The most normal version of minecraft. Which version of Minecraft is the best. What awaits us in the new Minecraft


If you are not new to Minecraft, you have probably tried the gameplay in more than one version of this game. You probably have your own preferences among them. When you just have to master the subtleties of "minecraft", since you have never personally played this "" before, follow the advice of many more experienced gamers and try to download and install version 1.7.3 Beta on your computer. She, according to the recognition of a considerable number of players, is still considered, if not the best, then one of the clear contenders for such an honorary title.

Be sure to install along with the game itself and a special program - Minecraft Forge. Without it, you will not be able to then add various interesting mods to the game if you have a desire to try them out. After starting the gameplay, enjoy its possibilities. In Minecraft 1.7.3 Beta, they are truly wide. The main thing is that one of the most frequently used mechanisms in this game has been added here - the piston. Use it to create secret doors, traps (they will come in handy when participating in a multiplayer game - to counteract its grieving participants) and other useful devices.

Try this piston - to do this, type in your inventory cobblestone, any kind of boards (the type of wood from which they will be made does not even affect the color of the finished product here), redstone dust and iron ingots. The latter you get if you burn (with coal) in the furnace the ore of the corresponding metal. Place one such ingot in the center cell of your workbench, place a unit of red dust under it, place four cobblestones on the sides of them, and completely occupy the top row with three blocks of boards. Adding green goo to this mechanism will create a sticky piston. He knows how not only to move the blocks, but then to return them to their place.

Take full advantage of the fact that many piston bugs have been fixed in 1.7.3 Beta. For example, by the fact that when the ice blocks are shifted with the help of such mechanisms, the latter no longer cause the appearance of violent water flows. In addition, you will probably note (if you are familiar with previous versions of the game): the pistons in all positions of any chain now engage normally. However, in connection with the fixing of individual bugs, there are several reasons for disappointment for you. For example, the fact that now, without adding special mods, you will not meet the legendary Herobrin (he was removed by the creators in 1.7.3. Beta).

Try to get wool without having to kill your sheep. Just take out the scissors, with which you can easily cut the fleece from the above animals. If you don't have such a useful item in your inventory yet, craft them. To do this, you only need two iron ingot... Place one of them in the center slot of the workbench and the other in its lower left corner. These scissors are designed for almost 240 uses - and after they break, make yourself new ones.

Everything best mods that you can download for Minecraft.

You will find our selection of the best Minecraft mods right here. Mods with which you will take everything from Minecaraft, whichever one you download. They can just improve the lighting or increase the footage a little, or they can create completely new worlds and other ways of playing.

But we warn you: not all mods are compatible with the latest version of Minecraft, and some require installation old version Forge to run. Fortunately, installing older mods is not difficult. Most mods come with instructions, but if not, here's a mini-guide on how to get them to work.

Each mod, of course, is great in its own way, but it's worth noting that they can conflict with each other if you try to install some of them at the same time. If you are struggling with this or other issues, consider installing the pre-made modpacks provided by Feed the Beast and the Technic Platform. This is one of the easiest ways to quickly and easily play modified Minecraft.



How many times have you been greeted by nothing but emptiness while exploring new territory? The Millnaire mod fixes this by introducing a lot of new content in a place where there was nothing before. Instead of village swamps, villages appear, inhabited by men, women and children. Even the villages themselves have been remade and there is now an 11th century Norman, North Indian and Mayan village.

Fossil and Archeology revival mod


If the only thing you're missing in Minecraft is dinosaurs. Who wouldn't want to ditch creepers in favor of tyrannosaurs? A huge number of these creatures can not only be created in Creative mode, the player will be able to hunt for the remains to bring forgotten creatures back to life. In addition to significant texture changes, the boss Anu also appears for those looking to test their prehistoric skills.

Instant Massive Structures


Okay, okay, this mod might be a little cheaty. We have all seen huge buildings, compared to which our 5 × 5 house looks like a bucket. But what if you want to change the course of the game? What if you want a huge city in seconds? Then the Instant Structures mod comes into play. Just enter the menu, select a block, click on it right click mouse, and the building will magically appear. You can create a huge number of structures from castles to houses, right up to tram stops. Yes, technically it's cheating, but we won't tell anyone.

The lost cities


Something has ended life as we knew it. The buildings are in disrepair, all have disappeared, or so it seems. The lost Cities, as the name suggests, takes you to a city forgotten by time. For what purpose? See how long you can survive in this post-apocalyptic wasteland without succumbing to thoughts of death. But if this is not enough for you, this mod is associated with the Biomes O Plenty mod, which means you will have many new territories to explore besides empty cities.


It takes about 8 hours to build a decent sized biosphere. I know this because I spent 8 hours meticulously creating one. In the end, I wanted to toss Minecraft into the mouth of a nearby volcano. Creating something spherical rather than a jagged diamond isn't easy. Fortunately, the Biosphere mod removes all annoying obstacles and sends you to a world where the sky is filled with various floating biomes. Just not to fall, right?

The aether


The Aether (pronounced “ee-ther”) is the opposite of the Nether. While the Nether looks like hell, the Aether is a kind of heavenly realm. After navigating through the portal, you will find yourself above the clouds surrounded by magnificent newly developed floating islands. There are also new mobs, including flying cows and pigs, some new bosses, and new types of trophy blocks.



Minecraft is not well optimized for fast and slow computers. The game performs surprisingly poorly on low-end notebooks, and high-performance machines can't make it that much more appealing. Use Optifine - a mod that not only increases performance, but also makes the game look better. It supports HD textures, smooth lighting and more, thanks to the frequent doubling of the frame rate. This is one of the first mods I add when installing Minecraft.

Twilight forest


Do you like adventure? This mod adds a new, densely forested dimension, shrouded in eternal twilight, which hides both valuable treasures and dangerous monsters. Throw a diamond into a pool of water surrounded by flowers to create a portal there, and then wait a while to load. Here you will find hedge mazes, empty hills, enchanted groves, glaciers, Lich Castle and more, as well as rewards for those traveling inland.

Biomes O'Plenty


Since the update of Update That Changed The World at the end of 2013, worlds of Minecraft there is more variety. But Biomes O'Plenty adds even more - 75 to be exact - from scrub fields, coral reefs, lavender fields and ominous forests to tundra and wasteland. You will need to create new world to use this mod (make sure to select the Biomes O'Plenty option), but it's worth seeing corners of Minecraft you haven't seen before.


Some mods add powerful magic items. Others add sophisticated techniques. Botania just adds flowers, but not simple ones. Flowers that heal you. Flowers that feed animals. Flowers that direct hostile mobs at each other. Flowers that eat cake. Oh, did I mention that you can also use flowers to create a magical portal to the land of the elves? If you want to try something completely different from other mods, this is Botania.

Inventory Tweaks, NotEnoughItems & Waila

This trio of mods will improve your life, especially when you have many mods installed at the same time. Inventory Tweaks lets you sort your chests with one click and automatically replace tools when they break. NotEnoughItems provides you with a list of all the blocks in the game and the recipes for crafting them, while Waila lets you hover over an unknown block to find out what it is.



Being a mage is cool, and the best way to become a mage in Minecraft is with Thaumcraft. it huge mod which allows you to extract magical energy from physical objects in Minecraft and transform it into new forms. In the process, you will create altars, wands, golems and fill dozens of cans with colored slime. There is also a puzzle game that you must complete to learn new spells.

Eyephone mod


Friends can now call you in-game to spoil the latest Game of Thrones episode. Hooray? Just like a regular phone, the Eyephone is equipped with a set of applications (which can be opened for diamonds). Best feature is the ability to send your friends an email to play a trick on them, and why not? The only drawback is that you have to create a charger in the game to keep the phone working. Just like in real life, Yes?

A mod that will make creepers even deadlier


Creepers aren't giving you enough trouble? We can fix this. The Chameleon Creepers mod makes it so that the creepers, passing by the blocks, change color in accordance with the environment. In short, it makes creepers even more deadly because you won't see them until they hiss from behind you. Why we want to use this mod is not clear, but for masochists it will be very useful.

"Pursued by the hunters"


Sometimes the most simple mods able to breathe into Minecraft new life... Maud The medieval Mobs does just that, replacing the current mob roster with bloodthirsty hunters. The Rogue replaces the skeleton, while the Bandit and the Savage play the role of a zombie. But beware, these new mobs don't act like their coded counterparts. They are smarter, faster and do not burn out in the sun. But if they are too complicated for you, there is a config file to balance these fiends.

Ultimate Apocalypse


The world is about to end. In five days, the sun will explode, which means all life: plants, trees, mobs, animals, villagers, will burn. And yes, you too. Will you be able to collect enough supplies to go underground and start a new life? Can you survive without the gifts of nature? These are the questions the Ultimate Apocalypse mod asks. Surviving this harsh, ash-covered landscape will take every trick you've ever learned.



Another great mod for improving the world is Natura. It adds a huge number of new types of trees, and therefore wood colors, which will make your home more attractive. The mod also adds a few extra crops for food and resources at the start of the game, and also makes the Nether a little more dangerous. Natura is a great first step in Minecraft mods because it's close to a regular game.



The default maps in Minecraft are bullshit. They do not render details, they need to be pulled out to view, and they also do not represent anything other than where you are. JourneyMap fixes this - the map displays the world in real time as you explore, can be positioned in the corner of the screen, and even allows you to set waypoints that you can return to later. If you have a habit of getting lost in the wilderness, JourneyMap will allow you to get home safe and sound.

Tinker's Construct


Tools are the backbone of everything you do in Minecraft, and Tinker's Construct lets you create the best tools from a wide variety of materials. They can be improved, altered and repaired if they break. Yes, the mod also adds a smelter to create high quality tools and improve ore processing efficiency. If you want to have best equipment to work, download Tinker's Construct.



If you like the agricultural aspects of Minecraft, you'll love Forestry. This is a huge mod that adds a bunch of new items, cars and blocks, but is best known for its bees. You can become a beekeeper by trapping wild bees and crossing them, using genetic principles to create different useful resources... If I was teaching biology, I would use this in class.



Since we're studying biology, let's learn programming too! ComputerCraft adds programmable computers and robots (turtles) to Minecraft that you can control by writing code. It's all based on the easy-to-learn Lua programming language, and with it you can make password-protected doors, private chats, automated mining robots, and even in-game video games. The possibilities are endless.

Thermal Expansion 4 & Minefactory Reloaded


These titans are among the most important tech mods in the game. Thermal Expansion focuses on the production and storage of energy, as well as the addition of new metals that have become standard components of several other mods. Minefactory Reloaded is where you will use this energy - in automation Agriculture, animal husbandry, mining, magic, potion making, and so on. Download both mods and a couple of extras here.

Big reactors


Over time, given the large number of tech mods installed, you will find that your energy needs are growing faster than the generator's power allows. Then the Big Reactors mod comes to the rescue. It allows you to build custom nuclear reactors that produce massive amounts of energy that won't go away if something goes wrong. The mod even interacts with ComputerCraft, so you can create a program to control your reactors. Novice nuclear scientists can download the mod.

Chisel & Carpenter's Blocks

Making your base beautiful is a secondary concern for some players, but for others it is a vital part of the game. These two mods give you the tools you need to customize almost every aspect of your base design. Chisel allows you to load new textures for most of the most common blocks in the game, while Carpenter's Blocks adds climbs and loads aesthetic options for doors, switches, torches, stairs, fences and more.

RailCraft & Steve's Carts 2

You can probably guess what these mods are doing. That's right - they both significantly increase the capabilities of minecraft minecart. RailCraft adds a bunch of new rail types, including complex red ore controlled road junctions and signals, while Steve's Carts increases the capabilities of the carts themselves - adding brakes, drills, and so on. You can even install a nozzle that sets off fireworks.



Getting materials where they are needed is an ongoing challenge for Minecraft. EnderIO solves this problem with impressive elegance by adding compact piping that carries fluids, objects, energy, and redstone signals. The mod also adds several machines that increase your ore processing abilities. When your base gets complicated, EnderIO is one of the better ways deal with it.

Applied Energistics 2


Storage can also become a problem as you start to automatically mine more and more resources in Minecraft. Applied Energistics solves this problem by converting the stuff in your chests into energy, which is then stored on disks, accessible wirelessly from anywhere in your base. You can even use the mod to automatically create what you need by interacting right away with your machines. It doesn't sound magical, it is. Of course, this requires a huge amount of energy, but once properly configured, wooden chests will seem to you as primitive relics from the past.

JABBA and Iron Chests 2


A couple more storage mods, but this time for the early game. JABBA adds easy-to-craft, upgradeable barrels that can hold hundreds of piles of a single item, while Iron Chests lets you upgrade wooden chests to store more items. Ultimately, you might want to use the Applied Energistics system, but these mods will make early game play a lot more enjoyable.

Extra Utilities & OpenBlocks

This pair of mods is a very useful utilities without a specific theme. Extra Utilities adds a golden lasso to transport friendly mobs, blackout curtains to darken areas, conveyor belts to move mobs around, and noise mufflers to make your stables quieter. And OpenBlocks adds sleeping bags, gliders, elevators, headstones, rope ladders, and buildings. Both mods are essential.



It's always fun to see mods that try to change something different from the others. PneumaticCraft is a tech mod, but it uses air pressure instead of power. You will need to build compression chambers, pipes and valves to make sure you balance the airflow, because if something goes wrong, an explosion is inevitable. However, if you do it right, the trendy gadgets that PneumaticCraft brings, such as air cannons and customizable helmets, are well worth the time.

Hunger Overhaul, The Spice of Life & Pam's HarvestCraft

Are you hungry? After installing Hunger Overhaul, you will definitely be. The mod makes hunger a challenge, not an easy annoying factor, reducing the feeling of hunger depending on the type of food eaten. The Spice of Life will allow you to get less and less return from eating the same foods every time. What will you do to diversify your diet? Install Pam's HarvestCraft of course. The mod adds 58 new crops, 35 fruit trees, 12 bushes and 16 types of fish, including, to the delight of vegetarians, the ability to use tofu instead of fish for any recipes. This is a real culinary blast and your mouth will thank you.



BiblioCraft originally started out as a way to store books in cupboards, but has since grown wildly into a bunch of blocks and items that are equally useful and aesthetically pleasing to your base. There are weapon stands, potion shelves, cookie jars, clocks, lanterns, display cases, nifty multi-piece chairs, even tables and tablecloths. Once you use BiblioCraft, your base will look like a home.

Project red


Those of you who often work with red stone know how much pain it can sometimes cause. Project red changes this, allowing you to greatly improve control over what you do and make the circuits more comfortable. The mod also adds integrated logic gates that simplify optimization tasks. It is worth installing if you ever want to work with redstone.

Steve's Factory Manager


Another incredibly useful automation tool is Steve's Factory Manager. Just like ComputerCraft, the mod is not very convenient and requires knowledge of the basics of programming to get started with it. However, when you have a drag-and-drop interface, you will be amazed at the possibilities. There is no better solution for plant automation.



Are you tired of your world but don't want to lose progress? Create a new dimension with Mystcraft. The mod will allow you to create "Linking Books", with which you can travel around the multiverse - the content of the book will determine which world you open. You can discover snow-capped floating islands or an endless ocean with giant trees sprouting from the water. But beware, some of the new dimensions can be extremely unstable and fall apart. Download Mystcraft to explore - hopefully you come back from there.

For those who are not in the know, I'll tell you what's on this moment Minecraft versions have more than 40 pieces and this is not counting various passable builds, pre-releases and patches. The beginning was laid and it was released back in 2012. But today we will not list all this variety, but consider only the popular and most downloaded versions today.

The most popular versions of Minecraft

Minecraft 1.5.2

It still holds the bar for one of the most popular versions, which, in Russia alone, is downloaded by more than 4,000 people every day. It was released in May 2013 and was essentially a bug fix and revision of Minecraft 1.5 "Redstone Update". With him, a redstone appeared in the game and the game, one might say, has changed. Everything spun and spun. This is the first major update of the game.

Minecraft 1.6.2

And again fixes the jambs of the previous one global renewal numbered 1.6.1 and titled "Horse Update". Horses appeared, they can be tamed and saddled. There were also a bunch of notable and not very noticeable fixes. In terms of popularity, only about 100 people download 1.6.2 every day. All popularity is drawn by the following version.

Minecraft 1.6.4

Apparently the guys from Mojang didn't have enough 1.6.2 to solve all the problems with the "Horse Update" and they decided to release it and, as it turned out, for good reason. From 1000 to 1500 people are looking for where to download it every day. But, as such, you will not see any innovations here in comparison with the previous version. On 1.6.4, the developers ran in some technical solutions, which were planned to be implemented in subsequent updates.

Minecraft 1.7.2

But this is the version that is still very popular among both players and modders. She also has a sonorous name - The Update that Changed the world (An update that changed the world). A lot of things have been redone and added to - this is a few new types of biomes, new blocks and plants. There was an opportunity to use, which raised the beauty of the Minecraft world to new heights. And if you connect some kind of high-quality one, the picture will be just "sweet".

Minecraft 1.7.10

This version still holds the bar as the most popular. More than 10 thousand people want to download it every day in various variations. And this is despite the fact that any changes and additions, more or less significant, have not been introduced into the game. But then the developers brought their creation to perfection (at that time). So if you are a newbie in the cub world and want to join our ranks, then you can safely start by installing this version. You will not go wrong.

Minecraft 1.8

We waited, waited and waited for the version with the new number. And they did not wait in vain. Added more than 10 new blocks and items, three new mobs, various improvements, adjustments and improvements. A good update turned out from, in terms of downloading it competes with the popular oldies - about 1000 people daily press the download button on Russian sites.

Minecraft 1.8.9

Version 1.8.9 is something like bug fixing. Its main feature was local, personal Minecraft servers Realms, when each player, for a small fee, can open a server and invite his close friends and acquaintances to play there. So to speak, not big, family parties.

Minecraft 1.9

War has come, or rather a new one combat system was introduced to the game. Now it is not enough just to call your opponent. In this version, you can use both hands in battle, or put into them in arms, or use a sword and shield, for example. Attacks can be blocked, parried. There were such concepts as the strength and speed of the attack. You can hack down the enemy with one blow or wear him down with frequent and sharp attacks, here you yourself choose the tactics of the battle depending on your preferences or the availability of one or another suitable weapon.

Minecraft 1.9.4

Another bringing to mind the already existing achievements. There are no special differences from the previous version, more precisely, there are no visible changes. But the developers have worked on the stability and speed of the game.

Dear friends! Company Mojang very often spoils us with the release of new versions. Their huge abundance simply cannot but please the players. But at the same time, it is a little confusing. Therefore, we decided to create an article for you in which you can download Minecraft PE(all versions) absolutely free! For you, I offer a whole archive of all existing versions!

The long-awaited addition of bees came out in the Minecraft PE 1.14.0 Honey Update for phones. The version without license verification is published on our website. Bees have a number of unique features, which can be read in detail on our website.

Minecraft PE 1.13.0 - Android

Minecraft Bedrock 1.13 is out now for Android. Meet the foxes you've been waiting for. Arctic foxes and cute red-haired creatures are already waiting for you in new version Minecraft Bedrock 1.13.0. Many bugs have been fixed and many pleasant changes have been made, which you can learn more about in the article.

Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.12.0

The full version 1.12.1 is already available on the site. Description of innovations is ready and waiting for you. The whole focus is the technical component of the game. Full description versions and a file for downloading from the link below.

Minecraft 1.11.0

After a very small amount of time after the release of the previous version, the creators dropped a new beta again. It contains fixes and additions to all those features that were added in 1.10. In general, there is a lot to say, follow the link below and see everything with your own eyes!

MCPE 1.10.0 - Full Version

All previously added features have been improved and optimized. The creators worked on fixing errors and, as a result, dropped an excellent version, which you can download from the link below.

Minecraft for Phone

One of the largest and most anticipated updates in recent years! You will definitely like everything that is added here. Rather, follow the link and see for yourself!

Minecraft Bedrock 1.9.0 - Test version

Marauders, a bunch of new particles for the holidays, a lot of new items for construction, signs, new dyes - this is just a small part of what this version has brought to us. Want to download and learn more about this version? Then rather follow the link below!

Minecraft 1.8.0 for Android - Beta

Pandas, bamboo and many other incredible features in Minecraft 1.8.0 "Village and Pillage" are waiting for you. All features and downloads from the links below!

Minecraft 1.7.0 (Full version)

The newest full version, which does not carry many updates, but fixes a huge number of bugs - Minecraft Bedrock 1.7.0.
You can learn more about all the fixed errors and download this version by clicking on this link:

Minecraft Bedrock 1.6.0 (Full version with Xbox Live available)

The most recent complete version of all that exists at the moment is Minecraft PE 1.6... What do you get by downloading this wonderful version? Barrier blocks, Phantoms and other interesting elements - all this will be in your pocket if you download Minecraft 1.6.0.
You can learn more about everything that awaits you in this update, and you can download various versions by clicking here:

Download Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.5.0

What is remarkable about this version? Many players have already appreciated it! The version brings with it many changes that have not left the players Minecraft bedrock indifferent. By the way, starting from version 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 again started to work Xbox live ! I think many of you have been waiting for this. Now you can play again with your friends on different servers!
If you want to know more about all the updates of this version, click here:

Files to download:

MCPE 1.4.0

The newest and freshest version "Update Aquatic" is already waiting for you. Download Minecraft PE 1.4.0 and you can also learn about all the innovations of this version here -.

Files to download:

Minecraft PE 1.3

This is the version that has been talked about for a very long time. Probably every player has already heard about it. It is called "Update Aquatic"... I think that each of you is definitely waiting for the exit full version Minecraft PE 1.3... In the meantime, we are waiting for its release, let's enjoy the full information about what we need to expect in this version:

UPD: This version does not exist. As a result, Mojang completely skipped patch 1.3, and released a new game update under version 1.4.0.

Download Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.2

About this version MCPE you can talk forever! Probably, there is not a single player who has not played in.
  • Bonus chest
  • New inventory interface
  • Quick command entry
  • Canyons
  • Parrots
  • Armor stands
  • Multicolored glasses and panels
  • Flags and Banners
  • Records for a music player
  • And a huge set of interesting updates that every player loved.
In addition to what I have listed above, a huge variety of things have been added to this version that simply cannot but please all game lovers. For more details about all the updates I have listed (and not only), you can find out here:

By the way, this patch contains beta versions (1.2.13, 1.2.14, 1.2.20). All of these versions contain experimental elements.

Files to download:

Download MCPE 1.1.0

This is probably one of the most popular versions of the day. What can I say! It was in this version that we learned what command block... It was thanks to this wonderful version that we got acquainted with new elements and creatures, like
  • Fireworks
  • Magma blocks
  • Caller
  • Vexor
  • Champion
  • Forest mansion
  • Totem of immortality
  • Iron and gold nugget
  • Shulker's box
  • Cement
  • Concrete
  • Terrorist blocks
  • Colored beds
  • Adventure Mode
  • And many many others!
Well, by tradition, you can read a more detailed, detailed description here:

The Minecraft game has been in development for a long time, it has undergone many changes. Therefore, developers use a versioning system. The release of the new version of Minecraft is a significant event for us, it is a little annoying for some, because versions may come out that only contain bug fixes, which is not very interesting. Because of this, you have to wait until the mods for them are updated, which is not good. But if you always want to have the latest version, on this page you can download the latest version of Minecraft.

What awaits us in the new Minecraft

Everyone is waiting for a version that will add a lot of interesting things, and very soon we will receive it. Namely, many changes for the better, new blocks and much more.

Mobs with terrible abilities that terrify all players!
Many bug fixes and improvements.

Until then, you can

Prior to this version, it was relevant, which of course will remain available on our website.

There are even such versions: and

Solitaire Solitaire