The easiest trick with cards for children is Fast Aces. Card tricks for children Children's card tricks

For children, this is, first of all, magic that happens right before their eyes, and our selection of wonderful magic tricks contains detailed instructions, which will help you find yourself on the other side of the trick and give your kids a real magic show.

Selecting a card

The magician invites the spectator to take any card from the deck, remember it and put it back anywhere between the cards of the deck. After a few minutes, the magician names the card and its suit, bringing the audience into complete delight.

Before the start of the performance, the magician prepares the deck so that the top and bottom cards are turned face down and cover the deck on all sides. At that moment, when the spectator draws a card and tries to remember it, the magician quietly turns over the deck of cards. Thus, all cards except the top one turn out to face him. When the spectator returns the card back to the deck, the magician finds it and calls it to the absolutely no problem.

Red and black

Ask two spectators to remove two cards from the deck. One must take out a card from below and place it in top part decks. And the other must take out a card from above and place it at the bottom of the deck. You give the deck to another person present so that he can shuffle it thoroughly, after which you accurately name the selected cards.

The magician “halves” the deck of cards in advance and puts all the red suits on top and all the black ones on the bottom. After both spectators return their cards to the deck, the magician quietly turns it over and easily finds a card with a black suit among the red suits and vice versa. Even after the deck has been shuffled, the magician can easily name the hidden cards.

Magic number 27

The magician asks the spectator to take the cards and shuffle them, select a card and place it on top of the deck. Then you need to remove any number of cards and count them, let's say you get 15 cards. Next, let the spectator count the number of red cards among them, for example, 6. Next, the magician asks to take the second part of the deck and, turning it face up, count and remember the sixth black card. Then the spectator must place this part of the deck on the cards that he removed at the beginning and give all the cards to the magician.

The deck is turned face down, and the magician places one card at a time from the bottom, mentally counting the black cards, 27-15 = 12- the twelfth card will be the exact card chosen by the spectator.

Don't be afraid of failure at your first performance. Having a quick reaction, a certain sleight of handand some acting skills, success in card tricks is guaranteed!

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

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Children's card tricks

Children, like no other, love magic. They are so gullible and naive that even the simplest card tricks can cause genuine delight in them. Therefore, you don’t have to be a good magician to be able to surprise children - just learn a few card tricks and learn how to show them brightly.

The peculiarity of children's card tricks is the fact that they must be very simple and understandable. If the trick is too complex, then children simply will not be able to understand its meaning and will not be at all surprised at the end of the trick. Long-lasting tricks should also be excluded from the program for children, because the child's attention is too distracted to be able to follow all stages of the performance. Naturally, the choice of tricks also depends on the age of the child. For example, the trick described below can be shown to children aged 5-12 years.

Guess the card

Children really like this easy card trick because... they themselves take a direct part in it. So, for convenience, the trick can be performed directly on the floor on which the children will be seated in a circle. The magician picks up an ordinary deck of playing cards and scatters them completely randomly on the floor.

Having scattered all the cards, the illusionist asks one of the children to get him specific map(you can name absolutely any card in the deck), for example, the jack of spades. The child actually takes any card from the scattered pile and, without looking at it, gives it to the magician. He, looking at the card but not showing it to others, demonstrates amazement and delight at the child’s extraordinary abilities.

As if to convince himself that this is not an accident, the magician again asks the same child to take out another card (again the card is randomly guessed), for example, the nine of crosses. The spectator again chooses any card, and without checking it, hands it to the magician. A grimace of surprise appears on the magician’s face again, and even more pronounced than the last time. After all, the child was able to get one single hidden card from the deck for the second time.

The script for this children's card trick may be slightly modified at this stage. So, instead of asking the same child to get a card, you can check for magical abilities in one of the other children. This scenario would be even preferable, because More children will take part in the focus.

Then the magician says: “Well, since you children have the superpower of guessing cards, then I, a magician, can do it even more so. Now I’ll draw the King of Crosses card.” With these words, he takes the card and looks. As it turns out, the illusionist doesn’t eat his bread in vain, and like children, he can guess cards. And to prove this, he lays out three cards in front of the audience. They are surprised to see that these are exactly the cards that the magician wished for.

So, now let's reveal the secret of this simplest card trick. It all starts with the fact that the cards at the beginning of the trick were really scattered completely randomly, with the exception of one, the last card. That's what the magician needed to spy on. With children, this trick does not require any special technique at all. You can simply shuffle the deck, and then show the spectators a folded stack of cards face down, at that moment and see the first card (let's assume it will be an ace of clubs).

Now knowing last card, we begin to scatter cards across the floor, starting with the first one from the top. When the turn comes to the last one, we throw it so that we remember exactly the place where it landed. Now the magician asks the child to choose and take out the ace of clubs (the card that was on the bottom) from the pile of cards. The spectator gives the illusionist the first card he comes across. He turns her towards him and shows surprise. Next, the illusionist asks the same or another spectator to draw another card, telling him the value and suit of the card he just saw.

Having received the card and seen it, the illusionist says that he will now take a card from the deck ... (the dignity and suit of the previous card). After these words, he takes the card that he remembered and which he threw away last. Thus, it turns out that the magician had in his hands all the cards that he wished for. This easy card trick is always perceived by children with a storm of delight and emotions.

Four Aces

This simple card trick is also very popular with children. During the display of this illusion with cards, four spectators are directly involved. So, in order to show this trick, a regular deck of 36 playing cards is taken. The magician asks anyone to name any number from 10 to 20. Having heard this number, the illusionist immediately counts out the specified number of cards, which are moved to a place separate from the deck. Then he adds up the numbers that make up this number and puts the same number of cards in another pile one by one. For example, if the number 12 is named, then the sum is 1+2=3, which means three cards are shifted on top.

After this, the rearranged cards are placed again on top of the original deck, but the topmost card is taken away and placed in a separate place. Now ask the other child to name any number in the range from 10 to 20 and repeat the whole process again. And this is repeated three more times, so that as a result there are four set aside cards on the table. After this, the magician turns over the cards, and there are four aces. Naturally, all the children react to this enthusiastically, because they themselves named any numbers. At the end of the trick, the illusionist can reveal the entire deck, showing that these are indeed ordinary playing cards, not all aces.

What is the secret of this children's card trick? The fact is that the deck is folded in advance in such a way that there are aces on top in the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th positions. The rest is all a matter of mathematics - no matter what two-digit number from 10 to 20 is named, its difference with the sum of the constituent digits of this number will give nine. And given the fact that each time the deck is reduced by one card, an ace will be taken sequentially from the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth positions.

As you can see, easy card tricks look impressive enough from the outside that even an adult might wonder how this could happen. Therefore, the child is guaranteed to be surprised by what is happening and will not be able to find a logical explanation for the trick he saw. Because of this, children love magicians, even if their parents themselves act in their role.

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Who doesn't love magic tricks? Everyone loves magic tricks - both adults and children. Because a trick is a little magic that, if desired and skillful, you can do yourself. Of course, this matter is not as simple as it seems at first glance, so to begin with, the tricks should be as simple as possible. But that doesn’t make them any less effective! We have put together magic tricks that you can show to kids or help your child master them himself - especially for little magicians! The most important thing in this matter is to learn the magic spell: “hocus pocus alle op!” All! Now everything will definitely work out!

Piggy bank book

And this is not a simple piggy bank, but a magical one - there are more and more coins in it! We put five coins on the page of the book, close the book, and do not forget about the spell. We open the book - ten coins already fall out of it! Everything is elementary: five coins need to be hidden in advance in the spine of the book. Now the main thing is that the coins do not fall out ahead of time.

Obedient tie

Even kids can do this trick. A young magician appears before the audience. But something is wrong with his suit. Oh yes - he forgot to put on his bow tie! But this is a fixable matter, a wave of the magic wand - hello oops! - and the tie is already in its place! The secret is simple: we sew a thin elastic band to the tie, and hide the tie itself under the armpit. We thread the other end of the elastic through the buttonhole on the collar and pull it under the shirt to the waist, securing it. Now all that remains is to take the magic wand in your hand, wave it - the elastic band is released, and the butterfly “flies” to its place!

Magic spoon

Calmly stir sweet tea or compote with a teaspoon. And suddenly - hello oops! - the spoon is already hanging on our nose! Miracles! In fact, everything is simple: the spoon really sticks to the nose because of the sugar (after all, our tea was sweet, and even more so the compote!). Of course, you need to glue the spoon with the concave side. Plus a little sense of humor and acting skills - a funny trick is ready!

Magic lid

We hand out 3 plastic bottle caps to the audience. One of them should be different from the others in color. Let the audience, without our knowledge, hide the lids in a box with three compartments, each lid in its own (the box is made of 3 boxes glued together). We pick up the box and unmistakably determine where the lid of a different color is located! How? Very simple. In advance, you need to put a weighting agent in this lid - a circle of lead, equal in size to the bottom of the lid. At the moment of guessing, carefully take the box with the lids with your fingers by the middle - the heavy lid will outweigh it slightly. If the drawer remains in balance, then the desired lid is in the middle compartment. And, of course, the caps should be given to the spectators one at a time so that they do not have the opportunity to compare their weight.

I can read minds!

The child takes a book at random from the shelf and asks the audience to tell the page number. Then he leaves the room. The magician's assistant reads out the top line of the page chosen by the audience. A young magician enters and repeats it without hesitation! He really can read minds! In fact, everything is simpler: our magician and sorcerer simply knows how to read. Behind the door lies the same book as the one that the child took out “at random” from the shelf. And he himself read the required top line behind the door!

Lord of Rice

The magician is holding a plastic margarine box filled with rice. The child covers it on top with exactly the same box - bottom up. After magical manipulations and reading the spell, the box opens, and lo and behold, a miracle - there is much more rice! It doesn’t even fit in the box and spills out onto the table! The secret of the trick is in the specially prepared box with which we covered our rice. It has a “double bottom” - the lid from it needs to be cut off and carefully glued as a bottom approximately in the middle of the box. Now the most important thing is not to mix it up and at the end of the trick, pour the rice into the right box, the one with a false bottom.

Sleight of hand

For this trick we will need a bracelet, rope and a scarf. The assistant tightly ties the young magician's hands, after which he gives him a bracelet and wraps the magician's hands with a scarf, holding the ends of the scarf. After a couple of moments, the scarf is removed, the magician raises his hands - and the magician’s bracelet is put on a rope! The thing is that there are actually two bracelets: the second one is already put on the child’s hand and hidden under the sleeve of the jacket. All that remains is to quietly drop the bracelet onto the rope and hide the second bracelet!

Candy made from... confetti?

For this sweet trick you will need a wide bowl filled with confetti to the middle and a couple of paper cups, not just ordinary ones, but with a secret. Here it is, this secret: one of the cups should have a lid, onto which we glue confetti thickly and thickly. Then it's a matter of technology. We put candy in a glass with a lid and bury it in the bowl of confetti. The child shows the bowl to the audience. So that everyone can see that there is no deception here, he scoops up confetti with another glass and pours it back into the bowl from a fairly high height. Then he scoops up the confetti again (but in fact takes another glass, and hides the first one in the bowl), covers it with a handkerchief, reads a spell, removes the handkerchief - in front of us is a glass filled with delicious candies! The main thing is to carefully remove the lid along with the scarf - this is the second secret of our trick.

Non-bursting ball

Take the inflated one balloon and a long sharp knitting needle. A swing, a precise movement - and the knitting needle is inside the ball, but the ball is intact! This is possible with a little preparation and a series of training. You need to stick a piece of transparent tape on both sides of the ball, and the magician’s task is to learn how to hit exactly the marked places. It's not that easy and requires some dexterity. But the effect produced by the trick is worth the time and effort!

Fruit transformation

There is an orange in the palm of the young magician. The magician covers it with a scarf, casts a magic spell - and now there is not an orange on his hand, but an apple! And here’s the solution: you need to peel the orange in advance. And put a small apple inside it. The peel is removed with a slight movement of the hand along with a scarf.

Coin - acrobat

Let's invite our viewers to pick up a coin from the table without touching it. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to do this. Meanwhile, it is enough to blow sharply on a coin from a distance of about 5 cm - it will jump, and you need to keep your hand very close in order to have time to pick up the coin. The trick is charming, but requires practice.

I know your date of birth!

This trick, of course, is beyond the power of children. But you can surprise children and adults with them at some holiday. The magician asks the spectator to multiply his date of birth (number) by 2, add 5 to the result, multiply the amount by 50. Then add the number of the month of birth and call the resulting number. The presenter accurately names the viewer's date of birth! And first in his mind he subtracts 250 from the number named by the viewer. The result is a three- or four-digit number. One or two first digits of which is the date, and the second two are the month of birth.

Slippers and rug

The magician brings a rug onto the stage and shows it to the audience from all sides. He covers his feet with it (and at this time he quietly removes the slippers from his feet). The rug is removed - the slippers are revealed! But that's not all: While the magician bows, the slippers go backstage on their own (they are pulled by assistants on a fishing line)! This is an embarrassment! Let's go get the slippers!

Endless thread

There is a white thread on the magician's jacket; the magician tries to brush it off, but he fails. He asks the audience to remove the thread. The kind spectator pulls the thread, pulls, pulls, but it never ends! Soon the viewer becomes entangled in threads. In fact, in the inner pocket of the jacket there is a pencil with a long thread wound around it, and the end of the thread was pulled out with a needle. And we need a pencil for secrecy - even if attentive spectators suspect something, a pencil in your pocket will not give away the secret - it’s not a reel!

Magic water

There is such an optical illusion: if you put a glass on a coin, it will be visible through the walls of the glass, but if you pour water into the glass, the coin will no longer be visible, unless, of course, you look at it from the side, but if you look exactly from above, it will be visible This can become the basis for a focus. For example, you can glue a coin to the bottom of a glass. The magician shows the audience a glass of water - nothing is visible. And now (after the magic words) we look at the glass from above - a coin has appeared in the glass!

Weightless glass

For the trick we need three glasses and a sheet of paper. We place two glasses on the table not far from each other. The magician informs the audience that a sheet of paper placed on the glasses can easily support the weight of the third glass and invites the audience to try to check this. Of course, no one believes. But in vain! This is possible if you fold a sheet of paper like an accordion. For greater effect, you can pour water into the top glass.

Trained button

Pour soda into a glass and put a small button in it. Now we turn to the button: “swim up!”, then: “swim down!” The button is obedient! And here there is no secret at all, the law of physics: gas bubbles, gathering around the button, lift it to the top, at the top they burst, and the button sinks again. All that remains is to calculate the time for your teams.

Unblown candle

Here again are amazing laws of physics and no magic. We try to blow out the candle through the funnel - we blow into its narrow end. If the candle is located exactly in the middle of the funnel, nothing happens, but if the flame is located at the edge of the funnel, the candle goes out immediately. The fact is that the air we blow out is scattered and distributed around the edges of the funnel. Therefore, no air flow remains in the middle, which is why the candle does not go out.

Video: tricks and their secrets

Simple trick with cards - video

Hi all!

It's been a while since I wrote or filmed anything. There's no time for something. Today I decided to describe one easy focus. And today I have for you the easiest tricks with cards for children that you can find.

It does not require any movements or tricks, everything is extremely simple.

What does a trick look like from the outside?

The child (magician) takes the deck and lifts it on the table. Next, he invites the viewer to take the deck in his hands and lay it out into four piles. The spectator lays out the cards on the table, as the young magician said, into 4 piles.

After which the magician declares that he did not even touch the deck, the spectator did everything himself before his own eyes!

After which the young magician snaps his fingers and turns over the top cards - and these are four Aces!

This is the trick. Did you think the cards in his hands would disappear?

Focus training.

1) Remove Jokers from the deck so that there are 52 cards.

2) Prepare four aces in advance and place them at the bottom of the deck and trim it.

3) Take the deck in your left hand, remove 1/3 of the deck from above with your right hand and place it on the table.

4) Now remove another stack of cards and place it on the table.

5) Place the remaining stack in your hands next to the other two. On this moment The aces are in the right pile.

6) Now take the stack on the left and place it on the middle stack.

8) Now put the deck in the hands of a spectator and ask him to arrange the cards into 4 piles. Look carefully, he must place one card in each pile, starting from the top of the deck. As a result, the last (bottom) 4 cards will be Aces, which will be dealt one at a time to the top of each pile.

9) Now the magician needs to snap his fingers and declare that he did not touch the deck, the spectator did everything himself! But we know what the secret is. Now turn over the top card of each pile and VOILA - they are all Aces.

I advise you to learn:

I think that you will not have any difficulties with this trick, because the only thing easier than it is steamed turnips

And of course a video version of this trick

At home, then a win-win option will be simple tricks that will surprise everyone.

For most of these tricks no special preparation required. You just have to learn a few rules and tricks.

Here are some interesting tricks that can be done at home and entertain your loved ones:

Home tricks for children

1. How to peel a banana so that it is already sliced?

Here's how to do it:

The banana can be sliced ​​without removing the peel. This is done using a pin or needle - insert it through the peel and turn it back and forth.

Video instruction:

2. How can you make a hole in a regular piece of paper large enough for you to fit through?

Here's how to do it:

Take a regular sheet of A4 paper, fold it in half lengthwise and start cutting the fringe.

After this, cut the folded parts, except for the first and last strip. When you straighten the sheet, it will “stretch” and you will be able to fit through the resulting hole.

3. How to turn water into ice when you pour it?

Here's how to do it:

Place the water bottle in the freezer and check every few minutes to make sure the water does not freeze, but reaches freezing point (this takes about 2 hours).

Remove the bottle from the freezer and take out a piece of ice. Place ice and start pouring water on it - the water will begin to turn into ice right before your eyes.

Video instruction:

4. How to make the ring fly?

Here's how to do it:

The ring is placed on an elastic band, and when you pull it, it creates the illusion that the ring is flying up.


5. How to make a ketchup packet rise and fall in a water bottle?

Here's how to do it:

If you concentrate children's attention on your right hand, so that you are supposedly using it to control a packet of ketchup, then you can quietly squeeze and unclench the bottle with your left hand. As you do this, the bag inside the bottle will float up and down.


Tricks and their secrets for children at home

6. How to make a cup of coffee fly?

Here's how to do it:

Take a plastic, cardboard or Styrofoam cup and glue your thumb to it. When you raise your hand, it will seem as if you have telekinesis.

7. How to pierce a bag of water so that the water does not spill?

Here's how to do it:

There is no magic here, just science. When you push a pencil through a plastic bag, the molecular structure of the bag creates a seal that prevents water from seeping through the bag.

8. How to fly a few centimeters above the ground?

Here's how to do it:

Stand so that children cannot see the toe of your left foot. Then slowly rise up onto your toes, while lifting the leg that is closest to the audience (in this case, the right leg). You may need to practice in front of a mirror to make the trick more convincing.
