Signal card for a family from the school. Does the family signal card indicate anything about the teacher? Can a cohabitant, at the mother’s request, bring her child to kindergarten? On the approval of the "Alarm card about a family in a socially dangerous situation"

MAOU "Secondary school No. 36"

1. Information about the minor:

FULL NAME. ________________________________________________________________________

Study class ________________________________, studying at school with _______________

Date of birth _____________________________, full years __________________________

Home address, phone number________________________________________________________________

2. Information about parents:

Mother (full name, date of birth, address, phone number, place of work) ____________________________


Father (full name, date of birth, address, phone number, place of work)___________________________



Additionally: (if parents are divorced, indicate since when) _____________________

3. Information about other relatives: (Full name, date of birth, relation to the child)



4. Housing and living conditions (emphasize availability):

house, department apartment, room in the department apartment,

room in room apartment, absent

Sanitary condition

satisfactory, unsatisfactory

Place to sleep, linen

in beat condition, in bad condition condition, missing

Place for games and activities

yes, no

Toys and school supplies

correspond, does not correspond, missing

Characteristic information about the child

1. Educational activities:

academic performance________________________________________________________________________________

knowledge level _____________________________________________________________

class attendance ______________________________________________________________

learning abilities ______________________________________________________________

cognitive interest ______________________________________________________________

2. Extracurricular activities:

the child’s position in the team ________________________________________________

participation in class life __________________________________________________________

participation in school activities _____________________________________________________

3. Additional education:

At school ____________________________________________________________________

outside the OS ____________________________________________________________

4. Health problems:


Characteristics of family relationships

(Underline whatever applicable)

1. Adults’ attitude towards a teenager’s extracurricular activities at home: encouraging, interested, controlling, indifferent, negative

2. The family’s attitude towards the teenager’s academic affairs: constantly interested, tightly controlling, supportive, inconsistent, constantly in conflict over grades

3. Are they punished at home for academic successes and failures: practically no, quite often, no, never

4. How a teenager usually spends time at home: independent, under the control of adults, with the participation of adults in his affairs, with his participation in the affairs of adults, uncontrolled, the teenager himself controls his time, controls both his time and the activities of younger family members

5. The child has conflicts with family members: parents, elders, younger

6. Favorite leisure activities : work, communication, reading, watching TV, music, art, passion for technology, caring for animals, plants, sports, crafts

7. Adults’ attitude towards a teenager’s communication and friends: interested, indifferent, negative

8. Principles of upbringing in the family: strict, authoritarian submission to adults, connivance, gentle upbringing, lack of uniform requirements from parents, indulgence of the child’s wishes

9. Who is actually involved in raising the child: mother (stepmother), father (stepfather), grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, other relatives _________________________________

Characteristic information for the family

Family composition (list everyone living together) ____________________________



Family social status _______________________________________________________

Family dysfunction (how it manifests itself) __________________________________________


Financial situation of the family __________________________________________________


Registered with social institutions or departments (specify) __________________


What types of help does the family need? _____________________________________________


The main areas of work for drawing up the program:


Document's name: On the approval of the "Alarm card about the family located"
Document Number: 360-O
Document type: Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Belarus

Order of the MMPS RB

Receiving authority:

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Belarus

Status: Active
Acceptance date: September 26, 2012
Start date: September 26, 2012






On the approval of the "Alarm card about a family in
in a socially dangerous situation, about a minor,
in a socially dangerous situation"

In order to implement the requirements of Article 9 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1999 N 120-FZ "On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency"

we order:

1. Approve the form of the Alert Card about a family in a socially dangerous situation, about a minor in a socially dangerous situation (hereinafter referred to as the Alert Card) (Appendix No. 1).

2. Approve the form of the journal for recording outgoing Signal Cards about a family in a socially dangerous situation, about a minor in a socially dangerous situation (Appendix No. 2).

3. Approve the form of the journal for recording incoming Signal Cards about a family in a socially dangerous situation, about a minor in a socially dangerous situation (Appendix No. 3).

4. Approve the report form for working with Alert Cards about a family in a socially dangerous situation, about a minor in a socially dangerous situation (Appendix No. 4).

5. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports of the Republic of Bashkortostan should organize work on the implementation of Signal Cards in subordinate bodies and institutions.

6. To the heads of educational, healthcare, social protection and social services institutions, internal affairs bodies, youth affairs bodies, guardianship and trusteeship bodies:

organize work with Signal cards in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”;

ensure the submission of information on cases of identification of minors and families in a socially dangerous situation to the commission on affairs of minors and the protection of their rights under the administrations of municipal districts and city districts using Signal Cards;

keep registration and accounting of incoming and outgoing Signal Cards in accordance with the forms approved by this Order;

quarterly, before the 10th day of the month following the reporting quarter, submit a report to the supervising agency in the form approved by this Order.

7. Recommend to the heads of administrations of municipal districts and urban districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan to organize the implementation of Signal Cards in the work of the relevant structural divisions of the administrations.

8. Recognize as invalid the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Bashkortostan N 3-O, the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports of the Republic of Bashkortostan N OD-42/1, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Bashkortostan N 61, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan N 57, the Ministry Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan N 142-D dated January 25, 2010 “On approval of the “Alert card about a family in a socially dangerous situation, about a minor in a socially dangerous situation.”

labor and social
protection of the population
Republic of Bashkortostan

youth policy and sports
Republic of Bashkortostan

internal affairs
Republic of Bashkortostan

Republic of Bashkortostan
A.S. Gayazov

Republic of Bashkortostan

Appendix No. 1

Appendix No. 1

social protection of the population

Ministry of Youth
politics and sports

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Health

dated September 26, 2012

Signal card
about a family in a socially dangerous situation,
about a minor in a socially dangerous situation
(in accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1999
N 120-FZ "On the basics of the prevention system
neglect and juvenile delinquency")

To the commission on affairs of minors and protection of their rights
_____________ district. Address: __________________________________
To the prosecutor's office. Address: ___________________________________
To the department of internal affairs (education, health, social protection
population) _____________________________________________ district
(or other body depending on the situation)
Address: ________________________________________________________

"__" _______ 20__ N ____
During ___________________________________________________________________
(examination of living conditions, medical examination of the child,
educational process, etc.)
identified _____________________ resident at _____________________

Installed _____________________________________________________________________
(the essence of the matter is briefly stated (the sanitary condition of the home,
the state of health of the children, are there any signs of violence, do the children attend
educational institutions, etc.)

Do adult family members abuse alcohol and alcohol-containing drinks?
products, beer and drinks made on its basis, do they consume
narcotic drugs, psychotropic or intoxicating substances* ______________

Do minors consume alcohol and alcohol-containing products, beer?
and drinks made on its basis, narcotic drugs, psychotropic
or intoxicating substances* ___________________________________________________
Signature of the person who compiled the signal card (indicating the position, full name)

* if detected, the Alert Card is necessarily sent to the authority
health management
(drawn up by a police officer, social service worker, education worker, health worker and/or other
representative of bodies and institutions of the neglect prevention system and
juvenile offenses in 3 copies, 1 copy is mandatory
kept in order in storage materials)

Back of the card

Extract from the Federal Law of June 24, 1999 N 120-FZ "On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency":

Article 1. Basic concepts

A family in a socially dangerous situation is a family with children in a socially dangerous situation, as well as a family where parents or other legal representatives of minors do not fulfill their responsibilities for their upbringing, education and (or) maintenance and (or) negatively influence their behavior or mistreat them.

Article 9. Guarantees for the implementation of this Federal Law

1. Bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, as well as minors, their parents or other legal representatives have the right to apply to the court in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation with a claim for compensation for harm caused to the health of the minor, his property, and (or) moral harm.

2. Bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, within the limits of their competence, are obliged to ensure respect for the rights and legitimate interests of minors, to protect them from all forms of discrimination, physical or mental violence, insult, abuse, sexual and other exploitation, to identify minors and families in a socially dangerous situation, as well as immediately inform:

1) the prosecutor's office - about violation of the rights and freedoms of minors;

2) the commission on affairs of minors and the protection of their rights - on identified cases of violation of the rights of minors to education, work, rest, housing and other rights, as well as on shortcomings in the activities of bodies and institutions that impede the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors;

3) guardianship and trusteeship authority - on identifying minors left without the care of parents or other legal representatives or who are in an environment that poses a threat to their life, health or interferes with their upbringing;

4) the body managing the social protection of the population - on identifying minors in need of state assistance due to neglect or homelessness, as well as on identifying families in a socially dangerous situation;

5) internal affairs body - on identifying parents of minors or their other legal representatives and other persons who abuse minors and (or) involve them in committing a crime or antisocial actions or commit other illegal acts against them, as well as minors, those who have committed an offense or antisocial acts;

6) health care management body - on identifying minors in need of examination, observation or treatment in connection with the use of alcohol and alcohol-containing products, beer and drinks made on its basis, narcotic drugs, psychotropic or intoxicating substances;

7) education management body - on identifying minors in need of state assistance in connection with unauthorized departure from orphanages, boarding schools and other children's institutions or in connection with termination of classes in educational institutions for unjustified reasons;

8) youth affairs body - on identifying minors who are in a socially dangerous situation and in this regard need assistance in organizing recreation, leisure, and employment.

3. The information specified in paragraph 2 of this article is subject to storage and use in a manner that ensures its confidentiality.

4. Officials, parents of minors or their other legal representatives and other persons are responsible for violation of the rights of minors, as well as for failure to fulfill or improper performance of duties for their upbringing, training and (or) maintenance in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities Russian Federation.

Appendix No. 2

Appendix No. 2
to the Order of the Ministry of Labor and
social protection of the population
Republic of Bashkortostan N 360-O,
Ministry of Youth
politics and sports
Republic of Bashkortostan N OD-808,
Ministry of Internal Affairs
for the Republic of Bashkortostan N 1043,
Ministry of Education
Republic of Bashkortostan N 2397,
Ministry of Health
Republic of Bashkortostan N 2467-D
dated September 26, 2012

accounting of outgoing Signal cards about a family located
in a socially dangerous situation, about a minor,
in a socially dangerous situation


organ or

FULL NAME. family members/



Appendix No. 3

Appendix No. 3
to the Order of the Ministry of Labor and
social protection of the population
Republic of Bashkortostan N 360-O,
Ministry of Youth
politics and sports
Republic of Bashkortostan N OD-808,
Ministry of Internal Affairs
for the Republic of Bashkortostan N 1043,
Ministry of Education
Republic of Bashkortostan N 2397,
Ministry of Health
Republic of Bashkortostan N 2467-D
dated September 26, 2012

accounting of incoming Signal cards about a family located
in a socially dangerous situation, about a minor,
in a socially dangerous situation

N incoming

organ or

FULL NAME. family members/



Appendix No. 4

Appendix No. 4
to the Order of the Ministry of Labor and
social protection of the population
Republic of Bashkortostan N 360-O,
Ministry of Youth
politics and sports
Republic of Bashkortostan N OD-808,
Ministry of Internal Affairs
for the Republic of Bashkortostan N 1043,
Ministry of Education
Republic of Bashkortostan N 2397,
Ministry of Health
Republic of Bashkortostan N 2467-D
dated September 26, 2012

on working with Alert Cards about a family in a socially dangerous situation, about a minor,
in a socially dangerous situation
(name of body or institution)

Number of sent Signal Cards

Number of received Signal Cards



Sent cards to:



Cards received from:


on business
them and
protecting them


guardianship and




nothing to do with them


(referred to as
shut up


on business
them and
protecting them


guardianship and






(referred to as
shut up
which ones)

On approval of the “Alert card about a family in a socially dangerous situation, about a minor in a socially dangerous situation”

Document's name:
Document Number: 360-O
Document type: Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Belarus

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Order of the MMPS RB

Receiving authority: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Belarus

Status: Active
Acceptance date: September 26, 2012
Start date: September 26, 2012

Signal card

on identifying a case of neglect of a child’s basic needs, leaving a child in danger, or a case of child abuse

"____" ________ 20___ No. _____

During ______________________________________________________________________________

(examination of living conditions, medical examination of the child, educational process, etc.)

Installed: ________________________________________________________________________

(briefly outlines the essence of the case: are there any traces of physical violence, facts of neglect of needs, leaving in danger, the sanitary condition of the home, the state of health of children, etc.)

whether the children attend educational institutions, the health status of the parents (alcoholism, drug addiction), whether the parents live with the child, other information about the family and minors)__________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Are minors or legal representatives registered in any subjects of the prevention system? ___________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________ Full name and position of the specialist who filled out the card

Extract from:

Art. 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Failure to fulfill obligations to raise a minor.

Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of the duties of raising a minor by a parent or other person entrusted with these duties, as well as by a teacher or other employee of an educational, training, medical or other institution obliged to supervise the minor, if this act is associated with cruel treatment of the minor.

By the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated May 27, 1998. No. 10 “On the application of legislation by courts when resolving disputes related to the upbringing of children” it is determined that cruel treatment should be understood as:

Deprivation of food, shoes, clothing, gross violation of the daily routine due to the psychophysical needs of a child of a certain age, deprivation of sleep, rest, failure to comply with basic hygiene standards (resulting in any illness), failure to comply with the doctor’s recommendations and orders for treating the child, refusal or evasion from providing necessary medical care to the child, etc.;

Active actions that grossly violate the fundamental rights and interests of the subject of educational activities, consisting in the application of unacceptable methods of education and treatment to the child, i.e. all types of physical, mental and emotional violence against children, presenting clearly excessive demands on the child, demonstrating dislike and hostility towards him;

Systematic manifestation of physical and mental violence against close relatives of the child (for example, beating the mother in the presence of children).

Appendix 5

Monitoring of identified facts of neglect of the needs of a child, leaving a child in danger, cruel treatment of minors

KDN and salary of ___________ municipal district for _____________ 20__


Full name of the minor

Date of birth n/l

Residence address n/l

Status of a minor at the time of detection of a case of ill-treatment (norm, risk group, SOP)

Subject of prevention who has revealed the fact of neglect of the needs of a child, leaving in danger, cruel treatment of a minor

A person who neglected the needs of a child, left him in danger, abused him (legal representative of a child, official, other citizen)

The circumstances of the incident (what exactly happened and where: in the family, in an institution, in a public place, etc.).

Measures taken regarding the minor (removed from the family, living in a biological family, living with relatives, etc.)

Measures taken against the person who committed the cruel treatment (information was sent to the Department of Internal Affairs, an identification specialist to collect a package of documents in the SOP, registered, an administrative protocol was drawn up, a criminal case was initiated (date of initiation, indicate the article of the Criminal Code, etc.)

Appendix 6

Monitoring of cases of death of minors

from the commission on juvenile affairs and protection of their rights of the ______________ municipal district

on __ _________20__


Full name of the minor

Date of Birth


Date of death

Parents (legal representatives)

Cause of death (due to illness, as a result of an accident (fire, drowning, traffic accident, electric shock, poisoning, etc.), suicide, grievous bodily harm resulting in death, murder, etc.)

Employment of a minor (not organized, attended a preschool educational institution, a general education institution, an NGO institution, a secondary vocational education institution, was in individual training, worked, did not study or work, etc.)

Art. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for committing a crime against a minor

(in cases of abuse, crimes)

Presence of other minors in the family

Was the minor registered (risk group, SOP, norm)












Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights

Perm region
04.03.2013 № 1/5

In order to ensure the organization of work with families and children who are at risk and in a socially dangerous situation, the Commission for the Affairs of Minors and the Protection of Their Rights of the Perm Territory


1. Set forth the Procedure for interdepartmental interaction on the prevention of child and family problems (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) in a new edition (Appendix 1).

2. Municipal commissions for minors and protection of their rights:

2.1. ensure compliance with the Procedure in accordance with the changes made.

Deputy Chairman of the regional CDNiZP P.V. Mikov


by the resolution of the CDNiZP

Perm region

The procedure for interdepartmental

interaction on prevention

child and family problems

(as amended on March 4, 2013)
KDNiZP– Commission on Minors’ Affairs and Protection of Their Rights

SOP– socially dangerous situation

KGAOU TsPMSS- regional state autonomous educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance, “Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support No. 3” for orphans and children without parental care, Perm

KS– consultation of specialists

YPRES– individual rehabilitation program for families and children in SOP (active patronage)

IPSP - individual program for stable patronage of families and children in special conditions

IPP – individual patronage program for minors aged 14 to 18 years

IP - individual program (summarizes IPR, IPP, IPSP)

IPS- individual support program

TU MSR – Territorial Department of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory

UFCASS- a unified form of comprehensive analysis of the family situation

X- family information card

MLWG – interdepartmental local working group

SCOU for orphans - state regional educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care

GKU NPO- state regional institution of primary vocational education

GKU SPO- state regional institution of secondary vocational education

Department of Internal Affairs - Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

OPDN - juvenile department

reduction in the number of families and children in socially dangerous situations;

reducing child and infant mortality.

  1. Organize the interaction of subjects of the prevention system in the process of carrying out individual preventive and rehabilitation work with families and children who are in a socially dangerous situation and in a “risk group” of a socially dangerous situation.

  2. Provide a targeted approach in organizing and conducting rehabilitation and correctional activities for various categories of families and children.

  3. To introduce correctional and rehabilitation technologies for various categories of families and children into the work of specialists in the prevention system.

  4. Introduce a monitoring system for the activities of specialists in the rehabilitation of families and children in the SOP.

  5. Introduce a quality control system for the implementation of individual programs by all subjects of the prevention system.

Basic Concepts
The following concepts apply in this Procedure:

individual preventive work activities for the timely identification of minors and families in a socially dangerous situation, as well as for their social and pedagogical rehabilitation and (or) prevention of their commission of offenses and antisocial actions;

child and family problems– a condition in which essential needs are not met and basic life functions of both the family as a whole and its individual members (including children) are not fulfilled;

prevention of child and family problems- a system of social, legal, pedagogical and other measures aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to neglect, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors, carried out in conjunction with individual preventive, corrective and accompanying work with minors and their families who are in SOP and risk group;

difficult life situation - a situation that objectively disrupts a citizen’s life for reasons of disability, inability to self-care due to old age or illness, unemployment, orphanhood, loneliness, neglect, poverty, conflicts and abuse in the family, violation of legal rights and interests, lack of a specific place of residence, etc. .d., which he cannot overcome on his own;

a family in a socially dangerous situation - a family with children who are in a socially dangerous situation for their life and health, as well as a family where parents or other legal representatives of minors do not fulfill their responsibilities for their upbringing, education and (or) maintenance and (or) negatively influence their behavior or are mistreated;

a minor in a socially dangerous situation - a person under the age of 18 who, due to neglect or homelessness, is in an environment that poses a danger to his life or health or does not meet the requirements for his upbringing or maintenance, or commits offenses or other antisocial actions;

family at risk- a family whose life activity, under existing conditions, can lead to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by parents of the duties of raising, educating and (or) maintaining a child, to a socially dangerous situation for a minor;

correction of child and family problems– activities aimed at overcoming, mitigating the developmental and educational deficiencies of minors at risk of a socially dangerous situation, carried out both in relation to minors themselves and members of their families, in order to prevent the commission of offenses, stop destructive behavior, as well as create conditions for the development of the child’s personality ;

at-risk minor– a minor who, due to various life circumstances, is in a situation of social disadvantage that impedes “normal” (favorable, socially acceptable) development and maturation, but is not yet in a socially dangerous situation;

Do they write about the teacher on the KDN signal card for a family? Signal cards are sent after submission to the Control Department. Signal card in KDN sample mounted opening culturally. Petition for registration of families in the KDN, ODN, GBD. Recommend to the heads of administrations of municipal districts and urban districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan to organize the implementation of Signal Cards. On approval of the Signal Card about a family in a socially dangerous situation, about a minor in

Algorithm for confirming the symptoms of the problem. Signal card in cdn sample filling. In 2011, 42 signal cards were registered in the KDN and ZP under the administration of the municipal district of Burzyansky district. Signature of the person who compiled the signal card. Remained forever unanswered as an example of pinning in vain

This kind of cardboard work helped me to constantly keep my actions under control and respond to them in a timely manner. This document contains a sample description of a student who is enrolled in a high school and registered as a student, to be submitted to. How can I protect myself in this case? The baby's health status is filled with honey. Alert card about a family in a socially dangerous situation, about a minor in a socially dangerous situation c. There are no specific sections in the signal card regarding dow educators

Do they write about the teacher on the family’s CDN signal card? Alert card about a family in a socially dangerous situation, about a minor in... Signature of the person who compiled the signal card F. Application form for the issuance of benefits for child care up to 1 5 years of age 2. Sample applications from the Department of Family and Children. Signal card for identifying a minor family

In matters of minors and the protection of their rights, further KDN and ZP Rn Krylatskoye. The appearance of parents is ensured at the request of the UA by police officers if there are elders in the family. Signal card in KDN sample, notice of work on a day off sample. Signal card in KDN sample download Signal card in KDN sample for free at. Lighting Signal Pistol, model 1930

On approval of the new edition of the Mechanism for interaction between subjects of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency to identify facts of abuse p. Signal card in KDN sample manual instructions forms. Instructions smartphone 1 2016 120. Opening the event, I. In this column, the teacher is mentioned, apparently due to the fact that the child was brought to kindergarten unidentified

Reminder for working with Signal cards Put Signal cards into use. Application form for a new biometric international passport 2017.

Search for a map of a city, village, region or country

Signal. Yandex map.

Allows you to: change the scale; measure distances; switch display modes - diagram, satellite view, hybrid. The Yandex maps mechanism is used, it contains: districts, street names, house numbers and other objects of cities and large villages, allows you to perform search by address(square, avenue, street + house number, etc.), for example: “Lenin St. 3”, “Signalny Hotel”, etc.

If you don't find something, try the section Google satellite map: Signalny or a vector map from OpenStreetMap: Signal.

Link to the object you selected on the map can be sent by e-mail, icq, sms or posted on the website. For example, to show a meeting place, delivery address, location of a store, cinema, train station, etc.: combine the object with the marker in the center of the map, copy the link on the left above the map and send it to the recipient - according to the marker in the center, he will determine the location you specified .

Signalny - online map with satellite view: streets, houses, areas and other objects.

To change the scale, use the mouse scroll wheel, the “+ -” slider on the left, or the “Zoom in” button in the upper left corner of the map; to view a satellite view or a people's map, select the appropriate menu item in the upper right corner; to measure the distance, click the ruler at the bottom right and plot the points on the map.

Sverdlovsk region - Signalny: interactive map from Yandex. Vector diagram and satellite photo - with streets and houses, roads, address search and routing, measuring distances, the ability to get a link to a selected object on the map - to send to the recipient or post on the website.
