Chess moves calculator. Chess Game analysis using chess engines. What's inside

Suppose you played a game of chess while visiting or on vacation and wanted to analyze it without delay. I don’t have my favorite chess engine, UI for it, or endgame database at hand. What resources are available to us online for analyzing chess positions?

Debuts on

More than 3000 opening lines played by masters. You can see the number of games played, the % of games from this opening that ended in victory, draw and loss.

In a couple of seconds you can get an analysis of a position to a depth of 23 to a depth of 38. You can ask for a deeper analysis. The board is connected to the engine in the cloud, and can also use the processor of the local computer directly from the browser without additional installations.

English party

Endgames on

There are 6 pieces or less on the board and you want to know if it was possible to place or get checkmate here? Was it possible to reduce the game to a draw? Easy, provides free access to 6 piece endgames instantly. An additional bonus for developers of chess programs is that there is an open API that, using FEN, allows you to get JSON with position data.

Good day, dear friend!

Computers have been playing stronger than humans for a long time. The best chess programs and even more so, it is impossible for even the strongest chess players to directly compete with them on equal terms.

However, the “iron monster” is not as big and powerful as you might think. Him There is weak spots and disadvantages . Which a chess player of any level simply must take into account.

More on this at the end of the article, but for now let’s look inside the computer for a second and review the best engines and user interfaces.

What's inside?

A computer program (engine) is a counting unit. He counts, operates with numbers and does not understand at all what chess is .

The program translates the chess language into mathematical operations. Adds, subtracts and compares numbers. At the end of each option he gives a numerical rating.

This is how chess engines work.


There are also competitions between engines, consisting of a large number of games, much larger than between humans. Based on the results, rating lists are compiled.

Engine rating 2016


Komodo ranks first in most rankings. The interesting thing is that the Komodo differs in its brains from most of its brothers.

He has learned to better evaluate a position and places more emphasis on evaluation and less on depth of calculation.

Perhaps this is the secret. The engine combines best qualities man and machine. However, these are my suggestions, which, of course, are not the ultimate truth

The latest commercial version of the engine is 11.2 . Komodo 9 and older versions are offered for free distribution.

You can download it at publisher's main portal


This is the logo. Translated, stockfish is dried fish. Where does this allegory come from - I don’t presume to judge

Stokish has been competing lately with Komodo And Houdini and is ahead of its rivals in a number of indicators

Stockfish's success owes much to its distribution policy. Having created a boost, the developers release the version for testing to all users. Perhaps for this reason there are almost no serious bugs left.

The program is free. The latest version is eight. You can download it here:

But that is not all. It is difficult to use an engine without an interface for practical purposes .

Shells and client programs

In order to use the capabilities of the engine and see its work, you need a shell, an interface. A custom chess program (shell) plus an engine (or several) is a ready-made product suitable for human use.

I will give examples of the best, in my opinion, shells and client programs:


One of the most famous and powerful programs. Can be used as a user interface, wrapper for almost all the best engines

You can download/install it on the official Arena website.


Perhaps the most advanced analytical program known to the author.

ChessBase provides all the necessary analytical tools and can:

  • Work with game databases - watch played games and analyze
  • Conduct a search according to certain parameters: openings, positions, material ratio, endgames and more.
  • Upload your games, with comments and cards
  • Analyze by selecting different engines
  • Create player dossiers based on databases
  • Print batches and charts in various configurations

And also much more.

Latest version of the program – ChessBase-13

Shredder Classic 3

One of the best chess engines Shredder complete with interface.

  • Possibility of playing both with the engine at different levels, and online with real opponents
  • Choice of time controls, ability to create your own control.
  • Analysis of both parties and positions
  • Interface setup: design of the board and pieces, etc. figures, etc. further.

The full version is not free. To get started, you can download the shareware version.

Chess planet

A specialized program associated with the portal, where you can play online, in tournaments, by correspondence, play by correspondence. There are competitions and a lot of interesting things.

The client program is installed on the user’s computer and provides the opportunity to play, chat on the forum, view and analyze games, watch lessons, and more.

There is also a simplified version where you can play in the browser without installation client program on the computer

You can install the client and get acquainted with the portal in more detail.


Multilingual interface (though I couldn’t find Russian) for playing via the Internet.

Combines ease of use and a fairly wide range of functions. This is what captivates.

Runs on Windows. Can also work on Linux

For training

For beginner chess players and for training, in my opinion, it is better to use multidisciplinary chess portals or an online school.

However, there are also stand-alone programs. For example, on a smartphone you can install:

Chess training - from simple to complex

Something like a navigator in the world of chess. The application will show you the basic rules and give tips on how to improve the game.

The training course contains more hundreds topics Including basic techniques and typical combinations. More 1000 various examples.

You can find out more and install Here

Don't believe your eyes

The best chess engines are already partly “humanized” and are similar to people in terms of evaluating positions. However, they are also wrong. And rudely.

Just one example, the simplest one:

Position “on the board” is drawn and this is known to most chess players, not only masters. And it’s not difficult to guess - the black king sits in the corner and it’s impossible to smoke him out of there. Neither checkmate nor advance a pawn. And pressed in the corner - stalemate.

So, most engines, even the most modern ones, evaluate this position as won for White. Stockfish gives +7 . If you don't believe me, you can check it yourself.

In fact, I could give about a dozen such examples when the machine makes a gross mistake in assessing a position. Why this happens, I don’t know, but a fact is a fact.

Hence the conclusion: When deifying the computer, it would not be amiss to remember that “even an old woman can get screwed” . It turns out that we are not the only ones who check our calculations using a computer. Sometimes the reverse process is required. That's it.

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IntroductionThis is a new article about computer chess, in which we will look at the new version of the popular chess program Chessmaster 9000, localized in our country for the first time, and look through it as a prism at the latest chess-computer events.

First, let's look at the localized Chessmaster 9000. This is probably the most popular chess program in the world and in our country. In principle, it is clear why the games of the Chessmaster series have always attracted chess fans. Often, especially in the past, chess programs slipped to two extremes: either there was a powerful chess engine and a not very friendly, boring interface, or, on the contrary, a pleasant interface, beautiful sets of pieces, but a weak chess filling itself. Chessmaster has always combined both (both a strong chess program and a user-friendly interface with a variety of sets of pieces and boards). Thanks to the harmonious combination of form and content, it gained its enormous popularity.

After installing version 9000, a read-me file immediately appears, and the following message immediately catches your eye: if the program starts to crash and display error messages, check that the most latest versions video drivers. What does the chess program and video drivers have to do with it? Does the new version really use pixel or vertex processors of new video accelerators to calculate variations, and to quickly search for positions in the database, chess games are recorded in textures? No, it’s just that now drawing three-dimensional chessboards and pieces has been supplemented with options for bump mapping, reflections and shadows. Now in Chessmaster shadows are drawn no worse than in Doom III, it’s time to supplement the reviews of video cards with tests in this program.

But is this really the only difference between the new version and previous games in the series? Yes, there are new beautiful boards, new sets of figures. For people who love chess, they collect various sets chess pieces, the new version will be very interesting. You can directly take screenshots, print them on a laser printer and put them in your cupboard. But what should fans of the game itself expect? Almost everything has undergone small but noticeable improvements.

Here they are, reflections and shadows. And also - many sets of figures

What makes Chessmaster so valuable? It can be called rather than a chess program; the term “chess game simulator” is more appropriate. The interface is not as convenient for professional analysis of games and opening variations as, for example, the interface of the famous chess program Fritz and other programs of the ChessBase company, which produces computer databases of chess games for highly skilled chess players. On this basis, a stupid misconception arose that Chessmaster itself is inferior in a chess sense to other programs, such as Fritz. Supposedly, they are used by professionals, which means they play better. This is not so, we will return to the specifics of the program’s chess engine, but for now let’s see what is offered to the average user.

Chessmaster 9000

Chessmaster's developers have focused on meeting the needs of everyday chess fans. It is not interesting for non-professionals to play with chess programs on modern powerful computers. They'll count it out - and that'll be the end of it. A game with the computer will turn into a continuous back and forth; in the end, using the brute force method it will be possible to find a winning game and defeat the computer as many times as desired in a given opening variation. But Chessmaster invites the user to play honestly without reversing moves with computer characters simulating players of a certain strength. Each computer player has a rating that should roughly correspond to the rating he would receive in real competitions. The developers concentrated on creating diverse characters and determining their rating as accurately as possible. This is not an easy task at all, because the strength of the game also depends on time control, and you can choose it in any way you want, you can play blitz and with classic time control.

Chessmaster determines the processor's performance and adjusts the ratings of its players based on it. The developers of the program found that when playing with a computer, amateurs are very annoyed by the fact that the computer responds very quickly, almost instantly, if you give it a few seconds to think about it. And at the same time he plays quite strongly, then the person also tries to play quickly, and immediately misses something. And if you give the computer a lot of time to think, then, on the one hand, it will get tired of waiting, and on the other, it will play very hard. So the characters in Chessmaster think like humans, according to the established controls, but can play quite weakly.

So, you can play not only with the super strong Chessmaster chess engine, which has the practical strength of playing at the grandmaster level, but also with simulated amateurs with different ratings. You can simply play individual games with the selected character, or create your own tournament and recruit players of varying strengths. And depending on the results, the program will calculate your rating, like that of professional chess players.

It turns out to be an analogue of a chess club or an Internet gaming zone. It’s even better than when playing online, since in a populous gaming area online they play mainly with a control of 3 minutes per game, sometimes plus 1 second per move. Or even a minute per game. Otherwise, the temptation to use the computer’s help is very strong, and then the game moves into a different plane. But a game with such minimal control cannot be called chess, since the time factor plays a huge role. Even with an extra piece in an absolutely winning position, it is quite possible to simply not have time to checkmate. Moves not only have chess power, one must also consider the time required to make that move. For example, a move with a rook across the entire board is quite long, but a move with a king to an adjacent square is fast. If you just moved this piece, then its next move will be shorter than the move of another piece, since you will not need to move the mouse.

So if you don't want to go play chess Club, or it is closed, or one way or another you are deprived of the opportunity to find a suitable opponent, you can use a chess simulator.

Of course, then the developers should try very hard to ensure that the personalities are different from each other, somehow model the behavior of people, and are not just weakened copies of the same chess engine. And so the developers are trying, from version to version, improving the character of the characters and adding new ones. So if you beat everyone from the previous part, you can take on the new one and check if your opponents have changed.

The list of players is opened by a monkey in a multi-colored top hat, making random moves and having a rating of 1. And so on, up to the professional level, like stars in the Milky Way - players either more densely or less often cover the range of ratings. Sometimes you meet colorful personalities. In general, each player has his own opening repertoire, corresponding to his style and manner of play. By the way, an experienced amateur immediately thinks: what if you win against a character once, catch him with the opening variation, and then repeat this game all the time? Naturally, the developers took this possibility into account: firstly, the computer player does not make the same move in the same position all the time. If there are several moves with approximately the same score, there is an element of randomness in the choice of move. Secondly, the computer player remembers his defeats and turns away from the opening variations that led to the loss.

Returning to the characters... There are ordinary average-level amateurs who always make average moves, there are drunken grandmasters, they play very strongly almost all the time, but sometimes they blunder something. In the previous version there was such a player, he had a craving for rooks (well, not bishops or knights), and he even gave up a queen for a rook and several pawns. But it was still hard to win against him because he was very good at calculating his options. And when you play with him, you are always waiting for him to give up the queen for the rook, and the realization will begin. Sometimes you bring out a rook specifically for this purpose. In this version there is an unusual player, a natural blitz player who makes moves instantly, but not always good ones. However, it provokes the player to also play quickly, which, naturally, is fraught.

In general, the characters are quite diverse. Until you learn them all, it's fun to tinker with them. By the way, each computer player has a portrait and a short biography with a text description of their playing style. All this has been translated into Russian, which is somewhat unusual if you always use English versions.

What I always liked about Chessmaster was that it was an honest chess engine without tricks. All parameters that the computer takes into account are clearly visible. And so, among other things, their variations produce various computer characters. By the way, you see, the endgame base has been added. What is this parameter, selective search? You won’t find its description in the documentation; you need to look for older versions, when the developers were still writing the documentation. This parameter determines how quickly the program will discard unpromising options. If you set it to minimum, then the program will not calculate the tactics well, because after a temporary sacrifice it will quickly discard this option and will not be able to get to the point of returning the material. And if you set the maximum value, then the program will always count a lot of nonsense, completely incorrect victims, and work slowly, since it will not discard bad options in a timely manner

In this case, the classic ratio of material is established, but you can make the bishop slightly more valuable than the knight, and the rook less valuable than a minor piece and two pawns


Even in the earliest versions of the program there were computer characters that modeled, in some approximation, the playing style of famous chess players of the past and present. World champions and simply famous grandmasters. Naturally, they are also present here, and the localization made their presence unforgettable. The fact is that computer prototypes have an attached short biography and a description of the playing style of real chess players. Well, the style is understandable, just a simplified idea of ​​amateurs, like Kasparov likes to attack, Karpov likes to defend. But a biography is something completely unimaginable. I haven't laughed so much in a long time. In general, Chessmaster is made by a separate development team, not the one that works on the chess engine. And she is not so immersed in chess. And those who wrote the biography have little to do with chess at all; the information was taken from American sports magazines. They write about chess players much like they write about boxers; the prize fund for matches is always mentioned. Chess player so-and-so entered a match for $2 million with chess player so-and-so. But this is also true, they have a very simple and independent idea of ​​chess intrigue. They write simply, Kramnik became the only chess player who could resist Kasparov in his pursuit of money. And everything like that. And this is translated literally, even somewhat copied.

Now in the United States of America, chess is gradually becoming part of education. Americans somehow found out that chess develops logical thinking (which helps to get a higher rating at the university and, thus, a more prestigious and highly paid job). In many states, chess is taught as an optional activity in schools. For example, the new governor of California values ​​chess; it is included in his family's educational program. And now Chessmaster is riding this wave. In addition to the game itself, the program includes an interactive chess textbook.

There are lessons for very beginners who want to get acquainted with chess. How to position the board correctly, how the pieces move, when you can castle, etc. And, accordingly, a set of simple exercises for checkmate in one or two moves, checkmate with king and rook, king and queen. If you do something wrong, the program will explain your mistake and show you the correct move.

For slightly more experienced players, there are training sessions on the basic principles of opening play. The program will play the main classical opening variations and ask you to indicate the correct second, third, fourth opening moves.

Next are several hundred problems on elementary tactics in various types of position, opening, middlegame and endgame.

But it's not as interesting as the challenges for more experienced players. For amateurs who play in the first or second category according to our classification, it will be useful to solve a course of fifty problems on various standard endgames. Such things are taught in classes in various chess clubs and sections. But if you, say, are retired and don’t feel like studying with schoolchildren, you can study these problems and then beat someone in the park.

Finally, you will be asked to take a rating exam, consisting of a mixture of tasks on tactics, endgame technique and strategy. It will also be very useful for advanced chess players. Upon completion of the exam, you will be given an American Chess Federation rating. When FIDE ratings still ended at 2000, America adopted rating system, continuing down the FIDE ratings. So don't be surprised by the rating of 1900, etc.

The training room also contains interesting game- guess the move. It is necessary to indicate the correct moves in positions from games of famous chess players. The games are commented in detail and key positions are explained why the chess players played the way they did. There is also a set of fifty famous studies and compositions of varying complexity. You can get a hint or an explanation why a particular move is wrong.

A small useful exercise on the topic of pawn endgame

The quality of the translation is acceptable, but it could have been translated more literally. For example, don’t write all the time we go here, we go here. Sometimes it was worth writing at least let’s move the pawn to such and such a square, or, using some jargon, let’s move the pawn to such and such a square. But it’s good that at least we’re not “going down as a pawn.” And you shouldn't call the king's or queen's side a side. This results in a clear, but too literal translation.

In general, the program contains several shortcomings; now there are few programs that do not require patches for completely correct operation. And this program is no exception; there are some pretty funny errors. For example, in the game room the computer chess move advisor is glitchy and always recommends h4 or some other stupidity. But he is not particularly needed. Another cool glitch: during installation, the program wrote its files from the root directory of the program to f:\program files, and subdirectories to c:\program files. I was surprised for a very long time, looking at f:\program files, where are these tons of directories? But all this does not interfere with proper work.

The chess material in the textbook itself is of quite high quality, at a professional level. Was used educational materials from the books of American grandmasters who specialize in this, in fact, some advised the program developers. True, there is such a funny moment: there is a list of simple exercises for various types of elementary tactics, forks, etc. And then there are unimaginable positions where you need to find a fork, although there is a checkmate in one move. But, apparently, it is believed that in this way tactical vision for various types of tactics is trained. Although, I think this is a little strange.

By the way, the program also contains a library of eight hundred classical and modern games of famous chess players. The games highlight the main points of the struggle where one side or another made a serious mistake. Otherwise, it may be unclear whether the grandmaster gave up in a hopeless position, or ran out of time in a winning position. Games in electronic form can be more convenient to view than reading in a book and reproducing the moves on the board. This is, of course, very valuable. And this is in addition to just a base of five hundred thousand parties. Probably such a large base cannot be found anywhere else so cheaply. Typically, bases for professional chess players are much more expensive, and differ only in greater freshness, but this is required for those who play in serious tournaments in order to be aware of new openings.

Of course, this course is not extensive enough for those who want to study chess deeply. It is not intended for future professional chess players. Only as one of many benefits. You can find much more extensive interactive computer textbooks on tactics, strategy, whatever. But you still have to look for them, and they are quite expensive, since they are bought only by those who really need them.

So, Chessmaster 9000 is a whole complex that allows everyone to fully immerse themselves in the world of chess. And stay there at least until the next version comes out. However, the question is still interesting: how strong is the Chessmaster chess engine compared to other chess programs?

Match Kasparov-X3Dfritz

At the end of last fall, another match in a series of duels between the strongest chess players on the planet and chess programs took place in New York. The Kasparov-X3Dfritz match was widely publicized in the media, and readers may have heard that it ended in a 2-2 draw. However, this match did not become something special among the Human-Computer fights. It turned out to be a continuation of previous matches. The new round of confrontation turned out to be very closed, they came back to where they left.

This article is in many ways a continuation of the article "Computer chess from all points of view", which contains the history of matches between chess players and computers and analysis of the game of chess programs. Actually, the last match confirmed all the conclusions made in the previous publication. So, let's go over the games of this secondary match, since there are only four of them. And let's ask Chessmaster if he will repeat the mistakes of the Fritz program? But, by the way, why did this famous program receive the X3D console? The fact is that the sponsor of the match was a company that produces some “stupid” glasses virtual reality. They developed a technology called X3D, which allows you to see a three-dimensional image on a more or less ordinary monitor using special glasses. This effect is achieved as follows: with a high frequency, an image is generated alternately for the left and right eyes on the monitor screen. And the glasses are made opaque synchronously with the monitor and alternately block the view of the right and left eyes. Thanks to this, a three-dimensional image is formed, approximately like in a dioscope - remember, there were and are such devices for viewing slides? Each eye is shown its own slide, and the picture appears as three-dimensional. X3D works on a similar principle, and the picture is not of very high quality. Although, those who have not seen it with their own eyes cannot appreciate it. Kasparov, who had to play with these glasses, complained that after a long game the image floated somewhat, and, in general, he felt tired. The chessboard is drawn on the monitor screen, and the moves are pronounced by voice. By the way, the computer itself had to recognize them. Not very familiar playing conditions, in general, probably for most chess players the most convenient representation of chess on a computer screen is flat. But for the sake of popularizing chess, Kasparov had to agree to play with glasses. It’s not entirely clear why the producers of this cheap virtual reality chose a chess match for sponsorship, and not some erotic show, where three-dimensionality would probably be more appropriate. It may be easier to calculate the appearance of the chess pieces for each eye, but this is just speculation. One way or another, instead of chess aspects we have to discuss these points. True, without sponsorship the match would not have taken place at all.

The first game of the match, in which Kasparov played as white, became the arithmetic average of the first two white games in his match with Junior. Again the Slavic Defense, again Kasparov has the initiative, only in those games Kasparov first developed a successful attack and won, but in the second game the attack was not so successful, and Kasparov blundered in the drawn position of checkmate. Here Kasparov also received a strong initiative, and even won an exchange, but his king was quite open, and the man could not protect himself from a perpetual check. Thus, the game ended in a draw and did not add anything special.

In the second game, Kasparov played black, and in the Sicilian Defense Fritz didn't really know what to do. He placed the rook stupidly in the center and acted in that spirit. Kasparov was gradually preparing an attack on the king’s side, and everything would have been fine, but the man took and out of the blue blundered a key pawn in one move. In the most ridiculous way, as often happens when playing with a computer. Moved the wrong rook. He should have taken the move back and played the right rook, but Kasparov - not some depraved amateur - courageously continued the game, and after a few moves he gave up. This game also, unfortunately, does not have much value; you can play something like this yourself with your home computer. By the way, what kind of computer was used for the chess program? Especially interesting, what kind of processor is it? It is clear that there must be enough memory. I searched for information about this on the match website for a long time, but could not find it. Everywhere, in every line, you could see the inscription X3D, it can already be written on fences, especially since it consists of three letters. However, I managed to find information in some forum that Fritz was playing on a four-processor Xeon-based server. True, it is not entirely clear whether the entire computer was at his disposal, or whether he shared power with programs that created the image of a chessboard. And there is also the question of whether these were four real processors, or virtual ones, because Xeons have Hyper-Treading virtual multiprocessing technology. One way or another, this is very close to modern desktop computers, especially from a chess point of view. After all, the power of chess programs is more proportional to the logarithm of performance than just speed. On a processor that is twice as fast, the chess program will calculate the options only slightly deeper, not even a move further.

Decisive game

But the third game in the match turned out to be entertaining and caused a lot of controversy. The fact is that many commentators suspected the coordinated nature of the match, in which the fight would certainly end in a draw. Many grandmasters stated in interviews that they were absolutely confident that the match would end in a draw. And so Kasparov, by order, won his last white game. How did this happen? In the opening, Fritz chose a variation that led to a closed position, where the entire board was blocked by a pawn chain. This nature of the position presupposes long-term planned maneuvering of the pieces without immediate threats. So Fritz rearranged the pieces without any plan, just maximizing their formal activity, the number of squares they could go to, and lost very easily. The position had long been strategically hopeless, and he still continued to evaluate it as almost equal. Only at the very end, when large material losses became inevitable, or rather, easily visible, did he understand the full horror of his situation.

And then rumors began to spread that, firstly, Fritz deliberately played poorly, and secondly, he deliberately chose a losing option. It will be interesting to see what Chessmaster has to say about this, will he act in the same inept manner? To begin with, the base of five hundred thousand parties included in the program said that the option chosen by blacks is the highest percentage. That is, according to statistics from more than a hundred games, in a given position the chosen continuation gives the highest average percentage of points. Then the opponents followed the same game for a long time, in which Black won. Like this. True, after the debut we found ourselves in a hopeless position. It is interesting that some of the strongest chess players of the middle of the last century played - Reshevsky and Keres. All the same, the Fritz team made a mistake - they chose a percentage option, but not suitable for the program due to the nature of the position.

If you put Chessmaster in key positions from this game, then no matter how much you tune him, attacking, not attacking, and no matter how much time you give him to think, he still acts approximately like Fritz, no understanding. So in this type of position Chessmaster is as stupid as Fritz. True, he had previously begun to evaluate the position in favor of the enemy and, at least, did not move the king back and forth. They say that Junior tried to play more or less correctly, but Junior can do a lot of things, we will see it soon...

In this position, programs only think about how to quickly move e4, as if they win more with this move than the queen. However, the closed center is not in their favor

Now the computer will miss the chance to go f5 and start its counter play on the kingside. Instead of f5 there was a meaningless Kf6

Thus, even if this party was a negotiated one, it was very well made and cannot be distinguished from the real one.

In the last game, the opponents changed everything and agreed to a draw. Thus, the match also ended in a draw, without adding anything new to the already held matches Kaparov-Junior and Kramnik-Fritz. It can be noted that of the five white games, Kasparov won all of them in which his king was secured, and those games in which the king was exposed ended in disappointment. Indeed, people are not cross-eyed, they look in one direction, looking for unexpected side counter attacks. As I already wrote in the previous article, a person fights in unequal conditions with a computer, which gives rise to chess games that have no chess value.

Computer Championship

Let's move on from duels between humans and artificial intelligence to a competition between the chess programs themselves. At the end of the year, the next championship among programs just took place. Such competitions attract more and more attention, especially since their participants then fight with people. Unexpectedly, the computer championship takes place in a much more spectacular and uncompromising fight than human fights. Computers are hardworking, and they don’t make short draws that are unloved by fans. They always choose the sharpest principled continuations: White attacked the rook, Black did not take the rook away in response, but attacked the queen, and White gave check, then pinned the piece that attacked the queen, and so on. The result on the board is an unimaginable “mash”. People never play like this, since most chess players do not risk taking options that they cannot fully calculate more or less reliably. But computers are not cowards, they are not afraid of anything, they do not think that they can easily miscalculate and lose. Indeed, computers are more suitable for chess sports competitions than people, since they have the most important quality necessary for all athletes - unshakable, unshakable self-confidence. Such competitions are in some respects interesting to watch, since the games are replete with the intense struggle so beloved by chess fans. Moreover, programs have allegedly learned to sacrifice material for positional factors. In fact, often such a sacrifice is a long delayed exchange combination that you cannot immediately discern, or a miscalculation when the program did not count the enemy’s response on the tenth move. But it looks enticing. And of course, if programs evaluate positional factors, such as piece activity, in pawns, then they can trade a real pawn for a virtual advantage pawn. Sometimes it looks beautiful and human.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find comments on games of chess programs that would highlight all the stupidity that is happening on the board. The fact is that many commentators have been using the same chess programs for a long time, and in this case they are bad assistants. They make mistakes in the same places as computer players and produce correspondingly incorrect estimates. With their help, it’s good to analyze people’s games (“here the grandmaster didn’t see the pawn being taken away in five moves,” etc.). Computers constantly miscalculate acute positions because they do not see the enemy's quiet counter moves at the end of long multi-move variations, but this is difficult to detect since the programs need to be given a very long time to analyze the position.

And how did Chessmaster, or rather its chess engine, prove itself among its peers? In any case, he didn’t take part at all. The King, the name of the Chessmaster chess engine, won some other championship among programs that took place in the first half of the year. How these championships relate, why programs either take part in them or don’t take part in them is not clear to the uninitiated. This is its own incomprehensible world of incomprehensible intrigues. There is even more room for manipulation than in the human championship. For example, they decided to hold a new championship on multiprocessor machines, and all programs that do not support multiprocessing are at a disadvantage. There are a lot of things you can come up with. Creators sometimes save new versions of programs to prepare them for the same matches with people. As a result, every popular program is a champion. Everything that is sold once won a championship, and on the boxes you can safely write: “The strongest chess program!” It turns out like in boxing, where almost every fighter is a champion, world champion, intercontinental, continental, etc.

Further, probably, in a computer championship, opening preparation means quite a lot, since the computer stores the entire database in its memory and can effectively play at the initial stage of the game according to a pre-developed scenario. This is especially important because chess programs are especially confident in positions with opponent's weaknesses and a clear plan to strengthen and attack weak points in the position. Then they gradually harmonize and carefully strengthen the position of their figures, gradually bringing the superiority to a decisive one. Moreover, without knowing the winning plan in advance, they will see it later when they strengthen the position to the maximum. And this opening preparation is an expensive pleasure, since you need to hire qualified chess players. Entire teams work with popular programs, like leading athletes, who have their own chef and whoever...

Apparently, the creators of Chessmaster decided to save money this time. Fritz and Shredder shared first place, Junior took third, all other programs lagged far behind. They don't have super teams like the big-time programs. They don't need it. Let's look at two interesting examples and compare the moves in the games with those offered by Chessmaster.

This is a position from the Junior game with one of the outsiders. Here Junior will soon lose, and it is this defeat that will not allow him to catch up with the leaders, with whom he will play successfully, since no one else will give points to outsiders. What happened? Junior played White and went Qd3, sacrificing the b4 pawn for the initiative. However, the attack turned out to be incorrect, the opponent ate everything, defended himself and won. After the game, the creators of Junior said that it was a terrible programming problem; this time the program’s intuition failed. This was a game from the first round, probably by mistake the same settings were entered into the program that were in her match against Kasparov. Where she also unexpectedly sacrificed something in the fifth game, and Kasparov went for a draw by repeating moves, because he was afraid to play for victory in a very critical position. But the computer is not afraid of anything, did not repeat moves and beat Junior.

But Chessmaster, of course, doesn’t play like that. He chooses between the most active and accurate h4! and more reliable Rd1. So, at least Junior is not always stronger than Chessmaster.

Here is a key position from the decisive game between Fritz and Shredder in the additional match for first place. Fritz has long had a reputation for being slow and poorly calculating. And then it took its toll; the program seriously miscalculated, not noticing several quiet moves by the enemy. Fritz responded to g6 with Rg3?, not fully calculating the answer Rc8! with a lot of tactical threats, and lost. And Chessmaster also wanted to play Rg3 at the beginning, but quickly found the right move leading to a draw, f-g!

Chess commentators like to use Fritz because the program has a user-friendly interface - so how many holes are there in such analyzes? Especially when considering games between chess programs...

So, we have finished talking about computer chess. As we see, nothing like this is happening - new versions of programs are slowly coming out, everything goes on as before...

Analysis of selected championship games among chess programs.

Website of the Kasparov-X3Dfritz match.

With a huge number of servers on which you can play online with a “live” opponent - from to or (and there are a legion of them), finding a web interface for a decent chess “engine” is not easy, offhand. I only managed to dig up this:

1. Play chess online with the Shredder engine:

P.S. According to the professional, the online engine has little to do with the power of the real Shredder :)

2. Play chess online with the Rybka engine:

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P.S. It looks like the second script is buggy - it keeps freezing after several moves.

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