Assembly of mods realistic world of minecraft. List of installed mods


We bring to your attention a realistic build for Minecraft! This is not pseudo-realism; I worked on this assembly for a very long time, although it may seem to you that the work is insignificant. All the mods in the assembly are interesting and at the same time realistic (there were some blots). You can upgrade your character’s skills, do gardening, hunting, delve into configs, set everything up.


  1. Assembly for low-medium PCs
  2. Interesting and fits into the fashion atmosphere
  3. New generation world, close to reality
  4. No extra mods!
  5. There is a resource pack that fits perfectly and is recommended to play with.

List of mods

  • Antique Atlas is a map in the form of an atlas that requires crafting.
  • Astikoor - adds a cart in which you can put things, and tie a horse to it (LETTER R), to open the chest in the cart, press (SHIFT + RMB)
  • Backpack - adds backpacks.
  • Better FPS - increases FPS.
  • Clientfixer - enlarges the font.
  • CodeChickenCore is the core for other mods.
  • Coroutil is the core for other mods.
  • CreativeCore is the core for other mods.
  • Custom Main Menu - customizing and creating your own menu.
  • Double Doors - if you have two doors at the entrance, all will open instead of one.
  • EnderCore is the core for other mods.
  • Enviro Mine - Adds thirst, temperature, air quality and sanity and more. (fixed)
  • Exotic Birds - adds birds.
  • Fishing Nets - fishing nets.
  • Goki Stats - character skills (fixed)
  • Grim 3212 Core - the core for other mods.
  • IChunUtil is the core for running other mods.
  • Item Physic - realistic physics of objects (to work, enable detailed lying objects)
  • King Core is the core for other mods.
  • Localized Weather & Stormfronts - weather phenomena (if there are lags, remove this mod)
  • Mob Amputation - dismemberment of mobs
  • Neat - HP Bar for mobs.
  • NotEnoughItems (NEI) - allows you to view crafting recipes without leaving the game. On the right side of the inventory there will be a large list of everything. (if not press "O" in English)
  • Optifine - game optimization.
  • Pam's HarvestCraft - adds a lot of plants, vegetables, fruits, and cooking utensils. (INCREDIBLY MANY DISHES)
  • PlayerAPI is the core for other mods.
  • RealBench - if you are in multiplayer, you can watch what your friend is crafting, this is very convenient.
  • Render PlayerAPI is the core for other mods.
  • RTG - New generation of the world (select in world types)
  • Shipwrecks - adds sunken ships in which you can find useful things. Also adds a swimsuit.
  • Smart Moving - new animations, now you can jump 4 blocks high, crawl, run fast, and much more.
  • Smart Render is the core for other mods.
  • Treecapitator - fast cutting down of trees, taking into account the strength of the ax. (SO AS TO NOT BREAK EVERYTHING, HOLD SHIFT)
  • Waila - information when hovering over a block.
  • Waila Plugins is an addon for the Waila mod.
  • Wild Caves - new types of caves.
  • Wild Mobs - new animals.

How to install Build REALISTIC (Realistic)

  1. Download archive
  2. Copy archive contents to .minecraft
  3. Play

Download (realistic build)

# LinkSizedate

For new version Minecraft games we found a cool mod that simulates popular game on the computer in the "Sims" genre.

This build will most likely be in an entertaining style, where you can communicate with local residents, get acquainted, start a family, although if you wish, you can do a little construction if you have not yet built a cozy home for yourself.

Features of assembly with mods:

Added thirteen professions to work with
- More than five hundred skins
- Local residents will have different names.
- Added a new menu to make interactions easier game mode for individual settings.
- In the chat you can talk with local residents, give gifts and so on
- Integrated trade with local villagers.
- Added the ability to create your own storyline in Game:
- Your children will also have children who will grow up and you will become a grandfather.
- Local residents will not just be bots who move from side to side, but will also be changeable in mood and who will have many professions (blacksmiths, miners, librarians, and so on).
- When you are frolicking in the sandbox, local residents will mind their own business.

Minecraft is not a game, but a toy box where everyone can shape their own experience. It is one of the most important creations in video games, and its influence will lead you to exciting new ways of experiencing digital worlds and their potential.

Minecraft assembly with family simulator mod" Comes Alive "is fully integrated into game process cubic world, more than reminiscent of an RPG adventure.

During the game you will build relationships with civilians or quarrel with annoying bots, all these functions will develop and change as you progress through the game. real world Minecraft games.

When you have children after a successful acquaintance, they will do some things, that is, they will help you around the house and harvesting.

Happiness and distraction are what gaming is really all about, and Minecraft, with all its abstractions and divisions, offers an epic world. You can build cathedrals with friends, create macro-scale machines on your own, or simply drift through incredible landscapes.

You will have a choice: either you will become a cubic killer in a small town or go to work, where you will work and earn money to support your cubic family.

The sense of community inspired by the game's hostile worlds is exciting.Without any real leadership Players instinctively build close to each other, forming settlements and sharing collected resources for the common good.Soon after housing is established, a perimeter wall is built, often accompanied by a town hall, gardens or farm.

If you are a true fan of life simulation games, then you can install this cool build without hesitation and start meeting the locals and slowly establish communication with the right people who you think will help you in your cubic adventures.

Playing with friends also has the obvious bonus of allowing you to show off your creations to others much more easily.Logging into a regular server a few days later to see what your friends have created in your absence, and this is a joy because the settlement is constantly growing and evolving, both with and without your help.

As your abilities improve, you will be able to hire local residents to work and further engage in creativity.

Strange thing in Minecraft is that it is creative and sometimes addictive. The process of collecting materials and even the construction process can often be boring and monotonous, but with these mods you will not only build houses and search for objects, but also interact with other characters.

Minecraft not the first game of its kind and not the last. But there is something special about it. Some players are critical of the game's visuals, but they are the main reason why people can get an idea of ​​the game and get creative with it. Can most people model a house in a graphics program? Absolutely not. But they can assemble a house in a cubic dimension.

Download via I ndex.Disk

Defined Realism is a new resource pack for Minecraft, which at the time of its existence is approximately two days old, but it has already managed to become popular and since its release it has been downloaded almost a thousand times, which is definitely an impressive amount during this time. The pack was designed to make Minecraft smoother, more realistic and just as busy as usual. This resource pack is definitely worth a try if the visuals of vanilla Minecraft are too overwhelming for you and you want something a little smoother.

Realistic texture assembly for Minecraft focuses primarily on making visuals look smooth and sharp. Pack the object of its target, somehow removing all noticeable noise from the textures. Noise is a problem that is difficult to deal with. Many packages before have tried to completely remove noise from textures, but some noise always manages to prevail, but this time it doesn't seem to be the case. Defined realism Completely eradicate noise from textures, and final result- an immersive visual experience that you won't forget anytime soon. On top of all this, the package can also pack an incredible amount of detail into textures without increasing the resolution too much.

Defined Realism - Defined Realism has x32 resolution, and this is to be expected because the amount of detail in the package is too high for standard x16 resolution. However, despite more a high resolution, the package still runs quite smoothly and you can run it without any major difficulties as long as your computer supports vanilla Minecraft.


the client was updated to another one called FTBInfinity

List of installed mods:

3D Furnace - a 3D stove that will show what is in it.
Animals Plus - new animals!
Archimedes Ships - now you can ride a ship or hot-air balloon. The mod will add a couple of blocks with which you can make your own ship and ride on it.
Arrow Marker - sight for bow!
Bagginses - backpacks!
Biblio Craft - adds convenient book (and other) shelves, racks for armor and swords, tables, chairs and a few more things of that kind.
Carpenters Blocks - adds a few things compared to the previous mod, but they are very important. Carpenter blocks can be “decorated” into any texture! blocks, even from other mods.
Chest Transporter - transport chests using just one tool!
Chisel - adds a chisel, a tool that can be used to create up to 16 variations of building blocks.
Сraft Guide - adds a book for everyone! recipes in the game. (Although in theory, you can see the recipes by pressing the "G" button - try it ;))
Craft Heraldry - create flags with emblems and decorate your home!
Damage Indicators - now on the screen you will see all the information about the mob you are targeting this moment look.
Dense Ores and Poor Ores - two mods add two variations standard ores- with more and less amount of ore produced!
Dynamic Lights - improved light, now a torch in your hand will illuminate the area.
Easy Crafting - two new workbenches for easy
Gravestone - the mod will add tombstones, statues, several mobs, and a couple more things with an “afterlife” theme.
Inventory Tweaks - now your inventory/chest will never be cluttered. Just one click and all things are sorted the way you need.
iPixelis Gender - are you a girl, or are you just tired of playing as Steve? This mod will give you the opportunity to become a hero of the fair sex, or even a child.
Item Physic - now items have their own physics! Things like metal, ores, trolleys will not burn (as expected in real life), and throw away the blocks will be voluminous.
Morph - do you want to become a spider or a chicken? Now you can move into any mob you kill (even those added by other mods).
MrCrayfishs Furniture - the mod adds furniture - tables, sofas, TV and other crap.
Redstone Paste - create improved redstone schemes with this mod! It adds new, green redstone dust. With its help, your schemes will become more complex!
Reis Minimap - I consider this mod the most must-have, because it adds a mini map!
Secret Rooms - create super-secret hideouts! The mod adds hidden blocks that are perfectly camouflaged and blend into the environment!
Shatter - mobs will literally fly apart after death!
Snap Doors - doors from version 1.8
Somnia - sleep day and night!
Squeedometer - now the screen will show your walking and running speed!
Statues - create unique statues from a variety of materials!
Tomahawk - throw your axes!
Tree Capitator - cut down a tree by breaking only the bottom block!
Wall Painter - decorate everything around!
Xtra Recipes - new crafting recipes!

There are 70 mods in total, including auxiliary ones. There are also shaders, but they are disabled by default. You can enable it in the settings.

A few pictures:


Unpack archive
Run the Install.bat file
Or the file BoilCraft.exe

Next go to the folder.minecraftmods1.7.10 and delete the file Blood-Mod-1.7.10.jar
(unfortunately, the build does not work with this mod. I noticed this too late, at the moment I cannot re-upload the file. Sorry for the inconvenience: recourse:)

Launch desktop icon MinecraftForBoilStone
Select ForgeOptiFine 1.7.10
Click Enter game
