Schemes for the blocks of the senior group. Effective mathematics activities with Dienes blocks: learning in a playful way. So that there are no identical blocks nearby

Zoltan Gyenes- this is famous Hungarian mathematician, psychologist and teacher, which changed the standard notion that mathematics is an uninteresting science and far from creative. Dienesh's technique helps children preschool and older age in a playful way master various mathematical concepts, as well as develop psychological processes important for children.

Zoltan Gyenes, based on personal rich teaching experience and research results in the field of psychology, developed a theory of six stages of learning mathematics and created effective visual materials in the form of logical blocks and gaming aids. The Dienesh system helps parents and teachers actively develop the intellectual and creative inclinations of children.

Author's theory of six stages of learning mathematical concepts

Life Zoltan Dienes has always been closely connected with teaching activities and in-depth study of mathematics. The teacher sought develop a methodology which would help children of all ages learning mathematics is easy and interesting. Based on practical experience and knowledge of developmental psychology, Dienesh created his own program for studying mathematics by children of various age categories, which became the foundation of his system. Teacher recommends in the author's work, parents and teachers can use various logic games , educational teaching aids and exciting mathematical tasks. These pedagogical tools are necessary to stimulate children’s interest in mathematics classes.

Zoltan Gyenes developed and tested it in practice theory about the six stages of learning mathematics. The author of the system called the first stage of mathematical knowledge free play. Its essence lies in the fact that a child, receiving any task from a teacher, strives to instantly solve it through trial and error, resorting to a chaotic search of options. This stage introduces the baby to the task that he needs to successfully complete. From this moment the child’s learning stage begins.

After numerous attempts to solve the problem, it is carried out smooth transition child on second stage called the rules of the game. Learning the rules for Zoltan Dienes is an important teaching moment, since the baby will not be able to knowledge of the rules of the game to solve supplied tasks from the beginning to the end. The rules contain the most important information for the child, which the teacher strives to convey to him.

At the third stage is happening comparison process. After the adults and the child have used several mathematical games for work, the stage of comparing the content of these games begins. The author of the methodology calls on parents and teachers to teach children to play games that are characterized by similar rules, but use different didactic material. For example, you can play one problem on blocks, then on geometric shapes, buttons, or carving out hares. As a result, the child must come to the correct algorithm for his own actions, regardless of what he is doing. this moment plays. This stage develops abstract thinking in babies.

Fourth stage helps the child perceive during games abstract meaning of numbers. Zoltan Dienes recommends using a variety of diagrams, game cards and tables to develop visual visualization.

At the fifth stage baby comes to understanding that a series of two and more steps leads to one result. The author of the system called this stage symbolic. To describe game cards, you must use a special language in the form of various symbols. The child creates his own symbolic systems during play.

The final stage is longer than all the above stages. At the sixth stage are offered various options descriptions of game cards, specific rules are defined that allow come to necessary logical conclusions. The child and the teacher explore the content of the concepts of axiom and theorem, and also learn the rules for the transition from axioms to theorems.

Many adults believe that the theory of learning mathematical concepts is incomprehensible and difficult for a child to understand. Zoltan Dienes created this theory for children from three to eight years old, taking into account their physiological and age characteristics. In this regard, it is perceived by children in practical classes with great interest and ease.

The main task of adults is to be patient, understand the features of the technique, and also learn to use visual aids.

As a result, children will be able to solve math problems and exercises quickly and easily higher level difficulties.

Games with logic blocks

Dienesha Zoltan Dienes developed logic blocks, allowing you to teach kids the basics of mathematics in an easy playful way. Given tutorial Recommended for use from the age of three. Logic blocks introduce children to different colors, the concept of shape and size. By playing with Dienesh blocks, the baby actively develops logic, attention, imagination, and memory and other important psychological processes. In the course of working with the author's didactic material, children develop skills in performing various objective actions, develop speech, the ability to analyze, classify, compare, generalize the information received, and also reveal their creative abilities.

Included in the set The game includes 48 logic blocks, which differ in shape, color, thickness and size. Dienesh blocks are presented in the form of basic geometric shapes: circle, rectangle, square, triangle, decorated in yellow, red and blue colors. Geometric shapes are made in large and small sizes, as well as in the form of thin and thick shapes. It is important that there are no geometric shapes with the same parameters in the set.

Before you start playing with blocks Zoltan Gyenes advises parents to introduce the baby in advance with this didactic manual. Lay out the set in front of your baby and give him complete freedom of action. He can sort them out, touch them, hold them in his hands, or even play with them. After the adaptation period, invite your child to complete small tasks. For example, ask your child to sort only blue shapes from the material presented or to distribute the shapes by size and thickness.

Such tasks introduce the child to basic mathematical concepts.

Zoltan Gyenes has developed many block-based math games. So attached to the didactic set detailed instructions, on the pages of which the essence of the author’s work and options for exercises and games are described. Let's take a closer look at some of them:

Games with hoops in the Dienesh system

Zoltan Gyenes developed logic games with hoops that are excellent develop children's ability to think logically and navigate in space. Before the game, explain to your child the basic terminology - “inside” and “outside” the hoop. For this purpose, parents use two standard hoops that differ in color, for example, purple and green, and place them on any hard surface. Next, the following aspects are explained to the baby:

  • what part of the surface is located inside the two hoops;
  • inside the purple hoop but outside the green one;
  • inside a green but outside a purple hoop;
  • outside of both hoops.

Let's take a closer look at the contents of some games..

To play with one hoop, you need to prepare logic blocks and a hoop. Next, invite the baby to place only yellow blocks inside the hoop, and place the rest of the blocks outside the hoop. To consolidate information, you can ask the following questions:

  1. What material is inside the hoop? (Yellow).
  2. What blocks are located outside the hoop? (Not yellow).

During the game, give your child the opportunity to independently choose the main color of the logic blocks.

To play with two hoops, prepare logic blocks and hoops that are colored purple and blue. Place the hoops on a hard surface so that they have a common part after crossing. Next, invite the child to stand in different zones of the hoop, while saying the words: inside and outside the hoop. For example, stand inside the purple hoop but outside the blue hoop, or stand inside both hoops.

Then the child places logic blocks inside two hoops. For example, you need to place all the blue blocks inside the purple hoop, and round blocks inside the yellow hoop. It should be noted that in this game blocks are determined by two main characteristics: color and shape.

The game with three hoops is more difficult. In this game, kids sort blocks according to three criteria. To play, you need to arrange the hoops so that you get eight areas. Next, parents and the baby name these areas in relation to the hoops, which differ in color. For example, inside a green and red hoop, but outside a purple hoop, or inside three hoops. After familiarizing yourself with the areas, adults invite the child to place objects in the hoops: place square blocks inside the red hoop, large blocks inside the purple hoop, and yellow blocks inside the green hoop. To reinforce and repeat the material, ask your child additional questions about the placement of the material inside the hoops.

Games with hoops help children develop attention, memory, imaginative thinking, and also teach synthesis and analysis operations.

Games with logical figures by Dienesh

Based on the Dienesh system, many manuals have been developed for various age categories. Dienesh's logic games can be played by both three-year-old toddlers and first-graders. The “Let's Play Together” set includes flat logical figures that replicate Dienesh blocks, and special cards with property symbols. Dienesh's logical figures introduce kids to basic geometric shapes and sizes. In a light playful form, children learn to encode and decode received information, carry out analysis and synthesis, and children also develop important psychological processes and creative thinking. With the help of symbol cards, children master the skills of using mathematical symbols and learn the symbol system.

Today, parents and teachers are presented with a large number of options for games with Dienesh figures and symbols. You can also think of your own game options that will take into account all the individual characteristics of your child. Let's look at several games with cards with symbols and logical figures.

Game “Let's decorate the Christmas tree with beads” teaches ordinal counting, instills the ability to understand patterns, and also develops the child’s abstract thinking.

To work, you need to prepare an image of a Christmas tree, logical figures and cards with symbols. The goal of the game is to decorate the Christmas tree with five rows of beads.

Each row has three beads. The number on the card indicates the serial number of the thread. You need to decorate the Christmas tree from top to bottom. According to the scheme, you need to decorate the first row with beads. For example, a large blue circle, a small blue triangle and a large blue square. By analogy we place the remaining beads. In this case, the shaded circle indicates the location of the bead on the thread.

Game "Shop" develops in children the ability to reason, argue and prove their own choices.

During the game you will need logical figures and cards with pictures. various items. The child imagines that he is coming to a children's toy store. To purchase goods, special money is used - logical figures. You are allowed to purchase only one product per bill. The purchasing rules are that you can buy a toy that contains only one property of a logical figure. Parents can make it more difficult for their child to choose a toy. For example, when buying a toy, consider two properties of a logical figure.

Game "Artists" teaches kids to compare the properties of objects and develops their aesthetic abilities. For the game, prepare in advance logical figures, special sketches of paintings and additional details for decorating the painting. The child must draw a picture from the sketch. Parents and their baby choose a sketch, background paper, necessary details and logical figures for the picture. During the work process, the child must take into account many features in order to draw the picture correctly. For example, if the part is painted, then you need to use a three-dimensional figure. The outline of the part indicates the use of a flat figure. When the picture is completely composed, you need to come up with its name and tell what is depicted on it.

Advantages of the Dienes system

The Dienesh system is not as well known among parents as, for example, the Nikitin methods or games. This system and its multifunctional didactic material will immediately appeal to the child, regardless of his level of training and age. Logical blocks will help develop different types of thinking in your child and reveal his potential for solving exercises and tasks. If you use Dienesh figures or blocks for activities with your baby every day, your baby will develop a working memory and the ability to characterize the properties of any object.

IN light gaming format, the child studies the parameters of objects and geometric shapes. Kids learn to compare, analyze information, make the necessary decisions, create mathematical models, logical series and chains.

At the same time, games with Dienesh blocks are distinguished by an exciting plot and interesting solutions to the assigned problems. The Dienesh system is recognized as effective and humane, promoting the development of the intellectual, aesthetic, and creative abilities of children.

Dienesh logic blocks is an educational and gaming aid created by Zoltan Dienes, a Hungarian psychologist and mathematician. I use them very often when working with children.

Games with Dienesha blocks introduce children to with elementary mathematical concepts -shape, color, size and thickness of objects. Games with blocks develop logical and analytical thinking (the ability to analyze, compare, classify, generalize), creativity, as well as perception, memory, attention and imagination.

The blocks can be used in games with children from 1 year to school.

Since I often use them when working with children, the necessary simple tasks from the albums that are on sale were not enough for me, so I made my own.

It's very easy to work with them. We place a page from the album in front of the child, to the right or above it the necessary blocks. We invite the child to place blocks on figures of the same color and shape. If I give a child a picture of a steam locomotive, then I suggest putting small animals on the blocks that want to go on a journey, for example, putting a dog in a blue carriage and a squirrel in a red one. Also often, after the child has completed the tasks, I ask him to help me put the blocks back in place, and to do this I ask him to first give me a large red circle or a small blue square. Then I complicate the tasks, asking you to give me something other than a blue circle, or a thick triangle, etc.

This game allows children to consolidate their knowledge of basic colors, geometric shapes, develop spatial thinking, and the ability to complete tasks.

Also, when working with kids, I use other albums for blocks: “For the very little ones” and “Little logicians”.

I will be grateful for your feedback and comments)

This article offers classes with Dienesh blocks aimed at developing logical thinking and the ability to identify a certain property of an object.

Game “Where is more?”

Two rows of figures are laid out in front of the child - one has 4 blocks, the other has 5. The child determines which row has more blocks, and how to make an equal number of blocks in each row (remove an extra one or add another one).

Game “Build a Row”

A row of 5-6 figures is laid out in front of the child. Invite your child to build the bottom row in such a way that under each figure in the top row there is a figure of a different size. Options - different shape, different color.

Game “Fill in the table”

Draw a table of 9 cells - 3 by 3. In each line, fill only 2 cells with blocks, united by a certain feature (shape, color, size). Invite your child to fill in the empty cells.

Game “Build a multi-story house”

A row of 4 figures is laid out in front of the child - these are the “residents of the first floor”. The “second floor” is built in such a way that each “resident” of the first floor differs from its “upper neighbor” in color. The next “floor” - the figures differ from the lower ones in shape, another “floor” - in size, etc.

Game “Build a path”

Draw a diagram - a rule for constructing a track. The child builds a path according to the rule: he alternates blocks based on color or shape: first red, then square, then yellow, and triangular.

Game “Non-property”

Select one block, for example the red big circle. Invite your child to describe the properties of this figure using the prefix “not”, for example:

What block is this?

- Not-yellow, not-small, not-triangular

Invite your child to find all the same blocks - “not-yellow, not-small, not-triangular.”

Guessing game

Hide one block. Invite your child to guess what shape you have hidden by asking questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no,” for example: “Is this shape blue?”, “Is this a triangle?”

Game “Find the dog”

Place 8 blocks in front of the child, hide the image of a dog under one. By analogy with the previous game, invite your child to find the dog by asking questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no,” for example:

The dog under the blue block?
- No.
- Under yellow?
- No.
- Under red?
- Yes.
- Under the big one?
- Yes.
- Under the round one?
- Yes.

Game “Sorting”

Draw 2 intersecting circles. Invite your child to place yellow blocks in the left circle, square blocks in the right circle, and yellow square blocks in the area where the circles intersect.

Option - in the left circle there are round blocks, in the right circle there are square blocks, and in the center there are non-round and non-square blocks, etc.

Game “Separate the blocks”

The game is a variation of the previous game, but here you will need 3 circles. Invite your child to divide all the blocks as follows: for the fox - all small blocks, for the bear - all thick ones, and for the wolf - all round ones. You need to guess that the small round blocks belong to both fox and wolf blocks - they need to be placed at the intersection of two corresponding circles. By analogy, round thick blocks are located at the intersection of the wolf and bear circles, and all small round thick blocks are located at the intersection of all three circles.

There is a wide variety of albums and training manuals with Dienesh logic blocks, which offer ready-made game scenarios. You can purchase them, make them yourself, or download them.

See Dienesh's logic blocks games for the little ones.

See Dienesh's logic blocks using cards.

Share your comments and ideas.

Valentina Rozputnyaya
Master class for teachers “Dyenesha Blocks”

Master Class

SUBJECT: “Work system for using Dienesha blocks for the development of logical and mathematical concepts in children preschool age»

Master teacher: Rozputnyaya Valentina Alexandrovna

Location:G. Kondopoga MDOU No. 20 "Spikelet" building 9

Target: increase the level of competence teachers by mastering the technology of using games with Dienesh blocks in the formation of thinking skills of preschool children.


1. Promote among teachers knowledge of use Dienesha blocks. Introduce basic application techniques Dienesha blocks.

2. Promote learning teachers technology for using games with Dienesh blocks in different age groups.

3. Develop constructive pedagogical abilities.

Equipment and materials: presentation, sets Dienesha blocks, story toys, methodological literature, hoops, exhibition of albums and games with Dienesh blocks.

Dear Colleagues! Today I invite you to get acquainted with the technology of using games with Dienesh blocks.

Using logic games blocks we can collectively form all the important mental development thinking skills and prepare children’s thinking for mastering mathematics.

Because they contribute to the development of such mental operations as classification, grouping objects by properties, eliminating unnecessary things, analysis and synthesis, children learn to guess, prove their answers, remember material faster, are more confident in their abilities, adapt more easily to a new environment, and are better prepared for school.

The creator of logical blocks is Zoltan Dienes, world-famous Hungarian professor, mathematician, psychology specialist, creator of a progressive proprietary method of teaching children - "new mathematics".

Didactic set "Brain teaser blocks» consists of 48 volumetric figures. Each figure is characterized by four properties. Let's remember what (name these properties)- color, shape, size and thickness.


a) four forms (circle, triangle, square, rectangle); why is there no green?

b) three colors (red, blue, yellow);

c) two sizes (big small);

d) two types of thickness (thick, thin).

There is not a single identical figure in the set.

Also in logic games blocks cards with property symbols are used. Properties are conventionally indicated on the cards blocks(color, shape, size, thickness) (Show block of this color, this form is a presentation)

And cards with denial of properties, pay attention to the crossed out cards, For example: not red. The use of such cards allows children to develop the ability to model properties, the ability to encode and decode information about them.

In addition to volumetric blocks, in my work I use a set of flat figures.

Detailed application technology blocks you can meet, having studied such literature as.

Logic and mathematics for preschoolers. E. A. Nosova, R. L. Nepomnyashchaya. The book describes the possibilities of using Dienesha blocks and Cuisenaire sticks for children 2-6 years old. A description of a variety of games is provided.

let's play: math games for children 5-6 years old. Edited by A. A. Stolyar The book will help to form in children 5-6 years old the first elementary mathematical concepts and a certain logical structure of thinking. It includes 59 logical and mathematical games with numerous variants of conditions and descriptions of their implementation.

Games and exercises with logic blocks you can offer it to children in classes and during free hours, both in kindergarten and at home. If you supplement them with other educational games and game tasks, "satiate" new game tasks, actions, plots, roles, etc., then this will only help children overcome intellectual difficulties.

There are several groups of games with Dienesh blocks.

1 group of games. These are games for identifying and abstracting properties.

They develop the ability to identify from one to four properties in objects, abstract one from the other, and name them. With their help, children will receive the first ideas about replacing properties with signs-symbols, master the ability to strictly follow the rules when performing actions, and come closer to understanding that breaking the rules does not allow obtaining the correct result.

("Find the treasure", "Highway", "Unusual Figures" and etc)

2nd group of games. Classification, generalization, comparison.

They help develop children's skills to classify, generalize and compare objects according to one, two, three or four properties. First, kids master the ability to classify and generalize according to given properties, and then - according to independently identified ones ( “Where is whose garage?”, "The houses settled"). ("Track", "Find a Pair", "Catch a Three", "Domino").

3 group of games. Logical actions and operations.

These games and exercises are intended mainly for children of older preschool age. They will help children develop the ability to divide sets into classes according to compatible properties, and develop the ability to perform logical operations "Not", "And", "or", the ability to use these operations to construct correct statements, encode and decode information about the properties of objects. As a result, the child will be able to reason freely, justify the legality or error of his actions ( "Help the figures get out of the forest", "Build a house", "Divide blocks» ).

The presented games and exercises, with some exceptions, are given in three versions. Let's look at these options using the example of a game "Highway", another name for this game is "Build a path". In this game, children build a path, the rules of construction are written in the table. The arrow shows which figure goes after which, you can start with any figure. Games and exercises of the first option (I) develop in children the ability to operate with one property. Game highway 1

Using games and exercises of the second option (II) the ability to operate with two properties at once develops. Game highway 2

Games and exercises of the third option (III) form the ability to operate with three properties at once. Game highway 3

Showing game options using an example game "Highway".

Before you start working with children, you should establish what rung of the intellectual ladder each child is on. If a child easily and accurately copes with tasks at a certain level, this is a signal that he should be offered games and exercises of the next difficulty level. However, transferring the child to subsequent game exercises is possible only if he has grown from the previous ones, i.e. when they are not difficult for him. If you keep children at a certain level or give them more prematurely, challenging games and exercises, then interest in exercise will disappear. Children are drawn to mental tasks when they are difficult for them, but doable.

In our kindergarten we work with blocks has been conducted for 20 years in all age groups, a system of classes using Logical blocks.

Junior preschool age

Since logical blocks represent standards of shapes - geometric figures (circle, square, equilateral triangle, rectangle, they can be widely used from an early age. Children become familiar with blocks in various types of activities. In the process of manipulating children install blocks that they have different shapes, colors and sizes.

In order to more effectively familiarize children with the properties of logical blocks you can offer them the following tasks:

find the same shapes as this one by color (by shape, by size);

find shapes different from this one by shape (by size, by color);

find the blue shapes (triangular, red, square, large)

tell me what color this figure is (by shape, by size). (play)

After such an independent acquaintance with blocks You can move on to games and exercises.

In the first younger group children operate with one property, at the beginning of the year it is color or size, and at the end of the year we add shape. We use games to group objects, identify and abstract properties.

In the second younger group, children begin to operate with two properties at the same time and divide sets into classes based on one property, using a logical operation "Not" (all round, all not round).

Middle and senior preschool age.

IN middle group children operate with two, and at the end of the year three, properties simultaneously. The set is divided according to two compatible properties.

In older preschool age, games become more emotional and intense, children show elements of creativity and operate with three or four properties using logical operations "Not", "And", "or".

And now I want to introduce you to one of the games called "Divide blocks» . And although this game is intended mainly for children of senior preschool age, with regular lessons with blocks, we can play it with the children of the second youngest group.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that

I want to attract your attention,

Mathematics is an exact science, therefore, following the methodology for conducting logical-mathematical games, I am based on the stages of activity

Stages: 1-plot (commencement,

the second stage is the development of the plot, during which children become active participants:

Master, transform, change information about the properties, relationships, dependencies of objects, shapes, quantities, numbers;

Master the system of cognitive actions (ways of knowledge): examine objects, abstract, compare, group and classify;

They generalize, draw conclusions, predict the development of the situation, schematize, use signs and symbolic substitutions.

3- summing up

Analysis of a life situation similar to that which took place during the logical-mathematical game;

Focusing children's attention on the most striking event of the logical-mathematical game (plot, actions);

Creating an imaginary situation based on a logical-mathematical game.

14 SLIDE Game "Divide blocks-1»

Target: develop the ability to split a set of one property into two subsets, perform a logical operation "Not".

For this game we need blocks and two toys(bunny and bear).

Let's imagine that you are children. I ask five people to come out.

Guys, the Bunny and the little bear had a fight; they just couldn’t divide the candy. Let's help them and divide the candies so that the bunny gets all the red ones.

What kind of candy does the bunny have? (all red) What about the bear? NOT…

Next time we can share blocks according to shape.

When will children learn to divide? blocks between toys, let's play this game with a hoop.

For example, blocks are flowers, and the hoop is a vase, we put some flowers in the vase, and lay others around.

Please note that we get two places: inside the hoop and behind the hoop.

Target: develop the ability to split a set into two compatible ones, perform a logical operation "Not", "And", "or".

And again we offer to help toys. Let's treat the bunny and the bear with pies. Little bear loves "round" pies, and the bunny - "yellow".

At this stage, it is convenient to use cards indicating the specified properties.

During the game, children find out that there are candies that suit both the bear and the bunny (we put them in a box between the toys, and there are also candies that do not suit anyone (put them in a bucket to the side).

During the game, the candies are constantly moved from one place to another until the children find the correct solution.

I suggest you play and share the candies. Again I invite five people.

After all the candies have been divided,

What kind of candy does the bear cub have? (round not yellow) At the bunny's? (yellow ones are not round) What are the common ones? (round and yellow) Which ones didn’t hit anyone? (not round and not yellow).

If children cannot answer these questions in the first games, do not try to answer them for them. They will do it themselves in the next games.

You can enter a rule: if someone notices a mistake, says "stop" and corrects it. This increases attention and develops mutual control.

First you need to find out how many places you got (four); you can invite the child to jump to any place and name it or place a toy (1st place - inside all hoops; 2nd place - inside red, but outside blue; 3rd place - inside blue, but outside red; 4th place is outside the hoops).

Then we put on the hoops and blocks images and offer game tasks (flowers - flower beds, fish - aquariums, birds - feeders, etc.).

A game "Divide Blocks – 3»

Target: develop the ability to split a set into three compatible properties, perform a logical operation "Not", "And", "or", evidence of thinking.

Now we take three toys (wolf, hare, fox) and we will divide between them blocks for building houses.

To begin with, let's designate places for blocks: 1- suitable for all toys, 2- wolf and hare, 3- hare and fox, 4- fox and wolf, 5- not suitable for anyone.

Now let's divide blocks like this so that the wolf's are all round, the hare's are all big, and the fox's are all blue. To make it easier to remember the rule, we will place property cards next to the toys.

What figures were common to all toys? (round big blue ones) What figures did only the wolf have? (round, not big, not blue) Only the hare? (large, not round, not blue) Only the fox (blue not big not round) What shapes are common to a wolf and a hare? (large round ones not blue) For the wolf and the fox? (round blue ones are not big) For the hare and fox? (big blue ones are not round) Which figures didn’t suit anyone? (small (not big) not round, not blue).

If a child, characterizing a group, names only two of the three properties, we draw his attention to other groups blocks, which have the specified properties; then we ask him to name the group again, but so that it cannot be confused with any other.

When repeating the exercise, the division rule children call blocks. Each time a different combination of properties is indicated - partition bases blocks.

For example, divide the figures so that the wolf has all thin ones, the hare - all triangular, the fox - all small, or the wolf - all large, the hare - all blue, the fox - all thick; the wolf's are all yellow, the fox's are all red, the hare's are all square, etc.

If as a result of unfolding blocks some places(boxes) turn out to be empty, we encourage children to find out and tell why this happened, while doing everything we can to stimulate demonstrative thinking. (Why did these or those figures end up here? Why is this or another place without figures? Why can’t these or those figures be put together with others)

Further exercises can be carried out as "games with three hoops".

First, we invite the children to put a toy or jump on any of the places in the hoops and name where it is located: 1st - inside all three hoops, 2nd - inside the yellow and red, but outside the blue hoop, 3rd - inside the red and blue, but outside the yellow hoop, 4th - inside the yellow and blue, but outside the red hoop, 5th - inside the yellow hoop, but outside the red and blue hoop, 6th - inside the red, but outside the yellow and blue hoop, 7th - inside the blue, but outside the yellow and red hoop, 8th - outside all hoops .

Then the children solve various game problems proposed adults: plant the front garden with flowers, lay out cakes on the festive table, make a mosaic, etc. Partition rules they offer blocks themselves. For example, put the cakes on dishes so that all the red cakes are on the red dish, all the triangular ones are on the blue one, all the thick cakes are on the yellow one, or make a mosaic so that all the round pieces of glass are in the red window, all the big ones are in the blue window, in yellow - all yellow, etc.

As a result of using Games with Dienesh blocks preschoolers develop logical thinking: the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, generalize, compare, classify, and at the stage of completing preschool education, children not only have elementary concepts of mathematics, but also model the concepts of computer science.

Applying this remedy for several years, I would like to note that during games with Dienesh blocks children develop a strong interest in math games and mental activity in general. Children become more active, proactive and independent in the learning process.

Many years of work experience allows us to talk about high achievements in the training of graduates of our kindergarten for school (diagram)


Our meeting has come to an end. So that I can evaluate my work, I propose to provide feedback. Try to answer these questions.

How has your initial knowledge changed?

What was useful? What new have you learned? Will it be useful to you at work? Was this familiar to you? Does the initial knowledge correspond to the new ones? What impression did you get on master class? Will you use it at work? What remains unclear? What can really be applied?


Zoltan Gyenes -certainly an outstanding figure in children's education. This is a Hungarian psychologist, theorist and practitioner of the so-called “new mathematics”. The essence of this approach is that children acquire mathematical knowledge not by solving numerous examples in notebooks and reading boring textbooks, but by playing. His most famous manual is Dienesh Blocks, which are specially designed to prepare children's thinking for mastering mathematics.

Games with blocks are accessible and introduce children to with shape, color, size and thickness objects, with mathematical concepts and basic knowledge of computer science. Children develop mental operations (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization), logical thinking, creative abilities and cognitive processes (perception, memory, attention and imagination). While playing with Dienesh blocks, the child performs a variety of objective actions (breaking, laying out according to certain rules, rebuilding, etc.). Dienesh blocks are intended for children from two years old.

Games with Dienesh blocks promote speech development: the baby is forced to construct statements with the conjunctions “and”, “or”, the particle “not”, etc., in addition, Dienesh’s blocks expand the vocabulary (active and passive) through the words: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, red, yellow, etc. .P., ; expressions “all red, all round blue, the same rectangular blue, etc.”

Dienesh's logic blocks are a set of 48 geometric shapes:

a) four shapes (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles)

b) three colors (red, blue and yellow);

c) two sizes (large and small);

d) two types of thickness (thick and thin).

There is not a single identical figure in the set. Each geometric figure characterized by four characteristics: shape, color, size, thickness.

It’s better to start in the second younger group from giving children the opportunity to independently get acquainted with the blocks of Dienes. In the process of manipulating with blocks, children established that blocks have different colors, shapes, sizes, and that they can play with them: build paths, turrets, etc. Since blocks represent standards of shapes and colors, they help in memorizing program material based on the relationship between color and shape, and in establishing similarities and differences between objects. You need to start with the simplest thing - get to know them (examining the blocks).

With children 3-4 years oldappropriate simple games and exercises, the purpose of which is to master the properties, words “same”, “not the same” in shape, color, size, thickness. The simplest games are offered first.

1. Find all the shapes (blocks) like this one by color (size, shape).

2. Find all the shapes like this one by color and shape (by shape and size, by size and color).

3. "Chain"

With children 3–4 years old, you can master the properties of the words “same” and “not the same” in shape, color, size, thickness.

First task - find all the blocks like

this figure (by color, by shape)



Simple games are appropriate for children aged 2 years and older. For example, there are albums to accompany the blocks (one for each age). The first of the albums is called Dienesh Blocks for the little ones (for children from 2 to 3 years old).

By overlaying colored blocks on color images in the album, the child will be delighted with how flat images turn into three-dimensional ones under his hands. It's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

Children’s ability to operate with acquired knowledge helps in designing, applique, drawing according to a model: first by overlaying, and then independently laying out, drawing a figure on a blank sheet.

Work with logical blocks can be carried out in all areas of activity: on classes(as per development mathematical abilities, and on speech development- because in front of the older teacher, and even more so preparatory group If the task is to teach the child sound-letter analysis of a word, and in the future, reading, then blocks can be very helpful in isolating the sound being studied in a word, its place in a word, and in the future until the child learns to write letters and words), in isoactivity, V board games , V role-playing games , V outdoor games, in educational games, outside of class in a group development environment .

Once again I would like to emphasize that the division of games by age is arbitrary; it all depends on the level of individual development of the child, his gaming experience with Dienesh blocks.

Games for younger preschool age (3-5 years): Logical figures, Treats for cubs, Artists, Shop

Games for older preschool age (5-7 years): Logic cubes, Let's decorate the Christmas tree with beads, Architects (children's playground), Cards - symbols of properties, Logic train, Mosaic of numbers

Game "Treat for the bear cubs."

Material:9 images of bear cubs, cards with signs, symbols of properties, logical figures or Dienesh blocks.

Purpose of the game:development of the ability to compare objects according to one or four properties, understanding of words: “different”, “same”, leading to an understanding of the negation of properties.

Game description:

Option 1: bear cubs came to visit the children. What will we treat our guests to? Our cubs have a sweet tooth and love cookies very much, and different colors, different shapes . What material is convenient for us to “transform” into cookies. Of course, blocks or logical figures. Let's give the cubs a treat. Girls treat. Cookies in the left and right paws should differ only in shape. If the bear cub has a round “cookie” in his left paw, his right paw can have either a square, rectangular, or triangular (not round).

And now the boys treat. Cookies in the cubs' paws differs only in color. In the future, the condition of the game: the difference between cookies in two ways: color and shape, color and size, shape and size etc. In work with older children, the “cookies” may differ in 3-4 properties . In this case, Dienes blocks are used. In all variants, the child chooses any block of “cookies” in one paw, and selects it with the other according to the rule proposed by the teacher.

Game "Artists"

Target: development of the ability to analyze the shape of objects, development of the ability to compare according to their properties, development of artistic abilities (choice of color, background, composition location)

Developmental environment “Sketches of paintings”, sheets of colored cardboard, additional cardboard parts for composing the composition of the painting, a set of blocks.

Progress of the game: children are invited to “paint pictures” based on sketches. Several people can “paint” one picture at once. Children choose a “sketch” of the painting, paper for the background, details for the future painting, and the necessary blocks. If the part is only outlined in the sketch, a thin block is selected, if it is painted over, a thick block is selected. At the end of the work, the children come up with a name for their paintings.

By playing the games included in the kit, the child learns compare, summarize, classify objects according to several characteristics. Encode - decode information using special characters. Gets acquainted with algorithms. Strengthens the ability to add and subtract.


v Educational areas- providing visibility, consistency and accessibility, change of activity.

v Joint and independent play activity (didactic games, board-printed, mobile, plot-role-playing games).

a) in outdoor games (object landmarks, designations of houses, paths, labyrinths);

b) as board-printed cards (to make cards for the games “Settle the Tenants”, “Find a Place for the Figure”);

c) in role-playing games: “Shop” - money is indicated by blocks. “Mail” - the address on the house is indicated by code cards. Similarly, “Train” - tickets, seats.

v Outside educational areas, in subject-developmental environments (Art activities, appliqué, regime moments, subject reference points).

Working with blocks and logical figures will help not only to master the curriculum material in kindergarten well, but also to prepare children well enough to study mathematics, geometry and computer science at school, the continuity between kindergarten and school will be at a fairly good level.

Logical-mathematical games contribute to the development of such mental operations as classification, grouping objects by properties, abstracting properties from an object. Children learn to guess and prove. This is especially important, because the popular proverb says: “A mind without a guess is not worth a penny.” Today, in our communication, I also propose to follow the ancient proverb : “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.”
