Most successful LCL champions: Forest. List of champions to pull out games Winrate of heroes lol

They are every laner's nightmare. The success of the entire team often depends on them, and their work is not limited to killing monsters and ganks. We continue our series of articles about the most influential LCL champions and move into the wilds of the forest of Summoner's Rift.

Eliza by ANX PvPStejos

The list of best junglers opens with the deadly spider queen. Spiders are most active in the summer, and the Continental League is a prime example of this. In the summer split, she was chosen in 31% of all games, and the spider crown for the most successful games goes to PvPStejos from Albus NoX Luna.

Elise in the hands of PvPStejos turns into a deadly threat to the opponent from the very beginning of the game. And this threat is not always aimed at destroying enemy champions. Sometimes he completely concentrates on objects - for example, in the second game with Gambit CIS he managed to appropriate almost all the objects on the map. Prioritization has always been fundamental to Albus NoX Luna's victories, and PvPStejos' playstyle is a big part of this team's success.

His build, as a rule, is quite universal - PvPStejos makes Eliza a kind of hybrid, which, with fairly high damage, also has solid survivability. This assembly is considered one of the most effective. The ranger's knife is an incredibly powerful weapon in professional games, because it is from control of the map that teams base their tactics at a certain point in the game. Rune Echo and Rylai's Crystal Scepter provide a solid boost to skill power, and Guardian Angel provides several defensive characteristics and extra life in fights at once for a relatively low price. The Iron Solari Medallion, which junglers don't like to collect in ranked games, looks great on Elise and gives the allied team another chance to win a team battle.

These items are relevant in many situations, and Elise is a fairly flexible champion in her own right. She is able to easily perform several tasks simultaneously and can easily fit into almost any composition. Her base damage is so high that she can safely collect survivability items and still deal colossal damage.

Elise is an excellent jungler with excellent early game gank potential. Her abilities are great for killing enemy heroes in the lane. Neurotoxin/Poisonous Bite (Q) have high base damage, which does not lose relevance throughout the game, increasing from the current/lost amount of the opponent’s health. Cocoon/Descent (E) will allow you to easily stun an unwary enemy. If he decides to run away to the tower, then nothing prevents you from “diving” after him, because you can always escape from under it with the proper skill. Just watch out for enemy minions in the Descent radius! Thanks to her passive ability, Eliza can clear the forest without much loss of health, which allows you to visit neighboring lines more often, and having high base damage will make it possible to collect protective characteristics and inflict tons of damage to enemies.

Rek'Sai by ANX PvPStejos

Rek'Sai seems to have remained relevant since his introduction in League of Legends. She is constantly in the meta or somewhere nearby, because her skill set allows her to perform well as a tank. High base damage of abilities and incredible mobility make Rek Sai a real forest predator. PvPStejos from Albus NoX Luna was the best to harness the power of this champion and direct him in the right direction.

The first match between Albus NoX Luna and TORNADO ROX was indicative in terms of the level of play of PvPStejos on Rek’Sai. His help to the lanes in the early game allowed the team to build a solid lead, and his excellent understanding of the game allowed him to assign many objects on the map. Enchantment: The Incinerator, coupled with the Iron Solari Medallion, made it possible to easily withstand the magical damage of TORNADO ROX. A timely purchase of the Seeing Stone allowed ANX to gain control of the lion's part of the map and create a couple of traps that ROX fell into over and over again.

But things don’t always go as the team plans. In the first match against Gambit CIS Albus, NoX Luna found themselves in a dire situation. The early game did not go well for any of the lines, and PvPStejos could not do anything against Babunia. But great team play and good decision making from PvPStejos allowed Albus NoX Luna to come back into this match and see it through to the bitter end. The Ashbringer, Deadman's Armor, and Guardian Angel enchantments allowed this Rek'Sai to survive attacks from Trundle and Miss Fortune, and the Ruby Seestone solved map vision issues.

Rek'Sai is an excellent choice for those players who want to have a character in their arsenal that will always be relevant. Her abilities are conducive to both good ganks on the line and quick clearing of the forest. In the middle of the game, she turns into an excellent tank, which, in addition to a high level of survivability, has good damage and the potential to beat an opponent at the macro level. Just don’t forget to place totems so you always know about the enemy’s movements, or better yet, buy a Seeing Stone. 800 gold is a great price for the opportunity to create excellent map control and unleash Rek’Sai’s potential to 100%.

Hecarim from VEG Zanzarah

Hecarim closes our list of the best junglers. His sudden appearance in the Continental League's summer split caught many teams by surprise and therefore did not gain the same popularity as Rek'Sai, but it would be a big mistake not to include him in our list. Most often, the forest Hecarim was used by Vega Squadron in conjunction with Shen on the top lane. Therefore, it is not surprising that the most successful player on Hecarim was Zanzarah from Vega Squadron.

Who spreads fear everywhere? This is Kolya Zanzarah! An excellent phrase, completely suitable for this player - Hecarim in his performance resembled a real killing machine. Vega Sqaudron first showed this strategy in the first match. Mind-blowing initiations from Hecarim did their job, making the shooter and mid player of the Gambit team suffer. Choosing the Triple Alliance added problems to these players - this item is incredibly effective against fragile characters. It is also worth noting that Zanzarah chose the Ashbringer as a buff rather than the Warrior, since he served as the second tank in his team. Spirit Garb is a good answer to the damage of Viktor, Maokai and Karma, and Spiked Armor allows you to practically ignore Sivir's damage in fights.

Hecarim is a good choice for many compositions, but one of the most effective is considered to be a combination with Shen on the top lane. Hecarim's Rush of Shadows (R) paired with Shen's Shoulder to Shoulder (R) is a good tool for lightning-fast initiation.

Hecarim is extremely difficult to implement before reaching level 6. Having Destructive Charge (E) is definitely a tool for ganking, but it obviously won't be enough without a laner with good control. But after receiving level 6, Hecarim becomes one of the best characters for minor skirmishes. Whether it's a small fight in the forest, or a large-scale battle for the dragon, Rush of Shadows (R) will allow you to turn the battle in your favor. The mid-game is a real paradise for this centaur. The damage he inflicts can be compared to some archers and mages. In the late game, he weakens a little and turns into a second tank, which initiates well, but no longer deals much damage.

My Tier List - list of champions' suitability for pulling out games 1 vs 9

The most famous Tier List was compiled by Elementz and after that he tried to promote it in every possible way. The only BUT I can say is that it does not take into account the specifics of players in different parts of the world. For example, an average Frenchman in a situation where the chances of victory are 60% to 40% in his favor will not attack or support an ally during an attack - the chances of victory are too small for him. While the average Russian, in a situation where the chances of winning are 50% to 50%, or even lower, will eagerly rush into the attack, forcing enemies to think, are the chances really 50 to 50? Why then are they so eager?
This is my personal experience of playing against the French, no bias, just statistics. Therefore, after playing ranked for a while and losing 300 Elo for 2 because too many people overestimate the Tier List, I decided to write this article.

The first thing I was immediately tempted to write was “don’t play as a support in ranked teams.” It’s bad and wrong to write like that, but often that’s exactly how it is.
Because we proceed from the thesis “me + 4 logs against 5 good players” (8 out of 10 solo games go exactly like this). The role of the support is to support his AD carry, help him stand in the lane, become a greenhouse for him, protect him with staves, give him all the minions, etc. and so on. What if your carry is a log? If he has no idea, what should he do? What should a carry do if his supports are attacked? NO, DON'T RUN AWAY! Attack the enemy's carry! In 7 cases out of 10, your carry will not attack enemies in response, he will think - “my support is being attacked, he is moving away, well, I’ll leave too.” Therefore, either play a support + carry duo with a friend, or take another role. Support multiplies the team's strength by a certain number, but if your team's strength is 0, then no matter how much you multiply it, it will remain 0.

Having reached high Elo levels, take the support and try it.

Secondly, master 2-3 roles perfectly. Even PRO players do not claim to have excellent mastery of all roles. Or rather, they CAN master them, but they need time to get used to it and relearn it.

Third, learn to farm. This is useful no matter who you play as.

Well, the list itself.
T1: Graves, Rumble, Mundo, Ryze, Lulu, Kennen, Ashe, Vladimir, Orianna(very good), Cassiopea(very good), Alistar, Corki, Ezreal, Shen, Rengar, Riven
T2: Olaf, Jax, Ahri, Lee Sin, Cho Gath, Rammus, Nasus, Annie, Maokai, Tryndamere, Yorick, Xin Zhao, Lux, Gangplank, Akali, Twisted Fate, Zilean
T3: Vayne, Malphite, Soraka, Jayce, Akali, Nautilus, Nidalee, Teemo, Caytlin, Orianna(common), Cassiopea(common)
T4: Heimerdinger, Katarina, Sejuani

Orianna and Cassiopea are very skillful champions and if they are played as the developers intended, they can solo 2-3 enemies with one cast. If you play with them the way they are usually played... then it would be better not to play with them in ranked games.

Jax - I would rank him higher because he is a Hypercarry, but like Tryndamere, he really needs farming. A lot of farming to get a full build. And he may not make it to that point. By the way, the same applies to Vane (only she’s also very dead and can’t run away).

Lee Sin, Maokai, Alistar - a good Lee or Maokai or Alistar in the jungle is able to gank all 3 lanes and, in principle, take out the entire team. But it must be a good Lee, who clearly knows how and when to gank.

Yorick is one of the strongest solo toppers. He would go to T1, but in the late game he gets very tired and begins to depend on his carry (ultimate on the carry and hope that the carry kills everyone).

Mundo - Mundo is in the top because of its effectiveness at an extremely cheap purchase. His base damage from his abilities is somewhat amazing, and with the essentially negligible cost of survivability, he is also extremely difficult to kill.

Lux - surprised? xD Yes, luxury in T2. And she is in T2 only because 90% of people not only play her incorrectly, but also collect the wrong things.

Corki, Ezreal are the most playable carries at the championships. The most AoE carries in the game. The very best. Even after the cuts, they are very good. Mainly due to the AoE damage, large ranges of abilities and the built-in escape mechanism. If you lost the battle, but didn’t die, then you didn’t completely lose it.

Shen - from the moment he was remade, Shen has not left the top of the charts and bans! Built-in sustain, shield, taunt and ult that saves an ally across the entire map!

Rengar - was very good, has become EVEN better! One of the strongest champions in the mid-game. Very strong kanks from level 6, built-in sustain, attack, and his E now triggers additional damage from Sheen and Trinity Force!

Zilean is a very underrated champion in my opinion! The main thing is to collect as much CDR and mana for him as possible! However, he needs allies who will understand that they will be resurrected, and that would be the case in T1.

Riven is one of the most popular champions for Elo farming. 3 damage spells, shield, dash, stun and finishing spell. A good Riven can win any lane.

Twisted Fate - as an AP carry, he works well, but until the start of 5v5 team fights. He fares very poorly in team fights - the radius of spells plus their number and cooldowns do not contribute to pulling out at all. Why you should take it - for ganks! Gank a bot or a top so that they can’t rise later - that’s his calling!

Why in T4 Heimerdinger, Katarina, Sejuani? Because they can't drag solo. Katarina needs the team to provide her with CC while she deals damage. Sejuani needs the team to provide damage while she casts CC. And Hamer needs to prevent his enemies from devouring his guns.

The list is not complete, because This is what I felt from personal experience and not what I read anywhere. I will add as much as possible.

What is the best champion choice in League of Legends for beginners and new players? Who should you start with? Which champion should you play? These are very difficult questions. so many choices! So much information!

Despite being the most accessible among other MOBA games, League of Legends is actually not that easy to get started with. To help you out, we've outlined below a few of the best champions to start your League of Legends journey with. One of the best nice things about MOBAs is that it gives you a huge number of options that you can try in the game.

What do you want to do?

The current meta (i.e. the strategy for professional level players that teams use) in League of Legends is based on five roles: top lane (single person), mid lane (single person, most often mages), jungle (single person) and bottom line (for two people: shooter and support). Your first step in selecting champions is choosing the lane you want to focus your attention on. We've outlined each role in separate categories to help you choose what's best for you, but in general, mid lane champions (mages for the most part) and bottom lane marksmen are all about dealing damage and kill other players. Support champions help their lane colleague (the marksman) stay alive and kill targets. Top lane champions play to hold or win the lane and most often protect other team members in battles. As for the champions that players take into the forest. Each champion who gets there puts his main emphasis on killing neutral monsters (fortunately there are a lot of them in the forest) and helping other lines.

Now let's start sorting out the lines in order, from top to bottom.

Best champions for top lane

When playing at a high level, there are many options that a top laner can choose from. Typically, your choice of champion depends on what your team needs at the moment (a tank, another champion for support, a champion for damage, etc.)

The main rule of playing top lane is that you should choose a champion that can hold up in a 1vs1 game without having to constantly return to base. The top lane usually plays by itself, with the rest of your team trying to give as many kills as possible to high damage characters (shooter, mage) so that they can become killing machines in the future. (Yes, they are so selfish)

Therefore, you need a champion with sustain (with health regen or great defense), with a fast push ability (an ability that could kill minions very quickly) and several support abilities (buffs, debuffs, CC) in order to help your allies in battles.

There are several top lane champions out there right now that you can do very well in your lane. These ranks include: Jayce(Jace), Elise(Eliza), Malphite(Malphite) And Kayle(Kyle). But now we will look at two cases that will demonstrate two styles of play.

Shen(Shen) - Defender

If you want proof that you are worth playing for Shena- go into the game and look at the blocked characters. Shena I block him in almost every game, and when I don’t block him, he gets picked instantly. As soon as this happens, the team that did not get it immediately writes "gg".

What makes this blue ninja so scary? It's not because of his ability to kill. This is due to the fact that he can materialize next to any team member they are trying to kill. Ultimate Shena, Shoulder to Shoulder, allows him to cast a shield on any of his ally in any part of the map and, after maintaining the spell for a couple of seconds, move to him.

While you are on the top lane, your task is to Shena keep your health at a high level and try to kill minions, as well as harass the enemy in the lane. Use Feint every time your opponent gets aggressive, as well as Shadow Rush to either avoid dangerous situations or to catch an enemy under your tower when he gets too close. Don't be afraid to constantly use your abilities as Shen uses energy as a resource that is restored quite quickly.

Your aim: As a tank champion, your goal is quite simple: stay alive and hold your lane until you are needed in a team fight. The ultimate will allow you to move into the thick of things quite quickly.

Your tricks: To make better use of your Shoulder to Shoulder spell, which grants a shield to your ally, constantly watch your allies and move towards it whenever you notice some battle that has started clearly against you. Once you're at the target, use Shadow Rush, which will force the enemy team to attack you, giving your team the opportunity to kill some enemies.

Rengar(Rengar) - Hunter

Another style of play in the top lane is to pick a champion who can constantly harass (deal damage to the enemy with basic attacks or low cost spells) of the opponent and break through to the enemy in battles. Olaf(Olaf), Jayce(Jace), Teemo(Timo) And Elise(Eliza) are also good examples of this style of play, but we'll start with Rengara. Like Shen, he only relies on the cooldowns of his abilities, allowing you to frequently bombard your opponent with abilities. In addition, Rengar does not have skillshots (a type of ability that is not aimed at a specific target, but acts in a specified direction), which makes him even easier to master.

Rengar This is a hunter who can become a nightmare for anyone, he is a wild tiger who is hunting for prey. Playing style Rengara very aggressive, so this may not be the right choice for you. But for people like me, who barely do anything until mid-battle, Rengar- an excellent champion.

His passive ability allows him to pounce on his target when Rengar is in the bushes or in stealth mode, so your goal when playing this champion should be to run into the bushes, pounce on your opponent, and hide in the bushes again. Fortunately, Rengar has a huge amount of burst damage (damage that is dealt in large quantities over a short period of time), so use this when you rush your enemy, or run away if you don't intend to kill them.

If your opponent is very agile, use Bolas Throw to slow the retreating enemy, then use Battle Roar to heal yourself.

Your aim: Constantly harass the enemy champion with Savagery and pounce on him from the bushes. When receiving damage, use Battle Roar to restore some health and stay in the lane longer.

Your tricks: Thrill of the Hunt, your ultimate, turns you invisible and marks all nearby enemies. Use this in the middle of a fight with the enemy team and rush the skinny champion for a near-instant kill.

Best mid lane champions

Mid lane champions have more responsibility on their shoulders than other team members. Mid lane champions are usually key to the team and are also mages who can deal massive damage with their abilities.

Once the battle has begun, your main task is to use all your mana on the deadly enemy. How you do this will depend on the champion you choose, but that is always your goal regardless. If you do this, your team will be happy.

Together with the marksman (a champion who deals more damage with auto attacks than with abilities), you are the ones who your entire team must protect, as well as deal almost all the damage. Hold the center line, stay alive, gain levels and as much gold as you can get.

Ryze(Rise) - Mage

He is a tattooed ex-con with a penchant for unbridled magic. His list of abilities gives a clear idea of ​​what items he needs to collect: collect as much mana as can be collected. Since he doesn't have to collect a lot of Ability Power like other mages in the mid lane, Rise is not too "thin" throughout the game, thanks to the protection and health that comes with mana items. Which is pretty good when you don't know what to do.

His Rune Prison is a great skill for those just learning to understand the game. It allows you to pin down your opponent if someone is trying to attack you, while you can use your abilities to deal maximum damage. You won't have to worry about the enemy when he's standing still.

Your aim: Use spells as often as possible. Focus on killing minions and use Rune Prison if anyone tries to attack you. In team battles, choose the desired champion and try to destroy him with your abilities.

Your tricks: Your target-to-target jumping ability, Arcane Flow, will deal more damage when jumping between only two enemies. Use it only when you can hit exactly two enemies (minions count as an enemy!) and, by the way, you can use yourself for the second target.

Master Yi (Master Yi) - Elusive

Not all mid lane champions are stand back and shoot mages. Some of them have to get closer to do something. Or, if we consider the case with Master Yi- wow - he's close - where is he? - oh damn! - where did my health go?!

Master Yi pretty stupid champion. His First Strike makes him a ninja that flashes a green mist over four enemies, dealing magic damage to each of them. And, if he touches a minion, then with a 50% chance he will double the damage to the minion. Minion killing and a second of invulnerability are what mid lane champions need.

And bye Master Yi waiting for the moment when he can teleport to a minion and kill it, he can use Meditation and restore his health, while adding protection to himself so that no one can put him in harm's way. You'll laugh at your opponent as you regenerate your health and they try and fail to kill you.

And if everything gets really bad, the Highlander will help you escape. This ability makes the Master very fast, and also removes all slowdown effects from him.

Your aim: Play passively in lane, use First Strike to kill minions. Harass an enemy outside the range of his abilities. Use Highlander to reset the cooldowns of your abilities, and also use First Strike to avoid enemy attacks.

Your tricks: If you kill someone while your Highlander is activated, you will refresh your ability cooldowns, including Highlander's cooldown. If you get a kill, continue to advance on the enemy without slowing down.

Best Champions for the Marksman Role

Yes, I see it in your eyes. It's that look that flickers when you think about some MMO game where you make the choice to be a lone wolf. You don't need anyone, you don't need a team, because you are awesome.

Marksmen are great assassins on every team. They probably don't look like the hardest role for you in League of Legends: you have to just attack most of the time. However, this is one of the most difficult roles to play, so it requires patience and focus. There is nothing more important than getting the maximum amount of gold in the minimum time.

This means that you must land the last hit on a minion every time you get the chance, as well as kill enemy champions. Remember that for marksmen or magicians there is no such thing as “stealing a kill”. Your task is to get as much gold as possible, with which you will buy very powerful items. These items will help you kill the enemy team a few champions at a time, but it's all about the gold. If your team is yelling at you for taking away kills, they are idiots.

Once you reach level 16 or higher, you will truly become death incarnate. Therefore, you must have items to match this.

Miss Fortune (Miss Fortune) - Team Killer

Can I interest you in a sexy pirate? No, seriously, one of this champion's superpowers is sexuality. She really loves Dirty Games, and what a Walk she has!

But let's leave these nonsense aside. Miss Fortune here to bring pain with his two pistols. Don't be afraid of the big tooltips for each ability, it's really very simple. You shoot bullets, and the bullets destroy the enemy.

Your job is to make sure these bullets reach the champions, mostly using Two for One against the champions who are hiding from the beauty behind the minions. This ability bifurcates your bullet, one of which remains in the first target, and the second - in the one behind the first target.

Her two other abilities - Lead Rain and Time to Die - fire a whole cloud of bullets that pierce through enemies. Your main task in a team battle is to stand behind, occasionally shooting back, waiting for the moment when the enemy team has grouped up to launch a stream of hot bullets at them.

Your aim: kill minions, as well as use Two for the Price of One to harass the enemy champion. Buy some serious items, and then spread death and destruction behind your tanks and bruisers.

Your tricks: Time to Die deals damage to all champions in range 8 times over 2 seconds. Buy an item that applies effects when hit (for example, Black Cliver, which reduces the armor of opponents).

Ash(Ash) - Kiter

Any champion with a global ultimate, an ability that can be used anywhere, is going to be something of a nightmare for opponents. And at this time, the Enchanted Crystal Arrow (which stuns and damages the enemy) can be a destructive force, even if it moves very slowly, which requires considerable skill to use.

But one of the biggest secrets Ash is that she doesn't have to launch her ultimate across the entire map. You can simply shoot at the target that is in front of you, and this will also be successful.

She is an ice archer and the rest of her abilities are so useful that it doesn't matter if you hit or miss with your ultimate. Every time you fire your ultimate, you'll be practicing your skillshot skills - which is much better than just missing. You have a wonderful AoE (an ability that covers some area or radius) with Volley, a personal guard with Hawk Recon, and a very good passive effect with Frost Shot.

Therefore, you should focus on the items (recommended ones are great) and right-click to win.

Your aim : Kill minions from a safe distance with Volley, use Hawk Scout to observe the enemy forest nearby. Once you have enough gold, and therefore items, try to focus your attacks on one target.

Your tricks: Ash one of the best kiters in the game thanks to the constant slow and stun she has. Don't panic when an enemy melee champion runs towards you. Slow him down with Volley and Frost Shot and once he's very close, stun him with your ultimate and keep running and kiting.

Best Support Champions

When someone kills people and buys wonderful items that make them stronger,
support champions must do all the “dirty” work, such as placing guards on the map and buying items the team needs. A support champion can be called a mother/nanny/cleaner for the team.

While they help in battles, allowing partners to fight stronger and longer, thanks to
healing, shields and various buffs, or applying control effects to enemies, the main task remains to do the “dirty” work. They are doctors in League of Legends. And their task is to take care of the shooters. Support champions play in the bot lane alongside marksmen, staying with them until they are big and strong enough to handle their opponents on their own. Support champions are usually silent.
Except for the moments when everything goes wrong and they express their dissatisfaction in the chat.

Janna(Zhanna) - Assistant.

It was a tempting idea to say here about Soraka(Soraka) because it's often used and easy to play, but it's too boring. There is no damage and nothing at all except healing, so playing as her for 40 minutes will be very boring. Instead I will present to you Jeanne- an elf who can control the wind.

Before you start the game for Jeanne, your team will already begin to love you for the global
increasing movement speed. And when you're in the game, you'll be loved for your strong shield and abundance of control. When you give a shield to your marksman, you will increase his damage and make him a killing machine for at least a few seconds. During battles, your ultimate will be able to tear enemies away from you and heal allies.

For a little harassment, Zhanna can summon a tornado, which “charges” for a while and then rushes forward, throwing up everyone who gets in the way. This will give your shooter the opportunity to land several unanswered blows on the enemy.

An excellent selection of abilities for shooters and excellent healing for the entire team - who still doesn’t want Zhanna on their team?

Your aim: Use a shield to protect your lane shooter while you prepare your tornado to damage enemies. Use your ultimate to split the enemy team into two. This way, your team can easily destroy half of the enemies while riding on your healing wings.

Your tricks : Use the tornado to knock up an enemy and also to give your shooter a chance to damage them or escape, depending on the situation. If possible, use a bush tornado to prevent enemies from seeing it.

Thresh(Trash) - Engine

Trash is the most fun champion I've played, which is why I'm including him on this list, even if he has somewhat complex mechanics.

The Skeleton Sailor doesn't look like a support champion at first glance. He can't heal or speed up allies, and he can't just sit behind his shooter and hope he wins the battle for two.

Trash- Aggressive Champion: You start your fight with Death Sentence by throwing a hook at the enemy, hooking them and pulling them towards you.

Not aggressive enough for you? You can jump on a target you've grabbed and start fighting at close range. Turn on your ultimate, build an MMA fighting ring around you and your target, force the enemy to stay and fight with you or flee, receiving a strong slowdown and damage.

Other two abilities Tresha They are not made to trade blows - they are made to manipulate. Swipe grabs enemies around you and moves them in the direction you want. Dark Path drops a lamp on the ground that can be pressed and the allied champion who pressed the lamp will be drawn to I'm trashing. This ability allows you to protect allies from dangerous situations or, conversely, help them initiate battle faster.

Trash also has a fun mini-game with his passive ability, which allows him to increase his defense and Ability Power values ​​by collecting souls that fall out after killing minions/monsters/champions.

Your aim : In the early game, try to hook the enemy shooter. This will give your shooter a few seconds to land hits on the enemy. Use your lamp to help the jungler get to your lane faster. The ultimate is used to slow down enemy champions.

Your tricks: The only thing worth remembering is Trash This is a support champion. Yes, you initiate battles and are in the forefront, but your task is only to help your allies kill enemies. Sometimes you do this by damaging an enemy. And sometimes you do this with a lamp that will save your allies from certain death.

Best Champions for the Forest

Wait a minute. Do you really want to try this role? I mean you are new to the game and the forest game is very difficult. This requires enormous map control and a willingness to put the needs of others (yes, even support) above your own. Best description of playing in the woods I've ever heard: your job is to make sure everyone else is doing their job.

If your top lane gets wiped out, your job is to rise to the top and prevent it. If the enemies are trying to kill your mid lane, then your job is to sit in the bushes and wait for the enemy jungler to counter-gank (come out of the bush when the enemy jungler comes out of his bush to kill your ally). If the enemy jungler has taken your buffs, your job is to place guards at important key points and make a trap for the enemy and make him pay for the theft in blood.

In between solving global problems, junglers spend their time killing neutral monsters in the forest to gain experience and gold, and then give the necessary buffs to their allies (mages - blue buff, shooters or top lane champions - red).

Like I said, this is not an easy role, but there is no better way to learn the locations of all the important objects on the map, as well as the amount of time it will take you to run from one end of the map to the other. It's also the best way to dive into the real League of Legends meta (your team's strategy). You must know what is happening on the map or you will not be effective. Try this role if you feel confident, but I recommend you start with a different role and wait until you get a feel for how the game works strategically.

Vi(Wai) - Murderer

Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to attack it. And continue this until it explodes. It's very similar to how Wai solves his problems. And her biggest problem is that the enemy team is still alive.

Passive ability Wai gives her a small shield that depends on the damage dealt, and every third hit will deal an additional hit and reduce the enemy's armor. After this, she can launch herself at the target to hit it so hard that pieces of the target will fly off in different directions and cause damage to surrounding enemies.

After she's trained on the forest monsters, Wai can go into lanes to deal with enemy champions. And, thanks to her Find and Cripple ultimate, she can quickly rush towards them from the bushes, grab one of them by the scruff of the neck (by the way, this animation is one of the best in the game), throw him into the air and forcefully slam him into the ground.

It's terrifying, it's awesome, it's brutal. To a large extent, that's all that can be said about Vi.

Your aim: Beat the forest minions to death, then use abilities to get close to the champion, catch him and destroy him before he can escape. In team battles, run headlong towards the enemy shooter and make sure he is dead.

Your tricks: The Vault Opener, which allows you to get to your loot very quickly, can also be used as a way to get over obstacles, allowing you to surprise an enemy who thinks he is all alone.

Nasus(Nasus) - Destroyer

Wai She's an assassin who thinks the only way to help her team is to kill enemy champions. Nasus her complete opposite. It focuses on objects on the map (Towers, Dragon, Baron) that will help the team win in a slightly different way.

Killing an early dragon will be an incomparable advantage for the team. This gives your team bonus gold and some experience for everyone who helped kill him. Ultimate Nasus, which steals 5% health from all enemies around (and converts that health into damage to itself) allows him to kill the Dragon faster than most junglers.

His passive ability will give him 20% lifesteal for each basic attack, which will undoubtedly help you stay alive, as you will soon find out, in battle with monster camps of varying difficulty. There is nothing more shameful when a forester dies from forest monsters when no one can help him.

When the battle begins Nasus must not kill, but help his allies achieve their goals. His Wither renders an enemy marksman completely useless for the next five seconds, which is more than enough time for your team to take them out.

Your AoE spell, Spectral Fire, deals damage and, more importantly, reduces the armor of anyone who enters the fire. Help your marksman get kills while enemies stand in Phantom Fire.

AND... Nasus- a huge Egyptian dog! How can you not want to play for him?

Your aim : Destroy camps in the forest quickly and safely, then destroy important objects such as towers or the Dragon before the enemy team does so. In team battles, try to catch the enemy shooter so that the team can do its job.

Your tricks: Your Siphon Strike becomes stronger every time you finish off a minion or monster with it. If you use it correctly and convert 75% of the minions you kill into power, you'll be surprised at the amount of damage you'll have by the end of the game.

And a few more words

Before you run off to try all this in battles with players, I advise you to try to do the same with bots (AI). People are much friendlier during AI matches and many will be able to help you if you ask them for advice. Having a basic understanding of how abilities work and when to use them will give you a big advantage when playing against real players. It will take you no more than 40 minutes, and if you plan to play a lot of League of Legends, then 40 minutes is not that much.

When you first start playing League of Legends, you'll immediately notice that different champions have different attack types, different health pools, and other different stats. In this case, champions are divided into magicians, tanks, shooters, and so on. Usually, beginners start the game according to the standard scheme, which by the way is used by bots, that is, 2 players go to the top line, 1 player goes to the center and the remaining 2 players go to the bottom line. Not to say that this is a bad scheme, but rather that it is not the most effective. All champions in the League of Legends are divided primarily by their primary roles. In this case, one player goes to the top line and for this, a certain type of champion is taken, 1 player goes to the center and a magician usually stands here, 2 players go to the bottom line (and one of them only helps the second), and the last one goes to the forest . This is the most commonly used player layout in various random matches. It is worth understanding that each player performs a strictly assigned role and each of these roles is very responsible and requires a certain amount of gaming experience. Below we'll look at each of these roles in more detail to give you some idea of ​​what each champion does. This way you can choose the most optimal playstyle for yourself and be able to choose your favorite champion.

AD Carry or damage dealer, this is one of the most important team members, who in most cases at the beginning of the game is sent along with an allied support to the bottom line. For a damage dealer, it is very important to learn how to finish off all minions without exception. This is exactly what the player does in the first minutes of the game. Good minion farming will allow you to quickly buy key artifacts and gain an advantage over the enemy. It is important to note here that you should always keep an eye on your support and your enemies. You don't need to focus your attention only on minions. If you see that your support intends to attack the enemy, then first of all you need to help him and only then return to farming. The coherence of the actions of the damage dealer and support most often determines the success of the battle. It is best, of course, to have voice communication. If you play in a random setting, then it is quite enough to use hotkeys to indicate a target to attack or tell your ally to retreat. It is very important not to die while standing on the bottom line. Since each of your deaths gives the enemy a very large advantage, it will be very difficult to make up for it. Very often the bottom lane becomes the target of the jungler's attack, so you also need to keep an eye on the minimap and what is happening on the other lanes.

Having received the first key artifacts in your arsenal, you can very quickly destroy the first tower on the line or at least destroy a certain number of plates. After that, you can go help your allies in other lanes. Please note that the damage dealer always moves with his support or with his team. This is due to the fact that the damage dealer usually has a very small health reserve and practically no artifacts for defense. Because of this, you can become an easy victim if you go into battle alone. If you destroy the first tower and your allied jungler is nearby, then you can negotiate with him and quickly kill the Dragon, which will give your entire team a very good buff for the rest of the game. The damage dealer's task is to constantly farm, push lanes and participate in all battles.

At the late stage of the game, when the damage dealer no longer has free slots in his inventory, he becomes just a killing machine. In a matter of seconds, the damage dealer is capable of killing several enemies. It is important to understand that the damage dealer does not enter the battle first; there are initiators for this. That is, you need to enter the battle a little later. The main task of a damage dealer is to constantly cause damage, setting priorities correctly and under no circumstances die. If the damage dealer dies first, this very often leads to the fact that your team simply does not have enough damage and all your allies are quickly killed. In other words, a damage dealer is a champion with very high damage and very little survivability. As a rule, all damage dealers have a ranged attack, which slightly compensates for the lack of health.

List of popular damage dealers (AD Carry)

Each champion has its own unique characteristics. Some people, for example, are very strong at the beginning of the game, while others need time to build up and buy certain artifacts. The one thing all of these champions have in common is their ranged attack.

Artifacts for damage dealers

As mentioned above, the main task of a damage dealer is to cause damage, and here you simply cannot do without certain artifacts. In order to increase your physical damage, the following artifacts are most often used:

Of course, artifacts are not bought according to your taste, but specifically for each champion and for each situation. You can read about which artifacts to take for a specific champion in the guides.

As a rule, in the last 5-6 slot in the inventory (sometimes bought earlier), damage dealers buy one artifact for protection. If you have a balanced team playing against you, then you can take Guardian Angel. If the enemy team has predominantly physical damage, then it makes sense to use Randuin's Omen. If you are often focused by some magician with a powerful control skill, then it makes sense to think about buying Banshee's Veil, but this item is already very situational . If you constantly receive just a huge number of control effects (stun, slow, etc.), then it is best to buy Mercurial Scimitar. As you already understood, all artifacts are purchased not only depending on which champion you chose, but also in accordance with the composition of the enemy team. Below I would like to present for you the entire list of protective artifacts that damage dealers use.

Damage boots are most often used by Berserker's Greaves, as they increase attack speed, and for most damage dealers this is important.


Of the additional spells, damage dealers usually take a jump in combination with one defensive spell:

Other spells are also acceptable, but these are the ones that are used most often.

The role of the support champion is one of the most complex and important. Support plays most often on the bottom line along with his damage dealer. The main task of a support is to protect his ally on the line. At the same time, the support stands on the line for a reason; he is constantly looking for the moment to inflict damage on the enemy and not get hit in return. The support champion in no case touches the minions, since only the damage dealer should finish them off and receive the maximum amount of gold. The same goes for killing enemy champions. That is, it is your damage dealer who must kill all the enemies, and you receive gold for your help. If, for example, you see that the enemy has one hit of health left and your damage dealer is about to finish him off, then there is no need to interfere and steal the frag. For a support, it is very important to learn how to correctly look for the moment to attack. In other words, you should attack the enemy when your ally can instantly help you and will not suffer from loss of farm. Under no circumstances should you attack enemies if your ally is not nearby. Most likely this will lead to you simply dying and you should not blame your ally for this.

The second important task of a support is the installation of wards (totems). If you don’t know where to place wards, then I advise you to read the article Guide to Using Totems (Warding). At the beginning of the game, the support at least needs to protect his line from an unexpected gank, that is, place the wards correctly and watch the mini map. The support also looks after other lines. Of course, this does not mean that the support abandons his line and runs in an unknown direction. First of all, you should think about your allied damage dealer. The difficulty of playing as a sport also lies in the fact that, in essence, you must have a good understanding of the game of other champions. For example, you need to know the approximate timings of the forester's farming, as this will help you place wards in the river area in time and protect yourself and your ally from ganks.

In the middle of the game, the support moves around the map with his AD Carry and makes sure that he does not die. You must understand that the life of the damage dealer is much more important than yours, especially when it comes to a team battle. If the damage dealer dies, this will lead to everyone dying, and if the support dies, the team will still be able to survive it. From all of the above it follows that you must protect your comrade at the cost of your own life. Also, in the middle of the game, teams usually begin to actively move around the map and the support should already be placing wards all over the map. If your team dominates the map, then you install totems in the area of ​​​​the enemy forest, but if you have to defend, then you try to place wards in your forest.

At the late stage of the game, the support always runs with his team and participates in every battle, trying to protect his allies as effectively as possible. Depending on what type of support you choose, your behavior during the battle will also change. All supports can be divided into approximately 3 groups: classic supports, aggressive mage supports and tank supports. Below I would like to present you with a list of all these supports by group.

Popular classic supports

This group of champions has good defensive or healing skills.

Popular aggressive support mages

This group of champions includes magicians who can not only attack enemies, but also partially help their ally. Most of these supports can comfortably play as a mage in the mid lane.

Popular support tanks

This type of support has a very large health reserve and good defensive skills. Unlike other fat champions, tank supports have good control skills and can initiate battles well. In the lane, tanks stand a little closer to the minions and take all the main damage on themselves, giving their damage dealer the opportunity to farm quietly.

Artifacts for supports

One of the problems with support is the severe lack of gold, especially if you are unable to receive gold for helping to kill enemy champions or for destroying the plates of the first tower. In order to somehow compensate for this disadvantage, supports use artifacts for gold at the beginning of the game. These artifacts include: Ancient Coin, Spellthief's Edge and Relic Shield. Please note that you can only buy one such artifact. As a rule, more passive supports use Ancient Coin, for aggressive play it is best to use Spellthief's Edge, but Relic Shield is good for supporting a tank. Also note that all of these artifacts have different principles for obtaining gold. Subsequently, all these artifacts can be improved into very good items, which will mainly open up the opportunity for you to install more wards. Don’t think that these are some temporary artifacts that will have to be sold later. For support, these items are key and should be paid attention to first.

Every support is simply obliged to constantly use wards to protect the enemy jungler from ganks. At the very beginning of the game, be sure to take the free Warding Totem ward, it can greatly help you in the lane. When playing as a support, you need to strive to complete the task as quickly as possible, which is available when purchasing an item for gold. That is, you need to earn gold using the features of the artifact. Of course, it won’t be possible to do this quickly anyway, because there are some restrictions. When you upgrade the artifact to gold and it becomes possible to install wards using it, the free ward can be replaced with Oracle Alteration. And it is also highly advisable to periodically buy Control Ward and use this item for additional control of the map. The more information you have about enemy movements, the greater your team's chances of winning.

The bulk of artifacts for support are purchased to protect and help their allies. The only exceptions are support magicians, who often take artifacts to increase magical power. Accordingly, protective artifacts need to be purchased depending on the situation. If the enemy team is dominated by magical damage, then artifacts are well suited: Banshee's Veil, Locket of the Iron Solari, less often Adaptive Helm. If on the enemy team the main damage is done by champions with physical damage, then in this case artifacts will help perfectly: Randuin "s Omen, Frozen Heart or Zhonya"s Hourglass (provided that you are a support mage). In fact, there are a lot of variations of defensive items, since supports are very different. Sometimes it makes sense to completely ignore your own defense and completely concentrate on items for teams.

Separately, I would like to note several artifacts that are very well suited for supports, due to their effects and the ability to use them and help their allies.

Boots for support are taken depending on the current situation on the map. For example, if you play as a tank support and you lack protection, then it is best to use Mercury's Treads or Ninja Tabi. Also, boots for increasing movement speed are very suitable for support, that is, Boots of Mobility or Boots of Swiftness. For support, it is very important mobility, since sometimes he has to quickly move between lines and needs to be in the right place at the right time as quickly as possible.Another interesting choice could be boots Ionian Boots of Lucidity, which allow you to reduce the cooldown of skills and spells.

Of course, all these artifacts are purchased strictly for a specific champion.


Supports most often take Flash as the first spell, and as the second, some kind of spell to help their ally, that is, Heal or, for example, Exhaust. By the way, you shouldn’t take two treatments. That is, if your allied damage dealer has already taken healing, then it is better to use Exhaust. Aggressive supports will sometimes take Ignite to be able to deal extra damage and reduce the effectiveness of the enemy's healing skills.

When playing as a forester, you must understand the main thing, your allies expect help from you, that is, you should not get hung up on farming neutral monsters. It is advisable to sometimes attack (gank) the lane and help your allies in every possible way. Before trying yourself as a jungler, I would recommend that you play all the champions to understand all their weaknesses and strengths. The role of the jungler also means that you must constantly use wards, just like your support. Unlike a support, a forester constantly moves around the map and can place wards in different places, thereby protecting his allies from an unexpected gank from the enemy. As a rule, by the 5th minute the foresters have made several lane ganks. If successful, you greatly help your allies, and you yourself receive gold for helping in the kill or even for killing.

In the middle of the game, even junglers and tanks are already starting to move very actively between lines and look for a moment to attack the enemy. Also during this period of the game, it is very important for the forester to monitor the Dragon’s respawn location. Killing this neutral gives a very good buff to your entire team for the rest of the game. If you and your allies kill the Dragon over and over again, you will eventually have a very good advantage over the enemy and will be able to finish the match with a victory. During this period of the game, the jungler is still farming the jungle and, if possible, giving some buffs to his allies. For example, if you don’t really need the blue buff, then it’s better to give it to your mage in the center lane. Due to the additional mana regen, he will be able to easily crush his opponent and gain a good advantage.

At the end of the game, the forester usually runs with his team and kills neutrals only along the way. If possible, it is necessary to kill the Dragon and especially Baron Nashor, the buff from which increases the attack of your entire team, and the minions begin to actively destroy enemy towers and structures.

As a rule, foresters are divided into two types: aggressive foresters and tank foresters. There are also foresters, magicians, and some exceptions, but it’s better to start with simple options. Mostly, players take junglers who are able to farm the forest very quickly and get to the gank lanes as quickly as possible. Foresters and tanks are chosen less often, as they need some time to level up and buy key artifacts.

List of popular junglers

The list of foresters is very large and it is not even complete. It lists the most popular ones. I advise you to first try all the champions and roughly understand the strengths and weaknesses of each. Moreover, try to use different champions according to the style of play. If you learn to play only one, you will have a poor understanding of what the enemy jungler is generally capable of, and this can play a decisive role in the match.

Artifacts for foresters

Each forester starts the game by purchasing Hunter's Machete or Hunter's Talisman. You can only buy these artifacts if you took one of the spells Smite. These items allow you to comfortably farm the forest and in the future can be improved into: Skirmisher's Saber or Stalker's Blade. Please note that each upgrade slightly changes how the Smite spell works. Each of these new artifacts can then be upgraded as well.

Among the boots, I would like to highlight Boots of Mobility. The forester has to move around the map the most and how quickly you move between lines is very important. That is why foresters often take these boots in order to quickly move between neutral camps and run out on the enemy as quickly as possible during a gank. An alternative option is to buy standard boots for protection: Mercury's Treads and Ninja Tabi. Or, for example, increase your attack speed with Berserker's Greaves.

All artifacts for the jungler are purchased depending on your champion and the composition of the enemy team. Aggressive foresters buy artifacts to increase damage, tanks increase their survivability through defensive artifacts. Foresters use almost all known artifacts, so there is no point in listing them. You just need to pay attention to a unique artifact for foresters, and buy everything else depending on your champion.


From the spell for a forester, be sure to take Smite, since it allows you to buy a unique artifact Hunter's Machete. The second spell is mainly Flash, since it is an extremely useful and universal spell. Alternatively, you can also use Teleport. This will give you the opportunity to quickly move to the battlefield and help their allies.In some cases, junglers also take Exhaust or Ignite as a second spell in order to more effectively kill enemies during ganks or during duel battles with an enemy jungler..

The top lane is somewhat reminiscent of the game on the center lane, but here, as a rule, there are champions with a good supply of health and melee attack. Unlike the center line, on the top line it is much more difficult to defend against a jungler’s gank, so playing on this line is sometimes much more difficult. Knowing that champions in the top lane are very vulnerable, junglers often attack this lane first. Champions who play in the top lane are very different from each other. There are champions with powerful abilities, there are champions with good initiating skills, there are tanks, marksmen and even magicians.

It is important to understand that a player on the top line can mainly count only on the help of his forester, since his allies will definitely not come to him from other lines (maximum from the center). In other words, this is not just a solo line, but a line in which it is your experience and skill that decide who will emerge victorious from each battle. It is also worth understanding that even wards you buy solely for your protection and support will not come running to you from the bottom line.

In many ways, the success of playing in the top lane depends on how well you can farm and properly counter your opponent. Considering that most of the top lane champions have melee attacks, you will have to constantly engage in fights. That is, even simple farming will be very different, for example, from AD Carry farming on the bottom line. The player from the top line begins to move around the map much later than his allies. As a rule, when playing as a solo topper, you should at least destroy the first tower in the lane and only then go to help your allies.

As mentioned above, a solo player on the top lane is very dependent on the arrivals of the enemy and allied jungler. You must constantly keep one eye on the mini map and instantly react to the appearance of foresters. It will be just great if you have your own experience playing for foresters. This way you can better understand the enemy and have an approximate idea of ​​where the enemy jungler might be at the moment.

At the late stage of the game, you are already starting to run with your team and fulfill the role assigned to your champion. That is, if you are the initiator of the fight, then you must choose the right moment and start the fight first, taking the first blow. If you are a tank, then of course you should be on the front line and protect your allies in every possible way.

List of popular top lane champions (TOP)

Some top lane champions can also be good junglers or mid laners.

Artifacts for top lane champions (TOP)

Considering that on the top line there are absolutely all types of champions, that is, magicians, melee and ranged damage dealers, then the artifacts for the topper are bought completely different. There are simply no special artifacts for this role. To make it a little easier for you, you can look at the order of purchasing items in the corresponding champion guides.

How to start playing League of Legends? Despite the similarities with Dota 2, LOL has slightly different mechanics and characters. These are exactly what we will talk about today. Which heroes (or rather, champions) in LOL are ideal for beginners? Which role should I start with: support, carry or jungler? Game2Day gives advice, let's go.

Roles and Champion Selection

The league is divided into 5 different roles: top, jungler, mid, carry and support, which in turn are represented by 134 champions in the game. Some of them can fulfill different roles, others can barely cope with one.

From the very beginning you need to decide on the choice of champion. For example, you liked the gargoyle Galio. Not a bad character, suitable for playing top and mid. If a beginner manages to cope with a champion, great! Keep it and play with it as often as possible. You can go to and see which heroes are chosen the most. Or they DO NOT choose.

If you ask two veterans of the game what class they started with, the answers will be different almost 100% of the time. But most experienced gamers agree that it is easiest to start as a jungler or a top laner. Both roles are quite isolated from the others. The top liner can make mistakes without affecting the overall outcome of the game. And the foresters are generally in their own world, they play calmly and are not in a hurry.

Tops and junglers

Top line characters move in a fairly comfortable environment. Sometimes there is no one at all on the enemy lane and you can safely farm while protecting your tower. However, there are also disadvantages. The biggest threat to the top is the jungler, who suddenly appears from the forest and poses a danger to the opponent. Carefully monitor the minimap and if a forester appears, retreat to your towers. A fairly large number of champions are suitable for the top role. But we recommend starting with three - Garen, Maokai and Nautilus.

Garen is a hefty guy with armor and a knight's sword who excels at farming and absorbing damage. Garen is very difficult to kill and he is great at farming creeps while standing in the same lane. Maokai is just a huge and angry tree. Despite not the most glamorous appearance, the champion is very useful in every game. Nautilus is a monster in a diving suit and an anchor. He can catch enemies with it like a hook, has a good protective shield and a very easy to use ultimate. Nautilus has another skill - the ability to gank opponents by the ton. An excellent hero for mass or single kills.

Important! The aforementioned trio of champions are tanks that are hard to screw up, to put it simply. Beginners should stay away from difficult characters like Riven, Jais, or Kled. They are really difficult to play.

Foresters can play different roles on the map. Successful farming in the jungle? Please. Ambushes, placing wards and traps for enemy champions? No problem. A good class for beginners in League of Legends, revealing all the variety of gaming strategies. Having gained experience and courage, newcomers will be able to gank lines, helping their allies. In the meantime, you don’t need help - calmly farm on neutral monsters in the forest.

It is important to remember that Smite, the main jungler spell, is not used until your account reaches level 10. Until this time, you can play on the top line.

When studying foresters, you should pay special attention to Rek'Sai, Olaf and Warwick (not to be confused with Yorick). Rek'Sai is a mysterious queen of monsters who lives in the dungeons. It's very easy for her to learn how to ambush enemy champions. Warwick is also easy to control and is excellent at killing, especially in the early stages of the game. Its passive ability takes away health from monsters and allows you to restore your own. An ideal forester, there’s no other way to put it. Olaf is also good and inexpensive. It clears out camps quickly and works even better on low health. A good alternative to Warwick for beginner LOL players.

The worst junglers at the start of a gaming career in League of Legends can be considered Lee Sin, Rengar and Kindred. The most uncomfortable champion for beginners as a jungler is Lee Sin. Never choose one until you have learned the ins and outs of jungle play. Never. Seriously.

Don't be selfish and play as a support

Support (support character) is not recommended as the #1 choice for newcomers to League of Legends. But this important class cannot be ignored. Anyone who has played LOL or the same Dota 2 at least a little understands perfectly well: you can’t do without supports. They are the main support and hope LOL. Feeling like a support is a must for every self-respecting player.

Support has a direct impact on the role and contribution of the carry to the game. Before trying on the most important position on the field, first play as his closest assistant. Try starting with Braum, Sona or Soraka. Braum is a powerful champion with a large shield, capable of effectively protecting his carry. Sona and Soraka, in addition to healing talents, also have remarkable abilities in killing enemies. The entire trio focuses on defense, which is where you need to start getting acquainted with the game.

You should avoid Bard, Tahm Kench, Blitzcrank and Thresh at the start. Bard and Tahm, although defensive champions, can significantly hurt their carry. Blitcrank and Thresh are skill-dependent heroes that require a very active playstyle. Save them for the time when they stop calling you a noob and begin to respectfully call you at least a strong average peasant.

Playing as a support teaches you warding (placement of wards), roaming and careful battle strategy. You are given a unique opportunity to protect your allies and hinder your enemies. It doesn’t matter how many kills you make or towers you destroy: support is invaluable in helping your team.

Mid and carry

Both roles can be considered as a starting role, but there are better options. Mid and carry (damage dealer) require some kind of experience in the game, since they have the maximum influence on the outcome of the battle. They are the priority targets for the enemy and are under constant pressure. Mistakes on the lane from a damage dealer or mid laner are costly not only for the player, but also for the entire team.

The middle line of the map (mid) poses a unique challenge for beginners. This is the shortest line in the game and you will be within the enemy's range almost all of the time. It's difficult to farm in such conditions. Moreover, it is necessary to wisely distribute resources, mana and energy in order to bring maximum benefit in big fights and ganks. Moreover, a good mid player always knows what to expect from his opponents and must have a good understanding of the characteristics of champions, of which, let us recall, there are more than 130 of them. And this comes with experience, nothing else.

The best champion to play mid is the one who is able to infuse a huge amount of damage in a minimum period of time. A prime example of this is the child of Darkness, Annie. She has an excellent damage boost and a fairly simple set of talents. Another option is Ziggs, who can farm whole mountains of gold by killing enemy champions. His spells don't require much mana, he's fluffy and loves bombs. How can you not love him?

The most difficult to master as a mid are Azir, Syndra, Zed and LeBlanc. They have quite complex mechanics that will take much longer to master.

The carry (damage dealer) is in many ways similar to the mid player. The carry, who is weak at the early stage of the game, needs good support. Having established a good understanding with the support player in the lane, the carry is able to destroy everything living in his path and drag the entire team on himself. However, if you don’t find a common language with your support, you can drag your allies to the bottom, where they will happily remember all your relatives and wish you to burn in hell. Most champions capable of playing as the main damage dealer do not have a large supply of health and are quite “soft” (they are easy to kill with focus). Therefore, an allied support is the most important ally of the carry.

Carry depends not only on support, but also on farming. Most champions in this role require players to have a decent understanding of the game mechanics. However, some are much easier to learn to manage. Beginners should start with Caitlin, Sivir and Miss Fortune. Sivir calmly farms with his boomerang, Miss Fortune has a great ultimate, and Caitlin has the largest auto-attack range in the game. The most difficult champions for beginners with specific mechanics are Draven, Vayne and Kalista. Perhaps someday you will become the ideal Draven, but not right away. It's easier to learn with simpler heroes.

Let's summarize. Each role in LOL is important in its own way. If you don't rush, help your allies and don't try to defeat everyone alone, League of Legends will submit to you and there will be one more good player. Good luck!
