VR helmet for ps4 reviews. PlayStation VR Review: The Glitter and Nausea of ​​Virtual Reality. There are quite a lot of games for PlayStation VR

The future has arrived: electric cars are driving on the roads, you can pay for Rollton using your iPhone, and entertainment takes place in a different reality. After a series of transfers, all three headsets (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR) have finally appeared on the market. People waiting for a miracle were faced with a brutal truth: virtual reality is not nearly as good as the imagination imagined.

Wanting to quickly escape from our reality with its unstable exchange rates and cheap oil, we began to unpack PlayStation VR. If you look at the presentation photographs, and then at the contents of the box, you will notice striking differences: in the advertising images there are either no wires at all, or they are carefully hidden. But the cables haven't gone away. And you can’t even imagine how many of them there really are.

As you remove all the bells and whistles from the box, there are more and more cables. One HDMI, the second, microUSB, then a long wire, this time double. And at the bottom there is finally the helmet itself - believe it or not, it also has a cord. There is also a large hardware console with an external power supply. Also, do not forget about the branded PlayStation Camera, which must be purchased separately (120 rubles). It is, of course, wired.

Your room will resemble a system administrator's closet: twisted cables everywhere, which are so easy for your feet to get caught in. If you're allergic to cords or have a nice interior, don't even think about PlayStation VR: cords are everywhere, there's nowhere to hide them.

The module through which the wires are connected

The connection is simple. Firstly, the cables are numbered, and secondly, there are clear instructions. The helmet is not connected directly to the PlayStation 4, but to a separate module that transmits a signal to the TV. This way, others see what you see. It is to the block that so many wires go.

The helmet looks cosmic. The musicians from Daft Punk would probably wear it too. The design seems rather flimsy: the front part is attached to the rim in only one moving place, and the plastic crunches dangerously when adjusted. You can play without taking off your glasses: there is enough space for them. But the PlayStation VR must fit tightly to the face, and the lenses sometimes press on the lenses of the glasses - this quickly causes marks on the nose.

In general, the device fits well on different heads, although one problem was still found. When looking down, a strip of light is visible - no matter how much I adjusted or tightened the helmet, I couldn’t completely block the view. Other people have not found such a deficiency (you have to eat off your cheeks, that means). But during the game this does not interfere at all. The helmet needs to be adjusted as precisely as possible. Blurred images and “fog” appear precisely because the device is not placed correctly on the head.

When you first launch it, PlayStation VR surprises and disappoints at the same time. It’s surprising that this is the future. The helmet is not available in some testing laboratories or at presentation exhibitions, virtual reality has now become a technology for home use. Objects and environments in VR really look three-dimensional - it seems that you can touch them. In the Driveclub race, bending over feels like putting your chin on the steering wheel, and in the rail horror Until Dawn: Rush of Blood you always want to look behind you: you never know who will sneak up there. The effect of presence is not one hundred percent, but very strong.

The football arcade game Headmaster is interestingly made. Flying balls must be scored with your head, gaining points for hitting the marks. The helmet is light, the neck does not get tired from movements, but the force of the impact is not felt. For some games - for example, the office worker simulator Job Simulator and Until Dawn - it is advisable to acquire PlayStation Move controllers (approximately 80 rubles each, not included).

It is important to understand that PlayStation VR, as well as HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, are the first mass-produced devices of this kind and there are too many compromises in them. Remember the first smartphones: Android was incredibly slow, the iPhone couldn’t shoot video. With each new generation, gadgets became more and more advanced. The same thing awaits VR helmets, so you shouldn’t give up on the technology itself in advance.

Specifically regarding PlayStation VR, the complaints are as follows.

Firstly, the resolution is disgusting (960x1920 for each eye). The pixels are visible, and you don’t need to look closely: the display is close to your eyes, the squares cannot be hidden.

Secondly, here, in addition to the resolution, the graphics in the games are also terrible. The regular PlayStation 4 does not have enough power to produce high-quality images, and the projects have not yet been adapted for the PlayStation 4 Pro. At the moment, it doesn't matter which console you play VR on.

Thirdly, a helmet greatly affects your well-being. Even if you drive safely roller coaster, you don’t get off the swing for hours, you can eyes closed ride on circular rides, then in PlayStation VR you will most likely still get very motion sick after half an hour of play. The speed of onset of unpleasant symptoms and their strength depend on the project: the more dynamic it is, the faster signs of nausea will appear.

You can easily spend 30-40 minutes playing a Tumble VR puzzle, but after a couple of fights in EVE: Valkyrie or the tank action Battlezone, you want to immediately take off your helmet and get some fresh air. Gradually, the body gets used to the new sensations, allowing you to play a little longer.

Another serious problem with helmets virtual reality, including PlayStation VR, are games. There are practically none. The Driveclub race, the Until Dawn: Rush of Blood shooting gallery, the horror Here They Lie, a couple of arcade games - all this is fun, but not worth the money. Likewise, there is no point in buying a helmet for such games. All you have to do is download a free set of demos to experience the capabilities of PlayStation VR.

How do you usually play games on a console? We returned home after work (training, meetings, dates), wanted to relax - turned on a shooter or racing game and sat down for an hour and a half to two hours in front of a huge TV. This scenario will not work with PlayStation VR. Put on a helmet, look at the pixels, squint at the light colors that almost burn out your retina, and just in case, put a basin on your knees. Playing in virtual reality does not allow you to relax; it only puts more strain on your body, which is tired after a busy day.

Sony has released an interesting attraction. The device may captivate you for a week or a week and a half, but then you just want to sit down in front of a regular TV and play normally or watch a movie. The revolution has not happened yet. I wonder what will happen to VR next and what applications developers will find for this technology. Now the flight of fantasy is being crushed by technical limitations: there are few interactive objects in the games, the picture is from the debut of the PlayStation 3, and the gameplay is meager.

When problems with resolution, graphics, motion sickness, kilometers of wires and games themselves are eliminated, then we’ll talk about a breakthrough in the entertainment industry. In the meantime, VR is akin to 5D cinemas: out of curiosity, you can go to one in a shopping center, but no one buys this booth for their home. Let's assume that the PlayStation VR headset will be popular at the box office. It's worth trying out virtual reality. Buy - no. Especially for 1040-1050 rubles - that’s how much a helmet costs in Belarus.

Onliner.by rating

Fun for a few days. It won't really drag you in, but it will give you fresh sensations. We need to wait for key deficiencies to be corrected, and this will take at least 2-3 years.


VR has become publicly available

Lower price compared to Oculus Rift and HTC Vive

New experiences guaranteed

I do not like

Strong effect on well-being

Lots of wires

Weak graphics

Low resolution

PlayStation Camera not included

It is highly advisable to buy a PlayStation Move

Cheaper than competitors, but still expensive

PlayStation VR came to the editorial office with PlayStation 4 Pro. One of the arguments in favor of consoles instead gaming computers collapsed: you can no longer buy a console and forget about upgrading the hardware for 6-7 years. Or is it still possible?

Sony and Microsoft are well aware of the difficult situation in which they find themselves. On the one hand, consoles have barely reached the halfway point of their life cycle (Xbox One and PlayStation 4 appeared at the end of 2013). And almost immediately it became clear that, to put it mildly, they were “no cake” in terms of hardware. Yes, you cannot directly compare the characteristics of computers and consoles. It's like figuring out which is more powerful: a truck or a supercar. Powers can be comparable in terms of horsepower, but the purpose will be completely different. However, one fact is not in doubt: neither the Xbox One nor the PlayStation 4 can handle Full HD resolution at 60 frames per second in games, and this is a problem. The situation is especially depressing given the advent of televisions and monitors with 4K resolution.

Therefore, the Japanese and Americans decided to release more powerful versions of consoles. With the condition that all games must be played both on regular consoles and on their improved versions. The key advantages of the new systems are support for 4K, HDR and increased performance, which will increase the number of frames per second and make the graphics more beautiful. Microsoft will release the mysterious Project Scorpio by Christmas 2017, and Sony has jumped in and is already selling the PlayStation 4 Pro.

During the presentation, many users did not like the updated console because of its appearance. The decision to “glue” another panel is a little strange (there were jokes that the PS5 would be four-layer), but in reality the console looks quite nice. Sony can't play enough with the power and eject buttons: in the original PlayStation 3 they were touch-sensitive, in the Slim they were made normal, in the PlayStation 4 they are again touch-sensitive, and in the PS4 Slim and Pro they are again physical.

The ports are standard: at the back there are HDMI, LAN, an interface for the PlayStation Camera, an optical output and an additional USB connector - now there are three of them. Sony again hasn't solved the USB problem. The front ports are recessed inside between the narrow halves of the console, and thick flash drives do not go in all the way. The power cable has become more massive. The connector is like a computer power supply - you can immediately see that the console is more powerful than a regular one and requires more energy (310 W versus 165 W in the PS4 Slim).

The changes inside are much more serious. The processor was overclocked from 1.6 to 2.1 GHz, the graphics were also improved - 36 computing cores instead of 18. The frequency was raised from 800 to 911 MHz. Overall performance has more than doubled: from 1.84 teraflops to 4.2. Both Slim and Pro finally get support for 5GHz Wi-Fi routers.

It is planned that new games will immediately support additional features PS4 Pro. A number of already released projects have received significant patches that improve the resolution and make improvements to the picture. It’s possible to notice this on a Full HD TV, but sometimes you have to try.

The picture is more detailed in some places, although there are no fundamental differences. For example, the difference between the original PlayStation 3 games and their remasters on PS4 is much more pronounced. There, the updated GTA 5 and the Uncharted collection look much better.

When you launch a game on PS4 Pro, you subconsciously expect the same technological leap. However, a new console is not a new generation, and this must be remembered. The PlayStation 4 Slim, whose hardware is identical to the “fat one,” arrived in stores in September, and Sony is not abandoning the basic console. It should also bring money to the company.

The big difference in the picture between PS4 Slim and Pro is not particularly beneficial for the Japanese. So it’s too early to write off the regular PS4. For a Full HD TV, a PlayStation 4 is sufficient, although the Pro brings its own advantages. Some games will run at 60 frames per second on Full HD screens. But with 4K it was a bummer. The resolution is supported, but it is not native 4K, but simply upscaled from 1080p. There is no need to make a tragedy out of this. The picture will still be excellent on Ultra HD TVs, but true 4K still requires too many resources. At the same time, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End runs in real 4K, but at 30 frames per second, or in a stretched resolution of 60 fps.

Another important innovation is HDR technology, which allows you to squeeze more detail out of the dark areas of the picture. But this again requires a TV that supports this function. It is not vital, but the image actually becomes nicer - more vibrant and detailed.

What to buy: regular PlayStation 4 or Pro? If you have a 4K TV, it’s definitely worth taking a top-end set-top box: the console was created for this resolution in the first place. If you don’t have a fancy screen, but want a slightly improved picture and more frames per second, then Pro again looks more interesting. If you already have a PlayStation 4, then you can do without the flagship system.

At least in current games there is not such a significant difference. The shooter Battlefield 1 has changed the most; the differences in other projects are not so serious. Combined with PlayStation + VR powerful console almost necessary. A regular PS4 is barely enough for virtual reality, but the Pro will be able to further unlock the potential of the technology.


Power has doubled

Additional USB port

Wi-Fi support in the 5 GHz band

Acceptable cost

I do not like

4K resolution is not native

90% of flash drives never fit into USB slots

We thank the Gamepark store for providing the PlayStation VR helmet and PlayStation 4 Pro console for review.

Virtual reality helmets have been gaining popularity lately. Over the past few years, such a large number of these devices have already been released that sophisticated buyers now have plenty to choose from.

But console owners have little choice. The PS4 virtual reality headset is not the only one that can be connected to the console. But this is the safest and most successful option. Why? We'll find out more about this later.


The Japanese corporation has been operating in the market for more than 70 years. It seems that there is no longer a gadget that this company does not produce. So she got to the virtual reality helmet.

PS4 is a gaming console that belongs to the eighth generation of the entire series. It was released back in 2013 and has required some updates since then. After all, it doesn’t stand still. Listed annually best games more than one dozen projects are included in the world.

To prevent console fans from running away, much less changing their console to a laptop computer, the developers decided to release a VR virtual reality headset (PS4).


It was first announced in 2014. It took the developers two whole years to introduce this device to the market. Since the helmet was released in 2016, it is compatible with PS4.

You can control the game with branded controllers: or PlayStation Move. By the beginning of this year, the company had sold almost a million copies.


The first reviews of the PlayStation VR virtual reality headset for PS4 began to appear immediately in 2013. Then it became known that the company was going to develop this device for a proprietary console.

Despite the fact that Sony promised to present the equipment at the beginning of 2014, it only announced new technologies. The company showed off Project Morpheus, which it has been working on since 2010, and announced that this is only the first intermediate copy.

During the development of the necessary technologies and equipment, Sony filed dozens of patent applications, held conferences and collaborated with independent specialists.

After the next exhibition and unclear comments from the corporation’s management, only one main idea was highlighted: the device should be expected in 2016. The company kept this promise.


The Sony virtual reality helmet (PS4) received a generous package. Inside the box there is almost everything you need to connect and use the device. In addition to the helmet itself, there is a processor module, a set of cables: USB, HDMI and “native” for the equipment. We also included an adapter and AC power cable in the box. You can use branded stereo headphones.

Naturally, the box contains a disc with demo versions of games to try out the virtual reality technology itself. And, of course, there are instructions. Everyone who has already used it noted the simplicity of the user manual.

What might be missing to use a virtual reality headset for PS4? First, of course, consoles. Especially in cases where the buyer wants to purchase all the “things” for a full game at once. The model works with any version of the eighth generation console.

You will also have to purchase a PlayStation Camera. Its cost is about 60 dollars. And, of course, you need to purchase the manipulators themselves for the game. If you want to play fully, you may have to buy additional “movies”, since the popularity of projects using them is growing every day.

But it is not all that bad. Some buyers managed to find configurations with a full set of everything described above. Therefore, if you look hard enough, you can get rid of all additional purchases.


Reviews of the virtual reality headset for PS4 are positive. Looking at the market with similar devices, you understand that Sony managed to do everything to please the buyer.

The dimensions of the equipment are ideal: the helmet does not seem bulky, but it is not flimsy either. The structure itself weighs about 600 grams. Here it is worth adding another 400 grams of the processor module and the weight of the cables.

Panel size 5.7 inches, resolution 1920x1080 with RGB color scheme. There is an adjustable frame rate: 90 and 120 Hz. Field of view is about 100 degrees. Sensors are installed inside, including a six-axis motion tracking system, a gyroscope and an accelerometer.


The technical specifications also provided some special functions. For example, you can use a helmet not only in games, but also when watching videos and images. You can also enable Share Play and Live TV modes.

As practice shows, it is best to sit two or three meters from the TV, so as not to touch the equipment with the waves of your hands.

There are no problems with calibration either. She has a good and understandable attitude here. All you have to do is follow the instructions and games will provide accurate tracking.


Many users do not know how to connect a virtual reality headset to PS4. Firstly, the kit includes clear instructions, and secondly, the manufacturer took care of a simple and understandable connection. Well, as a last resort, there are always video reviews that show step-by-step connection and configuration of the device.

To connect the console, TV and helmet, a processor module is included in the kit. But first you need to connect a proprietary camera to the set-top box. There is a special connector on the back of the console case.

Even though the kit comes with a lot of wires, they are easy to understand. Firstly, again, because there are clear instructions, and secondly, each cable is marked with a special symbol.

After connecting, you need to configure the helmet. To do this, activate the console, and press the button on the VR remote control. Naturally, the set-top box immediately understands that a proprietary device is connected to it. She offers a step-by-step setup. It may even ask you to update the firmware. But all this is presented in the form of instructions, so the user needs, roughly speaking, to click “next” all the time.

The console will show you how to put on the helmet, where to tighten or loosen it, how to change the picture, correct the image, etc. In general, you need to trust the developer and the virtually automatic settings.


More than 200 specialists are developing software for VR. This includes independent teams from major studios, as well as renowned publishers.

The number of games is growing every month. Their number exceeded 150 pieces. Even at the start of sales, several dozen cool projects were presented for. So that everyone can decide which toy to buy, you can use the disc with demos that comes with the kit.

There are games for the PS4 virtual reality headset to suit every taste. For example, an excellent horror film Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, which will take the player into the virtual world and make him ride in a cart through frightening locations.

It will be possible to immerse yourself in Battlezone, which has become a remake of a classic project released back in the 80s. Here you can easily test the strength of your vestibular apparatus. A certain primitiveness of the graphics is due to the fact that the developers wanted to achieve maximum frame rates. The main thing here is that everything spins and flies.

Rez Infinite is a game that has become a cultural treasure for many. Combining psychedelic visuals with music turned out to be the most successful. Here you have a change in forms, locations, signs, etc.

And finally, you can’t do without virtual reality racing. Driveclub VR does its job well. Although there are some shortcomings that the developers cannot influence.

Sony PlayStation VR review | Introduction

The idea of ​​virtual reality is not new, but the era of consumer VR is just in its incubation stages. Over the past year, several consumer virtual reality devices have gone on sale, including the Samsung Gear VR mobile headset and two PC systems, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

Gear VR has brought basic virtual reality functionality to millions of people (Oculus reports more than a million monthly active users). At the same time, hundreds of thousands of pioneers have chosen Rift and Vive to experience premium VR at home.

Oculus, HTC and Samsung have certainly moved on. But the first real test of interest in VR on the part of the mass consumer is Sony Corporation. The PlayStation VR (PSVR) system costs less than PC solutions and is more affordable thanks to its compatibility with PS4. According to Sony, the company had sold more than 40 million PS4 consoles before the release of PSVR, so it has tens of millions of VR-compatible platforms at its disposal.

System requirements PlayStation VR are very simple: you need a PlayStation 4. Sony recently released the PS4 Pro console, which supports HDR technology and 4K resolution. But you don't have to buy a more expensive version of the console to fully experience the capabilities of PSVR.

To some extent, the future of VR is now in Sony's hands. Millions of gamers use consoles rather than PCs, so many users will experience their first virtual reality experience on PS4. In this regard, the Sony product simply must be exemplary. If people like PSVR, they will want to show it to their friends and acquaintances, and they, in turn, will want to buy one for themselves. But if the platform has serious shortcomings, then the spread of VR will slow down.

If VR requires a high-end PC, how can a console handle it?

Top-end virtual reality systems require more performance than the PS4 can provide, but Sony has found a solution.

Believe it or not, Sony began working on PSVR long before the creation of the PlayStation 4 console. At the Immersed 2015 conference we spoke with Dr. Richard Marx from Sony Interactive Entertainment about the development process PSVR. Marks ran the experimental research laboratory Sony Magic Lab in the PlayStation R&D department. According to him, the Morpheus project (code name PSVR) was officially launched at the end of 2010, but experiments with individual technologies used in PlayStation VR, occurred throughout his 17-year career at Magic Lab. One thing is clear - Sony has spent a lot of time and effort creating its own virtual reality technology.

In addition, the company designed every aspect of the headset PlayStation VR on one's own. The team responsible for implementing PSVR used a wide arsenal of experts working for a huge multinational corporation. Plus, Sony has a presence in many electronics industries, so engineers and lens designers could work hand in hand when creating PSVR components.

Sony PlayStation VR review | PSVR virtual reality helmet

PlayStation VR differs noticeably in appearance from Vive and Rift. To balance the weight of the helmet on your head, the latest two headsets, as well as the OSVR HDK 1 and 2, use three-point harnesses. These headsets put pressure on your face, and if the straps are not adjusted correctly, it can be uncomfortable. However, Sony's design transfers weight to the forehead.

In the fastening design PlayStation VR Mechanics are used, not belts, as in other headsets. There is a ring on top with wide adjustment options for different head sizes. On the back of the ring there is a locking wheel and a lock release button. By pressing a button, you can adjust the ring to your head size. To fix the adjustment, just turn the wheel. It also allows you to compress the ring for a more precise fit of the mount.

Thanks to the features of the mechanism PlayStation VR, the part of the headset with the screen and lenses does not rest on the face. Sony engineers have placed the front block on a rigid bracket, so it does not press down, but hangs over the face. There is also a depth adjustment system, which will especially appeal to users who wear glasses. The entire front block can be moved in or out of the face with the press of a button. The adjustment range exceeds 2.5 cm, so the headset can be used even with thick glasses. Please note that the depth adjustment mechanism does not have hinges, which may cause weak point headset, as it is subject to heavy strain (tension) when holding the display while adjusting.

The front inner part of the ring is padded so the headset rests comfortably on your forehead. There is also a pad at the back of the mount, where the ring snaps into place. You can't remove the pad for cleaning or replacement, but Sony has protected it with a rubberized, water-resistant material that's easy to wipe clean.

Unlike most virtual reality headsets, PlayStation VR There is no foam padding used to protect from light around the edges, since the headset does not fit tightly to the face. Instead, Sony has used a soft rubber shutter that molds to the shape of your glasses as needed. If the elastic is too tight, you can remove it altogether, although as a result the level of immersion in the virtual world will decrease slightly.

A rigid cable one and a half meters long comes out of the left side of the head mount. The first 25 cm of the cable are protected by a thick rubber coating, which sets the direction of the wire bending. Additional sealing protects the cable from pinching and damage.

PlayStation VR is the only VR headset with a built-in power button, at least that we've seen. Approximately 45 cm below the headset on the wire there is a control panel, which includes buttons to increase/decrease the headphone volume, mute and power the helmet. This is quite convenient because you don't have to unplug the headset jack if you want to go back to playing on your TV.

Data cable end PlayStation VR is divided into two connectors: HDMI and a proprietary interface that transmits data from the PlayStation to the headset. Sony has also included a 3-meter extension cord so you can use the device while sitting on your couch. Technically, there is no need for an extension cord, but 1.5 meters of the original cable is not always enough. If you sit close to the console so that you can reach the main cable, you may have difficulty positioning the security camera (more on that later).

To track motion, PSVR uses a system that works with Move controllers and DualShock 4. The PlayStation camera detects the position and orientation of the headset using nine blue LEDs placed at strategic points. There are LEDs in each corner of the front of the device and one in the center. There is also one LED on the sides and two on the back. In addition to the LED tracking system, the headset uses a motion-sensitive three-axis gyroscope and a three-axis accelerometer.

Special display

The Rift and Vive VR headsets each use two displays with a resolution of 1080x1200 pixels (one for each eye) and a refresh rate of 90 Hz. The graphics subsystem must provide 90 frames per second or more. Sony designed the PS4 to play games at 1080p (and below) and often at 30 FPS. Most believe that even 1080p resolution is not enough for virtual reality, so the option of using a lower resolution for PSVR was eliminated. Sony wants to achieve widespread adoption of its VR platform. To achieve this, it is necessary that the system leaves the most positive user experience possible. Therefore, the option of a lower refresh rate is also not suitable, since all studies by Oculus and Valve indicate its direct impact on the level of comfort and perception.

A resolution of 2160x1200 pixels and a refresh rate of 90 Hz require a fast graphics card in the PC. The Sony PS4 has a powerful GPU, but unlike the PS4 Pro, it can't match today's high-end graphics cards. Instead of leaving the task of delivering 90 FPS on mid-range hardware to game developers, Sony took a different approach.

The headset display can operate at a refresh rate of 90 or 120 Hz, and developers can target either of these values. If the game runs at 90 FPS, then the display refresh rate will be 90 Hz. Of course, 1080p resolution at a 90Hz refresh rate is no easy task for a console, and this could negatively impact the quality of content on PSVR. Sony solved the problem with "reprojection" technology, which allows developers to optimize games for 60 FPS frame rates. The console reprojects every other frame, doubling the frame rate to 120 FPS, and then the PSVR display reaches a refresh rate of 120 Hz.

Sony display PlayStation VR has a resolution of 960x1080 pixels for each eye. To eliminate any shortcomings in the quality of the perceived image, the company uses OLED technology with RGB subpixels. While the Rift and Vive require three pixels to create color, the Sony can produce any color on a single pixel. Compared to a traditional subpixel display, this technology produces sharper colors and makes colors appear almost washed out on the Rift and Vive.


Special lenses for Sony's VR headset were made by the same experts who develop optics for its DSLR cameras. We are not sure what type of lenses are used in PlayStation VR, but we did not notice any visible segments, that is, these are not Fresnel lenses. Even Rifts with hybrid Fresnel lenses have visible lines when looking at the lens rather than through it. PSVR lenses don't seem to have a fisheye effect. In this regard, Sony has come up with a crystal clear solution.

PlayStation VR Specifications
Display type Low persistence OLED display (RGB sub-pixels)
Display size 5.7-inch
Permission 1920x1080 pixels (960x1080 per eye)
Update frequency 90 Hz, 120 Hz
Field of view ~100 degrees
Lens type Not known
Lens adjustments Digital IPD correction, eye-to-lens distance
Sensors Three-axis accelerometer, three-axis gyroscope
Tracking technology LED camera tracking, six degrees of freedom
Integrated camera No
Audio Microphone, built-in 3.5mm audio jack
HMD ports Proprietary headset connector (HDMI connector/proprietary connector)
HMD cable length Fixed headset cable 1.5 m, extension cable 3 m
Manufacturing materials Plastic, glass, foam rubber, rubber
VR headset dimensions (WxHxD) Approx. 187x185x277 mm (at minimum head mount length)
Dimensions of the processor unit (WxHxD) Approx 143x36x143mm
Weight 610 g (without cable)

Sony PlayStation VR review | Equipment

The Playstation VR headset is available in two variants. First option - PlayStation VR separately for $399 - ideal solution for those who already have Move controllers and PlayStation camera. The basic PSVR package includes the headset itself and everything needed to connect to the PlayStation 4. The PlayStation camera comes separately and costs $60.

If you don't have a camera and want the Move controllers, Sony offers a $499 package that includes everything you need to enjoy the full range of features PlayStation VR .

Processing unit

The third step is very simple: connect the processor unit to a power outlet.

Once you have made a video connection between the breakout box and the PS4, you can plug in an extension cord at the front of the breakout box. To expose the two front connectors, slide the cover back. Install the cable and return the cover to its place - it protects the cables.

Before launch PlayStation VR You'll need to set up your PlayStation Camera so your PS4 can track the position of your headset and Move controllers, if you have them. The setup program allows you to place the camera wherever it is convenient, but in our observations, tracking works best when the camera is raised. You can try placing it on a TV shelf first, but for better results we installed it above the screen.

You can now turn on your PSVR virtual reality headset for calibration.

Make room for virtual reality

Game Zone PlayStation VR less than the space required for room-scale Vive apps, but more than the minimum space required by the Rift.

Sony recommends that the object-free area be larger than the tracking area, which is approximately 2 meters wide and 3 meters deep. The camera cannot read the position of the headset or controllers at a distance closer than 60 cm, so the usable space is 2 by 2.20 m. As you get closer to the camera, the playing area becomes narrower. For example, at a distance of 60 cm, the width of the playing area is 70 cm.

Most VR games for PlayStation VR are designed for a seated player, so it is not necessary to completely clear the playing area. It's best to remove coffee tables and fragile items within arm's reach. The sofa or armchair, of course, must be left. You should also take care of the free space in front of you when you stand up.

Easy installer

The installation procedure for PSVR software looks simple. Just turn on your PS4 with your VR headset connected. After booting, turn on the power PlayStation VR. PS4 will automatically detect it and download the necessary drivers.

The system will reboot during the installation process. All you have to do is relax and wait a few minutes.

Calibration requires a steady hand

Essentially, calibration is quite simple, but can be irritating. You must hold the headset firmly in your hands at different angles. The program will tell you which LEDs the camera should see, and you need to hold the desired position for five seconds. The camera reads the LEDs on the front, sides and back.

Digital eyepiece distance (IPD) adjustment

Instead of mechanically adjusting the eyepiece distance (IPD), the headset PlayStation VR A digital adjustment system has been implemented.

This option is hidden deep in the PS4 settings menu. In the "Devices" menu, open the PlayStation VR item. Here you will find the "Measure Eye-to-Eye Distance" option. Sony uses the PlayStation's stereoscopic camera to measure the distance between your eyes, and then uses this information to calibrate the stereoscopic image to PlayStation VR .

To calibrate your eye distance, sit or stand approximately 60 cm in front of the PlayStation camera. Align your head with the two fields on the screen (one for each lens) and take a photo of your face with the camera. You will then be asked to pinpoint the center of your eyes in each image.

The program uses your data to calculate the correct distance. Sony cautions that this value is only applicable to PSVR. A more accurate IPD value can be obtained from your optician.

Sony PlayStation VR review | Health, Safety and Service

Sony health and safety warnings for PlayStation VR slightly different from HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, although the age recommendations are similar. The instructions state that "the VR headset is not recommended for children under 12 years of age," but does not disclose the reason for this restriction.

HTC and Oculus make similar recommendations for their headsets. HTC doesn't specify an age limit, but warns that the Vive is not intended for children. Due to the range of IPD adjustments, Oculus does not recommend use of the headset by children under 13 years of age or older. The distance between the Oculus Rift lenses can be adjusted to 58mm, but this is too wide for small children. Headset PlayStation VR It does not have a mechanical IPD adjustment at all, so it may not be suitable at all for users with a small distance between the eyes. Incorrect IPD calibration can lead to motion sickness, problems with depth perception, and potential long-term vision problems in children.

There is no digital nanny - you are responsible for your own security

Sony developed PlayStation VR for use in the living room or game room, since these are the rooms where people most often play on the console. The PSVR system is primarily designed for seated gaming. The system's components support VR gaming while standing, but Sony doesn't seem to favor that option. Most games, with a few exceptions, encourage you to play while sitting.

Due to the above, the company does not include a security system for PlayStation VR, which limits the playing space. HTC Vive has a system called Chaperone that allows you to follow the boundaries of the real world as you move through virtual space. As you approach the edge of the designated area, a virtual grid appears in front of you, warning you of danger. When Oculus introduced the Rift last year, there was no equivalent to the Chaperone, but with the release of the Touch controllers, there was an equivalent system called the Guardian.

Move controllers support six degrees of freedom, but the area they track is too narrow for room-scale VR games. The security system could encourage the user to move, but instead Sony recommends that developers not create PSVR games that rely on the scale of the room.

In general, Sony does not abandon security systems. When turned on PlayStation VR a message is displayed indicating the need to check the playing space for the absence of foreign objects. It’s unlikely that you will be happy to break a glass coffee table while waving your arms, so it’s better not to rush and double-check everything.

How to keep your headset clean?

Virtual reality helmet PlayStation VR not as fragile or thin as the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. The Rift has a fabric coating so it can't be wiped off with a rag, and the Vive's surface is populated with moisture-sensitive infrared sensors so it can't get wet. Sony makes the PSVR from injection molded plastic, and the LEDs are protected by plastic lenses, so the headset can be wiped down without worry.

Even the foam head pad is washable because it is protected by a water-resistant rubberized material. But, unlike PlayStation VR, the soft lining of the Vive and Rift headsets absorbs sweat.

The only external part of the headset that should not be wet is the lenses. The headset comes with a cloth for wiping the lenses from grease stains and fingerprints. If you lose it, you can use a cloth to wipe your lenses and glasses. Rougher materials may scratch the surface of the lenses.

Sony PlayStation VR review | games and applications

First of all, the headset PlayStation VR designed to expand gaming experience and the gaming experience on PlayStation 4. The Sony PlayStation platform has been synonymous with video games for over 20 years, and that's unlikely to change anytime soon.

PlayStation VR went on sale in mid-October 2016, at that time only a few games had been created for the system. But now the situation has changed radically. The Sony corporation's marketing machine boasted that more than 50 games would be released for PSVR during the New Year holidays, and it didn't lie. By December 20, there were 50 VR games available on the Sony PS Store.

The game library includes several ports from the Vive and Rift platforms, such as Job Simulator by Owlchemy Lab And EVE: Valkyrieby CCP Games. Also available exclusive to PlayStation VR content, e.g. Batman Arkham VR And RIGS Mechanized Combat League.

Sony offers several VR games that overlap with standard games, such as VR Mission Games Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: X-Wing or Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration with the new VR-compatible chapter "Blood Ties".

Several familiar franchises are also being prepared for the PlayStation VR platform. Polyphony Digital is working on a VR version racing series Gran Turismo; Evolution Studios released a VR version Driveclub for all platforms; upcoming Resident Evil 7: Biohazard from Capcom will support first-person virtual reality from start to finish.

Social component

Gaming consoles often live in living rooms and entertainment rooms, so they can be shared with friends and family. Sony VR allows you to simultaneously display images on the headset screen and the TV screen, opening up possibilities for spending time together. Sony calls this feature "Social Screen" and developers are free to use it as they see fit. Thus, it becomes possible to play asynchronously, when one person plays in virtual reality and the other on the TV.

The Playroom VR offers several mini-games based on the basic concept. One user can play in VR, and up to four other users can control on-screen avatars using the DualShock 4 controller. Another example of asynchronous gameplay is the game . Regular players watch the instructions on the TV and help the VR player deactivate the bomb. Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes is available for Rift and Vive, but on the PC version you scroll through the PDF document, or you can print a paper copy.

Don't need a big TV?

Similar to Oculus and HTC (Valve) Sony PlayStation VR has a cinematic mode that allows you to enjoy 2D content through your headset. You can play any PlayStation game or watch a movie on a huge virtual screen.

The most interesting thing is that the cinematic mode does not even require a PlayStation 4. Although PlayStation VR designed for the PS4 console, it works with other devices as long as there is an HDMI signal.

IN PlayStation VR You can play on Xbox One, Xbox 360 or Wii U, or connect the headset to a DVD/Blu-ray player to watch movies. Thus, PSVR acts as a non-standard alternative to a large screen TV. This is especially true for small rooms.

Can I use PSVR on PC?

With PC headset PlayStation VR works in the same way as with other devices equipped with an HDMI output, that is, in Cinematic mode. Sony didn't plan to create a VR system for PC, but it can't stop third-party drivers from being developed for it. There are already advanced users who adapt PSVR to a computer.

If you have a positive attitude towards all kinds of modifications, like to tinker with the settings and have nothing against unfinished and experimental software, there are already options that you can try. Github user under the nickname gusmanb created the PSVRFramework driver, “allowing you to control the states of the PSVR system, turn the headset on/off, enter/exit VR mode, return to its original state, control the power supply of the unit and read data from the headset sensors.” A company called Trinus was even able to get PSVR to work with Valve OpenVR and is now selling it. software. Trinus PSVR also works with the Vireio Perception driver, so you can play non-VR PC games in VR with a PSVR headset.

Sony PlayStation VR review | Flaws


PlayStation VR- This is an excellent example of high technology, but the device is not without its shortcomings. As mentioned, the headset design has several weak points that can lead to problems over time.

The mechanical head-mount system is a pretty interesting solution, but we're worried that it will eventually just stop working. Whenever you put the headset on your head, the rubber straps on the sides of the headset need to be pulled back. Nothing lasts forever, especially when it is subjected to cyclic stress. At some point, the belts will lose elasticity or break - it's just a matter of time.

The ability to raise the display is certainly nice, but it can also be a potential weak point of the device. When you pull the headset off your head, under the impression of the game, it’s easy to forget that you need to grab the ring, and not the display unit. As a result, a large load is applied to the attachment point.

Tracking system

You may have already read complaints about the tracking system PlayStation VR. In our opinion, the problem is somewhat exaggerated. The tracking system is not as robust as Valve's Lighthouse technology, but it is noticeably cheaper. We think this is enough for most people.

Of course, Sony could have implemented a solution with a better motion tracking system that would not have to be recalibrated. But this would clearly affect the release timeline PlayStation VR, and most likely would affect the price of the device. Plus, Sony already had Move controllers, and it was much easier for the company to adapt an off-the-shelf tracking system for PSVR.

During use, you'll notice that the headset and controller orientation sometimes drift to the side, and we also noticed incorrect controller orientation. Luckily, recalibrating your headset and controllers is as simple as holding down the Options button on your DualShock 4 controller or the Start button on your Move controller.

Most often, problems with orientation in space arise during the day, when there is a lot of sunlight in the room. The darker the room, the better the tracking system works. This makes sense, since it is easier for the PlayStation camera to track LEDs in the dark. To avoid problems with calibration, do not install the camera next to a large window.

Expensive content

Compared to games and apps for Vive and Rift, most of the content for PlayStation VR costs more. There are dozens of free and cheap apps on Steam, but there is almost no free content on the Sony store. Several developers offer game demos, but the full cost is usually higher than the average cost of the average VR game on Steam.

For example, Batman Arkham VR will cost $20, and Robinson Journey costs as much console game Class AAA. It turns out that the headset is relatively affordable, but the price of content for it is unlikely to attract new users to virtual reality.

Sony PlayStation VR review | Conclusion

Does PSVR live up to expectations?

When Sony entered the VR market, it knew that customer expectations would be high. Oculus and HTC/Valve were already selling amazing Rift and Vive headsets that offer a high resolution, low latency displays and precise tracking and set the bar pretty high for consumer-grade VR technology. It shouldn't have been expected that PlayStation VR will be able to take it, especially considering the lower price of the headset. However, Sony had to offer an incredible experience. Why would anyone spend $500 on an accessory only to get a mediocre experience in return?

Fortunately, Sony succeeded. The company has created a wonderful device that perfectly complements its console. If you already have a PlayStation and are interested in virtual reality, then PlayStation VR provides an excellent opportunity to acquire new technology.

The Sony platform offers a convenient and easy-to-use head mounting mechanism. In addition, thanks to the display unit, which is not pressed against the face, the headset PlayStation VR Best suited for glasses wearers.

Display PlayStation VR surprisingly clear. Thanks to the RGB subpixels, it's hard to notice that the display resolution is lower than the Rift or Vive. Sony has proven that resolution isn't everything. The display technology itself plays an important role in the clarity of the headset.

Is it worth buying?

It is unlikely that you will be upset after purchasing PlayStation VR. If, of course, you have the money for this headset. But don't count on varied and accessible content in the first few years. Developers are still figuring out what VR can do. And while they're developing big projects, we're sure to see a lot of smaller VR games and apps.

Cost of PlayStation 4 and package PlayStation VR will be higher than the cost of Oculus Rift. And if you choose PS4 Pro, the price will rise to the level of HTC Vive. However, the Oculus and HTC platforms require a fairly high-performance and expensive computer.

PS4 console owners now have the most accessible route to premium virtual reality. But even if you don't have a PS4, PlayStation VR is still the cheapest high-end VR platform. Of course, Vive and Rift are a level higher, but PSVR looks like a much better deal. Plus, most PC enthusiasts will have a hard time justifying buying a VR system if they don't already have a fast gaming PC.


  • Relative accessibility
  • Convenience
  • The best headset for wearing glasses
  • Clear display


  • Fragile mechanical adjustment system
  • A scary number of items included
  • Expensive content


Sony PlayStation VR is a great way to experience the world of virtual reality at a more affordable price than competing PC devices.

An outside observer will be surprised and think that we were paid. But, unfortunately, this is not the case. At first glance, it is difficult for this game to compete with such graphic giants as Resident Evil 7 or The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. There is a myth that the first version of this game was made in one week. One week, CARL! Later, it was refined by a team of developers, whose efforts led the game to its current popularity. The simplicity and elegance of the gameplay, along with the dynamics and play of color and simple plot, captivated players all over the world.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC;
Genre: FPS, Indie;

Link to Playstation Store.

2. Rez Infinite

For simplicity, let's say that this game is in the rail shooter genre. It is a remake of the tube Rez for Playstation 2. Please note that virtual reality has inspired new life into a forgotten genre where the main task of the player is constant shooting and running. And if all this is wrapped in a beautiful fashionable label computer graphics, sweeten the player's immersion into the world of VR, then you can get a bestseller.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC;
Genre: Shooter, Indie;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

3. Resident Evil 7. Biohazard

A game that doesn't need additional stories. Sony relied on its old love (the author of these lines played RE on the very first PS). The decision to send the player to experience more deeply the animal fear that appears already in the 10th minute of playing Resident Evil in virtual reality is absolutely justified. Open any review and you will see the most enthusiastic reviews. The only negative is that the quality of the graphics is noticeably behind that stated in the trailer. But, believe me, this does not interfere.

Genre: Horror;
Release date: January 2017;
Link to Playstation Store.

4. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

One of the most anticipated new products of 2017. Skyrim is a continuation of the acclaimed Oblivion. Fans of the series, released in 1994, complained about the linearity of the plot and some simplicity. However, the story of fighting dragons in a global world has captivated RPG players. Particular interest was fueled by the opportunity to use a virtual reality helmet for maximum immersion. The first reviews indicate that the developers have significantly redesigned the AI. Fewer “wooden” villains and rivals, more emotions from VR.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC, XBox;
Genre: RPG;
Link to Playstation Store.

5. Batman Arkham VR

Bet on big games with a big name turned out to be a winner for Sony. A branded game, due to its background, will always be several points higher than an identical no-name game. But Batman lives up to his name. The quality of graphics is the first thing that catches the eye of even an experienced user. Now remember your childhood delight in Bruce Wayne’s underground “office”, the Batmobile and all sorts of cool things. Artists know our love for this very well. Therefore, they did not skimp on rendering the world and details. There is one complaint about the game - it has a rather short plot. But for me personally, this is only a plus, otherwise I would not have turned off the console at all.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC, XBox;
Genre: adventure;
Release date: October 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

6. Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

Very good! Fastidious aesthetes immediately stated that the game used genre clichés - evil clowns, nurses, small children. And so it is. The player needs to ride along a rail road that is simply teeming with evil creatures. The plot is quite simple, but you will remember the sensations from such a meal for a long time. Particularly juicy moments can be considered when the player expects danger on the right side, and it appears from above or to the left. Banality, you say? And you play. Then you take back your words.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: FPS;
Release date: October 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

7. Star Wars Battlefront: X-Wing

The game came with an additional bonus when purchasing Star Wars Battlefront. But, unexpectedly, it turned out to be incredibly popular among gamers. Of course, every Star Wars fan has always dreamed of flying in space and seeing the Death Star. X-Wing is a standalone game created for PSVR consoles. There was an important chemistry in the game that many try to explain its success. The opportunity to be in space and fight on " bright side strength." If you know what I mean.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: space simulator;
Release date: December 2016;
Link to Playstation Store.

8. Playroom VR

Playroom VR is exactly the game you need to have in case of a house party. Even 6 mini-games. The tasks are the simplest, the pictures and music are as funny as possible. Small battles, racing, an easy quest are the key to success when you make a game for a company. If your friends don't understand what virtual reality is, then it makes sense to start with it.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: party;
Release date: October 2016;
Link to Playstation Store.


For many, Farpoint has become a kind of calling card for Playstation VR. The story is quite trivial - the spaceship of which you are a passenger crashed on an unfriendly planet. There is no need to explain further. What's important is that Farpoint is a PS4 exclusive. And the creators tried to get the most out of the capabilities of the VR headset. Judging by the reviews, they succeeded.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: action, adventure;
Release date: May 2017;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

10. Statik

No man can live by shooting games alone. You wake up in an unknown place that looks like a laboratory, you have an incomprehensible device in your hands, and a doctor is sitting next to you. And your task is to get out. The game's high rating was ensured by its logic, detective plot and deep immersion using the PSVR helmet. All details are important - objects, their location, color, sounds. Tired of shooting and 360 video, Statik VR is perfect for a long and thoughtful game.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Release date: April 2017;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

11. Tumble VR

An excellent option for playing with children. You have to solve puzzles based on the laws of physics using logical thinking. You can safely leave your child to play “to pass.” He won’t be able to get through to the end, then he will need your help. But even an adult will have to use his brain. Multiplayer and competitive mode deserve special mention. The game has found its audience and is mentioned in all ratings for PSVR

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: puzzles, logic;
Release date: October 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

12. Gran Turismo Sport VR

One of the most anticipated games for PS4 in 2017. The first reviews of the new product are completely enthusiastic. Still, high-quality races always bring a lot of emotions. Secondly, there are practically no competitors of this level on PS. The general point is that the game acts as a kind of springboard for GT 7. Be sure to watch the trailer. After which your desire to feel like driving a cool (or better yet, your favorite) car will at least double. Some players say that sometimes they don’t even try to win. It is more important for them to “feel” the car. Agree, this characteristic of immersion speaks volumes.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: racing, car simulators;
Release date: November 2017;

You are a superhero. Well, how could it be otherwise? You have a tank and you must save the planet from an evil corporation. “Easy”, as they say now. The game is captivating from the first minutes, because your tank turns out to be the most powerful on the planet, and the list of weapons is unusually wide. The developers have provided interesting variations in the use of weapons and ammunition, based on combat tactics. Now imagine that you are not staring at the monitor, but can turn your head in the midst of battle. This is why Battlezone has so many idols.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC;
Genre: action;
Release date: October 2016;
More information on our website;

Job Simulator is a kind of trolling of the modern generation, which was well received by gamers (especially older ones). Robots replaced man and he, poor man, was left with only philosophical reflections and contemplation of nature. The game takes us to this time. But you, a curious person, want to know what it's like to go to work and do something. This is what you will have to learn. All professions are in front of you. Choose any one and go ahead.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC;
Genre: indie, simulation;
Release date: April 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

15. Superhypercube

A successful puzzle game that was exclusively released for PSVR. Your task (quite difficult in fact) in the process of studying the Universe is to get to the end. Observation and logic are your main assistants in it. And, of course, luck.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: logic, puzzles;
Release date: October 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

You can find these and other games in our section. We hope that our article was useful to you.

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I have been following the progress of VR devices for a long time. Ever since the advent of VFX-1, this direction seemed very, very interesting to me. But recently the phenomenon has become widespread.

We are accustomed to the fact that the “virtual” exists. Everyone who wanted to has already tried Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear VR, fortunately there are plenty of demo zones everywhere. But after going to the demo Sony Playstation VR, I realized that this particular product could change everything and bring virtual reality to our world. However, first things first.

Surely everyone remembers these spectacular renders of Sony Playstation VR, which we have been feeding for more than a year now. The device I looked at was almost final. A company representative argued that if there are changes in mass production, they will be minimal. You can see how the device looks with the light on the head in the photo above, and when turned off and on the table it looks like this.

You shouldn't pay attention to the cracks; this is still a pre-production sample. The quality of the plastic is very high. The headband is soft, does not rub anything, and is widely adjustable. Compared to the angular oculus - very approx. Of course, people still need to get used to it, but it looks interesting.

By the way, I realized what this helmet reminds me of. Do you recognize? :)

But let's get back to our sheep. In order to put on the helmet, you need to press this button on the back of the headband and pull the device over your head. If you are going to actively shake your head, you can fix the position using a twister.

There is no adjustment of the distance between the lenses, however, the lenses themselves are very large, with a margin, suitable for almost any person. But I'm afraid Dory the fish will be unhappy. The “muzzle” itself is made of very soft rubber, fits tightly and does not rub.

The image is transmitted via a wire (alas, fast enough wireless transmission has not yet been invented), the kit includes switching boxes for connecting controllers and a TV via HDMI (so your guests can watch you jump around virtual worlds), as well as a headphone extension cord.

By the way, the included headphones are quite pathetic; it’s better to immediately find something better. It is advisable to wear overhead ones, as they make the feeling much better.

You can control your movement in VR using a standard gamepad, or using sticks like these. They have all the necessary buttons, movements are caught quite clearly.

And, of course, you will need the Playstation 4 itself.

Okay, let's move on to the demos. I put on my helmet and pick up the sticks. When I move them, you can see how the pistols in my hands move back and forth. I'm sitting in some kind of hellish trolley, and I'm moving forward. Dead girls are attacking me! DEAD PIGS pour out rivers of blood from all sides. Then they try to pierce me with some kind of hooks. And I involuntarily dodge, shooting back along the way. Here is the trailer for the game (but it doesn’t show dead pigs or hooks, and in general it looks somehow not scary in the Youtube window).

I understand that my fear will look naive in a few years. And you can laugh at him. Just as they are now laughing at people running out of the hall where the Lumiere brothers demonstrated their “arrival of the train.” In the meantime, despite the fact that the demo is short, I can’t stand it and take off the virtual reality helmet ahead of time, without finishing the demo. Dima Lazarev, who is conducting the demonstration, chuckles quietly in the corner.

Is there anything that isn't horror? - I ask.

The thing is, I'm cool with horror films. In the cinema, for example, and at home in the dark. But here everything is somehow too unusual.

Certainly! - Dima says and turns on Job Simulator.

It's even scarier in Job Simulator. We play as an office slave who drinks coffee, turns computers on and off, and puts some documents into folders. Brr, a shiver down the back of my neck. After a couple of minutes, I get tired of throwing donuts at my neighbors, and I ask for new demos.

This time they give me London Heist. Everything is great here. I'm off shooting targets from a fast moving car. It’s very interesting that you have to reach into the bag to get the clips, and not reload the pistol with a click. It's a shame the demo is short - I'm going through the whole thing.

Well, everything, in general, is clear to me,” I say. - Let's have one last thing.

Dima smiles sadistically and launches the next demo. Here I am tied to a chair. A dead girl appears out of nowhere and starts stabbing me with a knife. I can only spin helplessly. A disgusting sight. And there is no video to show you.

It’s clear that horror is the best way to engage. But I hope the developers will not focus only on horror films.

All that is available now are demos. But the demos are very good level dives. I have strong nerves, but horror films made me really uneasy. The Playstation VR helmet is currently the most convenient and most comfortable. The image quality is normal - the resolution certainly let us down (1920x1080 for both eyes), but no one else offers it, and thanks to the OLED panels, the colors are rich and the picture looks good.

And, by the way, this kit turns out to be the cheapest - its stated cost is about $400 (in Russia at the start there will be about 37k RRP, and you can find a cheaper kit). Add another 20-25k on the console itself and you've got a VR kit for under $1000. You will have to spend incomparably more on an HTC Vive or Oculus Rift, especially considering the price of a gaming computer.

There will be 15 games at the start. It is already clear that they will be realistic, this can be judged from the demos. But how interesting will they be? You can't understand this from the demos. And developers, screenwriters - everyone needs to learn how to make games for VR. As the practice of the same Oculus Rift shows, most developers have not yet learned how to do this (I’m not even talking about helmets with Android smartphones inside). What inspires optimism is that Sony ate the dog at games and can take good teams developers under your wing. However, you still can’t be 100% sure - as is the case, for example, with 4K television. They promised it to us so many times, including Sony, but things are still there.

By the end of the year we are promised at least 50 games, including AAA ones. The release is expected in October 2016. We are waiting, sir.
