Assault on the iron camp of the iron horde. Detailed guide: how to fly in Draenor. Comment from ivo1ga

Comment from Ilaya

If it helps anyone, when completing a garrison campaign, you are also sent to the same zones and the blue bar is filled, but if this is not a daily achievement, then the criterion does not count towards the current achievement. This achievement applies ONLY to daily tasks (blue tasks).

When completing a garrison campaign, where the blue bar is also filled, it counts towards the achievement. An example of such a campaign.

/Edit: spelling.

Comment from lexthor

Has anyone received this achievement? For a long time now there remains the last Challenge in the Ring of Blood, which does not want to appear. Looks like this is another bug.

Comment from EllaNF

And if almost all the tasks of the garrison companies (11/12) have been completed, then how can you figure out in which zone the daily meeting is taking place? (In addition to running to each zone)

Comment from ivo1ga

In the bourgeois comments it is written that this quest is this moment only works for the alliance. There is a game error, we write tickets to error messages and wait for a fix. Maybe they'll fix it in 6.1...

Comment from niffu

If you get two tasks at once that you haven’t done yet, you can safely cancel one of them after completing and passing the criterion and take the rest.

Comment from danirkin2012

In patch 6.1, the criterion for completing the Challenge quest in the Ring of Blood will be removed.

If you currently have only one left from the entire list, then in patch 6.1 you will receive it immediately after entering the game.

Comment from Buter

This achievement will be needed so that your characters can use personal flights in Draenor.
"In update 6.2, you will need to explore the lands of Draenor - explore all zones, collect 100 Draenor treasures, get the achievements "Loremaster of Draenor" and "Guardian of Draenor" and achieve that you are revered by all three new factions in the Tanaan Jungle. To everyone who received this The achievement will be awarded to the flying Rylak "Sky Storm" - a local animal that can fly in the skies of Draenor. For some time, players will only move around Draenor on the ground, but in mini-update 6.2.x, all players have characters level 90 who have earned this achievement , will be able to move freely through the air over Draenor."
Patience everyone!)

If you warmly welcomed the introduction of flying in Draenor in patch 6.2 (6.2.2) and plan to get access to it sooner, then right now you can start completing the special achievement Draenor Pioneer, which is necessary to learn how to fly in Draenor.

This guide will provide you with information on what you need to do to fly over Draenor.

For those who want to save time, there are several proven services. you can buy obtaining the achievement "Draenor Pioneer" Online Night-money. Along with the achievement and the ability to fly to Draenor, you will receive the mount Soaring Terror of the Skies.

Criteria for obtaining the Draenor Pioneer achievement (this achievement is required to learn flying in Draenor):

  1. Explore all Draenor locations (Draenor achievement)
  2. Find 100 treasures in Draenor (follow progress in Great Treasure Hunter)
  3. Complete Loremaster of Draenor and Guardian of Draenor (note that links are to Alliance achievements. Horde achievement criteria may vary)
  4. Reach Revered with three new factions in Patch 6.2: , (Horde) and (Alliance)

You can get the first 3 criteria even before the release of patch 6.2!

By the way, a handy tool has been added to the wowhead website that allows you to check your current progress in meeting the necessary criteria in order to fly in Draenor - Draenor Flying Tool.

How to unlock flights in Draenor (Draenor Pathfinder)

Explore Draenor

The simplest achievement required to open flights. Just make sure that you have fully explored all of the available locations in Draenor. If you missed something, go back and run through all the unexplored corners of the area.

Collect 100 treasures

This criterion can be met in two ways:

  • Complete Loremaster of Draenor and buy treasure location maps from Grakis or Shrikka. This is the easiest path for people who have completed all the main tasks in Draenor.
  • Download the HandyNotes modification and the DraenorTreasures plugin. As you level up and complete tasks, you will be able to open the number of hidden caches you need.

Loremaster and Guardian of Draenor

Nothing supernatural. You just have to do everything story missions and daily Apexis quests. If you haven't started doing them yet, then perhaps now is the time to start. You can track the progress of their implementation in achieving

Comment from Ilaya

If it helps anyone, when completing a garrison campaign, you are also sent to the same zones and the blue bar is filled, but if this is not a daily achievement, then the criterion does not count towards the current achievement. This achievement applies ONLY to daily tasks (blue tasks).

When completing a garrison campaign, where the blue bar is also filled, it counts towards the achievement. An example of such a campaign.

/Edit: spelling.

Comment from lexthor

Has anyone received this achievement? For a long time now there remains the last Challenge in the Ring of Blood, which does not want to appear. Looks like this is another bug.

Comment from EllaNF

And if almost all the tasks of the garrison companies (11/12) have been completed, then how can you figure out in which zone the daily meeting is taking place? (In addition to running to each zone)

Comment from ivo1ga

In the bourgeois comments it is written that this quest is currently only available for the alliance. There is a game error, we write tickets to error messages and wait for a fix. Maybe they'll fix it in 6.1...

Comment from niffu

If you get two tasks at once that you haven’t done yet, you can safely cancel one of them after completing and passing the criterion and take the rest.

Comment from danirkin2012

In patch 6.1, the criterion for completing the Challenge quest in the Ring of Blood will be removed.

If you currently have only one left from the entire list, then in patch 6.1 you will receive it immediately after entering the game.

Comment from Buter

This achievement will be needed so that your characters can use personal flights in Draenor.
"In update 6.2, you will need to explore the lands of Draenor - explore all zones, collect 100 Draenor treasures, get the achievements "Loremaster of Draenor" and "Guardian of Draenor" and achieve that you are revered by all three new factions in the Tanaan Jungle. To everyone who received this The achievement will be awarded to the flying Rylak "Sky Storm" - a local animal that can fly in the skies of Draenor. For some time, players will only move around Draenor on the ground, but in mini-update 6.2.x, all players have characters level 90 who have earned this achievement , will be able to move freely through the air over Draenor."
Patience everyone!)

Flying in Draenor will become available with patch 6.2.2, which will be released on September 2. In order to fly in Draenor, you must complete the achievement Draenor Pioneer, which includes several other achievements. This guide will tell you how to fulfill all the requirements of the Draenor Pathfinder.

For those who want to save time, there are several proven services. you can buy obtaining the achievement "Draenor Pioneer" Online Night-money. Along with the achievement and the ability to fly to Draenor, you will receive a mount.

general information

The reward for this achievement is a mount, and to complete it you will need to demonstrate that you have thoroughly explored Draenor from the ground. In other words, you must complete the following steps:

  • Explore all zones of the continent (Draenor achievement);
  • Find 100 treasures of Draenor (complete the Master Treasure Hunter achievement);
  • Complete all main quest chains (Loremaster of Draenor - Alliance / Horde);
  • Complete 12 quests for Apexis Crystals (Guardian of Draenor - Alliance / Horde);
  • Level up your reputation to Revered with three factions (Tanaan Diplomat - Alliance / Horde).

Video guide (in English):

Track achievement progress on Wowhead

The well-known site has prepared a tool for players that allows you to track the progress of your achievement Draenor Pioneer. The tool is very useful, we recommend using it if you have any difficulties - Draenor Pathfinder Tool.

Exploring Draenor

All of these treasures can only be found and collected once per player, after which they disappear forever. Treasures are visible to everyone individually, so you don’t have to worry that someone will open them earlier and you will have to wait for them to respawn.

It is important to note that treasures from the Tanaan Jungle location added to , do not count towards the progress of this achievement.

Draenor Treasure Maps

After you complete the Loremaster quests in each individual location of Draenor, you will be able to purchase a treasure map for that location, which shows the location of all caches that you have not yet opened. Such cards are sold for 100 gold from Grakis in Windbreak (for Alliance) and Shrikki in Warspear (for Horde).

In addition, the garrison has exploration missions, which can also be rewarded with treasure maps. For the Horde, this is the only way to get the Shadowmoon Valley Treasure Map, and for the Alliance - the Frostfire Ridge Treasure Map.

Here is a list of missions that can help with the treasure map for the Draenor Pathfinder:

  • Tomb Raider (Shadowmoon Valley)
  • Change of sides (ridge Ice fire)
  • (Gorgrond)
  • Fields Where Sorrow Grows (Talador)
  • Entertaining ornithology (Spikes of Arak)
  • Plateau Heist (Nagrand)

You can also purchase the Explorer's Notebook from Grakis/Shrikki to receive additional missions research for followers (note that there cannot be more than one active mission at the same time).

In addition to purchasing cards, you can simply install the addon Handy Notes Draenor Treasures, which displays the position of treasures on the map and indicates how to get to them (if they are not located on the surface of the earth).

The next step towards completing the Draenor Pioneer achievement is completion. Loremaster of Draenor(Alliance/Horde). To do this, you must complete all the main quest chains in the five main locations of Draenor for your faction.

Loremaster of Draenor - achievement tied to account. Thus, you can complete it with several characters at once, but remember that individual achievements for each location (for example, Nagrandious) must be completed entirely by one character, while each of the five achievements for individual locations can be completed by different characters.

Guarding Draenor

For achievement Guarding Draenor(Alliance/Horde) you need to complete 12 different tasks for apexis crystals from the command table in your. In this case, there is no need to obtain the corresponding achievements - you just need to complete 12 different daily tasks.

This achievement is not account-specific - you must complete all tasks with one character. You will need a level 100 character and a second or third level garrison.

Every day, two dailies will appear on the commander’s table to choose from, which will send you to the zone for level 100 characters, where you will need to kill monsters. As of patch 6.1, these quests cannot be completed as part of a raid group, but can be completed as part of a group of five.

List of required tasks:

  • Attack on Shattrath Harbor(Talador).
  • Attack on Skettis(Spikes of Arak).
  • Assault on Socrethar's Plateau, Assault on the Pillars of Doom, Assault on Darktide Nest(Shadowmoon Valley).
  • Attack on guard post Mok'gol, Attack on the Broken Shore(Nagrand).
  • Assault on Stonefury Lands, Assault on Magnarok, Assault on Iron Horde Siege Camp(Frostfire Ridge).
  • Attack on the Pit, Attack on the Everbloom Thicket(Gorgrond).

Be careful - from time to time there may be daily items on the table that are not required for the achievement Guarding Draenor, and therefore for Draenor Pioneer.

Draenor Pioneer guide simply necessary. Because without a guide, this achievement, which gives the opportunity not to run but to fly in the vast expanses of Draenor, seems very difficult to any pioneer. But with the guide, everything doesn’t look so scary. Let's go point by point.

Draenor Pioneer Guide: Draenor Achievement

Since opening all the regions, districts and districts of Draenor is the first condition for obtaining the “Draenor Pioneer”, our guide, of course, advises opening them all. And to find out exactly which Draenor corners we haven’t set foot in yet, I highly recommend the addon: it colors undiscovered places on the map green, so it becomes difficult to miss.

Guide for the Draenor Pioneer: “Guarding Draenor”

This component of the “Draenor Pioneer” guide does not require much, but requires the completion of 12 Draenor additional tasks. To find out which of them we have not passed, click on the icon on the bottom bar "Achievements", select from the menu on the left "Study", then "Draenor", and then we look on the right "Draenor Pioneer". We open there "Guarding Draenor" Yes, let's look at what additional tasks we have not yet completed. Well, we carry them out, taking them from the table near / inside the main hut of our garrison. And if the ones we need are not there, then we buy tokens for them for 200 garrison resources (each!) from /, which rub at the entrance to it.

Guide for the Draenor Pathfinder: “Loremaster of Draenor”

"The Wisdom of Draenor" is the end of all major storylines Draenor. There are different ways to do this, but our Draenor Pioneer guide advises taking the simplest route. That is, open the achievement again through the lower bar "Draenor Pioneer", find there "Loremaster of Draenor" Yes, let’s see which locations we have not closed yet. Next, we open a map of one of these locations, look where there is an exclamation or question mark on it, and go, accordingly, take this quest or turn it in. And then we try to stick to this particular chain of quests until we close all the storylines here. Well, then, of course, we do the same thing at the next location.

Guide for the Draenor Pioneer: achievement "Tanaan Diplomat"

To obtain the "Draenor Pioneer" requires 3 respectful reputations:

Homage to the Draenor Pioneer from the Voljin Headhunters/Hand of the Prophet

In theory, it is filled automatically as other Draenor tasks are completed (building, etc.). If not, let’s take it and make daily Volmar / Lion’s Watch scenes.

Homage to the Draenor Pioneer from the Saber Hunters

The pioneer of Draenor can earn the respect of saber lovers in several ways. Let's play trump card:

Trouble in the Jungle

Once a week brings 3500 reputation at once. This quest is given and later accepted by a creature from Ztenga Walker.

He lives in the Klykomorye at coordinates 55 – 75:

You need to buy 3 from him, which are then stuck in turn in the arena with coordinates 54 - 81, in order to summon and beat these same Black Fangs (and then be sure to get them!):

Totems are purchased for , which will also be needed to complete the next quest.

Daily, brings 1500 reputation. Issued by (Volmar) from (Lion Watch). The best coordinates for mowing teeth are considered to be 40 – 78, although they can also be found in the vicinity of the Klykomorye.


(63 – 72), (64 – 81), (52 – 84) and (49 – 73) give 500 turnips each.

Rank and file

Any destroyed or Black Fang gang will bring 25 turnips.

Homage to the Draenor Pioneer from the Order of the Awoken

This order, despite its loud name, consists of one single representative (though he managed to split in two for the Horde and the Alliance) -. This Krisek hangs around in the same Volmar / Lion's Watch, issuing dailies - the only way to build a reputation with him. The quest itself involves collecting 10, which drop 1-2 each from Tanaan rarities and treasures. And as many as 3 pieces can be immediately obtained using the ones already mentioned. But only the biggest one. And only once a day.

Guide for the Draenor Pioneer: "Treasure Hunter (Master)"

Here our guide to the Draenor pioneer again recommends the simplest way - download the addon: it shows all the Draenor treasures on the map plus an arrow indicating the closest one. It is worth noting, by the way, that this achievement does not count the Tanaan treasures.

Well, that’s the whole guide for the Draenor pioneer. The only thing that our guide can still advise a pioneer is to combine different draenor achievements. For example, exploring Draenor, completing its storylines and searching for treasures can be done simultaneously. And God himself ordered to pump up all the reputations at once. The main thing is not to be timid, my brave pioneers!
