons. For example, the Halloween version, in which appeared new character- Zombie Jake. A “World Tour” series has also been created, in which the guys travel to different cities, running away from the police in:

  • New York
  • Sydney
  • Tokyo

Unique characters are also added here, like the Italian guy Roberto or the Australian surfer girl Kim. We invite you to play the game Subway Surf on our gaming portal!
