Secrets of the elder scrolls 4. Secrets and jokes in Oblivion. Finding cover under fire

Everything we see is only one appearance.

Far from the surface of the world to the bottom.

Consider the obvious in the world to be unimportant,

For the secret essence of things is not visible.

Omar Khayyam

This happened while I was wandering through the imperial forests, looking into every cave I encountered, into every abandoned castle. Traveling deep into the forest east of the city of Chorrol, I discovered the Coldcorn Fortress. It was so ancient that it had half collapsed. There were no stairs left in it, and the only way to get to the bastion was by jumping from the adjacent hill. A chest against the wall caught my attention. Three movements with a master key, and in my hands - several gold ones, an ancient key and a strange note: “The sword will show the way. Half a mile. Behind the big stone on the right."

This riddle was just one of the many mysteries and secrets of the imperial province. I decided to find a solution-That's how I became a mystery seeker.

After going through the story The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, having overcome chains of quests from magicians, warriors, thieves and the Dark Brotherhood, scouring the cities in search of side quests, another player will think that he has conquered the game, seen and mastered it completely. “We swam, we know!” - he will say.

And he will be wrong, because quests and the plot are only a small part of what the developers put into the game. They have stored up a huge number of mysteries, secrets and riddles for us. Some are very easy to spot and recognize, others will only be found by an attentive and observant player. The one who can walk around the perimeter of each cave with a torch. The one who will monitor the “suspicious” NPC for a day. Someone who takes the time to read every dialogue and every piece of paper in the game.

By the way, about the scraps. What do these lines mean? “The sword will show the way” - maybe the key to the solution is the ownerless sword lying next to the chest? He points north. After walking along it for several hundred meters, I discovered on the right side a large rock overhanging the ravine. Behind him lay a chest. In it I found a treasure - a small dagger and a note with short praise: “Blessed are those who walk the untrodden paths.”

These are ancient round stone pedestals, half-grown into the ground. In the center of each, like an eternal flame, a white flame burns. The distant ancestors of the elves, the Ayleids, came here many hundreds of years ago with buckets for magic.

In modern Cyrodiil, the hero can harness the power of these wells. It is enough to approach the white fire and touch it - the well will restore four hundred units of magic and put another fifty on top. The flame goes out, but not forever. At exactly midnight it will light up again.

There are thirty-five wells in Cyrodiil. They are most often found in the Nibenay Basin.

The Mystery of Orsinium's Treasures

Orc Adventurer(Adventurer) I met in a cave Dzonot(Dzonot Cave), which is on the shore of the Imperial Island, south of the bridge. It seemed strange to me that there was a bivouac broken up at the very entrance, apples floating near the shore and many bottles of alcoholic drinks. An orc was fighting with bandits in a cave. I helped him deal with the enemies and began to carefully find out what he was doing here. It turned out that he walks through the caves not for the sake of self-interest, but only by the will of Lord Gortwog, who sent him. Orsinium needs not only knights, but even more so funds, and so the orc fought with bandits (“I fight because I fight!”), and in his free time he wandered around and absentmindedly cleared chests.

It must be said that compared to the original inhabitants of the cave, the orc did not look very strong and could easily die if two or three bandits attacked him at once. Therefore, if you suddenly meet such a hero underground, help him as quickly as possible and do not let him die. A couple of times I met on the way the bodies of orcs who had gone far ahead and died ingloriously, without collecting a single drake for the kingdom of Orsinium.

You can meet such adventurers in different places. These are Ayleid ruins Talwinque, Rielle, Hrotanda Vale, Niryastare, caves Arrowshaft Cavern, Kingcrest Cavern, Gray Rock Cave, forts Black Boot, Chaman, Urasek, Nomore, and the mine Doomed Mine.

The Mystery of the Underground Ship

There are several dungeons in Cyrodiil that no NPC knows about. They are not important to the plot. You won't be sent there on assignment. At first glance, these are ordinary caves and mines that do not stand out from dozens of others. The adventurer enters them, wreaks death and chaos, and then exits. But in a quiet cave, as they say, there are devils. And sometimes, sensing a mystery in his gut, the mystery-seeker takes a torch and carefully examines every barrel, every stone.

These are Black Rock Caves(Black Rock Caverns) a stone's throw from Chorrol, northwest of the city. The entrance to the dungeon is located behind the waterfall, above a small lake - this is a most picturesque place, especially at sunset. Inside you will find the usual bandits and some disappointment - only two halls, several villains, and a couple of chests. Not rich. But let's take a torch and go around the perimeter of the second hall. Pay special attention to the north wall. Look in the shaded corners behind the rocks. Yeah! Secret switch, first clue.

Turn it - and with a quiet rustle it disappears, leaving behind only bare rock. The exit from the cave was closed with a huge stone; it was impossible to move the mass from its place. Fortunately, there is another way out. Are you already feeling the catch? That's where they take you. Prepare your enchanted weapons and powerful spells, for two powerful ghosts await you outside. These are pirates, they fight with curved sabers.

This is interesting: If you hide from pirates in a dark corner, sooner or later they will get bored and start talking to each other about the most everyday things: nasty goblins, dangerous Summerset... Nothing human is alien to ghosts.

When both ghosts are defeated, the cave will be completely empty. Will we really never know who they are and where the sea ghosts came from in the land cave? And again on help will come our friend is the torch. Let's go around the perimeter of the room where we were attacked. And again behind the stone is a small magic switch in the corner. Like the first one, it will disappear as soon as you turn it. Nothing has changed in this room. But in the nearby one, a ghostly hatch in the floor appeared out of nowhere on the ground. A glow of ectoplasm surrounds him.

There, in a secret basement, in a narrow winding corridor, lie the skeletons and bodies of bandits. Open the stone door with the switch (this time - material) and be very careful. In a huge grotto lies a broken ship, ancient and dangerous. He is guarded by several ghost pirates. They are extremely dangerous, but they are just stupid ghosts. They can be defeated with the power of weapons, magic, summoned creatures and several health elixirs.

You won't be able to get inside the ship, but around it you will find several chests stuffed to the brim and you can make some good money. There is an order of magnitude more money in each than in ordinary “cave” chests.

The secret is revealed? Almost. We never found out how the ship got into this grotto. No more leads!

Thirteen Star Stones

And Ivan Tsarevich set off on his journey;
And he drove, and drove, and arrived at the place,
Where the road divided into three.
At the crossroads he saw a pillar,
And on the pillar there is this inscription:
"Who will go straight..."
V. Zhukovsky, “The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”

Rune stones can be recognized from afar by their red glowing writing. Very often they are surrounded by a ring of small stones or large rocks unusual shape. No one really knows where these stonehenges came from on the land of Cyrodiil, and there is no one to even ask the hero about the mystery of the rune stones. In an interview with the Raven Courier newspaper, a lizard from the Mages Guild reports that he does not consider these relict monuments to be sources of ancient and powerful magic (contrary to public opinion).

Only the Guild of Mages is seriously interested in these stones - from Monday to Friday, two small lectures on the subject of these unusual ancient artifacts are held in the courtyard of the magical university. The first starts at ten in the morning, the second at four in the afternoon (if it doesn't rain). It is better to take places on the benches in advance. Of course, in order to get into the courtyard of the university, the hero must at least complete all the “recommendation” quests from the guild branches. It is worth noting that the lecturer, a middle-aged Dunmer, sometimes expresses interesting hypotheses - they say that there are almost half a dozen varieties of stones, and perhaps they used to be a magical telegraph in the imperial army.

So far we know that there are three types of rune stones - zodiac and “heavenly”. There are thirteen zodiac signs (according to the number of main constellations), they give a spell that strengthens the character for two minutes. If the hero already has a spell from another stone, it is replaced with a new one. Each can be used only once a day.

And here full list zodiac stones:

  • Mag. Located north of the headwaters of the Silver Fish River. Gives a two-minute increase in magic by fifty units.
  • Warrior. Located southeast of Skingrad at the source of the river. Gives an increase in the skills “blade”, “bludgeoning weapon” and “hand-to-hand combat” by twenty units.
  • Thief. Stands north of the intersection of the Silver and Ring Roads. Grants a spell that increases agility and luck by twenty units.
  • Atronach. Located north of Shardrock Farm. Strengthens the skills “illusion” and “alchemy” by twenty units.
  • Ritual. Located on the banks of the Niben north of the Fisherman's Stone. Gives two spells at once - healing for one hundred units for yourself and one hundred and fifty for another character.
  • Horse. It is located on the Blue Road, between the capital and Cheydinal. Grants a spell of acceleration (+20 to speed) and strengthening of acrobatics (+20 units).
  • Lady. Located west of Anvil. Grants a spell to strengthen will and endurance (+20 to each characteristic).
  • Serpent. South of Leyawiin. Gives out "Dance of the Cobra", which will paralyze the enemy for five seconds and undermine his health with poison extended over time - four HP units per second, for a total of twenty seconds.
  • Shadow. Southeast of the bridge over the Corbolo River. Spell - 15% chameleon for two minutes.
  • Lord. Near the Hammerfell border north of Nyriastar. Grants two-minute cold resistance (50%), in addition to enhancing the ability to wear light and heavy armor (+20).
  • Lover. Southeast of the Imperial Bridge Tavern. Spell - two-minute enhancement of luck and charm (+20).
  • Tower. On the shore of Lake Rumare. Makes it possible to open a complex lock once a day, and in addition enhances “blacksmithing” by twenty units.
  • Student. South of Skingrad. Strengthens the skills “illusion” and “alchemy” by twenty units.

The Secret of the Siamese Lich

Cave of the Lost Boy(Lost Boy Cavern) - a haven for necromancers. The entrance is hidden in a dark ravine, northwest of Canulus Lake. At the entrance lies a weather-worn journal, from which we learn that once upon a time there lived two friends - Erandur and Vangaril. Both were once expelled from the Mages Guild for dark deeds, but only Erandur became so interested in necromancy that he himself turned into a lich.

Vangaril came to the Mages Guild to warn them that there was one more lich in Cyrodiil, but he was laughed at. And then he decided to deal with the lich personally. He left the journal on the stone for future travelers. What is characteristic is that none of the inhabitants of the cave found him - do necromancers really never leave caves?

If you don’t take into account the burning zombie nailed to a burning board, then inside the hero awaits a classic cave of necromancers with ghosts, the dead and unfriendly inhabitants who prefer black to all colors. Scattered here and there are scraps of paper written in the handwriting of Vangaril and Erandul. The first one panics, the second one rejoices. Vangaril got lost in a cave, he tries in vain to get to the surface and gradually goes crazy. The Lich plants him threatening notes - a dark sense of humor.

At the fourth and final level, the hero - an observer of the drama unfolding on pieces of paper - will understand that the denouement is close - the cave turns into a relatively clean dungeon. Don't rush to break open the double doors - it's better to clear the stairs and find the key in the chest.

It's a secret: Having climbed the stairs from the cave into the dungeon, pay attention to the bottles of beer scattered on the floor. Who did it? Look up - on the beam under the ceiling lies either a dead or dead drunk goblin, clutching a bottle in his paw. How he got there is a mystery. Next to him stands a chest out of reach from below. There is nothing interesting under the cover, so you don't have to jump.

Judging by the last note, Vangaril killed the lich. At least he thinks he killed. Delighted by such an easy victory, our magician decided to rummage the enemy's bins for magic rings and other enchanted artifacts.

But why, when we open the double doors, do we see a lich in the throne room? And whose skeleton lies on the throne? The answer to the mystery lies in the name of the undead - his name is Erandar-Vangaril. The magician failed to kill the undead, he only freed the spirit of his friend so that he could inhabit him. The souls of two friends were welded together in one lich, like Siamese twins.

We have revealed this secret, but another one immediately arises before us - for some reason the lich does not want to attack us, does not respond to attempts to speak, and is also absolutely invulnerable. Swords and spells simply do not take him, and the summoned creatures do not want to fight with the inhabitant of the throne room. I never managed to kill the two-in-one lich. Maybe you'll have better luck.

The Secret of the Cruel Goddess

The next dungeon on our way is Roundabout Cave(Sideways Cave). It is very easy to find - it is two steps south of the place where the hero once left the prison catacombs for the first time into the fresh air, on a small peninsula.

Discovering a secret in dark caverns is not very difficult. But to do this, you need to go around all suspicious corners very carefully. As soon as you get close to the secret place, the wall will part by itself, and you will see the entrance to the secret area. Having overcome the corridor, the hero suddenly finds himself in a giant grotto. Water splashes under your feet, and around you stand the moss-covered ruins of the ancient Ayleids - Lost Abargarlas.

Atlantis and Kitezh-grad rolled into one. How did it happen that not a ship, not a sniffy lich, but an entire dungeon turned out to be hidden in the caves? What will give us the key to solving the mystery? Maybe these huge plant roots that entangled everything around. Or a statue of the Daedra Meridia half-grown into the wall?

A small tablet that lies at the foot of the statue will help us. We can’t read the inscription on it, but someone came here before us and scrawled an interlinear translation next to it: “ Child of Meridia, the power of the earth root, like sea water (earth as a flood?). People go out (run? present tense? imperative?)».

For some reason, the Ayleids wanted to evacuate from here. But what made them panic? We move further along the half-littered, half-flooded corridors. In front of us is another sign - and it also has a translation: “ The fourth star is the hour (time?). Horror-the-strongest Meridia is coming (has come?)»

It looks like they were visited personally by the Daedra Lord. At the end of the corridors we will see our translator - this is an elf scientist, he is dead. But he fulfilled his duty to the end. Next to him is another sign, which he translated as follows: “ The stone installers (builders?) did not rest (woke up?) Meridia. Horror of horrors. Rush to safety».

Now all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. The Ayleid builders awakened the Deep Terror by disturbing Meridia's sanctuary. The goddess came, bringing with her the power of the earth and giant roots that tightly sealed the underground chambers. The elves had no choice but to look for a way to salvation. Judging by the skeletons lying around, not everyone managed to escape.

The secret of the skooma sellers

Skooma is a drug made from something called moon sugar. Once upon a time, skooma and moon sugar were consumed only by the Khajiit, but recently elves, humans, and even orcs began to drink it. This drug is especially dangerous for people who, unlike the Khajiit, do not have thousands of years of experience in using it. A man gets hooked on a skooma as quickly as an Indian gets hooked on " fire water».

Many times, while opening chests and pockets, I came across small, elegant bottles of skooma. Several times I encountered drug addicts while completing quests. My hero tried this drug - it gives a powerful increase in strength and speed for twenty seconds. At the same time, agility drops sharply. When the drug wears off, the character returns to normal... almost. His intellect is falling - almost imperceptibly, but it can be returned to its previous values ​​only through pilgrimages to the sanctuaries of deities in city temples.

As you probably remember, in Morrowind, on the island of Vvanderfell, skooma were transported by smugglers on boats. The hero came across it much more often, and moon sugar in its original form was smoked by Kai Cosades himself, an agent of the Blades and the hero’s immediate superior.

If you take it and do a little investigation, you can uncover a whole gang that trades in this dangerous drug - skooma. The Dark Brotherhood quest (“Lonely Wanderer”) took us to Bravil. Something suggests that trade in illegal goods is thriving in this poor town. Skuuma was sold to us by Nordinor, a salesman from the Fair Deal store. He goes out “on business” at night and stands in a narrow alley next to his own establishment. Literally across the street from it (south of the Lucky Old Lady statue) there is a brothel on the top floor of a nondescript house. Skooma lovers from all over the city gathered here - cats and people. They constantly drink skooma and are under its influence. The Khajiit almost do not react to an attempt to steal from them: “Take everything, I don’t need anything,” they say, even after catching the thief by the hand.

An elderly Nord woman will tell us that even the son of Count Regulus, young Gellius Terentius, uses skooma. Let's visit the castle. And it’s true - Gellius’s eyes are strange, and his mood constantly fluctuates. In his chambers, Gellius keeps the skooma in an inconspicuous chest behind the headboard. Every Saturday, Gellius leaves the castle and, almost without hiding, goes to the brothel, where he remains until the morning.

He buys the drug in the house of the cat Skrivva, who lives two steps away, near the statue of the Old Lady. It’s sad to realize that the Thieves Guild is also involved in the distribution of the drug, because it was Skrivva who at one time gave us tasks. Even then we were informed that the cat left the house from time to time. Maybe she's just going to the tavern, maybe not.

In the capital city, only one person is involved in the skooma trade - Dark Sam. He is constantly on duty outside the city near the wall behind the stables. Another thing is Cheydinal. The city is located right on the border with Morrowind. Through him, the drug flows from the imperial province to Morrowind. A whole orc gang is engaged in transportation.

The orc Bazur Gro-Garz will give us a hint of evil deeds; he will tell the hero not to meddle in his own affairs, especially in the affairs of the Orum gang: “The most serious monsters in Cheydinal are Orum.”

If you start following the orc Dulfish Gro-Orum, you can easily outline the circle of his acquaintances. The gang includes him and three other orcs - Magub Gro-Orum, Oghash Gro-Magul and, in question, Bazur Gro-Garz himself. His face is honest, but who knows.

If you install external surveillance of the Oghash Gra-Magul house, you can see how this middle-aged orc leaves the house on Tuesday morning. She sets off on a long journey - to the port quarter of the capital to pick up secret place, in a barrel, a load of skooma. She leaves money in the barrel - you can take it - and returns home. The one who puts the skooma in the appointed place and takes the money is too cunning to get caught - I have never caught a drug mafia agent red-handed.

On Fridays, the orc, along with a load of skooma, leaves Cheydinal and goes northeast, to a remote, inconspicuous camp. Two Dunmer bandits from the Cammona Tong organization (Morrowind, remember?) live there. They accept the skooma, give the orc the money, and themselves hide the cargo in a secret place north of the camp - this is a hollowed-out stone near the Kingcrest Cavern.

It's a secret: Kingcrest Cave is deep and vast. No people live in it, but it is simply filled with dangerous traps. At the lowest level, another secret awaits the inquisitive adventurer - an entire underground forest of dry trees. Why and why is he here? We still have to find out.

Having received money from Cammona Tong, the orc returns to boss Dulfish Gro-Orum and gives him the money. If you want to interrupt the transport of drugs to Morrowind, you can attack the gang in the Newland tavern. They gather there every day if possible and discuss their evil plans in a closed room.

We learned the secrets of ancient magical wells, rune stones, an orc gang and several deep caves. But Cyrodiil is a veritable ocean of secrets, and soon we will begin our investigation again. The mysteries of the wars between goblins and bandits, the mystery of the terrible monster from Solstheim, underground puzzles and the amorous secrets of the inhabitants of the province await us.

Skystones of Cyrodiil

Seven "sky" stones are located in different places in Cyrodiil. They are very similar to the zodiac rune stones appearance and the color of the fire inscriptions, but they do not give out spells to everyone, but only to those who are considered worthy. The more famous your hero is in Cyrodiil, the more likely it is that the stone will recognize him. If a hero became famous “good” (Fame) and at the same time “bad” (Infamy), then the values ​​are summed up. Spells cast by stones remain with the hero once and for all.

  • Stone Jawn loves beginner heroes - he only requires the number 10. Gives invisibility and increased “stealth” (+30) for two minutes. Located east of the Sanguine statue.
  • Epherius Stone expects the hero to have a reputation of at least 20. Gives a spell that strengthens magic resistance (+20) and increases mana by fifty units. The conditions are normal - the spell works for two minutes, and works no more than once a day. You can find the stone northwest of Skingrad.
  • Joad Stone requires that the hero become famous by an “amount” of at least 30. It gives a spell that increases health by forty units and strengthens “blades”, “bludgeoning weapons” and “hand-to-hand combat” by twenty units - for two minutes. It is located southeast of the Troll Candle cave.
  • Stone of Sithis(requirement - 40). Grants Sithis Network, which strengthens Accuracy, Security, Speech, Illusion, and Trade (+20 for two minutes). You can find it north of Kvatch.
  • Magnus Stone(requirement - 50). Strengthens all six schools of magic (+20 units, two minutes). From the mouth of the Panther (Panther Tooth rock) go southeast.
  • Shezarr Stone(requirement - 60). Applies a ten percent reflection shield, enhances blacksmithing, blocking, and both types of armor (+20, two minutes). Search north of Leyawiin, near the Elsweyr border.
  • Dragon Stone(requirement - 70). Northeast of Lake Arria (near Cheydinal). Increases health (+40), magic (+40) and gives strength (+100) for two minutes.

On a note: Even in the nature of Cyrodiil there are small, weak magic stones, indicated by the green color of the runes. All they do is summon useful weapons and clothing for the hero. In the wild, summoned things will be useful, but you won’t be able to carry them far.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion – role-playing game, developed and published by Bethesda in collaboration with the publisher 2K Games. The game went on sale on the PC and Xbox 360 gaming platforms on March 20, 2006. Oblivion was released on PlayStation 3 only in April 2007 in Europe.

The main storyline in the game revolves around a hostile cult that worships Mehrunes Dagon (the Daedric Prince of Destruction) and wants to create a special portal to Tamriel from a parallel world in order to conquer the empire with the help of an evil army. Naturally, the main character must stop the plans of the sinister cult. But following the tradition of previous games in the series, the player in Oblivion does not have to immediately begin completing the missions of the main plot. The game world is absolutely open and free. Main character can perform any other secondary tasks and explore the world around him, since he is not limited in time.

When creating the landscape, the surrounding world, cities and their elements, designers and developers used real photographs from their travels and various books dedicated to nature. Thanks to newly developed technology, the process of creating many realistic landscapes has become much easier. Unlike Morrowind, in which designers created the entire world almost by hand, Oblivion used a special software, which performed all the routine work of combining landscape objects instead of artists.

Compared to previous parts of the series, completing Oblivion takes significantly less time. This situation was explained by project director Todd Howard. According to him, the developers decided to prioritize the quality of quests, not their quantity. In addition, a large amount of time was spent on creating modern graphics and an improved physical model in the game, which, of course, had a detrimental effect on the total number of missions.

Thanks to the use of the Havok physics engine, the game made possible realistic interaction of all effects, objects and characters with each other when using spells such as paralysis, telekinesis, etc. After the explosion fireball objects, according to all the laws of physics, scatter around the perimeter from the epicenter, and arrows, hitting the target, get stuck in it, increasing the workload. Also in Oblivion a new artificial intelligence, NPC manager. Now, unlike previous games in the series, they can perform various actions without limiting themselves to scripted scenes.

During gameplay, press the [~] (tilde) key? to open the console window.
Then enter one of the following cheat codes:

TGM - invulnerability
ToggleGodMode - invulnerability
player.setlevel - set the player level
showbirthsignmenu - show the screen (menu) of the selected sign
PlayerSpellBook - add all spells for the player
showsubtitle - switch (to) subtitles in a conversation with an NPC
Unlock - open the specified object
showclassmenu - change your class
ModPCA - change character value (Example: modpca luck, 10)
PlayerSpellBook - add all spells
tdetect - switch (to) AI detection mode
advskill [skill] - increase skill one level up
showclassmenu - show the screen (menu) of the selected class
CompleteQuest - complete the current quest
ModPCSkill - Modify the Players Skill.
showquestlog 0 - show the log file of the current task
AdvSkill - increase skill level
tdt - switch (to) error screen
savegame - save the game
sexchange - change your gender
Help - show all cheat codes
tai - switch (to) AI
showquesttargets - show the targets of the current quest
togglefogofwar - toggle the fog of war
caqs - all quest levels
tws - switch (to) water
ModPCS - change character skills (Example: modpcs Blunt, 10)
psb - add all spells
tlv - switch (to) leaves
ts - switch (to) sky
psb - add all spells for the player
player.additem 0000000b "100" - give the player 100 skeleton keys
tt - switch (to) trees
hairtint - set hair color
showbirthsignmenu - change your birth sign
COC (destination) - teleport
player.coc [destination] - teleport
addspell [spell number] - get the specified spell
tcai - switch (to) AI combat mode
Killall - kill everyone
player.additem 0000000f 1000 - get 1000 units of gold
CompleteAllQuestStagesSets - all quest levels
player.additem 0000000a "100" - give the player 100 master keys
qqq - end the game immediately
tm - switch (to) menu
player.additem [item code] - get the specified item
showquestlog - show the task log file
player.additem 0000000c "100" - give the player 100 repair hammers
twf - switch (to) frame
tfh - switch (to) full help
AdvLevel - increase experience level
tg - switch (to) grass
movetoquesttarget - move to the target of the current task
additem [item number] - get the specified item
tfc - free camera movement
showquestlog 1 - show the completed task log file
togglemapmarkers - show all locations on the map

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November 1, 2008 5:38

To receive this task, you will need to obtain from Raminus Polus the next title “Caller”, and he will also give you the “Spell Absorber Amulet”. The new task will be quite interesting and challenging. Raminus will tell you that one of the advisers, Irlav Jarol, is now too busy and does not have time to supervise the project that is entrusted to him. You need to help the advisor complete this project. To begin with, Raminus will tell you to go to the adviser himself and find out the details from him. Irlav Jarol will be either in the “Council Hall of the Archmage Tower” or in the magicians’ rooms, sleeping on the first floor. The "Archmage Tower Council Chamber" can be accessed through the teleporter in the Archmage's reception area (it will be marked with a red door icon, but don't pay attention to that). The advisor will be dressed in a white robe, so you can easily recognize him. He will tell you the following. A detachment under his leadership began excavating the Island ruins and began studying them, but at a certain stage they encountered a certain obstacle, the secret of which they could not reveal. So you just need to help the magicians working on site in solving this riddle, because the adviser himself, unfortunately, does not yet have time to deal with this issue himself. This place is called Vahtasen, it is located south of Cheydinhal at the mouth of the Reed River, next to the “Swampy Cave”. He will also give you a key to one of the doors in Vahtasen, which will be useful to you later when completing this task. Go to Vahtasen, the entrance is through a cave, which is quite linear. After a while you will reach a hole in the wall leading to the Island Ruins. There you will meet the Argonian Skalil, and you need to talk to her; she is the immediate leader of the exploration of the ruins on site. She will complain that Irlav devotes little time to this matter and will introduce you more specifically to the matter. While exploring the Island dungeons, a group of magicians came across a column that possibly blocked further passage deeper into the dungeons, but they never solved the mystery of how to make the column open a passage further; when trying to use various magic on the column, the magicians received injuries of varying degrees of severity. Now you have to try to unravel this secret. At the other end of the hall you will see a door that opens with the key that the adviser gave you. Moving along the corridor, you will soon meet another Denel researcher. He will tell you basically the same thing as Skalil, but he will also tell you one detail: on the walls of the room with the column, tablets with inscriptions were found that could possibly serve as a key to understanding the secret of the column, but the problem is that they were made in ancient a language that is difficult to translate. He will also tell you that Skalil has a book that could still help with the translation, but Skalil does not give it to him, considering it a waste of time. Go back to Skalil, take this book from her and give it to Denel, then go to the hall with the column to read the inscriptions on the tablets. Signs with inscriptions are located in the corners of the room in recesses in the wall, and in the middle of the hall there will be a huge column. The sign closest to the left of the entrance will read “av molag anyammis”, the farthest from the left of the entrance “av mafre nagia”, the farthest from the right of the entrance “magicka sila” and the closest from the right of the entrance “magicka loria”. After you read the signs, go to Denel and he will translate them for you. The first (numbering follows the sequence I gave above) inscription will mean apply fire, the second apply cold, the third increases magic, the fourth decreases magic. That is, you need to cast one of these spells on the column on the side on which the corresponding sign is located. If you do not have any of these spells, then you can take scrolls with them in the chest, which is located next to Denel. After each use, the column should move its components, gradually opening the passage; as soon as all four spells are applied, a staircase leading down should open in front of you and a corresponding information sign should appear. Go down, but be prepared for traps and encounters with various undead. In the first room there is a large square pit with stakes, which is revealed only if you step on the place under which it is located. Next there will be a small corridor at the end, of which there will be a button in the floor; by stepping on it, you will open two doors on the sides and one in front of you; some undead will attack you from the side doors. In the new hall, a similar trap awaits you, only this time the stakes are at the top and the place where you step does not fall through, but rises up. After this hall there is a corridor with axes, after passing which you will find yourself in a hall in the center, of which a pedestal will rise. To raise the steps leading to it, you need to press the button, which is located on a dais at the other end of the hall. When you go up the steps to the pedestal in the center of the hall, you will see a stand in the center, which is covered in such a way that it is unclear what is under it. Press the button on one of the small columns on the pedestal to remove it. On the stand you will find an elven helmet, or rather an “Ancient Elven Helmet”. As soon as you take it, hordes of evil spirits will immediately appear, and then choose for yourself, either deal with them, or simply run away. Return to Skalil, she will tell you to take the ancient artifact to advisor Irlav Jarol. Go back to the university, you will find the adviser in the same places, he will thank you for the work done and the task will be completed.

-1) (_uWnd.alert("You have already rated this material!","Error",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));$("#rating_os").css("cursor", "help").attr("title","You have already rated this material");$("#rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");) else (_uWnd.alert("Thank you for your rating !","You've done your job",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));var rating = parseInt($("#rating_p").html());rating = rating + 1;$ ("#rating_p").html(rating);$("#rating_os").css("cursor","help").attr("title","You have already rated this material");$("# rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");)));"> I like 11

Developer: Bethesda Softworks
Publisher: 2K Games
Localizer in Russia: Akella
Publisher in Russia: 1C
On official sale from: March 20, 2006
Russian status: on official sale since June 23, 2006
Genre: RPG


Launch the game and urgently enter the following into the console (called by the tilde [~] key): coc testinghall and you will find yourself in a huge test location. What's missing here! And all kinds of animals and creatures, things, armor, etc., etc. It is very easy to get lost, so be extremely careful in this “world of doors.”


In Oblivion there is an obvious reference to the progenitor of the entire TES series - The Elder Scrolls: Arena. Visit Imperial City(such a location) in the world of Oblivion, on the walls of this main city there are quite a lot of posters with images of fighters and the inscription ARENA. Naturally, these posters advertise a local gaming attraction - the Arena, where you can fight too. But the image itself refers us to The Elder Scrolls: Arena- the first game of this great series. Probably, the developers placed this image on the anniversary of the first part in order to perpetuate their project. By the way, Arena is already free and can be downloaded from the official website.


Khajiit M'aiq the Liar, who first appeared in The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, can be found near the walls of Anvil and Leyawiin. What he talks about are hints at topics of discussion on the official forums of the game. I must say that he says only one phrase at a time, so you have to chat with him at some intervals.


One of the designers of this game clearly suffers (?) from gigantomania. Several huge creatures and objects were discovered in the vast territory of the game. So, in order. The first is a giant crab living in a cave called “Green Meadow” (translation by 1C company). You will have to wander around the cave for quite a long time, swim and look behind the doors. But at the last level this crab of indecent size awaits you. He won't cause any serious danger, so dealing with him won't be too difficult.


Giant number two in our selection lives near the city of Bravil in Nibenay Bay. Dive to where shown in the screenshot with the map and you will find a hatch called “Grotto of the Bravil Sorcerer”. Having penetrated there, you will have to swim a little, but if you try, you will find a Giant killer fish, which will be as easy to kill as a huge crab. On her corpse there will be a sea of ​​things that she either absorbed or... this is the Braville sorcerer himself who turned himself into a fish. The name of the grotto speaks about this.


Another giant trick from the designers is hidden near the town of Skingrad, not far from the Bleak Plain cave. Go to the nearest lake or pond and you will see the only huge Nirnroot in the game. It is assembled in the same way as regular ones and takes up the same amount of inventory space. To find it easily, see the map.


A funny character can be found under one of the bridges of the river that flows near Bravil. Run to the place indicated in the image and dive into the water from the bridge, a dead troll will appear before your eyes. After searching him and finding the note, you will understand why he committed suicide. Another joke from the developers.


The only invisible creature in the world of Oblivion, roaming freely in the open spaces, can be seen in the mountains of “Chaydinal County”. Climb high into the mountains to a place called "Jumping Rock" (shown in the screenshot). An excellent view will open up to your eyes, if, of course, there is good weather and distant visibility, but we are not talking about that now. There is a camp on this ledge, and nearby there are things, among which there is a diary of the guest. If you take the time to read it, you will find out a funny story connected with the character “Svenja” (yes, that’s right, the localizers were right). Then, after walking a short distance from this camp, you will be attacked by an invisible creature that will not be so easy to kill. This is a kind of “Udurfruit Matron”.

Game description

Sometimes in game world revolutions occur, and they are almost always associated with the release of new hits. The appearance of The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion is, without exaggeration, the most important event of 2006 for gamers. For many, the release of this game has become the most desired event in history. last years. Game lovers literally danced with joy, tearing off another piece of the calendar, bringing them closer to the release. However, we can immediately note that the game does not disappoint: it rather amazes, but first things first.

The plot of the game takes place in a city prison, into which our hero ends up for no other reason than rowdy behavior. What follows is an unexpected visit to the dungeon by the emperor himself, who also comes to visit our hero’s cell and begins an intimate conversation.

Then everything turns out even more interesting: Alter is granted freedom, and after the death of the emperor, he is also given a precious amulet. All this is followed by the necessary process of learning the basic skills of the game and complete freedom of action. As already mentioned, the beginning of the game takes place in a dark chamber. Now, having emerged into the light, we can look at amazing world Oblivion, and it doesn't disappoint. Even an experienced gamer has not seen such beauty of landscapes for a long time, if not never!

The realism of the depiction of forests, fields, characters and cities is simply amazing. After our, so to speak, escape from the dungeon, the plot of the game gradually turns into a complex action worthy of becoming the basis of an extraordinary book in the fantasy style. And the best thing for the player is that no one is trying to impose any scenarios on you: your freedom is not limited by anything.
However, the storyline, although it does not have a clear framework, has a holistic concept. Usually in games with such sophisticated and thoughtful storyline weak point turn out to be additional quests, which can be completed after finishing the main story.

In The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion side quests no worse, and often more exciting, than the main action of the game. This way, once you finish the game, you won't have to put it on the shelf.
When talking about Oblivion, one cannot fail to mention its sound design. The brilliant graphics have already been mentioned here, but the sound turns out to be no worse. When we launch the game, we truly immerse ourselves in Magic world fantasy.

The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion will appeal to all fans of RPG and fantasy stories without exception. As the developers promise, a hundred hours of unforgettable adventure await us. So don’t waste time and do everything to make these minutes start as soon as possible.


The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles

Shivering Isles is the official addition to Oblivion. This version adds new dungeons, monsters, weapons, armor, and the area available for play has been increased. All the lands of the Shivering Isles or, in fact, the Shivering Isles, are divided into two parts, which are opposites of each other: Mania and Dementia. The inhabitants of Mania are more reckless and hot-tempered. They love luxury and pleasure. Residents of Dementia, on the contrary, are meek and unhappy, prone to phobias and a tragic perception of the world.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine

The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine the official major expansion for The Elder Scrolls IV, the first of its kind, by the way.

The game has a rather epic and even religious plot, which tells about the revival of the terrible Ayleid king Umaril the Unfeathered, nine ghost knights who tell our hero about the Relics (yes, with a capital R).

Of course, you have to go through many adventures and mysteries, get new armor, weapons and other goodies, but I would like to draw your attention to one modest thing - the protagonist begins a Pilgrimage, during which you cannot commit crimes.

Therefore, what? Yes, there is no way for thieves, you will have to earn everything yourself... Eh.


System requirements

Minimum requirements:

  • Windows XP;
  • Processor 2 GHz;
  • 512 MB of RAM;
  • Direct3D video card with 128 MB memory;
  • DirectX 9.0c;
  • Keyboard;
  • Mouse.
  • Windows XP;
  • Processor 3 GHz;
  • 1 GB RAM;
  • 4.6 GB of free hard disk space;
  • 3D video card ATi X800 series or NVIDIA GeForce 6800 with 256 MB memory;
  • DirectX compatible sound card;
  • DirectX 9.0c;
  • 8-speed DVD reader;
  • Keyboard;
  • Mouse.

As soon as the game came out, I played it on my ancient computer with 6 fps (frames per second). Perhaps you can say that I’m a real fan?! Then the computer was updated and it was full immersion, I’ll be replaying it soon, it’s one of those games that you can never finish, you always miss something interesting, so it’s nice to come back to it again and again

I don't understand the admiration most people have for this game. After the masterpiece Marrowwind, “this” looks like a slap in the face to the players. As I know, there are three camps of players:

  1. They respect Morra and spit at Obla.
  2. Both Morra and Obla are respected, perhaps not equally, but they have an awareness of the shortcomings and advantages of each part.
  3. They spit at Morra (mostly schoolchildren who removed Morra after five minutes of the game and started playing with Obla) and admire Obla.

Honestly, I tried to play “this” and understand why everyone praises him... I still didn’t understand. I tried many times, I want to tell you.

So, the disadvantages that discouraged any desire to ever touch this game (I will be happy to listen to opinions about the advantages of this game if someone criticizes me):

  1. Character editor (no compensation).
  2. Same type dungeons.
  3. "Empty" cities and villages. By God, the townspeople are of no use if they are of no use. There are no normal remarks describing the place where I wandered, etc.
  4. "Living" world. You can go through half the map without meeting anyone or anything, not even enemies. Verified on personal experience. The only plus is that at night you can see a guard patrolling the road and there is a small chance that you will be robbed by a Khajiit) This is a small plus))
  5. More or less normal quests only in guilds and according to the plot.

This was more or less enough for me to completely discourage any desire to continue the game.

If it’s not difficult, fans of this part, explain your admiration for the game.

There is also a fourth type. Those who have never played Morrowind and love Oblivion. Like me.

The world is alive, indeed. And cities too. I don’t know what kind of buggy version of the game you were playing. I had it alive eventful world. And by the way, I have never met any Kadhit thieves. But I’ve seen plenty of ogres, wolves, northerners, orcs, Daedrites, and other evil spirits... And apparently you didn’t pass the quests properly in Oblivion. There, almost every NPC in the city has its own story. Each NPC is like a thread, woven into the overall fabric of the narrative. There are quests in every area. And not only guild ones have long chains. You haven't played much, Pray.

@AGITatOr wrote:

There is also a fourth type. Those who have never played Morrowind and love Oblivion. Like me.

This is a subtype of camp 3, so to speak.

@AGITatOr wrote:

The world is alive, indeed. And cities too. I don’t know what kind of buggy version of the game you were playing. I had a living world full of events. But I’ve seen plenty of ogres, wolves, northerners, orcs, Daedrites, and other evil spirits...

Either I had a very stubborn version, or you and I played different games.

@AGITatOr wrote:

And by the way, I have never met any Kadhit thieves.

I started playing about three times, and 2/3 after leaving and the first (closest) city, at night, at a fork, a Khajiit jumps out and “asks” for money.

@AGITatOr wrote:

And apparently you didn’t turn in quests properly in Oblivion. There, almost every NPC in the city has its own story. Each NPC is like a thread, woven into the overall fabric of the narrative. There are quests in every area. And not only guild ones have long chains. You haven't played much, Pray.

I played a little, but I ran out of patience when:

I walked through the forest calmly, and along the way I looked into a couple of identical ruins. I see it's a village. Residents walk and fuss. I approach the NPC, because it’s interesting to find out what such a village is doing on the outskirts, it’s interesting to know the history of the place, etc. Dialogue options:

  1. Trade
  2. Persuade
  3. Something else
  4. Exit


The whole village was kind of deaf and dumb. That's it, I couldn't stand it. I took the game to some mother’s house and didn’t regret it one bit.

@dameon wrote:

There is also a fifth type - those who play Interesting games. Oblivion is an interesting game.

Not interesting for me. How then can we compare the interestingness of the game? Statistically?

@dameon wrote:

Why compare with anything at all, when you can just play everything.

This contradicts your last sentence, doesn't it?

Let's not catch each other. The trolling begins again. Dameon simply deduced one thought from another. No contradiction, Pray.

You probably haven’t come across a village where everyone has turned invisible, where everyone has become a plant (eggplants there, zucchini just kidding(:), where everyone has forgotten who they are and forget about it every day, where fish-men come out every night and attack, where night fireflies constantly rage around the village, where the robbers are secretly planning an attack on the village, where everyone in the village worships some stupid ancient gods to the point of fanaticism, etc..

@AGITatOr wrote:

where everyone has forgotten who they are and forgets about it every day

This is what I’m talking about and I’ve come across this more than once.

@AGITatOr wrote:

Apparently you didn’t come across...

O_o I'm intrigued... I'll have to tone down the ardor of the Dragon Slayer and study the game again, now thoroughly. Maybe interest will appear over time.

At first I considered her the best, but then after a couple of months I simply got tired of her. The biggest disadvantage, in my humble opinion, is the same type of caves, mines, ruins, forts. A terrible deja vu creeps in when you come across another cave, except for its structure there is little to distinguish it. That’s why I’m quietly dreaming of Skyrim (you can’t really play on Celero) and I respect Morrowind.

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