The highest rank in cs go. Rank promotion in CS:GO. The more games you have played, the more difficult it will be to change rank

Despite the attention paid to ranks, there is little information about how this system works.
Rank in CS:GO is badge of honor. Many players have difficulty leveling up in the matchmaking system. Some are trying to escape from the “silver hell”, while others are trying to reach the heights of the Global Elite.
I have collected all the information to help you understand the ranks and the factors influencing them.

How ranks work in CS:GO.

When you begin your matchmaking journey, you will first need to win ten matches, no more than two per day. They allow the ranking system to determine your level. An unrated player will not be able to join matchmaking with holders of ranks higher than Master Guardian 1, unless he makes an agreement with four friends in advance.

Once you complete these ten matches, depending on your performance, you will be assigned to one of 18 Skill Groups. After this, you can play as much as you want, but only with players whose ranks are within the range of +5/-5 from yours (again, unless you assemble a team of five people).
Depending on your successes and failures, your rank may change after matches. The mechanics of this process are still unknown, but The best way improving your rank means winning.
If you don't play for a month, your skill group will disappear and you'll need to win or draw the match to get it back. Until you return it, you will not be able to play with holders of ranks higher than Master Guardian 1.

To summarize, the following factors affect your rating.
1. Available number of points in the ELO system.
2. Number of rounds won/lost (the more rounds you win and the fewer you lose, the faster you will rise in rank).
3. Receiving the SCI award.

How more games you have played, the more difficult it will be to change the rank.
Due to the number of ratings in Glicko-2, the longer you play at a certain level, the more confident the system will be that it has correctly determined your rank. With a low number, significant rank changes are not possible. If you've followed any streamer or YouTuber's attempts to advance from Silver 1 to Global, you've likely noticed that progression takes a very long time in the Silver stages. This happens because the player lowers his rank by deliberately losing several matches. The game becomes confident that it has correctly determined his rating, and begins to react very reluctantly to his subsequent victories. Of course, this does not mean that raising the rank is impossible. If you work long and hard and defeat players above your level, the number of ratings will increase again and the rise will accelerate.

Ranks in the game:

1.Silver-1 [The beginning of the journey]
7.Golden Star-1
8.Golden Star-2
9.Golden Star-3
10.Golden Star-Master
11.Master Guardian-1
12.Master Guardian-2
13.Master Guardian-Elite
14.Honored Master Guardian
15.Legendary Golden Eagle
16.Legendary Golden Eagle-Master
17.Grand Master-High Rank
18.World Elite [End of the Road]

PC Gamer portal journalist Henry Stenhouse described everything that is known about how the rank system works in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Despite the attention paid to ranks, there is little information about how this system works.

Rank in CS:GO- it's a badge of honor. Many players have difficulty leveling up in the matchmaking system. Some are trying to escape from the “silver hell”, while others are trying to reach the heights of the Global Elite.

We've compiled all the available data to help you understand ranks and the factors that influence them.

How ranks work in CS:GO

When you begin your matchmaking journey, you will first need to win ten matches, no more than two per day. They allow the ranking system to determine your level. An unrated player will not be able to join matchmaking with holders of ranks higher than Master Guardian 1, unless he makes an agreement with four friends in advance.

Once you complete these ten matches, depending on your performance, you will be assigned to one of 18 skill groups ( Skill Group). After this, you can play as much as you want, but only with players whose ranks are within the range of +5/-5 from yours (again, unless you assemble a team of five people).
Depending on your successes and failures, your rank may change after matches. The mechanics of this process are still unknown, but the best way to improve your rank is to win.

If you don't play for a month, your skill group will disappear and you'll need to win or draw the match to get it back. Until you return it, you will not be able to play with holders of higher ranks Master Guardian 1.

Distribution of ranks in CS:GO

Independent analytical portal CSGOSquad presented a graph of rank distribution. It shows what percentage of active players per day, week or month belongs to one of the Skill Groups. The matches from which the information was collected were randomly selected, so the monthly graph gives a good idea of ​​how the ranks are distributed among the players.

The example above shows information for February. The most common rank is GoldNova 2, and in general any of the ranks GoldNova has 35% of players. If you've reached LegendaryEagle, congratulations, you are in the ten percent best players. Maybe you're even taller than you think. The random selection of matches means that since higher ranked players play more often, they are disproportionately more likely to be included in the schedule. But what does each rank mean, and how does the game determine which one to give to the player?

Elo and Glicko-2

Valve Predictably, he is silent about the internal mechanics of his games for fear that someone will begin to cheat the system and pay more attention to their rank than to the success of their team. But in 2015, one of the company's employees let slip that CS:GO was based on an improved and modified version of the Glicko-2 system.

Maybe you've heard of the Elo ranking system, which is designed for one-on-one competitions like chess. In it, each participant is assigned a number indicating his rank. The difference between the numbers of the two opponents indicates the expected result of the match. The winner takes points from the loser. If the holder of a higher rank wins, he will receive much fewer points than the holder of a lower rank if the result is the opposite.
Since the advent of Elo, many of its variations have been developed, each of which corrects some shortcomings of the system. Glicko-2 is one of these variations. In it, rating fluctuations are added to the main number. A player's matchmaking rank thus becomes a range (eg 1000-2000) rather than just a number (eg 1500). This approach allows the system to determine with 95% accuracy that the player’s rank will be in this range. The better the system recognizes the real rank, the smaller the range will be. Glicko-2 also takes into account a player's "instability", that is, how significantly the rank can change over time (it goes down if the user plays infrequently, and up if he plays often).

However, even though Glicko-2 and is open system, obvious limitations do not allow it to be applied to CS:GO. Both Elo and Glicko were designed for one-on-one combat. IN team game Five on five involves many more factors, and the impact of one player on a match is difficult to assess. Of course, one player can earn four kills in a round, but what if he only managed to do so because a friend was covering a plant or threw a light at the right time? Valve is in no hurry to tell what exactly is taken into account when selecting a rank. In response to this silence, players began to build their theories about the principles of the system.

Player theories

In 2014, Steam user under the nickname RetriButioN shared extensive observations based on the results of working with the ranks of several accounts. He suggested that the distribution of ranks occurs at the end of each round: the system predetermines the winner based on the ratings of all participating players. This option would explain why some users saw their rank increase after losing. The chance of this happening is incredibly low, but unexpected rank changes do happen sometimes.

However, this fact can hardly be considered unconditional proof of the system’s operation by round, since external factors also affect the rank (for example, deleting past games due to a detected cheater). This may explain particularly strange events such as a rank drop after a 16-0 win.

RetriButioN also states that the only aspect that affects rankings other than round wins and losses is the Most Valuable Player (MVP) award. The basis for this statement was the use console command“developer 1”, which displays the rating number. In RetriButioN's experience, it changes after the round ends and the MVP is awarded. However, Valve denied these rumors, saying that data stored on the user side does not affect the rank. But there is a chance that since MVP played a role before, he is considered now.

Reddit user dob_bobbs also expressed his thoughts on how the Glicko-2 system works. He suggested that high rank instability may limit the number of points a player can gain or lose. This guess is based on the fact that a player may have a streak of unlucky matches that is not indicative of their immediate skill, and the system may take time to determine the average.

What do we know for sure

With so many fan theories out there, it's easy to get lost in the maze of speculation, so here are some key takeaways from the information available to us.

Rank is influenced by a large number of factors, all of which are recorded by Valve.

“All calculations take place on our servers, and many matchmaking parameters that describe a scientifically determined set of variables are presented to players as their ranks,” wrote vitaliy_valve in response to a guide from RetriButioN. No one other than Valve employees can know how the matchmaking system works. Rank is affected by a large number of parameters at once, but it is always better to focus on overall victory rather than argue about who will defuse the bomb.

The more games you have played, the more difficult it will be to change your rank.

Due to rank fluctuation in Glicko-2, the longer you play at a certain level, the more confident the system will be that it has correctly determined your rank. With low fluctuation, significant rank changes are not possible. If you've followed any streamer or YouTuber's attempts to advance from Silver 1 to Global, you've likely noticed that progression takes a very long time in the Silver stages. This happens because the player lowers his rank by deliberately losing several matches. The game becomes confident that it has correctly determined his rating, and begins to react very reluctantly to his subsequent victories. Of course, this does not mean that raising the rank is impossible. If you work long and hard and defeat players above your level, the fluctuation in rating will increase again and the rise will accelerate.

A long pause will reduce the accuracy of determining your rank, and, most likely, will lead to a decrease in it.

After a month without a single match, you may find that your SkillGroup has disappeared and it will take a win or a draw to get it back. If you don't play for even longer, there is a chance that you will end up with a lower rank than you were before. Players assume that MMR is decreasing due to lack of activity, but no one has found evidence of this yet. The most likely reason for a rating decline is an increase in its fluctuations.
Your rank range increases during the time you are not playing, and so does your rating fluctuation. Every sharp decline is a match played. It tricks the system into thinking it has more accurately determined your rank
The more time passes with last game, the less confident the game will be in your ranking, meaning you may be paired with players from a wider range of ranks than usual. If you're in the top half of skill groups, you're more likely to be placed in the same game with lower ranks because there are more players there. But if you suddenly find that your rank has dropped, don't worry - increased rating fluctuations will allow you to quickly return it.

Hi all. Now we will consider such a topic as ratings and ranks in Counter Strike: GO, their system and how that system works. First, we need to pay attention to the profile. In it we will be able to see your rank, the amount of experience and the rank that you will receive at the next level. A little lower, we can see “rank”, thanks to which the game determines which players are best for us to play with.

Ranks in CS GO

Ranks in Counter Strike: GO are an ELO point system in which we can observe the player's skill. With the help of “rank” the system will allow you to feel more comfortable in the Counter Strike arena, because you will be playing with players of your level. There are no scales or numbers in this system, everything is extremely simple. Your “rank” increases with each victory, and you are promoted in rank. There are 18 ranks in total. The highest rank is “The Global Elite”, where the strongest players sit, and the lowest is “Silver 1”, where newcomers or “crayfish” who do not know how to play sit.

Calibration in CS GO

Rank calibration in Counter Strike Global Offensive is carried out by every player who wants to play competitive games cs go. It's quite simple. You are given 10 games in which you need to show your best skills, so that your rank is high, because at the end of these games, your first “rank” will be determined. The highest rank you can get when calibrating is “Legendary Eagle Master”.
It is very important to know that you will not pass calibration until you get the third level; it can be achieved at deathmatches or at regular games, but only on official servers Valve. In the beginning, it was possible to complete calibration in one day, but now Valve has decided that its gamers should not get everything so easily and have made a limit on calibration for games. So, after winning two games, or playing three, your calibration is delayed for 21 hours.

Statistics of ranks in CS GO

Every player would like to know what rank statistics he has in the game. With the help of one amazing site,, you can track the statistics of its rating, namely, see, as a percentage, at what rank a gamer most often plays. You can also see the ratio of kills to deaths, see your win rate (win percentage) and many interesting facts.

In the winter of 2015, Valve revised the matchmaking system, which is why players became demoted in rank, and the fight for ranks became even tougher and more difficult. Using the website, we were able to show you the difference between the statistics of last year and this year. Here we can clearly see that getting the title “The Global Elite” is much more difficult than before.

There are 18 titles in CS:GO that reflect the player's level. In ranked matches, the game selects players of approximately equal rank.

In November 2017, Valve updated rank icons and also revised trust factors in matchmaking. That is, the selection of players is also influenced by their behavior in CS:GO and on Steam before that.

Ranks in CS:GO:

Description of ranks in order:

Silver 1 - Silver 1
Silver 2 - Silver 2
Silver 3 - Silver 3
Silver 4 - Silver 4
Silver Elite - Silver Elite
Silver Elite Master - Silver - Grand Master
Gold Nova 1 - Gold Star 1
Gold Nova 2 - Gold Star 2
Gold Nova 3 - Gold Star 3
Gold Nova Master - Gold Star - Master
Master Guardian 1 - Master Guardian 1
Master Guardian 2 - Master Guardian 2
Master Guardian Elite - Master Guardian Elite
Distinguished Master Guardian - Honored Master Guardian
Legendary Eagle - Legendary Golden Eagle
Legendary Eagle Master - Legendary Eagle Master
Supreme Master First Class - Grand Master of the Highest Rank
The Global Elite - World Elite

How to increase your rank?

The rank increases for winning and gaining a certain number of points from a certain hidden rating. The higher the rank, the more of these points you need to score. For example, if you and your friend are Silver 4, but your hidden rating is higher, then you will be one step closer to promotion.

To receive "hidden rating" points you need to have good statistics in a rating match - the K/D value (kills/deaths), the number of stars for the MVP of the round, victory over stronger opponents. The higher the rank or rating of your opponents, the more points you will be given. It is also not uncommon for players to be promoted if a match ends in a draw.

There is no specific number of wins for promotion. You can win five games in a row and be in last place, have bad statistics and have no MVP stars. In this case, there is a very small chance of promotion. There are times when one victory after a series of defeats is enough for promotion. If before this you showed good statistics compared to your teammates.

Why are they demoting their rank?

It's obvious what a defeat. Each defeat takes away “hidden rating” points. In addition, there are several factors that can cause your rank to be lowered:

  • Disconnection or abandoned game;
  • If a player is voted out and the team ends up losing;
  • For friendly fire, that is, for fire at allies;
  • For playing with a cheater on the team. If you win a game with a cheater and your rank is raised, but that cheater is later banned, then all games with that player are cancelled;
  • If the team gave up. In other words, for an ordinary defeat.

With the reduction everything is quite simple. If you lost, you lost your rating and, possibly, your rank was lowered.


Calibration is the first ten games in competitive mode, after which the player is awarded a title. All the statistics that we described above are taken into account: K/D, MVP, points in the table, victories. The higher the indicators of these values, the higher the rank you will receive.

Let's figure out what the matchmaking system is and how it works. First, let's look at the profile screenshot in CS:GO. This is where your current level icon, your rank, experience bar, and your next rank are located. Below, under the scale, is your rank. It is this that is taken into account by the match-making system when selecting a rated game.

Ranks in CS:GO

Ranks in Counter Strike: Global Offensive is a modified rating system (a method for calculating the relative strength of players). Ranks in CS are somewhat reminiscent of MMR in Dota 2, except that it doesn't show the points you gain or lose based on the outcome of the game.

Instead, there are intermediate ranks. To increase them, you need to win rating games. The growth of your rank directly depends on how many times in a row you win, or on how often you lose. The starting rank is Silver 1 and the ending rank is Global Elite.

Rank Calibration

Rank Calibration is a must-have part of any new player's game if they want to succeed in ranked games. Calibration includes 10 games, after which the ranking system will determine your current rank.

The highest rank you can get after calibration is Legendary Eagle Master, and from it to Global Elite not far.

Don't forget the fact that you won't be able to calibrate your rank until you reach level three. You can do this by playing on standard Counter Strike servers or in Deathmatch mode on official Valve servers.

Also, you won't be able to fully calibrate in a day, which was possible two years ago. Now, getting two wins in a row or just playing three games will grant you a 21 hour ban.

Rank statistics

In December of the year before last, Valve changed the way the rank system works, thereby greatly lowering the ranks of players around the world. Former Global Elite owners moved down one rank and became Legendary Eagle Master. The fight for ranks has become even more brutal..

Let's look at the rank statistics in winter 2015

And now (winter 2017)

You may notice a decrease in the number of gamers with ranks from Legendary Eagle to Global Elite.

Well, if ranks in CS:GO are alien to you, and you don’t want to chase ranks and titles, you can play on free and interesting ones, look through this monitoring and choose the one that suits you.
Finally, I would like to say that no one still knows exactly how the matchmaking system works in CS:GO. Valve still hasn't made it public.

The only way to increase your rank is to win as many ranked games as possible.

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