Download cheat clients for minecraft 1.8. Tag: cheat client. Some functions are unstable: Timer, Notifications

Akrien b14 cheat for Minecraft 1.8 Akrien is a very old, but at the same time, up-to-date cheat. It has been in the top among cheats for a long time and continues to stir up the interest of its users with each update. The main menu of this cheat is as simple as possible, but very beautiful. Akrien's anti-cheat bypasses are not perfect, but ...

Envy 2.6 cheat for Minecraft 1.8 Envy - a new version, in which the author will upset the inattentive and will delight those who completely remember the previous version in everything. This version has changed for the better, but only those who closely followed each update or those who read our article will notice this. This version does not ...

Peter Cheat for Minecraft 1.8.8 Peter is an interesting enough cheat that has never been very popular, but also had at least some kind of community. This cheat has a certain amount of visual bugs at launch and one bug in the game itself. During launch, they are not critical and will not interfere with your game in any way. However, when opening the GUI menu ...

Envy 2.0 cheat for Minecraft 1.8 Envy is the most unusual cheat with the strangest updates. After all, from them that is good, then no. However, this update brought significant changes that will definitely force you to switch to this version of the cheat. It has radically changed appearance GUI of the menu and the main menu in general. You will learn about the GUI menu ...

Cheat Envy 1.9 for Minecraft 1.8 Envy is a wonderful cheat, the updates of which will make even professional cheaters think, and all because they are unusual. Think for yourself, what other cheat besides Envy can be updated, but nothing will bring in these updates? That's right - none. However, this version brought with it at least some updates. Among them were ...

Cheat Envy 1.7 for Minecraft 1.8 Envy is a wonderful cheat with a very strange series of updates that always surprises users of this cheat. Surprise in the text does not mean anything good, it means that the updates are as strange as possible, since they do not bring any visible changes with them. But maybe the developer just fixes bugs and improves protection against ...

Cheat Zane for Minecraft 1.8 Zane is an old but very great cheat. Everything is perfect in it, from design to functionality. The original picture in the main menu looks very gorgeous, albeit simple. But if you don't like it, then you can always change it using the "Background" button, which will provide 5 different backgrounds, ...

Cheat Rekt for Minecraft 1.8 Rekt is an interesting enough cheat that was little known even at the time it was released, which is not good. This is because this cheat is really worth paying attention to, since it is interesting at least for its design (inside the game). But in every barrel of honey there is also a spoon ...

Good day!

I present to you a rather popular cheat client for version 1.7.10 - Nodus. There are a lot of functions in it! Feel like a real hacker with this cheat client! I wish you a pleasant viewing!


So, as I said earlier, there are a lot of functions in the cheat client. They are all divided into several tabs: Building, Movment, Combat and World.

Let's take a look at each group separately.

1. Building - n about the name, we can already say that the tab is related to construction.

The functionality of this group:

AutoSign - Automatically fills in the required text of the nameplate

AutoTool - Automatically switches the tool for the block that you are trying to dig (For example, you have an ax in your hands, and you decided to get a stone. Hit a stone with an ax - the player took a pickaxe. Useful.)

AutoMine - The dream of any miner. This function will dig mines for you

FastBreak - Fast block breaking

FastPlace - Fast installation blocks

Build - Helps to build pillars (1 click = 6 blocks)

Nuker - Cleaning the territory in the specified area

Some functions are unstable: Nuker, Build

Movment - The tab that is responsible for the various ways of movement of the player.

The functionality of this group:

AutoWalk- The player will independently move forward

Fly -Allows the player to fly

Freecam -You become a kind of ghost. You will be able to move freely through walls and break blocks like in a creative (after exiting the mode, everything will be as before)

HighJump -The function will allow you to jump high

NoFall -The function will disable damage from any falls

Sneak -This feature will remove the need to hold down Shift in order to sneak

Spider - You can climb blocks like a spider

Sprint - The function will allow you to run fast without pressing the "W" key twice

Step - The function will remove the need to press the "Space" key in order to climb 1 block higher

Water walking - You will become a living embodiment of Jesus. This feature will allow you to walk on water as well as lava

Some functions are unstable: FreeCam, Spider

Combat - Section with features that are useful in PvP arenas

The functionality of this group:

BowAimBot - Auto-aiming at players / monsters for small arms

ClickAimBot - By pressing the left mouse button, the cheat will aim at the nearest target (Player or mob) [Can be disabled for some players] How to understand this? Let's formulate a situation for you. There are 2 players standing next to you - SteveA and SteveB. Let's say you added a player under the nickname SteveA to the ignore list. And when enabled, this feature will beat all players except SteveA

ForceField - Auto-aiming ONLY to players

All functions work stably

World - this tab contains useful functions for interacting with the world

The functionality of this group:

AutoEgg- The function will allow you to throw eggs when they appear in the inventory. I believe this is a useless function

AutoFish- The function will automatically fish. Chance to catch fish increases to 100%

NoSwing- The function will turn off animations when using tools

CaveFinder- The function will search for caves

ChestFinder- All chests in the world will be highlighted with a yellow square. Good for griefers

Day- Function to set the day (Only for you)

ESP- People will be highlighted with a yellow square

FullBright- Useful for miners. It will always be light in the mines and without torches

NoRender- Removes the texture of things that are lying around

Notifications- This function will notify you when someone is looking in your back

Timer- Everything in the world will happen much faster

Tracers- Will show the distance to players in lines

WallHack- The function will allow you to see all living things in the world through the blocks

Xray- Allows you to see resources through blocks

Waypoints- Allows you to set marks without mini maps

Weather- The weather will always be clear (Only for you)

Some functions are unstable: Timer, Notifications



1. Open the root Minecraft folder (Press the key combination Win + R, enter% appdata% and go to.minecraft)

2. Transfer the versions folder from the archive to .minecraft with replacement

3. In the launcher settings (Versions) select Nodus


I wish you a pleasant game on MinecraftOnly!

Edit: Nessie

Hacking a Minecraft server cheat is a cheat with which you can become an admin on almost every server. The archive with the cheat also contains instructions on how to hack the server. How to install a cheat for hacking on Minecraft 1.8? 1. Download the archive; 2. Unzip the archive with the built-in Zip archiver or download WinRar; 3. Close Minecraft if it is open; 4. …

Minecraft Cheats for Highpixel is a cheat for version 1.8, with which you can win on the Hypixel server without much effort. The cheat has a standard interface on English language, but even a beginner player without knowledge of the language can figure it out. You can open the main menu of the reader using the RightShift key, and control by additional menu happens with ...

The Lucille cheat client for Minecraft 1.8 is a cheat with a lot of features without bugs that will help you become the best player on the server. The cheat has a convenient and standard interface. Like everyone else, it is in English, but there will be no problem to understand it. You can open the menu by pressing the RightShift key, and the additional menu is controlled ...

The Phantom cheat client for Minecraft 1.8 is one of the most steel cheats for this version of the game. All functions of this client are free of bugs. The cheat has a beautiful and user-friendly interface. You can open the main cheat menu by pressing the RightShift key or customize it for yourself. The additional menu is controlled with the help of arrows. The cheat has a large number of standard ones, and ...

The Vixtron cheat client for Minecraft 1.8 is a convenient and stable cheat for this version of Minecraft, which will appeal to even a professional who has seen a large number of cheats. The cheat interface is standard. It is controlled, like all cheats. You can open the main menu by pressing the RightShift key, and the additional menu is controlled using the arrows. The cheat has a very large number of functions, ...

The Flare cheat client for Minecraft 1.8 is a gaining popularity cheat, which is on a par with the Flux b13 cheat and other well-known cheats. The cheat has a standard interface. Everything is the same in English, but even a novice player will understand it. The cheat has a lot of stable functions, with which you will enter the top of the best players on ...

The Colgate cheat client for Minecraft 1.8 is a multifunctional cheat for this version of the game, with which you will become a top player on the server. The reader has a beautiful and user-friendly interface, but in English. But it will be understandable even for a novice player without knowledge of the language. You can open the menu by pressing the RightShift key (right shift). The cheat also has an additional ...

Cheat client Deluge for Minecraft 1.8 - latest version of this cheat, in which no bugs were found during testing. The cheat has a standard interface, if you do not take into account some of the features. Everything is the same in English, but everyone will understand it. The cheat has a large number of cheats that work flawlessly. They will help you become ...
