Sims freeplay secrets walkthrough. The Sims FreePlay walkthrough: hacking, money, secrets and questions. Tips on how to complete the Sims Free Play task: relax on an inflatable chair

The Sims Freeplay - famous life simulator,where the gamer can create his own small city, and then populate it with various characters.Download The Sims Free play on computerAnyone can, since the game has a free distribution model.

About the game

The main difference between the game and the rest of the series is that the entire life of the town takes place in real time. In total, you can create 34 characters, but the game has VIP -subscription, which increases this number to 39.

The Sims Freeplay Action takes place in Simtown. The gamer can create new areas, construct buildings and much more, for which the series has gained most of its fans. There is another important difference- time. If in the original games 1 minute of real time was equal to 1 second, then here 1 minute of real time will promote The game clock is also only 1 minute.Because of this, the gameplay becomes somewhat different, but over time most players got used to it yut to such a system.

WITH It is worth noting the following features of the game:

    strategic gameplay;

    a large number of professions and subjects;

    interesting quests.

It is worth considering that when you first launch the game, it reads the time, which requires an Internet connection. It won't be needed later.You also need to know that the game initially has automatic microtransactions enabled, so when you first start it is advisable to go to the settings to disable them.

Video review

Gameplay and features of the game on PC

The gameplay is slightly different from the main series. First, the player creates a character for himself, after which he settles in one of the free areas. Next you will need to develop skills, buy new clothes, discover interesting skills and much more that is already familiar to fans of such simulators. Among the truly unique features, it is worth noting the horses that Sims have learned to handle. They are now pets.

Most actionsquite long, but since the gameplay is in real time, the game becomes everything looks more like a strategic one . Sims need to continually meet their nutritional, social, hygiene, and comfort needs. If play The Sims Freeplay on your computer,then it will be a little easier to control your character, since he is always available, and the player can move far away without turning off the game. Sims can solve most problems offline,but they still need to periodically distribute tasks, and this can take quite a lot of time if the player decides to create too many wards for himself.

When all needs are satisfied, the Sim can become inspired, which gives a very serious a bonus to the experience points and Simoleons received, which will allow you to quickly unlock individual items, as well as earn a living.Alternatively, you can use special cupcakes that satisfy any need at once, thereby speeding up the onset of inspiration.

The big difference is the level of play. Almost all content is locked at the initial stage, it must be opened in order to advance further. This applies to almost all items, from simple dishwashers to clothing. Additionally, there are style and life points And , for which you can open rarer and valuable items everyday life.

Another good innovation was the huge number of tasks. The developers regularly add new non-player characters with whom you will have contact during certain quests. The reward is usually a small amount of Simoleons, but in some cases you can get a rare item, for example, a suit with a special design.

Over time, Sims age and may die, thereby freeing up slots for other characters. However, They able to get married in order to have a child in the future.

Game controls

V S ims F ripple for V indovs b Most actions are performed with the mouse, but it can be difficult when you need to zoom, which requires emulating the touch of two fingers on the touch screen.

To make this task easier, you can assign a specific key to a remote area of ​​the screen through the settings. Afterwards, you just need to click the mouse near this area to zoom in or out, depending on what function was assigned to the combination.

How to install The Sims Freeplay on your computer

Installing the game is quite easy even for those users who are not very computer savvy. The main requirement is the presence of the program on the PC , through which you have to play. There are only two installation options.

Method 1 - installation via Play Market

This method involves direct installation, so an authorized Google account is required. Next you need:

    Launch the emulator.

    Enter the name of the game in the search bar.

    Go to the suggested page.

    Click on the “Install” button.

After this, the installation will begin. Since the distribution is quite large, it may take some time, depending on the Internet speed.

Method 2 - installation via archive

If the first option download The Sims Freeplay on PC is unsuitable, you can download a special archive from the site that will contain the installer Play Market along with. apk game file, and also attached to them detailed instructions, which indicates what needs to be done for a quick and comfortable installation.


The Sims Freeplay gave the entire series some nice features. Due to its overall popularity, it has become possible to regularly introduce new patches. Now in the game you can find special pets that can sniff out treasures, the characters have a huge number of skills, and the game is on continuously and well attracts gamers with its unusual mechanics, which allow you to control almost 40 different heroes almost simultaneously. Finally, the best part - You can download The Sims Freeplay to your computer absolutely free.

The Sims is a whole world that is not much different from the real one. You can simply do what people usually do in their everyday lives.

Plot and action in the game

There is no plot as such in this game. Take a character (or several at once) under your wing and manage their lives as you please. If you don’t know what to do, you can use the classic “build a house, plant a tree and raise a son” scenario.

Gameplay Features

The characters in this game live their entire lives, from infancy to death from old age.

Characters attend school, go to university, get jobs, get married, have children, babysit grandchildren, and enjoy leisure time in retirement. Of course, just like in real life, the heroes of this game pay a lot of attention to their careers.

Some would like to become a sports star, while others would like to work in the field of journalism. They begin their ascent from the smallest positions and gradually grow to become bosses, or they stay in one place if they do not show any zeal for work.

The characters in this game, like real people, value interpersonal relationships very much. The spouse is unlikely to forgive his wife’s betrayal, and quarrels and fights can separate even the most bosom friends forever.

On our website you can download the hacked version of The Sims FreePlay (Sims Freeplay) for money.

It is unlikely that there is a person now who is familiar with computer games, but at the same time does not know the Sims series. This life simulator became incredibly popular even when its first part appeared - you were asked to move into the body of a person you created and simply live it. This included eating, cleaning, working, meeting people, self-development and much more.

It would seem that the idea is incredibly simple, but people really liked it, and the game immediately began to gain fans. This led to the appearance of the second, much more advanced and varied part, and then the third and fourth (in between which the developer decided to experiment and made The Sims in the Middle Ages - the experiment was a success, but did not achieve the same success as the main games, so it was decided decision to get back on track and release The Sims 4). But all these games are computer games, that is, they are very demanding on the system and hardware on which they run. What about those who play only on mobile devices? Various imitations of The Sims have been released more than once before, but all of them were several orders of magnitude worse in quality. Finally, the developers decided that it was time to release the official mobile version of the legendary series, which was called Sims Freeplay. Walkthrough mobile version not much different from how it happens on a computer - the process is just a little simplified. So that you can quickly figure out how to play this project, you need to read this article. It describes the features Sims games Freeplay, the passage of which will not cause you any difficulties if you are careful.

How to play?

So, first of all, you need to understand the basics - how to play Sims Freeplay? The passage will require your complete understanding gameplay, so you should immediately understand what is required of you. Your job is to complete the tasks that are given to you, these come in the form of your character's various wants or needs, so keep an eye on them carefully. How do you manage your Sims? If you've played The Sims on a computer, you should be able to figure out how to control the characters pretty quickly. If not, here are some instructions. First, you need to select one of your characters from the menu. At the beginning of the game, you can create one hero - then you don’t need to choose anyone, since he will be the only one you can control. But you can create several characters at once, united in one family, or acquire a family during the process of passing - then you will need to switch between heroes. When one of the Sims is active, you can click on any point on the screen - if it is possible to perform any action on it, a list of options will appear on the screen. From all the options, you select the one you need, and your Sim does what you told him. This is how you interact with characters in the Sims Freeplay game. The passage should now not cause you any difficulties.

Single missions

Now it's time to talk about what the actual passage of The Sims Freeplay is. Completing tasks is the basis of this project, so you should focus on them more carefully. So, it’s worth starting with single tasks, since they are the most common and simplest. When you have a single task, you need to familiarize yourself with its contents and fulfill the instructions - it always consists of one step, that is, one action of your Sim. Sometimes this can be simple, sometimes it can be quite difficult, since completing the task may require some item that you do not have, or performing some action that your Sim does not yet know how to do. This is what makes it difficult to complete in Sims Freeplay. Love is a task that many gamers struggle with. Its essence is simple - you need to make another Sim fall in love with your character. It seems like nothing complicated, but achieving results can sometimes be extremely difficult, and it takes much more time to complete than we would like. However, tasks are not always single.

Task groups

There are much more complex missions that consist of several tasks at once, which makes them much more difficult to complete. Moreover, the chain can consist of either two or three or twenty to thirty tasks. As you can see, the passage of The Sims Freeplay no longer looks so simple and cloudless. However, the reward is much more impressive. If for single tasks you get a little money, experience or style points, then chains open up new opportunities for you - constructing buildings that were previously inaccessible to you, sending children to school, and so on. The developers thought it through wisely story missions and very harmoniously fit them into what is happening in the game universe. You will definitely have a lot of fun in the process. You will enjoy both single tasks and chain quests. AND Sims walkthrough You are unlikely to get bored with Freeplay, because every time you are offered more and more new opportunities.

Neighbors' tasks

As in most cases with mobile games, this project also has its own pseudo-multiplayer component. As you already understood from the “pseudo” prefix, you will not be able to directly interact with co-players. However, each day there will be challenges appearing on your friends' lots that you can complete to earn rewards for both you and your gaming buddy in The Sims Freeplay. Completing tasks will bring you communication points, which are very important in this game. Well, the main groups of tasks have been covered - it's time to look at a few examples.

Taunt another character

This is not the most pleasant task, as it will definitely lower the other hero's attitude towards your Sim. But the problem is that many players simply cannot find such a function in communicating with other characters. It's not that simple - the fact is that your character must be very funny (yes, the game has a sense of humor indicator that you need to develop) in order to be able to joke with others. Therefore, pump up the required indicator, and after a while in the column “ adulthood" you will be able to see the option "taunt". Using it on another Sim will complete this task.

Have a baby

Few people have problems with this task at the first stage, but it only counts if the game sees that your newborn baby is lying in the cradle. But many players have problems with this - for some reason parents put the child on the floor, although there is a cradle in the house. What is the problem? You should understand that this is not real life, but a game, so all possible options for action here are prescribed by the program. Therefore, if you place a double bed with one side against the wall, then only one Sim can lie in it, because the approach for the second will be blocked by the wall. The same thing happens with the cradle - if the access to it is somehow blocked, then the Sims place the baby on the floor. Place it so that it does not touch anything on both sides - and you will easily complete this quest.

Relax on an inflatable chair

This task looks extremely simple: all you need to have is a pool and for it. But an unexpected problem may arise here, because the Sim may simply refuse to get into the pool. But you must understand that he does this for a reason. Most often the problem can be solved by checking the color of the water - if it is yellow or brown, if the water is not clear, then this means that the pool is too dirty. So first you need to clean it out and then complete this quest.

Love is in the air

This quest chain is one of the most famous and longest that the Sims Freeplay game can offer you. “Love is in the Air” is a quest during which you need to start a relationship with another character and bring it to marriage. This is done in twenty different steps, each of which can take from a few seconds (for example, a kiss on the cheek) to several hours (watching a movie together). Just follow the instructions that the game gives you - and you shouldn't have any problems completing it. It all starts with the fact that you need to take a shower, and ends with marriage to another character. What do you get for the Sims Freeplay quest “Love is in the Air”? Completing this task completely gives the opportunity to freely marry any of your characters.


There are a lot of little things that you need to pay attention to in this game. For example, if you shake your device while the game is on, your Sims may vomit and you will have to clean up after them. Also note that, unlike the computer version, you cannot rewind time in the mobile version. This can be done by rearranging the time on your device, but this is considered cheating.

The Sims Freeplay is a free game from EA where you have to live another life, just in a different form. Since the game is free, there are a lot of donations. If you don’t mind spending money on in-game purchases, we offer you instructions on how to use donations wisely and get the most out of a minimum of money.

The Sims Freeplay has two in-game currencies - Simoleons and Life Points. As with most games, both currencies can be earned simply by playing the game. But this process is quite slow and requires a lot of patience from the user. In this article we will tell you how to correctly obtain both types of currency. You can buy both currency options from the in-game store.

To access the store, click on the cart icon at the bottom right. The store is divided into three parts - simoleons, life points and special offers. Simoleons can be used to buy houses, businesses, furniture and other items.

Your Sim can earn Simoleons in the following ways:

  • Gardening. A great way to earn XP and Simoleons. The gardening set costs only 20 Simoleons, so you can buy several at once. Everything will pay off very quickly;
  • Bakery. Another way to earn experience is;
  • Job. An adult Sim can go to work to earn Simoleons. The higher your level, the higher the hero’s position, therefore, the more money you will receive;
  • Pets. With the help of pets you can find a lot interesting items. True, they are really rare;
  • Ghost hunting. You can use ghost hunting as a profitable hobby. Select "Ghosts" and have your Sim hunt for a ghost. When your Sim finds a ghost, click on the red ghost button and then click on the ghost three times before it disappears. For this you will receive a small amount of money. You can also get money for other hobbies;
  • Daily bonus. Every day you receive a bonus for entering the game. Don't forget to check in every day;
  • Earning money from real estate. Every building can generate profit over time. Go to the map to select a building;
  • Driving. When your Sim rides in a car, they produce small notes. Follow the car and collect notes to get some money;
  • Competitions. Once you build the competition center, Sims can visit it to earn money for completing various tasks.

Buying sets of simoleons. Please note that packs may vary based on your Sim's level:

  • A handful of money. 5500 Simoleons. $4.99. 1100 simoleons per dollar;
  • A lot of money. 13,500 Simoleons. $7.99. 1687 simoleons per dollar;
  • Piggy bank with money. 19,000 Simoleons. $9.99. 1900 simoleons per dollar;
  • Bag of cash. 32,500 Simoleons. $14.99. 2167 simoleons per dollar;
  • Trunk of money. 108,000 Simoleons. $19.99. 5400 simoleons per dollar;
  • Bank of money. 430,000 Simoleons. $49.99. 8600 simoleons per dollar;
  • Treasure. 1,080,000 Simoleons. $99.99. 10,800 simoleons per dollar;

Majority free games offer better deals with developers for less money. In fact, it's only worth buying sets that are above $15. For example, a set with 5500 Simoleons for $5 is an extremely unprofitable offer, since you will receive too little currency in the end.

Each subsequent house that you buy costs much more than the previous one, which ultimately makes buying real estate an extremely expensive pleasure. If you are unable to afford to buy houses to fulfill your goals and achievements, your only option is to earn Simoleons little by little or simply buy them from the store. The best deal seems to be a set of 108,000 Simoleons for $20.

Life points are needed to purchase premium items - houses or cars. These points are also used to skip goals or speed up actions. There are several ways to earn life points:

  • Goals. Complete goals and you will earn points;
  • City development. For achievement maximum level You will be generously rewarded with points.
  • Hobby development. If you reach the maximum level of your hobby, you will also receive these points. After reaching the maximum level, Sim can choose to start a new hobby or again achieve excellence in the current one;
  • Pets. Very rarely, pets can bring life points;
  • Competitions. Achieve victory in the competition center and receive 3 life points for first place. The hobby level must be maximum to get first place.

Buying life points. As with Simoleons, the number of points depends on the level of your Sim:

  • A Fistful of Points - 6 Points - $4.99 (1.2 Life Points per dollar)
  • Bucket of Points - 21 points - $7.99 (2.6 Life Points per dollar)
  • Points Box - 62 Points - $9.99 (6.2 Life Points per dollar)
  • Points Car - 105 points - $14.99 (7 ​​Life Points per dollar)
  • Points Car - 215 points - $19.99 (10.75 Life Points per dollar)
  • Points Truck - 645 points - $46.99 (13.7 Life Points per dollar)
  • Points Boat - 1,560 Points - $99.99 (15.6 Life Points per dollar)

The most attractive ones here are the third and fifth sets. When purchasing points, remember to use them conservatively. Use points only in cases where you simply cannot do without them.

Special purchases. Special purchases can only be made with real money. No matter how much you want, you won’t be able to buy them for Simoleons or life points.

We’ve already talked about how dangerous “free” games can be. As you can see, donation in Sims Freeplay is extremely unfriendly. Be careful when buying additional currency, do not go too far. You can download The Sims Freeplay from this link. Only Windows Phone 8 with 1GB of RAM. 504 MB.

I think everyone understands what I mean game The Sims FreePlay. Only the lazy have not heard of The series Sims, so you shouldn’t be surprised that there is a version for mobile platforms. The Sims FreePlay, despite its simple gameplay, is a game with a lot of features that raise a lot of questions. In this article I would like to talk about how to getTheSimsFreePlay: hacking, secrets and questions.

The Sims FreePlay hack(how to hack, hack), money

So, how to hackSimsFreePlay:

  • download the archive.
  • we throw the files in the archive using iFunbox(connect your unit via a cable to the computer) here: var/mobile/applications (Applications from the App Store)/FreePlay/
  • ready.

What will come of this:

  • much money;
  • a lot of crystals.

Hacked version for Android


Q. Is there SimsFreeplayin Russian?

A. Yes, the game has been translated into Russian.

Q: Do I need constant access to the Internet to play?

A: Only to make an entrance. Afterwards the Internet is not needed.

Q: What the SimsFreeplay5002 error?

A: Error 5002 indicates that your device's resolution is not supported by the game. To solve this problem, first try updating the game and firmware of your device to latest version. If this does not help, try contacting technical support or posting information about your problem here: https://firemonkeyszendesk com communities public questions /200458210- What the error -5002-

Q: What should I do to SimsFreeplayFriends appeared?

A: Click on any other character and click on the “Be Funny” tab. And we repeat this until he becomes our friend.

Q: How to make children?

A: We buy a cradle and click on it.

Q: How to get a pet?

A: We build a pet store and buy whoever we want for crystals.

Q: As in SimsFreeplaytake a ride in a car?

A: We buy a car at a car dealership. It will immediately appear near the home of the Sim who purchased it.

Q: Do children grow?

A: No, only from baby to schoolchild, you need to buy a birthday cake.

Q: How do I move my family to a new home?

A: Build a new house, scroll through the action selection and select "Relocate Family".

Q: How to build a swimming pool?

A: In the store, click on “Garden” and build a pool as a room. It can only be built from level 20.

Q: Where in SimsFreeplaychaise lounge find?

A: There is a task in the game “Reflect on a Deckchair”. It confuses many people, since there is no sun lounger anywhere. And he is not needed. We buy any chair, sit on it and press to think. Ready!

IN: How to make ice cream?

A: Ice cream is made on the stovetop. To make chocolate ice cream, click “Rough Road”

B. As in SimsFreeplayto sleep deeply?

A. Cat style - 20 minutes. Sleeping soundly in bed means sleep in your own home will not last long. Sleeping in another Sim's house is a long sleep of 6-8 hours. Get enough sleep - a dream that lasts 1 day, then your character will definitely get enough sleep.

Q. How to catch ghosts?

A. We buy a skeleton and click on it. There will be a menu there.

Q. How do I dress up my character?

A. We buy a wardrobe in the “Bedroom” section and click “view clothes”

IN. SimsFreeplayhow to inspire a character?

A. Complete all need scales.

Q. Where can I buy it? coffee table inSimsFreeplay?

A. In the “Living Room” section, rectangular tables.

Q. How to give a fake handshake?

A. This requires an enemy. Clicking on it will create a “fake handshake”.

Q. How to get married?

A. Fall in love, get engaged and get married. But to do this, you need to give the character an eternity ring.

Q. How to do a triple drunken somersault?

A. We go to the pool and do springboard jumps there until the corresponding medal appears.

Q. How to achieve nirvana?

A. You can achieve nirvana in the park

Q. How to start your own business?

A. Build a building in which something is sold

Q. Where can I find a fashion studio?

A. At the hobby store. In the atelier you can create clothes, for example, red sopagi.

Q. Where is the community center located?

A. On the second floor of the ballet school.

Q. Where can I find a fire pole?

A. This is a pole that stands near the stairs between floors. If you can’t afford such a ladder, look to your neighbors.

IN. SimsFreeplay teenagers. How to do it?

A. A student turns into a teenager at level 23 by completing the “Coming of Age” task.

Q. How can I get a free player?

A. Firstly, it is not free, but costs $750. He himself is in the section for teenagers.

IN. Money tree in Sims Freeplay. How to grow?

A. We bring the character to the garden and click on “plant a money tree.”

If you have any questions, ask in the comments. But remember that almost all objects can be touched. Click everywhere if you are completely desperate and don’t know how to complete a task.
