The most interesting game for Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa games on the street for all ages. Competition "Find Yours"

Maximova Nadezhda

village Yuzhno-Kurilsk

Maslenitsa - this means SPRING has COME!

Maslenitsa is loved by adults and children, without exception, because it is the most fun, light, bright and very tasty holiday!

The day increases day by day, the sun becomes brighter and warmer, the snow begins to melt and the mood rises higher and higher.

The ice begins to move and the water wakes up.

Therefore, you can play the game where there is ice. Can I have this ice? Make the ice cubes yourself.

OBJECTIVE: jump from one piece of ice to another piece of ice.

Younger children will enjoy this game.

You can complicate the task and set the right and left banks in order to have time to cross to the other bank. Therefore, we place pieces of ice cut out of shiny paper on the floor or on the snow. We place them so that the children can jump from one to the other. All competition participants jump in turns. The exercise can be done using a stopwatch, or can it be that whose team is faster, that team wins?

For information:

Broad Maslenitsa - Cheese Week,

You came dressed up to greet us in Spring.

We'll bake pancakes and celebrate all week,

To drive the cold winter out of the house!

Morning... MONDAY...

Bright sleds slide down the hills.
All day fun. Evening is coming...
Having skated to their heart's content, they eat all the pancakes.

"PLAY" careless - TUESDAY's joy.
Everyone went out for a walk and frolic, as one!
Games and fun, and for them - a reward:
A rich and golden-brown Pancake week pancake!

Here WEDNESDAY is suitable -"Gourmand" called.
Every housewife casts a spell at the stove.
Kulebyaki, cheesecakes - they succeed in everything.
Pies and pancakes - everything is on the table!

And on THURSDAY - free"ROLL UP" comes.
Ice fortresses, snow battles...
Troikas with bells go out into the fields,
Guys are looking for girls - their betrothed.

Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes
And with caviar, and with salmon, or a little simpler -
We ate it with sour cream, honey, and butter.

All the relatives meet and dance in a circle.
The holiday continues, general fun -
A nice farewell to Zimushka!

Bright SUNDAY is coming quickly,
The soul is relieved"FAREWELL DAY"...
Straw butter - Zimushka - is burned,
Dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt...

(We repeat with a friendly crowd behind the leader near Maslenitsa-Scarecrow)

Spring, Spring is red!

Come, Spring, with goodness,

With great joy:

With the warm sun,

A bountiful harvest,

With pouring rain,

With beautiful flowers,

With abundant gifts!

It turns outSPRING and offers along withPresenter the following games (to choose from)

A GAME: "Round dance"

Traditional game for Maslenitsa.

For the round dance, prepare lively folk or appropriate music.

The essence of the game is to divide children into two or more teams. Children stand in circles, with their backs to the center of the round dance, join hands and dance to the music, pretending to be pancakes being fried in a frying pan. When the music ends abruptly, children should freeze. Whoever got the smoothest “pancake” won. Be sure to reward the kids with small gifts.


Like on Shrovetide
Pancakes were flying from the chimney!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve everyone some pancakes.
In the heat of the moment, take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

The essence of the game is to, within a certain period of time,"bake" the largest number of pancakes.

Whoever draws the most circles on the prepared sheets of Whatman paper and felt-tip pens (how many sheets of Whatman paper, so many playing teams) wins.

There are no losers on this day, so everyone gets incentive prizes in the form of a pancake with sour cream or..., candies or other sweets.

A game: "Carousel"

Take a long stick.

Tie multi-colored ribbons of the same length to its end.

Call children and adults:

“Who wants to ride our carousel?”

Everyone takes one end of the ribbon, pulls it and the carousel spins.

We repeat the words after the leader:

“Barely - barely - barely - barely
The carousel started spinning.
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run!
(speed up the pace)
Let's run, let's run,
Let's run, let's run!
After these words, you can change the direction of movement.
Hush, hush, don't rush,
Carousel os-ta-no-vi-te.
One-two, one-two (pause)
So the game is over."

A GAME: "Handkerchief"

This is an antique folk game, which involves giving a scarf to a girl you like.

ALL “Handkerchiefs” are hung at different heights,

and the participants in the game should jump up or reach for something to tear off the scarf and give it to their girl.

Girls can also participate in the game and give handkerchiefs to boys.


This is the oldestbuttery fun , which will be everything.

A very tall pillar is being prepared.

Gifts are hung on this pole at different distances from each other.

The task of the willing player is to climb onto the PILLAR and pick or throw off any gift. Whoever got what got it got it.

A GAME : "Burners"

The most popular folk game for Maslenitsa.

This game can be played outside or in a spacious room where children can run around.

“Burning” is selected.

He comes forward.

The guys stand one after another in a row and sing:

Burn, burn clearly,

So that it doesn't fade away.

One, two, boldly

Look at the sky

Geese tags are flying,

They shout to all Rus':

Ga-ha-ha, ha-ga-ha,

Never catch up with us!

"Burning" sings:

I'm standing, standing on a log,

I'm standing, standing in the sun!

Oh, I'm burning hot

Oh, I'm burning clearly

One of the players asks: - Why are you burning?

"Burning" answers: “I want the good fellow.”

The same player asks: - Which one?

"Burning" answers: - You, young one!

The one who asked the questions runs away,"burning" catches up with him.

If he catches them, they change roles; if not, a new one is chosen."burning".


A game for the little ones.

We hold hands, walk and say in unison and together:

“Once we heated a STOVE with you,
We baked beautiful pancakes in a frying pan,

We received the loaf in the OVEN

Big and festive, cooked up
Wow, how skinny you are!
(converge in a narrow circle)
That's how small you are! (we squat down)
That's how wide it is! (make a wide circle without letting go of your hands)
Sooooo tall! (raise our arms high, stand on tiptoes).”

A GAME: "Mother Spring"

One pair of players joins hands and raises them up, forming"gates".

The rest of the guys, holding hands, walk through the “gate” in a chain.

and sing:

Mother spring is coming,

Open the gate.

The first of March has passed,

I saw all the children through.

And behind it is April

He opened the window and door.

How was May?

- Walk for as long as you can now!

Having missed everyone several times, the guys pretending to"gates", Then everyone is asked which side he chooses - right or left.

Divided into two groups, everyone makes new pairs and,

holding hands, raising them up, stand in a row behind"gate".

One of the players who does not have a pair enters"gates".

They sing to him:

Mother Spring is walking

Alone through the fields and forests.

Saying goodbye for the first time

Other times it is prohibited

An for the third time

We won't miss you!

Mother spring is walking,

She is looking for children alone.

Saying goodbye for the first time

Other times it is prohibited

You won't find it the third time

You will end up in a cage yourself!

Then he uses the edge of his palm to separate the hands of the standing couples.

The resulting two teams measure their strength by pulling a tourniquet (rope).

You can have a competition"Who will outsing whom."

You need to divide the children into two teams and choose a theme for the songs.

(for example, “Spring”).

Which team will remember more songs about spring?


An old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, paved the bridge.

The Red One came and dispersed the entire bridge.(Frost and spring.)

He came from heaven and went to earth.(Rain)

What is not sown will be born in the spring?(Grass)

The red yoke hung across the river.(Rainbow)

Without a tongue, but speaks.

Without legs, but running.(Creek)

From the window in the window - a golden spindle. (Sunbeam)

The whole field was covered in small greenery.(Spring meadow.)

It is celebrated in the spring

This holiday is groovy,

Everyone attends the fair

And they treat you to pancakes(Maslenitsa)

Everyone in the world loves him

Adults and children love

At least with filling, at least without,

Everyone wants to eat it

It's round and crispy

Shiny from the oil.(Crap)

What kind of place would you say?

What to call it, friends?

It's like being in a fashion store

You can always buy everything

There are counters and display cases,

Their sellers stand there

Once a year they come out

Sell ​​souvenirs.(Fair)

Can't do without him

So that the pancakes are all a success,

Before kneading the dough,

You need to buy it

This product comes from a cow,

It sparkles in the sun.

It improves the taste of pancakes,

It's in the refrigerator.(Oil)

SONG FOR CHILDREN FOR MASLENITAS (melody download on the Internet)

Farewell, farewell, our Maslenitsa.

We saw off Maslena,
We sighed heavily for her.
Sorry, Maslenya, goodbye,
And come next year,
Hurry up! Hurry up!

Farewell, farewell, our Maslenitsa.
Farewell, farewell, our Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa has returned,
Reach out until the great day.
Spoke for seven weeks
And there's one day left
The last day is Sunday!

Farewell, farewell, our Maslenitsa.
Farewell, farewell, our Maslenitsa.

Come spring, with great joy,
With great mercy and grace.


We welcomed Maslena,
We were greeted with butter and pancakes.
And today is Sunday,
Our fun will end.
Under the mountains! Under the mountains!

Farewell, farewell, our Maslenitsa.
Farewell, farewell, our Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa was missed
They lit up their darling.
Burn the Oil Can hotter,
The sun will be clearer
And more beautiful! And more beautiful!

Farewell, farewell, our Maslenitsa.
Farewell, farewell, our Maslenitsa.
Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out!

SONG “Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, Oh my pancakes”

We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time,
We wanted pancakes

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Our big sister
She's a master at baking pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

She baked something to eat,
There are probably five hundred.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

She puts it on the tray
And she carries it to the table.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Guests, be healthy!
My pancakes are ready.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.


Without a pancake it’s not buttery
Ride in the mountains, lie in pancakes
Pancakes are relatives of the sun.
This Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, it’s bringing honey.
Shrovetide, go around, save money
At least pawn everything from yourself and celebrate Maslenitsa
It’s not all Maslenitsa, but there will be Lent too
For some it’s Maslenitsa, but it’s continuous, but for us, it’s Palm and Passion!
Maslena does not last forever.

Folk fun for Maslenitsa

Pole walker competition

The competition is held:

who will most likely reach the goal on pillar walkers.

To make them, you need ropes and logs with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters, and the height is at your discretion.

Holes are drilled in the top of the logs.

A rope is threaded through them. Now the pillar walkers are ready.

When walking, the ends of the ropes are held in the hands (the ropes help move the legs with the pillars).

By the way, you can use large tin cans instead of logs.

They compete on pole walkers in the same way as on stilts.

Relay race with "cars"

Flags mark a certain distance.

The guys are divided into teams.

And in each team, in turn, the children should split into pairs.

One person from the pair will need to depict a handcart with one wheel and a wheelbarrow with two handles,

where the “wheel” will be the arms, and the “handles” will be the legs.

The child playing the role of a wheelbarrow lies on the floor, focusing on his hands.

The child playing the role of the driver takes his partner by the legs (“handles”) and lifts him up.

On command, the “wheelbarrow”, supported by the “driver”, moving on his hands, must reach the turning flag and return back.

Another “car” should already be ready to move here. Etc.

A GAME: "Running on Three Legs"

The players are divided into teams, each team into pairs.

They tie their legs (the right leg of one child to the left leg of the other).

Flags mark the distance.

The pair runs on three legs to the turning flag and returns to the starting line. Etc.

Which team is most likely to finish the competition?

A game: "Who is stronger"

In this competition, you can identify both the winners in push-ups with the right or left hand, and the winner based on the sum of the exercises performed with both hands.

It is advisable to at least roughly divide the participants into weight categories before the start of the competition.

(for different weight categories the weights must be of different weights).

A GAME: "Wake the Bear"
Then, armed with burning brands, they walked
"wake up the bear" (wake up).

In the pit, covered with dead wood, lay a mummer depicting a sleeping bear. The participants of the holiday danced around the den, shouting at the top of their lungs, trying to wake up the clubfoot. Then they started throwing branches, snowballs, and twigs at him.
"Bear" didn’t wake up until one of the girls sat on his back and jumped on him.

That's when"Bear" began to awaken.

The girl ran away, tearing off a piece of bear skin or a bear leg.

The mummer stood up and began to dance, imitating the awakening of the bear, then went to look for his loss, leaning on a crutch:

“Creaky leg, Creaky linden one!”
And the water is sleeping, and the earth is sleeping.
And they sleep in the villages, They sleep in the villages.
One woman does not sleep, sits on my skin.
He spins my fur, cooks my meat.
It dries out my skin."

Having caught his offender, the “bear” squeezed her in his arms with a bear hug.

A GAME: "Russian Broom"

A broom is an object that is always and everywhere. It is in fairy tales, it is given to the Snowman, and it is also given toMaslenitsa, that is, an effigy that will be burned. And before the broom is burned, we will play with it. The participants' task is to throw the broom as far as possible. This funny game everyone will like it. You can do this standing still, or you can do it running.

Whoever's broom flies the farthest wins.

A GAME: “Oh, my damn, yes damn it”

You can do a “RUN” with a pancake on your head

The presenter needs to prepare 2 real cardboard pancakes in advance. And the children should be divided into 2 teams. Those who are first in the ranks of their team take THEIR PANCAKE and try to pass the obstacle (which the Leader will prepare with a cardboard PANCAKE on her head, but try not to drop it while walking quickly). Whose team will complete this fun task faster?


Everyone jumped over the fire that day (it was during such jumps on the day of the spring equinox that the fairy-tale Snow Maiden melted in Ostrovsky’s play), and afterward they necessarily washed themselves with snow or melt water.

It was rightly believed that soft melt water gives the face special freshness and beauty.

They honored young people who got married during the past year.

Unmarried and unmarried people had a bandage or rope tied on their arm.

To remove it, it was necessary to pay off by bringing a treat with you to the common table.

Burning Madder (an effigy of annoying Winter)
At the end of the program, they always ceremoniously burned Madder’s effigy at the stake, throwing garbage, straw and old things into the fire:
“Mader is tanned, the whole world is tired of it!”


The fair crowns the magnificent festivities.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
In a year we will meet Beauty again,
Let's celebrate again and serve pancakes!

Since the pleasant time of thaw has arrived, everyone goes outside, everyone has more vital energy. Accordingly, it needs to be directed in a pleasant direction, which is why games for children and competitions for Maslenitsa are organized, here are a few of them:

  • “Handkerchief” - handkerchiefs tied at different heights are torn from the jump by the boys, after which they give them to the girls they like.
  • “Cockerels” - in a drawn circle, guys, standing on one leg, try to push each other beyond its limits without using their hands.

Throwing felt boots

The essence of the game is in the name.
Like, goodbye, felt boots!
Throwing at a distance, accuracy, closeness of the fall of the second felt boot from the first.
Suitable for a large hall, but better, of course, for the street.

Running with obstacles

Two guys are participating in the relay race.

  • Put on a Russian shirt
  • Belt yourself with a sash
  • Eat a banana
  • Whistle
  • Kiss the beauty

One beauty. She is kissed by the one who completed the previous stages first.

This kind of relay race can be carried out in the summer, say, in a camp.
On the beach, guys need to run to the water: take off their baseball cap, jacket, shirt, sneakers, trousers, and dive into the water. Who is first?


The players stand in pairs, one after another. In front of everyone, at a distance of two steps, stands the driver - the burner. Those playing say the words in a chant:

“Burn, burn clearly,
So that it doesn't go out.
Stay a little longer
Look into the field
The trumpeters are going there
Yes, they eat rolls.
Look at the sky:
The stars are burning
The cranes scream:
- Gu, gu, I'll run away.
One, two, don't be a crow,
And run like fire!”
After the last words, the children standing in the last pair run from both sides along the column. The burner tries to stain one of them. If the running players managed to take each other’s hands before the burner stains one of them, then they stand in front of the first pair, and the burner lights up again.
The game is repeated.
If the burner manages to stain one of those running in a pair, then he stands with him in front of the entire column, and the one who is left without a pair burns.
Rules of the game:
The burner should not look back. He catches up with the fleeing players as soon as they run past him.


All participants are divided into two teams and lined up in two lines opposite each other.
Participants braid a “braid” - they hold hands through one another, crosswise.
The members of the first team step towards the other team, which is standing still at that time, and say: “We all congratulate Masha and wish her health!” They say the second half of the sentence while walking backwards. Then the other team does the same. Then everyone lines up at the back and follows the leader, who tries to walk in such a way that everyone gets confused. As soon as the leader claps his hands, both teams take their places and are again braided into the “net.”
Usually after this “extra” hands appear.

"The Owl and the Birds"

Before the competition begins, children choose for themselves the names of those birds whose voice they can imitate. For example, a dove, a crow, a jackdaw, a sparrow, a tit, a goose, a duck, a crane, etc. The players choose an eagle owl. He goes to his nest, and those playing quietly, so that the eagle owl does not hear, figure out what kind of birds they will be in the game. Birds fly, scream, stop and crouch. Each player imitates the cry and movements of the bird he has chosen. At the signal “Owl!” all birds try to quickly take a place in their home. If the eagle owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is. Only a correctly named bird becomes an eagle owl. Bird houses and the eagle owl's house should be located on a hill. Birds fly to the nest on a signal or as soon as the eagle owl catches one of them.

"Broom on the forehead"

Now try wearing a broom on your forehead for as long as possible.

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:
Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined -
I went to get water.
With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run different sides round. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game repeats itself.


The driver and the driver are selected by lot. The korchaga is covered with a scarf and placed in the center of the circle formed by the participants in the game. The driver, in secret from the pot, gives all the players names: “bird”, “flower”, etc. Then he stands near the pot and calls each of the players in turn, pronouncing his new name. The person called approaches the person sitting, lightly hits him with his hand and, returning to his place, claps his hands. After this, the driver takes the handkerchief from the pot and asks who hit him. If the driver guesses correctly, the one who struck sits in his place; if not, the pot remains in the center of the circle, and the game continues.

Elena Eremina

About the role of the mobile games a lot has already been said in the training and education system. And in our preschool educational institution No. 9 mobile organized games are a means comprehensive development children preschool age, are used everywhere and every day. But I want to pay special attention folk outdoor games. They are an integral part in the upbringing of preschool children. By participating in them, children get acquainted with the uniqueness of life, language, and customs of people of different nationalities. IN folk games always contain speech content. They are mainly presented in the form of round dance folklore amusements and practical jokes. Folk games are very entertaining, contain old, little-used words, and are very popular with children. They always create a joyful, upbeat mood, which is a condition for children’s interest; emotional experiences in the game mobilize all their strength to achieve their goal.

Counting rhymes, drawing lots, beginnings, and nursery rhymes give the games a unique flavor.

A traditional Russian holiday, which is celebrated annually by both children and adults in our kindergarten, is MASLENITSA. This is especially fun, because children really love rituals. holidays: slides, various competitions, dressing up, games.

Maslenitsa- one of the longest holidays. The celebration lasts for a whole week, during which children make crafts, eat pancakes, compete, and participate in a themed matinee.

On Friday, the last working day, Maslenitsa in kindergarten we celebrated on a grand scale. Dress the kids in folk costumes and began the celebration in the music room. And we didn’t have to go far to find games - our ancestors, the Slavs, had already invented them once, and they continue to delight children.

Russian folk outdoor game"Stream"

Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers knew and loved this game, and it has come down to us almost unchanged. There is no need to be strong, agile or fast. This game is of a different kind - emotional, it creates a mood that is cheerful and cheerful.

The rules are simple. The players stand one after another in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, a boy and a girl, join hands and hold them high above their heads. The clasped hands create a long corridor. The player who did not get a pair goes to "source" stream and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a mate.

Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose couple was broken goes to the beginning "stream". And passing under clasped hands, he takes with him the one he likes. So "trickle" moves - the more participants, the more fun game, especially fun to do while listening to music.

A game "Tug of War"

Children stand on both sides of the rope and, at a signal, begin to pull in different directions. That team wins, which will manage to pull the rope across the line.

Relay race: Pancake with heat, heat in a hot frying pan.

Children like pancakes.

How delicious are pancakes!

Everyone in the world is in love

Into delicious pancakes!

Round dance on Maslenitsa

Calls for burning effigy Maslenitsa

So that it doesn't go out!

So that all the snowstorms

They flew away together

For the birds to sing

The grass was turning green

The skies are chenille

And the ears of corn ripened!

So that all adversity,

Winter frosts,

Failures, tears -

Let them burn, let them burn,

They're flying towards the sun!

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out!

Burn, burn brighter

Summer will be hotter!

Maslenitsa is tanned -

The whole world is tired of it!

I walked happily

She sang and played.

Hello, goodbye

Come next year!

Spring is already at the door,

So burn, burn quickly!

Publications on the topic:

Card index “Russian folk games” Prepared by teacher: Pushkareva E.V. Kaskara, 2016 Games are a kind of school for a child. They satisfy the thirst for action;

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Lapbook "Folk outdoor games" Everyone already knows this quite the new kind teaching aids- LAPBUK, which translates as “book.”

Folk games for preschoolers Folk games for preschoolers HISTORY OF FOLK GAMES The culture of every nation includes the games it created. For centuries, these games have been accompanied.

Folk outdoor games. Folk games are an integral part of patriotic, artistic and physical education preschoolers. The joy of movement is combined.

Happy child 02/16/2018

Dear readers, Broad Maslenitsa is a national holiday, which is always accompanied by fun games and amusements. It is distinguished by its colorful bright outfits, delicious food, and with music and songs, the festivities are a great success.

According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, if you spend Maslenitsa days boringly, then the next year will be unsuccessful. After all, only after having a good rest and having plenty of fun can you work well and fruitfully. And this means that the harvest will be rich, the bins will be full, and the family will be well-fed and healthy.

And that is why there are so many games and competitions for Maslenitsa - so that the holiday is wide and fun.

No matter how angry winter is, the spring sun warms up more and more. And so that the children can also warm themselves up during the festivities on the street, you can arrange Maslenitsa games for them. You can start with an active game with running, and then move on to calmer ones.

"Masha the Confused"

There must be a lot of children. They all join hands and form a long chain. The driver stands on one side; he can be chosen by lot. The driver begins to run around the site, constantly changing directions. And the whole chain of children runs after him, trying not to let go of each other’s hands. But since no one except the driver knows where to run, it is difficult for children to maintain balance and not get unstuck. It is especially difficult for the last ones in the chain. And when someone falls down laughing, they are out of the game. Those guys who last the longest win. If you are not tired, you can choose another driver and continue the game.


This is perhaps the most popular game.

Burn-burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out!
Look at the sky
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing:
- Ding-dong, ding-dong,
Run out quickly!

Everyone stands in pairs. The joined hands are raised up. Ahead, at a distance of 5-6 steps, stands the driver. Children begin to pronounce burner words. Having finished speaking, the children of the last pair release their hands and run forward along their sides of the column. Ahead, they need to take each other’s hands again, but so that one of them is not caught by the leader. Whoever he insults, he pairs up with. The remaining player becomes the driver.

"Handkerchief of Sympathy"

Only boys play. On the site you need to place a gate in the shape of a P. Multi-colored scarves are hung on strings on the top crossbar. The boys take turns running and, jumping up, try to tear off one of the scarves. If the scarf is torn off, the boy goes up to one of the girls and gives her a gift - a scarf.

"Snow Shooting Range"

You need to install square shields meter by meter, draw circles on them, like in a shooting range, with a diameter of 30, 60, 90 cm. Prepare snowballs for throwing in advance. Those guys who hit the target must be treated to sweets. Adults should watch carefully to ensure that no one is standing near the shields.


A group of children and a child dressed up as a goat are playing. The players turn to the “goat”:

Gray goat,
White tail,
We'll give you something to drink
We'll feed you
Don't butt us
And play “Trap.”

At the last words, the children scatter around the playground, and the “goat” tries to catch up with them.

Fun indoor games for Maslenitsa

When the kids have been running and jumping outside, and have eaten sour cream and pancakes, they need to go dry and rest indoors. You can also play in the hall, but more calmly.


Vanya is chosen and stands in the center of the round dance. He holds a toy horse in his hands or sits astride a stick horse. Children holding hands walk in a circle and sing:

Vanya, Vanya-simplicity
I bought a horse without a tail.
He sat backwards
And went to the garden!

After that, everyone runs away, and Vanya catches him. The caught one becomes Vanya.


The game requires a lot of artificial or paper flowers. Any number of children can play. All players walk freely around the hall and sing a spring song:

Spring, red spring,
Come, spring, with joy,
With great mercy:
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With the heavy rains,
With abundant flowers.

While the children are singing, one of the adults scatters flowers on the floor. When the song ends, everyone quickly starts collecting flowers. Whoever has the larger bouquet wins.


Children will draw the rays of the sun, so they will need two sheets of whatman paper with drawn suns, but without the rays. Children are divided into two teams, and each stands in front of their drawing, 5-6 meters away from them. Children are given yellow felt-tip pens or markers. At the signal, children from the teams take turns running to their drawing sheets and drawing rays of the sun (there will be as many of them as there are participants in the team). The first team to finish and be assembled wins.


A large circle is drawn on the floor where the “crow” is located - this is the leader. The “sparrow” children stand behind the circle. At a signal from an adult, the “sparrows” begin to jump in place, flap their wings and jump into a circle. You can also jump in a circle, trying not to get caught by the crow. The leader can only catch in a circle, and then the “sparrow” becomes the leader.


There should be two presenters, one with a ring in his hands. Children sit in a row on a long bench and cup their hands. They begin to pronounce the words:
“Ring-ring, roll onto the porch, across the field, through the meadow, come back after making a circle!” And the leader with the ring comes up to everyone and holds his hands with the ring between their folded palms and quietly places it on someone.

The second must guess who is holding the ring. If he guesses right, he becomes the main presenter, and if he doesn’t guess right, the children say the words: “One, two, three, ring, run!”

The child with the ring runs away, and the second leader tries to catch him. If the child manages to run around the hall and return to his place, then the second leader will guess again. If he doesn’t have time, he becomes a guesser.

“Pancakes – flatbreads”

This is a fun shouting game. There are no losers or winners here, just a fun and playful game. The children are divided into two halves: one, at the leader’s signal, will shout the word “pancakes,” and the other, “flat cakes.” The text is:

It was a good winter, we are seeing it off
And we joyfully welcome the warmth of spring.
We bake pancakes with seasoning (hand sign in the direction of “pancakes”)!
And delicious (hand sign towards “flatbread”) flatbreads!
We clap our hands cheerfully and together (everyone clap).
The long-awaited oil week has arrived,
And no one will count how much we ate.
We ate and ate (hand sign) pancakes!
And also (hand sign) flatbreads!
Now let’s spin around ourselves a little (everyone is spinning).
There are songs, dances, laughter, noisy parties around,
In every house, the effort and effort was appreciated,
There are (hand sign) pancakes on the table!
And next to it (hand sign) are flatbreads!
To get more into us, we jump on our legs (everyone jumps).
Another circle around you (everyone is spinning),
And we clap our hands (everyone clap).

All children will have a lot of fun shouting in unison.


Children who want to play are put on buffoon hats with bells. “Skomoroshki” perform tasks: show how bears, cockerels, geese walk; how goats butt heads; how the sun rolls across the sky; dance to fun music, etc.

Games and fun on Maslenitsa are very noisy and active, and fast, cheerful melodies greatly contribute to this.


The players stand or sit in a row and pass each other a broom decorated with ribbons and paper flowers. Everything happens to fast music. When the music suddenly stops playing, the broom ends up in someone's hands. This person must or.


Participants stand in a circle holding hands. In the middle there is a circle drawn with paint - a “frying pan”. A slow round dance tune sounds and everyone begins to move in a circle. As soon as fast dance music starts, everyone tries to push their neighbors into the frying pan. You can’t unclasp your arms, you can only lean on your legs. Whoever stepped into the “frying pan” was “baked.” There should be two winners.

"Merry Musicians"

5-6 children play. They are given musical instruments: spoons, pipe, accordion, rattle, rattle, bell. One is left without an instrument and plays the role of conductor. They turn on the music quietly, and the musicians begin to play whatever they want. At the conductor’s signal, they place the instruments on the floor and slowly run in a circle with the conductor. As soon as the music stops, everyone tries to grab any instrument lying on the floor. Whoever doesn't get it starts leading a new orchestra.

Dance “Making Pancakes”

The presenter says the following text: “We played, and now let’s relax and bake delicious pancakes all together together. Our mothers kneaded the dough for us, and we will bake. To make the stove hot, you need to light a fire in it. We will represent this with friendly and loud applause. Light it up, well done!

Now it's time for the frying pan. Our frying pan is round, so let’s join hands and heat it up hotter.”

A square dance sounds, and everyone dances in a circle, and the leader shows the movements.

To the song “Let's go through the raspberries to the garden,” all the players run in a circle, holding hands.

“There are raspberries, pancakes are baking. Oh, go for a walk! We’ll get some caviar for the pancakes, and lots of it!”

Everyone curls up into one big lump.

“Ay, well done! Let’s go eat big and rosy pancakes!”

To the accompaniment of a Russian round dance song, everyone walks in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other.

“These are the wonderful pancakes we baked: beautiful and rosy! Now you can have tea and pancakes.”

Everyone bows to each other and goes to their tables.


The game is more suitable for teenagers. Guys and girls stand in a common circle. The leader throws handkerchiefs upward according to the number of young men, and they must catch them. If even one falls, all the guys are symbolically “punished”, for example, they have to do 10 push-ups or 20 sit-ups. Then the players approach the girls and put handkerchiefs on their shoulders, inviting them to dance.

All couples begin to dance to a slow melody. The guys try to take the handkerchiefs back, but the girls dodge and don’t let the “gifts” be taken from them. The music continues to play until the guys have all the handkerchiefs. If someone took it first, then they just dance with each other.

The main thing in the game is not to forcefully take the handkerchief, but to deftly and carefully take it from the girl, who must dodge beautifully and gracefully. And this all happens in dance to music.

Folk games for Maslenitsa for older schoolchildren

Teenage boys will be happy to demonstrate their strength and dexterity in games, and girls will show off their beauty, dancing skills, grace and tenderness.


This game is more for teenage boys. It allows you to show your strength and resilience. Although some lively girls also play it.

Players are divided into teams of equal strength. One is “elephants”, the others will jump from above. The strongest of the “elephants” stands facing the wall and, resting his hands on it, leans forward. Everyone else stands behind and, hugging those in front by the waist, bows their heads down. This creates the long back of the “elephant”.

The players of the other team, having run up, must jump on the backs of the players of the first team. Moving along the back of the “elephant”, all participants should sit on it. The task of the “elephant” is not to break, and the top one is not to fall for at least 10 seconds.


This folk game was known to our great-grandmothers, and it has come down to us almost exactly as it was played at that time. Beautiful, smooth, it seems to flow like a stream. There is no need to show your strength and dexterity here. It plays on emotions and creates a pleasant mood.

Everyone stands in pairs, one behind the other, looking in the same direction. The clasped hands are raised high above the head and form an arch. Whoever didn’t get a pair walks along the living corridor from the last pair and looks for a partner. He takes him/her by the hand, and together they walk to the beginning of the corridor. They stand in front and also raise their hands. The one left without a pair does the same as the first player. So gradually the “stream” moves forward.

Young people and girls especially loved this game. After all, it gives you the opportunity to touch your loved one and be close.

"Jump ropes"

This is one of fun games. And although the rules are very simple, not everyone will be able to cope with the task - it requires dexterity and attentiveness, and, of course, a long rope. Two adults take the rope and twirl it like a jump rope, and the teenagers take turns running up and starting to jump. Whoever has the most jumps wins. You can complicate the conditions: jump two or three at a time, or maybe even 5-6 players.

Tug of War

What would Maslenitsa be without a tug of war? This is probably the oldest fun. The presenter says the words:

Men, guys, guys
We call you to the rope.
Ten on the left, ten on the right,
Only the muscles are cracking.

Everyone is divided into teams. A line is drawn on the snow with red paint (you can use a spray can), and the teams stand on one side or the other of the line, holding a rope. At the signal, tug-of-war begins. The first team to cross the line loses.

You can complicate the game: for example, place children with their backs to each other. Or take not a rope, but a smooth rubber hose.

"King of the Hill"

The most famous and gambling game on Maslenitsa. One of the teenagers climbs a small snowy mountain and shouts in defiance: “I am the king of the mountain! I’m the boss here!” The remaining players rush up the mountain from all sides, trying to overthrow the self-proclaimed king and seize the throne themselves. The goal is to be first, but not to hurt each other. Adults make sure that children do not push each other too roughly.

"A cap"

Two boys or guys play. At a signal, they must knock each other's hats off their heads. An enemy's hat falling to the ground is a sign of victory. You cannot hold the hat with your hand and you cannot adjust it either.

Everyone loves to have fun on Maslenitsa - from young to old! There are ancient Russian amusements for adults too. Especially for strong and dexterous men.

Fist fight

What would Maslenitsa be without a brave fist fight? In the old days they went wall to wall, street to street, village to village. And everyone was equal: both the common people and the rich merchants. At first, boys under 12 years old usually fought, then young boys stood up, and then adult men measured their strength. If someone fell, it was impossible to hit him. It was forbidden to grab clothes. The task of each “wall” is to put the enemy to flight.

Each side had a so-called leader, headman or chieftain. They distributed the fighters in the “wall”, and at their signal the battle began. There were also fighters who were called “nadezhda”. Their main task was to break the enemy’s formation and let several of their own men into the gap at once.

Try holding such a fight on Maslenitsa among boys or men. Do not fight with fists and do not tear clothes.

"We cut wood"

Nice guests, wonderful people,
Turn your face here.
Let's start sports now
Daredevil competitions.
Strong guys compete
Guys, be healthy.
Called to the center of the square
Original wood cutters.

Two willing men must cut through a very thick log with a regular saw. The cut should be smooth and neat.

Pillar with prizes

This cheerful spectacle on Maslenitsa is familiar to everyone. A long pole is dug into the ground with trophies tied at the top that need to be retrieved. You can pour water on the pillar. It’s 10 times more difficult to climb up an ice pillar like this.

Various competitions are another of the folk traditions for Maslenitsa. Indoors are less active, and outdoors - with running, jumping, strength and agility.

"Mother-in-law's pancakes"

The easiest and most delicious competition: you need to eat as many pancakes as possible in a minute. You can’t stuff as much into your mouth as possible to avoid choking. The one who chews everything thoroughly wins.

Throwing felt boots

Everyone is welcome to participate. The task is very simple: throw the felt boots as far as possible. The prize is candy poured into a felt boot.

"Russian bath"

For the competition you need bath brooms - several branches each. The players are divided into pairs, and each tries to “steam” the other with a broom. Whoever has the fewest leaves left in a minute wins: that means he “soared” well. The prize, of course, is a birch broom.


For this competition you need to know a lot of ditties about Maslenitsa. Everyone is welcome to participate. The presenter says the following words:

Do you want to beat your girlfriend?
Sing a funny ditty.
We will give a universal prize
Interesting, musical!
Sing, people, Russian ditties,
Have fun, dear people.

Everyone sings ditties in turns. Whoever knows more wins. The prize for the winner is colored scarves.


The players are given wooden spoons. Music sounds, and the “spoon players” must beautifully play along with the harmonica. Whoever comes up with the most beautiful result wins. The prize is a baby spoon.


Participants are blindfolded and asked to guess what filling they are eating pancakes with. The prize is already eaten during the competition.


Ancient Russian attributes of any folk holiday and especially Maslenitsa are stilts. The presenter invites the participants:

Dancers, are you awake?
Come out, take the stilts.
And in front of everyone from the heart
Dance on stilts.

Those who want to test themselves in this competition need to stand on stilts and, without losing their balance, walk several meters, stepping on circles drawn in the snow with a diameter of 50 cm. The prize is a bag of seeds.

"Russian beauty"

The task is given in advance: to prepare a folk costume. Girls or girls dance in a round dance, showing their grace and tailored costumes. Then they are given rockers with buckets. It is better to fill buckets not with water, but with something else heavy. Participants must also walk with heavy buckets, showing their position. The prize is a scallop.

"Guess the name"

Participants need to know old Russian names. The presenter shows 3-4 dolls and says:

Here are three dolls in sight,
You can see them in any row.
Name Russian have,
Guess as you go.
The name is Russian, simple,
Like a golden egg.

The names written on pieces of paper are in the pockets on each doll's clothes. Whoever guesses correctly receives a doll as a gift. Names you can use, for example, are: Akulina, Stepanida, Zlata, Virineya, Glafira. Everyone who wishes to participate is given one attempt. If they don’t guess correctly, then another try is given.


Goy-esi, weightlifters,
Show strength with your hands.
Who will raise two pounds here,
Let's bring a plate of pancakes.

Participants show their strength by lifting weights. For children - weights 2-3 kg, teenagers - up to 10 kg and adults 15-20 kg. The prize is a plate of pancakes to restore strength.

"Pancake Relay"

You need to prepare pancakes and several frying pans. Participants pick up frying pans with pancakes and, running a certain distance, must toss the pancakes on the frying pans at least three times. The pancake should fall back into the pan. Whoever's pancake falls to the ground is eliminated. The prize is a jar of sour cream.

"Sunny Balls"

Participants are given unsharpened pencils and Balloons yellow color. The presenter says the words:

We know there will be sunshine
For us all to shine.
It's good that the sun is shining
Came back to us again!

Two teams of any number of participants. You need to carry the ball a certain distance, pushing it with the tip of a pencil, and come back. The team that finishes the race first wins. Prize – balloon any color.

Ancient rituals for Maslenitsa week

During the oil week in the old days, many rituals were held for the family, to commemorate ancestors, for agriculture, for wealth and many others. Here are some of them.

Rituals for a happy family life

These rituals were one of the most important, because family happiness has always been valued. “Viewing parties” were organized for future newlyweds. The guy and the girl were put in front of everyone and asked to kiss many times.

On Friday, the sons-in-law had to go to their mother-in-law's for pancakes. And she tried to feed her son-in-law and butter him up so that he would always treat his wife well and love her deeply.

It was customary to “punish” single guys: a log was hung around their neck, which symbolized the future wife sitting on their neck. The guys had to walk around the village with logs all day, listening to ridicule from people.

The purpose of Forgiveness Sunday was to make peace with all relatives and live a whole year with goodness and without quarrels. All food prepared on this day must be eaten or distributed to the poor.

Commemoration of ancestors

It was impossible to work in the evenings, especially spinning and weaving. The evenings were considered holy, since it was possible to disturb the souls of the dead, because they were supposed to rest when they came to the homes of the living.

The Maslenitsa bonfire symbolized the invitation of the dead to a hearty, rich dinner. In general, the main purpose of celebrating Maslenitsa in ancient times was to appease the spirits.

Rituals for fertile land

Pancakes were always baked in all houses, and the first one was taken outside and placed on the snow as a gift to spring. He had to warm the earth so that spring would come sooner.

In the old days, everyone had to go down ice slides. There was even a belief: the further you roll, the richer the flax harvest will be.

Maslenitsa was considered a holiday of food. The more satisfying the week goes, the richer and more fertile the whole next year will be.

Rituals for a rich life

It was believed that this week it was necessary to get rid of the old so that the new could come into life. They lit fires and burned old things.

These rituals and traditions have long been followed during the celebration of Maslenitsa.

The richest holiday of the Slavs is not forgotten even today. After all, all the games, fun and rituals were associated with the anticipation of spring. And they loved to walk and have fun at all times. Happiness, peace and goodness to you! Celebrate joyfully and live richly!

Tongue twisters for children starting with the letter R

The tradition of widely and festively celebrating Maslenitsa appeared in our lives a long time ago and its roots go deep into history.

The proposed option for celebrating Merry Maslenitsa, according to the 2018 scenario, involves a number of festive events:

  • mass folk festivals;
  • fun competitions for Maslenitsa;
  • funny scenes for Maslenitsa;
  • farewell to Winter;
  • ditties and much more.

New scenario for Maslenitsa holiday

Thanks to the developed scenario for holding a folk festival for adults and children on the street, this folk festival will be remembered for a long time by all its participants. Hurry up to spend Maslenitsa unforgettably.

Props and decorations for the holiday:

Its dimensions should be 6 by 4, the height of the platform should be 1.5 meters. Comfortable stairs are a must so that speakers and artists can easily climb onto the impromptu stage.

The back of the stage should be decorated in the theme of the holiday. You can depict cheerful buffoons playing snowballs against the backdrop of a bonfire on which a scarecrow of Maslenitsa is burned.

The picture can either be drawn independently or produced on a special printer upon request. The stage is equipped with sound equipment and microphones, preferably wireless.

For safety reasons, it is better if the platform has railings.

In addition, for fun sports competitions And folk entertainment You will need the following items and devices:

  1. Logs 2-3 meters high (2 pieces) firmly fixed at the base, with bags with gifts (phones) attached to the tops.
  2. Two sports equipment (goats) standing close to each other. Sports mats should be placed below for safety. All this can be borrowed from school.
  3. Two pillows.
  4. Two bags of flour, 10 kg each. The bags must be durable; it is better to sew reliable covers on them.
  5. An equipped place for a fire with a stuck pole on which a scarecrow of Maslenitsa is attached.
  6. Red and blue headbands, 20 pieces each. Two large bags, red and blue.
  7. Case in the shape of a cow. It can be sewn from a bedspread and other available materials. You will have to work especially hard on the cow’s head: give it horns, eyes, and a muzzle. The cover should fit two people to act as the front and back of the cow. People should have boots on their feet. One of them must first dress up as Verka Serduchka (painted face, huge false breasts and buttocks). Both people must climb into the improvised cow away from the general action, so that no one sees that Verka Serduchka is there too. It will be a surprise.

The area around the platform should be decorated festively: with inflatable colorful balls, huge cardboard flowers, bright flags, and decorative greenery. You can arrange life-size figures: a snowman, a buffoon, Parsley, nesting dolls, bears, bunnies, squirrels, etc. A specific and safe place must be allocated for burning the Maslenitsa effigy. According to safety regulations - 2-4 fire extinguishers.

It is advisable to place a fair around the place where the folk festivals will be held. A pancake tent, a pie stall, a souvenir stall, and a peddler’s tent will provide guests with delicious food, hot drinks, and Maslenitsa souvenirs.

Preliminary preparation for the celebration of Maslenitsa:

  • recording of funny Russian folk songs (including modern performances and arrangements);
  • a light sad melody with a flute or pipe;
  • “Sounds of Nature” – recording of a blizzard;
  • pre-recorded words of Spring for Maslenitsa (text of the words in the script).

It is necessary to prepare several concert numbers by amateur artists. These numbers will be a kind of gift to the audience, guests of the holiday, and the winning team in each competition.

Prepare a disco with modern dance music.

The disco will take place immediately after the Maslenitsa celebration scenario.


  1. Presenter. Dressed in a bright sundress, kokoshnik, warm zipun;
    1st Buffoon;
  2. 2nd Buffoon. Both characters are dressed in bright, multi-colored jumpsuits. On their heads are hats with bells. Cheeks, eyebrows and lips are brightly colored. The buffoons have bells in their hands;
  3. Zimushka–Winter. Dressed in white robes and a crown.

Scene No. 1.

Russian folk songs are played. The presenter in Russian folk costume rises to the platform. The music is muffled, the words of the presenter are heard.


Oh, you dear guests,
Hello, experienced ones!
We celebrate Maslenitsa
Funny songs.

Hello, dear people. Today we celebrate a joyful holiday, an ancient holiday. Our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers celebrated it. Attention - Maslenitsa has arrived. And you need to properly meet and greet her dear one. Do you think you and I can do it?

All in chorus: Yes.

Presenter: And will we succeed?

All in chorus: Yes.

Two buffoons appear on the stage.

1st Skomorokh:

Oh, you buckwheat-peas.
I am a cheerful Buffoon.
I jump and run.
I know all the secrets.

2nd Buffoon:

We went to Maslenitsa,
They carried pies with them.
Butter porridge
Our wishes.

1st Skomorokh:

To Zimushka-Winter
The cold took everything away.

2nd Buffoon:

Brought joy and happiness.
And she didn’t ignore us.

The bells ring, the buffoons descend from the platform and run into the crowd.

Presenter continues: Maslenitsa in Rus' is not celebrated on one day. She is welcomed as the most long-awaited and beloved guest for a whole week. The first day is called “Meeting”.

A folk melody sounds and buffoons, walking along the platform, select people for their team and say:

1st Buffoon:

We're walking on the street
Warm boots.

2nd Buffoon:

We dance different dances,
So that your feet don't freeze.

1st Buffoon:

Our Maslenitsa,
All respect to you.

2nd Buffoon:

We came with gifts
It's Maslyano's birthday.

1st Buffoon:

Top, top, drip, drip,
You can hear it on the street.

2nd Buffoon:

Then the snowflakes melt in a row,
They are in a hurry and worried.

1st Buffoon:

Maslenitsa has arrived.
Open the gate.

2nd Buffoon:

Prepare treats.

Both together:

For Maslenitsa birthday.

The buffoons ring their bells.

Scene No. 2.

A mischievous Russian folk melody sounds.

Presenter: Well, dear guests. To celebrate our Maslenitsa, we need to prepare properly. So, the first competition is announced. Come on, my assistants, cheerful buffoons, prepare two teams. Let's call them: “Gingerbread” and “Bagels”. And so that we don’t confuse them with you, tie blue armbands on the sleeves of the “Gingerbread” team, and red ones for the “Bagels”. The buffoons each tie identification bands of different colors to their teams.

The music turns off.

Competition No. 1 “Meet Maslenitsa”

Assignment: Walk through the fair tents, ask peddlers, ordinary people and spectators what they can give as a gift on Maslenitsa. Collect everything in a bag. Whichever team ends up with the most gifts and goodies wins. The 1st Buffoon helps the “Gingerbread” team, the 2nd Buffoon helps the “Bagels” team. Buffoons encourage their teams with various jokes and jokes.

Presenter: In honor of the winning team, and for your delight, dear guests, there is a concert number.

1st Skomorokh:

Maslenitsa is coming.
He takes Vesna-Krasna with him.

2nd Buffoon:

Open the gate.
Give the guests some pie.

1st Skomorokh:

Sweets, cookies, vodka.
So that the sun will fill up.

2nd Buffoon:

So that the gait
I was drinking vodka.

1st Skomorokh:

So that you smile
It was for the fish.

2nd Buffoon:

So that a laugh is a pie.

Both Buffoons together:

Meet Maslenitsa, my friend.

The results of the competition are summed up. The buffoons look through and count the number of gifts and report to the Host.

The presenter announces the winning team. Then all the gifts and goodies are distributed to the people present at the holiday.

Scene No. 3.

Playful folk music sounds.

Presenter: Well, my dears, we celebrated Maslenitsa with dignity, with good gifts. But the first is followed by another day of celebration of this ancient holiday. The second day of Maslenitsa is called “Zigryshi”. Show me and all honest people how our teams “Gingerbread” and “Bublikov” know how to flirt, and most importantly, win.

1st Skomorokh:

Hey guys, great job!
All handsome, daredevils.

2nd Buffoon:

Who is stronger and faster-
The competition will tell us.

1st Skomorokh:

And who will be the winner?

2nd Buffoon:

Maslenitsa will tell.

Competition No. 2 “Climbing on a log”

Assignment: From each team, select one participant who must climb the slippery pole at speed and pick up the gift tied at the top of the pole. Whoever got the gift first received it, and at the same time brought victory to his team.

Presenter: Well, the winner is clear. There is an amateur performance number in his honor.

Scene No. 4.

Light music is playing.

Presenter: So we have reached the third day of the Maslenitsa celebration. It's called "Gourmand". As you may have guessed, the competition will be the most delicious.

1st Skomorokh:

Pancakes are being baked.
They are fighting for us.

2nd Buffoon:
They just ask to be put in your mouth,
Get into a round dance.

1st Skomorokh:

Let's celebrate Maslenitsa,
On this day you can become famous.

2nd Buffoon:

Who is gluttonous and brave,
He ate more pancakes.

Competition No. 3 “Eating pancakes at speed”

Each team nominates one participant, who must eat as many pancakes as possible in 3 minutes. All other team members strongly support and encourage their participant along with the audience. At the command of the Presenter, the competition begins and ends. Then it is calculated how much everyone ate, and the winner is revealed.

Presenter: And so that everything is properly digested and you, our dear guests, rejoice, we bring to your attention the next number of amateur performances.

Scene No. 5.

Russian folk music sounds. The Presenter appears.

Presenter: Well, you are strong enough to eat and have a snack. Well done. Maslenitsa is a broad soul. She loves happy and well-fed people. By the way, about the third day of the celebration... It’s called “Broad Thursday” or “Revelry”. On this day, round dances were performed everywhere, songs were sung, and games were played. We had a lot of fun. Just like you and me today.

1st Skomorokh:

Oh, you gay, honest people!
Get into a round dance.

2nd Buffoon:

Sing a song
Say goodbye to winter.

1st Skomorokh:

Celebrate Maslenitsa.

2nd Buffoon:

Catch up with each other.

Competition No. 4 “Crazy round dance”

Fast music is playing.

Assignment: all teams, as well as invited people, stand in two identical circles. People in each circle hold hands tightly. At the command of the Leader, first at the usual pace, and then faster and faster, the round dance circles. At the Leader's command, they change direction. Possible several times. The main thing is not to let go. The team whose round dance was the fastest and strongest won. The presenter names the winning team.

Presenter: Oh, and you made me spin. A small change for us, but not for our esteemed guests, will be an amateur performance act.

Scene No. 6.

Light music is playing. The Presenter appears on stage.

Presenter: Do you know what the fifth day of Maslenitsa is called? This is probably my favorite. It's called "Guest or Mother-in-Law's Gathering." And now one of my favorite competitions awaits you. Come on, two volunteers come out.

The presenter conducts a quick interview with men.

Questions of the following nature: Are you married? And to be honest? Do you have a mother-in-law? Do you love her? And to be honest? etc.

An impromptu cow appears. The buffoons help her get there.

Competition No. 5 “Catch up and fall in love”

The competition is funny. Both participants must catch up, but not drive the cow, feed it, give flowers, pet it. The main thing is to persuade him to follow him. She must dodge and turn away, run away from them. They will try to please the cow... And at that moment, when it seems that nothing is working out for them, Verka Serduchka crawls out of the makeshift cow with the words: “Well, who cares like that, who persuades like that...”. He begins to pester me with the words: “I agree. Call me with you. I will follow you to the ends of the earth."

Verka Serduchka should practically chase them for real. Viewers will love this fun, artistic and funny number.

Presenter: And amateur artists continue to delight us with their cheerful numbers.

Scene No. 7.

Folk music is playing. The presenter comes to the platform.

Presenter: And after the fifth day of the wide Maslenitsa there will be a sixth. And it’s called “Sister-in-law’s Gatherings.” What does a sister-in-law, especially an unmarried one, like? Yes, so that everything rushes into the house. And our next competition-game corresponds exactly to this sister-in-law’s plan. So whoever wins will take his winnings home. Come out, well done. Now you will compete in strength and endurance.

Competition No. 6 “A bag of flour, off your shoulders”

Two people come out. Each person is offered a bag of flour. Whoever sits down with this bag the most takes it for himself. The presenter, together with the buffoons, counts the squats. The winner is determined.

Presenter: Congratulations to our strongman, and an amateur performance number as a consolation to the loser. While the number is being performed, mats and goats are brought out and placed right next to each other.

Presenter: But the competitions don’t end there. Yes, and gifts too. Two more people who are confident in their abilities are invited to the ring. And also those who want to come home with loot.

Competition No. 7 “Pillow Fight”

Task: Sitting on your goat, try to knock your opponent onto the mats with a pillow. Whoever won received a pillow as a gift. Buffoons provide insurance for the participants during this competition.

Presenter: And again, according to our Maslenitsa tradition, for our winner, an amateur performance number.

Scene No. 8.

Calm music sounds.

Presenter: So we have come to the seventh day of our holiday - Maslenitsa. It's called Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, everyone, young and old, goes to visit each other and asks for forgiveness... We will definitely do this too, but on the seventh day. And now the Maslenitsa celebration continues (music turns off). Where are you, my assistants, cheerful buffoons? Where did you go? Why are people too lazy to entertain people?

Buffoons jump onto the stage.

1st Skomorokh:

2nd Buffoon:

We dressed up for you,
We equipped ourselves for sports games.

1st Skomorokh:

It's up to you to decide when spring comes.
You can tell exactly when the snow melts.

2nd Buffoon, ringing bells.

You brought us a holiday.
Beautiful Maslenitsa.

Presenter: Don’t talk to me here. Answer me, where have you been for so long?

1st Skomorokh: What are you saying, mother? Have we ever failed?

2nd Buffoon: It’s just that a woman detained us there... She says that she has a question for people.

Both The buffoon is asked in unison: Should I let him in?

Presenter: Let me go.

Scene No. 9.

A recording of a blizzard sounds. Zimushka-Winter flies onto the platform.

Winter is threatening:
Don't scare me.
I'm not afraid of you.
I'm an angry blizzard
I'll spin tomorrow.
I will cover you with snowfall.
And I’ll confuse you with a snowstorm.
You will know
How can you scare me, Winter?

1st Skomorokh:
Go away, you're on good terms.

2nd Buffoon:

It's still a mess for now.

1st Skomorokh:

Only tomorrow the sun will come.
And he will take all your strength.

2nd Buffoon:

Soon, soon everything will be in place.
Soon, soon spring will come.

All guests, spectators and participants of both teams use snowballs (if there is no snow, tennis balls or cotton wool snowballs made in advance are given) drive Winter off the platform, which runs towards the place where the fire will be.

Scene No. 10.

Presenter: Come on, burn the effigy! See off the cold.

Everyone, accompanied by cheerful music, goes to the place where the Maslenitsa effigy is located. The fire is lit. An accordion or accordion sounds. The presenter announces a competition of ditties.

Competition No. 8 “Ditties for Maslenitsa”

Presenter the first sings a ditty:

Pie after pie.
Pancake after pancake.
Get into a round dance.
Celebrate with us.

1st Skomorokh:

It's a mess, it's a mess.
Head is spinning.
We waited for Maslenitsa.
And they didn’t give in to Winter.

2nd Buffoon:

Ah, spring, spring is red.
Get in line.
Maslenitsa has come to us.
Why are you bothering?

Other ditties:

Maslenitsa, come out.
Come outside.
They baked pies for you.
And they cooked the chicken.

Drip, drip, drip, knocking on the roof,
The rain falls lower.
Along the path, along the roads,
A stream runs out of the snow.
Then Winter has melted,
And she left a trail.
Winter is gone, spring has come.
And she brought the holiday to visit.

We are tired of freezing in winter
Everyone called for Maslenitsa.
She brought some firewood.
And she burned Zimushka.
She was burned at the stake.
And she gave a holiday...

Suddenly the music stops, and the words of Spring on Maslenitsa are heard:

I am Spring, Spring is Red.
How in a hurry I was in a hurry to see you,
The country is now celebrating
And winter is not scary for us.
I'm so glad to see everyone.
Success will follow you.
I will melt all the snowdrifts.
I'll give you flowers.
Your every day will be clear.
Every day will be wonderful.

Presenter: Thank you, Vesna. Apparently, you and I did a good job of making her happy on Maslenitsa, our dear guests. As you can see, Winter has gone away and there will definitely be no way back into the cold and blizzards this year. And, of course, our holiday does not end there. Wide Maslenitsa is celebrated as it should be - widely and cheerfully. We offer you an assortment of pancake shops, pie shops, and snack bars, where you can have a snack and continue enjoying the festivities.

Today, a real street disco awaits you all. Happy holiday to you, our dear guests and participants. Happy Maslenitsa. To the sounds of an accordion or accordion, the Host and the Buffoons leave, dancing. The celebration continues with a street disco.

Thank you very much for the script written specifically for the site “Island of Positivity”, Natalya Yuryevna Reshetnyakova.

Best regards, Natalya Krasnova.

Game “Radiant Sun”.
Props for the game:
1) Plates with numbers and names of stations
2) Signs for commands + stamps at the station
3) Russian folk costumes and attributes
4) Music center + disk with recordings of Russian folk (Maslenitsa) songs
5) Scarecrow
6) Whatman paper with a drawn circle (2 pcs) + colored stripes + glue stick / thick felt-tip pen
7) Sleds (2 pieces) + colored ribbon
8) Bast + scissors + woolen threads + multi-colored variegated fabric
9) Running bags (2 pieces)
10) Colored crayons
11) Bell + blindfold
12) Rope

Props for preparing and eating pancakes:
1) Electric hotplates (2 pieces)
2) Pots (2 pieces)
3) Barbecues and coal
4) Disposable tableware
5) Pancake batter
6) Jam, sour cream, condensed milk
7) Napkins, regular and wet
8) Gloves for chefs

Progress of the game:
Various sites are organized on the territory of the recreation center, the names and numbers of which are signed in capital letters.
Children are divided into teams of 6-8 people (quantity may vary), at the head of each team is an adult who has a route completion sheet on the chickens
General gathering and a short story about the Maslenitsa holiday, after which children are asked to complete tasks in order to finally drive away Winter-Zimushka.

All teams pass through the stations in the order indicated on the route sheet.
At each station, after passing it, the leader puts a stamp on the command form.

1. Station one – Radiant Sun.
For this station you will need sheets of A3 format or Whatman paper, on each sheet there is a large circle drawn (the future sun) and stripes-rays of different colors, according to the number of teams.
Each member of each team glues a ray of sunshine.
The difficulty is that he is blindfolded and he can complete the task only if the whole team helps him and guides him.

2. Station two – Sled racing.
At this station, the team is divided into two and compete with each other. At the signal, a pair of players runs to the marked finish line, while carrying a sled with other team members. At the line they change and go back.
If there are small children in the team, they are carried by an adult (accompanying the team or standing at the station), or a soft toy is placed in the sled, which the child can carry himself.

3. Station three - Making a Maslenitsa doll.
From special preparations (bast), children, under the guidance of an adult, make a Maslenitsa doll. To do this, multi-colored rags and threads are prepared in advance at the station. The doll remains as a memory for the child about the holiday.

4. Station four – Sack Run.
The team is again divided into two parts and competes among themselves in the sack race.

5. Station five – Shooting at a target with snowballs.
A snow target is made on the wall of the building, at which children take turns throwing snowballs. If possible, the snow target is replaced with a drawn one.

6. Station six – Tug of war.
Everything is simple here, but to make it more interesting, the teams take on the rope with their backs to each other. The competition is held several times, the team changes within itself.

7. Station seven - Bells.
At this station, children take turns blindfolded and asked to find a bell by sound (a child from the team can also ring it). Anyone who wants to take the test must take the test. The guys who are watching can give advice if there is a need (at a signal from the station owner)

8. Station eight - What are they doing in the city?
The station begins with a roll call between the driver and the players:

- Ding, ding, ding!

- Who's there?

- Where?

- From the city …

-What are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that people dance, sing, and jump in the city. All players must do what the driver says.

All children take turns driving.

When all the teams have passed all the stations (you can start with those who finish first), they are invited to play folk games


The players stand one after another in pairs, take hands and hold them high above their heads. The clasped hands create a long corridor.
The player who did not get a pair goes to the “source” of the stream and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a pair.
Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose couple was broken goes to the beginning of the “stream”.
And passing under clasped hands, he takes with him the one he likes. This is how the “trickle” moves - the more participants, the more fun the game is, especially fun to play with music.

July 11, 2016

Our calendar is replete with a large number of holidays. Some of them are state-owned, others are international. But there are also those that are usually classified as seasonal or calendar. So winter pleases with Christmas festivities, summer spoils you with fun at Maslenitsa, but spring treats you with pancakes at Maslenitsa. Usually these days are a time of public festivities: after all, everyone wants these holidays to be bright, eventful and interesting. But it is Maslenitsa week that takes place on the greatest scale - and no wonder, since there are seven days of walking.

Maslenitsa is one of the few pagan holidays that has become so firmly entrenched among the Slavs, despite all the changes and vicissitudes. Maslenitsa - for many today is associated with joy, fun and, of course, pancakes. Now few people know about all the traditions of this holiday, but almost everyone knows that during it pancakes are baked everywhere. After all, the pancake, since ancient times being a symbol of the sun, opens the week of farewell to winter and welcome to spring.

A variety of entertainment events are held on the streets and in entertainment venues these days. But to avoid confusion, it is better to take care of the entertainment program in advance: find out what, when and where will be held in your city.

On holiday, you can visit the pancake fair, where you and your loved ones can taste themed treats with a variety of fillings. After this, watch the most interesting theatrical performances right on the street, where, according to folk traditions, they say goodbye to the winter by burning Maslenitsa straw. In addition, these days it is customary to have a lot of fun, and therefore on fresh air You can take part in various competitions and fun activities.

Competitions and outdoor entertainment for Maslenitsa week

A popular pastime is the game "Wall to wall." This fun is purely for men. The number of participants is not limited, and therefore is ideal for a large company. The game appeared as long ago as the tradition of celebrating Maslenitsa. Only initially its essence was mostly in fist fights. Today it has been modified into a competition between two teams, the goal of which is to break through the enemy’s “wall.”

At the beginning of the game, the teams face each other - “wall to wall”, choose a “combat leader” who will be responsible for making decisions, and “the hope of the team”, who will actually break through the opponents’ defense. After this, both teams, without breaking their ranks, begin to move towards their opponents. The winner is the team that managed, if not to break through the “wall,” then at least to move it beyond the boundaries of the playing area.

The competition is also very impressive and exciting. "Horse Fight". Everyone can participate here: only the number of participants must be even, because they will have to split into pairs, where one will act as a “horse” and the second as a “rider”. It is best to choose the weaker sex for the last role: after all, the “horse” participant will have to hold the “rider” on his shoulders for a long time.

When the couples are ready, the real battle begins, during which it is necessary to throw as many “riders” out of the saddle as possible. The competition continues until only one couple remains, which will be declared the winner.

Particularly popular are jumping over the fire, although this entertainment is suitable only for the brave and determined. And good physical shape will not hurt here: after all, jumping over open flames can be unsafe. It is also worth paying attention to clothing - it should not interfere with movement.

In general, you can do a lot of things outside and take part in them, but only if you are not afraid of the cold and snow, since during the celebration of Maslenitsa, nature does not yet pamper you with warmth and good weather.

Indoor competitions for Maslenitsa week

Maslenitsa quest

– this is a very popular entertainment in modern world. And combining this newfangled fun with a traditional holiday means you will absolutely get a good result and a storm of positive emotions. Moreover, both those who participate in them and those who come up with them will receive positive impressions.

The quest is a space for imagination. Here you can select any number of tasks, set different goals for the players, and use any equipment. Adults and children can participate in it. Or they can do both at the same time, since quests are not only individual entertainment, but also group entertainment.

Tasks can be hidden throughout the room or assigned to specific people. The tasks are very diverse. But the answers must include the keys to the next tests.

For example:

  1. “Eat all the pancakes served on the plate and find out where to look for the next clue” (the key word is written down on a piece of paper and placed under the very last pancake).
  2. “Find the image of the Maslenitsa symbol and under it you will find the next key.” (The symbol is the sun).
  3. “The answer to the riddle will indicate where the next task is hidden” (The riddle must be related to Maslenitsa). For example,

I'm standing on a pole -
I look down on you.
Body, arms, head -
Everything I have is made from straw.
They ritualized it, brought it,
They burned me with songs.
(Maslenitsa scarecrow).

  1. “The rebus will guide you on the right path.” (There are a huge variety of puzzles, so you’ll definitely find something).
  2. “Make a word from cardboard pancakes that will indicate the place where the prize is hidden.” (To do this, cut out circles from yellow cardboard in advance and write the letters of a specific word on them).

This is a very small quest, but it can also be the highlight of the evening.

Competition program for Maslenitsa

There are a huge variety of thematic competition programs. Each of them has its own characteristics. website offers this option.

The competition program is designed for two teams. The entire game will take place in seven stages (the same number as the holiday is celebrated), that is, participants will be invited to participate in seven competitions. Each competition will be dedicated to a specific day of the week and convey its main essence. The winner is determined by the number of points scored.

First competition “Hello, Maslenitsa”

Since on the first day of the holiday it was customary to dress up the straw effigy of Maslenitsa, the competition is directly related to this. A participant is selected from each team who will play the role of a “scarecrow” - he needs to stand motionless, without bending his arms and legs. The newly minted Maslenitsa participants will be at a distance of 3-5 meters from their teams. Articles of clothing will be placed on the floor next to them. Which other participants must put on them. It is necessary to dress up the “stuffed animal” one by one. Each participant is allocated only 10 seconds for this. Whoever can do it faster and better is declared the winner.

Second competition “Understand me”

On the second day of the celebration, in the old days, the guys looked for a soul mate, and the girls responded to these advances with all sorts of signs (without words). So in this competition, one participant from the team is tasked to show only with the help of facial expressions and gestures what is written on their sheet. Guessing is done against time: first one team, then another. Whoever has the best time wins. The entries on the pieces of paper can be very different: the names of songs, books, films...

Competition third “Lord of Pancakes”

Where would we be without pancakes? It was on the third day that the mass baking and eating of these delicious rounds began. Each team will need two participants at once. The task of one will be to wrap the filling in the pancakes, and the second will have them. The competition is held against time. When determining the winner, not only how quickly the team completed the task is taken into account, but also the quality of execution. If at the end of the competition there is filling left on the plate, then the victory does not count, even if the participants finished first. It's the same story with carelessly rolled pancakes: the filling falls out - penalty seconds.

Fourth competition "Burim"

The fourth day of Maslenitsa is a day of mass celebrations. It is also commonly called “Razgulay”. That’s why the teams are all invited to play together in Burim. This game is familiar to everyone and is suitable for any holiday.

Teams are given four words that rhyme and are asked to compose a poem about Maslenitsa. The winner is the team that is the first to complete this task efficiently.

For example, words It's winter, it's warm, it's light.

Competition fifth “Pancake Courier”

On the fifth day, people often went to visit and brought gifts with them - pancakes. So the teams are asked to move improvised pancakes cut out of cardboard from one point to another. Only you need to carry them not with your hands, but with two sticks held in your hands. Dropping fake treats, taking several at once, or carrying them together is prohibited. A fallen pancake cannot be picked up: it will not be counted when calculating points. The number of points they reported was the number of points they earned. If the opponents have the same number, then the winners will be those who completed it first.

Competition sixth “Farewell, Maslenitsa”

On the sixth day there was a solemn farewell to Maslenitsa - that is, its burning. Teams are asked to come up with as many other ways as possible to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring in 5 minutes. Those who offer more options win the competition.

Competition seventh “Forgiven Competition”

On the last day of Maslenitsa, it used to be customary to ask each other for forgiveness. So the teams will have to compete in their ability to apologize. To do this, one player from the team is located at a distance of ten steps from the chair where there is a plate of pancakes. In order to get to the plate, you need to say words of apology. One word - one step. It is important that words are not repeated. Whoever reaches the tasty goal first wins.

It doesn't matter where or how you celebrate. The only thing that matters is who you do it with. After all good company will never let you get bored. And Maslenitsa is just a good reason to spend interesting and fun free time with friends and relatives.

This is an old Russian game that children love. Children stand in a circle and hold hands. There is a leader in the center, and the players walk in a circle and chant the words:

And Uncle Tryphon
There were seven children
Seven sons
They didn't drink, didn't eat,
They looked at each other.
At once they did as I did!

At the last words, everyone begins to repeat his gestures. The one who repeated the movements best becomes the new leader, and the old leader turns into an ordinary player.

Game "Burners (Burn, Burn Clear)"

The players stand in pairs, one after another. In front of everyone, at a distance of two steps, is the “driver” - the burner. The players chant the words:

Burn, burn clearly,
So that it doesn't go out.
Stay a little longer
Look into the field
The trumpeters are going there
Yes, they eat rolls.
Look at the sky:
The stars are burning
The cranes scream:
Gu, gu, I'll run away.
One, two, don't be a crow,
And run like fire!

After the last words, the children standing in the last pair run from both sides along the column. The burner tries to stain one of them. If the running players managed to take each other’s hands before the burner stains one of them, then they stand in front of the first pair, and the burner lights up again. The game is repeated. If the burner manages to stain one of the runners in a pair, then he stands with him in front of the entire column, and the one who is left without a pair burns.

Rules of the game:
The burner should not look back. He catches up with the fleeing players as soon as they run past him.

Game "Geese and Geese"

This is an old folk game. In almost every country in the world it is known under different names. The rules of the game are very simple: all players stand in a circle facing the center. The leader walks behind them from the back and, touching the back, gives each one the name “goose” or “goose”. If he touches the player and calls him “goose,” then the player stands still, but if he calls the player “goose,” then the player leaves his place and tries to run around the entire circle of those gathered and take his place. The difficulty is that the leader also runs around the circle, but runs in the opposite side, and as a result, either the player or the presenter takes the empty seat. The one who is left without a place becomes the leader, and the game is repeated.

Game "Wolf in the Moat"

To play the game you will need to draw two parallel lines at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other, there will be a ditch between these lines. The leader, a wolf, sits in the ditch. Participants in the game stand on one side of the ditch. At the driver’s signal, participants jump over the ditch. At this time the wolf is trying to catch them, but he cannot leave the ditch. All those who step into the ditch or who are caught by the wolf become the wolf's assistants and try to catch the rest of the participants.

Game "Hot and cold"

This game is a variation of ordinary hide and seek. Only in this case, two people are selected - “drivers”, and the remaining guys hide. One of the two “drivers” closes his eyes from the very beginning and counts to thirty, and the second looks to see who is hiding where. When the first “driver” opens his eyes and begins to look for the rest of the guys, the second tells him: if one of those hiding is close to the first “driver,” he says “hot,” and if far away, then “cold.” The most interesting thing is when there are several guys next to the first “driver” at once, then the second “driver” can accidentally confuse his colleague.

Game "Give a handkerchief to sympathy"

A goal with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are suspended on thin threads at different heights. Competitors need to run up, jump and tear off one of the handkerchiefs, and then call the girl’s name and give her the torn handkerchief.

Game "Snow Shooting Range"

In the winter town you can install permanent targets for throwing snowballs. It is best if these are wooden shields measuring one meter by meter with concentric circles with a diameter of 30, 60 and 90 cm drawn on them. The shields can be installed on poles dug into the ground, hung on a blank wall or on a fence. It’s probably worth making a special wall for the shooting range, on which you can put targets, and the guys will knock them down with snowballs.

Game "Tug of War"

Everyone knows this traditional Russian entertainment. Let it not be entirely traditional for Maslenitsa. Preparation is the same as in a regular tug-of-war, but the teams take on it with their backs to each other.

The Russian soul is structured in such a way that as soon as the last New Year’s fireworks die down and the protracted feasts die down, the people begin to wait for spring. That is why Farewell to the Russian Winter and Broad Maslenitsa are celebrated so widely and joyfully. On these days, both those who strictly observe Orthodox traditions and those who do not adhere to them happily gorge themselves on pancakes and participate in fun activities and folk festivals. For those who like to add something new to the traditional program of this wonderful holiday, we offer outdoor games and fun for Maslenitsa: some of them are more suitable for small company, others - for mass celebrations.

1. Outdoor game - skit for Maslenitsa "Pancakes with Caviar"

To play this game, you need to prepare fiery folk music and six chairs (bench) and invite six people to participate in it. Before the start of the skit, assign roles and introduce the participants to the audience to the music, at the same time rehearsing their movements and words with each (it is better not to give cards with words, they will interfere with movement). The presenter calls each character, he expressively says his phrase and demonstrates his movement to a musical excerpt. Then the presenter will explain the rules: everyone sits down, the text is read, every time their character is mentioned, the participant gets up and runs clockwise around the chairs, making a characteristic movement and shouting out his line, then sits down again. If the word “Pancakes” is heard in the text, everyone jumps up and shouts: “Happy holiday, people!” and run around the chairs together.

There are no winners or losers in this game, even if someone gets confused, it doesn't matter, it's just a reason to have fun and move around the holiday.

(The game was invented by analogy with the famous skit - if the presenter likes the option with cards more, you can distribute the words, removing the movements).

Characters, lines and characteristic movements:

Grandfather: “I want a drink!” - one hand on the back of the head, the other on the waist

Baba: “I’ll treat everyone!” - spreads his hands hospitably

Daughter: “Life is good!” - claps his hands

Son-in-law: “The soul has turned around!” - hands on hips

Caviar: “The mouth is happy!” - the thumb shows the gesture: “Wow!”

Pancakes: “Happy holiday, people!” - welcome hand gesture

Sketch text

They lived - there was Grandfather... and Baba..., they lived - they didn’t grieve,

On Maslenitsa they loved to bake pancakes.

Son-in-law... with Daughter... for Pancakes... they came to them,

They brought caviar... sterlet to the Pancakes!

Grandfather... with Son-in-law... They take pancakes, dip them in Caviar,

And they themselves hint to Baba.. and Daughter.. about the holiday!

And Baba..., you know, bakes Pancakes... with heat,

It’s as if he and his Daughter...don’t understand their hints.

Grandfather... almost suffocated with Blin from anger,

Son-in-law... actually choked on caviar... sterlet.

Here immediately Baba. and Daughter..., they got some liqueur

Everyone drank and started eating Pancakes with gusto!

The hut on Maslenitsa is red with love, delicious pancakes,

Children's laughter, and housewives with smart minds!!!

Indian Solitaire