X-COM game series. X-COM Series Dead or Alive

Julian Gallop created X-COM: UFO Defense and its sequels. The first part of the game has two names: X-COM: UFO Defense(in the USA) and UFO: Enemy Unknown (in Europe). This is due to the fact that in the USA there was already a game called UFO (created by subLOGIC or Flight Simulator people, which at the time of creation X-COM: UFO Defense has already disappeared). U X-COM: UFO Defense was good graphics and physics at that time (the possibility of destruction of building walls). The gameplay is divided into 2 stages: Geoscape (strategic - the planet Earth is displayed in 3D with the ability to rotate, zoom in, zoom out); BattleScape (tactical - control of soldiers). In Geoscape, control is carried out in real time, and in BattleScape it is turn-based (each fighter is given a certain number of Time Units or TU, and when there are not enough TUs, the turn goes to the enemy).

The game takes place in 1999, when aliens began to invade earth. It was decided to create an Extraterrestrial Combat Unit organization.

X-COM 2: Terror From the Deep

X-COM 2: Terror From the Deep(1995) is not much different from the first part. The game takes place in 2040 when the defeated X-COM: UFO Defense the aliens opened a second front in the ocean (in the finale of X-COM 1, sending a signal to an alien ship sunk in the ocean and waiting for it in the depths).

According to many, the graphics have become less pleasing to the eye. Although the level of detail has increased (the blue aquanauts alone are all worth it).

  • The technology tree is somewhat complicated and full of bugs, so finding an option for the “correct” development will not be a bad idea.
  • The music and atmosphere became darker.
  • The complexity has increased greatly, not least due to the quadruple size of the maps, and thanks to the features under/over water.
  • Completely new enemies. Now there are only 4 full-fledged races (special monsters do not count), they have real differences, and in some places (read on the bases) several races “live and work” together.

X-COM 3: Apocalypse

X-COM 3: Apocalypse created in 1997. BattleScape now has the ability to control both turn-based and real-time. Now the war is in the city, and not on the entire planet. The possibilities that the game engine opens up cannot but attract attention: honest physics (collapsing ceilings, walls, flying doors), taking into account the many characteristics of fighters and their actions, as well as a complex and multi-level squad management system. Since this is a metropolis, a system of organizations has been introduced that control the city and their buildings, for the destruction of which even while chasing a UFO (yes, now a miss does not fly to nowhere - the city is everywhere!) you either have to pay or lose your reputation with them, which is fraught with retaliatory raids and increased prices for their goods.

X-COM E-m@il

X-COM E-m@il(1999) the strangest and most famous representative small series games from Hasbro under the label E-m@il Games, whose goal was to embody the well-known Board games on the Windows platform, adapted for PBEM and Hotseat games. Strange, naturally, in that X-COM was included in a number of adapted games among " Battleship", different games into words and so on. The game is based on the plot and ideas of the first X-COM - evil aliens landed on Earth in order to harm us, and the good and valiant special forces immediately rushed to kill them... The game greatly simplifies the concept of the original - there is only a tactical part, pre-generated maps in one screen , preset starting points for both teams, their composition and equipment. It’s good that at least the tilesets allow you to choose (city, X-COM base, alien base, UFO, farm, arctic, etc.).

X-COM: Interceptor

X-COM: Interceptor(1998): Aliens attack from space again. By this time, people began to live not only on earth. They built many space stations, which became the target of the aliens. X-COM has matured and, along with the invaders, boldly roams space on new ships. The tasks are the same: interception and neutralization. The fourth part was met with ambiguity by fans. A bold decision - to replace the tactical turn-based strategy with space simulator. During the battle, you take a seat at the control panel of one of the ships. Other ships are controlled by a computer. He manages so-so, he has to take the initiative. The possibility of PSI combat remains in the game. However, it was considered ineffective by many players. As the game progresses, your agents will intercept messages from strangers. After deciphering, they will give you very interesting information about the terrible plans of the aliens. From time to time, escorted Alien cargo transports appear on the radar. By capturing such a vehicle, you can profit from interesting gadgets.

X-COM: Enforcer

X-Com Enforcer is not a tactical shooter at all, but a third-person arcade game. The mass of monsters makes you feel like you’re in a shooting gallery - stand still and shoot them. There is a saying about the stupidity of monsters. One type of weapon and complex maneuvers to go around corpses with frail weapons also do not add strategic moments.

The game is brutal even by American standards - a lot of blood, many ways to kill aliens - fire, laser, plasma, ice and total annihilation. What the developers paid attention to was ways to kill strangers! In general, having got its hands on such a fairly powerful visualization tool as the Unreal engine, Hasbro was unable to use it to its fullest - few effects are used, and the declared support for large textures is not used.

X-COM Alliance

The X-COM Alliance project was created by the MicroProse studio from 2000 to 2004, but never saw the light of day, dying during the development stage. The project was planned as a tactical 3D first-person shooter.

X-COM Genesis

The X-COM Genesis project was created by the MicroProse studio in 2000, but never saw release and was planned as a strategy with tactical (turn-based and real-time) and economic elements.

UFO: Aftermath

The UFO Aftermath project (2003) was created by Altar games studio as a real-time 3D strategy. The economy has completely disappeared, the plot is post-apocalyptic (the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit was not created or lost the war with aliens). A huge interstellar ship reached Earth's orbit and sprayed deadly spores that destroyed most of the planet's inhabitants. Those who did not die and did not have time to hide mutated into terrible creatures - transgenants, becoming part of the changed biosphere. The free layout of bases was abolished. You can only choose the type: military (receives fighters and planes), scientific (conducts research; the more such buildings, the more actively the aliens work), production and technical (production) and anti-biomass (slows down the growth of brown rubbish that devours bases) . The process of intercepting and destroying a UFO is a non-interactive video about how the meeting went. There is only one type of alien - reticulans, and the rest of the opponents are transgenes. The music is suitable - a hybrid of depressive chill-out with industrial ambient. The map generator still makes me happy.

UFO: Aftershock

The UFO: Aftershock (2005) project was created by Altar games. There is no UFO interception in Aftershock. The Laputa orbital station hovers above the earth, where some people fled after losing in UFO: Aftermath. Agents rest and train on Laputa, the research, when the situation on the planet is heating up, combat-ready Laputans climb into a cramped capsule and leave for the hot spot. The experiment of aliens who wanted to build a giant computer out of the planet failed. Many residents have turned into evil, bad-looking mutants. However, some people benefited from rubbing the foreign substance. Among the lucky ones, there was a group of men capable of wedging implants into themselves, as well as a community of women with psionic powers. A handful of ordinary people also survived, calling their genetically modified relatives cyborgs and psionics. The variety of unconventional forms of life led to the introduction of a simple diplomatic system. Also present are Cultists (who worship aliens) - enemies of the Laputans. In addition to resource-producing regions (3 types of resources), there are many cities scattered around the symbolic globe that are suitable for building bases. Each of them has from 3 to 5 sites for laboratories, factories, security or educational institutions. Agents need to be trained accordingly. There are 12 professions available, including three skill levels. The designers enlivened the post-apocalyptic game with vegetation, as well as visual rows of the remains of the former infrastructure: sewers, railway tracks, just ruins. Entrance to the surviving buildings is open. Contractions take place at small levels, mostly two or three floors high. Ornateness is inherent only in multi-layered UFO labyrinths with teleportation platforms. There are several types of missions: guide civilians through the map, help furious natives eliminate uninvited guests, rescue someone from captivity and vice versa.

UFO: Alien Invasion

UFO: Alien Invasion

The game UFO: Alien Invasion (2007) is made on the Quake II engine. The project is non-profit. Can be downloaded at:

UFO: Afterlight

The UFO: Afterlight (2007) project was created by Altar games. The remainder of the material funds went to the giant Laputa orbital station and an expedition to Mars - a new home for humanity. The "discoverers" reached the red planet. There is only one base, so there is no need to spend administrative resources on a dozen small villages. But we are allowed to build, research, produce, and even manually distribute personnel to birdhouses. Scientists to the laboratory, technicians to the assembly shop, soldiers to the rest room. The classes are defined initially. You can’t lock an experienced warrior into reading books, but some people are born with two heads at once. Yesterday's enemies, the Reticulans (the intrigue will become a little clearer as the game progresses) helped people settle on Mars and gave them a high-speed UFO that could accommodate seven paratroopers. The developers did not provide a map generator. The impressive arsenal consists of four sets of technologies (according to the number of races). When the cannonade subsides, superficial diplomacy comes into play. I didn’t think that one day humans and Reticulans would go into battle shoulder to shoulder.

UFO: Extraterrestrials

UFO: Extraterrestrials

The project UFO: Extraterrestrials (2007) was created by the Chaos concept studio. Comprehensive turn-based mode, simple isometric picture (for some reason in 3D), attractive gameplay. The developers moved the action from Earth to the distant planet Esperanza. The aliens attacked the colony without warning, forcing the inhabitants to choose: fight or die. General mobilization seemed to local authorities a radical measure. An international military organization was hastily formed (it will be led by the player), whose task is to resist the invasion. Nine of the largest Esperanza countries volunteered to finance the intergalactic war. Accordingly, the less the UFO circles over the heads of frightened ordinary people, the greater the “income”. You won't be charged a penny of Action Points for changing weapons or reloading. The duration of treatment also does not matter. But for the destructibility (even conditional) sincere gratitude. The invaders don't look serious. Multi-colored caterpillars with machine guns, bulletproof "robocops" and single-seat UFOs, dashing in circles along the narrow corridors of empty offices. Before starting the game, disable all types of anti-aliasing (including anti-aliasing with transparent textures) in the driver settings.

There are mods for this game - for example, see http://ufogr.com - the game action returns to Earth, aliens from the original X-COM are added, portraits of fighters are replaced with real photos, etc. This turns out to be one of the best versions of the original X-COM.

Since 2006, the X-COM trademark has been owned by Take 2.


  • X-COM: Russia - Russian-language site dedicated to the series X-COM games.

X-COM is a science fiction series of computer and video games, which began with the classic UFO: Enemy Unknown from Mythos Games and MicroProse. In total, there are currently six released and two canceled games, as well as two books.

The basis of the series X-COM consists of four games published by MicroProse:
(PC) (also published as X-COM: UFO Defense in 1993-94, later released for Amiga and Sony PlayStation)
(Released on PC in 1995, on PlayStation in 1996)
(PC, 1997)
(PC, 1998)

In 1998 almost immediately after release X-COM: Interceptor MicroProse was purchased by Hasbro Interactive, a division of the large toy manufacturer Hasbro. Having received the rights to X-COM, Hasbro immediately started talking about expanding the universe - toys, comics, cartoons based on X-COM. As a result, in 1999 Hasbro Interactive released a budget multiplayer game Em@il Games: X-COM and a bad third-person shooter based on the events of Enemy Unknown. Two more planned sequels - X-COM:Genesis And X-COM: Alliance(a tactical first-person shooter with RPG elements) were canceled after the closure of Hasbro Interactive.

In April 2010, 2K Marin announced that it was working on a reimagining of X-COM. The game was renamed to simply XCOM and promised to release both on PC and on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. XCOM was described as a tactical and strategic first-person shooter with elements from the original X-COM. According to the plot, the game takes place in the 1960s in the USA, where XCOM is a federal anti-alien agency. The announcement of this game caused violent indignation among fans of the series, who buried the game in absentia.

In January 2012, Firaxis Games (led by MicroProse co-founder Sid Meier) outlined the development of the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 strategy remake of UFO: Enemy Unknown. It, like the 1994 original, will feature a real-time strategy mode, as well as a turn-based combat mode and a destructible environment in the spirit of the original UFO. The events in the game take place in our time.

In the 26 years that have passed since the release of the first game in the X-Com series, we have seen a lot of things. There were successful examples in the franchise, and unsuccessful ones, and... Even a miscarriage in the form of a game by e-mail! However, to this day, X-Com remains exactly what we love it for: a smart game about fighting alien invaders.

The transport lands at the broken “plate”. The outcome of this task determines whether the state will continue to fund X-COM or whether we will admit our complete uselessness and the Earth will come to an end. The fog is clearing, I see. It's too late, I've already made my move. One of my soldiers dies, but the rest manage to survive the meat grinder and successfully complete the mission. The bitterness of victory. Leaning back in my chair, I assess my reserves of resources and understand that things are going wrong. At least with this victory I got myself a few days of peace, during which I will have to finalize my strategy and be ready for the next visit of alien invaders.

This is how I remember my first experience of playing the original X-Com back in 1993, which was sold here and in Europe as UFO: Enemy Unknown. Two and a half decades have passed, but that game still remains one of the best for me.

When a few years ago I heard that a legendary title was being put into production, I wondered, is it worth it? Despite the nostalgia and rose-colored glasses, the first part of the franchise was a great game that is not easy to top. Luckily, 2012's Enemy Unknown turned out to be a great game. To be completely honest, it’s even better than my dearly beloved original. It's a shame that not all games in the series are like this; there are plenty of bad apples.

In the end, I compiled a list of all the games in the X-Com series, ranking them in order of release and not bothering with popularity ratings. But we already know which ones are beautiful and which ones deserve to be forgotten, right?

X-COM: UFO Defense (UFO: Enemy Unknown)

Released: 1993

Original. The legend that started it all. And you know, she looks good for her age. Do you know what else is beautiful about it? In fact, there are two whole games in UFO, which was a rarity in those days (let me remind you that the eighties were only three years past at that time).

First: the Geoscape mode, whose art and mechanics were far ahead of their time. Yes, today it doesn’t look the best, but it still works great. Perhaps there are more tactics in this management than the 2012 remake.

Setting up your first base in North America is not the same as setting up in Europe. However, to understand why, you need to read the game manual, so go ahead and Google it! The bottom line is that a bad start can ruin your entire game towards the middle, which will be a very unpleasant surprise for you.

Imagine that you, like me once, played this game in the pre-Internet era. If you're stuck somewhere, you can't just Google the solution. No, you will have to write a letter (on paper!) to one of the many gaming magazines and wait a month for the latest issue, hoping that they will answer you. Or wait a few years until search engines are invented.

And this is BEFORE you send a transport to the downed UFO, where the real fun begins. If, for example, you forgot to load your soldiers’ weapons, you could evacuate immediately. You can't fight much with empty guns.

You can, of course, start your acquaintance with the series directly from the 2012 remake, but I still recommend giving this classic game a try if possible. Despite its venerable age, it is capable of giving you many pleasant hours.


Released: 1995

Terror From The Deep was the same UFO, only underwater and much more complex. And I only recently realized why: too many fans of the first part complained that the difficulty was not high enough. And then it became too late.

The second game in the franchise looked prettier, but underneath the new image was the same AI and the same enemies that had received a reskin. This fully explains the fact that grenades flew the same distance underwater as on the surface. The game turned out to be more atmospheric, darker and... cramped. It’s logical, because the action takes place on the seabed. And it's still 2 in 1, where Geoscape and the tactical part are still just as good as a miracle.

X-COM: Apocalypse

Released: 1997

– Let’s make X-COM not on a planetary scale, but in a city? Let's call the management mode Cityscape. Let's call the city Mega Primus, this is the future after all! How do you like it?

- Cool! Let's do that, just add real-time battles!

And that's exactly what they did.

The third game was the last good one in the series for many years. Real-time combat added personality to Apocalypse and successfully refreshed the franchise. Moreover, players had the choice to fight step-by-step or in a new mode with the ability to pause and give orders to their fighters. A whole new race of aliens had emerged, and trying to keep the city's semi-criminal factions in line was a nightmare.

You also had to take into account the collateral damage you caused to the city during the fighting. If you cause great inconvenience to one of the factions, they will not only stop funding you, but, in the end, will come after you. And it’s good if they only demand their money back. Otherwise you'll have to fight them like they're damn aliens.

From a management point of view, Apocalypse was similar to other games in the X-COM series, differing only in its real-time mode. It looked good for its time and, despite some oddities in economic relations with gangs and arms dealers, it became almost a revelation in the genre.

X-COM: Interceptor

Released: 1998

Stop begging for money different countries, let's go into space. The strategic component is in place, but it is greatly simplified and is no longer turn-based. Instead, you pilot a space fighter, like in Wing Commander or X-Wing vs Tie Fighter. The only pity is that Interceptor is neither one nor the other.

Frankly, I was really looking forward to this game. In its own way, it was very innovative, but the tasks very quickly fell into routine, and there was no way to skip them. I had to fly out on the same missions again, and again, and again, and again... Multiplayer also raised questions, since you could only fight against other players.

The Interceptor had its good points, but overall it was disappointing and frustrating. It's a shame that we didn't get to see the great game it could have been. Great potential, which could have resulted in a whole separate direction of the franchise, was irrevocably ruined. It's a pity.

X-COM: First Alien Invasion

Released: 1999

If you've never heard of this game, you're not alone. I highly doubt you would play it even if you had the opportunity. I haven't had a chance to try it myself, but from what I've read about First Alien Invasion, I'm in luck.

Yes, this is X-COM. And yes, you had to play it by e-mail. Just think, via email! Even in 1999 the idea was so-so. However, it's still better than Uwe Boll's films.

To draw a conclusion about the quality of the game, it is enough to know a simple fact: it is not so easy to find a normal screenshot for an article about it.

Game not available on digital services for PC


Released: 2001

That moment when the developers (or publisher) wanted it in the X-COM universe. It was played like a brainless, excuse me, console game that they were too lazy to not only polish, but even test properly. Imagine a shooter in which you automatically switch to a weapon picked up from the ground every (every!) time. Whether you like it or not.

It's not that the game is very bad, no. Rather, she was none. There is nothing in it that deserves your attention. If you want something powerful in a retro style, it's better to buy yourself a PS1.

XCOM: Enemy unknown

Released: 2012

Oldfags can argue all they want about how micromanagement in this game is nothing against old-school UFO, but the fact remains that this is a game for the 21st century gamer, and it perfectly captures the spirit of the original. I really like the implementation of base management, the process of difficult choices between funding research or spending money on weapons and equipment, but it's the combat that makes Enemy Unknown a great game.

XCOM has never looked or played this good before. The graphics look great, and the locations are beyond praise. But there is also multiplayer here, fast and furious, unlike many other strategies. You need to assemble a squad for a certain amount of points (like in the games Total War), and then try to destroy the enemy. When I go online, I usually lose miserably, but it's so much fun that most of the time the results don't even bother me.

This is exactly the game we've been waiting for since 1997's Apocalypse, and it was worth the wait.

XCOM: Enemy Within (add-on)

Released: 2013

After playing Enemy Unknown before purchasing Enemy Within I didn't feel the slightest hesitation. The new mechanics are simply great. If you've never created hell for aliens on the battlefield with your genetically enhanced soldiers, be sure to give it a try.

A pleasant innovation was the secret human group EXALT, which pursues its own goals that run counter to both the plans of XCOM and the intentions of the invaders. Sometimes, you know, it’s nice to shoot your brother instead of another green-blooded humanoid.

In terms of multiplayer, Enemy Within went even further, adding 40 (forty!) new beautiful cards with a competent three-dimensional layout. This is, in fact, the essence of the addition: more cards, more adrenaline, more deaths.

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Released: 2013

Bureau is very similar to the American B-movies of the 60s. It looks and plays great, the animations are smooth and crisp, and it's quite enjoyable to shoot. There's just a catch: take "XCOM" out of the name and it quickly turns into a mediocre third-person shooter.

AI teammates who are supposed to follow your orders and work together sometimes act like idiots, trying to die a hero's death. Between firefights, the player wanders around his headquarters, chatting with characters who are trying to add depth to the local management, but only once again irritate with their intrusiveness. There are some first-class moments in the game, but in between them, unfortunately, there are huge chunks of not the most exciting gameplay.


Released: 2016

For 20 years now, aliens have ruled the Earth, destroying all those who disagree and building a “bright future” known to them alone. Former XCOM agents are trying to revive their organization and fight the invaders, expelling them from their home planet.

XCOM has changed once again, while remaining itself. The second part of the remake introduced many innovations in design and mechanics, turning the player from the commander of a large official organization into a partisan leader with all the ensuing consequences.

Within a year after its release, the game received two major additions, Shen’s Last Gift and War of the Chosen, further diversifying game process and confirmed the proud title of “Game of the Year” and “Best Strategy”.

A remake of the first game in the series, as close as possible to the plot of the original.
You act as the commander of the secret international organization XCOM - a unit to combat aliens, created immediately after the start of an alien invasion by an unknown race and consisting of the best military and scientists from around the world. You have to build military bases and underground laboratories, conduct reconnaissance and combat operations against an alien enemy.

Release date: October 9, 2012

Continuation of the series, a new look at the events taking place in the world of the game.
It's 1962. John Kennedy is president of the United States and the nation is gripped by fear due to the Cold War. But America and the entire planet are threatened new enemy, much more dangerous and insidious than communism. A secret government organization called the Bureau, known only to a small group of insiders, is investigating and covering up signs of an alien invasion of Earth.

Release date: August 20, 2013

Continuation of the series - new step-by-step tactical strategy with role-playing elements.
Twenty for long years passed after the complete defeat of the Earthlings and the signing of an act of unconditional surrender to the aliens. XCOM Organization, last hope planet was completely destroyed, and its remains were scattered throughout the world. Now aliens rule everything, they have colonized the planet and established total control. Building up new world with huge and sparkling cities they promise humanity a cloudless future.

Story XCOM series

X-COM: UFO Defense / UFO Defense

The first game in the series.
The events of the game begin in 1999. Concerned about increasing reports of UFO sightings and abductions, Earth's governments establish X-COM, an extraterrestrial threat counter unit designed to protect humanity from extraterrestrial aggression. You act as the head of this service.
Reports of an alien threat are confirmed and to combat the invasion you will have to build camouflaged underground bases in different parts of the planet - strongholds for combat and reconnaissance operations, as well as laboratories and workshops for studying the aliens and their superior technologies.

Release date: December 31, 1993

X-COM: Terror From The Deep

The second game in the series, much of the action takes place at sea and underwater.
At the moment of its destruction, the Martian civilization sent a powerful signal into space that reached a huge spaceship that fell to Earth in the Gulf of Mexico millions of years ago. In 2040, a new threat, this time coming from the depths of the sea, forces the governments of the world's leading countries to revive the X-COM organization.

Release date: June 1, 1995

X-COM: Apocalypse / Apocalypse

The plot of the third game takes you to 2084, when an environmental disaster occurs on Earth.
Humanity is looking for new places to live in space, and the remnants of civilization huddle in the only hypercity - Megaprime, fenced off from the external environment with special filter walls.
At this very time, tetrahedrons open above the city - pyramidal gates to another dimension, from which unidentified flying objects appear. Earthlings again need an agency to combat foreign invaders - X-COM.

Release date: June 30, 1997

X-COM: Interceptor / Fighter

Continuation of the series, the fourth part of the game.
The game takes place in the year 2067, when the Earth's natural resources have been completely depleted, and large corporations have turned their attention to the region of space known as the Frontier to obtain the necessary resources.
In the neighborhood, the earthlings turn out to be old acquaintances - sectoids, mutons, etc., who have their own plans for the resources of the Frontier. And these plans involve the destruction of humanity.

Release date: May 31, 1998

The fifth game in the X-COM series is designed for two people to play via email or two people on the same computer. The game has two opposing sides - X-COM and aliens, five main settings: city, UFO, snow, X-COM base and alien base, each of which has ten scenarios.
After the developer Hasbro Interactive was closed, the email servers were also closed, and the project ceased to exist.

Release date: September 30, 1999

X-COM: Enforcer / Peacemaker

The sixth game in the Team X series is a third-person shooter.
The game takes place during the First Alien War in 1999. In parallel to the plot of X-COM: UFO Defense, a program is underway to create the ultimate military robot under the leadership of a certain nameless Professor. Upon completion of which the Enforcer is sent to fight against alien invasion. You act as a Peacemaker and destroy aliens throughout the United States.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown(XCom: Enemy Annown) is a strategy game in the simulator genre, where you will become part of a military organization called XCOM. You will go to battle with representatives of alien races. Here you will play the role of a special forces commander, where you will gradually distribute resources, develop various types of technologies and develop a winning strategy to win even the most dangerous battles. The fate of the entire human race will be in your hands, and you need to do everything possible to protect it from harm and extinction. Walk up the steps new history and fight with a colossal number of different opponents, which will not be so easy to defeat. Try to constantly develop your own base and take care of its careful protection. Study the most powerful new technologies of alien races in order to then use them for your own purposes and protect humanity from attacks and threats.

Game information Year of issue: 2012
Genre: Strategies
Developer: Firaxis Games
Version: / Complete Pack Full (Last) + All Add-ons (DLC)
Interface language: English, Russian
Tablet: Present
